#Ask the Heylins
Who are two xs character who never met and probably never would meet anyway, but you think would along if they could?
I think Megan and Jesse would have been fast friends. Megan would even wanna try on one of their leather jackets and ride on their motorcycles. I also think Dyris and Katnappe would've gotten along. (I think Dyris and Gigi have beef though. No reason for thinking this, I just think they'd have funny beef)
Megan and Jesse as besties? Oh, yes, they would hit it off in an instant. Jesse would even make her an honorary Black Viper Member only to piss off Jack lol. Tbh tho I think all of the Black Vipers would ADORE Megan. For one, she’s cute. The second reason could be that she has had sinister ideas for a 5-year-old lol. They would see potential in her. Besides, she’s fun to hang out with and they could’ve developed older sisters – younger sis relationship. If it weren’t for Megan’s parents the Black Vipers could kidnap her (illegal adoption my fav trope). As for Jesse-Megan's friendship, I bet their favorite activity includes gossiping about Clay and Jack. I even see a mental image of girls sharing the most embarrassing moments of their bro/cousin in front of them. Poor cowboy and evil boy genius kindly ask them to stop, but Megan and Jesse are not even close to the merciful young ladies.
And I agree with anon Dyris and Gigi could have some beef going on simply because of… the conflict of interest. In the episodes featuring these two, it was revealed that
1. Dyris’ plan for world conquer includes covering the whole planet with water
2. while Gigi’s vision of Earth is to expand his plant kingdom and turn all people into plants.
I presume they would argue a lot simply because if one of them succeded – it means the failure of the other one. If Dyris’ plan comes to fruition – Gigi COULD change humans into plants BUT as we know not all the plants like humidity. (and I think Gigi would kinda… die too? Because plants also need soil and Dyris will make sure there would be no land whatsoever?)
Likewise with the opposite situation. If the Heylin Seed’s plans ever came to fruition, it would be impossible for Dyris to retrieve the Lunar Locket and make her dreams of an ever-ending ocean possible.
So, yeah, I also see them as enemies even. Unless they made an alliance in which half of the planet could be Dyris’ Ocean Kingdom and the other – Gigi’s jungle with plant-people society. But it doesn’t seem like a good option for either of them bc they’re too greedy for any compromise, at least in my mind.
Dyris and Katnappe, tho – damn you’re right. They have similar personalities – always trying to get what they want. Once they realize they have a lot in common – they could team up. However, let’s not forget Dyris is a predator and I am more than certain she would double-cross Ashley (du-uh she would literally take advantage of anybody regardless of her likes or dislikes. It’s canon). And Ashley is smart enough not to get involved with ‘the water business’. What I’m trying to say, is their friendship would work out only as evil lady acquaintances. When push comes to shove – it’s either Dyris who tricks Ashley to do her bidding
- or Ashley, who dumps Dyris in the last moment (hopefully before the disaster that requires heroes’ help to undo this)
As we know, Ashley has a tendency to leave her evil partners if she no longer likes the job. I see her telling Dyris something along the lines: ‘too much water? it’s not my thing. I hoped for some treasure chests with gold but if you’re not going to provide I’m outta here’. Additionally, I’m not rejecting the idea of Dyris trying to eat Ashley even if she lived up to her end of the deal. There are no friendships on the heylin side.
On the other hand, there are two villains whose team-up would work out. Sibini and Hannibal Roy Bean. They’re both mind-control masters and they have some past with Chase. And I think if Sibini was ever freed from the wu, they wouldn’t mind helping Hannibal in his revenge against Chase. It would be very interesting if Sibini possessed Omi and made him fight Chase. (if someone reading this wants to write a fanfic based on that, give it a shot please!)
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As always, I leave quite long commentaries, so maybe I’ll move on to the other brotps that in my opinion, would work out.
1. I place my bets on Megan and Le Mime. (yes I love Megan. She deserves to interact with EVERYONE) I can see Le Mime taking to Megan. He would treat her like a princess. He would be the only XS character to truly enjoy her tea parties and take joy from that. Please, consider Le Mime giving Megan invisible balloons and flowers bc that’s damn wholesome. Another bedrock of their friendship would be founded upon pranking Jack tbh. Let’s take as example that situation in which Le Mime gives Megan these ballons, as I suggested earlier.
Jack: Yo, where’s my cousin? Her parents want to leave in an hour.
Le Mime: (points at the ceiling with a smug grin)
Jack, internally screaming: Megan what the hell are you doing up there!?
Megan: I’m flying! You didn’t want to give me your Heli-pack so Mr. Mime helped me to fly!
Jack: (sigh) Ok, whatever. Just come down, will ya?
Megan: Nope! (flies further away in the deeper parts of Jack’s lab)
Jack: Le Mime, please I beg you. I won’t vaporate mimes, I swear! Just bring her to me! She’ll listen to you!
Le Mime: (mimics he wants some payment in form of 2 slices of cake)
Le Mime: (uses an invisible bow and shoots 3 arrows so the balloons could burst. Then he catches Megan in his arms)
Megan: aaaw. It’s over already? :(
Jack: (takes his cousin away from Mime’s grasp) You. You are a bad influence.
