#BIGGGG updates here
another wjc 2023 update
hey everyone!
i'm gonna talk about all this stuff on the podcast later this week but i wanted to make a small post about all the news about to come out this week
selection camp roster announcement and team canada wjc schedule
from the mayor, who covers the kings,
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i personally expect the announcement to come ~12 pm est and/or 12 pm local time (ast). last year i'm pretty sure it came out at 2 pm est, which is 12 pm exact mst (edmonton's time zone)
that means we officially have a full look at what camp and the rest of the tournament will look like!
dec 1st: wjc selection camp roster announced
dec 9th-12th: selection camp occurs in moncton
dec 19th: first team canada pre-tournament game in moncton
dec 26th-dec 31st: wjc preliminaries begin
jan 2nd-jan 5th: elimination rounds
i also found a tweet that contained the full pre-tournament schedule, which may or may not be on tsn (i actually don't know, keeping an eye on that)
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2. roster size
per corey pronman:
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this means the team will probably take only 1 extra forward, 1 extra dman, and 1 extra goalie
so anyone on the outside looking in right now (i'm thinking like zach l'heareux or chase stillman or conor geekie) are unlikely to make the team
this applys to all teams though, so it's looking like trouble for any underage forwards not having great seasons.
3. brandt clarke's status
after the 9-8 mess of a game la played last night, they're also playing against arizona today (i think it's a back to back with travel). considering how awful the dcore was last night, they should be looking to make some changes to it. it's in my opnion that if brandt clarke plays tonight against arizona, that ends the hopes for him making an appearance at wjc. they wouldn't be burning his elc year if they truly thought that he was going to end up going to wjc camp in like two weeks. they have called up jordan spence as well though, alongside some other dmen, so it'll be interesting to see which route la ends up taking there. should be informed of the lineup later today.
4. shane wright's status
i haven't seen as much about this as i maybe should have? but as far as i know, with morgan geekie's injury, it's likely that wright gets into the montreal game at very least before heading to wjc camp. he may not head to wjc camp at all with how well he's been playing. the kraken haven't called up anyone to replace geekie yet. that being said though, they have continued to win without geekie and wright so perhaps the staff will finally make the right decision and just let him go to wjc. i don't know though, it all depends on what they think
5. switzerland wjc selection camp roster
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interesting to see lian bischel here after he famously denied going to the summer tournament for the swiss ice hockey federation. perhaps this is a sign that relationships can heal though, and hopefully we get something of that sort with brandt clarke and hockey canada
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cpulysses · 28 days
I dont think I ever poster my Whipped Cream Cookie obsession here bcs at the time I would "consistently" post I was also obsessed with We Happy Few but oh my DAYS!! HES GETTING A SKIN. HES GETTING STUFF HES GETTING SO MUCH FUCKKNG STUFF IM SO EXCITED!!! So I'm infodumping all here
OK first of all were starting from the beginning. when i was born anyways when I was like 13/14 or something around that age and on a bigggg road trip with only me and my dad, I was feeling super bored. Me and my friends just finished a roleplay we had so we were speaking in a groupchat and my boyfriend mentioned trying a Cookie Run roleplay! We all joined but I was the only one who stayed, everyone left immediately because their favorites were taken.
BUT NOT MINE!!! I really liked Whipped Cream Cookie, when I picked up the game again after a really long time I just looked at him and decided yeah that one and oh my god why did that like change the trajectory of my life. He wasnt taken and I knew jack shit about his lore, but I picked him up and later on Cyborg Cookie too
I wasn't... heh... known for my whipped cream..! 🤓! But I still really liked him, people liked how I wrote his dialogue, but I was cooking so well with Cyborg Cookie that theg were the main focus really, eventually I decided to connect the twos lore for fun! I knew like all of Cyborgs lore except for stuff with the future skins really, so I just interwove Whipped Cream as someone related to their past in a way where Cyborg makes that stupid pink egg Whipped Cream has, and Whipped Cream just kinda found it and was like this is FIRE! and Cyborg was like noooe :( Thats basically it shortly put but I had a lot of fun roleplaying the two and found my best friend ever while in that server and now were big and grown and :3!!!
