#Aqua stories
nuggetofthesea · 4 months
Iris and Animal HRT Part 2
EDIT: Part 1 is Ashe's comic linked below. Sorry for any confusion. I wrote this as a sequel to that comic.
Content Warning: Mentions of Death and heavy themes.
The doc closes the door, his last patient having left again. He looks discouraged as he had to sign off on a bunch more "crossroads" patients. He is tired, and as he closes the door he lets out a long sigh.
"You know… I have a door for a reason." He says before turning around.
A clear distress in his voice. He looks over to the back of the room. There he sees the witch, hat as big ever and looking through her notes. Her name is Iris.
Iris previously visited Dr. Erian in regards to her notes. Warning the doc to not tamper with the spells used for animal HRT.
Iris continues to read the notes. Not looking up at the doc or even giving any form of acknowledgement.
The doc speaks up again, saying "So what, here to threaten me again?"
Iris barely looks up at Dr. Erian. Her expression unchanging. And answers "No."
The calmness in her voice sending chills down the doc's spine. But the lack of acknowledgement and clarity get to the doc. He starts to get angry and shouts at Iris.
"Your friends… They are losing years of their life to your spells! I know as a medical professional you need me to distribute them. But I also have to follow procedure! And you keep threatening me if I don't sign off on this for them!"
The anger rising in his voice as he continues
"Do you even care about the harm this is causing to them!? How many years are being taken away from them? Do you even-"
"OF COURSE I DO!" Iris interrupts. Shouting furiously back at him and scaring the doc into silence.
"How do you think you found my notes in the first place, Doc? I needed you for this. I knew the risks of introducing this system." Iris proceeds to calm down, taking a deep breath as she continues.
"In the case of some of my friends, it literally saved their lives." As she thinks of Sophie's conditions that led to her taking mouse HRT. "And this isn't without hardship. I know it is hard for them. I know it means potentially losing them…" Considering Eris and Sabine's directions.
Iris begins to choke up a bit.
"…But you should have seen how it was before. They weren't happy. They came to us at wits end not feeling like they were where they wanted."
Iris closes the book slamming it on the table next to her.
"They wanted me to do a transformation spell on them. But I couldn't. My transformation spells are superficial at best. Mind stays the same, and is no different from putting on a suit. It doesn't fix the problem. So, I wrote the formula for the tablets."
She looks at the notebook with a sadness on her face.
"But the city deemed that that was a magic induced medicine, so I needed a licensed doctor to distribute them. So left the notes here. With THAT supply of charged crystals."
Iris points to a storage crate filled with glowing gemstones and crystals illuminating a corner of the room, but slightly faded. And losing their charge, slowly.
Iris speaks up again.
"I know it isn't a perfect solution. I know they still suffer so much with trying to adjust, and with JERKS that feel they can look down on them for this choice." As she slams her fist on top of the book. An injury previously unnoticed on her hand. Bruised knuckles, looking like she had punched someone or something on the way over.
A deep breath again as she collects herself and calmly states
"But you should see when they leave this office. Some of them the very idea has them smiling for the first time in a while. First time I've seen a genuine smile from them in a long time.
And besides…"
She begins to visibly calm down as she reassures herself.
"…most stop before the point of cutting down their life. And even the ones that go the full way, the tablets are designed so that as long as they keep up taking care of themselves, once the changes are far enough their health will be peak for the species they've chosen. While there are complications in the transformation process, even if they go all the way and end up with a shorter life span, they'll be able to live that remaining life to the fullest."
Dr. Erian begins to show concern, but has calmed down. Hearing the witch out this whole time, and taking her words to heart.
"So why then are you here now? I haven't experimented with the quick versions, and haven't gone against your notes."
"Though I do wish people would stop breaking into my office" He grumbles under his breath.
Iris points back to the crystals required to charge her spells.
"Those crystals are losing charge. I'm here to help resupply. You're going to need it."
Iris begins walking over to the crystals.
"And hey, let's keep this chat between us. I don't want to jeopardize the progress My friends have been making towards their happiness. You understand?" Dr. Erian nods, a little nervously.
Iris holds her book and holds out her hand in front of her. Magic then spreading from her fingers into the crystals below. The crystals react by bursting with light once again.
