#Aquaman (1994 2001)
androxys · 6 months
Androxys' 2023 Comics Wrapped
Happy end of 2023! To celebrate the turning of the year, I wanted to take a quick view back through the comics I read over the last twelve months. Turns out there's... a lot of them.
This isn't 100% perfect, mainly because I'm basing this off the metadata of when comics were added to my computer... I do think there are some comics I added at the end of 2022 but ended up reading in 2023. However, in the interest of being fair, this list won't count those, and is instead only the comics I can confirm I read in 2023.
By my tally, I read 977 comics in 2023 across 78 unique titles. If we assume each comic is 22 pages long, that's 21,494 pages of comics! Of course, some stories are shorter than 22 pages (as if they're splitting with a backup) and some are longer (prestige formats or one-shots). Based on some quick (and quite unscientific) math, I estimate that I spent around four days of my 2023 in the world of DC Comics. And you know what, I'll do it again.
Breaking down my Top 10 single titles, this year I read...
169 Superman/Adventures of Superman/Action Comics issues
128 Batman/Detective Comics issues
104 JSA issues
56 Suicide Squad issues
52 Birds of Prey issues
51 Manhunter issues
38 Harley Quinn issues
33 Aquaman issues
31 Azrael issues
27 Martian Manhunter issues
Here's the full breakdown of my reading, for those interested:
Arsenal (1998) #1-4 [4]
JLA/Titans (1998) #1-3 [3]
Knight and Squire (2010) #1-6 [6]
Monkey Prince (2021) #1-12 [12]
Poison Ivy (2022) #1-6 [6]
Shadowpact (2006) #1-25 [25]
The Question: Pipeline in Detective Comics (1937) #854-864 [11]
Trinity (2003) #1-3 [3]
Tempest (1996) #1-4 [4]
The Atlantis Chronicles (1990) #1-7 [7]
Aquaman (1994) #1-20 [20]
Aquaman: The Becoming (2021) #1-6 [6]
Azrael (1995) #23-46 [24]
Sword of Azrael (2022) #1-7 [7]
Batgirls (2022) #14-19 [6]
Batman (1940) #401-401 [7]
Batman: Cacophony (2009) #1-3 [3]
Batman: Death and the Maidens (2003) #1-9 [9]
Batman Chronicles (1995) #1-23 [23]
Batman: Gotham Knights (2000) #33-74 [42]
Batman: Turning Points (2000) #1-5 [5]
Batman: Killing Time (2022) #1-6 [6]
Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #23 [1]
Batman Beyond: Neo Year (2022) #1-6 [6]
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1994) [1]
Batman Incorporated (2011) #1-8 [8]
Detective Comics (1937) #469-479 [11]
Birds of Prey (1999) #22-55, #113-127 [49]
Birds of Prey (2023) #1-3 [3]
Infinite Crisis Aftermath: The Spectre #1-3 [3]
DC Festival of Heroes (2021) [1]
DC Power (2023) [1]
G'nort's Illustrated (2023) [1]
DCeased (2019) #1-6 [6]
Green Arrow (2001) #69-72 [4]
Green Lantern (1990) #76-77, #92 [3]
Green Arrow (1988) #104, #110-111, #125-126 [5]
Harley Quinn (2000) #1-38 [38]
JSA (1999) #1-87 [87]
Manhunter (2004) #1-38 [38]
Manhunter in Batman: Streets of Gotham (2009) #1-13 [13]
Martian Manhunter (1998) #0-17, #1000000 [19]
Martian Manhunter (2019) #1-12 [12]
Nightwing (1996) #107-124 [15]
Nightwing (2016) #100-107 [8]
Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #5-10 [6]
The New Champion of Shazam (2022) #1-4 [4]
Suicide Squad (1987) #31-66 [36]
Suicide Squad (2007) #1-8 [8]
Superboy (2011) #1-11 [11]
Superman: The Man of Steel (1986) #1-6 [6]
Superman (1987) #1-44 [44]
Adventures of Superman (1987) #424-467 [44]
Action Comics (1938) #584-658 [75]
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #7-18 [12]
Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow(2023) #1-6 [6]
World of Krypton (1979) #1-3 [3]
The World of Krypton (1987) #1-4 [4]
Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022) #1-11 [11]
World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #1-4 [4]
World's Finest (1990) #1-3 [3]
Swamp Thing Giant (2019) #1-7 [7]
Swamp Thing (2016) #1-6 [6]
Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #1-6 [6]
Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing (2023) #1-6 [6]
Wonder Girl (2021) #1-7 [7]
Nubia: Queen of the Amazons (2022) #1-4 [4]
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star (2022) [1]
Spirit World (2023) #1-6 [6]
Salvation Run (2008) #1-7 [7]
JSA All Stars (2003) #1-8 [8]
Dr. Mid-Nite (1999) #1-3 [3]
Animal Man (1988) #1-26 [26]
Solo (2004) #1-5 [5]
The Legend of Wonder Woman (2016) #1-9 [9]
JSA Returns (1999) #1-9 [9]
Teen Titans: Year One (2008) #1-6 [6]
Suicide Squad (2001) #1-12 [12]
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 12.21
Armed Forces Day (Philippines)
Chaos Day
Chester Greenwood Day (Inventor of Earmuffs; Maine)
Crossword Puzzle Day
Don’t Be a Scrooge Day
Doubting Thomas Day (Original Date] (a.k.a. ... 
Begging Day
Doleing Day
Going A-Corning
Going A-Gooding
Gooding Day
Hollering Day
Mumping Day
End of the World Day
Forefather's Day (New England)
Global Orgasm for Peace Day
Humbug Day
International Dalek Remembrance Day
Look on the Bright Side Day
National Forge Day
National Heroes and Heroines Day (Anguilla)
National Maine Day
Phileas Fogg Wins A Wager Day
Ribbon Candy Day
São Tomé Day (São Tomé Day and Príncipe)
Solstice [1st Day of Winter in Northern Hemisphere] (a.k.a. ... 
Alban Arthuan (a..k.a. Yule Celtic, Pagan) [8 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Alban Arthuan (Druid Solstice Festival)
Anne and Samantha Day
Blue Christmas (Western Christian)
Bruma (Ancient Rome)
Celebrate Short Fiction Day
Daylight Appreciation Day
Dōngzhì Festival (a.k.a. Extreme of Winter; China, East Asia) [on winter solstice]
Don’t Make Your Bed Day
Festival of Isis (Ancient Egypt, celebrating Isis finding Osiris & resurrecting him)
Festival of Odin, Ing, and Erda (Asatru)
Finally Summer Day/Finally Winter Day
Flashlight Day
Hump Day (Tasmania)
Jul (a.k.a. Jol)
Litha (Wiccan/Pagan; southern hemisphere)
National Haiku Poetry Day
National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day
National Short Girl Appreciation Day
National Short Story Day
Sanghamitta (Theravada Buddhism)
Soyala New Year Festival (Hopi and Zuni Native Americans)
Sol Invictus (Undefeated Sun; Ancient Rome)
Wild Hunt peak (Norse)
Yalda (Iran; Persian/Zoroastrian)
Yule (Wiccan/Pagan; Northern Hemisphere)
World Peace Day
Yuletide Lad #10 arrives (Gluggagaegir or Peeper; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Kiwi Fruit Day (California)
National Armagnac Day
National Coquito Day
National French Fried Shrimp Day
National Hamburger Day
National Kiwi Fruit Day
Ribbon Candy Day
3rd Wednesday in December
Museum Selfie Day [3rd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Kingdom of Nepal. (Declared; 1768)
Feast Days
Berthollet (Positivist; Saint)
Divalia (a.k.a. Angeronalia; Old Roman festival to Angerona or Voluptia, goddess of joy, pleasure, & secrecy)
Edburge (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Isis the Black Cow (Ancient Egypt)
Feelings of Gnawing Guilt Minute (04:00-04:01; Church of the SubGenius)
Fred (Muppetism)
Haloa (Attic festival honoring Demeter, Dionysus & Poseidon)
Hanukkah Day #3 (Judaism) [thru Dec. 26th]
O Oriens (Christian; Saint)
Pancha Ganapati begins (until 25th; Hindu festival celebrating Lord Ganesha, Saiva Siddhanta Church)
Peter Canisius (Christian; Saint)
Pongal of the Cows (Hindu)
Poseide of Aegina (Festival to Poseidon; Ancient Greece)
Saturnalia and Solstice Day (Pastafarian)
Thomas the Apostle (Anglicanism)
Tammuz (Ancient Babylonian Yule Ritual)
Ziemassvetki (Ancient Latvia; birth of Dievs)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [57 of 57]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 59 of 60)
Aquaman (Film; 2018)
A Beautiful Mind (Film; 2001)
Bumblebee (Film; 2018)
A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen (Play; 1879)
The Electric Horseman (Film; 1979)
The Graduate (Film; 1967)
Kindergarten Cop (Film; 1990)
Little Women (Film; 1994)
National Treasure: book of Secrets (Film; 2007)
Sing (Animated Film; 2016)
The Snow Queen, by Hans Christian Andersen (Fairy Tale; 1844)
Snow White and the Sven Dwarfs (Animated Disney Film; 1937)
Spamalot (Musical Play; 2004)
Sweeney Todd (Film; 2007)
Then There Was X, by DMX (Album; 1999)
This Is 40 (Film; 2012)
Walk Hard: The dewey Cox Story (Film; 2007)
Today’s Name Days
Hagar, Peter (Austria)
Mihej, Petar (Croatia)
Natálie (Czech Republic)
Thomas (Denmark)
Tom, Tommi, Toom, Toomas (Estonia)
Tomi, Tommi, Tuomas, Tuomo (Finland)
Pierre (France)
Hagar, Ingmar, Ingo (Germany)
Julia, Themistokles, Themistoklis (Greece)
Tamás (Hungary)
Pietro (Italy)
Saulcerīte, Toms (Latvia)
Girenė, Honoratas, Norgaudas, Tomas (Lithuania)
Tom, Tomas (Norway)
Balbin, Festus, Honorat, Tomasz, Tomisław (Poland)
Iuliana, Temistocle (Romania)
Bohdan (Slovakia)
Pedro (Spain)
Tomas (Sweden)
Eva, Eve, Julianne, Julianna (Ukraine)
Estella, Estelle, Ester, Esther, Star, Stella, Van, Vance, Vanesa, Vanessa, Vanna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 355 of 2022; 10 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 51 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 28 (Wu-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 27 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 27 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 25 Zima; Threesday [25 of 30]
Julian: 8 December 2022
Moon: 4%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 19 Bichat (12th Month) [Berthollet]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 1 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 29 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Winter [Season 1 of 4]
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 12.21
Armed Forces Day (Philippines)
Chaos Day
Chester Greenwood Day (Inventor of Earmuffs; Maine)
Crossword Puzzle Day
Don’t Be a Scrooge Day
Doubting Thomas Day (Original Date] (a.k.a. ... 
Begging Day
Doleing Day
Going A-Corning
Going A-Gooding
Gooding Day
Hollering Day
Mumping Day
End of the World Day
Forefather's Day (New England)
Global Orgasm for Peace Day
Humbug Day
International Dalek Remembrance Day
Look on the Bright Side Day
National Forge Day
National Heroes and Heroines Day (Anguilla)
National Maine Day
Phileas Fogg Wins A Wager Day
Ribbon Candy Day
São Tomé Day (São Tomé Day and Príncipe)
Solstice [1st Day of Winter in Northern Hemisphere] (a.k.a. ... 
Alban Arthuan (a..k.a. Yule Celtic, Pagan) [8 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Alban Arthuan (Druid Solstice Festival)
Anne and Samantha Day
Blue Christmas (Western Christian)
Bruma (Ancient Rome)
Celebrate Short Fiction Day
Daylight Appreciation Day
Dōngzhì Festival (a.k.a. Extreme of Winter; China, East Asia) [on winter solstice]
Don’t Make Your Bed Day
Festival of Isis (Ancient Egypt, celebrating Isis finding Osiris & resurrecting him)
Festival of Odin, Ing, and Erda (Asatru)
Finally Summer Day/Finally Winter Day
Flashlight Day
Hump Day (Tasmania)
Jul (a.k.a. Jol)
Litha (Wiccan/Pagan; southern hemisphere)
National Haiku Poetry Day
National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day
National Short Girl Appreciation Day
National Short Story Day
Sanghamitta (Theravada Buddhism)
Soyala New Year Festival (Hopi and Zuni Native Americans)
Sol Invictus (Undefeated Sun; Ancient Rome)
Wild Hunt peak (Norse)
Yalda (Iran; Persian/Zoroastrian)
Yule (Wiccan/Pagan; Northern Hemisphere)
World Peace Day
Yuletide Lad #10 arrives (Gluggagaegir or Peeper; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Kiwi Fruit Day (California)
National Armagnac Day
National Coquito Day
National French Fried Shrimp Day
National Hamburger Day
National Kiwi Fruit Day
Ribbon Candy Day
3rd Wednesday in December
Museum Selfie Day [3rd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Kingdom of Nepal. (Declared; 1768)
Feast Days
Berthollet (Positivist; Saint)
Divalia (a.k.a. Angeronalia; Old Roman festival to Angerona or Voluptia, goddess of joy, pleasure, & secrecy)
Edburge (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Isis the Black Cow (Ancient Egypt)
Feelings of Gnawing Guilt Minute (04:00-04:01; Church of the SubGenius)
Fred (Muppetism)
Haloa (Attic festival honoring Demeter, Dionysus & Poseidon)
Hanukkah Day #3 (Judaism) [thru Dec. 26th]
O Oriens (Christian; Saint)
Pancha Ganapati begins (until 25th; Hindu festival celebrating Lord Ganesha, Saiva Siddhanta Church)
Peter Canisius (Christian; Saint)
Pongal of the Cows (Hindu)
Poseide of Aegina (Festival to Poseidon; Ancient Greece)
Saturnalia and Solstice Day (Pastafarian)
Thomas the Apostle (Anglicanism)
Tammuz (Ancient Babylonian Yule Ritual)
Ziemassvetki (Ancient Latvia; birth of Dievs)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [57 of 57]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 59 of 60)
Aquaman (Film; 2018)
A Beautiful Mind (Film; 2001)
Bumblebee (Film; 2018)
A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen (Play; 1879)
The Electric Horseman (Film; 1979)
The Graduate (Film; 1967)
Kindergarten Cop (Film; 1990)
Little Women (Film; 1994)
National Treasure: book of Secrets (Film; 2007)
Sing (Animated Film; 2016)
The Snow Queen, by Hans Christian Andersen (Fairy Tale; 1844)
Snow White and the Sven Dwarfs (Animated Disney Film; 1937)
Spamalot (Musical Play; 2004)
Sweeney Todd (Film; 2007)
Then There Was X, by DMX (Album; 1999)
This Is 40 (Film; 2012)
Walk Hard: The dewey Cox Story (Film; 2007)
Today’s Name Days
Hagar, Peter (Austria)
Mihej, Petar (Croatia)
Natálie (Czech Republic)
Thomas (Denmark)
Tom, Tommi, Toom, Toomas (Estonia)
Tomi, Tommi, Tuomas, Tuomo (Finland)
Pierre (France)
Hagar, Ingmar, Ingo (Germany)
Julia, Themistokles, Themistoklis (Greece)
Tamás (Hungary)
Pietro (Italy)
Saulcerīte, Toms (Latvia)
Girenė, Honoratas, Norgaudas, Tomas (Lithuania)
Tom, Tomas (Norway)
Balbin, Festus, Honorat, Tomasz, Tomisław (Poland)
Iuliana, Temistocle (Romania)
Bohdan (Slovakia)
Pedro (Spain)
Tomas (Sweden)
Eva, Eve, Julianne, Julianna (Ukraine)
Estella, Estelle, Ester, Esther, Star, Stella, Van, Vance, Vanesa, Vanessa, Vanna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 355 of 2022; 10 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 51 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 28 (Wu-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 27 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 27 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 25 Zima; Threesday [25 of 30]
Julian: 8 December 2022
Moon: 4%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 19 Bichat (12th Month) [Berthollet]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 1 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 29 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Winter [Season 1 of 4]
0 notes
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Aquaman (1994-2001) #0
I mean. Is that asking for an honest answer or...?
