#Asking the real question here
simon-newman · 2 months
As much as I'm just freaking tired of the "Female X" discourses in Warhammer 40k I can't not find it amusing that after the official claim that "Custodes were never stated to be male only" some people dived deep into the books to find the bananas referred to as "sons", "men", "brothers" and "Brotherhood" and bring up the sources.
To which the other side's response is to call the first group "Alt Right" and "Nazis".
Like... Yeah... This is precisely what I expected would happen.
It is GW's property and they're free to do whatever they want with it.
Why insist on the lie that they didn't change a thing? It's only fueling the argument.
IMO they should be upfront with the fact they're changing it. It's not like the first retcon they did.
I assume it was the middle ground to please both sides but they mishandled it creating more discourse.
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starburns · 1 year
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darlaxfurrr · 2 years
if they draw then who will keep james corden
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dthmet · 1 month
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Listen I know he could kill me in 30 seconds but look at him giggling
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mineonmain · 1 year
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Tell me i'm wrong...
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hyacjnthus · 1 year
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will canonly calls nico “babe” how am i supposed to feel about that
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icebluecyanide · 2 months
I saw people talking about that scene where Yassen shot Max as a huge betrayal of Alex and it's kinda funny to me like yeah he involved Alex in a murder but also I cannot emphasise enough that Alex decided to join a criminal organisation. People have been telling him he'll need to kill for days now, Alex has watched them kill multiple people already, I get that it sucks for him but you cannot team up with a known killer and be that shocked when actually his secret extra mission was to kill
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echoes-in-echoclan · 4 months
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PLOVERFUR AND BERRYBOUNCE!! Our two newest warriors! And Berrybounce getting a temper oh no- Poor Caterpillarpaw taking another L
Also Auburnkit?? Girl???
Moon 0 
Moon 26.2 - Moon 28
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martydaxnger · 6 months
no but actually... why were there mockingjays in the arena during the hunger games? snow beefed with those useless captiol mutts so hard but somehow they were a part of the games?? why did he put them in there???
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
“Right then. You lot,” Martyn says to the people still sitting in the audience. “The orchestra’s got to warm up sometime. I’ve got to go backstage. I can’t entertain you forever. Frankly, don’t know how I’m entertaining you now, I’m just sitting here, but—”
He sighs. He shakes his head. “Doesn’t matter, does it? Right then. Before I have to go backstage and become—well, you know. Might as well ask some questions.”
He looks off to the side.
“I’ve always wondered what you get out of this,” he mutters. “Why you lot are so obsessed with seeing the same tragedy play out over and over again. Want to give me an answer then? Call and response. Don’t worry, I’ll hear.”
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starry-907 · 3 months
danny wormton has a very important question to ask all of you, lineart courtesy of @mysteryhat21art, and colored for @green-with-envy-phandom-event!
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wiredust · 14 days
if edwin & charles are able to take off their coats and jackets then hang them up are they like ? ghost physical ? or could crystal potentially grab one and put on charles' coat?
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torukmaktoskxawng · 4 months
So does anyone think that something happened where Jake took a moment and thought "Huh. I should teach my kids CPR"?
I mean, Neteyam recognized that Kiri had a seizure and then proceeded to perform CPR (not exactly the right way since it was just mouth-to-mouth, but a form of it, nevertheless. My baby did his best and it worked).
Firstly, he knew what a seizure was, so was that something he learned from Jake, or is that common knowledge among Na'vi and they just have a different word for it? Do Na'vi know CPR or is it something they learned from the Sky People? Idk it just seems like a human thing. But I wouldn't be surprised if the Metkayina have a form of it since their entire life revolves around water.
Going back to my initial question, do you think something happened that led to Jake teaching his kids (or at least Neteyam) how to perform CPR? Did one of the kids choke when they were little? Did Kiri have seizures before?
Jim, I have questions.
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casterhex · 2 months
so in universe do cal and andre have "gay secret that made them kill" style tabloid articles written about them.
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So we know in the books at least (maybe also the show) Armand will get Daniel to sleep with a bunch of people and just watch from the corner, do you think he writes little notes and reviews like he did with the coven after each performance?
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marihem · 1 month
Why do you ship Sans x Frisk? As a person who ships them myself, what do you see in them, like about them? Personality traits, situations, tropes etc, anything that comes to mind, what makes you enjoy them and continue to breathe life to them?
Okay so uh this is pretty hard to answer in a way that precisely expresses what's in my head in words ngl so the short to the point answer would be that...I play the game. I get to Snowdin. I get to the point where we meet Sans. I put the Frisk sprite next to Sans sprite. I go:
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Yeah I don't know. Maybe they're 2 of my favourite characters. I just really liked seeing these 2 characters together. First it was the character design appearance that pulled me in. They just look good together in my eyes. Then I studied more of these characters individually and I was like, what if they're together? 👀 hohoho the potential :]
For me, Frans is like- something something "We have burdens and secrets that no one but the two of us knows and it's killing me on the inside. So let us share these burdens between us and find comfort in each other. It's okay as long as we're together. I'll be here for you. Please comfort me" something something
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And damn, there's so many different flavours of Frans around the internet. I can never get tired of this ship TvT. Heck, I even got to cook up a different kind to add to the buffet too XD. I've talked about their dynamic more in my "Why I made my Frans queerplatonic" post.
Yeah, Sans "there's more to him than he lets it show" the Skeleton and Frisk "mysterious protagonist with powers unique from the other characters" the Human. I just genuinely love them. They've been spinning in the corner of my brain for years. I've been thinking about how these two's realtionahip would develop into what I've been drawing but that's another topic and I don't know how to tell it without sounding incoherent haha
Oh yeah also, monster x human. We love that trope here
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