#Atomic Torpedo
brandonsdrunkagain · 1 year
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Atomic Torpedo from Sierra Nevada, three different Jai Alias from Cigar City, Port Orleans Pilsner, Shiner Trail Mix, Second Lines Bock On, Don’t Hassle Me I’m Local Blood Orange from Destin Brewing and Cajun Fires Big Queen Porter!
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auraeseer · 10 months
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I think it might be time for some talks . . .
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rhinokck · 3 months
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Today’s side by side was IPA’s out of California. First up was Lagunitas IPA from Lagunitas Brewing out of Petaluma, CA. A great IPA, hoppy but not overly bitter, with more citrus than piney in the finish. Next up was Atomic Torpedo IPA from Sierra Nevada Brewing out of Chico, CA. Another great IPA, very nicely balanced with a bit more piney flavor than the Lagunitas. Overall I’d gladly have both of these again.
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Mitsubishi-Urakami Torpedo Works, 1,400 feet north of ground zero, in Nagasaki after an atomic bomb was dropped on it on August 9, 1945. Torpedoes used in the attack on Pearl Harbor were built in that factory.
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heretherebedork · 8 months
Boston's sort of in love, maybe for the very first time in his life. But since he is Boston, who is completely disconnected from his own feelings, he is going to try his hardest to not feel what he is feeling. So he will try Atom as Nick's replacement and either 1) sleep with him and immediately regret it, not be able to forget Nick or 2) won't be able to go through with it. Nick is just going to be haunting him, in the back of his mind.
While Nick is hurt and gullible and impulsive but thinks he is the cleverest and will try to move on with Dan. But Daddy Dan is really a red flag, he is much older, a senior (literally the boss) with a major power imbalance and just feels sus. Seeing Nick with Dan or maybe hearing about them or something, is going to set off jealousy and alarm bells in Boston. And he might as well try to "protect" or whatever Nick from Daddy Dan. Leading to Nick and Boston getting back together.
Boston uses his body and sex as both a currency/trade-off and a power dynamic to take "conquests" but, right now neither is working out. And probably the fact that for the first time, someone wanted him, all of him not just his body, not just for experimentation, not for a one-night stand but all his good, not out of coercion, but all of him: good, bad, and ugly, and the same person is the one who broke his trust is throwing Boston completely off balance. He is failing his own rule to not form connections against his better judgment. And it's so good to witness.
It's definitely going to be very interesting to witness.
Especially with Boston so certain that he's going to be heading to America soon enough because he knows he can't uphold his father's expectations of good grades and good behavior forever.
I don't even think Boston is out as gay to his dad, though I cannot be sure and will not state that as a fact.
But, yeah. There's a lot.
I'm not even how sure Nick is really thinking about moving past Boston so much as he's pulling a Ray and trying to escape from his thoughts of Boston.
Boston and Atom is going to be interesting and it's going to hurt and I actually am starting to suspect that Cheum might set off the final plot with Boston aka torpedoeing him in his father's eyes once he hurts he little brother and that's gonna be... wild if it happens, we'll see. I'm no @respectthepetty to predict things but I feel like hurting Atom and Cheum knowing what Boston values will result in bad, bad things all around. (Cheum thinks she's a mom friend but she's really a mean girl and we'll get to see that.)
Anyway. All this to say... yeah, a lot of that sounds accurate.
Though I do think Boston will be able to fuck Atom, it'll just be that he's returning to an emptiness he'd forgotten and thought he'd enjoyed only to realize that he had something with Nick that wasn't that.
I have no idea. But there's definitely a lot going on.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A large Chinese-registered barge was detained by Malaysian authorities after it was found carrying massive piles of steel ship parts and old artillery shells believed to have been looted from a pair of British battleships wrecked during World War II.
The Malaysian coast guard initially detained the vessel — a large bulk carrier ship — for illegally anchoring in Malaysian territory in the South China Sea, but opened an investigation with police and heritage departments after the artifacts and materials were found onboard.
It is suspected the metal was stripped from the nearby wrecks of the HMS Repulse and the HMS Prince of Wales, two ships sunk by Japanese torpedoes in 1941 just days after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
The attacks killed 842 sailors and the shipwrecks have since been designated as war graves.
