#At first I wanted to make him smile but since he's a villain I drew a pose that I thought would fit him more
too-much-tma-stuff · 2 days
We Will Care For Her (Part 8.5)
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When the call came in about screaming and gunshots in the woods the Teen Titan’s were worried to say the least, and the closest ones to the scene. With no bigger emergencies all four of them mobilized to check it out. It was unlikely that all four of them would be needed, but they worked better as a team and no one wanted to be left behind.
Tim wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it was not his brother in full Red Hood getup sprinting out of the building with a white-haired young woman cradled in his arms and someone in a skull mask on his heels. At first Tim thought that the person chasing Jason was causing the problem, until he saw the official people in white after both of them with guns, those sorts were always bad news. If there had been a registered, above board research facility of some sort out here he would have known about it. 
Then the stranger turned and let out some sort of concussive scream that was definitely more powerful than even Black Canary's. Everyone chasing them was blasted back into the building and the concrete and steel of the building itself crumpled in on itself like toothpicks. Who were they!?
“Red Hood, what’s happening?” Tim called out to Jason, who glanced at him but didn’t answer,he barely seemed to register Robin was there before his gaze turned back to the masked individual Tim didn’t recognize. Well, didn’t recognize until Hood called out to them and called them Hyena.
That was Hyena?! That was a completely different outfit then the one he was used to, and he had never seen, or even heard of, Hyena using a power like that! Sure he’d told Batman he was powerful, but it was one thing to be told that and a completely different thing to see it. But sure enough he responded to the name, and as he approached Hood, Hyena drew his humanity back around him like a veil, the skeletal appearance covered again by the costume Tim recognized. Tim tensed, ready to step in if he needed to, if Hyena lashed out at anyone. But he was calm, practically huddling up with Jason and the girl, and gently stroking her hair.
Unsure what else to do, Tim signed to Impulse and Wondergirl to check the perimeter. He doubted there was anyone still alive after those explosions, but they needed to check just in case. However that meant that when Hyena took the girl from Hood and brought her over to them it was only Robin and Superboy present, which turned out to only be for the better. Tim had never seen Danny so emotional, it was… jarring, especially compared to his usual manic energy and smile. 
“You, you're Super boy, the clone right?” Hyena asked Kon, and after glancing at Robin who gave an almost imperceptible encouraging motion, Kon nodded warily. “She is too,” Danny sighed looking down at the pale girl. “Back when I was still a hero my nemesis made her, she’s… my daughter in any way that matters, my flesh and blood but I… the way I am now I can’t look after her. I never could really, I tried but I was just a teenager at the time,” He let out a self deprecating little laugh. “I managed to stabilize her, but I can’t keep her.” 
Hyena had been a hero?! When and where?! Tim had never heard of a hero like him before, certainly not one with this motif, though he knew suits probably changed, especially since ‘Hyena’ was hardly a heroic persona. He had been young then too, very young to be cloned like that. Whoever his villain was sounded like a piece of shit. 
“She goes by Phantasm, will you take her? She’s… she’s a good kid, she needs someone better than me. I think your team, or if she needs an adult Wonder Woman or Martian Manhunter, would be best.” Hyena continued, and when he looked up again Tim realized he was actually crying, which had him reeling! Dealing with people’s emotions was always the part of this job he was worst at, and Hyena was someone Tim would almost consider a friend, which did not make it easier. He had never seen Hyena cry before either, somehow he hadn’t even considered it. 
Before Tim had even fully processed what was going on Connor had agreed that they would take Phantasm. Not that Tim would have said no, a (probably) empowered young person who needed help like this? That was 100% in their purview, even if she wasn’t a clone, which Superboy was predisposed to be protective of.
“Thank you,” Hyena sighed, tired and sad. “Tell her her template loves her, and tell her where to find me. She’s always welcome with me, just… warn her what I am now. I was very different when she knew me.” 
Tim glanced at Connor and resisted the urge to bite his lip. He tried not to obviously show emotion when in costume, but he worried how it felt for him to hear those words? Words that neither of Connor’s DNA donors would ever say about him. He hoped Connor was okay.
“What happened here?” Tim asked again, since no one had answered the first time. He couldn’t just write off so much destruction and loss of life! Even if he wasn’t quite As strict about the no killing rule as B, and he did trust Hyena and Hood more then a bunch of unknown goons in white.
“Remember when I mentioned being experimented on by mad scientists?” Danny asked wryly, Tim nodded and Danny simply gestured back at the facility. These were the people who had done that to him!? He’d been serious? That actually did explain some things. “I didn’t realize they still had her or I would have burned the place to the ground a long time ago. Here,” He said, fishing a USB out of the inside pocket of his jacket and holding it to Tim. “This has info on the organization, I meant to give it to you eventually anyway.” 
Tim took it automatically. He’d have to check it for viruses first, and he wouldn’t take anything at face value, but it would be a good place to start his own research. Danny slumped back like a poppet with its strings cut, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “Come visit me soon, and tell me how she’s doing if she doesn’t want to see me, please?” He requested, looking back at Tim with a pleading expression that made Tim sort of uncomfortable. Why was he so bad with emotions! 
“Right, okay,” Tim agreed awkwardly. He would have anyway, since he met up with Hood and Hyana regularly now. Danny nodded back and then turned, walking back over to Jason with his back hunched and his feet dragging. Jason lifted his arms, letting Danny walk into them. Then they were both just gone, just completely disappeared. 
Tim stared at the place where Hood and Hyena had been just a minute ago. Damn did he have a lot of powers to add to his file on Hyena between the transformation, the invisibility, and that earth shattering wail. He shook his head and looked back at the girl Kon was still holding, she was what was important right now.
He looked up, meeting Superboy’s gaze seeing the same confusion and determination on his face. They didn’t know what was going on or why really, but they were going to do right by Phantasm as best as they could. “There are no heartbeats left in the building, and the fire isn’t spreading. We should get her home before she wakes up,” Superboy told Robin softly, who agreed. 
As if on queue Impulse skidded to a halt next to them and Wondergirl returned from an overhead scan. “Anything we can do to help?” Tim asked the two of them. Wonder girl shook her head and Impulse shrugged. 
“I couldn’t get into the building at all, it’s just a pile of rubble now. I’d be really surprised if there’s anyone still alive in there. So, who are we going to arrest about this?” Impulse asked, shifting from foot to foot absently. 
Robin shook his head at Impulse, they wouldn’t be arresting anyone today. Even if maybe they should have at least brought Hood and Hyena in for questioning… Well, it's too late now. “We answered the call and there’s nothing we can do, let’s get home. Wondergirl, do you mind carrying me back to the Tower? I don’t think Superboy is willing to let go of Phantasm,” Robin requested dryly, and Superboy gave him a sheepish smile that told him he was absolutely right about that.
“Sure,” Cassie agreed, clearly amused by Superboy’s reaction, if confused by… everything that was going on.
“Hey, what about me?” Impulse asked with a dramatic pout that had Tim rolling his eyes behind his mask.
“You’ll probably get home before we do so You can start brewing the coffee,” Tim told him dryly, already heading over to Cassie. 
Impulse sighed dramatically at Tim and then he was gone, with the air rushing in to fill the space he’d just occupied with a little wooshing sound. Robin shook his head with a soft laugh and allowed Cassie to arrange him like she was going to give him a piggyback ride before she took off, Superboy on their heels as they headed home. 
They had plenty of guest rooms since the Teen Titans had an extensive network of young heroes and empowered individuals and sometimes they needed a place to stay. Since most of the rooms were available, they picked the one that was closest to the Core Four’s rooms and settled Phantasm in there. Robin checked her over, checking her pulse, her pupils reactions, her reflexes, and her other vitals, she seemed fine, though still unconscious.
Cassie cleaned her off of all the blood and the odd green fluid, and changed her into some spare sleeping clothes while the boys waited outside the room. When Cassie called to say that they could come back in Phantasm was already tucked into bed, looking much better already. Superboy went and sat on the edge of the bed. 
“We should make sure someone is always with her till she wakes up. We have no idea how long she’s been out, or how she might react when she wakes up. Connor, do you want to take the first shift?” He suggested, glancing at his friend who just nodded absently. “Right,” Tim said a little awkwardly and shooed Bart and Cassie out.
They all headed to the kitchen and Tim poured himself a cup of coffee while Cassie and Bart started talking about how fucking weird that had been. Tim lingered just long enough that he thought it wouldn’t be suspicious before heading back towards their rooms. He acted like he was headed back to his own room before detouring and slipping into Phantasm’s new bedroom. He was worried about Superboy and wanted to check on him, this was bound to be a more emotional situation for him then any of them. 
Superboy was staring down at Phantasm, his expression blank and his posture suspiciously straight. He was upset. Tim went and sat down next to him, after a moment of hesitation he took Connor’s hand, and gave it a squeeze to bring him back to the here and now. “How are you holding up?” He asked when Connor blinked and looked back at him.
“I’m… okay?” Connor said, looking back at the girl.
“Are you really?” Tim asked dubiously, that did not sound convincing. Connor gave a one shoulder shrug.
“Not really, it’s so fucked up. How many villains clone their heroes like that?! It’s such a messed up thing to do. But… I guess I’m a little jealous of her? Because even if she was made for ‘nefarious purposes’ or whatever, she has someone who really cares about her. But I’m happy for her too, it’s just making me remember… a bunch of shit you know? A lotta feelings,” He sighed, making a vague gesture with his free hand.
“Ya, I know,” Tim said without letting go of Connor’s hand. “You’re not alone though, I’m here for you, we’re all here for you,” He added quickly in case he made Connor uncomfortable with the intimacy. Though… Connor also hadn’t let go of his hand, and squeezed it gently as he gave Tim a slightly strained smile. “You have people who really care about you too.”
“Thank you Robin, that means a lot,” Connor said softly, bumping his shoulder against Tim’s.
It had been 23 hours and Phantasm was still asleep. It was a worrying amount of time, but her heartbeat and breathing had remained stable so Robin wasn’t that worried. Tim was the one waiting by her bedside now, he had already gone through all the documents on the USB Hyena had given him. It contained a frankly horrific amount of evidence, including some pictures and videos that clearly weren't fake, even though Tim sort of wished they were with how gruesome they were. He still had his laptop on his lap though, now looking into any publicly available (or hackable) information to corroborate the information Danny had already given him. 
He was also working on a powerpoint to inform the JL about this travesty of a government organization, which they’d somehow allowed to form in spite of the obvious breach of meta-protection acts. When he heard a sound from the bed he nearly jumped out of his skin and slammed his laptop shut, not wanting Phantasm to see what it was he was working on first thing after waking up. He put his laptop down and turned his attention towards her as she stirred in the bed and let out a little groan. After a moment she opened her eyes just a little and glanced around, it looked like she was trying to pretend she was still out till she got the lay of the land, but she hadn’t been trained to properly mask body language. 
“You’re safe, Danny found you and freed you, he asked me and my team to look after you,” Tim told her. 
She jolted and opened her eyes fully, looking at him with wide eyes. “He’s alive?” She breathed incredulously. 
“Yes, he goes by Hyena now. He says he escaped a different facility a bit more than a year ago. He thought you were dead too or he would have come back for you sooner, but we’ll talk more about that later. How do you feel?” Tim asked, setting his computer aside. 
She paused as if considering the question. “Okay, I think,” she said thoughtfully.
“Alright, do you think you could manage something to eat and drink? You’ve been asleep for a while and we don’t know how long you were in that tube before that,” Tim asked.
“Ya, I can try, probably better to stick to liquids for now though,” She sighed, squirming to prop herself up a little more against the pillows. 
“Alright, I’ll text Superboy to get you some soup then. He’ll be happy to see you’re awake. He’s a clone too and he’s been worried about you,” He told Phantasm absently as he pulled out his phone to text Kon.
“Right. Before he comes, you know Danny’s name but you mentioned he goes by Hyena now? He’s still got a secret identity and stuff? He still a hero?” Phantasm asked, tilting her head to the side a little.
“Ya, I know his name because he’s dating my brother. He knows my secret ID too. He’s still a Mask, but he’s not exactly a hero anymore.” Tim said as delicately as he could as he texted SB.
“Oh dear, how bad did he get?” She breathed, eyes wide and worried.
“Judging by the powers he displayed yesterday nowhere near as bad as he could have. I won’t say he’s not a villain, since my brother is a crime lord, and they both have a body count, but I don’t think he’s a bad guy,” Tim told her as gently as he could.
“Oh,” She sighed, relaxing back against the pillows, which was a bit of a surprise. “Ya, not as bad as it could have been. Do you think he’s happy?”
“He and Red Hood seem really disgustingly in love with each other, so he’s got issues obviously, but ya, I think he’s happy.” 
“Good, he deserves to be happy. He was a good hero, people didn’t deserve him anyway.”
That was not the reaction Tim was expecting. He didn’t think it was the reaction Hyena would have expected either, with how worried he had been. Before he could ask more Superboy showed up with a soft woosh with a bowl of hot soup for her, pausing the conversation while he fussed over her.
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
"Age doesn't matter" 15
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
It’s been days since Y/n started babysitting Kazui. After the administration suspended the class due to the villain attack, Y/n had to email every parent about what would happen and how can the children still catch up with their lessons, as well as mail them the day-to-day school activities. But for Kazui, instead of mailing Katsuki the manuscripts, she has Kazui’s daily school activity printed out and hands it to him personally.
No, she won't teach him at all. It may be part of her babysitting job but being his school instructor, she treats her pupils equally. That implies no special treatment for Kazui.
Although almost every day she can hear Katsuki lecturing Kazui whenever he sees him writing down the wrong answer. Sometimes she’ll catch him smacking his head which will earn him a lecture from her.
She remembered when she first did it in front of Eijiro. The guy was taken aback of course, but surprisingly, Katsuki behaved which made Eijiro taken back more.
“Did you just...- What?” The poor guy was confused.
Today, Katsuki’s on his daily pratol and you were working in the Dining area where you can keep an eye on Kazui who completed his homework and was just watching tv now.
All of a sudden you received an email from the school principal. Clicking it open, Y/n read the content. It was apparently an email about the new employee since some of the kindergarten teachers resigned after the incident. The principal is basically relying on her since she’s one of those who stayed.
“Another work, then.” Y/n mumbled but started responding to the email anyway. It’s not like she has a choice not to. But deep down, she wanted to leave her job as well, not because she was hired as a babysitter, it’s because of the workload which has been keeping her up till midnight.
And yes, Katsuki noticed this. He has very observant eyes, we all know that. He can see her strained smile whenever Kazui comes up to her to show anything he drew.
“Ah. I guess that’s it for now.” Y/n yawned as she stretched her limbs. Once done stretching, she checked the time to see it was almost dinner. Which means, he’ll be here anytime now.
“Time to make dinner, Kazui-chan.”
Kazui beamed once he heard Y/n. He always wanted to be a great good like his dad, so Y/n agreed that Kazui can help her or watch beside her.
“What will we be cooking today, Miss Y/n?” Kazui asked while rocking on his heels. A mannerism Y/n found out whenever he’s excited.
