#Avar is just there for the fun
arirter · 9 months
Eye of Darkness is NOT letting Elzar escape the polycule allegations he is literally always thinking of Stellan and Avar ghxjsialk
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trutrustories · 11 months
Part 2: Breaking Brad
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining)
Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta.
I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
Okay, Check-list, ep 2:
11) matching suits part 1 THIS ⬇️ costume department did a great job and they look badass together also, they´re walking very close to each other.
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12) Loki defending /saving Mobius from Brad (with magic!) also, Mobius, dear, (my beloved) you were really going for it! Always so ready to fight! I can´t xD
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Loki "don´t u dare hurt him" Laufeyson, look at his face!
13) Mobius and Loki struggling to assemble IKEA furniture- sorry Tapmad together
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14) " And he knows..." I mean yeah, sure. keep remind us, that Mobius knows everything about Loki, and saw him at his worst, so we can appreciate even more the fact, that Mobius likes him and cares for him so damn much 💚🤎
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15) Loki finding Mobius´s joke amusing Mobius: cracking joke right after Loki´s threatening speech:
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16) Loki being very concerned for Mobius after his outburst, saying that It´s okay, and then suggests having pie because he knows Mobius so well and is avare of the fact, that his man is stress eater I´m gonna cry they´re too pure for MCU someone adopt them
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17) Bickering like married couple (part 2) 18) The whole freaking pie scene!
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Just them, sharing calm, intimate moment together
Mobius opening up to Loki, and admiting he "lost it"
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Loki trying to make him feel better and absolutely KILLING IT! btw, I know, that some people think, this scene doesn´t make sense, because Loki didn´t "lost it" during avengers, but was controlled by mind stone, etc.... well I think that it actually doesn´t matter. Guess what else doesn´t make sense? For example the fact, that they already talked about Loki fighting Avengers ( during their first meeting.) Loki is aware, that Mobius saw New York invasion at least twice now, and he´s telling him anyway. I would say, that point here is Loki trying to lift Mobius´s spirit, entertain him, make him smile. Why else woud he start his monolog by "remember, when...?" And I think, that this is huge, actually: Loki, using his bad memory, defeat, his humulianting experience to make Mobius feel better. So not only, that we see, he no longer care about being rurel but we see him making lightly fun of it FOR MOBIUS´S SAKE! He has different priorities now... our immortal god is a grown man now... it´s just so fucking beautiful... 🥺
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Also Mobius saying to Loki: "come on, you´re the God of Mischief" Like it´s a best thing in the world, and Loki gives him THIS LOOK! (I mean that head tilt would be considered "acting" category, but I´m already making concessions by including all these things under one number :D
19) Loki and Mobius: mischievous duo
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Mobius trusts him so completly!
They both such a drama queens!
And they works so well together!
like... seriously, Brad didn´t see this coming, AT ALL! xD
also... Loki complimenting his plan?!
20) "They say opposites attract. NO." Mobius´s wishfull thinking xD (But hey, it IS true. Opposites attracts. And works greatly together. That´s the only reason, why, for example, trope like grumpy one/sunshine one is so popular!) I can´t! just look at his face 🤣 Oh honey! just calm down
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He is sooooooo NOT chill here xD bless him
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21) Loki, not following Sylvie, but actually staying with Mobius and comforting him. AGAIN. (which is an absolutely glaring contrast compared to episode 2 in first season!)
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trappezoider · 10 months
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The night before Avaric's wedding night :) TW: drrrugs and painnnnnful stuffff (sorry for not tagging because tumblr just will not show this to anyone D:)
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bikananjarrus · 4 months
i finally started reading the high republic books! i finished light of the jedi last night, so here are a few of my (non-spoilery) thoughts:
jedi doing cool shit with the force is my favorite thing and there is SO much good jedi doing cool shit with the force content
also the way the force was described was just, really beautiful. it's been a while since any visual star wars medium has really made me feel in awe of the force, but this did the job so well.
the little worldbuilding aspects were really cool. (hypserspace travel still being developed, bacta isn't mass-produced yet, etc.) this book was just a really nice reminder about how cool and strange and fun the star wars galaxy can be (when actual effort is put into making it that way)
on that note, god it felt good to have good star wars content. like this was SO. GOOD. (and i'm so so excited to move onto the next books, but i kind of didn't want this one to end bc charles soule is such a beautiful writer. and he made every pov interesting and engaging; i was never bored)
i think maybe my favorite pov to read from was bell's. he made me laugh, and soule wrote him in such a way that was youthful but not childish, and it was just such a joy reading his pov. i felt so connected to him immediately, and was so proud of him by the end of the book! can't wait to see where his story goes. (also i love his and loden's relationship and i have SO many feelings about the end of the book like..... iykyk.)
avar and elzar. avar and elzar. AVAR AND ELZAR. they've got me down so. bad. help.....i love both of them individually, and their dynamic together is everything to me actually. (i have so many more thoughts on them, but i’ll come back to them later)
another bullet point to again say how much i LOVE jedi doing cool shit with the force, and relating it to elzar and a) how he describes the force as an endless sea.... yeah. i'm in love w that description; and b) him wanting to push boundaries, explore all that the force is capable, is just really really cool.
the epilogue. I have not stopped thinking about it. like i got yearning and terrifying force visions all in one chapter?? charles soule did that for ME <3
i'm reading the main books for phase one in order, so next up is test of courage, then into the dark. (even though i reallyyyy want to just go right to the rising storm lol)
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garbage--account · 6 months
Since some of y'all are fantasizing about having a OG season 4 instead of Go, i will tell you how it would be :
Closer in substance to Honoosuto than the main serie
Each episode would look like a filler
Few months timeskips between each episode because there is 10 years seperating S3 and Go
Charadesigns constently changing because they literally grew up since last chapter, until achieving their final forms from Go...
