#Arkan Albeit Developments
arkanalbeit · 1 year
Arkan Albeit Developments - شركة أركان البيت للتطوير العقاري
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wanderinggrizzly · 3 months
Just saw the Dragon Age Veilguard trailer and I……..
It’s been ten years since Inquisition. Ten years of development on the game and changes in the studio and EA pushing for new game directions, lead artists and designers leaving the company. BioWare has been on thin ice for so long, so precariously balanced with their fans who are ready to abandon the entire company that keeps misinterpreting what people actually want. So then today we get this Veilguard trailer. What was that? I mean this literally, what IS this game going to be? We dropped the Dreadwolf name and swapped it for Veilguard. Changes the tone already. People are comparing the new vibes to Suicide Squad (which for dragon age lore and Wardens isn’t totally out of place, albeit a different mood), and comparing the departure from the story driven RPG to what happened with Arkane Studios and Redfall (i.e. publisher EA forcing story driven single player RPG company to make a multiplayer online live service shooter).
The trailer was dogshit. People are comparing it to Borderlands, Fortnite, mobile games, Suicide Squad. And all those comparisons are totally accurate. What is this game going to be? Ten years of development. Ten years of fans of the series waiting for this grand conclusion to an apocalyptic world(s) event. Ten years waiting to take on actual gods combatting undead twisted demons and ghouls and darkspawn.
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gdadp2 · 11 months
First person research
Alien: Isolation:
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Alien isolation is a first person horror game, based on the film series Alien. There are some third-person cutscenes, but for most of the game, it is in a first person perspective. Players must hide and fight the alien, as well as human and robot enemies
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Alien: Isolation, like most horror games, has a focus on sound. The sound you produce, accidentally or not may draw unwanted attention.
Amnesia: The Bunker
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Amnesia is also quite similar to Alien: Isolation, albeit, slightly more hardcore, with less handholding and more resource management, and a bigger focus on noise.
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Players don't have a motion sensor like in Alien, and are forced to have to listen. Players must also worry more about the noise they make.
Chivalry 2
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Chivalry is a PvP melee game. While it can be played in third person, the game is built for first person. Players can fight in small duels, or larger objective-based modes.
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One of the more interesting parts of the game is the first person melee combat, which is very good, compared to other melee systems like Skyrim
Ready or Not
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Ready or Not is an early-access first person tactical shooter developed by VOID Interactive. Players play as SWAT officers and clear a variety of levels, responding to barricaded suspects, bomb threats, etc.
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Ready or Not is still in early access at the moment, so a lot of features are subject to change, however according to the developers, a 1.0 update can be expected near the end of 2023.
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Marauders is an early access first-person shooter. It's an extraction shooter, similar to the more well known Escape from Tarkov, but set in an alternate universe, where WW1 didn't end, and went into space.
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Marauders' aesthetic is very unique, and personally, I like it a lot, I think it adds a lot to the game.
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Phasmophobia is a first-person horror game where the player takes on the role of a paranormal investigator as they try to identify the ghost that is haunting the building. Players must collect evidence around the house, and correctly identify what ghost is haunting the house.
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Phasmobia is also available to play in VR, even with players that are on PC, which is kind of super-first-person.
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SWAT 4 is a first-person tactical shooter made in 2005. Once again, players take on the role of a SWAT captain, responding to calls from around the city. One crucial difference between SWAT 4 and Ready or Not (aside from the games having around 15 years between them.) is that SWAT 4 is finished, not in early access, and it really shows, with each level being well crafted down to the smallest details, and robust gameplay systems.
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SWAT 4 is an old game, and will never be updated, nor an actual sequel made. However, this has had an interesting effect, in the form of a very active modding scene, I myself using the Elite Force mod. This modding scene, alongside the incredible base game has managed to keep this game as one of the top tactical shooters around today, even with the developer, Irrational Games shutting down years ago.
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SOMA is a narrative horror game, developed by Frictional Games, the same people behind the Amnesia series. SOMA has less of a focus on survival than Amnesia, instead focusing on stealth, puzzles and the narrative.
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Firewatch is a first person adventure game that follows Henry, a fire lookout. over the course of the game, it explores Henry's life, his developing relationship with his supervisor, but also a conspiracy in the forest.
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Firewatch's focus is solely narrative and immersion, it's world is beautiful but empty. But that's fine, because the story more than makes up for it.
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Dishonored is a stealth action adventure game developed by Arkane Studios, that follows Corvo Attano as he fights back against the people who framed him for the Empress' murder. It's unusual as a stealth game, as it is first person, with the majority of stealth games (Metal Gear, Splinter Cell, Hitman) using third person.
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ruler-of-scientists · 5 years
Eden ( Interaction transcript)
[ The Dome, ostensibly Grimwere's HQ on the Homeworld but also generally an open resource centre for biologists of all kinds across the metal planet. Nowhere else on the Homeworld, let alone the star cluster, possessed such a verdant and varied concentration of plants, it was a blast of colours and scents emanating from the sheer collection of flora available here. It was a miniature paradise contained in glass visible from above even in space, standing out from the myriad of other metal structures...
Grimwere *did* like to make a statement.
At present, Deire was wandering through the jungle-like interior, ears swivelling about, searching for any sound of her host; she had a subtle glow about her, as if she were psionically protecting herself from any lingering scents or possible insect life. Auri followed close behind, not quite as phased, unprotected by any fields as he was. ]
Deire: Hm, hm...where is she....
Auri: We are nearing the coordinates translated in the message.
Deire: Imagine being inside a building so large it requires navigational coordinates to get anywhere. [ it's said in a lightly sarcastic tone as she floats onwards, pushing through some thick leaves ]
???: Oh, there you are!
[Deire would recognize this voice, and perhaps get bothered by the mildly amused tone those words have. A feminine Arkan would appear shortly afterwards from the depths of the more lush section of the greenery, ruby red eyes glistening with delight.]
???: [Hovering in rather calmly, like she spends so much time in this place it's not that hard to navigate for her.] It's been a while, hasn't it, Deire? [Then notices the accompanying starman and acknowledges him with a polite nod.] Hello, Auri. Nice having both of you here today~
[Her fur has a quite pale, greenish coloration that seems to match harmoniously with those ruby eyes. There's a holographic screen idling next to her, indicating that she was taking some notes, perhaps working on something.]
Deire: [ raised an eyebrow at the clear amusement, though doesn't take it further than that. Instead she...offers a small smile, hovering a little closer to the other Arkan. ] Indeed it has been...Eden. Perhaps too long. Taking over from Veryn has done a number on my ability to find free time for anything else.
Auri: Fortunate then that you were sensible enough to -vrr- send Deire an invitation, Madam. She would never have left the Tower otherwise.
Deire: Oh, hush. [ looks back to Eden, noting the holographic screen] Hm. Working on something plant-related I assume? I can hardly imagine little else, given our surroundings. [ gestures around herself, vaguely ]
Eden: [Shaking her head lightly.] That I can tell, you look like you haven't gotten proper rest in ages... [Then blinks, noticing the screen in a way that suggests she was actually going to close it, and indeed does so.] It's just a little project I've been developing, but nothing too impressive. To Grimwere, at least. I imagine he must be too busy at the moment to look at a handful of sprouts.
[And her tone on that statement is a still somewhat amused one, as she gently makes a beckoning gesture and turns around, to hover towards a nearby table with a bench next to it. There's already a kettle and two cups waiting on it.]