But yeah, I basically ONLY have good memories with the character. I continued to grow to like HIM, when the server was sadly deleted I ocified him and Cyborg alongside other cookies, with my friend also taking them in as ocs as well. And I grew more attached to my ocified Cyborg cookie due to how different they were to the base, but my ocified Whipped Cream Cookie could never fucking take the wheel. I love him sure but canon Whipped Cream just always had a special spot for me, my friends literally told me they've never seen someone so infatuated with a character while barely posting about it online or anything (now here i am) or just in general so captured by a character, he was like my fucking mascot to my friends, they'd see ANYTHING with him in it and send it to me, to the point where I wouldn't be shocked if I've seen almost every fanmade and canon Whipped Cream cookie thing like in the world
And for part of that massive fixation I knew jack shit abt what lore he actually had 😭 I knew small things and then again all he really had was small things, but I didn't know all of it. Then randomly on his wiki page I was doomscrolling and found a link to an article all about him! Not an article just a long google doc, but thats where I learnt a bunch and could look into the Dessert Paradise and all the characters to know how each connect and know more about him and I was very joyous,,, I was content for SO LONG. Just knowing he was a fellow brownskin who loves ballet and pink, with my little headcanons. Now I knew real shit I felt like the man.
And now me, one of my friends, and my boyfriend are all ocifying some of the Dessert Paradise cookies that we see as family ^^ So like Sugar Swan, Wind Archer, Fig Cookie etc etc. I wish I knew who made that Whipped Cream Cookie document but if your out there just know you changed the trajectory of my autism for life. I won't say more I'm already rambling so much, but I love Whipped Cream with all my heart and this update has me so so excited because I've had dreams of being on my fuckjng death bed with one wish and wishing for an update about him. Its bad.
BUT!! I will draw him and my ocified version more to post here and on Twitter even if nobody gaf bcs i gaf. I love him so dearly I've grown with hum through time the span of like 4-5 years just because I randomly pointed to him and went that one!! And moved on. I could legit die happy now. Like my life is over this is my peak. My peak.
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pellapeach · 1 year
the 7.0 graphics update schedule has me wondering what the best way to replay the hydaelyn/zodiark story would be and how long i should actually wait. i wanted to save a full replay of the MSQ until it was all updated and just do one big "remastered" playthrough but since they're updating it duty support-style, expansion-by-expansion, starting with ARR first, I wonder if I should ALSO do my replay in chunks. i guess it depends on if i plan to make content for this playthrough or not, if it's just a casual playthrough it doesn't matter as much how i do it. but then there's the factor that like, i actually really wanna do an MSQ New Game+ BEFORE Dawntrail comes out. it's a tough choice. not like i can only replay the game one more time or anything, i COULD just do a playthrough for Dawntrail hype and then replay the expansions as their visuals are updated, but that's a bigggg time commitment. i'm legit just thinking out loud here, i'm super sleep deprived so sorry if i sound incoherent LOL
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easily-bullied · 8 days
alright updates. I texted them. things blew up. I was made to feel like my feelings exist to make the other person feel bad. that my having needs was unreasonable. and bigggg realization... that was a microcosm of the whole relationship. making myself as small as possible hoping that would be small enough and then it wasn't. real bad. a roller coaster. and I I was addicted to it. at least I have closure. at least I know that I can't and I won't go back. at least I know that they hurt me and I hurt me. at least I know I have the capacity to dilute myself still. that I can still go to that toxic well. I'm so fucking used to it. daddy issues. god.
so I move forward? god I'm desperate to be loved again though. like I have this need to have someone tell me I'm special. I was reading back what I wrote last time and it was both sad and enlightening. that girl was still so love sick. I'm sorry baby but that was a waste. not that I blame you. but I'm glad to see that lookin back in it feels like almost someone else. and it wasn't long ago or anything, just that door is firmly closed. by me. but hey girl in the past, they did miss you, they told me. and then they still couldn't prioritize your feelings in any way. same as always. me doing all the work for them. apologizing to myself for them, making excuses for them, limiting what I say for them. huh sounds like there might have been a reason you were so tired Momo.
