#Asian followers pls look at this
moviesstoriesandbooks · 11 months
Chay goes to Wik's fanmeet and sees Kim in cat ears and a black leather choker .
Later when he performed on stage he wore his crop top and suit ensemble, along with the God awful choker.
He had never in his life had to hide an awkward boner with so many people around , but luckily noone was looking at him.
After the session ended , he found Kim in the vanity while he was just about to take off the choker after removing his rings.
Chay took Kim's hand in his own , turning him around in his chair to kiss the blood red glossy lip that Kim had yet to remove. "Can you keep it on till we reach the compound?" Chay asks , Kim turns around and looks at Chay's flushed cheeks and bright eyes in the mirror , and Chay leans down to kiss Kim's neck.
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its-your-mind · 9 months
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ORV as textposts 34/???
[Photo ID - eight images from the ORV manhwa with text pasted upon them.
The first image shows Yoo Joonghyuk standing with gears in the background. The text post is by Tumblr user wormspeddler and reads, "ohoho im just a little puppet, dancing on the strings of time! i am bound to the era i live in and cannot ever escape!!!"
The second image shows Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung falling from a ledge with tense expressions. Kim Dokja's arm is wrapped around Han Sooyoung's neck. The text pasted upon the image reads, "Report: This Week's All Fucking Hell Breaking Loose Projected To Be 30% More Insane Than Last Week's Complete Shitshow"
The third image shows part of Yoo Joonghyuk's face while Kim Dokja follows behind him. The text post is by Tumblr user pjharvey and reads, "liking a male character like hes my girlfriend hes my dad he is literally me i could fix him i could make him worse hes a whore hes my best friend hes my sworn enemy i just want to punch him i want to hold his hand i just want to send him to therapy"
The fourth image shows Yoo Joonghyuk standing on a decrepit street walkway with his hands in his pocket. He is looking over his left shoulder toward the viewer. The text post is by Tumblr user ponyoisms and reads, "t shirt that says YOU DONT UNDERSTAND MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD and the back says NEITHER DO I"
The fifth image shows Kim Dokja falling to the viewer's right while facing the viewer. A man in black is looking at him falling with his back to the viewer. The text post is by Tumblr user gayarsonist and reads, ""it happens to the best of us" well im not the best so whys it happening to me"
The sixth image shows Yoo Joonghyuk angrily yelling. The text post is by Tumblr user devilinasweater and has two lines of text. The first line is slightly larger than normal and reads, "I feel like I don't say this enough, but." The second line is normally-sized and reads, "FUCK!! FUUUUCK FUCK FUCK!!! WHAT THE FUCK!! WHAT IS GOING ON!!"
The seventh image shows Han Sooyoung poking out from behind Kim Dokja with a mischievous expression while looking at him. Kim Dokja has a weary expression while he looks straight ahead. The text post is by Twitter user no one believes in an asian basketball... (@/disrupthehuman) and reads, ""let people enjoy things" ok i enjoy critical analysis and being a hater"
The final image shows Kim Dokja standing in front of Yoo Sangah, Lee Jihye, Lee Gilyoung, and Lee Hyungsung, who are all sitting on stairs. Dark blue potions are placed next to Lee Jihye. The textpost is by Twitter user joe bones @/TRAINSPOTTER and reads, "I roll with a pack of goobers so silly it would knock the socks off your fucking feet wise guy" /End ID]
Image ID by @incorrect-web-novels once more!! pls accept my deepest appreciations
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
Would you mind writing a Loke/Leo x Celestial Spirit!Reader? Maybe they're one of the Chinese zodiacs and they met because they both joined Fairy Tail!
The reader traveled to the human world to seek out a worthy person to have their key, and that's when they met Loke. They knew that he was celestial spirit, but kept it a secret. They ended up dating before Lucy came along.
Eventually, Loke became contracted with her while the reader got contracted to Angel. That was because she found her key before the reader had the chance to give it to Lucy.
For the scenario, can you write something during the fight with Lucy and Angel, where Lucy summons Loke and Angel summons the reader? I'd prefer angst pls!!! Thank you!!!
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Word Count: 2328
Paring: Loke/Leo x Celestial Spirit! Reader
Warnings: Canon typical violence, mentions of feelings of abandonment, possible ooc Loke, use of the nickname 'kitty' for both reader and Loke, reader's gender is never mentioned
A/n: Hello, I’m thankful for the request. I recently started a rewatch of Fairy Tail in preparation for the new series and realized how much I like Loke, so thank you for feeding my need for him. Anyway I decided to make the Reader the Tiger Zodiac from the Chinese Zodiac because I thought it’s be fun to put the two big cats together. Also because they likely wouldn’t call it the Chinese zodiac I called the Eastern Zodiac because the more Asian inspired parts of Fairy Tail were referred to as being from the Eastern Continent, just so it makes sense. Well without further ado, I hope you enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate. 
  The Jade Zodiac Keys are much harder to come by as not many wizards know of their existence so for one of us to get contracted we have to do the leg work. I personally grew impatient and decided to go find my key and then find a wizard I trusted with it. So, I left in search of my key and wizard.
   It was long after I left, when I heard that one of the Golden zodiac spirits was banished from our home. Being the curious spirit I am, I went in search of the banished spirit. Eventually I stumbled upon a guild hall in the small town of Magnolia. Entering the Fairy Tail guild hall, I was immediately drawn to a ginger wizard surrounded by women. If it wasn’t for the familiar energy radiating from him I would have thought he was just another wizard, but being a spirit myself I was easily able to tell what he really was.
  I quickly approached the table, catching the attention of the group. “Excuse me but could I speak with you for a moment?” I asked, picking up on the fact that he was likely hiding his true nature from those around him.
  The ginger froze, likely figuring out what I was the same way I picked him out of the crowd. “Sure, who am I to deny a lovely creature like you, my attention.” His voice came off as flirtatious but there was an underlying hint of worry. He waved off the women, ignoring their whines, before standing up. “But, uh, not around here. Follow me.” With that he motioned for me to follow him out of the hall.
   After walking for a few minutes in tense silence we reached a small clearing just outside of town. “So, did the Celestial Spirit King send you to kill me?” He said, turning to look at me over the edge of his glasses. “He finally decided that it would be easier than having a rogue spirit running about.” He was stating it like it was fact.
   “No actually, I heard that one of the twelve golden zodiacs got banished and wanted to see if it was true.” I started earning a confused look. “So, what did the great and powerful Leo do to get exiled from his home among the stars?” I asked, while leaning against a tree.
   I didn’t miss the slight glare he sent at my mockery of his title. “What’s it to you? Do you think I would really believe you came all the way from the celestial world to ask why I got banished?” He now sounded defensive. “Also it’s Loke now, I left the name Leo behind.” 