Le Mime: (shrugs, content of the accusation) :) (waves Megan goodbye)
And that’s one of the reasons it’s never peaceful at Spicer Manor lol. All it takes is Megan’s simple request: hey you wanna re-paint my stupid cousin’s robots? And Le Mime’s already on board haha
2. My second suggestion for a nice friendship is the Guardian of the treasure of the Blind Swordsman and the Bird of Paradise. She could be his eyes, y’all. The old man is not a fan of her singing, tho. However, he agrees she’s a great companion. Thanks to her he doesn’t feel as lonely as he used to.
3. Tbh I’m totally in favor of Jack’s creations to find some friends outside Jack’s basement. And I thought – why can’t they be besties with monks’ U-bots from Mr. Tohomiko? Meh, I know it’s impossible coz Jack is an enemy and in consequence, his robots are technically enemies too but I love some unexpected friendships, ok?
4. It’s already people’s favorite but Leafy and Shimo Staff is like the cutest brotp the fandom came up with. It’s my personal favorite now too! They’re cuties. I almost want to draw them as humans someday.
5. Klofange and Chase's warriors. I can't explain why YET but there would be mutual respect between the two parties. They would share stories about their victories as huntsmen or something.
So, to wrap things up, I stan Megan as Le Mime’s little antics-helper and an additional Black Viper. I also want that old Guardian to have someone to talk to and I chose the Bird to be his friend. Dyris and Katnappe could find a common ground quite easily as long as they won’t partner up because that would mean the end of their friendship. Sibini and Bean have a lot in common. Parasite solidarity, am I right? Also let robots hang out despite the rivalry of their masters/owners, alright? And you already know I adore Leafy and Shimo – after all I put them in a boat together in that one silly drawing of mine.
These are my top unexpected XS friendships and my thoughts on how these relationships could work out (or not – if you count that commentary about Dyris and Gigi). Hope ya’ll had a nice read.
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writerkatsblog · 1 year
Do you think the Heylin Eclipse has effects besides weakening Chase? Or is it otherwise just a pretty space event?
I think it's highly likely. Just due to its rarity and Chase being the only villain alive during the last few eclipses, no one has ever studied it thoroughly enough to know what its full effects could be.
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pcrplevenom · 1 year
backstory: Soldan and Chase have been fighting. this is a starter btw.
Spicer had gone to far this time. this time it involved everyone. Wuya in her human form stood to the side annoyed, her arms folded and her steel gaze rested on Chase. Chase was not at all amused and some fucking way he was bested. The Monks were even bewildered at how Jack Spicer the rich kid had captured Chase Young, themselves, Wuya, and Soldan.
“Ain’t this a pickle.” Dojo quipped, mostly afraid of Chase’s glare.
“Behold! You Xialoin losers will finally fear me - once I use my portal I’ll unleash every version of me - we’ll be unstoppable!” Jack sneered, attempting to seem evil in front of Chase.
“man has watched to many Spiderverse theories.” Ramundo muttered and the others agreed.
“Better version of you I hope?” Omi asked and Spicer frowned.
“Hopefully a worthy opponent, Spicer get on with it already.” Chase was actually bored - he would get out here but he was quiet amused with everything. That and Soldan and him had been fighting lately....so he needed a distraction....
This time however - the portal didn’t bring others out, it brought everyone in and they all fell from the sky - straight into a desert.
when Chase stood up he thought he was looking in a mirror, same hazel eyes, same long black hair - only
this was him before he sold his soul.
“You seem to be me, I think?”
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Soldan was calming down, picking her teeth with a throwing knife idly. Not expected to be captured by Jack Spicer, which was an amusing thought to laugh at softly. "A pickle indeed, Dojo. I'm surprissed this happened, and the possibility he's watched that movie too many timess." she shrugged, but snorting at Omis' response. "Ha, good one. Chase iss right though, get on with it, the talkin' iss going on too long." Though, landing facefirst in the sand. Taking a moment to sit upright and shaking out. Her gaze was confused, trying to process the new event. "I think there'ss two of you now, I can't figure out why."
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 months
Another very silly XS AU/fic prompt where the next level the Monks have to ascend to they need more control over their elements. Then Chase shows up at the temple and says he's going to be training Omi after all he's the most qualified.
The monks are of course confused (And Omi's case trying very hard to get exited) like WTF your heylin prince of darkness why would ever let you train Omi. Cue Chase giving them blank look and then very clearly controlling the fountain of water.
The monks jaws are on the floor (Omi has actual stars in his eyes) and Chase just realizes an eyebrow like 'Did no one tell you who the previous dragons were?' and then gives Dojo a pointed look.
Cue Rai, Kimiko and Clay descending on Dojo as they now have so many questions.
Master Fung can't deny that technically at this stage of their growth the monks can/ have previously been taught by previous dragons of their element so technically Chase can train Omi... he wants to say no but Omi now he's given permission to actual train with Chase is literally running in circles squealing with joy. (Master Fung thinks that they really should have revised the rules to say they can't be trained by them if said previous dragon is now on the heylin side)
Of course the other monks get the full story on who the previous Dragons of their element were which leads to Kimiko trying to track down Guan for training. Raimundo trying to get more stories about Dashi or find out more about him/ ask Dojo about how Dashi trained or if there are any talk to the dead Wu?