As well as their fashions because trends, interests, activities and priorities shifting
Mfs could be besties in one episode and not talking anymore the next one because they'd argue off-screen and since they are not seeing each others as often than before to begin with, they'd not reconcile properly
Endou x Natsumi making sense
Endou trying college because his mom told him so
Endou would miss hard times he had in the previous seasons because it made his everyday life interesting, even exciting, while now that everything is working out and calm, he'd feel nothing happens. And he could not cope with just sakka and friends because his teammates are also setting up for life (studies, jobs, busy days, etc.) and have less time to go sakka with their fave captain.
Ironically, most of his friends (especially those with tragic backtories, wouldn't miss those days for anything and seems happier now. Sure, they miss being able to see Endou and sakka everyday, but they aspire at a well deserved serenity now for their future.
At the end of the season, Endou would accept this and let himself mature and looking for setting up things for his adulthood.
The season would not be happy-go-lucky not depressing/dramatic/stressful overall, but rather contemplative and chill (even tho we cannot make a IE season without wackyness). The characters would be getting used by normalcy as the épisodes passes. Behind the apparent fun they are having, it's tinted with self-questionning and more mature themes because they are avare they are getting older.
In short : S4 would not be as epic and shonen-spirited than the rest of the license. People grew out of their trauma, others grew out of their innocence, they are aware they have nothing else to prove, they are already accomplished soccer players. They now have to become accomplish adults. It wouldn't be as exciting to watch.
Remember :
Delulu is not the solulu
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mischiefxmuses · 8 months
taking inspiration from kasey with the pinboards. Here is my plotting/ starter call for the mini event. If you want a starter please be very specific about muses. Also if you like this for plotting i'll hop into your DMs. I'll be dropping most older threads pre event but keeping new ones going or plot heavy and important ones. But yeah that's it from me here goes:
Alastor - Going Solo
Alastor is chaos so he is likely going to be wandering around, watching and learning. Causing some chaos. Maybe talk to a few people, get a few secrets from people. He might offer up a song or two. Possible plots: People wanting to cause chaos with him, someone who spills their heart out to him, roaming around the museum together, judging people together. (2/3) - Shu Hualing, Clara
Angel - Going with Buffy Summers
Angel does not like events like this. He is going because he wants to be with buffy and he is trying new things. But he's still often going to be found wandering or in a corner. Possible plots: people watching from the sidelines as well, wandering the museum together (1/3) - Buffy
Billy Loomis - Going with Jill Roberts
Billy wonders what sort of chaos will happen but he is looking forward to getting to dance with his girlfriend. On this night he might not be focusing on Ghostface quite as much and more on her. (He does still have his knife on him just in case). Possible plots: causing a little bit of chaos, drinking, wandering around. (2/3) - Jill, Tara
Charles Xavier - Going with Ororo Monroe
Charles promised her to focus more on her so for this time he is really trying to make it about her and not work. He is going to try his hardest but will be quite sad that he cannot dance with her properly. Possible plots: Charles talking your muses ear off about the museum, having a drink with the professor, exploring the museum. (3/3) - Rose, Feng Yu , Ororo
Charlie Weasley - Going with Lydia Martin
After the war he struggles with big social events so it is going to require some getting used too. Especially since he used to be a social butterfly. He will be drinking, exploring and just chatting to as many people as possible. Possible plots: exploring, having a dance, drinking buddies. (1/3) - Dora
Charlotte Emily - Going with Max Lightwood
Charlotte never really got to experience these things and the random date thing with Max as well makes her nervous. Her aim will to be have fun but not to get overwhelmed and keep the puppet at bay. possible plots: someone who helps calm her down, someone to drink with, someone to explore with (2/3) - Cassidy, Mike
Cleo Mckinnon - Going with Thor Odinson
Cleo just wants to get away from the family drama and have a fun night. She will try to keep the peace in her family if things happen as best as she can but she wants to be able to enjoy her night with Thor. She wants to explore and be a person. possible plots: someone to explore with, someone to drink with, family plots. (1/3) - Thor
Cordelia Goode - Going with Alastor Moody
Cordelia loves an elegant event. She is even happier to go with Alastor. She is looking forward to a romantic evening with some dancing and conversation. possible plots: drinking together, exploring the museum, getting some fresh air (2/3) - Qi Yang, Alastor
Cullen Rutherford - Going with Jing Xi
Cullen doesn't like events like this but being who he is he needed to show his face and participate in the event. He is really awkward and uncomfortable but he will try. Just be ready for awkwardness. possible plots: exploring the museum, having a drink together, getting some fresh air, fellow government staff, catching him trying to sneak off. (0/3)
Dream - Going with Avar
Dream is not good in places like this. But he is trying, he really is. He will likely be on the sidelines most of the time. He won't try to leave because he's there with Avar but likely spending a lot of time outside. possible plots: exploring the museum, getting some fresh air, being with him when he tries a drink, judging people together. (2/3) - thanatos, Avar
Fleur Delacour Weasley - Going with Bill Weasley
Fleur cannot wait to be able to dance with her husband. She enjoys these sorts of events and looking forward to a romantic evening. She is excited to see how everyone is dressed. possible plots: exploring the museum, getting some fresh air, talking about the fashion. (1/3) - Bill
Harwin Strong - Going with Rhaenyra Targaryen
Getting to go to an event like this with his wife. He is very excited because he never got to show them off back home. They got that one dance together and it was so nice, one of the times he knew he loved them. He never got to show his affection so getting to now, he is very excited. He is so in love and cannot wait to dance with them. Even if he is not overly fond of parties. possible plots: exploring the museum, getting a drink, parents happy to have a night off. (0/3)
Henry Creel - Going with Phoebe Buffay
Henry is curious if anything will happen at this event. He is very intrigued by the whole thing. He agreed to do the blind date thing out of sheer curiosity. Not that he actually cares but he is a curious individual. He will be hungry for some chaos. possible plots: exploring the museum, creating some chaos, catching him trying to sneak into a place he shouldn't be going. (0/3)
