#Avarice The Gold-Cursed
gregnator-greg · 11 months
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rathayibacter · 8 months
Draconic Reproduction
The first dragons were born from man's fear of the unknown: a dragon would be born slumbering in the heart of a terrible storm whenever it tore apart a village, or would come crashing from the mountaintop when a volcano erupted. As science and magic have progressed, the unknown has been beaten back, and these forms of spontaneous generation have become rarer. As a result, dragons have found new ways to reproduce.
Some dragons practice Budding, where they grow multiple heads from the same shoulders. These heads are new consciousnesses just as brilliant as the original's, and upon being severed will become great winding serpents. Oftentimes, a dragon with more than five or so heads will begin actively seeking out foes to decapitate them, as the bickering and politicking between heads becomes too much to bear.
Dragonblood, when it falls to earth, mixes with the dirt and stone to form kobolds. A single splatter of blood might just make one or two, but a ferocious battle can sometimes give rise to a whole community of kobolds, who very quickly set about getting themselves into trouble. Kobolds don't tend to live longer than a few years, but in the rare case when one manages to molt a hundred or so times they'll become a whole new dragon.
Some dragons collect great glittering hoards of gold, which they use to transmit the Glimmering Curse. Dragonslayers and thieves alike find themselves tempted by such impossible riches, and will attempt to flee with whatever they can carry. The obsession grows roots in their soul, leading them to greater and greater acts of avarice, until eventually they cut the last ties holding them to humanity and instantly erupt with wing and claw and fang.
A rare few dragons still maintain the ancient art of Dreamsong, most closely related to the births of the primordial dragons. With Dreamsong, the dragon appears in a mortal's dreams in a strange and wonderful form, and spends many tender hours with them there. The mortal wakes up remembering little but a warm feeling, but weeks later will stumble upon an egg, half-buried in the earth, from which will hatch a beautiful child with golden slitted eyes.
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darknesseddiem · 6 months
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𝐀𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬'𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐢𝐥: 𝐄𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Amidst the dawn of creation, when deities strode the earth as equals among mortals, humanity thrived in serene unity, untouched by the grasping tendrils of greed that would later mar the landscape. Stirred by the inherent goodness of their subjects, the divine council elected to endow them with a peerless boon: a guardian, a celestial warrior sculpted by the ethereal hands of the gods, ordained to safeguard the vulnerable and uphold equity amongst all.
Yet, the idyllic tranquility swiftly dissolved into a harrowing nightmare. With no need for celestial intervention, humanity succumbed to the seductive allure of avarice and pride, exploiting the guardian-warrior as an inexhaustible wellspring for their desires. Gold, jewels, fineries—all were but a whispered command away, conjured effortlessly by his boundless power.
Thus dawned the era of enslavement, a grim testament to humanity's descent into moral decay, as the defenseless fell beneath the yoke of callous overlords devoid of empathy. As calamity flourished and the divine pantheon grieved the degradation of their once-beloved charges, a decree resounded through the hallowed halls of eternity: the token of gratitude and trust bestowed upon mortals would be reclaimed and returned to its celestial sanctum.
Yet, the gods failed to anticipate a pivotal revelation: the guardian-warrior, born of their divine essence and combined prowess, surpassed even his creators in strength. Fearing his uprising following their futile attempts at annihilation, they decreed the most severe of punishments: eternal imprisonment.
Unaware of the extent of his own power, the warrior endured a punishing ordeal, encased within a sarcophagus of obsidian and unyielding stone, assailed by the venomous embrace of serpents and scorpions, his form suffused with chilled mercury—a spectral warden, condemned to an eternity of solitary confinement.
A formidable curse, imbued with the arcane power of millennia past, was woven into the fabric of his sarcophagus, its hieroglyphs serving as a dire warning to any who dared disturb the seal imprisoning the warrior, lest they unleash unfathomable chaos upon the world once more. However, amidst the shadows of time, an ancient prophecy, shrouded in the enigma of celestial movements and cosmic whispers, stood poised to redefine the very tapestry of humanity's fate.