“Well, I always wanted to try something new. I just need to see if we have all the ingredients.” Y/n smiled as soon as she finished packing her things before proceeding to the kitchen.
Once she checked the fridge, “Huh. It seems like we’re missing one ingredient.” Y/n pouted. “I guess another dish, then.”
Very uneventful, is what in his mind. Katsuki groaned as he stepped in and set his boots aside.
Well, at least he got home unharmed.
“Hey, brat.” Katsuki grinned and picked up Kazui who dashed towards him.
“How was your day, papa? Miss Y/n is cooking dinner!” Kazui beamed while being carried by his father.
“What the hell? Again? I swear to God.” Katsuki tsked after knowing this. Careful, he put Kazui down and marched toward the kitchen where he saw you cooking.
“What did I tell you, hah?” He was pissed, alright.
By accident, you dropped the spatula you were using startled by his voice. You didn’t expect him to come home this early, way too early actually.
“W-what are you doing here?” You said while trying to use your body to cover the dish you were cooking from his view.
“What the hell do you mean? This is my house.” Katsuki pointed out, arms crossed over his chest with Kazui beside him, holding him by his pants. “Didn’t I tell you to not cook? That ain’t part of your job.” He groaned.
“If I didn’t cook us our meal, we won’t be able to eat supper and you’ll come home with an empty stomach.” You pouted while slowly picking up the spatula.
“I said you can order out. Didn’t I leave you enough money for that?”
“Well, I’m sorry but inside of ordering unhealthy food, I used the money to buy something healthy since Kazui is still a growing boy.” You said after successfully picking the spatula. “Besides, you should know this. You’re a hero. You need to maintain a proper diet and have a healthy meal.” You said before turning your back at him to focus on finishing your cooking.
Katsuki’s lips twitched at your response.
“Hey brat.”
Kazui looked up at him curiously. “Yes papa?”
“Take my bag to my room. Bring me a clean pair of comfortable clothes. I just need to talk to Miss Y/n.” Katsuki handed Kazui his bag without looking at him which he took, obviously struggling.
“E-eh?” Your attention was now focused on the struggling Kazui who was hauling his father’s obviously heavy bag.
“It’s alright. This is how I train him.” Katsuki said to you, but eyes still engaged on you.
“O-okay.” You responded still concerned.
“I can’t pay you more if you keep doing this.” Katsuki said out of nowhere when he heard Kazui reach the stairs. He doesn’t want his child to overhear this.
“I don’t care.” You responded to him as turned your attention back to the sizzling food in front of you.
“What do you-
“Look.” You started before slightly reducing the heat to prevent the food from burning and set your attention completely on him. “At this point, I don’t care about the extra stuff I don’t have to do. You are a hero and Kazui’s a kid. Both of you need something nutritious since, like I said, Kazui’s a growing kid, and you, for your diet.” You instructed. “You are a parent, and you should know this.”
Katsuki was outraged at your last statement.
“What the hell do you know about being a parent, huh.” He spat, taking Y/n aback. “You are not a mother, so stop nagging me.”
But you’re not backing down.
“I may not be a parent, but I know things about being a good one.” You responded calmly.
“What? You’re saying I’m not a good parent? Hah?” Katsuki dropped his crossed arms and took a step closer to Y/n who didn’t even flinch. “You know nothing, woman.”
Y/n even challenged him by stepping closer to him, almost nose to nose. “I know everything, Katsuki. I also know that you needed help.”
“I don’t.”
“You do. You’re just too prideful to accept one.” You said quietly, almost a whisper.
The space between both of you was enough for Katsuki to study your features. Your (e/c) eyes, your lashes, your nose, and your glossy lips that he’s tempted to touch with his own.
Screw it.
Following his thoughts, Katsuki wrapped his arm around you, taking you by surprise and pulled by your waist as he placed a finger under your chin, tilting your head upwards and as gently as possible, placed his lips onto yours.
He was right about your lips being soft and tender.
You on the other hand were still in shock. You didn’t expect this to happen. Never in your life did you expect Dynamight to kiss you.
When you felt him pull away, you were speechless. Your eyes were looking straight on his, as his to yours. As if everything around you was blurry.
Katsuki was the same as you are though. He was shocked by what he did. Hell, he didn’t even know why he did it. All he knew was your lips looked so glossy.
“Fuck.” He muttered.
“Papa. I hope this is okay.”
Kazui’s voice jolted both of you making you push him away, and him releasing you.
“I- That’s fine.” Katsuki said out loud as he glanced behind him. When he turns to look back at you, you were touching your lips, face flushed while your eyes stare into nothing. “I-“ he was trying, okay? He doesn’t know where to start.
“I-I’ll go back to cooking.” You stuttered and turned back to the stove.
“Y-yeah.” Katsuki agreed as he scratched the back of his head, slightly blushing. “I guess.”
It was finally time for Y/n to go back to her apartment and She was a glad about this.
After what happened earlier, the dinner was awkward. Both adults didn’t even glance at each other. Thankfully, Kazui was telling them stuff making the tension in the air light.
When Y/n finally got her things, a knock on the door caught her attention. “Who is it?” She called out. But before she could reach the door, it swung open, revealing Eijiro and Denki.
“Oh. Hey Miss Y/n!”
“Oh? Good evening.” You bowed and let them in the house.
“Were you about to leave?” Denki asked while eyeing your things lying on the ground.
“Oh. Yes. I was about to.” You smiled at them as you closed the door behind.
“What’re you two idiots doing here, hah.” Katsuki’s emerged from the kitchen while wiping his hands dry. He did the dishes, okay? “And keep it down, Kazui’s asleep.”
“We’re just stopping by. Kaminari here wanted to visit Kazui and have a little drink with you, so I joined him.” Eijiro grinned at Katsuki and sat on the couch.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit late to drink? We have an early patrol tomorrow, morons.” Katsuki said while hanging the wet towel on its rack and joining them in the living room.
“Come on, man. We drove all the here to see you.” Denki pouted. “I wanted to see the kid as well.”
“Tsk. Fine.” Katsuki agreed. “After I drop Y/n to her place, and don’t wake Kazui, got it.”
“I’m sorry?” You were obviously not listening.
“I said, I’ll drop you to your place.” Katsuki repeated as he grabbed his jacket from the bracket near the entrance and wore it. “As if I’d let you leave this house at this hour, idiot.”
“I can just ride a bus.” You said as you watched Katsuki pick your things and left. “Bakugo.” You called, only to get ignored.
“You can’t change his mind, Miss Y/n.” Eijiro chuckled as he watched you try. “He’s one stubborn man.”
“Its not bad to try, right?” You slightly pouted.
“And you’ll only go unnoticed.” Denki smiled at you.
“Sigh. Alright. H-have a great evening to you both.” Once again, you bowed and left the house. “Bakugo!”
Eijiro and Denki were smiling like idiots as they watched your figure disappear from their sight.
“What do you think about her?” Eijiro suddenly asked as he stood up and grab himself a drink.
“Miss Y/N?” Denki asked not making an effort to look at Eijiro. “She seems really nice to me, way too soft for Kacchan.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, bro. She seems like a gentle woman to me. Completely opposite to, you know.” Denki said, this time looking at Eijiro.
“I think they look good together.” Eijiro said as he handed Denki his drink.
“What did I say about formalities?” Katsuki tsked as he placed your things inside the car.
“You don’t have to-
“Sigh.” He was obviously tired of your attempts.
You watched him groan and put both his palm over his face.
“God you’re more stubborn than Kazui.” Katsuki groaned.
“I-I’m sorry.” You murmured to yourself as you play with your fingers.
“Do you want me to kiss you again?”
“W-what?!” “Relax, it’s a joke,” Katsuki smirked at you. “Get in the car.”
Hello, my lovelies! I am glad to be back. I am once again apologizing for disappearing like that. But here's part 15. I do hope you like this and stay tuned for 16. Thank you for all your patience.
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buckysmith · 1 year
How they met you
Includes: Miguel O’Hara, Jessica Drew, Hobie Brown, Miles Morales, Peter B Parker
Let me know if I have to put a warning
Reading is on your own. Not proof read
Miguel O’Hara:
- after destroying an entire universe to live a life that was not his, he forbade himself to ever open his heart again.
- no matter if it was for love or friendship
- he was afraid to lose everything again
- to see again how the people around him not only die but dissolve into nothing
- it seemed like he was cursed and had no right to happiness or better an Happy End
- he met you for the first time when he followed an anomaly
- into a world where there was no Spider-Man, no Iron Man, no Captain America.
- although he only found that out later, because before that he literally met you in person first
- the villain, who didn't belong in your universe, managed to give him a punch which threw him right through your window
- and to your sorrow, his body collided with yours, even if he tried to hurt you as little as possible he still knocked you both into the next wall/ground
-your eyes met as he got up from you
- you could not see his eyes, but he saw yours crystal clear
- something in your eyes reflected trust, care and security
- it was as if he had met you before, as if you were no stranger to him
- he didn't have much time, so he averted his eyes and went back to doing his job.
- It wasn't long before the bad guy disappeared through a portal and Miguel disappeared as well.
- but he couldn't get you out of his mind and one day the portal to your world opened again....
Peter B Parker:
- it was a typical cliché how you two met for the first time
- he had run full force into you in the New York rush, knocking your drink out of your hand and dousing you with it
- you looked like a wet poodle
- and as if that wasn't bad enough, you also had an important appointment that day
- and of course you didn't have time to go home and change your clothes
- to say you were pissed was an understatement
- especially since that joker in front of you started making jokes to lighten the mood.
- Spoiler: it didn't work
- so you just grumbled, thought your piece and continued on your way to the next store to buy new clothes
- and they say you always meet twice in life
- you wish you never saw that grinning idiot again in your life
- yeah, you thought wrong.
- but the second time was just as shitty as the first time
- because this time you walked too close to the road and when a car drove through the puddle you literally got showered with that dirty water
- the driver stopped only a few feet later, backed up and when the window went down you were greeted with the same grin as the first time
- to say it legally, you thought about how you would look in orange...
Jessica Drew
- You were on the way when you saw her for the first time
- it was already quite late and actually you wanted to be at home since 6 pm and it was near 12 pm and to your dismay you had to walk through a not so good area
- you saw her putting bags out of her car, probably she had just been shopping
- and she was pregnant.
- Hof did you know?
- her belly was hard to miss…
- you thought nothing of it and kept on walking
- the hood pulled low over your face to look dominant you kept walking until you heard several voices and a thump
- you turned around, saw how the men had knocked the bags out of her hand and were harassing her
- you wanted to look away and ignore it, but she was in danger and you couldn't accept that for the life of you, so you walked to her with quick steps
- you smiled at her while you walked between the men and hugged her
- you started telling lies that you were looking for her, that Josh and Luke were already waiting for you because they were really hungry after their shift at the station and looked at the men questioningly after that
- you looked at her and then asked how she knew those men
- with the information that she was now no longer alone and potentially two policemen were waiting for her, they left
- she thanked you and wished you a nice evening after she gave you her number
- if she hadn't seen you coming towards her, she would have dispatched the men with ease.
- but to see someone without superpowers put himself in danger impressed her
- from that day on you had Spider-Woman on your side
Spider-Punk Hobie Brown
- who would have thought that there were more universes
- sure you had it in class and always hoped there was a way to travel to them but your common sense knew that was impossible
- well until the time you fell through a portal that took you out of your universe and brought a villain into yours
- the pain you had until you were found was unbearable
- but fortunately for you, you were quickly found
- when you heard a voice saying you did not belong here and tying something around your arm was quiet and dark
- when you looked up you could hardly believe your eyes, he looked so, so animated and yet so real
- he personally brought you back to your world
- from that day on, you began to learn more about multiverses
- and from that day you had a new friend from another universe
Miles Morales:
- you wanted to do something illegal for the first time
- Spray graffiti to be more precise
- but who would have thought that you would run into Spider-Man of all people
- there was an awkward silence between you while he looked at you and you at him
- he had caught you red-handed, shortly after the first spraying attempts
- you were uncomfortable and you reached for your bag to leave, but he stole your notebook out of your hand to look at your drawings
- you expected anything, but not to get art lessons from Spider-Man
- you came every week on the same day at the same time to the point where you had met for the first time
- and he was there every time
- waiting to see you again to share his passion.
- who would have thought that the old subway station could give him not only superpowers but new friends as well
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why-what-no · 2 years
Between Dreams And Realities
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Pairing: Morpheus x Fem!Magic!Reader
Notes: This gif had nothing to do with the fic, I just think he looks pretty in it. Also, this was originally requested to be three parts, but since all my fics are pretty short and a lot of the writers on here write like, thousands of words per fic, I felt like I could save everybody’s time and just have one part separated into three sections.
Summary: Morpheus falls in love with a magic user feared by small-minded humans. But after his ego and a cruel warlock separate them, he goes to get his lover back. Even if she had changed in his absence.
Requested by: @milfodyssey
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Throughout humanity's existence, people have wished for futures that they knew they would not have. They pleaded with gods, searched for lucky items, throwing their life away for one that will never exist.
That was where (Y/N) came in, with magic-imbued abilities to pass through realities and timelines. She tried to use it to help, tried to make the humans happy. She had the ability to show humans different timelines in which they had what they wanted. Where their lives were perfect.
But it was just like humans to despise what they had been given. Just like humans to not be able to accept a glimpse of that they wanted.
They wanted it all, wanted to live that life instead of seeing it. But she couldn't give them that. It wasn't in her power.
And so they despised her.
Resentment clouded their opinion of her. She became an outcast to them, a villain. All because she could not give him what they wanted. She was a false person, giving them false hope, manipulating them with realities they could never have.
That's what they believed of her.
The one person who thought differently was the King of the Dreaming.
His curiosity of her abilities is what brought them to meet. Wanting to know how her powers differed from his.
"I have heard about you." He had visited her one night, tall and powerful. "Tricking mortals with visions of a better life."
But to his surprise, she looked hurt by that statement. "I'm not... that's not what I was doing."
He soon realized that his earlier assumption had been wrong. She hadn't been trying to hurt them, she had been trying to show them something that would make them happy.
Morpheus felt pity for (Y/N) as he absorbed this new knowledge. Knowing just how much the humans she wanted to help, despised her.
He understood her. For the first time in a very long time, someone understood her. It was a wonderful feeling for the powerful girl.
They became friends after that original meetings, and (Y/N) got to visit the Dreaming. For the first time, she was somewhere where she was accepted. As time went on, they became closer. Finally falling in love.
A love was born between them that was strong enough to last for eternities. Safe in the place between dreams and realities.
Someone once asked the question if it would be better to be loved, or to be understood. With Morpheus, (Y/N) had both. There was now someone in her life that she could be completely herself and completely honest with.
"And Death told me that... what are you looking at?" She had been telling him some story and her and his sister, when she got distracted by his eyes on her. A loving gaze in his eyes
"You." Morpheus responded with a small smile. They were lying on his bed, (Y/N)) curled up against him as he drew patterns on her back.