Hera Syndulla - Going Solo
It'll be a fun night even if she's going solo. It's going to make her miss Kanan more than usual but she's happy to show her face. She wants to support her colleagues and meet new people. Maybe explore the museum. possible plots: hanging out with colleagues, having a drink or two, interacting with her pilots, exploring the museum. (0/3)
Hunter - Going with Rowena Ravenclaw
Hunter is getting better about going to these events. He is become more accustomed to not just being a soldier. He is looking forward to spending some time with Rowena, he will not dance because he cannot dance and doesn't want to embarrass him in front of her. He will try not to work either. possible plots: enjoying the vibes, exploring the museum, having a drink, someone trying to convince him to dance. (2/3) - Feyre, Rowena
Iorveth - Going with Lexi
Iorveth doesn't do these sort of events. Back home he was actively shunned so he never got to. He doesn't know how to do these sort of parties but of course Lexi dragged him along. He is reluctantly there. He will not dance. (Lexi will likely make him). possible plots: exploring the museum, having a drink or a few, watching from the sidelines, going outside for a bit. (0/3)
Loki Laufeyson - Going Solo
Loki is going because of curiosity and he works at the museum but he's not super keen. He doesn't need the reminder of all the festivities back home that he suffered through because no one really wanted to interact with him. But he's here. He might set of some magical fireworks or bring things in the museum to life because funny. possible plots: playing some tricks, exploring the museum, having a drink or a few, catching him trying to escape. (1/3) - Wei Wuxian
Nimona - Going with Reggie Peters
Nimona is ready to cause some chaos. She's never really been to an event like this and never gone while on a date. They have no idea how to navigate it but she's excited. Hopefully people will join in on the chaos they want to create. possible plots: causing chaos and mischief together, dancing, having a drink, exploring. (1/3) - Kaz
Peter Hale - Going with Bev Marsh
Peter is very intrigued and just happy to go with Bev. He can be very social and very charming. He is looking forward to dancing with Bev and having an evening just hoping nothing crazy happens. possible plots: having a drink or two, exploring the museum (2/3) - Bev, Allison
Rabastan Lestrange - Going with Narcissa Black
The main thing is he is looking forward to spending the evening with his fiance and getting to celebrate with her. He is going to avoid getting into fights and avoid any of the idiot brigade as much as possible. He will not engage in fights. possible plots: having a drink or two, exploring the museum, someone trying to engage in a fight with him. (0/3)
Satine Kryze - Going with Obi Wan Kenobi
Going as besties to enjoy the evening. Have a few drinks and relax. It is comforting to just have him around and going with him eases any stress she might feel about all of this. She knows it's important to show her face as well as a senator. possible plots: other government people, having a drink or two, exploring the museum. (0/3)
Sanji - Going with Nami
Sanji is over the moon excited to go with Nami to this and to get to dance with her. It will be interesting to have the rest of the crew see them together but he doesn't care about any judgement, he wants to make this night special for Nami. possible plots: straw hats seeing nami x sanji together, having a drink or two, judging the food together, exploring the museum. (2/3) - Usopp, Nami
Shanks - Going with Yor
Shanks is very intrigued about this. Never really experienced anything like this but he loves a social event. Getting to talk to people and he is very interested to get to know Yor a bit more. possible plots: having a few drinks together, exploring the museum, having a dance, judging people. (1/3) - Yor
Silco - Going with Emma Swan
Silco feels he needs to go as the Secretary of the Treasury and participate in the blind date thing. He does intend to sneak away at some point. He will try to enjoy himself but it is Silco. He will be very worried about Jinx. possible plots: having a drink together, exploring the museum, judging people. (1/3) - Jinx
Sion Val Palpatine - Going with Ashley Brown
Sion is not letting Ashley out of his sight. He just wants them to have a happy evening together after everything. He wants to dance with her and be with her. He doesn't want drama so he will avoid serious conversations. possible plots: having a drink together, exploring the museum, trying to have a deep convo with him and he's not doing it. (2/3) - Rey, Ashley
Tenel Ka Djo - Going with Jacen Solo
Tenel is hoping for a nice evening with Jacen. She doesn't want drama or anything just a chance for them to have fun. They both need it but she is very aware that they will be surrounded by their family. She is still going to try to enjoy herself and make sure Jacen isn't stressing. possible plots: having a drink together, judging people, exploring the museum. (2/3) - Jacen, Jyn
Percy De Rolo - Going with tbc
With his memories he is happy to get to go to an event like this. Respectability and dancing. It was something he missed. Constant battles and fighting, now he is happy to get to spend time with Vex on top of it. Though she doesn't remember, she is still Vex and he wants to make the night special for her. possible plots: having a drink together, exploring the museum, talking, gossiping (sort of) (0/3)
Yennefer of Vengerberg - Going with Geralt Of Rivia
Yennefer will try not to work but it will always be in the back of her mind to watch out for Leia. She enjoys dancing and socializing but never trusts events like this. She is looking forward to dancing with Geralt again. possible plots: fellow USSS trying to relax, exploring the museum, having a drink, gossiping. (2/3) - Dru, Zoya
Lyanna Stark - Going with Rhaegar Targaryen
They never got to do this sort of thing together, their relationship was secret and then they lost each other. So she is so excited to have this time with Rhaegar. She hopes to just enjoy. possible plots: exploring the museum, gossiping, having a drink or two, enjoying the vibes. (0/3)
Zash Baen - Going with Megara
This is so not his scene. He is going because he has been paid by Jabba to keep an eye on him. The blind date thing is to cover why he is there. He won't make it obvious that he is watching his boss. He will have his lightsabers on him. possible plots: drinking a decent amount, trying to engage him or gossip with him, exploring the museum, finding him sat away from everyone. (1/3) - Alani
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jewishcissiekj · 10 months
Woah it's the conclusion to the exciting saga of me reading Thr High Republic Phase I comics but this time it's the end of it so. uh. you know. Starlight and shit. (might be 2 parts bc I have many screenshots)
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suddenly I forgot words
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Keeve... babygirl... stop that... fuck...