  “First,I didn’t leave the Celestial world just for you. If I just wanted to know what happened I’d have asked around there. Second, The jade keys that are bound to the Eastern Zodiacs are nearly impossible to find. So, I set out to find my key. Once I do that I’m gonna find a wizard I can trust to make a contract with.” I explained to the confused spirit.
  He still looked confused but spoke up. “So, what exactly is the point of taking the time to find me? Just go find your key and leave me to enjoy what time I have left.” Loke said. “Why waste your time and energy to come talk to me, if it’s so difficult to find your stupid key.” 
  I looked at him shocked. “Put the claws away kitty. If I had any idea where my key was I wouldn’t be here. I came searching for you because I figured we could help each other out.” I stated.
  “How exactly can you help me? Once I run out of magic I’m dead, unless you can somehow convince the King that I didn’t do anything wrong, there’s nothing you can do to help me.” He turned away, getting ready to walk away.
   I nodded, moving away from the tree. “You’re right, I can’t convince the King you did nothing wrong. Because I have no clue what you did in the first place. But what I can do is share my power with you to give you more time.” I said placing my hand on his shoulder, demonstrating my proposal by pushing a wave of my own magic through him. He looked over his shoulder at me confused. “I can still return to the Celestial world whenever I need to recharge, you on the other hand won’t last much longer here without a supply of power. So, I’ll give you some of my magic every now and then, if you promise to help me find my key?” I asked hopefully.
   Loke thought for a minute, before responding. “Sure, I’ll help you. But once we find your key, I want you to forget about me, and let me die in peace.” He sounded like he already accepted he was going to die sooner or later, and he was just agreeing knowing I would be persistent. I nodded in agreement. “Also, no one knows that I’m a spirit, the guild thinks I’m just a normal wizard. I don’t care if they know that you’re a spirit but no one and I mean one is to know what I am. Got it?”
   “Whatever you say, Kitty. It will probably be easier for us if people think I’m also just a wizard, anyways.” I answered. “So, Loke, shall you introduce me to the guild I’ll be joining?” I asked, moving to walk in front of him.
   He just rolled his eyes. “Yeah whatever. Just stop with the Kitty shit.” With that we made our way back to the guild hall.
   Time skip to shortly before Lucy joins Fairy Tail.
   It has been almost three years since I joined Fairy Tail. Loke and I have spent the time going on jobs and becoming closer, while also searching for my gate key. Though somewhere along the way my priorities changed. I was no longer worried about finding my key, I instead was focused on keeping Loke around for as long as possible. We had grown extremely close fairly quickly.   
   After only three months of working together, Loke asked me out on a date. During which he told me about why he was banished and told me that if that changed how I felt he would understand. Though he had nothing to worry about because after he finished his story, I pulled him close and promised that I would stick by his side. I had told him that had it been me, I would have likely done the same. With our new found understanding and bond we became almost inseparable.
  Unfortunately for us, good things never last long. We had just finished up on a tough job and I had expended a great deal of my power. “Hey Loke, I’m going to return to the Celestial world for a bit to recharge. I’ll be back soon, Ok?” I said leaning on his shoulder as we sat waiting for a train to take us back to Magnolia.
  “Yeah, ok. I’ll tell the guild you aren’t feeling well and decided to go home.” He said with a nod. “Don’t take too long though, I don’t know if I can cover for three months again.” There was a slight chuckle in his voice at the reference to the one time I forgot that a day in the celestial world is three months in the human world.
  I laughed as well. “That was one time. Well I’ll be off. I love you and remember to stay safe Kitty.” I said placing a kiss to his forehead making sure to transfer the little extra power I had left, just in case I did take longer to recover than I planned. As I faded I heard a quiet ‘i love you too, kitty’ and couldn’t help but smile at our shared nickname for each other.
  After resting for a few hours and recharging my power I started to get ready to return to Loke. But I was stopped by a familiar sensation that I hadn’t felt in so long. Before I could even register what was happening, I was pulled through the gate and was now face to face with white haired woman. One hand was on her waist while the other held a familiar green key.
  “So you’re Y/n the Jade Tiger.” She said in a cold tone. “You are now my spirit and you will do as you’re told.” She said leaving no room to argue. Before I could speak she looked at me, noticing the guild mark on my hand. “Oh, you’ve been playing human have you? Well that’s over now. If I find out you returned to that reached guild, I’ll make sure you regret it.” It was clear from her tone that she was not one of the nice Celestial wizards. She viewed spirits as property and nothing more. “Now gate close, you better be ready to fight when I call you.”
   Returning to the celestial world after being summoned was an odd feeling after spending so long coming and going whenever I chose to. I looked around my small section of the Celestial world trying to figure out how to return to Loke. I was now contracted to a wizard and though I had no say in the contrat it was now set, I had to obey her wishes. If I went against them, I would be exiled for breaking the contract and then there would be no way to help Loke. So, I resolved myself to sitting and waiting to be summoned, hoping that I could convince my new wizard to allow me to visit Loke if only once to explain what has happened.
   Time skip to Lucy Vs. Angel
   No matter how hard I tried to convince Angel to allow me on final visit to my old guild, she would never let it happen. It was fruitless to try and argue with her, so I just hoped Loke knew I didn’t abandon him. I worried constantly that he would fade away while I was away and just hoped that one day I could see him again.
   My prayer to see him again was answered in a way I never expected. I had been sitting talking to one of the other Jade Zodiacs, when I was summoned. The trip between worlds always throws off my senses when I'm summoned, but once I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings I froze. Standing just feet in front of me was none other than Loke. His hair was longer now, and he was wearing a nice suit, but I could never forget those eyes.
   “Loke, you’re okay. I was so worried about you.” I said moving to get closer to him.
   I watched as a river of emotions flashed across his face. “I see you found your key, good for you.” It seems he settled on indifference for our reunion. 
   The blonde standing behind him looked at him confused. “You know this spirit Loke? Is she one of your friends?” She asked him.
   “I know this spirit, or at least I thought I did. And no she’s not my friend.” It felt like I had been stabbed in the heart, hearing the malice that laced his voice.
   Before I could speak again and explain myself, Angel spoke up. “Enough, I called you here to fight, not wallow in the past now take out Leo and kill that wizard so I can take her keys.” Her words caught everyone's attention.
   I turned away from Loke, looking to the wizard I was contracted with. “You can’t expect me to fight him, anyone but him.” I said, holding back tears.
   “You will fight whoever I tell you to fight. Now fight him.” Angel said clearly not wanting to deal with my defiance
   I was about to retort but was interrupted by a wave of yellow light washing over me. Turning quickly I saw Loke preparing to fight. “What are you doing Loke? I can’t fight you. I know it seems like I abandoned you but I didn’t I promise. Please listen to me for five seconds.” I begged, as I began deflecting the punches Loke was sending my way.
