#Authority K!nk
psapphic95 · 2 years
Mommy and Emma sneak off from a boring party...
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bookpillows · 2 years
booktok has made it so that people only know who to review a book based on how “spicy” or “sm*tty” is and not on like the actual relationship development happening which is 99.99% of the fun
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fantasiavii · 2 years
You know what sometimes there are fics that I really want to read but contain a single thing, single word, that just squicks me out and I
I just use wordreplace extensions
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markstits · 3 years
you guys know that certain fanfictions on ao3 have explicit tags and usually have a warning before you read it right
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yasbxxgie · 4 years
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queeraak · 5 years
god i hate discourse but it's vent hours of me being shitty o'clock
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nominalnebula · 2 years
it’s always fun to see a blog post from a particular favorite author, someone who’s series you’ve reread over and over because you just really enjoy the books, and well it turns out that the internet is terrible, once again, and determined to harass and punish this particular author for either a) a couple of minor typos or b) discussing particular issues in their books in a way that frank and to the point without being over dramatic
and it turns out that the author has been harassed so much over this series that they hate that particular series now, can’t even stand the thought of writing anymore of it even though there’s at least three more books that are supposed to be written and are seriously contemplating shelving the series entirely, despite the investment of time and money and resources into upcoming books because they’ve been raked over the coals so much for discussing some difficult topics in their books
and by fun, I mean really disheartening and frustrating because this is why we can’t have nice things anymore
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idy-ll-ique · 2 years
jealousy, jealousy
pairing: ceo!steve rogers x f!reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: smut at the end (can you tell steve has a domesticity k*nk because— 😳) unprotected sex so don't learn anything from my fics and use some damn protection
requested: by my best fren @roguese7en 🥰
What if ceo admits his feelings to his assistant reader and she is like "you only keep me around cause you like me ? Not because of my abilities , degrees , hardworking etc etc " and she start hyperventilating like oh no that's why all her colleagues hate her and all her hardwork is washed down the drain but ceo is like " no , no I did keep you around because of how hard you work at first and you still do but I just over the months realized you are so beautiful ...... shit it came out wrong , sorry I scared you . Wait ....... who hates you ?"
word count: ~3.3k
summary: steve plans on telling y/n how he feels by calling her to his house to help him with some paperwork. but it doesn't go as planned and lot of workplace secrets are revealed... thankfully, it all works out in the end
author's note: hiya peeps! so @roguese7en has already read this fic and she liked it so i just wanna post it here because it's high time i post something lmao enjoy!
"Y/N? What are you still doing here?"
Caught in the act, Y/N looked up at her boss, Steve Rogers. He was frowning at her; though it seemed like more of a confused one rather than a disappointed one. "I, uh, I just—"
Y/N Y/L/N was the assistant of CEO Steve Rogers, who owned a massive company that also had international branches. He was widely known across the globe as well; every day, without fail at lunchtime he'd go out, only to return 2 hours later. And ever since Y/N began working for him, she spent her lunch break in his office rather than with all her other colleagues in the cafeteria.
Why? They all hated her. It wasn't like a discrete thing either, they were very open about it. They called her names, bullied her, and also often told her that the only reason Steve had hired her was because he found her to be physically attractive. They even insinuated that the two had a sexual relationship, and that's how she got her job. So her degrees were just useless, right?
She avoided them like the plague; she only ever spoke to Steve, and spent all her breaks alone. But that day, Steve had apparently come back earlier than usual, and caught her sitting on the couch in his office, going through her phone. He was incredibly confused; why wasn't she outside like the rest of his employees? His office was strictly out-of-bounds for loitering around.
"You know you can tell me, right?" Steve smiled softly, taking a seat behind his desk. Y/N had started working for the man around 2 years ago; she was the best damn assistant Steve could ask for. Not only because she was super hardworking, very intelligent and amazing, but also because he… he had a mild infatuation with her, AKA he was in love with her. The woman was simply brilliant.
She was kind of overqualified for the job as well; one day, he'd asked her why she didn't just open her own company and she'd replied that that was simply not her thing. She liked the work she was doing now; managing his timetable, arranging his meetings, looking after some of his work… Plus, he was paying her well, so why would she choose stressful work when this job existed?
That had earned her massive respect from Steve. As the two continued staring at each other, Y/N sighed. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again," she muttered, rubbing her neck. "I just wanna ask, why? I've also noticed you don't talk to anyone much; is there a particular reason why?" She shook her head. "I'm just… shy, I guess." Y/N decided not to snitch on anyone, since that would only make them hate her more.
"Understandable. Should we get to work again, then?" Y/N gave him a smile and nodded, checking his timetable on her phone. "Mr Stark is coming to meet you at 3 pm, if you remember," she reminded him and he nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Right, right."
"Thanks so much for being here, Y/N, you are a literal angel, I swear." She chuckled bashfully at his words. "You're my boss, Mr Rogers, you know I'll do anything you ask me." Steve's mind immediately went to the gutters at her words and he cleared his throat. "Right, so there's some paperwork I need to finish and can't do it alone, so—"
"That's what I'm here for."
A few days had passed since their interaction in his office; they were at Steve's place, and it was very late at night. He'd sat doing paperwork the entire day but as the night rolled around, he realised that it was too much work for a single person. So he called the one person who he knew would never hesitate to help him— Y/N.
She'd showed up just a few minutes ago. Y/N sat down on a couch in his lavish sitting room, looking around. He lived in a luxurious skyscraper, and his apartment was easily 10 times bigger than hers. The living room was littered with comfortable couches and the view from the apartment was to die for. The "walls" were actually floor-to-ceiling windows.
She'd only ever seen an apartment like this on social media. And to be inside one? The one whose owner was her extremely hot boss? The feeling was unparalleled. Steve soon returned with two glasses and a bottle of champagne, sitting next to her with a sigh. "Oh, what's this?" Y/N blinked when he popped open the bottle, pouring the liquid into the glasses.
"I'm really tired of writing, can we start later?" She chuckled and accepted the glass from him. There was silence for a while as they had their first sip; Steve was the one who commenced a conversation. "So, how are you? Made any friends at work yet?" Looking down, she shook her head. "Nah, I don't know… maybe later." He nodded.
"Are you seeing someone?"
She tilted her head in confusion. "Asking because I thought maybe your boyfriend told you not to talk to anyone… some men are assholes like that." Y/N laughed at his words. "No, no, I don't have a boyfriend. Plus, even if I did have one, I'd certainly not date someone like that," she scoffed at the end, making Steve laugh as well. "Yeah. I'm single as well, ya know," he hinted softly.
Y/N looked at him, surprised. She genuinely didn't know, he kept his love life very secret. "You are? Seriously? No one wants to date you? Man, people have incredibly high standards then." Steve gave her a wistful smile. "It's not that, it's… the one I want probably doesn't want me. I know a lot of people who are interested in me, I'm just not interested in them." Y/N nodded.
Because to be honest, who wouldn't be interested in him? She herself had a huge, huge, huge crush on him; he was just so amazing. Kind, charming, funny, helpful, good looking… basically her type. "You can try telling her you like her, you know? I bet she'll say yes." The words were making her want to tear up.
Of course he didn't like her back, why would he? Surely he'd prefer someone with his shared social status. Hearing her response, Steve kept his glass down and turned to face her on the couch. "Alright, I'm gonna tell her." She gave him a grin, but was massively surprised when Steve took her hand, bringing it to his lips.
"I really, really like you, Y/N."
This was not happening.
They can't be right.
They just can't.
"You don't!" she screamed, standing up abruptly. Startled, Steve watched in shock as she pulled at her hair, her eyes filling with tears. "Y/N—" She furiously shook her head, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "So what, you— you just hired me because you think I'm cute? My degrees, my hard work, my qualifications just don't matter, huh?!"
Steve immediately realized the issue was a bit deeper. Not losing his cool, he stood up too and gently pulled her close. Y/N slammed her fists against his chest repeatedly until she completely broke down, collapsing against him. For two whole years, she'd put up with the harassment of her coworkers. Steve's eyes watered as well, seeing her sobbing in his arms was shattering.
He maneuvered them both onto the couch behind them, rubbing her back as he got her to calm down. She remained seated on his lap, her arms wrapped around the man's neck as he held her close. "Y/N, is there something you're not telling me?" She refused to lift her head off his shoulder, silently staring at the view behind him.
Steve waited a beat, before gently pulling her away, cupping her cheeks. "Speak to me, my love." She looked at him, teary eyed. "Did you really just hire me because of how I look?" Steve instantly shook his head. "Of course I didn't, darling. I looked at your qualifications, your hard work and your excellence. I fell in love with those traits, and eventually… fell in love with you too."
