#Avdol x reader
sovereignjojoz · 1 year
how they carry you/you them (ultimate edition)
Pairings: Jonathan x reader, dio…x reader?Joseph x reader, Ceaser x reader, jotaro x reader, polenarff x reader, Avdol x reader, josuke x reader, Rohan x reader.
Warnings: weird, partial fluff, partial crack, idk, dio?, tired at Rohan’s.
Notes - for all the love on the Bucci gang edition!<3
Jonathan Joestar
Gotta be Bridal style
The og gentleman
Very traditional
He just loves to carry you he would carry you always if he could.
He’ll probably spin you around too, he’s just so sweet!
Carrying him
I mean if you insist!
It’s quite unusual in Victorian society so he’s a bit befuddled.
But if it pleases you then go ahead!
Dio Brando…
He’s just gonna be a manhandler.
He’s not sweet or nice, none of that lovey dovey stuff he’s gonna do what he wants.
He’ll carry you, drag you, whatever, he fr doesn’t care.
Not very romantic.
Carries you however he wants even if it’s never been heard of.
Kinda possessive, he might squeeze you tight if others look at you.
Honestly bad overall, but you dio simps probably don’t care, that’s why you like him after all! (Affectionate)🥰
Carrying him
He expects this, don’t be daft.
And he’s not gonna make it easy.
He might even make u carry him on a throne, after all he’s dio and it’s what he deserves.🤷🏽‍♀️
Joseph Joestar
To put it simply, he’s a troll.
Every time he carries you, he’ll pick you up bridal style and secure you in his arms, and only once you’ve wrapped your arms around his neck or have gotten comfortable he’ll either a) pretend to drop you (if he’s feeling kinder) or b) actually drop you.
Then he’ll laugh rambunctiously.
“C’mon babe, ya fall for it every time and it gets funnier every t-“
“ ouch my ear! ‘m sorry!”
Seems like the kinda guy who likes to carry you whilst doing squats or other gym activities just to show off his strength, he especially loves it if it gets a ride out of you.
Overall annoying
Will not put you down.
Likes to make you squirm by carrying you with one arm and touching/tickling your feet like the weirdo he is.
Kinda touchy.
So so annoying.
Will definitely show off in front of Caeser
Carrying him
Never offer
He gets even more annoying.
As soon as you've picked him up, he'll make himself as heavy as he can and literally drop all his weight on you just so you struggle.
And he's so audacious and sassy.
He'll taunt you with comments like, "oh, is that struggling I see, huh? You insisted on carrying me so chop chop."
He even snaps his fingers at you.
Just drop him.
Caeser Zeppelli
Hm, ever the charmer isn’t he?
You just know he absolutely loves carrying his s/o.
It’s obvious knowledge that he has a notorious history of being a playboy, and because of his experience with women, he knows what women like, what little gestures make them blush, how they prefer to be held etc.
So he’s going to put the knowledge he’s accumulated on you, he wants to make you swoon.
He somehow manages to always gets the timing right too, he will literally sweep you off your feet like Prince Charming.
He’ll probably want to kiss you too and like pull you really close to his chest.
He definitely wants a s/o who gets easily flustered when he carries them! No matter if you cover your face, blush, squirm he doesn’t care, he wants that reaction!
“Caeser put me down!” You whisper-shouted, trying and failing to push him away, you were literally in front of Lisa Lisa!
He kissed your neck chastely, “why Cara? I quite like you in my arms.”
Likes to show off in front of Joseph.
Carrying him
He’ll blush out of surprise.
It’s feels so foreign to him, he’s not quite sure if he likes it!
He’ll definitely be more vulnerable to getting flustered!
Overall, he prefers to do the flustering and carrying.
Kujo Jotaro
Listen, I’m not even going to lie, you’re probably going to have to jump/floor him to get him to carry you…
Or you’re going to have to annoy him 24/7 so he considers it, just so he can get you to finally shut up.
“Jojo, Jojo, Jojo, please! I really really love you jojo! And you would do the same if you love meee-!”
Literally knocks you off of your feet.
Might just leave you on the floor.
Or he’ll hold you for one second, the drop you (heart eyes).
Jump on his back and you’ll get a piggy back for like 5 seconds or something before he pushes you off.
Small bonus! Part 4 jotaro! (+ jolyne)
Becomes more open to carrying you.
Still would rather not but if you insist fine.
He’ll brashly pick you up, stand still and hold you bridal style.
Baby Jolyne will make grabby hands and he’ll pick her up with one hand and carry you and her both.
Carries both you and baby Jolyne like sacs of potatoes.
Will put baby Jolyne on his shoulders.
Carrying him
Don’t try it, he’s got good reflexes, you might get knocked out.
He’ll probably wobble around because he doesn’t get carried.
Hates it.
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
My babygirl.
He’s such a romantic.
He just wants to pamper you and spoil you by making you not have to do anything ever, including walking!
“Ma Cherie! Please, don’t dirty your beautiful shoes in that puddle, allow me.”
Loves the feel of you close to him.
Wants you to jump on him, in his arms, any place any time.
Lil bit touchy.
He’ll speak to you in French too even if you can’t understand it (especially if you can’t) just to make you swoon more.
Sometimes he’ll carry you and dance just because.
Just lifts you when he’s extremely happy.
Give him affection!
Carrying him
If you love it he loves it.
He doesn’t care he just wants you to be happy.
Surprised at your strength though!
And he becomes very blushy too.
You gotta be practical with him.
He won’t refuse but he certainly won’t endorse it unless you both have privacy, he’s not a fan of pda unlike others on here (cough Caeser, Joseph and Polenarff).
He’ll carry you if you’re injured though, and he’ll be so tender, making sure not to hurt you.
In terms of carrying you, he prefers the more romantic side of things such as carrying you to bed.
Although if you want to be silly and like do challenges he may indulge you once or twice even though he may not be so fond of such things.
One thing is though you absolutely cannot get caught by Joseph! He wouldn’t be able to handle the teasing!
Carrying him
The first time you attempt it, he’ll definitely grip you tightly out of surprise.
“Oh my!”
The look of pure shock on his face is so cute.
He might ask you to put him down after a while though.
He may let you carry him once or twice more.
The best Jojo Higashkiata Josuke
Similar to Mista, he LOVES to carry you in any way he can.
Like he’ll tackle you in order to carry you, in fact a lot of the time him carrying you stems from you and him play fighting.
His favourite way to carry you is putting you on his shoulder and doing whatever he wants, like he might even put you on his shoulder then go about having a normal conversation with okuyasu???
I can’t get this out of my head but I envision running at you at max speed and just picking you up, putting you on his shoulder and continuing running.
And the reason varies like sometimes it’s valid like kira will be in the vicinity and other times it’s so random.
“Oh shi- [name]! We have to go we’re gonna be late to meet my mom at the dentists.”
Carrying him
Again you’ll probably struggle.
And he’ll laugh at you and tease you.
Maybe even take a picture.
This is the time for him to relax, y’know?
He’s shameless too, like he’ll call okuyasu whilst you struggle and be like “you got this babe, anyway…”
If Rohan ever sees this is just another reason on the list of why he doesn’t like Josuke.
Kishibe Rohan
He doesn’t have time for such trivial things, he’s got to work on things such as his manga.
This is something that idiot Josuke would do, not him.
But then he remembers that you’re his s/o and this will make you really happy, so he sighs and closes his sketchbook and indulges you.
Keeps it short and sweet.
When he puts you down they’ll be a couple of lingering touches.
Throw your arms around his neck, and kiss him, and tell him how much you love him then he’ll indulge you more.
Carrying him
Absolutely not, will jump out of your hold immediately and scowl.
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elusive-writer · 1 year
𝘈𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘯𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴
(GN! Reader)
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I got this idea very randomly so I thought why the hell not 🤭
Word count : 671
✩ 𝘑𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘳�� 𝘒𝘶𝘫𝘰 ✩
Yeah no, you’re gonna have a hell of time tryna convince this man to let you paint his nails.
Be prepared to beg and bargain cause that is the only way you even have a CHANCE of changing his mind.
When he begrudgingly agrees to letting you paint his nails, (after you agree to buy his cigarettes for the remainder of the trip) he only lets you paint them black.
Maybe with a small star on the middle finger if you’re lucky 😌
(he won’t admit it, but he likes the way you hold his hands as you work 🤭)
Once you’re finished, he’ll glance at your handiwork before muttering an “it’s alright…”
actually really likes it
Will absolutely chip the nail polish on purpose so you’ll re-paint his nails.
And will absolutely deny it if you call him out on it.
✩ 𝘕𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘒𝘢𝘬𝘺𝘰𝘪𝘯 ✩
Will probably be a little hesitant at first.
But after some minor convincing he just says fuck it.
And of course, a nice cherry red is the obvious choice to go.
After you’re finished tho he is LIVING for it.
He swears it’s given him like a power boost or something.
He feels fucking POWERFUL.
Insists that you let him paint yours now.
(he’s an artist so it’s obvi gonna be amazing)
Once he’s finished, you best believe he’s gonna want to show off to all the other crusaders.
and also convince them to paint their nails as well dkdkdjdjdk
Y’all would have a lot of fun with this.
✩ 𝘑𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘗𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘭𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘧 ✩
It’s you that’s asking, of course he’d let you paint his nails!
“For you mon amour, anything 😉”
He would let you do ANYTHING to him.
ahem ahem anything
Would probably ask for silver because ya know… silver chariot.
But I could see him being convinced into doing a pale blue.
Or whatever your favourite colour is.
(is he easy, or can he just not decide? I honestly don’t know)
Another one that feels on top of the world once you’re finished.
Will also insist on letting him paint your nails.
The result is…. most definitely something.
you don’t say anything to spare his feelings
Will gate keep you from the others.
Can’t have HIS nail tech getting stolen 😤
✩ 𝘔𝘶𝘩𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘥 𝘈𝘷𝘥𝘰𝘭 ✩
He’s a little taken aback by your request.
But you’ve proven yourself a reliable companion throughout this journey so he trusts you.
Could def see him going with a fiery orange.
Or a nice gold that compliments his jewellery.
sorry, getting carried away
Finds the overall experience to be extremely relaxing.
Between the feeling of your hands and the way you subconsciously hum as you paint almost has him falling asleep.
Is honestly a little sad when it’s over.
Likes the look of the polish more than he expected.
Will be a little shy to ask for you to do this in the future but if you offer, he will happily oblige.
✩ 𝘑𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘱𝘩 𝘑𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳 ✩
Oh my god don’t even get me started.
He is ASTRONOMICALLY down for this idea.
