#Petunia Robinson
back-in-2037 · 24 days
And that’s only like a third of them.
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zipzapzopzoop · 1 month
Meet the Robinsons Headcanons (Part 1)
Gaston has slight hearing loss due to the cannons.
This means he often tends to be too loud without realizing it.
Gaston also lost his sense of smell from cannon explosions as well.
My headcanon voice for human Petunia is Wendie Malick.
(Human) Petunia has a gambling addiction. She took everything she and Fritz had and left on her Harley one night when Laszlo and Tallulah were only six and four.
Bud and Lucille insisted Fritz and the kids come live with them.
The first time Fritz left the house after Petunia abandoned them, Laszlo freaked out, thinking he was leaving for good. Thankfully, Cornelius and Franny calmed him down.
Laszlo has freckles, they're easier to see when he's not wearing his goggles.
Tallulah has them as well, her makeup just happens to cover them up.
Tallulah is quite an avid reader! She can go through book after book in days!
Tallulah studied the early 2000s while working on some outfits. Had there not been the worries of time travel, she would’ve loved to ask Lewis about his time.
However, she does often ask other family members about it!
Art was in the army at one point.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 2 Group 8
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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The Robinsons: Lewis, Wilbur, Franny, Bud, Tallulah, Billie, Fritz, Joe, Laszlo, and Petunia Robinson, Art and Gaston Framagucci, Lucille Krunklehorn, C4rl, and Spike & Dimitri
Rusties: Rodney Copperbottom, Lugnut/Lug, Fender Pinwheeler, Piper Pinwheeler, Diesel Springer, Crank Casey (& Wonderbot, Aunt Fanny, Cappy)
perhaps Thee found family of all time. little orphan boy travels forward in time to meet a big messy family and realizes that they were already destined to be in his future… that’s the shit.
Within the societal structure of Robot City, there exists a social class referred to as Outmodes. Outmodes are robots whose parts are no longer being manufactured and, due to their economic status, cannot afford to purchase the newer, upgraded ones on the market. The fate of all outmodes is to be sweeped up, smelted down, and repurposed, when their old, broken bodies eventually fall apart. The Rusties are a ragtag group of outmodes living out of a boarding house. With the assistance of Rodney’s inventive prowess, they begin repairing other outmodes themselves. The film culminates in them fighting/defeating the evil robots responsible for the despicable treatment of outmodes.
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pjunicornart · 5 months
Lazy Days Info Dump pt. 2
You read the title. Let's do this.
SO. I've been brainstorming ideas for the others characters within this AU, as in, the other Robinsons. These will just be little character bios, and these were made recently. So everything you see here is subject to change!
Lucille Still as lively as ever! When she's not baking or sewing, she's swimming in her family's pool. She tries to stay positive after the death of her husband, Bud... and that meant going to grief counseling.
Gaston A streamer/online personality. He started off by playing FPS games, but nowadays he's interested in the likes of indie games, especially indie horror. Yes... the other Robinsons have appeared in his videos on occasion. Like that one time Neil and Gaston made a "gingerbread house."
Art An intergalactic bounty hunter alah Celeste from HuniePop. It's from this job he met Lefty, and rescued her from danger. He's often away from the family for weeks at a time, but he makes sure to bring home cool alien artifacts for the kiddos for when he returns.
Fritz He makes OOAKs with old play line fashion dolls. He has the whole shebang... the 3D printer for more complex projects, the matte varnish, the sewing patterns, clumps of doll hair, a rooting tool, etc. He posts his creations online.
Petunia Not a puppet! She is still very much alive. Her first husband wound up in prison. He can rot in there for all she cares, because Fritz is a better man. He supported her dream of becoming a lawyer.
Tallulah A world famous model for a high end lounge, lingerie, and sleepwear brand. Her personality is inspired by Ashley's from HuniePop 2. Very chill and laid-back. Also the type to ask fucked up questions.
Laszlo Due to trauma from his past he'd rather not talk about, he's very intertwined with the internet aesthetic known as "Traumacore." This reflects in his digital art, using pastels and cute character designs mixed with dark and disturbing imagery. It's a coping/comfort mechanism for him. He's working on a graphic novel with this style.
Joe After undergoing bariactric surgery, he's taking his personal health a lot more seriously. His positive attitude online and drive to become a better him has landed him multiple brand deals.
Billie The hands on type. The type of girl to get her hands dirty building and painting model trains. She collects vintage and newer toy trains and displays them proudly on her shelf. Well, multiple shelves, actually.
