#Ash Astaroth
fastandcute · 6 months
Sometimes, I just watch ads in RC, so when the new episode comes, I will have diamonds, and I can play quickly without watching ads for diamond selections. 💎😭💅🏻
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ abaddon. abel. acher. adam. aether. allocen. amducias. amon. amy. andras. angel. angelina. angelo. apollyon. ariel. armaros. ash. asmoday. asmodeus. astaroth. astrid. axel. azael. azazel. azrael. azza. baal. balam. balberith. barbatos. bathin. beatrix. beelzebub. behemoth. beleth. belial. berith. bernael. bifrons. blaise. botis. buer. cael. caim. cain. cannibelle. carrion. cary. castiel. celeste. celestia. cerberus. chemosh. corpse. crow. dagon. damien. damon. dantanian. dara. david. dina. donovan. dumah. eden. elena. eligor. ember. enepsigos. erebus. evangeline. eve. ezekiel. flauros. focalor. forcas. forneus. furcas. gabriel. gadreel. ghoul. gomory. guts. hagenti. halpas. haunt. hel. ian. iblis. icha. jeremiah. kage. kasdeya. keres. kimaris. kokabiel. kunopegos. laila. lamia. leila. levi. leviathan. leviathon. lilin. lilith. lucifer. malaika. malpas. marbas. mare. mastema. michael. mikhail. moloch. morax. moros. nathaniel. nicholas. nightshade. nyx. odin. onyx. orias. ornias. orobas. orpheus. paimon. phoenix. procel. purah. purson. qemuel. rahab. raphael. raum. ravana. raven. raziel. remiel. rogue. ronobe. rosier. ruax. rune. sabel. sabnack. saleos. salome. samael. samuel. sanguine. satan. seere. semyaza. sephtis. seraph. serenity. seth. shax. solas. sorath. statuette. tamiel. theo. uriel. uzza. val. valac. valefor. vapula. vepar. vesper. vine. virtue. vual. willow. wolf. wormwood. wound. wraith. xaphan. yael. zagan. zepar.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ae/aem. aeth/aether. an/angel. angel/angel. ar/arch. be/tray. bea/beast. being/being. bite/bite. blood/blood. broke/broken. broken/broken. cae/caem. cani/cani. che/cher. cher/cher. creep/creep. cross/crosse. curse/curse. da/dark. dae/daem. dark/dark. de/filed. dei/deim. disgrace/disgrace. dove/dove. e/eden. ely/elym. empty/empty. en/envy. fall/fall. fall/fallen. fallen/fallen. fang/fang. feather/feather. fie/fiend. flight/flight. grace/grace. grim/grim. grudge/grudge. gut/gut. ha/lo. halo/halo. hell/hell. holy/holy. hy/hym. hy/hymn. it/it. ix/ix. kill/kill. la/lamb. lo/lost. mon/mon. no/non. om/omen. omen/omen. rip/rip. ruin/ruin. sai/saint. ser/seraph. sera/sera. sera/seraph. sin/sin. smite/smite. smy/smite. teeth/teeth. tether/tether. thorn/thorn. throne/throne. un/holy. unholy/unholy. unknown/unknown. wi/wing. wing/wing. wraith/wraith. wrath/wrath. wre/wretched. ☦️ . ⛓️ . ❤️‍🔥 . 🔥 . 🕊️ .
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monstatron · 2 months
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the mauler of stars and deliverer of ethereal mutilation, astaroth. an event horizon forms above her crown as she breathes out the ashes of a star she’s just decimated…
it’s a terrifying yet beautiful sight, to say the least. such a cosmic event remains unseen to the human eye. despite that she seemingly is viewed in a physical form in this piece, such a form defies known laws of physics— as do the physical forms of monstarous deities tend to— and leaves the psyche baffled.
what’s important is that if it wasn’t for astaroth, the life cycle of stars within the multiverse may not ever be completed.
sketch + lore about astaroth under cut!