god I'm loving writing again. mosa, don't forget this helps you. I forget every thought I have lol. when I record them and look at them again it's like oh RIGHT ya she figured that out. I need to give myself more credit.
a lot of people telling me that I have a life they're jealous lately. that's something to think about I guess. not to placate my depression or convince myself of something untrue, but to at least be grateful for the good things, the things I started to take for granted. a full social life, a found family, a great apartment, the perfect kitty, an identity that's growing and changing but there, firmly planted. I've been feeling like I'm not filled in lately, like I'm an outline. mosa give yourself grace. you're a sapling still. just planted. you still need extra water, you're still just making roots. but you're out of the soil, you're reaching for the sun, you're definitely visible and here. there's still lots to go and isn't that exciting? the tree you're becoming. the tree that you are, the seed that you were.
I hate that I'm going to have to just love myself. that that's the solution. god doesn't someone else wanna do that for me? can't I have someone be like oh wait you like vacuuming and I like loving you?! let's split the chores! oh well. more improvements needed I guess. never gonna be finished. always fighting my demons. guess I'm gaining exp (barf)
not me trying to focus on how at least I've fucked hotties all summer. like that's something I can hang my hat on. so stupid Mosa. well if I participate in hook up culture, I get to hook up with cuties. unfortunately I want to be WIFE. I am good at wife I think. apparently I'm good at hook ups too but thats less fulfilling. and I'm always trying to be good enough at hook up to become wife.
hey mosa, can I talk to you for a second. don't creep on ex's socials. bad idea. we've now felt bad again for 24 hours. stupid and you knew it. let's be stronger than that. let's brag about how strong we are. you deleted all that shit for a reason. let's forget about it. god mosa, you're a teenage girl at the end of the day. and it's cute but fair warning... those years suck. remember?? oh but I love so hard, oh but my feelings are so big. what a blessing. fuck me. seriously fuck me. I want a big feeling.
my new job is waking up and checking every dating app for new trans cuties and then swiping left on everyone and then being mad. it's GREAT for my mind. it's been so helpful. I feel so settled. I don't feel desperate and crazy AT ALL. can you settle down for one fucking second mosa? would it kill you to be alone?? you did it for 2 years, then after 4 months now you're like AAAAHHHGHH. pathetic.
you're not tho babes. it makes sense. we all want that. everyone you know wants that. and hilariously you're the one who had it most recently. why do you think you're never gonna find it? you're having the most luck! you're having the most sex! ingrate! (jk jk baby. you just got hurt bad.)
I should end this. but it's good to get down the big things. they hurt you. you're mad. you're moving on. it's their loss (classic bs) but you know they feel that too. how do I stop people from falling in love with me they said. and I know the answer, it's don't tell them you're falling in love too. that would help. minimize their own feelings, maximize mine. that fucking sucks. and meanwhile I did the opposite lmfao. I fucking suck. ok now go find love or else you'll have to die
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kitconnor · 2 years
hello hello i have sneaked away from my studies even though i have a huge af exam tomorrow but!!! (and yes this is naina with her cringe ass url from the beginning BUT I NEED TO SEND YOU STUFF SO)
HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY LUCEEEEE I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH you'll always be my discord and tumblr bestie <33 and also happy valentine's day haha ;) sending you a bigggg hug <333 and cupcakes!!
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anywayyy here's a very very small gift from me for now ;-; i hope you still like it though!! <3
okay now goodbye ;-; i'll text on sc when i get my phone back!!
it sucks that you cant PROPERLY be her for my bday but bff it is sooo good to hear from you !!