Carl Built with a more cozy, humanoid appearance, he's the family's right hand robot. He's programmed with thousands of ways to enhance the family's daily lives, as well as advanced hardware to make him a truly intelligent AI.
Lefty The maid of the household. Her home planet was a desolate ocean, where a rogue group reined supreme. Now that she's on this exciting, new environment, she eagerly looks at everything with an intense curiosity.
Doris The butler. She's got some sass to her, I'll say that... She's got the same hardware that Carl has, so her developing her own personality was nothing to write about for Neil.
Spike and Dmitri Alien twins who were also rescued from one of Art's missions. They were never given names on their home planet, so the family gave them names. For some reason, they spend most of their day in the garden... sitting in flower pots. Maybe it's because their home planet was very lush? Who knows...
For more info about the AU in general and bios for the other characters, refer to this post -> Lazy Days Info Dump. For busts of the other members of the family, refer to this post -> Lazy Days Character Busts. Still wanna know more? Ask box is always open.
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mikiruma · 1 year
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"take your mother with you" he says, "just for the afternoon" he says,
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fandomdwellr · 1 year
In Meet the Robinsons (2007) when Wilbur is giving Lewis the rundown of the time machines, the first one is the single bolt. The only remaining piece of the machine.
Lewis comments that it was a dark day in the household.
Now, Petunia Robinson is a puppet. With children. So she must have been an actual person at some point. Right?
My brother and I have concluded the human Petunia died or disappeared with that first time machine.
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swynlake-rp · 11 months
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Just like every season of the year has its merits, so does every kind of tale you can tell. What stories will these characters weave?
Meridian Clade (Meridian Clade, Strange World) - Are dreams just for young folks? You wonder, staring longingly at the sky, if it might not be too late for you to have dreams and fulfill them.
Estelle Spud (Mrs. Potato Head, Toy Story) - Your past life as a spy was supposed to be the most exciting part -- until you and your husband adopted triplets! They've been a dream and make this chapter of your life far from boring. Lately, things have been seeming…hm…how to put this delicately…strange. Might your children have something to do with it?
Petunia Robinson (Petunia Robinson, Meet The Robinsons) - Glitz, glamour, and…g'occasionally being cursed to be a little wooden puppet, haha, everything is fine! Everything is NOT fine. How fortunate that your nephew and his wife own a sizable home in a town teeming with magic. Surely someone here can reverse this curse?
Ming Lee (Ming Lee, Turning Red) - The panda  is the least of your worries when you’ve got a magic amulet keeping it inside. What you are worried about? Your daughter, of course! University is a time as exciting as it is scary and you wonder if your Meilin is adjusting as well as she wants you to think. Surely she must still need her Mama, right?
Fairy Godmother (Fairy Godmother, Cinderella) - The people don't know what they want until you give it to them! And they should be grateful that you do. You don't want to hear any complaining, your wishes granted are always flawless. Flawless indeed!
Yubaba Ōno (Yubaba, Spirited Away) - Does it really make you the evil, evil witch if someone chooses to make a deal with price magic? Nothing in life is free after all. You're just a simple old lady to make a living...
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nivalvixen · 2 years
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Meet the Robinsons for #moviemonday This is one of my favourite Disney movies, but it's underrated and under appreciated! It's based on a picture book, which has a lot of the depictions in the movie, but the storyline is different. Rating first because I have a spoiler at the end: 8.5/10 Basic premise: Lewis, an orphan who hasn't been adopted after 124 interviews, decides to build a memory scanner so he can see his birth mother's face and find her. Wilbur Robinson, a boy from the future, needs Lewis' help and takes him to the future to prove time travel is possible. That's where Lewis meets the Robinsons, who are eccentric, quirky, and a little weird. This is a story about family, friendship, being accepted and wanted, and time travel. Oh, and an important message about forgiveness and defeating evil. Y'know, the usual. It's fun, the music is catchy, and there's a lot of one-liners that I still quote way too often. (I have a big head and little arms!) 😂 🚨Spoiler alert 🚨 I have a theory about Petunia and Fritz, because the thought of a hand puppet giving birth to two human children is just creepy. Petunia either died or left Fritz, he had a breakdown over it, and made Petunia!hand puppet to help cope. I don't know how well it works as a coping method 🤷 The DVD includes special features and deleted scenes; I really liked the idea of Goob waking himself up and redeeming himself, but the movie version worked well, too. #meettherobinsons #moviereview #familymovie #familymovienight #disney #animatedmovie https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6cRlIyNgH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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foreverydinger · 2 years
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SWYNRP Character Wishlist: A list of 10+ characters you’d like to see in the RP (for you to play or someone else!) 
