#Aurora Beaumont
s3viee · 1 month
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Haven't posted in awhile, so enjoy Miss Aurora in her pre-cult outfit. Might drop some lore once I draw her in-cult getup.
She's one of my many dungeons and dragons characters :D
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humaudrey · 3 months
Things my Rewrite Will Fix About Descendants - Kingdom Names
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Anyway, one thing (there are multiple though, let's be honest) that particularly irked me about the Descendants franchise would be the names of the kingdoms. While "Auradon" has a nice ring to it, some of the names of the other smaller kingdoms/locations leave something to be desired.
So for my rewrite series, Barriers (and for my second rewrite WIP that has yet to be named), I decided to rename the ones I didn't like.
Charmington -> Edenwald, Snow White and Florian's Kingdom
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First of all, if any of the kingdoms were going to be named "Charmington", why wouldn't it be the kingdom from Cinderella? Originally, I wanted to swap Charmington for Cinderellasburg, so naturally, the old Charmington would need a new name. I wanted the name of the kingdom to reference the Enchanted Forest in Snow White, so Eden was the first name to come to mind (meaning paradise, but also referencing the Garden of Eden in the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible, which also parallels well to Snow White being the first Disney Princess). But "Eden" felt somewhat incomplete. Eventually, adding the "wald" (meaning forest in German, which is where the story of Snow White originates) at the end gave it a much more fitting name imo.
Cinderellasburg -> Charmont, Kit/Charles/Henry/Christopher and Cinderella's Kingdom
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Don't get me wrong, I love Cinderella (somehow even more now than I did before), but why would they name a region after some commoner? Yes, her story's inspiring, but not inspiring enough to rename a kingdom in her honor. Having the kingdom named "Charmington", where the Charmings rule felt fitting at first. But, the more I looked at "Charmington", the more "Charmington" felt like a clothing store or a medieval amusement park. I wanted to incorporate "Charm" as a prefix , and took the suffix from "argent" (meaning silver in French, which is the color of Cinderella's dress) and changed the e to an o.
Auroria -> Aetheria, Aurora and Phillip's Kingdom
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I almost left "Auroria" alone because it sounds so pretty and ethereal and whimsical. I could believe that either Aurora was named after "Auroria" or "Auroria" was named after Aurora and I was willing to let that be that. All I did was add ia to aether, and that sounded prettier to me lmao.
Auradon -> Beaumier, Adam and Belle's Kingdom
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This one is specifically for my second rewrite. In this fic verse, all of the united kingdoms are still called "The United Kingdoms of Auradon". However, Adam and Belle are not the monarchs ruling over all the other kingdoms, therefore their specific kingdom needs a name. I wanted the name to be French inspired, and the name "Beau" felt fitting given it means "beautiful" or "handsome" like "Belle". "Beau" is also a nice little callback to the writer of the original fairytale in 1756, Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont AND to one of the villages the setting is based on, Ribeauvillé. All I did after that was research names of places that had "Beau" in the name, and I came across Beaumier Hotels.
And nothing for Seaside, because A.) All of the other names I came up with sound too corny (and I don't like Tirulia) and B.) Seaside's growing on me.
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hpowellsmith · 10 months
How would each of the ROs across all three games deal with the discovery that their partner is, in fact, a bit of a little murder-gremlin willing to manipulate, cheat, lie and do just about anything to ensure the RO's happiness? (Only slightly inspired by my beloved little schemer Aurora Duval)
Oooh interesting!
Creme de la Creme:
Hartmann: alarmed, would likely try and distance themself
Max: intrigued but has a limit on just how much badness they'd be happy with
Freddie: would really not like it
Delacroix: intrigued, would enjoy it quite a bit, has less of a limit on just how much badness they'd be happy with
Karson: compelled. Repulsed. Compelled again
Blaise: would swoon but also be mad if the MC were high-handed about it
Auguste: admiring, might start doing the same right back; along with Delacroix or Blaise, they could end up a horrible gremlin couple
Rosario: alarmed but careful about it, recognising that the MC's dangerous in a way they didn't realise or ask for
Florin: shocked, like: "why are you doing all that for me?" Not necessarily cross at the scheming but like it's A Lot
Noblesse Oblige:
Danelak: flattered and a bit confused? Maybe a bit alarmed but in an exciting way - that the MC cares enough to do it
Pascha: adores it, just absolutely melts about the situation
Rys: cautiously intrigued before falling entirely despite themself and wanting to be an incredible team about it
Royal Affairs:
Asher: bashful, flattered, shocked but on board
Beaumont: angry, unimpressed but a small part of them is pleased...? (but not enough to make them want to stick with the situation)
Dominique: shocked but also pretty impressed and a bit excited
Hyacinthe: worried for the MC and for the people they're hurting, and for themself being tangled up in it
Javi: it could go in a variety of directions but I think they'd be irritated at it being behind their back first and foremost, and maybe argue that they can handle themself
Trevelyan: would admire an MC who was willing to do what needed to be done based on their shared values (but would have some evilness caveats; the ends don't always justify the means, etc)
Thank you for the ask!
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ghoultrifle · 6 months
Ghost on Taskmaster !!
Copia is Alex Horne and you cannot convince me otherwise. Awkward rat boy who's subservient to his master? Yeah, rings a bell.
Honestly I don't think any of the papas have the right vibes to be the taskmaster, in my mind it's Omega. Big, strong, kinda mean and takes no shit.
Okay now here's my ghoul-by-ghoul analysis on what kind of contestant they'd be and which past contestant i'd compare them to !!
Aether - Definitely a Jo Brand or Julian Clary. Couldn't give less of a shit, just here for the free food tbh. Will occasionally try but can't be fucked to do anything physical. Everyone loves him for it, too.
Cirrus - Kiell Smith-Bynoe. Ultra competitive, has beef with another contestant (Rain). Effortlessy hilarious in everything she does.
Aurora - Charlotte Ritchie. Dressed appropriately (dungarees). Tries really hard but doesn't always succeed. Very optimistic though :)
Mountain - A mix of Bob Mortimer and Mark Watson. He's a prize task extraordinaire with hundreds of unbelievable (but true) stories. Will also get bullied by the Taskmaster though.
Phantom - Lucy Beaumont and Judi Love vibes. Just doesn't seem to understand what the fuck is going on at any point. A good laugh though and will always fight for points.
Sunny - James Acaster. She's chaos incarnate ("My eyes are circles?"). You think it's a character but as time goes on you begin to question that assumption ajskldfkh.
Rain - Mae Martin. Gay and good at it. No notes.
Cumulus - Al Murray. She's focused but also really cheeky. Always looking for loopholes. Will throw money at the tasks like it's nobody's business.