She grinned softly against his chest, not used to the love she was given by him. "You're so good to me."
"Only because you are to me."
But while basking in Morpheus's love, (Y/N) could not hide her fear that something would ruin them. So much of her life was lived alone, being hated by so many that she encountered. Would she have to go back to that?
"I'll never understand why you love these humans so much." Morpheus mused on some different day. "The way they treated you..."
"I only want to give them what they want." She shrugged. He leaned over to kiss her, not sharing her sentiment but adoring her kindness despite that. He liked how different she was to him.
However, her love for those humans would occasionally cause strife between them. He wanted to keep her safe from their cruelty, but she refused to stop sacrificing her own happiness for theirs.
"Would you rather I become cold like you?" (Y/N) said during an argument about that exact subject. He could see she regretted saying that as soon as it left her mouth, knew that she didn't really think that about him. After all, she knew how much he loved her.
But he couldn't stop himself from feeling hurt at her words, and hiding that hurt with anger. "If it would stop you from pathetically lowering yourself to act as a servant for those who despite you, yes."
In that moment, he had wanted to hurt her like she just hurt him. But what he didn't expect was the heartbroken and furious look she gave him, before storming off to Earth.
Looking back, he knew he should have gone after her immediately. But the Corinthian had been causing trouble a few countries away from where she had gone and he had to stop his nightmare from committing any more injustices.
He didn't expect to be imprisoned before he could get his love back. Certainly didn't expected being locked away for over a century.
When Morpheus was finally released, one of his first thoughts was (Y/N). But despite his best efforts, even after his tools and powers were returned, he could not get her to reveal her location to him.
It was only when he asked Death for help that he learned where (Y/N) was.
After all, Death and (Y/N) had been wonderful friends when she had been with Morpheus. And, as Death told him when he visited her, the two powerful women still spent a good about of time together.
However, and Death's face fell as she told him the news, she wasn't the same person he had left. She had taken his cruel words to heart, as well as the cruel words as the humans that despised her. Life had hardened her, and she had become unforgiving.
She had always just wanted to give them what they wanted. So when they wanted her to fear her, she gave them that. Her new chosen purpose was punishing those who had done wrongs.
He went after her as soon as he learned that. All he could thinking about as making things right.
When he found her, she was in a alleyway. A man had tried to attack a women going home from a bar, and now she had his mind trapped him a reality when he was the woman being attacked. The woman had run away as soon as the man had started blindly whimpering, and (Y/N) looked down with disgust at him.
"(Y/N)!" Morpheus called out, pulling her attention towards him.
In her distraction, the criminal man managed to escape her powers, running away from the alley at breakneck speed. "Shit." She swore, about to go after him, but Morpheus caught her arm.
"Wait." He told her, slight desperation in his eyes. "Please."
(Y/N) hesitated, looking him up and down. There was a contemptuous look on her face that broke his heart. He knew she would hate him, but he didn't realize how painful it would be to see. "What are you doing here?" She asked him, crossing her arms.
"I... I had to apologize to you for the words I spoke when you left. I didn't mean anything I said. I am so sorry that I hurt you."
The anger on her face turned to suspicion, but it gave him hope that there was still had a chance for her to love him again. "Then why do you say it."
"When you implied that I didn't care, I just to the conclusion that you thought I didn't care for you. That the love I felt for you wasn't enough."
"I didn't mean that."
"I know." He reassured her. "I know you didn't meant that. I wish I hadn't said what I said. I wish I had come after you immediately."
The anger reappeared on her face. "But you never came for me. For over a century."
"I was imprisoned." His words were rushed as he explained to her why he hadn't search for her. The idea that she thought he had abandoned her was horrifying to him. "A warlock by the name of Rodrick Burgess. I would have found you and begged you to return with me."
"Beg?" She scoffed. "With your ego?"
He stepped closer to her, taking her hand in his. "Please, (Y/N)." The look he gave her took her breath away, sending a jolt of electricity running through her body. "I will do whatever you desire, as long as you're mine again."
"I...." Stuttered (Y/N). "I'm not the same person who you loved. I doubt you want the person I am now."
His eyebrow was raised, but there was a small smile on his face. "Oh? I highly disagree. You may be less forgiving, but you are still just as loving. A protector of the innocent, aren't you now?"
"The humans I wanted to make happy didn't want my good visions. But the humans that hurt others deserve my bad visions."
"You should be proud." A small smile appeared on her face at his words. He was so close to her, deeply desiring to lean in and kiss her.
But he held back, knowing that she had to make the first move.
"So, will you accept my companionship once again?" He asked, feeling utter relief when she slowly nodded.
His sand swirled around them, transporting them home to the dreaming. As they left earth, she reached up to bury her hands in his hand and pulling him into a loving kiss.
(Y/N) was now at peace, having take her place as Queen and devoted her time to the Dreaming. As far as the humans knew, the powerful trickster that they had known was dead. And the vengeful spirit they knew was dead also.
But whenever they would arrive in the Dreaming and give them a glimpse of their most wished for realities, they would now thank her. Because if it was while they were sleeping, they would chalk it up to a good dream. They’d wake up with a bounce in their step and go about their life.
“I don’t know how I would have done all this without you.” Morpheus whispered to her, placing a gentle kiss against head.
The two lovers lay on their bed, just like they had all those years ago. And indeed, it had been ages since they had last gotten the love they had come to depend on from each other.
She turned to him, hand on his chest. “I could say the same.” The King smiled, pulling her closer so that he could kiss her. They stayed pressed together like that for as long as they could before someone came to knock on their door.
Neither of them were going to let anything take one of them away from the other again.
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annymation · 4 months
A fluffy Asha x Star Boy scene??? I'm begging you T-Tv the shipping thirst is not quenching 😭😭😭😭😭
I wrote a lot of Magnifico and Amaya content lately so let's answer some Asha x Aster asks before I talk more about the villains
Both because you guys miss them and I miss them too lol
So here's two lil cute stories I came up with the help of @uva124 and @emillyverse
Library Date
Asha and Aster go visit library for the first time since Aster turned into a human, Asha can't wait to show them her favorite books, and Aster can't wait to learn even more about human history.
Once they're in there, Asha takes him to the fairytales section:
"This one is my favorite! "1001 Nights", one of the tales is about a boy who finds a genie that grants him 3 wishes and- OH you know that flying carpet I drew? I got the idea from this book." She shows him the book excitedly
"Have you read aaaaall of these?" Aster looks in awe to all the other fairytale books
"Hehehe I don't think I even could, both because time and I can't reach those more high up" She points to the books on the tallest shelf
"I can get them for ya-" Aster jumps up with a smile, but when he lands back down he remembers "... Oh yeah hheheh I can't fly anymore" they looks embarrassed but not sad that he can't fly, just getting used to it.
Asha giggles a little
"But hey, thats fine, I can reach them like this" Aster starts climbing the book shelves
Asha is startled and holds him by the shirt "A-Aster no! Get down! You don't have to get them!"
"SHHHH" Some people around shush them.
Aster get's down and they just laugh quietly.
They sit together and Asha hands Aster the book for him to read, he opens it excitedly but as soon as he sees the words his smile deflated as he realizes
“… Oh… I don’t know how to read…” Aster says a bit embarrassed.
Asha is surprised for a second, but it does make sense he wouldn’t learn how to read living up in space
Asha smiles reassuringly and sits closer to him
“That’s alright, I can teach you. Here, let me show you”
And from this day on Asha and Aster go to the library everyday so Asha can teach him ho to read, like Jane and Tarzan or Belle and the beast.
Baking Chocolate Cookies 🍪
Aster wanted to make a surprise for Asha, so he asked for help from the 7 teens.
They suggested they should bake cookies. While the girls distracted Asha outside of the house Aster and the boys naked the cookies.
“Are you sure you guys can handle this? Maybe I should stay to help” Dahlia said, not trusting them alone in the kitchen
“Pfft relax! You’re the one who knows Asha the most, so you know how to distract her better than anyone, besides, it’s just a simple recipe, what’s the worst that could happen?” Aster says, pushing the girls out the kitchen
5 minutes later
The boys are running around panicking because there’s a huge fire coming out of a pan that Aster was cooking
“ASTER, HOW THE $&%£ DID YOU BURN THE WATER!? BOILING WATER WASNT EVEN IN THE RECIPE!” Gabo yelled trying to extinguish the fire coming from the pan
Asha and the girls are talking outside and Asha has her back turned away from the house, while the girls can see it from behind her, and they see the smoke coming from it, they try to hide their panic
“Do you girls smell that?” Asha asks, smelling smoke coming from somewhere
“NOPE!” They answered
Eventually the boys put out the fire and continue to make the cookies, that turned out…
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Disappointing, but hey, at least they managed to make something.
Asha comes back with the girls soon after they finish baking, she looks around in shock with how the kitchen is a mess, Dahlia looks like she wants to kill the boys then and there
“Asha! You’re just in time!” Aster says excitedly going to gab the cookies “Look what we made fo- YAAOUUGH!!” Aster touched the baking tray without gloves and for the first time got himself burnt.
Later, Asha bandaged up his hands while eating one of the cookies
“They taste great!” Asha said with a smile, she was being honest, Aster felt really happy with that besides his hands still hurting.
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
purple dragons at central park
finally a rise story! Raph and Donnie bonding. this turned into a lead in for Mind Meld
tw parentification
It was a peaceful evening, and unusually warm for this late in the fall. Raph hadn't had any missions planned, movie night wasn't till Saturday, and they were still banned from the Hidden City for another week.
He just wanted to enjoy a stroll in the park with his brothers.
Mikey was engrossed in a cooking show; he'd convinced Dad to share the tv and the two of them weren't budging.
April was busy with schoolwork.
And Leo--Raph wasn't actually sure. Since he could portal he tended to come and go when he wanted. Mikey seemed to suspect he'd snuck off to Hueso's in spite of being very specifically uninvited back. To be fair, it wouldn't be the first time Hueso had uninvited Leo only to ununinvite him when he inevitably showed up uninvited.
The point was, that left Donnie, and Raph was excited to spend some time with him. It had been a while since they'd had any one on one bonding outside of a mission.
The problem? He'd been on his phone since they left the house.
"Hey, Donnie, I'm gonna cannonball."
He got him to look up for a few meager seconds. "Two words: entrance angle and hypothermia."
Raph blinked, biting his tongue about how many words had been used. "It's not that cold outside."
Donnie huffed in irritation and pointedly drew his hoodie further over his face. Then it was right back to his phone.
Raph sighed and plopped down to sit on the muddy bank, idly picking up a soggy orange leaf.
"This is boring," he declared. "We should go see if we find someone making trouble, or maybe look for more oozesquitos to trap."
"Raph, I told you, we can't capture any more oozesquitos until I finish my updated trap. Besides, this is supposed to be a relaxing night and I don't want to spend it fighting Purple Dragons!"
Raph blinked, and his confusion only grew as Donnie started tugging and pushing to bring him towards the trees.
"I wasn't really thinking of Purple Dragons," he said frankly as he allowed his brother to lead him by the hand. "I was thinking more like real villains--you know, Draxum or angry mutants or Foot thieves."
Donnie tugged more insistently. "They're on the bridge, hurry before they see us."
"Donnie," a voice had them stopped in their tracks. Raph turned to find a high school girl with bright pink hair, arms crossed, stance confident. She was flanked by a scrawny, big eared kid wringing his hands nervously and a dark-skinned light-haired teen with a broad build.
Donnie was frozen in his tracks. Raph smiled politely.
"Hi! You must be the Purple Dragons. Donnie's told us all about your little tech club."
Raph didn't have to look to know his brother was grinding his teeth.
"Little tech club, that's right, just a harmless stupid little--"
Raph yanked his hand away from Donnie to extend it for a handshake, effectively cutting him off.
"You guys have some cool inventions! Maybe we could see some of them some time." His gaze traveled quickly across the group, noting the briefcase the bigger guy carried and the way the scrawny one's pockets bulged.
Kendra clicked her tongue. "I doubt a couple of home-schooled mutants could wrap their heads around our club's recent endeavors," she drawled.
Donnie was seething. "Your club--"
Raph stepped on his foot, wincing internally when it wasn't as light as he intended. Donnie groaned and seethed.
Raph chuckled good-naturedly. "You're probably right! We just eat pizza and play with skateboards. You're definitely one or two steps ahead of us."
Donnie's angry muttering paused, and Raph knew he'd gotten the message.
Kendra glared, searching his face and finding, apparently, nothing.
It wasn't easy keeping up a thoughtless smile. Raph really needed to say something to Leo when they got back, being a face man was hard.
"Whatever," she finally relented, "Just stay out of our way."
She clapped once, and led her gang away.
As soon as their backs were turned, Raph took a couple steps back for a running start, and dove into the water.
It wasn't his best splash, but the passing party got wet enough to be startled.
"Ugh!" Kendra clenched her fists.
"Relishing chuckle," Donnie smirked as he sidled up alongside the briefcase man. "Perhaps you so-called Purple Dragons will think twice next time you take one or two steps ahead of us home-schooled mutants."
Raph pulled himself back onto the bank, mud dripping from his shell. The Purple Dragons collectively took a step back, while Donnie came to stand next to him. They fist-bumped.
"Cretins," Kendra said dismissively, and led her gang away for good.
Raph and Donnie watched until they were thoroughly out of earshot.
"You got the trackers planted?" Raph asked eagerly.
"Oh, I am in like a beekeeper infiltrating their little hive mind. Whatever it is they're planning, we are going to stay two steps ahead!"
Raph patted him in the shoulder. "Once you figure out what they're up to, just let us know what you need. We got your back."
Donnie paused thoughtfully, giving Raph an almost suspicious look. "But you said they weren't real villains."
"Not real villains? You think Raph forgot how they manipulated you, stole your things, and used your inventions to wreak havoc in the city, which is not only incredibly villainous but could have incriminated you?"
Donnie blinked rapidly. "I didn't think you guys were listening when I explained."
Raph's heart twisted painfully. Partially it was guilt, because it wasn't unwarranted for Donnie to feel not listened to. It was also a little hurt, because Raph really tried to listen and it seemed like his brothers never saw that.
He tried to do a lot of the things Dad had stopped doing.
"Hey," he ended the moment with a cheerful grin and a gentle nudge to the shoulder, "You know what we should do?"
"Go back to the lair and being up my cameras and mic so can listen in and find out what they've got in that briefcase?"
"I was gonna say we should plan a chess-themed mission," Raph admitted, "But your thing is good too."
Donnie's eyes got round. "A chess-themed mission? You, sir, have earned a hug!"
Raph happily accepted. "Relishing chuckle," he tried out Donnie's catchphrase.
"My thing," Donnie protested even as his hold tightened.
Raph felt a funny mix of brotherly affection and parental concern.
Then the moment was over, and they were headed back to the lair.
"Where have you two been all night?" Leo whined. Donnie sidestepped him and went straight to his lab, leaving Raph to deal with Leo.
"Dad and Mikey are still watching that boring cooking show." He flopped dramatically across the kitchen table.
