wfodicks · 11 months
mike, travis and drunk discuss the following topics….. declaring war on the boomer bunker….. the king of cola tries double cola: 7.1 “dear drunk” questions from starry spice, assistant treads, po boys, liquid lozenge wine in pill form…. wild horses….. hulk hogan biopic…. potw: the fall of the house of usher/macglocky/temu well, bye.
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direwombat · 1 year
Out of sheer spite I'm going to write boomer into the bunker with syb and he survives those seven years with her and is a nice mellow old dog in new dawn
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accecakes · 19 days
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Cod x Fallout NV! Mixing special interests!
Allow me to go on a tangent for a hot minute.
Exbrotherhood! Ghost: Simon has been part of the brotherhood for as long as he can remember. Having been abandoned as an infant on the steps of the Hidden Valley bunker. They took him in, becoming one of their most outstanding soldier with expertise in both weaponry and survival tactics. Simon would then be tranfered into their patrol team. Where he would collect data and become familiarized with the mojave landscape. Enough to expose himself to dangerous amounts of radiation. Which then turned him into a ghoul. He made his best attempt to keep his ghoulification hidden. However, word got around that they've been noticing a harshness in his voice and reluctant to change, shower, or eat in front of others. The overseer found out, making them take the ultimate decision of executing one of their own. In which he deemed "Putting him out of his misery." Simon completely shattered by his sentence. During his incarceration, he conjured the plan of faking his death on the day of his execution, in hopes of leaving the brotherhood and adopting the new identity he called "Ghost."
Boomer! Soap: John grew up on Nellis' air force base ever since his ancestors had left Vault 34 decades ago. Ever since Soap was introduced to heavy artillery and explosives, which is customary for residents part of the boomers. He discovered his natural talent of all things explosives, firing from long distances and calculating the necessary amount required for certain jobs. Soap volunteered to be part of their guard outpost. Anyone who would even look in the direction of the base would have been blast to kindgom come. They would receive all sorts of unwarranted visitors. A group that managed to catch his eye were the raiders who flaunted their makeshift armor. A part of Soap grew curious of their lifestyle and choice in wardrobe. After dark, he would secretly collect the scraps leftover from the explosions. Not much could have been recovered, but the pieces that did survive, he would wear and keep hidden in his bunker. Soap couldn't let the others know of his fascination. It would have been seen as fratinizing with the enemy.
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hero-israel · 8 months
So I've seen a lot of talk from people who allow that Israel was justified to attack Gaza after October 7th, but they feel that Israel still attacked too indiscriminately, killed too many Palestinians, and destroyed too much of Gaza. Two particular hangups I've seen most commonly are the idea that Israel should have done a "tactical counter-terrorism" action rather than a ground invasion, and a specific objection to Israel dropping 2000 pound bombs on Gaza specifically. I don't feel that I know enough about military tactics, so I don't know how legitimate it would have been for Israel to go into Gaza "tactically" or to drop smaller bombs, but I suspect Hamas would be a lot stronger than it is currently, and the same people would still be tut-tutting Israel's actions (if not calling them out with equal outrage). It's very frustrating
Everyone wants a better alternative but nobody describes what it is. Reminds me of the recent post about the Houthis - "don't bomb them, you need to find a way to get rid of the Red Sea embargo that only kills the badguys and nobody else." Okay, I'll just ask the genie of the lamp to magic them away. There are no options for going into Gaza that aren't utterly horrible. Hamas knows this, it was the whole point of their trap, and it is working.
Here's a fair-minded, moving essay by a Gazan Palestinian saying Israel needs "targeted, low-intensity, long-term operation[s] that could sustainably reduce Hamas’ military capabilities and create conditions to introduce a new administration in Gaza," and also admitting "tunnel warfare is dirty, complicated, costly and requires lengthy efforts and campaigns, not the short and swift operations upon which Israel’s military doctrine is built."
IOW, "go in and kill Hamas and destroy everything they have - but don't kill anybody else. Find a way to do it slower and smaller and neater, but still make sure you win."
It doesn't work that way. The tunnels are obviously boobytrapped, how are you supposed to order men in? The problem isn't expense, the problem is failure. Also a slow, prolonged ground campaign would require a lasting re-occupation, another lose-lose. Israel has purportedly been using the 2,000 pound bombs as bunker-busters to collapse the tunnels - maybe that's working, but it also kills the hell out of people on the surface, again part of the trap. I am disappointed that the IDF hadn't spent every waking hour the last decade building some technical gizmo that could make the tunnels uninhabitable, some kind of seismic or ultrasonic whatzit. I said a while back that I was in favor of flooding the tunnels and fixing the environmental consequences later. I've got messages in my inbox now urging me not to take that stance, that Israel should not be seen as "salting the earth," but it doesn't matter since it seems Israel isn't actually doing it, for whatever reason, so there's no point in a Tumblr blog taking a stance either way.
Tom Friedman is another useless Boomer leftover from the '90s and his "philosophy-of-cab-drivers" shtick is laughable, but he actually raised a good point here:
Netanyahu, I would argue, doesn’t want to win. He wants to be winning, OK, that is, he wants to be able to say, we’re winning. We’re winning. We’re winning. It’s just around the corner. But he doesn’t want to actually win because, if the war actually ends, two things are going to happen. Then he can no longer avoid what is the new political end state. And I believe there will be an eruption, a massive eruption, of Israeli anger at him that I hope and pray will drive him from power because I believe he is not only the worst leader in Israel’s history. I believe he’s the worst leader in Jewish history.
And that’s a long history. And what is Netanyahu’s calculation? It’s very simple. If he is not in power and has to face the conclusion of his trial and three corruption charges without the protection and influence that comes over the judiciary from being in power, he has a very good chance of going to jail. People forget. Israel jailed a president and a former prime minister. They’re not afraid to do that. And he does not want to go to jail. And he does not want to give up power.
And so this is a terrible situation where Israel is in a existential war, and its prime minister has basically dual loyalties, one to the state and one to himself. And at every turn, he is prioritizing himself.
I wish I could totally rule out the possibility that Netanyahu is going to try to drag this out until Trump's inauguration next year. I can't.
