#Arrow season 1 rewrite
I seriously cannot believe this chapter took me over a month to finish.
Post date: July 6, 2024
𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝟏 𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 𝟔: 𝑳𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔 (𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟏)
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A group of masked assailants broke open the doors of a bank. Their masks were designed to be like that of a playing card deck. The leading man, shot an automatic at the ceiling to scare them. And it worked as people began to scream. The Ace.
They began ducking to the floor.
"Get down! Everybody get down!" He announced as they screamed.
The civilians were against the floor, waiting in fear. 
"Nobody lift their head, Nobody gets hurt."
The workers were forced to the front by the King.
A man looked up to the Ace and spoke, "You can't Jackhammer into the safe, it's too thick."
He punched him down, "Shut up!"
"We're through!" King called out to him
"3 Minutes."
Ace checked the time on his watch.
In the back, Jack was loading money into a bag as King joined him.
There was a man reaching for a weapon concealed by his calf, and the woman next to him looked over.
((Note: The woman in this scene always pissed me off.))
"Are you trying to get us killed?" She whispered
"Don't worry, I'm a cop." He said as he turned his jacket over to show his police badge.
The men continued to load the money in the other room as quickly as they could.
"Please don't do anything, I don't wanna die." The woman said nervously
"Please!" She said loudly enough that Ace heard the commotion, came over and shot the man.
Screaming covered it after, causing King to come rushing back out, "What the hell's going on?"
Ace flipped the man over and grabbed his police badge.
"He was a freakin' cop." He said as he shoved the badge to King.
King looked back at him and said, "Enough throwing shots."
On the outside there were sirens and police cars pulling up.
"You hear that?!"
"Somebody triggered the alarm!" Ace yelled
Jack stopped in the back.
Ace held his weapon up, ready to shoot. King put it down.
"That's it. Let's go." He said
From outside, the cop, Lucas was using a bullhorn to speak. "Starling City Police Department."
"Lay down your weapons and come out with you hands up."
It focused back on the Royal Flush Gang,
"Repeat, Lay down your weapons and come out with your hands up."
Ace walked over to the woman with a strong stance and a look across his face. It was an intimidation tactic.
The door opened.
"Hold your fire."
Suddenly all of the hostages were wearing the masks and were running out in a panic. They screamed as they ran out and Lucas slowly lowered his weapon.
"These are hostages." he said
Some of them began lifting their masks and put their hands up.
"Mills, contain the hostages."
"All other units, move in! Move in!" He called out as he began to rush towards the inside of the building.
On the inside it was empty, except for the body of the cop who had been shot. A different officer leaned down to check on him.
Everyone else was scoping out the place, checking everywhere. Lucas noticed a hole in the floor.
On the other side, The Royal Flush Gang was climbing out of the hole.
The oldest man already had his mask off when he said, "Come here. you shot a cop."
"This is not how we do things."
The other two were already in the vehicle.
The younger one ripped off the mask, "Me getting killed isn't how we do things either, is it?"
He was testing him, and it wasn't the time. He grabbed Ace and pulled him over, "Get in the Van!"
Oliver and Diggle were sparring with Metal Escrimas in the hideout location. Oliver leaned back to miss a strike.
Diggle did a walk around, as he said, "Anchor the rear hand Diggle."
"Okay." He said
Then they went in for another try, this time ending in Diggle getting a strike against him. He grunted in pain.
"Variable acceleration, most fighters work at the same pace." Oliver said
"You switch it up, you throw your opponent off his game."
Diggle was holding the side of his face. As he circled around he moved his hand back down.
"Ah, that was nice. Where did you learn that?" Diggle asked
"He give you those scars?" He asked
"One of them."
"And the others?" He asked as he was gearing up to prepare for another round.
"you know, one of these days you're gonna be straight with me about what really happened on that island."
"Absolutely." He responded as they began striking in combat again.
This strain lasted a few seconds longer, as Oliver won with a turn and backwards strike.
Diggle fell down to a knee, and as Oliver walked over to his sorry monitor set up he said, "But not today!"
Diggle got up, "Still some pretty sweet moves."
Dig was walking over to see what he pulled up on the screen.
"And tonight I'm gonna use them on him."
Diggle looked from behind him as he pulled up a profile on another person from the list.
"Scott Morgan runs water and power in the glades."
He began to put on a long sleeved button up, "Jacks up the prices when people can't pay. Shuts them down, even in the dead of winter."
"Which is at least a month away." Diggle came over to the table and set down the sticks.
"Look at this."
"These guys started in Keystone 3 years ago. And then began moving west, hitting banks along the way." Diggle said as he pulled up an article on the Royal Flush gang.
"This morning, they hit Starling City Trust," he looked at Oliver
"Shot an off duty Cop."
"He's in a coma and the doctors are saying it's a coin toss whether he'll make it."
"If he's a cop, SCPD will be all over it."
It definitely felt like he was coming up with an excuse.
"Overwhelmed? Underfunded?"
Diggle walked around to make his way to Oliver as he continued to talk, "Listen, these guys don't hit one time."
"They hit two or three banks per city, which means right now they're planning their next job."
Oliver was sort of staring him down, "I
think you have the wrong impression about what it is I do."
"You take out bad guys with a bow and arrow." Dig stated
"I don't fight street crime."
Oliver turned around and opened his book, "That's a symptom of what's wrong with this city. I'm trying to cure the disease."
"CEOs and crooked entrepreneurs. I get it."
Diggle took a seat on a table behind them,
"Listen, Oliver, I'm just saying, maybe you can make a difference if you think beyond the scope of those pages. I'm sure your father wouldn't mind."
"No, you don't get it." Oliver turned around, there was a slight irritation in his voice.
He was almost confrontational, "My father d*ed so that I could live."
"Live and make a difference by fixing the city that he and the people in this book ruined."
"Every name that I cross off this list honors that sacrifice." He held the book up as he spoke.
"There's more than one way to save this city." Diggle said, standing up too
"Not for me." His tone was unchanging
"Crime happens in this city every day. What do you want me to do, stop all of it?" He asked in a calmer and more level headed voice tone.
"It sounds like you have a narrow definition of being a hero." Diggle said before walking off
"I'm not a hero."
Oliver is laying in front of a dimly lit fire. It's flickering as he lay barely awake. He ripped a page out of the small book he pulled off of his father's body.
Suddenly, he was grabbed by the shoulder.
He gasped and quickly made it to his feet, scrambling to the other side of the cave.
"Dad?" He asked as he looked on in confusion
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Laurel grabs a file out of a cabinet at CNRI and walks with Johanna.
"Please tell me this is a nightmare and I'm about to wake up."
"How can Stagg Industries up and pull out completely?"
"They're our largest donor." She said as they turned the corner.
"It's like they say... It's the economy, stupid." Johanna replied
"More like the stupid economy." Laurel said
"And without Stagg, how long can CARE keep the doors open?"
"It depends." Johanna said
"What time you got?"
Tommy interjected from behind them, and said, "I have fiesta time."
His sudden announcement of his presence, caused them to turn around to face him.
"Or is it siesta time?" He looked between the two in confusion.
"Which one means a party and which one means a nap?"
Johanna walked off, leaving him to Laurel's clutches...
"Tommy, as much as I would 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 to relive intro to Spanish with you.. Today is not a good day."
She walked off with her file, Tommy following behind her.
"Of course not. Working in this tiny brick office is intolerable." He said
"Now, you know where a spectacular place to spend the day is?"
"Coast City. Here's what I'm thinking. Sunset flight on my private plane, dinner at Broome's.. I'll have you home by midnight."
He looked back to her, "Or maybe in the morning."
"What is this?" She asked as she walked back over towards her desk area.
He followed her, "This is what we talked about. This is you getting to know the real me."
She turned around to face him as she stood at her desk, "Tommy. CNRI just lost its largest single donor."
He looked down in surprise.
"Which means all the hard work I have done to help this legal clinic survive... It may have been for nothing."
She sighed as she took a seat at her desk and began typing away on her desktop.
"Maybe another time, yeah?" He walked off backwards.
She looked up as he left, her expression briefly showed guilt.
At the Queen Mansion, Oliver and Thea were talking as they made their way down the stairs.
"I mean, haven't you noticed she's been acting a little down lately?" Thea asked him
Then she let out a light chuckle, "What am I saying, of course you haven't."
"Well, who are you to judge? Since when do you pay attention to how mom's feeling?" He asked
"Since our stepfather suddenly decided to take a business trip, halfway around the world." She said
"I think when someone of Walter's pay grade takes a business trip, it's always sudden Thea."
"I wouldn't worry." He said
Their mother came walking around the hallway near the stairs, carrying a vase with white flowers in it as she spoke up, "Guess who I just got off the phone with." She said
Oliver made the 'I don't know' gesture as he and Thea reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Janice Bowen. Carter's mother."
She set the case down on the table.
"Carter Bowen. The perfect son." Oliver said with a chuckle.
"Is he perfect?" She asked as she looked to him
"According to you."
He made a mock up- Moira voice. "Carter Bowen just won the national chess championship."