Dewdrop - Nish Kumar or Katherine Parkinson. People think he's going to be a half decent contestant, but he's actually incredibly shit at everything. Gets annoyed frequently.
Swiss - Ed Gamble. Once again very competitive and will throw a fit if he doesn't win. Can also laugh at himself but secretly dies inside when he does badly on a task. A great podcast host for the after-show interviews.
tagging people who expressed even the tiniest bit of interest so this incredibly niche post doesn't flop @sphylor, @thesunhatesme, @chapel-of-rizztual, @ghouletteanon, @cheerycherrycandy-resurrected, @mikorsghouls
Thank you for listening, have some homoeroticism :)
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droughtofapathy · 6 months
The Gilded Age's Broadway Divas: Aurora Fane (Kelli O'Hara)
Beloved by all, Aurora Fane enjoys a powerful position in Mrs. Astor's New York. Having suitably recovered from impending financial ruin last season, this season, Aurora has done some ill-fated matchmaking, worn some fantastic hats, and provided beautiful window dressing to scenes where she just sits there and looks pretty.
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One of Broadway's (few) leading sopranos, Kelli O'Hara is a dying breed. As trends shift towards a more pop/rock sound, and classical musical theatre becomes a thing of the past, Kelli nevertheless finds her niche. A seven-time Tony nominee, Kelli has won Best Leading Actress in a Musical for the 2015 revival of The King and I. You'll recall another Gilded Age Diva who won for that same role some years prior. A proshot of the NT Live production can be found online. It is a gorgeous shoot, even if I take issue with that show as a whole.
She has also been nominated for Kiss Me, Kate (2019), The Bridges of Madison County (2014), and The Light in the Piazza (2005). Ironically, though Aurora Fane supports The Academy, Kelli is a classically trained opera singer who has appeared on the Met Opera stage three times, and will play Laura Brown in an encore run of The Hours this spring. (See my breakdown post over costumes here.)
However, prior to her opera appearance, Kelli will be starring in the new Broadway musical Days of Wine and Roses for a limited 16-week run, opening on January 28th. Kelli has been nominated for every role she has played since 2005, and this will almost certainly be no different. Booked and busy.
#1: "Shall We Dance?" The King and I (2015)
Kelli's voice is otherworldly angelic. That much we already know very well. The King and I opened in 2015 at the Vivian Beaumont Theatre at Lincoln Center, the third musical Kelli has starred in at that venue. The Beaumont is, of course, right next to The Met Opera, and the only Broadway theater outside the theatre district in Midtown.
As Anna Leonowens, Kelli travels to Siam to teach the children and wives of the king how to speak English. Orientalism aside, the show is a classic Rodgers and Hammerstein, and the score is divine in Kelli's mouth. Fun fact: Kelli's replacement was Marin Mazzie in one of her last onstage roles. Marin was the Passion co-star and dear friend to Donna Murphy, our Mrs. Astor.
This video is from the 2015 Tony performance and showcases the incredible quick change Kelli makes between singing "Getting to Know You" and "Shall We Dance?" aided by a team of unbelievable dressers. It is a marvel to witness. As is Ruthie Ann Miles, Kelli's co-star who recently performed in the Encores! production of Light in the Piazza.
#2: "What More Do I Need?" Take Me to the World: A Sondheim 90th Birthday Celebration (2020)
In 2020, despite a global pandemic, the theatre community still found a way to honor Stephen Sondheim's milestone 90th birthday with an online concert. Kelli performed a song from Saturday Night, Sondheim's first professional musical that was slated for Broadway in 1955, but was scrapped. It only got its New York premiere in 2000. This particular number is a cabaret favorite, and Kelli is an absolute delight with just a camera and digital accompaniment.
Fun fact: it wasn't until this particular performance that I truly started to appreciate the wonder that is Kelli O'Hara. I had previously seen her in concert just that March, and loved her, of course, but I have a complex relationships with sopranos. I now recognize that I love mature sopranos, but it's the ingenues I can't listen to without wincing.
#3: "They Don't Let You In the Opera" (2016)
Lest we think Kelli is limited in her range and style, this song was written especially for her to showcase her vast talent and comedic timing. Kelli, an Oklahoma farmgirl, isn't the sort of person you'd expect to be both classically trained and country literate.
Kelli, who has been typecast as refined and often repressed characters who go through harrowing emotional experiences, much like Aurora Fane, is more than capable of bringing a rollicking comedy to the mix.
This number is a favorite in Kelli's concert repertoire. There isn't much more to say, except that you need to witness its hilarity for yourself.
#4: “Heaven? Somebody else’s heaven?” The Hours (2023)
Speaking of opera, here is an excerpt from a scene in Act II where Laura Brown has fled to a hotel room to contemplate some very serious courses of action. Kelli, alongside soprano Renee Fleming and mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, makes up a trio of phenomenal women in Kevin Putts' adaptation of the book and movie.
The Met Opera theatre seats nearly 4,000 people across six levels. The performers do not use body mics or amplification of any kind, but rather rely on intense vocal training to be heard across the theater. For this reason, alongside the vastly different vocal techniques and styles, musical theatre actors rarely cross over into opera, and vice versa. Notable exceptions include Renee Fleming, Kelli's Light in the Piazza co-star Victoria Clark, and Mary Beth Peil, who made her musical theatre debut in The King and I as yet another Miss Anna, hers in 1985.
#5: "So in Love," Kiss Me, Kate (2019)
Starring in yet another Golden Age musical revival, Kelli brings a different take on Lilli Vanessi, a glamorous movie star in a turbulent relationship. Kelli's vocal talent, of course, speaks for itself. For Kelli, this role was a tribute to her dear friend, the late Marin Mazzie, who had passed away some months before the show opened. Marin, who replaced Kelli in The King and I, had played this same role in the 1999 Broadway revival to great acclaim. In her first entrance of the show, Kelli wore a costume that featured the very same hat Marin wore in her show.
Though this video is beloved, my personal favorite rendition can be heard below. It was taken at a concert Kelli put on at the 92Y in New York last February. In it, Kelli sings for and to Marin, and the entire theatre wept.
Bonus: "Back to Before," Ragtime Reunion Concert (2023)
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The role of Mother was originally workshopped by Donna Murphy in Toronto in the early 90s, but she left to do King and I, which worked out well for her. In came dear friend Marin Mazzie, who originated the role on Broadway, and established a precedent no other has been able to top. Also in that cast? Audra McDonald as Sarah, for which she won a Tony, of course.
In 2023, after years of pandemic-related delays, they staged a one-night reunion concert of this special show. And who better to take on Marin's iconic role than Kelli O'Hara? Listen to her "Back to Before" here, and then do yourself a favor and run, don't walk, to listen to Marin's.