What even were the 90s.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Please Care About Aquaman With Me: New Millennium, New Magic Water Hand
Welcome back to Atlantis! Last time, things were going pretty okay for Arthur and company! Don’t get used to it.
CW: Ableism, specifically regarding autism.
The previous Aquaman run, the 1994 volume, ended in 2001. It’s two years later, and the status quo has changed drastically, mostly thanks to a Justice League plotline called The Obsidian Age. The first time I read the 2003 series, I thought that the initial writer (Rick Veitch) didn’t do a good job of summing up The Obsidian Age for context. Now that I’ve read The Obsidian Age, I understand that that’s impossible, because it’s incomprehensible.
But here’s the short, relevant version: during a massive interplanetary war, Arthur decided to keep Atlantis safe by having Garth use magic to transport the entire city and all its inhabitants centuries into the past, to a golden age in Atlantean history known as the Obsidian Age. (You know how I keep saying Garth is ridiculously OP? Yeah.) This turned out to be a bad call, since this so-called golden age was actually ruled by a tyrannical queen, who enslaved the modern Atlanteans (and turned Arthur into sentient water and kept him in a swimming pool, lol), and Garth and the JLA had to go back in time and rescue them, and most of them died in the process (they got better).
ANYWAY. The Atlanteans are back in their home time now, but they are pissed, because Atlantis was above the surface during the Obsidian Age, and now it’s underwater again, and apparently by resubmerging Atlantis, Arthur basically did a blasphemy, even though it saved them all from slavery centuries in the past. Sure.
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Et tu, Vulko??? I mean, I guess this is par for the course for you these days.
Arthur is left to die. He manages to break free, but Atlantis has been taken over by the Evil Wizard Political Party, who have turned the fish against Arthur (lolll again), so he can’t go back into the ocean. He staggers inland, to a lake, where he meets the Lady of the Lake. Yes, that one:
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She calls him a hero and replaces his harpoon hand with a hand made of magic water:
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Arthur falls in with some fisherpeople, including a lady who he’s very flirty with, and decides to just stay in Ireland indefinitely I guess? (Oh yeah...he’s in Ireland.) But what’s going on down in Atlantis?
Well, it’s not great:
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The scaly dude is Hagen, leader of the sorcerers and the new prime minister. That’s Mera under all that coral (?); Hagen and his cronies are keeping her magically drugged and then using her authority to do whatever they want.
Mostly "whatever they want” involves...making giant monsters with sex magic?
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Yeah, these two fuck in the water over an open volcano and giant mutated sea creatures come out of it. That’s a thing. That happens.
Anyway. Rodunn, the former captain of Arthur’s guard, is told by Hagen that he has to kill Arthur properly if he wants to be the captain of Mera’s guard. He goes to Ireland to murder Arthur, but the giant mutated sea creature he’s riding attacks him, and Arthur saves him and then heals him with his magic water hand:
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Rodunn goes pretty much completely around the bend at this point, but at least it’s in Arthur’s favor. He basically returns to Atlantis and starts running around babbling about Arthur like he’s Jesus.
Meanwhile, Garth shows up to tell Arthur that the situation in Atlantis is bad: he’s not allowed to see Mera, he and Dolphin and Cerdian are under house arrest (he escaped), and also there’s the weird volcano-fucking-to-make-monsters situation. Arthur’s like “But Atlantis hurt my feeeeeeeelings.” Garth has no patience for his whining:
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He projects their souls into the bodies of fish so that they can enter Atlantis and Arthur can see how bad things are. They see Mera being forcibly drugged and Arthur is furious, but when they get back to land he’s like “Idk...maybe I won’t save Atlantis...” until Garth’s like “Uh, Mera, though?” and he’s like “Oh shit u right.” The WORST husband, I swear to god.
Unfortunately, Arthur’s magic water hand isn’t supposed to be used for violence, and he totally punched Rodunn with it before. This awoke an ancient evil called the Thirst that is now going to...drink the Lady of the Lake and her sisters, unless Arthur stops it.
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Also, Black Manta shows up pretty much completely at random, at which point it’s revealed that he’s autistic, and that’s why he’s been a baby-killing supervillain all this time. YEAH. THAT HAPPENS. FUCK THIS COMIC.
Arthur uses his magic water hand to “cure” Manta:
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Manta’s like “Omg I’m so sorry my autism made me evil, can I team up with you and defeat the Thirst?” Garth’s like “This seems like a really bad idea, and also, what about Atlantis???” Arthur tells him that he’s pretty sure him defeating the Thirst will free Atlantis, SOMEHOW, but that Garth should go back home and find Vulko or Rodunn to help him...overthrow the government or something. So helpful, Arthur!
Garth returns to Atlantis and teams up with Vulko, who has been quietly working against Hagen by teaming up with an escaped experimental, uh...jellyfish man named Man O’ War, who has killed that extremely uncomfortable volcano fucking couple from before so that they can’t make more monsters.
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Man O’ War’s the guy with the tentacles. He will never show up again.
Meanwhile, Arthur and Black Manta pursue the Thirst, and Arthur actually defeats him - only to be shot in the back at a critical moment by Black Manta:
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I mean...I guess at least Manta’s like “just kidding, my autism didn’t make me evil, I was autistic and also evil for unrelated reasons of it’s fun”? But what the actual fuck.
Arthur gets so mad he hits Manta with his magic water hand, which causes him to merge with the Thirst into a giant water monster, OBVIOUSLY:
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“A relapse.” Of being autistic. Jesus Christ.
Arthur/the Thirst (Arthirst?) travel to the side of the dying Lady of the Lake, fighting each other all the while, and Arthur kisses her, thus restoring her with love instead of violence and permanently vanquishing the Thirst. This has the added and completely inexplicable bonus of stripping away the magical powers of Hagen and his allies down in Atlantis, meaning that...Vulko and Garth are in charge now, I guess??? This makes zero sense but whatever.
With Hagen vanquished, Arthur is safe to return to the sea, and so he must bid farewell to the woman he has been flirting with for twelve issues now. She assumes they can’t be together because he’s too busy shacking up with people like Wonder Woman, and instead of explaining that it’s because HE HAS BEEN MARRIED THIS WHOLE TIME, he drops this absolute mindfuck of a line:
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Next up: Sub Diego!
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northoftheroad · 3 years
Dick Grayson timeline
Also known as the list I started trying to get the pictures in my 80-year anniversary video in the right order. I have skipped a lot of video games, and a number of Elseworld comics and I have not included for instance every Teen Titans/Titans title Dick has ever been in. And, of course, it does not include every story arc, retelling of Dick’s history or single issue he’s been in. (This video and timeline are reposted for technical reasons...)
1940. Dick Grayson / Robin debuts in Detective Comics # 38. (April issue, but it was released earlier. I have seen both March 5 and 6 named as release date and I’ve also read that this is an approximation. Evidently, the delivery date varied greatly back in the days.)
1943. Movie serial The Batman with Douglas Croft as Robin.
1943. October 25. Publication start of the daily comic strip Batman and Robin. Ends in 1946.
1945. (March.) Batman and Robin’s first appearance in the radio show The Adventures of Superman, with Ronald Liss as Robin.
1947. (February.) The first Robin solo series starts in Star Spangled Comics # 65. Robin - The Boy Wonder (sometimes with the addition of Batman) would continue in SSC until the title ended in July 1952, # 130.
1949. Movie serial The New Adventures of Batman and Robin, with Johnny Duncan as Robin.
1950. Robin’s first outing as Batman (with a Robin symbol instead of a Bat) in DC # 165.
1952. Superman # 76. The first time Batman and Superman meet in comics (it ends with Robin taking Lois Lane to dinner.)
1954. Batman, Robin and Superman team up for the first time in World’s Finest Comics # 71.
1964. First appearance of what would become the Teen Titans, in The Brave and the Bold #54.
1966. Batman: The Movie and the tv show. Burt Ward as Robin.
1966. May 29. Publication start of the daily comic strip Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder. It ends in 1969.
1966. A manga adaptation of Batman is published in Japan, with Jiro Kuwata as main artist. The manga is published 1966-1967 and adapts Silver age Batman stories.
1966. Teen Titans vol 1.
1967. First appearance of Robin of Earth-Two, in Justice League of America #55. (He was considered to be the Dick Grayson from the ”Golden age” stories. As an adult, he was a member of the Justice Society of America, a lawyer, ambassador, and attorney. He went out as Batman once in his career.)
1969. (December.) Dick moves from Gotham to Hudson university in ”One bullet too many!”, Batman # 217. Bruce and Alfred leaves Wayne Manor. Robin will have sporadic solo stories in the Bat titles until the early 1980s.
1972. Batman and Robin in The New Scooby-Doo movies with Casey Kasem voicing Robin.
1973. The Super Friends, animated television series with Batman and Robin and other superheroes. Produced by Hanna-Barbera. Casey Kasem is voice actor for Robin.
1976 (to 1981). The comic book Super Friends adapted the adventures from the television animated series.
1977. The New Adventures of Batman, animated, with Burt Ward as Robin.
1978. Teen Titans vol 1 ends.
1980. (October.) Dick leaves Hudson university, resigned to the fact that he can’t continue as Robin and keep up with college. In ”The Gotham Connection”, in Detective Comics #495.
1980. The New Teen Titans. (# 1 in November.)
1980. (December.) Dick comes to Gotham in Batman # 330. Bruce is disappointed he has left college.
1982. Bruce, Alfred and Dick moves back to Wayne Manor and the Batcave, in Batman # 348.
1984. Dick decides to stop calling himself Robin in Tales of the Teen Titans # 39 (February).
1984. Dick gives Jason Todd his old Robin suit in Batman # 368 (February).
1984. Dick becomes Nightwing in Tales of the Teen Titans #44 (July).
1985-1986. Crisis on Infinite Earths. Earth-Two is erased from continuity. However, that world’s Dick Grayson (still using the name Robin) and Helena Wayne (Huntress), did not perish with their world since they were in the battle against the Anti-Monitor. They were killed and buried at Valhalla Cemetery on the remaining Earth.
1987. The Crisis catch up with Batman with a new version of how Dick left Robin, and a new origin story for Jason Todd, in Batman # 408 (June).
1989. Batman Year Three. Storyline in Batman # 436-439.
1989. In the story arc A Lonely place of Dying, Dick becomes the new co-owner of Haly circus and low-key supports Tim Drake as a new Robin.
1990. The Batman Murders, a novel written by Craig Shaw Gardner with Dick/Nightwing as a prominent character. It takes place in a timeline similar to the comics at the time, after Jason’s death but before Tim.
1992. There were plans for writer/artist Art Thibert to write a miniseries together with Pamela Winesette that would start around New Titans # 93 and end with Dick and Starfire getting married (in New Titans # 100). An editorial shift in DC resulted in the plans being scrapped.
1992. Batman The Animated Series. Loren Lester as Robin.
1992. The Batman Adventures. Tie-in comic to BTAS. Ends in 1995.
1994. KnightsEnd Prodigal. Dick’s first longer stint as Batman, with Tim as Robin.
1995. TAS game.
1995. Nightwing Alfred’s return.
1995. Batman & Robin Adventures, tie-in to BTAS. Ends in 1997.
1995. Batman Forever, with Chris O’Donnell as Dick.
1995. Nightwing vol 1, a 4 issue mini series.
1996. Dick Grayson is Moonwing, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Bruce Wayne, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Moonwing is an amalgamation of Marvel’s Moon Knight and DC’s Nightwing in the Amalgam Universe.
1996. Shadow of the Bat Annual # 4, a medieval fantasy AU where Bruce is the king hiding in his castle while Dick fights in his place as Batman (and is killed).