In the heart of an unprecedented archaeological endeavor, an intrepid explorer embarks upon a quest of unparalleled magnitude, driven by the tantalizing allure of uncovering secrets buried deep within the sands of antiquity. Yet, intertwined with her journey lies a prophecy etched into the annals of time itself—a prophecy veiled in mystery, its origins lost in the mists of history, foretelling a cataclysmic confrontation between forces ancient and divine.
As the threads of destiny unfurl, two diametrically opposed forces emerge from the annals of legend: one heralding the dawn of salvation, the other portending an abyssal descent into darkness. Amidst this cosmic conflict, the archaeologist finds herself cast as a pivotal figure, entwined in the struggle between light and shadow, tasked with deciphering the enigmatic prophecies that hold the key to humanity's ultimate fate.
In this crucible of uncertainty, where the past converges with the present and the future hangs in the balance, the question lingers like a specter haunting the recesses of the mind: Can the immutable laws of destiny be defied, or does the intrepid explorer possess the audacity to chart a new course for humanity, rewriting the very fabric of existence itself?
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: +18 MDNI, violence, torture, Eddie has a demi-god name, etc. More will be added later.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: It's been a while since I had this idea and after my hiatus I finally had time to write, I hope you like this baby of mine just as I already have a huge affection for this story. Thank you for your support, I'll be back soon!! TAGLIST IS OPEN.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏𝐤
𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫.
If you like my works, support me with a small 𝐊𝐨-𝐅𝐢!!
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𝐀 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲: Sutenankh, once revered for valor, finds himself ensnared in the ethereal confines of divine justice. As he awaits his fate within the celestial sanctum of Horus, his heart heavy with remorse, the gods decree eternal imprisonment. Meanwhile, a clandestine pact between Anubis and Horus births a prophecy of hope for a future liberator. Betrayal, anguish, and the weight of celestial retribution collide in a tale where virtue and destiny intertwine.
𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧: Ramses Thothmes, a wealthy Egyptian magnate, extends an invitation for a new excavation, promising untold secrets hidden beneath the desert's surface. As you convene with Thothmes to discuss the venture, a new figure emerges from the shadows – the enigmatic Colonel Duncan Smith.
Under Smith's watchful eye, the expedition sets forth into uncharted territory, where ancient ruins conceal dark secrets and lethal perils.
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flowerbloom-arts · 7 months
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When the mouse traversed through the deep, vast forest,
A creature emerged from the three pairs of eyes;
A She-wolf, kind, hope-giving, starving,
Starving forever.
But a rare diet she holds; gold, paper, jewels.
Debt. He is cursed to feed her through his own teeth,
To feed that She-wolf, named Avarus, avarice, greed.
Never satisfied.
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carverl · 4 months
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I'm just gonna say that I think the El Dorado supernatural twist in Uncharted 1 is kind of brilliant, and I don't see enough people talking about it. Like when you first play the game, you're not expecting it at all. You just think it's an action shooter adventure where you're trying to get the gold before the bad guys, but then you're given little hints that the treasure may not be what you're expecting then suddenly you're fighting zombies
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And it is terrifying. Everything you thought you knew about the plot is flipped on its head, and El Dorado becomes this thing of fear rather than avarice.
I love that it is genuinely frightening, like the whole game is fairly lighthearted up to that point, then it takes a very horror themed tone, and I live for it. Uncharted handles the supernatural so well in that it feels plausible but still has a mystical edge to is so good.
Also, for anyone who says that it's just a virus and not actually cursed, watch the way the spores or whatever suddenly appears and sort of reaches for Roman like tendrils, and when he's coughing and swaying it actually follows him. That shit is a magic curse not just some virus
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nitrosodiumfmp · 8 months
Dark Tomb: The Gameplay
In line with my entire basal idea for the brief, Dark Tomb will be centered on exploration and evasion. You've come to a catacomb to plunder it of its treasures, but once you enter, you're stuck, until you escape. Through the black magic of the tomb, each time you die, you will be reanimated, cursed to live in its confines until you find a way out.