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and an introduction to astaroth and her place in the monstarous mythos!
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satanachia666 · 2 months
Astaroth's Menstrual Moon Ritual
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Astaroth’s Menstrual Moon Ritual uses the powers of lunar energy and menstruation to manifest specific intentions and desires. In this ritual, one gives offerings of menstrual blood and rose petals to Astaroth in exchange for the manifestation of intentions and desires. This ritual has helped me deepen my connection to the Great Duke/Duchess of Hell, and I hope it does the same for anyone interested in performing it on their own!
Perform this moon ritual with Astaroth while menstruating and feeling well enough to actually do the ritual. Some of us experience more severe period pain and discomfort than others, including myself. I speak from experience when I say that doing a ritual is usually/often not doable when one is experiencing severe PMS and menstruation symptoms. I intentionally made this ritual short so I could do it while operating with lower spoons. I’ve found that making rituals accessible according to my needs leads to the most effective ritual performance and better results. Feel free to adapt this ritual according to your specific practice and needs, regardless of whether those needs are physical or spiritual.
This ritual is best performed under a moon in a Venus-related zodiac sign, but feel free to perform it during any moon phase. The best times to perform this ritual are at night, sunset, and sunrise. This ritual has only 8 steps, so it’s flexible enough to do on its own or incorporate into a larger ritual.
A rose gold, red, or pink chime candle
Dried rose petals
A cauldron or burning bowl
Astaroth’s seal drawn on a piece of paper - Feel free to write your intentions on the back!
Most Importantly: Menstrual Blood!
Carve words or symbols related to your intention(s) into a rose gold, red, or pink candle.
2. Light the candle and say the following invocation and incantation:
Hail Astaroth! Demon of love, lust, beauty, creativity, and friendship! Great Duke of Hell! I’ve lit this candle in your honor. By your infernal powers of the _____ moon in _____, I call upon you with full love and respect: Please bless, charge, and empower this candle so as it burns, my intention(s) of _____ manifest to full fruition for me in my life. So mote it be!
3. Hold up a cauldron or burning bowl with flowers in it and say:
Hail Astaroth! I offer these rose petals to you as a gift and sacrifice from the bottom of my heart. These rose petals represent your star-kissed beauty, power, passion, and prosperity. Please accept these rose petals as an expression of my love and esteem for you. As these rose petals intermingle with the elements, my intention(s) of _____ become my lived, tangible reality. Thank you, Astaroth, now and forevermore. So mote it be!
4. Meditate and/or chant as the candle burns. While doing so, focus on attuning to Astaroth’s energy and receiving her/his messages.
5. Hold up a paper with Astaroth’s seal on one side, with or without your intentions written on the other side. While holding Astaroth’s seal on paper, state your intention to offer menstrual blood to Astaroth:
Hail Astaroth! As a final gift and sacrifice to you, I shall anoint your seal with my menstrual blood and burn it so you receive its smoke in this realm and all others realms beyond it. By your infernal powers of the _____ moon in _____, my intentions of fully manifest for me in my life. Thank you, Astaroth, now and forevermore. So mote it be!
6. Anoint the seal with menstrual blood. Once the paper dries, burn it with the rose petals present in the cauldron. Once it’s done burning, thank Astaroth verbally or in your thoughts.
7. State your intention to scatter the rose petals nearby, outside, and/or somewhere dear to you:
Hail Astaroth! Thank you for accepting the offerings I’ve extended to you with love. I shall scatter these ashes upon the earth so my intentions become my lived, tangible reality. By your infernal powers of the _____ moon in _____, my intentions of _____ fully manifest for me in my life. Thank you, Astaroth, now and forevermore. So mote it be!
8. Scatter the ashes outside while saying a personal prayer to Astaroth. Keep an open awareness of signs, dreams, and visions from Astaroth.