He turned to Thea, "Carter Bowen is anchoring the debate team."
"I'm sure I didn't make that big of a fuss." Moira responded
Thea joined in, "Oliver, Carter just got accepted into 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘷𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘵𝘰𝘯."
"Well, that's because he got a perfect score on his SATs." Oliver turned with a slight smirk.
"Now how 𝘥𝘪𝘥 he manage to study and cure cancer?" Thea responded
Moira cut in, "All right, All right. I get it, I get it."
"Well, they're coming for brunch tomorrow, and I expect you to be there."
"I have plans." Oliver quickly responded
"That's fine. Brunch is tomorrow." Moira said
Thea turned as she let out a laugh, "Ha. Inches from a clean getaway."
"Well, you too Thea." Moira said
Oliver pointed at Thea, "Snap!"
She rolled her eyes at him. "Nobody says that anymore."
"Hm." She turned in response
"I can't actually go." He said
She walked closer to them, "I haven't seen the Bowens in years."
"So whatever it is that you have planned, I'm sure the two of you can make the sacrifice just this once." She said
"We'll be there." He said after taking a small breath in.
Thea looked irritated and Moira walked away after smiling at them.
"I hate you." Thea said
"Mhm." Oliver responded.
Suddenly, Oliver's phone started ringing, and he answered it.
"You know your friend Scott Morgan from your father's list?" Diggle said on the other line
"He tried to kill himself."
"Maybe he was afraid of getting a visit from you.."
"How fast can you make it to Starling General?"
"On my way." Oliver said before hanging up the phone
Tommy walked through the door as he was leaving.
"Hey, just thean I wanted to see." Tommy said
"I just picked up a new sports car, and I'm thinking we can open her up, pick up a few speeding tickets-"
Oliver cut him off, "That sounds great, but something's come up. I gotta jet."
Oliver tapped him on the shoulder as he walked out.
"Uh- okay."
Tommy stared after him, disappointed.
"Nice talk. Thanks."
From the background, Thea walked up as she spoke up, "He moves fast, doesn't he?"
"It's ironic, really. Since you're the one we call Speedy." He said as he turned around to face her.
"Called. Please. For the love of God." She let out a light laugh as she tilted her head back in slight embarrassment.
"But if you need somebody to talk to, I'm here." She offered
He considered it for a second as he looked back over to her, "You know, maybe you could help."
"There's this girl I'm interested in.."
"And I'm not really sure how to pursue it."
There was a smirk on her face. "Have you tried using your usual lines? Hi, my name is Tommy Merlyn and I'm a billionaire, but I don't look like Warren Buffet."
Yeah.. She's aware of that. And she doesn't care." He responded with a sigh
"You know? Money isn't really a big deal to her."
"Why don't you just tell her how you feel?" Thea asked
"Well.. I've known her for a long time. And I'm not sure the direct approach is the right way to go." He said
"Maybe you just have to figure out what's a big deal to her and make it a big deal to you."
He smiled, "Thea. You are amazing."
He kissed her on the cheek and turned to walk off out the door.
As he left, he said "Love you."
And she smiled behind him.
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Oliver got off his motorcycle as he arrived at the front of the hospital. Then he walked up to Diggle.
"You sure? Scott Morgan doesn't seem like the type who would try to kill himself." Oliver said as they walked together.
"True, but it's the best lie I could come up with on short notice." Diggle said as the police officer who was shot earlier was wheeled out of an ambulance.
Oliver shot a certain glance at him.
A woman walked over to them, "Mr. Diggle,"
They shook hands, "I can't thank you enough for arranging to move my husband from County Ward to Starling General. Now I know he's getting the best care available."
"You really should be thanking this man, Oliver Queen." Diggle gestured to Oliver, "He's paying the bill."
"Jana's husband, Stan is a police officer, who happened to be making a deposit at Starling Trust Bank." Diggle said to Oliver
"The bank that was robbed." Oliver said in realization.
He turned to look at Jana, "I was so sorry to hear about your husband. Is he going to be okay?"
"The doctors say the next 24 hours are crucial.." She said
"He should've just kept his head down, you know." she sighed
"I've known a few police officers in my day,"" Diggle said
"Always willing to help others, even if that means putting themselves at risk."
"Thank you." Jana said to Oliver
He looked to her and said, "You're welcome." before she walked away.
He turned to face Diggle, "You lied to me."
"You asked me to work with you, not for you." He responded
"And when you did, you said it was because you understand what kind of man I am."
"Well Oliver, I'm the kind of man who doesn't walk away when there's a chance to make a difference. And neither does Stan Washington."
Oliver moved past him to walk back to his bike.
"Oliver- I'm not finished talking." Diggle said
"Where are you going?"
"To make a difference." He responded as he made his way over to his bike
"Let's catch some bank robbers."
At the hideout, Diggle and Oliver are looking through the surveillance footage
"You see that guy right there? He's got a temper." Diggle said
"And he shot Officer Washington." Oliver said
"That's right."
Oliver zoomed in and froze the frame, "College ring."
"Or high school, more likely." Diggle said
"That ring will get us an I.D." Oliver said
Diggle clicked on it a few times, zooming in on the ring. "Yeah, but even with photo enhancement, you're gonna have a problem getting a clear shot of that ring."
Oliver nodded his head in agreement.
"No, but it left an impression the police will have photographed."
he stood up from his chair.
"It'll be in evidence lockup."
Oliver went around back and grabbed the hood.
"Please tell me you're not going where I think you're going." He said with a slight sigh.
"Diggle, why do you even ask?" he said as he walked off.
The Hood snuck through the window of the police station and quietly snuck through to the next doorway. Creeping around, quietly.
He tucked his bow behind his back as he silently walked through.
On the other side, Detective Hilton is speaking, "Are you kidding me?!"
"I don't want to hear this. Don't tell me about red tape!"
"One of our own has been shot."
As they rounded the corner, the Hood pinned himself up against the ceiling with an arrow.
"Tell them to find themselves a pair of scissors."
As an officer put on his hat and walked out of another door, the hood plugged a flash drive into a computer on the precinct and began downloading the evidence. he took it and moved out.
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Laurel walked through the doors of CNRI, where she noticed Tommy and Johanna talking at a desk.
"So, where are you going to take me today? Monte Carlo?" she asked
"Actually, I was just telling Jo here that the Merlyn Global Group is looking to expand its local philanthropy, and I thought that we could start by sponsoring a benefit for CNRI." He said
"Thank you Tommy," she wasn't buying it.
"But, I think we can manage without your family's finances."
Jo cast a look in Laurel's direction, all while Tommy looked downcast briefly.
"Laurel, A word?"
"Come on."
Laurel followed Johanna away from Tommy.
"What are you doing?" Jo asked, bewildered.
"Come on. He's not actually interested in throwing us a fundraiser."
"What he wants to have is the first annual attempt to get back into my pants gala."
"Who cares why he's doing it?" Jo asked
"We need the money."
"Not like that, we don't."
"We really do. So you're gonna listen to your best friend's advice."
"You're gonna go over there and say, Thank you Tommy. We'd be honored if you'd throw us a fundraiser."
Jo gave her another look, causing Laurel to tilt her head back before following Johanna back to Tommy.
The unwillingness was written all over her face. And in her tone as she spoke up.
"Thank you Tommy."
"We'd be honored if you'd throw us a fundraiser."
Back at the Hideout in the Glades Oliver was searching through the crime scene photos.
He stopped on a photo, showing the ring impression the bank manager's cheekbone.
"The bank manager Ace punched, his ring left a mark."
Oliver clicked on it, and zoomed in on it. It was shaped like an L.
"Larchmont High." He said as it scanned the imprint.
He looked to Diggle, who had been right, "High School."
Diggle smirked and nodded his head.
"I cross referenced his height and relative age with a list of students and alumni." Oliver said as he looked at the screen
"Still, that's a pretty long list." Diggle pointed out.
"It was. I dug a little deeper and found Kyle Reston." Oliver said as he pulled up his profile.
"Right before Kyle's senior year, not only did he drop out, he dropped off the grid."
Diggle scrunched his eyebrows and made his way over.
"Along with his family,"
He pulled up a family photo of the Reston's, "Father, mother, younger brother."
"There are two other guys involved in this robbery." Diggle said as he looked at the photo.
"And a woman." Oliver said
As Oliver looked to a photo of the people exiting the bank, he said, "Aside from Stan Washington, there were 22 customers and employees that came out of the bank."
"9 men, 13 women."
"Inside the bank, 9 men, 14 women."
"They put a ringer in." Diggle said.
"The mom. The police are looking for a crew, we're gonna look for a family."
"Speaking of which-" he stood up, "I'm incredibly late for mine."
In the dining room, Moira was standing next to Janice Bowen, next to the table where they were both drinking champagne.
"Well, I'm sorry Walter couldn't join us." Janice said
They walked to the rest of the group as Moira spoke, "Oh yes, well, the Australian trip came up suddenly."
"He sends his apologies."
