#Art Framagucci
xskywalker21 · 8 months
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Lewis and his little boy
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back-in-2037 · 20 days
And that’s only like a third of them.
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zipzapzopzoop · 28 days
Meet the Robinsons Headcanons (Part 1)
Gaston has slight hearing loss due to the cannons.
This means he often tends to be too loud without realizing it.
Gaston also lost his sense of smell from cannon explosions as well.
My headcanon voice for human Petunia is Wendie Malick.
(Human) Petunia has a gambling addiction. She took everything she and Fritz had and left on her Harley one night when Laszlo and Tallulah were only six and four.
Bud and Lucille insisted Fritz and the kids come live with them.
The first time Fritz left the house after Petunia abandoned them, Laszlo freaked out, thinking he was leaving for good. Thankfully, Cornelius and Franny calmed him down.
Laszlo has freckles, they're easier to see when he's not wearing his goggles.
Tallulah has them as well, her makeup just happens to cover them up.
Tallulah is quite an avid reader! She can go through book after book in days!
Tallulah studied the early 2000s while working on some outfits. Had there not been the worries of time travel, she would’ve loved to ask Lewis about his time.
However, she does often ask other family members about it!
Art was in the army at one point.
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 2 Group 10
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Dethklok: Nathan Explosion, Skwisgaar Skwigelf, Pickles (The Drummer), William Murderface, Toki Wartooth, and Charles Foster Offdensen
The Robinsons: Lewis, Wilbur, Franny, Bud, Tallulah, Billie, Fritz, Joe, Laszlo, and Petunia Robinson, Art and Gaston Framagucci, Lucille Krunklehorn, C4rl, and Spike & Dimitri
Submissions are still open!
Admittedly most of the time they are kind of assholes to each other especially early on (except for Charles) ,but they do love each other deep down and get a bit more caring towards each other as time goes on, there is quite literally an entire special dedicated to the found family factor. Like Doomstar Requiem drinking game: take a shot every time they say “brother”, you will be dead and it will brutal!
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The Robinsons:
perhaps Thee found family of all time. little orphan boy travels forward in time to meet a big messy family and realizes that they were already destined to be in his future… that’s the shit.
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pjunicornart · 5 months
Lazy Days Info Dump pt. 2
You read the title. Let's do this.
SO. I've been brainstorming ideas for the others characters within this AU, as in, the other Robinsons. These will just be little character bios, and these were made recently. So everything you see here is subject to change!
Lucille Still as lively as ever! When she's not baking or sewing, she's swimming in her family's pool. She tries to stay positive after the death of her husband, Bud... and that meant going to grief counseling.
Gaston A streamer/online personality. He started off by playing FPS games, but nowadays he's interested in the likes of indie games, especially indie horror. Yes... the other Robinsons have appeared in his videos on occasion. Like that one time Neil and Gaston made a "gingerbread house."
Art An intergalactic bounty hunter alah Celeste from HuniePop. It's from this job he met Lefty, and rescued her from danger. He's often away from the family for weeks at a time, but he makes sure to bring home cool alien artifacts for the kiddos for when he returns.
Fritz He makes OOAKs with old play line fashion dolls. He has the whole shebang... the 3D printer for more complex projects, the matte varnish, the sewing patterns, clumps of doll hair, a rooting tool, etc. He posts his creations online.
Petunia Not a puppet! She is still very much alive. Her first husband wound up in prison. He can rot in there for all she cares, because Fritz is a better man. He supported her dream of becoming a lawyer.
Tallulah A world famous model for a high end lounge, lingerie, and sleepwear brand. Her personality is inspired by Ashley's from HuniePop 2. Very chill and laid-back. Also the type to ask fucked up questions.
Laszlo Due to trauma from his past he'd rather not talk about, he's very intertwined with the internet aesthetic known as "Traumacore." This reflects in his digital art, using pastels and cute character designs mixed with dark and disturbing imagery. It's a coping/comfort mechanism for him. He's working on a graphic novel with this style.
Joe After undergoing bariactric surgery, he's taking his personal health a lot more seriously. His positive attitude online and drive to become a better him has landed him multiple brand deals.