🌕 Pearl Satanachia 🌕
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kazu-naito · 11 months
astaroth is such an interesting character - hear me out:
once the ban was lifted and he finally could roam around freely he felt like a bug, like he would always be one step down from everyone - he felt it was unfair that mc came from nothing and gained power but the same could not happen to him. he thought she looked arrogant, as if she would always be one step higher and he'd be lost in the crowd. so when the horsemen came and he was thinking about which side he'd take he realized it was easier to become a villain than a hero, it was easier to kill for revenge. the oppressed becomes the oppressor.
in a way the horsemen saved him and for that he'll always be grateful to them, no matter how despicable they are - they still made him feel more valid than those who were supposed to do so from the get go and didn't
he wanted mc to despise him because she was finally the 'bug' he felt like he was when she was a councilor, because even still he wanted her but had no hopes of getting anything positive from her - so it was easier to make her hate him
but as the time went by he realized he didn't want revenge anymore. according to him when you fight only for revenge and influence you're bound to have a meaningless existence - ''skulking around catacombs like a rat" - when you fight for something you believe in then your immortality makes sense
on top of that, christopher escaped alone after fulfilling his part as he was also done with everything and he started developing feelings past hate for mc - realizing she was not what he thought she was. he started caring for her: not telling on her, asking hunger nonstop about her, hesitating when they were on opposite sides. and of course all of his desire to have her in every way possible
"don't you want to burn to ashes along with all this madness with me?"
all of this culminated into him betraying the horsemen by taking a blow from plague that was directed at winchesto and officially becoming part of the resistance
after that the arrogance is gone, he says he wants her favor, her respect and her love, and he doesn't want to hide that anymore. his disdain towards her before was precisely because he thought he could never have any of that, he wanted her so he could stop feeling inferior, and now he wants her for her and proves he's by her side and won't budge
i feel like most of hs1 characters are very linear, he was a breath of fresh air truly - he's interesting and complex, unpredictable even. in my opinion he's one of the true gray characters that rc got right and i am loving his path
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lionacuty · 3 months
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I'll talk about all five kids which are Mirai, Pearla, Ashes, Hazel and Flora (name possibility for the caterpillar worm kiddo) from eldest to youngest
Hazel is a hybrid of a frog and cat with some shark elements, she is the eldest daughter of the bishop of famine, she was known to be very mischievous kid along side being loud and hot headed like her mother Heket with a lesser known part of her personality coming from their parents Méliva (who was known to be a no nonsense and serious cultist) in the form of being anxious and being a sassy little kid. She was a very late speaker when she was younger which no one knew why until it was discovered that she actually had trouble speaking similar to what Heket had but to a lesser degree, she does not like Niko nor understands why one of her mum's (aka Méliva) is so chill with them (she also has a little brother but he came along, found from within a forest after both of her parents got indoctrinated by Niko)
in the descendants au Hazel shall bear the yellow crown
Pearla is a squid jellyfish hybrid (with witness Astaroth being the jellyfish in question)she is younger than Hazel by a couple of years, eldest daughter of four kids (another squid jellyfish hybrid being the second oldest, a squid cuttlefish hybrid and the youngest being a squid octopus hybrid, these four needs names omg-), Kallamar's little princess and daughter of the bishop of pestilence. She is extremely spoiled because Kallamar was way too excited to be a parent, like to the point she wore a tiara that mimicked the blue crown because she straight wanted it and got a compromise instead during the days where her dad was a god, speaking of her dad she loves him very much to the point that seeing her siblings and cousins interacting with him makes her jealous and sees them as competition (which all five of her parents are trying their best to correct that behavior of hers), she also doesn't like the lamb and hates Narinder for tearing off her dad's beautiful ears which I shall mention that she is hard of hearing and is very easy to scare
in the descendants au Pearla shall bear the blue crown