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lulu2992 · 8 months
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia
The almost complete but unused in-game encyclopedia, reconstructed thanks to the oasisstrings file.
Please note that it’s still cut content, so some information might not be relevant anymore.
You can read the oasisstrings file here. Pictures from this encyclopedia were also extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
Part 2: Locations - Holland Valley
Gardenview Packing Facility
The last facility added to the Hadlers' apple empire. They shipped their apples throughout Hope County and beyond. When the cult went red state, the Hadlers stopped their legal threats and resorted to violence.
Silver Lake Trailer Park
A community of people just trying to do their best.
Gardenview Orchards
A part of Doug and Debbie Hadler’s apple empire. After their ciderworks facility, they expanded to a second, larger orchard: Gardenview Orchards. Then they opened the Gardenview Packing Facility.
Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm
Fiery matriarch Rae-Rae Bouthillier cares about two things: Prize-winning pumpkins and her dog Boomer.
Gardenview Ciderworks
The first major facility owned by Doug and Debbie Hadler. Ten years ago, they had a dream: an empire made of apples. They nearly achieved it too, until the cult forcibly took over everything they had worked for.
Bridge of Tears
It was called the Mišihrew Bridge when the railroad was still active. It’s now a rickety old train bridge and John Seed's ideal location to send a warning message to all sinners.
Frobisher's Cave
In 1970, a cougar, named "Frobisher" by the locals, killed the star pitcher of a rival baseball team. The Hope County Silver Foxes won that year and changed their name to the Cougars in Frobisher's honor.
Howard Cabin
Home of Niesha Howard, an extreme rock climber from Canada who moved to Montana to be a prepper.
Copperhead Rail Yard
Copperhead Rail was created in the late 1800s by Emmet Reaves. It was shut down in the early 70s and a lot got left behind. It became a place for kids to get drunk or bums to find shelter, then the cult bought it.
Lincoln Lookout Tower
It’s the last working fire tower in the county. A man who worked here promised to help the Strickland family fight off the cult if ever their farm was under attack.
Sergey’s Place
A hobo historian calls this place home. Nobody's seen him in a while though.
Boyd Residence
Will Boyd lives here, or at least he did. No one in the valley talks about him. And for good reason.
Strickland Farm
Property owned by the Strickland family of farmers. No friends to Eden’s Gate.
U.S. Auto
A scrap yard containing trashed cars, broken farm equipment, and even a few busted planes. Eden's Gate uses the garage to build and maintain their convoys.
Doverspike Compound
Les Doverspike was a militia nut and he built himself a bunker. Nobody in the prepper community liked him. Despite that, he was anti-cult and pro-Resistance.
Harris Residence
Mike and Deb Harris were preppers with a cunning plan to keep themselves fed after the end of the world.
Reservoir Construction Yard
Deep North Water wanted to build a new reservoir for the Holland Valley. The company ran out of funding and was chased away by Eden’s Gate.
Dodd’s Dumps
Colin Dodd used to run garbage disposal for the whole Holland Valley, and his business lot shows it. The cult intimidated him into leaving but has yet to sort through all he left behind.
Davenport Farm
The remains of a run-down farm. Local farmers let their cows graze here. Can't let good land go to waste.
Hilgard Electric Power Station
The Holland Valley's power supply is reliant on this transformer station which is controlled by Eden's Gate.
Golden Valley Gas
Once the kind of gas station that gave out free bubble gum to kids, Golden Valley is now a strategic point of gasoline and auto maintenance for the Project at Eden's Gate.
Green-Busch Fertilizer Co.
Facing a decline in business, the Green-Busch family said “yes” and sold the place to John Seed on the condition that locals could keep their jobs and work alongside Eden's Gate.
St. Isidore School
Once a religious boarding school, it was forced to close its doors by Eden's Gate.
Dodd Residence
Home of Colin Dodd, hoarder and DIY enthusiast. He never throws anything out. His granddaughter Nadine's been known to lurk here.
Roberts Cabin
Home of Joe Roberts, a hunter. He's gone missing. He loved hunting deer above all else.
Hope County Clinic
Dr. Kim Patterson provides medical services to Hope County's farmers and low-income residents, many of whom would never receive care in such a remote area.
Holland Valley Station
In the days that it was up and running, Copperhead Rail used to stop here. Eden’s Gate uses this station to catch people who try to escape the region.
Grain Elevator
As the farmlands started to collapse, the grain elevator was the first casualty. Too expensive to maintain.
Henbane River Rail Bridge
Copperhead Rail was created in the 1880s during a mining boom, and shut down in the early 70s after the industry collapsed.
Flatiron Stockyards
Bobby Budell established the stock yards in 1946, and has proudly provided farm and ranch auction services since. The economic and community base employed over 25 people at its height.
Fillmore Residence
Home of Doug Fillmore. Not much is known about him.
Dupree Residence
Home of Tommy Dupree, an idiot who used to work at Green-Busch Fertilizer Co. He got fired by Eden's Gate because he was as dumb as the crap he bagged.
Catamount Mines
Fall’s End owes its existence to the gold Orville Fall discovered here in 1865. The mine brought a generation of prosperity to the region until a suspicious accident entombed 100 men within it, forcing its closure in 1912.
Sunrise Farm
Sunrise Farm was going under, so owners Mike and Chandra Dunagan reluctantly sold it to Eden's Gate. Big mistake.
Deep North Irrigation Reservoir
Originally designed to irrigate farms, the reservoir became a liability when the cult began putting Bliss in the water supply. The Resistance sealed it up to buy themselves time.
Red’s Farm Supply
The Redler family has run this place for 4 generations, and earned a reputation for honest business. Wendell did his best to keep it out of cult hands.
Purpletop Telecom Tower
In the 1950s, Purpletop Telecom built this tower, blessing people with the wonders of AM radio. As time and technology marched forward, they were also given the American splendor of a local TV station.
Woodson Pig Farm
This place has been in the Woodson family since 1943. Current owners Andrew and Frances Woodson used their wealth to try to stand up to John Seed and fight him in court. They lost, and joined the Resistance.