That leaves Clay, who ends up showing at Jack's lab awkwardly asking to talk to Wuya (She left Chase's palace because it's just him and Omi all the time now and she was getting a migraine listening to them calling out fighting moves or their weird mind game). Jack is very confused and even more so when he finds out she was the past dragon of earth. Wuya is just staring at them like 'My servants are giant stone golems... I wasn't exactly subtle' .
She refuses to help Clay, but Jack decides to help because 1)he wants to know how xaiolin magic works if he can reverse engineer it 2) Clay will him a favor and 3) It's gonna annoy/he can mess with Wuya. So Jack mind games/reverse psychologys her in rambling about her powers/the past.
Clay and Jack are just there mostly eating popcorn listening about earth powers and getting way to emotionally invested in her stories about her and Dashi (Wuya doesn't realize she's telling a tragic romance story but Jack and Clay do and they are invested)
Dojo and Rai come to pick Clay up walk into the lab to see Clay and Jack sobbing and Wuya just talking mostly to herself about something , Dojo and Rai exchange a look and slowly back away they don't want to know.
Eventually Wuya starts showing techniques and teaching Clay and Jack mostly because she sees Clay try and 'no that's not how toy do it idiot just watch'
(Wuya doesn't realize she's technically training 2 xiaolin dragons earth and metal are very close)
Jack does use his favor next showdown he gets the Wu is challenged by one of the other monks and Jack just goes 'Oh this showdowns going to 2 v 2' and asks Clay to help him, this ends up happening a lot mostly because once they do this Chase realize he can do this with Omi and suddenly Chase is going for all the Wu as a chance for him and Omi to fight together.
Clay and Jack actually fight really well together and have bonded a lot, Wuya it just watching these 2 slowly go into full crush mode over each other and eating her own popcorn.
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rrdcafterdark · 2 years
@xiaolintease      continued from here.
Eu também... She ran the words over and over again in her head, they way they rolled off his tongue and his adorable flush as he said them. Eu também...
“That means ‘me too,’ right?” Portuguese wasn’t coming easily to her, but she was trying. She liked the way he beamed at her when she spoke, even haltingly, in his native tongue. Anyway, she hoped it meant he’d been wondering, too, because it would feel very lonely to be feeling like this all by herself.
“Why don’t we try it?” she wondered, her voice low, but her eyes sparkling with the excitement and eagerness she felt whenever she discovered or learned something new. “We could slip away for a little while. I don’t think anyone would miss us the rest of the night.”
It wasn’t extremely late, but it wasn’t early enough that the Heylin side would be up to their usual tricks. Astoundingly, they generally kept pretty regular hours, and didn’t tend to get up to their usual mischief after 9. It was very considerate of them, if you asked her.
“What do you say?” she wondered, tentatively sliding her fingertips up Rai’s chest. His muscle structure and body hair fascinated her, and she adored touching it. Adored even more the reaction she got from him when she did.
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U think everyone but Omi remembers all of other timeline do the monks remember good Chase as their teacher but also as Omi's dad, Fung remember watching Chase raise Omi... do u think post season final they'd treat chase different?
I think everyone's memories are left varying degrees of very fuzzy from the time stuff, and it gets fuzzier very quickly. Like waking from a vivid dream and then having difficulty remembering the details after a few moments back in consciousness.
I like the way @gravity-what described it here.
They'll occasionally have little flashes of memory from the other timeline triggered in certain events, but otherwise, the life they're living now is the life they mostly remember.
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Did what happen... Really just happen?
(Though the Heylin Memory Recall spell shows that memory magic exists, so if they wanted to dredge up those hazy memories again, they probably could find a way)
More than their memories, I'd say their emotions were probably thrown out of whack somewhat, too.
They'd feel around Chase, after experiencing a world where he really was a Xiaolin monk alongside them. They lived a whole life where he was an ally to them. Where he was their rock after they lost Master Fung, where he helped them rebuild a home after they lost the temple to Hannibal and Wuya.
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That little wave when he returns and the bow to Master Fung's memorial.
But Chase himself hasn't changed sides in this timeline, so if there's any hesitation from the monks that he picks up on from any lingering feelings, Chase will be happy to take advantage of it.
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This is the man who responded to a point-blank question about whether there was any goodness left in him by happily burning a village to prove a point and commenting "Hm... Nope, don't think so." And also the man who emptily pretended to be good for however long he was teaching Jermaine. Chase doesn't regret joining Heylin, and he still won't miss being in the Xiaolin temple, even if he has bits of memory.
If the memories linger strong enough for any of them to feel complicated about it, Chase would readily implement the exact mannerisms or words to make them pull a punch or hesitate or be thrown off. Any different treatment or feelings the monks have towards Chase are going to net Chase some wins and end up inadvertently ceding ground to him.
And like gravity-what mentioned in that ask, even his final words where he asked Omi to promise to never give up on trying to reach Chase in the future just as fervently as he tried to reach him in the past, are likely to be something Chase will use to his advantage. Omi ends the season feeling even closer to Chase, an even deeper connection, and now he has this vow to never stop trying for him. Their bond is inseverable by fate itself now, let alone anyone's words. And "the more time Omi spends with him the more time he has to convince Omi back to the Heylin side."
