theoniprince · 4 months
Go for it! Adam! Pleeease?❤️
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Die Base steht... schon ewig. Nur irgendwie tue ich mich schwer, die Visions/Erinnerungen von Leo drumherum zu drapieren.
Wie z.B.
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sorbetowl · 11 months
Horizon Ask Game
Oioioi, thanks for all the tags, @maybirdie, @meg-noel-art, @nerd-artist and @xxxhellfireravenxxx
1. ride or die ship (your otp): To no one's surprise, it's Ereloy, precisely as it reads on the can. They snatched my heart back in 2017 and haven't released it to this day.
2. most annoying ship: There are no annoying ships. Next question.
3. second favourite ship: Tough call. I'll go with Avad/Ersa, because they 100% had SOMETHING going on. Starcrossed lovers my beloved.
4. favourite platonic relationship: I'm living for the friendship between Alva and Kotallo. And Beta's line about Erend visiting her in the server room and being "loud...but funny". A kingdom for on-screen interactions between the two. Erend can be like "is free little sister". ;;
5. underrated ship: Drakka/Yarra. The raw enemies to lovers potential there...
6. overrated ship: I don't see anything overrated in a genuine outpouring of one's love for two fictional characters.
7. one thing i would change in canon: Now, after two main games and DLC? Oh, a fair bit. Varl's unnecessary death, even admitted to by the writers as being there for shock value. Shock over the drop in narrative quality post-HZD, maybe. Same as reducing Erend to everyone's punching bag without a single thought behind his eyes. Fantastic how everyone easily picks up reading English while Erend struggles with it when he's canonically the only member (besides Aloy and Alva) who knows how to read at all. He's the one asking Aloy in HZD where she learned to read Glyphs, something unique to the Carja who reinvented written language based on a book, and the Oseram who got taught Carja Glyphs for trade, which eventually developed into their own alphabet (they get differentiated as "Carja Glyphs" and "(Oseram) Glyphs" in datapoints. Erend can read both. Two alphabets. That's more than many bilinguals) But sure, he's the dumb dumb who can't read, not the companions that start completely illiterate.
8. something canon did right: All of HZD. What a masterful introduction to a new game franchise, and playing through it the first time unraveling all its mysteries is why I'm still here obsessed with the series.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom: Probably the companion art piece for Love Games by my friend @maybirdie. It was incredible working with her as this beast of a fic came together and the friends that I made during that time are near and dear to my heart. And of course, being on the artist team for the Horizon visual novel Focus On The Heart!
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Without a speck of doubt, Gildun. What a bundle of unbridled joy.
11. the character i relate to the most and why: Beta. We both have crippling anxiety, literally never go outside, and are unfortunately Very Smol™
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: The worst I can feel about a character is indifference.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: After having been in a fandom that crashed and burned over a decade ago and coming out with a general aversion to fandom...at the end of the day, people from all trades of life coming together to enjoy and create for the same thing that they love with all their heart is a precious thing and we're all richer embracing each other's uniqueness in this gathering.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Sensual Fingerblasting (wink-wonk)
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Break In by Halestorm for Ereloy, and for favorite character (Erend) End Of Me by Ashes Remain Tagging @emtazer, @imamandajulius, @souls-that-have-senses, @nmallenart, @bs-fangirl, @cranialgames And everyone who sees this and would like to give a go~
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vilandel · 3 months
Hiya Vilandel, I’m so glad to see you’re doing the ask game too! For the fake title; how about “A Promise Under the Stars” please and thank you 🥰?
Hi Lyra, thank you for the ask 🥰
Great title, I actually thought immediately about Fuegoleon and my OC Lital.
Fuegoleon didn't answer immediately, but looked up at the stars. Lital followed his glance. She always loved the stars. Under those, she felt at ease. More than this ball they just took a break from. It wasn't her first ball, but for the first time, Lital wasn't a wallflower.
"I meant every word," he finally whispered, looking back at with all the love in the world.
"I... I don't know what to say..."
"My love, you don't need to say anything. You know it is a promise. I do this for you, starting today, under the stars."
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7, 21, 37 :)
7: Have tattoos?
Unfortunately, not at the moment, but I'm diligently saving up for some striking Blackwork designs that I plan to place on my arms and shoulders.
21: What I love most about myself
Reflecting upon this question led me to contemplate various physical attributes I hold dear, such as my numerous piercings and my strong, athletic physique. Yet, above all, I find an enduring love for my indomitable willpower, a trait that continually astonishes me with its resilience despite all the bad stuff I already went though.
37: One of my insecurities
My gender identity is a source of deep insecurity for me. While I embrace and celebrate my non-binary identity, the ongoing complexities of gender discourse can occasionally make me question myself. I've faced similar doubts when coming to terms with my bisexuality, influenced by societal norms. However, I am confident that, with time, these uncertainties will fade, just as they did in the past.
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arkaine-spell · 11 months
9 people you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by @swingingliveaway for this!
A couple of these categories are gonna be empty unfortunately since I don’t really consume much media outside of YouTube but here goes.