Sawyer Residence
Don Sawyer came from out of town to join the Project at Eden's Gate. He restores canoes, but isn't very good at it. Visitors have sworn they've heard him swearing in Russian over those boats.
Hyde Barn
Kenny Hyde's a poor man in Holland Valley, but that doesn't stop him from loving deep fried balls. He's the proud keeper of Fall’s End Testy Festy decorations, stashing them at his barn until they're needed.
Kupka Ranch
Zip Kupka's the only one who really knows what's going on in the Holland Valley.
John’s Gate
A missile silo long decommissioned and abandoned. The locals used to call it "Area 68." Eden's Gate bought it in secret and turned it into a bunker that is in John Seed's safekeeping until the Collapse.
Security Gate
Formerly the entrance to the missile silo, it's now the gateway to John Seed's bunker. Everything taken in the Reaping passes through this checkpoint.
Steele Farm
The Steele family managed to get their kids out of Hope County, but stayed behind to try and defend their home from Eden's Gate.
Lamb of God Church
A Lutheran church. Its elderly priest was overshadowed by Pastor Jerome’s charismatic sermons. John once asked the priest to say “yes.” Not a chance. Then, the priest was gone. He had taken a “long vacation.”
Lamb of God Sacristy
The Project at Eden's Gate has turned the Lamb of God Church's sacristy into a holding place for everything they need to baptize people at the water's edge.
Armstrong Residence
The Project at Eden's Gate targeted the Armstrong family early, burning their home to the ground when Grace Armstrong refused to devote her sharpshooting skills to the Father's cause.
Bradbury Tractor Shed
A shed for tractors.
Hope County Jail Bus
Prisoners hijacked this bus but were run off the road. The wreck was left to rot in the woods. When Eden's Gate brought prohibition to Hope County, some enterprising moonshiners set up shop behind the cult’s back.
Parker Laboratories
Home and workshop of Dr. Laurence Parker, and the origin of many mysterious noise complaints.
Seed Ranch
The power of yes gave John Seed this dream ranch overlooking the Holland Valley. it has commanding views, a private air strip, and secluded soundproofed rooms for his most invigorating religious pursuits.
Bradbury Farm
The home of the Bradbury family, hay farmers for generations. The strange pattern of dead hay in the field does not impact the quality of the final product. That's the Bradbury guarantee.
Bradbury Hay Field
Bradbury Farm's hay is baled and stored here before being sold to clients looking to feed their livestock with quality hay.
Laurel Residence
Laurel family honey was a local market favorite until their bee colony collapsed and jeopardized the business. It also spooked the Laurels who sunk money into a bunker and became preppers overnight.
Eden’s Gate Greenhouse
Bliss plants are found throughout the Henbane River, but they're also found here. John Seed takes the flowers he receives by boat from the east and plants them in his greenhouse.
Seed Boat Launch
Once a favorite spot for summer frolickers, this boat launch is used by John Seed for receiving shipments of Bliss and other supplies from elsewhere in Hope County.
Rye & Sons Aviation
This plot of land was first settled in 1920 by Willard Rye. He started a crop dusting business. His sons inherited both and it now belongs to the current generation of Ryes: Nick & Kim.
Kellett Cattle Co.
The Kellett family supplied beef for 3 generations. These proud Republicans thought they recognized the American spirit in Eden’s Gate, but when John Seed asked them to serve the Project, they said “no.”
Fall’s End
After prospector Orville Fall struck gold, his small mining camp quickly grew. Decades later, his rival, rail baron Emmett Reaves, shot him dead in the streets, giving the town its official name.
Old Silo
Welcome to the middle of it.
Kay-Nine Kennels
The owner, Kay Wheeler, loved her dogs more than life itself. She bred and trained hunting and guard dogs. When Eden’s Gate showed up, the local demand for guard dogs tripled. John Seed noticed and took action.
Sunrise Threshing
A silo and shed complex attached to Sunrise Farm. Rumor has it that Mike Dunagan's stashed a lot of cool shit around here somewhere.
Redler Residence
Home of Wendell Redler, local businessman and Vietnam veteran.
Adams Ranch
Jules Adams lost her husband in an "accident" after saying no to John Seed. Her family's struggled to keep the cattle ranch out of cult hands ever since.
Miller Residence
Despite financial hardship, the Miller family refused the cult’s invitations, prepping for doomsday all on their own. When the reaping came, Jerry Miller was out working.
Wellington Residence
The Wellington family mine is an urban legend, supposedly stuffed with gold, explosives, or both depending who you ask. Generations of Wellingtons (possibly inbred) have tried and failed to strike it rich here.
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thelivingsin · 5 months
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#thelivingsin - artworks
#iskdok - opinions, headcanons, reblogs
#the bunker - announcements
#gfdkwtfaw - personal life
#the institute - team shenanigans
#tone deaf hummingbird - songs in art
#findthem - answers to asks
#eleutheria - written works
#auburn and jet - self-explanatory
#missing entry - vent posts (proceed with caution or filter the tag if uncomfortable)
DNI LIST: Homophobic, boomer mindset, bigots. Weird people in general. Don't be one or I will block your ass.
Sky: Children of the Light → Obsolete Achiever | Wide-eyed Watcher
Miscellaneous → Sin (DW Concept) | Auburn | Jet | ??? | ???
Genshin Impact → ??? | ??? | ??? | ???
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American Beasts
Chapter 34: In Righteousness Shall You Judge Your Neighbour    
Fandom: Far Cry 5, Far Cry (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Female Deputy | Judge/John Seed, Female Deputy | Judge/Jacob Seed Characters: Female Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), Joseph Seed, Cameron Burke, Earl Whitehorse, Mary May Fairgrave, Nick Rye, Kim Rye, Boomer (Far Cry), Grace Armstrong, Jerome Jeffries, John Seed, Faith Seed, Tracey Lader, Virgil Minkler, Hurk Drubman Jr., Sharky Boshaw, Adelaide Drubman, Joey Hudson, Peaches (Far Cry), Jacob Seed, Staci Pratt, Eli Palmer, Wheaty (Far Cry), Jess Black, Original Male Character(s), Project at Eden's Gate | Peggies, Tammy Barnes, Dutch Roosevelt Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Religious Cults, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Swearing, Torture, Unhealthy Relationships, Animal Attack, Threats, Threats of Violence, Stabbing, Knives, Guns, Shooting, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Hallucinations, Sexual Humor, Sexually Suggestive Dialogue, Kidnapping, Blood and Violence, More Biblical References to Lions Than You Can Shake a Stick at, Trauma, Suicidal Thoughts, Not Canon Compliant, Past Child Abuse, Social Darwinism, Obsession, Flashbacks, Enemies to Lovers, Physical Abuse, Hand Feeding, Smut, Internalized Misogyny, Hurt/Comfort, arrow wounds, Menstruation, Coercion, Manipulation, Bloodplay, Strangulation, Disembowelment, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Cannibalism, Stockholm Syndrome
In which Kit goes through it again...