1996. Nightwing vol 2. Dick moves to Blüdhaven in # 1.
1996. Kingdom Come. Dick is Red Robin and has a daughter, Mar’i, with Starfire.
1997. Batman & Robin. Chris O’Donnell as Dick.
1997. Batman and Captain America. (Earth-3839)
1997. Nightwing Annual # 1. Dick pretends to marry a woman to investigate if she has murdered previous husbands.
1997. The Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet.
1997. Thrillkiller. Elseworld story.
1998. Batman & Mr Freeze: SubZero. Loren Lester as the voice of Dick/Robin.
1998. The Batman Adventures. The Lost Years. 5 issue mini-series, BTAS Dick leaves Gotham, at odds with Batman, and Robin. He travels the world to learn. When he finally returns, he has transformed to Nightwing.
1998. Batman: Gotham Adventures. Continuing BTAS comic, with Dick as Nightwing and Tim as Robin. Ends in 2003.
1998-1999. Batman: Dark Knight of the round table. Elseworld story.
1999. Dick joins the Blüdhaven Police Academy in Nightwing # 32, planning to fight the corruption from the inside.
1999. Dark Victory.
1999. The Kingdom. Sequel/prequel to Kingdom Come.
1999 (-2004). Superman and Batman: Generations. (Earth-3839 again)
2000. Dick gets a job as a cop in Blüdhaven, in Nightwing # 48.
2001. Dick is Batman (and is killed ) in Superman and Batman: Generations # 2.
2001. Robin Year One.
2001. Dick is adopted in the main continuity, in Batman: Gotham Knights # 21.
2001. JLA: Riddle of the Beast. Elsworld story (a fantasy story where Batman keeps Nightwing’s dead body sitting beside him on the throne).
2001–2002. Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again, by Frank Miller and more. Dick Grayson, who used to be Robin but was abused and sacked by Batman, has become a Joker-like character, an insane criminal with a healing factor and shape-shifting abilities. In the end, he is killed by Batman.
2002. Batman: Nine lives. Elseworld story. (Set in Gotham in the 1940s, Dick Grayson is a private detective.)
2002. Nightwing becomes the leader of a new line-up of the JLA in the storyline The Obsidian Age (JLA # 69). The former members have disappeared but Batman had a contingency plan: a new team lead by Nightwing.
2003. Teen Titans (tv). Scott Menville as Robin.
2003. Donna Troy is (seemingly) killed in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation day. Nightwing declares that ”The Titans are finished”.
2003. Dick becomes leader of the Outsiders in Outsiders vol 3 # 1. He’s been persuaded by Roy Harper/Arsenal, who claims this team will not be a family, only co-workers.
2003. Dick is fired from the police force in Nightwing # 83, when Police Captain Amy Rohrbach, Dick’s former partner, realizes he is Nightwing.
2003. Batman Adventures vol 2. New tie-in comic to BTAS, where Dick/Nightwing makes the occasional appearance. Ends in 2004.
2004. DC: The New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke.
2004. The Batman Strikes. Tie-in comics to the animated tv show The Batman, where Dick will turn up in 2006 (and in # 29, 2007). Ends in 2008.
2005. First issue of Frank Miller’s All Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder.
2005. Year One: Batman/Scarecrow.
2005. Nightwing Year One. Storyline in Nightwing # 101-106.
2006. Infinite Crisis. Blüdhaven is destroyed by a gang of supervillains who drop the radioactive Chemo over the city, as vengeance against Nightwing. There were plans to kill Dick in Infinite Crisis, but DC changed their minds and he was badly hurt instead.
2006. Nightwing starts operating in New York in Nightwing # 118.
2006. Batman/The Spirit.
2006. "Inheritance", a novel by former Nightwing and Batman-writer Devin Grayson. It revolves around three superheroes and their former sidekicks – Batman and Nightwing, Green Arrow and Arsenal and Aquaman and Tempest. (I haven’t read this myself, but from what I’ve seen her take on Dick – and Bruce’s and Dick’s relationship – is pretty controversial among fans.)
2006. Dick makes his debut in the animated The Batman (2004). Robin is voiced by Evan Sabara. In the episode ”Artifacts”, an older Dick as Nightwing is voiced by Jerry O’Connell.
2007. Dick steps down as leader of the Outsiders. Batman takes over and tells him ”Go back to the good fight, Dick. Leave the bad fight to us.”
2008. Tiny Titans.
2008. Justice League: The New Frontier. Animated movie adaptation of Darwyn Cooke’s limited series.
2008. Dick becomes curator of The Cloisters in New York, in Nightwing # 141.
2008. Dick Grayson of Earth-43. (Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer: Red Rain # 1.)
2009. NightLantern/Hal Grayson, an amalgam of Dick and Hal Jordan in a dream world created by Doctor Destiny. Superman/Batman # 60-61.
2009. Nightwing vol 2 ends. Dick moves back to Gotham after Bruce’s ”death”.
2009. Batman: Battle for the Cowl. 3 issues. Jason wants to take over as a more violent Batman, he shoots Damian and leaves Tim for dead before Dick, who is reluctant to put on the cowl, defeats him.
2009. Batman: The Widening Gyre. 6 issue series that was supposed to have a continuation. Dick is Robin (and younger Nightwing) in flashbacks and Nightwing in the present. An elseworld where Bruce is set to marry Silver StCloud, but the flashbacks borrow a lot from canon stories.
2009. Li’l Gotham.
2009. Dick makes his debut as Batman in Batman #687.
2009. Batman & Robin vol 1, with Dick as Batman and Damian as Robin.
2009. Dick/Robin appears in the episode ”The Color of Revenge” of Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Dick is voiced by Crawford Wilson.
2010. Young Justice (tv). Robin is voiced by Jesse McCartney.
2010. Batman: Under the Red Hood. Dick/Nightwing is voiced by Neil Patrick Harris.
2010. Dick appears in the episode ”Sidekicks Assemble” of Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Young Robin is voiced by Jeremy Shada, older Robin/Nightwing by Crawford Wilson.
2010. Dick appears in Batman Beyond (with an eye patch), vol 3, Hush Beyond. This Hush turns out to be a clone of Dick, made by Amanda Waller to have someone to replace Bruce as Batman if needed.
2011. Flashpoint.
2011. Flashpoint: Deadman and the Flying Graysons. A mini-series with an alternate university where Dick ends up as the new Doctor Fate.
2011. Nightwing vol. 3. (New 52)  When the series start, Dick has moved to his own place in Gotham after having filled in as Batman for ”almost a year”. (Before Flashpoint, he was Batman for more than a year.)
2011. In Batman Beyond vol 4, Dick has a small part in issue 4. There he goes public with that he was Nightwing and claims he was a paid employee and never saw Batman without a mask. (He is not on speaking terms with Bruce.)
2011. Batman Live, stage show with Kamran Darabi-Ford and Michael Pickering as Dick.
2011. Batman: Arkham City. Dick/Nightwing makes no-speaking appearance in the game.
2011. The Court of Owls, storyline i Batman vol 2 about a secret organization that will later be revealed to have ties to Dick’s family.
2012. Young Justice season 2, Dick has become Nightwing, voiced by Jesse McCartney.
2012. Holy Musical B@man. (March 22-25, at Hoover-Leppen Theatre in Chicago, Illinois.) Nick Lang as Robin.
2012. ”The Gray Son” in Nightwing vol 3 # 9. The Grayson family gets a new origin story with the Court of Owls.
2013. Batman Beyond 2.0, where Dick works with Terry McGinnis/Batman.
2013. Dick moves to Chicago in Nightwing vol 3 # 19, following the trail of Tony Zucco, the man who killed his parents.
2013. Batman ’66, comic book continuation of the tv show from 1966.
2013. Arkham Origins (game). Josh Keaton is voice actor for Dick/Robin.
2013. Injustice: Gods Among Us, a video game, Troy Baker as voice actor. 
2013. Nightwing is killed in the game tie-in comic Injustice: Gods Among Us #16.
2013. Teen Titans Go. Scott Menville is voice actor for Robin.
2014. In Batman Beyond 2.0 # 17-24, we get a glimpse of an alternate Dick, in the Justice Lord’s timeline, married to Barbara and where they have a son, John.
2014. Nightwing vol 3 ends.
2014. Forever Evil, where Lex Luthor kills Dick to stop a bomb, wired to his heart, to explode. But revives him (possibly only because Batman attacks him).  
2014. Grayson. Batman has (pretty much forced)  Dick to pretend to remain dead and infiltrate the organisation Spyral.
2014. Son of Batman (DC AMU). Sean Maher is the voice of Dick/Nightwing.
2014. Earth 2: World’s end. On this earth, Dick and Barbara are married and have a son, John. The world is destroyed and Barbara is killed. Dick, who was a reporter, lets John go so the boy can be saved on a spaceship but Dick eventually ends up with Batman, Thomas Wayne, and gets away from the doomed planet.
2014. Nightwing: The Series, a fan-made live action webb-series produced by Ismahawk, with Danny Shepherd as Dick/Nightwing. 
2015. Titans Hunt.
2015. Batman vs. Robin (DC AMU). Sean Maher is the voice of Dick/Nightwing.
2015. Arkham Knight (game). Scott Porter is the voice actor for Dick/Nightwing.
2015. Batman: Arkham Knight. Limited series, a prequel to the game. Dick makes a blink-and-you-miss-it appearance.
2015. Batman & Robin Eternal.
2015. Batman Unlimited, a series of direct-to-video animated films (Animal Instincts (May 2015), Monster Mayhem (August 2015) and Mechs vs. Mutants (September 2016) ) and online-shorts inspired by the action figure line produced by Mattel. Dick is Nightwing.
2015. Convergence. DC event featuring characters from earlier continuities. It consist of a main miniseries as well as a number of 2 issue miniseries. In the main story, Dick from Earth 2 teams up with Batman/Thomas Wayne. When they visit the Batcave of pre-Flashpoint Batman Alfred offers Dick a cup of Earl Grey. After Thomas Wayne hs been killed, Dick decides to continue in his footsteps. This story continues in Earth 2: Society.
2015. Convergence: Nightwing/Oracle. 2 Pre-Flashpoint characters, the story ends with Dick and Barbara marrying.
2015. Convergence: The New Teen Titans. NTT from the time of Crisis on Infinite Earths. Dick is married to Koriand’r/Starfire.
2015. Convergence: Detective Comics. Dick Grayson/Robin and Helena Wayne/Huntress of the old Earth-Two are forced to fight Superman Red Son. The story ends with Dick putting on Batman’s suit. (This Dick and Helena were earlier killed in Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 in 1986.)
2015. Dick is the Batman in Earth 2: Society, a continuation of Earth 2: World’s End.
2016. Batman: Bad Blood (DC AMU)  Dick/Nightwing is voiced by Sean Maher.
2016. Batman Beyond 2.0 ends. Dick and Bruce seem to reconcile.
2016. Grayson ends.
2016. Nightwing vol 4 (Rebirth).
2016. Return of the Caped Crusaders. Burt Ward as the voice of Dick/Robin.
2016. Superman American Alien # 4, where a young Dick makes an appearance.
2016. Dick moves to Blüdhaven in (Rebirth) Nightwing # 10.
2016. Batman /TMNT Adventures.
2016. Titans (Rebirth comics, discontinued 2019).
2017. Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (DC AMU). Dick/Nightwing is voiced by Sean Maher.
2017. The Lego Batman movie. Michael Cera is the voice of Dick/Robin.
2017. Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II.
2017. Batman: White Knight.
2017. Batman vs. Two-Face. Burt Ward is the voice of Dick/Robin.
2017. Batman and Harley Quinn. Loren Lester is the voice of Dick/Nightwing.
2017. Batman and Harley Quinn. 7 issue comic.
2017. Nightwing: The New Order. Dick and Starfire have a son, Jake, in a future where Dick as Nightwing had used a device to nullify superpowers, believing it was the best way to save humanity.
2018. Teen Titans Go. To the Movies. Scott Menville is Dick/Robin.
2018. Dick appears in Batman Beyond (2016) vol 6 # 25. This is another version than in earlier Batman Beyond, he has both his eyes, a beard and a daughter, Elainna. Dick is the mayor of Blüdhaven.
2018. Batman # 55 (September). Dick is shot in the head and the amnesiac Ric storyline begins. He supposedly tries to build a new life in Blüdhaven, away from the Wayne’s and superheroing, while the name Nightwing is used by three cops and a firefighter; however, Dick is soon out fighting crime again.
2018. Titans (tv). Brenton Thwaites is Dick Grayson/Robin.
2018. Batman Ninja. Daisuke Ono is the voice actor for Nightwing.
2018. Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II.
2018. Batman: Gotham by Gaslight. Lincoln Melcher is the voice actor for Dickie.
2019. Young Justice: Outsiders. Dick/Nightwing is voiced by Jesse McCartney.
2019. Richard "Dick" Grayson / Robin, the leader of the Tween Titans and adopted son of Bruce Wayne in the animated show DC Super Hero Girls. Debuted in From Bat to Worse (July, 2019) Voice actor Keith Ferguson.
2019. Batman: Hush. (DC AMU). Sean Maher is the voice actor for Dick.
2019. Batman: Last Knight on Earth (where Dick for a time goes by Talon, because the bats were defeated, and he and Barbara have a daughter, Bryce).
2019. DCeased, where Dick is one of the first to succumb to the virus.
2019. Batman: Curse of the White Knight.
2019. Lego DC Batman: Family matters. Will Friedle is the voice actor for Dick/Nightwing.
2019. Tales from the Dark Multiverse. Teen Titans The Judas Contract. Dick and all the other Titans, heroes and most of humanity (I think) are killed by Terra.
2019. Teen Titans Go! vs Teen Titans. Scott Menville is the voice of both Robins.
2019. Nightwing has a small part in the novel “The Court of Owls” by Greg Cox (Titan book).
2019. The Court of Owls have given Dick false memories after he was shot in the head, and he is dressed up as a Talon for a while in the Nightwing comic.
2019. Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III.
2019. Batman: Curse of the White Knight. Sequel to Batman: White Knight 
2019. Dick (Brenton Thwaites) becomes Nightwing in the last episode of season 2 of Titans.
2020. In the regular Nightwing title, Dick starts to regain his true memories. However, when this is being written, Coronavirus and DC events make it unsure when we’ll get the real Dick back.
2020, March 18. Robin 80th Anniversary special.