-Part 2 End-
This is my first piece of writing and it was based on all the Animal HRT. I was seeing others comics on it, but all I can do is write and Ashe said she was stuck on how to continue. This was fun to write as a sequel to Ashe's comic involving Iris. (@iristhedarkwitch comic by @darkmagenugget)
Outside of this, I am probably going to do more transformation, cyberpunk, and fantasy stories. But just wanted to test write something. Feedback is appreciated. Glad to exist. ^-^
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thatdeadaquarius · 10 months
About your language brainrot. I see your "Reader's writing can't match tyvat's long and flowery writing" and bring you "Tyvat isn't used to books over 50 pages long so a short story to the Reader is a whole dictionary to tyvat readers".
Seriously, have you seen how thin the books are? They don't wrote novels, they write short chapters formatted in the way really old stories are. As in, summarizing all the events down into one smooth story then adding a few quotes. Fanfiction writers are insane. They will willingly sit down and write hundreds of words at a time. To them, a proper modern day story of maybe, oh 10k words or so, would probably be like the Oddessy itself.
If we were to combine the two headcanons. It would end up as many historians being intimidated by this insanely long written scripture in the language of the forgotten.
I'm going to take this a step further and say that if the creator asked some people to proofread their things, it would establish a hiarchy of who is able to actually finish the book the creator read and who isn't.
I'm so sorry this is so old!! u probably all know this by this point that I've really slowed down as the year has gone on, but I graduated university and then got my first job so its been pretty crazy!
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Sun: Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: dash of all the book/nerds of Genshin, heavy on Sumeru?
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Cussing, 16+ Mature Audiences, Spoliers for Sumeru Archon Quests/Scaramouche, & Trigger Warnings: mention of shipping/characters shipping themselves with you.
Comment if any missed, please.
You fall from the fucking sky like a 5 star, or pop out of the Irminsul or whatever
and immediately are mobbed by scholars. LMAO jkjk (not really, bc that's what it’d feel like)
can you even imagine the dread older stories(”the classics” to them), that was instilled in the poor students around Teyvat??
id like to think ur works are the most preserved over the thousands of years of Teyvat archeologists excavating them, in comparison to other authors (teyvat just likes you more, suck it William Shakespeare)
also, bc I cant resist language differences/world building I'm sorryyyy 😭 😭
the vocab of Genshin lang vs. ours, has significantly less vocabulary like their actual dictionary is 1/3 the size of ours type of energy
(Omfg all ur fanfics being considered like insanely long realistic romantic classics or tragedies like Jane Austen-level, and only the richest and biggest play companies put on plays about ur stories bc the script goes on for hours)
(ur plays only get put on for rlly big events bc of this, like Lantern Rite or like a Summer/Winter festival/your birthday, which is, yes, an international holiday)
dude the sheer power move of anything you’ve written being essentially “Journey of the West” to them, like Damnnn.
endless like adaptations, plays, Teyvat-short stories condensing it, (THEIR OWN FANFICTION ABOUT UR STORIES)
the power is, in fact, going to your head every time another scholar both deflates at how long ur stuff is, but also lights up bc they get to read it
speaking of scholars… you know who snatched you up first. you know. you don’t even need to read the next line.