   “I don’t want to hear it. You broke your promise, you never came back. I almost died and you were nowhere to be found, had Lucy not been there I would be dead.” He spat as he continued throwing punches. I didn’t even have a chance to speak between deflecting his attacks and the words that honestly hurt more than any punch could. “I waited for you for months, saying that it was probably just taking longer for you to recharge. I waited in our apartment for you to show up and you never did. You abandoned me and now you’re contracted to this bitch, doing her dirty work. I thought you were going to give your key to someone you could trust.”
   He only stopped when I lost my footing falling flat on the ground. “I never meant to be gone for so long. I tried to come back but I couldn’t. You have every right to hate me for leaving you when you needed me.” I said, holding back tears. “I’m just glad someone was able to save you.” Sitting up slightly, I turned to look at the blonde wizard that held Loke’s key. “I guess I should thank you for saving Loke.” I finished with a said smile. Before I could say more or hear a response, Angel closed my gate sending me back to the celestial world. Back among the stars, I prayed that Loke and his wizard would beat Angel. Even if I know that Loke will likely never accept my apology, I hope that he will someday know that I never meant to abandon him.
EDIT: part 2 is out now
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vinny hong x jo!reader
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 1
part 2
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pairing: vinny hong x jo!fem!reader
warnings: SFW, fem!reader, gifted!reader, cursing, mentions of blood & violence, mentions/flashbacks to vinny's shitty childhood. jo!reader (jay is reader's 1 year older brother, but they're in the same class), physical descriptions (resemblance to jay, jay's mother, heavily implied asian features) intelligent!reader, female rage, implications of academic pressure, middle child trauma, second person's pov (you, you're, your), ANGSTY, lowkey self-indulgent, SPOILERS everywhere, includes momma bear vinny but then reader is also kind of a momma bear, reader is NOT yumi, but yumi still exists here. lmk if i forgot anyth
note: i can't stop tossing and turning while reading s4 lol this is how i cope. vinny pls come back now im bawling my eyes rn
None of the recontres you had with Vinny Hong in the entirety of your life was normal.
The first time you encountered him was when you accidentally bumped into him in a vulnerable state while walking home under a light rain shower after a tiring day volunteering at the hospital your parents were working in. The light pouring rain hit your umbrella with soft thuds as you were finding your way through the alley you accidentally passed by after taking an alternative route, but getting a little lost in the process.
You shuddered when you heard a groan. You immediately looked around and kept your guard up in case it was a kidnapper. But no, it sounded like one of pain. Stopping your tracks and pulling over your feet, you looked around the alley. Your eyes expectantly scanned until your eyes found the source of the grumbling noise. There he was, slumped against the wall.
I knew it. you thought.
It was a man. How cliché. His head was bowed down so he couldn't see you.
Let me guess, a high school boy was mobbed and injured somewhere and now is left to die in a dark alley to be found lifeless once the sun rises?
You scoffed. If only you had all the time in the world to be a delinquent, that will most likely be where you're meant for. These high school boys are wasting their lives when they unknowingly have the time to choose to be a better person. You discreetly envied how these kinds of people can still choose how they'll live their lives—regardless of presence of sense for separating actions between good and bad.
And so you walked past the alley.
Your steps slowed down as the man groaned again, this time followed by a rustle. A slight pang of guilt forming in the pit of your stomach. Damn it, this wasn't–
You reluctantly looked back to where the man sat. You've always sworn your life you wouldn't meddle in anything that wasn't your business. But for some reason, the guilt of having the ability to help but refusing to, drowned your fixed principle.
Just as you were having an inner banter with yourself, your feet made the decision for you instead and took you to him. You pushed the button on your umbrella to automatically close it, pointing the sharp end to the stranger. You weren't even sure if he's still alive because he suddenly quieted down after that last groan. Only the light from the nearest post gave you an unclear sight of the man and the fluff of his fiery red hair.
One of his hands fell limp on the floor while the other was covering his wound. It seemed like he's been in the same spot for minutes yet the distinct bright colour of fresh blood told you the injury happened not very a while ago. You weren't sure of how to approach him properly, so you lightly kicked his leg once, but he didn't respond. So you kicked him for the second time, this time, harder. Finally, he responded by quietly groaning in pain once again.
“Who… the hell… are you…?” He weakly questioned as looked up to squint and take in your face, but your figure was against the light from the lamp post, so your silhouette was the only thing he's capable of registering. Even when in pain, his voice still sounded atrocious. Like he's someone used to speaking to people harshly. Luckily, you weren't intimidated for a single bit. It'll take a lot more than harsh tones to drive you away. You've been there.
You fumbled inside your tote bag to search for your phone, “Who are you to ask?” When you got ahold of your phone, you turned the flashlight on and you got a clearer view of the blood oozing out of this stranger's side, staining his hand in the process. It looked like a stab wound, judging from the volume of the blood oozing out from the wound.
“As expected.” You raised your hand to point the sharp end of your umbrella to him once again. “I will help you. But if you attempt to do anything funny, I'll stab you on your other side, too.”
Your first option as was to call immediate professional help. As you tried to dial the hospital hotline to call an ambulance, your phone kept indicating there was no service. The signal's jammed. You almost threw your phone to the nearest wall out of frustration as you hit the side of it with your palm. You side-eyed the man behind you.
Shit. Now what? This kind of stab wound is fatal, especially because he already lost plenty of blood beforehand. It wouldn't bleed that much if the penetration wasn't deep. It might have even hit a vital spot. Calling for help now will be difficult because of this deserted alley and the continuous pour of the rain didn't help either, plus, your phone has no service.
“I don't need… your help!” he glared at your silhouette and cursed himself as he shut his eyes tightly while attempting to sit upright, enduring the excruciating pain on his side.
“You're quite obnoxious for a dying man.” You looked around to search for more resources. This is a closed alley. If you leave him here for another minute to find help, he might completely lose his consciousness, he was already limp in the first place. You were left with no choice. Your hand hesitantly reached to fumble around your bag once again until you got an OS, gauze pads and sterilized medical stitching needles.
Your mother would be furious if ever she finds out you stitched a stranger's wounds. You can only imagine her yelling, "Patients are not your playthings and the Medical field is not your playground! Who are you to perform Medical procedures? You're not even a Doctor yet!" Yeah, for sure Dra. Jo wouldn't be so pleased to find out her daughter's attempt to fix someone up. You kneeled and looked at the stranger. You needed to gain his trust as professionally as possible.