Not only is this a pretty cool concept, it relates to Midas, less as a metatext, and more metaphorically instead. You are Midas on a contextual level. Your greed has doomed you to this fate; what first seemed like an easy way to get rich has resulted in you being trapped. The tomb is cursed, much like Midas was. It is haunted by demons or ghosts, or something similar, I haven't given it too much thought. The next part of the game will be Illusion. Demons love messing with the mind and will of humans, and so to bolster exploration, some walls will be destructible, or entirely collision-less, allowing you to walk through. You'll have to pay attention to the environment, and for an added bit of ludonarrative dissonance, you can pick up loot in the level. Even after being eternally punished for your avarice, you've got a compulsion to pick up all the gold you can carry, because well, that's what you do in a dungeon crawler. It helps you fill the role of the Dungeoneer.
It'll probably be a basic walking simulator, gameplay-wise. There'll be patrolling enemies, and so you'll have to sneak around. maybe closing doors to stop their pursuit. I'd probably do floating ghosts, like Morrowind, because they won't need any special animation and can just float.
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If Quixel Bridge has some sort of goblin asset, I can try that as well. I reckon the end of the game could be you choosing either to surrender your gold (you lose all your score but you escape), like Midas learning his lesson, or you keep your gold, but become another demon of the tomb.
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skiesletter · 11 months
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douma - they say this world is damned . .
word count ; 0.6k
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one. THEY SAY THIS WORLD IS DAMNED TO DEATH AND APOCALYPSE and yet there still exists pitiful humans who pray to a fraud of the god for salvation and blessing. there is a con artist sitting on the throne for god and yet no one points fingers, no one calls them out. no, they wriggle themselves unto the ground, hands clasped in one another’s, head pinned upon the ground . . and they ask for forgiveness, they ask for a pardoning of their sins.
( he has to push away the urge to sneer at this. as if there is something as pure and just as forgiveness in this world . . no, for this world was built upon the very foundations of regret & revenge, later turned hysteria. if one could get forgiven for a sin . . then what was the very point of sinning in the first place? to sin, in fact, was simply the first step to becoming a demon, a path that the very god they worshiped followed and encouraged. )
two. THEY SAY THIS WORLD WAS WOEFULLY CREATED UPON PILES OF BONES AND CORPSES but that is the single beauty in this cursed world, or so he believes. there is beauty in the blood-painted handprints searching for traces of their once-rainbow painted childhood, beauty in the painful squeaks for help barely loud enough to hear over the burning and falling apart of villages . . and mostly, beauty in the feeling of that momentary surge of power that trickles in and out of her body. they do not smile so easily, but there are certain moments that cannot help but alleviate a smirk on their face—the wriggling of bodies below their feet, the very expression of those helpless rabbits pinned down by a lion, the tears rolling off that mud-caked, pallid skin. but moreover, it was watching those very humans who once pledged to power that got crushed oh-so easily in his pale fingers—those dreams, goals, and small happinesses that got strangled in a single flick of his fingers . . the very proof of his growing powers.
three. THEY SAY THIS WORLD FEEDS ON HATRED FEAR AND ENVY but no it feeds on ambition, desire, and want. it feeds on hatred turned greed, fear turned avarice, envy turned selfishness. it feeds on those very humans praying to be understood by god as if a being as omnipotent as god would even care about such puny humans, feeds on brave swordsmen believing they will someday become good enough to kill a being as powerful as god, feeds on fragile demons eating their family members to fulfill their craze for food, feeds on silver-gold locked demon striding through the snow desiring power and control.
( there is no one who does not want, no one who would willingly give up everything for the greater good. )
and it was amusing, truly, to see that fake-heroism laced on slayer eyes. so amusing, in fact, it almost made her spit out laughing, almost made her wish to draw out the fight ( she calls it a fight, but it was simply the cornering of prey ) for just a bit longer to find pleasure in that phony bravery. 
they killed that little slayer in the end, easily, despite the strong pretense it had put up. there is crimson staining his knived war fan, the smell of death following his multi-colored eyes and the expression of boredom laced upon his well-sculpted face.
once she cherished the small amounts of life around her, but those days are long gone. here sits a bruised child who snacks on power in order to replace the lack of love they truly desired.