Bitch, he’s probably the one who suggested it when he saw you painting yours.
queue tequila joseph
You better believe he’s going for a bright ass pink.
His confidence to through the fucking roof and life is too short. Bring that pink polish NEOWWW.
Is one of those ppl that cannot sit still for the life of him.
You have to constantly tell him to sit the fuck down so that you’re not painting the entirety of his hand.
Once you’re finished he’s like a peacock.
Constantly bragging, showing off… THE WORKS MAN.
might even bust out the old dress if he’s feeling especially bold dkdkdjd
Is absolutely gonna ask you to do this again in the future.
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The stardust crusaders reactions to dating you (gender neutral)
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Also a nice hint that I also do oc/selfinsert ship content... hint hint
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JJBA boys calling them by their pet names in public
Warning:Pet names, SFW
Feat:Jotaro, Kakyoin, Polnareff, Joseph, Avdol
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—Jotaro will be surprised when you suddenly calls him by his nickname"Shut up woman!" He said as he blush a little. Walking away from you.
—He will slowly look at you with a blushing face. "Yes babe?" Kakyoin can't resist and he just cover his face with his both hands, hiding his embarrassment from you.
—"Yes, sweetie!!" He run towards you with his open arms. Polnareff immediately give you a tight hug, showing how happy he is when you called him with that name.
—He will turn around, facing you with a smile on his face. "Yes! My love?!" This man doesn't care even tho there are people around, as long as he can show you his affection.
—"y—y/n" he said with a blush on his face. You approach him and give him a tight hug. "It's ok to call me with my nickname, when there's only two of us" you pout. "Ok darling?" You smile and press a kiss on his cheeks. (He will blush a lot)
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byakuyacoochie · 1 year
Miscalculations - Stardust Crusaders x Reader
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Request - SDC text chat w/the Crusaders fighting/bickering over who gets to braid y/n's hair? Or maybe sleeping arrangements?
A/n - Please accept this as an apology for my lack of posting...it's very rushed but I hope yous will enjoy anyway.
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rougepancake · 1 year
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Experiencing the “there’s only one bed” trope with them
Ft. Muhammad Avdol, J.P. Polnareff, Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, & Joseph Joestar
Warnings: Just fluff. I don’t have it in my heart to make this smutty 😭 Not proofread
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He knows good and well that Joseph is the whore behind all of this 😭
As soon as he gets to the room and realizes that you’re all set up he wants nothing more than to pass away and die
Like you walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body and he’s like FUCK
The funny part is he got shitfaced like two weeks prior to this and accidentally told Joseph that he would smash you if given the opportunity
So there you are. Standing in front of each other in total awkward silence as you both figure out what to do
“Would you like the bed for tonight?” He asks slowly, shifting uncomfortably as he stand before you. To his surprise, you only shrug in response.
“Nah. I’ll take the floor.” You turned your back to him and pulled a robe over your body, dropping the towel underneath it before looking back at him. “Plus don’t you have back problems or something??”
He stopped. How did you remember that? He had told you that when he first met you, as a way to make conversation, not in any serious connotation.
“R-Right…” He cleared his throat and looks down at you, giving you a stern look before speaking once again. “But it’s not good for you to sleep on the floor.”
“So what? You wanna share the bed then?”
“I don’t see why not.”
He instantly regretted saying that I kid you not
Like he’s freaking out BIG TIME and is praying he just spontaneously dies in his sleep tonight
What if he does something in his sleep??? What is he sleep talks and accidentally confesses????
Yeah my guy is having an internal panic attack
Once you guys get around to getting to bed, he stays strictly on the edge of the bed, his back facing you. He wants to give you as much space as possible
But the mf wakes up holding you in his arms
Almost fucking dies because you’re still asleep and he almost shouted
The sight warms his heart though, so he allows himself to stay this way until you wake up
Then neither of you speak of it again
But you both kick Joseph’s ass afterwards
He did this himself and failed at it so bad you guys
He was like “oh no I suppose we’ve got no other choice but to sleep in the same bed together”
You told him to sleep on the floor
Was genuinely offended but let you win because he thinks you’re hot
“Oh my, look at this situation we’ve gotten ourselves into.” He teased, smirking as he watched you set your stuff on the hotel bed.
“You mean you.”
You turned around and glared at him, rolling your eyes at his ignorance. “I know you set this up. Now suffer and sleep on the floor.” You pointed to a nearby corner, smirking as you teased him.
“You’re cruel.”
Is a big baby about it and eventually guilt trips you into letting him up onto the bed
Cries with relief when you cave
He snores so loudly that it makes you regret everything
Also cuddles in his sleep and you have to keep pushing him away but he’s like a fucking brick 😭
Rolls over at one point and nearly crushes you but plays it off in the morning
He’s batting his eyelashes and shit when he wakes up as if he slept like a cute little baby
You beat his ass LOL
Never heard the end of it from Joseph
Kakyoin set him up and he knew it as soon as he walked into the room
You had just gotten settled when you saw him walk in there
And holy shit was he pissed
Or he looked that way
He was projecting his embarrassment poorly
Naturally, there was one bathroom and one bed (which he hated)
He does not like the idea of forced proximity but deals with it because he’s got no other choice
So the question comes up of “do we share the bed or do we both sleep on the floor?” Cause lord knows you’re both too stubborn to let the other sleep on the floor alone
“What’s the plan for tonight?” He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, his hat covering his eyes as he stood, which made it difficult for you to get a read on how he was feeling.
But his ears were red.
“I was just going to take the floor.” You shrugged, grabbing a towel before you walked over to the bathroom. “I don’t mind.” You closed the door behind you and he couldn’t help but blush at the thought of you just being so comfortable with this.
“You’re not taking the floor. I will.” He tells you through the door, and you scoff in response.
“You’re not taking the floor either then.” You grumble and turn on the water.
He pauses and has this brief moment of ‘so what now’ but once he gets what you’re insinuating he feels his heart fall to his stomach. What if he snores? Or crushes you?? Oh he’s so gonna kick Kakyoin’s ass if he makes it out of this alive.
Stays as far away from you as possible when it comes time to sleep. He’s got a good poker face but GOD DAMN his heart is about to explode
The two of you talk a little until you fall asleep mid conversation, which he finds annoying but doesn’t mind that much bc he’s a cutie
You wind up spooning him in your sleep and MY GOD he loves it
Dude would spend the rest of his life in your arms if he had the option
He sleeps like a rock though, so once he’s out, he’s out
But you wake up to Star Platinum poking your cheek and Jotaro asleep in your arms, which is such a beautiful sight 😩
Makes you wish you had a camera, but you just sit there and enjoy the moment
When he wakes up he makes you swear not to tell anyone about what happened
Secretly hopes that Kak has the balls to do this again
He gets to the room first and sets his stuff down on the bed, when you walk in after him he swears he’s going to have a stroke
It’s not that he minds or anything but what the hell???
All things considered, he plays it off pretty well. He’s smooth in the way he handles it and even offers to take the floor if you want him to
All the alarms in his head are blaring but he’s fine dw
The original smooth operator
Refuses to even let you suggest sleeping in the floor or anywhere else- you’re already here so why not just stay?
“So how are we going to do this?” He asks as he sits down on the edge of the bed, a soft smirk on his lips.
“I was going to j-“
“Excuse me?” You paused and looked at him, seemingly offended by how he interrupted you.
“Surely it’s not good for your back.” He shrugged it off and patted the spot beside him. “Why don’t we just share the bed instead? That way no one has to sleep on the floor.”
If you have any form of routine before bed, expect him to join you or help you out
This is his chance and my man is NOT throwing it away
Would do your hair if you asked him to
Probably reads before bed, so don’t be surprised if his side of the room is still lit up after you go to sleep
Subconsciously gives you head pats while you sleep next to him; catches himself and wants to die
At some point he finally decides to stop reading and grow a pair, rolling over onto his side and gently wrapping his arms around your waist
He loves the closeness, and loves being able to bury his head in the crook of your neck
It almost doesn’t feel real to him, but he’s happy that it is
When you wake up he teases you about how you slept like- “you snore” or “I thought you were gonna kick me off the bed”
Unlike the others, he’ll bring it up from time to time just to mess with you
WHORE (pt. 2)
He set it up himself thinking he was about to be smooth and it went horribly wrong
Like as soon as you see him walk into the room you’re like “fuck”
But not in a ‘omg he’s so hot I can’t even’ type of way it’s more like ‘oh god no it’s Joseph’
“Oh my god!! There’s only one bed!!” He pretended to be shocked, his hands coming up to his face as he feigned surprise. “What’ll we do?!?”
“I’ll sleep on the floor.” With the way you said it, it was clear that you weren’t going to accept any other answer.
“Wha- are you sure? It’s not good for your back, or your anything for that matter.” He did his best to argue, but you shot him a glare and began setting up on the floor.
“Yep. I’m pretty sure.”
He’s never felt so defeated in his entire life
Like ever
Bro wishes he was as smooth as Kakyoin 🤭
Keeps hinting at it periodically, but gives up when you stop responding to him
Eventually, you fall asleep on the floor, your face buried into the pillow that you had taken off the bed
He decides to pull a funny and pick you up while you rest, setting you on the bed and covering you up before taking your spot on the floor
When you wake up you have a slight change of heart, but he’s still a whore so you’re not having any of it
Brings it up from time to time and his bullied by Polnareff and Avdol for failing so hard
They won’t ever let him forget
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randoimago · 5 months
I don't know if you're able to write the Oingo Boingo brothers but I was wondering if u could write for the crusaders who taught their s/o being flirted by Oingo (who is disguised as them) because apparently it has something to deal with Boingo's stand's predictions (sorry if this is too much specific details ^^°)
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): Muhammed Avdol, Kakyoin Noriaki, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo
Note(s): Okay so please correct me if I got this wrong, but I believe the prompt is crusaders seeing their S/O being flirted with by Oingo (disguised as them)? But not too many details at all, I'm happy to write this!
Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think any of them ever saw Oingo in the show? Cause he was disguised the whole time so this is such a funny ask (especially cause some of these guys are a little dumb)
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Avdol is taken aback when he comes out of a store and sees himself flirting with you. He's immediately on guard because it's so obviously an enemy stand user. He never flirts with you so publicly so he hopes you can see through it as he's staying back and planning his own attack from a distance so he doesn't jeopardize your safety.
Kakyoin, like Avdol, is taken aback by the flirting of the copy. He already has an Emerald Splash prepared, trusting the range attack to scare the copy off and make sure you're safe.