She should have learned her lesson by now that her and Bliss don’t mix, but as part of her plan with Jacob to keep the Resistance’s eyes off Faith’s bunker as it’s reconstructed for the Baptist’s purpose, she’s been taking outposts in the Henbane, and alas the GFH at her side suffers the punishment of the cult’s new executioner
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aceghosts · 1 year
Oh, The Reckoning Begins Chapter 6
Series Summary: Five years ago, Junior Deputy Blue Murphy disappeared with Joseph Seed at the final standoff, only to be found a year later in Dutch's bunker. Now, five years later from that final standoff, Blue Murphy and Hope County have moved on with their lives. However, new sinister forces threaten Blue's life, and they will have to rely on the man who started this all to survive: Joseph Seed.
Ch. 1| Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Guilt, Emotional Manipulation, Graphic Depictions of Unrealistic nightmares, Canon-Typical Violence, Choking, Death, Explicitly talking about Someone's dead sibling, Blue having a Breakdown, and I think that should cover everything. Please let me know if I should tag for anything else.
Words: 4,269 words.
Author's Note: I did not mean for this chapter to take so long, lol. Hopefully, the next one will be quicker.
A few days after speaking with Joseph, Blue’s cell phone vibrates softly on their desk, dread washing over them. They look down at the caller ID, recognizing the number: Special Agent Hawthorne. Damnit, Blue hoped he might leave them alone. Blue would not talk to Joseph again; they had to, for their own sanity, which felt like it was starting to slip away like leaves being carried off by a strong breeze. Eventually, their cell phone quiets, Special Agent Hawthorne going to voicemail. They wait a few minutes, wondering if he would call again. Mercifully, their phone is silent as Blue lets out a relieved sigh.
Later that night, when Blue is the only one in the station, they finally gather the courage to listen to the voicemail. Special Agent Hawthorne is calm and empathetic in his message, once again tugging on their heartstrings:
“Thank you for helping us, Blue. Joseph was very cooperative with us after you left; your words gave him a lot to think about. I would like to request that you come speak to him again before our next session. We think it would help keep Joseph invested in working with us. I’m happy to drive you or provide reimbursement for gas.” Special Agent Hawthorne pauses, letting out a deep sigh. “Blue, I understand that after everything Joseph Seed did to you, that you would never want to see him again. Think of the people you can help; do it for them. Do it for Philip Santiago. Do it for Arthur Wilson. Do it for Abigail Carter. Do it for your friends. Do it for those who were killed by Eden’s Gate the first time. You have the power to make things right, Blue.”
They hang up the cell phone, tears burning in their eyes. Boomer huffs and Blue looks over to find him watching them expectantly. “I’m not going. I can’t….” They hesitate, shoulders dropping, “I’m not a hero. I can’t do this, not again.” Looking away from Boomer, they hear him huff again, and Blue wonders if everyone expects them to go. “Shit.” They murmur, grief clouding their mind.
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The nightmares are relentless.
Blue stumbles through the Bliss, gagging as nausea overwhelms them. The smell is overpowering, acid rising in their throat. Their eyes water, burning as they try to blink away the tears. Someone grabs them by the their jacket collar, yanking Blue back. They stumble backward, their eyes meeting Marshal Burke’s. He sneers at them, disappointment written across his face. “Saved your life, Rookie, and this how you repay us?” He snarls, hauling them towards the water. Bliss rises from the water in a cloud of thick smoke, the water a sparkly putrid green. They howl with fear, scratching at the Marshal uselessly, trying to wriggle out of their jacket. Yet, Marshal Burke succeeds, overpowering Blue as he dunks them under the water. They thrash in a desperate scramble for survival, fear coursing through their body. He yanks them out of the water after what feels like an eternity, only to submerge them barely a few seconds later. Over and over.  Blue’s lungs burn as they desperately suck in air, only to choke down more water. “When will you learn, Rookie? When will you learn that you can never escape us?” Out of the corner of their eye, in a haze of sparkly green mist, Faith appears, smiling coldly as the Marshal shoves their head under the water once more.
CRACK! Pain radiates across Blue’s face as someone punches them. Their aviators crack, breaking into pieces as they fly off their face. Stumbling back a few steps, Blue refocuses, Eli Palmer pulling his fist back for another punch, face full of murderous rage. He sucker punches them in the gut, Blue doubling over as they let out a gasp of pain. Their brain panics momentarily, trying to get their lungs to suck in air. Blue feels Eli’s calloused fingers in their hair, harshly pulling them up to face him. An involuntary pained whimper escapes them as tears well in their eyes. Behind Eli, Blue catches sight of a figure, hidden in the shadows of the Wolf’s Den. Jacob Seed is grinning, a sick, predatory grin that sends a shiver straight up their spine. “I took you in, Rook, and what did I get for it? A rabid wolf in my den.” It wasn’t me; It was that damn music box. Yet, Blue finds they can’t say anything. Or maybe, they won’t. After all, they deserve this, right? Eli was their friend, and Blue fucking murdered him. “PATHETIC!” Eli roars, sending Blue crashing toward the ground. Blue hits the ground, dazed, before Eli’s boot connects with their rib, a sharp crack following. They bite down on their bottom lip, tasting the blood a second later as another kick connects.