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projectorpheus · 1 year
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trigger warnings: human experimentation, death, grief, car accident mention
They say lineage is a thread that connects generations from the beginning of the world. If so, then you think that yours must be one threaded in gold — the whispers in which they speak your name; half awe, half fear. If lineage is a thread, then you think yours can easily be made a halo upon your head — OR THE NOOSE AROUND YOUR NECK. A coin flips whenever a child enters the world bearing the bloodline of your family. Is it brilliance that runs through their veins — or madness?
Your family has become synonymous with innovation. If Ishikawa Industries bears the crown, then you are the knight at their side, sword constructed of tiny nanoparticles that collect energy from the stars — shining; blinding; everlasting. It was your family that invented Scales; that made the tech affordable and accessible to the lower classes. BUT IT WAS ALSO YOUR FAMILY THAT SENT THE SUN INTO SUPERNOVA, GREEDY FOR THE ENERGY OF A GOD YOU WILLED TO OBEY YOUR MORTAL HAND. That cursed the universe to bear the curse of your failings; of your avarice; of your pursuit of greater things that could be just an excuse for the development of a greater ego.
Perhaps it was guilt that started the unravelling your ancestors' threads of brilliance. Or perhaps it truly was a curse — the shortening to lifelines as the generations go on; as if the universe is asking for repayment of the lives it has lost. You witnessed it yourself as the years have gone on — your grandparents, then your own parents, minds clear and sharp becoming fragmented as they grew older. Until simple physics equations could no longer be recited and your name a string of scrambled syllables upon their lips. So you work, ignoring sleep; ignoring rest. Time is a beast that grows closer and closer. Time has caught the scent of blood in the water. Time will unhinge its jaw and gnaw upon the best part of you — will chew up your mind until it is no longer recognizable.
You were a contract engineer for Project Orpheus, coveted solely for the recognition of your family. You thought you would find answers for the curse you can feel settle within the marrow of your bones with every passing day, but instead, you found them. Delirious, afraid. Unable to answer your questions with anything more than a jumble of words that made no sense. You weren't directly involved the experiment that concerned them — and frankly you doubt you would be able to get the clearance to even look into their file, but you can't absolve your blame, either. Didn't you walk by their door, day by day, peering in but never truly allowing yourself to see? Your chest aches whenever you think of your last day there — of the way you walked out without a look back. It's nothing new, but your vision blurs, nonetheless.
Your families have worked together for generations, and in your mind, he is the only rightful heir to S Corp. Though you are not privy to the inner machinations of the heirs, when FENRIR left, you had hoped HALIMEDE would take the crown. But what came next was disappointment. You could only watch as he changed; as intelligence became indulgence, and the one you had sworn loyalty to painted himself as nothing more than a farce. You know better than anyone the wolf that hides beneath; of the new world he could usher in — a better world — if he would simply choose to. Your time is running short, and you'll be damned if you don't get the chance to watch him rise. He's a wolf, hiding in his self-defined cave — and you don't mind creating a little provocation. If only to remind him how it feels to snarl.
For a time, you had been afraid that the one you loved would be forced to watch as your mind withered. You had even considered leaving them — but before you could, they left you. Or rather — THEY WERE TAKEN FROM YOU, last breaths ragged, blood filling their lungs in a crashed hovercar. You know the story behind the accident. You tell yourself over and over that no one regrets it more than SYCORAX; that the loss of a sibling hurts no less than the loss of a lover. Still, when more liquor than blood runs through your veins; when time finally slows and you stand in front of their door, the grief is unable to be held back. For your lover, for your family. For yourself.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Evimería (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Golden Goddess by the people of Olympius
Evi by the others
Mom by her children
Age- 37 (immortal)
Location- Skyline district, New Olympus
Personality- Despite her extravagant domain & lifestyle, she's the least stuck up and snobby in the pantheon. She's surprisingly humble, bright, and sociable. She's currently single.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess, except shapeshifting. As the goddess of prosperity, other powers/abilities include being able to manipulate regular gold as well as Imperial Gold, manipulating the feeling of happiness (for a short time), limited photokinesis, chrimatakinesis (money manipulation), being able to summon a large amount of food, and being able to curse someone to lose all their money.