Raph shook his head fondly. "We just went to Central Park. It's really peaceful this time of year."
Leo gave him a dead-eyed stare. Raph laughed.
"Hey, Face Man, wanna help Raph with his social media?"
"So badly, you have no idea."
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sadhours · 1 year
Wicked Sensation
part eighteen // billy hargrove x f!reader
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find all chapters here
tag list: @blue-eyed-lion @bbyhargrove @sweet-villain @actuallyspencerreid @trapistani @sierrahhh @likeanimagepassingby2
a/n: sorry this one is kind of short!! I’m working on the next chapter as we speak. my requests are open!! send me some angst and fluff 😘
word count: 3.8k
warnings: 18+ minors dni, I think the only warning I need to give is a Neil mention
“I can’t believe you haven’t asked her yet,” Drew shakes his head as he’s helping Billy empty the oil from the bottom of a Buick.
The bit is stripped and Billy’s prepped a new one to take its place. He’s frustrated already from the extra work he has to do and the question only makes it worse, he fumbles with the ratchet extra hard and it feels it give, raising his hand to unscrew the cap and oil spills all over his hand. He used to be able to do it without making a mess but all this pressure to propose to you has turned Billy into a bumbling, clumsy idiot.
“God damnit,” he curses, tossing the stripped bit in the trash and reaching for the cloth to clean off his hand.
Your dad just had to tell everyone that Billy was going to ask you to marry him. He likes Drew, he’s been the one guy Billy’s gotten close to these past four months. He would’ve told him on his own. Drew was close to Billy’s age and they usually got the same shifts, doing the same duties. They’d started hanging out outside of work, Billy going over to his house to watch sports and drink a few beers. It’s the first time Billy’s had a male friend he didn’t feel like he had to impress all the time or compete with in some way.
Billy watches as the almost completely black oil drips out of the car, cringing at the thought of going so long without changing his Camaro’s oil, “I’m just waiting for the right moment.”
Drew chuckles, “That’s the thing, you have to make the right moment. If you keep waiting then she’s gonna already have popped the baby out. You better hurry, Dale’s starting to think you’ve changed your mind.”
Billy hadn’t, and he had. He kept going back in fourth and that’s why he’d had the ring for a month now. Especially since you’d insisted on hanging out with Eddie more frequently now and Billy knows that’s stupid and you’ve been friends your entire lives but he’s possessive and unfortunately is threatened by any man. He knows he needs to work on that and he’s trying.
Marriage scared him but he couldn’t fathom being with any other woman for the rest of his life so he knew he had to marry you. He felt a bit stupid for not asking already, but whenever he was about to, something always interrupted it. Billy was literally about to this morning after you sucked his dick but then his alarm went off and he took it as a sign not to. Which he knew was dumb, you looked so pretty in between his legs and wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, smiling up at him.
“I’m gonna do it soon,” he mumbled, grabbing the replacement cap and tightening back on the car. “Ready for ya!” he called up to let the guys upstairs know they could get started on the new oil.
He glances to the clock and then sees you with your dad walking down the stairs.
“Do it now,” Drew suggests, his voice low.
“I don’t have the ring with me,” Billy replies sheepishly, which was a lie. He kept it in his pocket everyday, waiting for the right moment.
Drew points to his pants, “So you’re just happy to see me then? You have a box shaped dick. How am I the single one?”
“Shut up,” Billy groans, blushing hard as he walks over to the sink to wash his hands.
Once they’re clean he meets you and your dad at the bottom of the stairs. He looks down at his dirty uniform and then up at your pretty white dress. He grimaces and settles for grabbing your hand and leaning in to kiss you.
“What’re you doing here?” he asks, smiling wide.
You look over at him, confused and then up at your dad, “My dad said you wanted to take me to lunch, you asked him to call home?”
Dale grins from ear and to ear and Billy has to hold back the roll of his eyes. Everyone keeps pushing and pushing him.
“Take an extended lunch,” your dad says as Billy grabs your hand and leads you back upstairs.
“Everyone’s acting so weird,” you complain.
“Tell me about it,” he sighs as he walks you to his Camaro.
You smile as he opens your door, “You know something I don’t?”
Yes, Will you marry me? He thinks but instead shakes his head.
And he still doesn’t ask you, he brings you to a diner and you talk about work. You’d gotten a receptionist job at a salon and Billy listens as you complain about customers and a few of the hairdressers. He complains about the stripped bolt but he can’t ask you to marry him and he doesn’t know why. He gets sick to his stomach every time he reaches in his pocket and grasps the box.
When he gets back to the shop after dropping you off, your dad and Drew look at him hopeful but he shrugs.
“No dice,” he groans, “You guys are making me too nervous.”
Drew rolls his eyes, “You know she’s going to say yes.”
Your dad sighs, “Better sooner than later. Five months isn’t a long time to plan a wedding, ya know.”
When he finally does ask, it’s because he has no choice. He’s taking off his pants to get into bed and you’re standing behind him, already changed into your nightgown as you’re taking off your earrings, when you see the box tumble out of his pocket and onto the floor.
“What’s that?” you ask, nonchalantly.
Billy heaves a sigh and kicks his pants the rest of the way off, he reaches down for the box and then gets down on one knee. You feel your body light up, stomach rising like you’re about to drop on a roller coaster. He displays the box to you and pops it open, it’s a very simple ring with a small diamond. You gasp, dropping your earring to the floor and cover your mouth.
“I didn’t want to do this without my pants on, but uh, here we are,” he mumbles and you notice how red his cheeks are and you can see the vein in his temple that you only see when he’s nervous or angry. “Will you marry me?”
“Oh, my god…” you whisper, tears rolling down your cheeks before you realize they’re there.
You don’t answer him quick enough and Billy squeezes his eyes shut, closing the box and is about to push himself back up.
“Wait!” you squeal, reaching your hand out to him, “Yes! Of course I will!”
“Oh thank Jesus,” he lets out a breath and opens the box again, “God, you scared me.”
He takes the ring out and slides it onto your left ring finger. As soon as it’s on there, you’re pulling him up and kissing him. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up, you cling onto his shoulders and wrap your legs around his waist.
“You thought I would say no?” you ask him, dumbfounded between kisses.
Billy looks into your eyes, “It crossed my mind.”
Fate, he thinks, he was waiting for a moment like this when he had no other option but to ask you and maybe it’s not the biggest gesture, but he figures it’ll make a good story.
“How long have you been waiting?” you wonder aloud, squeezing him as tight as you can.
Billy sets you back down but holds your hands, “I bought the ring a month ago.”
“That’s why everyone’s been so weird,” you realize, “Especially you.”
Billy laughs, “I have not been weird.”
“You looked like you’re about to puke every five minutes whenever you’re around me,” you argue, pulling him to the bed and laying back on it. Billy lays beside you and holds your hip.
“You have no idea how anxious I’ve been. And everyone’s been bugging me about it too,” he mumbles, his lips ghosting against your chin.
He feels so warm, you curl into him. The baby bump has taken some adjusting, you’re always freaked out you’re gonna accidentally hurt the baby by laying the wrong way.
“Oh, my appointment changed,” you remember, “It’s Friday now.”
“Okay, I’ll switch the days around for work,” Billy mumbles but he knows your dad doesn’t care about scheduling when it comes to the baby. “It’s gonna be a boy, ya know.”
You roll your eyes, holding his hand and looking down at the pretty ring on your finger. It feels surreal, like you shouldn’t be having such a normal conversation after you’ve just got engaged. That’s what it was like with Billy, though. Easy. It felt like you could just let things happen.
You press your lips into his, letting go of his hand to grab his shirt and pull him even closer. It’s lazy but sweet, stroking each other where you can while placing sleepy kisses on each others lips.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Billy screams from behind the wheel of his Camaro, stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. Which is pretty odd for this time of day on this particular road in Hawkin’s.
“Hey,” you purr, rubbing his thigh, “It’s okay. They’ll still see us if we’re a little late.”
Billy knows it’s true but he feels like it’s his fault that you two will be late. He had to stop for cigarettes and gas this morning because he was too exhausted to do it on his way home last night. Billy doesn’t like being late, a side effect of being raised by Neil, who instilled in him that punctuality is one of the most important traits you can have. So whenever he finds himself running a few minutes late it fills him with immense anxiety. Your hand on his thigh kind of helps it, but a cigarette might help more. He’d tried to stop smoking in the car with you but since your doctor recommended you didn’t quit smoking and just cut back, he figures it’s fine and lights one up. The rush of nicotine helps, but he’s still rubbernecking to figure out the cause of the traffic.
As it picks up and Billy is able to start inching forward, he lets out a hearty laugh.
“Harrington wrecked his daddy’s BMW,” he announces with another cackle.
You sit up, “Is he okay?”
Billy looks to you, a little peeved that you care, “Yeah, he’s fucking fine. He’s just an idiot.”
“Billy,” you sigh, but are afraid to push further given the history.
As you pass, you see Steve standing outside his car, looking down at the smashed front end of his car. He sees Billy’s car, it’s hard not to and sees you sitting in the front seat with him. Steve had figured you two had gotten back together since your trip and because he hadn’t heard from you since before it. Billy wonders if Steve knows your pregnant, wants to scream it out the window at him like it’s some competition he’s won. Steve lifts a hand and waves awkwardly, catching the pair of eyes in the Camaro staring back at him. Yours look concerned while Billy’s look sadistically amused, smirk smeared across his lips to match.
“Nice job, Harrington,” Billy calls out of the window as you pass and you lean over to smack his bicep.
“Knock it off,” you tell him, crossing your arms.
Billy scoffs, flicking his cigarette out the window as the road opens up and he can speed like he wants to.
Any animosity between the two of you dissolves as you sit in the exam room. You’re laid on your back with your shirt pulled up to expose your growing belly, Billy sat in the chair beside you with his hand in yours. He smiles warmly down at you as the doctor smears that jelly stuff on your stomach and begins the ultrasound.
“Everything’s looking good so far,” she confirms. She carries through the exam as usual, it’s like any other appointment you’ve had in the past month but this one is special for a specific reason.
“So,” Billy starts, “It’s a boy, right?”
The doctor laughs softly, maneuvering the handle on the machine to see the baby at a different angle. If Billy’s honest, it looks like an alien’s inside you but hey, it’s his alien in there so he still thinks it’s cute.
“Bad news, dad,” the doctor teases, glancing up at Billy and then you.
“It’s a girl?!” you ask excitedly.
“Sure is,” the doctor smiles, pointing her pinky up to show the two of you.
Billy’s excited anyways. He didn’t really care too much about the gender. With each appointment, he gets more and more thrilled about becoming a father and starting this family with you. He squeezes your hand and smiles at you, silently expressing how he’s feeling. He wasn’t great at talking about it, especially around strangers.
He keeps his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you walk to the car, planting kisses on your cheek and neck. He lets you know how excited he is without words.
“Wanna grab some lunch?” he asks, “Before I take you back to work?”
You nod, turning to him as he opens the passenger door for you. He looks into your eyes and places his knuckle under your chin, pressing his lips to yours in a chaste kiss.
As the two of you walk into the small restaurant, you see Stephanie before Billy does and she sees Billy before she sees you. You’ve got your left arm intertwined with his, your fingers laced and your right hand holding his bicep but still, Stephanie somehow doesn’t notice you as she perks up.
“Billy! I haven’t seen you in so long!” she gushes, “Hi!”
“Oh, I didn’t know you worked here,” he says, sounding a little flustered as he looks down at you but you just grin up at him. If he could still have beef with Steve then you don’t see why you can’t keep your little feud with Stephanie going.
“Yeah! Here, sit in my section!” she sounds excited and then her eyes follow Billy’s, seeing you standing next to him and her eyes fall to your pregnant belly on full display. “Oh, my god. You guys got back together… and you’re pregnant.”
You smile as sickly sweet as you can, lifting your left hand to display your engagement ring, “And we’re getting married.”
You swear you hear Billy chuckle, watching as Stephanie’s smile turns the opposite direction. Still, she leads you to a booth, putting on her best customer service voice.
“Can I get you anything to drink?”
You wonder why she doesn’t just pawn you off on another server. Perhaps she’s too proud. Perhaps she just wants to take the opportunity to be a bitch and maybe you’re a little immature because as you sit there with a ring on your finger and Billy’s baby in you, you feel like you’ve won this competition. You got what she presumably wanted.
“Just water,” you smile up at her, hooking your ankles with Billy’s under the table.
“Yeah, waters fine,” Billy nods and reaches over the table to grab your hands, stroking his thumb along your knuckles.
“Have you been thinking about any names?” he asks, grinning up at you. You see Stephanie roll her eyes before walking away.
“I haven’t,” you admit, “The way you all were hoping for a boy kind of stunted that process a bit, I’ve been thinking of boy names.”
Billy laughs, “I’m happy either way, I was just messing around. I think your brother sincerely wanted a boy, though.”
You nod, agreeing with him. Your brother will surely be disappointed with the news.
“Well we’ve got some time to brainstorm,” he points out.
“Yeah, we should probably be planning the wedding,” you say with a heavy sigh. The date was a month away and while you’d already had all the big stuff planned, there was still so much to do. You’d wanted to shop for wedding dresses but you were scared you’d suddenly get really huge the day before the wedding. It was irrational. You’d only be five months along but you didn’t exactly know how any of this pregnancy stuff worked. Everyday you were learning. You’d experienced some morning sickness in the early months but nothing too extreme since. Except you were exhausted all the time and you found yourself getting super frustrated when Billy couldn’t read your mind. You just wanted him to know what you needed and exactly when you needed it. The other night, you kicked him when he didn’t understand that you wanted him to rub your feet.
His patience with you was incredibly shocking. At first, you’d figured it was because he hadn’t been around his dad in months but you slowly realized it was because he actually cared about you and was willing to put up with anything to make you happy. It was sweet and you’d have to find a way to show him how grateful you are.
“I feel like we should just show up,” Billy smirks, raising his brows, “I mean, that’s pretty much what I’m doing.”
You roll your eyes, “I can’t. Mary is having a very fun time but she wants to pretend it’s me doing all the planning. I just wanna plan the honeymoon.”
“Honeymoon?” Billy replies in surprise, “Are we having one of those?”
His surprise is because the both of you know it’s not exactly in the budget. Every penny you had saved was supposed to get you guys into a place together but you also had to start buying things for the baby. Billy got paid well at the shop but your receptionist gig didn’t help all that much. You’re lucky you’re dad hadn’t kicked you off the insurance and once you were married, you’d be switched over to the coverage Billy was offered. It still feels surreal, that you’ll be married to this gorgeous blonde sitting across from you.
“I mean, I want to,” you say, “Even if it’s something quick and cheap, I need to get away for a few days.”
Billy nods slowly, his brain turning over places you could go. Perhaps a weekend in a nice hotel in Indianapolis. He’s bringing your fingers up to his lips when Stephanie returns with the waters and to take your food order. During the rest of lunch, she’s making sweet comments to Billy and touching his shoulder every single time she gets to your table. You find it amusing more than anything, even though a small part of you worries this will be a constant occurrence throughout your marriage.