"Where's Oliver?" Carter asked
"He's not out of town too, is he?"
"Oh, I'm sure he's just-"
Oliver cut her off as he made his way into the room, "Stuck in traffic."
"One of the things I didn't miss on the island- Sunday drivers."
He went over to hug Moira, "Sorry I'm late."
"Mhm." She said as she returned the hug
He went over to hug Thea and she whispered in his ear, "Thank god you're here."
"It is so good to see you." Janice said as she hugged Oliver.
She kissed his cheek as she let him go, "We all though you were-"
Moira interrupted, "Oh, well, we're just happy he's home."
"Hm, and returning a celebrity, too." Carter says as he shakes Oliver's hand. 
"How do you mean?" Oliver asked
"Billionaire scion," They all moved to the table to take their seats
"Castaway for five years."
"You know, there's a bidding war for the rights to your story." He said as they took their seats
"At least, that's what my agent says."
"Agent? I thought you were a neurosurgeon, Carter." Oliver said
"I know,"
He gave off such a snobby vibe.
"It's crazy right?"
"One minute I'm publishing this book on how long-tern potentiation initiates the creation of a slow moving protein synthesis," Oliver and Thea exchanged very specific looks.
"And the next, there's an agent trying to make me the next Dr. Oz."
"Why would he want you to be a wizard?" Oliver asked
He was absolutely playing dumb on purpose, but I can't prove it.
Everyone there started laughing.
"Oh, Oliver." his mother laughed out loud.
"For all of our sakes, start reading Us Weekly." Thea said
He looked at her and nodded his head.
"Well, the truth is, I just feel it's our duty as Starling City's more fortunate to help those most in need."
"Oh, of course." Moira agreed
"Wouldn't you agree, Oliver." Carter had singled him out, likely baiting him. But he didn't take it.
"You're the hero, Carter."
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"I can't believe you did this! You officially ruined your life before it began."
"I know mom! I made a mistake! I believed what I was told." She appeared to be early to mid twenties.
"I was angry, destructive, and bitter. They knew they could reach me." Laurel sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair.
"You couldn't know them that well in under 3 years. Which means you've at least been affiliated longer." her mother said
"This lie is a dangerous one. Don't you realize your life doesn't end under your own jurisdiction any more."
"You'll always be under theirs."
"I was still in high school when I met for the first time. They knew who you were, and they knew who I was. They offered to train me even better."
"I took her up on the offer.. This was the same time frame as when you went out with your other friends.. and you lost badly, so badly that you had to lie to dad about a business trip while you recuperated." Laurel said
"And so. I believed her."
"I can't tell you her name." Laurel said
"And you can't help me. This is my mistake, my problem."
Laurel turned around, but Dinah grabbed her arm.
"No! I will not lose my last living child. We're gonna fight this together."
The Reston's had their Royal Flush masks at the top of their heads, waiting outside of Starling Trust bank.
Derek loaded the clip into his gun, "Quick and clean. And try not to shoot anybody."
He looked to Kyle, who did little to hide his irritation.
They all flipped their masks down and exited the back of a van.
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Back in the dining room, Raisa brings another drink in as Janice speaks to Oliver, "So, now that you're back, what are your plans?"
"Will you be taking a job at Queen Consolidated?"
"I'm Opening a night club." He said completely straight faced as Thea let out a laugh.
Moira looked over at her.
And Diggle walked into the room as he said, "Sir, your liquor distributer's on the line."
Moira already looked pissed.
He whispered into his ear, "First Bank of Starling was hit two minutes ago."
As Oliver quickly stood up, he said, "Sorry, business."
Moira was upset, and Thea had a look that read, 'seriously'
He walked with Diggle as he spoke, "If the Reston's M.O. holds, they'll make their escape underground."
"First Bank of Starling is located right above the water treatment tunnels."
He turns to face Oliver, as he pulls out a phone with GPS tracking.
"The entrance is located here.
Moira walks out to them, "Oliver. Where are you going?"
They turned to look at her.
"Something's come up, I'm really sorry." He said before he and Diggle left.
A siren was wailing as a cop car pulled to the front of the bank. Cops ran out of their cars to the bank. There was SWAT as well as regular cops in bulletproof vests involved.
On the inside of the bank, the younger brother was finishing filling a bag with money.
Ace slid down a ladder, "I've got it, Let's go."
They followed off behind him.
They ran through a steel room.
As they ran, they were cut off when the SCPD rounded the corner.
"SCPD! Don't move!" Hilton called out as the cops had their weapons trained on them.
Ace threw the first shot.
King grabbed him, and pulled him aside as the cops shot back, "Enough! What are you doing?"
His father kept trying to stop him from firing more shots as they moved back.
The Hood slid in, and fired an arrow, securing the bank bag to the ground, as a net shot around it.
Ace began firing shots at the hood as he moved around.
The hood jumped over a beam, then fired another, knocking the gun out of his hand. Then he flipped over as he tried to chase him on foot.
"Let's get out of here!" King called out to the boys.
He shot another arrow, securing the other bag to the ground.
"Our cash!" Ace said as he tried to grab it.
"Forget it!" said King
"Let's go!" They started running off.
"All right, let's move!" Hilton said to the other officers.
As they chased out the door, the saw him, and a cop called out, "It's the vigilante!"
The Hood fired an arrow at a fuse box, causing it to spark. The Royal Flush Gang, had gotten away. As the sparks killed the power, he made his getaway.
The Reston's were all together outside by their van, as they talked, elsewhere in the city.
"Who the hell was that guy?" Asked the Jack.
"The local vigilante, usually goes after rich guys." Derek shrugged.
"Well, clearly he's branching out." Kyle said, raising his arms in irritation.
"Dealing with that guy in Blüdhaven was bad enough, but this one doesn't mind the blood?!" The younger brother freaked a bit.
"Things have gone sideways for us lately." Said the mother,
"That hood guy showing up. Kyle shooting a cop."
"You were the one that warned me he was a cop!" Kyle yelled back defensively
King used his hands, cutting them both off, "Your mother has a point, maybe this is a sign we need to hang it up."
"Head for Mexico, retire."
The brothers looked concerned.
"We don't have enough." Said the younger brother
"We always said we wouldn't quit until we had enough to set ourselves up."
"The kid's right. We need to hit another." Kyle agreed.
The mother turned to Derek, "We can make do with what we've got."
"We'll be okay. " he agreed as he turned back to the boys.
The younger brother shook his head and turned away.
"I didn't spend 5 years risking my life and freedom to just be okay!" Kyle exclaimed
"No. Set for life."
He walked closer to his father and was in his face.
"That was our deal."
He stared him down and he nodded his head, "Okay."
Derek agreed and his wife looked away.
"One more. And then we're out." He said assertively. 
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At Queen Consolidated, Felicity was researching on her laptop for Oliver,
"I should add, 'Personal Internet researcher for Oliver Queen' to my job title."
He just looked at her, and she looked back with a look, almost like a deer caught in headlights,
"Happily, I mean."
Diggle looked at her and let out a silent chuckle.
"His name is Derek Reston. We were close, before I... went away."
Felicity pulled up the browser on her laptop
"And I want to get back in touch."
"I guess you didn't have Facebook on that island." She said
"Nope. Not even a My Space account." Diggle joked
Oliver gave him a dirty look, which was returned with a smirk.
"It was a very dark time."
She was scrolling through the page, "Well, there's not much here that's recent."
"No credit activity..."
She continued to read through the page, "No utility bills."
Suddenly, his employee ID from the factory popped up. A look of surprise crossed her face.
"Well, I guess you guys must have met at the factory." She said as she looked back at him
He just looked confused as he spoke up, "Wait.. What factory?"
"The Queen Steel Factory."
"Derek Reston worked there for 15 years until it shut down in '07." She said
She could very well see that he didn't know as his expression darted to the side.
"Derek Reston worked for my father?" He asked 
"You weren't really close friends, huh?" she asked sarcastically
She clicked on her keyboard as she continued to read the information on file.
"It looks like Derek was the factory foreman, until your dad outsourced production to China. About 1,500 employees got laid off."
Oliver and Diggle exchanged a knowing expression. Everything always came back to the list, and the filthy rich.
"Looks like the finance guys even found a loophole in the union contract, so they didn't have to pay severance packages and pensions to their employees."
"they all pretty much lost their homes."
She looked back at Oliver, "Including your friend."
Oliver was in the cave, in front of him was his father... His dead father.
He looked on in hurt and confusion, "You died."
In a stern, angered tone, Robert spoke up, "I asked you. I begged you to survive!"
"But, if you don't think you can," he pulled a gun from his back pocket, showing it to Oliver.
"There's still one bullet left."
Oliver reached for it.
Robert somewhat grabbed for it, "But Oliver.."
"My death is made meaningless by yours."
Robert let go of the gun. Oliver took it and held it at his side.
"I'm starving."
"I'm gonna die anyway, and I just want it to be quick." He said in somber desperation.
"I just want it to be quick, like yours was."
"You can survive this." Robert said
"No, I can't. I'm not as strong as you think I am."