sneaky bastard he is, absolutely manipulated, mansplained (and manwhored bc he knows he’s handsome, cheeky little shit) his way into getting you to sit down with him and interview you about both translating other classics, your own, giving your own analysis of others works and ur own, and picking ur brain apart of how/why you wrote urs, etc. its fucking endless,
Kaveh had to come rescue you bc u were starving to death after getting stuck with the Haravatat scholar in his office for nearly 7 hours of interrogation discussion about literature
and Alhaitham wasn't even nearly done, he’d informed you as you left that he already had another appointment for later conversation scheduled (how?? you don't even know ur own schedule??? you have a schedule???) and was looking forward to more of your “creative and enlightening input” :)))
(you’re never going to escape him, not even Nahida herself can save you from his stubborn ass)
On another note, Xingqiu is quaking when you agree to autograph his copy of your stories (of which he has all hard covers of the first edition translations)
Zhongli/Rex Lapis is known for having a near-lifelong passion for searching for your works specifically, and learning how to translate them better into Teyvatian vernacular
like the same way he can absolutely speak on Rex Lapis facts/rocks/adepti info, is the same confidence he speaks about knowing ur work lol
(yes he did also ask for several autographs and another sit-down talk about the works, tho a lot more sneaky then Alhaitham bc he just casually gets u guys into it during dinner)
Barbatos/Venti has written some of the most famous songs based on your stuff, he has his favorites too,
but he always claims the best songs are any that have been written in the story, like either when a character sings something, or there are like quotes from songs ur fanfics are based on lol
(he also demanded to hear what they actually sound like from you, yes, you have to sing them for him lol)
Venti also can surprisingly drunkenly ramble the entirety of at least one of ur stories, like, word for word lmao
(Diluc gave in and did give him a drink on the house for that one, just once, Venti doesn’t remember it lol)
(I forgot to mention, u guys still speak the same language, just like, different versions of it)
ur works being one of the few things all the Archons can freely talk about with each other, like it’s neutral ground bc they’re all fangirling about it lmao
Furina and Neuvillette have had like,, fierce debates over the decades about character dynamics and the general drama of ur stories, they’ve gotten into it enough they’ve stopped talking to each other for a couple days a few times lol
Albedo, Sucrose, Kokomi, Yae Miko, Ei, Raiden, have read every single work they’re gotten their hands on in Teyvat (it took them like a literal year or longer)
Albedo drew you fanart for every single story, bc he’s hyperfixated on everything related to you ngl,
Kokomi had commissioned smaller pocket versions of ur works (which later got popular thanks to Yae Miko) both the OG and the Teyvat shortened versions
Childe has literally tried to recreate battle scenes from ur works lmao
and gets especially riled up about fighting someone who resembles any characters from them (esp villains, what a cutie)
You cannot fathom the amount of research throughout Teyvat that has been secretly or indirectly funded by Pantalone/Tsaritsa
from the experts to analyze them, to funding play companies to act them out, to actually excavating places to get more of ur stuff unearthed
(the Harbingers absolutely are the first group of people that got to read several of ur stories first bc of this, like the world’s most exclusive secret book club lol)
Scaramouche used to clown on Childe all the time about how he was too impatient to even “sit down and read the King’s classics”, and he was downright insufferable when he found out about Tartaglia’s habit of recreating battle scenes/that being what motivated him to fight sometimes lol
that being said, Wanderer surprisingly never forgot ur stories.
Even when his memories were wiped for a bit, he found comfort in these fantastical epics still sticking around, even when his old names did not
(he mayyyy or mayyy nottt have secretly namedhimselfafteroneofthetragicprotagonistsherelatesto- )
oh btw, Nahida also found joy and comfort in ur stories when she was trapped, they also helped her literally grow as a person bc she had ur stories to help her sort of process the world/what life was like outside of her dreaming prison 🥺💔❤️‍🩹
like specifically how Teyvatians like to give all the context ever thru their words, but older deities/beings like you just do simple phrases that can have deeper meanings (whereas teyvat just explains all the meanings behind their words)
STOP there’s like an official display at the Akademiya and Fontaine Institute of red string theory boards 😭😭 (look what you’ve done to themmm LMAO)
for like every story of urs, INCLUDING THE FANFICS STOP
that's actually what Akademiya scholars argue about the most viciously, it’s like politics you can’t just bring up ships from ur stories casually in regular convos 💀
(poor Cyno has to deal with a shipping war once a year bc someone always makes the mistake of reading ur work for the first time (without being told to not talk to others abt ships lol) and it starts an all out brawl in the cafeteria every time LMAO)
Also yes.
Cyno is a fanboy.
(he has read Creator x Reader-insert fanfiction.)
(As have most of the characters mentioned, and those not lol)
(I'm gonna make a whole Creator x reader fanfic post one day i stg lmao)
an iced coffee? for me?? :0
ok but real talk…
wtf do you guys wanna see for new years!!
i didn't do a inktober/october days thingy bc i felt too unprepared (and bc id wanted to post that 1000+ followers eldritch au for Halloween)
but now i kinda wanna, at least for a few days :o
ill post a poll in a minute, so check it out!! but still, please feel free to comment some ideas here! :)
Safe Travels Deafening Dreamer,
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(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
♡the beloveds♡
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chongoblog · 6 months
What was the first nickname you remember giving a Pokemon?
For me I remember my Blaziken was named “MAGMA MAN”, he was a level 76 amidst my other level 35s and I had no idea why I couldn’t beat the Elite Four
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efverse · 4 months
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well, thats one way to rapidly grow your eye back............