Polnareff is an idiot so he thinks he's seeing things when he sees a copy of himself so obviously flirting with you. He feels angry and annoyed at whatever is happening and he stomps his way over. The copy of himself ends up running and Polnareff gives chase, planning to check up on you later.
Joseph is also surprised to see you with a copy of himself and he has to rub his eyes a bit to check that he's not seeing things. But he also stomps over. The copy runs away, which shocks him by how easy that was, but he's checking that you're okay. He didn't even process the fact that his copy was flirting in the first place.
Jotaro is beyond annoyed when he sees a copy of him flirting with you. The idea that he'd even think about openly showing affection is annoying. He huffs but waits to see what you do. It should be obvious that it's not actually Jotaro flirting so he hopes you piece that together. Otherwise, he'll gladly step in with Star Platinum.
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Hi! Can we have the crusaders reacting to their fem!s/o wearing lingerie for them, but she was really insecure to use it, because she doesn't have like, big boobs or bigs thighs and booty. And she tells them that and they tried to comfort by saying sweet words to her and maybe it leads to some smut? Maybe comforting her by touching her too?
(you can age up Kak and Jotaro :))
Yeah absolutely!
Warnings/disclaimers: slightly spicy, mentions of sex, part 4 jotaro and kak.
Lined for modesty hehe
Joseph JOSTAR!
He’s EXTATIC when he sees you all dressed up for him, you probably won’t have time to express any concerns before his hands and lips are on you. He’s so big compared to you and he LIVES for it
When you can finally get a word in and tell him that you feel super insecure it will almost completely fly over his head but the look on your face stabs his heart. And he will immediately reassure you by basically screaming praises and kissing every little insecurity until you smile at him.
He is going to take his time with you that night, to fully make sure you understand just how sexy you are to him.
Never doubt you have beauty around this man because he's going to disagree and he's going to be loud about it. He will learn from this moment and make it a point in the future to compliment you more. He's also going to buy you more cute skimpy outfits. He says it's like exposure therapy but really he just wants to see you in lingerie.
Jotaro Kujo
You can’t read his expression when he comes into your shared bedroom. You had just finished adjusting the fabric to your body when you spotted him. He was exactly on time. Everything with him was like clockwork. He doesn’t say a thing as he sets down his things and removes his coat, never breaking his dangerous eye contact.
You use this moment to almost apologize as if your standing in all your beautiful glory was something to ever apologize to him for. He does however let you voice your insecurities as his hands find your hips and he pulls your fronts together. He almost rolls his eyes when you say that you're lacking in ‘important areas’ He doesn’t roll his eyes though. For once, he deems this situation unfit for his attitude.
He backs you to the bed with a “Be quiet.” And presses his hips to yours. His arousal was apparent and it made you swallow hard. He will start debunking all of the insecurities you listed before he cornered you on the bed. His gaze was intimidating and his tone dangerous as if he was daring you to disagree. He would have none of it. He didn’t like hearing a pretty voice say negative things. It was pointless. What pissed him off the most was seeing you upset.
He made it his goal that night to make sure that the only thing that came out of your mouth was pretty little moans.
He is very perceptive and probably noticed and had conversations about your insecurities before. This man worships the ground you walk on and he hates seeing you uncomfortable. So when he sees you in pretty lingerie he thinks maybe there's been a breakthrough and you are one step closer to seeing the goddess that you are.
It occurs to him that he's just been starting as if analyzing you when you start to apologize. This man gets on his knees before you and thanks you for blessing him. He’d start kissing your thighs and hands completely ignoring that you were apologizing for not being more.
His words haven't worked before his actions will have to suffice. Don’t get me wrong I think this man has an ultimate praise kink and will still spill sweet words about you through this whole ordeal but he may not justify any self-degrading comments with any sort of response
He’s a lot like Joseph in the way of pouncing now and asking questions later. Fully tackles you to the bed the moment his eyes land on you, hands are everywhere he just can’t help himself. Unlike Joseph, you won’t have time to express any concerns because he’s ravenous. You’d have to kick him to get him to listen.
This man is so confused because he thinks the world of you. But deep down he understands he has quite a bit of insecurity too whether he shows them or not is a different thing.
He’s the type of guy to be butt-ass naked and stop what he’s doing to find a guitar to serenade you. It’s awful and hurts your ears but the effort he put into it is astounding. He’s probably the one that shows you off the most out of the group. Having insecurities about your size around him is near impossible.
Kakyoin! (He’s alive and lives till a very old age ok!!!???) anyway this would be part 4 kak
The type to very happily watches you get into the lingerie without disturbing you. He’s very quiet so you sometimes are startled after realizing he’s in the room on a day-to-day basis. He enjoys people's reactions, especially yours. So he stays letting his eyes scan your body like it was built for him. That is till he notices your pained expression when you look in the mirror or your hands that restlessly adjust the fabric in discontent. Only then does he strategically enter.
He probably starts in the room a little noisier so you aren’t caught off guard by his presence. He will immediately launch into pretty compliments and touch you in the places you hate the most. He’s calculating and cunning. He wants you to associate his loving touch with your insecurities in hopes that it will make you love them too. He has deep-rooted insecurities as well so he knows just how terrible they can make someone feel. He doesn’t want you to be hurt like that.
This man kisses every inch of your body that night and gives you a reason he loves every part of you. I think his words are so sweet it would be hard not to cry because of them
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
I'm not sure if you do requests like this, feel free to ignore- but SDC with a female reader. She hugs them so excitingly that she pushes there face into her gahamaloohs? B00bs
omg this is so flippin funny lmaooooo. these are short little headcanons, so i hope you like them lol. have a great day anon!! <333 and thank you so much for the request!!
Stardust Crusaders with a f!reader who hugs them into her chest
Pairing - Noriaki Kakyoin x f!reader, Jotaro Kujo x f!reader, Jean Pierre Polnareff x f!reader, Avdol x f!reader, Old Joseph x f!reader
Warnings - small mention of blood in jotaro's. joseph being a slight perv lmao
Notes - omg thank you so much for the jojos request, i have been dying to write for the show. i have another one on the way too! this was such a good request and i just had a super fun time writing it lol. thank you anon! i hope you have a great day, lovely!! <333
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
Noriaki Kakyoin
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omg, we all know that this man is after moms, THEREFORE, bazongas are his thing
"Kakyoin! You're back!!!" You shove past the rest of the crusaders and pull Kakyoin into your arms. Little did you know, his face was pressed right to your chest, his nose in between your- "Are you feeling better, Noriaki?" You pulled back and looked at his eyes, which weren't blinded, only scratched.
He'd be thinking about that all day
He'd be thinking about how great it would be to cuddle you and be pressed to your chest like that again
If you've ever done that before, or ever do it again, his face would go cherry red, but he wouldn't say a word. He would just be enjoying himself the whole time
He is much taller than you, so it is rare that this ever happens, but he hopes for the day you can get to that level to pull him down again
Jotaro Kujo
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use this to shut him up
he will go dead silent
not a word
"Jotaro!" You run up to him, limping from your previous battle. "Oh, shit! Are you alright?" Jotaro runs up to you as you fall into his lap, blood falling from your leg. "I-I'm fine." You flinch as Jotaro lifts up the leg of your pants, seeing the poor job you did on wrapping yourself up. "You idiot! You can't just wrap it up yourself, get someone to help next time. God, you're so stu-" You quickly pull him towards your chest for a hug, playing with the back of his hair. His face right in between your boobs.
You had never heard him get that quiet before
You would pull away with a smile and a "thank god you're alright, Jojo, I thought you were dead back there"
And still nothing
The tops of his cheeks and the tips of his nose and ears would be dusted red
He would clear his throat, standing up, lighting a cigarette
"yare yare daze"
Jean Pierre Polnareff
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this man would melt
lets be real, even a regular hug would kill this adorable little frenchman
but when your knockers are in this man's face??? you killed him
someone start planning the funeral
when you let go, he would fall backwards, blood falling from his nose
what a silly little cutie
"Guys, you're being so mean!" You pushed past Joseph and Avdol, walking up to Polnareff. "How would you like it if you had to lick a toilet?! Huh?!" You turned towards Polnareff and pulled him straight towards your chest for a hug. You play with the top of his hair and earrings and you feel him go immediately limp
You swore to god you killed him
You look over at him as he falls to the floor, a smile on his face and blood running down his nose
"Polnareff? Are you alright?" He would just shoot you a thumbs up
Whatever happened with the toilet incident, he doesn't remember
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this man is so shy
omg what a sweetheart
but he would definitely be vocal about it
You pull Avdol into your arms. You really thought he died. "It's so good to see you, Avdol." You had no clue, but the man was crushed to your chest. He cleared his throat, and through a muffled voice, said, "It's good to see you too... but... uhm... I am pressed too close you your..." You look down and see where he is pressed and gasp, pushing him away. "Sorry Avdol! I didn't know!" He smiled and rubs the back of his neck before pulling you into a proper hug. "Nothing to worry about."
He would love every second though
I think he's a sucker for anything squishy on a lady, so to get those few moments of bliss, he is truly a blessed man
Old Joseph
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if he was a ladies man in his prime, you better bet not one part about him has changed
he would make some stupid joke and you'd pull away, completely unamused
"Joseph!" You giggled and jumped into his big arms, pulling him into a hug. It felt like it had been forever since you'd seen him. Joseph smirked once he noticed that he was pressed into your chest and with his voice muffled, he'd say, "I know it had been a while, but I wasn't expecting this as a surprise." You immediately jumped down and slapped his arm. "Not cool, old man." And you just walked away.
He would just love hugs though. He didn't mean to ruin the vibe. But he had to. The old fart.
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inkpot909 · 8 months
The Stardust Crusaders’ Picks for a First-Dance Wedding Song Headcanons
↳ Gender Neutral Reader. Joseph Joestar is excluded.
A/n: A chill list of headcanons that came to me at 6 in the morning. Jokes aside, I loved putting this together. Although I admit I am a bit biased since I’ve always loved retro music. I did my best to pick music that coincided with the music the characters each canonically listen to (at least, as far as we’re told).
Warning(s): None.
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Jotaro Kujo
-> As the World Falls Down
David Bowie
“As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn’t too much fun at all
But I’ll be there for you
As the world falls down”
Canonically speaking, Jotaro’s favorite musician is Toshinobu Kubota. It’s admittedly a rather interesting choice for a man who was a dedicated delinquent in high school.
But music tends to touch people in a special, often times sensitive, manner. And despite looking and acting the way he does, Jotaro’s music preferences are no different.