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going to blast it on the way to school i love itttt
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athyathye · 3 years
Man after reading the karma Akabane reader-chan, I imagine how will the meeting with Tetano South (from Tokyo revengers) meeting Akabane reader-chan, when he finds out that Reader-chan defeated Mikey
Bro imma be serious, I haven't seen the latest chapters yet so i had to do some google searches of him! SKKSKSK but bruh this boi is bigggg. I'm surprised. Anyways I wanna make a small scenario about this.
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Update : I lied this is like 4 pages long lol consider this as part 3 for Mikey's story with akabane! Y/n
Part 1 is here
Part 2 is here
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Akabane Y/n, the talk of the town. Nobody knew how that information was spread. All they knew was that, a person had managed to deal with the invincible Mikey.
Gangs all over the area were doing their best to find and recruit the said person. But nobody had a single clue on where he might have been. Yes, they thought it was a He.
Terano was also one of the fools who had believed this.
The facts from their source were rarely credible, but what other information did they have? The only fact they got right was your fiery red hair.
After a few weeks of trying to find this mysterious strong redhead, most leaders started to give up. They had no leads at all, and it was pointless looking for a person who did not want to be found.
Though, One day. There came new information, Kunugigaoka Junior High School. A person had caught a glimpse of your uniform.
Terano, who had heard of this information, wasted no time in rushing to the school to meet the infamous delinquent.
He was about to enter the school’s main campus only to hear the bell ring. “Perfect timing” He thought to himself as he waited, looking around the students who matched the appearance of the fiery mystery.
Alas, all of the students were too caught up in their books or their friends to even notice the almost 7 foot giant hanging in the shadows.
After a few hours, he began to get antsy. Was the information wrong after all? There wasn’t a single person who had red hair.
He waited a few more minutes before he lost his temper. He lashed out in front of the gates and shouted “HEY THE F*CKER WHO BEAT MIKEY THE ONES WITH  RED HAIR F*CKING COME OUT ALREADY!”
The remaining students finally saw his figure. They all shook with fright before avoiding them altogether. Thankfully the student council president had come out.
Looking completely serious he began to speak “Such disturbances shall be reported to proper authorities. I ask for your name and purpose. Otherwise you will be escorted out of the vicinity, along with your people.” Asano had spoken to the tall gangster, not even a bit scared.
“Red hair. Bring out the guy with red hair.” He spoke, not having any more time to waste with these elites even though he badly wanted to bash their heads in the metal gates.
“Are you perhaps talking about Akabane y/n? The delinquent?” An idea popped into Asano’s mind, he may have found a way to get rid of you once and for all.
“Finally” a small jolt of excitement coursed through him. “Akabane y/n…”
“She, is in fact in Class E, this prestigious campus is not worthy for the class E to step on. You will find her in a remote mountain just up ahead. Please take your business somewhere else” Asano spoke curtly before turning around to leave.
Terano had to take a few moments to digest the information. He couldn’t believe it, he wondered if it was even the same person. Nonetheless, the shocked Terano, with his bike and gang, went to the instructed mountain.
He waited at the bottom, hoping to see results. If not he would lose his mind from wasting his time.
“H-hey, why is he just standing out in the open like that?” a few of your classmates who had been treading down the hill asked.
“The vibe he’s giving off....” another one commented.
He could see them all now, his guts were telling him this was where he could find a jewel.
“Akabane y/n. Come out.” his voice echoing in the area.
He grabbed something from his pocket, probably a weapon. What he didn’t expect was a potted plant hitting his hand making him let go of the said weapon.
“What the-” He felt a presence in front of him before his eyes widened. Why didn’t he feel your presence in the first place?
He felt overwhelmed, “She could’ve killed me” he thought as he took a look at your figure, smug grin, but lanky body.
“Hey buddy, you’re pretty average for a gangster.” You spoke looking directly into his eyes.
“Breaking glass and busting skulls? I can do that too. But if your opening move is calling for reinforcements… Maybe you’re too scared to take on a junior-high kid alone” you spoke with a cocky tone.