“I won't ask your name since you're clearly hard to talk to. I'm [Y/N]. I'm no Guardian angel of yours. I do light voluntary work in hospitals and I have current trainings on how to attend to emergency patients. But I'm still a high school student so I'm not yet licensed. Anyway, going to a hospital will always be the safest option, but I have knowledge about stitching wounds, at least. I'm going to temporarily stitch you up so you don't lose more blood, then we'll get you to a hospital once I find phone service.”
You surveyed his overall state, he looked very pale, although it's easy to tell that he's naturally pale, by losing a lot of blood, he's getting even paler each passing second. You were running out of time.
“Do you consent to this?” You asked him calmly through your glasses.
He breathed out heavily. You knew he was wary and reluctant. Which is understandable. But if it's not you, who else will do it? You heaved a sympathetic sigh. As you unemotionally tell him about the circumstances of his skepticality, that you well acknowledge.
“Hey, you might have a family member waiting for you at home. They would be devastated to just hear from the news that you were found dispatched and lifeless out here in the morning.” you looked around, left and right. Right now, you're the best chance he has if he wants to live. “I won't force your consent out. I haven't touched you anywhere yet and I wouldn't if you don't want me to, so I can just leave you here without me being a potential suspect of your murder. But you should probably think about the ones that didn't know their last sight of you alive was the last they'll get, ever.”
He looks at you for a few seconds while he grits his teeth, before he slowly, lightly nods. Shutting his eyes and removing his hand from covering the wound, implying that he had put his trust in you.
You checked his carotid pulse first. Just as you thought. Erratic and weakened. And then looked over to watch the shallow rise and fall of his shoulders. Shallow breathing. He definitely lost a high volume of blood already. You hastily started disinfecting everything—your hands, the tools, even the gloves. You checked his expression. You gave him a heads-up before lifting the side of his shirt to attend to the wound properly. You began working up and stitching the wound on his right side. You looked at his face once again that's being covered by the shade of the unfinished constructions caging the alley, while going through your first stitch.
“I'm sorry, this is the only option, for now. I'll find more professional help after this.”
He had no more energy left to open his mouth and reply. He grunts in pain while you were busy ushing the needle through-and-through. You asked him to bite down on a cloth while enduring the pain, since you didn't have anesthesia and he can feel every poke of the needle on his skin. You stitched him with precision with your skilled hands. Your hands were painted crimson red during the process.
This wouldn't be your first time stitching. You've done this a couple of times, but only to a simulator. You pulled yourself together as you kept in mind that a person's life is in your hands this time.
While you were focusing on the stitches, all the stranger can muster are croaky groans, as the pain of the wound and the stitches stung, so you tried to do it faster. When you were done, while wiping your blood-stained hands, you noticed how his chest was rising and falling rapidly as he was wincing in pain. He tried to look up at you again, but his sight of you was blurry.
“Don't worry, that'll be removed at once when you're taken to the hospital. What I did is only first aid, and you already lost a lot of blood so we still need to get you to the hospital as soon as possible.”
You pushed your knees to stand up and find phone signal, but before you can, his hand rose and reached for yours.
“No.” He clutched your hand to stop you. His hand was rough—and also large. You have large hands for a female, but his hand almost completely enveloped yours.
The side of your lips shifted downward while looking down at him. “When I said trust me, I only meant temporarily so I can temporarily close your wound. I didn't mean with all your life."
“Just no hospital.”
“You must really want to die.”
He gripped your hand tightly from the severe pain he's enduring. You know how much pain he's going through right now and he didn't mean to do so, so you let him squeeze your hand.
“I would rather die, than pay a hospital bill.” he weakly held on to you, falling completely unconscious. His head fell on your lap. You furrowed your brows and put his head into a more comfortable position.
Oh, so he was serious on dying?
You coming to his rescue definitely doesn't just end with a few stitches.
© reesespeanutbutterfuck 2023, don't forget to support your creators by reblogging !!!
always remember to put seeking professional help as top priority if you ever encounter this kinda scenario irl
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trashysimpaa · 11 months
just, remember many years ago when tfp got into Asia and that's how we got a hundred of artist to arrive here-? And that now these days most of them are..offline,rip,nolstalgia hits hard,you can only find their drawings in pinterest or something like that.
So yeah let's talk ab one that I REALLY LIKE,and just for the sake of them needed to be known more today
Tokiwaakebi or zakushin(I couldn't find translations for these names)
Really much an optiratch artist,I found them by wanting to find who did this one certain drawing here with the help of Google
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and then I casually found them in a site copying tumblr called tumblex,and for what it looks like,it's a site that contains stuff from the past..maybe? Because I have tried searching on tumblr itself and their user dosen't exist.
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Their content is so nice like literally, most of the artist that I found do alot of bl when it comes to manga,l say also nsfw content too but for me luckily they are not accessible!!
Please go check their art here on this site and tell me if you can find anything about them,I just god i really love tf Asian artist they are my inspiration
Anyways go see their art,they are a optiratch and mecha liker artist but they also draw non-mecha art too! What saddens me the most ab the past on the internet is that you find amazing people and they just..poof out of existence on the web..you can only find some posts
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and they just poofed out of existence ON TUMBLR,they are currently online on Twitter so go to the link above to find their Twitter pls!!!
I will be reblogging one of their arts if you wanna follow them because I think..I THINK,you can't here because it's totally customized
Shout out to @darkchestoftales for helping me find them! So it is just a copy of tumblr lol-, they explained that maybe the URL for this user for some reason is HIDDEN,and that they have found tokiwaakebi from a friend's reblog. THANK YOU SO MUCH, this is ridiculous, just why to this happen?this artist needs to be known! I thank you alot for darkchestoftales for messaging me,really,thanks alot,I hope people can reblog to know them
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
OP Men P/rn Hub Search History (NSFW)
I may end up regretting posting this.
Ft. Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, Law, Sabo
Modern AU IG, Mentions of P/rn
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Twitter Videos: He is a more classier man, when he has time alone he is on his computer on incognito mode and goes to his burn out Twitter account to his 3 favorite Twitter accounts.
“Role-play“: I will say. Before Twitter. He enjoyed watching the GOOD acting of role play such as a masseuse starting off professional then leading to wet slippery sex to even a teacher/student. He doesn’t know what it is about it, maybe it’s the setting, maybe it’s because he knows you’re not supposed to be doing it, But the irony of it all he has yet to watch a doctor/patient.
Guilty Pleasure: Bondage. He feels a tint of guilt enjoying to watch girls weak and tied up, but dammit if it doesn’t look so attractive. He really wants to try it with you sometime, but he doesn’t know how to approach you with it.