He frowned. "Doll, but why are you so paranoid about it?" Y/N shook her head, snuggling into his arms again. "They hate me," she whispered, "Everyone at work hates me. They call me names… They say I slept my way to be where I am today." Steve froze at her words, his body filling with unfathomable rage. "What?" he whispered in a menacing tone.
"It's true, you have to believe me! I have proof…" She took out her phone and showed him some of the chats from her coworkers; she only talked to them when absolutely necessary, but they still treated her like garbage. Steve read through the chats, his anger reaching new heights. How fucking jealous were they? Pushing a woman towards a literal breakdown and issues with self-esteem.
"They're just jealous," he assured her in a soft voice, already plotting several murders, "They're jealous because you work the closest to me. And I believe they have plenty of reasons to be jealous, because look at you. An angel. My angel." He held her close for some time more, running his fingers through her hair as she tried to calm herself down.
But then, after a while he noticed that she'd fallen asleep. Well, it was pretty late at night and although they didn't get any work done, Steve realized that both of them needed sleep. So, he stood up and carried her over to his room, placing her down on his bed. Just as he did, though, she blinked her eyes open. "I can't sleep in this."
Steve leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "Will you allow me?" he asked her and she understood what he meant, nodding before falling asleep again. Y/N was dressed in a knee-length burgundy dress that had a zipper on the back. Steve delicately turned her on her side, pulling the zipper down before pushing the dress off of her.
Now she was laying in front of him in only her panties and a bra. Without trying any funny business, his first priority being her well-being, Steve also took off her bra and kept both the pieces of clothing away. Then he got up and went to his wardrobe, shuffling through it before finally settling on his softest t-shirt; a plain gray one. He went back to Y/N and got her into the t-shirt.
After that, Steve took off the suit he was wearing as well, putting on a pair of black sweatpants before getting into bed with her. He pulled her close to him and tugged the blankets over both their bodies, wrapping an arm around her waist. Y/N woke up at the contact, before promptly snuggling into Steve's arms again, now comfortable.
In the morning, Steve was the one who woke up first. He looked down and saw Y/N deep asleep, enveloped in his arms. Smiling to himself, he gently untangled himself from her and got up, yawning as he went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. It took him about a half an hour; when he walked back into the bedroom, he saw her still asleep.
Deciding not to wake her up, he simply planted a quick kiss to her forehead and left the bedroom, closing the door behind him. He made himself some breakfast and finally, at 8 am, left for work. He'd decided to give Y/N a free day; after everything she had been through, it was deserved. Plus, today he had also called in a meeting with all his employees, to yell at them for how they treated Y/N.
If I can't kill them, yelling will have to do.
At Steve's apartment, Y/N stirred herself awake at 11 am. When she realized the time, she immediately sat up and called Steve, biting her lip. "Good morning, my angel, did you sleep well?" She blinked at his response. "Steve, why didn't you wake me up?" He chuckled. "Believe me, doll, you deserve a day off. And plus, you don't wanna be around for what I'm about to do to your coworkers."
She couldn't help but snort at that. "Are you gonna kill them?" she joked and he laughed on the other end. "I'm afraid that's illegal, sweetheart. I am going to reprimand them all, though. Don't leave my apartment, got it? You have all the amenities there; you wanna clean up? Extra toothbrushes in the cupboard above the sink. Clothes? Raid my wardrobe. Food? The kitchen's all yours, the pantry is stacked up."
She was smiling at his words. "I'll see you in the evening; we'll definitely complete our paperwork today." Y/N laughed and ended the call.
She made full use of Steve's apartment just like he told her to; took a refreshing bath in his jacuzzi tub, wore another one of his soft, white t-shirts and a pair of his clean boxer shorts before going to the kitchen and making herself some food. Then she sat lounging around the apartment; at one point standing near the floor-to-ceiling windows for 15 minutes straight, admiring the view.
Precisely at 6 in the evening Steve returned home; Y/N was in the kitchen fixing herself a snack when she saw Steve walk in. She immediately rushed towards him and into his arms, giving him a tight hug. Steve, meanwhile, admired the sight in front of him; the love of his life, wearing his clothes, being in his house, waiting for him to come home…
He couldn't get over how domestic it all was. And at the moment, all he wanted to do was haul her over his shoulder and take her to the bedroom. "You look so beautiful, my love," he whispered, placing a soft kiss on her lips before going south, kissing along her jaw and neck. Y/N let out a breathy moan at the sensation, and Steve's cock started hardening in his pants.
"I'm hungry too, sweetheart, let me have a taste…"
"Steve," Y/N whined as he hauled her over his shoulder like he had promised. They reached his bedroom and he placed her down on the bed, leaning in to place several kisses on her collarbone. She tugged on his tie and he haphazardly took it off, also taking off the rest of his clothes until he was in nothing but his briefs. Y/N's eyes slightly widened at the visible tent in his pants; he was big.
"You are so fucking good, sweetheart," he murmured happily as he inched the t-shirt she was wearing upwards. "Mm," she moaned as his hands groped at her breasts. She cried out his name when he took a nipple in his mouth, biting on the perked bud. "All mine, aren't you?" Y/N nodded but Steve stopped his actions, raising an eyebrow at her. "Say it, baby, I love your voice so much."
"A-All yours, Stevie," she whimpered and he smirked, his hands sneaking down to rest on her hips, close to the waistband of the shorts. "Can't wait to see that pretty little cunt of yours, I'm going to ruin it," he promised and tugged on the shorts, leaving her bare in front of him. "Fuck, so beautiful," he hissed and her hips jumped up when two of his fingers ran over her wet folds.
"And so wet, too, how perfect," he praised her and a shiver ran down her spine. He knelt in front of her until he was eye-level with her dripping cunt. "I can already tell this is going to be my new favourite taste in the world," he whispered and Y/N shrieked his name when his tongue flicked at her clit. "Yes, baby, keep screaming my name, tell everyone you're mine," he hummed as he continued eating her out. "Stevie, fuck," she sobbed, her fingers tangling in his hair.
She had never felt this good with anyone before. Steve was actually making her see stars before her eyes. "Look at you, you're gushing," he chuckled, pulling away for a second. Y/N noticed the way his chin and lips were shining, coated in her juices. "And it tastes so sweet, too. Cum for me, baby, come on." He increased his speed and Y/N's legs involuntarily closed around his head.
He grabbed her thighs and held them apart as he made her fall apart on his tongue. With one last swipe of his tongue on her clit, Y/N came undone. Steve let out a grunt as he greedily lapped up all that she had to offer. She slumped on the bed. With a smack of his lips against her folds, Steve pulled away, making a show of licking his lips. "Fucking amazing, baby, you're so fucking good to me," he smiled as he lay on top of her, caging her underneath him.
"Stevie," she murmured and wrapped her arms around him, bringing him in for a kiss. "Y/N/N, baby," he whispered back in between the kisses they exchanged. Then he shrugged off his briefs, allowing his impressive length to jump out and hit his lower abdomen. Y/N's almost drooled as he reached for the bedside drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube from it.
He poured some of it on his palm and covered his cock with it, turning to Y/N. She tentatively reached for it; he hissed when her fingers came in contact with his cock. "Fuck, babe, shit, ah," he moaned as she gripped it, slowly moving her hand up and down his length. "That feel good?" she smiled a little. "Feels fucking amazing," he replied, desperately trying to hold himself back because her hands were magic.
When he felt himself unable to hold back, he pushed Y/N's hand away. Roughly grabbing her hips, he adjusted her on the bed and got on top of her, sliding into her warm cunt in one fluid motion. Both of them cried out that the sensation, Y/N's hands reaching up to grab his biceps. "Steve, oh God, fuck!" she screamed as his hips snapped back and forth at blinding speeds. "God? I've only ever heard daddy before, but God sounds good," he chuckled cockily.
Sweat dripped down Y/N's forehead as she moved like a rag doll against Steve's powerful thrusts. Another knot started forming in Y/N's abdomen as Steve reached spots inside her she didn't even know she had that felt so good.
He was also trying his hardest to hold back. "Mm, fuck, fuck!" Y/N whined as she felt her orgasm fast approaching. "Gonna cum again, doll?" he panted and she nodded furiously, her eyes screwed shut. "Good, I'm close too. Let go for me, angel, I'm right here," he assured her and the knot inside her broke. Y/N let out a pornographic moan as she relaxed against the bed, coming all over Steve's cock. He bit her shoulder to muffle his sounds of pleasure; the way her cunt was clenching over his cock...
He couldn't hold himself back either. Steve shouted her name as he pulled out of her, stroking himself a couple times before spilling his release over her stomach and chest. He slumped on top of her as both of them simply stayed there, catching their breaths. "Well, wasn't this a perfect welcome home?" he grinned cheekily and Y/N laughed tiredly, slapping his chest.