Raimundo would probably the the first to be able to shake off the complications and face Chase as he is again. Or at the very least, let his hatred of Chase fuel him past any conflictions so he's not thrown off his game as a crucial moment.
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I can even imagine his little thing with Guan coming into play, and Guan having a talk with Rai or with all the monks about how, he knows how they feel, but you can't dwell in things that aren't real, whether they once were or not, and that Guan thinks they should learn to steel their hearts and lock away memories and emotions that aren't serving them or are getting in their way.
So paradoxically, if the monks are feeling conflicted from their lingering memories and feelings from the other timeline, I could see that scenario as leading them to get closer to Guan in the long run. Guan himself would never allude to having any memories of the other timeline whether he did or not, and Guan's only going to open up a limited amount when it comes to others again.
But he is the only other person they can relate to in this feeling of missing a Chase that Chase threw away. Help them with seeing someone for who he is and not who he pretends to be.
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gravity-what · 11 months
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Every so often I get ideas for stories that I know I will never have the time to properly write so….idk, enjoy some art for a fic that will probably never happen and the excerpt that goes with it 🤣
“Oh no,” Dojo said, his eyes widening as he saw the Wu begin to glow as the two dragons continued to argue. “Omi! You need to let go!”
“Dojo what is happening?!” Kimiko asked, noticing the unexpected glowing as well.
“They are activating a Xiaolin showdown!”
“What?” Clay asked, his own gaze moving to the top of the well where the Dragon of wind and the Dragon of water were, “But Omi and Rai are on the same side!”
“Not currently they aren’t.” Dojo said, sounding almost terrified at the prospect. “At least, not as far as the Wu is concerned, They-“
“They are in disagreement about where the Wu should go.” Chase Young cut in, a sharp satisfied look on his features as everyone but the two warriors on the well turned to look at him.
“You slimy-“ Clay started only to be cut off by Raimundo’s voice picking up above them all.
“Fine then, if you are going to take the Heylin side on this then I have no choice!” He yelled, his grip tightening even more on the Wu “Omi, I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown!”
Omi’s own eyes widened at this declaration, seeming to notice for the first time that the Wu had started glowing. “Wh-What?!” He stammered out, his own grip loosening in obvious shock.
“I wager my Falcon’s Eye against your Orb of Tornami!”
“But I-”
“First one to make it out of the well wins!”
“No!” Omi finally managed to cut in, “I am not taking the Heylin side!” He insisted, his eyes darting over to the others gathered as if looking for support. All he found was worry and confusion from Dojo and his other friends and an expectant gaze from Chase Young. “I-I do not wish to fight you!”
“Then let go of the Wu Omi,” Reimundo pleaded one last time, his expression hard now, “let me have it. Let go.” he ordered and Omi tried to remind himself that Reimundo was the leader, that he should follow his orders, but then his gaze found Chase’s again and he closed his eyes.
“I…I cannot.” He breathed out, his own grip once more hardening on the Wu “If this is the way it must be then so be it. Let us go. Xiaolin Showdown!”
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d13t0rt10n · 2 months
Heylin! Omi: I am fine, thank you for asking. Though recently there has been a darkness growing within me.
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xiaolin-show-hoe · 8 months
"Trouble Ages Like Wine" Prompt 2
There were days when the time hit him like a brick to the face.
He stared at the Xiaolin Dragons, grown for about a decade from when they first met, but to Chase, it was only a moment.
The monks had grown taller, stronger, faster, and smarter. They had become a real challenge to handle and when he watched from the sidelines as Wuya fought unvaliantly to get her hands on a new Wu…Chase felt his eyes freeze on the scene.
It was then that he wondered how fast time would keep going. 
He would forever be in its grasp and while he could act as though it was his weapon, it was nothing more than that, an act.
He was no greater than any other except he had time on his side.
It however did not play by rules which he could dictate. He was at its mercy just the same.
While the monks got stronger, the Heylin side grew weaker. Many of their allies had simply become passing figures.
It was then that Chase witnessed yet another defeat on their end. Wuya losing to the Xiaolin was no longer abnormal, in fact, it was becoming as common as Jack losing to them. It was something he would have to fix. 
With Wuya's loss, they returned to the Citadel. 
"We are being made fools of Chase! This has to end! We need to get a leg up on those Xiaolin monks. Why not ask Hanni-"
"Wuya," He growled warningly and he enjoyed how quickly she went quiet.
"It seems you have misjudged your position here. Let me clarify it for you," Chase rumbled with a slam of his fist upon one of his pillars, his dragon form slipping under his reactionary anger.
She walked backward in fear as he rounded her, his form festering into existence on his skin like a plague.
"You have no power here witch and you'd do well to remember that I merely tolerate you."
His words got deeper as he shifted fully and hulled over her menacingly adding, "Do Not Test Me."
She simply nodded at him and excused herself as she should. With a painstaking shift back to human skin he sighed. Every day the monks became more powerful. Soon even Chase would have trouble taking them on alone. He knew this day would come, but he had blinked and the young ones were no longer young.
The were-dragon put his hands behind him and merely walked over to his large chair, his large cats walking with him.