Yeah, sure, he’s definitely a “whatever’s on the radio” kind of guy, but he has taste.
Separated from others, when he’s in control of the music he’s listening to, his choices give the impression of a casual listener that somehow always has the best picks seemingly with no effort put in at all. Perfectly on brand for Jotaro.
Therefore, he’s likely going to have an unexpected pick.
Therefore, he picks a sappy ballad from an under-appreciated 80s movie. Not because he’s even seen The Labyrinth by any stretch of the imagination, but because he just… likes how it sounds.
He likely heard it one way or another, completely detached from the movie itself, and decided he enjoyed it. Something about the slightly cheesy yet instrumentally enchanting tune gets stuck in his head in a really good way.
There is a reason past “oh, it just sounds nice” as to why he picked it but let’s be honest… he’s going to get a little embarrassed annoyed if he has to explain to you in full detail.
The title pretty much speaks for itself, in his opinion.
Noriaki Kakyoin
-> Every Breath You Take
The Police
“Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you”
Good god, he’s certainly the Sting fan.
Whether or not you actually like Sting it’s hard to argue against the fact that Kakyoin likely has an overall shit taste in music. Why is this the case? Because he’s been alone the majority of his life and didn’t have any friends to bully him over it.
Not having anyone around him to say “what the hell is this” or just a simple “no” will and has effected him.
He’s the type of guy who claim’s “this album will change your life” before putting on some of the worst pieces of music you’ve ever heard.
Not that he isn’t trying, keep in mind.
This man will stress about what to suggest for days on end. He’s going to take the longest compared to the others in how how much time it takes him to pick. It’ll eat away at his brain, threatening to take every bit of his sanity unless he can think of what he deems as the perfect song he can choose.
And still he manages to not only choose an extremely predictable wedding song, but an insanely creepy one as well.
It’s weirdly charming, in his own odd Noriaki way.
He likely didn’t know what he was doing at the beginning of the relationship due to inexperience, and it’s probably heartwarming to know some things never change.
And it’s completely possible the stalker-ish lyrics of the song didn’t click inside his brain. Not because he doesn’t understand the lyrics per se… but because the poor guy hardly had a grasp on what was actually considered romantic when you first met.
Please, for your own sanity, don’t let the song played at your wedding be one that he picked (with hindsight he’ll probably thank you for it too).
Jean Pierre Polnareff
-> The Air That I Breathe
The Hollies
“Peace came upon me and it
leaves me weak
so sleep, silent angel, go to
All I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you”
Polnareff’s favorite musician isn’t ever canonically specified, but it’s made pretty clear he’s likely a fan of The Beatles. And considering he went through puberty during the 70s, he’s likely going to lean into that era of music.
Generally speaking, he’s got decent taste. Sure, he’s got the music taste of a white suburban father, but his picks are usually pretty agreeable.
That said, he’s definitely a little high and mighty about it.
He won’t go off on the subject too hard whenever you’re around, but he thinks very highly of his preferences. Polnareff’s a huge victim of nostalgia, and a part of him feels a little elitist for having grown up in the time period that he did.
He has had the song for his first dance picked out in the back of his mind for years, swearing that it would be played at his wedding at some point or another.
Hell, he’s probably got a full roster of music in mind for the reception.
For such a monumental occasion, he’s sure to pick a ballad that starts off slow but crescendos into the chorus- easily the type of romantic tune he’d prefer.
And unlike the others, you may get pushback from him if you don’t want that as your first dance. He’s quite stubborn, generally speaking, and this is no exception to that.
Ultimately though, he would eventually cave and do just about anything you want.
But as stated before, he’s had his mind set on this one for literal years. So certainly expect this to be a somewhat tough conversation to have with him if you prefer something different.
Muhammad Avdol
-> I Love How You Love Me
Claudine Longet
“I love how your eyes close
whenever you kiss me
And when I’m away from you I
love how you miss me
I love the way you always treat
me tenderly
But, darling, most of all I love
how you love me”
Avdol’s music taste is left as a complete mystery in canon.
However, because he runs his own shop, he’s fairly attached to the calming instrumentals he often keeps on at the store. Avdol understands atmosphere well and takes it very seriously.
When he’s not working, it’s not very often that he finds himself listening to music.
But when he does, it’s usually music with soft or ethereal overtones (you cannot tell me he doesn’t listen to Enya). Throw in some charming oldies from the 50s and 60s, and Avdol’s in his element.
To put it simply, easy-listening tunes are his freaking jam.
He also enjoys listening to music from all across the world. Avdol is likely well-traveled, and is undoubtedly knowledgeable on other places and cultures. So the preference comes naturally to him.
He’s going to pick something very romantic and slow. A song that, even if you maybe haven’t heard it before, upon the first time listening you just know it’s meant to be played at a wedding.
And, unlike the others, it would take him less than 24 hours to have made his choice. It’s not that he doesn’t put care into the decision, he just doesn’t like making you wait. He’s quite efficient when it’s something this important.
Regardless, he’s the most flexible of the group when it comes to your tastes, so anything you want is perfectly fine with him.
That said, it has to be a ballad. That’s his main request. Avdol’s eager for your input, sure, but he’s going to want to slow dance with you more than anything else.
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ineedtherapist · 1 year
Ca we have the crusaders with a touch starved Fem!s/o? She is like and at the same time loves to give affection back!
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Eyyyoooo I have some free time today so LET'S FCKING GOOO
This idea is so fcking cute AHAHJAJ
13/12 =I'm sorry cuz I kinda lost idea on polnareff and avdol💀
Crusaders with a touch starved fem!s/o hcs
"...yare yare daze. C'mere"
Jotaro is crazily good with physical touches. Like bro is Holly son and Joseph grandson. One way or another he definitely carry that genes in him.
This guy is stupidly observant, prob already notice about it but never says a thing.
He's a mysterious typa guy so yes he wouldn't reciprocate that much when in public but I guaranteed you when both him and his s/o are alone he'll initiate the first move.
Doesn't mind his s/o touch him as long as they understand his boundaries.
Actually loves,enjoy N appreciate it especially after having a rough day.
and on waist too as a matter of fact.
while laying down.
forehead kissing.
their s/o rambling bout their day
and him listening with occasional 'mmhmm and then?"
yeah. feel a bit too personal ifykyk
When he actually knows how much his s/o love physical contact he'll try to do it subtly but as much as possible and won't say a thing if they do it to him in public. cue to Holly kissing his cheek every morning
Sometimes most of the time Polnareff gonna tease him and his s/o and it kinda went like this :
"Hey joot! ya mind if I borrow ur sweetheart for a sec? I'm having a severe withdrawal symptoms from being single as heck. Now c'mere lov- AAughHhhGhh????!! GODDAMN IT JOTAR- FUCK! I'M GONNA DIE! JOTARO!!!!"
Everytime he did that, Jotaro gonna summon star platinum to hug him instead and well- all of the crew get to see a fcking 20+ yr old scream in absolute agonize and by the end of the "cuddling" sessions his face covered with snot and tears.
Due from that absolutely horrifying scene oldseph keep his words to himself though there are still times where we can actually see quite the scene.
Kakyoin would be a bit embarrassed, not in a bad way just kinda surprised with what's happening in front of him though when he get used to it, he's silently cheering for both of his friends.
Avdol takes pictures of all the little cute scenes and put it in a collection.
Marriage present he will say with a small smile.
"...yes... I'm free.. r u sure? 'kay then. here- OMPF"
This guy is def as touch starved as his s/o. Worse, unlike his s/o, man doesn't even notice it.
Kakyoin sees physical contacts as an act of professionalism and rarely initiate one unless necessary.
He does it with his parents ofc but again very rarely and mostly on special occasions.
Think about it a lot actually but never voice it out especially if his s/o barely try to show they wants it.
When they did, oh boy it's one hell of a ride.
He'll get awkward at first but gradually warm up and well- get ready cuz you're prob will be in contact with him all the time no matter how big or small.
hand holding? yes. hand on waist while being side by side? yes. resting heads on each other laps? yes. shoulder touching while sitting? yes.
He'll be and look really dejected if his s/o says no w/o a proper reason.
Though he is an introvert and will understand if you needed some space. Just give him a heads-up kay? poor boy think his s/o losing interest in him.
WILL search up in books or online on "how to hug a person" or "101 absolute ways on how to not be a creep when initiating physical contact"
He's embarrassed with pda mainly cuz he's not used to it but he tried to make it up later in private .
He also will try to actually be comfortable and open, letting himself to relish and return the affection.
Is absolutely overjoyed with the fact that his s/o love physical contacts cuz honestly deep down he really wanted to bond and be comfortable with the person he loves and the area he really lacks in are well- human contact.
He's glad his s/o is there to teach him.
Another one that'll summon his stand to make a- *ehem* two adult cry because they're as joot always say "being a pain in the ass"
"c'mere babe! it's cuddly wuggly time."
Bro the best and warmest teddy bear ever been alive.
#1 physical contact lover.
Hug and kiss his s/o all the time.
Small simple contacts like hand holding while walking through the streets traveling.
Hands on ur laps.
No I will not elaborate.
That can go two ways and again no I will not elaborate.
Though he would absolutely loves it if his s/o sit on his laps while both him and his s/o relaxing.
A normal sunny day on a porch. Him reading a newspaper with his s/o on his laps snuggling doing whatever they're doing.
Absolutely hyped when he knows how much his s/o wanted to be in physical contact cuz again that's his forte.
Tickle his s/o while him and his s/o in bed, just woke up from sleep.
And when his s/o return his gestures?
He definitely make a right choice.
It always a contest between who can give more affection and surprise the others. the hell this is too cute Bye-
Flex in front of the crew all the time and no he doesn't get embarrassed. why would he? his s/o is the happiest things ever happened to him. he'll be damned to give two shits.
"Mon Amour~! can I rest on ur lap? pretty pleaseee"
#2 physical contact lovers.
Also hyped cuz his s/o wanted to be pampered and loves to pamper him back? HELL YEAH
He's extreme. that's for sure.
Zero conscience.
Hug? Kiss? Snuggle? Cuddle? Princess style carry? Name it and he'll be doing just that in a heartbeat.
Once him and his s/o in each other arms, it will took a lot of effort for him to actually let go
The type that surprisingly jealous and won't let his s/o do it to anyone else unless under circumstances.
Get tease a lot but never done anything. Bro confident in his abilities and charm as a man.
"yes, I'm free. Of course! Here."
Ok look like I have every right to fangirl cuz bro so sweet with his s/o.