When Billy makes it back home after dropping you back at work, he’s surprised to find Max sitting at the kitchen table with Mary. He raises an eyebrow as he sets his keys down on the counter, “What’re you doing here?”
“What? I can’t check in on my step brother?” she replies, feigning innocence but Billy’s smarter than that.
“What does he want?”
Max scoffs, knowing that Billy would immediately see through the facade. She does care about him and she’s wanted desperately to see how he’s doing and get away from Neil too.
“He wanted me to come get information,” she admits and then crosses her arm, “but I also wanted to see how you were.”
“I’m better now that I’m not there,” Billy confesses, leaning against the counter and nodding to Mary as she squeezes his arm before leaving the two of them alone. “What’s he want to know?”
Max shrugs, “It was a long list, I don’t remember most of it. He thinks you’re going to run off to California.”
“If I could afford it, I would,” Billy sighs and sits at the table across from his step sister. Max gives him a sympathetic smile, she wants to go back too and maybe one day, she will. Neil was really quiet at first, in fact, he pretended he didn’t even have a son but as time passed, he nonstop talked about Billy. He rarely said nice things but Max could tell he missed his son. She’s sure Billy’s a lot better off at your house, your dad and Mary are nice and when Max stepped inside, it felt like a home. Something she hadn’t felt in a long time, she’s sure it’s been even longer for Billy.
“I know I’m supposed to find out if you’re getting married and if we’re invited,” she mumbles, drawing shapes in the table with her finger.
“We are but I don’t know if I want him there. I want you there,” he says with a smile, “How have you been, Max?”
Billy’s been worried sick that without him being the punching bag, Neil’s wrath has turned towards Susan or Max. He’s been guilty about it, knowing he wants to protect Max as best as he could.
“He doesn’t hurt us,” Max assures him, somehow seeing in his eyes that that’s what the question hidden underneath really was. Billy nods curtly, feeling a little lighter at the information but also bad about himself. His dad just didn’t like him or his mother, it wasn’t that he just couldn’t help himself.
“He talks about you constantly,” Max informs him after taking a deep breath. “I don’t blame you if you don’t care but I think he misses you.”
Billy’s conflicted. On one hand, that’s his dad and he loves him but on the other hand, his dad never showed him love or affection. He wants him to feel guilty, wants him to regret how he raised his son. These past months have been blissful. While he had stress, he didn’t have fear. He could spend his time doing whatever he wanted and no one said anything to him. Your dad and Mary were genuinely interested in getting to know him. He didn’t ever feel judged anymore.
“Yeah, I don’t know,” he sighs, “I don’t think I’m ready to see him again and maybe I won’t ever be.”
Max nods and then moves to stand up but Billy says, “Hey, you don’t have to go. You can hang out. We can hang out. I’m sure Mary already told you, you’re always welcome but I mean it, Max. Whenever you want to come over here to get away from them, you can. And when we move, you can come hang out there. Maybe I can get some free babysitting out of you.”
Max laughs at that, “Thanks, Billy. I’ve got to go now, though. Plans with Lucas.”
Billy stands up and opens his arms, Max looks at him like he’s grown another head. They’ve never hugged before but she finds herself in his arms and hugs back, tightly.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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I drew a part 2 to my favorite Cookies
To be honest though, I just sort of went with whoever I think is neat, I don’t have like a set list of characters. Should probably do that
Anyways, so let’s get into this
Dark Enchantress Cookie: I think she’s a pretty neat villain. Originally I wasn’t expecting her to be old (I didn’t know who the villain was), but I like it. I dunno, maybe I just haven’t seen that many old ladies as villains? And her voice acting’s pretty good too. Also her voice actor, Patty McCormack, seems like a nice lady :)
But another thing I really like about her is (spoilers) the fact that she’s White Lily Cookie. And she’s not like possessed or turned evil by magic means, from what I can tell, the narrative is that she chose to go down this path. Yes she’s not exactly like White Lily Cookie, and her personality seems changed, but she still has all of White Lily Cookie’s memories, and from what I understand, her change to evil is supposed to be more like a negative response to trauma. She was still White Lily Cookie. She used to be a legendary hero, she used to be lifelong friends with the other Ancients, people we know and we know how deep their bond is. And that is just so interesting to me. And it’s like, I get where she’s coming from, I’ve seen her backstory, and how she got the way she did. And to be honest, her goal doesn’t seem that bad, it’s just the way she goes about it. I hope by the end of the story, she gets some form of happy or at least hopeful ending, whether it’s her changing her ways or even finding peace in death, and possibly getting reborn into a new form to live a better life. But I don’t think I want her to turn back into White Lily Cookie. That sort of invalidates Dark Enchantress Cookie and just makes her seem like just some evil form instead of her own person, which she is. I hear people call Dark Enchantress Cookie “the incarnation of evil”, and while maybe she is in Ovenbreak (I don’t know for sure), she’s clearly not in Kingdom. She’s a flawed, complex individual, just like everyone else
Gingerbrave: I know he isn’t popular, but I like him. I don’t get why he’s hated, other than the fact that he’s like, the most basic Cookie. But what’s wrong with that? Sometimes you need some simplicity. Though to be honest, when first seeing the trailers, I didn’t like him. He seemed like some overconfident dude (for the five seconds I saw him before I skipped the trailer) and I thought the whole game was about him. I wasn’t really aware of what a gacha game was (nor that Genshin Impact was one). Also I thought he was like, at least a teenager, somewhere between 15-20, I did not know he was a child. But once I actually started to play the game, he really grew on me, as he just seems so positive. He’s so willing to help people and do the right thing that I can’t help but like him. Yes maybe he’s a bit generic in that sense but I can’t help but see it as genuine. Funny enough this is exactly how I felt about KO from OK KO, back when that first aired, going through the same thoughts and ending up really liking him.
Also one thing I wanna bring up, but the fact that he knows why Cookies are made, but that he still sees the world in such a positive light is just really good. I know it’s not that big a deal for him since he’s know this from the start, this was the reality he’s always known so it’s not any sort of shock, but I can imagine a future scenario where the other characters find out the truth, and also that Gingerbrave knew the whole time, someone asks him how then he’s been so optimistic, how he’s able to keep a smile knowing the horrible truth, and he gives some sort of speech about how he sees things. I don’t give any specifics because I’m not sure what he’d say, but probably something along the lines of “we may have been created to be eaten, but that doesn’t mean that’s why we live” or something like that, I dunno. This’d probably be where he fully goes into his backstory to others. But yeah, I just like Gingerbrave
Gingerbright: Alright I suppose she’s the weakest contender here, as I really don’t know much about her, but like I said, I just think she’s neat. I like how she’s not just “the girl” of the group and has her own personality, and I like how she’s got a backbone and seems to be the responsible one of the group. She kind of gives me older sister vibes, despite the fact that she’s supposed to be younger than Gingerbrave. Also I like the fact that there’s no sort of romance going on between Ginegrbrave and Gingerbright, they’re just friends. That’s pretty common when you have a female version of a main character and I’m glad they didn’t do that. Actually, given that her description says she was made from the leftover dough from Gingerbrave, I personally like to think that makes her Gingerbrave’s younger sister
A shame she can’t be in Kingdom, but I mean I get it. You don’t really need two Gingerbraves (though I think she’d work fine as part of the crew, other than her turning the party from 5 to 6, one too many), and by this point, you can’t really add her into the game, as story wise it’d make no sense. Also she’d probably be a Common Cookie, and why would you add a new Common Cookie? But ah well. Wish she at least had a Cookie Trial in Ovenbreak
Anyways, those are just some of my thoughts. To be honest I quite like doing these as just a way to go in depth about these characters in general without talking about specific scenarios I’ve drawn or relationships with other characters, just the characters themselves and why I like them
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thatanimewriter · 1 year
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➳ request: Hello, can i ask pyrrha with a gn mafia boss s/o who is a private person who has a dangerous semblance and hides it from pyrrha due to fear of pyrrha be disgusted by them and pyrrha doesn't knew that s/o is  vale's no 1 underground boss until s/o need to save pyrrha from cinder and told they're underling to fight off the grims and the white fang during the battle for beacon when the battle is over pyrrha ask about s/o's semblance and s/o confess to pyrrha about their semblance and how they become a mafia boss
➳ character/s: pyrrha nikos
➳ warnings: swearing, mentions of death and injuries, spoilers for volume 3 onwards 
➳ notes: thanks for requestinggg @unlikelyturtlelad​
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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probably was a little bit upset that you never told her
but idk how you were supposed to go
“hello, my love, i’m the most renowned mafia boss in vale with the highest kill count and when i kill someone, i just carry their soul with me forever and i can hear everyone kinda talkin in the background while i do my shit, but i can release them and it’s some serious body horror type stuff and it hurts like a bitch, but it is a good intimidation tactic :))”
honestly, that probably is the best way to summarise it but you don’t wanna get into that conversation when you can pretend to be a normal person, yknow???
you have no clue how to break it to her that you’re not actually a villain, even if you’re mafia-involved
all you did was steal something from the schnee family because fuck jacques
n now you’re a public enemy-
and you don’t know how to explain your distaste for ozpin
or ozpin’s distaste for you
ozpin just doesn’t like you cause you know his secret
i guess that’s the one benefit for mafia involvement
but you absolutely hate the whole maiden project cause you know it won’t work against salem but he’s trying anyway
n then pyrrha came to you to tell you about her being the next fall maiden-
and she can safely say she’s never seen you so angry
maybe even a little scary since your semblance started to flair up with your anger
a dark red fog starting to swirl around you and eyes forming from within the fog
she claimed she would be ok, but you knew better than she did this time
but first, she had to make sure ozpin would be ok, because she was 90% you were gonna kill him
this was especially evident when you found out she’d gone after cinder by herself from jaune
with a sigh, you made some hand signals to send your goons to deal with the white fang and grimm in your stead while you went to go find your girlfriend with a hero complex
naturally, cinder is aware of your existence
and she knows very well what you’re capable of
so when she’s nearly about to shoot an arrow into pyrrha’s chest, she hesitates when she sees the thick fog circle around the room, creating a dome shape
now, pyrrha knew about that part
but she wasn’t prepared for your body to warp in ways it really shouldn’t have ever warped
layered screams of agony echoed throughout your little dome as you drew your weapon and promptly forced cinder to aim at you instead of pyrrha
but it’s ok, as fucking terrified as she is, she knows she’s safe 
she thinks-
when things are over
things being cinder’s ass kicked and knocked the fuck out and a pleasant smile on your face after hearing ozpin is dead
which was quickly wiped off when you realised he’d just reincarnate
but surely you wouldn’t have to deal with him again, right??
but when you’re in the infirmary gettin everyone patched up, pyrrha has some QUESTIONS
you answer them
but answering 1 question leads to 5 more
in the end, she’s glad that she has someone like you to keep her safe
but she never wants to hear the screams of many people in her ears all at once ever again
she tried to ensure that, but you just said
“no promises”
because who knows when you need to use it again in this strange, strange world
and if you ever see ozpin again, you’re gonna want to use it anyway
just for putting pyrrha in danger on purpose and knowing what she was going against but still decided to go through with it anyway
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the-void-writes · 1 year
• there's no heroes or villians in this place
I can't thank you enough for all the prompts 💖 They're helping me get a better idea of where to take this thing. With that said, here's a short and somber piece with Jason's patients because the idea really fit for them (even if my dialogue's clunky lol)
Freaks of Preston - Heroes and Villains
The patients of Division 6 always looked forward to their free day. None of the soldiers were there to instruct them, there was no schoolwork to do, and no scientists were around to collect samples or do tests. It was just the children, and sometimes their caretakers if they weren’t busy. They trusted their caretakers more than anyone else in the building— Jason, especially.
Since everyone else was stuck in a meeting, the kids decided to hang out in their training room. Granted, Jin was the only one training, while the others rested around her. Colin was using his free time to study an old cookbook that Julie had gotten for him, making a list of ingredients that Jason could hopefully find for him. Sarah drew in her sketchbook, and even though her face was hidden behind her thick coils, everyone knew her eyes were fixated on Jin. Riley sat on a nearby bench with his knees tucked to his chest, sharing an earbud with Thomas as they played music beside him.
Kevin laid across the table Colin was sitting at, taking up every last bit of space. The overhead lights made his goggles look like the headlights of a car. He was abnormally quiet, his friends noticed. Usually, he loved to joke or tease or gossip about one of the other divisions, but he had been silent all day. Colin poked his cheek.
“Feeling alright?”
Kevin smiled up at him. He had the grin of a crocodile, and if his eyes weren’t so sensitive to light, he would probably have the stare of one.
“Peachy, Cee,” he said. “I’m just thinking.”
“Oh shit,” Riley said, “someone call the news. Blondie knows how to think.”
Kevin stretched his arm across the room and yanked Riley’s ear. Riley stood up, sparks charging between his fingers, but Thomas pulled him back onto the bench.
“What were you thinking?” Thomas asked.
“I don’t think I should say it. Your little terrier might make fun of me.”
This time, Thomas had to push Riley against the bench to keep him from running. Jin leaned against the weight machine and caught her breath, stretching out the right stump of her arm.
“We won’t make fun of you,” she said, “and I’ll make sure Riley doesn’t, either.”
Colin closed his textbook and straightened his glasses. “Go ahead, man. Shoot.”
Kevin’s grin softened, reminding them all of the shy boy who had first arrived at their division. His question was quiet, like he was afraid someone else would hear him.
“Are we the bad guys?”
Everyone sat silently, even Riley. They never wanted to consider it, not after they had already been saved from their own horrible homes. Nothing could have been worse than their parents, in their eyes, though they still shared the unspoken fear that they had walked out of a lion’s den and into the mouth of a larger beast. Sarah tried to smile, hoping to comfort her friends— and herself.
“No, honey, I don’t think so. You may laugh like a supervillain, but you’re too nice to be one.”
She was expecting him to prove her right, letting out his traditional loud and infectious laugh, but he barely mustered a chuckle. The others could tell from his shaking hands that his anxiety was spiking again. It hadn’t been as bad as his first few nights, but when he was frightened, it shook him up terribly. Sarah stood up and squeezed his hand.
“Kev, talk to us.”
He sat up, swinging his short legs over the table’s edge. “It just doesn’t make sense otherwise. This place is a villain’s wonderland. There are weapons in this building that I’ve never seen anywhere online.”
“Is that something you look for often?” Riley asked, before he was hushed by Jin.
“And what guy with a million-dollar military facility just shows up at a broken home and takes in the children for free? And the training, and the army of Freak-soldiers? What’s it all for if we’re not the villains?”
“Maybe we’re the heroes,” Thomas said.
“Heroes being led by a walking corpse? Yeah, can’t wait to buy that action figure.”
“Well, what do you want, then?” Riley asked. “What answer is gonna satisfy you?”
Kevin lowered his head and stuck his hand under his goggles, wincing as he wiped something away.
“I just want to make sure that I didn’t leave a monster for another monster.”