Evi is the mother to Tyche (goddess of luck) and Caerus (god of opportunity & luck). Her & her son reside in a extravagant mansion in the Skyline neighborhood built out of ivory and gold. The inside gives off a modern yet opulent style with lots of glass walls with black & gold accents on the marble floors. There are indoor tennis, racquetball, and basketball courts along with an ice rink. Outside, there's an expansive courtyard with a beautiful garden maze. In the center there's a marble & Imperial Gold cornucopia shaped fountain that continuously spouts water and liquid gold. Not too far away stands an Imperial Gold birdcage style gazebo. She also owns a summer home on Shimmering Tail Island & a beach house in Olympia.
She's collected quite a few pets including griffins, hippogriffs, a pegasus, and the latest addition- a dragon! A golden yellow beauty named Ophira. She's often referred to as "The Golden Queen."
Her favorite piece of jewelry that she always wears is the white gold necklace with a diamond encrusted cornucopia charm.
She's one of the few minor deities to exponentially gain financial capital.
Evi will almost always start off her mornings with a mimosa. Her usual at The Roasted Bean is a large iced caramel mocha.
She doesn't have an official role in the pantheon, but that doesn't stop her from playing her part to be in service to the realm whenever she can. Evi volunteers in some charity organizations & drives and has even been part of the "Date a Deity" auction, where all the raised money went to the Cyclops Rebuilding Project.
Her go-to from The Bread Box is the cucumber sandwich on french bread with extra cream cheese and tzatziki mayo.
Evi's often nicknamed "Clymene the Younger" due to her resemblance to the Titaness.
She loves being a mom, keeping the right balance between friend & parental figure. Evi helped Tyche with establishing some of her businesses (like the Clover Club Casino) and makes sure that her son doesn't want for anything.
Even though she's more than financially secure, Evi keeps busy with various endeavors. In addition to modeling for Megaleio, she worked closely with the brand to design a bag inspired by her- a 24K solid gold handbag with the handles being encrusted in various gemstones. It's set to debut with a 150,000 drachma price tag. She also models for/endorses Euryphaessa, Maison du Drame, ýfasma óneiro, Phaelam, & Diamond Ave.
Her all time favorite dessert from Hollyhock's Bakery are the mimosa macarons.
The Luxe (a high end eatery) even came out with the most expensive macaron ever made (inspired by Evi). Made with white tea, decorated with edible gold leaves, and resting on top of sugar crystals within a keepsake crystal box, it costs almost 10,000 drachmas!
Evimería has split from her longtime boyfriend Aplistos (god of avarice). Before him, she was with Pan (god of the wild, satyrs, shepherds, and rustic music).
In the pantheon she's friends with Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection), Argía (goddess of holidays), Panigýri (goddess of festivals), Aígli (goddess of glamour), Kósmima (goddess of adornment), Karme (demi-goddess of the harvest), Agathodaemon (Daemon) (god of vineyards, grainfields, & luck), Charis (goddess of charm), Aisa (goddess of lot & fate), Litismós (goddess of culture), and Clymene (Titaness of fame & renown). Evi was the official mentor to Eupraxia (goddess of well-being & success).
She has quite the collection of Diamond Ave. clutches, including her favorites- the gold bar one, the stacked coin one, & the one in the shape of a roll of money.
Evimería prefers listening to audiobooks than reading physical books.
One time when Evi was till a bit drunk from a night out, the next morning she made her way to Acropolis Square where she gave random people blocks of gold.
When she goes to the spa, she loves getting the champagne bath.
Her favorite meal is caviar with roasted fingerling potatoes and creme fraiche. She also likes thin crust veggie pizza.
In her free time Evi loves spending time with her kids. She also enjoys cloud surfing, gardening, sunbathing, tennis, golf, ballroom dancing, sailing, & painting.
"Being a decent person shouldn't come with a price."