This list is going to just be a bunch of characters I’ve thought of picking up so if you pick them up you’ll both save me from myself and also probably make me the tiniest bit melancholy but it’s probably for the best please help!
**Note: I stand by my one from last year still so here: Refer back to this please and thanks!
Henri Cogsworth: Once upon the time my honorific in this group was Cursed Creator and I stand by characters who are cursed are completely underrated in this group! We need more bitches who suffer from Magick Shenanigans (especially if it’s their fault)! Henri decided to be Anti-Magick and found some goddamn consequences so now the watchmaker experiences time weirdly by changing ages! This is cool!
Petunia Robinson: Okay, my beloved Petunia is someone I miss but did not have the muse for back in the day. But, once again, a Cursed Character!!!! She is a goddamn puppet! Like a legit puppet! Oh my god she’s a goddamn puppet in a huge family!!! Anyway, I think that this vapid queen is such a good concept. Still in love with her aesthetic.
Sally Finklestein: Precogs are cool, okay? Especially if you do something spicy with it (like the skeleton says about her friend #rip that people don’t believe precogs! Cassandra Syndrome is should be called at this point!!) I just feel like her sheltered life mixed with her being able to get insight to the future would make for such an interesting person. She’s so soft, I love her.
Roger Lepus: Okay, I’m a goddamn sucker for an Alice in Wonderland character and this bitch can make rabbit hole portals to get around????????? And he’s STILL LATE????? And he’s got anxiety!! He’s like me for real for real! (No, not really, I’m an early bitch because I’m scared of being late but still) I love him someone get him
Kara Gordon: POSITIVE GOTH PRECOG!!!!!! Come ON, PEOPLE!!! She sees all the good things that will happen so she’s cynical and jaded and GOTH AF!!! Fuck if this isn’t such a cool concept I’m in love with her and want to BE HER!!!
Sara Gordon: You know what’s also cool as fuck?!?! A NEGATIVE PRECOG!!!! Sara chooses to be happy and cheerful because the bad will never surprise her! Plus she’s so blunt it’s not even funny! If any of you approach me about playing these twins I might just break istfg I love them this is unfair
Te Ka/Te Fiti: Okay, but a wrathful deity regarding pollution with lava powers and they have amnesia?! Sign me the fuck up! Please take them, they are too powerful! I need to be saved from them! I have so manyinspo things saved in my personal Discord but I do not have a good story laid out someone come get their wrathful deity plz!! Plus they’re nonbinary!! More gender diverse characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Angel Milano: ANGEL MY HONEY MY BABY MY GOOD TIME GAL!!!!! Oh Goodness Me!!! This little honey is everything to me!! Lady and the Tramp 2 is such an underrated CLASSIC and people need to appreciate her more! I actually have, like, whole ideas for this baby girl and I would love to discuss them with you and plot and oh someone get my girl she needs a home so bad and I cannot be her parent I just cannot but maybe someday
Cedric Richards: James & the Giant Peach is something that is so special to me and scared my little brother so badly he had nightmares for weeks every time we watched this movie as kids. Cedric here having this briefcase full of magical items and just being a sneaky little New Yorker POS Thief Man??? God, it has so much potential. Someone come get this man and do silly things with his briefcase. You know the briefcase kid? Well he grew up and now he’s even weirder in a good way!
Roz Peterson: The idea of being on the inside the RAS while also being on the outside of the RAS at the same time because your job is to always be keeping an eye out and not get involved unless absolutely necessary all while your cover being a secretary at that awful secondary school is just so juicy and good. I’ve thought about it plenty of times. Don’t make me do it! Someone take her from me!
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doc-hudson · 2 years
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Day 9 – SwynRPVision
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Follow the Robinson family as they celebrate new ventures and navigate through their new normal: motherhood, relationships, career goals and a sassy robot.