He pointed the gun at his head
"And I'm sorry."
He fired the gun.
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galadriel-blue · 4 months
Thoughts on Galadriel with the bow and arrow??! We saw how skilled she is with swirds--do we think she's mastered this as well in her thousands of years of life or could another elf like Arondir maybe have given her some pointers????
Okay oh my goodness the fact that she has a bow and arrow is so cool!?! I was really excited when I saw that in the trailer!
I love the way your brain is working here with the idea that perhaps Arondir taught her how to use it or at least showed her how to use it better. One of my favorite parts of season 1 was in the last few episodes where Galadriel and Theo were interacting together, so I am really hoping we get an excuse to see her interact with Arondir and Bronwyn too. (Though I am worried about Bronwyn because from what I've seen she doesn't show up in the trailer). I think it would be a great insight into Galadriel's character to watch her attempt something she isn't as skilled in, and if Arondir (or another elf), were to show her how to go about it properly, it might help her connect with her elvish culture again, even if it isn't what she's used to. In season one we see how disconnected she is from what makes her an elf, but I am hoping to watch her reclaim, or rewrite, that part of her for herself.
If it turns out she already knows how to use a bow and arrow, I won't be upset by any means, but I love your idea here and I think it would be a great opportunity for Galadriel's character development to really shine through!
Also, seeing her with a bow and arrow keeps making me think about the scene where Galadriel is giving the Fellowship gifts, and she gives Legolas a bow of the Galadhrim. I think it would be cool if the show tried to tie in that fact by alluding to it or kind of foreshadowing it if that makes sense? If the elves she leads in the future use these specially crafted Galadhrim bows, then it would be interesting to see how that came to be. Maybe Arondir teaches her how to craft her own bow or perhaps it was a gift to her for protecting Theo which she uses as inspiration for her own weapons in the future? There are so many possibilities and I love diving deeper into the content of the trailer, even with the details that might seem small! Thanks for the ask I really enjoyed talking about this because Galadriel with a bow is something that makes me so happy!
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rynnthefangirl · 2 months
So… looks like Battle of the Gullet is on the edge of happening. What do we think they are gonna do about the Aegon the Younger age issue? We already have him and Stormcloud both too small for their battle escape as established in the current timeline. If Tyland’s fleet intersects them, then there is no in universe ambiguity with which to age them up and hand wave away a vague time lapse.
Option 1: They do it anyway, and hope nobody cares. There doesn’t need to be too much of an age increase. The actors they used in season 2 will probably be old enough by the time of filming, and if they recast they can always recast someone slightly older. I think 6 or so would be enough. Stormcloud would need to be bigger too, but again you can probably do that and just let the inconsistency stand (my ideal option, though I unfortunately don’t think they will go this route).
Option 2: Another, more likely one, is rewriting the scene to remove Aegon’s agency. Instead of him escaping on Stormcloud, he may be rescued by the Dragonseeds. This should be an easy enough rewrite, and you can still have Viserys lost in the chaos if he and Aegon get separated. Stormcloud could die just in the general battle. Obviously I dislike this option, as it erases a very very key moment in Aegon’s book arc, a formative experience that (along with Rhaenrya’s murder) is a driving factor of his depression and trauma. Specifically his self blame and survivors guilt. It also erases one of the most heartbreaking dragon deaths. Baby Stormcloud dying will be sad no matter what, but carrying Aegon all the way back to Dragonstone while shot full of arrows because he refuses to fall until his rider is safe… you cannot top that.
Option 3: Enact some sort of delay in the Battle of the Gullet in the in universe timeline. I am not sure how this would be done. Rhaenyra is about to take kings landing, and I’m not sure it makes sense for her to still send her sons to Pentos once the city is secure. Though with the Gullet by Dragonstone, they could also be attacked when heading to Kings Landing. Perhaps they stay at another port for a while, or are called back for the Vale once word comes of Rhaenrya taking the city. Meanwhile Tyland’s ships are taking time to prepare an attack plan. Even a small ambiguity in the timeline can be used to sneak in a couple years age up. We also do need more time for Jace’s character arc to be complete, before the Gullet happens.
Option 4: Aegon’s role in the Gullet could be substituted with Joffrey, who is already old enough. However, I hate this option more than any other. It is absolutely nothing against Joffrey, but I don’t want any of Aegon III’s few moments given up to another character. It feels insulting if they clearly are willing and capable of doing the scene, and simply chose not to do it with the future king for whom the event is a cornerstone of their character. I’d rather them simply not do it at all, as in Option 2.
Honestly if they give the Battle of the Gullet plot point to Joffrey, and the Rhaenyra’s death plot point to Alicent, I think I would actually lose my mind. Like I would be done. I have a very very high tolerance of changes to the source material because I view HOTD as it’s own separate canon, but giving away the backstory of my #1 favorite Targaryen (and if I’m being totally honest, ASOIAF character, minor as he may be) to other characters will be my line. I can’t do that. One event would be bad enough, but both of them??? Nah.
On a side note: I find it very interesting that with Tyland bringing the fleet from Essos, he will be responsible for both of the two major traumatizing moments of Aegon the Younger’s childhood. I like that change, adds more poignancy to Aegon’s eventual forgiveness of him.
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 11 months
Tumblr media
|| Daryl Dixon x Maddie Green || TWD Rewrite || TAGLIST ||   • DADDIE🎶 • SHIPS OF YAIN •
Season One
Chapter 1 - Days Gone Bye
Chapter 2 - Guts
Chapter 3 - Tell It to the Frogs
Chapter 4 - Vatos
Chapter 5 - Wildfire
Chapter 6 - TS-19
Season Two
Chapter 7 - What Lies Ahead
Chapter 8 - Bloodletting
Chapter 9 - Save the Last One
Chapter 10 - Cherokee Rose
Chapter 11 - Chupacabra
Chapter 12 - Secrets
Chapter 13 - Pretty Much Dead Already
Chapter 14 - Nebraska
Chapter 15 - Triggerfinger
Chapter 16 - 18 Miles Out
Chapter 17 - Judge, Jury, Executioner
Chapter 18 - Better Angels
Chapter 19 - Beside the Dying Fire
Season 3
Chapter 20 - Seed
Chapter 21 - Sick
Chapter 23 - Walk with Me
Chapter 24 - Killer Within
Chapter 25 - Say the Word
Chapter 26 - Hounded
Chapter 27 - When the Dead Come Knocking
Chapter 28 - Made to Suffer
Chapter 29 - The Suicide King
Chapter 30 - Home
Chapter 31 - I Ain't a Judas
Chapter 32 - Clear
Chapter 33 - Arrow on the Doorpost
Chapter 34 - Prey
Chapter 35 - This Sorrowful Life
Chapter 36 - Welcome to the Tombs
Season Four
Chapter 37 -
Season Five
Season Six
Season Seven
Season Eight
Season Nine
Season Ten
Season Eleven
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myymi · 5 months
I HAVE to know about "Time to become food".
ahh i love this one so much i can't wait to finish it
it's another fic set in mine and passion's apocalypse au lol it's a rewrite of a chunk of season 1 episode 2 of telltale's the walking dead game
“Sonic, wait,” Sonic’s ear twitched at his name being called, turning to find his little brother grabbing onto his sleeve. He motioned for the teen to bend down so he could whisper to him, earning an eye roll from Rick. The hedgehog waved at the human to tell him to go on without him for now before crouching down, “There’s something really off with these guys.” Tails whispered, glancing behind him at Wayne. “I don’t like it. Please be careful.” “Hey, you don’t gotta worry about me, bud.” Sonic gave the fox a small smile, placing his paw on the younger’s shoulder. “Please just promise you’ll keep an eye on him.” The kit begged, tugging on the cuff of his glove. They needed to find him a new pair, the ones he wore were too torn up. The teen sighed but nodded, taking away the paw on his shoulder so he could press his knuckles against his forehead. He smiled fondly as the fox leaned into the touch, “I promise, bro. I’ll be back before you know it.” “If you’re not back in thirty minutes I’m coming to find you myself.” Tails warned, curling his own paw into a fist so he could press his knuckles against the older’s chest. The hedgehog rolled his eyes, ruffling the kit’s bangs as he rose to his feet. “Deal.” Is all he said before giving a two finger salute, turning around so he could jog up to Rick. The fox frowned as he watched the two of them walk away, a pit of anxiety settling in his stomach. He really hopes it’s just him being paranoid, but he does not trust this place.