Sarah brought his head to her shoulder. “Oh, Kev…”
He hugged her back, laughing to himself. “I know it sounds stupid, but— I don’t want my mom to be right. I don’t want to be a monster.”
“You’re not.”
The soft, low voice belonged to Jason. He joined his patients by the table, leaning against his cane as tears shimmered in his icy eyes. The children made room so he could sit. They always listened intently when their caretaker spoke, even when his words were too quiet to hear.
“What are we, then?” Kevin asked. “I don’t feel like a hero.”
Jason closed his eyes. “There are no heroes, dear— or villains, for that matter.”
“But our powers—”
“They’re real, yes, but heroes and villains are just roles in stories— they’re a fantasy. Your mother wasn’t a fantasy, Kevin, none of your parents were.” His voice got caught in his throat. “Neither was the man who killed my son.”
The children nodded in sympathy, taking his hands to hold until he could finally open his eyes again.
“You all deserve so much better,” he said, “and I pray that we’re able to give you that.”
“You do,” Kevin said. “There may not be any heroes, but there’s you. If you’re here, then I trust this place.”
Jason smiled, and his children brought him in for a hug. As grateful as they were to him, they knew he was just as grateful in return. They were one big, unorganized family, and as long as they had each other, Kevin was sure things would be okay.
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k0na-core · 2 years
Alec's Visit (4)- Ninjago OC
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Alec held on tight to Niel waist as the motorcycle zipped past every vehicle on the road. Seeing all the tall rock formations blurred because of how fast they were going was almost terrifying. "We're almost there! Good thing the road was clear," Kai said over the headset, "Well, it's going to be a smooth ride either way since not alot of people go to Jamanakai at this time of year," Niel responded. Alec smirked before going close to his ear, his chest touching his backside, "You know... I was hoping for a different type of ride from you," he winked before clicking his tounge. Niel growled at him before blushing and looking away, trying to focus on the road instead, "Dear First Spinjitsu Master, I crave death..." Kai shouted at them from his headset, "Can you fools stop flirting already!? We're on a mission, we can't let anything distract us!" Niel grinned mischievously before exclaiming back in a mocking tone, "Ohh but that's not what happened with Skylor, did it~?" Kai kept silent before increasing his speed. Niel chuckled before catching up to him and being beside his bike. Even though he had his mask on, Kai could still see his smug face, "Ohh, don't be such a wet blanket! Now c'mon, let's stop Miss Demeanor's plan!"
They drove a few more kilometres on full speed, dodging any cars that were in their path before slowly coming to stop right before the entrance of the village. They parked it behind a huge rock, not the best of hiding places but the villains in Ninjago are always blind anyway. Niel and Kai hopped off, "Alec, stay here... I don't want you to get hurt," Niel ordered. His yin only grumbled with a bored look, wishing he could join in on the fun. Kai and Niel swiftly snuck to the side of the village wall and climb up to find the trucks already there. The two watched as a bunch of thugs started to hog up bags full of Vengestone. Kai rolled eyes, "Ugh, Vengestone... This is going to be annoying to fight without powers," Niel looked at him with an annoyed look, knowing full well he doesn't have powers himself. Well, not directly, "Yeahh, talk about it..." Kai turned to him before coming up with a plan. His light lit up before he whispered out, "I got a plan!" Niel shook his head slightly, "Since when do you have a plan?" Kai smiled before explaining his very genius plan, "My plan is... We go down there and kick some butts!" Niel laughed a little before patting his shoulder, "Sounds like a plan! I'm in!"
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They jumped down and moved past the scared crowds as they drew their weapons. Kai's sword shining bright in the sunlight. He pulled out his hand and pointed at them as he shouted, "Not so fast!" Niel sighed disappointment while looking away and his arms slumped over in defeat. Alec came up from behind them and said in a monotone voice, "Is that really your catchphrase?" Niel turned to him quickly and said in an upset tone, "Alec, I thought I told you to stay back!" Alec smiled before pulling out a retractable knife from his pocket, "And what? Let you have all the fun?" The thugs started to walk closer to them, bats and other weapons in hand. Kai groaned, "No time to argue, let's get 'em!" The thugs charged at them quickly, almost grabbing Kai by his gi before he jumped up and stepped on one and two thugs, knocking them out. Niel was trying to protect Alec from being huddled with his axe, swinging it left and right with the blunt end.
Alec, out of spite, pushed Niel out of the way and started to swing his knife towards the three thugs they were dealing with. Our of nowhere, a big guy jumped and tackled him from behind. Kai ran up to help after giving a good punch to the jaw of the one who was tackling him. Niel was enraged and grabbed Kai's arm, "Throw me." The red ninja said nothing before picking him up and throwing him. Niel flew right over the guy's head grabbed at his shirt and with all his might, spun around quickly as a vortex of cyan grew around him. He stopped and threw the guy towards a wall, making him go unconscious. Niel landed safely on his feet before exhaling excitedly, "I just did Spinjitsu! I just--" Kai ran up to him and gave him a pat on the back, "Yeah! I saw it! You did really well!" The cyan ninja ran up to Alec who was trying to gather his bearings and picked him up. Niel picked his yin up by the hand, his hands now bruised after giving hard punches to all of the thugs. Alec frowned looking at his Yang's bruised and scratched face. He just took care of him and now he was hurt again. Is this really what he's been doing while he was gone? "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Bruised in anyway o-or--" "I should be the one asking you..."
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Kai came out of nowhere, shouting at lovestruck Niel to come help him with tying up the villain, "Yeah! Sorry!" The cyan ninja ran up and helped with the clean up and Alec was told to stay back and wait silently. After a while, the police arrived and thanked Kai and Niel for their help. Niel only chuckled before turning his head around and smiling at Alec, "I wouldn't have done it without a certain future ninja's help," Alec gasped as his Yang stared at him lovingly. The blood and sweat running down frohis face just made him feel something. He shily pointed at himself, shocked at what he said, "M-Me!?" Niel chuckled before winking and turning back around. Kai and Niel helped with the police to tie them up and keeping them down for interrogation for later. The two ninja were awarded with some food before they all gathered and walked back to their bikes. Kai already hopped on on his while Niel was still trying to fix up his gi.
Kai looked at the two before saying,l with a gentle smile, "Future ninja, huh? Sounds fun..." Alec stuttered out in embarrassment, "I-I... Uhh... I don't know if that'll ever happen, to be honest." Kai hummed I response and called over to the others over the intercom, "Guys, we're done in Jamanakai and we got the thugs tied up for interrogation. Who's free so they can get to Jamanakak?" Nya replied back, her voice jittery like she just did a marathon, "They got away! The Vengestone was weakening our powers!" Cole voice sounded through right after, "She ran off! Are you and Niel the only ones who got the catch?" Kai chuckled and crossed his arms, a smug grin displayed on his face, "Yep, all because of Niel and Alec, too!" Jay whined out a complaint before huffing out and sending out an order, "Alright, team. Meet up in Jamanakai!" Kai hopped off of his bike before fixing up his own gi. Niel high-fived Kai and the two just stood there, waiting for the others to arrive. Alec hugged him tightly from behind and mumbled out, "You kicked butt," Kai laughed before ruffling Alec's hair from where he was sitting, "No, we kicked butt!" Alec was a bit surprised with him, "Don't worry about that. Big brother attitude," Niel explained. The trio decided to help a little bit in town while keeping the unconscious thugs in check for when the others come. Finally, they have a lead and all because of Alec's extra help. He was really rpoud of himself, getting used to this fighting thing.
And he kinda liked it...
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da3dm · 1 year
i think i know at least one answer to every question on the intro thing but introduce irza! i want more songs that remind you of him that i haven't listened to before :D and also idk more useless worldbuilding facts
Introduce a Character—Irzayn
You might, but you've got a lot to learn! And I've provided a little bit of lore at the end...hope that fulfills your desire for worldbuilding!
-Discuss an important part of their identity/what makes them themself.
He has done very dark things, but he's kept his secretly kind heart. It's simply buried underneath a shield of thorns. The biggest thing is that he truly does care for his sick mom and despite how much has happened to him and continues to happen, he hasn't fallen apart. In secret, he might let himself break for a few minutes, but he will get right back up. When he does, his desires are only stronger and his path only more certain. As an enemy, he is your worst nightmare. As your ally, he will always be there to help, even if he's glaring at you and pretending like the entire situation is pissing him off. He just doesn't want them to become a weakness that someone will exploit, since...that means they'd get hurt because of him. Just like his mom.
-Tell you a color that compliments them.
Red. I've tried some others but no matter what his appearance is, red or black really does suit him very well.
-Show you an image that suits them (for example: a picture of them you like or an image that matches their vibe).
Drew them myself!
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-Give you a random fact about something they’ve done or a part of their backstory.
He's heard Vara crying in his room, with the door uncharacteristically shut. When he does, he will wait for the cat to pass out from crying before sneaking into the room. From there, his behaviorism will change, but he has climbed into the bed before, quietly got Vara into his pajama's and underneath the covers, or even sat there holding his hand until his sleeping face becomes peaceful. He will never say he does this, but he doesn't need to. Vara can smell that Irza was there, even if he's already gone by the time the cat wakes up.
-Link you a song that reminds me of them.
His entire person, mainly as a villain, but also as just himself (I have never heard a song that fits him better)
Him falling for Quickvine
How hard he fights
What Vara is saving him from feeling
How it is after the betrayal arc
I've always felt like this perfectly fits how he was before meeting Vara
Him getting settled into being a villain while still young
When he was younger, before becoming a villain
-Explain how they were created/what inspired them to be made.
I didn't know what a an oc was and a friend told me they were someone that represents me. They'd be able to have everything I love and could be whatever I wanted. So I created the person I kept dreaming about—a dragon boy who's hair and eyes were never the same color. From there, it only expanded until he finally had a face instead of a blurred face with that constant sad smile.
-Free space/feel free to add more!
He is my absolute favorite oc and is more thoroughly structured together than any of them combined. He's childish in some ways, but with how he's lived you can't really blame him...and yet he also cares about those around him in secret. His power is the only link to his parents at this point, and his shadow ability is strongly connected to a prophecy. This prophecy had driven people mad a long time ago since it gave two results, both about dragons. That's why the dragons were squashed out. One result would save the world, but the other warned that if driven down the wrong path...the prophesied savior would destroy the world themself.
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shinakazami1 · 3 years
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A gift commission I've made for @banana-teatime from @skit-skitty of their character Orson! I hope it will cheer you up, it was fun drawing such nice design and I want to thank Skittty for again commissioning me, wish you both a good day!
(I still have 7 usd sketch commissions open btw ;>)
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theveryworstthing · 4 years
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So over on patreon Trevor asked for my take on the Addams Family and I grew up LOVING the Addams family movies so here we are. Instead of doing a straight up style interpretation, I decided to do a full on design challenge, using the characters as bases to make a black southern gothic Addams au. I actually drew the kids first, using the character bases of Wednesday and Pugsley to create some delightful kiddos I'm calling Sunday and Blanche. I of course then redesigned Gomez and Morticia into Carlisle and Mortesha.
The Addams have a very specific high aristocratic goth aesthetic (they've got a butler and nobody really works among other things) so in this re-imagining I wanted to go with vibes that run a little more middle class/upper middle class.  I thought it would be interesting to think about what would be considered weird and off-putting in an entirely different culture, and how being a big ol' goth is way less controversial than it used to be.
I tried to keep this short (HAHAHAHAHAHA) so I didn't spin off into an essay about villain coded families, black people in the horror genre, and normalcy as it pertains to social survival, but just...bits of that are in these designs and lore. Keep that in mind.
Also I made the kids twins because they've flip flopped in age so much in different media and also twins run in my family (i'm the daughter of one). And let's face it, I'm pulling a lot of their southern gothic traits from living as a southern goth so *shrug*.
10 thousand pounds of lore incoming loooooooooool.
The Parents
From the moment he saw her he knew that there was a 50/50 chance of him either never making it out of that swamp alive or marrying the figure that was creeping out from under the distant willow tree in a black cocktail dress. The third time she found him trussed up in one of her traps, he complimented her rope work and asked if she'd like to go out sometime after his head wound stopped bleeding.
Or while it was still bleeding.
If she was into that.
Some kids and a mysteriously burnt down Piggly Wiggly later, their love is still as strong and inescapable as a bear trap in a sink hole.
Carlisle Guillermo (now Addams through marriage but I wanted to give him two first names for a name since Gomez has two last names) makes a vaguely described living practicing ‘law’ around town. A loophole king, people come to him from miles around with contracts signed in blood, fights over chunks of hair buried in their rivals’ yard, dehydrated primate hands, memories that seemed like dreams until the evidence of their happenings became too real, and other regular Legal Items asking for counsel which he is all too happy to give. For a price. Sometimes that price is a homemade pie and sometimes it’s a million dollars, depends on who you are. Whatever you’re asked to pay it’s worth that price, and if you try to scam him out of work or he just plain doesn’t like you? Well. He knows how to twist a contract better than anything at the crossroads.
And he always gets his due.
He doesn’t just serve the local (living)humans though, there are many things that need proper legal representation in this day and age. You wouldn’t believe how many city councils try to build on sacred burial grounds even after he lets them know that his ghostly clients are totally gonna haunt the FUCK out of the ensuing shitty condos and curse their families for all eternity. At least 50% of his energy goes towards dealing with real estate bullshit.
Carl is an excitable and good natured(?) man who loves his family, cigars, dancing, and his many knife-based hobbies. People find him very charming once they get past the feeling that they’re talking to a sultry gator badly disguising itself as a human. I didn’t put a ton of deep thought into designing him, mostly I wanted to make a middle aged dude who looked like he would have been voted ‘most likely to smooch the literal devil’ in high school. Tbh he probably has, but no demonic ex’s can compare to his lovely wife~
Mortesha Addams(her name was already perfect so I just tweaked it)is a woman of many talents. A self proclaimed homemaker, she prides herself on a greenhouse full of Concerning Foliage, a beautiful wasp apiary, and a coop full of what are probably chickens that she keeps for what are probably eggs. She’s also an avid creator of the outsider art that can be seen around the estate. She has taken on the family business of selling her homemade goods in a little stall by the road just outside the swamp with her mom, and makes pretty good money doing so. A surprising amount of poison gets bought in quaint southern towns.
Speaking of poison, people who come out to the edge of the swamp to buy it are usually carrying a lot of secrets around, and Mortesha knows most of them. It’s not like she pries the truth out of people, it just so happens that many nervous hellos eventually turn into the tragic backstory power hour if she’s alone with a client for long enough. She supposes that’s just how people are. Despite the fact that the Addams are very active in the community (whether the community likes it or not) she especially, as a direct descendant of the first Addams matriarch, is seen as…Well not an outsider because the community feels A Certain Way about outsiders and despite it all the Addams are their people, but maybe something like an exception. They feel like whatever weirdness they’re hiding can’t be weirder than any given Addams, so they get a little loose with their words.
This is amusing to her, since Addams’ don’t naturally keep the kind dramatic secrets that their surface level prim and proper neighbors do. It’s much more fun to openly talk about those things.