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Recommendation Page: Mf just goes on whoever computer he borrows, opens up Chrome, type in “porn” and click whatever he sees first he doesn’t give af and sometimes he forgets his own cock is in his hand because he is actually interested in the whole video he finds. However there was one video he stumbled upon that was a gang bang and there was so much going on he really enjoyed it and to this day he tries to find it again by googling “5 guys one girl”, “5 guys cum on girl” “girl suck 5 guys at once. Help him pls. And no he doesnt clear his search history.
Somehow Luffy does always end up finding the BEST videos too though???
Guilty Pleasure: Piercings. There is no shame in his game, but the first thing he looks for in a girl is piercings. He first seen it on a girl’s clit before and he wasn’t sure why but it stirred something in him and it just turns him on to see it.
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Another Twitter Lover: He loves the realism in Twitter videos, he even has his own Account with 400k followers. He doesn’t post his own videos, but he posts the ones he enjoys or is sent to through DM.
POV Titty Fucking: He loves ass but boob jobs are just his favorite thing. Big, small, saggy, perky he don’t care boobs are boobs.
Guilty Pleasure…Interracial: HE WOULD HE SO MF WOULD. He would love to see a Latina or a Black girl getting pounded by their white/Asian BF because he wish that was him fr. He loves us ok😒😒😒
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Glory Holes: He can’t explain why he always types that in first when on the website, but he kind of always wanted to go to one, but he didn’t like the idea of other guys around as he stuffs his cock in a hole to fuck a girl.
Anal: This mf is ruthless. It only started because he wanted to try anal with you, but felt like you may not like it so he had a stupid ass idea to show you a video of a girl doing it to somehow convince you, but whether or not you agree after that, now when he is alone it’s his favorite to watch.
Guilty Pleasure Milfs/BBW: Maybe it’s his breeding kink or him just loving older/bigger women, but it just turns him on embarrassingly too quick seeing a mother get fucked by a younger/smaller guy. Hence why he wants you to bare his kids immediately
Sanji (sigh)
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…I mean what WOULDN’T he watch😒😒😒
This mf has the premium account, 4k videos only, yes he has a Twitter (His ONLY account), and he is a loyal member to Only Fans.
Girl x Girl: Pretty evident why. If there is any form of dick in the video it can only be from a dildo.
Girl Masturbation: …Yeah he enjoys watching it and imagining the girl is giving him a personal show AND YES. He likes it when they are loud and obnoxious.
Guilty Pleasure: Hardcore. Yeah that whole ideal of him loving women and respecting women and treating them like queens goes out the fucking door if he is watching Brutal Hard sex. Choking, slapping, name calling, etc. It’s a literal guilty pleasure in how fast he cums watching a girl drooling, crying, and begging for the man to slow down. Though he couldn’t get himself to do it to you…maybe..if you were willing?
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He is a Only Fans/Twitter lover: He has one maybe 3 particular girls he enjoys and doesn’t find any reason to expand from them.
Cam Girls: Same thing. He only has less than a handful of girls he enjoys watching and tipping girls to do some….questionable things for him.
Guilty Pleasure Cuckhold: Can’t really explain this one too much but he just likes the idea of fucking someone else’s wife/gf in front of them…yeah. He a freak but whatever.
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stormyoceans · 5 months
hey girl, I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better! 👊 listen, it's cold in my country right now and I want to keep warm. Tell me your fav european GL(not Asian, pls, I'm tired of it) when you're able to write long posts. You can take your time. The cold weather is forecast to last until May 20 😪
hello, anon!!!!
im sorry to hear the cold weather is gonna last so long in your country, i hope you're keeping warm and drinking lots of tea or other hot beverage of choice!!!!!
i can definitely give you some recs for wlw shows, although i need to give two little disclaimers first:
i actually know of only one european wlw show, so i hope it's okay if i expanded this list to include western shows in general ;;;;;;;;
networks and streaming platforms are my mortal enemies because they love cancelling sapphic shows after one or two seasons (AND FUCK THEM ALL FOR THAT TBH), but if i didn't put those series on the list, this would be very short and i also think we would be missing out on some great television, so im adding their status to let you know what to expect before getting into it
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a league of their own (comedy drama - 1 season - cancelled)
based on the 1992 film of the same name with new characters and storylines, the series, set in 1943, is about the formation of the rockford peaches, a women's team in the nascent all-american girls professional baseball league.
one of my favorites on this list and im so upset it got cancelled AMAZON PRIME YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES
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anne+ (drama - 2 seasons + a movie - complete)
the one actual european wlw show of the list, this is a dutch drama series that follows the main character, anne, as she tries to navigate her early twenties as a young lesbian. upon bumping into her ex-girlfriend one day, anne reflects on how her past relationships have contributed to who she has become.
honestly for being from a smaller indie production this is such a relatable, engaging, and well-done series, i definitely recommend it!!!!
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dickinson (historical comedy drama - 3 seasons - complete)
based on the life of emily dickinson, the series focuses on her relationships with her family, her friends, her society, and on her long-term romantic relationship with her childhood best friend and sister in law, sue.
another big favorite of mine, it's fun, wild, has an unique modern twist, and both hailee steinfeld and ella hunt are incredible
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first kill (fantasy drama - 1 season - cancelled)
the series focus on the relationship between teenage vampire juliette fairmont, who needs to make her first kill in order to enter adulthood and take her place among her powerful family of legacy vampires, and calliope burns, who belongs to a monster-hunting family and needs to slay her first monster in order to gain her family's approval and officially become a hunter herself.
look, i know there are a lot of mixed reviews on this show, but personally i enjoyed it a lot. it's good, campy fun, and a breath of fresh air from the hetero love stories that pervade the genre
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gentleman jack (historical drama - 2 seasons - cancelled)
based on the collected diaries of anne lister, which contain over four million words and are written in secret code, documenting a lifetime of lesbian relationships. the series starts in 1832, when anne leaves hastings brokenhearted and heads to halifax, to restore her uncle's estate that she has inherited. while restoring the estate, she finds that the family land has a coal mine that it's being stolen by two brothers and develops a relationship with a woman named ann walker.
genuinely SO UPSET about this one being cancelled, it was such a gorgeous show with the most delightful english humor and complex relationships WHY PEOPLE CAN'T RECOGNIZE QUALITY TELEVISION
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gypsy (psychological thriller - 1 season - cancelled)
the series follows jean holloway, a therapist who seems to have it all, but who secretly obsesses over the people her patients talk about in their sessions. this leads her to seek out sydney, one of her patient's ex-girlfriend, with whom she starts developing a romantic relationship under a secret identity.
i wasn't sure whether to rec this or not because i have very mixed feelings about it like the concept is very intriguing to me but the execution wasn't the best imho. it's still a solid show tho, and naomi watts is. well, naomi watts
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the haunting of bly manor (horror - 1 series - complete)
loosely based on the novella the turn of the screw by henry james, the series follows dani clayton, a young american woman hired as an au pair for the children of the wealthy wingrave family in england. after arriving at the bly estate, she begins to see apparitions that proceed to haunt the premises.