“Hey Deputy,” Blue scrambles back towards the wall, away from Dutch. They’re stopped by the handcuffs, painfully connecting them to the small bed. His hands reach out as Blue kicks out. He narrowly dodges their kicks, hands wrapping around their throat. His fingers are thick, squeezing painfully down on their neck. They gasp for air, kicking more wildly now as they try to escape Dutch’s grasp. “I hauled your ass out of that burning wreckage, Deputy. I gave you shelter. I gave you a fucking army,” He snarls, flecks of spit hitting their face. Blue looks around, desperate for help, any help. Joseph Seed, leaning against the wall with a serene fucking look on his face, watches on as Blue’s struggles become weaker. “And, what did you do? Bring fucking Joseph Seed right fucking here? Let him strangle me to death?” A black fuzziness creeps in at the edge of their vision, limbs feeling like lead.
Another figure enters their fading vision, smiling cruelly at Blue. “Did you ever really think we could be free from this? We belong here, Wrath. There is no escape,” the other Blue taunts, their cruel grin widening.
Blue shoots up in their bed, soaked in sweat and tears. Boomer comes to them, licking the salty tears from their cheeks. Taking in a shaky breath, Blue mulls over their dreams. Did they deserve this? Were they destined to be there with Joseph at the end of the world? No, that was stupid. Blue belongs here in Hope County, with friends who love them and gorgeous nature.
They belong here, right?
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Blue sighs, helping Boomer up into the truck. Once he was safely sitting shotgun, Boomer licks Blue’s face, making a shitty day slightly better. They laugh, scratching him fondly behind his left ear as Boomer grumbles in happiness. Thank whatever god existed for Boomer; He was their lifeline, the one constant comfort in all the shit they had been through in Hope County. Blue closes the door of the truck, looking out towards the setting sky. It was late, the pink nearly extinguished into the navy. Yet, they felt lucky to be alive, especially after last night. It was the small moments, like Boomer licking them joyfully or seeing the beauty of a sunset that kept Blue alive.
The sound of a car pulling into the Ranger Station parking lot jolts Blue from their thoughts. They look over, finding the very last two people they wanted to see. The maroon sedan stops shortly behind their truck, trying to block Blue into their space. Their fists clench, anxiety settling deep into their chest. Blue would not be intimidated by these two. If they had to, they would ram the sedan with their truck. Wouldn’t be the first time Blue rammed a truck through a blockade of cars.
“Ranger Murphy!” Ethel calls, getting out of the passenger side of the sedan. Peter parks the sedan, turning it off before joining his wife. He nods at Blue, a coldness in his eyes. “I wanted to make sure that you didn’t lose our number. You never gave us a call.” She walks towards Blue, focused intently on them.
Boomer lets out a sharp bark, deep growls emanating from him as his ears lay flat against his head. Ethel nervously glances towards Boomer, stepping back towards Peter. He wraps an arm around Ethel, who leans into him for comfort, as he shoots a nasty look towards Boomer. “Your dog isn’t going to bite us, is he?” Peter asks, distaste clear in his voice.
“Not unless you are a Peggie.” Their eyes narrow, glaring at Peter and Ethel.
Ethel laughs nervously. “Peggies, that’s what the Hope County Resistance called members of Eden’s Gate, correct?” Blue doesn’t speak, only nodding in response. “We’re not with Eden’s Gate, Ranger Murphy. We are just doing a story on them. Peter and I are not your enemies; we want to help you, Ranger Murphy. Telling your story can be cathartic.”
“The Ranger Station is closed for the day. If you have any urgent questions, you should call Emergency Services. If it is a nonemergency, you can call the number of the Ranger Station, and a Ranger will return your call,” They reply, using their best customer service voice, crossing their arms over their chest. What would it take for Ethel and Peter to fucking leave?
Ethel smiles a strained smile, her polite mask cracking slightly. “As you know, Ranger Murphy, we’re not interested in talking about the National Parks. We want to talk to you about Eden’s Gate.”
“I think I made it damn clear that I don’t want to talk about Eden’s Gate. If you continue to harass me about this, I will seek legal measures against you.” After Eden’s Gate, Blue only had to seek legal remedy once to get someone off their back as most people were either scared off or realized they weren’t going to get anywhere. The man, clearly going through something, believed that Joseph was some sort of alien with Eden’s Gate as a front for experimentation, and Blue, a witness to this horror show, was covering for him. Blue wishes it had been something that wild rather than common human cruelty. Maybe, they wouldn’t feel so awful about what they had done.
Peter sighs in frustration, shaking his head. “You know, all this avoidance would make one wonder what you have to hide, Ranger Murphy. Makes me wonder if you might not be so innocent.”
Blue’s blood runs cold, eyes widening at his statement. “Is that a threat?” They ask anxiously, nails digging into the cotton fabric of their forest green ranger shirt.
He shakes his head again. “No, Ranger Murphy. The truth will always come out. Ethel and I are going to make sure of that.” Peter pauses, a small smirk on his face. “Ranger Murphy, what was your relationship with Joseph Seed? The files aren’t clear on that.”
No way. Blue was not going to have this conversation with Ethel or Peter. “I’m sorry, but if you want information on Eden’s Gate, please speak with Sheriff Whitehorse. I will not speak with you.” Blue turns their back to the couple, uncrossing their arms. Their steps are shaky, adrenaline and anxiety coursing through their body. Their left hand reaches out, steadying them against the cold metal of the truck. All they have to do is make it to the driver’s seat. Just make it to the driver’s seat…
“If you don’t have a relationship with Joseph Seed, why did you visit him in prison this weekend?” Ethel’s tone is smug. Their breath catches in their throat as they stop. A moment passes before Blue sucks in a deep breath, their heart pounding loudly in their ears. How the fuck did Ethel and Peter know about that visit with Joseph? Anyone Blue had told knew to keep it a secret. Hell, the whole County knew what hell Joseph had put Blue through, especially with stealing a year of their life in that bunker. A whole year they’ll never get back. A whole year less with loved ones. “It wasn’t hard to figure out,” Ethel explains matter of fact, “Besides, I doubt you know anyone in that penitentiary but Joseph Seed. It makes sense that you would be there to visit him.”
Blue whirls around, wrath burning within them. “Have you been stalking me?”