2020. Batman: The Adventures Continue. (The continued adventures of BTAS in comic books.)
2020: Dick appears in Titans: Titans Together, as well as Batman: Gotham Nights. Digital comics that seem to take place outside the main continuity. 
2020. Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (DC AMU). (Nightwing is killed, Damian tries to revive him in a Lazarus pit but his mind never heals.)
2020. Dick regains his memories in Nightwing vol 4 # 74 (September 8), 720 days after he lost them in Batman vol 3 # 55. He gets back into his Nightwing suit in Batman vol 3 # 99. 
2021. In the DC possible future-event Future State (January-February 2021), Dick is in two books: Nightwing and Teen Titans.
2021. Dick gets himself a thre-legged puppy in Nightwing vol 4 # 78. Fans in the USA could vote and she got the name Haley (alias Bitewing). 
2021. After the relaunch Infinite Frontier, parts of Dick’s pre-Flashpoint history in Blüdhaven has been restored. He has for instance been a cop, and lives in the apartment building he bought during Nightwing vol 2. 
2021. In the title Teen Titans Academy, which seems to be a prequel to Future State: Teen Titans, Dick is one of the mentors for a new generation of Titans. Dick also makes appearances in for instance Future State: Gotham, The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries and has a story in Batman: Black & White (2020) # 5.
2021. Dick is Police Commissioner of Gotham in Batman/Catwoman, a 12 issue Black Label miniseries written by Tom King. 
2021. Season 3 of Titans.
2021. Dick is an adorable Robin from an alternate universe in Batman/Robin (2019) # 16–21 plus Annual # 1, written by Gene Luen Yang.
2021, September. Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, comic at Webtoon. A fanon-friendly take where Wayne Manor is filled to the brim with (more or less) adopted junior vigilantes.
2021. Injustice: Gods Among Us animated movie, Dick is in there to die and become the new Deadman, I guess. Voice actor Derek Phillips. 
2021. Yoshi Sudarso was supposed to be Nightwing/Dick Grayson in a live-action mini-series adaptation of the fanon-friendly webtoon Batman: Wayne Family Adventures by Ismahawk. But after the news broke, it seemed to be stuck in limbo.
2021. Young Justice: Phantoms. Season 4 of the animated show on HBO Max in October. 
2021, November. Robin and Batman, a three issue miniseries written about Dick’s first time as Robin. Writer Jeff Lemire, art Dustin Nguyen.
2021. Batman vs Bigby! A Wolf in Gotham. A Batman/Fables crossover limited series where (as far as I understand) everyone stays as a Robin, including Dick.
2021. DC vs Vampires. A 12 issue limited series. In #6 (2022), Nightwing is showed to be the Vampire king and kills several of his family on panel.
2021, September. Batman: The Audio Adventures. Melissa Villase˜njor is voice actor for Robin. 
2021, November. Robins, six issue miniseries written by Tim Seeley, the winner of DC’s Round Robin contest.
2021, November. Dark Knights of Steel, Fantasy AU written by Tom Taylor, art by Yasmine Putri. Nightwing/Dick is one of “Batman’s” Robins in this the world.
2021. Nightwing is annoounced as a playable character in the Gotham Knights game, together with Red Hood, Robin (Tim) and Batgirl (Barbara). Voice actor Christopher Sean. The game was published in 2022.
2022. Dick is Robin in Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, stories from the past that are tied to the current continuity via Batman vs. Robin and Lazarus Planet. 
2022.  Batman: Beyond the White Knight. Sequel to Batman: White Knight and Curse of the White Knight. It is revealed (unless it was in an earlier book) that Jason Todd was the first Robin and Dick was the second. 
2022. In the comic book Future State Gotham, Dick used the enhancing drug Brane to gain an edge in the fight against the Magistrate and assorted villains. It enhanced his intelligence and gave him some precognition. He also started to use a Batman-like suit. In the end (#18), Dick sacrifices himself to destroy the ghost of Joe Chill, who had possessed Damian. (🤷‍♀️ Yeah, I know, I wouldn’t pay to read that...)
2022. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths # 1-7. The Justice League is presumed dead (Nightwing seems to be sure they will come back) and super criminals attack en masse. Along the way, “the Great Darkness” tries to take Nightwing as its new host but he fights it off. At the end of the event, the Justice League disband.
2022. Nightwing is a character in the third season of the animated Harley Quinn on HBO Max, with Harvey Guillen as voice actor.
2022. Batman: Gotham Knights – Gilded city. A tie-in prequel to the video game Gotham Knights.
2022. Titans United: Bloodpact. Limited series, set in its own universe as far as I can see. 
2023. Batman: The Doom that came to Gotham. Animated movie adaptation of Elseworld comic book from 2000, that takes place in the 1920s. Jason Marsden is voice actor for Dick Grayson. 
2023. World’s Finest: Teen Titans. A spin-off from Batman/Superman: World’s Finest. 
2023. Titans, a new comic book about the Titan’s residing in Blüdhaven and functioning as the prime superhero team. 
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ao3feed-batb2017 · 3 years
Send Me On My Way
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3A6uuXo
by BluD3vil_Fire2000
After saving a human toddler from a doomed fate, an unlikely group of friends—consisting of Migo, a no-nonsense, lone Yeti; Rodney, an inventor with a heart of gold; Alex, a Lieutenant of an enemy gang; and Blue, an exiled Princess with a unique power—band together to return the child to her family. In order to reunite the baby with her tribe, the four will have to take on many dangers along the journey while having to work together as a herd.
Words: 7501, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Ice Age/Multifandom AU
Fandoms: Original Work, Ice Age (Movies), Disney - All Media Types, Smallfoot (2018), Robots (2005), Madagascar (Movies), Wreck-It Ralph (Movies), Book of Life (2014), Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), Wild Kratts, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Van Helsing (2004), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), The Road to El Dorado (2000), Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003), Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002), The Prince of Egypt (1998), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Shrek (Movies), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), Shark Tale (2004), Antz (1998), Chicken Run (2000), Wallace & Gromit, Over the Hedge (2006), Flushed Away (2006), Bee Movie (2007), Kung Fu Panda (Movies), Megamind (2010), Rise of the Guardians (2012), The Croods (Movies), Turbo (2013), Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014), Home (2015), Trolls (Movies 2016 2020), Abominable (2019), Horton Hears a Who! - Dr. Seuss, Rio (Movies - Saldanha), Epic (2013), Ferdinand (2017), Spies In Disguise (2019), FernGully (Movies), Anastasia (1997), Cloverfield (2008), 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016), The Cloverfield Paradox (2018), Indiana Jones Series, Open Season (Movies), Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Movies), Hotel Transylvania (Movies), Quest for Camelot (1998), Cats Don't Dance (1997), Osmosis Jones (2001), Iron Giant (1999), The LEGO Movie (2014), Storks (2016), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Pinocchio (1940), Fantasia (1940), Fantasia 2000 (1999), Dumbo (1941), Bambi (1942), Cinderella (2015), Alice in Wonderland (1951), Peter Pan (2003), Lady and the Tramp (1955), Sleeping Beauty (1959), 101 Dalmatians (1961), The Sword in the Stone (1963), The Jungle Book - All Media Types, Robin Hood (1973), The Rescuers (Movies), The Great Mouse Detective (1986), Oliver & Company (1988), The Little Mermaid (1989), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Beauty and the Beast (2017), Aladdin (1992), Aladdin (2019), The Lion King (1994), The Lion King (2019), Pocahontas (Disney 1995), Toy Story (Movies), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Hercules (1997), Mulan (1998), Mulan (2020), A Bug's Life (1998), Tarzan (1999), Dinosaur (2000), Emperor's New Groove (2000), Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001), Monsters Inc. (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Treasure Planet (2002), Finding Nemo (Movies), Brother Bear (2003), Home on the Range (2004), Incredibles (Pixar Movies), Chicken Little (2005), The Wild (2006), Cars (Pixar Movies), Meet the Robinsons (2007), Ratatouille (2007), Enchanted (2007), WALL-E (2008), Up (2009), The Princess and the Frog (2009), Tangled (2010), Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (Cartoon), Gnomeo and Juliet (2011), Brave (2012), Frozen (Disney Movies), Big Hero 6 (2014), Inside Out (2015), The Good Dinosaur (2015), Zootopia (2016), Moana (2016), Coco (2017), Onward (2020), Raya and the Last Dragon (2021), Balto (Movies), Despicable Me (Movies), Minions (2015), Missing Link (2019), Coraline (2009), Kubo and the Two Strings (2016), The Boxtrolls (2014), ParaNorman (2012), Rock-a-Doodle (1991), The Secret of NIMH (1982), Cool World (1992), The Meg (2018), Rampage (2018), Aquaman (2018), Geostorm (2017), Brightburn (2019), Godzilla (2014), Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019), Godzilla (1998), Godzilla: The Series, Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Sonic Boom (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types, Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies), Jurassic Park Original Trilogy (Movies), King Kong (2005), Kong: Skull Island (2017), Alien Series, Spiders (2013), Venom (Movie 2018), Ratchet & Clank, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Spyro the Dragon (Video Games), Rayman (Video Games), Gex (Video Games), Klonoa (Games), Croc (Video Games), PaRappa the Rapper, Oddworld, MediEvil (Video Games)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Additional Tags: Ice Age AU, everyone's gonna be in it, I just felt like it's too much, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Canon, Self-Insert, My OCs are in there as well, this is the first time I've done an AU like this, Inspired by Heroboy005 from fanfiction.net, if you see paragraphs that are familiar to the stories, Blood and Violence, Aftermath of Violence, Explicit Language, It does have some, Fluff and Humor, Family Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, That's all I can say
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3A6uuXo
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aion-rsa · 3 years
HBO Max New Releases: October 2021
The fall is usually the domain of television. September and October are the months in which networks (and increasingly some streamers) debut all their new series. With its list of new releases for October 2021, however, HBO Max has decided that fall works just fine for new movies as well.
HBO Max’s new offerings this month are highlighted by two enormous Warner Bros. film releases. The Sopranos prequel The Many Saints of Newark opens things up on Oct. 1. The movie is getting a theatrical release as well but you can certainly just watch it via streaming to make Sopranos creator and film purist David Chase mad. Next up is the sprawling sci-fi epic Dune on Oct. 22. It’s long been thought that a faithful and suitably enormous Dune adaptation was impossible. Now it’s almost time to see if director Denis Villenueve pulled it off.
Read more
How The Many Saints of Newark Almost Brought Carmela Soprano Back
By Alec Bojalad and 1 other
With Lady of Caladan, Dune Finally Gives Lady Jessica the Epic She Deserves
By Ryan Britt
Even if the movies are the big blockbusters here, HBO Max isn’t letting its TV offerings go to waste. Arguably HBO’s biggest running drama, Succession, returns for a long-awaited third season on Oct. 17. Also mixed in to the streamer’s TV offerings are docuseries like 15 Minutes of Shame (Oct. 7) and What Happened, Brittany Murphy? (Oct. 15).
October will also be a good month for movie fans looking to check out some recent heavy hitters without buying a ticket. It: Chapter Two (Oct. 10), The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (Oct. 21), and In the Heights (Oct. 28) all arrive this month.