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Early 2024-25 Program Announcements
Corey Circelli (ITA) - SP:  “Mon Dieu” by Édith Piaf; choreo by Guillaume Cizeron
Matteo Rizzo (ITA) will be keeping both his programs from last season.
Mikhail Shaidorov (KAZ) - SP: Dune soundtrack, choreo by Ivan Righini
Jaekun Lee (KOR) - SP: "Movement"; FS: "Archangel" (Crusaders of the Light/Oratio Sanctus); choreo by Misha Ge
Deniss Vasiljevs (LAT) - SP: "La Bayadere;" choreo by Vadim Muntagirov
Sena Miyake (JPN) - SP: "LOVE"; choreo by Misha Ge
Rio Nakata (JPN) - SP: "Aroul/Uccen"
Koshiro Shimada (JPN) - SP: ""You're Just Too Good to Be True" by Shawn Mendes; FS: "Danse Macabre"
Sota Yamamoto (JPN) - SP: "Split;" "Postcards from Far Away" by Ezio Bosso; choreo by Benoit Richaud
Kyrylo Marsak (UKR) - SP: To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra; choreo by Monika Lindfors
Joseph Klein (USA) - SP: "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Lorde; FS: "Scotland" by the Lumineers mixed with "Northern Attitude" by Noah Kahan & Hosier; choreo by Silvia Fontana; Joseph Klein
Hetty Shi (CAN) - SP: I Will Wait For You (The Umbrellas of Cherbourg); choreo by Misha Ge
Nataly Langerbauer (EST) - SP: "13 Beaches" by Lana del Ray; FS: "No More Fight Left in Me" by Imany; choreo by Rostislav Sinicyn
Niina Petrokina (EST) - SP: “Soldier” by Fleurie & Tommee Profitt; FS: Dune soundtrack by Hans Zimmer; choreo by Mark Pillay
Yuna Aoki - FP: Popsical
Mai Mihara - SP: "Grief" by Tony Ann; choreo by Misha Ge
Rion Sumiyoshi (JPN) - SP: "Un homme qui me plaît" (from Love Is a Funny Thing)
Wakaba Higuchi (JPN) - SP: Dune: Part Two soundtrack by Hans Zimmer; FS: “Nature Boy” by AURORA/Alien: Convenant soundtrack; choreo by Shae-Lynn Bourne
Minsol Kwon (KOR) - SP: James Bond Medley; choreo by Misha Ge
Yelim Kim (KOR) will be keeping her programs from last season.
Yujae Kim (KOR) - FP: Swan Lake; choreo by Misha Ge
Yuseong Kim (KOR) - SP: "Clare de Lune" by Claude Debussy
Young You (KOR) - SP: "Mosaic" (Modern Arabic); choreo by Misha Ge
Starr Andrews (USA) - SP: "Fur Elise" by Faouzia; choreo by Adam Rippon; FS: Selections from the Euphoria soundtrack
Sonja Hilmer (USA) - FP: "You're The First, My Last, My Everything" by Barry White; "Now and Then" by The Beatles; "Electric Energy" by Ariana DeBose, Boy George, and Nile Rodgers from the Argylle soundtrack; choreo by Sonja Hillmer
Mia Kalin (USA) will be keeping her short from the 2023-24 season. FP: Romeo & Juliet
Wren Warne-Jacobson (USA) - SP: "What Was I Made For"(from Barbie) by Billie Eilish; choreo by Kate Charbonneau Shurts
Sofiia Holichenko / Artem Darenskiy (UKR) - FP: "Сosmic Love" by Florence and the Machine
Valentina Plazas & Maximiliano Fernandez (USA)- SP: "Never Enough" by Kelly Clarkson; choreo by Jim Peterson; FP: Dune soundtrack by Hans Zimmer; choreo by Christina Carreira; Anthony Ponomarenko
Anastasia Vapian-Law / Luke Digby (GBR) - FP: "Survivor;" "Gangsta's Paradise"
Ice Dance
Nadiia Bashynska / Peter Beaumont (CAN) - RD: Lady Marmalade/Le Freak
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Open Heart F/AotW - Mar 10 -16, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA
With Warning (Series) | Tobias Carrick & F!MC - @jerzwriter Reckoning ✒️| Tobias Carrick, Aurora Emery
A Collection of Bryce and Jensen's Lunch Dates - Part 1 ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈 - Bryce Lahela x M!MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo
Don't Call Me Angel ✒️| (OH/TRR Crossover) OH F!OC, Bryce Lahela, Tobias Carrick, Maxwell Beaumont, Bertrand Beaumont - @peonierose
Mixed Signals (Series) ✒️| Tobias Carrick x F!MC, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC, Bryce Lahela x F!MC - @alj4890 Chapter 2
Mixed Signals (Series) ✒️| Tobias Carrick x F!MC, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC, Bryce Lahela x F!MC - @alj4890 Chapter 2
When Life Has Other Plans (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @coffeeheartaddict2 Chapter 13: Begin Again
Moving In (Series) ✒️| Rafael Aveiro x F!MC -  @rafasgirl23415  Chapter 25: Cousin's First Meeting - Part A Chapter 25: Cousin's First Meeting - Part B
Sweet Cravings ✒️ | Sienna Trinh x M!OC - @liaromancewriter
With Warning (Series) | Tobias Carrick & F!MC - @jerzwriter A Chat With Sienna ✒️|Tobias Carrick & F!MC, Sienna Trinh
Christmas Through Your Eyes (Series) ✒️| Tobias Carrick & F!MC - @jerzwriter Part 1: A Proposition
Don't Call Me Angel ✒️| (OH/TRR Crossover) OH F!OC, Bryce Lahela, Tobias Carrick, Maxwell Beaumont, Bertrand Beaumont - @peonierose
Mixed Signals (Series) ✒️| Tobias Carrick x F!MC, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC, Bryce Lahela x F!MC - @alj4890 Chapter 2
With Warning (Series) | Tobias Carrick & F!MC - @jerzwriter In Good Times & In Bad 📱| Tobias Carrick & F!MC A Chat With Sienna ✒️|Tobias Carrick & F!MC, Sienna Trinh Reckoning ✒️| Tobias Carrick, Aurora Emery
CFWC Main F/AotW List
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marciabrady · 1 year
Hello! What do you think of Alice from Alice in Wonderland (1951)? I personally LOVE her; she is one of my favorite Disney protagonists along with Cinderella and Aurora and her movie is amazing! I don't remember you talking about her much on your blog compared to the other Disney heroines but, if you did, I would love to hear your thoughts on her anyways <3!