<i> 'Master why do you seem anxious?' </i> one in particular asked and Chase found himself at a loss. Indeed, why was he? Was it because of the future yet to come or simply this feeling of displeasement with the idea of one day having to work beside his fellow Heylon just to keep the Xiaolin side in check.
When did he start to feel this way?
'I have many things on my mind. It seems the tide of good and evil have become rather unbalanced since….'
Chase paused mid step as he finished the thought with an aggravated sound, '...since that worm Jack Spicer stopped coming around.'
All his cat warriors seemed to feel similar to him as all their ears lowered.
<i> 'The screeching child that smells strongly of burning oils and pudding?' </i> 
'Indeed, the one and same foolish buffoon.' He finished and thought of when he last saw the irritating nuisance. How many years had it been? Surely it had been enough time to expect some more positive changes in his social skills?
Chase hardly doubted it, but he would check for the sake of evil. After all, he would rather check on him than that wretched vegetable.
He went to his seeing crystal and summoned the image of Spicer to make sure his visit would be at a good time. Ever since he had walked in on the worm dead asleep in a pile of garbage, he had found it less complicated to simply see where the other man was before teleporting over.
An visual was conjured in the crystal and Chase raised an eyebrow in shock.
Chase blinked before staring again at the image before him.
Well then, seems he should pay Spicer a visit.
Without another moment, he summoned his Heylin magic to transport him to Jack's location.
Jack banged his head, a resounding clang was all that greeted him back. With lifeless motion he did it again, "Come on Jim, you can't mess up my dinner schedule because of a little prank. Do your goddamn job."
All he heard was a snicker from the otherside. Goddammit, idiot wardens.
Fury rolled in him but his hunger made him weak enough to forget it. He turned instead to sit against the door. He began to kick his feet since his hands were wrapped around him in the straight jacket. A special detention center just for him. He felt honored.
He wondered if he should just go to sleep, try and pass the time that way.
He couldn't and he knew it. Still he hoped his mind would calm itself.
He closed his eyes and started thinking of food he used to have. He groaned and kicked his feet up like a kid. At least he could move them.
Suddenly Jack felt goosebumps prickle his body and the smell of burning leather hitting his nose.
It was familiar in a way that rolled in his stomach as he opened his eyes in shock to see…Chase Young in the flesh in his isolation unit.
Was this a hallucination? Had he been that far gone or was he already asleep?
Chase looked the absolute same with his smug face and handsome jawline that had Jack's heart racing everything. His jaw dropped, "C-Chase…What brings you uh here?" 
The red head cursed his stuttering and wondered if he was imagining it all. It was more likely than Chase Young appearing to him after so long.
The man silently looked around the padded cell with that smile still condescending. "Seems your living situation has changed since I last saw you. It seems much more…quaint." 
Jack rolled his eyes at the statement, smirking back nervously, "Yep, definitely not the same. So…What do you want?"
He watched those golden eyes scour him appraisingly. It made him get a shiver and nerves bubbled up as well as so many thoughts. He couldn't voice anything as the black haired man sit a mere 6 feet from him. 
"Good, I will make this quick."
That smug look was gone and something cold replaced it. His neck prickled at the words and Jack wondered if Chase was here to kill him…but why now? The look on his face became unreadable and Ah, that's what Jack was used to the most.
"How would you like to be on the Heylin side once more, Spicer?"
The redhead froze for a moment.
Then he started laughing hard. Almost damn near crying, now CONVINCED he was hallucinating. There was no way Chase Young, his evil idol from his teen years, was here to ask him of all people to help him in aiding evil. The prideful arrogant asshole of a powerful handsome god would never.
Which is why he wondered when they had drugged his food if he hadn't ate yet. The dragon man had simply looked at him calculating and cruel as always, Jack didn't even flinch at it.
"Chase Young asking, ME of all people, for help? I call bullshit."
The evil warlord stared down at him and emotion of mixed fury rolled in his stomach at the haughty look, like he was trash…
The eternal being repeated the question again, the threat never veiled in his voice.
Joke was on Chase because Jack literally could not care anymore about anything. His answer was obvious to himself alone it seemed.
"Fuck no."
Chase blinked and seemed to narrow his eyes, "No?"
That is the prompt number 2, 'Trouble Ages Like Wine'. This story is about Chase noticing how much stronger the Xiaolin grow while Heylin weaken. He decides to check on Jack and finds himself set on seeing how Jack is changed.
Except he is in prison and has changed in a way that Chase tolerates, enough so that he makes Jack become his apprentice... even against Jack's wishes.
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csdp-disasterhotline · 5 months
Jack had went quiet for a long time. And as of late so did Kimiko and Clay. The two had gone home to visit family for the holiday and haven't came back yet. The monks were starting to worry and the disappearance caught the heylins attention. At first they believed Jack had something to do with it but he was always one to boast about his plans especially if he successfully kidnapped someone.
So, after another ominous text from Kimiko and Clay with vague responses, the monks decided to find them at their families to see what was wrong.
Before they even got to the house something was off. Below them was people, most of them with masks and...large smiles. Booths all around the town said "Don't forget to take your joy!"
Being weirded out, they got to Kimikos house. A dirty truck and a nicer black car was there with Kimikos.
Raimundo had knocked on the door, a terrible feeling in his stomach.
Kimiko answered, a smiled was plastered on her face.