The large Chinese-registered barge which was detained by the Malaysian Coast guard and suspected of looting wrecks. MALAYSIAN MARITIME ENFORCEMENT A/AFP via Getty Images
The deck of the barge was piled high with pieces of rusted steel believed to have been looted from the battleships.AP
Looters have been known to target WWII shipwrecks for their raw materials. Known as “prewar steel,” the metal the ships were built from was untainted by radioactive elements created and spread across the world by the detonation of the first atomic explosion in 1945, making it extremely valuable for use in sensitive medical and scientific measuring devices.
Photos from the barge showed towers of rusted metal, cables, and maritime refuse piled high on the deck, with an excavator and large crane stationed nearby. There were 32 crew members onboard the vessel, including 21 Chinese individuals, 10 Bangladeshi, and one Malaysian.
The same ship had previously been fined for operating without permission in Malaysian territory in 2017, and before that was chased into international waters by the Indonesian Navy after it was caught looting, according to Al Jazeera.
The HMS Repulse is one of the British battleships the barge is suspected of looting. It was torpedoed by Japan in 1941.Getty Images
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A large number of rusted artillery shells were found among the scrap metal on the Chinese-registered barge.AP
Malaysia’s maritime agency said the most recent suspected looting is likely linked to a recent case in which police found numerous rusted artillery pieces and maritime artifacts at a scrapyard in the country. Those shells were detonated after being discovered.
The National Museum of the Royal Navy in the United Kingdom said it was “distressed and concerned at the apparent vandalism for personal profit.
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taraross-1787 · 2 years
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This Day in History: Survivors of USS Indianapolis
On this day in 1945, the last survivors of the USS Indianapolis are pulled from the Pacific Ocean. They’d been there since a Japanese submarine had torpedoed and sunk Indianapolis on July 30. They had just finished delivering parts for the Little Boy atomic bomb to American bombers. Now, because of communication gaffes, their ship was missing, but no one knew it.  Survivors were waiting for a rescue that was not coming. The men were floating in small groups, strewn out across the last miles of Indianapolis’s journey. Survivors were covered in oil. Some were wounded. The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Haynes, tried to care for his boys as best he could, but he knew some would not make it. Some hadn’t even survived the initial disaster. As dead men were found in the water, Haynes later reported, “[w]e would then laboriously take off their life jacket and give it to men who didn’t have jackets. In the beginning I took off their dogtags, said The Lord’s Prayer, and let them go. Eventually, I got such an armful of dogtags I couldn’t hold them any longer. Even today, when I try to say The Lord’s Prayer or hear it, I simply lose it.” The story continues here: https://www.taraross.com/post/tdih-uss-indianapolis-rescue
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shodaigojifan2002 · 1 month
Just rewatched 1998's Godzilla. Here are some thoughts:
The first 30 minutes or so are perfect. The atomic test, the boat attack, the military discovering Godzilla's footprints, the surviving sailor muttering ''Gojira'' in utter fear and Godzilla's arrival in New York are fantastic scenes that are a great set up for the rest of the movie...But then, when the military sets up base everything goes wrong.
I can't quite put my finger on it but something just goes wrong. I am not sure what it is. The military and French storyline's are actually engaging but the repoter storyline is just so bad it actively lowers the quality of the movie for me which is shame since Hank Azaria's character is pretty fun. The rest of the characters are fine and are even great in case of Phillipe Roaché.
Now for the big lizard in the room. A lot of people hate '98 Goji but honestly? Aside from not being the primarly cause of destruction i really like it's potrayal. It's an animal that was mutated by radiation and is clearly just acting on instinct, kinda similar to Shin Godzilla, minus the depression and evolving into an eldritch abomination. It's also treated quite respectfully, it's just an animal trying to keep it's young safe and all the destruction it causes aren't done out of malice. Of course, there is the whole thing of it dying to few missiles but...have you seen how powerful those missiles are? They blow the building where Godzilla sets up it's nest into oblivion so they are quite powerful and Goji was already weakened by the nuclear torpedos from the submarines so for it to survive nuclear torpedos and about dozen missiles is quite impressive imo. And let's not forget it was also in close proximity to a modern nuke, survived the explosion and then mutated from the radiation.
Overall the movie is a 6.5/10 for me. It's a unique take on Godzilla that keeps up with the theme of the horrors nuclear power can have that's stained by Emmerich's insistance on only showing off power of the military instead of leaving the job of destruction to Godzilla itself and him trying to compete with Jurassic Park. Couple that with unlikable human cast aside from few exceptions and tonal shifts, that lower the movie's quality.
TLDR: Godzilla 1998 is a decent Godzilla movie that's held back by the directors insistance of only allowing the military to showcase it's power, rather the irradiated giant dinosaur.