I love Alice, too! I definitely had a period with her when I was younger, and it returns every so often. I think anyone Kathryn Beaumont voices has this innate sensibility and charm to them and Alice is no exception. I love how three dimensional she is and how she teeters on challenging the status quo and dipping her toe into a more whimsical frame of mind, only to reveal a truly logical core when pushed by the colorful inhabitants of Wonderland. I also like how they didn't shy away from making her unlikable? She slams her fist when she's had enough, she walks away, she sometimes raises her voice and, in moments, is even hypocritical- and I quite like the way it's depicted with her. I think she's quite an incredible character that displays a full range of emotion and contains a depth of human multitudes that make her an evergreen character. I think the age her film debuted was when Disney hit their peak with female characters- they all have an individuality, inner spirit, backbone, and charm to them. Disney wasn't bogged down with expectations at that time from mommy bloggers or "Disney Princesses are bad role models" critics, and they were truly able to create female characters that could just be without having to be overly apologetic or pandering or defending themselves. Viewing Alice and seeing all of the components of her character is refreshing. You never see Alice make an action that you would confuse with one of Pocahontas or Rapunzel. She is Alice, through and through, and I love it. I'm so thrilled Kathryn Beaumont will be reprising her in that new show- and I hope it means she'll return to lend her vocals to Wendy and Alice in the Once Upon a Studio short that's slated for November!
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The Lost Rainbow: Winx Club AU (as of 2024)
Yes, I am updating this AU for the third time lol. But, with the recent work I have done of imagining the main girls as fairies, I thought it would be best to update this AU once more! :D The biggest inspiration for this is from some talks I've had with @littlechaoticwitch about the AU, especially since she did originally give the idea of my main girls being fairies and came up with a storyline idea for this AU too! :3
This post is actually the first of a few posts for this AU! In this one I'll be going over some general information for the AU and including everyone's magic alignment(so pretty similar to the previous two versions), with another post for everyone's magic titles and then individual posts to go over the characters from each kingdom in more depth. Also, for some context this AU is considered an alternative timeline to the canon timeline of Winx Club, and will have the main kingdoms/countries of TLR translated over into the Winx setting. I felt this was the best route to take with this AU, especially considering I don't see my characters interacting with the canon Winx Club characters much.
So yeah, I hope you enjoy~! I'm putting the info under a 'readmore', just in case it gets a little long.
- Fairy: Hestia(former valkyrie before she discovered her fairy magic), Amaya, Talia, Meredith, Gaia(a dual fairy and witch), Raine, Shannon, Avani, Iris, Aurora, Noelani(former witch), Demeter
- Witch: Idalia, Ren, Enki, Arethusa, Skye, Eteri, Selene, Rosia
- Wizard: Ignatius, Caelestis, Argento, Archer, Castor, Carmelo
- Warrior(Specialists, Paladins, Valkyries): Kenneth, Tyson, Flint, Damini, Emberleigh(formerly, but has magic), Vulcan, Sefarina, Soleil(became a regular one after losing her magic), Brooke(does have magic, becomes a future witch)
- N/A(either doesn't have magic, doesn't do any sort of combat, or both): Adrien, Beckham(has magic, but his magic alignment is unknown), Vernon, Lian, Apollo(former warrior, does have magic but wanted to pursue music instead)
- Too young/no magic yet: Ashton(future wizard), Zephyr, Murphy, Alwyn(future witch), Beaumont
Many decades ago, the then-king of Melor had an encounter with an insanely powerful witch during his travels across the Magical Dimension. They struck up quite the bond during their travel together, resulting in them forming a rather passionate affair together. Yet despite their draw to each other the king was never truthful with her, so after one moment of sleeping together and finding out his true nature, she cursed him and his entire kingdom to be forgotten. Once a very powerful kingdom, Melor had lost all previous connections and was since sealed away from the rest of the Magical Dimension.
All the kings since then have done their best to try and break the curse and bring their kingdom back into prominence, but none were as successful or ruthless in their pursuit than the current king, Argento. He is the only one who has actually gone through with leaving their kingdom to find more resources and ideas on how to break the curse, and so far in his short time as king he has done so much. His plans do not just stop at breaking Melor's curse, as he has bigger plans in action to take over the entire Magical Dimension, so his name and kingdom shall never again be forgotten. During his pursuit so far he has also begun kidnapping those whom he believes holds potential to aid him in his plans of world domination, by expanding upon their magical power and breaking their spirits to act as obedient servants to him. This has unfortunately included the two eldest princes from the Elementals Alliance- an alliance that was formed between four kingdoms that had excluded Melor in previous centuries.
With this growing threat in the Magical Dimension, amongst many others, five fairy princesses have come together to help put an end to the terror. They have all come from the kingdoms in the Elementals Alliance, and especially as two of the girls have had their respective brother kidnapped, they hope to not only find them but help out anyone else who has fell victim to these evil forces.
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Journey Across the Disneyverse: First Day
In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Walt Disney Animation Studios, I'm rewatching some of my favorite films from the studio.
This were the ones that I watched today.
1 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
The one that started it all.
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One of the most influential animated films before Spiderverse.
What can I say about this film that wasn't already said in the last 75 years.
It's a very rustic piece of animation. I think that 80% of the film's charm comes from it. It's Disney Animation trying to find its foot.
The plot is basically a simplified version of the Snow White fairy tale, with more character development, and tons of gags.
Disney would eventually get better at reinventing classic stories in the next movies.
2 - Pinocchio (1940)
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An upgrade from the previous film.
Disney starts getting better at adapting and reinventing classics.
It's much more condensed and simplified than Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, but it's as effective as the original text, and in some aspects, even more.
Disney is starting to use the original material as a jumping point to do their own thing, and the end result is much better because of it.
We have iconic characters, unforgettable songs, and a epic tale.
3 - Cinderella (1950)
My favorite one from the studio.
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Mary Blair artwork is gorgeous, and I love the vibrant colors, especially in the royal ball scenes.
I love the mice so much. Great characters, so full of heart and warmth. They are one of the reasons why mice and rats are my spirit animal.
Cinderella herself is a interesting character. Despite what Disney's official marketing wants you to believe, she's much more mature and down to earth than Snow White and Aurora. At some parts she even sounds bitter and resentful with her Step-family, hiding her true feelings through a facade of princessly charm.
4 - Alice in Wonderland (1951)
I had forgotten how much this film is good
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It's the definitive version of the Lewis Carroll's stories.
Kathryn Beaumont IS Alice. She brings genuine curiosity, wittiness, and innocence to the role.
I love how much she is completely done with the bullcrap from the Wonderlandians. I love how visibly irritated and exhausted she is.
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I also love how the visual gags and jokes complement the textual nonsense from Carrol.