Ethel and Peter exchange uneasy glances with each other. “Stalking is a harsh word,” Peter answers, “We were watching your home, trying to decide when we might talk to you again. And well…,” He shrugs, a ghost of a smile on his lips, “Ethel and I just happened to find a bigger scoop, but you haven’t denied it. What is your relationship like with Joseph Seed? Strange that a ‘victim’ of his would go to visit him.”
They swallow, trying to get their wrath under control. Blue wouldn’t let Peter or Ethel get the best of them. Trying to play the question off, Blue rolls their eyes. “Listen, I don’t know what weird narrative you’ve cooked up in your heads, but I did not visit Joseph Seed. I don’t want anything to do with him or Eden’s Gate for the rest of my life. So, fuck off.” They could no longer be nice or polite about any of this. Underneath their shirt, the WRATH scar starts to burn, a stark reminder of the anger simmering within them. Without thinking, Blue reaches up to scratch their WRATH scar.
Ethel tilts her head, stepping forward as she shrugs Peter’s arm off her shoulder. “Are we making you angry, Ranger Murphy? After all, that’s where the WRATH tattoo lays right? I saw an examination photo of it; looks rather nasty.”
Shame courses through them as Blue looks away. The examination photos were supposed to be private, but photos of the WRATH and PRIDE scar had leaked on the internet. And now the cat was out of the bag. No matter how many take-down notices anyone sent, they just seemed to pop up again and again. Eventually, Blue gave up, resigned to having some of their worst physical scars out there on the internet.  Looking back, Blue glares at Peter and Ethel. “Yeah, I’m angry. You keep bringing up Eden’s Gate, which contains some of the worst memories of my life, and then you can’t understand why I wouldn’t want to talk about it,” They let out a hysterical laugh, before they raise their voice, “By the way, a tattoo is something you want! What John Seed gave me was a fucking scar! It wasn’t a fucking tattoo!”
“I’m sorry, Ranger Murphy. I’ll refer to it correctly next time,” She steps closer, “You still haven’t answered our questions on your relationship with Joseph Seed.”
“Are you romantically involved with him?” Peter asks, following Ethel.
Blue snorts, shaking their head. The fucking nerve of these two! “Fuck no.” They turn away from the pair again, determined to get in their truck and drive away.
“Ranger Murphy, wait-.”
 Boomer barks loudly, ramping up his behavior as he slams against the window. His barks are interspersed with deep and throaty growls, malice in his normally warm brown eyes. His teeth glint in the window, ready to rip apart anyone who would threaten his owner. Blue knew he had lost one owner, and that Boomer wouldn’t let that happen again. Ethel screams, scrambling backward only to fall on her ass. As Boomer barks, Ethel crawls away, Peter helping her up seconds later. Coming to the passenger side window, Blue lays their hand on the glass. Boomer stops, a low whine coming from him as he licks the window. His tail wags ferociously, practically a blur. 
Glaring at Blue, Peter snidely comments, “You should control that dog of yours.”
“Good boy!” Blue praises Boomer, winking at him. He barks joyously, only to start growling menacingly again at Peter and Ethel. “As I said, Boomer only acts this way if you’re a Peggie.”
“My sister…,” Ethel starts, a soft sob escaping her as Peter rubs her back, “My sister was a part of Eden’s Gate. She is the reason we’re doing this.”
“Oh.” Guilt washes over them as Blue awkwardly looks away. No matter how many times it happened, Blue was never good at dealing with the family members of those who had lost a Peggie. So many wanted to know what happened to their parents, partners, children, and others. Blue didn’t have a good answer for them then, and they sure as hell didn’t have a good answer now. “Is she….um?”
Ethel nods, Peter taking her hand as he interlaces his fingers with hers. “She died. She almost survived it, but then she had to help Joseph in your final fight with him. And that’s the one she didn’t make it back from.”
Blue frowns, the memory hitting them.
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“I’M THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAVE YOU!” Joseph screams as Blue hauls Grace up to her feet. The Bliss is thick around them in a sparkly greenish-white mist, stuck in their throat as Blue lets out a nasty cough. Their stomach twists, a wave of nausea rolling over them.
“You okay, Dep?” Grace asks, letting out a cough of her own as soon as she is steady on her feet.
Blue nods. “I’m fine. We need to stop him!”
Grace readies her gun, giving them a decisive nod. “On it.”
The two split as Blue heads after Nick, determined to free him from Joseph’s control. A Peggie steps into their way, assault rifle pointed at Blue. They stop in their tracks, raising their shotgun. Blue remembers the way her pale blonde hair glinted in the misty sunlight, her piercing green eyes. The moment doesn’t last long as Sharky body checks the Peggie, slamming her out of the way. “I got ya, shorty!”
“Thanks,” Blue yells, moving into action once again. They’re not going to let Joseph win.
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“Oh.” Oh shit, that was-.
“Do you remember her now?” Ethel asks, her eyes glassy with tears.
“I do,” Blue admits quietly. “Ethel, I’m so sor-.”
“Save it. I don’t want your sympathy,” She snarls before another sob escapes her, Peter squeezing her hand, “I just want my sister back, but that’s impossible. Now, I just want to understand why.”
If Blue could, they would give Ethel her sister back. They would give so many people their families back. But they can’t, and now they have to live with all that blood on their hands. And they’ll never know why Joseph chose them for all of this, why they were the one chosen to be the devil. Except for their time in the Bunker, Blue never believed in the Voice. Clenching their left hand into a fist, their fingernails dig into their palm painfully, drawing blood. “I don’t know why he chose me, why he had to make me the harbinger of the apocalypse. If I knew why, I would have done everything in my power to not be that person!” They uncurl their fist, wiping tears in their eyes. Fuck, how desperately they would wish to not be that person.  
“Would you have walked away?” Ethel asks.
“Would you have walked away?” She asks, enunciating every word as she narrows her eyes coldly. “I know Joseph Seed gave you a choice to walk away. So, if you had the chance again, would you have walked away?”