Billie The hands on type. The type of girl to get her hands dirty building and painting model trains. She collects vintage and newer toy trains and displays them proudly on her shelf. Well, multiple shelves, actually.
Carl Built with a more cozy, humanoid appearance, he's the family's right hand robot. He's programmed with thousands of ways to enhance the family's daily lives, as well as advanced hardware to make him a truly intelligent AI.
Lefty The maid of the household. Her home planet was a desolate ocean, where a rogue group reined supreme. Now that she's on this exciting, new environment, she eagerly looks at everything with an intense curiosity.
Doris The butler. She's got some sass to her, I'll say that... She's got the same hardware that Carl has, so her developing her own personality was nothing to write about for Neil.
Spike and Dmitri Alien twins who were also rescued from one of Art's missions. They were never given names on their home planet, so the family gave them names. For some reason, they spend most of their day in the garden... sitting in flower pots. Maybe it's because their home planet was very lush? Who knows...
For more info about the AU in general and bios for the other characters, refer to this post -> Lazy Days Info Dump. For busts of the other members of the family, refer to this post -> Lazy Days Character Busts. Still wanna know more? Ask box is always open.
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Hiya, guys!
Ok so I've been searching, and where are the Cornelius and Wilbur bonding fanfictions?!
So, i decided to write my own!
Based off a few things:
Wilbur is 8 in this and he's easily fascinated by science so he 'wants to be a scientist' when he grows up, y'know
Wilbur is actually quite smart
That's it
Oh and the fact that Wilbur knows every prototype for the time machine
Care day
"Alright," Cornelius surrendered "I'll take care of him." 
"Thanks, Neil," Franny smiled as she joined her brothers for a siblings day out
"Are you sure about this?" Art asked his sister 
"Of course I am," she replied "Why wouldn't I be?" 
"You know how caught up Cornelius gets when he's in the lab," Gaston said 
"And Wilbur is a bit reckless too," Art chimed in, but Franny wasn't going back 
"They'll be fine," she insisted "Probably." 
Cornelius and Wilbur entered the lab. Peculiar gadgets filled the place along with colorful chemicals, and strange contraptions. Wilbur's eyes widened with excitement, eager to explore the wonders of his father's world.
"Alright, my little apprentice, what would you like to do first?" Cornelius asked, kneeling down to meet Wilbur's gaze.
Wilbur pointed at a peculiar machine in the corner. "What's that, Dad?"
Cornelius followed his son's finger and smiled. "Ah, that's supposed to be a time traveler. It's still a work in progress, but one day, it'll take us on incredible adventures through time!"
Wilbur's eyes gleamed with delight. "Can we try it now? Can we go back to the time of dinosaurs?"
Cornelius chuckled and ruffled his son's hair. "Not just yet, Wilbur. It still needs some adjustments. But how about we do a fun science experiment instead?"
Wilbur clapped his hands in excitement. "Yes!" he shouted excitedly and went to the closest table, which, of course, contained colored tubes of different sizes and shapes, but something specific caught his attention. 
"Wilbur! This is too much! " Cornelius yelled worriedly as he saw his son about to put a big piece of sodium in the water.
"Yeah, Dad! Look at it! It's going to create a giant explosion!"
Cornelius quickly reached out to stop Wilbur from placing the piece of sodium into the water. 
"That's too dangerous!" Cornelius exclaimed, grabbing hold of the curious 8-year-old's hand. "Yes, sodium can indeed react explosively with water, but it's essential to handle it with extreme caution and proper safety measures."
Wilbur tilted his head, his eyes filled with confusion, but also a tinge of disappointment. "But Dad, I really wanted to see the explosion! It would have been so cool!"
Cornelius smiled warmly at his son's enthusiasm but knew he can't risk anything while his son was here. "I understand your excitement, Wilbur, but science experiments can be dangerous if not done properly. Let's focus on a safer experiment for now, shall we?"
He guided Wilbur towards another table where various scientific equipment and materials were neatly arranged. Cornelius chose a beaker filled with colored liquid.