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@ariel-seagull-wings @thealmightyemprex @tamisdava2 @the-blue-fairie @the-gentile-folklorist @thelittlehansy @princesssarisa @angelixgutz @mask131
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midnigxts · 7 months
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*    ◟ stats .
full name : alana guilia dellucci nicknames : lany , lana , princess birthdate / zodiac / pronouns : september 25th / libra / she /her age : twenty5 birthplace : milan , italy . sexual orientation : heterosexual occupation : heiress / socialite / media personality / former dancer vc claims : hailey bieber , taylor hill family : sienna beaumont ( mother , deceased ) , edoardo dellucci ( father ) siblings : adriano ‘ ace ‘ delluci ( brother ) pets : four months old pug named dolce love language : physical touch muse inspo : serena van der woodsen ( gossip girl ) , rachel green ( friends ) , cher horowitz ( clueless ) , princess ann ( roman holiday ) , allison hamilton ( the notebook ) , princess aurora ( the sleeping beauty ) , lana lang ( smallville ) , caroline forbes ( the vampire diaries ) , c.j. parker ( baywatch ) , frances ‘ baby ‘ houseman ( dirty dancing ) , buffy summers ( buffy the vampire slayer ) , cassie howard ( euphoria ) , hanna marin ( pretty little liars ) , fleur delacour ( harry potter )
*    ◟ extras . pinterest .  
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Sunflower for Lexi? (Or anyone else if it doesn't apply :))
Hello!!! Thanks for stopping by! (From this flowery OC ask game)
Sunflower - What name(s) were you originally thinking of calling your OC?
Well, Lexi half-applies, so I'll answer for her!
Her name has always been Alexia. That has been consistent. But she didn't go by Lexi until Draft Three and she wasn't almost exclusively Lexi until Draft Four (I'm on Draft Five).
Her surname has changed. Originally, it was the fictional name Redinés, don't ask me how I came up with that. At some point between Draft One and Two it was Sparks, but it solidified as Morgan in Draft Two.
Bonus former names, though, for the road:
Maddie Morgan - Kelly Redinés/Morgan
Ash Hathaway - Aurora Flité/Austin/Hathaway
Gwen Amante - Andrea/Andy Anderson
Noelle Bishop - Heather Collins, Lara Daron
Kelsey Newman - Nellie Newman
Carla Baxter - Carly (no surname), Carla Randall
George Baxter - George Randall
Hye-Jin Song - Lucy Karry/Harris/Day/Song
Liam Beaumont - Seamus Callaghan/Beaumont
Jazlyn Nyambura - Jazlyn Carter/Curtis
Niri Shyaka - Stephen Spader/Shyaka
Gabriel Medina - Luis Medina
Alex Vaughn - Alex Woods
Issa Johansen - Ashley Reynolds*
CJ Reynolds - Cole Johannsen/Reynolds*
Anathi Makeba - Adrian Shannon
Teo Nguyen - Craig Worthington/Nguyen
Xitlali Zepahua - Daniella Santiago
Atsila McLain - Reyna Baxter/McLain
Raissa Kamanzi - Fiona Harkey
*long story
These are the main ones. Other minor characters that have gone through changes don't matter.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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Could we get a run through of all the characters that aren't canon to the ask-blog anymore? I'm trying to do a read through but it's a bit confusing an I don't remember all of the characters / which ones come from where
(Lemme just whip out my lists of ask-blog and fic-canon aaaaaaand-)
List of Ask-Blog Canon Characters
Main Universe: Sun, Moon, Lunar, Eclipse, Blood Moon, Harvest Moon, Kill Code, Star, Supernova (Sun's adopted son), Ultraviolet (Sun's son), Eclipse's current pregnancy, Blood Moon's current pregnancy (which hasn't been revealed in the fic yet), Emery (Monty and Lunar's adopted child, not-askable).
Ask-Blog Only Main Universe: Zenith, Moon's babies, Zenith's babies.
From the Lord Eclipse Universe: Dawn (Sun), Dusk (Moon), Twilight (Lunar), Pulsar (Eclipse), Meteor (Dawn's son), Aurora (Dusk's son), Constellation (Twilight's son), Beaumont Caiman (Monty).
Ask-Blog Only Lord Eclipse Universe: Dark Moon (Harvest Moon), Bright Moon (Blood Moon), Sky (Kill Code), Marianas (Zenith), all the rest of the teenagers from the Lord Eclipse Universe; Infrared (Dawn's son), Crater (Bright Moon's son), Caldera (Dark Moon's son), Rainbow (Pulsar's son), Arctic (Marianas' son), and Ethereal (Sky's son).
Various Other Universes: Ganymede (Feral Moon) and Nebula (Moonless Sun)
This below is the list of Fic-Canon Characters (everyone is in order of how they get introduced as you can see, and everyone below Nebula has currently not been introduced in the ask-blog. (Because we're retconning the Christmas dimensional chaos as a dream the askers communally had.)
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korgbelmont · 2 years
Character Transparent Folders
When a character reaches a certain number of files, I have been putting them into according to their outfit or variation in order to prevent the character folder from becoming messy and making it difficult to find what you're looking for. The ask I had regarding Avery prompted me to go through every book folder and have a look at characters where this may need to be the case. Now the following characters have now been sorted into outfit folders, along with the characters who are already sorted into outfit folders.
I have not included Rory Silva, Skye Crandall, and Logan from Ride or Die as I need to finish their folders. But once I have, they will also be sorted into outfit folders.
In the case of Adrian, Gaius, Jax, Kamilah, Lily, Rheya, Cas, Gabe Adalhard, & Bastien, they are organised into Vampire and Werewolf eyes folders instead of outfits. And in regard to Kyra & Dakota, they are organised by their hair.
If there are any characters I have missed that you think should be sorted like this, let me know.
Undercut due to length
America's Most Eligible
Adam McIntyre
Derek Taylor
Ivy Fisher
Jen Espinoza
Mackenzie Harris
Slater Dominguez
Baby Bump
Clint Covington
Myles Dixon
Myra Dixon
Bachelorette Party
Aisha Bhatt
Courtney Van Ness
Adrian Raines
Gaius Augustine
Jax Matsuo
Kamilah Sayeed
Lily Spencer
Rheya Apostulous
Crimes of Passion
Trystan Throne
High School Story / Class Act
Aiden Zhou
Ajay Bhandari
Caleb Mitchell
Emma Hawkins
Maria Flores
Michael Harrison
Hot Couture
Cleo Burbank
Immortal Desires
Cas Harlow
Gabe Adalhard
Laws of Attraction
Aislinn Tanaka
Gabe Ricci
Ms. Match
Jack Monroe
Jaqueline Monroe
My Two First Loves
Ava Lawrence
Mason Jennings
Noah Harris
Open Heart
Aurora Emery
Bryce Lahela
Elijah Greene
Ethan Ramsey
Jackie Varma
Kyra Santana
Rafael Aveiro
Sienna Trinh
Perfect Match
Damien Nazario
Hayden Young
Sloane Washington
Avery Wilshere
Raleigh Carrera
Queen B
Poppy Min-Sinclair
Selene Montmartre / Persephone Dalton
Zoey Wade
Red Carpet Diaries
Chadley Fortnum
Matt Rodriguez
Seth Levine
Teja Desai
Thomas Hunt
Victoria Fontaine
Reagan Thorne
The Nanny Affair
Sam Dalton
The Phantom Agent
Callum Gray
Samara Gray
The Royal Romance Series
Drake Walker
Hana Lee
Liam Rys
Maxwell Beaumont
Kit Jackson
With Every Heartbeat
Dakota Winchester
Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
Cassian Keane
Wolf Bride
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waltrp · 1 year
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it feels like ages since a ball was last put on in the city of elias. the last time one was held a very unpleasant guest had made her presence known. this time that won’t be the case. after a few tumultuous months there is much to be celebrated in the city of elias. we keep moving forward, opening new doors and new opportunities as we build towards a better tomorrow. on the night of the full moon a ball full of enchantment, excitement and possibilities will be held. with acrobats flying from the ceiling, masqueraders brushing past you with haste and glorious, opulent outfits it is an event one doesn’t want to miss. 