Deire: I wouldn't be surprised, he seems fonder of grander designs...then again you never know with him. He's so very secretive. [ she followed Eden along, ears rising in intrigue at the sight of the table with the assorted tea set waiting for them. She raised an eyebrow as she sat down, Auri standing guard nearby. ] Hm...I haven't had tea in some time. But it would be very welcome. You think of everything, don't you?
Eden: You know me~ [And she smiles somewhat knowingly, while sitting down.] I am aware of the properties of coffee, but tea has a lot to offer too, especially when it comes to stress. How do you think I manage to stay this calm for so long? [And for a moment it looks like she will laugh, but instead her expression rather fades.] ...Ah yes, secretive. I suppose that's one thing he and Veryn have in common, huh...? 
Deire: Honestly I should take life lessons from you and drink more tea, it would make things much easier I think... [ she actually takes the liberty of levitating the kettle and pouring the tea into both cups for them, taking her cup and raising it in acknowledgement to her host before taking a sniff of the tea's aroma and sighing, looking into its depths ponderously with a similarly ponderous expression. ] Yes, Veryn is quite the secret-keeper himself....rather distressingly so. I imagine Grimwere keeps a lot of them from you, does he not? Secrets? I suppose it must not bother you too much considering his position over yours...no offence. 
[Eden's smile returns, albeit to a smaller degree, as Deire serves the tea. Then she levitates the cup closer to her and carefully blows into it, though she doesn't think it's too hot, but one is never too careful.]
Eden: Well... I believe we work in different areas. Some subjects might overlap, but I try to not let it affect me. I don't think our viewpoints are the same, anyway...
[Then she pauses for a second to take a liiiittle sip, and her smile widens.]
Eden: It's chamomile. Ever heard of chamomile?
Deire:  Hm, I suppose that has its merits. If we all shared the same viewpoints then there would be no room for new creation. [ She decided not to elaborate on her own inner turmoil- over how Veryn was keeping secrets from her, despite her loyalty to him. Her relationship with her mentor was different from the one Eden shared with Grimwere it seemed, so perhaps she wouldn't understand.
Deciding to focus on the tea, she takes a sip herself, and blinks once, before looking up at Eden, intrigued] ...no, I'm afraid I have not. There are a lot of teas available on the intergalactic market but this is foreign to me...then again I am no tea expert. It *is* pleasant however. [ the tip of her tail was waving slowly to and fro as if to demonstrate this, she was quite at ease now. ]
[Even despite how satisfying it is for her to see Deire simmering down, Eden can still tell that something is bothering her, and it's not just the overall stress of her work.
Perhaps she will manage to discuss it properly with her, perhaps not. The important thing now, either way, is Deire's well-being. It seems clear that she hasn't had a decent break in too long and, as one of her closest colleagues, Eden simply can't allow such thing. It's not only detrimental in a personal sense, but a practical one as well. How can Deire expect to perform efficiently when she's not giving herself enough time to recharge? Unacceptable.]
Eden: Oh no, you're quite right. This flavor is considered a rarity. [And she takes another sip, and her own tail begins waving softly, as if showing content.] It's from a planet called... [Pauses, seemingly trying to recall.] Earth? I think?
Deire: [ takes another sip, but pauses when Eden mentioned Earth; she lowers the cup, savouring the taste before swallowing her sip of tea, then addressed the current topic of interest with ears straight up, indicating clear intrigue. ] Earth...that planet that concerns the Giegue incident? The very same? Intriguing. I suppose this tea is a human invention then. Hm.  [ she peers more closely at the tea now, not like there was anything wrong or suspicious about it, but more out of increased curiosity. ]
[Eden tilts her head. Like it takes her a moment to recall, but then does so. Then nods.]
Eden: The Giegue incident, yes... [Then takes yet another, more thoughtful sip.] There were some rumors about that. Rumors about the discovery of even more life forms capable of PSI, though... if you ask me, it shouldn't be too surprising at this point. The rest of the Solar System has already shown high concentrations of psionic energy. If anything, it's interesting that it's available in so many planets in a row, don't you think...?
Deire: We aren't the only species to have developed psionics, but...still, for it to have developed in such a high concentration of planets is rare in itself. [ she frowned] Nontheless, humanity stole that power...they didn't develop it naturally and as such they have to be punished. Our species is not one to be crossed. [ polite sip] I'm amazed you managed to obtain such tea at all, it has to be contraband.... [ a small, somewhat cheeky smirk, very unlike her but oddly befitting. ] How did you obtain this, Eden? 
Eden: [Shrugs lightly, and shows another amused smile.] Maybe they were jealous, who knows... [And the smile seems to intensify when Deire herself smiles.] Nothing too spectacular. A friend of a friend, you know... Earth seems to have caught a lot of people's attention with this whole issue. 
Deire: A 'friend of a friend?' My, and I though I was the only one with such connections...then again, I use mine for salad. [ it was said in a clearly amused tone, the Arkan taking another sip of her tea before putting the cup down and interlacing her fingers] It will catch a lot more attention soon enough....hopefully the same entities you've received this contraband from will stay away once our activities there begin. Third parties won't be tolerated. 
Eden: [Doesn't shrug to not look too repetitive, but her expression clearly indicates that she would have shrugged otherwise.] That would be their problem. I would just have to look for a different tea flavor, and I like experimenting, so... [Takes another sip, then seems to observe Deire more attentively.] Is it true then? Will there be a mission to stop Earth's psionic potential from developing any further? 
Deire: Oh, it's certainly true. And it's not the matter of 'will there be' either- it's currently ongoing. One of our commanders is on his way to the Earth as we speak, in a warship, with an army. [says this rather casually, as if talking about a mission possibly involving war was some easy conversation topic as opposed to anything dreadfully serious. ] I hope it will be a swift campaign, one small planet isn't worth even one army in my honest opinion. 
Eden: It certainly isn't... [Squints with a hint of concern, but not about the prospect of war at all, that's everyday life. She's merely as intrigued about indeed getting so overworked about what's practically considered a little speck of dirt compared to other planets.] ...Do you think they might know something we ignore? Something about this planet...? 
Deire: [ paused. What a peculiar thing Eden had just said. she was about to take another sip of her tea (practically the last sip before it was finished) but stopped to look at Eden over the rim of the cup instead.] It's to curb the spread of PSI, Eden. Little more. Though the identity of the commander tasked with the mission makes it all rather...intriguing. 
Eden: Just because they... stole it? I mean, don't get me wrong, that's a very fair motive... There's just something odd about it, it almost feels like they think PSI wielding earthlings could represent an actual... [Then suddenly pauses upon catching that last bit, ears standing up.] Oh? Why would that be? Who is it...? 
Deire: [ finally finishes her tea, then puts the cup down and funnily enough licks her lips a little in some satisfaction, before she sat straight and looked at Eden neutrally. ] Well, if you must know...the reason it is intriguing is because the commander tasked with leading the invasion is that curious specimen raised by humans himself.
Deire: Of course, I'm talking about Giegue.
[ Deire and Eden are now available for asks! ]
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gregellner · 6 years
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Cover by Arkane Studios.
 Following up from my reviews on Dishonored: Death of the Outsider and Dishonored: The Corroded Man (among others in the @dishonored franchise), here’s my review of the sequel to the latter work and the prequel to the former, Dishonored: The Return of Daud, written by Adam Christopher and published by Titan Books.
 A warning: This review has spoilers. Not only for this book, but also some for other Dishonored properties, in particular the game Dishonored 2.