i personally LOVE all of mike flanagan's series, and this one is no exception, however (unpopular opinion) i do find the second half of it kinda lacking. it's still a fantastic show tho, and i adore victoria pedretti
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killing eve (thriller - 4 seasons - complete [but at what cost])
the series follows eve polastri, a british intelligence investigator tasked with capturing an assassin named villanelle. as the chase progresses, the two develop a mutual obsession.
once again i wasn't sure whether to rec this or not because while the first two seasons of this show are honestly some of my all time favorite, and the third season is still acceptable, the last one is honestly one of the biggest disappointment i've ever experienced in television. still, i think it's a staple of wlw shows in the last decade so i had to include it
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warrior nun (fantasy drama - 2 seasons - cancelled, but we should be getting a revival as a trilogy of feature films. hopefully)
the story follows ava silva, a a 19-year-old orphan who wakes up in a morgue with a new lease on life and a divine artifact embedded in her back. she discovers she is now part of the ancient order of the cruciform sword that has been tasked with fighting demons on earth, and powerful forces representing both heaven and hell want to find and control her.
when i tell you i was so skeptical when i started this show but it's honestly SO GOOD, it really has it all: talented cast, beautifully-written three-dimensional characters and relationships of all varieties, gorgeous cinematography, amazing fight scene choreography.......THEY BETTER DELIVER THOSE MOVIES OR IM GONNA BE SO UPSET
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sense8 (scifi drama - 2 seasons - complete)
the story follows eight strangers as they discover that they form a cluster of "sensates": human beings who are mentally and emotionally linked, can sense and communicate with one another, and can share their knowledge, language and skills.
i don't think i could say something about this show that hasn't already been said tbh. it's wonderfully queer and explores issues related to identity, sexuality, gender, and politics. it's honestly a must watch.
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the wilds (drama - 2 seasons - cancelled)
the series revolves around a group of teenage girls who are left stranded on a deserted island after their plane crashes on the way to the dawn of eve program, a young women's empowerment retreat. while the girls try to survive, they are unaware that they're actually the subjects of a social experiment.
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yellowjackets (horror - 2 seasons - on going)
in 1996, a new jersey high school girls' soccer team travels to seattle for a national tournament. while flying over canada, their plane crashes deep in the wilderness, and the surviving team members are left stranded for nineteen months. the series follows both their attempts to stay alive in 1996 and the lives of the survivors 25 years later, in 2021, as the events of their ordeal continue to affect them many years after their rescue.
i. freaking. LOVE. this show!!!!!!!! but it also comes with a mile long list of trigger warnings, including cannibalism, SA, abuse, animal killing, etc. maybe it's silly to point this out considering the genre of the show, but still. just be safe if you do decide to watch it!!!!!!
and this is pretty much it!!!! this is obviously not a comprehensive list, im aware i left out some popular shows and other ones that feature sapphic relationships between side characters, but these are my personal favorites and they also feel like the series where the wlw part of the story is fairly front and center, at least imho ;;;;;;;;
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crystallinestars · 5 months
seeing your bio made me so happy!!! it's really difficult to ship heterosexual ships in this fandom, so i try to stay away from shipping as a whole. i hope you don't get harassed over it, cause god i sure do. i put "h*ikaveh dni" on all of my socials since they always find a way to come and harass me, even though i block and ignore 99% of the time. kinda silly idk but it just made me day to see someone else have the same view as me, pls have a great day 🩷
I gotchu, darling! I know what it’s like to feel alone in the fandom, which is why I purposely wrote those things in my bio. It’s so others like you and me know we’re not alone, and those who have an issue with it can avoid me.
It’s actually common for the Asian side of fandoms to put what ships they like and dislike in their bio, and I borrowed that format. I think it’s a great and easy way to find creators whose interests align with yours, as well as know which ones to stay away from.
Unfortunately, it seems like many people don’t look at the bio before following someone, or they simply don’t care. So thank you for looking at my bio! 🫶
Also, you get harassed? My god, I hope it’s nothing too serious! Nobody deserves to be harassed, especially over fictional pairings. I admire you for staying strong despite it all. I ships exclusively straight ships, but have been lucky to avoid any harassment. If you ever want to talk about your ships with me, I’m always willing to listen!
Your pfp is super adorable, by the way! And the banner! They look so wholesome 😭❤️
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velvetineblue · 9 months
I know this will come off as petty or whatever, but….. it just has to be said.
if anyone ever thinks my blog is “”krp”” … particularly because the muses I interact with are primarily East Asian?
pls know that I have been writing this muse on tumblr since like 2018, and in that time, I’ve been repeatedly rejected, judged at first sight, ignored, and treated like dirt by the rpc. at some point, I gave up on following “”western”” rp blogs first. because why was the onus always on me to reach out to them? only to face constant rejection, being looked down on, and having my muse treated like trash by people who— frankly— I could write circles around?? I had so many plotting ideas for our characters and would reach out to people with enthusiasm and eagerness to develop a story……but it was almost always met with apathy from the other rp’er. they always acted like they were doing me a favor by following me and giving me a chance lmfao
after years of that— including periods where I would get frustrated and leave the rpc— I got tired of trying to impress or prove myself to this community. if people want to label me krp, that’s on them and their own ignorance. because I— and anyone who actually knows me— know that I happily interact with anyone if I like their writing & characters. it has always been that way on this blog and always will be. if it seems like I only write with one “demographic”……….. take it up with your community on why no one else in the rpc ever wanted to interact with me and most of my moots and treated us like peepee poopoo < 3
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scumashling · 3 months
Just Asian Girl Whump Things
Non con references, Creepy/intimate whumper, anti Asian racism, racism against Asian women, (sexual objectification/fetishization/infantilization), starvation, forced sex work, non con body modification/surgery/mutilation
(oh God I am very scared to post this and worried it's fucking terrible pls don't be mean to me I will start crying)
Asian Female Whumpee who is simultaneously infantilized and adultified as a living doll for a White Male Whumpee
Whumper taking every opportunity to remark their difference in size/how easy it would be to break her
Whumper dyeing Whumpee's hair a bright colour to look more like their favorite anime girl character (the character is 14)
Whumper intentionally underfeeding Whumpee because the smaller the prettier
Whumper consistently bringing home sushi to feed Whumpee. Whumpee hates sushi.
Whumper who is always makes sure Whumpee is shaved hairless so as not to ruin the fantasy.
Alternatively, Whumper who makes Whumpee remove all their body hair and gets angry and violent when she misses a few spots
Whumper expressing dislike of white women because "they're too independent and talk back too much. Plus, girls like you are tighter."