it’s been a minute since a ball was had ! we’re so excited to have one once more. to make things a little bit more fun we’re going to be dropping some plot bunnies and in the vein of old shenanigans we’re asking you to send in pairings you’d like to see interact at this event.
as per usual outfits can be tagged with waltstyle. 
this event will begin friday april 28 @ 7 EST.
plot bunnies
The following plots and characters were assigned through a randomiser. They’re not mandatory, you could even change which of your characters takes on the plot if you wish, If your characters are not listed below, you’re more than welcome to have them react as onlookers where appropriate. Remember that none of the interactions on the dash happen in a bubble, everyone is at the same event !
For one reason or another one of them has climbed up the huge oak tree sculpture and become stuck. The other has been roped into helping them down without causing a scene– a difficult task considering the sculpture is in the middle of the ballroom: Riku Park and Penelope Hainline and Thackery Binx and Daphne Baykam
In someone’s attempt at privacy while smoking in the bathroom, the door has become stuck closed. Now there’s a line of people desperate to pee and security trying to break in and catch the culprits of the smoke seeping out from under the door: Nick Wilde and Aurora Capulet-Charmont and Cruella De Vil and Wednesday Addams and Flynn Rider and Adam Beausoleil
Hungry minds think alike– these pairs stumbled across each other in the kitchen while on a secret mission for a second round of dessert and/or to find the champagne stash: Vanellope Von Schweetz and Nala Omita / Mavis Vaduva and Shaggy Rogers / Elsa Arandalr and Kit Charmont / Donnie Hamato and Mikey Hamato
One has been waiting out in the courtyard under the impression they are about to meet a secret admirer. The other just happened to wander out for some fresh air at the right time… or did they ? ( aka it’s up to you to decide what’s going on here ): April O’Neil and Leo Hamato and Max Dennison and Florian Charmont and Marie Beaumont and Ariel Nystrom
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2cute · 2 years
a long awaited giant list of plots for every single muse i have. listed will be muse info & beside each connection will be gender & age range if applicable. most are romantic, but i’m 100% okay with making them platonic after some plotting. **note: some muses have powers and/or are not human. they have human verses. quite a few of these plots listed are for different verses anyway. look at my muse page for further details about these muses. also these plots aren’t very concrete, we can change them as much as we need/want to :)
PLEASE LIKE AND/OR MESSAGE ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ANY OF THESE PLOTS. while i recognize that the same plot may be written out differently with a different partner, i’ll likely cap each plot at a maximum of two depending on how much attention certain ones get. thank you for understanding.
some of these plots/muses contain triggers that involve chronic illnesses, accidents, abuse, and death. please use caution. if you’d like to avoid certain triggers tell me and i’ll tell you which muses to avoid.
yvette beaumont. 24. bisexual. tattoo artist. she/her. tati gabrielle
[any, 21-29] would kill for a classic flower shop owner/tattoo artist thread. can’t really go wrong with that.
[platonic or romantic] in an au where yvette can use her tattoos as sort of magic runes, she tattoos a specific rune [muse/mun’s choice] onto your muse. whether she tells them or not can be discussed / whether your muse knows of her abilities can be discussed. 
[any, 21-29] rival tattoo artists...? idk. @.@ it’d be fun. can be platonic.
fengmian zhou. 22. lesbian. paramedic. she/they. zhong feifei
[any if platonic, women/nonbinary if romantic, 20-26] your muse knew the real fengmian [this fengmian’s dead twin sister] in a platonic sense and were suspicious about the details regarding her death. they eventually find this living twin posing as fengmian. chaos ensues. lots of angst.
[women/nonbinary, 20-26] your muse calls the ambulance way too much for the excuse to see fengmian again. she’s suspicious because what of person has that kind of money huh
[platonic or romantic] fellow paramedic or figherfighter or doctor or nurse etc that often interacts with fengmian. they’re usually on good terms, but don’t often get the chance to chat because their work keeps them busy. fengmian would like to get to know them more :)
juniper kelley. 25. bisexual. law student. she/her. ryan destiny
[platonic or romantic] hear me out. ever seen htgawm? please. just the entire thing. give to me. i want the murder i want the panic i want the entire angsty stupid mess of trying to clean it up.
[any, 24-30] fellow law student? rivals to lovers ? i’d like to see it. constantly trying to one up eacother in class mhm.
[any, 24-30] friend who is going through some family/relationship legal trouble that reaches out to juni to help out/for her opinion. she’s always harbored some feelings for them and is hesitant in doing so but is convinced to help out anyway.
aurora chen. 38. bisexual. trauma surgeon. she/her. constance wu
[platonic or romantic] someone she met in group therapy / grief therapy when her long term girlfriend passed. these two are still in contact and have occasional meet ups just to check in on eachother and make sure the other is doing well
[any, similar age] aurora and your muse made a pact when they were in their twenties that if they aren’t married by forty, then they’d marry each other. with forty fast approaching, your muse contacts aurora after over a decade of not talking. they meet up, start talking again, discuss how the pact was silly and they fall in love anyway :)
navy park. 22. bisexual. nursing student. he/him. jeong yunho
[any, 21-26] these two are absolute bros. best friends. do not separate. they’re bros that sleep together sometimes. friends with benefits, one might say. except they refuse to call it that. they’re besties. that’s all. :) totally nothing bad can happen out of this arrangement
[any, 21-26] fellow nursing student that suffers with him. they’re in this together whether they like it or not. heyyy wanna learn anatomy together ;)
harsh reddy. 31. bisexual. start-up ceo. he/him. dev patel
[any, 27-35] personal assistant of a sort? likely more so a best friend that harsh feels comfortable leaning on when he needs to bc of the stress of running his start-up. 