"Here, let's try this instead," he suggested, pouring the liquid into a smaller beaker. "This is a simple chemical reaction called an acid-base reaction. When we mix this acid solution with a base, it will create a fizzing and bubbling effect."
Wilbur's disappointment slowly turned into intrigue as he watched his father carefully pour the acid solution into the base. The mixture started fizzing and bubbling just as Cornelius had predicted.
"Whoa! Look, Dad! It's bubbling up!" Wilbur exclaimed, his eyes filled with wonder.
Cornelius smiled as he watched his son's excitement. "Yes, Wilbur, it's the acid and base reacting with each other. This reaction releases carbon dioxide gas, which creates those bubbles you see."
As they worked on the experiment (Wilbur clearly not understanding but still enjoying anyway), Cornelius shared stories of his own childhood experiments and inventions. Wilbur listened intently, his eyes wide with admiration for his father's inventive mind. After they finished the experiment, Cornelius and Wilbur cleaned up the lab together. As they put away the beakers and test tubes, Wilbur couldn't help but ask, "Dad, why do you love inventing so much?"
Cornelius smiled at his son and took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Well, Wilbur, inventing and exploring the unknown has always fascinated me. It's like solving puzzles and discovering new possibilities. It allows me to use my imagination and creativity to make things that can help people and make the world a better place."
Wilbur nodded, absorbing his father's words. "So, when I grow up, can I become an inventor like you?"
Cornelius smiled proudly, placing a hand on Wilbur's shoulder. "Of course, my little apprentice. If you have a passion for it, I'll support you every step of the way. Just remember, being an inventor comes with its challenges, but it's also incredibly rewarding. You'll face failures, but you should keep moving forward."
Wilbur beamed, already imagining the inventions he would create in the future. "I can't wait, Dad! Maybe one day, we can even fix the Time Traveler and go on those amazing adventures!"
Cornelius chuckled, a twinkle in his eyes. "Who knows, Wilbur? Maybe one day, we'll travel through time together and discover wonders beyond our wildest dreams. But for now, let's continue exploring the wonders of science and inventing new things right here in our lab-"
"Why can't we use the time machine now?" Wilbur interrupted his father, his gaze fixed on the still-in-progress time machine. 
Cornelius paused, contemplating his son's question. He knelt down to Wilbur's level and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
"Look, Wilbur, the time machine is a complicated invention. It's not quite ready for human testing just yet," he explained. "There are still some important safety precautions that need to be taken before we can use it."
Wilbur's eyes widened with excitement as he looked at the time machine. "But Dad, imagine all the adventures we could have! I want to see what the world was like in the past!"
Cornelius chuckled and tousled Wilbur's hair affectionately. "I understand your enthusiasm. But you have to promise me you wouldn't get near that time machine alone."
"Ok. But I will help you make it."
"That's a deal then." both agreed as they shook hands together, Cornelius knowing darn well that this promise will be broken at some point, but still smiled with pride at his son anyway. 
"I'm back! How was your day-oh" Franny' s voice trailed off as she admired the view before her. Cornelius slept peacefully with Wilbur in his lap, who, in return, wrapped a tiny arm around his dad, they sat against a red machine with tools and papers all around them. 
Careful not to disturb them, Franny closed the garage door gently behind her, and turned to her brothers. 
"See? I was right." 
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cuddlefl00fs · 2 years
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Art: Star Wars? Why would you go to war with stars? You fools. You can’t win. Just look at how many there are.
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elioli-art · 8 months
Hello Elioli,
I really like your Meet the Robinsons art /animatics❤️🎨and headcanons and I love your designs for the Framagucci siblings and their parents.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you mentioned how their parents are separated. I was wondering what the reason behind that is, especially because he didn't seem to show up at Franny's wedding.
Is he a dead beat?
Did their parents have a peaceful separation?
Does he still visit in the child/adult years?
How did the kids and their mother handle him not being around?
Sorry to ask so many questions you don't have to answer them all (or any if you don't want/have time to)
Thank you for reading and have a good day 😊
Thank you that you at least have found these interesting! Lol kind of embarrass to share sometimes, but glad you appreciate it! Guess we’ll answer in order!
