#Art & Gaston Framagucci
wilnelia99 · 2 months
LOST MEDIA: America’s Funniest Home Videos (AFV) Promotional Video for the theatrical release of Disney’s Meet The Robinsons (March 2007)
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zipzapzopzoop · 19 days
Ladies and Gentlemen… Meet the Robinsons as vines
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back-in-2037 · 4 days
Ni se que es esto pero pues Viva Mexico! 🇲🇽
Meet the Robinsons Mexican Party headcanons (Why? Why not?)
The uncle at the grill cooking the Carne Asada and the ones who help him make the salsa, beans, and Guacamole: Art, Carl and Lefty.
The cousins wrestling inside the bounce house: Wilbur and Laszlo.
The one who unplugs it with those two inside so they stop being stupid: Tallulah.
The uncles pulling the piñata: Art and Gaston.
The one who’s old af but still throws themselves to get the candy once the piñata is broken: Gaston
The ones fighting over which version of “Las Mañanitas” to play: Franny and Gaston.
The ones shouting “Mordida!” At the birthday person blowing the candles on their cake: Gaston, Billie, Petunia, Laszlo, Wilbur.
Playing Loteria: Wilbur, Cornelius, Billie, Joe, Tallulah, Bud, Lucille, Gaston.
The one calling out the cards: Franny
The one who keeps winning (nobody knows how he does it): Joe
Ready on the dance floor when Caballo Dorado starts playing: Wilbur, Lucille, Tallulah, Billie, Franny, Bud, Gaston, Petunia.
Dragged to the dance floor, forced to dance Caballo Dorado: Carl, Cornelius, Fritz.
The ones who dance through the whole thing: Wilbur, Cornelius, Franny, Tallulah, Bud, Lucille, Billie.
The one who went in too confident into Payaso de Rodeo, doing spins and everything, got tired midway but kept going because he didn’t one others to tease him, got off the dance floor as soon as the song was over, didn’t dance again for the whole night and slept on two chairs using his dad’s lab coat as a blanket: Wilbur.
The one they sent to OXXO to get more ice and came back with everything but the ice: Laszlo
The ones who tell you “ya nos vamos” but then stay talking to other people at the party for two more hours: Franny, Lucille, Art, Petunia.
Singing Jose Jose songs as the party is ending: Carl, Cornelius, Gaston, Fritz.
Singing Jose Jose songs as the party is ending (sober): Art and Bud.
Record the whole thing and upload it to Facebook the next day: Spike and Dimitri.
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xskywalker21 · 4 days
feliz día de la independencia a mi país 🇲🇽✨
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I can imagine the robinsons’ family group chat is incredibly chaotic 💀
It is INSANE. Every Robinson has a unique typing style and it would take a whole cypher to understand a days worth of messages.
Because this wasn’t really a concrete ask, I’m going to write the hc’s about what each Robinsons like in the chat.
Wilbur / T!meL0rd: Misspells everything. Definitely a meme spammer. Has been banned four times.
Cornelius: Doesn’t have a cool username. Uses proper texting literate, but says ‘lol’. Uses reactions more than he talks.
Franny / FrannysFrogTheater: Her username wasn’t supposed to be that long, she misunderstood what it was. She’s always active and respond in four seconds, but it never on her phone somehow. Weird.
Gaston / CANNONBAL: TYPES IN CAPS A LOT!!!! Sends photos of everything - selfies, his cannons, nature, anything he sees.
Art / Galaxy3F: He uses voice messages a lot, and they’re often horrible audio quality. Cannot type correctly even a little. Isn’t LEGIBLE. He’s determined to figure it out though.
Laszlo / F!R3W0RK: His username has nothing to do with his hobbies. He has a typing quirk, 100%. Uses GIFs a lot, and pronounces them JIFs.
Tallulah / FashionBB🏳️‍⚧️: Also posts memes but not often. Doesn’t talk in chat a lot. Forgets punctuation a lot, but proper caps.
Fritz / FritzRobinson2: Has to use Siri to send messages because Petunia makes it hard to type. Therefor most of what he says makes no sense.
Billy / CHOOCHOO!7 : Can she use a phone? No. She breaks her phones so often her number changes twice a week. She only responds to Fritz, Joe, and Gaston. Nobody understands why.