Do they have a sadly decrepit yet terrifying grandma up in the attic? Yeah, like three. They got a tv, all the creepy porcelain dolls they could want, and they’re close to family. Where do you keep your gram-grams?
Any bodies buried on the property? Yeah some, but most are thrown to the gators.
Any creeping through the balmy summer night with ill intentions? Yeah dude, everyone loves a nice family stroll.
What about dangerous forbidden love? If an adult Addams isn’t incorporeal then they’re either queer or in a torrid romance with some person/thing mysteriously drawn to that awful swamp. Sometimes both at the same time. Most times actually.
Mortesha would know.
The current head of the Addams family is just as outgoing as her husband but a lot quieter and harder to read. She never really seems to get mad about much and always has a genteel smile for everyone whether they deserve it or not. A seven foot tall human shaped “Oh, bless your heart”. A perfectly composed Lady even when she’s, oh I dunno, burning down a Piggly Wiggly. You know. A regular southern mom. Chat her up at the hair salon for 50% off a jar of wasp honey with your next purchase of a mysterious but foreboding packet of herbs.
Designing her was pretty easy because I just drew a lankier Grace Jones and called it a day. I had some problems with her outfit simply because if we were going HARD southern gothic then she’d probably be wearing a white/cream dress with a fuller skirt but I thought keeping the silhouette and the black was more important. She’s supposed to be an anti southern gothic southern gothic character anyway. A woman who looks like she has a million secrets who is actually the most open person you could meet. For better or worse. The red hair came from a coloring error that I really ended up liking (my mom had red hair her whole childhood that only darkened up in high school so I can buy that an Addams can be naturally fire engine red) and the veil was to get more of that classic Morticia silhouette in there.
The Children
Sunday and Blanche are the twin children of Carlisle and Mortesha Addams. Some say the Addams clan got their cursed homestead when a wealthy local businessman made a deal with the devil and lost, leaving his grand mansion to his least favorite maid and cutting his losses once he realized that the swamp would do everything it could to drag the house into the water and take what was owed with its horrible curse. Others say that the family has just always squatted there and no one really cares because man, fuck that particular swamp. Have you been in there? Absolute horror show.
Blanche is the more outgoing sibling and quite the engineer/mad scientist in the making. He started going grey at 2 weeks old but considering he was also rocking some extra fingers, toes, and a tiny tail (he takes after his dad), his parents just put it on the 'not life threatening' pile and decided not to worry about it. He's the kind of smart that teachers find utterly infuriating, less a dog eagerly learning and obeying commands and more a hyena who keeps teaching itself how to pick locks. He has a few friends in his school's robotics club (which they honestly allowed him to make so the school could contain his... creations) but mostly hangs out with his sister exploring the swamp. They find all sorts of neat things in there! wedding rings, suspiciously lumpy garbage bags, cloaked cultists who can't read private property signs, it's an adventure every day!
Blanche is all about experimentation with his creations, his look, and his tether to this mortal coil. Is lipstick a cool thing to try? Let's find out. Can he get out of a strait jacket fast enough after being pushed into the depths of the swamp by his sister? let's find out. He's not dead yet and confused local doctors can attest to the fact that he's rarely attained more than a bad bruise so he's pretty set on continuing to kiss rattlesnakes on their cute little heads and have his sister practice her knife throwing at him until that fact changes.
Blanche is very much a country goth. Cowboy boots (customized by his mom), knife, and lighter are daily accessories. He likes to wear the crusty swamp jewelry they find (the rust adds a splash of color!) and despite appearances he does try to keep himself neat. He's just got  natural Grunge Colors and a tendency to wear clothes he likes until they fall apart. Pugsley always seemed the most modernly styled to me (which might just be because little boys clothes have been the same for a long time) so I wanted Blanche to be the most purposely fashionable Addams. Everyone else is goth by nature, but he's the only one truly familiar with goth as an alternative fashion.
I got really into designing Blanche because honestly, I find Pugsley to be the most boring member of the family. And he was hard to design! I had to mess with his vibe a lot to get him looking how I wanted. I know he's supposed to evoke an " 'evil' little boy next door who's parents never reign him in", but that's just goth Dennis The Menace.  I's 2020. We can at least go queer goth Calvin.
Sunday was much easier to design. Wednesday was my favorite as a child (of course) and I really wanted to keep the spirit of her look while adding things like billowy sleeves (it gets HOT down here), big poofy twists instead of braids, and a nice tie. She's a professional after all, been running the local pet cemetery since she was 6 and the previous groundskeeper met with an unfortunate accident after telling her that tarantulas don't have souls. Her specialty is creating beautiful naturalistic animal funerals similar to those that Maquenda (https://linktr.ee/artofmaquenda) makes, and she takes pride in creating miniature dioramas of her subjects after each burial which she uses as a kind of 3D catalog for future clients.
She really wants to try out her skills on humans one day. Well. Publicly try out her skills. Lotta random bodies float into the swamp. None of them have turned down her requests for diorama models so far. Most seem downright flattered. Plus, she usually figures out which graveyard/crime scene they floated over from and gets her parents to give them a lift back. She'll even help enact terrifying revenge from beyond the grave on whoever put them there if she's not, y'know, busy.
Besides arts, crafts, and pet based funerary arrangements, Sunday is an avid lover of archery (any ranged weapon really), books where little fantasy adventure animals die dramatic deaths, and history. She is That Kid who eagerly raises her hand when asked who Christopher Columbus was and ends up being sent out of class after 15 minutes for making 'a scene'. Her favorite party trick is just picking an item in the room and talking about how it relates to either some obscure historical figure with a buck wild life or a horrible disaster. At least one charity pancake breakfast ended with children in tears after her vivid description of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919.
Social-wise, while Wednesday is the girl that people ask to smile because they think she'd, "look so pretty", Sunday is rarely asked anything at all. People just kind of assume from her quiet nature (in between horrible history facts) that she's angry all the time and that she hates everyone. This is untrue. She hates some people but she's ambivalent to most everyone else and even downright friendly if you bother to talk to her like a person instead of a terrifying cryptid. Like, she IS a terrifying cryptid but she's also a little girl.  
That’s about it for now. One day I might do the other family members but for now I’m happy with the four I’ve redesigned. Making an au! Lurch in a family that doesn’t do butlers could be interesting. Over on patreon I put forth that he could just be Motesha’s mute little brother (similar bone structure) but Amy Crook had the nice idea of quote: “ a mysterious "cousin" that "helps around the house" whose origins are both long in the past and faintly unsettling. He's good for lifting heavy things, like that tank of propane you're about to throw into the burning Piggly Wiggly... “ which i now consider canon. Who's kid is he? How old is he? Not important. Anyone willing to commit arson with you is family.
Annnnyway.  This challenge was a lot of fun! I love indulging in AU’s.
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Monster Matchup (Altair: SFW)
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Back with another monster matchup! This one featuring a drider! I’m slowly working my way through these requests, hopefully by the end of the month I’ll be able to open them back up again! *Disclaimer: None of the pictures are mine, all credit goes to original artist! 
If you like my work and want to read more, check out my MASTERLIST! 
Requests/Matchups are CLOSED temporarily! 
Altair is a drider with long blond hair and dark eyes, he stands at a little over 5’9 with long spindly legs and a black and gold body.
What drew him to you was the fact that you had treated others with such kindness, though often you were not treated as kindly. He sought to be your protector in a way, encouraging you to not to take that kind of treatment. It doesn’t always work though, it was rough the first couple of months getting to know each other. There were times you’d both end up frustrated as he felt you were being taken advantage of.
When spending time together, he’ll listen to you ramble about your favorite things, a smile crossing onto his features as he watches you with such fondness, and if you’ll allow him, he’ll run his fingers through your dark brunette hair, occasionally he’ll style it for you if given the opportunity. 
More often than not, he says that he loves the color of your eyes, that they remind him of the first days of spring when everything is starting to bloom from sleeping all winter. 
Altair enjoys reading, though he’ll listen to you sing from another room, he finds that when he’s listening to you singing he has to re-read the page he was on due to finding listening to you so intently that he had lost his focus on what he was doing.
On the flip side, he also knows that you will use him in your sketchbooks, he had stumbled across one or two of your drawings of him before and was shocked that you could find even someone like him good enough to be one of your drawings.
If you are writing about a villain in one of your books, he likes to pick them apart and ask you questions, it makes things fun for you as he challenges what makes the villain think the way they do. It gives you a different view into how the mind could operate under different circumstances, and oftentimes the villain ends up being one of the best characters in your story. 
Despite not being the best at the romantic side of things because of the way he was raised, he tries his best to make sure you feel loved. He’ll bring you flowers just cause, buy you new notebooks to write in or leave you little poems that made him think of you. He tries, and that's what counts. But he also can’t keep his hands off of you, he loves to give small affections throughout the day, whether it's a tight hug or holding your hand.
Even if you are stubborn at times, Altair keeps calm and helps you understand his viewpoint as well, he doesn’t like to fight unnecessarily. He’s rather analytical and wants the best for you since he holds you so close to his heart. 
A smile graced the drider’s features as he listened to you singing in the other room, a book was propped open on his lap, though he found that he had to keep re-reading the same sentence over and over again. He couldn’t focus when it came to your singing, he wanted to listen to you, eventually he gave up and placed the bookmark you had made him in it and shut the cover. Sipping at his tea, he closed his eyes and listened to the song, it was one of your favorites and while it wasn’t his at first, the more he listened to you singing it, the more it grew on him simply because he knew that it made you happy. 
“Listening again?” You teased as you walked into the room after a few minutes, having caught the drider listening to you for the millionth time that week. 
“Of course, it’s only natural that I want to listen to my partner singing.” He responded with a smile, opening his arms for you to cuddle up into which you did so happily. “You have a beautiful voice, who wouldn’t want to listen to you?” 
“Do you even know what you were reading? I thought you were going to do that.” You responded, disregarding the previous question. 
A laugh came from him as he shook his head. “I couldn’t tell you, I couldn’t focus and would much rather listen to you…” You rolled your eyes playfully, feeling the heat creeping up onto your features as you snuggled back against him. 
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
history has it eyes on you [jennifer jareau]
jennifer jareau x fem reader
requested by anon: Love your JJ fics ❤️❤️ I was hoping could you do another one where the reader is somewhat new to the BAU and is either dating or has a thing with JJ. But the reader is known for doing these heroic and kinda reckless acts that ends up saving the victims. And while everyone in the bureau thinks that she's an absolute badass and incredible at her job JJ can't help but love and hate it. She loves it as she's amazing at her job and always ends up saving them but she hates how she always seems to be in the line of fire and in danger. After one too many close calls JJ kinda loses it on the reader.
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*not my gif*
You were nineteen when you joined the academy. However, once you got the job you were longing for you were still a bright young prospect at twenty two. The youngest on the team, even younger than boy genius. 
You always had dreams of dying like a martyr. The bravest thing you thought that anyone could do was sacrifice themself for the ones they love the most. Sure, that’s not the healthiest thing in the entire world, but it was everything to you. 
“Have you guys heard that we’re getting a new member?” Garcia asked as her, Prentiss, and JJ walked into the bureau with their coffees in hand.
Prentiss nodded, “Heard they were a part of the Navy Seals for awhile. They were known as the youngest on that squad and they’re even younger than Reid,” 
“Really?” JJ asked, slightly shocked that someone is younger than Reid. 
Hotch walked out of his office as the rest of the team gathered by their desks, you walked right behind him, his taller figuring covering you from the view of the rest of the team.
Hotch cleared his throat before looking at all of them, “I’d like to formally introduce you guys to the newest member of the team, Agent Y/N Y/L/N,” 
You emerged from behind Hotch and you gave all of them an awkward wave. Until your eyes fell onto a pair of familiar blue ones. Her face was calm and collected, but you could tell by her eyes that she was internally freaking out.
You tried to fight off a smile that was forming on your face at the sight of your old flame back in the days of Afghanistan. But by the look on her face, you knew no one else really knew of her Afghanistan days.
Afghanistan wasn’t all bad. Sure you were put there to try and take down Bin Laden, but the city that was surrounded by war was absolutely beautiful. All of the architecture and the culture, even the people. 
This was one of the days where you completely forgot that you were in the middle of a war. JJ was standing on the balcony in the city of Kabul, the capitol of Afghanistan. The sun was setting behind her as you handed her a glass of wine.
It’s illegal to drink there, but as long as no one saw you called it a win. You stood behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist. You hooked your chin onto her shoulder as you kissed her rosy cheeks. 
“This is nice,” she mumbled and you hummed in response.
“I agree. You make this whole mission so much more bearable,” you whispered.
Penelope ran over to you and gave you a big hug, “Hi! I’m Penelope Garcia, the best tech out there!” 
You laughed softly, hugging her back, “Hi!” 
Once you pulled away, you were introduced one by one to each of the team members. Until you eventually were stopped at the beautiful blonde you’ve known worlds ago. 
You extended your hand out to her, meeting her bright blue eyes. You raised your eyebrows up at her, “Y/N Y/L/N,” you formally introduced.
She hesitated before grabbing your hand, the familiar spark electrocuting your body and you could tell that she felt it too, “Jennifer Jareau,”
“I like your eyes, they’re very blue, did you know that?” you told her, recalling your first ever conversation.
JJ just gave a tight lipped smile before nodding, “Yeah, well, I kind of had them my whole life so I think I know that they’re blue,” 
You were suited up in your gear as your commander walked you over to the representative from the state department. You climbed high in the rankings with all of your hard work and selflessness, you became a lieutenant commander. 
“Lieutenant commander Y/L/N, this is our state department liaison Jennifer Jareau. She will be helping assist us in communication with some of the hostages,” your commander introduced the two of you and you nodded.
You stuck out your hand and smiled at her softly, “Y/N Y/L/N,” 
She grabbed your hand, smiling back, “Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me JJ for short,” 
“Well JJ, I like your eyes. They’re very blue, did you know that?” you asked, awkwardly. You mentally face palmed yourself, realizing that you were getting nervous around the beautiful blonde.
JJ laughed at your awkwardness before nodding, “Yeah, well, I kind of had them my whole life so I think I know that they’re blue,” 
“Right,” you drew out, mentally face palming yourself harder than before. 
You let out a soft chuckle before finally dropping her hand. You knew in a room full of profilers that they would notice if a friendly handshake lasted too long, no matter how hard you didn’t want to lose her touch. 
That was the only interaction the two of you had the entire case. Most of the time you were partnered up with Prentiss. She had more experience than JJ as a profiler since JJ was a liaison first. 
For your first case, you impressed them all with how selfless you were. You would push yourself in front of the rest of the team when confronting an unsub. You would always be the one talking them down as their gun was pointed right at you. 
“Jimmy Barnes, put the gun down,” you ordered, as he held the girl by gun point, “I said, put it down!” 
He shook his head, “No! She needs to die! I need to finish what I started!” he yelled.
Jimmy Barnes, your first ever unsub was ironically going after girls who matched your description. He became so obsessed with a video game that he altered it with reality. The villain in the game looking surprisingly like you.