Much like before, let’s first go into the newest developments in the magic of the Void, both implied and outright stated.
First comes a way of a Marked individual (in this case Daud) having their powers weaken or even turn against them. Daud is obsessed with his latest quest to kill the Outsider, to stop the nightmares that plague every night, but his aims are so different than when he first started out. He is utterly obsessed, and driven by a need for power rather than using power as the means to an end. As such, this different thinking might have led to the loss of some of his connection to his powers. This is best seen when he tries to take in the power of a rune (usually used to upgrade the user’s abilities), but both shatters the rune and feels weakened, as if he injected his own power into the object rather than draw from it. Some may have thought this problem to merely be one regarding his lack of proper training, but as shown by his talk with the Outsider in this book, as well as the one he had toward the beginning of the downloadable content to the first game called The Knife of Dunwall, his mentality and methods have both changed a great deal with his assumption of power, and given that the Void is more of a cognitive dimension than anything else, that could lead to problems.
 This change can also be seen in Dishonored 2 with Corvo Attano’s (non-canonical) re-assumption of the Mark. While his powers were similar to the first time, they still had differences that had to do with a difference in station and mission. Another example could be the boy who knew only fear and loneliness, the originator of the rat plague fifteen years prior. As his power grew and his fear dissipated, he was turned to a Weeper just like his victims. That difference may just be luck, but there is still the possibility.
 Much like in the game that takes place after this story, there is more emphasis on how relics of the Void operate. For one, we have confirmation that the powers granted by the Void (in particular the “Void Strike” maneuver, but likely also the ability to craft runes and more) is gone from the Twin-bladed Knife following Billie Lurk having dealt with the Outsider (whether lethally or nonlethally is never discussed). However, she also remains capable of both time travel (and admits to have come from three years in the future from the present time of the book) and summoning the weapon from her black shard arm. Are only the artifacts directly involved with the creation of Outsider himself de-powered after his fall, or is this just a residual effect? Or, if the Outsider is still alive (as is one option), is he still capable of some Void magic of his own enough to grant Billie passage where she goes?
 Furthermore, there is the revelation of a bonding of artifacts to specific people. Whether it is because of Billie having bonded to it in the safe from which she later stole it, or because Daud is not attuned to his powers anymore, it has a drastic, mystically fatal effect on him. We already knew he was unwell, but now the reason behind that is also clear and suitably tragic.
 Daud’s characterization for this story is in fitting with how he is portrayed elsewhere. Rather than actually take responsibility for what he has done, he opts to blame everything on the Outsider, and seeks to kill him seemingly primarily to end his own nightmares. This mission is pretty much a fool’s errand, considering his failings are due to he himself, not the Outsider, and he was merely given the tools to act out however he wanted. That’s pretty much all that the Outsider does unless something is directly impacting him (such as the machinations of Delilah Copperspoon). This ultimately turns him into the villain of his own story, much like he ended up being by the time of Death of the Outsider, and even the Outsider himself calls him out on his short-sightedness, not to mention the aforementioned time-traveling Billie Lurk doing the same in her own way.
 His out-of-date information is a nice bridge between the eras of the first and second game. He has been so long without using his powers, so long just trying to make a different life for himself in exile from Dunwall, that he isn’t even aware of the upgrades made in spiritual replenishing technology, from Piero’s Spiritual Remedy (whose creator Piero Joplin is sadly deceased) to the Addermire Solution, and also deliberately keeps himself uninvolved with the goings on in the world to the point of not having known anything about the rise and fall of Zhukov (the main antagonist of the prior novel) or the incipient coup against Empress Emily Kaldwin, blaming the latter on Duke Luca Abele rather than Delilah (who he never really figures out has escaped from the fate he had for her).
 The most interesting character who is not actually seen directly in any scene would have to be Wyman, the noble who is Empress Emily Kaldwin’s love interest. With the revelation of their high level of authority in a secretive organization of which perhaps not even the Empress is aware, Wyman becomes all the more intriguing a figure in the grand scheme of this era. Their (the narrative always uses a third person for them to keep from giving any indications about the Empress’ sexual preference) very personal mission to kill Daud for the death of the mother of their girlfriend and/or lover makes a lot of sense, but perhaps indicates a mixing of priorities. After all, if none of these threats could be found out due to their more personal interest in Emily, perhaps someone else should be in charge of this “League?” That said, they did succeed (after a fashion) in hiring the married Delvin couple, as odd as they are, so perhaps the mishandled priorities are something for Emily to deal with at a later point if she finds out about the League. The Delvins themselves come across as a more mundane, villainous version of the Luteces from BioShock: Infinite, but do not do enough to really merit much discussion beyond being interesting, somewhat amusing, odd figures.
 While Billie Lurk’s appearance is short, it is no less memorable, in part due to partially explaining what she has been doing since the end of her game. She comes across as a tragic heroine, one trying to not only go on random missions for money, but to outright save the world through her manipulations of time and use of the semi-powerless Twin-bladed Knife. How does this connect to her decision to save Martha Cottings after she killed Gritz and the Wyrmwood Witch back in the pre-Dishonored 2 comic storyline The Wyrmwood Deceit (by Gordon Rennie, Andrea Olimpieri [@andreaolimpieri], and Marcelo Maiolo)?
 Some of the side characters that only appear in one of the book’s three Parts also have some interest to them. Eat ‘Em Up Jack is sort of fun, but largely forgettable, being a pretty normal crime boss for Dunwall and not as interesting or fun as Slackjaw. On the other hand, Maximilian Norcross is far more interesting, and his lack of powers makes him no less dangerous, nor less utterly abominable. In fact, he could easily be the most detestable person in the entirety of the Dishonored franchise, and one rightfully called “moonstruck” at one point.
Owing to its nature as a sequel to The Corroded Man (albeit one disconnected in most ways), Adam Christopher uses the makeup of the novel to help determine some things about the timeline, not to mention make some nods to the other story.
 Daud’s infiltration of Greaves Auxiliary Whale Slaughterhouse 5 on Slaughterhouse Row seems to coincide with the beginning of Dishonored 2, to the point that he actually sees Emily escaping the guards and going off to the Dreadful Wale. His interrogations also reveal that the events of that novel happened about eight months before this one, meaning we have a timetable of sorts for when the second game occurred.
 His theft of the piece of a certain piece of a mysterious black mirror (the inter-dimensional super-mirror made by Zhukov in an attempt to save Jessamine and his own job) later down the story is another nod, and although he does not seem to understand its true relevance, he does know it has a connection to the Void. That said, the fact that there were apparently flames reflected in it indicate that there is still a connection to the horrific High Chaos timeline of Jessamine’s survival, so perhaps it is for the best that he does not have the full thing. If he did, someone could have gone back to try to fix things. On the other hand, if he did understand, perhaps he could have had a rested mind and stopped this insane, self-destructive quest earlier, potentially even averting his own inevitable demise.
Each of the stories of the Dishonored franchise has a theme. This time, it’s one of responsibility.
 Daud continually ignores problems he could solve or at least help because of them being someone else’s problem. He implicitly maintains his own innocence in his assassination of Jessamine Kaldwin because he can (in his mind) blame it on the Outsider. While he tries to be a better person after being left alive and accepting an exile from Imperial society, as soon as he comes up with a way to blame his problems on someone else, he hangs on to it like a starving man to a loaf of bread. Ultimately, his goals in the novel are entirely selfish, barring one assassination he performs pro bono in the second part. By the third, he has pretty much become a monster, or at least one in training. By shaving off the beard that had grown in the time since he initially trapped Delilah, he basically cuts away that version of himself completely, and, despite him already being a wild man fixated on vengeance for something that is almost entirely his own fault, his obsession ultimately leads him to become the villain of his own tale, falling where Billie Lurk ultimately could rise above her demons to accept them as a part of herself, of humanity, and actually tried to stop something that is her own fault as well… but accepted that she can’t do so at all and moved on with her life.