Ashes is a hybrid of a sheep and cat with big problems surrounding her arms and hands as it is a struggle to pick up light objects due to underdeveloped muscles, despite that she's always at ready to duel her cousins with the usage of her head and horns as a way to show affection towards them ever since she picked up her parents rough and confusing in nature play fighting, she is quite the serious and curious kid indeed as the world around her seems to always have secrets lying around in the corner, she is the eldest daughter of 3 kids with her little siblings being twins and daughter of the new god of death
in the descendants au Ashes bears the red crown
Mirai is a fishing spider (specifically the white tiger fishing spider if I remember correctly) that was found alone near a pond by Shamura making her the daughter of the ex-bishop of war and knowledge, despite her memory problems she still is able to recall events Shamura can't and vise versa, they're a calm and reserved kid only taking to members of their own family for the most part as they enjoy their company the most, they have been shown to have a big interest in history and cult management
in the descendants au Mirai bears the purple crown
And lastly, Flora, they were found in Darkwood by Leshy as the poor kid was abandoned by their parents because they couldn't see at all, they were quite scared in the beginning of when they joined the cult under Leshy and his friends supervision and as time went on that fear of theirs disappeared to show the bubbly personality Flora has, and ends up seeing Leshy as their father figure because of what they have in common and the many times it taught them things that genuinely helped, they are known as the child of the ex-bishop of chaos
in the descendants au Flora bears the green crown which in this au too, they had it before they've met Leshy
so ya, here they are :3
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echionx · 10 months
@xastarothx location: a rooftop somewhere, u know how we do notes: in the weeks that followed
Cthonius was dead. That was something that Echion would have to finish wrapping his head around at some point, he'd stayed there with his brothers until the coals had all gone cold, until they could grab the ashes with their hands and scatter him. They had to, if they hadn't who knew what some twisted fuck would try to do to the eldest of them next. Echion supposed there was vengeance, that was always palatable, likely what Udaeus would want, maybe Hyperenor too. The Pearl had promised both while dragging Pelly along by the ear- now though-
He remembered dragging Sariel through the streets by her hair, a smear of fallen ichor behind him as he did. The crunch of Astaroth's throat as he pushed his sword through it, everything was back but everything was... What did he have? A lot of alcohol, useless alcohol because his body refused to let him get drunk, but a lot of alcohol just the same.
"I think the world lost something when they traded amphoras for glass." Echion remarked as he tossed the bottle off the roof and watched it shatter across the stones in the courtyard some distance away. "Still satisfies."
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saturniasxenos · 24 days
Shadow ID Pack
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Inside this pack, you will find: Pronouns, Titles, Names, and Genders that relate to the Dark, Shadows, the Color Black, and anything alike!
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Or/Orc / Orca/Orcas/Orcaself
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The One Who Lives in Shadows
The One Born From Darkness
(X) Who Craves The Dark
Guardian of The Shadows
The Dark Entity
The Living Shadow
The Walking Shadow
Deity of The Dark
(X) Who Creates Shadows
Lover of The Dark
(X) Who Forever Lives in The Dark
The Void Entity
Eye of The Night
Night Dancer
Shadow Dancer
Sword of The Night
Dancing With (X) Shadow
Umbra Eye
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The Void Bringer
The Gothic Crow
Bringer of The Murder
(X) Living Shadow
Shadow of The Raven
Fem: Adrestia, Astraea, Adrenna, Circe, Corvina, Corvana, Dabria, Darci, Deianira, Esmeray, Elaila, Eimi, Eris, Elvira, Enyo, Keres, Keket, Luna, Lunar, Loralie, Lilith, Melany, Moriti, Morana, Mallory, Morrigan, Maniae, Makaria, Melantha, Nereza, Nocturna, Nephthys, Noxaina, Ombretta, Ombra, Saiya, Scathach, Senka, Sombra, Selene, Salem, Umbria, Verena, Visha, Zillah, Zilthai
Masc: Acheron, Astaroth, Adrian, Azrael, Casimir, Caelum, Cethin, Ciaran, Damon, Dargan, Dell, Draven, Duncan, Deimos, Erebus, Erebos, Hadeon, Kieran, Keir, Kage, Khaos, Kek, Kaelar, Lucifer, Lonan, Mephisto, Moros, Mavros, Necro, Ozul, Osiris, Orpheus, Phobos, Thanatos,
Neu: Ardere, Amate, Achlys, Adie, Amaya, Antumbra, Apsephion, Ash, Blackwell, Cary, Crow, Delany, Duana, D'arcy, Doyle, Ena, Eyphah, Ivory, Krow, Nemesis, Nyx, Nycto, Goni, Grimshaw, Onyx, Raven, Shadow, Shade, Tenebris, Umbra,
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Plus a small explanation of what the gender is!