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Sskeer and Keeve are so silly yet so angsty at the same time, kinda Quinlan & Aayla coded of them if you think about it
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already made that joke but who cares. white woman save me
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Marchion get you ugly hologram ass out of here let me see Lourna's face
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oh my lord it's tempest runner Lourna DEEEEEEEE
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white woman.... (I am so Elzar Man)
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ooooh the girls are fightingggggg dude I love the way Avar's hair is short at the front it's so pretty
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yeah so you see that should be me. Keeve get out of the way.
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Sorry for not talking about the actual content of these issues. This was sssssssoooooo
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back to lesbian
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a) gorgous gorgues THR Adventures #13 cover b) Ky and Asajj are literally from this lineage idk what to tell you
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Lula Talisola I haven't heard from you in 3 days but I need you back so bad already
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oops they shrunked
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Krix shaking in his boots but that's just a guy he should be terrified but that's still just a dude
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MRALISOLAAAAAA Canonically queer Star Wars character my beloved
OK so I have three Adventures pics left but I already have 29 pics here so gonna do the rest (not just Adventures I have mores shit left) in a separate post👍 this was fun
The High Republic (2021) #12-14 | The High Republic Adventures (2021) #13
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gffa · 4 months
THE HIGH REPUBLIC READING PROJECT UPDATE: Ssssssoooo clossssssse. I'm going to be a little sad about having to wait between releases again, but also excited about having more time for other books or just not frantically using every free moment I have to spend on Star Wars. (Which sounds worse than I mean it, I've genuinely enjoyed this and my giant pile of citations is going to be fun to catch up on, too, and I find myself satisfied by having a fun nudge to keep me going.)
The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness
The High Republic: Escape from Valo
The High Republic: Defy The Storm
The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight - 4 issues
The High Republic (2023) - 7 issues [ONGOING]
The High Republic Adventures (2023) - 6 issues [ONGOING]
The High Republic - Saber for Hire (2023) - 2 issues [ONGOING]
The High Republic Adventures: Crash Landing
This includes the comics that came out this week, and I'm down to about two hours left of Defy the Storm which is the last thing on my list! I still think each successive Phase has been better than the last. Part of that is that the stakes have slowly been rising with each wave, as well as more authors means more variety, and more time spent with the characters means more investment in them on my part, but I also genuinely think that each Phase has been better structured than the last. Not necessarily more fun/more enjoyable, but that it took a bit of time to find their feet and give it some teeth. Defy the Storm benefits from having a wider scope of characters and the two authors work really well together. I'm interested to see where Vernestra goes, because I'm really curious about how unsettled and unhappy she's seemed for awhile now, especially if The Acolyte seems to be gearing up to show her as having unresolved issues still a hundred years later or whatever. Because I can see an arc there, but now that she's found Imri alive, she seems more settled, so I'm wondering what even would be left, other than just general trauma over the war, I guess?? I'm also curious about where everything with Keeve Trennis is going, because it's almost guaranteed that she's one of the Lost Twenty, and her arc in the comics has felt like she's frustrated and disappointed with some of the stuff going on around her, but I'm not sure it's built up enough that she would want to leave the Jedi Order for it, unless she's leaving for something else, like Sskeer or whoever the little girl in the comic is. It has been interesting to watch the effect of the war on the High Republic Jedi, like Avar had an entire arc in the books and comics where she struggled with the dark side because of all the fighting, Elzar had an entire arc where he struggled with the dark side even before the war got really bad, Keeve is struggling, Ceret and Terec the twins from the comics are struggling, Ty Yorick left the Jedi, Lula officially left the Jedi in the latest Adventures comic, Vernestra seems to be struggling, like, these are the Jedi that the authors pitched as being just about the most perfect Jedi ever, and yet being thrown into a war and basically having the entire galaxy put on their shoulders is really hard on them. It's such an interesting parallel to the prequels Jedi, who were thrown directly into a war and had the entire galaxy basically dumped on their shoulders, and I think we've seen fewer Jedi crack under the pressure there than the High Republic is--and I think it's fair to have characters like that, even in people who've trained their whole lives to let things go. They're space psychic wizards who can sense others' feelings and they're surrounded by a constant bombardment of trauma, grief, and horror at what the Nihil are doing to people! Like, yeah, they're not designed to withstand that, that's why having a place they can retreat to is so vital for them, to have a place where they can shelter from the emotional storm that is just walking down the street with non-Jedi in the middle of a war or, god forbid, be trapped behind a storm wall where there aren't any other Jedi. Jedi weren't meant to be alone and so many of them are being pinned down in place and that's really hard on Jedi. Also, oh, man, the second issue of Saber for Hire was sooooo interesting, they had a Force-sensitive little girl named Lene and I would be surprised if that's not Lene Kostana, even if I'm squinting a little at how I guess she's supposed to be 200+ years old by the time she trains Sifo-Dyas? Also some banger lore about Force bonds, which I always love.