[any, 27-35] fake engagement lol.... as i am indian i think it would be fun and cute to explore... wedding traditions like that.... ;___; his sibling is getting married and he abruptly says “oh well im engaged too lolll” and ur muse is roped in. haha . how fun :p
dohyun shin. 22. bisexual. personal assistant. he/they. song mingi
[platonic or romantic] well. taps the occupation. let them be your muse’s personal assistant. whether ur muse is a celeb, young exec, or what have you. he’s good at what he does i promise.
[any, 20-27] in a similar vein as the previous one, dohyun is ur muse’s personal assistant except they’re not that great with time management and well they have a kid to look after that he often brings with him to meetings and things. he hopes he’s not bothering your muse. especially since. well. he sort of likes them.
[any, 20-27] does your muse work at a daycare or pre school? congrats! your muse now looks after hana, dohyun’s three year old niece / daughter for part of the day. also dohyun is harboring a crush on your muse. whoops. anyway.
gun hwang. 23. bisexual. webtoon creator. he/they. kim hongjoong
[any, 22-28] gun and your muse are exes, and gun based a character in his ground breaking webtoon-turned-tv show after the relationship they had. hint: based. it’s not very obvious to anyone that it’s from a true story until your muse, an actor, gets cast to be playing ‘themself’ in the show. doesn’t bode well for gun, who’s invited to help out the director to really get his vision across.
[any, 22-28] haha fake dating time! gun needs someone to come to an event promoting the webtoon company they make webtoons for with them! and who better to ask than the one (1) friend they have, aka your muse :) alternatively, your muse needs to bring a s/o to a big important family event and they panic and choose gun. meanwhile, gun is very fucking terrified of big important family events considering their own family situation. this is fine :)
silver han. 22. bisexual. hitman. he/they/she. choi san
[platonic, romantic, antagonistic] congrats! your muse is silver’s new target :) unfortunately, for once in his terrible life, silver is having a very difficult time tracking your muse down! how fun.
[any, 20-27] your muse and silver are dating. silver gets assigned you as a hit and refuses to do so. things go south when your muse finds out.
[any, 20-25] your muse and silver work at the same ~agency~ only they’ve always been going head-to-head at the work they do. cue the rivalry! the hatred! oh no they’re assigned to a big mission together. silver hates it. oh no. so terrible that they end up having Tension. sad. who else cried
ilseong park. 21. bisexual. crown prince. he/they. kang yeosang
[platonic romantic antagonistic] your muse was namil (dead older brother)’s best friend. how r they acting now. esp considering.. well.. how much alike ilseong looks to namil . how sad.
[any, 20-25] SLAMS HANDS ON THE TABLE. PRINCESS PROTECTION PROGRAM ANYONE???? ilseong is sent to another country to attend college to keep him safe. maybe your muse knows who he is maybe they don’t. ilseong is looking for that #college experience. give it to them. 
[any, 20-25] bodyguard :) ilseong’s reckless and stupid and needs someone to practically babysit him otherwise he’s gonna escape and put himself in danger. we can’t have that can we?
[any, 20-25] please just any dramatic royalty plots i will sell my soul..
winter hollis. 22. lesbian. streamer. she/her. chloe bailey
[women/nonbinary, 20-27] hear me out: they hate eachother online but in real life they’re besties. or vice versa. and! they don’t know the other’s alter ego. how fun!
[women/nonbinary, 20-27] established relationship! winter’s kept her relationship with your muse a secret from her fans because they get a little bit... @.@ but your muse shows up when she’s streaming a game once and everyone goes wild aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  
james ‘jem’ maddox. 32. bisexual. vet tech. witch. any pronouns. candice patton
[platonic or romantic] jem finds your muse’s pet and returns it to your muse <3 they hit off <3 meet cute.
[platonic or romantic] your muse brings your pet in and jem saves it. can be a little bit of meet ugly LOL
[any, 27-37] idk i think it would be fun to have recent exes that just keep running into eachother and okay fine we can try again one (1) more time except it’s a mess and their friends r begging them to stop going back to eachother but they Can’t. anyway.
barbra ‘barbie’ floyd. 31. bisexual. neurosurgeon. she/they. shaunette renee wilson
[platonic or romantic] literally any grey’s anatomy esque plot. give it to me. i want the drama i want the absurdity i want the tears the angst
[any, 27-35] in a similar vein as above -- an ex-patient :) they get tangled together and fall in love ohhh~ except they end up in the hospital again ;___; 
[any, 27-35] barbie uses dating apps. sometimes. when she’s desperate and needs to get her friends/family off her back. can go literally anywhere we can pretend to start from the actual dating app part like it’s from scratch.
dakota ‘kota’ lee. 21. bisexual. con artist. he/him. choi jongho
[platonic or romantic] give. me. kota’s. con. artist. squad. i can create more (private) muses for this i want a small lil squad of con artists just them against the world~ doing fun heists and things. 
[any, 20-22] okay. they were friends in middle/highschool before kota went on t/got top surgery/even knew he was trans and they kinda fell apart from eachother/lost contact and kota did always have a tiny little crush on them but he was scared of ever admitting it and well now it’s been. a long time since that. and they come back into his life and he’s like ah well . im basically a new person. maybe we can try. bc he still has feelings. this is a very roundabout way of saying i want ex-friends to lovers <3 mwah
[any, 20-24] your muse is rich! kota and them have a one night stand and kota steals from them <3 maybe they know maybe they don’t
zuhi bhatti. 32. bisexual. professor. she/he. parveen kaur
[any, 28-36] okay stay with me here. give me zuhi’s ex-fiancé. the fiancé broke it off because they thought she wasn’t giving them enough time. they find eachother again. zuhi wants to get back together because of course she does. whether your muse agrees or doesnt is up to you but personally i’d love to explore the fall of their relationship and the rebuilding of it and the hesitance and the angst and everything that comes with it.
[any, 28-36] LOL. REBOUND!!! she deserves a little bit of a rebound. maybe it’s only one night maybe it lasts a month. maybe they stay friends after maybe they don’t maybe they were always in love with her and she sees them as temporary.
[any, professor and/or researcher] your muse work’s in the same department as zuhi at the same university :) a little bit of a rivalry. for fun :)
inhye jeon. 22. lesbian. heiress’ drummer. she/he. jung jinsol
[women/nonbinary, 20-26] ur muse is in another band that rivals heiress. inhye kisses them. uh oh. scandal.
[platonic or romantic] they go to the same boxing gym :3
narae jung. 24. bisexual. heiress’ guitarist. she/her. kim dahyun
[any, 22-28] narae’s dad, ceo of a large company, is looking to merge his company with your muse’s family’s company. to set this up, he pushes narae and your muse to get together. only... they’ve been together for a little bit now! they’ve just been secretive because their parents have never been on good terms with eachother lol. now they have to do that ~pretending~ they don’t know eachother that well when they “meet for the first time”. cute.