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Ridill / リジルの剣 and Hrotti / 魔書フロッティ
Ridill (JP: リジルの剣; rōmaji: rijiru no ken) is a magic sword belonging to Thales, the leader of the Agarthans. This is in reference to Riðill (also called Rithill or Refil), the sword of the dwarf Regin in Norse mythology. Regin's father Hreiðmarr demanded recompense from the gods after Loki had killed one of his children. In response, the Aesir gave him the gold of a dwarf named Andvari. Amongst the treasure was a ring that cursed anyone other than its original owner that wore it with calamity. After Hreiðmarr grew attached to the ring, his two sons Regin and Fáfnir killed him for his wealth. However, the avarice of Fáfnir was greater, and he fled with all of the gold. Soon after he found a place to make home, he adopted the form of a terrible dragon.
Regin would later join his foster son Sigurd in the quest to slay Fáfnir, reforging the blade Gram to fell his draconic brother. With the dragon dead, Regin used his personal blade Riðill to carve out the Fáfnir's heart and drink his blood. Before he went to sleep, he tasked Sigurd with cooking the heart, but prohibited him from getting a taste. Fortunately for the hero, he burnt his finger on the meat and instinctually put it to his mouth; unlike the similar myth of Fionn mac Cumhaill, Sigurd only learned the speech of bird. But he gave ear to the birds, who revealed that Regin was using Sigurd to claim his father's gold and planned to kill him. With this knowledge, Sigurd beheaded his foster father and loaded his horse with the dragon's horde. Though Thales never uses the sword in-game, the relation between the Norse narrative and the Agarthans is evident. Just as Riðill was used to gouge out a dragon's heart, those who slither in the dark and their pawns killed the Nabateans and tore out the crest stones their bodies carried. It wouldn't be a surprise if Ridill was intended to be the very blade used for such acts.
In a rare piece of nomenclature of the original Fire Emblem Warriors: In Japanese, Darios's sword Risyl is called リジル (rōmaji: rijiru). So surprisingly, Three Houses wasn't the game in the series to reference Regin's sword.
Hrotti, or in Japanese 魔書フロッティ(rōmaji: masho furotti) "Evil Tome Hrotti" is an assumed replica Hero's Relic tied to the Crest of Timotheos. The name references the sword Hrotti, which in most accounts of the story of Sigurd was a sword amongst Fáfnir's horde that he later uses. The name Hrotti means "thruster," which may relate to the tome giving a Major Crest user the Dark Spikes spell. Some believe that Hrotti is actually the same blade as Hrunting, a sword used by the titular hero of the epic Beowulf. In that story, the sword is bequeathed to Beowulf by Unferð, a man who had disliked him greatly, to be used in his fight with Grendel's mother. However, the sword is ineffective, leading some scholars to interpret the giving of Hrunting as not a respectful present, but an attempt to foil the hero. With it being an "evil tome" that uses dark magic, first seen used by an antagonist, attributed to the Dark Dragon, such a reference to a deceptive blade may be intentional. There is also a possibility that the kanji used in the tome's name 魔書 is phonetically similar to 魔所 (rōmaji: masho), meaning "a place where magic creatures (typically evil entities like demons) appear" or "a place where disaster regularly occurs." Whether of not the similarity intentionally relates to Hapi and her penchant for summoning demonic beast, the use of 魔 most certainly does, as demonic beasts are called 魔獣 (rōmaji: majū), using the same first kanji.
This was a segment from a larger document reviewing the name of most every weapon and item in Three Houses and Three Hopes. Click Here to read it in full.
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rpgse7enx4 · 6 months
The Story of King Midas, explained - by RPG.
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King Midas, King of Phrygia, was a man of great wealth and fortune; with his land settled within the depths of Asia Minor.
The tale is one of tragedy of avarice, and can show that not everything seems to be that worthy even when it might seem that way. The analogy of both fortune and misfortune, greed and regret.
Dionyssus, the god of both wine and revelry, passed through the kingdom of Phrygia on his travels; and one of his companions, a satyr called Silenus, was also delayed. When Silenus became tired, he decided to rest within the King's rose gardens surrounding his palace. By morning, he was discovered by the King and recognised instantly; and Silenus was welcomed into the palace to spend a few nights there. Once finished with his stay at the residence, Midas took him to Dionyssus. Knowing the deeds Midas had done to be so hospitable towards Silenus, he commended him the possibility of anything that he could wish for.