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ajwrites52 · 8 months
Batober Day 4-Forgotten
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“IT’S TOO LATE CAPED CRUSADERS!” yelled the Time Commander as he held in his hand an azure orb that shined bright like a star. 
“With this Orb of Chronos! I, The Time Commander, shall carve my name into Gotham City and eventually all of TIME!” Everything the orbs light touched began to vibrate and morph before turning to dust or becoming brand new, Time Commander chuckled as he grasped the orb and summoned two rifts in space Time which summoned a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Smilodon to face down the caped crusaders. 
“Holy Prehistoric Predators, Batman! He’s using the orb to summon beasts from the past!” exclaimed Robin who readied himself alongside Batman for a true challenge of a fight. 
“Hurry Robin! We must disarm him and deactivate the orb before he rips apart the fabric of reality!” Batman and Robin raced forward, the Dynamic Duo grappling upwards as they split up to battle the two beasts.
Batman grunts as he slams his gloved fist against the jaws of the Pleistocene big cat before tossing a roundhouse kick that sends it flying back through the rift that summoned it. 
“YABBA-DABBA DOO!!!” Robin bellowed as he slid down the back of the T-Rex, somersaulting off as he reached the tip of the beast's tail. The tyrannosaurus roared and lunged at the Boy Wonder who landed on his hands at the feet of the Time Commander allowing him to kick his weapon out of his hands and into the air.
“No!! You fool! You don’t know what you’ve done!” yelled the Violet Villain who jumped after the orb. But before he could land a single digit on the object of his desire, Robin seized the opportunity and threw one of his Birdarangs which shattered the orb. “NO!!!!”
There was only a flash of light, Time Commander screamed as he felt himself being dragged towards the core of the explosion like a blackhole which threatened to take even Robin. Robin fought back against the explosions force, stabbing a Birdarang into the ground to hold him in place with Batman doing the same with his grappling line. “Hang on Robin!”
“But Batman! The Time Commander!” The two looked on in horror as The Time Commander screamed in agony as the villain felt every atom in their body be dragged into the vortex before vanishing in an explosion of light that destroyed the exhibit. Robin coughed as the smoke cleared, Gotham’s duo looked in shock as they found no trace of The Time Commander or the Orb of Chronos. 
“Where did he go?” asked Robin. 
“Not where, Old Chum, but when.”
Neo-Gotham. 20XX. What was once a modern gothic nightmare had now fully embraced the world of the future and technology, flying cars that flew amongst the sky scrapers and neon signs that displayed an advertisement every passing second. In the bowels of this city, a hooded vagabond stumbles through the empty halls of the Gotham History Museum groaning with every step as he arrives at his destination. 
Inside of the exhibit, countless statues and holograms depict Batman’s many battles with various rogues and criminals in the city's history. The Joker. Two-Face. Killer Croc. Mr. Freeze. Bane? Half of these freaks he’d hadn’t heard of, and the rest were just starting out alongside him. The vagabond growls as he reaches the end of the exhibit, not a single hint or sign of him, anywhere. The vagrant’s eyes begin to crackle with energy and he explodes with energy, decimating the building as he begins to float off of the ground and destroy the surrounding area as he reveals his true form. 
“Someone who talks way too much.” The Time Commander turns around and grunts as a flying black torpedo slams his body into the concrete. He groans in pain and blasts the vehicle off of his body, his eyes flaring up with the energy that surrounded his hands and levitated him off of the ground. 
“Who the hell are you?” The Time Commander glared at the black and red figure who stood atop of a streetlight glaring at him unflinching. He noted the large red Bat that decorated his chest, and instantly put it together. “No. It can’t be. You’re…”
“Yep. I’m Batman!” The futuristic Batman Beyond leaps into the air before falling towards Time Commander wielding an oddly designed Batarang in hand. With a single toss, the flying weapon slammed into the villain's body causing him to scream in agony as he felt his body being torn apart once again. “And you’re history.” 
“N-No! NO!!! I-I am… I… Who? What? WHO AM I? NO!!! NO!! NOooooooo!!”
A beam of light shot upwards into the sky, leaving a smoking crater in the street as Batman flew away to the nearest rooftop. “Well that was some lightshow, gotta say. Kinda weird that you just have a batarang to deal with time travelers.”
“Trust me. Once you’ve been in the game as long as I was, you make plans for countless potential problems.” answered an ornery old voice on the other end of the younger Batman’s comms. Batman chuckled as he removed his mask to reveal a young Terry McGuinnes who looked up at the sky where the beam went. 