“Then kill me instead, you’ll win the game if you let her go and kill me,” you offered.
You could feel JJ’s eyes on you and the rest of the team gave you a quick glance before going to look back at Jimmy. For a split second you weren’t sure, what he was gonna do until he eventually threw the hostage towards Rossi, before grabbing you in the process.
He thought he had a good grip on you, but you were a Navy Seal, you know how to get out of a hold or two. Before he could pull the trigger, you elbowed his groin and threw him onto the floor. 
Jimmy landed on his stomach with a hard thump, you straddled his back before  putting him in handcuffs, “Jimmy Barnes, you are under arrest for the murders of Nicole Watkins, Macy Martin, and Leah Butler,” you told him, listing all of his rights. 
Once you got back on the jet, your eyes drifted over to JJ who was staring out of the window. You just kept staring, trying to profile her from afar. You noticed that there was no ring on her finger yet, so that was a plus. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t dating anyone.
Morgan snapped you out of your trance, “That was a brave thing you did out there. He could’ve easily just shot you dead before you could even make a move,” 
“Yeah, but it saved the girl didn’t it?” you fired back and from the corner of your eye you could see JJ let out a sigh, shaking her head. 
“It did, you’re gonna be a great part of this team!” Morgan patted your shoulder before taking a seat next to Reid. 
You took this as an opportunity to get some shut eye on the flight back to Quantico. And your slumber seemed to drift back to you and JJ. 
The two of you were tangled in the sheets of the hard mattress. The hot air of Afghanistan causing your already sweating bodies to become more sticky. JJ was playing with your hair as her head rested on your chest. 
“This is very unprofessional,” she whispered.
You chuckled softly before nodding, “Well no one has to know what we do,” you whispered back, “But if anyone were to walk into my tent they’d see your clothes all over the floor,” 
She lifted her head slightly before seeing your clothes scattered all over it. She let out a content sight before putting her head back down.
“If I'm being honest, I don’t think I’d care,” she said, kissing your jawline. 
You exaggerated a gasp, “Did the Jennifer Jareau just say she wouldn’t care if someone caught us breaking the rules?!” 
“I wouldn’t care because I’m in love with you,” 
Your ears perked up at those five words, “I’m in love with you too,” you whispered, leaning down to attach your lips together.
The more you went on cases with the team, the more reckless (well you’d like to call it heroic) you’ve become. You would run into a hostage situation with an aggressive unsub without a bulletproof vest or weapon. 
You thought that you would get a talking to from Hotch about being so reckless, but he never did. The others rarely thought anything of it and just thought you were an absolute badass. Well, everyone but JJ, you could tell your need to constantly be the hero was getting under her skin a little. 
You just didn’t think she’d care anymore. She barely interacted with you and when you did they were short professional conversations. Even when you went out with the team, she wouldn’t interact with you.
“So, what’s going on with JJ?” Morgan asked you as you and the team were flying out to Tacoma, Washington. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Nothing,” 
He hummed, “Well you’re staring at JJ like you’re in a romcom and just lost the love of your life. So what’s going on? You know you can talk to me,” 
Morgan had become like an older brother figure to you. He was the closest person to you on the team and you knew he could trust him with anything.
“Well, JJ and I knew each other awhile ago. We had a thing and it was really good, but you know, nothing lasts forever,” you confined in him and he nodded.
“That’s why she’s avoiding you like the plague?” he asked.
You shrugged, “I don’t know. It was a long time ago and she broke things off with me. So, I don’t understand why she’s avoiding me. If anything it should be the other way around,” 
“I would just try to talk to her. Obviously, something’s still bugging her if she’s avoiding you this much. Just talk to her,” he suggested and you nodded. 
You wanted to talk to JJ the entire case, but the unsub shortened his kill time and struck back to back. So, you were working twice as hard and twice as fast to stop them. 
And when you did find them let’s just say, you had to act quick. The unsub set his own house on fire with him and the hostage family inside of it. Hotch had called the fire department, but they wouldn’t get there for another ten minutes.
There was no way that the family would survive that. The smoke inhalation. The fire spreading quickly. Before any of the team could even react, you were off and running in to a burning building. 
“Y/N!” you heard JJ shout, but it was too late you were already in the building. 
The unsub was standing there with a sinister smirk on your face and just as he was about to attack you, you sent a bullet through his shoulder. He fell onto the floor in pain. 
The family of three were coughing up a storm. You could feel the smoke already start to fill your lungs. You gestured for the family to start running out of the house. 
“My daughter is stuck under there! You need to get her out of here!” the father yelled and you nodded.
“I’ll save her, you guys need to leave now!” you screamed. 
“I’m not leaving-” the mom begins to protest, but you cut her off.
“I promise I’ll get her out of here, but if you don’t leave she’s not going to have anyone there to take care of her!” you exclaimed. Without another word they run out of the building. You looked at the little girl who was stuck behind a piece of broken ceiling. 
You smiled at the girl who just seemed numb and you grabbed her arm, “Hi kiddo,” you finally got out between coughs, “My name’s Y/N and I’m here to save you okay? You’re safe now. No one can hurt you. Do you mind if I touch you and help you out?” 
She nodded without another word. You started coughing uncontrollably before you finally held her in your arms. 
JJ was pacing back and forth from outside. Her thoughts spinning as she just watched you run into a burning building. Two figures started rushing out of the building. JJ and Morgan ran towards the couple, leading them towards the ambulance.
“Where’s the agent who went in to help you?” JJ asked, frantically. 
“She’s still in there. She’s helping our daughter, she was stuck. She promised that she’d save her,” the mother told JJ.
Right as she finished her sentence, there was huge crash. Everyone’s head turned back to the house to see the roof caved in and the building was falling apart. 
“Y/N,” JJ whispered before raising her voice, screaming out your name uncontrollably, “Y/N!”
Her mind flashed back to Afghanistan, when the good thing the two of you had going turned sour. 
It was dark out and you, JJ, and some of trying to search an abandoned compound that you assumed the Talibans were using to help create bombs. You sensed a slight tension against your shin. 
It felt like what would happen if you rubbed your shin against a bush. But there was no shrubbery around the group, only grass and dirt. At the same time there was a pinning noise and that was the only thing you could hear. 
You had walked into a tripwire, looking down you saw the primed grenade, “Grenade! Take cover!” you yelled to the rest of your team.
You don’t know why you did what you did. Maybe it was because you felt responsible for what was about to happen. You pushed JJ towards the rest of the group as one of your fellow soldiers pulled her behind the concrete building.
You threw off your backpack and jammed it into the grenade, before lying next to it in fetal position to block the explosion from expanding towards them. You were just counting down, waiting for the consequences. 
5, 4, 3, 2,1, you counted and your whole body relaxed as the thought that maybe the bomb was a dud crossed your mind. But just as you relaxed it blew up in front of you. 
“Y/N!” JJ screamed. 
The orange sparks and the smoke cleared, but you knew you were still alive. You were so disoriented, so disoriented to the point where you didn’t even notice that you were blasted so much further away from where you originally laid. 
JJ and the patrol medic ran over to you. She put her hands on my face and noticed how disoriented you were. JJ noticed the blood pouring down your nose and ears. 
“Y/N, I need you to stay with me,” JJ told you, drawing figures on your bloody cheeks, “The doctor’s checking you out, I need you to stay awake, okay? Please, for me,” her voice cracked. 
No matter how hard you tried, your eyes just seemed to shut and you couldn’t open them again.
“No!” JJ screamed as she continued to watch the house burn down in flames. 
Tears were flowing down her cheeks. The trauma of Afghanistan and the thought of losing you flooded her mind. She always wondered why her relationships with people after you never worked. 
She made excuses for herself. The idea that her job as a profiler took up too much of her time. Or the guys or girls she dated were just bad seeds. But that wasn’t the idea. It was the idea that she was still so in love with you, maybe even waiting for the day she’ll get you back. 
JJ looked around the rest of your team. Reid was trying his best to fight off tears, but you could hear him sniffling. He always thought of you as one of his best friends. You related to him more than anyone because of how young you were. 
Morgan and Prentiss stood up tall and were staying strong. But JJ could tell from a mile away that it was getting harder every second that was going by. Prentiss thought of you as a little prodigy, you reminded her of a young Prentiss, and all she wanted to do was protect you even though she knew you didn’t need it. 
Then there was Hotch who stood there emotionless, but he was just trying to actually stay strong for the team. Hotch knew that you were the reckless type, it didn’t take a profiler to notice that. 
The last thing he said to you before he introduced you to the team was, “I see that you want to fight, you’ve got this hunger. I was just like you when I was younger, head full of fantasies of dying like a martyr. Just remember, dying is easy, living is harder.” 
But then they saw a figure emerge from the smoke. The little girl you were carrying was unconscious in your arms. You were coughing up a storm as you crashed onto the lawn. 
The team and paramedics ran towards you. JJ cupped your cheeks as your eyes fluttered open and closed. The smoke that was filling your lungs, making it hard to breathe. The paramedics through an oxygen mask on your face as they tried to help you breathe.
You pulled it off really quick, “Y/N! Put the oxygen mask back on!” JJ scolded you.
You were coughing up a storm as you finally got out what you said between your coughs, “I’m still in love with you,” you told her.
She was about to respond when you started seizing on the ground. Hotch pushed the team out of the way so the paramedics could do their job.
JJ’s mine still drifted back to Afghanistan as she watched them drag you to the hospital. It reminded her of when they brought you back to the med camp after the explosion. The fear settling into her bones that she might not ever see you again.
When you were finally more stable to understand what was going on around you, you were in the med tent of the camp. JJ was sitting next to you with her hands intertwined with yours.
You moved slightly and her head shot up to look at you, “How bad is it?” 
“Your eardrums are perforated, but there’s suspected to be no lasting damage.Your backpack and body armor absorbed most of the damage. You know the doctors say you’re lucky, but I just say you’re stupid,” she told you and you looked at her with furrow brows. 
“That was a little harsh,” you muttered.
She rolled her eyes, “What you did was stupid! It was stupid and reckless! I almost lost you today because of how stupid you were being!” 
“It was heroic!” you screamed. It didn't matter to you that your head was still pounding and your ears were ringing from the explosion, but you were being attacked after you just woke up.
“You don’t see the point! I almost lost you! There are people who care about you! I care about you and if I lost you today I don’t know what I would’ve done!” she screamed, “So I need you to promise me that this isn’t going to happen again. That you’ll start being more careful and thinking more without doing,” 
You sat there in silence unsure of what to say, “I can’t promise that,” you whispered after so many minutes. 
She bit her lip, removing her hand from yours. JJ stood up and started packing up the things that she had in the tent, “Then I can’t do this. If you’re not going to even respect a simple decision as to being less reckless for your own safety, then I can’t do this. I don’t think that what I’m asking is too hard, but I guess it is,” 
“JJ,” you whispered, but it was too late she was already gone.
She didn't come to visit you after that. As you sat there in your own silence, you realized that you made a mistake. You wanted to talk to her, but every time you asked someone to grab her she would always be busy or she’d just never come. 
Once you were finally well enough to be discharged from med tent and back to your own, it was too late. There was a little note left on the hard mattress the two of you once shared.
“Y/N, I’ve decided to leave. Another state department liaison is coming to replace me. I just can’t stay and watch you throw your life on the line anymore. Maybe in another world, but just not this one- JJ,” the note read and you let out a groan of frustration before falling onto the mattress.
You woke up from your seizure to see JJ sitting the corner of the room. She was curled up in the faux leather seat as she was sleeping peacefully. Your mouth felt dry as you reached over to grab the water that sat on the bedside table. 
All your stirring around caused JJ to wake up, her head shooting over to you to make sure you were okay. You looked at her softly and smiled, “How’s the little girl?”
“Safe and recovering,” she answered shortly.
“Where’s everyone else?” you asked.
“They’re in the waiting room. I tried to get them to go home, but they insisted on staying,” she mentioned and you smiled softly.
You could tell she was holding back from what she was going to say, so you let out a sigh, “Whatever you’re holding back, just get it out,” 
“That was stupid of you,” she said sternly, reminding you of your very last conversation before you met her again, “You almost died again! And I had to be there to witness it again!”
“I saved a family’s life today,” you told her, your voice dry, but just as stern. 
“But at what cost? Risking your own?!” she exclaimed and you pinched the bridge of your nose, putting your head down, “It was stupid!”
“Can you stop saying that?! It was brave and heroic! Why can’t you just be accepting about it like everyone else?!” you yelled back.
“There it is again! With your heroic bullshit!” she threw her hands up in frustration, walking closer to your bed, “What’s the big deal about it?” 
“I need to be remembered! I need to have my name in books and you know sacrificing yourself and saving as many people as possible gets you there! My family’s legacy is shot, I need to make a legacy of mine and if this is the way to do it then so be it! I need to be a hero, so I can be loved since my parents never did!” you finally exploded, telling her all the reasons why you are the way you are.
“You don’t need to sacrifice yourself to be loved!” she argued.
You scoffed, “Well, apparently I do since the only time you’ve seemed to want to talk to me since I’ve joined the team is when I’m recovering from almost dying. I don’t understand why you’re so angry at me right now, you broke up with me. You left me to recover from the bomb on my own! So tell me, why do you even care?!” 
“Because I’m still in love with you!” she finally screamed and your eyes softened.
“You don’t need to sacrifice yourself to be a hero or loved because in my eyes you’re already a hero. I care because the thought of living the rest of my life without you kills me. Living my life without you the last few years was the time I felt numb. Then you came back and I wanted to give us a shot again, but I was scared,” she whispered.
“Scared about what?” you asked.
“You were still as reckless as ever. You are still so obsessed with getting your name in the history books that you don’t care who you hurt in the process. I was scared that if I got too attached that one day you’d just die,” she told you, “At least with breaking up with you, I knew you were still alive and I didn’t lose you forever,”
There was a moment of silence before she spoke up again, “You don’t understand that you risking your life out like that hurts the people who love and care about. You don’t need to have millions of people know your name, all you need are the ones who matter most to you and you don’t understand that. I love how protective and heroic you are, but I hate it more. The hate overcomes the love,” 
You reached your hand out for her to come closer. You intertwined your fingers together before placing a kiss to the top of her hand. She had tears threatening to pour down her face.
You brushed a strand of her blonde hair from behind her ear before you cupped her cheeks softly, “I’m sorry,” you whispered, “I didn’t know how badly my acts affected you. I wish that we talked about this when I was still stationed, maybe I could’ve knocked some sense into myself and we’d still be together,”
“But I’d really like a second chance JJ,” you whispered shyly, the fear of rejection overtaking your promise, “I’ll make that promise I should’ve made ages ago. Be less reckless, be a hero in smaller less dramatic ways. But I also understand if you don’t, I know I’m fucked in the head,” 
JJ leaned her forehead on top of yours before kissing you softly, “One more chance,” she whispered, “No more bombs, or gunmen, or fires,”
You kissed her once more, “I just hope I can be the hero that you deserve, the right kind of hero,” 
“There’s no doubt in my mind that you won’t be,” 
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