This is when Midas said: "I wish that everything I touch turns into pure gold".
Midas, the next morning, woke to eagerness; he wanted to see if his wish had been a truth or a fallacy. Extending his arm out towards the bedside table, it instantly turned into pure gold.
He sat down to eat, after having ran the length of his palace turning things to gold. Picking up roses to smell the scent left the rose, too, turning into gold; he thought to himself that it will all be over soon, and that everything would return to normality.
He raised his arms into the air in complete disparity, praying that Dionyssus would remove this curse from him.
How it relates to my theme: Crime is corruption, and those who make the decision to commit to it curse themselves for the opportunity at fortune.
Every human wants their own fortune, those who want to achieve it can do so legitimately; but those who make it their dedication risk losing it all, a curse to some and good to none.
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m92-fmp · 7 months
King Midas and the Golden Touch
King Midas was the ruler of the country of Phrygia in Asia minor. He lived with his daughter in a rich and luxurious castle where his happiness came in the form of gold. His avarice and obsession with gold was so strong that he'd spend days counting gold coins and even covering himself in gold objects sometimes. After allowing one of Dionysus' satyrs to rest at his castle for a couple of days after finding them in the castles rose gardens Midas was offered to have one wish granted by The God of Celebration himself. Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold despite Dionysus asking him to think it through to no avail. The next morning his wish became a reality and everything King Midas touched indeed turned to gold a dream that was short lived as he soon found difficulties in feeding himself causing him to cry. When his daughter saw him crying she immediately went to hug her father at which point she completely turned into gold. Filled with fear and despair King Midas prayed to Dionysus that his curse be removed from him. After washing his hands on river Pactolus his golden hands started to become normal again as did everything he touched including his daughter. Midas decided from then on share his great fortune with his people and become a better person.
“One should never be greedy in life because the wish of being greedy does not give fruitful returns in the future.” The story is meant to tackle themes such as the sin of greed to show that we cant let ourselves be consumed by out lust and desire for such materialistic things. We as humans are inheritably capable of acts of greed just like King Midas. This story can help educate people to let let themselves fall down the path he did specially since not everything can be fixed. This inspires ideas about similar themes such as lust, hunger, worship etc.
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srfmp · 8 months
King Midas and The Golden Touch
What is the story?
The story about King Midas and the golden touch is very well known and it's basically about a King named Midas (obviously) who wishes that everything he touched would turn to gold as he saw it as what made him the most happy. One day Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry, passes by his kingdom and Midas takes care of his companion, so he grants Midas one wish and Midas asks for all he touches to turn to gold; so it is granted to him. Midas was thrilled by this however when eating his breakfast, food also turned to gold and he began to fear this power. His daughter then came into the room, saw him crying and went to comfort him, however when he hugged her she too turned to gold. He realized this was a curse rather than a blessing. Luckily gold pitied him and told him to wash his hands in the river, it worked and all he had touched has became normal again.
What is the moral?
The moral of the story is that we as humans should never be too greedy for anything and let our avarice consume us, as it will always land us in trouble in the end. We should instead be thankful for what we have.
Do I relate to this story in any way?
I suppose I do a little, as there's always a need to want or have something but I know I can't have it unless I work hard to reach and achieve it myself.
Does this inspire any ideas about similar themes?
It does inspire and remind me of similar stories like Pandora's box, as she caved in to her desire of curiosity and opened the box which cause a lot of trouble in the world.
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kingmidasfmp · 8 months
King Midas
The story of King Midas is a myth about the tragedy of avarice. King Midas was a man who wished for everything he touched to turn into gold. His wish was granted by the god Dionysus, but soon he realized that his golden touch was not a blessing but a curse. He couldn't eat, drink, or even touch his loved ones without turning them into gold.
Realizing the mistake he made, King Midas begged Dionysus to take back his gift. The god relented and instructed Midas to plunge his hands into the river Pactolus, which ran through Sardis, the capital of Lydia. As Midas did so, the gold virtue left his touch and flowed into the river, turning its sands into gold.