Whumper laughing at Japanese men for being perverts
Whumper talking for hours and hours about how they don't relate to Western culture, Whumpee doing their best to not roll their eyes.
Whumper not knowing what "Diaspora" means
Wasian Whumpee and Monoracial Whumpee. Whumper is always remarking how much prettier Wasian Whumpee is
Whumper peppering mispronounced Japanese words into the convo whenever he talks to whumpee
Whumper who attempts to relate to Whumpee by info dumping about Japanese politics (Whumpee has never lived in Japan but it's not like Whumper never asked)
Whumper forcing Whumpee to watch White Man/Asian girl porn and remarking how it's just like the two of them
Whumper repeatedly comparing Whumpee to his favorite Asian porn star before, during and after non con
Alternatively, Whumper who demeans Whumpee by telling her she's not as cute as his favorite Asian porn star, (but she'll do) and it wrecking Whumpee's self esteem
Whumper "jokingly" bringing up Labiaplasty. Whumper following through and Whumpee being left with long term health issues and scarring that makes her feel even uglier then whumper already does
Defiant Whumpee making fun of Whumper's shitty Kanji tattoo
Jealous White girlfriend of Whumper in tears asking Whumpee "what do you have that I don't?"
White Girlfriend of Whumper who starts doing fox eye liner to look more like Whumpee
Whumper taking pictures of Whumpee in a sailor uniform and selling it as fetish content
Whumpee who can no longer watch her favorite anime without feeling sick
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wearysaltedfish · 11 months
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👋🏻 sul sul simblr!
wearysaltedfish/rose parachuting in. she/her. a south-east asian with east asian blood. i like my gameplay rotational and generational, with maxis match and/or maxis mix cc, but i am also highly interested in how other ppl play their game. i've been playing the sims since i was a child, from the sims 1 to what we have now in the community, a privilege i owe my family. i do also play other games but i'm not going to dive into that, i tend to get off tangent a lot! anyway, i'm here to look and appreciate pretty sims 4 media content and would like to see more. i will follow those who like and/or reblog this post, but pls bear with me as i tend to be lazy (the stars conspired and nerfed me bc i was too powerful lol and this is also why the blog is called [weary]saltedfish).
picture above is of a look into (one of my sims) naomi's life; a professor, newlywed, and certified dog-lover.
all the best, 🌹.
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miloformula123fan · 6 months
Hello there👋 , I‘d would like to request (gotta be a reason) - send in a description and i will pair you with a driver
Personally: 25 years old guy, Austrian with Vietnamese roots, adhd 🥲, 178 cm, mostly "against authority except for my mum" vibes,history lover, penguin & panda obsession, law student bc math sucks and I like to be right, introvert, lost cause when it comes to cooking, sarcastic, stubborn, sleepy, sassy, thinking about becoming a cop, dislike sports, I only exercise if I have to, travel lover, music obsession, grumpy mostly, comfort food is flammkuchen and kaiserschmarn :), cat personality, I care but I have difficulties at expressing feelings, lazy perfectionist, cannot function unless at work, forgetful and messy at home but one of the most organised people at work and college, part-time waiter, violin player and skier (bc of Asian parents and being an Austrian), LOVES origami and Lego, Disney child, runs on coke and tea 24/7 because I literally can’t handle coffee, loves video games, good with kids & pets, bullies loved ones bc why the heck not, wants to be a hufflepuff but somehow always gets anything but that, ISTP, I speak German English French a bit Italian and Vietnamese, dislike suits, have never watched and refuse to watch sound of music, god pls have mercy on me and send me someone who can motivate me bc coke and money clearly isn’t enough, really need someone to reassure me and tell me that I‘m at least good enough for something
Looks: black hair, dark brown eyes, light eyebags, wardrobe only consists of hoodies and jackets
+ congrats on 200 followers :D 👏🏼and sorry for pressuring you because of my last ask because of the Mick fics 😓, I didn’t meant to.
all good, all good darling
i have paired you with...
carlos sainz
would love listening to you rant about history
would buy you all the panda and penguin plushies you want (i would also love panda and penguin plushies)
would love to listen to all the cases
would make sure (if you were down) that you double checked all his contracts
would cook for you
would love dealing with your stubbonness
would take you anywhere you want
listen to all your music
would train Pinon to handle a cat
would love listening to your violin playing
would go skiing any time you want
would help you make origami and lego you want
watches all the disney movies with you
plays so much fifa with you
helps you learn spanish and italian
he would tell you that you were good enough
(can y'all tell that I'm in my darling phase)
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nyctophile-me · 2 years
intro post:
(dividers by the incredible @saradika)
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★nyc ★(she/her) ★18 ★bookworm ★love enthusiast
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✰got lovesick all over my bed✰
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hello hello hello! welcome to my little corner of the internet on this hell site (said with all the love i swear <33). this blog is essentially a dumping ground for all my scattered thoughts and rambles, along with things I find relatable. well, it's mostly about things i find relatable tbh. i'm very sentimental and a little bit mentally unstable so.. okay who am i kidding? very mentally unstable so some breakdowns might be in order. also f**k jkr!!