"I need another bath now," she pouted and Steve immediately stood up, carrying her bridal style towards the bathroom. "We can share the bath. Then we'll have dinner, and then we can finally finish yesterday's paperwork, okay?"
"Okay, but no drinking this time."
"Come on, bunny..."
"No, Stevie."
"Ugh, okay, fine."
"Good boy."
"Stop that."
a/n: thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed!
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qutiesquish · 2 years
“Hexed Child”
Chapter 3 ch1|ch2
Prompt: a child ends up in the Entity’s realm, in the cursed hell where those who had already suffered enough in life had been chosen to suffer for eternity, a hell where they had to kill or survive, and make constant sacrifices. How well will they handle having a child to take care of in this constant game of death.
Authors words:
Gah sorry for the wait;-;
Pronouns: He/Him
Tags: @doggo-owns-this-account
Warning(s): de*th, manipulation, moral questioning, reader throws a fit, Tricksters screaming k!nK
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“So.. I just stand here?… why?” {Reader} asked.
The Trickster had dragged {Reader} to the other side of the map, the side where the closest gens near him are already done, leaving Trickster with a higher chance of the other survivors not finding the little boy.
“Because… if you do I’ll uh…” Trickster tried to find something that would catch the kids interest.
Then a flip switched in Trickster’s head.
“I’ll get you a coat like mine! You said you liked mine right?” Trickster watched as the little boys eyes sparkled ever so slightly.
Trickster nodded “of course, I always keep my promises.”
Trickster just hoped the Entity would let him get the kid a jacket like his, otherwise the kid would never trust him again.
Than again… why did he want the kids trust anyway?
As Trickster was about to go into a deep dive on what his morals were again, a gen popped.
Two left.
“Alright buddy, I gotta go okay? Uh…” Trickster pat his pockets down in search of something.
“Ah there it is!” Trickster pulled out a photo of himself.
“Here, you can draw on the back of this yeah?” He said as he pulled out a purple pen and handed it to the kid.
With the Survivors
“I can’t believe you left a kid to deal with him.”
“Shut it gramps.” Feng snapped as the three survivors finished a gen.
“Haven’t heard him scream, so he most likely hasn’t been hit yet, so chill out.”
“Do you really think that kid is looping him that good? He’s just a kid right.” David said, contemplating his life.
“Hell if I know dammit— AHH!!” Bill screamed as he was hit by a barrage of daggers.
Feng and David Ran off over behind some ruins, or “loops” as they called it.
Bill was close to being knocked down but he kept crouching behind this one pallet or the finished gen.
It was getting annoying.
Then finally, Trickster got a lucky shot in as Bill tried to crouch behind the pallet once again.
The idol hummed in content as he broke the pallet and picked Bill up.
Even with Bill’s wiggling, he still hummed in what Bill saw as delight. Oh god did he want to punch the younger purple haired man, if only he could.
“AHHHHHHH!!” Bill’s scream rang out through the realm.
Trickster hit Bill with his bat.
“Arghhh!… don’t you got the others to go get, or are you scared to lose- Arghh!!..” Bill groaned as Trickster hit him again.
Trickster laughed.
“Why should I leave when everyone I need to kill is on the other side of the wall to my left?” Trickster whispered towards Bill.
“RU- ARGHhhhh..” Bill groaned as Trickster hit him again and booked it to the other two survivors.
With Reader
{Reader} heard Bill scream.
He also heard a loud bang come from the sky above, a thing that looked like his friend, or what Feng called “The Entity” come down and and then retract itself back towards the sky.
{Reader} had convinced himself that he wasn’t hearing anything, at least anything that mattered anyway.
That’s what Trickster told him, anything that he heard in the trial from then on didn’t matter and to wait for Trickster to come back.
Plus, {Reader} was having too much fun drawing the Trickster with him and his pet cat. He missed pebble, hopefully he was okay.
With the Others
Feng had gave her life for David as he had escaped the eyes of the the Trickster.
He prayed that {Reader}, who he had learned the name of from Feng, was working on a gen somewhere.
As that thought passed he found a gen that was almost done. David figured that {Reader} was working on it and than the Trickster showed up.
Now assuming {Reader} was looping the Trickster around somewhere nearby as his heartbeat started to speed up.
Then gen was finished.
One left.
As David tried to hide his scratch marks by walking away, he was suddenly hit by three daggers in the back.
David was now injured.
As David ran through the realm the Trickster laughed out, not too far behind him.
“I haven’t heard you scream enough David! Please! Entertain me for a little!!” Trickster laughed as he threw more daggers.
And just like that, David was down and being picked up by the Trickster.
Once David was hooked, he noticed something.
He saw {Reader}’s aura.
They were laying on the ground.
Had they been slugged and David just hadn’t realized it? Dammit!
The kid is probably suffering over there now.
David watched as the Trickster left towards the direction of the aura.
“You— heartless bitch!—“ David struggled to scream out.
Trickster had sloppily put David on the hook, resulting in one of David’s lungs being punctured.
Of course, the Entity made it so he didn’t die due the injury, but goddamn it hurt like a bitch.
Maybe he should’ve payed more attention and looked for {Reader}’s aura, maybe then he wouldn’t be bleeding out on the ground right now.
David closed his eyes and sighed as the Entity’s claws came down, accepting that everyone was dead and they had lost this trial, he would have to apologize to {Reader} after the match for not noticing him sooner.
With the Trickster and Reader
As soon as {Reader} saw the Trickster enter his view he stood up excitedly. Flinching as there was the loud bang from the sky again, though he recovered quickly and practically hopped over to the Trickster.
“Look! Look! Trickster look!” {Reader} shouted happily as he practically shoved the back of the picture of Trickster into his abdomen.
“Hmm?~ what’s this now?” The Trickster said as he slowly grabbed the pictures {Reader} had drawn on the back of his autograph.
{Reader} seemed excited by the question, “it’s you, me, and pebble!!” Poking the back, or the front, of the piece of paper.
Trickster knelt down and put the photo between him and {Reader} “okay now show me who is who.”
“That’s you!” {Reader} said as he poked the person on the left, “me, and than pebble!” as {Reader} listed the names he poked the drawing on the right, and then the one in the middle.
“Oh here!” {Reader} said as he grabbed the paper out of the Trickster’s hands and started writing on the photo.
“There! Now you know who is who!” {Reader} exclaimed happily as he held the now labeled pictures of the three towards the Trickster.
“Why thank you dear~” Trickster dragged out his words as he grabbed the paper and stood up.
“Follow me, we got to bring you back to camp at some point.” The adult male laughed, {Reader} giving him a confused look as he followed behind.
Trickster proceeded to explain that after the trial, they would arrive back into the forest of “the safe realm” where if anyone hurts anyone, they get punished, and that there were two campsites in the “safe realm’s” forest.
One for killers, like him, and one for survivors.
“You’ll go to the survivor one.”
“Cause you’re a survivor.”
“But.. you were nice to me, so I wanna go with you!” {Reader} said as he stopped following Trickster and stomped his foot.
Trickster laughed nervously.
Please tell me this kid wasn’t about to throw a tantrum.
‘Come on, come on…. Think, dammit! Think!’ The Trickster cursed at himself. He didn’t know how to handle kids! Much less an upset one!!
“Uh- well you could always just come to the killer camp when you want..” Trickster paused.
Did he just tell a child… A CHILD, that they could COME TO THE KILLERS CAMPSITE WHENEVER HE WANTED?????
“Really?! Yay! Thank you uh…. Is your real name Trickster?”
“Hmm?~ Of course not! It’s just a flashy nickname!” Trickster smiled.
“Oh.. so what do I call you?”
“Trickster?” The Trickster said, questioning the child.
“Oh! Do you wanna call me by something different? Is that it?” {Reader} only nodded in reply.
Trickster laughed at the child, such a weird little thing he was.
“Hmmm Ji-Ji sound good to you kid? It’s as close as you’ll get to my real name” Trickster said as he held back a laugh.
{Reader} nodded vigorously.
“Alright then kiddo,” Trickster started as he began to hear the hatch, “what about you, ya haven’t told me your name ya know, I can just keep calling you dear and kid after all.”
{Reader}’s eyes sparkled slightly once again “{Reader}!”
“Well then {Reader}, you see that thing?” Trickster said as he knelt down a bit “that’s the hatch, it’s another escape you can use, you got that?”
{Reader} nodded.
“You go through there, I’ll see you soon alright? Just go to the survivor campsite, I’ll come get you after awhile so you won’t be lonely.” As Trickster said this {Reader} nodded quickly, a toothy smiley adorned his face as he did so.