Joe / SweatGainer : The silent stalker of the chat. He watches everything but never talks in chat. Uses reactions sometimes. Once said ‘k’ and everyone cheered.
Carl / xX.R0bo.Xx: The chat mod. Only really types if to moderate something, or to randomly ban people for his amusement. Sends TikToks in chat at night just to annoy Wilbur, who never silences his phone.
Spike / Thing #1: Did not choose his username. Starts group video calls during genuinely important times and then leaves immediately, forcing the family to one big call. Solved a lot of emergencies like this. Refuses to admit he’s intentionally being helpful.
Dimitri / Thing #2: Emojibombs the chat way too much. Unlike Spike doesn’t care about being helpful. Refuses, even.
Lefty: Couldn’t figure out a username. Posts a very formal daily report at 7am every morning, top of chat. Carl pins it.
Bud&Luc / Lovebirds: Share an account because Bud tore his phone apart for microchips. Send those random game links for free coins and beg everyone to click them. Rick rolled the chat twice.
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the-interidiot · 2 months
Meet the Robinsons headcanons P1:
The Framaguccis, the Pot twins, and Lefty.
Spike and Dimitri are both humans, they aren’t in any way supernatural.
They’re also both wheelchair users when not in the pots.
It’s unknown if this is because they CANT walk or WONT.
Lefty and the frogs were all made by Cornelius, or more accurately modified to be intelligent.
Lefty enjoys reading cringy romance books then hiding them in the vents.
Gaston is incredible at math but has the least social intelligence of the family.
When he was a teenager he used to wear concealer to hide his freckles because he thought they looked weak.
He had THE edgy emo phase.
He eventually stopped when he reached 10th grade because that’s when Art and Franny started high school, and he felt an obligation to not embarrass them.
Art and Franny are twins, and one year younger than Gaston.
Art is amazing at making every kind of food.
Second to Carl, he cooks the most.
Art is full of love for literally everything, and actively seeks out everyone in the house in the morning to say ‘Hello, good morning, love you.’ If he misses somebody, we writes them an apology card.
Gaston wakes up at either 7am exactly or somewhere at noon. Either way he sleeps like a rock and you can’t wake him earlier, even if you try.
Gaston is partially deaf from his cannons.
Franny not only knows karate but also boxing, which she’s amazing at.
Franny can paraglide. I don’t know why, she just can.
She’s one of the only people who doesn’t remember Doris’s takeover, since she was taken over by the hats first and completely ‘zombified’ the entire time. Nobody has told her. Nobody ever will.
She used to go to Gaston’s room as a kid when she had nightmares and cry for a little, then watch a movie with him until bed.
As an adult, Gaston sometimes comes to her room shaking from night terrors, insisting he isn’t scared but just wants to watch something. She sits with him until he goes back to sleep.
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I've Rediscovered Meet The Robinsons
And now I'm going to make it everyone else's problem by shoving my headcanons in your faces. *And you're going to like them.*
The Framagucci siblings have gone no-contact with their toxic parents. Evidence? Well, I don't have any, I just like the idea that Lewis yearned to be a part of a loving family and fell in love with a girl who grew up in a family with not-so-loving parents.
Art is the oldest, Gaston is the middle child, and Franny is the baby. I can picture Art having a job in high school in order to help pay the bills, which then shaped his work ethic and gave him a passion for his current job. Unfortunately, that also made him a bit of a workaholic.
Gaston was never considered a "forgotten" middle child, as he made sure he got the most attention from the whole town. He's even a record holder for "most banned citizen", as he's prohibited from most of the local stores and restaurants.
Franny is one of the only family members with a criminal record, after she incited a riot in a concert hall when the conductor tried to step on her frog, Frankie. Gaston insisted on putting a printed copy of her mugshot into the family scrapbook.
Bud and Lucille only argue about one thing during their entire marriage--the pronunciation of the word "pecan". It had gotten so intense that Bud spent a week sleeping on the couch, until they both forgot what they were fighting about.
Cornelius and Billie have bonded over their time spent in orphanages. While Cornelius shared his feelings about being abandoned as a baby and never understanding why his mother left him on the doorstep, Billie confided in him about how her parents had regularly dumped her at an orphanage throughout her childhood, whenever they "needed a break". Once she turned eighteen, she left their house for good and began train hopping across her home country.