“Tails!” His ears perked at his name being called. He turned around to locate who was calling for him, raising a brow when he saw Charmy standing on a swing. That hadn’t been there a few minutes ago. “Come here!” “Where’d that come from?” Tails asked as he walked over, eyeing the rope that held the swing up. It looked sturdy enough. “Vector fixed it!” The bee had a huge grin on his face. He dropped to sit on the swing like you were supposed to and scooted as far to the right as he could, “C’mon, it’s big enough for both of us!” Tails wanted to protest. He really needed to finish fixing the fence and generator, but the happiness he could feel from the younger kept him from saying no. With a sigh, he walked over and hopped onto the swing. “Vector! Push us!” Charmy called, leaning back far enough that Tails worried he’d fall off the swing had he not been holding onto the rope with both of his hands. He instead just laughed at the bee, turning just in time to watch the crocodile shake his head as he made his way over to the kids. “I can’t stay on for too long,” The fox said, leaning against the rope. Vector grabbed hold of the ropes and took a few large steps back, knowing the bee would complain if he didn’t push the high enough, before pushing the swing forward, “but I’ll bet Runt’ll like this. You should show him this once he's feeling better.” “When is he gonna feel better?” Charmy asked, his feet kicking in sync with the swing. The kit shrugged, bringing his tails around to rest in their laps. “Should only be a couple days.” Tails guessed. The arrow hadn’t gone too deep, so the healing process should be pretty quick. He looked over to the farmhouse, a nauseating feeling washing over him as he did so. The fox dug the necklace out from his pocket, carefully rubbing his thumb over Runt’s engraved name on the back of the main charm. It was really messy handwriting that he guessed was the wolf’s. Deciding that the easiest way to make sure it wouldn’t fall out of his pocket or something, Tails clipped the necklace around his neck. The cold metal was a weird sensation, but he’d deal with it.
ive definitely posted the bit with charmy before, but i like it so im posting it again lmao
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blue-sophia · 1 year
Winx Club: Season 1 Rewrite (Snippet)
So as I've said before, I'm working on a rewrite of the Winx Club series and as I'm writing, I thought it'd be fun to share an extract of chapter 1:
“I can’t believe we’re letting him go back to that school.”
Standing beside her, on the threshold of Eraklyon’s royal palace, King Erendor sighed as his wife repeated the same accusation she had been firing at him for weeks. “He has many enemies, Samara, and will grow up to have even more. Sending him to Red Fountain is the best thing we can do to prepare him.”
Samara didn’t bother addressing her husband, her eyes fixed on the ship that was currently being prepared for takeoff in the direction of Magix’s capital city. Palace servants were loading suitcases and bags into the cargo compartment of the ship, while the pilot and guards were discussing the route most likely to let them go undetected. “His enemies are exactly the reason we should keep him here,” She said. “Sky is the future King of Eraklyon, he should be learning how to rule a kingdom, not how to swing a sword or shoot an arrow.” 
“You think our army will take commands from a king who hasn’t known a day of battle?” As the Magic Dimension’s Realm of the Warrior, Eraklyon was well known for its strong military force. Other planets and kingdoms would trade their own products and services for Eraklyan knights to fight their battles. So for Sky to command such a strong and proud army and its generals, it was vital he earned their respect as a swordsman first. “Those men aren’t the type to listen to spoiled brats.” 
“Then have master Lowine teach him.” 
“He has been,” Erendor said. “But having one swordmaster train you is not nearly the same as getting Red Fountain’s level of military education. Besides, royals and lords all over the magic dimension are sending their sons to Red Fountain, not to mention the high-born girls at Alfea. Sky should get to know them; form alliances and gather information for when he needs it.”
“And just how is he supposed to do that when everybody takes him for that Allard boy?” Samara rebutted, her attention now having shifted to the brunette standing beside her son. “Those other kids don’t even know who ‘Sky’ really is.”
“That’s a temporary safety measurement. Once Yoshinoiya’s threats settle down we will rectify that situation.” Erenor said, his eyes too having been redirected to the young squire. “Besides, it’s not a bad thing for Sky to be friends with someone from the Southern Isles.”
“I don’t trust that boy. He’s corrupting Sky’s brain with that southern liberalism. You know his father, he’s-”
“The south’s strongest military leader, one we should keep on our side.” Erendor interjected. “And if we do that by sending Brandon to Red Fountain with Sky, then he is letting us off easy,” he said. “Christian is many things, but he’s not a traitor.”
“Well let’s hope the same thing can be said about his children then. His oldest just recently got betrothed to Lord Khai’s daughter. Quite the match I’ve heard.” Samara said, clearly unimpressed by the marriage between the two southern families. “Speaking of engagements, I was just informed that Lady Disapro will be joining us for dinner tonight?” 
Erendor wasn’t unaware of the sneer laced with the queen’s polished vocabulary. “Sky is leaving a day sooner than planned, but that doesn’t mean we should deny Diaspro a meal with her future in-laws.” He said. “Her parents will not be joining us, however, but the girl is very well informed of House Grandare’s politics.” 
“Oh I have no doubts about the girl’s devotion to her father’s lordship. I simply wonder whether we have found the best suitor Sky could be taking to marriage.” Samara said, revisiting the topic of her son’s potential fiancée once more. “Doesn’t Princess Stella of Solaria go to Alfea? I thought Sky was quite fond of her?” 
“He is, but she’s Solaria’s crowned princess, their only one at that, she’d never leave Solaria for another kingdom.” Erendor shook his head. “Besides, Radius denies anybody’s request for his daughter's hand. His pending divorce from Luna has him all sentimental about the princess’s future marriage, which he will not be arranging under any circumstances.”
Samara scoffed. “I’ve always told him that he’s way too lenient with that girl.” she said, making a mental note to have her staff reach out to the King of Solaria. “I will be attending dinner tonight, but not before reevaluating our options. I do think that an international coupling is within our best interest.” 
“Whatever you wish, darling.” The sarcasm was nearly dripping off his words. “But we will want to think about the consequences of cutting off this agreement at this stage, Lord Grandare won’t take kindly to a disruption of his plans to get his daughter married to Sky.”
“His plans to get his daughter on the throne, you mean.” Samara rolled her eyes. Lord Grandare was a good ally of the royal family, but the queen wasn’t unaware of his motives to get his daughter married off to the prince as soon as possible. Diaspro was a nice girl, pretty too, so Sky shouldn’t have too much to complain about, but Samara wasn’t too keen on the idea of the Grandares taking over the palace at her expense. “I will see what we can do about him, should this marriage be the best option available.” 
Erendor stayed silent for a moment, watching his son get ready to board and giving him a silent nod when the prince looked up at him expectantly. In the corner of his eye, he could see his wife offering her son a static wave. “Seems like they’ll be taking off soon.” He said, readjusting his cape and making his way down the steps of the palace. 
“I’ll arrange travel plans to Solaria and Lynphea for the next week. I don’t think a suitor for princess Krystal has been named yet.” Turning on one heel, Samara signalled for her handmaiden to fetch her phone. “I will have Gaston prepare duck for tonight’s dinner, don’t you think? Diaspro’s from the North, so I think she could appreciate-” 
Inhaling sharply at the interruption, Samara slowly turned her head to look at her husband. “Yes?” 
Erendor sighed as he let his eyes slide back and forth between his wife and his son. “They’re about to leave for an entire school year.” He tried to hint. However, Samara merely raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking him for further elaboration. “Don’t you think we should say goodbye?
A moment of silence fell between the two of them as Samara followed his gaze. “I have more pressing matters to attend to than sentiment,” She then stated, her eyes momentarily locking with those of her son, before stoically averting them. “Like preparing to tell Diaspro she won’t be seeing her fiancé for a year.”
That's it! Please let me know what you think!
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gendervoid-zane · 8 months
MCD Rewrite:
Okay, so, in my rewrite, between season 1 and 2, Phoenix Drop doesn't go down hill. At least, not at first. The Phoenix Alliance still falls part, but other than that things were going fine. And of course, when the Irene Dimension Gang disappeared, people were shaken up.
But eventually things settled and people got used to a new normal. And despite the odds and what happened last time, Phoenix Drop did fairly okay without an offical lord for nearly 7 years -> primary responsibilities of "lord" got split pretty evenly between Donna, Logan, Dante, Nicole (at least, before she became the Lord of Scaleswind) and, surprisingly, Brendan. There was even some new residents that moved to Phoenix Drop during that time.
That is until the month after Zoey returned to the village with Levin and Malachi. In a last desperate attempt to find Zane and get their hands back on Garroth, O'Khasis ambushed the village. While death was kept to the absolute bare minimum, they burnt and destroyed everything to the ground. The only thing left untouched were the Irene Statue and the Yggdrasil Tree.
O'Khasis had Phoenix Drop cornered and they were planning on transporting the Phoenix Drop Residents to O'Khasis the next day. However, mysteriously overnight, everyone from O’Khasis had arrows in their head? And there was strange sense tranquility when the sunrose, it's rays highlighting the bloody masacre. And some even swore they could hear a soft melody playing in the distance.
But after that? People started to leave, relocating to other villages- mostly because they had no where to live but that doesn’t the fact that they never returned to the place they once called home. Then Nicole became Lord of Scalewind, forcing her to leave as well.
By the time the Irene Dimension Gang returns, the only people still in Phoenix Drop are the ones living there in canon plus a few non-canon characters.
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wordsbyarwen · 2 years
my top 5 works/chapters of 2022
@ehay has tagged me in this in the past, but i’m the actual #Worst at doing these things no matter how much i want to. But this year i produced a lot of work that i’ve really enjoyed not only writing but also looking back at for a revisit for my own enjoyment. We’re our own worst critics for sure, especially six months after the thing is posted, but some of these resonate with me continuously.