Avdol is reserved so he doesn't show much of a need or want to be in any literal human contact so it gonna make his s/o a bit nervous.
He adores it. He thinks it cute and a symbol of deep trust between two ppl especially coming from someone as special as his s/o.
He reciprocate it whether public or private.
Hand holding. cuz it's sexy u can't change my mind
Very open and accepting in general.
Encourage you and also love to be pamper.
Honestly one of the most loving and normal guy in jjba fr and the crew itself fr.
ahhhh idk what to write but this man is an absolute cutie.
Doesn't get jealous since he trust his s/o.
Actually talk to his s/o about coming to him whenever they're in dire need of human contacts.
Doesn't get teased that bad by the crew. They're just genuinely happy to see avdol and his s/o relationship cuz it have calming and very comforting vibe.
Joseph tease him once in a while but nothing severe.
A bit possessive depending on the circumstances.
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risquefanfics457 · 5 months
Could you maybe do a stardust crusaders imagine but with a reader who starts having a sensory meltdown? i'm neurodivergent, and I sometimes get those overloads?
i put a link to what a sensory overload is. you dont have to answer, but i enjoy your wrting
I hear you. Sensory overloads can be hell. Neurodiverents unite!
You didn't specify if it was romantic or platonic so I'm going to keep it platonic.
Anyway, ENJOY!
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Joseph has gotten used to handling situations that are overwhelming. He’s grown to be more quiet overtime, but let’s be honest here, it’s still Joseph. He’s going to worry. When you begin to look uncomfortable, he’s going to ask what’s up. Don’t lie to him, he can tell something is wrong, the man is a father, and he learned the tell tale signs of discomfort with his own little family. 
When he asks and you don’t respond immediately, he’s going to pause and pull you aside to make sure you heard him. 
“Y/N, are you alright?”
“Are you feeling unwell? Sick?”
You shrug
“Okay, let’s sit down.” He puts his hand on your arm and you flinch at the contact, which makes the overstimulation flare. When you yank your arm away from him, he’s going to be suspicious that maybe there’s a much bigger issue at play but he’s going to lead you away from the crowd and get you to sit.
“Can you tell me what’s the matter?”
A panic attack seizes in your throat and he can see it, “Can you talk to me?”
Your palms sweat and shake your head with shame.
“Okay, well, can you point to anything that you need?”
You shake your head again, closing your eyes, trying to avoid the harsh light.
“Okay…” Joseph tries to problem solve, “Can you point to what is bothering you?”
You manage to your ears
“Your ears hurt?”
You shake your head
“Is something in your ear?”
You shake your head again, this time covering your ears.
“It’s too loud.” He realizes. He thinks for a moment. “Hold on.”
You notice he pulls something from his pocket, earbuds. Connected to them is a Walkman, he unplugs them and holds the cord out to you, “you can put them in, it’s not much, but they’ll make it a bit quieter until I can find some earplugs.”
It’s a few minutes before Joseph comes back and puts a pair of earplugs beside you and a pair of headphones, “Use either. They’re the highest quality, so don’t worry.”
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Jotaro can’t lose it. He’s got too much riding on him. If things go sideways, he would never forgive himself for the consequences, that is if he made it out alive. Because of this, Jotaro isn’t very in touch with his own emotions and prefers to keep them tamped down and if not in danger, he might actively ignore some signs of a sensory overload. He just doesn’t have the mental capacity to deal with it. Don’t mistake this for a lack of empathy or effort, he’s just way out of his depth here. That being said, if things really escalate, he might snap at you, thinking he can get you to act ‘reasonable’ if you take notice of how you’re feeling and pull yourself out of it on your own.
“Hey, quit muttering! It’s damn annoying.”
When you cover your ears and whimper, he feels something in his chest ache. 
He made it worse. He gets up from his hotel bed, huffs and goes to sit a bit closer to you but not too close, he gets wanting personal space, “I didn’t think you’d be that sensitive.” He pulls his hat over his eyes.
When things stay quiet, and he doesn’t really know what to say, he might ask you if you need anything. He’s frustrated. He gets when the world is just too full of pointless talking and noise, but watching you suffer, well, it was a new perspective. Jotaro wants to understand, but now he doesn’t know if it’s even his business. He’d leave you alone, but stand users lurk around every corner, and he’d be damned if he was leaving you alone in this state.
Fuck. What do you even do in this kind of situation. People don’t really cry or breakdown in front of him, not unless they were babies. You weren’t a baby. But that was the closest thing he had to what was going on. Babies get upset if they’re overwhelmed and need a nap…
Jotaro drapes the sheets of the hotel bed over you and closes the curtains, “I’ll be on the patio.” He grabs a book. He doesn’t expect an answer. If you need him, you know where he’ll be. 
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Polnareff is pretty clueless. He means well, promise, He just hasn’t been a person people look up to for guidance and support for a while. Polnareff is a funny and flirty guy a lot of the time. He understands sorrow and grief, but he also knows when he should distance himself from things if they get in the way of the objective. Well, he’s better at it now. He’s been on a long journey of suffering to get closure because of his sister’s death. This all means he’s all too familiar with personal meltdowns, but not somebody else’s. Polnareff will first start picking up on your sensory overstimulation when you start to lag behind everybody else.
“Hey, Y/N, pick up the pace. You’re going to still be in Aswan by the time we’re in Cairo.”
You didn’t reply. He notices this and hangs back while the rest of the crusaders keep moving but will slow a bit so they don’t get out of eyesight. They tell Polnareff to be quick, because they need to keep moving. 
“You’re going a bit slow, mon ami.” He remarks
You hide your face.
“Oh? Too hot? I get it, I’ve been wearing this rag. I found it at a market. When we get to Luxor, maybe you should get one for yourself.” He points at the cooling towel on his head and shoulders. You don’t respond and just try to stay quiet and breathe.
“Man, you aren’t this quiet most of the time. I mean, you talk a fair amount, but you’re acting like a recluse.” He says without much understanding.
Your shoulders haunch with shame. He doesn’t get it.
“Maybe you’re hungry, or thirsty.” He guesses, “Mr. Joestar has a canteen, but you’ll have to pick up the pace to get it.”
Still, no sign you’d even heard him.
“Y/N, are you even listening to me?”
It was then he noticed you shaking, “Hey, Y/N, are you hurt?” When you don’t say anything, but shake your head, he yells out to the group, “Hold up! Y/N might be hurt!”
You bury your face in your hands, his yelling setting you off even more. This becomes a back and forth movement to counter the overstimulation. He notices the rocking and checks you for injuries, “Where is it? Who was it? Was this the work of an enemy stand?”
You shake your head vigorously. 
“What?” His concerned look mixes with confusion, “I don’t get it, what’s going on then?”
Your hands shake as you crouch down and try to hide. 
“Polnareff, what’s going on back there?” You can hear Joseph’s gruff voice.
Avdol ends up coming and looking you over, “Stress.” He says plainly, “Or something along those lines.”
“Stress? Stress can manifest like this?” Polnareff asks
Avdol nodded, “It can even overwhelm the senses.”
“Okay, which senses are bothering you?” The silver haired man asks.
You clench your eyes closed and point to them and your ears. “Sound and sight.” He says, “What about touch? 
Your answer is a hand moving side to side, ‘a bit’. 
“What if we stopped for an hour or so, just find a place that’s cool and quiet?” He asks.
You nodded. “Okay, can you stand?” He asks. You sign back ‘a bit’ again.
He nods, “Can I take your arm and lead you?” 
You nod.
“Alright, we’re going to take care of you, Y/N, don’t you worry.” He says gently.
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Avdol picks up on this SO fast. This man is a reader, not just the book type, but he reads people as a living. He might even notice something is off before you do. Like the amount of people bustling about, the crowds and the people who accidentally bump into you. He’ll talk to Joseph and you and advise a quieter route. Unfortunately, this is the fastest way to get through. A detour would cost the group precious time. Avdol will instead hang at the back of the group with you and ask you what you need. Avdol is also much faster in places like markets because he’s grown up around them. In this case, if he’s sure you’ll be okay for a few minutes, he’ll haggle and find you something that might help.
“Where’s Avdol gone off to?” Polnareff asks Joseph
“He’s picking up a few necessities.” Joseph replies, he’ll meet back up with us in a few minutes, if he doesn’t we’ll assume he’s in danger and move quickly to a quieter location in case there’s a stand user in this crowd. I don’t want civilians involved in anything harmful.” He says gruffly
You walked behind Jotaro, his tall stature making people stare and move around him, maybe in respect or trepidation. You got bumped into less this way. “I’m back, Mr. Joestar.” Avdol seamlessly weaves his way back to the front of the group.
“Welcome back. Y/N is in the back behind Jotaro, maybe he’s good at blocking out the sun.” He grins playfully
Avdol nods in good humour and squeezes onto the back of the group. He walks beside you, giving you a foot of room on one side to ensure nobody brushes against you when you’re already overwhelmed. He holds out a small box, inside there are wax earplugs. And in one of his deep pockets he produces a beaded bracelet, “These are to cancel the noise, and if you need to keep your hands moving, you can rotate the beads in your hand.” You take the gift and look at him with surprise. “I don’t mind.” He says with a smile, “I can see that you’re struggling. We need to build each other up on this journey, so if there’s anything else you’re in need of, just communicate in anyway you find comfortable.” Your smile of gratitude is all he needs. He’ll hang back with you for as long as you need it. 
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Does this guy get neurodivergence or what? Kakyoin spent a lot of time alone. He didn’t have a lot of friends growing up. He learned to communicate in lots of ways. Verbal wasn’t always his strong suit anyway. If there is anybody who understands isolating one’s self because you are different, it’s him. Jotaro isolates, not because he’s entirely socially awkward, it’s also because he just doesn’t want to. Kakyoin wants people to know who he is, more than that, he knows being a bit different comes with its own experiences and self-honed skills. He’s going to pick up on you retreating back into yourself in the beginning, not as fast as Avdol. He’s not a people reader after all, that being said, he is a people watcher. For years, Kakyoin watched people from afar, this helped him understand other people’s friendships and relationships. He’s also learned a lot. When you’re on your own, you don’t exactly get distracted by other people asking you to join them in things. So he’s read quite a bit, even on neurodivergence. He can spot the overload in a few minutes and get into action. He gets up from the seat on the train he’s in and sits next to you.
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
No answer. “Is it stress, or maybe are you just overwhelmed?”
You looked up at him, not expecting him to understand.
You nod and stare at the ground.
“Is there anything I can do?” 