1. Kind of sort of? Like, he has his own desires and wants that maybe just didn’t align with their mom after a while. What it is yet, who knows!
2. Hard on the kids maybe? But between them, so so, but more on the negative side!
3. He’s attempted to, but Gaston feels more irked by it. They all do feel some distance, but Franny seemed to have more of a positive response to him, better memories etc. Art sees them both react, and divided in many ways.
4. Franny more sad. Gaston angry. Art too worried about his current responsibilities with them to process the situation!
Food for fandom thoughts only! Haha!
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frogagucci · 6 months
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Francesca Framagucci is based on Franny from Meet the Robinsons. She is a 24 year old gifted human, music producer, and uses she/her pronouns. She has the power of animal control. Franny is portrayed by Ella Purnell.
ever since franny was a kid, she has been labeled "a special one." well, yeah, she was pretty special. she could talk to frogs, was pretty smart if she said so herself, and her imagination was constantly flowing. she was only six when she said she wanted to teach frogs how to sing, and everyone around her thought she was being a silly kid, but she meant it. oh she meant it. she spent hours catching her frogs for her band, teaching them to sing on pitch, etc. her only friends were frogs and her grandparents and she was cool with that.
the thing was...franny was very gifted when it came to music. she knew how to play piano, guitar, trumpet, flute, oboe, and harp. music theory came to her as easy as breathing, really. she was always tucked away somewhere in her room composing original songs for the frogs to perform. if not original songs, she normally went into a jazz direction. frogs and jazz just made sense to her. it was a shame she couldn't sing well, because she would have so joined her own choir. composing came more natural, so that was what she stuck with.
she used to go out of her way to take her bulky recorder out to the park and just record every single sound she could. she turned those songs to tunes and those tunes turned to hits. as she grew older she had a very fulfilling life creating her sound, falling in love, and living her life to its fullest.
however, she remembers none of that. she has no idea of the success that came her way, the epic love story, the wonderful family...she just knows she is franny framagucci and she lives in a weird little town called evermore. she knows she can talk to frogs and compose music and she knows that is her calling, no matter what people say to her. she is a music producer with an agenda and even though it feels like something is missing half the time, she can drown that noise out with her frog choir.
she is a proud defender of all things odd and eccentric! she has always done things her own way instead of how it should be done and she likes to be around people who think beyond what they are told. being that she is the most odd and eccentric person she knows, she has a soft spot for the weirdos. she is a proud weirdo!
she's never really tried to see if she could talk or get other animals to do things. she really is solely a frog person and likes what she likes!
she has a nice little home in evermore. she had to get a good backyard for the frogs and all that. sometimes her home feels a little too empty for her liking but she just fills it with constant friends and more frogs! she has her own studio room and spends most of her time in there if she is home at all.
there is always a frog on her. she doesn't mean to keep any on her, but chances are one has snuck into her pocket. and if she somehow doesn't have frogs on her person, she has some sort of frog accessory. or her frog tattoos. she's really into frogs, guys.
she is a black belt in karate. she doesn't remember that she learned from her grandma and her countless karate dvds, but she knows she knows how to defend herself peacefully if needed. with the weirdos she sees, she knows it is all too plausible.
her closest looks like ms. frizzle from the magic school bus threw up on it. she loves bright colors and wacky combinations for her own personal style.
she has a big soft spot for nerdy guys. she's a nerd herself and she knows it is cliche, but a guy with big glasses and endless science knowledge really speaks to her heartstrings.
she is a very theatrical person. she loves musical theater and the performing arts and drag queens. she will make her friends binge watch drag race with her just as easily as she will try to sneak a musical movie.
all of her frogs have names. she started with naming them after famous jazz musicians and once she ran out of those, she started naming them based on famous composers.
despite how assertive and pushy she comes off as, she has a real maternal urge in her. she is always making sure the people she cares about are okay and safe and loved. she's really a big softie, people just got to get past the theatrics first.
she WILL gossip to her frogs about everyone. franny can keep a secret to everyone but her frogs.
she often finds herself in over the top schemes. sometimes it's for the sake of her future, feeling like she was wronged and eager for revenge, or because she is just a sucker for a good prank. either way, her success rate is pretty good.
she is very skilled in dance as well! her specialty has always been jazz and tap, which reflect with her choir. sometimes when she is exceptionally stressed, she will go to the dance studio to dance her problems out.