“By the way, who even was that freakazoid?” 
“Frankly Terry, even I don’t remember him.” 
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rjcopeseethemald · 2 months
WIP Questionnaire ±1
To be honest, I keep looking for these as an excuse to talk about my work
This one I got from @illarian-rambling, I wasn't tagged in her post but I accepted the open invitation However, since this is how my mind works, I'll turn this into a game. Updated Rules: 1. Answer as few or as many of the following questions as you'd like! 2. In passing the tag along to others, you can add one question of your own, or replace an existing question.
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
The magic system. It took years for the idea to finally click in my head, too. It started when I watched the Terrible Writing Advice on Myths, Legends, and Gods; JP just had to challenge me with "A pantheon of the Periodic Table would be way too big". So I said "Alright, bet", but the idea still wasn't there. Then, I finally began watching ATLA and Breaking Bad (very late to both parties), and then my brain went: "What if... chemistrybending?"
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Probably a more light-hearted version of "Can You Hear The Music" from Oppenheimer.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
Hydrogen, Admiral Wright, and Miilo Saba. Hydrogen is the Elemental of their namesake atom, and I attempted to write them as wholesome and eccentric. I would liken them to a much older and wiser version of the Collector from The Owl House. They also wield a flaming shortsword, and can turn invisible (since hydrogen gas is invisible by default). Admiral Wright is the main antagonist of volume one. She was the first woman (and still only one of two) to be fully commissioned in the Lodinican Republic Navy, and is otherwise known as its toughest commander. Her backstory is a commentary on how simply letting marginalized people into unchanged power structures doesn't change their marginalizing nature. Miilo Saba is the older cousin of the twins Lia and Lioko, and he's the captain of an anarchist smuggler ship. He's mostly light-hearted and laid-back, except in a situation where there's no messing around, in which case he can become deadly serious. Why? To be honest, I picked these three because they were the most engaging for me to write.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Likely the animated ones I've mentioned before: ATLA (Legend of Korra included) and The Owl House, plus other animated shows like Steven Universe. The book will include illustrations a la The Chronicles of Narnia, except in an art style that would easily translate to 2-D animation.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Holding myself to the standards of good writing. In particular, character writing and depth of worldbuilding.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
I have sea wyverns, which are about twice as big as an albatross; landback tortoises, which are somewhat of a grounded take on the mythological giant turtle/tortoise trope; and more minor appearances like torpedo-fish (fish that can swim up to 80 knots in short bursts) and taransis, cat-sized Lucas-the-Spiders.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
The equivalent era to our world is the 1910s-early 1920s. There are ocean liners, trains, and horses, and the occasional airship, while cars are still rather new.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
I am almost done, thank God. I'm planning to take spring quarter off from community college to finish it.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
The novelty of its magical premises and take on the fantasy genre. Perhaps its politics, too, but those are more of a background thing.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
I hope it's as original as I claim it to be! A pipe dream of mine is that the complete series financially sustains me, but I'll just retire to a commune upstate if that doesn't happen.
I will add a question 11: What pieces of media have been the most inspiring to you for this WIP? Passing this along to @serotoninshift, @kaylinalexanderbooks, and @she-who-fights-and-writes if any of you all are interested!
Blanks below:
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
What part of your wip are you working on rn?
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
What are your hopes for your wip?
What pieces of media have been the most inspiring to you for this WIP?
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its-pronounced-pakaj · 6 months
Tagged by the gorgeous and wonderful @f0reverrr-and-always for this!
Last song: The intro song to Avenue Q aka our warmup on the way to church choir rehearsal 😂
Currently watching: MLB the Show YouTuber content even though it’s December.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Ugh, I definitely like all three (unlike her 😂). I’ll take sweet if forced to choose, though.
Relationship status: Taken 💖
Current obsession: Sierra Nevada Atomic Torpedo IPA.
Last thing I googled: Kristin Chenoweth because I was wondering just how similar she and Kyra Sedgwick were in terms of their resumés.
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The second one is well over a year old but it’s the most recent one in my camera roll that’s just of me 😂
@f0reverrr-and-always tagged pretty much all of our squad, so as usual I’ll just say if you’re reading this, this is me tagging you to do it.