Something was very very wrong.
"Clay! Jack! We have company!!" Kimiko called
Like clockwork the two appeared, large smiles and masks too.
"Come in! Please! Here, before you do" Kimiko took out a pill and handed it to Raimundo, "Take some joy!!"
He gave an odd look, "I'll pass..."
The atmosphere got heavy.
"N...no you have to take it. You're no downer...are you...?" Kimiko asked, insistent on the pill. Behind her, Jack grabbed a bat nearby.
"A downer? Kim it's me. I don't want to take that pill. Is that what you're on??"
"He's a downer..." Jack spoke.
"He is..." Clay added
"They all are..." Kimiko closed her hand. Before the monks spoke another word Kimiko yelled, "DOWNERS!"
She through a punch at Raimundo, pushing him back outside. She, Clay and Jack followed out, not hesitating to try and maim. Jack used the bat an managed a few good swings and before any real harm could be done Dojo took the boys away from their former friends as they kept screaming "downers".
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Hey there. Sorry for bringing up an old post of yours since I was scrolling through tumblr on Chase & Omi mentor/protege relationship stuff. I saw your ask replies on favorite scene of Chase and Omi way back, and I could think for me at least why Chase has something personal against Raimundo. During Saving Omi, Raimundo's breakdown in his fight with Heylin!Omi, crying in both desperation and plea for the other to snap out. This short moment was that pivotal moment in making Heylin!Omi hesitating in dealing the finishing blow to Raimundo. And also, Raimundo rashly yet boldly charged towards Chase when the latter insisted Omi would remain here with him, declaring Omi would come home with them... Somehow seems to angered Chase enough to go into his draconic form to bite him off in half. So, there's still a bit of strong animosity hatred between them for what I've seen.
Hey there! My sincere apologies for taking so long! Life called and life takes priority.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Chase had animosity for Raimundo in particular.
In my own opinion, Raimundo isn't a particularly honorable person. That's not to say he has no honor, of course. I have no doubt he'd die to save his loved ones, and he'd die for what's right if that was the only option left.
But beyond that? I think Rai is a deeply flawed young man, just as all the other Xioalin Dragons are, it's part of what makes them interesting. But his flaws lean him more towards morally grey areas. I think it comes naturally for him to put his own interests first, then his loved ones and then what's right.
Him fighting against those instincts is an interesting character plot.
But I think his flaws are what make him both uninteresting and infuriating to Chase.
Raimundo has talent, he's willing to put in the work, he's underhanded and sneaky and a liar and a hypocrite. And he is consistently favored over Omi.
Omi has his own flaws which I won't get into for this post, but he's also a genuinely honorable person. He has a strong work ethic, he is talented and works hard to level his raw talent into unparalleled skill. His loyalty is unquestionable, unlike Raimundo.
And it extends to Raimundo. Even as Raimundo is favored over Omi, unfairly so. (I include the other monks in this as well, because they're all given more priority by Fung than Omi is.)
Omi is neglected and overlooked and passed over by the very people who raised him. Who should care for him more than anything. They put Rai in the spotlight, consistently downplaying Omi and lifting up Rai.
And yet, it's Rai who makes Omi hesitate. It's Rai Omi looks up to the most even as they're rivals. It's Rai that Omi gives his loyalty to, even when not following Rai might actually be better for Omi.
I think that there is a dynamic between Rai and Omi that Chase probably finds very bitter to witness.
So yeah no, I would agree. I think Chase would blatantly be pleased with Raimundo's death, and maybe he even hates Rai as well.
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sillymuses · 24 days
new ask game, send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the hell i want
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//I'd absolutely love to explore the what if idea of Kimiko taking things too far and entering well-intentioned extremist territory. Her drive to stop bad guys goes out of hand and she's starting to implore tactics the heylin themselves would use because Kimiko's fear that they could hurt too many innocent people consumes her rather than acting as a passive drive.
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 months
So more thoughts on Jack and Omi alignment swap AU (other posts are here 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) and if canon and AU crossed over. Sorry this is rambley and long.
So canon monks, Jack, Wuya, Chase and Dojo are all transported to AU while another fight at the temple portal appears and they all fall through only to see a different Jack in temple robes with black coat and goggles on over with Dojo around his neck.
Everyone from canon is just so confused and Swap!Jack is like
Swap!Jack:IT WORKED I told it would work Dojo
Swap!Dojo:I never said it wouldn't work I said you shouldn't do it
Swap!Dojo: God this is just like Dashi
Swap!Jack: Thank you!
Everyone confused, even more so when other monks come in and then Wuya of all people who just stares at alternate selves and then takes a deep breath "Jack...The FUCK?"
Swap!Jack explaining about dimensional shifting Wu
Swap!Wuya "Why would you make this?"
Swap!Jack "....to see if I could"
Swap!Wuya "You are the second coming of Dashi what I do to deserve this?"
Swap!Dojo "Other than the trying to take over the world multiple times things"
Swap!Wuya"Ugh loads of people have tried to conquer the world and they don't have to deal with Jack"
Of course Canon Wuya is freaking out over Swap Wuya
Swap!Wuya: Please i'm neutral at most
Swap!Wuya:That's my story and i'm sticking to it
Omi's asking where alternate him is and the swap monks recognizing him and being like 'WTF how are you a part of the team or even Xiaolin... I mean your dad allowed that?'