He looked at you, stunned from your sudden appearance, your words barely registering in his mind as he thought about how you had caught him off guard.
The people he brought him were no better. Taken aback, they felt bloodlust clouding your figure. This can’t be good, they thought as they held their breaths to finally see the famous hot shot that took their world by storm.
Before it could get any more dragged on, you swung the plant you were holding at him, the potted plant aiming to hit his figure. But he had grabbed it, finally snapping back to his senses. Breaking it into bits and pieces.
“Grip strength capable of crushing skulls” You lost your grin as you realized his brute strength.
Terano felt the need to crush you. After your little stunt, you would definitely be useful. But you had practically asked him for a fight, and who was he to back down.
Punch after punch, he threw attacks at you. All you could do for now was dodge his attacks.
“Once he gets his hands on me it’s game over” you thought, still evading his attacks
You had settled quite far away from him, “Don’t take it the wrong way, I want to partner up with you. Though, you’ll never get past me if you don’t attack.” He spoke.
“Relax, if you beat me, I’ll join you. For now. It’s my turn.” You cracked your fingers as you tried to attack him head on.
Before you could land a hit, he punched you square in the face leading you to tumble before your nose started to bleed. He grabbed you by your head as he hoisted you up, no longer feeling the ground. You began to feel lightheaded.
“What a disappointment.” He spoke as he looked at the others. What could you do? After all Terano had the obvious upper hand here, you should've just ran away, they thought to themselves pitying your figure still in the air.
He loomed his head over the worried glances of your classmate before turning his head to your direction.
Only to be sprayed with an unknown purple gas straight in the face.
You could hear the gasps and exclaims of surprise around you as his hold on you softened causing you to fall a short distance.
Landing on your feet, you held a handkerchief close to your face before removing it showing off your smug grin and teasing eyes.
“Ahh~ it's considered underhanded. But oh well, I needed something for it to be a fair fight ya know.” you spoke once Terano stumbled.
“H-How did you-” he began to ask before he felt anger consume him. He ran straight for you. You dodged him before grabbing his hand and twisting it around his back, laying him completely in the ground, immobilized.
“Terano-” One of his people started, before he saw the knocked out face of his leader.
You noticed some of them planning to approach you but before they could you took out a gun. Pointing it at them as you spoke “It wasn’t a fair fight to begin with. Come at me if you want. I’ll blow your brains out” you spoke with shadows looming over your face as your lips held a sadistic grin.
Your gun was harmless, only filled with the BB pellets harmful to your teacher. But they didn’t have the ability to see through your bluff anyway.
You stood up, dusting your skirt before turning around to leave.
The gang just watched your back, leaving the area. They were too unnerved to move. Finally one by one, their gazes turned back to their fallen leader.
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aquabuggy · 3 years
PC Game + Cellphone Combo Water Games
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Please don’t re-post my images/gifs/videos, thank you! 🧡
Received plenty of mail yesterday, including this lovely odd water game set! This set reminds me quite a bit of vintage telecom computers with built in telephones! Not to mention, laptop and cellphone themed water games are some of my top favorite kinds to find, and seeing these two joined together at the hip, I was very pleased to be able to find a reasonable listing for a set. Unfortunately, the original seller has since deleted the listing, otherwise I’d absolutely link it. If they restore it or another pops up, I’ll be sure to update.
Getting these though, I can finally talk about one of my favorite toy tropes: Faux Tech! Faux Tech is a term I coined for myself to better recognize and categorize toys mimicking more real world “adult” technologies. They don’t necessarily have to be completely non-digital either, I tend to extend the term to all toys that mimic more complex machines in appearance and/or function, and are a cheaper and more kid-ified version of an item, such that you’d give a child so they stop trying to take the real deal from you. “You got games on your phone?” Here, this game IS a phone, have fun! That’s Faux Tech.