Luxumbral - Connected to Shadows and Light
Shadowgender - Influenced or linked to the darkness, shadows, ghosts, cryptids, etc.
Sanctudark - Related to shadows, darkness, the night, and a feeling of safety.
Shadowgender - Related to your own shadow. This could include getting gender envy from your shadow.
Nyctogender - A colorgender where one's gender is pure darkness.
Blackgender - A colorgender where one's gender is related to the color black.
Genderdark - A xenogender and a kenochoric gender that feels dark or distorted.
Gothcoric - Related to gothcore.
Gothgender - Your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity.
Noirgender - An aesthetic gender based on being goth.
Mothgender - One's gender comes and goes depending on the light.
Mothogender - Strong connection to moths, either identifying with moths or just wanting to incorporate them into their gender
Blackbutterflyic - Connected to black butterflies. can be related to being a black butterfly or just loving them.
Blackmothic - Connected to black moths. can be related to being a black moth or just loving them.
Blackdollic - Under the genderdollic system related to the color black and being a doll [gender system by: chronoport]
Ivsidirosen - A colorgender connected to the colors pink, black, and white.
Blackredcoloric - Related to the colors black and red.
Noirantag / Noirvillain - Related to both the color black and antagonists/villains.
Shadowravengender - Related to dark or "shadow" ravens, can also be connected to emo/goth culture.
Chaincoric - Related to chains, punk styles, goth styles, and emo styles. It may feel dark and gloomy or metallic.
Moricrow - Related to crows, darkness, death, and night.
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miano-oscarwilde · 2 years
Astaroth Smoke..or Ash as I call her.
Lady I love you 💗
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h3sp3ria · 1 year
Raven and Mammon's Little Family <3
link to Raven and mammon Fanfic - Forever
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(not my art) Mammon-the dad
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Raven Morningstar Grimm-the mom
the kids(made with picrew me):
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Lilith Grimm (Lil as a nickname) -firstborn
Picrew Link
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Astaroth (Ash as a nickname) Grimm-second born
Picrew Link
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merveiilles · 2 years
// Alistair really do be like "I hate being a vampire... wasn't my choice. Left to my own destruction. people are cruel and i don't even trust my own shadow." (been rping him since 2010! I can say these things!) also Alistair: "................rather be a vampire than a pile of ashes." my poor old dude just hates his life. but doesn't want the alternative. fuckin depressing. but also, been there bro. actively there, bro.
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also, why the fuck. Didn't the Vol.turi take care of Astaroth's cult??? You ever think... that Astaroth and Aro have a truce or some kinda deal. Like... Aro agrees to keep out of Astaroth's business if he gives the Volturi any cool powered vamps or something? idk. somethin's goin on. How have I not thought of this in the 12years of rping Ali????????
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happy bday ash! i hope u enjoy ur cake ^_^/ 🍰
how does maxi celebriate ur bd? i know leixia and the kids would probably plan something special for u <3 (@goldenshrine)
thank you!!!
Hehe I'm always so excited to talk about my special guy! Maxi just really wants to make her feel special (he always does such a great job at that) and spend some quality time with her. After the events leading up to sc5, time is the one thing they haven't really had together.