“Okay! Bye Ji-Ji!!” {Reader} shouted as he waved and jumped into the hatch.
Black taking over the Tricksters vision.
He’d have to explain to the other killers about the new survivor situation, but that wasn’t his first priority.
His first priority is seeing if the Entity would get him that damned coat.
Entity’s Records:
New Offering:
Child’s Autograph
-strengthens the heart, allowing the killer to perform actions such as vaulting, damaging gens, and breaking pallets 5% faster
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enderpearlll · 2 years
ao3: @/twixtedtea
tiktok: @/.sealard
hi, i’m pearl. call me pearl or author, i don’t really care. NO NSFW. (weirdos) any pronouns work for me. i don’t know what gender i am so i don’t care if you refer to me as a girl or boy. do feel free to ask me questions and what not, i’ll answer to my best ability.
this is a yandere blog i’ll post on once a century. posting on tumblr is hard. writing is a casual hobby of mine, so don’t expect fast updates or posts. i also die a lot.
i have several fandoms i write for, which switch rapidly. please ask if you’re wondering what i’m currently interested in, i can not update a fandom list to save my own life.
i also cross post my work on ao3! if you prefer ao3’s interface and what not you can find me at @/twixtedtea over there.
while i do write yandere content, i have boundaries and what not.
I do not write:
NSFW. Do not request NSFW.
k!nks/s3xua1 content.
p3d0ph1lia/r0mantic wr1ting for fictional characters under 16
topics that go against my beliefs/are offensive towards others.
su1c1dal imagery if requested. if i do write about this topic, it’s usually because it’s either a vent or what not.
ship content. this is strictly a character/reader blog, sorry about that.
i have the right to deny/ignore requests or asks that go against these boundaries or may make others uncomfortable. PROSHIP DNI.
i have a life out of social media, so please do not pressure me or rush me to write something for you. this goes for other authors as well.
do NOT copy, steal, or repost my work onto any other site without my permission. if you get heavily inspired by my work, than please credit me!
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I Once Was Poison Ivy, But Now I'm Your Daisy
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Summary: Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer? Most people don't think that translations to having a clandestine relationship with someone you're supposed to hate, yet most people don't have a Spencer Reid in their life.
Warnings: Smut (MINORS DNI) Oral (female receiving), light face slapping, name calling (wh*re/sl*t), praise k*nk, breeding k*nk, light choking, light sub Spencer/dom reader, hand restraints, reader is a little mean/demeaning but it’s all in good fun
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader (She/Her)
Word Count: 5.1 K (LONGEST ONE YET!)
Author's Note: Last week was my 500 Followers Celebration with @shemarmooresfedora, I wrote Boys Only Want Love If It's Torture for our enemies to lovers trope prompt. I wanted to write a smut companion piece/Part 2. You don't have to have read Part 1, just know that they were once enemies and our know in a secret relationship. And it's smut, so minors DNI
Masterlist │Feedback Form (This is a feedback form, if you have 5 minutes to spare please fill this out to help me improve my writing)
I Was Once Poison Ivy, But Now I'm Your Daisy
Maybe it was that he’s still rather irritating, even though you’ve spent the last couple of months unable to keep your hands off each other. Maybe it was that underneath all that tension, frustration, and irritation, you both really just at one point, hated each other so much that it unraveled into something else. You make a mental note to ask Spencer if there’s a correlation between mind-blowing sex and befriending you former enemy. You can just picture him, nose and cheeks turning red, stammering out nonsensical sentences as you hand crawls up his waist, finding a spot to rest along his belt.
It’s cathartic to watch and listen to Spencer squirm in his seat next to you. Spencer’s like that around you. One thing you learned, in the two months you’ve been dating, is that Spencer only gets more and more flustered, no matter how comfortable you grow around each other. It’s entertaining though, to hear him stammer over his words at a single glance, to watch him fumble with his tie as your fingers tug against his long hair, to touch his shaky hands and tell him you’ll take good care of him if he listens to you.
It’s nothing but exciting watching him fall back into his place like a deck of cards.
Spencer is silent as Hotch and JJ collect the end of case paperwork, but his wild eyes are anything, but quiet. His makeshift desk is across from yours, letting both of you spend the entirety of the day sending each other disdainful glances that were cryptically laced with desire and lust.
“Who wants to hit the bar?” Derek asks, looking around the crowd of co-workers and local detectives for a bar buddy. When no one jumps to join, Derek doubles down, “come on, Reid. You’ll join me. And Y/N, even though Spence is going I think you’ll be able to handle him if you got booze,”
You scoff, but not in the way that Derek thinks you are, “I think you got this mixed up, Der. Reid’s the one that couldn’t handle me,” You say, implying heavily to Spencer that he better pack up quickly and deny any offer Derek makes to take him out.
“I’m gonna have to take a raincheck, Derek,” Spencer says, standing up quickly with his bag slung over his shoulder and a pile of textbooks in hand, “I have to some, uh reading to do,” Spencer explains, hurrying off through without as much as a glance your way.
“He’s been weird,” Derek says, turning to you like you're an unsub getting interrogated, “What did you do to him?” he questions.
“What? Der, first of all it’s Spence, he’s always weird. And two you know as much as everyone that I want as little to do with him as possible,” You lie, and even though Spencer still gets under your skin, you feel a little guilty for talking about him like this to Derek. You tell yourself it’s all for both of your good.
“I think Reid’s got himself a lady friend,” Derek says, in a sing-song sort of voice, “He’s finally getting himself laid. And laid often. You saw his neck the other day,” Derek tells you in a hushed whisper, like he’s gossiping in a school yard.
Thinking that it’s high time to clear out of this conversation, you try to think of something witty and snappy to say. But all your thoughts are occupied by Derek noticing that Spencer’s been acting differently ever since you started dating. You’re unsure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, or rather, just different.
“Derek,” you start, “I honestly don’t have a single bone in my body that cares about Spencer’s sex life. Just those words together make my skin crawl,” you say, trying to come off as a disinterested co-worker and not the mystery woman who’s the one leaving the marks on Spencer’s neck.
You make a mental note to keep the marks below the collar.
You make another mental note to disregard that mental note. It’s not your fault when he has the audacity to look that pretty.
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He whines every time you kiss him. It’s like he is still getting used to the affection coming from you. It’s dizzy, going from screaming and yelling to kissing and fucking. But in all honesty, it’s probably not that different. There’s the highs and the lows, and the stuff that falls into place as the thing that resembles the in between.
“Hello to you too, Spence,” You say calmly, pushing him up against the wall. Your hands grip his collar, holding him steady, “I hope you weren’t too impatient waiting for me,”
“No,” Spencer whines, gulping as your lips attach to the side of his throat, nipping and licking any skin that you can reach. His whimpers spur you on, giving you the motivation, despite your newfound hesitation, to leave as many marks as you want. It seems like a crime to leave his neck untouched, he’s awfully pretty when he littered with your raw, angry markings.
“That’s my good boy,” You say, your teeth grazing his ear, “you’re such a good boy. All day long, waiting for me to touch you. And now you look at you. So pathetic,”
“Please,” Spencer whimpers, unable to form full sentences as you guide him to sit on the edge of the bed, “please, Y/N. I-I”
“You what, sweetie? Hmm, what do you want me to do? What do you need? Maybe if you tell me, I might help you,” you order, your voice laced with condescension.
“Please, please touch me, I need you to touch me,” Spencer begs, his hips rutting up into yours. The friction rubs against your crotch, reminding you just how desperate watching Spencer being desperate makes you.
“Be patient,” You say, wrapping a hand around Spencer’s throat and squeezing. You enjoy feeling him gulp, taking a breath before he gives it up for you, for your pleasure.
“Yes,” he squeaks out, closing his eyes tightly as your hands come up to palm over his bulge.
“Yes,” you say, mimicking Spencer’s needy, whiny tone, “my boy is so pathetic. Look at you. I’ve hardly touched you and I can feel you leaking through your pants,”
“Y/N,” Spencer says, still unable to string sensible words together, “I need you, please stop teasing me,”
“But it’s fun, baby,” you say, giving him a semblance of relief as you grind down onto his bulge, “watching you act like such a desperate little slut,”
“Your-yours,” Spencer pants, latching his lips onto your neck. His small, sweet kisses almost make you falter. They juxtapose the way you absolutely ruin him, yet hardly touch him. Your fingertips graze his stomach, his shirt coming undone. He hisses like he’s in pain as your quick fingers start to take off his belt.
“Thank you, thank you,” Spencer begs, hoping to sound grateful, but you’ve got other plans.
You drop him like he burns you, leaving him with a look on his face that makes it worth it. His eyes open wide, his pupils are dilated with lust and his lips are well bitten and angry red. He’s beautiful and beautiful things have always been your kryptonite.