Omi just confused he doesn't have parents and all the swap Monks are just looking between Chase and Omi trying to figure out what to say.
Luckily distracted by canon Jack asking Swap!Jack why he's a Xiaolin loser and not an evil boy genius
Swap!Raimundo: Holy shit he's more of a dork then you... I didn't that was possible... no offense man
Swap!Jack:No i'm with you on this one
Cue canon 'jackbots attack' only for dragon of metal Jack to use his powers to rip the Jackbots apart and leave canon Jack staring in despair and How can you do that?Why can't I do that?How??and Swap!Jack gloating (Victory dance and all) 'Oh yeah evil boy genius ha I'm the genius Xiaolin dragon of metal maker of shen gong wu and wrecker of your shit!'
Swap!Raimundo:... Never mind ours is just as dorky
Cue swap Omi and Chase showing up because sensing weird Chi and power and what the fuck has spicier made now? Which leads to canon Chase and Omi staring t the other versions of themselves and Swap!Omi calling Swap!Chase dad.
Canon Omi is trying to process this when Swap!Omi sees him and instantly is so excited and talking at him 'Other version of me? SO cool! How strong are you? What are like? Do you want to fight?'
At this point Swap!Wuya is just like 'Ok how can you send them back'
Swap!Jack: ummmmm
Swap!Jack:...I mean reversing mirror might work.... or it may make our universe implode...
Wuya:Holy shit it is just like Dashi
Cue Canonverse hanging around temple and many questions
Kimiko:How do you know all about all these Xiaolin techniques, and all the elemental stuff
Swap!Wuya:... you brats do know I was the previous dragon of earth right?
All canon monks and Jack:WHAT?
Swap!Wuya: Oh fucking hell how much do you know about previous dragons?
All canon monks and Jack:...
Swap!Wuya:... sit down listen up and remind me to write a note for your 'teacher' for when you brats go back.
Monks:So Omi is still dragon of metal but Heylin in this world does that mean Jack is still dragon of metal in ours
Swap!Wuya:Yeah probably, every generation has dragons for all of the 5 elements
Jack:Then why don't I have metal powers!?
Swap!Wuya:Eh sometimes not all dragons powers manifest I guess, normally only 4 do why only 4 monks trained
Jack:...I feel robbed
(Somewhere in both canon and AU Jermaine dragon of wood sneezes)
Anyway after Swap! most of the monks spend time sparring with alternate more chaotic versions of themselves and Jack.
Omi ends up going to Chases Palace, basically kidnapped by Swap!Omi who wanted to fight/play. Of course Chase also goes to see Swap!Chase which leads to a very very tense. Swap!Chase is not happy with the idea of his son growing up at that temple and not being protected, he's also majorly pissed canon Chase let Omi go into the Yin-Yang world. He's upset any version of his little one was even in the same world as Hannibal Roy bean. (In swap world when the yo-yo was revealed he contacted Wuya told her Hannibal was sealed there and general agreement no one goes in there it is one of the Wu that is totally sealed away in the Xiaolin vault not even the chaos gremlin monks go near it)
Swap!Chase is insulting Chase and how he isn't worthy of having Omi as his son, canon Chase is one second from snapping and it being a full on dragon brawl when suddenly canon Omi jumps in and starts squaring up to Swap!Chase defending his Chase. Which leads to Swap!Omi jumping in to defend his dad.
So it's just the 2 versions of Chase watching as the Omi's argue other which Chase is better it's the my dad is better than your dad/my dad could beat up your dad only there dads are alternate versions of the same person.
This is still going on when the others turn up because they ahve a way home and everyone just watching the 2 Omi's argue at each other and look 1 second away from going full on I will destroy you fight. It's then when both Chases just go and scoop them up (With both Omi's looking over their respective Chase's shoulders giving each other death glares).
No one comments or knows how to comment on the fact canon Chase doens't put down Omi even when they get to the temple and the portal to their world appears.Or that Omi is just hugging his neck.
The swap monks are just like 'this is normal for us' and Swap!Wuya just watches them shaking her head "I guess some things are the same in every universe"
Swap!Clay:Hey Jack, isn't the whole reason your boots even work cause you were unknowing;ly using your metal powers on em?
Swap!Jack: Yep
Swap!Clay: So other you does have the powers then
Swap!Jack: Yep
Swap!Kimiko: Think we should tell him that?
All swap Monks:... Nah this is funnier, let him figure it out
Sorry this is long and very dumb.
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cauterisen · 3 months
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@maddmuses asked:"Oh, I'm sorry, is this yours?" Reina asked, her smirk like the cat being caught in the bird cage, from a comfortable seat in Kimiko's not-boyfriend Jack Spicer's lap.
Her fists clench, if only slightly. She attempts to soothe herself by remembering that the Heylin acolyte of lightning is, above all else, a troll, and someone who enjoys getting a rise out of people. Out of her in particular, though she's unsure why.
Has she really ever done anything to gather her ire? It's not like Kimiko's ever been mean to her... outright. She'd been polite enough to her back when they were kids in Okinawa, and to her credit, she's at least attempting to be polite now.