Maxi would like to get her a good meal, take her out for a nice day out in town, or maybe take her out stargazing at night. After all, their first kiss more than 20 years before sc5 was under the stars. Ash handles most of the cooking for the kids, so I think that Leixia and the gang would try to make her food! Xiba eats like half of it while they're prepping, Natsu is ready to nap, and Leixia is determined! Maxi is very serious about making sure his partner has a good day.
Also, if possible, he'd like to get some time away from the kiddos for a bit too. Just some time to chill with his girlfriend. Ash has changed a lot by SC5 and I think what they both want is just some time to enjoy each other's company.
(Maxi also enjoys the thought of a romantic walk at night because he gets to drape his jacket over her shoulders. One of his favorite sights ever. Ash always playfully scolds him about never wearing a shirt, but he just shrugs.
"I mean, hey, it's not like you don't enjoy the view."
Ash can't deny that she does.)
Overall he just wants her to take a break from the road and the world and just love her for a bit. He also teases a little about how she's getting old. It's funny, since although Maxi is older than she is, guess whose aging slows down by SC5- Ash still very much looks like a woman in her 40s.
It's a fun day and Ash absolutely loves it! She couldn't stand the kids at first, but over time she's really grown to care for them. She's their Cool Aunt figure LMAO. And to be able to spend her birthday with the love of her life? She doesn't have the words to describe how it makes her feel.
One thing to note about SC5 era Ash is just how different she is than her previous appearances. It makes sense since she's nearly 20 years older than she was in SC4, but she's almost more bitter in terms of personality? Her temper is shorter, and she's just... tired. Tired of the cards she's been dealt. She was bleeding out and watching during Maxi's SC4 ending (Maxi touches the scar on her back from Astaroth a lot), her friends are off doing their own thing, and now she's stuck playing auntie to these dumbass teenagers trying to save the world after losing her lover for a decade?! Seriously?!
And so a big part of her character is just her becoming a bit more happy and cheery again, more similar to what we know Ash's character to be. She's quite smiley on her birthday. She just can't help it!
To be able to set down her sword for a while and spend the day with the people that she loves makes her so happy.
(But also, even after all these years, being with Maxi and holding his hand, hearing his laugh, kissing his cheek, kissing his lips... Everything. It all makes her heart flutter so much. They were both so different now, her having gone through everything and Maxi having the whole Soul Edge situation, but their love and understanding for each other hasn't changed.)
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cfrog · 2 years
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Ive been slowly collecting references for minor LEDDlabs characters. Here's what I've got so far! As always you can read more about these freaks on toyhouse
In order, we have... Dr. Raddle, Peaches, Dr. Ash, Astaroth the Great Duke of Hell, and Dr. Anuran.
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Sooooo we all agree that Stana definitely fucked Astaroth, right? Like, that’s OBVIOUSLY a thing that happened during the days of ash. You really will not be able to convince me otherwise
I mean, they’re both evil sadistic bastards utterly obsessed with watching people slowly burn alive and inflicting as much suffering onto their victims for shits and giggles just because they can and because it amuses them. There’s no way they DIDNT fuck.
No i definitely don’t have an oc based on this idea why do you ask
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naturezoneunite · 9 months
K.A.L. F.V. Ch. VIII: Ayumu Hiraoka (Xeno of Wrath) vs Jun'ichi Hiraoka (Deity of Wrath)
(Ayumu arrived on the 5th floor where the Hiraoka Tower Temple Boss Awaits.)
(However, the Hiraoka Tower Temple Boss Door is secured by the hoard of panther army that is under Astaroth's curse energy.)
(Ayumu walked toward them and unsheathed the secondary blade he acquired called Murazachi, he had no fear in his eyes.)
(He rushed through the hoard of cursed panther army easily putting them to sleep after using the Murazachi to absorb 100% of the cursed energy within them.)