Digressing though, I’m a BIGGGG fan of these two games both together and on their own. I’ve been hoping for a cellphone game with a more realistic-based case, and the colors of the laptop are just a wonderful rainbowy mess. I simply adore the incomplete keyboard, figuring out what names and usernames would turn out like if one had to utilize those limited keys is pretty funny, not gonna lie. Mine would be ug, and aquauggy. Not tooooo far off, though would definitely be a bigger issue typing much else!
No demonstration videos for now, unfortunately. I’d love to add them but tumblr only allows one video per post. That’s alright though, I do need to work on making my recordings less shaky anyways. Oh! And I did receive another laptop water game with this one! But I’ve decided to give it a separate post since it’s a different model, and has some….strange qualities to it, let’s say!
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ohmykazuha · 3 years
mutual appreciation gallery ~
oh no. oh no here comes the big wave of love no you cannot escape from it aaaaaaaaaah oh noooooo
under the cut bcos it's pretty long. hella love u all lots <3 there are def much more than this but these are the people who i interact with more often!!! this will be updated later :")
@bookuya BOO!!! the first person i ever interacted with on this acc!!! i love u i love u i love u! your req was what helped me jump start this blog! your support has meant the absolute most to me. ily, mwah <3 you're the best!!! i'm so happy i interacted with you, you're hella sweet!!! ~~ i love u so so so much boo! please send more brainrots /hj
@dilucbar HELLO!! i love you so much???? ahhh??? you're literally the sweetest ever, you make my face light up when i see you in my inbox!!! i'm so glad that i pressed that ask button when i first joined, otherwise i wouldn't have the random darwin pics, the cale henituse things, anything! i love you so so so much aeri <3 bigggg mwahs!
@noirkkat HELLO HI HI HI another day-one-er!!! i love u hellllllaaaaa lots!!! i don't think words can fully say how much i appreciate you darling ~~ from your c-words to my c-words, we've talked about so much aaaaa! you make me so so so happy, i love u hella lots ez <3 you're a wonderfully created person, mwah <3
@yua1106 HELLO I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! you bring me so much joy! i alw see you in my inbox and notifs and it always makes me so happy?? you're like a giant bright ball of sunshine! that always make s my day! love u hella lots yua mwah mwah <3 thank you for supporting me aaaaa <3
@starglitterz HEEEELLLOOOO!!! i love you so so so so so so much! quill you've been an absolute blessing to everyone around you & i love u so much <3 being on the server has been so fun and i can't wait for more! you're super sweet ahh! i love you! all of our convos make me smile so much ~~ mega hugs!!!
@eternism UWAHHH JADE HELLO HI HI I LOVE YOU!! you make me smile so so much! i remember the first time we met (and it was through tumblr tags!), and we were so chill aaaahahah!!! thank you for giving me advice when i needed it TuT you helped me when i was at my lowest, i love uuuuuu. <3 mega mwahs!
@mika-zuko SCREAMS N CRIES i remember you from the neakkoya blog! you were always one of the people who liked my posts!!! i love u so so so much you don't even know :")) you're genuinely so sweet and kind (and good at making me cry), and your writing is *chefs kiss*. MWAHHHH I LOVE U <3
@almondto-fu SARAH SARAH SARAH SARAH SARAH!!! i love u so much omg i can't describe it fully. your presence on here has been so comforting and dear, like a warm teapot on a cold night! i love talking with you so much you have no idea TuT love u so so much i hope you get well soon!!!
@komorebi-e TOKI TOKI I LOVE YOUUUUU <3 you make me smile so much aaaaa. also your theme???? hello???? hella cute (LIKE YOU <33) you're so sweet as well and it always puts a smile on my face when i see you in my inbox! aaaa!!! mega hugs toki!
@abyssheart GENESIS I LOVE U <3 you really mean so so so much to me aaaahh you're so nice?? hello??? and you created such a cool server too!!! i love u hella lots, all the best for your exams :")) thank you for being such a cool moot, it always lights a smile on my face whenever i see you in the inbox and notifs! mega hugs mwah <3
@chichikoi koi where do i even BEGIN. firstly!!!! fluff forever! i love you so so soso so much! i can't believe we connected over mika and veille's angst XD and a 150+ notes post! grrr i love you so much, mega mega mega hugs. please spam my inbox :"D i know there are a few notifs in there that i haven't gotten to yet (sob) i love youuuu!