Main Cast:
Darareaksmey Robinson as self (11 episodes, 2022)
Wilbur Robinson as self (11 episodes, 2022)
Gaston Framagucci as self (11 episodes, 2022)
Petunia Robinson as self (11 episodes, 2022)
Fritz Robinson as self (10 episodes, 2022)
Art Framagucci as self (10 episodes, 2022) 
Laszlo Robinson as self (10 episodes, 2022)
Cornelius Robinson as self (8 episodes, 2022)
Tallulah Robinson as self (6 episodes, 2022)
Toby Determined as “that one menace” (2 episodes, 2022)
The family you know and love is back with a brand-new season that gives an all-access pass into their lives. Franny, Cornelius, WIlbur, Gaston, Petunia, Art and Fritz bring the cameras back to reveal the truth behind the headlines. From the intense pressures of running billion-dollar businesses to the hilarious joys of playtime and school drop-offs  this series brings viewers into the fold with a rivetingly-honest story of life and love in the spotlight.
#docusoap ||     #reality_tv    ||     #lifestyle
Did you know...?
In December 2020, during an investors presentation event, it was announced that the Robinson matrimony of Fritz and Petunia had signed a multi-year exclusive deal to create a spinoff series for Hulu. In October 2021, it was announced that an untitled Franny Sor Robinson documentary would be produced by the British production company, Fulwell 73. 
Genres: Drama, Reality-TV
Certificate: TV-14
Release date: April 14, 2022 (United States)
Countries of origin; United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand
Language. English
Official sites: Hulu
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zipzapzopzoop · 6 days
Laszlo: “You’re always arguing with people, that’s why we can never have a normal conversation.”
Petunia: “NO I DON’T”
Laszlo: (giving up) “okay-“
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 2 Group 10
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Dethklok: Nathan Explosion, Skwisgaar Skwigelf, Pickles (The Drummer), William Murderface, Toki Wartooth, and Charles Foster Offdensen
The Robinsons: Lewis, Wilbur, Franny, Bud, Tallulah, Billie, Fritz, Joe, Laszlo, and Petunia Robinson, Art and Gaston Framagucci, Lucille Krunklehorn, C4rl, and Spike & Dimitri
Submissions are still open!
Admittedly most of the time they are kind of assholes to each other especially early on (except for Charles) ,but they do love each other deep down and get a bit more caring towards each other as time goes on, there is quite literally an entire special dedicated to the found family factor. Like Doomstar Requiem drinking game: take a shot every time they say “brother”, you will be dead and it will brutal!
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The Robinsons:
perhaps Thee found family of all time. little orphan boy travels forward in time to meet a big messy family and realizes that they were already destined to be in his future… that’s the shit.
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mikiruma · 1 year
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my favorite image
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Was looking at Meet the Robinsons stuff for an image edit hopefully forthcoming and...anyone wanna see my collection of Robinsons headcanons? Because every so often, I remember this film exists and also that I made, like, a slew of backstories for these characters
-I don’t have much to say about Bud and Lucille since they’re kind of what you see on the tin. Same with Lewis/Cornelius, Wilbur, and Carl.
-Franny has been dating Cornelius since the science fair. She actually went through high school and college at the expected rate while Cornelius blew right through college before Franny even graduated high school. She felt self-conscious about this for a long time, but Cornelius never saw her as less intelligent and always loved her. She eventually found out that she set herself up with Cornelius via time loop and her only reaction was “See? I’m ALWAYS RIGHT.”
-Gaston Framagucci knows so much about cannons because he used to develop weaponry for the military. After his designs killed civilians, he underwent a mental breakdown, walking out of his position and vowing never to hurt anyone else again. Cornelius invited him into his house with open arms so as not to leave him alone during his depression. He got better over time. He’s also gay and very shy around handsome men, which is why you never see him with a romantic partner. Franny’s still trying to set him up on the ultimate blind date.
-Art Framagucci has wanted to deliver pizza all his life. Delivering pizza is his passion. But delivering pizza doesn’t earn you a living wage. Once Cornelius realized he was making more money than he could spend on himself reasonably, he immediately invited Art to move into the house as well so Art could have food and lodging paid for without having to give up his passion. He doesn’t have a partner because he just hasn’t gotten around to looking for one (might be aro).
-Both Art and Gaston thought of Franny’s biology work as “nerd stuff” before Cornelius started coming over as a teen and giving them a double dose of the smart stuff, at which point Gaston realized ballistic physics interested him and Art, despite not being a scientist in any sense, had a lot of respect for most fields. They still liked to tease Cornelius a lot, though - never in a bullying way, but affectionately.
-Petunia Robinson died in a motorcycle accident. Fritz wears the puppet because he can’t bear to think of her as being gone. Her personality, while alive, was as boisterous and confrontational as Fritz makes the puppet - she and Fritz were always fighting like a married couple and very opposites-attract.