HBO Max New Releases – October 2021
October 1 Admission, 2013 (HBO) A Royal Affair, 2012 (HBO) After the Thin Man, 1936 All The President’s Men, 1976 (HBO) American Gigolo, 1980 (HBO) American Graffiti, 1973 (HBO) Argo, 2012 (Alternate Version) (HBO)  Bad Boys II, 2003 Bad Boys, 1995 Bad Words, 2013 (HBO) Ballet 422, 2014 (HBO) Being Flynn, 2012 (HBO) Best Man Down, 2013 (HBO) Beverly Hills Cop, 1984 (HBO) Beverly Hills Cop II, 1987 (HBO) Beverly Hills Cop III, 1994 (HBO) Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure, 1989 (HBO) Bill And Ted’s Bogus Journey, 1991 (HBO) Billy Elliot, 2000 (HBO) Black Christmas, 2019 (HBO) Black Hawk Down, 2001 (HBO) Blades Of Glory, 2007 (HBO) Blazing Saddles, 1974 Blood Father, 2016 (HBO) Bloodsport, 1988 (HBO) Blue Crush, 2002 (HBO) Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason, 2004 (HBO) Bridget Jones’s Diary, 2001 Broken City, 2013 (HBO) Caddyshack II, 1988 Cake, 2005 (HBO) Cats, 2019 (HBO) Child 44, 2015 (HBO) City of God, 2002 (HBO) Clash of Titans , 1981 Client 9: The Rise And Fall Of Eliot Spitzer, 2010 (HBO) Culpa, 2021 (HBO) Danny Collins, 2015 (HBO) David Lynch: The Art Life, 2016 Desperately Seeking Susan, 1985 (HBO) Dinner For Schmucks, 2010 (HBO) Doubt, 2008 (HBO) Down A Dark Hall, 2018 (HBO) Downhill, 2020 (HBO) Drop Zone, 1994 (HBO) Dying Young, 1991 (HBO) El Cantante, 2007 (HBO) El Profugo, 2020 (HBO) Emma., 2020 (HBO) Endless Love, 2014 (HBO) Entre Nos: The Winners 2, 2021 (HBO) Entre Nos: What She Said, 2021 (HBO) Family Matters Fifty Shades Of Black, 2016 (HBO) For A Good Time, Call…, 2012 (Alternate Version) (HBO)  Full House Gangs Of New York, 2002 (HBO) Gangster Squad, 2013 (HBO) Goodbye, Mr. Chips, 1969 Hacksaw Ridge, 2016 (HBO) Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay, 2008 He Said She Said, 1991 (HBO) Hearts In Atlantis, 2001 (HBO) Hitch, 2005 Hitman, 2007 (Alternate Version) (HBO)  Hooper, 1978 Hostage, 2005 (HBO) House of Wax , 2005 House, 2008 (HBO) Imagine That, 2009 (HBO) Ingrid Bergman: In Her Own Words, 2015 J. Edgar, 2011 (HBO) Johnny English Strikes Again, 2018 (HBO) Journey to the Center of the Earth, 2008 Just Mercy, 2019 (HBO) Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 2003 (HBO) Kill Bill: Vol. 2, 2004 (HBO) Kin, 2018 (HBO) Leap Year, 2010 (HBO) LEGO DC Shazam: Magic and Monsters!, 2020 Less Than Zero, 1987 (HBO) Like Water for Chocolate, 1992 (HBO) Little Man, 2006 (HBO) Lincoln, 2012 (HBO) Lottery Ticket, 2010 (HBO) M*A*S*H, 1970 (HBO) Mama, 2013 (HBO) Marathon Man, 1976 (HBO) Misery, 1990 (HBO) Monster’s Ball, 2001 (Alternate Version) (HBO)  Moonrise Kingdom, 2012 (HBO) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, 1989 National Lampoon’s Vacation, 1983 Natural Born Killers, 1994 Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always, 2020 (HBO) Night Catches Us, 2010 (HBO) Orphan, 2009 Parental Guidance, 2012 (HBO) Pariah, 2011 (HBO) Police Academy, 1984 Poltergeist II: The Other Side, 1986 (HBO) Poltergeist III, 1988 (HBO) Private Parts, 1997 (HBO) Proof Of Life, 2000 (HBO) Racing Stripes, 2005 (HBO) Reservation Road, 2007 (HBO) Say Anything…, 1989 (HBO) Sergeant York, 1941 Shaft, 1971 Shall We Dance?, 2004 (HBO) She’s All That, 1999 (HBO) Sherlock Holmes And The Great Escape, 2019 (HBO) Sherlock Holmes, 2009 Shrek The Third, 2007 (HBO) Six Degrees Of Separation, 1993 (HBO) Sliver, 1993 (Alternate Version) (HBO)  Snitch, 2013 (HBO) Speedway, 1968 Step by Step,  Stigmata, 1999 (HBO) Strange But True, 2019 (HBO) Superstar, 1999 (HBO) Super 8, 2011 (HBO) Talk To Me, 2007 (HBO) Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans, 2019 The Banger Sisters, 2002 (HBO) The Blind Side, 2009 (HBO) The Bonfire of the Vanities, 1990 The Book Of Eli, 2010 (HBO) The Campaign, 2012 (Alternate Version) (HBO)  The Cider House Rules, 1999 (HBO) The Cincinnati Kid, 1965 The East, 2013 (HBO) The Eichmann Show, 2015 (HBO) The Internship, 2013 (HBO) The Invisible Man, 2020 (HBO) The Harvey Girls, 1946 The High Note, 2020 (HBO) The Hours, 2002 (HBO) The Legend Of Hercules, 2014 (HBO) The Many Saints of Newark, Warner Bros. Film Premiere, 2021  The Outsiders, 1983 The Perfect Storm, 2000 The Poseidon Adventure, 1972 (HBO) The Quarry, 2020 (HBO) The Rite, 2011 (HBO) The Running Man, 1987 (HBO) The Way Way Back, 2013 (HBO) The 15:17 To Paris, 2018 (HBO) Things We Lost In The Fire, 2007 (HBO) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride, 2005 Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, 2011 (HBO) Trance, 2013 (HBO) Tully, 2018 (HBO) Twelve Monkeys, 1995 (HBO) Underwater, 2020 (HBO) Up In The Air, 2009 (HBO) Wall Street, 1987 (HBO) Warm Bodies, 2013 (HBO) Wendy, 2020 (HBO) XXX, 2002
October 3 Simmer, 2020
October 4  Laetitia, Limited Drama Series Finale (HBO) Niña Furia Sublet, 2020
October 5 American Masters: Mike Nichols, 2016 American Masters: Nichols and May: Take Two, 1996 El Verano Que Vivimos, 2020 Level Playing Field, Documentary Series Finale (HBO)
October 6 Muy Gay Too Mexicano (Short), 2020 The Republic of Sarah, Season 1 Rosa (short), 2020
October 7 15 Minutes of Shame, Max Original Series Premiere Craftopia, Max Original Season 2A Premiere The Not-Too-Late Show with Elmo: Amber Ruffin / Bebe Rexha
October 8 Voyagers, 2021 (HBO)
October 9 Birdgirl , Season 16 To Your Eternity , Season 1 (Subtitled) (Crunchyroll Collection)
October 10  It: Chapter 2, 2019 Nuclear Family, Documentary Series Finale (HBO) Scenes From A Marriage, Limited Series Finale (HBO)
October 11 We’re Here, Season 2 Premiere (HBO)
October 14 Aquaman: King of Atlantis, Chapter One: Dead Sea, Max Original Series Premiere Little Ellen, Max Original Season 1B Premiere Love Spells (aka Amarres), Max Original Series Premiere Teen Titans Go!, Seasons 1-6 The Missing, (aka Os Ausentes), Max Original Series Premiere The Not-Too-Late Show with Elmo: Jenna Bush Hager / Sophie Fatu Phoebe Robinson: Sorry, Harriet Tubman, Max Original Special Premiere Welcome to Utmark (aka Utmark) , Max Original Series Premiere What Happened, Brittany Murphy?, Max Original Series Premiere
October 15 In the Line of Fire, 1993 Point Break, 1991 (HBO) Tu Me Manques, 2019 (HBO)
October 17 Succession, Season 3 Premiere (HBO)
October 18 El Huésped Americano (aka The American Guest), Limited Drama Series Finale (HBO) Women is Losers, 2021
October 19 Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO)
October 20 Entre Hombres (aka Amongst Men), Limited Series Finale (HBO)
October 21 Aquaman: King of Atlantis, Chapter Two: Primordius Reign of Superwomen, Max Original Documentary Premiere The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, 2021 (HBO) (Available in 4K UHD, HDR10, Dolby Vision and  Dolby Atmos in English Only on supported devices) The Not-Too-Late Show with Elmo: Ames McNamara / Leslie Odom Jr. Tuff Money (aka Bani Negri), Max Original Series Premiere
October 22 Dune, Warner Bros. Film Premiere, 2021
October 24 Insecure, Season 5 Premiere (HBO)
October 26 Maricon Perdido, Max Original Series Premiere The Mopes, Max Original Series Premiere The Truth of Dolores Vazquez (aka The Caso Wanninkhof), Max Original Series Premiere
October 28 Aquaman: King of Atlantis, Chapter Three: Tidal Shift In The Heights, 2021 (HBO) Love Life, Max Original Season 2 Premiere A Thousand Fangs (aka Mil Colmillos), Max Original Series Premiere The Not-Too-Late Show with Elmo: Dani & Dannah Lane / AJR
October 29 Victor and Valentino , Season 2
October 31 The Bachelorette, Season 16
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Leaving HBO Max – October 2021  
October 10 Malignant, 2021
October 11 Meatballs, 1979
October 17 Cry Macho, 2021
October 18 Sabrina: Magic of the Red Rose, 2015
October 20 HBO First Look: The Eyes of Tammy Faye, 2021 (HBO)
October 25 The Artist, 2011
October 27 The Hangover Part III, 2013
October 28 Tracey Ullman’s Show,  (HBO)
October 31 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, 2012 (HBO) A Little Princess, 1995 (HBO) All Is Lost, 2013 (HBO) All-Star Superman, 2011 Alpha And Omega: Journey To Bear Kingdom, 2017 (HBO) Alpha And Omega: The Big Fureeze, 2016 (HBO) Antwone Fisher, 2002 (HBO) A Star Is Born, 1976 A Time To Kill, 1996 Backdraft, 1991 (HBO) Bad Education, 2004 Bandits, 2001 (HBO) Barefoot, 2014 (HBO) *Batteries Not Included, 1987 (HBO) Battleship, 2012 (HBO) Black Dynamite, 2009 Blood And Wine, 1997 (HBO) Broken Embraces, 2009 Cats & Dogs, 2001 Cesar Chavez, 2014 (HBO) Chasing Amy, 1997 (HBO) Christmas In Compton, 2012 Clerks, 1994 (HBO) Conspiracy Theory, 1997 Cool Hand Luke, 1967 Critters 4, 1992 Darkest Hour, 2017 (HBO) Dirt, 2017 Dirty Harry, 1971 Dreamcatcher, 2003 El Pacto (aka The Pact), 2018 (HBO) Empire Of The Sun, 1987 Eulogy, 2004 (HBO) Final Destination, 2000 Final Destination 2, 2003 Final Destination 3, 2006 Final Destination 5, 2011 Firewall, 2006 Flight Of The Intruder, 1991 (HBO) Flying Leathernecks, 1951 Frantic, 1988 Freaks, 1932 Ghoulies, 1985 (HBO) Ghoulies II, 1987 (HBO) Gone Baby Gone, 2007 Good Morning, Vietnam, 1987 (HBO) Gothika, 2003 Gun Crazy, 1950 High Fidelity, 2000 (HBO) House Of Wax, 2005 How To Be A Latin Lover, 2017 How To Be Single, 2016 (HBO) How To Make An American Quilt, 1995 (HBO) I’m So Excited!, 2013 Ice Age: Continental Drift, 2012 (HBO) Immigration Tango, 2011 (HBO) Irresistible, 2020 (HBO) It, 2017 (HBO) Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, 2001 (HBO) Just Before I Go, 2015 (HBO) King Kong, 1976 (HBO) Lars And The Real Girl, 2007 (HBO) Lego Dc Batman: Family Matters, 2019 Lego Dc Shazam: Magic And Monsters!, 2020 Long Gone By, 2019 (HBO) Magnum Force, 1973 Man Up, 2015 (HBO) Mccabe And Mrs. Miller, 1971 Message Erased, 2019 (HBO) Monkey Shines, 1988 (HBO) Nitro Circus: The Movie 3D, 2012 (HBO) Norbit, 2007 (HBO) One More Time, 2016 (HBO) Pajaros De Verano (aka Birds Of Passage)2019 (HBO) Pale Rider, 1985 Pepi, Luci, Bom Y Otras Chicas Del Monton, 1980 Professor Marston & The Wonder Women, 2017 Red Dawn, 1984 (HBO) Risky Business, 1983 (HBO) Santa Buddies, 2009 (HBO) Save The Last Dance, 2001 (HBO) Save The Last Dance 2, 2006 (HBO) School Dance, 2014 (HBO) Serpico, 1974 (HBO) Snow Buddies, 2008 (HBO) Something To Talk About, 1995 Space Buddies, 2009 (HBO) Spawn, 1997 Stand Up Guys, 2013 (HBO) Sudden Impact, 1983 Summer Rental, 1985 (HBO) The Bucket List, 2007 The Color Purple, 1985 The Conjuring 2, 2016 The Dead Pool, 1988 The Debt, 2011 (HBO) The Family Man, 2000 (HBO) The Final Destination, 2009 The Five-Year Engagement, 2012 (Alternate Version) (HBO)  The Fugitive, 1993 The Great Caruso, 1951 The Human Voice, 2020 The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus, 2009 The Kingdom, 2007 (HBO) The Last Mimzy, 2007 The Lego Batman Movie, 2017 The Sand Pebbles, 1966 (HBO) The Shack, 2017 (HBO) The Shadow, 1994 (HBO) The Skin I Live In, 2011 The Switch, 2010 The Tuxedo, 2002 (HBO) The Voices, 2015 (HBO) The Quiet Ones, 2014 (HBO) The Witches, 1990 Thirteen Ghosts, 2001 Troy, 2004 Trust Me, 2014 (HBO) Volver, 2006 Wait Until Dark, 1967 Westworld (Movie), 1973 When Harry Met Sally, 1989 Women On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown, 1988 XXX: State Of The Union, 2005
The post HBO Max New Releases: October 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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millerperalta · 3 years
How many of the top 100 box office movies have you seen? (A little disappointed most of these are films from the last 15 years, wish there was more older classics)
Avatar (2009) ✅
Avengers: Endgame (2019) ✅
Titanic (1997) ✅
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) ✅
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) ✅
Jurassic World (2015) ✅
The Lion King (2019) ✅
Avengers (2012) ✅
Furious 7 (2015) ✅
Frozen II (2019) ✅
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) ✅
Black Panther (2018) ✅
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2015) ✅
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Frozen (2013) ✅
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Incredibles 2 (2018) ✅
The Fate of the Furious (2017) ✅
Iron Man 3 (2013) ✅
Minions (2015) ✅
Captain America: Civil War (2016) ✅
Aquaman (2018) ✅
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) ✅
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) ✅
Captain Marvel (2019) ✅
Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
Skyfall (2012)
Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
The Lion King (1994) ✅
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) ✅
Joker (2019)
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) ✅
Toy Story 4 (2019) ✅
Toy Story 3 (2010) ✅
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006)
Rouge One: A Star Wars Story (2016) ✅
Aladdin (2019)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Despicable Me 3 (2017) ✅
Jurassic Park (1993) ✅
Finding Dory (2016) ✅
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) ✅
Alice in Wonderland (2010) ✅
Zootopia (2016) ✅
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001)
The Dark Knight (2008) ✅
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (2010)
Despicable Me 2 (2013) ✅
The Jungle Book (2016) ✅
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) ✅
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) ✅
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Finding Nemo (2003) ✅
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Shrek 2 (2004) ✅
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) ✅
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Spider-Man 3 (2007) ✅
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) ✅
Ice-Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)
Spectre (2015)
Spider-Man: Home Coming (2017) ✅
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Ice-Age 4: Continental Drift (2012)
The Secret Life of Pets (2016)
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Wolf Warrior 2 (2017)
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) ✅
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) ✅
Inside Out (2015) ✅
Venom (2018) ✅
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) ✅
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Inception (2010) ✅
The Twilight Sage: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012)
Spider-Man (2002) ✅
Wonder Woman (2017)
Independence Day (1996) ✅
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
Shrek the Third (2007) ✅
Coco (2017)
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) ✅
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial (1982) ✅
2012 (2009)
Mission Impossible: Fallout (2018) ✅
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) ✅
Spider-Man 2 (2004) ✅
Fast & Furious 6 (2013) ✅
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Hi, Mom (2021)
Deadpool (2016) ✅
Star Wars (1977) ✅
Do yours?
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rcyharper · 5 years
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I finally went ahead and made a reading list for Roy. He’s been around awhile, so there’s a lot of comics, especially since he tends to jump between books.