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lestappenheart · 2 years
Uh, enjoy reading or smth.. I'm insecure about this
Texas was definitely Daniel's favorite race. He just loved wearing all those cowboy hats and boots and even those fringed jackets. It felt right, like a second home. But partying after the race week was even better.
They were currently in a bit overpacked bar, he and a couple of other drivers. Lando was talking to the DJ, trying to convince him to let him play some songs. Charles and Pierre were on the dance floor showing their not so good moves. And George, Mick and Max were sitting at the bar. (Carlos and Lewis got lost somewhere).
Max was sitting with his half empty drink, eying the dancefloor. He was looking at the certain Monegasque driver, Daniel just knew it. The two had been circling around each other for some time, but it was as if they couldn't exactly find each other. And it just drove Daniel crazy. Because the sexual tension between them was visible to everyone but these two fools. And maybe it was the time to change that.
"Hiya cowboy, how ya doin'?" Daniel asked, clapping Max's back.
The Dutchman hopped at the sudden appearance of the Aussie. But he smiled widely as soon as he saw him.
"Well, I'm good. And you having fun?"
"Yeah, it's actually great. But I've got a quest for you" Daniel began without waiting for an answer. "You have to give this to Charles and you can't ask any questions" he pointed to the cowboy hat on the counter. Max was currently playing with the hem of its visor.
Okay, now it was wierd and of course, there must have been some mischievous plan behind it, but since it was Daniel's day? Max was willing to do it, so he agreed.
Daniel watched him walk away with the cap on his head. Max pushed his way through the people on the dance floor, and when he finally reached Charles, he spun him around, put his cowboy hat on his head, and disappeared as quickly as he appeared. And luckily neither of them saw the sneaky smile that played on Daniel's face.
Later that night Danny found Charles sitting at one of the tables, drinking water or gin tonic... Never mind, that wasn't important. He slipped on the chair next to the Monegasque and smiled brightly at him.
"I see that you're having a good time?"
"Yeah, but I'm a bit tired of dancing" no wonder, since he hardly left the dance floor.
"And where did you get this hat? You look good in it" oh it's gonna be so good.
"Well, Max gave it to me some time ago" Charles shrugged not avare of the plan he was woven into.
Daniel faked surprise and Charles frowned in response. What would be so surprising in this small gesture?
"Oh, you don't know the cowboy hat rule?"
Yeah, Charles was oblivous, same as Max, but he didn't need to know that. All that mattered was to get rid of this tension between them.
"Enlighten me, Daniel"
"You know, wear the hat ride the cowboy" the Aussie wiggled his eyebrows.
And the blush that covered Charles face? It was a priceless sight that Daniel will surely keep in his memory for a long time.
"Uh, do you think he really..?"
"What, wants to fuck you? It seems like this, but go to him and find out" Charles was hesitant, but finally he stood up from his seat and dissapeared in the crowd of people on the dance floor.
And thanks to Daniel and his plan, because after that weekend that stupid tension dissapeared too. It seems like the cowboys had a great time in Austin.
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This time on firebrands Friday I made a meme
Again, I saw this on Pinterest and decided to do it for fun :)
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Listen I just think Avar has a few things to tell the Nihil -especially after Starlight, what a luck none of the firebrands died there- and I say let her ✨speak✨ (and with that I mean slay, literally)
Also i spend some money on printing pictures and now my entire wall is covered with variations of Avar Kriss and I’ve never been happier in my entire life
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roseredsnow · 4 months
Hey Acolyte fans that aren't HR book fans in my desperate attempt to make you interested in Vernestra Rwoh here's some fun information.
(First for clarification this is Vernestra)
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She has three parents!
OK slightly embellishment of the truth but let me explain.
These three people here, they're the firebrand trio
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The man on the left with the beard is Stellan Gios, Vernestra's master.
The other two are Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann.
The three of them have been beat friends since they were padawans and are in love with each other, just a little oblivious to realise it.
The authors acknowledge this ship and support it, it just can't happen now cause Stellan died.
But Elzar and Avar are the main focus of Temptation of the force coming out in three days!
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kari-go · 1 year
Hi! Idk if the kwamies are just for fun or what, but I got the curage (and maybe it's fun) to list what my ideas (for my head"cannon" Miraculouses 😁)
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Zebra - equalization, can turn things into their opposite
Llama - commitment, can shoot energy-spit and link the user to the target
Snail - syncronization, the user can sync with targets and control their moves, eithet making them mimic his movements or moving them like a hivemind, working to achive a goal. It also works backword, so othets can control the user's movements (this way it can learn techniques the other can do)
Hedgehog - so far, having pocket dimension to hide or trap othets, maybe change it later...