Tallulah's love for history was Cornelius' original motivation to inventing the time machine, and he allowed Laszlo to help design the prototype so he didn't feel left out.
While Fritz' puppet, Petunia, is modeled after his late wife's appearance, her personality has since become angrier and more tumultuous due to his grief upon her passing. She has even scared off several therapists over the years.
Joe runs a fitness blog in which he reviews workout videos, offering advice to improve the instructors' lessons. While he didn't pursue a career with it, he has a master's degree in kinesiology.
Laszlo and Tallulah have a former step-mother, who the family avoids talking about to the point that Wilbur still has no idea she exists. Her relationship with Fritz ended poorly.
Wilbur started his own conspiracy theory about himself being a time traveler, which many people over the years have believed and discussed online.
Spike and Dimitri are, in fact, related to one side of the family. Which side? Doesn't matter.
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pjunicornart · 2 months
The Robinsons and Mario Kart Wii
Floating around Tumblr now is the headcanon that the Robinsons are a Nintendo household. I agree! So I'm gonna share something I've had written down in a notebook for a while now: What each Robinson mains in MKWii!
Why MKWii and not MK8? Because MK8 is painfully average and boring. Where's the jank? The standalone mini turbos? The busted stats? THE PROPER INSIDE DRIFT?! Everything in MK8 is balanced and boring. Therefore, no competition. MKWii is chaos, and therefore perfect for a Robinson game night!
Because I'm extra, as well as including their favorite characters to play, I will also include: Preferred vehicle, fav track, and fav OST. Plus a little paragraph of how they play. Listen, MKWii was one of my hyperfixations when I was little. I know this game by the back of my hand. LET'S GET INTO THIS!
Bud - Koopa Troopa: Standard Bike S Fav Track: Koopa Cape Fav OST: Koopa Cape (Pipe) - He's not the best at the game by a long shot, but he'll play it for the grandbaby. At least he gets the chance to play on his favorite track from when Neil would want to play with him back in the day.
Lucille - Toadette: Mini Beast Fav Track: DS Yoshi Falls Fav OST: N64 Sherbet Land - Same point for Bud can be said about Lucille. The Sherbet Land OST reminds her of her first Christmas with Neil.
Fritz/Petunia - Daisy: Wild Wing Fav Track: N64 Mario Raceway Fav OST: No Trophy For You! - Beginner level skills. Fritz plays for fun, but Petunia plays for competition! Daisy reminds him of her.
Laszlo - Baby Luigi: Jet Bubble Fav Track: Coconut Mall Fav OST: Coconut Mall - Intermediate level of skills. He can perform some easy shortcuts, like the Mushroom Gorge and DK Summit gap jumps. He also holds the opinion that Coconut Mall is the GOAT. He's not wrong.
Tallulah - Rosalina: Honeycoupe Fav Track: Moonview Highway Fav OST: Daisy Circuit - Casual player with an intermediate level of skills. She can perform certain shortcuts, she just doesn't because she's not overly competitive... unless she's playing against Laszlo.
Joe - Birdo: Classic Dragster Fav Track: DS Delfino Square Fav OST: DS Peach Gardens - Purely casual player. However, he might secretly get a leg up on you in the race. Why? He's lucky with the item RNG.
Billie - Dry Bones: Tiny Titan Fav Track: Wario's Gold Mine Fav OST: DK Summit - Competitive casual type. She is in it to win most of the time, but she's the type to not really want to improve her skills.
Gaston - Waluigi: Wario Bike Fac Track: GCN Waluigi Stadium Fav OST: GCN Waluigi Stadium - Speed is key for him, and he loves all the tracks where he can go ham and perform a bunch of tricks. Speed is his key, but he doesn't have the knowledge of which character and kart combos will allow him to gain that speed.
Art - Toad: Blue Falcon Fav Track: Rainbow Road Fav OST: Online Boss Theme - Back in MKWii's hay day, he played all of the online content. Like the boss battles and competitive races. It's because of this that he has knowledge of all the tips of the trade.
Carl - Baby Mario: Bullet Bike Fav Track: Mushroom Gorge Fav OST: Block Plaza - Really only plays it when Wilbur wants him to. He's programmed to be a decent challenger. So... not like the CPUs in the game, lol. Even in Mirror Mode, the CPUs are a joke.