Blue knows what the answer should be: Yes. They should say ‘Yes, I would have walked away that night’. But…they can’t say yes; they can’t say the words everyone wants to hear. Even with the knowledge of what happens, Blue wouldn’t be able to walk away, doomed to repeat the cycle of violence over and over again. Walking away would be leaving the people of Hope County to die, to be tortured at the hands of Eden’s Gate. And they couldn’t do that. Blue wasn’t one to ignore what they saw as a clear injustice, and Hope County was an injustice if Blue ever saw one. Maybe if Blue were a better person, even a good one, they might have been able to solve it peacefully, talk Joseph out of this madness. But they would never leave Hope County to suffer.
Taking a deep breath, Blue looks Ethel directly in the eyes, squaring their shoulders. “No, I wouldn’t have walked away. Not even if I knew what was going to happen.”
Ethel’s eyes widen, tears running down her cheeks as she stares at Blue in abject horror. “You’re a monster,” She snarls desperately, “You and Joseph Seed. You two deserve each other.”
“We should leave.” Peter pulls Ethel away as she leans into him, sobbing into his chest. He doesn’t spare Blue a glance as they stand there shocked, only able to watch as Peter leads Ethel to the sedan. “She isn’t wrong, Ranger Murphy. You’re just as much a monster as he is. You could have stopped this; you always could have.”
They watch Peter and Ethel get into the car, driving away a few moments later. Once Ethel and Peter are gone, Blue slumps to their knees, throwing out their hands to catch themself. Parking lot gravel digs into their hands as body-wracking sobs consume them. The Williams were right. Blue could have stopped this; they always had the choice. And they never did. Instead, they fought, leaving nothing but death and destruction in their wake, just like monsters always do.
“FUCK!” They scream, raw and angry, slamming their hands against the ground. Inside the truck, Boomer lets out a high-pitched whine, terrified for his human. Their sobs only continue as grief and rage consume them, leaving Blue unable to move.
Eventually, (they don’t know how much later, but all the pink is gone from the sky), Blue gets up to their feet, feeling hollow and tired. Their vision isn’t blurry from the tears, sobs no longer shaking their body so hard that they couldn’t stand. Shakily, they make their way to the driver’s seat, leaning against the truck for support.
Climbing into the driver’s seat, Blue barely closes the door before Boomer starts licking them. His tail wags, happy to see them again. “Thanks Boomer. I’m okay.” Their voice is hoarse from all the crying. Boomer pulls away, but he still looks concerned as he patiently waited in shotgun.
Pulling their seatbelt on, a thought crosses their mind. They might not be able to make up for the loss of Ethel’s sister, but they had to do something to make things right, and there was only one clear path in front of them. Grabbing their cell phone, Blue dials a number.  
 His phone only ring’s once before picking up. “Blue?” Special Agent Hawthorne sounds surprised, yet hopeful on the other end.
Cutting straight to the chase, Blue tiredly says, “I’ll speak with Joseph again.”
“What changed your mind?” He pauses for a second, before adding hastily, “Not that I’m refusing your help. If anything, I’m relieved that you changed your mind.”
They won’t tell Special Agent Hawthorne about Ethel’s sister; it isn’t their story to tell. Instead, Blue opts for a simple half-truth. “It’s like you said in your voicemail. I can make things right; I want to make things right.”
“I…I understand. Would you like me to pick you up? Or will your friends, Sharky and Hurk, take you to the prison again?”
No one needs to know that they’re visiting Joseph a second time. Blue’s friends will worry, and Blue has scared them enough. “I think it would be best if I came alone this time.”
“Send me your address, and I can pick you up at 10:30 AM on Saturday. Thank you for doing this, Blue. You don’t know how much this means to us.”
“Yeah,” Blue says, having a distinct feeling about what this might mean, I’ll send you a text with my address. See you on Saturday.”
“Have a good night, Blue. Look out for yourself.”
“You too.” Hanging up, a shadow of darkness weighs over them in the dark truck, bearing down heavily on their shoulders.
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Peter glances over at Ethel, worried for his wife. She shouldn’t have had to do this, and Peter wishes he could have taken the burden off her. Ethel sits in the passenger seat silently, passively watching Hope County scenery. Breaking the silence, Peter says, “You didn’t have to tell Ranger Murphy about your sister.”
“I did,” She turns to look at him, eyes red and puffy, “It was a gamble, but in the end, I think it will pay off. He was right, Ranger Murphy and Joseph Seed are really alike.”
He grips the steering wheel tightly, indignant anger on Ethel’s behalf coursing through him. “He shouldn’t have assigned you to this. He should have-.”
Ethel’s cell phone rings, cutting Peter off. She quickly pulls the phone from her purse, a brief flicker of panic crossing her face as she scans the caller ID. “It’s him.”
Peter stays silent as Ethel answers the phone. He hears the harsh tone of the caller, unable to make out the conversation. Every minute or so, Ethel says “Yes”, or “Of course”, occasionally wincing as the volume ramps up. By the end of the call, Ethel is visibly stressed, running a hand through her blonde hair. “He’s moving the timetable up.”
“What does that mean?”
Ethel sighs. “We’re going to talk to Joseph. He managed to get us a visit, one that won’t be reported to the FBI. As for Ranger Murphy….”
“He thinks it’s time for them to play their role?”
She nods. “I just hope he knows what he is doing.”
“Me too.”       
Tag list: @detectivelokis, @sstewyhosseini, @marivenah, @vampireninjabunnies-blog (If you want to be added or removed, just let me know!)
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metallteeff · 1 month
part of the reason learning in aro-spec has been so hard is literally because of the social aspect, mostly in the way of the heteronormative expectation. my friends have been so kind and that was the scariest part, but just the daunting presence of pairing off and marriage and everything like that is so exhausting. the part of me that wishes to be included in romance is always just satiated by being with my friends and when put in romantic situations it sucks. the conditioning of dating for marriage really shows through when you have no desire for it but the anxiety remains.
i just wish being aro-spec (and ace-spec too but i don’t want to speak for others, but i feel like a similar problem arises) wasn’t seen as you being like cold and heartless and a hater of romance. oh my god romance is so cute and sweet i just can’t do it. i can play dolls with my ocs and call it a day. i’m really tired of identities that don’t fit the mold someone made up in their head (whether you’re outside of a traditional one or you don’t play into a preconceived stereotype) being treated like they’re fake. i think as generations get older and ideas change this has become less of an issue but again. the anxiety of the conditioning remains.
to get married now, even if i was deeply in love with someone i wanted to cement that bond with, is like five million fucking dollars. nothing of older tradition in general is worth the price now because it’s also stupid. i really don’t have anything smart to say about most silent gen and boomer traditions put into the culture they’re just fucking stupid. why are we listening to people who spent half their retirement fund on anti russian underground bunkers.
i do think as the world gets older and people get older and we are all kinder to each other these harsh lines and rules will fizzle out at least culturally. at least i hope so
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aoicourier · 2 months
December 27th, 2281
"No problem", I said.