“Be a good boy for me, Spencer. Do you think you can do that for me? I’m not too sure, I think you’re too much of a slut to listen. Always trying to get off, always mouthing off,” you tell him, tapping his face lightly for emphasis.
“Yes, just let me kiss you please” Spencer pleads, his eyes wild and his hair sticking to his forehead. He looks like he’s just hanging from a thread, a marionette doll just waiting for the next command. But you know more than anyone that the real marionette doll is you. Spencer is the one pulling your strings, instigating to control you, planning the smallest movements that he knows will make you crumble right into his waiting arms.
It’s a sick, twisted version of thumb war, and you’ll be damned if you let him win.
“Were you always this needy, Spence? Or is it just me?” You mutter kissing up the valley of his exposed chest, leaving him panting, “Does it turn you on to pretend to hate me in front of everyone and be the only one that knows just how much you want me in secret. It’s kind of hot, Spence,”
“God,” Spencer moans, “I can’t take it, Y/N, please just
do something,” Spencer pleads, his skin is hot to the touch and his cheeks look like they are on fire.
“Take my shirt off,” You tell him, bringing up his trembling hands to unbutton your top, “on go, I know you want to see them,” you tease, tapping his cheek patronizingly.
Just as Spencer peels off your shirt, you take the opportunity to straddle his waist. You can feel his hard erection as you grind down, urging him on.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Spencer coos, watching as you twist your arms around your back to take off your bra, “I love you, I love you,” he repeats, saying your name in between affirmations of love like a mantra. Or like a reminder to pacify himself from the sinful combination of pleasure and pain you bring down on him.
“Hmm, so are you, Spence,” You say, lightly kissing his nose in a moment of unprecedented softness. You're usually the type to slam him up against the closest wall and order him to watch you before he can even think as much as touching himself, yet there’s something about him that reminds you that underneath all that irritation, he’s the person you love.
“Now shut up before I make you,” You say, flipping your persona instantly. Spencer, seemingly enjoying your flippant nature, nearly loses his balance and grips your waist in an attempt to regain his footing. “Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you,” You command, placing your thumb on his bottom lip and pulling down slightly.
Spencer does as he’s told, never failing to accept your commands graciously, yet you can see the mixture of panic and pleasure twisted on his face.
“I-I don’t know,” Spencer says dumbly, his breathing getting more and more erratic, “I want to, I want to taste you please,” he begs, finally deciding what he wants at this moment.
“What do you want to taste, baby,” You say, already knowing exactly what Spencer wants, “I’m not too sure, you have to be more specific,” you tell him, swatting away his hands from your waist and standing up. You drop to your knees and place kisses so small it must feel like light brushes of air against his stomach. You know him well enough to know that this must be causing his brain to be filled with nothing but images of you.
“You,” Spencer says shyly, hoping that it will suffice.
Of course it doesn’t.
“You want to taste my lips, Spencer? Is that what it is, you want to kiss me?” You say, stopping your kisses along his stomach and looking up at him. He looks down through half-lidded eyes, his pupils almost all black. If you didn’t already think it, you’d be blown away by his beauty. You hate your stubborn nature for pretending to hate him for so long.
“No,” Spencer says, his chest rising with his bated breath, “Y/N, please you know what I want,” he pleads, still embarrassed.
“You can do it, baby. Just use your words. We both know you never shut up,” Y/N says, palming Spencer over his bulge as a way to encourage him to continue.
“I want to taste your pussy, Y/N,” Spencer says his cheeks inflamed and his eyes wide in anticipation, “please, it’s all I want,”
“Since you’ve been a good boy, I suppose, I’ll let you,” You say, pretending to give him permission.
“Thank you, thank you,” Spencer professes, “I love you,” he mouths, looking up at you with a doopy smile.
“I love you too, baby. Take off my pants,” You command, switching back to your colder demeanor instantly you can tell it must make Spencer a little dizzy in the head. Spencer takes off your pants lazily, like he’s done this countless of times, yet his eyes tell a different story. He looks at you like it’s the first time he’s seeing you. Maybe it’s because he’s so observant that everytime he does look at you he notices something different.
“You good, darling,” you pet his head as he slides your dress pants down your legs. He looks up at you, looking for permission to take off your underwear, which you deny.
“Not yet,” you chide, booping his nose, which causes a self satisfied smile to appear on his face, “good boys are good listeners. Now answer my question, are you good, darling?”
Despite thinking about fucking Spencer way too much for your own good, you didn’t have on lingerie. But somehow, it didn’t even seem to phase Spencer. You happen to be under the impression that he’s the kind of man to care more about what the underwear hides than what the underwear is itself.
“I’m perfect,” Spencer says, smiling up at you, his lips are red and puffy, a testament to you earlier assault, “I’ve been wanting to try something and uh, it’s up to you, but canyouridemyfaceandtiemyhandstothebed?” Spencer says, talking so fast that you would never be able to catch the last part even if you tried.
“Easy there, cowboy,” You say, smiling down, “I couldn’t catch what you said,”
“I want you to ride my face, and uh,” he says, faltering a little at your excited look, “and tie my hands up,” Spencer says, his blush returning to his cheeks and traveling all the way down to his chest.
“Go get your scarf,” You order, climbing on the bed as Spencer scrambles around the hotel room looking for his scarf. It’s purple and very soft, you’ve had half a mind to swipe it. Three months ago it would have been to mess with Spencer. But now you’d do it to smell his cologne on the rare, lonely nights you're not together.
“Good boy,” You say, when he returns with the scarf, standing at the edge of the bed, “you can get undressed now,” you tell him.
“Thank you,” Spencer says, overjoyed to rid the confines of his underwear, “You’re so beautiful, Y/N. I don’t get to say that nearly as much as I should, but I know you know that I know,” Spencer tells you, a lovesick look on his face. He looks like he’s on fire and you know that it will be a pleasure to put out.
“You’re beautiful too, Spence. Even when you’re bothering me,” You tease, grabbing his hand to pull him close to you. For a moment, to lay in the bed, skin to skin, hearts beating fast in anticipation of what is to come.
“I’d never thought I’d admit this but, you’re really hot, especially when you yell at me,” Spencer says, his lips leaving marks of his own scattered around your chest.
“Oh, Spence. I knew that already,” you tell him, winking at him knowingly, “Now before you get too cocky, put your hands up please,” You command, lightly slapping his cheek to tell him to get moving, “Good boy,” You say as you take his scarf to restrain his hands. He tugs, testing the durability of the knot you made. When he’s unable to get free, he smiles proudly.
“Now get up here,” he says, a surge of cockiness taking over his angelic features, “please,” he says, noticing the way your eyes narrow.
“That’s right, darling. We use our manners. Now I can feel just how much you want me,” You tease, reaching to just graze his neglected cock, “but can you feel how much I want you?” You ask, finally slipping off your underwear and giving Spencer a look of just how wet he’s made you.
“That’s because of me,” Spencer says, asking it like a question, like he’s still somehow doubting that you’re attracted to him.
“Sure is,” you say, creeping up closer to where he desires, “now you’re going to hold my underwear in one hand, and my hand in the other. You squeeze my wrist if I hurt you, Spence,” You tell him, handing him your underwear in a ball and joining your fingers with his in his other hand.
“Yes,” Spencer says, verging on the edge of desperation, “God, yes,” he whimpers.
“Huh, look who’s god now,” you say, a call back to the first time you made a move on him, “not so cocky now are we, sweet boy,” you coo, bringing your pussy to his face. Your legs are placed at either side of his head and your hands brush away his long hair.
“Hold on a second, Spence,” you say, taking off the hair tie on your wrist and motioning for Spencer to pick his head up. You tie up his hair in a messy bun, the stray pieces falling out and framing his face, “much better,” you say, your fingers ghosting across his eyelids and down to his nose.
Sitting on someone’s face isn’t a position you’ve tried too many times, especially with someone who looks like he’d snap with you even sitting on his lap. But over the past months you’ve learned that Spencer is stronger than he looks. You find your balance and wait patiently for Spencer to begin.
His tongue goes straight for your entrance, diving in without any hesitation. You almost wish that you didn’t tie up his hands because you know that he’d be gripping your thighs like a life line right now. You can hear his enthusiasm, his pleasure from your pleasure as his tongue circles around, looking for your clit.
“God, right there, baby,” You say, tugging onto his hair with your available hand and leaning down to kiss his tied up ones. He moans at your sweet gesture, like he’s a man dying for attention and you’re the only one willing to pay him any mind. You grind down, not too concerned about hurting him now. You remember the giggling conversation with Spencer; him telling you that if he had to choose a way to die, he’d choose it if all he had to do was be smothered by your thighs.