Most of the time, Reina's attempts to anger her are ones she can see from a mile away and ones that are, really, laughable at best. It takes more than obvious goading to get to her, something she repeats to herself again and again as a mantra (especially in Reina's presence.)
Using Jack Spicer to get to her is slightly above annoying though, if only because she hates the idea of anyone else getting involved or used in the lightning user's schemes. She'd rather whatever mess is between them stays between them. (Not because she has a crush on Jack or anything, ew. That's ridiculous. They're friends, frenemies at best, obviously-) It's why her flirtations with her teammates bother her so, after all.
'Tch. Do you what you want.' Kimiko waves her hand, attempting to be as nonchalant as possible. 'You'll probably end up with an eye getting poked by one of his bony elbows anyways. And that's a best case scenario, by the way.'
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What do you think of jermomi ?
A solid ship, there's definitely some basis for it.
(I have another ask in by inbox requesting my in-depth thoughts on Jermaine, so I'm going to truncate some points of analysis here.)
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I definitely think they have crushes on each other.
They occasionally blush at fidget at each other, and you can really how much they want to impress each other. They care a lot what the other thinks of them.
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They hit it off really well, and both represent something new and unknown for the other. Jermaine's the first friend Omi's made with no connection to any of the Xiaolin-Heylin stuff, and vice versa, and they're both amazed by the peek into the other's world that the other offers.
And Omi's also probably the first kid who actually came back and helped Jermaine after Jermaine stuck his neck out to save him from getting jumped. Jermaine's fully prepared to just accept a beating in the place of this kid, but he lights up with surprised joy when Omi saves him right back.
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Their first to each other was literally rescuing each other, with both being absolutely floored with awe at the other's skill and heroism. That's a meet cute you'd find in lots of action romances.
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Omi getting all three of the bullies to run away with their tails between their legs is probably the first time Jermaine ever seen anyone take down all three of them. And it's the first time anyone's ever stood up and fought them to protect Jermaine.
Omi was the first person to inspire and save Jermaine like he did, even before Omi went on to introduce Jermaine to all this magical stuff. Jermaine so readily came to join Omi's side when Jack challenged him, because Omi and Jermaine have already fallen into this fun, easy chemistry and being there for each other.
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It's no wonder they mean to much to each other after their first meeting.
And they keep in contact after that, probably through letters and packages and basketball trickshots.
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They're a fun team, they play off each other well and pull each other out of their comfort zones, they're very cute. They also push each other to grow, even with the rocky bumps that come at first. Through all the highs and lows, I could see it.
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And speaking of lows, even when they had their fight, where Omi was absolutely in the wrong, Omi was surprisingly quick to drop it when he became concern about whatever Chase's intention with Jermaine were.
Omi's jealousy was fueled by his deep fears about losing the only place in the world he's ever been condition to think he'll have, his role as a Xiaolin dragon, and that's so deep-seeded that Omi holds onto it. Until he learns that Chase is involved.
Omi apologizes and threw the match completely when he has to measure that fear against letting Jermaine fall victim to whatever Chase was scheming. Omi's willing to lose and let Jermaine decide how things end.
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Omi knows Chase very well and navigates their relationship warily. It's apparent that Chase is keeping far more from Jermaine if Jermaine hasn't even been made aware that Chase is evil in the first place.
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Even at their lowest, Jermaine says that the thing Jermaine wanted most from all his training was for Omi to be happy for him. The thing that hurt Jermaine the most was that, through all the grueling training he was going through, he was looking forward to seeing Omi be happy at Jermaine finally taking up that offer he was too anxious to take before, when Omi offered to bring Jermaine back to the temple.
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Jermaine loves Omi's confidence and finds his signature boasting pretty cute. He really enjoys Omi's base personality and finds his quirks endearing. It's only a problem when Omi specifically butts heads with him out of envy, and Jermaine makes it very clear in moments like that.
But outside of that, he wants Omi to be himself. Jermaine even lightly teases Omi when Omi invites Jermaine to return to the temple, and he grins when that teasing eggs Omi into adding a bit of the playful self-aggrandizement that Jermaine loves about him.
tldr; Jermaine and Omi know each other pretty well like each other for the personalities, not "despite them," we've gotten to see how they are both when they're fighting side-by-side or when they're fighting each other and there's solid chemistry either way, they both have to get better with communication but are very willing to grow there together, they inspire each other to look past what holds them back (Jermaine's hesitance about the big world, Omi's pathological fear of losing the only place he thinks he can have in the world as a tool for good), and the crushes are definitely there.
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gravity-what · 19 days
What's Kimiko doing in the future? Also you said other monks will help Rai if he asks so even though Clay & Omi are Heylin they'll still help him when he asks?
Kimiko is essentially a magitech engineer in the Celestial Realm! She is essentially spearheading bring them up-to date with mortal technology and creating objects that are a combination of celestial magic and technology both for general use and personal use. Her first order of business when she moved there was to get reception between the celestial and mortal realms and, after that, skies the limit!
As for them all being willing to help Raimundo out still if he needs it, there are very few reasons why they wouldn’t be willing to help out. Anything that Raimundo couldn’t handle on his own is going to be a world-ending level of threat and, Heylin or not, no one wants to see the mortal realm lost.
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