@i-li LIIIIIII!!! you make me so so happy! thank you for being you ~~ you're genuinely such a sweet person?? i love interacting w you fhjksghjkfdsgjk i'll come into your inbox >:DD love u hella lots, i'm honoured to be one of your moots!!!
@lucult HELLO?? the sweetest being!!! ever!!! i love u so much ela, you're amazing and you're so sweet too! i can't believe i'm a moot with one of the nicest people on here <3 you make me so happy all the time and it always lights my face when you're here!!! mwahhh!!!
@help-wtf-am-i-even-doing TAZ TAZ TAZ TAZ hi ily!!! you make me so happy all the time w h a t and the kaeya brainrot XD you've genuinely got such a nice presence on tumblr and i'm so glad that i'm one of your mutuals <3 mega loves i will come and spam your inbox more and more >:DD
@3rdgymbros HELLOOOOOO ok where to start. you make me so happy??? whenever i see you on my dash??? gah i love u and your fics. TuT they're such masterpieces! they make me so happy as well ~~ you give off such comforting vibes honestly. mega mwahs, ily!!! <3
@heaven-dissolution HI WHERE THE HECK DO I EVEN BEGIN. shuu i love u so much!!!! you're so sweet??? uhm???? aaaaa you make me so happy all the time! i alw smile when i see you in my inbox TuT you're such a fun person to be around as well hjkfshkgfdskh i love u!!!! mega mega mega mega hugs!
@yanbub HELLOOOO!!! we don't interact that much but your presence on tumblr makes me so happy!!! like... it wouldn't be the same without you!! if that makes sense? idk. your messaging aus make me laugh so hard all the time and it always brightens my day :")) love u mega lots mwah!!! <3
@yeetmeoffjueyunkarst HEMLO J i love u <33 sorry for sending that keqing drabble over hehe i love u hella lots!!! you make me smile all the time whenever i see you on my dash <3 i'm so happy i get to interact with you, you're really cool aaaaaa :") mega loves & hugs mwah! <33
@kozmiixs HEY ATLAS!!! we don't interact all that much but i would love to interact more with you!!! you seem like such a cool person and i'm honoured to be moots with ya ~~ love u lots hehe <3
@thaliastea OKAY HELLO??? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH WH A T the fanart you drew was amazing!!! thank you for doing it TuT you're so kind and precious, i love you soooo much! mega hugs my love!
okay that was hella long. i love u all
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curlyhairedbrock · 3 years
Life and account update
Hiiiiii bubbasssssssssss, I’ve missed you all so much 🥺👉👈❤️ I decided to come on here possibly the last time to post on here and wanted to give (whoever is reading this) a little life update:
Some of you may remember that halloween movie night date I was on with that boy? Yeah well the boy, we’re dating now and he makes me so happy!
That same boy treats me like a queen and supports me in everything I do 🥺🥺 (he even listens to my stories about my lovely tumblr mutuals and has read some of my work 👀)
I had a bigggg writers block back in October (which I haven’t fully come out of from) which is the main reason why I haven’t been writing
The other reason being uni was getting way too stressful (as I’m typing this; I’m on the brink of failing a chemistry class)
The final reason is that I believe I’ve lost my interest in the trap house friend group 🥺 I just lost the interest in their videos and I think I outgrew them (however I believe they’ll always be a part of my story as to who I am as a person, being on tumblr shaped me into who I am right now; partially because of the trap house and partially because of my lovely mutuals 🥺❤️)
I think I’m gonna stop writing fully; or maybe if I do end up writing again it won’t include specific people (as I do not currently stan anyone), maybe just some pronouns like my last fic I wrote?