-Tallulah Robinson is trans. (Yes, I thought of this because of the voice - and kept it that way because I just liked the idea.) She told Cornelius before she told her own parents because Cornelius always was the one to be accepting of new ideas. When she did come out publicly to the family, no one judged. She’s not very science-oriented at all, but she loves fashion design, and she made that skyscraper-hat herself. Her closet is actually packed with really avant-garde clothing she has made herself. Her dream is to become a big name in the fashion circuit. And also to never need to take off her roller skates ever. She actually has held a part-time position as a waitress in a roller-skate café (I actually saw this idea on another Tumblr post a long time ago but can’t remember who it was, so if it’s you, thank you; I accept it!)
-Laszlo is similar to Tallulah in that he’s more artistically oriented than scientifically. He didn’t actually make his paint device; that was Cornelius. Laszlo loves to experiment with paint styles, but is one of those people who thinks there’s a very blurry line between “graffiti” and “public art.” He’s gotten some citations for “masterpieces” he doesn’t deny having painted on the side of the hospital. (Also, if you misgender his sister, he will squirt red paint into your eyes.)
-Though Laszlo and Tallulah seem to be at odds almost constantly, they are a dynamic duo and love each other very much when the chips are down.
-Joe Robinson is nonverbal but actually is very eloquent with the written word. Billie made such a good match for him because she didn’t mind doing the talking for two and he loves listening to her. He writes her the most beautiful love poetry in the world.
-Billie Robinson is autistic and trains are her special interest. She met Joe through being contracted by Cornelius for a monorail project for the city; she came to the house for business dinners and Joe stopped by the office to visit Cornelius a few times. She’s also asexual and Joe is completely accepting of this.
-Mike Yagoobian is a close family friend. He actually has made it into a local baseball league, with prospects at the Major League, adding the athletics field to the Robinson deck. While he is no longer evil (or, more accurately, has never been evil), he’s still that much of a goofball. Wilbur, Tallulah, and Laszlo all call him “Uncle Goob” and he loves spoiling them with candy and other fun things tailored to their interests (like fancy new shoes for Tallulah and bright paints for Laszlo).
-Lefty is another of Franny’s biological creations. He’s very close to her and she sometimes treats him like a big baby.
-The gag about Spike and Dmitri being total enigmas is so funny that I actively refuse to come up with any backstory or explanation as to who they are or why they’re there. They just showed up one day and the others made food for them and now they won’t leave the pots.
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swynlake-rp · 1 year
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Magic is all fun and games...until its not! What an array of curses to possibly befall you, like for example...
Petunia Robinson (Petunia Robinson, Meet The Robinsons) - Glitz, glamour, and...g'occasionally being cursed to be a little wooden puppet, haha, everything is fine! Everything is NOT fine. How fortunate that your nephew and his wife own a sizable home in a town teeming with magic. Surely someone here can reverse this curse?
Joe Gardner (Joe Gardner, Soul) - Live well? Live well and what, prosper!? Okay, Spock. Look, not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but couldn't the Fates have been a little more precise with what you were meant to do with your second chance at life? Well, okay then. Looks like you're going to roll up your sleeves and figure this out yourself!
Djali Trousdale (Djali, Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Okay, so not everyone likes their child's partner...but did the cost of loving someone really need to be giant goat horns on your head? Your mission now is to ghost those goat horns so you can be reunited with your one true love!
Remy Francoeur (Remy, Ratatouille) - Serves you right for being so brilliant, huh? Unable to fulfill your purpose (which is cooking delicious food) on account of transforming into a rat should you cook anything, you'd do anything to lift this curse. Will you ever be able to enter a kitchen again?
Henri Cogsworth (Cogsworth, Beauty and The Beast) - The entitlement of the witch who cursed you! As a businessman, it was your right to sell your watches to whomever you wanted and not sell as well. All because a witch was so offended you didn't sell to Magicks...you've come to Swynlake in hopes of breaking your curse, but will you learn the error of your ways too?
Lumière Charmant (Lumière, Beauty and The Beast) - Does one too many good times really warrant getting cursed? Well, your ex-partner would say so. Can Swynlake rid you of your fiery little problem?
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*My headcanon on how the conversation would have went if Lewis wasn't cut off* Lewis: -and he's married to Petunia. And she, you know, a puppet? Wilbur: *Genuinely confused* What's a puppet?
I have no words
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