Pidgeon - generalization. The owner can make itself "unrecogniseable", meaning despite being a person in pidgeon costume, you can't recognise it, simply blends in (you only can spot them if you looking for something very-very specific about them)
Antelope - intention. If the user touches you with it's two horned stick you start to do whatever idea you currently head, even if it's crazy or unlikely to have any succes, the target starts it enthusiasticly
Rhino - potential. The user can "suck" the potential energy from things, making them living "object-magnet" atracting everything, even if it means an unpleasant crush... The user also can charge object with it, making them fly
Firefly - transition. Can become living energy, moving thing and even empovering machines. Literal force
Kangaroo - swich. Can swiching placement of object with limited range
Has no red panda (yet!)😅
Capybara - relaxation. The user simply can others feel good, whatever happening to them
Rattlesnake - avareness. Having bracelet with a campus like rattle-pointer which shows where a previously marked object is
Giraffe - exhaltion (stolen, since they modified the tiger to elation😁) choosing any ability, the user becomes the bes-best in it (like being humanly in the Guinise record book for it, and turn it up by Miraculous -holder standards)
Hippo - overprotection/motherly care (something along those line) can create a bubble where the target just sleeps and floats. This bubble saves the target very well, but not all-proof
Sloth - procrestination. Every time the target would like to do something, manipulates fate to do something (like, insted of taking Miraculous away, goes on for personal revenge (also gains litteral weight to arms and legs)
No racoon or beaver yet
Donkey - humblenes. With a whip, can make the target obey instractions of thr user and behave foolish
Coala - influence. Gives power to do whatever you wish, but limited very much how much support and love does the holder has from the sorrunding peaple...
I hope you like them or find some of them funny, there are many more, some of these even have "pairs" (won't grant wish, but opposite concepts, like LB and CN's), but I like these, hope you to, but I gladly reading your feedback on these as well 😁.
Have a nice day!🙂
They are just for fun but I don't think I would mind adding them if I got an idea for the miraculous and a weapon.
I already have a power for the zebra, anyone who sees them would get vertigo.
Ooh, so like a tracker I like that. They would spit on them and the spit would always be visible to the user. It could wear off over time, I really like this power.
That's really interesting, kinda reminds me of Martyr (black cat) and Mimic (wolf).
That sounds pretty similar to the ferret.
Oh, that's cool. Another I thought of was that they can spy with their feathers xd. But I think I like this one better.
So kinda giving them enough confidence to do that? That's cool, my thoughts were super speed but I like this one.
The salamander already has that power (Tag).
Oh, that's interesting. Kinda seems like an extension of the white lion.
That seems very similar to the panda.
I also haven't thought of one for the red panda 😔.
I see where you're coming from and it fits the capybara, but I already have that power (dove).
That seems similar to the llama.
That seems like the rooster but harder to explain to me. I know that I would have issues with that.
I like that! It's like a combination of betta fish and sheep. I like it.
Hmmm, interesting.
My original thought for the racoon was that they can steal powers, like the butterfly now. But that was when the layers didn't exist. For the beaver, I like the power that @randypelow suggested, the holder pulls objects to make a dome (like a knock-off Shellter).
The donkey was one of the oldest kwamis I had, he was made with Inn and I¨m pretty sure he was the only one who had a power from the set xd. The concept was Adaptation (or versatility at first) and the holder could change the suits to fit the situation, basically like the power-ups. But then I gave that power to the octopus and then I removed it xd. What you suggested seems kinda tricky to me I would have to think about it more.
So like the canon eagle or just a big amount of confidence?
I like a lot of these! You always have so many interesting ideas!
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multapohja966 · 9 months
some fav things this year
Detransition, baby - Torrey Peters' book. just adding a one more assurance that it is just as good as everyone says.
Shopping Star as a semiotechnical code modulating Greek femininity in pharmacopornographic capitalism - fun opulence of hard words discussing interesting things. (article utilising Preciado's analysis tools to discuss (post)recession Greece)
Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw - Rei Mikamoto's insane gory gross, hard to explain, manga about a girl with a chainsaw trying to kill the person responsible for turning her classmates into grotesque minions.
One Piece - caught up finally. yes, it is worth it.
67,292 Things Car Guys Can Teach Transsexuals by Adrian Glenn - part of the 2 Trans 2 Furious zine. as a car guy associate and transsexual i deeply loved this one.
The Shape of Premodern Nonbinarity: A Conversation with Leah DeVun - I'll never stop talking about this article.
Bronson - Tom Hardy movie, biography of "Britain's most violent prisoner " Charles Bronson. It doesn't completely highlight everything essential about his story (having a less than nuanced view on untreated mental illness and its relationship with incarceration) but it's such a good fucking movie!! And at least artistically very loyal to who it's depicting (insane and absurdist).
this video of jack harlow at a chiropractic appointment - we live such weird fucking times. like it isn't heartfelt but it isn't disgusting either it's just, w-what? eh?
Little chinese everywhere - vlogger Yan who travels though less tourist heavy provinces in China, really respectful look to everyday life in more rural communities. these have given me a lot of peace and joy. a lot of extremely intresting architecture as well.
Inflatables and the adults who love collecting them - by furry youtuber Ash Coyote. Truly a gem of respectful by fandom, of fandom documentaries. Touching and lovely!!
MerPeople - don't touch netflix anymore but this documentary of the mermaid community and industry is incredibly good.
this rose ramdin x html jones vid - the well read terminally online gen z musical artists who get their estrogen money from twitter shitposting are the modern greek philosphers. in the sense that i'd sit on a stone public square step and listen to a convo like this for the whole day.