(Ayumu got surrounded by Astaroth's hoard devil army but, he sheathed his Murazachi and performed Hiraoka Tribe hand signs before being attacked by them.)
(Ayumu used his first shadow demon art, but it is a first level skill.)
Shadow Demon Art - First Level: Black Lightning Roar!
(Ayumu's Shadow Demon Art First Level turned Astaroth's hoard of devil army into ashes in 5 minutes.)
[25 Minutes Later]
[Hiraoka Tower Temple Rooftop]
(Ayumu cross paths with an unfamiliar face but a familiar scent from the seventh Deity, the Deity of Wrath, Jun'ichi Hiraoka, Ayumu's grandfather, the emperor of the Hiraoka Tribe.)
(Ayumu remembered his grandfather since he was 8 years old.)
(Ever since Astaroth brought the Netherworld to ruins, the Hiraoka Tribe was in shambles.)
(Ayumu transformed into his new form the Xeno of Wrath right in front of his grandfather Jun'ichi.)
{"Grandpa, I'll free you from the demon lord's curse, I promise!"} (Ayumu said as he unsheathed his silent venom katana.)
[Few Hours Later]
(Ayumu tried to attack Jun'ichi with Black Venom Slash, but Jun'ichi avoided his attack and kneed him in the gut.)
(Ayumu tries to attack his grandfather again with Black Venom Slash, but Jun'ichi countered his grandson's attack by punching him in the abdomen really hard crushing his bones on the inside.)
(Ayumu coughed up a big amount of blood, and then Jun'ichi proceeded to cause critical damage towards Ayumu using Shadow Combat, and Black Lightning Barrage at Ayumu directly.)
(As his grandson took several critical damages, he was in the pool of his own blood bleeding a lot after getting wrecked by his grandfather Jun'ichi who is under Astaroth's control.)
"Have I taught you nothing, grandson?"
"No, grandpa."
"Always conquer your fears head on like your father always wanted you to!"
"Do you think I'm as strong as you and dad think I am?"
"Of course, we do, my dear grandson."
"Be confident, we encourage you to be the strongest of the Hiraoka Tribe."
"Because you will be the one that will lead not just the Hiraoka Tribe, not just each Tribe and Kingdom in the Netherworld, not just other kingdoms in the Human World, but everyone behind you in the future to victory as an elemental hero."
[End of Flashback]
(Ayumu woke up and stood up understanding his grandfather's words of encouragement and closed his eyes slowly while raising both hands in the air holding the silent venom katana with two hands tightly.)
(Ayumu unleashed his full extent of his power, his speed, power, super speed, and magic is maxed out.)
(Ayumu magenta eyes turned into blank white, veins of his body showing, his aura changed from black and purple to black and white that is beyond the Dark Void's power.)
(Jun'ichi released Black Chaos Spears at Ayumu, but he was immune to Black Magic had his grandfather in awe that his attack is ineffective.)
(Ayumu slashed right through his grandfather's cursed body causing major damage to the Dark Void as Jun'ichi took a huge impact of damage losing a huge amount of blood.)
(Jun'ichi was very shocked to see how strong Ayumu have become.)
(Ayumu sheathed his Silent Venom Katana and then unsheathed his Murazachi.)
(He shattered all seven anti magic seals by using Murazachi's true power absorbing the anti-magic from the anti-magic seals, then swings the Murazachi at the weak point of the Dark Void.)
(The Dark Void was completely destroyed and shattered by Ayumu's secondary blade Murazachi.)
(Ayumu looked back at Jun'ichi after destroying the seals and the Dark Void.)
(Ayumu unleashed a powerful roar, but it's the roar of the legendary panther that awoke his friends from their slumber.)
"Everyone, if you can hear me, I leave the other deities to you!"
"Do not hold back on the other Deities, they are a force to be reckoned with!"
"Show them no mercy!"
"Show the Six Deities that us Elemental Heroes what we are really made of!!"