And lastly I think I’m gonna stop posting on here BUTTTT I’m sometimes lurking on here! I’ve recently started watching the MCU so if I do come back, that’s what’s gonna interest me! :)
I see you guys all the time and whenever you tag me in a post, it gets sent to my email (which honestly warms my heart 🥺❤️❤️)
In conclusion, I miss you guys, I love you guys and I’ll be lurking from time to time ❤️❤️❤️
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toutallyahoe · 3 years
Reached episode 5 of Supa Strikas (I hope you don't mind all the updates) and damn, Santos. Fucking hell. So bigggg.
Also El Matador going on about Achilles and calling donkeys "cows". Just... This man is an idiot and I care him so much.I'm claiming him, hope you don't mind. He's pretty, he has pretty hair, *and* he is an idiot? sign me up.
i dont mind at all, i wanna know your reactions on this lmao (if you dont mind that is bean uwu) and i know right?!? de los santos is just a big thick man and im losing a battle over thot gremlin here jhaekqcwkhehkjeclqwekqb
el matador is a bit of a dumbass but he is a pretty dumbass who knows it and its just so fucking dumb. he gets a bit too full of himself (granted he has a reason too as he is rather talented and a pretty boi) but he also cares for the team and kjebfckjbekjrbjebbej
and lmao i dont mind bean. if it makes you happy and also im a huge simp mostly for the thicc de los santos kasxjbkejwbkejcbjeknecw
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foxglovecove · 4 years
I am really impressed and intrigued by your Muncha- esque art nouveau touches. Very elegant and classy. Do you have a master list or can I find you on DA or anything?
@vesperstalksclones hiii and thank you!!
The best place to find my art is on Insta, my main there is @FoxgloveCove, and my Star Wars-centric (where I’ve been posting mostly lately) is @anstarwar which is also my SW blog here if you wanna check that out.
I do have a DeviantArt, SeabiKakashi, but I haven’t updated it much in a while.
I don’t have a master list, yet, probably should do one up sometime.
Also good luck on your post Endor comic! Comics are such a bigggg task! Have you posted any of it anywhere yet?
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thelootwagonteam · 6 years
Jolene(rogue) : well hello there travelers! aren't you all quite nice to look at, won't ya'll do me a bigggg favor? like our Facebook page @ The Loot Wagon and get updates and more content. thanks ever so kindly btw ... here's your wallet!
Tumblr media
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That's okay, my mom gets on my case about clothes 😔 I remember one time as a kid I brought all my stuffed animals, my dad was not having it
And yes I will let you know how it goes, it's also something I'm hoping to use on vacation
- 🍓
Naur get me out of here this place is so boujee 😭 she gave me the whole upstairs of her bigggg as house and told me I could do and ask for anything 😭
And she has all these plans like slow down girl
😔 I’m a little nervous about this trip but keep me updated on you
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c0ffin-nails · 7 years
since this is long overdue, here's a genuine update to my life: -my promotion is in the works and i'm doing fuckin fantastic with my sales and customer service. i even taught a customer how to change a tire. -we unfortunately lost our tournament this weekend, but you can't win them all. $2500 would have been nice, but i'll take the fact that i destroyed a 6 (im a skill level 3) literally mind fucked this guy at his own game. it was baller. -me and gerry have a game plan for our future. bills laid out, rent and all the other "adult shit" that we have to do. -my mom said my cat is being wonderful for her and we are probably going to have dinner with her and greg. -mentally, i am rebuilding myself. it takes time, but i am trying. fuck my brain for being so chemically imbalanced but whatever. i'm a fuckin gem 💅🏻💅🏻 -i'm drinking more water and actually sticking to breakfast, lunch and dinner. also, working out on the side and getting walks in makes me feel great. -i've gained 2 pounds 😬😬😬 (i cannot gain weight to save my life so this is BIGGGG for me) almost at 100 lbs 😬😬 -gerry bought me my own xbox controller so we've been playing Borderlands (again for like the 8th time haha) and we've been binging 13 Reasons Why (HIGHLY RECOMMEND IF YALL GOT NETFLIX YOOOO)
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