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themintman · 1 month
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I am! A little scared of how many people took photos with me! I underestimated how much people like villagers lmao BUT EVERYONE WAS SUPER CHILL AND NICE I LOVE YALL 🩷
some of my incredible achievements this convention:
Was "hrm"ed at by an entire queue of people. I gave them all a good giggle im quite proud of myself for that 😋
Accidentally clocked some poor guy in the head with my hat while trying to take a selfie (sorry bro 😞)
Played my first DND game and rolled the WORST charisma possible in my first throw (1. How the fuck did I fumble that badly 😦)
GOT RECOGNISED AS NURM?????? HOLY SHIT IM STILL GOING FERAL (cosmiczomb on tiktok, the selfie above is her's ⬆️🩷🩷)
I have! Less photos to post then I first thought! (Like I said people like villagers I got loads of photos just not. On my phone. 😭) But I do hope y'all enjoy this wee morsel of Nurm content.
Thank you father for taking these photos (but I will practice selfies good heavens it looks so much better)
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aquakat-draws · 2 months
Could u make critter versions of Chonny Jash and HMS (Heart, Mind, and Soul)
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Here's what I had in mind as a doodle
Technical, HMS are not humans, so they're already considered critters
But I suppose maybe they can be a cerberus like creature as one (probably an Incarnate or Turned critter) and they all fuse together as one human which is Chonny himself
Edit: I drew a colored version
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haunted-xander · 6 months
BBS is a tragedy in many ways, but one of the things that gets me is that the catalyst, the one big thing that caused this mess to begin with, is so avoidable.
Like, the story starts primarily because Terra starts to fear himself (because of the darkness he has unwittingly 'used') and this causes a spiral of doubt and obsession. A spiral which he could've escaped from or maybe not even started if he just 1) had been taught the balance between light and dark properly (that darkness is more than just unquestionable evil, that light is more than unquestionable good, that they can and should co-exist in balance), and 2) had consistent socialization from more than the same 3 people.
Like. BBS is a cautionary tale about what happens when people aren't exposed to a wide enough variety of people and, therefore, end up naive and overly trusting because they never learned that people have ulterior motives. Terra is consistently manipulated and used by people literally everywhere he goes, because he can't see that they might not have the best intentions! He can't see the red flags because he doesn't know there are red flags to look for!
Xehanort knows this. It's why he targeted Terra to begin with: because he would be susceptable to his words. The main reason he couldn't use Aqua is because she was too confident in her own values, she didn't have the seed of doubt that Terra had. It's the only thing that prevents her from being used the same way he is, even though she is just as naive and trusting as he is.
Ven probably has it the worst socialization wise. Unlike Terra and Aqua who, presumably, has/had a family and life outside of the Land of Departure prior to beginning training there, Ven doesn't remember anything before then (not that he had much he'd be happy to remember anyway). And since he's the youngest and most 'fragile' one (due to being in recovery for most of his time here), he gets somewhat coddled and shielded by everyone else. Not to mention the way Eraqus completely forbid him from leaving and never intented for him to ever see worlds outside the Land of Departure. Sure, Terra and Aqua aren't typically supposed to leave either, but at least they'd be allowed in certain situations. Ven wouldn't.
Ven isn't allowed to interact with anyone outside of home. He's not allowed anything that involves the outer worlds. (He and Naminé are a bit alike in that sense. Though at least the people he's stuck with are nice to Ven and do genuinely care for him, unlike Naminé...)
BBS happens largely because Eraqus failed as both a teacher and a parental figure to all of them, but Terra most of all.
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jellyfishvibes · 27 days
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So uh
Me remaking the character creator unnecessarily because the app still existed is a bit more relevant i guess
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cyroverr · 29 days
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So anyways, I may have a thing for blue female characters in video games who gutpunches me with a shocking twist that'll ultimately humanize them.
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thatdeadaquarius · 9 months
@bread-ghost Submitted:
alhaitham & reader dynamic
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feeble scholar? not with that PHYSIQUE on god. i want him to punch me so hard that i black out & wake up on the way to helgen
Im simultaneously in shock someone noticed this dynamic ive been pushing, and am so fucking estatic u made a meme abt it <333
The reader/MCs may or may not display this behavior bc this is how i feel abt alhaitham all the fucking time in game 💀
Sumeru quest was just constantly me screaming at the screen: "u cant "im a little nerd guy" ur way out of this one, u literally starting a coup against the government alhaitham???!!!!"