I’ve divided it into six different starting points-- each starting point should be good enough to jump into without having too much knowledge of what’s going. You can jump in at any of them and you’d be good to go (I actually recommend jumping in one of the middle ones and then going back, if you’re someone who prefers newer comics to older ones.)
I’ll include a little bit of info under some of the starting points for you to get a better idea of which one might be best for you to start with.
BOLD = necessary Italics = not necessary, but recommended normal = not necessary
Before jumping into any starting point, I recommend you read Green Lantern (1960) #85-86. It’s a 1971 story, so I understand if you may be turned off from it at first, but it’s a classic story for a reason and it’s important in Roy’s history.
These are 80s comics, and some of them might have older art. These include some of my favorite stories with Roy, but if you’re someone who prefers newer art and has a harder time getting into older comics, it might be better to come back to this later. 
New Teen Titans (1984) #19-21, 24
Suicide Squad (1987) #11-12
Action Comics (1938) #613-618
Action Comics (1938) #627-634
Action Comics (1938) #636-640
New Titans (1988) #52
New Titans (1988) #56
Secret Origins (1986) #38
Secret Origins (1986) Annual #3
New Titans (1988) #60-65
Hawk and Dove (1989) #11-12
New Titans (1988) #66-71
Secret Origins (1986) #50
Hawk and Dove (1989) #26
Armageddon 2001 (1991) #2
I personally recommend you leave these comics till the end. I love Roy’s writing in them, but they’re very 90s, if you get what I mean, so a lot of the plots art harder to get into and understand at first.
Deathstroke the Terminator (1991) #18-20
New Titans (1988) #97-107
Green Arrow (1988) #75
Bloodbath (1993) #1-2
New Titans (1988) Annual #9
New Titans (1988) #108-113
Showcase ‘94 #7
New Titans (1988) #114
Damage (1994) #5-6
Zero Hour (1994) #3, 0
New Titans (1988) #0
New Titans (1988) #115
Green Lantern (1990) #57
New Titans (1988) #116-118
Deathstroke the Hunted (1991) #45
Green Lantern (1990) #59
New Titans (1988) #119
Damage (1994) #8, 10
Outsiders (1993) #17
New Titans (1988) #120-121
Damage (1994) #13
Darkstars (1992) #30-31
Deathstroke (1991) #48
New Titans (1988) #122
Darkstars (1992) #32
Deathstroke (1991) #49
New Titans (1988) Annual #11
Deathstroke (1991) Annual #4
New Titans (1988) #123-124
Green Lantern (1990) #65
Darkstars (1992) #34
Damage (1994) #16
New Titans (1988) #125
Showcase ‘95 #8
New Titans (1988) #126-130
Arsenal Special (1996) #1
If you prefer reading more modern comics, then everything from this point on should be a good starting point!
Batman + Arsenal (1997) #1
Teen Titans (1996) #12-16
Nightwing (1996) Annual #1
Teen Titans (1996) #17-18
Superman (1987) #134
Teen Titans (1996) #19
Adventures of Superman (1987) #557
Action Comics (1938) #744
Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) #79
Superman (1987) #135
Teen Titans (1996) #20
The Flash (1987) #142
DC One Million (1998) #1-2
Superman: The Man of Steel #1,000,000
Superman #1,000,000
DC One Million (1998) #3
JLA/Titans (1998) #1-3
Arsenal (1998) #1-4
The Titans Secret Files & Origins (1999) #1
Titans (1999) #1-7
Aquaman (1993) #60
Resurrection Man (1997) #26-27
JLA 80-page giant (1996) #2
Titans (1999) #8-12
Secret Files & Origins Guide to the DC Universe 2000 #1
Titans (1999) #13-14
Titans/Legion of Superheroes: Univerze Ablaze (2000) #1-4
The Flash (1987) #159
Titans (1999) #15-16
Sins of Youth Secret Files (2000) #1
Young Justice: Sins of Youth (2000) #1-2
Titans (1999) Annual #1
Titans (1999) #17-19
Green Lantern (1990) #128
Titans (1999) #20-25
Superboy (1994) #80-82
The Titans Secret Files & Origins (1999) #2
Titans (1999) #26-32
World’s Finest: Our Worlds at War #1
Titans (1999) #33
Green Arrow (2001) #1-10
Titans (1999) #34-44
Green Arrow Secret Files and Origins (2002) #1
Titans (1999) #45-50
Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day (2003) #1-3
Teen Titans/Outsiders: Secret Files and Origins (2003) #1
Outsiders (2003) #1-3
Green Arrow (2001) #32-33
Outsiders (2003) #4-15
Superman/Batman (2003) #13
Identity Crisis #1
The Flash (1987) #214
Outsiders (2003) #16-19
Green Arrow (2001) #47-50
Supergirl (2005) #3
Teen Titans (2003) #21-23
Outsiders (2003) #20-23
Teen Titans (2003) #24
Outsiders (2003) #24
Teen Titans (2003) #25
Outsiders (2003) #25
DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy (2005) #1-4
Teen Titans/Outsiders: Secret Files and Origins (2003) #2
Nightwing (1996) #114
Outsiders (2003) #29-33
Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special (2006) #1
Teen Titans (2003) #32
Infinite Crisis (2005) #7
52 (2006) #33
52 (2006) #50
52/World War III (2007) #4
Outsiders (2003) #44-46
Outsiders (2003) Annual #1
Nightwing (1996) #124
Justice League of America (2006) #1-7
Green Lantern (2005) #15-17
The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive (2006) #9
Green Arrow #72-73
Countdown (2006) #49
Justice League of America (2006) #8
Justice Society of America (2007) #5
Justice League of America (2006) #9
Justice Society of America (2007) #6
Justice League of America (2006) #10
All Flash (2007) #1
Amazons Attack (2007) #2, 4
Wonder Woman (2006) #11
Amazons Attack (2007) #5, 6
Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special (2007) #1
Countdown (2006) #36-35
Green Arrow (2001) #74-75
Justice League of America (2006) #11-12
Booster Gold (2007) #1
Justice League of America Wedding Special (2007) #1
Justice League of America (2006) #13-15
Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special (2007) #1
Justice League of America (2006) #16
Green Arrow/Black Canary (2007) #1
Green Arrow/Black Canary (2007) #4-5
Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg-Superman (2007) #1
Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime (2007) #1
Green Lantern (2005) #24-25
The Flash (1987) #233
Titans East Special (2008) #1
Captain Carrot and the Final Ark (2008) #3
Justice League of America (2006) #17-19
Green Arrow/Black Canary (2007) #6
Countdown (2006) #3
Superman/Batman (2003) #46
Nightwing (1996) #143
Titans (2008) #1-4
Justice League of America (2006) #20-21
Trinity (2008) #10-15, 18
Superman/Batman (2003) #51-52
The Flash (1987) #245-247
DC Universe Decisions (2008) #1-2
Trinity (2008) #29, 39, 42-52
Vixen: Return of the Lion (2008) #2-5
DC Universe Holiday Special 2009
Green Arrow/Black Canary (2007) #15
Justice League of America 80-page Giant (2009) #1
Justice League of America (2006) #27-30
Final Crisis (2008) #1-3
Final Crisis Requiem (2008) #1
DC Universe: Last Will and Testament (2008) #1
Final Crisis Resist (2008) #1
Final Crisis (2008) #5-6
Final Crisis Secret Files (2008) #1
Final Crisis Aftermath Ink (2009) #2, 5
Final Crisis Legion of 3 Worlds (2009) #5
Titans (2008) #5-10
Justice League of America (2006) #31
Titans (2008) #11-12
Vigilante (2009) #5
Teen Titans (2003) #70
Titans (2008) #13
Vigilante (2009) #6
The Flash: Rebirth (2009) #1-2
Titans (2008) #14, 16-17
Teen Titans (2003) #75
Titans (2008) #18
Green Arrow/Black Canary (2007) #25
Titans (2008) #19
Titans (2008) #20
Convergence: The Titans (2015) #1-2
Convergence (2015) #5, 6
These are mostly things you can read after you’re done with everything, mostly featuring earlier comics. These are all pre-Crisis, so some of the things that happened here aren’t necessarily canon to post-Crisis Roy.
Teen Titans: Year One (2008) 
Teen Titans (1966) #4, 11
World’s Finest Comics (1941) #178
Teen Titans (1966) #19-20
The Brave and the Bold (1955) #83
Teen Titans (1966) #21-27
Detective Comics (1937) #402
Teen Titans (1966) #28-31
The Brave and the Bold (1955) #94
Teen Titans (1966) #32-34
World’s Finest Comics (1941) #205
Teen Titans (1966) #35-39
The Brave and the Bold (1955) #102
Teen Titans (1966) #40-43
Silver Age 80-page Giant (2000) #1
Silver Age Secret Files (2000) #1
Silver Age Teen Titans (2000) #1
Solo (2004) #7
JLA: Year One (1998) #11-12
Action Comics (1938) #436
The Brave and the Bold (1955) #117
Adventure Comics (1938) #439
Teen Titans (1966) #44-52
Green Lantern (1960) #100
Teen Titans (1966) #53
Worlds’ Finest Comics (1941) #251
The Superman Family (1974) #192-194
The Brave and the Bold (1955) #149
Best of DC (1979) #18
New Teen Titans (1980) #27
New Teen Titans Drug Awareness (1983) #2
New Teen Titans (1980) #28-32
Tales of the Teen Titans (1984) #50
Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985) #9-10
If you really wanna know about Roy Harper of the current continuity, then like... these are really the only things I can kind of recommend lol (he really got screwed over bad in this continuity so uh yeah)
Titans Rebirth (2016) #1
Titans (2016) #1-7
DC Rebirth Holiday Special (2016) #1
Titans (2016) #8-10
Titans (2016) Annual #1
Green Arrow (2016) #18-20, 22-24
Titans (2016) #11-22
Titans (2016) Annual #2
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blackkudos · 4 years
Ving Rhames
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Irving Rameses Rhames (born May 12, 1959) is an American stage and screen actor. He is best known for his starring role as Luther Stickell in the Mission: Impossible film series and his supporting role as gang kingpin Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction. He also appeared in Jacob's Ladder (1990), Dave (1993), Striptease (1996), Don King: Only in America (1997), Rosewood (1997), Con Air (1997), Bringing Out the Dead (1999), Baby Boy (2001), Dawn of the Dead (2004), Day of the Dead (2008), Piranha 3D (2010), and Father Figures (2017). He voiced Cobra Bubbles in the animated film Lilo & Stitch (2002). Rhames is a Golden Globe Award winner, as well as an Emmy Award and Screen Actors Guild Award nominee.
Early life and education
Rhames was born on May 12, 1959 in Harlem, New York City, the son of Reather, a homemaker, and Ernest Rhames, an auto mechanic. His parents were raised as sharecroppers in South Carolina. He was named after NBC journalist Irving R. Levine.
He entered New York's High School of Performing Arts, where he discovered his love of acting. After high school, he studied drama at SUNY Purchase, where fellow acting student Stanley Tucci gave him his nickname "Ving". Rhames later transferred to the Juilliard School's Drama Division (Group 12: 1979–1983) where he graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1983.
Rhames first appeared on Broadway in the play The Boys of Winter in 1984. He started out in film in Wes Craven's The People Under the Stairs (1991) as Leroy, he watched over Kevin Kline as Secret Service agent Duane Stevensen in Dave (1993), and he played Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction (1994). He also played the buddy of George Clooney in “Out of Sight” (1998).
Rhames played Dr. Peter Benton's brother-in-law on the TV medical drama ER, a recurring role he filled for three seasons. He played ace computer hacker Luther Stickell opposite Tom Cruise in Brian De Palma's Mission: Impossible (1996). In 1997 Rhames portrayed the character of Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones in the popular film Con Air. and Muki in the Ice Cube film Dangerous Ground.
Rhames won a Golden Globe in 1998 for Best Actor – Miniseries or Television Film in HBO's Don King: Only in America. At the ceremony he gave his award to fellow nominee Jack Lemmon, saying, "I feel that being an artist is about giving, and I'd like to give this to you." Lemmon was clearly touched by the gesture as was the celebrity audience who gave Lemmon a standing ovation. Lemmon, who tried unsuccessfully to give the award back to Rhames, said it was "one of the nicest, sweetest moments I've ever known in my life." The Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced later that they would have a duplicate award prepared for Rhames. That moment was #98 on E!'s 101 Awesome Moments in Entertainment. The New York Times lauded Rhames for the act, writing that in doing so he "demonstrated his capacity for abundant generosity."
Rhames appeared in Striptease (1996) as the wisecracking bodyguard Shad, Bringing Out the Dead (1999), then reprised his Luther Stickell role for Mission: Impossible 2 (2000). He played Johnnie Cochran in American Tragedy (2000), the ex-con boyfriend of Jodie's mother in the John Singleton film Baby Boy, portrayed a gay drag queen in the television movie Holiday Heart, contributed his voice for the character of Cobra Bubbles in Lilo & Stitch (2002) and the subsequent TV series, and played a stoic cop fighting zombie hordes in Dawn of the Dead (2004) and Day of the Dead (2008) remakes. Rhames has also appeared in a series of television commercials for RadioShack, usually performing with Vanessa L. Williams.
In March 2005, Rhames played the lead role on a new Kojak series, on the USA Network cable channel (and on ITV4 in the UK). The bald head, lollipops, and "Who loves ya, baby?" catchphrase remained intact, but little else remained from the Savalas original.
Rhames voiced the part of Tobias Jones in the computer game Driver 3.
Reprising his Luther role, Rhames co-starred in Mission: Impossible III (2006), had a cameo appearance in Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011), and played a major role in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015) and Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018), the fifth and sixth films, respectively. He is the only actor besides Tom Cruise to appear in all six Mission: Impossible films. It was announced that he would have a role in the Aquaman-based show Mercy Reef, however due to the integration of The WB and UPN for the new network, CW, Mercy Reef was not picked up. Rhames played a homosexual, possibly also homicidal, firefighter who comes out of the closet in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. He narrates the BET television series American Gangster.