“So good, Spence, so good,” you say, crying out his name, but remembering to be quiet in the same breath, “So good for me,”
Spencer, it appears, grows more and more enthusiastic by the minute. His breathy whimpers and shy moans become more frequent as your thighs hug his head tighter and your hand pulls his hair harder.
“I’m almost there, Spence, almost there,” you chant, encouraging him to continue at the same speed and pace he’s set. His mouth kisses your inner thighs, leaving you shaking slightly. You can tell you’re ready to come undone above him by the way your body tightens and your head feels fuzzy. Ever the perceptive, Spencer continues to kiss and suck erratically, urging your release as if he could get the same pleasure as you.
His muffled whimpers are what sends you off the edge, his pleasure from pleasing you is evident as he laps you up eager from the praise that spills off your lips. His constant moans send vibrations through your pussy, leading you to tug his soft hair tied back in your tie. Spencer moans loudly, loving the feel of your hands in his hair, your pussy on his face and your skin on his. It’s addictive and dangerous, and you're teetering on the edge of no return.
You swing your legs off Spencer, kissing all over his tied up arms, “So good, too good, Spence,” you tell him over and over again, as you undo the ties that restrain him.
“Y/N,” Spencer whines, grabbing your face to kiss, not caring where his lips kiss as long as they’re kissing your skin, “I love you,” he says, kissing your cheeks and jawline.
“And I love you,” you say, kissing his nose and eyes. He crinkles his face, enjoying the attention, “you good?” you ask.
“See for yourself,” Spencer says, gesturing at his torso. Look at his stomach and see that he’s also came, however just from being the one to make you come undone.
“Naughty boy,” you say, winking at him, “I didn’t give you permission to come, yet you made a mess all over,” you scold him, feigning disappointment.
“Well you did get an orgasm out of it, and you know statistically speaking 67% of women faked orgasm during heterosexual sexual intercourse. Care to tell me if you’re in the minority or majority?” Spencer asks, teasingly. He watches carefully as you make your way down to his torso.
“You better watch yourself, darling,” you say, loving the devilish way he grins up at you, “you’re playing with fire here,”
You lean down and lick the come that collected on Spencer’s torso, all while never breaking eye contact with him. His eyes bore into your soul, and you know what it is, he’s in love. It’s scary and terrifying, yet leaves you tingling and dizzy. Cleaning him up, you’re spurred on by his moans of pleasure. His hands hold your head steady. You wink up, noticing that his chest heaves. He smells like sex and sin, and you know you’re addicted.
“I know,” Spencer says softly, looking angelic yet devilish.
You straddle his waist again, his cock hardening underneath your touch. His mouth automatically latches onto your breast, sucking skin so harshly you’re sure it will leave a plethora of marks. He touches and kisses you as if you’re made of something precious. You suppose you are, at least in Spencer’s eyes. It’s nice to be beautiful, to be desired, to be wanted.
“Are you going to let me fuck you? Or are you so needy that you’ll get off on eating me out?” You say, ghosting your fingers on his jaw, over his eyes, his lips and his ears.
Instead of answering, Spencer slides up the bed quickly. It creaks under his movement and Spencer looks at you like a kid caught with his hand in a cookie jar.
“So eager” you tease, crawling up to straddle his lap, “Tell me again, what do you want?” you ask, scratching up and down his stomach, your heart beating in your chest.
“Fuck me,” Spencer pleads, “I need you to fuck me,” he whimpers, getting more and more whiny as you roll your hips down on his.
“You need to learn patience,” you say through gritted teeth, trying to keep your composure as Spencer’s skillful fingers burn into the skin of your waist. You can feel yourself dripping onto his hips, reminding you that the night is far from over, “now let’s try again. Tell me what you want. And you’ll only get it if your specific, Spencer,”
“Fuck me,” Spencer whines, his breath coming out in little huffs of frustration, “I need to feel you,” he pleads.
“How do you want to fuck me? Hmm tell me, whore,” You say, emphasizing the degrading name with a roll of your hips and tightening your grip on his throat.
“Can I-I be on top?” he asks, sounding unsure of his own capabilities.
“You think you can? You think you can do that baby? Without coming like a little whore the second you feel me?” you ask, you mouth the words on his skin, hoping they stick like a tattoo, “because I think you’re too much of a slut, Spencer. Too much of fucking slut and you won’t last,”
“No, Y/N,” Spencer begs, sharply playing with your nipples in an attempt to sway your opinion, “I just want to make you feel good. You’re so beautiful when you come, please let me make you come,” he pleads, his skin growing hotter by the second.
“I’ll let you try, baby,” you tell him, giving in to his pleading, “come on,” you say, flopping over so Spencer will be able to climb on top of you, “I know you’ll make me feel good,”
Spencer climbs on top of you, your legs resting in between his. He hovers over you, his hand just skimping the bundle of nerves that he could find even if he was blindfolded. You moan in approval, attaching your hands to his hair. His fingers move quickly on your, nearly bringing you to the brink of overstimulation. You won’t tell him this, but he has the most talented fingers. The cocky look on his face if you told him that would be too much, but you know it would be worth it all to put him back into his place.
“Tell me if I’m not good,” Spencer says in a sad voice, that tells you he’s still worried about not measuring up, “I really want to be good for you-”
You line Spencer up with yourself, letting him get just a small taste of what’s to come, but lean in to whisper into his ear before sheathing himself onto you fully.
“I’m going to tell you a little secret, baby,” You whisper, “you’re the best I’ve ever had,”
It’s like a snap goes off in him. Spencer starts thrusting, increasing his speed as you tug onto his hair. It’s twisted up into a messy bun, but has become tangled throughout your rough treatment. Grabbing the black tie, you tug his hair loose. It falls down, his wavy layers in his face and tickling your nose. He’s oddly beautiful in a serene, yet absurdist way.
“Y/N,” he groans, “I’m not gonna last, Y/N. I’m not—“
“Shut up, shut the fuck up, and let me love you,” you tell him, capturing his lips in a searing kiss. It silences him, stopping any thought of him not being enough in its tracks. The kiss is sloppy and uncoordinated. Spencer’s trust grow even more messy and you can tell he’s nearing the end.
“I’m gonna come,” Spencer says, “Y/N,” he mutters your name like it’s a prayer, “please, I need to come,” he begs, leaving wet kisses all over your shoulder. You feel so surrounded with his arm wrapped around your shoulder, his fingers rapidly stimulating your clit, and kiss hot, wet kisses all spell out ‘I love you’
“Where,” you ask, “where do you need to come?” You question.
“In you,” Spencer begs, “I need to come in you. Let me fill you up,” he pleads, his mind running wild with the possibilities of what that could lead to.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you,” you scoff, knowing already that you wouldn’t be able to say no to a request like that, “coming in me and getting me pregnant? Hmm, that way everyone knows who I belong to,” you say, whispering in Spencer’s ear as he nears the edge. Spencer’s eyes, blown wide with desire, are what tips you over the edge, his sticky skin and wet kisses catch you. You’re a fallen angel and he’s more than happy to break your fall.
Spencer closes his eyes, unable to face the pure pleasure and ecstasy. It’s heaven, yet a sinful heaven having him this close. His tongue circles around your nipple and his fingers continue to stimulate your clit, as he chases after his own pleasure. The overstimulation is almost too much after coming a second time, yet you don’t tell him to stop.
“Come in me, Spence,” you whisper, “I want you to belong to me,” you tell him, tugging on his hair as he finally lets go. His desperation is apart with the whiny moans and breathless whimpers he lets out. They tumble out from his lips and burrow deep into your heart.
“God,” Spencer says, falling to your side. He breathes in heavily, trying to calm himself down from the high he just experienced, “why-why didn’t we do this earlier,” he moans, nuzzling his head into your neck.
“I think we’re just too stubborn, baby,” you answer, “you didn’t know what you were missing,” you tease, sitting up on your elbow to brush his long hair from his eyes. He has beautiful eyes, it’s a shame it took you so long to appreciate them.
“Honestly, Y/N,” Spencer says, kissing along you collarbone lazily, “I don’t care about the past, when you’re my future,”
“I can’t wait, Spence,” you say, your eyes scanning over the love bites, hickeys and scratches that scatter all over his glistening skin, “and I’m sorry for putting marks above your collar. Derek’s gonna notice,”
You trace Spencer’s frown lines, they are a tapestry that weaves him together. You probably don’t say it enough, but he’s beautiful. He sits up, the sheets moving as he finds a comfortable position, and grabs your hand.