I feel very blessed to be able to continue to produce works not just for myself, but that other people enjoy ^^ Listed chronologically by publication.
1. like a river loves a stone (Rated E, 10,719 words) Kicking it off with the fic that was supposed to be a quick 2k M rated bit and turned into... this. I love the ideas that came out of it though, and the tender playfulness at the end. Canon-divergent rewrite of the bath scene in the beginning of s2 of The Witcher, occuring after my work “stone in your water” but sort of its own little pocket universe. Characters: Tissaia, Yennefer, Sabrina, Triss, Murta Ships: Tissaia/Yennefer, Sabrina/Triss (drive-by, only if you squint)
2. (and you knelt beside) my hope torn apart (Rated G, 2922 words) I wasn’t too thrilled with Yennefer’s return this past season, nor of how she claimed to travel the world trying every remedy in one month. Not the best-executed story (it was written quickly and with no beta for the Witcher Bows and Arrows prompt “home”), but i have a lot of feelings about this take on Tissaia and Yennefer’s reunion. Characters: Tissaia, Yennefer Ships: Yennaia
3. Chapters 2 and 3 of you’ll be an architect, so pull up your sleeves (Rated M, 15,713 words total) Listing this as one entry because the two chapters were supposed to be published one. I’m glad i split them into two though, because i wound up devoting a lot more time to the content in chapter 3 than i intended, and i’m so, so glad i did. I come back to this fic over and over again, and i can definitely say it’s my favorite of those listed here. Follows Yennefer and Tissaia as Tissaia has begun to finally really recover after the events of the Coup. The path to recovery is not easy, and it’s filled with bumps in the road. This one features gentle hand-holding, new clothes, tender touches and, somewhere in the desert, a hidden well. Characters: Tissaia, Yennefer Ships: Yennaia
4. i feel my heart start to tremblin’ whenever you’re around (Rated M, 6618 words) Was this the best executed fic of the year? No. Those 6600 words were written and edited in 2 days and had no beta. Chekhov’s six guns are scattered across the stage. AND YET, this ballroom dance au lived in my head for about 6 months before i wrote it down, and i’m so glad i finally did. A very quick slow-burn, in that it takes place over months but those months go by rather quickly in the fic, and a delightful little romp of a modern AU with a very sexy Tissaia and a very hopeless Yennefer Characters: Tissaia, Yennefer, Triss Ships: Yennaia, Sabrina/Triss (but only mentioned)
5. still your hands an still your heart (all the morning glows anew), chapter 8 (fic rated M, 62024 words, ongoing) It was hard to pick only 5 works, especially only one chapter from this fic, because i’ve had SO much fun writing it, but this first glasshouse tour between Tissaia and Yen in the florist!au is just so much. Yennefer is high-key, Tissaia is stunning, Triss is an angel. There are plants, and tender touches, and misplaced concern and gay floundering. It’s got a lot of the good stuff! And it has STUNNING artwork by ehay right over here! Characters: Tissaia, Yennefer, Triss (Jaskier and Rita feature in other chapters) Ships: Yennaia (bonus Geraskier, Sabrina/Triss, and some not-so-drive-by Rita/Tissaia, not romantic, in other chapters)
Honorable Mention: a tender green is showing (rated G, 2959 words) Another one that may not have been super well-executed, but this one was slammed out and got all of its edits done in 3.5 hours so forgive me. A longer-form version of an au headcanons post about organic farmer Tissaia and chef/cafe owner Yennefer. I loved this silly prompt, so i wanted to give our girls a little more time on the screen, so to speak. A micro-slow-burn if you will. Yennefer is smitten. Tissaia said “pretty sure she’s smitten so i am going to Present Myself Before Her until she takes the hint that i feel the same.” Purely lighthearted fluff.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Survivor's Guilt - (Fandom: The Flash) Harrison Wells survives night of the car accident Eobard Thawne caused, but Tess Morgan still dies. Of course, no one knows that last part yet. In which Eobard Thawne spends fifteen years as Tess, from Harrison's PoV. Eventually Harrison Wells/Tina McGee/Jerry McGee.
I found Jerry McGee in the various wikis about the comics while looking for more info on Tina and brought him in here where he became a chaotic, closeted bi who cannot sit in chairs properly to save his life. OG Harrison goes through a lot, but he winds up happy in the end. Has a prequel from Eobard's PoV and a sequel from Harrison's PoV for parts of S2 where E2 Tess Wells shows up in place of Harry.
Through The Looking Glass - (Fandom: Tales of Vesperia) Brave Vesperia is doing a job for the Empire, helping to clean up an old lab run by Alexei's allies and wind up accidentally rewriting history in the process.
First in a series about the timeline Yuri finds himself in where he never existed. Until now, that is. It's unfinished for now, but I want to work on it more as I've got a lot of plans for it. The world may be a dystopia run by Alexei now, but Yuri is bringing hope to the world - but arguably he's the person who needs hope the most...
The Comeback Queen - (Fandom: Supergirl) Part 2 of an ongoing series. In which Leslie gets her powers, but doesn't become a villain. Because, quite frankly, flirting with Supergirl is more fun than villainy anyway.
Livewire is a character I liked way back when I was a kid watching the Superman Animated Series. So I loved seeing her on Supergirl. And there was some definite sparkage between her and Kara. I may like Kara/Lena best, but Kara/Leslie is definitely a fun ship too.
Unexpected - (Fandom: Arrow) Tommy's jealousy over Laurel and Oliver's lingering feelings for each other swerves in an unexpected direction when he learns Oliver's in love with him too. Tommy/Laurel with pre-Tommy/Laurel/Oliver
Tommy is a disaster here realizing that he may be bi after all, Laurel is finally learning to move on from her grief over Sara thanks to her love for Tommy, and Oliver is being his usual, reckless self. Tales place during Season 1, starting with the poorly thought out double data involving Helena and continues through to the Christmas Party Snafu.
Scientific Method - (Fandoms: Arrow, The Flash) A rewrite of the two parter from Arrow S2, where Barry is introduced. Now with Tommy not being dead, Barry attending the party as Oliver's plus one instead of Felicity's, Oliver getting the infamous 'I'm sure he penetrates just fine' line, and Thea learning her brother is a vigilante from Oliver which goes a ways towards alleviating the trust issues that would have given Malcolm an in with her in canon.
Started off as an idea for a short fic rewriting just the party and expanded because I decided Tommy was alive and suddenly I was fleshing out a much bigger plot. I have plans for this series that'll take it into S1 of the Flash and tie in to at least one Batman movie, but I haven't even gotten to the fic about their New Years shenanigans or the traumatizing events of the Accelerator Incident (now pushed back to taking place in the first week of 2014 instead of the last few weeks of 2013 like in canon).
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Season 1 Arrow Rewrite Progress list
✅ Means already completed
❌ Not done or even started yet
📝 Currently writing
- Episode 1: Pilot (Part 1) ✅
- Episode 1: Pilot (Part 2) ✅
- Episode 2: Honor Thy Father (Part 1) ✅
- Episode 2: Honor Thy Father (Part 2) ✅
- Episode 3: Lone Gunman (Part 1) ✅
- Episode 3: Lone Gunman (Part 2) ✅
- Episode 4: An Innocent Man (Part 1) ✅
- Episode 4: An Innocent Man (Part 2) ✅
- Episode 5: Damaged (Part 1) ✅
- Episode 5: Damaged (Part 2) ✅
- Episode 6: Legacies (Part 1) ✅
- Episode 6: Legacies (Part 2) ✅
- Episode 7: Muse of Fire (Part 1) ✅
- Episode 7: Muse of Fire (Part 2) 📝
- Episode 8: Vendetta (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 8: Vendetta (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 9: Year's End (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 9: Year's End (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 10: Burned (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 10: Burned (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 11:  Trust but Verify (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 11: Trust But Verify (Part 2) ❌
- Unnamed Halfway Point (Part 1) ❌
- Unnamed Halfway Point (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 12: Vertigo (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 12: Vertigo (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 13: Betrayal (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 13: Betrayal (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 14: The Odyssey (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 14: The Odyssey (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 15: Dodger (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 15: Dodger (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 16: Dead to Rights (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 16: Dead to Rights (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 17: The Huntress Returns (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 17: The Huntress Returns (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 18: Salvation (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 18: Salvation (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 19: Unfinished Business (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 19: Unfinished Business (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 20: Home Invasion (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 20: Home Invasion (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 21: The Undertaking (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 21: The Undertaking (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 22: Darkness On The Edge of Town (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 22: Darkness On The Edge of Town (Part 2) ❌
- Episode 23: Sacrifice (Part 1) ❌
- Episode 23: Sacrifice (Part 2) ❌
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alondradina · 2 years
Getting to Know You Meme
I'm actually going to do this one. 🤣 Thanks @luthien-under-bough
Favorite time of year: Autumn! I love the cooling weather, the tasty food, and how beautiful the trees become.