You have a moment to think, but you’ve gone nonverbal at this point, and realize you can’t really act out what you need because it’s a bit complex.
“Hmm…” Kakyoin thinks for a monent and then pulls out a notepad from his uniform
You look at him quizzically. 
“I’m a student, I always have this on me to take notes.”
You smile up at him.
“Here.” He hands it to you, along with a pen.
You jot some things down.
“Too bright, too many sounds, chairs bad texture.” 
“Yeah, I bet there’s years worth of dust in these.” He chuckles, “I have a scarf, maybe we can put that around your eyes? Or your ears like earmuffs?” 
You nod and jot something else down, “Is the scarf soft?”
“Yes, it is. My mom bought it for me when we travelled to Egypt the first time.” He smiles and goes to get the scarf. 
He comes back and sits next to you, “If you need anything else, write it down for me, and I’ll be happy to get it.” He relaxes in the seat next to you, “Promise.”
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nastymensimp · 1 month
fanfic ideas that have been bouncing around in my pea brain
if any of these have been done please let me know
Spoilers for JJBA
Being the sister of kars. Wamuu with his devotion to Kars holds it just as much to you, willing to do as you command. His adoration for you is different from how you adore him, wishing for more to bloom from your encounters
Dating Keicho before his death, being a little family with the nijimuras. After the incident Okuyasu worries you wont stick around since its just him. Basically just some angty comfort for my son
Being in a relationship with Avdol, who planned to propose after the battle with Dio. After the encounter with Vanilla Ice Polnareff comes out to hand you a set of rings and tell you the news
Reader forcing a character( I have to many in mind) to match cosplays with them
Moving into a house by the Aqua teens and having to deal with all their shit
Being like a guardian to Meatwad( Ik he is like 40 idc hes a kid in my mind)
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igot-sarang-ggg · 7 months
Recovery (Avdol x f!Reader) SMUT
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WARNINGS: Minors and ageless blogs dni. Sexually explicit content under cut.
( A/n I haven't written SMUT in So long So I'm a bit rusty. But anyways I hope you enjoy)
Small summary: after getting injured during the battle with Hol-Horse and Hanged Man you and Avdol go into hiding in an island until you've both recoverd. But a few nights before at one of the hotels you were staying at things got a little heated between you two and it would be gone further if someone didn't interrupt.
Small mentions: Avdol x f!reader, Avdol being a bit shy, SMUT, 18+, body worship, reader is a stand user but it’s not used
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"So how long do we need to stay on this island?" I asked Avdol as he gathered some eggs from his chicken, "Just a few days until Mr. Joestar comes to pick us up. Until then, we both need to recover from our injuries." I got hurt along side Avdol while fighting Hol horse and Hanged Man. "How long was I passed out for?" He placed the basket down. "About a day or two. The Speed Wagon foundation should be dropping by with some more medication for us." He sighed, "In the meantime would you mind helping me make breakfast." I stood up from my spot, "Sure."
We headed back inside and started cooking the eggs. "Have you been able to explore the island yet?" I asked Avdol. he was cutting a banana into small pieces for us both, "I did yesterday with some members of the Speed Wagon. There nothing suspicious here as of yet." I grunted taking in the information he gave me. "So... What do we do now?" I took a bit from the fruit he did the same, "We wait until Mr. Joestar and the others come to get us." The rest of the day Avdol and I cleaned and watched how some of the chickens fought for their food. 
Night had finally fallen. We both went inside, I didn't realize it until now but, "Why is there only one bed?"
 "Y/n this is a small house, two beds wouldn't fit in here." Avdol sat down on the bed, I stared at the bed still thinking if its a good idea for us to be laying in the same bed. "I can assure you I won't bite... If you want I could sleep on the small couch." He points towards the couch behind me. "I-its fine, I just zoned out for moment." I walked over to the other side of the bed, "Plus, you're a big guy. I don't want you sleeping on that small thing." Laying down in bed I looked up at the ceiling, my eyes slowly shutting.
It was now dark out the only thing that was lighting up the room a dim candle light that was slowly fading and the moonlight entering the room. Looking beside me there was an empty spot, "Where's Avdol?" I asked myself. I slowly got out of bed feeling groggy and walked towards the living room, the front door was opened. I was now wide awake and draw out my stand. As I was about to walk out I saw Avdol sitting at the entrance. "Are you trying to give me a heat attack?"
 "My Apologize Y/n." I placed my hand on his shoulder and sat down next to him looking up at the stars, "It's fine.... Couldn't sleep?" I asked him, "No I couldn't. Something was keeping me up." 
"Was I snoring?! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to keep you u-" Avdol chuckled slightly at me panicking. "No I uh ... It's just been awhile since you and I were alone." I felt my cheeks burning at the thought of that night we spent together; the way Avdol kissed me gently, the soft whimpers escape my lips as he kissed my neck and things were getting heated until Polnareff walked in and almost caught us. Since that night We agreed not to talk about it again.
 "Were you thinking about that night?" He looked at me, under the moonlight I can tell he was a bit flustered, "I was... I wanted to see more of you... Hear more from you... Please you." With each word he leaned in placing a kiss on my lips once, twice, and I then pulled him closer to me closing what little gap we had between us. 
In a swift movement I was now on top of Avdol, we pulled away catching our breath. "Let's go inside it'll be more comfortable in the bed." I got off of him and lead him to the bed. he sat down and I got on top of him wrapping my arms around his neck he tensed up under my touch. "Are you sure you wanna do this Y/n your don't h-" I kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear. "I've been wanting to do this again since that night at the hotel." 
A few candles relit around the room, I caught a quick glimpse of magicians red. He placed both hands on my hip pushing me down onto his bugle a muffled gasped escaped my lips, he was already hard... Avdol let out a pleasurable sigh as  I started teasing him by slightly bouncing on his clothed bugle. "Y-y/n~"  
He pulled me closer to him kissing and nibbling at my neck, his hand now making their way inside my shirt. His hands trailed up and down my body, giving me shivers. Avdol lifted up my shirt now kissing my chest and  playing with my nipples one hand squeezing and burying his face between my breasts, leaving excited kisses, "Avdol~" He'd slowly lied me down upon bed gently stripping his and mine cloth off. His member slipping out, "You're so big" I took his member in my hand passing a teasing stroke on it. He started moving his hips a bit, "Please don't tease, my love." He moaned closing his eyes. He grabbed his member aligning himself at my entrance. "Are you ready?" He asked, "Yes." I nodded. I could feel his tip slowly entering me, "Ah~" 
 "Are you okay~" Avdols thrust were slow, "Y-yeah~" Even though he was starting at a slow pace I couldn't help whimper with each movment. After some time I was able to adjust to his size.
Wet squishing sounds fill the bedroom along with my soft gasps. "Avdol i-..." I couldn't speak. The amount of pleasure he was giving me had me choking on my words. "Y-you're getting tighter... A-are you close?" I nodded, words failing to come out. He started slowing down, "N-no don't s-stop." He looked at me a bit shocked, "But I'm gonna overstimulate you. It might hurt you." Through the flickering candle light I could see the concern in his eyes. I pulled him in and kissed him, "I-its fine Keep going until you cum." He nodded grabbing my legs and throwing them over his shoulder closing the gap between us the best he could and thrusting faster. "Fuck~" That was the first time I've ever heard him curse. I'd already reached my high, Abdul was now chasing his.
His thrust were getting sloppy, he removed my legs from his shoulder and kissed me muffling his moan as he came. He started slowing down and pulling out, "Fuck~" He was breathing heavily looking down at me. He leaned in kissing my forehead "Can you move?" I was too tired  to move. "I'll be right back." He grabbed a rag and cleaned me and himself off. After he was done he laid down in bed with me wrapping his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, "Avdol, I love you." He chuckled caressing my  head, "I love you too."
The next morning Avdol was on a call with Mr. Joestar while I was making breakfast. "I see... I'll tell Y/n about the plan then." He hung up, "What happened?" I asked him, he walked up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on top of mine. "Mr. Joestar will be coming soon to get us..." I could tell there was more to that "And?"
 " And he wants us to play a prank on kakyoin and polnareff. He wants us to pretend to be my parents. " I stopped chopping the onions setting the knife aside and faced him his hands still on my waist, "I'm sorry but I refuse." 
 "It wouldn't hurt, would it y/n?" I sighed, "Avdol did you forget that polnareff is a literal walking stand magnet. Remember I can see two different possibilities in the furture. One is that he'll run, a stand gets him and two that he actually stays still for once. I have a feeling his gonna run away and some stand users gonna get him."
 "We'll just have to see," he kissed my forehead, " if you'd like you could stay inside while we're playing the prank on them."
"You really want to play the prank on them don't you Avdol?" He nodded. I chuckled turning back around to continue cooking, "I'll stay inside then."
 Avdol pulled me closer to him kissing my cheek. "Can you help me look older before they come... They'll be here later on today."
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tem60 · 2 years
if you do headcannons or something can you write stardust crusaders (separately) with a reader who is like always cold even though on the journey or whatever they do go to egypt smh.. but still !!! unless it hot out reader is probably shivering xD thank you :3
Why of course!! It gave me a lot of ideas from the start, also was very fun to write :D I added some scenarios for each one of the Crusaders, I hope it's ok! And sorry it took so long, I wanted to extend it as much as I could and had a rough time in school. Hope you like it :D
Stardust Crusaders x gn reader who's always cold (headcanons)
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
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you know he's going to tease you about it if he saw you rubbing your hands together in the first place
if you were to tease him back with touching his skin with those cold hands of yours, he would complain about it a lot and jump up because of it
but he would adore it and actually at some point would be thankful, because his skin makes it hard to be out in the sun for so long, that's why feeling something cold against it is like a relief to him
but that's not it!! let's be honest, he's a romantic guy, energetic, open, extroverted, what do you think he would do if he saw how cold you were? especially at night in the desert which can be a bit cold sometime
of course he would catch your hand in his and perhaps kiss it gently to help you get some warm, he knows his ways in flirting so that's no problem for him, he does actually enjoy it and would express it publicly with absolutely no hesistation, he would see this as the best opportunity to hit on you after all
Polpol's the type of guy to bring you closer to himself if he could and embrace you with those strong arms of his, would it be romantically or platonic, doesn't matter, he likes to express his feelings with physical touch
if he wants to help you, he will, especially when you're cold, he finds your shivering a bit odd but does believe it to be a special trait of yours you know?
as I was saying above, he loves to tease you about it, he'd say some things similar to "how can you be so cold and yet so hot?" OF COURSE NOT EXACTLY LIKE THAT JEHAKJD but he would use some silly punchlines to get you flustered if possible, he's determined enough to try it. so be aware.
he would totally compare you to him, how you're always cold and he's always warm, he would complain about being too sensitive to the sun
I think he would totally not only kiss your hands but also rub your arms, or legs if he got your consent, as far as you're comfortable with it, he's okay with anything, and oh boy is he creative
do you remember the scarf he had in The Sun chapters? I'm 100% sure he'd let you borrow it any time you need it, of course needing it back after some time because his skin would hurt if exposed to sun for too long, but he would give it to you anyway
have I mentioned that he likes your hugs in the desert? it's so refreshing and not only a relief to his own body (since it is probably cold compared to his body temperature), but also to his mind, I believe he missed hugging someone, like actually hugging, no side hugs, no other things like that - an actual hug, bonus if it's from you
Jean-Pierre couldn't sleep that night, something about the area in the desert seemed a bit too calm to his liking. Even if he is a lively person to have a conversation with, having this much space and peace at the same time was a bit weird. He himself doesn't know why, but therefore he decided to keep an eye out in case someone tried to attack you in your sleep (like death 13 but he doesn't remember anything at all).