In the 2008 film Saving God, he played an ex-con who is released from prison a changed man looking to take over his father's former church congregation in a deteriorating neighborhood. Rhames stars in Phantom Punch, a biopic of boxer Sonny Liston released directly to DVD as well as The Tournament portraying a fighter out to win a no-rules tournament.
Rhames makes an appearance in Ludacris's song "Southern Gangstas" on his album Theater of the Mind. Rappers Playaz Circle and Rick Ross are also featured on the track.
In 2010, he filed a lawsuit against the producer of a film titled Red Canvas, claiming that he had only been paid $175,000 of a $200,000 contract.
He filmed the movie The Red Canvas with Ernie Reyes, Jr. and UFC lightweight contender Gray Maynard and Randy Couture.
In 2015, he filmed a series of commercials for The ADT Corporation.
Rhames is one of the narrators for UFC.
Rhames narrated the team introductions for the New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI in February 2017.
Since 2015, Rhames's deep voice has provided the narration for numerous Arby's commercials, with the catchline "Arby's, we have the meats!"
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ao3feed-hiccstrid · 4 years
Two Worlds, One Family
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by Kelblue_Fire18
The Dark One has haunted the inhabitants across the island of Everworld for years. The worst tragedy it had committed against the people was the Firebird Massacre, one that would be known soon. When the last survivor, a baby Phoenix, was found underneath the ashes.
Migo, a member of the Defenders, came across her one morning and took her in after saving her from the Dark One's claws. Without any way of knowing about her kind, Emery grows up believing herself to be an extraordinary warrior of Everworld.
That is until an expedition set of finding more about the island entered her life and helped her find out more than what is outside her hometowns. One of them being a blonde-haired, freckled boy who catches the eye of the last Phoenix...
Words: , Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Original Work, Smallfoot (2018), Frozen (Disney Movies), Book of Life (2014), Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), Wreck-It Ralph (Movies), Robots (2005), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Wild Kratts, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Madagascar (Movies), Van Helsing (2004), Moana (2016), The Little Mermaid (1989), Tangled (2010), Coco (2017), The Road to El Dorado (2000), Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003), Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002), The Prince of Egypt (1998), Supernatural, Dinosaur (2000), Alien Series, How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Megamind (2010), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Missing Link (2019), Brave (2012), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Hercules (1997), Treasure Planet (2002), Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001), Fantasia (1940), Fantasia 2000 (1999), Aladdin (1992), Aladdin (2019), Tarzan (1999), The Lion King (1994), The Lion King (2019), Brother Bear (2003), Beauty and the Beast (2017), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Enchanted (2007), Cinderella (1950), Cinderella (2015), Sleeping Beauty (1959), Maleficent (Disney Movies), Mulan (1998), Home on the Range (2004), Lilo & Stitch (2002), The Princess and the Frog (2009), WALL-E (2008), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Pocahontas (Disney 1995), Big Hero 6 (2014), Emperor's New Groove (2000), Zootopia (2016), Toy Story (Movies), Monsters Inc. (Movies), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), The Jungle Book (1967), Alice in Wonderland (1951), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Disney - All Media Types, Anastasia (1997), Balto (Movies), FernGully (Movies), Rock-a-Doodle (1991), The Secret of NIMH (1982), Cool World (1992), Quest for Camelot (1998), 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016), Cloverfield (2008), The Cloverfield Paradox (2018), The Meg (2018), Rampage (2018), Aquaman (2018), Geostorm (2017), Brightburn (2019), IT - Stephen King, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Godzilla (2014), Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019), Godzilla: The Series, Star Wars - All Media Types, Sonic Boom (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), Dreamworks Animated Fandom, Warner Bros. Animated Fandom, Sony Animations Fandom, Ice Age (Movies), Blue Sky Studios Animated Fandom, Minions (2015), Despicable Me (Movies), Venom (Movie 2018), Spiders (2013) - Fandom, Osmosis Jones (2001)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Original Non-Human Character(s)
Relationships: Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Original Female Character & Original Male Character, Original Female Character & Original Female Character, Original Male Character & Original Male Character, Meechee & Migo (Smallfoot), Meechee/Migo (Smallfoot), Migo & Percy Patterson, Dorgle & Migo (Smallfoot), Anna/Kristoff (Disney), María Posada/Manolo Sánchez, Joaquín Mondragón & María Posada & Manolo Sánchez, Donatello/Leonardo/Michelangelo/April O'Neil/Raphael (TMNT), Gamora/Peter Quill, Rodney Copperbottom/Cappy, Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Alex/Gia (Madagascar), Anna Valerious/Gabriel Van Helsing, Carl (Van Helsing) & Gabriel Van Helsing, Ariel/Eric (Disney), Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider/Rapunzel, Héctor Rivera/Imelda Rivera, Chel/Miguel/Tulio (Road to El Dorado), Marina/Sinbad (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas), Rain/Spirit (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron), Moses/Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Aladar/Neera (Disney), Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Astrid Hofferson, Megamind/Roxanne Ritchi, Phoebus de Châteaupers & Esméralda | Esmeralda & Quasimodo, Hercules/Megara (Disney), Kida Nedakh/Milo Thatch, Aladdin/Jasmine (Disney), Jane Porter/Tarzan (Disney), Nala/Simba (The Lion King), Kenai/Nita (Disney), Adam/Belle (Disney), Giselle/Robert Philip, Prince Charming/Cinderella (Disney), Aurora/Phillip (Disney), Fa Mulan/Li Shang, Lilo Pelekai & Stitch | Experiment 626, Naveen/Tiana (Disney), EVE/WALL-E (WALL-E), Prince/Snow White (Disney), Pocahontas/John Smith (Disney), Pocahontas/John Rolfe (Disney), Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde, Jessie/Buzz Lightyear/Bo Peep/Woody Pride, Celia Mae/Mike Wazowski, Dimitri | Dmitry/Anya | Anastasia Romanov (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway), Balto/Jenna (Balto), Crysta/Zak Young, Garrett/Kayley (Quest for Camelot), Jonas Taylor/Suyin Zhang, Arthur Curry/Mera, Brandon Breyer and Original Female Character(s), Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Amy Rose/Sonic the Hedgehog, Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, Leah Estrogen/Osmosis "Ozzy" Jones
Additional Tags: the characters mentioned up on the fandom tags will be in this story, No worries, Alternate Universe - Tarzan Fusion, Inspired by Tarzan, Supernatural Elements, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Romance, Comedy, Major Character Injury, Non-Graphic Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39UkPW2
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solo-bolo-trollo · 4 years
(the orange ones are films I really, really loved)
1. 20th Century Women (2016, dir. Mike Mills)
2. 6 Underground (2019, dir. Michael Bay)
3. A Dirty Shame (2004, dir. John Waters)
4. Absence of Malice (1981, dir. Sydney Pollack)
5. Anima (2019, dir. Paul Thomas Anderson)
6. Ánimas (2018, dir. Laura Alvea & José F. Ortuño)
7. Antiquities (2018, dir. Daniel Campbell)
8. Apocalypse Now (1979, dir. Francis Ford Coppola)
9. Aquaman (2018, dir. James Wan)
10. Badlands (1973, dir. Terrence Malick)
11. Barbary-Coast Bunny (1956, dir. Chuck Jones)
12. Batman and Robin (1997, dir. Joel Schumacher)
13. Between Two Ferns: The Movie (2019, dir. Scott Aukerman)
14. Blackfish (2013, dir. Gabriela Cowperthwaite)
15. Bound (1996, dir. Lana & Lilly Wachowski)
16. Bon Iver: Autumn (2019, dir. Andrew Swant)
17. Booksmart (2019, dir. Olivia Wilde)
18. Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992, dir. Francis Ford Coppola)
19. Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018, dir. Marielle Heller)
20. Casino (1995, dir. Martin Scorsese)
21. Cher: Live in Concert from Las Vegas (1999, dir. David Mallet)
22. Chinatown (1974, dir. Roman Polanski)
23. Christine (2016, dir. Antonio Campos)
24. CinemAbility (2013, dir. Jenni Gold)
25. Cléo from 5 to 7 (1962, dir. Agnès Varda)
26. Close (2019, dir. Vicky Jewson)
27. Country Music (2019, dir. Ken Burns)
28. Drag Me to Hell (2009, dir. Sam Raimi)
29. El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019, dir. Vince Gilligan)
30. Female Trouble (1974, dir. John Waters)
31. First Man (2018, dir. Damien Chazelle)
32. Flesh + Blood (1985, dir. Paul Verhoeven)
33. Gloria Bell (2018, dir. Sebastián Lelio)
34. Gosford Park (2001, dir. Robert Altman)
35. Greta (2018, dir. Neil Jordan)
36. He Got Game (1998, dir. Spike Lee)
37. Her Smell (2018, dir. Alex Ross Perry)
38. Hereditary (2018, dir. Ari Aster)
39. High Flying Bird (2019, dir. Steven Soderbergh)
40. High Life (2018, dir. Claire Denis)
41. His Girl Friday (1940, dir. Howard Hawks)
42. I Am Easy to Find (2019, dir. Mike Mills)
43. I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House (2016, dir. Oz Perkins)
44. If Beale Street Could Talk (2018, dir. Barry Jenkins)
45. Inherent Vice (2014, dir. Paul Thomas Anderson)
46. Jenny Slate: Stage Fright (2019, dir. Gillian Robespierre)
47. Joe Pera Talks You to Sleep (2016, dir. Kieran O’Hare)
48. John Mulaney & the Sack Lunch Bunch (2019, dir. Rhys Thomas)
49. Late Spring (1949, dir. Yasujirȏ Ozu)
50. Long Day’s Journey Into Night (2018, dir. Bi Gan)
51. Lyle (2014, dir. Stewart Thorndike)
52. Ma (2019, dir. Tate Taylor)
53. Magnolia (1999, dir. Paul Thomas Anderson)
54. Man with a Movie Camera (1929, dir. Dziga Vertov)
55. Maniac (2018, dir. Cary Joji Fukunaga)
56. Marriage Story (2019, dir. Noah Baumbach)
57. Maudie (2016, dir. Aisling Walsh)
58. Mean Streets (1973, dir. Martin Scorsese)
59. Metropolis (1927, dir. Fritz Lang)
60. Miami Vice (2006, dir. Michael Mann)
61. Michelle Wolf: Joke Show (2019, dir. Lance Bangs)
62. Midsommar (2019, dir. Ari Aster)
63. Mike Birbiglia: My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend (2013, dir. Seth Barrish)
64. Molly’s Game (2017, dir. Aaron Sorkin)
65. Move Over, Darling (1963, dir. Michael Gordon)
66. Nowhere (1997, dir. Gregg Araki)
67. Okja (2017, dir. Bong Joon-ho)
68. Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood (2019, dir. Quentin Tarantino)
69. Pet Sematary (2019, dir. Kevin Kölsch & Dennis Widmyer)
70. Pink Flamingos (1972, dir. John Waters)
71. Possession (1981, dir. Andrzej Żuławski)
72. R.E.M.: Road Movie (1996, dir. Peter Care)
73. Reality Bites (1994, dir. Ben Stiller)
74. Rocketman (2019, dir. Dexter Fletcher)
75. Roman J. Israel, Esq. (2017, dir. Dan Gilroy)
76. Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975, dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini)
77. Sátántangó (1994, dir. Béla Tarr)
78. Serial Mom (1994, dir. John Waters)
79. Scandal Sheet (1952, dir. Phil Karlson)
80. Scooby-Doo (2002, dir. Raja Gosnell)
81. She’s All That (1999, dir. Robert Iscove)
82. Shocker (1989, dir. Wes Craven)
83. Song to Song (2017, dir. Terrence Malick)
84. Sorcerer (1977, dir. William Friedkin)
85. Southland Tales (2006, dir. Richard Kelly)
86. Suspiria (2018, dir. Luca Guadagnino)
87. The Age of Innocence (1993, dir. Martin Scorsese)
88. The Aviator (2004, dir. Martin Scorsese)
89. The Beach Bum (2019, dir. Harmony Korine)
90. The Bellboy (1960, dir. Jerry Lewis)
91. The Blackcoat’s Daughter (2015, dir. Oz Perkins)
92. The Box (2009, dir. Richard Kelly)
93. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920, dir. Robert Wiene)
94. The Dead Don’t Die (2019, dir. Jim Jarmusch)
95. The Farewell (2019, dir. Lulu Wang)
96. The Fast and the Furious (2001, dir. Rob Cohen)
97. The Favourite (2018, dir. Yorgos Lanthimos)
98. The Fourth Man (1983, dir. Paul Verhoeven)
99. The Goodbye Place (1996, dir. Richard Kelly)
100. The House That Jack Built (2018, dir. Lars von Trier)
101. The Invitation (2015, dir. Karyn Kusama)
102. The Irishman (2019, dir. Martin Scorsese)
103. The King of Comedy (1982, dir. Martin Scorsese)
104. The Little Hours (2017, dir. Jeff Baena)
105. The Long Day Closes (1992, dir. Terence Davies)
106. The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2018, dir. Terry Gilliam)
107. The New World (2005, dir. Terrence Malick)
108. The Polka King (2017, dir. Maya Forbes)
109. The Queen (1968, dir. Frank Simon)
110. The Rainmaker (1997, dir. Francis Ford Coppola)
111. The Skin I Live In (2011, dir. Pedro Almodóvar)
112. The Lonely Island Presents: The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience (2019, dir. Mike Diva & Akiva Schaffer)
113. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948, dir. John Huston)
114. The War Room (1993, dir. Chris Hegedus & D.A. Pennebaker)
115. The Warriors (1979, dir. Walter Hill)
116. True Romance (1993, dir. Tony Scott)
117. Unedited Footage of a Bear (2014, dir. Ben O’Brien & Alan Resnick)
118. Us (2019, dir. Jordan Peele)
119. Under the Silver Lake (2018, dir. David Robert Mitchell)
120. When I Get Home (2019, dir. Alan Ferguson, Solange Knowles, Terence Nance, Jacolby Satterwhite & Ray Tintori)
121. Widows (2018, dir. Steve McQueen)
122. Zach Galifianakis: Live at the Purple Onion (2006, dir. Michael Bliedevn)
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imperiuswrecked · 5 years
The best version of Aquaman (Batman the Brave and the Bold) still isn't better than Namor. I don't hate Aquaman by any means, but his characterization is all over the place (alternating from lovable goofball to a pit of boiling rage and vengeance) and he just isn't anywhere near as compelling as Namor. The only thing Aquaman has over Namor is pure physical strength (He's strong enough to bench press the Earth) and his wife.