Comfort food: I'm a sucker for sweet foods. 🤷 Kinda changes depending on my mood.
Do you collect anything?: Introverts? 🤣 I used to collect music boxes. Haven't gotten any new ones in a few years, been moving around a lot, but since I'm in an actual house now it should be ok to get more, right?
Favorite drinks: I primarily drink room temp water, 0 sugar purple Gatorade, and seasonal drinks at Starbucks. Currently I really like the eggnog one.
Favorite music artists: Uuugghhhh… Too many… At the moment I have been listening to a lot of Doja Cat, The Neighborhood, Now Now, Grimes, The Weeknd, and Emarosa.
Current favorite songs: Afraid and Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood, Cut My Fingers Off by Ethan Bortnick, Wolf by Now Now, Player of Games and Kill V. Maim by Grimes, too many songs by Emarosa (Cautious, Ready to Love, Attention, Helpless, Comfortable, Hell of It) and I could go on and on. 😩 I'm terrible at picking favorites.
Favorite fics: 😭 So many… Ummm… I'll just dump them here and you can feel free to ignore my enthusiasm.
This fic is what started me on Solavallen. An antisocial, semi feral Lavellan forced to be the Herald. Game rewrite done well. I reread what's written at least once a year.
I read this whole damn thing in a day, then immediately turned around to read it again and commented on each chapter. Also Solavallen. Modern day Daddy Long Legs college AU.
Pretty much everything by Forthright. I read a lot of Inuyasha pairings I'm not normally into because of her. She mostly does drabble stories. I started reading because of her Sess/Kag ones, though.
It's a Sess/Kag comic/manga, and super well done. I've been following this since she started up on DeviantArt. Slow progression of their friendship over a series of chance encounters.
This is FUCKING AMAZING. My all time favorite AVP fic. Humans have joined the intergalactic community. Nasira is the first major human ambassador, and takes her job very seriously. Enter the AVP part of the story. 🤣 Bad times ensue.
Best gen Star Wars fic I've read. It's a very long and involved series, but so good! I reread the damn thing constantly. The whole series. Obi-Wan is killed by Darth Vader and wakes up decades in the past, before Anakin was even born. Now two Obi-Wan's have to work together to figure out how to save the universe.
My favorite Snape/Hermione fic. Deliciously depressing. In his will, Snape leaves Hermione his house. No one knows why, but makes a lot of assumptions about their relationship. Hermione also doesn't know why he left her the place, but she's about to find out.
Really good Tom Riddle/Hermione time travel fic, where Tom travels forward. Starts pre Hogwarts and works its way up from there.
Everything by Cocoartist. I mostly read the Tom Riddle/Hermione ones. They've migrated some stuff to AO3, but not all of it. Hence the ff.net shortcut.
Is one of my favorites and is on AO3, though. Tom Riddle/Hermione. Hermione goes back in time, and discovers that some things can't be changed no matter how hard you try.
This is a very satisfying story. 🤷 Hermione as a Slytherin, being a boss. A prophecy distinguishes her from being a Muggleborn into being a New Blood. What's a New Blood? She's going to find out.
Favorite Video Games: Pretty much all series here. Dragon Age, Dragon Quest, Dragon Warriors, Dragon Warriors Monsters, Pokemon, and Mass Effect has recently joined the list. Individual games I like are Jade Empire, Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2, Champions of Norrath 1, and I love watching people play The Last of Us and Alien Isolation. I'm too much of a wuss to play them myself.
I'm glad this thing doesn't ask for my favorite books. 😱
Tagging @somekndofnature @whimsicalmeerkat @voylitscope
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ao3feed-westallen · 2 years
Starting Line
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bx9Ontv
by blueboxendgame
Seeing as the show is ending, I wanted to take on the challenge of rewriting certain parts/episodes of it. This is a slight retelling and/or expansion upon the pilot episode.
Words: 8803, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Flash Rewrite - Season 1
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Barry Allen, Iris West, Joe West, Darryl Frye, Eddie Thawne, Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Henry Allen, Nora Allen
Relationships: Barry Allen/Iris West, Eddie Thawne/Iris West, Barry Allen & Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells, Barry Allen & Cisco Ramon, Barry Allen & Caitlin Snow, Barry Allen & Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen & Iris West
Additional Tags: No beta we die like Nora Allen, Bisexual Barry Allen, Bisexual Disaster Barry Allen, Deviates From Canon, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Barry Allen is The Flash, The Flash (TV 2014) Season 1, Starling City (Arrow TV 2012)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bx9Ontv
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independent-fics · 7 years
It’s What’s On the Inside that Counts (Olicity AU)
*walks into tumblr after not writing for over two years*
Long story short the last year and a half have been poop in a poop basket. But I started this two years ago and I made a commitment to finish it (I sat for two hours finishing this instead of college homework…oops). So here is the prologue. I’m not sure when the next update will be but hopefully soon. I want to do this!
Summary: Basically a Beauty and the Beast Olicity AU with a modern twist. It’s based on the CW Batb which is also based off the 1987 Batb. This is sorta a mix of both with my own twist and an olicity twist of course. Enjoy!
I don’t remember all of who I used to tag I’m so sorry! Message me if you want to follow this story!
“Mom really I’ll be fine! I can call a tow truck and the-”
Felicity sighed as, once again, her worrisome mother interrupted her, telling her that she could come give her a jump start on her adorable, if not a bit dated, mini cooper. And if that didn’t work, a ride home.
But the problem was Felicity didn’t want her to come for the same reason Donna Smoak- Quentin didn’t want her only daughter to stay and wait for a tow truck. Her car broke down at the edge of the Glades and that was enough incentive for Donna to drive down herself to retrieve Felicity. Felicity didn’t believe the Glades was a bad place per-say but it had some bad people in it. Not everyone of course as Felicity knew it wasn’t all those people’s fault they were hit by hard times.
She wasn’t naive to think all the bad was in the darkest part of town and all the good was in the brightest. Some rich socialites in Starling City were just as artificial as the light bulbs in the billion dollar companies they run. And some of those living in the Glades were just struggling to survive.
So, to ease her mother’s conscience, Felicity waited, leaning against the side of her baby and subtly watching the shadows. She understood why some in the Glades led themselves down the criminal path but it didn’t mean she wanted to be in the middle of that path tonight either.
Soon enough her mother pulled up in her smaller car, all legs, and high heels as always. Felicity smiled, comforted by the fact that no matter what her mother would be there, mini dress and all.
“My goodness sweetheart sorry I wasn’t here sooner. I’ve been here now for months but I still get turned around in that big city,” Donna said smiling brightly and embracing her daughter. Then she walked around to her trunk and pulled out the jumper cables as Felicity popped the hood.
“Mom it’s really fine. I just knew you and Quentin planned to go out this evening and I didn’t want you to go out of your way.” Felicity wished her mother would enjoy herself for once, now that she was a newly married woman.
“Honey, I will always be where you need me don’t worry about it. I wasn’t going to leave you out here in the dark all alone. Besides, Quentin got called in for a late shift, something about some rich man getting attacked or something. So we planned it for another night. Also, Felicity dear, it’s been three months. You’re allowed to call him your step-dad. And Laurel and Sara are your step-sisters!”
Felicity sighed, attaching the heavy cables to her car. She hated when her mother brought up the subject of their new family. It’s wasn’t that she wasn’t happy for her, far from it actually. She was glad her mother had finally found something to be happy about. She had no idea this would happen when her mother stopped by for a surprise visit, running into the head detective while they went out for their morning coffee before Felicity went to work. She also didn’t expect two very different people to hit it off so quickly. But next thing Felicity knew they were married, she had two new stepsisters, and everyone around her was asking what it was like to be the stepdaughter of a prominent detective and the stepsister to the city’s best lawyer. The timing alone made Felicity’s head spin and sometimes it was easier to ignore her lack of acceptance of the new development than discussing it with her nosy mother.
“Mom, don’t get me wrong I’m very, very happy for you and Quentin.” Felicity paused as her mother beamed and Felicity gave her a timid smile back. “But, it’s just gone by so fast I guess I just haven’t gotten used to it not being just you and me anymore.”
Felicity turned away from her, willing her tears away. It was no time for a pity party.
“Oh sweetheart,” Donna cooed as she held her daughter. “No matter what you’ll always have me dear. I know things have changed and I’m glad you don’t hate me for bursting into your life again. But you have to understand I’ll always be on your side and by your side. And if Quentin isn’t ‘stepdad’ to you then that’s okay too.”
Felicity sniffed, embracing her mother harder. “Thanks, mom. I’m just not ready for that yet. I love you though and I’m glad you’re happy again.”
“I love y-”
Both of their heads shot up and the clanking of metal from an alley across the street. Donna, placing Felicity behind her, started to push her towards her own car. But then, out of the shadows came a small cat and it darted down the street.
Both women looked at one another and dissolved into a fit of giggles.
“Come on honey let’s give you a jump and get out of here.”