A normal creepypasta retrospective - there's hope for youtube actually
Cat soup / Nekojiru-sou movie
Earth Maiden Arjuna - early 2000s environmentalist anime series lovers make some noicee. this one is sooo lovely and gorgeous. real hidden gem.
Sabaton - as expected, bit of a weird vibe in the crowd demographic :--------D but show itself is an insane fucking spectacle I'm happy I saw. You can really sense these men are swedish, the "my country hasn't been in an active war for two centuries" theater kid energy is wild. Tank on stage.
Death Grips - I'm pretty sure this rebooted my whole brain. Went with close friend, pretty sure my biggest bruise came form her hands.
Antti Tuisku - Farewell gig of the best pop performer in finland. I do not understand how he doesn't pass out on stage with everything he's doing. The jesus allegory album is forever my favorite, it's so genious in how it discusses fame so well while staying funny and self-avare. Neck hurt for the next week due to headbanging.
Suistamon sähkö - small gig yet one of the absolute best this year. (i cried) You need to see these guys live, the vocal ability of the main singers is absurd, it doesn't come through fully in recordings. And they create a very special atmosphere and community within their gigs, literally joined hands and danced in a circle.
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bikananjarrus · 3 months
Hey Mik! I'm giving you "sunbathing" and "breeze" from the ficlet prompt post. Write it for whatever character feels right (or feels like they could use a break).
Also, I just wanted to say I've been enjoying our parallel resurgence into 911 and seeing you talk about the high republic books makes me want to get into expanded star wars. 🤍
hi will! thank you for the prompt, these words were absolutely perfect 💙 (still accepting! from this list)
(also i’m glad to see you’re enjoying a 911 resurgence too! i’m actually behind on the last few eps of the season bc i got sucked into the high republic books lol. which i def recommend trying out expanded star wars at some point! if u want to know more about my expanded sw experience lmk!)
enjoy some high republic ot3 (padawan era) fluff 💙
word count: 600
rating: gen
[firebrands (avar x elzar x stellan) + sunbathing + breeze]
Avar tilted her face towards the sun, sighing contentedly.
This time of day—midday—most Jedi were getting lunch, finishing up meetings or classes, or otherwise occupied, which meant this particular meditation garden on the Temple’s grounds was usually unoccupied.
She’d found her usual spot in a small clearing of downy, vibrant green grass. Flowering bushes and leafy plants bordered the front half of the small meadow, their summer blooming blossoms carrying a sweet scent through the air. Behind her, a small ring of trees rustled in the warm breeze. The light wind tugged a few strands from her loose braid, tickling them across her cheeks.
Eyes closed, she let herself fall into the music of nature around her, into the Force. She drifted into its melody. Each trembling leaf; each chirp and flutter of wings from nearby song sparrows; every footstep of every Jedi in the Temple beneath her; the distant, constant hum of Coruscant traffic beyond these walls; every sound harmonizing together within the Force’s song.
Avar leaned back on her hands, legs stretched out in front of her, crossed at the ankles. The top layer of her Temple robes was discarded on the grass somewhere to her left. She could have sat beneath the shade of the trees—it certainly would have kept her cooler. But the warmth of the sun on her face was too good to pass up.
Being immersed in the Force as she was, she felt them before she saw them. Or rather, heard their distinct notes in her Force-song. Elzar and Stellan.
Quickly enough, she actually heard them—Stellan said something she couldn’t make out and Elzar guffawed loudly in response.
She was grinning ear to ear by the time they plopped down on the grass beside her. She’d barely opened her eyes before Elzar was shoving a box towards her.
“Brought you something,” Elzar beamed at the same time a smiling Stellan said, “Hi.”
“Hi yourselves,” she laughed. She eyed the box. “Lunch?”
Stellan shrugged a shoulder, padawan braid falling with it. “We know you sometimes skip lunch to come up here when it’s quiet.”
“And we also know how cranky you get when you’re hungry,” Elzar added, warm brown eyes catching hers.
“Hey now!” she protested, leaning forward to poke him in the arm.
“See what I mean?” he grinned back.
Stellan just shook his head and started dividing up their food.
A little while later—sandwiches devoured and canteens of Gnostra berry juice balanced carefully on the ground beside them—all three of them lounged in the quiet garden meadow.
Avar was still sitting up, Elzar’s head now in her lap, the rest of him sprawled out. Stellan had taken Avar’s top robe and folded it up into a pillow, laying himself down next to Elzar, his head near Avar’s folded knee. Avar toyed mindlessly with Elzar’s padawan braid, looping it around her finger. Elzar’s left hand was intertwined lazily with Stellan’s right. With his free hand, Elzar was munching on fat purple grapes, taking one or two for himself and then feeding them to Stellan intermittently.
They chattered all the while; Elzar poking fun at the stubble growing in across Stellan’s face; Stellan poking equal fun back at Elzar for falling on his ass (again) during one of Master Yoda’s classes for the more advanced padawans that involved extreme acts of balance while meditating.
Avar listened to their back and forth, smiling down at them. Her boys.
Soaking in the sunlight, her heart swelled with the brilliance of their combined Force-song. The three of them had always been stronger together, after all.