Spike/Dmitri - Diddy Kong: Dolphin Dasher Fav Track: Moo Moo Meadows Fav OST: N64 DK's Jungle Parkway - They don't play often, which is why they tend to stick to the easier cups and engine classes.
Wilbur - Bowser Jr.: Sneakster Fav Track: Bowser's Castle Fav OST: Maple Treeway - He's made it his life mission to upstage his father in skill. Good luck to him, because Neil knows the ultra shortcuts and all of the hidden stats.
Franny - Yoshi: Wild Wing Fav Track: GCN Peach Beach Fav OST: Maple Treeway - Keeps it casual when asked. But otherwise? You're going down. Her weakness is the jankiness of the game.
Cornelius - Mario: Mach Bike Fav Track: Rainbow Road Fav OST: Rainbow Road - The master of jank. He can perform ultra shortcuts like the Grumble Volcano rock hop/respawn glitch and the Mushroom Gorge cliff ride. He's beaten every fast staff ghost. He's got the item RNG on lock. He has no respect for the key checkpoints. He knows which bikes to use and what characters are best. He shows no mercy. Side note - The RR OST gives him an eargasm every time with its nods to Super Mario Galaxy (his favorite Mario game).
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 2 Group 10
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Dethklok: Nathan Explosion, Skwisgaar Skwigelf, Pickles (The Drummer), William Murderface, Toki Wartooth, and Charles Foster Offdensen
The Robinsons: Lewis, Wilbur, Franny, Bud, Tallulah, Billie, Fritz, Joe, Laszlo, and Petunia Robinson, Art and Gaston Framagucci, Lucille Krunklehorn, C4rl, and Spike & Dimitri
Submissions are still open!
Admittedly most of the time they are kind of assholes to each other especially early on (except for Charles) ,but they do love each other deep down and get a bit more caring towards each other as time goes on, there is quite literally an entire special dedicated to the found family factor. Like Doomstar Requiem drinking game: take a shot every time they say “brother”, you will be dead and it will brutal!
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The Robinsons:
perhaps Thee found family of all time. little orphan boy travels forward in time to meet a big messy family and realizes that they were already destined to be in his future… that’s the shit.
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toon-tales · 1 year
Hiya, guys!
Ok so I've been searching, and where are the Cornelius and Wilbur bonding fanfictions?!
So, i decided to write my own!
Based off a few things:
Wilbur is 8 in this and he's easily fascinated by science so he 'wants to be a scientist' when he grows up, y'know
Wilbur is actually quite smart
That's it
Oh and the fact that Wilbur knows every prototype for the time machine
Care day
"Alright," Cornelius surrendered "I'll take care of him." 
"Thanks, Neil," Franny smiled as she joined her brothers for a siblings day out
"Are you sure about this?" Art asked his sister 
"Of course I am," she replied "Why wouldn't I be?" 
"You know how caught up Cornelius gets when he's in the lab," Gaston said 
"And Wilbur is a bit reckless too," Art chimed in, but Franny wasn't going back 
"They'll be fine," she insisted "Probably." 
Cornelius and Wilbur entered the lab. Peculiar gadgets filled the place along with colorful chemicals, and strange contraptions. Wilbur's eyes widened with excitement, eager to explore the wonders of his father's world.
"Alright, my little apprentice, what would you like to do first?" Cornelius asked, kneeling down to meet Wilbur's gaze.
Wilbur pointed at a peculiar machine in the corner. "What's that, Dad?"
Cornelius followed his son's finger and smiled. "Ah, that's supposed to be a time traveler. It's still a work in progress, but one day, it'll take us on incredible adventures through time!"
Wilbur's eyes gleamed with delight. "Can we try it now? Can we go back to the time of dinosaurs?"
Cornelius chuckled and ruffled his son's hair. "Not just yet, Wilbur. It still needs some adjustments. But how about we do a fun science experiment instead?"
Wilbur clapped his hands in excitement. "Yes!" he shouted excitedly and went to the closest table, which, of course, contained colored tubes of different sizes and shapes, but something specific caught his attention. 
"Wilbur! This is too much! " Cornelius yelled worriedly as he saw his son about to put a big piece of sodium in the water.
"Yeah, Dad! Look at it! It's going to create a giant explosion!"
Cornelius quickly reached out to stop Wilbur from placing the piece of sodium into the water. 