A throat cleared behind them on the opposite sidewalk. Both women, startled, turned to find two burly men standing there in crisp, dark suits.
“Excuse me? Can we help you with anything?” Felicity asked out of sheer politeness but she knew these men meant trouble, no matter how nice they dressed.
Donna, however, hadn’t said a word, but pushed Felicity behind her again, almost urging her towards the street, away from the men.
“Gentlemen we’re not here for trouble,” she stated.
“We just wanted to ask you a few questions Ms. Smoak. Or is it Lance now?” The taller of the two had spoken first, his voice deep but it had a sarcastic tone as if laughing at the formalities.
Donna swallowed and pushed Felicity further back.
Felicity, looking between the two men and her mother, whispered, “Mom do you know who these people are? What do they want? How do you know them?” Felicity paused to take a much-needed breath.
Both men’s eyes were drawn to her behind her mother, and the shorter one smirked. “You raised a clever one Donna. Relax, we just need to know what you know. Tell us what you know about the Alpha Operation.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. If you’re referring to my late husband’s work I was never involved in that.” Donna’s voice trembled as she slowly tried to walk Felicity and her away from the men, who only moved closer with each step.
Felicity stared wide eyed at the back of her mother’s head at the mention of her deadbeat dad. The last she saw him he was walking out the door and that was the last she cared to know about him. She had asked that next morning but her mother told her that she didn’t need to know and could never ask again. And contrary to her curious personality, she didn’t. Because her dad left and her mom stayed and that had been all that mattered.
“Come now Ms. Smoak we only want to talk. We just need to know if you’ve discussed your husband’s previous dealings with A.R.G.U.S. to anyone else that’s all. There’s been a leak, if you will. Someone’s been trying to get information on the program, that was supposed to be shut down. Of course, that’s only one of many leaks we’re noticing lately.” The man paused in his speech to look them over once again before looking at his partner as they closed in on the women. “We just came to ask you a few questions.”
The man leaned forward, hands out, as if to present himself in an open and non-threatening manner. Which was contradicted by the gun Felicity spotted strapped to his belt. She swallowed before returning her focus to her paler-by-the-second mother.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. My late husband rarely discussed his work with me. Besides,” Donna paused looking between the men before pointedly looking at their holsters. “I realized what happens to your so called ‘leaks’ a long time ago and I’m not foolish enough to risk the rest of my family.”
The taller man, who appeared to be the leader of the two, stepped forward again and smirked. He was only feet from them now and both women stood in the middle of the empty street. In the part of the city full of criminal nightlife, no one seemed to be out tonight.
“Fine, fine, that’s fine Ms. Smoak. Wonderful even. It does, however, make me feel a bit guilty doing this knowing you’re innocent. But you’ll just have to forgive me. We can’t risk any more leaks. You understand.”
Before Felicity could even utter a word both men pulled their weapons, firing on Donna. Donna had pushed her away, uttering one last ‘run’ before she fell to the ground within a growing puddle of her blood.
Felicity, given no time to grieve over her mother much less think, let instinct take over, and darted down the street. Running on adrenaline she swerved her run as bullets ricocheted off cars and brick beside her. She told herself not to cry, as tears would blur her vision, and she tried to stick to the shadows as much as possible, hoping to find an area with more people so she could get help. She hoped her mother was still alive, prayed that she could still be holding on, but knew it was hopeless. She saw her mother get filled with bullets, bullets that she would be filled with as well if she didn’t run faster.
Seeing one of the men gaining on her she darted down an alley hoping she choose correctly and that it would lead to another street on the other side. And for a moment she thought she would be okay because she saw a corner leading around the building, her heart threatening to burst from her chest in both fear and hope. But those hopes were dashed as she turned the corner and only found a wooden fence standing in her way and there was nothing around her to help her jump over to salvation on the other side.
The men , realizing she was cornered widened their positions, ensuring her only other escape route was closed off. Heart beating quickly Felicity looked around for some sort of weapon or some splinter in the wooded fence. Finding nothing but trash and dirt around her and a solid, inconvenience of a wooden fence she turned back to the men who had slowly been drawing closer to her. If she couldn’t run she would fight.
“Look, you look like a sweet girl but you understand. It’s my job.” The taller man shrugged like murdering people and getting paid for it was such a burden for him tonight.
“Well, I don’t really understand. Last I checked being a criminal has some pretty crappy benefits.”
The taller man laughed but while Felicity was distracted the smaller man had darted towards her and grabbed her, holding her still in a bear hug. She struggled but it seemed to no avail against him.
“Look,” the taller man, criminal, said, continuing their banter. “It’s not so bad. I get a roof over my head, good money, maybe even dental. All I gotta do is shoot you.”
Felicity doubled her struggles as he raised his gun to the side of her head. He was ready to pull the trigger until a noise from above froze both men. Felicity listened harder trying to distinguish what it was.
An air conditioner in the building?
A car?
A growl.
Felicity’s eyes widened as she realized that this animal had to huge with the strength of this growl. She figured it might be a big dog and looked around the alleyway trying to spot it. But both men paid her no mind as they were frozen around her before they looked…up.
“Impossible,” the taller man whispered to himself. “They said there were leaks but they didn’t tell us anything about you. Did they send you after the leak too. A mauling seems a little excessive right buddy?”
Both men talked to the creature as if they were familiar with it. But they also sounded very fearful. And if these men were afraid then Felicity had no trouble being afraid either.
Felicity suddenly released an embarrassing ‘squeak’ as the creature, no, man, dropped from the four stories of the building above them, pausing in a crouch in the shadows.
“Hey look, if you want to take care of her you can. I won’t get in the way.”
The man, still covered in shadows, rose from the ground, the shadows falling away to reveal some of his features. Or at least the ones not covered by a dark hood. The most prominent feature still noticeable was a scar running down his face, from the bottom of his cheek up into the shadow of his hood towards his eye.
What happened to him?
Felicity continued to wonder who had done that to him, how these men knew him, how he could drop four stories and still stand. But then the man was speaking, replying to the men’s questions in a low growl in his voice.
“I will. And you won’t.”
Before Felicity could blink, the gun beside her head fell away and the man behind her let her go. She fell to the ground in the shock of him releasing her and she looked up to see the man in the hood ripping the gun away from the leader, his face contorted into a snarl sharp teeth and all. She thought maybe he batted it away but no, she watched again as he raised his arm for another strike. She watched his fingers. His claws.
Her hooded savior brought his hand down, slicing through the man’s chest and letting him fall to the ground before he receded back into the shadows.
Felicity watched in horror as blood spilled onto the cracked pavement, spreading out from the body. She wanted to know who this man was, what he was. She had just watched him fall from an injury inducing height without a scratch, engage a gunned man in a fight and not only win but rip his chest open.
With claws…
Whoever this man, creature, whoever was he was dangerous. But it looked like he was on her side and she would not question that.
Her other captor was still standing, peering into the shadows in fear, trying to find him.
“Look,” his voice shaking. “I’ll be honest I know they didn’t treat you right over there. Like, nobody should have to go through that. But like you’re their soldier. I’m on your side!”
The man sounded desperate, trying to plead his case. But after no response, he darted down the alleyway opening.
But he never made it.
Stepping out in front of her last captor, Felicity got a view of the hooded man in all his glory. He was tall and decked out in all black. No green? The color was still dark enough for him to blend into the night and was fitted to allow movement. He also held a bow and arrows on his back, which was an uncommon weapon and one he obviously didn’t plan on using tonight if the body laying next to Felicity had anything to say about it.
No, Felicity, he doesn’t have anything to say about it he’s dead.
Who was this man? Wouldn’t it be reported if a man in tights was running around the city?
Felicity came out of her thoughts just in time to see the last man go down, claws being slashed across his throat.
Both Felicity and her savior stood there in a stalemate for a few moments, taking in the carnage.
Then he looked up towards her, his eyes, under his hood at least, piercing her as she stared back.
“Who are you?”
She had to know. She had to know everything.
He stared at her a moment longer as if contemplating. Then turning her savior disappeared off into the night as sirens filled the air.
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heyybibi · 8 years
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak, John Diggle & Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak, Tommy Merlyn & Oliver Queen, Tommy Merlyn & Felicity Smoak, John Diggle & Oliver Queen, John Diggle & Felicity Smoak, Oliver Queen & Thea Queen, Thea Queen & Felicity Smoak, Moira Queen & Oliver Queen, Moira Queen & Felicity Smoak, Felicity Smoak & Walter Steele, Roy Harper/Thea Queen Characters: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, John Diggle, Tommy Merlyn, Thea Queen, Moira Queen, Roy Harper, Quentin Lance, Walter Steele, Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: season one rewrite, Kid Fic, Alternate Canon, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Sex, oliver and felicity meet and get together before the island, Protective Oliver, Daddy Oliver, Oral Sex Summary:
Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak meet and fall in love before the island. After 5 years missing he comes home to find out that Felicity has a daughter; his daughter. Now he has to find a way to save his city while being a father and reconnecting with Felicity. (I suck at summarizing.)
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