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La Russie teste Poséidon 2M39, une torpille nucléaire capable de déclencher des tsunamis radioactifs. En France le M51 est son principal concurrent
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La Russie serait en phase de test pour Poséidon 2M39, une torpille furtive de 24m de long et 2m de diamètre, vitesse de 100 noeuds/soit 185,2 km/h pilotable à distance capable de déclencher des raz-de-marée radioactifs. En parallèle de la guerre des étoiles, celle des abysses se prépare. Tout aussi redoutable, elle s'appuie sur des armes tout autant perfectionnées que celles utilisées sur terre, dans les airs ou dans l'espace. Équipée d'une ogive de plusieurs mégatonnes 100 fois plus puissante que la bombe atomique larguée par les États-Unis sur Hiroshima, le rôle de Poséidon est de déclencher des tsunamis ou des raz-de-marée sur les côtes, elle contiendrait du cobalt 60 pour amplifier les retombées radioactives 11 avril 2021. Russia is said to be in the test phase for Poseidon 2M39, a stealth torpedo 78ft long and 6ft in diameter, speed of 100 knots remotely controllable capable of triggering radioactive tidal waves. In parallel with star wars, that of the abyss is preparing. Equally formidable, it relies on weapons just as sophisticated as those used on land, in the air or in space. Equipped with a warhead of several megatons 100 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima, the role of Poseidon is to trigger tsunamis or tidal waves on the coasts, it would contain cobalt 60 to amplify the radioactive fallout
Comparaison avec l'explosion nucléaire 🇺🇸- d'Hiroshima de 15 kilotonnes avec la torpille nucléaire Poséidon 🇷🇺 produisant 100 mégatonnes.
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Le champignon 🍄 chétif 🇺🇸 d'Hiroshima et le champignon 🍄 Poséidon 🇷🇺
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rhinokck · 1 month
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Side by side of Imperial IPAs. First up was Atomic Torpedo from Sierra Nevada Brewing out of Chico, CA. A solid imperial IPA, hoppy & smooth. Next up was 90 Minute from Dogfish Head Craft Brewery out of Milton, DE. This is excellent, hoppy but with a malt flavor in the background. Excellently balanced, this is one of the better Imperial IPAs I’ve had.
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grayrazor · 9 months
So...are photon torpedoes nukes? Technically speaking?
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They're said to be powered by matter-antimatter annihilation, which does break nuclear bonds and release their energy, it just also happens to break the bonds in subatomic particles too. That's aside from the fact that the first particles to annihilate would probably cause fusion or fission reactions in all the atoms around them before they would have a chance to meet their antiparticles...
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Basically, Kirk and company should have gotten all of the cancer after a photorp went off right next to them in The Final Frontier.
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thetruearchmagos · 9 months
UCN Ship Naming Conventions
Okay, today has been busy! Got another post here, this time a brief look at ship naming conventions for the United Commonwealth.
There's quite a few different systems / traditions behind ship names for the UC, taking precedence over each other at various times. For that SSAW, I introduced two ship names, the Mystique and the Thoroughbred.
Those two ships are, first of all, very different beasts. The former is a Valorous-class Fleet Carrier weighing in at over ninety thousand tonnes and carrying the first atomic reactor the UC's ever put aboard a surface vessel, while Thoroughbred's a Tempest-class multi role missile destroyer.
In the case of the capital ships, the Valorous-class were all collectively named by the Directorate of the nAvy due to their obviously significant nature. Sixty of them were ordered, split into three blocks labelled V, O, and M, with the ships of each block labelled to alliterate with those letters. Mystique, coming from the last and most modern block, would take the M designation. The name itself, like many of the Fleet's best, has been passed down with its awards and honours for decades, and I'm imaging its most famours previous holder would be a cruiser from the Chainbreaker War a little under a century before SSAW.
Thoroughbred, being a destroyer, was named under a different system. While the first forty or so ships of the Tempest-class were similarly direct alliterations by Directorate order, in Commonwealth Naval tradition subsequent vessels were named by their makers and yards, with Fleet approval of course. Different yards keep different traditions, such as some choosing to name in the theme of the class lead ship [such as Hurricane, Squall, Hailstorm, Gale, etc.] or the last officially named ship they built, while the constructors of Thoroughbred herself, the Sri-Hacker Yards of Harthport, keep the alliteration. As above, most ship names are also chosen for their lineages with past vessels, and for Thoroughbred I'm imagining some sort of Chainbreaker-era torpedo boat or destroyer.