"That's too dangerous!" Cornelius exclaimed, grabbing hold of the curious 8-year-old's hand. "Yes, sodium can indeed react explosively with water, but it's essential to handle it with extreme caution and proper safety measures."
Wilbur tilted his head, his eyes filled with confusion, but also a tinge of disappointment. "But Dad, I really wanted to see the explosion! It would have been so cool!"
Cornelius smiled warmly at his son's enthusiasm but knew he can't risk anything while his son was here. "I understand your excitement, Wilbur, but science experiments can be dangerous if not done properly. Let's focus on a safer experiment for now, shall we?"
He guided Wilbur towards another table where various scientific equipment and materials were neatly arranged. Cornelius chose a beaker filled with colored liquid.
"Here, let's try this instead," he suggested, pouring the liquid into a smaller beaker. "This is a simple chemical reaction called an acid-base reaction. When we mix this acid solution with a base, it will create a fizzing and bubbling effect."
Wilbur's disappointment slowly turned into intrigue as he watched his father carefully pour the acid solution into the base. The mixture started fizzing and bubbling just as Cornelius had predicted.
"Whoa! Look, Dad! It's bubbling up!" Wilbur exclaimed, his eyes filled with wonder.
Cornelius smiled as he watched his son's excitement. "Yes, Wilbur, it's the acid and base reacting with each other. This reaction releases carbon dioxide gas, which creates those bubbles you see."
As they worked on the experiment (Wilbur clearly not understanding but still enjoying anyway), Cornelius shared stories of his own childhood experiments and inventions. Wilbur listened intently, his eyes wide with admiration for his father's inventive mind. After they finished the experiment, Cornelius and Wilbur cleaned up the lab together. As they put away the beakers and test tubes, Wilbur couldn't help but ask, "Dad, why do you love inventing so much?"
Cornelius smiled at his son and took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Well, Wilbur, inventing and exploring the unknown has always fascinated me. It's like solving puzzles and discovering new possibilities. It allows me to use my imagination and creativity to make things that can help people and make the world a better place."
Wilbur nodded, absorbing his father's words. "So, when I grow up, can I become an inventor like you?"
Cornelius smiled proudly, placing a hand on Wilbur's shoulder. "Of course, my little apprentice. If you have a passion for it, I'll support you every step of the way. Just remember, being an inventor comes with its challenges, but it's also incredibly rewarding. You'll face failures, but you should keep moving forward."
Wilbur beamed, already imagining the inventions he would create in the future. "I can't wait, Dad! Maybe one day, we can even fix the Time Traveler and go on those amazing adventures!"
Cornelius chuckled, a twinkle in his eyes. "Who knows, Wilbur? Maybe one day, we'll travel through time together and discover wonders beyond our wildest dreams. But for now, let's continue exploring the wonders of science and inventing new things right here in our lab-"
"Why can't we use the time machine now?" Wilbur interrupted his father, his gaze fixed on the still-in-progress time machine. 
Cornelius paused, contemplating his son's question. He knelt down to Wilbur's level and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
"Look, Wilbur, the time machine is a complicated invention. It's not quite ready for human testing just yet," he explained. "There are still some important safety precautions that need to be taken before we can use it."
Wilbur's eyes widened with excitement as he looked at the time machine. "But Dad, imagine all the adventures we could have! I want to see what the world was like in the past!"
Cornelius chuckled and tousled Wilbur's hair affectionately. "I understand your enthusiasm. But you have to promise me you wouldn't get near that time machine alone."
"Ok. But I will help you make it."
"That's a deal then." both agreed as they shook hands together, Cornelius knowing darn well that this promise will be broken at some point, but still smiled with pride at his son anyway. 
"I'm back! How was your day-oh" Franny' s voice trailed off as she admired the view before her. Cornelius slept peacefully with Wilbur in his lap, who, in return, wrapped a tiny arm around his dad, they sat against a red machine with tools and papers all around them. 
Careful not to disturb them, Franny closed the garage door gently behind her, and turned to her brothers. 
"See? I was right." 
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elioli-art · 1 year
Hello Elioli,
I really like your Meet the Robinsons art /animatics❤️🎨and headcanons and I love your designs for the Framagucci siblings and their parents.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you mentioned how their parents are separated. I was wondering what the reason behind that is, especially because he didn't seem to show up at Franny's wedding.