[any, 22-28] long distance relationship as heiress goes on tour. established relationship & the stress of going so long without seeing eachother.
areum na. 21. bisexual. heiress’ vocalist. she/they. kim jiwoo
[any, 20-26] your muse is, by all means, a rockstar. very much incredibly popular. heiress opens for your muse/their band during their tour. as they go on tour together they get closer and closer until... well.. lines blur :) scandal perhaps.
jina hyeon. 20. lesbian. heiress’ bassist. she/they. hwang yeji
[men/nonbinary, 20-24, PLATONIC] their parents set them up. jina is a lesbian this isn’t gonna work out lol. they become besties and cover for each other when their real s/o comes over.
[women/nonbinary, 20-24] one night stand that becomes not really a one night stand because jina is a known u-haul lesbian lol. she stays over one night and shes never leaving sorry you’re stuck with her.
ender shim. 22. bisexual. hospital receptionist. vampire. they/them. jung wooyoung
[???] the vampire that made ender a vampire. please note -- ender is very bitter about it because they turned them into a vampire AND THEN FUCKING DISAPPEARED. left ender to deal with the process of figuring out vampirism by themself. its very stressful. 
[???] a vampire that Didn’t turn ender BUT finds ender being a stupid vampire and decides to help them out. for the record: ender is terrified.
[any, 20-27] the one (1) friend ender has. u know that classic “you can feed from me it’s okay” thing? yeah... yeah..... lays down for a second...
angel. 21. bisexual. actor. ghoul. they/them. savannah lee smith
[any, 20-26] literally any and all co-actor type things... PR relationship. co actors that can’t stand eachother off screen but have to act buddy buddy on screen. practicing lines together and uh oh they kiss. etc etc
phoenix ‘nix’ nam. 21 / 33. bisexual. college student / major tech conglomerate heir. they/he. choi soobin / lee minhyuk
unless otherwise stated, all plots are for 20 year old phoenix.
[any, 20-25] superhero-y type things (applies to benji, ember, and jacky as well). nix (& others) can be seen as heroes or villains depending on who you ask. can be their enemy? rivals 2 lovers anyone ? 
same type of thing (also applies to the others) except they’re like. super spies?? yeah. missions and stuff. give me things for that.
[any, 20-25] is your muse looking for a roommate? look no further! nix lives in a penthouse all alone LOL. you know that one headline “Straight guy worries he’s being homophobic to gay roommate, realizes he’s fallen in love with him”. nix can be either one it doesn’t matter.
benjamin ‘benji’ reid. 24. bisexual. works in tech. telekinetic. he/him. chance perdomo
(super spy/hero stuff from nix applies here)
[any, 22-29] i want cheesy romantic things for benji. absolutely super fucking cheesy. domestic things. those two people who everyone is like “oh theyre definitely dating” but they aren’t. yet
december ‘ember’ zhao. 24. bisexual. graphic designer. telekinetic. he/she/they. zhu zhengting
(super spy/hero stuff from nix applies here)
[any, 22-29] tbh most stuff falls under the super hero/spy thing but idk i’d like some dramatic exes stuff. it would be fun to me. i want the screaming crying yelling. <3 love and light.
jacky alston. 23. bisexual. medical student. healer. he/they. quintessa swindell
(super spy/hero stuff from nix applies here)
[platonic or romantic] your muse is a fucking klutz. they do not know about jacky’s healing abilities but he always fixes them up good as new without them knowing. hey you ever watch daredevil? how claire and matt were? he’s claire. give them a matt.
naomi shimada. 34. gay. private investigator. he/they. sen mitsuji
[any, men/nonbinary if romantic, similar age] they met years ago when naomi was still in the fbi and were partners (i mean literally, they worked together, but they could have been partners). your muse is considered dead. while naomi is working a case as a PI he comes upon something that leads them to find your muse, alive. cue angst heartbreak reconnection
[platonic romantic antagonistic] haha your muse is a criminal. naomi is tasked with finding them/taking them down. he thought this case was going to be small and easy but it quickly unravels into something much bigger than expected. game of cat and mouse. at eachother’s throats. one of them always one step ahead of the other.
alijah greene. 32. bisexual. medical intern. he/they. alfie enoch
[women/nonbinary, similar age] ex-wife! they’re on good terms, they just weren’t compatible. they have a son that they coparent/share custody of that’s around 11 now. probably never get back together but it’d be nice just having quiet chats between them and talking about how their relationship was and how their current ones are.
[any, 27-36] ah the act of falling in love with someone after being single for so long and having to balance a demanding job and a kid. it’s difficult. alijah still wants to make it work. but is your muse as invested in this blooming relationship as he is?
harin song. 26. bisexual. medical intern. she/they. han sohee
[any, 24-30] as the sibling that’s continuously overlooked, she’s trying everything to get attention from her parents, whether that be good or bad. this type is definitely the bad kind. your muse, for whatever reason, is a really fucking terrible influence and/or person. harin brings them to the family winter vacation anyway :)
[any, 24-30] your muse is haneul’s best friend. harin likes them. maybe they’ve had a relationship for a bit and are hiding it. maybe not. who knows.
haneul song. 26. bisexual. surgical intern. he/him. lee dohyun
[any, 24-30] just generally flirty vibes :) for fun :) haneul has a big ol’ crush on your muse. they may or may not return it but haneul shows off every time he sees them anyway. plz notice him.
siobhan ‘shiv’ walsh. 26. bisexual. medical intern. she/her. samantha logan
[any, 27-30] okay stay with me. we all know shiv has issues with people saying she’s only here bc of nepotism considering her aunt runs the hospital. give me a resident/attending that Knew shiv’s aunt was bringing her to work here for a Fact. they know she’s here because of nepotism. they are fully absolutely annoyed at this fact and make it their mission to make shiv’s life hell. and it’s working. kind of. because turn’s out shiv is actually very good at what she does and probably would be here anyway. enemies to lovers type beat.
beejal ‘bee’ chaudhry. 25. bisexual. author. can make avatars of herself. anya chalotra
[antagonistic platonic romantic] your muse Knows that bee’s mom is a high profile actress and that her dad is a politician. they know. they plan to bring this to light for some reason. maybe they dont like her. maybe they don’t like her parents. whatever. chaos. 
[any, 22-30] REALITY TV SHOW. i havent seen any but i just think it’d be fun to write bee in that type of environment considering how awful she can be. will likely require a lot of plotting. romantic or platonic or antagonistic i want them at eachother’s throats i want them to kiss i want them to be messy.
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