Much like the comic storyline The Peeress and the Price (by Michael Moreci [@michael-moreci] and Andrea Olimpieri), this storyline gives some new details on the canonical direction of the franchise, cutting off some of the branching pathways. Emily being the true protagonist of Dishonored 2 is already known, but we have information on the nonlethal takedown of Breanna Ashworth, a lethal one on Duke Luca Abele (stated by the final words) and Paolo of the Howlers gang taking over for him instead. This information isn’t really important to the book, but some clarification does help things along.
In all, this book is a fitting continuation of the prior one, and a good way to close up Daud’s story. Looking forward to the third in this book series, though it still lacks a name.
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years
Spider-Man and stray cats take center stage as Sony showcases its PS5 gaming lineup
Several months after teasing a holiday release for the PlayStation 5 back at CES, Sony finally gave gamers a lengthy sneak peek at the next-gen console’s lineup. The event — which was initially set for last week before being pushed due to nationwide protests — comes a month after a similar event for Microsoft’s Xbox Series X.
Microsoft showcases 13 new titles for the Xbox Series X
The event was very much inline with a standard E3 presentation — albeit devoid of the standard live element, due to COVID-19-related restrictions. And honestly, it was a nice change after last year’s odd, low key Sony event at the gaming show, focused almost exclusively on gameplay. In fact, as the company noted, everything after the Grand Theft Auto V re-release trailer that opened the show was captured directly from a PS5. That, too, is a welcome change from the standard barrage of misleading trailers.
GTA V kicked off the show — a nod to the the 25th anniversary of the Playstation and the fact that every version of the console has had an installment of the the popular Rockstar series. An upgrade version of V will feature expanded gameplay when it launches in 2021. More excitingly is Spider-Man: Miles Morales, a sequel to the PS4 Marvel gaming title featuring the Into the Spider-Verse star. The title is set for a release alongside the new console in late 2020. 
Popular racing title, Gran Turismo followed, with extended gameplay. The 7th version of the series is set for release on PS5, as is a new installment of the Ratchet and Clank adventure series titled, Rift Apart. 
Among the more compelling new additions is Stray. Due out in 2021, the trailer didn’t reveal much, but the game appears to star a gifted stray cat set in a world where humans are mercifully no longer around. Honestly, I’m into it.
After another look at the PS5 DualSense controller we first saw in April, previews started getting faster and furiouser. The list includes LittleBigPlanet spinoff, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, Oddworld: Soulstorm, Returnal, Destruction Allstars and Ghostwire Tokyo. In January 2021, Agent 47 will return to PlayStation yet again, with the release of Hitman III.
Also arriving next year is Solar Ash, another title from AnnaPurna (also the studio behind stray), which was among the more aesthetically stunning entries of the day, with bold, flat colors. The Kickstarter-supported Little Devil Inside is another stunning addition with a distinct art style — among the cartooniest of the games we saw today.
And, of course, it wouldn’t be a proper PlayStation launch without at least one flagship gaming title. NBA 2K21 was the first to take center stage. The trailer featured the kind of closeup, realistic sweat one can only get with a next-gen console. Among the highest profile remakes for the PS5, meanwhile, is an update of 2009,’s PlayStation 3 RPG Demon’s Souls, from Bluepoint and Japan Studio.
A presentation that was largely devoid of first-person shooters (honestly, probably for the best given everything that’s been going on in the world) did feature Arkane Studio’s time-bending  Deathloop, however. There was another cat — this time holographic — in the trailer for Pragmata. The image of an astronaut walking through an abandoned Times Square was honestly a little too real right now. You’ll have to wait until 2022 for that one. The Horizon Zero Dawn sequel Forbidden West continued the close to hope apocalyptic vibes. Maybe things will feel less end-timesy when it arrives? Hard to say, but at least the graphics look great.
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sammgreer · 7 years
PREY - Review
How fitting for a game about issues of identity to have borrowed the name belonging to a completely unrelated game. There's barely even a passing wink to 3D Realm's daft shooter. Ah well.
What Prey is instead is a modern successor to System Shock but with heaps of novel ideas layered atop a familiar centre. It's also not too dissimilar from Arkane's Dishonored, albeit without the stealth focus. Whilst I think I prefer Dishonored overall (I'm a big stealth fan) I think Prey has a chance at being considered the best immersive sim around. What Prey has over them all is coherence. The game is a network of related systems, all interactive, fleshing out a single location.
Talos IV in this case, a corporate owned space station orbiting the moon in an alternate reality where the Kennedy space program took off due to first contact with a strange alien species. The station is the real star of the show. It is a completely intricate location where every staff member is  accounted for and every area has a logical contribution to the station's purpose. What a treat it is to not only be set loose on an intricate, dense location but one that fits together so completely. Whilst it never manages to be outright striking like the iconic Rapture, it still looks distinct; the decor offering a stylish retro themed alternative to the usual dull, gun metal grey corridors. And the score is a refreshingly stylish affair with the twang of an electric guitar cutting through the air instead of the bassy drone that seems the default for so much science fiction.
You play as Morgan Yu (who can be male or female depending on player choice), youngest child of the family owned Transtar corporation who run the station. Along with your eldest brother you're left stranded on the station, to deal with an alien menace. Worse, you've no memory of the last few months. Neuromods, the station's latest invention, allows anyone to acquire any recorded skill in seconds but it comes with a hefty price. Removing them resets the user's memory to just before they were installed. As a result you're left to pick up the pieces. Various characters will claim to be acting in your best interests but its up to you to pay attention if you want to decipher what's really going on and who to trust. There's a pleasant Philip. K. Dick vibe to it all, this oppressive paranoia dripping over everything. Even though it dulls over the game's many hours, it makes for an intriguing start. Beyond this beginning, what occurs is largely up to you and the game will react accordingly to every action you take. No matter what you do, you can reach a conclusion. Save the other survivors, leave them or even kill them if you somehow decide that's a good idea. Chase down secrets, discover what was really going on aboard the station and in your own past. Talos IV is so open to exploration, with dozens of connecting routes through every area. It's the density of details that impressed me the most. Looking for a specific crew member? Check the ship's roster which gives a location (in real time) for every single employee. Found a locked room? Hit a touch screen with foam darts through a vent in the roof to unlock the door.
Those examples are just scratching the surface and the further into the game you go, the more systems are made available, allowing you to exert more control within the established rules of the game world. I won't spoil the later secrets because discovery is so much of what makes Prey a joy to play. Even if I tried however there's almost no way I could spoil someone's experience with the game. There are so many approaches and options you will almost certainly have a distinctly different experience from me. Importantly, the game gives you plenty of reasons to try out these options. Part of that is narrative, with a moral element likely to factor into how you choose to approach a situation, chasing a particular outcome in the story. Other times its through design, with the game's admittedly steep difficulty pushing you towards finding alternative solutions or seeking new tools.