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➟ basic info : •asian •18 •bilingual •funny (please let me have this) •scorpio (still skeptical with my belief) •"love" lover •adhd haver(?) •anxious always •oversharer •flirt •coffee addict •eldest daughter •gifted kid burnout •trying to be a woman in STEM •overthinker (just give me a degree in that atp) •sarcastic af •you'll be surprised to know how much stuff i have not watched •will read anything except non-fiction •queer •cannot deal with confrontation •may oftentimes make inappropriate jokes •procrastinator (another degree right there) •easy to please ���gets obsessed with things pretty easily •will shit talk with you all you want •overanalyser •pinch of grammar nazi sometimes •pathological people pleaser who doesn't want anyone to see her •may get over shit quite fast •has a new crush everyday •15 wives and counting •if we're mutuals we're besties already ➟ interests : •people •music •books •playing guitar •making people listen to songs i like •ranting about anything and everything •making my own theories about stuff •character analysis •poetry •classics especially •rewatching the same four shows over and over again •keysmashing •eating food •making playlists •scrolling on pinterest/tumblr •sleeping •researching random shit on the internet •maths •computer science •hating physics (i'm sorry it sucks) •plotting revenge (which i'll never be following through with) •spending a tonne of my time looking at expensive aesthetic clothes that i can never afford •looking at pictures of renee rapp and asking them (read: her) to marry me over and over •collecting wives (okay i'm sorry wifeys that sounds very objectifying ilysm) •going over conversations that have already happened in my head and making myself sound better •yearning ➟stuff i love : »music •taylor swift •maisie peters •lana del rey •gracie abrams •niall horan •julien baker •phoebe bridgers •lucy dacus •boygenius •the 1975 •olivia rodrigo •renee rapp •arctic monkeys •lizzy mcalpine •hozier •chappell roan •ed sheeran •the neighbourhood •cigarettes after sex •billie eilish •the national •bon iver •sabrina carpenter •girl in red •lorde •ariana grande •5 seconds of summer •conan gray •ricky montgomery •the lumineers •bleachers •shreya ghoshal •arijit singh •ar rahman •shankar-ehsaan-loy •mohit chauhan •sanam •md rafi •kishore kumar •lata mangeshkar •asha bhosle •mukesh •pankaj udhas •jagjit singh •pritam »books •book lovers •beach read •happy place •people we meet on vacation •the picture of dorian gray •pride and prejudice •emma •sense and sensibility •wuthering heights •the diary of a young girl •the murder of roger ackroyd •and then there were none •the fault in our stars •i fell in love with hope •the harry potter series •the seven husbands of evelyn hugo •heartstopper •boyfriend material •murder on the orient express •the mysterious affair at styles •the kiss quotient etc. etc. (can you tell i have a versatile taste? also, emily henry is my auto-buy author and agatha christie is the queen of crime. hercule poirot is the better detective. argue with the wall pls.) »movies/shows •brooklyn nine-nine •friends •never have i ever •love, victor •fleabag •dead poets society •the theory of everything •bridgerton •poor things •derry girls •barbie •la la land •harry potter movies •red, white and royal blue •enola holmes •mean girls •legally blonde •the princess diaries •emma •pride and prejudice •heartstopper •little women •k3g •any srk movie basically •badhai do •shubh mangal zyada savdhan etc. etc. ➟DNI - racists, ableists, ED-promoting blogs, pedophiles, people younger than 13, empty/untitled blogs (y'all might be bots idk), jkr supporters/anyone affiliated with jkr, haters, zoophiles, anti-palestinians, misogynists/misandrists, fatphobes, homophobic people, transphobes, xenophobes etc. and anyone else who fits into that majority!!
(thankyou for reading all of that, can't believe i wrote it <33)
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
pls sdont take this negatively i just want to know if it was a conscious choice to make alec a bit of oblivious toxic kind of father ofcourse with all oteh rgood father qualities too. or as me being an asian too is that an asian projection on alec being so obiviously proud of max that he does not see that he unconsciously puts more pressure on max to be perfect and which he also taked upon himself ... i have seen that trend all throughout your works... how much max looks up to alec but he keeps on unintentionally maybe put pressure on max to be the best . I just thought canon alec might not be that way considering how much pressure he felt from his dad to be a perfect son and follow his duty .... if translating it to the au written by you. ofcourse seperating it from the gay and straight expectations of robert
This is interesting - and complex. A few things:
Thing #1 - I think (for me at least), being who we want to be and being who we don't want to be is not that east.
'My dad was controlling so I will never be controlling to my children' or 'my mom was overbearing and I will never be overbearing' are all easier said that done.
Because people are controlling in different ways and people can be overbearing in different ways.
Thing #2 - Alec is an oblivious father when it comes to the pressure his children feel. This is not because he is a bad father, but rather because he is canonically oblivious with the people around. He is oblivious that his friends are dating, the fact that Magnus loved him (stupid nephilim hehe), and that Jace knew about his sexuality and many other things. So, for me, it makes sense that Alec is also oblivious to things concerning his children.
Thing #3 - I think another reason why is also oblivious about this specific thing is because he genuinely doesn't think he did something wrong. I wouldn't call Alec a toxic father. You may have interpreted him that way. But I didn't write him that way. But he is someone who pushes his children to be their best and I think Alec sees it as just tht. As someone who encourages his children - something he didn't really get. There is a tendency for parents to think they are doing the right thing simply because it's a good thing. For example, my parents were very relaxed with my independence (letting me go out at night and never questioning my whereabouts) and while they thought it was good for them and they thought they were valuing my independence and showing they trust me, I just thought they were being negligent. So, yes. It's about perspective, I think.
Thing #4 - This is the important one. Alec is allowed to an oblivious father. He is allowed to be a father who can have high expectations. He can be a father who unintentionally (or even intentionally) hurts his children. Because no parent is perfect. Not to me. I don't want him to be a perfect parent just because he is Alec Lightwood. He is by no means a perfect character and it doesn't make sense for me to make him a father without flaws. So, this is (one of) the flaw I gave him.
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catgirlforeskin · 2 years
Wait how is a callout with screenshots of ppl admitting they think pedophilia should be legalized, that they are irl attracted to children, weird racist comments that fetishize Asian ppl (KIDS), and have said they want to rape their irl siblings FLIMSY??? Pls don’t act like that’s not fucking weird? There are a metric fuck ton of trans women on here who don’t like u bc u r (and associate with) racists and pedophile apologists. U just ignore their critique bc then you’d have to admit you’re weird
Wow these are some pretty hefty charges, I sure hope you have evidence for them beyond “well one time catgirlforeskin reblogged a regular post from someone who follows a different person that, if you take a cropped screenshot of a joke post out of context (or make up context) looks bad.”
Oh, there’s not actually any evidence, and the original callout post that these “evidence screenshots” are from were written by an open terf? Gee, that sure is crazy, wonder why that is lol
I think it’s rather telling that all the original callout posts for me were pure guilt by association, and when I refused to meekly tuck my tail between my legs and join in harassment mobs, people started making up outlandish nonsense about me too.
And that’s why “a metric fuckton of trans women” get caught up in this, because they’re friendless cowards who will throw any and all trans women under the bus to kiss up to our oppressors out of fear of their mutuals turning on them
. I would say don’t expect sympathy when y’all are in the next wave of callouts, but the girls who make a big deal about hating me like catgirldick started doing it because they were already in the blocklists with me, so lol.
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tianshiisdead · 2 years
Asian history is super cool! I love looking into the culture, history, etc. of Asian countries lol. + you got me into Chinese History! I gotta get into some of the books you’re reading after I finish my book, would love some recommendations :)
And Ponniyin Selvan? I would recommend it! It goes into some historical events happening during the story so it’s pretty easy to follow for a almost 3 hour movie. It’s also just Part One so it leaves off on a cliff hanger until this April when they make the second part 😅
omg 🥺 I'm so glad!! For early modern Chinese history books, I'd definitely recommend Imperial Twilight: The Opium War and China's Last Golden Age by Stephen Platt, it's absolutely my favourite and the most comprehensive book on the subject I know of! If u have any recommendations on books pls send them my way also 😳 esp on Indian or South Asian history!! that's a field I've been wanting to get more into hehe
ohhh fun, I might have to wait until April to watch though haha I hate waiting for sequels bc I'm super impatient 😅
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