I don’t hate Aquaman, I knew about him long long before Namor and tried getting into the character, reading his comics, I watched all the DC Animated shows etc. But he just doesn’t do it for me, the character himself is not as compelling as Namor, he’s not nearly as deep.
With Arthur you have a classic tale of a lost prince returning to his rightful throne and taking his place as King. The very name Arthur, from King Arthur. The character was not nearly an outcast as much as Namor was, he grew up human, he looks like any other human and he is white. Also in the beginning Arthur was not even Half Human Half Atlantean as Namor was, he was a Human whose father did science experiments on him to allow him to breathe underwater. This is in his first issue ( where he also fights nazis like namor was doing years before) and I talk more about what Aquaman the Movie took from Namor here
Fun Comics #73
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Arthur and later Orm, take alot of things from Namor and DC treats their Atlanteans better by giving them more world building. Unlike Marvel who lets Namor flounder, DC keeps Aquaman relevant and treats him like an A Lister.
The reason I would guess you see a disconnect between the different aspects of Arthur is that they constantly try to change him to be more like Namor, but he isn’t. Arthur is a Kind Character imo. He is a good man and most importantly unlike Namor, who is an Anti-Hero, Arthur is a Hero. period. He does not embody Anti-Hero status like Namor does and never will. However DC has been taking things from Namor since the beginning, just look at Black Adam’s character design, etc.
Now, Movie Aquaman takes it one step further and casts Momoa, who would have been a great Namor, and claim its taking inspiration from Peter David’s Aquaman run in the 90s, but when we look further back into that series we see more Namor similarities besides the fact that Namor is Biracial like Momoa.
You see, at the time of PAD’s Aquaman run, he had just left Marvel where Namor’s 90′s comic by Bryne, later art by Jae Lee, was drawing to a close. (1990 - 1995) By this point Namor has gone through and come out of his Savage Sub-Mariner run, where Jae Lee’s art left a impression on a lot of people, he gave Namor long wild hair, and had him more grimdarker than usual. It was the 90s. 
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Now begins Aquaman’s 90s (1994-2001) comic run and we see Arthur with longer hair, and a more savage attitude after he loses an hand and replaces it with a harpoon hand.  Coincidence? Maybe. However from the numerous times I’ve seen how much has been taken from Namor, I’m not inclined to believe that. 
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So at this point we have PAD cranking out what some people will call a great time for Aquaman and he goes further than that, way back in 1990 he had already laid down the foundation for a definitive DC  Atlantis and gives us its history in the Atlantis Chronicles.
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(btw I highly rec the Atlantis Chronicles if you like fantasy stuff like this)
Now we come to a point where Aquaman has a definitive world, and he has a new personality, and from now on, he will always swing between the traditional Aquaman, and the AquaNamor personalities. Now I’m not nearly as well versed in Aquaman lore as I am in Namors but there was a definitive shift in his character and the old goofy Aquaman from the old Justice League cartoons is one part of the character and the newer more Namor like personalty is another part. 
Ask: Me pointing our similarities between Aquaman and Savage Sub-Mariner
Ask: Me talking about the differences between hero aquaman and anti-hero namor
Brave and the Bold Aquaman is honestly my favorite version of the animated cartoons and Flashpoint Paradox is my least favorite, I like his big heartedness and he really reminds me of Marvel’s Hercules. As for physical strength? I’m not 100 % certain about that, Namor is very strong and has gone toe to toe with the Hulk who breaks worlds and lots of other stronger characters. 
A recent video went into great detail explaining why Aquaman would beat Namor but they spent so much time researching Aquaman and gave his overview a full extra minute while rushing through Namor’s. In the end they state Aquaman’s telepathic ability (which imo is the only major difference in their powers, besides flight) renders Namor motionless and allows Aquaman to defeat him, to which I say bullshit. Namor has beaten the effects of mind control from the Purple Man, and has a very strong will. It was just a cop out to play favorites because in the end, the Aquaman vs Namor debate is just a popularity contest that Aquaman won long ago. Also if people bring up the 90s comic battle thats also a popularity contest that in the end Aquaman had to cheat to win.
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thenightling · 5 years
Name a favorite movie from each year since you were born. (Personal note. The Trouble is I have a a lot of favorites from before I was born or some years with multiple films I liked and some years within my life, in which there was no film I liked at all...) 1981. An American werewolf in London 1982. Dark Crystal 1983. Something Wicked This way Comes 1984. The Company of Wolves / Ghostbusters 1985. Fright Night 1986. Labyrinth / Highlander  1987. Lost Boys 1988. Fright Night: Part 2 / Beetlejuice / Child's Play 1989. The Little mermaid / Ghostbusters 2 1990. Edward Scissorhands / Child's Play 2 1991. Beauty and the Beast 1992. Bram Stoker's Dracula 1993. Nightmare before Christmas / Hocus Pocus / The Halloween Tree 1994. Interview with the vampire 1995. Casper 1996. Hunchback of Notre dame / The Canterville Ghost  1997. Anastasia / Men in Black 1998. Mulan / Les Miserables (Liam Neeson version) 1999. Sleepy Hollow 2000. Dark prince: The True story of Dracula 2001. She-Creature (not like the 50s film of the same name) 2002. Spider-Man 2003. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl / League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 2004. Frankenstein (Luke Goss version) / Hellboy / Van Helsing 2005. Corpse Bride 2006. Pan's Labyrinth / Dracula (Marc Warren version)  2007. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme / Stardust 2008. Let the Right one In / Hellboy 2: The Golden Army 2009. Trick r Treat / Dorian Gray / Coraline 2010. Sorcerer's Apprentice / Despicable me 2011. Thor 2012. Woman in Black / Avengers / Hotel Transylvania / Dario Argento’s Dracula 2013. Frozen / Despicable Me 2 2014. Maleficent / I, Frankenstein   2015. Crimson Peak 2016. Doctor Strange 2017. The Shape of Water / Wonder Woman 2018. Aquaman / Hotel Transylvania 3 2019. Shazam If you want to try this, feel free to give it a go.
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mmoviejournal · 5 years
I, Frankenstein (2014) 
Love, Rosie (2014)
Black Panther (2018)
Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
Definitely, maybe (2008)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
XoXo (2016)
Verónica (2017)
Still Alice (2014)
War Machine (2017)
I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2017)
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
Bad Boys (1995)
Bad Boys II (2003)
The Words (2012)
Insidious: the last key (2018)
Wall-E (2008)
White Chicks (2004)
The Good Dinosaur (2015)
Frailty (2001)
Belle (2013)
Rise of the guardians (2012)
Bright (2018)
Zootopia (2016)
Irreplaceable You (2018)
The Holiday (2006)
Creed (2015)
The Shape of Water (2017)
Red Eye (2005)
Orphan (2009)
Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
Rogue one (2016)
Lovesong (2016)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
Annihilation (2018)
Tallulah (2016)
Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Miss you already (2015)
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017)
The In Laws (2003)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
Legend (2015)
Freeheld (2015)
The Maze Runner: Death Cure (2018)
Tomb Raider (2018)
The Aristocats (1970)
Suffragette (2015)
Annie (2014)
Hollow in the land (2017)
Suicide Squad (2016)
¿Qué culpa tiene el niño?  (2016)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Deepwater Horizon (2016)
American Assassin (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Collateral Beauty (2016)
Alien (1979)
The Girl with all the Gifts (2016)
A little Princess (1995)
Girls Trip (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Rough Night (2017)
Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
Baby Driver (2017)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Seven Pounds (2008)
Comet (2014)
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
Gone Girl (2014)
Only lovers left alive (2013)
Twelve Monkeys (1995)
Total Recall (2012)
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)
Predestination (2014)
Finding Dory (2016)
Nightcrawler (2014)
Super 8 (2011)
The Reader (2008)
Cargo (2017)
But I’m a Cheerleader (1999)
Morning Glory (2010)
Certain Women (2016)
Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle (2017)
Contagion (2011)
13 going on 30 (2004)
Just Like Heaven (2005)
The Duchess (2008)
Love, Simon (2018)
The Incredibles (2004)
Walk the Line (2005)
Alex Strangelove (2018)
The Breadwinner (2017)
Flores Raras (2013) 
Set it up (2018)
Ocean’s Eight (2018)
Duck Butter (2018)
Sisters (2015)
Teenage Cocktail (2016)
The Feels (2017)
Tau (2018)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
Tomorrowland (2015)
Lady Bird (2017)
Iboy (2017)
The Help (2011)
To all the Boys I’ve loved before (2018)
Eden Lake (2008)
A Quiet Place (2018)
The Martian (2015)
The Purge: Election Year (2016)
Unbroken (2014)
Like Father (2018)
Aeon Flux (2005)
Disobedience (2017)
Princess of Thieves (2001)
Sierra Burgess Is a Loser (2018)
Ultraviolet (2006)
Jupiter Ascending (2015)
About Time (2013)
The Open House (2018)
The Girl King (2015)
Aliens (1986)
Spirited Away (2001)
Hush (2016)
Desert Hearts (1985)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015)
The Girl on the Train (2016)
Young Adult (2011)
Next Gen (2018)
Train to Busan (2016)
SPF-18 (2017)
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2012)
Thirteen (2003)
The Indian in the Cupboard (1995)
Maximum Ride (2016)
La belle Saison (2015)
Mother! (2017)
The Equalizer (2014)
Gi-eok-ui bam (2017)
Sinister (2012)
The Terminal (2004)
Burn after Reading (2008)
Christmas Inheritance (2017)
Hereditary (2018)
Nappily Ever After (2018)
John Tucker must die (2006)
King Cobra (2016)
Straight A's (2013)
Hearts beat loud (2018)
Children of Men (2006)
Coin heist (2017)
Coraline (2009)
xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)
Dark Places (2015)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)
Scream 3 (2000)
Mustang (2015)
Scream 4 (2011)
Baywatch (2017)
Novitiate (2017)
The Purge (2013)
Storks (2016)
Slap Her, She's French! (2002)
Horns (2013)
Tully (2018)
Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016)
Candy Jar (2018)
Toy Story 2 (1999)
Toy Story 3 (2010)
Arrival (2016)
The Road to El Dorado (2000)
Operation Finale (2018)
Balto (1995)
Venom (2018)
Jenny’s Wedding (2015)
This Beautiful Fantastic (2016)
Oliver & Company (1988)
D.E.B.S. (2004)
The Iron Giant (1999)
The Purge: Anarchy (2014)
The United States of Leland (2003)
Gerald’s Game (2017)
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (1993)
FernGully: The Last Rainforest (1992)  
Yes Man (2008)
Lights Out (2016)
The Incredible Jessica James (2017)
Brain on Fire (2016)
American Ultra (2015)
Fighting (2009)
Errementari (2017)
It Follows (2014)
Friends with Money (2006)
AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Laggies (2014)
The eyes of my Mother (2016)
Malevolent (2018)
The night comes for us (2018)
Extinction (2018)
Friday the 13th (2009)
The Grudge (2004)
Kuntilanak (2018)
Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
Friday the 13th: The final Chapter (1984)
With a Kiss I die (2018)
The Duke of Burgundy (2014)
Hangman (2017)
The Grudge 2 (2006)
Apostle (2018)
Jennifer’s body (2009)
Verónica (2017)
The Holiday Calendar (2018)
Shut in (2016)
Never let me go (2010)
Girlhood (2014) (Bande de filles)
You’re next (2011)
Clinical (2017)
Alien³ (1992)
Winged Creatures (2008)
First Girl I loved (2016)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
The Brave little Toaster (1987)
Underworld: Awakening (2012)
Underworld: Blood Wars (2016)
What dreams may come (1998)
Juzni Vetar (2018)
Equalizer (2018)
Kung Fu Panda (2008)
When a stranger calls (2006)
Beach Rats (2017)
Hocus Pocus (1993)
Inxeba (2017)
Focus (2015)
Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)
Safe House (2012)
Hellboy (2004)
Happy Anniversary (2018)
El laberinto del fauno (2006)
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) 
Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List (2015)
The Book of Eli (2010)
It’s Complicated (2009)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018)
Obvious Child (2014)
Sorry to bother you (2018)
Before I Fall (2017)
22 July (2018)
Becks (2017)
Every Day (2018)
Wild (2014)
Letters to Juliet (2010)
The spy who dumped me (2018)
Inside Man (2006)
The Nun (2018)
Catch Hell (2014)
Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Cam (2018)
Monster in law (2005)
God’s own country (2017) 
The Keeping Room (2014)
The Flatliners (2017)
Little Women (1994)
The East (2013)
Elysium (2013)
I Spit on your Grave 2 (2013)
The Craft (1996)
My cousin Rachel (2017)
The Princess Switch (2018)
Big Fish (2003)
Regression (2015)
I Spit on Your Grave 3: Vengeance Is Mine (2015)
The First Purge (2018)
We bought a Zoo (2011)
The Pagemaster (1994)
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)
Gemini (2017)
Only you (1994)
Christopher Robin (2018)
The Wedding Date (2005)
Led (2018)
Race (2016)
127 Hours (2010)
Eat Pray Love (2010)
Gravity (2013) 
Lila & Eve (2015)
Salt (2010)
G.I. Jane (1997)
Divergent (2014)
Red Riding Hood (2011)
Passion (2012)
Catfight (2016)
Insurgent (2015)
A Christmas Prince (2017)
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding (2018)
Changeling (2008)
Burlesque (2010)
El Camino Christmas (2017)
The Clapper (2017)
Battle (2018)
Jekyll Island (2017)
Amateur (2018)
Mowgli (2018)
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (2016)
Miss Meadows (2014)
Halloween (2018)
The Little Mermaid (2018)
Roma (2018)
Lizzie (2018)
Man on Fire (2004)
Aquaman (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
An Hour Behind (2017)
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