Enemies themselves are perhaps the least interesting area of the game. The much talked about mimics are, whilst somewhat tedious to actually fight, a neat idea. Able to imitate any object within the game world, you have to pay attention at all times to avoid ambushes. The novelty does wear off of course but by the time it does, the game offers you a device to identify them more easily, one of many instances where the game stays a step ahead of itself. The game's other foes feel relatively bog standard though. Phantoms are the main type and whilst they can have various properties that require unique counters, they're largely predictable. A few late game enemy types have their own twists, forcing you well outside your comfort zone but there's a long stretch of the game before they show up. All the enemies work well and they have that rare quality of feeling distinctly alien but few of them have much personality or leave a lasting impression.
What they all do pretty well is make you use the full extent of your arsenal. The devices you amass over its many hours are composed largely of "tools" with unique functions rather than dozens of guns. The GLOO gun for instance shoots a hardening foam which can be used to encase enemies, slowing them down, block doors or can even be used to create platforms to climb on. Then there's the abilities you unlock throughout, opening up an even greater array of approaches. Which does include, yes, the ability to turn into a coffee cup. Which has more uses than you might imagine.
The point is, the more you play the more creative you can be. A challenge you found daunting in the early hours or an obstacle that seemed impassable can be returned to, conquered with what you've acquired. It's the satisfaction of being given problems you can figure out your own solutions to that makes Prey feel so special. It puts its immersive sim competition like the new Deus Ex games to shame, with a depth and level of freedom that honestly felt a little dizzying at the start. I'm so used to endless waypoints, checkpoints and hand holding that absolute freedom can be overwhelming. It's also perfectly possible to overlook important information, fail to discover a helpful item or weapon. Nothing that will stop you being able to progress but can certainly make exploration all the more difficult.
It is exciting though and remains so as you see the effects of your choices throughout the game. Being one, interwoven location rather than broken up into distinct levels like Dishonored means your actions ripple through Talos IV much more organically. Events, both story-driven and player driven, develop nicely and lead to those “oh yeah...” moments as you bump into a result some hours down the line.
The story itself isn't the game's best feature. Your conflict with your brother is handled smartly, with their relationship fleshed out in the details rather than exposition but it does fail to deliver emotional punch, a real missed opportunity. A shame cause the game's characters are all pretty well written, with distinct, believable personalities from dozens of NPCs (with an admirable number of LGBT characters, including Female-Morgan). They even come with some great little sub-quests, offering some of the game's most emotionally satisfying moments. Prey uses e-mails and audio logs like a dozen games before it but sprinkles them carefully. Not to mention most only offer hints of important details, instead of a character having a monologue about their ideologies. You have to pay attention, read between the lines and that means I engaged with the information offered instead of passively absorbing exposition. With a deft hand and constant trickle of details the story and world managed to hold my attention.
All of which sadly leads to a predictable though fairly enjoyable climax (of the two major variations of conclusion, one is much more satisfying to play through than the other) but one followed by an utterly limp, rushed ending. Nothing that spoils the rest of the game but certainly a disappointment after all the world building and care given to make your choices up to that point feel meaningful. There is an after credits sequence that offers an audacious twist to events but it doesn't do much to salvage the ending.
Nonetheless, for almost its entire run time I found Prey an absolute delight. There's much that's derivative in it, System Shock remains the most obvious influence but Prey has more style and a far better interface than that game ever did. Mainly though, these are ideas we seldom see or see done this well, so what's borrowed never really felt like a negative. What's more is for every familiar trope, there's a unique idea at work. Each could serve as the premise of a game all unto themselves. Instead they're here together, in this incredibly detailed sandbox. A flawed one admittedly but Prey still manages to be one of the most coherent and inventive games in years.
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ftwrthtx · 5 years
The next generation of Blazkowiczs have been unleashed on the Nazis in 1980’s Paris. Does Wolfenstein: Youngblood live up to the family name, or is better left in the past?
  Read on to find out
The very first entry into the Wolfenstein series dates back to 1981 and started out as a top down stealth game. One other entry was released in this format but then, in 1992, the first person shooter was born. ID Software’s Castle Wolfenstein introduced to the world a 3D game as seen through the eyes of B.J. Blazkowicz, a U.S. soldier captured by Nazis and being held in an old castle, that also introduced the gaming world to the first person shooter.
The Next Generation
The franchise has been through quite bit since its inception, and even got a reboot a few years ago. BJ has been there through thick and thin, and with Wolfenstein: Youngblood, it’s time for the next generation to step into his combat boots. For those that haven’t played the series in a while, the story can be a bit confusing at first. The game uses an alternate reality setting where the Nazis won WWII and almost took over the U.S. Thanks to B.J. and a band of fighters, a 2nd revolutionary war ousted the Nazis from the U.S. and pushed them back across the pond to Europe.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood picks up 20 years after that revolution and finds BJ and his family living in Texas. He has raised his twin daughters to be tough and self reliant, giving them the mental and physical tools needed to survive in this new world. Unbeknownst to the girls and BJ’s wife, he had been secretly still tracking the war against the Nazis and was determined to defeat them once and for all. After his disappearance, the girls hijack an airplane and head to Europe to track their father down.
Great Story but Odd Choices
For a game in the Wolfenstein franchise, Wolfenstein: Youngblood does a great job of furthering the storyline along, albeit with odd character choices. Using his daughters wasn’t really the problem here, but rather portraying his 19 year old daughters as if they had the mind of 12 year old schoolgirls was. The immaturity of the sisters, and you can play as either one, might have been taking a bit too far in the big picture. There’s one point in the game where you are attacking a multi-story building, slaughtering Nazis by the dozen, and take an elevator ride to the next floor. While in the elevator, the girls are dancing and playing around as if they are in between middle school classes. It makes for an odd disconnect from the situation.
The game didn’t seem to have the same Wolfenstein DNA that has always been with the franchise, either, and it was something we noticed from the very beginning when choosing the difficulty. Had they used the old school levels of definition, this might have helped with that, but instead they went with the standard selections. Not sure whose decision that was, but someone needs to be taken to task for that. ‘Can I Play, Daddy?’ and ‘I am Death, Incarnate are iconic parts of the franchise that shouldn’t have been left behind. They were something unique and original to the franchise itself.
This is a FPS RPG
Wolfenstein: Youngblood is still a first person shooter, and in that aspect of it, still feels like a Wolfenstein game. Weapons and armor are upgradeable, with upgrade points being earned as you level the sisters up. There’s also an in game currency in Silver, which can be found throughout the game levels and can be dropped by Nazis you’ve killed. These give the game an RPG like feel and make it more enjoyable, and you’ll have to level up to take on some of the bigger bad guys.
The weapons for the game range from your standard, bullet fed fare to a more advanced weaponry that utilizes batteries and pulse fire. Shooting Nazis with a machine gun is cool and all, but shooting one with a laser powered weapon and watching them turn to ash is way cooler. These advanced weapons are also key to opening secret areas that hide more silver, weaponry, and armor so always be on the lookout for stuff like that.
Top Notch Graphics
The graphics for the game are definitely top notch. Levels are designed nicely, with open world layouts that allow unlimited trips to any area in the game. Enemy design is also impressive. While Nazi grunts are fun to kill, the tougher bad guys utilizing mech suits are much more satisfying to destroy.Level detail is pretty impressive as well, with small touches like wine bottles and classic cars to fill out the overall picture.
If you work together as a team, either utilizing the A.I. programming which isn’t totally dumb, or even playing in co-op with a friend, you can take down some of these big bad guys easier by finding their weak points, usually on their backs. Co-op is made even better by adding the invite feature for Deluxe editions that allow you to invite gamers that only have the demo of the game to play the full version of the game with you. While they wont be able to earn trophies or achievements, they’ll still be able to enjoy the full version of the game with you.