The story of King Midas serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and the importance of recognizing true happiness. It reminds us that material wealth alone cannot bring fulfillment and that our desires should be balanced with wisdom and compassion.
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nitrosodiumfmp · 8 months
King Midas...
So, my project is primarily about illusion, fakeness, dreams, alternate realities, and conspiracies. But the primary aspect of the FMP is supposed to be the legend of King Midas and the Thief. Now, I know about Midas, but I never knew about a thief. As you probably know, Midas rescued a satyr, and as a reward, he was given the ability to change anything he touched into gold. At first this was good, until his food became gold, his wine became gold, and then his child became gold. Midas prayed to Dionysus, who told him to wash his hands in a nearby river, and his curse was lifted, hence turning the sandbanks to gold and electrum.
Immediately, you have themes of greed and avarice, one thing appearing good while becoming bad. I could spin this in a certain way; perhaps your primary objective is a red herring, or a person you thought you could trust turns out evil. Perhaps you've been strung along on a wild goose chase; some sort of twist will definitely be implemented. I definitely want it to relate to some sort of conspiracy, or at the very least, you're being lied to.
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koopzilla · 10 months
The koopas had been blessed. Fresh water ran down the walls of their grand pyramid, filling every basin to bursting. Fruits juicy, ripe, and fatter than their palms sprouted from vines running down the walls, and fresh vegetables guarded its perimeter. Fauna flocked the edge of their perfectly propped city: providing food and marvel to their once barren home. Their skies, so often shrouded by Dark Land's corrosion, had beat back the pollution and offered warmth and light. After a millenium, their land had finally seen prosperity. Thanks to the Golden King and his magic jewel.
Yet, prosperity was not enough for that golden-shelled koopa. As the years went on, his wishes began to change. His kind gifts to his people became selfcentered. He wished their blocks would sprout endless coins, robbing the land of all other power-ups. He enforced taxes on his people: burdening their paradise to inflate his bloated pockets. Their grand pyramid grew larger and larger, crushing the farmlands, until its tip threatened to puncture the sun...
Then one day, the Gods had seen enough...
The koopa scarred the jewel as he frantically rubbed its edge, his eyes beaming with a greed demons would covet. As always, his wish was granted. However, it no longer spared the koopa the consequences of his avarice. Coins spawning infinitely from blocks swarmed his temple all at once. They ravaged the walls, they pushed in from the ground - from pipes, plants, faucets, and eventually his own wallet. Shimmering gold rained from the heavens like meteors and promised the kingdom the very same end of days. Wealth destroyed their homes, killed the plants, and polluted their rivers. For days...
Until nothing remained. For the coins rusted into nothingness and the blocks ran dry. The people had fled. The temple, made too heavy to stand, sank into the Earth.
It is said the koopa's jewel lost its harmony that day. What was once a blessing had been reduced to a curse like all the others on their land. A curse better left buried, forever lost to...
"Perdition Peaks."
A forgotten wasteland in the armpit of the Koopa Kingdom. Too far away from the castle to be acknowledged by its king, and yet buried in the same darkness as the rest of the abandoned land. Dirty dried riverbeds plague useless soil. Emptied blocks had been knocked from the air, left to lay worthlessly along the floor. The earth sank inward at the border: all roads lead inward towards a seemingly bottomless pit.
However, it is not bottomless... and Bowser knows it. An artifact granting infinite wishes lays within! Or, that's what the legend says! That, and an endless sea of coins.
In enter Wario. The man's name had become synonymous with coinage. His reputation for hunting treasure had reached even the Koopa King's ears. His own minions feared the superstition of the lost city. But, he was sure this corrupt coinpurse of a man wouldn't. Who better to sniff out a vault of coin!? Their deal: Wario helps him sniff out the treasure vault and gets to keep all of it... except for one trinket Bowser wants.
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So, the king stood as the path's guardian, arms folded as he looked back towards the jagged spires of his castle. Until his accomplice finally arrived. "You're late. Butt get stuck in your door, Garlic Breath!?"
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