What he didn't know was the fact that you were also awake, but thoughtful in the head. You were deeply focused on something else, anything that would keep your head from reminding you of how cold you were at this moment. The Crusaders hadn't light up the fire again to keep themselves warm since waking up in the double heat would be a nuisance. But mainly they had in mind that making themselves known to any other enemies would also be a terrible idea if they wanted to sleep peacefully for once while on this trip.
Being lost in thought, you hadn't noticed how the Frenchman noticed you being awake, but what caught his attention was the fact that you were trembling from cold. When he sat up in his sleeping bag he started to somehow shake his hands in your direction to catch your attention - being careful as to not wake up Jotaro that slept next to him. Waving his hands didn't work so he did a "pssst" in your direction still keeping his hands in the air.
When you finally noticed him being awake, you were surprised but also happy that you could get your head out of that unbearable cold. Conversations with Jean-Pierre were always lively and full of nothing and yet everything. So you waved back and smiled a bit. What you didn't expect him to do was try to stand up quietly while looking at Kujo that was sleeping to his right, as if afraid of making the gruff man wake up - but you knew he just cared about him getting some rest. That's how he was. You missed to notice how in some seconds he was standing next to you and sat immediately on the sand next to your sleeping bag.
"Didn't know you'd ever wake up, you snored really loudly" you admitted. Of course it was only to tease him, you meant no harm after all. You were a bit tired which lead you to be a but more open however bizarre that may sound.
"What? excusez-moi? Me - snoring? You must have confused me with Mr. Joestar. There is no waaay in hell that I would ever snore!" he whisper yelled at you for accusing him of doing so. He was really open towards you, which also made your relationship a bit more interesting. His personality also made you to open up a bit and both of you knew and cherished that thought.
After a couple of minutes of constant talking, teasing and joking around, there fell a comforting silence. You both knew how your destinies lined up and made you two risk your life on this trip. It was worth it for Holly's sake but thinking about it back - having thoughts about what could happen next were making your whole body to feel the cold again. He did notice it in fact, took your hands in his and gently brought them to his lips. This gesture indeed made your heart skip a beat or two, same goes to him. He started blowing some warm air at your now cold hands.
You two sat like this for a couple of minutes, him caressing your cold hands and trying to keep you warm. And you appreciating how he seemed rather calm while doing so, somehow those minutes you two shared were very intimate. There was something about the way he held you close that made you feel peace in your soul. His actions caused you to become sleepier than before, unsurprisingly his gesture didn't warm your body fully, but it did warm your heart. You put your hands around his frame and listened to his - rather fast - heartbeat, similar to yours.
Somehow that night wasn't as bothersome as before, you were still cold, yes, but being so close to someone like the Frenchman himself made you realise that you did need it. Some comfort from one another. Later on you closed your eyes, the only thoughts that were occupying your head were about Polpol and the way he made your heart feel much warmer than it ever has.
Jotaro Kujo
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he may not show it, but he's the first one to notice you trembling from the cold
it would be confusing for him because we all know how them Joestar genes work (all warm-blooded..), but apart from that, I'm sure he just doesn't understand how you can be cold in Egypt while the temperature can reach even 50°C
he doesn't judge you for it, in fact he doesn't think much about it - having other thoughts lingering in his brain. he must stay focused in case someone would ambush you randomly
but when he had an opportunity to relax and let his guard down for a second he would look at you intensely, wondering why are you always so cold
he couldn't help the compassion he held towards you, what if you were to faint? they wouldn't have you in their group now that you don't have enough energy to fight
he was overthinking it, yes, how could he not? he cared for every one in the group, he never did show it and God forbid it if he tried but he felt a connection with everyone. Jotaro thought that he will risk his life for them, the same way they are risking it for him and his mother
seeing you being so cold made him realise how vulnerable that made you look, that even reminded him of times before he was around the age of 12 and his mum always prepared some warm tasty dishes, she knows what are his favourite things to eat, that's one of many reasons why he loved her dearly and wished to protect her life at all cost
he would ask you if you're cold, would try to keep you closer just in case to even make you feel like you're suffocating in his presence, but he means no harm - all he wants is to make sure you're not a target and that you're quite warmer by his body heat even if you two don't touch directly (he likes his personal space and respects yours quite a lot!)
if you'd be shivering in a car and you'd be seated next to him, expect to be squished between him and someone else or the window
if he felt calm and open, he could lean on your shoulder a bit (shoulder-shoulder contact) to perhaps make you feel better, but he had to feel pretty bold to do so, after all he is a shy teenager inside so being this open with someone could be new to him
he can't do much to help you feel warmer though, most of the time he'll try to ignore it or try and help you just a tiny bit, he wouldn't be this bold like Polnareff to hold your hands and kiss them - he's not that type of a guy
but it doesn't mean he doesn't care, if the Crusaders are having breakfast he would make you a cup of tea, or coffee, whatever he finds useful (and ofc after he notices that you like a certain drink) and would put it by your plate - not admitting that he made it himself
he knows others would do it for themselves if needed but if you just never did it or weren't fond of it anyway - be prepared for random cups appearing by your seat from time to time (mostly if he's also making himself a cup of hot drink, or when making one more cup for you becomes a routine for him, he would do it more occasionally)
Jotaro who sat next to you in a car noticed how you were literally hugging yourself or hushing some warm breaths at your hands. He was very perceptive, everyone knew that especially after getting to know him a bit better. Nothing could ever cross his eyes without having itself known in that brain of his that everything was important, even the smallest possible details.
The young man himself didn't think much about it, nor did he give a damn - at least that's what he wanted to believe to keep up his tough guy act. After you whispered under your nose that you're feeling much colder than ever (probably because of car ventilation to keep everyone else's body temperature at average level), he couldn't help it and simply moved closer to touch your shoulder with his.
This gesture made you look up at him in confusion, but all he did was stare at the rode ahead. Not only was it because he was showing you that in fact he did care, but also wanting to avoid your curious gaze. But somehow being so close to you brought some comfort even to him, even if it was that small of a touch, simply touching shoulders. No matter how small the gesture may be - he found it comforting. Same goes to you.
You didn't fail to notice how he was looking at you trying to keep yourself warm, he didn't hide his sight while doing so, that's why you have noticed it easily. You put your head on his arm and brought yourself even closer to him, you were literally sitting under his elbow but he didn't mind it, although it wasn't as comfy as one could think. That lead Jotaro to straighten his arm and put it by your side, literally caging you with his left arm, since you were sitting exactly by his left. He didn't say anything even if it was quite embarrassing. All he did after that was fix his hat with his right hand and mumble a simple "yare yare" after you sat even closer to him - which also made the corners of his lips lift up a bit that went unnoticed by you.
But not by anyone else riding the same car as you two.
Mohammed Avdol
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please, he would totally be the most helpful guy to help you with coldness of all the Crusaders, not only is he wearing a long coat that keeps his body temperature at a decent level (which makes him seem more warm than he normally appears to be from his character), but also his stand - as we all know - literally controls fire!
he'd gladly be your heater if you asked him about it, but if you haven't, he would tell you openly that he saw you shivering with cold, that might be the reason why he used his stand to warm your back, he would apologise for doing so before asking if you're comfortable with it, but either way who wouldn't appreciate such gesture?
if you were in a group, he could lend you his golden accessories that got heated up in the hot weather (or the power of his stand), for example his huge bracelets! they are probably heavy but they'd also bring you relief in feeling a bit better, especially since they would touch your skin directly
talking about accessories or clothing, if you were to be with him alone and he'd notice how cold you are, I'm sure he would put his coat around your shoulders, making you drown in it (not literally but you get the idea)
oh yeah coming back to Magician's Red, I believe Momo would use him to make small flames around your figure, going round and round until you're heated up completely so you can finally feel at ease, it's also fun to watch how tiny flames circle you - but what about the experience? if I were in your shoes I would probably melt under his stand's power
he wouldn't use this technique all the time tough, it is energy consuming and he has to keep as much as he can to be able to protect himself or others in a situation when you meet yet another stand user who works for Dio.. especially if we're talking about that time after he returned to the crusaders while having his back stabbed and head wounded, it would be a bit better to save that energy for later..
Avdol has a great memory, so if you were to tell him about constantly feeling cold, you better expect from him to always be near you and looking in your direction to make sure that you're doing okay, other crusaders would also have his eyes on themselves - for everyone's sake and the feeling of being united in a group, as if there was something keeping you connected and I'm not only speaking about stands, just the feeling of home that the Crusaders bring itself is a great reason as to why he'd love to protect this feeling
your hands would never be cold again in his grip, he would hold your hands together, would it be a platonic or romantic gesture - it doesn't matter - he would talk with the others and keep making you feel warm at the same time even without the power of his stand (his warm hands, gestures and his whole personality makes you warmer on the inside, he just gives off that comforting vibes, similar to sitting by the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate in hand while it's snowing outside..)
Mohammed was simply looking at the crusaders having a rather lively conversation full of funny jokes and laughs. He did add something himself from time to time, a fun comment or a tease that focused on Polnareff and his charisma (of course just to make him a bit annoyed in a friendly way, not to make him get angry and leave like it happened before in a restaurant).
His smile was visible on his lips when he looked back at you. Seeing you visibly tremble from cold made his smile be quite gentler than before. He sat closer to you and put his hand around your back, as if he was lying down and leaning on his arm to keep balance. In fact by doing so he was able to use his stand more secretly, Magician's Red invisible hands were put on your back which in return made you smile and look his way, thanking him quietly before also listening to the crusaders and adding your own opinions in the conversation.