[Few Hours Later]
(Ayumu ran towards Jun'ichi full speed ahead to absorb the curse energy from Junichi's body, until the 6th Deity arrived and saved Jun'ichi and himself from getting their curse energy absorbed by Ayumu's Murazachi.)
(To Be Continued)
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deathmimedream · 11 months
Off screen: post Astaroth battle: Oracle (Caliber appears)
His eyes finally closed, no longer staring into the beyond at the barrage of visions.
He groaned in pain, head pounding, and everything aching terribly from falling onto the stone floor.
All he could taste was blood gone sour, and it was all he could smell too.
He crawled to his knees, eyes trying to focus, not sure he should even have gotten up yet.
There was blood smeared and puddled all over the floor where he’d been laying, more than he should have in his body.
He scrabbled for his notebook, his pen…smearing the pages with blood as he wrote hurriedly.
Before he forgot.
~ pride falls from winter to spring, a new prince rises to surpass the old.
From ashes rises a new order.
The storm passes, Lucifer smiles on us from below. There is peace in the smile.
The Mother sits in shadow, and there is unrest in her court. She cries tears of blood as the child is revealed to his true lineage.
A new king is crowned with shadows and light. ~
He had just finished his writing and shut his notebook as he heard footsteps approaching behind him.
He frantically tucked it away into the pouch he carried it in attached to his belt, and blindly scrabbled for his mask, unable to even manage that as he fell onto his side with a small whimper.
He was still too dizzy and disoriented to manage.
He felt someone place the mask into his hands, and then gathering him up in their strong arms, like Marcus used to after his worst visions.
Oracle was still dazed, but in the dim lighting, he recognized this face.
The Archbishop who felt old to his power, but looked so young to his eyes.
Dizzily, he reached up with his clawed hand, touching, assuring himself this wasn’t another vision, and smearing his blood on Caliber’s pale cheek.
The Archbishop smiled gently, brushing Oracle’s blood-matter hair from his face.
“It’s alright, kitten. I’ve got you. Let’s get you cleaned up and into bed, si?”
Oracle could barely nod, as the archbishop used the sleeves of his robes of office to conceal the inhuman traits of the tiny ghoul, taking him to his own quarters by the old chapel.
This area of the ministry was small, quiet, and rarely used beyond offices and private ceremonies.
Few, if any siblings wandered here, so Caliber got them both out of sight quickly.
Oracle was asleep before they reached the hallways.
The Archbishop settled Oracle on his bed, where he tugged off the kit’s boots, and removed the cassock sash and jacket he wore to clean it of blood.
He used a dish of water and a rag to wipe the blood off the kit’s hands and face, changing the water to clean his hair.
As he tucked Oracle in to rest, and picked up the jacket and sash, the notebook tumbled to the floor.
Caliber put the clothes in to wash, before picking up the notebook.. and reading it.
As the kit slept, he copied the newest prophecy over into his own journal, before tucking Oracle’s away again.
He gave the kit a soft pet over his violet hair and short, stubby horns, left him a fatherly kiss to his forehead, before moving to his desk to read.
He paused, pulling a locket from inside his vestments, looking at the two small, hand-painted portraits within.
On the right, a beautiful quintessence Ghouleh, her black silken dress and wedding veil studded in a galaxy of golden stars. On the left, himself, in his true form, in a well-tailored, but outdated suit.
They looked so happy, so young and carefree.
He clicked open his former wife’s portrait frame, tugging out a small, folded up and faded photograph of a baby.
A baby with violet wisps of hair, bright violet eyes, and gray-purple skin.
He hadn’t been home, called to the village to grant last rites to an old friend of the family.
He returned to their cozy little house in Ravenna burning. The chapel he had once maintained in Lucifer’s name, destroyed.
He thought he had lost everything but his faith.
Caliber looked over to the bed, eyes soft, protective.
He had been wrong.
A thousand deaths were not enough for what Marcus had done.
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