Its the body builder arms that simply put his argument at a disadvantage immediately
Safe Travels & Happy New Year Bread Ghost!!
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redge · 3 months
Hikaru Kamiki's despair...
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and regrets.
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Mengo-sensei's art was so on point it was heartbreaking and torturous to read through chapter 154. 💔
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skania · 1 year
I've seen people criticize Akane's reply to Aqua in Chapter 52, but I think Akane actually said exactly what Aqua needed to hear.
Because she once again saw through Aqua.
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Akane promises Aqua that she will always be his ally. That no matter what happens, she will be by his side; that she will understand him.
This really touches Aqua, but he can't bring himself to believe her. After all, Aqua, cynical and self-deprecating as he is, doesn't think it's "easy" to find someone who will acknowledge you as you are and appreciate you for it.
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Of course, it doesn't help that he hides himself and his heart under multiple layers.
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Despite that, he does open up to Akane in this chapter. You wouldn't understand, not that I'm going to tell you anyway, he says, before proceeding to do just that (lol).
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He gives it his best shot, even turning his dark stare on her.
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He is testing her. Laying a trap so that when she naturally judges him for his less than noble intentions, he can convince himself that that moment of comfort she gave him was nothing but a mirage. Of course she wouldn't understand, no one can understand.
He is doing the same thing Ai did when she met Saitou, being honest with the goal of scaring Akane off.
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However, Aqua, who is always at odds with himself, is simultaneously also hoping Akane will prove him wrong, because he wants to believe her. He really does want to believe someone out there can understand him.
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And Akane sees through the trap into what Aqua truly wants, and tells him exactly what he needs to hear.
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She doesn't encourage him, neither does she tell him that he's wrong. She listens to him without judgement and tells him, in no uncertain terms, that she is willing to share that burden with him. Just like she told him she would.
And that kind of companionship and acceptance means the world to Aqua, who thinks so little of himself. It even chases the darkness from his eyes, turning the black star back into its usual white.
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This is all highlighted later. First in Chapter 65, where Goro reveals that finally finding someone who understands him is one of the reasons that makes Aqua start to believe he can be happy.
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And of course, in Chapter 97, where Aqua has a monologue about how Akane acknowledging him and accepting him as he is has saved him little by little.
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gundamfight · 9 months
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aquakat-draws · 2 months
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Have you seen these two pics?
Well I had a visio
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aquabluequartz · 3 months
Random lore that I decided to make for my Goat (who I decided will be named Goatathan for some reason):
Goatathan is from an alternate universe where they serve Shamura, the God of War and Wisdom. Being Shamura's vessel leaves no room for mistakes, making it easier to master and perfect their fighting. They built their cult and did the whole shebang, killing the four other bishops and then Shamura. Of course, Goatathan doesn't come from this without mental scars, taking on a more hardened and violent way of living.
Some way or another, they end up in Lambert's universe. The Lamb is still relatively new to this whole cult thing, only just have defeating Leshy. Lambert is more than happy to have a helping hand, especially from someone who knows exactly what they're going through.
Only difference is that Lambert is very much a pacifist and much more relaxed. While they don't exactly shy away from violence, if there's a way to do without, they'd take it. Sure, it opens the door up for more mistakes, but when you're a vessel of Death, no mistake is permanent.
This absolutely drives Goatathan mad, but hey, it's not their cult. The Goat gives their advice and leaves it entirely up to the Lamb if they take it or not. In turn, Lambert gives their own advice to relax a bit. They're not blind to the fact that their companion seems to always be on guard, their purple crown more often in the form of an axe than an actual crown.
Eventually, as each bishop is struck down, the pair trade more of each other's habits and traits. Goatathan becomes less of a perfectionist and relaxes. Lambert learns how to take things more seriously and to pull through with those tough, but necessary decisions. They grow an appreciation for each other and begin to see each other as siblings (I kill for solid sibling relationships in media, whether it's found family or blood related. Eat it up every time).
This is entirely based on this song. I really like that dynamic for them.
I don't know I'm gonna do anything with this besides maybe make an animatic given I have a whole nother au that I'm writing. Still, if you guys want to know more, feel free to ask. I love world building :]
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