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swynlake-rp · 7 months
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Three's company! What Disney trio will you join here in Swynlake?
Timon Suricate (Timon, The Lion King) - You're going to strike it rich someday, they'll see! This whole bartender thing? Just a temporary gig!
Antonio Madrigal (Antonio, Encanto) - It’s not that you don’t like people! No, no, it’s only that you flip between between being too shy and being much, much too invested. Kind of hard to live up to the family if expectation of helping your community when you don’t always feel like you fit in your community…but at least you have your animal friends! Are they how you’ll find your helping hand niche?
Claudette La Croix (The Bimbettes, Beauty and The Beast) - Sequined costumes, a coy smile, and ginger hair adorn you as you perform nightly at Swynlake’s Court of Miracles. Oh, but what complicated feelings are hiding behind your set! A longing for a homeland you didn’t want or need to leave, a fear of being separated from your sisters so you went with them anyway, perhaps a resentment of the reason your family had to relocate? What’s really going on inside your head?
Art Framagucci (Art, Meet The Robinsons) - A two-time university dropout and a nearly thirty-year pizza delivery guy veteran, you sometimes wonder if there's even such a thing as having a grander purpose. You're happy with your life! At least...you're pretty sure? You know you're not supposed to be satisfied with delivering pizzas and living with your celebrity little sister and her rich husband, but you have no complaints. Will you find that you really do want something more, or is this existential crisis for nothing?
Pete “The Prospector” Grammar (Stinky Pete, Toy Story 2) -All good things must come to an end, but not if you have a say in it. You’ll do anything to keep your roundup gang together… anything and everything.
Merryweather Valor (Merryweather, Sleeping Beauty) - It's time to begin your training in earnest as a godmother-talent fairy! Erm, but...you're not sure if your born talent is actually the job you want in the Pixie Hollow. You know you should cherish your talent as fairies do, especially having a rarer talent, but you can't help thinking about how much happier some other pixie jobs would make you...
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xskywalker21 · 2 months
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Art & Gaston restraining Cornelius & Franny after her capture
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back-in-2037 · 2 days
Since its June so I'm just gonna leave these headcanons here,
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These are my own personal headcanons btw, you are more than welcome to have different ones, I ask that everyone is respectful though, please and thank you.
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zipzapzopzoop · 20 hours
There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
Chapter 17: And Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson
(Disclaimer for mild violence and I guess technically a gun?)
Lewis lay awake in his sleeping bag. 
He wasn’t sure how he was going to keep everyone hidden if their group kept growing.
On one hand, the observatory is a large building, and they had only just moved in, so most of it was still dark and cluttered or empty rooms. On the other hand… the Robinsons weren’t exactly subtle.
They already found a few of them in a largely populated city. Finding a normal person would be damn near impossible. A Robinson? Easy. Mostly. Hopefully. How many were there again?
As of right now, the makeshift camp of sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets in the observatory has grown, and everyone was asleep. Well, almost everyone. He wasn’t.
There was the sound of glass breaking downstairs. Lewis sat up. 
What was that?
It was the dead of night when they finally made it to the observatory.
“What do you think? Abandoned?” Art prompted, gesturing to the tall building. It looked very different, and yet still the same old home they knew and loved. Although it seemed quiet without Spike or Dimitri around.
“Can’t tell. It’s too dark,” Laszlo yawned. Wandering the city for several days straight was starting to catch up to him. 
To the surprise of both men, the door was unlocked.
“Only one thing left to do then,” Art declared. “I will sweep the house for trespassers!”
If he’d been more awake, Laszlo would’ve asked if they technically were the trespassers, but he instead kept quiet and let his Uncle go search. Muscle memory took Laszlo back to what would normally be his room, although at the moment it was just an old cluttered storage room. That’s okay. Laszlo didn’t mind. He was just happy to be home. Whenever it was, wherever it was.
Franny wandered the empty halls of the observatory.