“I don’t care what Derek’s going to say,” Spencer whispers, a far off, yer honest look taking over his face, “he already thinks I’m seeing someone and you are too. I guess we're going to have to tell them eventually,”
“Over the weekend,” You say, sitting up next to Spencer, kissing over his shoulders and the marks that you left just moments before, “I can’t wait to tell them I don’t hate you,”
Spencer, rubbing his fluffy head against your neck, says, “you mean that you love me,” he leaves sloppy kisses along your chest, your collarbone and neck before murmuring into your skin, “because I love you and I want everyone to know,”
“I love you, Spence. Even when you stop in the middle of me fucking you to tell me statistics about orgasms,” you say, kissing his lips in the kind of kiss that reminds you of everything sweet and good in this world.
“Well there’s more where that came from,” Spencer says, pushing you back down on the bed and hovering over you, “did you know that there’s 4 stages to the female orgasm? I think we should do a little experiment, hmm. See if you can tell me difference,”
He kisses you, holding your face again like you’re something that needs to be cherished. You could tell that it could go on for hours, until your kisses become even more languid and slow, and the promise of more tomorrow fills your dreams.
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ivybucky · 3 years
min konge(my king) ~ loki x reader(*s*)
Prompt: ( a culmination of ideas shared between me and @agent-laufeyson) Reader is learning to speak Norwegian (and therefore Asgardian) and practices while reading Norse Poetry with Loki on the throne.
a/n: AHHHHH can you believe it?? my first ever loki fic AND its smut. Sorry i've been gone for a bit, i've been trying to sort out some things in my real life ajsdjfa;lj
content warnings: sm*t, unprotected s*x (dont be a fool, protect your tool), semi-public but not really, throne s*x, c*ckw*rming, degrading, dom!loki, size k*nk, slight bulging, king loki? is that a warning, throne s*x, edging, lots of edging, slight br**ding k*nk, choking
^^is this what you want from me @staff ^^
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author: abby<3
words: 1550
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The throne room was secluded enough- quiet enough. Save for the guards that stood watch outside of the grand doors, the hall was empty but of her and her king. Her place was on his lap, a comfort provided in between regal meetings and audiences with the now king of Asgard.
They made small talk. Idle, loving conversation between partners- planning of the upcoming celebrations, the well-being of friends, gossip on topics that didn’t leave the castle walls.
“My dear,” his voice rumbled against her back as his fingers flexed against her waist. “How are your studies?”
As a Midguardian now living in Asgard, her knowledge of her new home’s culture needed to be improved, including her understanding of the dialect. She hummed from her spot in his lap, gaze unwavering from the gilded book that rested in her hands. “Quite well, min kjærlighet.” (my love)
His grip tightened as he pulled her further against him and let his forehead drop to her shoulder again with a groan. She felt his taut chest graze against her back. “Say that again.”
“Min kjærlighet,” she smirked, one hand moving up and behind her to rest in his dark locks. “Min konge.” (my love - my king)
His teeth nipped at the skin in the crook of her neck. His hands grasped at the silk draped around her waist and tugged it upwards. “Loki-”
“Do you want to serve your king, pet?” His voice rumbled down her spine. His crotch shifted against hers, rutting softly. “Read to me.”
“What ails thee, Hiálmar? Thy hue is pale-” Loki clicked his tongue as he unfastened trousers and pulled his stiff cock into the open air.
“You’ll never learn if you don’t practice, love.” Her bare pussy rubbed against him now, the tip of his cock grinding deliciously against her. He sheathed himself in her warmth with a low groan ripping from his throat. “Just like this, pet. Keeping me warm.” He forced her hips to circle over his crotch. “Now try again.”
“Store sår, jeg sliten, slitne-” he stilled his thrusts and her hips at the mistake, a whine slipping through her lips.
“I thought you were smarter. I thought you were trying to learn,” he grunted.
“Please, my king.” He sighed with disapproval.
“Did I say to stop reading? Continue.” His hands tightened against her skin, promising bruises and indentions in their wake.
“Store sår, jeg sliten, gjør deg trett,” she let out a breathy sigh. “Din hjelm er hugget, din hauberk eke.”
“That’s better.” His palm trailed to her front, pressing into the lower swell of her belly as he gave a sharp thrust. She gasped at the sensation of his length straining against her insides. “Norns, I can feel myself inside you. Deep within your aching cunt as you keep me warm. Is this not how it should be? Keep reading, my love.”
Her fingers gripped the pages of the book, the paper wrinkling beneath her strength. Her cunt dripped against the leather of his pants, slick and warm.
“P-på slutten er nå ditt liv-” she stuttered as the speed of his movements increased. “Sår har jeg seks, er spaltet byrnie-” and then slowed with her error. Her voice broke with an agitated cry.
“Seksten-” He corrected in her ear, teeth dragging against her ear lobe. “Are you even trying?”
“I know you want to cum.” His fingers rubbed slow circles into her clit, not causing enough friction to get her closer to her end goal. “Finish reading to me and I’ll let you.”
“Please,” she let out a whine, eyes scrunched shut. He moved his fingers to grope her thigh, pinching the delicate skin. A gasp tumbled out of her mouth and his voice took on more bite. “I said, ‘finish reading to me and I’ll let you.’ You wouldn’t want me to deny you of that now would you.”
“-svakt vokser synet mitt, jeg ser ikke lenger-” His lips rested against her shoulder, repeated kisses and the soft lap of his tongue darted across her skin. His hips pistoned up into hers in a steady thrust as his fingers trailed up under her silk to toy with the perked flesh of her nipple.
“That’s it, my love.” Her hand fell from the pages of the book to cover his over her breast, the foreign language pouring from lips. Their fingers intertwined with each other as he kneaded at the supple flesh. “Good pet, learning so quickly, aren’t you.”
“For you, my king.” Her voice was breathless, slurred as she finished the verse. His lips continued their assault, only breaking away from her flesh to view the blossom marks left in their wake.
She continued with her reading, he continued with his movements. His grasps against her hips and on her breasts did not slack. If anything, his grip strengthened its hold as he pace sped up with each correctly presented line of the poem.
And when she made a mistake? He would stop all movements until she corrected herself, and then continued as he was.
She finished the second to last verse- “-men jeg overmester her mange sår” - and his grip against her found a more secure purchase.
“My sweet,” he groaned, as he pistoned into her with greater intent. “You’re almost done, love.” She cried as he elevated her to an almost release. She could feel her mind blank, eyes screwed shut in anticipation. His cock dragged against her warmth at a steady pace now, bucking up into her with force. She grasped at the hands against her, straggled cries and pleas fell from her lips, tears welling in her eyes. She could feel herself clench around him, could feel herself begin to tip over the edge.
And then it all stopped. His grip pulled her unmoving against his lap once again. He panted behind her, pressing his lips calmly into her shoulder once more. “But not yet.”
She wanted to cry, her ruined orgasm holding too much over her. “Loki-”
“Nearly there, pet.” The moderate buck of his hips started once again. “You can do it.”
“"Flyr fra sør den sultne ravn-” her voice was sore and scratched, stuttered from her needed release “I can’t, please,” she begged, trying to move her hips against him as best she could.
“You can,” he grunted, a hand coming down on the inside of her thigh. “And you will.”
“-fløyter med ham brakørnen;” she gasped, his hips picking up speed in the slightest.
“Keep going, pet,” echoed in her ear. “You’re doing so well.”
“På kjøttet til de falne skal jeg ikke lenger mate dem:” his finger trail yet again to her clit, waiting for the words to fall from lips. “på kroppen min vil begge batte nå.”
The book clattered to the floor, a loud thud ignored as his hips began once again to thrust sharply into her. She barely registers Loki moving her belly over the armrest of the throne, her place on his lap long forgotten. Her cries, his moans mingled together and echoed over the walls.
“Please,” her voice was broken and begging. “Please Loki.” His fingers moved quick circles against her cunt, his other hand applying pressure to her throat. The wet smack of his hips pounding against her ass resounded throughout the great room. The pent-up lust and frustration clouded the space around them, Loki’s own strong-willed nature holding himself back from taking what had so righteously and matrimonially been defined as his.
She clenched around him once more, this time no longer bounded by text on a page to deny her release. Her cries grew fervent, desperate and craving to actually mean something.
“That’s it darling, cum for me. Cum for your king.” His voice was muddled as he held himself back from his own release, his hard stiffness aching within her.
At last, finally, his name in a yelp of ecstasy was ripped from her lungs, thighs shaking against the wrinkled leather of his pants. Her back arched, arms pressed into the side of the throne. Loki’s head fell into her shoulder as he clutched her harder, more bruises expected. A strangled grunt and a whimpered, “I’m cumming” fell from his lips and into her skin. She was filled with his long-awaited release, his cum dripping out where they were connected.