Developed by MachineGames in collaboration with Arkane Studios, Wolfenstein: Youngblood is a fun and entertaining game that gives gamers a co-op experience that is really hard to find these days. The storyline sets the franchise up for future releases, we just hope the sisters can grow up a little more.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood review code provided by publisher and reviewed on a PS4 Pro. For more information on scoring, please read What our review scores really mean.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Review @wolfenstein @ArkaneStudios @machinegames The next generation of Blazkowiczs have been unleashed on the Nazis in 1980's Paris. Does Wolfenstein: Youngblood…
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arkanalbeit · 11 months
مشروع العوالي ريفيرا مكة المكرمة | شقق سكنية تمليك فاخرة
مشروع العوالي ريفيرا عبارة عن شقق سكنية فاخرة تمليك في منطقة العوالي الراقية بمكة المكرمة  من تطوير شركة أركان البيت للتطوير العقاري يجمع بين عراقة التصاميم وعصرية البناء، بنمط حياة صحي وحيوي وفخامة تصميمها, تقع "العوالي ريفيرا" بجوار الحرم الشريف ب 14 دقيقية, عبارة عن عمارة سكنية متنوعة المساحات بتصاميمها الفريده لتمنحك فرصة العيش وسط جملة من المرافق والخدمات المتكاملة بجوار كافة الاماكن والمحاور الهامة. احجز وحدتك الان: /https://arkanalbeit.com.sa/contact-us واتساب: https://wa.me/966555591943 جوال: 0555591943 موقع مشروع العوالي ريفيرا مكة العوالي: (موقع استراتيجي) يقع مشروع العوالي ريفيرا بمنطقة العوالي بشارع مسجد زي النورين بموقع استراتيجي بالقرب من كافة الاماكن كالمساجد والمدارس وغيرها من مولات وراكز تجارية ومستشفيات  ومحاور هامة حيث يبعد 14 دقيقة بالسيارة عن الحرم مساحات شقق للبيع في مكة العوالي تتنوع مساحات مشروع العوالي ريفيراحيث يتميز المشروع يتنوع مساحاته حيث تبدأ المساحات من 123 متر حتي 185 متر مربع بمشروع العوالي ريفيرا شقق للبيع في العوالي بمكة المكرمة أنظمة سداد شقق للبيع في مكه بالتقسيط: سهلت شركة أركان البيت العقارية علي عملائها انظمة دفعات مميزة ومتعددة ل شقق للبيع بمكه وهم: 1- نظام تقسيط شهري 2- نظام دفع كاش 3- نظام دفعات الشركة المطورة: شركة اركان البيت للتطوير العقاري بتاريخ عريق في السوق العقاري السعودي  بتاريخ حافل من الانجاز والتطويرشركة أركان البيت العقارية تقدم شقق تمليك للبيع بمكة في منطقة العوالي الراقية بالتقسيط Arkan Albeit Developments   أركان البيت… اسم له تاريخ احجز وحدتك الان رقم التواصل: 0555591943 تبي تعيش في بيئة هادئة وصحية متكاملة الخدمات والمرافق؟ احجز وحدتك في فرصة وحدث لايعوض في مكة المكرمة #أركان_البيت ..السوق العقاري سوقنا #وحدات_سكنية | #عقارات | #عقارات_مكه | #شقق | #شقق_للبيع | #تطوير_عقاري #arkan_albeit التواصل عبر الهاتف من هنا: 0555591943 (966+) #أركان_البيت #ArkanAlbeitDevelopments شقق للبيع في حي العوالي في مكه - شقق فندقية للبيع في مكة #شقق_تمليك #عقارات_السعودية #عقارات_مكة #شقق_فاخرة #شقق_فندقية  #شقق_عقارات #شقق_مكة #شقق_السعودية #العوالي  #العوالي_مكة #شقق_تمليك #شقق_تمليك_مكه #شقق_للبيع_مكه#اكسبلور #fyp #مخطط_ولي_العهد #عقارات #عقارات_السعودية #مكة #فلل #فلل_فخمه #مخلد_سهل #عقار  #فلل
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arkanalbeit · 1 year
مشروع الحجاز ريفيرا مكة المكرمة هو عبارة عن ميني كمبوند متكامل الخدمات وهو الاول من نوعه في مكة المكرمة يقدم وحدات سكنية تمليك بتشطيب فاخر بتصاميم حديثة وراقية يضم المشروع ٥٤ شقة سكنية متنوعة المساحات 
المشروع فيه كل الي تبيه:
يتميز كمبوند الحجاز ريفيرا بخدماته المتعددة حيث يضم:
• نادي رجالي
• نادي نسائي
• منطقة ترفيهية للاطفال
• كافية رجالي
• كافية نسائي
• ميني ماركت
موقع كمبوند الحجاز ريفيرا مكة الخالدية: (موقع استراتيجي)
حيث يقع كمبوند الحجاز ريفيرا مكة الخالدية بحي الخالدية بموقع استراتيجي بالقرب من كافة الاماكن الحيويه من مساجد ومدارس وغيرها من مولات ومراكز تجارية ومستشفيات ومحاور هامة حيث يبعد:
• ٢ دقائق عن الدائري الثالث
• ٧ دقائق عن محطة القطار
• ٨ دقائق عن المسار واجهة مكة
• ١٢ دقيقة عن الحرم المكي الشريف
مساحات شقق للبيع في مكة الخالدية
تتنوع مساحات مشروع الحجاز ريفيراحيث يتميز المشروع يتنوع مساحاته حيث تبدأ المساحات من 100 متر حتي 200 متر مربع بكمبوند الحجاز ريفيرا شقق للبيع في حي الخالدية بمكة المكرمة
أسعار شقق تمليك مكه بكمبوند الحجاز ريفيرا:
وفرت شركة اركان البيت اسعار مميزة جدا تبدأ اسعار الشقق تمليك بمكه من 450 ألف ريال سعودي
أنظمة سداد شقق للبيع في مكه بالتقسيط:
سهلت شركة أركان البيت العقارية علي عملائها انظمة دفعات مميزة ومتعددة ل شقق للبيع بمكه وهم:
• نظام دفعات 50% عند توقيع العقد والدفعه الثانية 30% عند الانتهاء من العظم والدفعة الثالثة 20% عند الافراغ
• نظام تقسيط شهري عن طريق البنك وسكني
• نظام دفع كاش  بخصم 7% من ثمن الوحده
الشركة المطورة:
شركة اركان البيت للتطوير العقاري بتاريخ عريق في السوق العقاري السعودي  بتاريخ حافل من الانجاز والتطويرشركة أركان البيت العقارية تقدم شقق تمليك للبيع بمكة بالتقسيط بدون دفعة اولى 
Arkan Albeit Developments   أركان البيت… اسم له تاريخ
احجز وحدتك الان
رقم التواصل:
تبي تعيش في بيئة هادئة وصحية متكاملة الخدمات والمرافق؟ احجز وحدتك في فرصة وحدث لايعوض في مكة المكرمة
#أركان_البيت ..السوق العقاري سوقنا #وحدات_سكنية | #عقارات | #عقارات_مكه | #شقق | #شقق_للبيع | #تطوير_عقاري #arkan_albeit
 التواصل عبر الهاتف من هنا: 0555591943 (966+)
#شقق_تمليك #عقارات_السعودية #عقارات_مكة #شقق_فاخرة #شقق_فندقية  #شقق_عقارات #شقق_مكة #شقق_السعودية #الخالدية  #الخالدية_مكة #شقق_تمليك #شقق_تمليك_مكه #شقق_للبيع_مكه#اكسبلور #fyp #مخطط_ولي_العهد #عقارات #عقارات_السعودية #مكة #فلل #فلل_فخمه #مخلد_سهل #عقار  #فلل
0 notes
arkanalbeit · 1 year
شقق للبيع في مكة بالتقسيط بجوار الحرم الشريف بأقوي عروض اليوم الوطني
شركة أركان البيت متخصصة في التطوير العقاري في المملكة العربية السعودية يتاريخ حافل من الانجاز والتطويرشركة أركان البيت العقارية تقدم شقق تمليك للبيع بمكة بالتقسيط بدون دفعة اولى   Arkan Albeit Developments   أركان البيت… اسم له تاريخ
التواصل عبر الهاتف من هنا: 0555591943 (966+)
شقق فاخرة للبيع في حي السبهاني في مكة المكرمةتبدأ من 100 متر وحتي 214 متر مميزات الشقق: - ضمان 20 سنة علي اعمال التاسيس الكهرباء والسباكه - ضمان 10 سنوات الخزانات المياه - ضمان 10 سنوات علي الابواب - مصعد من شركة فوجي ضمان 5 سنوات - الافياش والاسلاك من شركة الفنار - المبني مزود بالالياف البصرية وشبكة المياه - كاميرات المراقبه علي المواقف وخارج المبني - عرض الشارع 24 متر - حي السبهاني مكة المكرمة
التواصل عبر الهاتف من هنا: 0555591943 0593054945
التواصل عبر الواتساب مباشرة من هنا : https://wa.me/966555591943
#أركان_البيت #ArkanAlbeitDevelopments
#شقق_تمليك #عقارات_السعودية #عقارات_مكة #شقق_فاخرة #شقق_فندقية  #شقق_عقارات #شقق_مكة #شقق_السعودية #الخالدية  #الخالدية_مكة #شقق_تمليك #شقق_تمليك_مكه #شقق_للبيع_مكه#اكسبلور #fyp #مخطط_ولي_العهد #عقارات #عقارات_السعودية #مكة #فلل #فلل_فخمه #مخلد_سهل #عقار  #فلل
بمكة المكرمة شقق للبيع مكة السبهاني شقة فندقية للبيع بمكة المكرمة #شقق #شقق_فاخرة #شقق_فاخره #شقق_فاخرة_راقيه #شقق_فاخرة_بمكه #شقق_فندقية #شقق_فندقية_مكة #شقق_السعودية #شقق_فاخـــــــره #شقق_فاخـــــــره #شقق_فاخـــــــره🌹 #شقق_مكة #شقق_مكه #شقق_مكة_المكرمة #شقق_مكة_المكرم #عقارات_مكة #عقارات_مكه_المكرمه #عقارات_مكة_وجدة #عقارات_مكه #عقارات_مكة_للتسويق_العقاري #عقارات_مكة_المكرمة #شقق_تمليك_في_مكه #شقق_تمليك_في_مكه #شقق_تمليك🌹 #شقق_تمليك🌹
عقار مكة, شقق مكه, شقق تمليك مكه, حراج عقار مكة, شقق مكة, حراج مكه عقار, شقق العزيزية مكة, عقار ستي مكة, شقق تمليك بمكة بالتقسيط بدون دفعة اولى, شقق في مكه, عقارات مكه, شقق للبيع في مكة, شقق تمليك بمكة رخيصة, شقق تمليك بمكة رخيصة ولي العهد, شقق فندقية مكة العزيزية, بيت في مكة ب300الف, حراج مكه للشقق, شقق تمليك مع سطح مكة, حراج عقارات مكه, شقق مكة العزيزية, شقق بطحاء قريش, شقق تمليك مكة,
, شقق للبيع في مكة قرب الحرم, بيت دور واحد للبيع في مكة, شقق بجوار مسجد الراجحي بمكة, بيوت للبيع في التنعيم ابو مراغ, شقق مكة المكرمة, شقق في مكة شقق تمليك الراجحي بمكة, شقق تمليك بمكة الزايدي, بيوت للبيع في مكة البحيرات, بيوت للبيع في مكة بالتقسيط, شقق تمليك ربوة مكة, حراج شقق في الزايدي, شقق بمكه, مكتب عقار مكة, بيوت للبيع في الشرايع, شقق تمليك بطحاء قريش, شقق تمليك الشرائع, شقق للبيع مكة, شقق الشرائع,
بيوت للبيع بمكة رخيصة, بيت للبيع مكه, حراج مكه شقق تمليك, بيت شعبي للبيع رخيص شارع النزهة مكة المكرمة شقق مكه رخيصه, شقق العزيزيه مكه, شقق رخيصه في مكه, ملحق تمليك بمكة, شقق تمليك في الفيحاء بمكة, شقه تمليك مكه, بيت دور واحد للبيع في الشرائع,
#تمليك_شقق #شقق_تمليك_جده #شقق_تمليك #شقق_تمليك🌹 #سكني_شقق_تمليك #شقق_تمليك_ #شقق_في_مكه #شقق_في_مكة #شقق_مكة #مخطط_ولي_العهد #مخطط_ولي_العهد_مكة #مكة_المكرمة #مكة_المكرمة #مكة_المكرمة_السعودية🇲🇦🇲🇦 #مكة_المكرمه #مكة_المكرمة_السعودية #الحرم_المكي #الحرم_المكي_الشريف #الحرم_المكي_الان #فلل_فخمه #بيوت #بيت_للبيع #شقق_مكة_تمليك #شقق_تمليك #مكة #السبهاني# السبهاني_مكة #حي_السبهاني
0 notes
arkanalbeit · 1 year
شقق تمليك للبيع في مكة بالتقسيط بجوار الحرم الشريف بالتقيسط وكل شئ تبيه وفرناه لك من خدمات ومميزات في احدث مشاريعنا بالخالدية كمباوند الحجاز ريفيرا بمكة المكرمة مشروعنا فيه :
- منطقة ترفيهية للاطفال
- تشجير داخلي وخارجي
- موقف لكل وحدة (46 موقف)
- خزان لكل وحدة (46 خزان)
- جيم نسائي
- جيم رجالي
- كافيهات
- ميني ماركت
- كاميرات مراقبة
الضمانات علي الشقق:
- ضمان 20 سنة علي اعمال التاسيس الكهرباء والسباكه
- ضمان 10 سنوات الخزانات المياه 
- ضمان 10 سنوات علي الابواب
- مصعد من شركة فوجي ضمان 5 سنوات
- الافياش والاسلاك من شركة الفنار
- المبني مزود بالالياف البصرية وشبكة المياه
- كاميرات المراقبه علي المواقف وخارج المبني