Strange how you could be at home and still feel homesick…
She couldn’t shake the bad thoughts in her head. Where was her husband? Her brothers? Were they okay? What if they were hurt? What about Bud and Lucille? Or the older kids? 
Call it her caring nature. She’s in charge of the family when Cornelius is away. It’s up to her to watch over everyone and make sure they don't get into too much trouble. But now she doesn’t even know where half of them are. She’s never encountered a situation like this before. They’ve gotten separated before, but there’s a difference between losing your family at an amusement park and losing them 30 years in the past.
The sound of shuffling froze her in her tracks.
Franny knew past Bud and Lucille lived here, but they had gone to bed hours ago. Their room was the same as it was in 2037, all the way on the other side of the house.
She took a defensive stance and nudged open the door.
Laszlo stirred when he heard the door swing open.
A silhouette stood tall in the doorway, in a position ready to attack. The faces of his captors flashed in Laszlo’s mind, and suddenly he was wide awake. Taking advantage of the darkness, he slid off the couch and ducked behind a tall cabinet.
Fight or flight took over, and he reached for his paint gun.
Franny’s attention snapped to where someone ducked behind a cabinet. Her son was upstairs. She would protect him or die trying. Gaze not leaving the cabinet, she reached behind her and picked up the first thing she found - a glass paperweight.
She began to circle the room, ready to attack.
The paint gun rattled in Laszlo’s hands as he crept around the cabinet, trying to stay parallel with the figure.
What did they want with him? Where were they going to take him? He fought to keep his breathing quiet and calm as he aimed with shaking hands. A paint gun wouldn’t do much, but if he could get the figure away from the door or momentarily blind them, he could get by and escape. 
Franny’s blood went ice cold when she noticed the outline of a gun in the intruder’s hands. No way in hell was she going to let someone hurt her family.
She launched the ornament right at the intruder’s head. It narrowly missed when he ducked, causing the ornament to shatter against the wall, sending shards of broken glass scattering across the floor. In the blink of an eye, Franny was across the cabinet, attacking the intruder. All in one quick motion, she grabbed his wrist, yanked the gun away and turned it on him, pinning him to the wall.
“Wait! Please!” A voice cried out that was all too familiar.
Check out the chapter on my Archive!
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 2 Group 8
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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The Robinsons: Lewis, Wilbur, Franny, Bud, Tallulah, Billie, Fritz, Joe, Laszlo, and Petunia Robinson, Art and Gaston Framagucci, Lucille Krunklehorn, C4rl, and Spike & Dimitri
Rusties: Rodney Copperbottom, Lugnut/Lug, Fender Pinwheeler, Piper Pinwheeler, Diesel Springer, Crank Casey (& Wonderbot, Aunt Fanny, Cappy)
perhaps Thee found family of all time. little orphan boy travels forward in time to meet a big messy family and realizes that they were already destined to be in his future… that’s the shit.
Within the societal structure of Robot City, there exists a social class referred to as Outmodes. Outmodes are robots whose parts are no longer being manufactured and, due to their economic status, cannot afford to purchase the newer, upgraded ones on the market. The fate of all outmodes is to be sweeped up, smelted down, and repurposed, when their old, broken bodies eventually fall apart. The Rusties are a ragtag group of outmodes living out of a boarding house. With the assistance of Rodney’s inventive prowess, they begin repairing other outmodes themselves. The film culminates in them fighting/defeating the evil robots responsible for the despicable treatment of outmodes.
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pjunicornart · 5 months
Little Lambs
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Gaston: "Body? There's no body here." Art: "You must be delusional." Franny: "Wanna play with us?" Lewis: "We were just about to start our slumber party."
I think there's a body. Just a hunch. This image was heavily inspired by the internet aesthetic known as Traumacore, and will be tagged as such. Don't like it? Filter it. Traumacore is a comfort aesthetic for me. Despite it's name, it's not what you'd think. It's like a vent thing for people.
This was inspired by two songs. Inspo 1 -> Satanic Slumber Party by Elita Inspo 2 -> Dog Teeth by Nicole Dollanganger
Would you join their slumber party?
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