Favorite color: Teal
Currently reading: nothing at the moment I should get back to reading though lol
Last song: Goldener Reiter - Eisbrecher (German rock band)
Last series: it’s been a while since I’ve watched an actual show, I’ll probably get around to Good Omens s2 eventually
Last movie: my friend made me watch Starship Trooper with him, it was a good time, very silly, seeing tiny baby Neil Patrick Harris was an experience lol
Currently working on: I’ve recently picked up cross stitching as well as I’ve been working on a little quilted cube ornament based off of ones my great grandmother made
Joining the party : @moldspace @mossworm @fathermushroom @clovdyhi @child-of-crows @hydaen @warrior-of-the-runes @comically-large-cowboy-hat @chonky-sprite
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opheliagreif · 2 years
😈 (auch wenn ich mir sicher bin, die Antwort schon zu kennen :D)
JEDER. CLIFFHANGER. IMMER. 😘😉 Tatsächlich möchte ich den Leser:innen ja grundsätzlich nicht wehtun oder zu ihnen gemein sein, daher scheiden bei mir auch Charaktertode weitgehend aus. Aber manchmal gewinnt die Sadistin in mir. Und dann gibt's Cliffhanger. 👿
Jein. Ich habe zwei Weiß Kreuz-Fanfics, die ich nie gepostet habe, aber verschrottet habe ich sie nicht. Oder gelöscht...das mache ich nicht. Ich bewahre auch immer die Originale der geänderten Szenen meiner jetzigen Geschichten auf.
Ich habe mir als Kind schon früher immer Geschichten ausgedacht, die wir dann draußen nachgespielt haben (heutzutage nennt man das dann LARP). Oder die ich mit Barbie und Ken und anderen Spielzeugen nachgespielt habe. Dann hatte ich irgendwann Lust, aufzuschreiben, was meine Fantasie sich ausdenkt und habe das sehr eifrig getan, am Anfang noch per Hand, dann auf dem PC. Traf sich ganz gut, denn so konnte ich schreiben, was ich lesen wollte. 😎. Irgendwann waren die Dinge dann auch wirklich lesbar. ☺️
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~ @sammys-magical-au :3
💖 — What do you like most about your own writing?
I've been told that I have a knack for making written scenes visual. I love painting a picture in my head as I read, so, in turn, I love describing characters, environments, actions, etc.
I also love how I've learned to make gruesome/eerie scenarios casual. I had a lot of fun writing the unhinged conversations that Murdock, Caliban and Azalea are apart of. When I was younger, I had the whole "Only scary people like scary stuff! That's bad, I can't do that!" repressed mentality. And now, here I am: slowly but surely growing a killer mob and treating the killers in question as my precious blorbos.
🏅 — What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing?
Honestly, I'm proud of the fact that I've been posting my stories for other people to see. I'm a very anxious person, so it took a lot for me to work up the nerve to make this blog. Plus, I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've written stories on a semi-regular basis; and not just for myself, but for the friends I've made on this site! Burnout is still a bitch, but I've learned how to deal with it one way or another.
✨ — Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Strange, dark, and over-complicated.
(Thanks, Sammy. I appreciate this 💞)
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retquits · 4 months
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1.6 is coming—see you march 19th!!! 🥹🌱
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mjfass · 7 months
New ask game:
Reblog if you want your followers to tell you what your trademark ™️ is. Like, what’s that thing that really identifies you.
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spirallingstarcases · 10 months
top five men?
like in a row? or do i get breaks
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eira-kuso · 2 months
If anyone wants me to say my opinion on a character with this bingo
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theoniprince · 4 months
Ich würde mich beim Ask-Game sehr für „Hörk Wedding Leporello“ interessieren <3
Es existiert bereits eine Liste mit möglichen Bildern... aber weiter als mit dem Beschaffen von Materialien bin ich noch nicht. Ideen für Bilder nehme ich auch noch immer entgegen ;)
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 3 months
Little reblog game thingy because I love making these (and want to show some love to my mutuals)! <3
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Matpat will always be welcomed into the FNAF universe
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14: Biggest turn-offs
Platonically, I find it very challenging, if not downright insufferable, to tolerate hypocrites and people who do not practice what they preach. I had a lot of those around in my childhood, and that's enough for a lifetime.
Funnily, in a sexual context, there's pretty much nothing that revolts me besides an unsanitary setting, since I´m a bit of a germaphobe. (Maybe that´s also why I´m very much into medical stuff and domming since those provide me the necessities lmao but that´s for another day).
19: A fact about your personality It takes me a considerable amount of time to truly connect with people on an interpersonal level. While I've made significant progress in managing my social anxiety stemming from past traumas and can project a friendly demeanor, I still encounter difficulties when it comes to forming deep bonds. Consequently, I only consider a select few as my close friends, even if we share a long history. I'm actively working on improving this aspect of myself, but at this moment, if you wish to be my friend, you should be prepared to invest a significant amount of time and effort into building that connection.
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wariocompany · 14 days
Like actually in general my parents never just. bought me video games unprompted. I listen to Scott the Woz talk about his parents buying him games and Nintendo Power subscriptions just for no reason and I'm like. ?????? Families do that?
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