Hope that was useful, @theprissythumbelina ! I'll also Tag @caxycreations @hessdalen-globe @lividdreamz @thatndginger @athensoddcollections @the-stray-storyteller
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omegasmileyface · 2 years
HEY ITS ME although I am obviously super invested in Astro Boy I still want to ask questions out of evil intent. So I wanna know !! What are your favourite versions of Bem and Atlas ?? Which adaptation do you think handled their characters best / most interestingly ?
hmm... the only versions of Bem i can think of are the 60s one and the 2001 one (though i do see a bit of em in tima metropolis) and i actually haven't seen the 2001 movie hehe ,, so i don't think i can pass judgement here BUT. 60s bem is perhaps my favorite astro boy character Period, and the 2001 version would have a hard (but not impossible) time beating the original with regards to their weird alien magic, their apathy in response to catastrophe, their grace in self-sacrifice, whatever the FUCK they were doing with gender, and their relationship to atom. ough. i want to find a method to save them at the last minute and then adopt them and let them enjoy human hobbies forever. here have this bem i doodled last night
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[ID: a cartoony red pencil doodle of Bem from Astro Boy. Their humanoid part (a robot which looks like a preteen human, with hair shaped like bird wings) is floating casually above their non-humanoid part (a box like a minifridge), wearing a chef's outfit and giving a peace sign. End ID.]
now what would you do if i said 50s atlas. huh ?
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[ID: a picture from a black and white manga panel. It shows a robot who looks like a teenage boy. He's not wearing clothes, and the tube of his torso extends down past his pelvis and works as a rocket propeller, giving him the look of a torpedo with limbs. His solid, black "hair" has several tubes jutting up from it. End ID.]
actually in the process of getting that screenshot i reread The Entire Atlas Story. not as silly as i remember! he serves as sort of an introduction to the capability of robots to do evil on purpose. he's capable of evil thought because of the Omega Factor (not to be confused with the Omega Radar, which atom and cobalt use to find each other), which his creator also wants to put in atom, so that they can help him get revenge on colonial/imperialist society (one of tezuka's semi-successful attempts at commenting on systemic racism). its implied that atlas is capable of good, too, he just hasn't been introduced to it. he gets fucking disintegrated btw.
that serves as a very good intro ramp before the Blue Knight Saga and its approaches to good amd evil, and tezuka's preferred order puts it shortly before, likely for that reason. I'm not sure how to feel about the idea that atom isn't capable of evil, and what that might say abt how "advanced" he is- i like to think he's capable of evil, and actively chooses to be good, but whatever. also im just gonna say it this design is ugly as fuck lol
80s was fun. kinda fused atlas and blue knight into the same character? ive never gotten the chance to see the anime episode with small atlas, so i only know his lore from the 80s comics, which i bet is different and siller. he's like atom, except he needed a special 8th power, and his creator decided that would be pissing on things to blow them up? "Like a cicada"? ok . he drank ink once. i love him. hes like jetter mars to me. anyway. as an adult in the anime he did surprisingly well as a long-term antagonist for astro. it's hard to take that damn show stylishly, but i did cry in the finale when atlas declared himself atoms brother. i liked the idea that they were going for, where the two have a lot in common both physically and mentally, and this omega radar ties them to each other unendingly, but atlas will always have a grudge against humans and atom will always love them? that's great. but i feel like they didn't explore it much, and a lot of it was just Come Fight Me I Fucking Dare You (maybe also to mix in Pluto with atlas and bk? saving on voice actors lmao). and i don't even know what was going on with Livian. shrug. congrats to atlas for having a third boob added though!
now 2003. OUGH 2003 did so nicely as an addition of previous atlases. they kind of departed a little bit from previous versions by having him be, for instance, a creation of tenma, but i don't dislike how they used that change. the way they took the "im just like you" thread that they started on with 80s and amped it up by making atlas not only the second robot ever to be made with the same heart/adaptability as atom, but also to be ANOTHER desperate failed father's attempt at fixing his mistakes, resulting in a new person coming out of the ghost of his neglected son?? he's not just atom's foil to the viewer, he's atom's foil to tenma. he leads up perfectly as the step before Pluto (before Shadow) and before Blue Knight in introducing robots capable of evil to society, in introducing robots who don't want to be nice to atom, and in developing tenma's obsession with evolving atom to greater lengths. here's a vengeful robot with the memories of a vengeful son. here's a robot too powerful for atom to fight without, somehow, growing. here's a victim of the growing anti-AI tide. here's someone who's just like you, here to warn you that something bigger is coming.
also he looks cool as hell. shoutout to 03 atlas
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