Is he a dead beat?
Did their parents have a peaceful separation?
Does he still visit in the child/adult years?
How did the kids and their mother handle him not being around?
Sorry to ask so many questions you don't have to answer them all (or any if you don't want/have time to)
Thank you for reading and have a good day 😊
Thank you that you at least have found these interesting! Lol kind of embarrass to share sometimes, but glad you appreciate it! Guess we’ll answer in order!
1. Kind of sort of? Like, he has his own desires and wants that maybe just didn’t align with their mom after a while. What it is yet, who knows!
2. Hard on the kids maybe? But between them, so so, but more on the negative side!
3. He’s attempted to, but Gaston feels more irked by it. They all do feel some distance, but Franny seemed to have more of a positive response to him, better memories etc. Art sees them both react, and divided in many ways.
4. Franny more sad. Gaston angry. Art too worried about his current responsibilities with them to process the situation!
Food for fandom thoughts only! Haha!
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wilnelia99 · 2 months
MTR Dinner Headcanon
• Lucille, Franny and Art are pretty much the best at cooking.
• Being an Italian-American mom, Franny cooks hearty meals that are packed with carbs and protein.
• Art regularly bakes the desserts, usually pie and cheesecake.
• They have their own specialties, Lucille has her homemade cookies, Franny has her spaghetti and meatballs and Art has his Pizzas and Meatloaf.
• Lucille has her own special recipe for German Chocolate Cake and Salted Caramel Custard.
• They’re willingly to give Carl and Lefty a break from cooking every once in a while.
• Billie loves to help out with dinner preparation.
• Wilbur gets scolded by Franny for trying to sneak a piece of dessert before dinner.
• Laszlo and Tallulah aren’t allowed to be in the kitchen after they ruined dinner once during one of their many sibling fights.
• Gaston is also not allowed to be in the kitchen especially since he’s very trigger-happy around meatballs.
• Leftovers in the Robinsons House usually just means food that is still intact on the dining room table during food fights.
• Cornelius sometimes arrives late from work and he gets to peacefully enjoy that day’s leftovers without any of the usual dinner chaos.
• Cornelius installed an addition seat in the dining room for when Mike comes to visit whenever he’s in town.
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zipzapzopzoop · 12 days
Meet the Robinsons as vines (part 2)
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back-in-2037 · 2 months
Ok, to add on that post I made about the Robinsons being a Nintendo household. Here’s who I see everyone maining in smash:
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xskywalker21 · 4 days
Esto es random pero quería ser un vid chiquito de unos memes Hispánicos 😂
Me dio la idea @back-in-2037 con su propia idea de ser headcanons si la familia Robinson eran mexicanos
El último video es Cornelius durante la historia de “Creciendo” jajaj
✨para mi gente latino ✨🤭
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It’s Movie Night! What are all of the Robinsons favorite movie picks to watch?
Movie night? In the Robinson house? Oh, this won't be good!
Gaston, Billy and - believe it or not Bud all want to watch horror.
Gaston preaches something super not kid appropriate, like a rated R slasher.
Wilbur agrees, and then gets an earful from Franny.
Both of them are banned from voting.
You know who else isn't aloud to vote? Laszlo and Tallulah.
No matter what Tallulah chooses, Laszlo intentionally chooses something completely opposite, and they squabble if not stopped.
They love each other.
Lucille wants to watch Sound of Music, and manages to get Neil to vote the same.
Neil doesn't care what they watch, he just wants everyone to sit down.
Franny votes a musical, because why wouldn't she? Her initial vote was In The Heights, but Carl and convinced her to vote Hairspray with him.
Joe got tired of waiting and just put on a soap opera on his tablet.
Fritz was too scared to put a vote in because everyone was yelling, and 'Petunia' wanted to watch Human Centipede.
Petunia got her mouth taped shut.
Art didn't show up until the movie was halfway over because he left to get some popcorn for the group and ended up on a whole side quest.
Eventually, the votes totaled as follows:
Halloween - Billy
Trick - Bud
Hairspray - Franny and Carl
Sound of Music - Lucile and Neil
Human Centipede - ‘Petunia'
[Excluded from vote - Gaston, Wilbur, T + L.]
Spike and Dimitri just took control of the TV while the votes were happening and put on Encanto, and everyone eventually quieted down and watched that.
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