Thankfully no one seemed to notice that gesture, at least not the Frenchman who if were to notice it - would complain about you getting some special treatment, he would be rambling about it being unfair. He is cold himself but Avdol knows he'll be doing alright when he's asleep, he wouldn't even think about being cold again because of the hearth that's lit for the afternoon, when it's truly getting colder in the desert.
The Crusaders can't lit the fire because they have to stay hidden, that's what makes these nights terrible to survive in. It's bearable till some time, but what if it's yet another day? Bigger men would be doing alright but what about you? You're not as buff as everyone else (at least they could think that way because of your character). Aaaaand he had in mind that making Polnareff annoyed was pretty fun to watch, especially since he was causing it. All of them would laugh together at the end, never mind the circumstances.
The night went on and on, all of you talking about what tomorrow would bring and making plans to help you be prepared for yet another day at this life and death journey. After an hour or two you guys decided to finally rest, that was when everyone put their sleeping bags near you and Avdol to be much warmer at night. Since he already was by your side, they decided that it's a great idea to squeeze in. He decided to use his stand at his lowest to at least keep them warmer at night.
It was a tight and uncomfortable night, but everyone could sleep, or at least rest for some time in a somehow warm place. You got the most of the heat Momo created and slept peacefully, having been finally put at ease, you let yourself drift off and fall asleep in an embrace of warmness and safety provided by him and the Crusaders together.
Kakyoin Noriaki
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I believe his politeness would make him ask you if you're feeling cold, even if it's really obvious, he'd rather know than suspect things and get the wrong idea
he could tease you about it, the teenager he is, but it depends on your relationship with him, ofc he wouldn't do it like Polnareff! (I think he'd just say stuff that isn't mean much, it'd be just a free comment being thrown here and there)
if you're rather close, he would tease you about it, however he wouldn't do much more because what else is there that he could possibly do for you? he cares but all he can do is offer you a hug which may sound disappointing but trust me, it's not
he'd make you forget about being cold by talking with you about various topics that both of you enjoy talking about! or he would make you talk a lot about things you love the most to helo you become excited while talking about it, it'll for sure make you warmer or at least will help you forget about it
if you're feeling cold when it's about 25°C outside, he would give you his school's uniform, he doesn't need to have his body hidden so it's no problem, especially since his white shirt keeps the sunlight away from him, it's also much easier to function like this somehow
aaand it's beneficial for both of you, he doesn't have to carry it so his hands are ready to take part in sudden action if needed and you can feel somehow warmer thanks to the jacket he lent you, he does like the color green on you btw! he's an artist so seeing something that fits together (even in the most bizarre way) is pleasing to his eyes
oh! he would totally talk to you about it to make you forget the cold, colour theory? is his favourite. anatomy? he's still learning. nature landscapes? you know he has a lot of sketches somewhere nearby, never mind if you know a certain topic or not, he will explain it to you the best way he can
but apart from talking or lending you his jacket, I think he would run his hands on your shoulders to make you a bit warmer, he wouldn't do it openly for everyone else to see because he's too shy to do anything else, he's an introvert after all so taking the lead isn't really his thing, he tries but in his own ways!
although he would joke around a bit, he isn't as stoic as Jotaro, he's much more relaxed and easy going by those who are dear to him, and it so happened to be the Crusaders.. I'm sure he'd love to keep everyone together after the whole trip is over, that's why he is caring
I imagine him telling Mr. Joestar about you being cold or even Avdol, he'd ask if there's anything they can do because that cold could make you lose your focus on the mission at hand and he'd like it if you were focused on a specific subject - especially since it can lead to really enormous consequences
but it's not just the mission itself, saving Ms. Holly is important, yes, of course it is, however he can't help the urge to make you warmer especially since it's not the biggest of deals you know? I mean, it's bearable but it does make you lose your focus so even if there's not much he can do, he would like to help and does so to the maximum of his capabilities
Noriaki sat next to you while you were waiting for Polnareff to finally come down so all of you could finally eat well deserved breakfast. You were sitting on a small part of the wall, more like the broken part of it and waited patiently for your team mates who were probably dragging the Frenchman out of bed by force. That's what you both thought at least.
"I wonder how is he even functioning as a human being" - Kakyoin said out loud what was on his mind and that caused you to smirk a bit.
"What do you mean? Don't tell me you had never slept until noon" you told him after sighing a bit and later on puffing some warm air from your mouth at your now cold hands. It was quite chilly for you, and since you've woken up not so long ago - it was really noticable.
"I have school dear Y/N, I'm much more responsible than him, that's for sure" of course whatever he said about the Frenchman wasn't meant to be hurtful nor insulting. But he did think his face looked somewhat punchable, if he were to cross a certain line - the redhead teenager wouldn't even try to stop himself (of course as long as it wasn't that bad, like that time when he elbowed Polnareff in the face, it was for his own good so Noriaki probably found nothing wrong in giving him a small lesson, which in the end turned out to be quite successful). "aand we are slowly running out of time so he better get his ass down here so we can get a move on.." he then added a bit quieter.
You chuckled at his remark, especially since it's been about a month since he was last seen in school. However, that made you realise how good of a student he must have been. He did have a passion for video games which was quite confusing each time he said something about his grades being a little above average. But it was to be respected, after all he's just a human - he is allowed to have hobbies other than art.
You sighed once again after hearing his last statement, you hated the fact that he was right at this point. After all being on a run literally every day for 34 days is a huge thing to accomplish, full of stress, anxiousness, dangers waiting around every corner and that damn cold that never left your side even while on a trip to Egypt.
He did notice the way you basically hugged yourself, trying to keep your hands and body warm for the day. "Are you perhaps cold? You're shaking" was the question he asked followed by a statement after a full minute of silence. You nodded your head slightly - there was no point in lying to him since it was already very visible from your posture.
He handed you his jacket and started randomly speaking about the game that was supposed to come out the next year, as far as he knows. You didn't even get the chance to thank him. Therefore somehow he made you talk your heart out about your other hobbies, which somehow lead to you talking about your favourite genre of music. While waiting for the Crusaders all you two did was talk about many topics at once, but it was surprisingly nice, even if it was quite chaotic. You've learned that his favourite singer is Sting, it may be a bit further away from your favourites but still it was pleasant to talk about it.
After a couple of minutes talking with Noriaki, Mr. Joestar, Avdol, Jotaro and Polnareff came out of the building looking at you two wondering if you're ok since they've left you for quite some minutes (after making sure you're ok they started talking about what to order and where to even start!). Better safe than sorry as they say.
You totally forgot how cold you were before, but now that you reminded yourself of it, somehow your smile threw that thought away. You were happy to be with them, it's an honour to fight by their side after all. Smiling to yourself you hugged the jacket to yourself and followed the group of men wondering what you should order to eat for breakfast.
Joseph Joestar
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I believe him to be a really open and somehow simple-minded man, totally would give you a side hug and rub your arms aggressively (regardless of his strength) which could be a bit unpleasant, but is also really sweet
but I think he wouldn't even notice that you're cold if you didn't tell him yourself in the first place
will tease you about it, y'all know it
Joseph is the type of a guy to joke around like a lot even for his age, his personality would brings a lot of comfort which is equal to the warmth he gives with his character - will make you warm from embarrassment if we're being honest, ofc if he's capable of doing so
if not, he would find another way to warm your shivering body - he's creative and smart so it's natural for him to come up with bizarre ideas that a normal human being wouldn't even think of doing
also he had that one long coat with him on this trip, since it was rarely used because he didn't get cold quickly, he would give it to you, wouldn't even take it back once given to you
however he would take it from you once the trip is over and everything is at least a bit better, or he'd remind you about it after some time
I'm not sure what else he could do honestly, if he were to be thoughtful enough and feel sorry for you being so cold, hamon is a thing
that old guy could use it to warm you up a bit, your whole system would feel finally warmer - although it has to be a weird.. feeling, you know.. such energy to rush through your body in that short time? It could be shocking but God would it be helpful
he wouldn't use it much because of no training, he's out of practice and is a bit rusty, but once he did it would be trully relieving
he compared to Jotaro is much more touchy, he wouldn't hesitate to give you a big 'ol hug and try to put a smile on your face
Joseph Joestar, known as the loudest family member of the Joestar family, but with a heart that could melt every mountain if he were to be interested in doing so. Of course every Joestar has their own abilities and different ways of thinking. Caring, strong, protective, and so on. They held a special place for those who were worthy of their trust.
You could say that exqctly this thought lead to you being squished in a tight embrace that the man himself gave you. Kakyoin told him you were shivering a bit too much to his liking, so both of them were worried about you, especially since you were on the desert. It was starting to get warmer and the temperature seemed to rise with every passing second, that's why it seemed so bizarre to them.
Joseph offered to give you a ride on a camel since they didn't have any more than 4 at that time. The Crusaders were discussing about keeping watch for any enemies that could cause you trouble. You relaxed in his touch because the tiredness after using your stand's abilities too much made you really vulnerable for any attacks, Joseph wanted to keep an eye on you himself, that's why you ended up like this.
You did feel like your muscles were relaxing and finally getting rid of the tension caused mostly by stress and the cold you felt. The old man used his body heat to keep you warm, it did help a bit but still wasn't enough. You just wished to lie in bed being wrapped in a blanket and drinking some warm drinks while it's even colder outside. You would have though that you'll be wrapped in his arms while being in a desert. It's not what you did expect, but it still felt a bit nicer than being alone.
The older Joestar laughed at your reaction and patted your head while telling Jotaro to look around with Star Platinum. You simply shrugged at his reaction but smiled nonetheless because of the vibrations you heard in his chest when he chuckled. The temperature on the desert was increasing non-stop, which was becoming unbearable even to your cold self.
What the Crusaders didn't know was that it's going to keep on going up trying to burn them alive.
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no one expected this dog for sure hehe
I imagined that when you sat next to him and told him that you're cold, he would totally ignore you and pay you no mind
but! he will notice you once you put your hands on his back or any other body part
he would instantly feel the coldness of your hands and jump away from you while growling, that gesture didn't please him at all
after that he'd ignore you for the rest of the trip and will hold a grudge against you till the very end (unless it's needed, like with Polnareff vs Vanilla Ice chapters, he'd help you of course, ready to risk his life for you)
Iggy just doesn't like cold hands :(
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byakuyacoochie · 11 months
Old Photo's - Stardust Crusaders x Reader
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