شركة أركان البيت متخصصة في التطوير العقاري في المملكة العربية السعودية يتاريخ حافل من الانجاز والتطويرشركة أركان البيت العقارية تقدم شقق تمليك للبيع بمكة بالتقسيط بدون دفعة اولى  
Arkan Albeit Developments   أركان البيت… اسم له تاريخ
 التواصل عبر الهاتف من هنا: 0593054945 (966+)
+966 0552201818
#رؤية_المملكة_2030 #رؤية_السعودية_2030 #السعودية #عقارات_السعودية 
#رؤية_2030 #ولي_العهد 
#شقق_تمليك #عقارات_السعودية #عقارات_مكة #شقق_فاخرة #شقق_فندقية  #شقق_عقارات #شقق_مكة #شقق_السعودية #الخالدية  #الخالدية_مكة #شقق_تمليك #شقق_تمليك_مكه #شقق_للبيع_مكه#اكسبلور #fyp #مخطط_ولي_العهد #عقارات #عقارات_السعودية #مكة #فلل #فلل_فخمه #مخلد_سهل #عقار  #فلل
#شقق #شقق_فاخرة #شقق_فندقية #شقق_تمليك🌹 #شقق_السعودية #شقق_فاخـــــــره #شقق_مكة  #شقق_مكة #شقق_مكه #شقق_مكة #شقق_مكة_المكرمة #عقارات_السعودية #عقارات_مكة #عقارات_مكه_المكرمه #عقارات_مكة_وجدة #شقق_تمليك_في_مكه #شقق_تمليك🌹 #سكني_شقق_تمليك #تمليك_شقق #شقق_في_مكه #شقق_مكة #مخطط_ولي_العهد #fyp #مكة_المكرمة #مكة_المكرمة_السعودية #الحرم_المكي #الحرم_المكي_الشريف #الحرم_المكي_الان #فلل_فخمه #بيوت #بيت_للبيع #شقق_مكة_تمليك #شقق_تمليك #مكة #السبهاني #السبهاني_مكة #حي_السبهاني ##شقق_تمليك #عقارات_السعودية #عقارات_مكة #شقق_فاخرة #شقق_فندقية  #شقق_عقارات #شقق_مكة #شقق_السعودية #الخالدية  #الخالدية_مكة #شقق_تمليك #شقق_تمليك_مكه #شقق_للبيع_مكه#اكسبلور #fyp #مخطط_ولي_العهد #عقارات #عقارات_السعودية #مكة #فلل #فلل_فخمه #مخلد_سهل #عقار  #فلل 
,شقق تمليك بمكة بالتقسيط بدون دفعة اولى,شقق لـلـبـيـع في مكة قرب الحرم,شقق تمليك ربوة مكة,,شقق للبيع في جدة,شقق تمليك في الفيحاء بمكة,شقق روف تمليك بمكة الشوقية,شقق للبيع في مكة بالتقسيط,شقق تمليك غرفتين مكة,شقق تمليك بمكة النوارية بالتقسيط,شقق للبيع في مكة بطحاء قريش,شقق تمليك بمكة الزايدي,ملحق تمليك بمكة,
عقار مكة,شقق مكه,شقق تمليك مكه,حراج عقار مكة,شقق مكة,حراج مكه عقار,شقق العزيزية مكة,عقار ستي مكة,شقق تمليك بمكة بالتقسيط بدون دفعة اولى,شقق في مكه,عقارات مكه,شقق للبيع في مكة,شقق تمليك بمكة رخيصة,شقق فندقية مكة العزيزية,بيت في مكة ب300الف,حراج مكه للشقق,شقق تمليك مع سطح مكة,حراج عقارات مكه,شقق بطحاء قريش,شقق تمليك مكة,أفضل شركات التطوير العقاري في السعودية,عقارات مكة,شقق للبيع,شقق تمليك,صك,اراضي للبيع,فندق للبيع,عمارة للبيع,شقه بمكة,فلل,شقه
0 notes
arkanalbeit · 1 year
شقق للبيع في مكة بالتقسيط قرب الحرم الشريف نقدا وتقسيط افراغ فوري
شقق للبيع في مكة بالتقسيط بجوار الحرم الشريف بالتقيسط بخصم يصل حتي 7% علي الدفع كاش لفتره محدودة
مميزات الشقق: - ضمان 20 سنة علي اعمال التاسيس الكهرباء والسباكه - ضمان 10 سنوات الخزانات المياه - ضمان 10 سنوات علي الابواب - مصعد من شركة فوجي ضمان 5 سنوات - الافياش والاسلاك من شركة الفنار - المبني مزود بالالياف البصرية وشبكة المياه - كاميرات المراقبه علي المواقف وخارج المبني
شركة أركان البيت متخصصة في التطوير العقاري في المملكة العربية السعودية يتاريخ حافل من الانجاز والتطويرشركة أركان البيت العقارية تقدم شقق تمليك للبيع بمكة بالتقسيط بدون دفعة اولى  
Arkan Albeit Developments   أركان البيت… اسم له تاريخ
التواصل عبر الهاتف من هنا: 0593054945 (966+)
+966 0552201818
#أركان_البيت #ArkanAlbeitDevelopments
#شقق_تمليك #عقارات_السعودية #عقارات_مكة #شقق_فاخرة #شقق_فندقية  #شقق_عقارات #شقق_مكة #شقق_السعودية #الخالدية  #الخالدية_مكة #شقق_تمليك #شقق_تمليك_مكه #شقق_للبيع_مكه#اكسبلور #fyp #مخطط_ولي_العهد #عقارات #عقارات_السعودية #مكة #فلل #فلل_فخمه #مخلد_سهل #عقار  #فلل
#شقق #شقق_فاخرة #شقق_فندقية #شقق_تمليك🌹 #شقق_السعودية #شقق_فاخـــــــره #شقق_مكة  #شقق_مكة #شقق_مكه #شقق_مكة #شقق_مكة_المكرمة #عقارات_السعودية #عقارات_مكة #عقارات_مكه_المكرمه #عقارات_مكة_وجدة #شقق_تمليك_في_مكه #شقق_تمليك🌹 #سكني_شقق_تمليك #تمليك_شقق #شقق_في_مكه #شقق_مكة #مخطط_ولي_العهد #fyp #مكة_المكرمة #مكة_المكرمة_السعودية #الحرم_المكي #الحرم_المكي_الشريف #الحرم_المكي_الان #فلل_فخمه #بيوت #بيت_للبيع #شقق_مكة_تمليك #شقق_تمليك #مكة #السبهاني #السبهاني_مكة #حي_السبهاني ##شقق_تمليك #عقارات_السعودية #عقارات_مكة #شقق_فاخرة #شقق_فندقية  #شقق_عقارات #شقق_مكة #شقق_السعودية #الخالدية  #الخالدية_مكة #شقق_تمليك #شقق_تمليك_مكه #شقق_للبيع_مكه#اكسبلور #fyp #مخطط_ولي_العهد #عقارات #عقارات_السعودية #مكة #فلل #فلل_فخمه #مخلد_سهل #عقار  #فللعقار مكة, حراج مكه عقار ,شقق تمليك مكه,حراج عقار مكة,شقق مكة,حراج مكه عقار,شقق العزيزية مكة,عقار ستي مكة,شقق تمليك بمكة بالتقسيط بدون دفعة اولى,شقق في مكه,عقارات مكه,شقق للبيع في مكة,شقق تمليك بمكة رخيصة,شقق فندقية مكة العزيزية,بيت في مكة ب300الف,حراج مكه للشقق,شقق تمليك مع سطح مكة,حراج عقارات مكه,شقق بطحاء قريش,شقق تمليك مكة,أفضل شركات التطوير العقاري في السعودية,عقارات مكة,شقق للبيع,شقق تمليك,صك,اراضي للبيع,فندق للبيع,عمارة للبيع,شقه بمكة,فلل,شقه
0 notes
arkanalbeit · 1 year
Arkan Albeit Developments - أركان البيت للتطوير العقاري
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