They panted into the empty room, heartbeats pounding in their ears. He pulled her once more against his chest, allowing them to both take a moment to collect themselves. Loki placed his fingers under her chin, turning it towards him to meet his lips. They ran against each other, lovingly and messily, as they always did. And then he tucked his chin into her shoulder.
“Love,” she spoke, breathless and exhausted. “I should go clean up.”
She moved to rise off of him and his lap but his arms kept her in place, him sliding back into her fully with a moan from both of them. “No, my darling.”
“No?” she chuckled, reaching up to stroke his hair.
“No,” his voice was steady, authoritative. “I have a meeting in 5 minutes. You are going to stay right where you are, with my cock and my cum inside of you, understand?”
Her eyes went wide for a second before a small smile took over her face.
“Yes, min konge.”
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tagging my best frens : @agent-laufeyson @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @calling-the-angels
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tinyidle · 3 years
Could you do a Twice reaction to their girlfriend or s/o calling them mommy in that suggestive way? Thanks and I love your writing!
Reaction Tuesday: You Call Them "Mommy"- Twice
sorry about this reaction being late for this one. school and laziness hit me lol. anyway enjoy this as i put thought into it will writing at 1 am. also, thank you for loving my writing!
WARNING: suggestive smut, title explains it all, physical contact, use of nicknames/pet names, mdlb (similar to ddlg or ddlb but the "b" stands for baby here), mentions of domming, slight swearing, degr*d*tion, praise k*nk, t*tty k*nk, dom!mommy!idol (except for mina and tzuyu), sub!baby!reader idolxgen reader, all fiction since i don't actually know much about the members
🌿 ୨ ✎ ‧₊ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ₊˚ ˊ˗
when you called her that, her ego went through the roof. she started to nag you a lot more and would use her title to set you straight. after all, you have to obey mommy's rules. also, she would schedule "feeding" since you loved sucking on her tits. she loved it, and would use it for both of your benefits.
"mommy said it's time to sleep. don't make me make you."
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liked the name for fun. but would be flustered if you said it suggestively. nonetheless she'll use that authority to make you be a good little baby for her. either that or no cumming, no cuddling, and no touching. at all. yeah, mommy's a bit mean.
"i said stay still as i give my baby their love mommy wants to give them."
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mommy? you wish you didn't call her that. every day she would tease you endlessly and kind of degrade you for wanting to act extra subby to almost a childish way. but funny enough, your girlfriend loved the extra spiciness it gave to the relationship. and you loved it too.
"so you feel so pathetic that you want me to guide you? ill make sure my dumb baby feels safe."
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she was very flustered when you called her that. so you would use it to tease her bed. she would break for a second before she got back in her groove, punishing you for ruining her teetering orgasm. degrades you heavily and then sends you into an endless spiral of edging for hours.
"dumb slut. mommy should punish you for making her lose her release."
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surprisingly she loved being called that. in fact, she treated it like every other pet name you guys had for each other. this shocked you especially, with her using it to her advantage. you won't listen to her when she says give her cuddles? she will pull the "mommy" card? don't want her to pleasure you when you've had a stressful day but really need a reliever? pulls out the "mommy" card. if you won't do it for your girlfriend, you'll do it for "mommy" then.
"get on your knees and beg if you want mommy to let you have what you want."
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for this woman, you use the pet name to your advantage. whenever she seems to act like she can't take control, you try using "mommy" to rile her up. in which, it never really does and only makes her even more subby than you intended.
"don't call me that! im your little baby."
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what was that? you called her mommy? then come and sit on her lap like a good baby. your girlfriend would take the name seriously when she felt that both of you were comfortable enough to actually play the mommy-baby role. if you let her go so far, she might even buy you cute clothes for you to wear just so she can ruin it later on.
"come here, baby. mommy's got a surprise."
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i don't know what to say for her, since she's a lot to handle. you probably called her this name tons of times. but when she switches it upon you, you're taken off-guard. she would be furiously eating you out, and then would praise you with the name, which only proceeded to make you come to your high faster, which results in a lot of teasing from the shorter woman.
"look at mommy, so pathetic at watching her baby have her way with them. it's cute."
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although she's tall, she still gets flustered extremely easily. so you calling her mommy in a suggestive or even accidental way made her knees go weak. you would notice this and would use it often, especially when fingering her, your fingers in her wet cunt, kissing her and calling her the name just made her eyes roll to the back of her head.
"you're doing so well for me baby. thank you so much."
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🌱 :: ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶₊˚ ɞ
how was this reaction? pretty short, but honestly there's no need to put too much in detail for this. hopefully, jeongyeon's doing well these days.
if you want me to do a specific one with a specific group, let me know!
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yasbxxgie · 5 years
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A new edition of Octavia Butler's classic postapocalyptic Afrofuturist novel "Parable of the Sower," with an introduction by Hugo winner NK Jemisin
Macarthur "genius prize" recipient Octavia Butler (previously) is one of science fiction's most important figures, an author who wrote cracking, crackling, accessible and fast-moving adventure stories shot through with trenchant and smart allegories about race, gender and power (I like to think of her as "woke Heinlein").
Grand Central has just published a new edition of one of her most important books, Parable of the Sower, the first of a two-volume set that tells the tale of a young Black girl in southern California during a time of environmental and economic collapse and the rise of authoritarian rule; about how she leads a band of refugees, founding a new religion grounded in solidarity and stewardship, and how she triumphs over lunatic gangs; corrupt, militarized cops; and the logistical challenges of flash-fires, starvation and disease.
The new edition features a brilliant introduction by NK Jemisin (previously), whose Broken Earth trilogy made Hugo Award history last year when all three volumes won the prize for Best Novel.
Jemisin's introduction describes how she read Butler's novel at three times in her life, and how each read evinced a very different reaction from her -- once in the roaring nineties when the economy was booming and the internet promised democratization of culture and communications; once in Jemisin's thirties when she was was a grad student researching the theory of Black liberation and the nature of white supremacy; and now, in the Trump era, when stories about authoritarian rule, mass inequality, and climate devastation don't feel nearly so allegorical and have taken on the tinge of description instead.
Jemisin's sober assessment of Butler's legacy after three reads highlights how the novel lays out a plan for "smart resistance," grounded in an understanding of "the difference between good intentions and good outcomes." That's exactly right. Parable of the Sower has never been more relevant.
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mueritos · 2 years
im super excited for your trans erotica series!!!!! do you have any other recommendations for trans erotica artists to follow? it can be art or writing idc i just want to see trans people embracing our sexuality without fetishization lol
totally agree! fetishization makes finding trans er0tica tricky ;; my favorite author/illustrator is taylor titmouse! seeing his work actually inspired to start making graphic novel er0tica, as it was something ive wanted to do for a rlly long time and just had never seen anyone do it. Another artist I love is gggrimes on instagram, they have such beautiful art that shows wonderful queer relationships in intimacy and k!nk :) if you want to follow updates on my writing and work, i have a n/s/f/w twitter!
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highsviolets · 3 years
a note on fic writing
I’m not entirely sure how to preface what I need to say, so I’m just going to jump into the heat of things.
Lately I’ve noticed an increase in fics that sound awfully similar to one another. A certain amount of this is to be expected: working with a finite number of characters and the same source material is bound to ignite similar ideas in lots of different people across the fandom. 
So, too, individual bloggers cannot lay claim to tropes (there was only one bed!), genres (Western AU!), or k*nks (bondage!). 
However, individual authors do own their ideas, their characterizations, and their plot points; in essence, they own the things that make their fics unique. 
The sort of similarities that myself and other authors been witnessing lately unfortunately fall into the second category, where other creators on this site are using ideas in fics posted by others and claiming them as their own without a) permission from the original author and/or b) crediting the original author and citing them as an inspiration. 
I cannot find the words to say how devastating it is to encounter your work featured as someone else’s. Authors work incredibly hard to cultivate original, inspiring ideas to share and then spend countless hours bringing them to fruition. Seeing someone else base a fic off of your own work without credit is disheartening, disappointing, and discouraging -- not to mention rude. 
One of the glories of Tumblr is that it allows creative people a space to interact with other creative people. It puts you in contact with writers and other creators that you not would know otherwise, and provides you with exposure to hundreds of new ideas each day. 
All of that being said, if you are inspired to write a fic based off of someone else’s fic or an original post on their blog, please credit them. 
I also encourage you to do one better and DM the author to make sure you’re not plagiarizing. The line between plagiarization and inspiration is a fine one and talking to the author can help you determine on which side of that line your fic would fall. 
This post isn’t a call-out, and it’s not intended as gatekeeping or telling people what they can and can’t write. It’s simply pointing out some upsetting trends that myself and other authors have been affected by and offering a solution. 
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