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beatrice-otter · 2 years
📓 (most interested if you have something in your head for TGE, but if you'd rather talk about something else, go ahead)
I have a number for TGE, but the biggest is DEFINITELY the Sedoretu AU round robin. (For those who don't know what a sedoretu is, it's a fancy polyamorous quad marriage created by Ursula K. Leguin, in which each of the four spouses has one heterosexual pairing, one homosexual pairing, and one person (of the opposite gender) whom it would be incest to fuck (whether there's any biological relationship or not).)
Back in May of 2020, we got to talking on the Goblin Emperor discord, and stills and Taliesin started a Sedoretu AU round robin (i.e. fic where anyone can contribute). After it was established, I also wrote some (though not as much as they did). And then it petered out. It's fun, but would need a number of fill-in scenes to make it into a cohesive enough thing that I would feel comfortable posting as a completed story. I came up with an outline that the other two liked, and even wrote one or two of the scenes! ... and then it petered out, and there it has stayed for over two years.
But I really love it!
Here's the bare bones: so, in this AU, goblins have sedoretu marriages and elves have monogamous het marriages. But, given the number of goblins in the Ethuveraz, there are a lot of sedoretu there as well--just not among the nobility.
Anyway, in this particular AU (as distinct from the general sedoretu trope) one of the members of the poly marriage is officially the manager/coordinator of the family. And so when the Great Avar is visiting, he tells Maia how wonderful it is that he's on the way to putting together his sedoretu! because obviously, Csevet would be the perfect manager, he's doing that already for his Emperor.
Maia (who got told all about sedoretu by his mother and secretly longs for One Big Happy Warm Polamorous Marriage but thought he could never have one because it's Not How Elves Do Marriage) is confused: Csevet, Csethiro, Maia himself, who would be the other wife? (But he still assumes it couldn't happen.)
According to goblin practice, the other wife would be Vedero, because that way any children born of the sedoretu would be members of the Imperial family. (In this sedoretu, the expected pairings would be Maia/Csethiro, Maia/Csevet, Csethiro/Vedero, and Vedero/Csevet. Maia and Vedero would not be a pairing, nor would Csethiro and Csevet--both of those would be considered incest.)
Csethiro: Actually, it would be fairly easy to sell to the court despite being A Goblin Thing because it would mean people could imagine that Vedero's future child (i.e. a pureblood elf) would be the next Emperor, rather than Maia's future child. If you're into it, I'd be up for it, sounds like fun, Vedero's hot and we're friends already.
Vedero: Neither Csevet nor I have any interest in the opposite sex, this is a way for me to have a wife and not have to worry about having to fuck my husband, and I would still be allowed and encouraged to continue my research! That sounds awesome, sign me up!
Csevet: I get to be with Maia? 😍
Maia: do ... do you think it would work? Could we get away with it?
And they do! And they all lived happily ever after.
And one of these days I'm going to finish and publish the damned thing.
(Ask box is still open to talk about my plot bunnies/ideas!)
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EU/Canon Character Pairs
For fun - characters from the old EU and canon I think are similar in some way and some are more superficial than others (since I’m not necessarily familiar with all these EU characters nor the High Republic). I imagine them drawn together in pairs in the same way as the Legacy comic covers of Adam Hughes, but that's for good artists to do.
Ania Solo & Rey
Galaxy-roaming scavengers. 
Vergere & Ezra Bridger
Jedi lost somewhere far, far away.
Yord Fandar & Ganner Rhysode
Self-important Knights.
Dass Jennir & Kanan Jarrus 
Jedi forced to adapt to the dark times. 
Soontir Fel & Soren Keize 
Respected Imperial aces.
Mirta Gev & Sabine Wren 
Mandalorian women with complicated family history.
Ferus Olin & Cal Kestis 
Padawans on the run.
(As for Jedi Survivor, I’d pair that Cal fighting on his alone against impossible odds with Kerra Holt.)
Nomi Sunrider & Avar Kriss
Exceptional Jedi from long ago. 
Ysanne Isard & Gideon 
Imperial warlords and knowledgeable schemers.
Winter Celchu & Vel Sartha
Agents of the early rebellion.
Celeste Morne & Dagan Gera
Jedi of old, sealed away to receive a rude awakening in the future.
Ordo Skirata & Hunter 
Leaders of a family of unique clones.
Fenn Shysa & Bo–Katan Kryze 
Mandalorian leaders fighting against Imperial occupation.
Stormtroopers of the Fel Empire & First Order Stomtroopers 
Soldiers of the future.
Garm Bel Iblis & Saw Gerrera
Opposed to Mon Mothma and fighting their own war against the Empire.
Fordo & Rex 
Captains with Jaig eyes. 
Jacen Solo & Ben Solo 
Descendants of Anakin Skywalker, seduced to follow the footsteps of Darth Vader.
Natasi Daala & Ellian Zahra
Tarkin’s failed protégés.
Lorana Jinzler & Shin Hati 
Dutiful apprentices involved with Thrawn.
Hanharr & Krrsantan 
Powerful, fierce and estranged from their people. 
Tsavong Lah & Grievous
Proud warriors and commanders with a grudge against Jedi.
The Hand of Judgment & Clone Force 99
Deserters from the Empire.
Pors Tonith & Trench
Brilliant Separatist commanders foiled by Anakin Skywalker.
Warb Null & Marrok
Armored tools of the dark side.
Bria Tharen & Qi’ra 
Han Solo’s first love.
AG-37 & IG-11
More than just assassin droids. 
The Imperial Knights & The Inquisitors  
Force-wielding servants of the Empire. 
C-3PX & 0-0-0 
Protocol droids specialized in a different form of human/cyborg relations.
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