Never mind fighting the Legion at Hoover Dam or any of the other hundred gunfights I've been in over the years. Yesterday was the hardest day of my life. Vault 34 was Hell itself, and not just because it was full of feral ghouls. I absorbed so much radiation that it's a miracle I didn't turn into a ghoul myself. I still can't keep any food down without vomiting it back up. Thankfully, Senior Scribe Schuler here at the Brotherhood bunker has an ample supply of RadAway, and I'm slowly starting to feel like myself again.
Vault 34 made Vault 3 look like a luxury hotel. From what I could piece together from terminal logs, it had been overcrowded, and infighting had led to the Vault's nuclear reactor being damaged. The resulting radiation leak turned the entire populace into ghouls, and Veronica and I fought through dozens of them with sword and shotgun, many still dressed in their blue-and-yellow jumpsuits. But that wasn't all. Entire tunnels had collapsed and flooded, and many doors were sealed by passwords. It took us hours of backtracking, diving through stagnant pitch-black water to make our way to the armoury. Thankfully, I still had the rebreather that Jack of the Boomers had made for me, or I'd have drowned a dozen times over. All the while, we felt sicker and sicker from the radiation in the air. The Vault's Overseer - also a ghoul - almost tore us in half with the twin turret he was seated in. But on his body, we found the password we needed to access the armoury.
The pulse gun prototype wasn't all there was. The armoury contained dozens of guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, as well as explosives. Veronica and I loaded up with as much as we could carry, stumbled out of the Vault into a cleansing rain, and somehow found our way to a nearby Brotherhood safehouse, where we collapsed into a cot and passed out for a few hours. This morning, we returned to Hidden Valley, and after being treated by Schuler, we sought another audience with Elder Hardin.
And despite the incredible difficulty we'd gone through in order to acquire the pulse gun… he didn't listen to a word Veronica said. She tried to use the weapon as evidence that their enemies would always find ways to defeat them and that they needed to make allies instead, but he insisted that the Codex was clear on the Brotherhood's role. Sadly and quietly, she said that they'd die out if they didn't change, and he said they'd accept that fate with honour if it came to it.
And that was that. As we left his office, Veronica said it had been like talking to a stranger. She wondered if she should join the Followers instead; make a positive difference in the world rather than watch her people slowly die out. I told her that only she could make that choice, and after further consideration, she decided to stick with the Brotherhood for a while longer. They were her family, after all, and if she left them she'd never be able to come back.
We returned to the surface for a breath of fresh air, only to find that a dust storm was raging. Not only that, but the three paladins who had threatened us before were waiting for us, and this time they had their weapons aimed right at us. They'd heard Veronica arguing with the Elder, and they weren't happy about it. Thinking fast, I told them that her questioning did them a service. Ideals are strengthened by being challenged. They accepted this, somewhat reluctantly, and slowly lowered their weapons, but warned her to be more careful in the future. Veronica was upset that her own people no longer trusted her, said things would never be the same.
For now, she's going to stick with me. She has the rest of her life to work out her place in the Brotherhood.
We're going to sleep at the bunker tonight as we're still exhausted from Vault 34, and then we'll return to New Vegas tomorrow.
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wfodicks · 1 year
mike, travis and drunk are joined this week by john jamingo of the boomer bunker podcast. they discuss the following topics…. the bud light thing (here’s an article about the esg thing john talked about) the denver airport says we can’t kick people in the nuts any more…. steely and cleevie vs. pretty much everybody…. the king of cola reviews wbc maraschino cherry cola: 8.2 thanks to myster…
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direwombat · 4 months
hello friends long time no tag game...it's been a while....sorry about that :')
tagged by @rhettsabbott, @inafieldofdaisies, @la-grosse-patate, @carlosoliveiraa, @voidika,
and @aceghosts to do this picrew and/or the ship traits game
please enjoy some jakesyb and sybeli
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Rules: bold the themes that apply to your ship, and italicize the theme if it’s one-sided, within your story.
height difference (syb's 5'9" to jakey's 6'+) / mutual pining (but in the most emotionally constipated way possible) / first kiss / wedding (eventually in new dawn) / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (they're both awful bi rep <3) / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers (syb moreso than jacob) / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews (syb thinks so but she's wrong <3) / getting a pet (boomer) / have kids / want kids / grow old together (but only after spending 7 years apart in separate bunkers) / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song (only youu~) / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing showering together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps (syb does when she's needy) / sexual tension/ can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets (communication king and queen) / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting (antagonistic to genuine) / love triangle (in aus where syb is with eli) / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well (separated for 7 years while in the bunkers) / happily ever after (reunion in new dawn) / love letters
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (syb is bi) / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts (syb, usually in response to jacob's meddling) / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing showering together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other (mostly warming mres but they take turns filling the heater bags with water) / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension/ can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets (syb) / love after loss (for eli) / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle (jacob meddles in every universe) / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
@confidentandgood, @marivenah, @cassietrn, @trench-rot, @harmonyowl,
@fourlittleseedlings, @purplehairsecretlair, @adelaidedrubman, @finding-comfort-in-rain, @socially-awkward-skeleton,
@locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable, @alexxmason, @deputyash
@josephslittledeputy, and anyone else who wants to do one or the other! (taglist opt in/out)
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afarcryfrommymain · 1 year
Far Cry OC Tournament Round 2! Wesley Beltran v Deputy Calahan Hartley
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Wesley Beltran (@stacispratt)
About: wes beltran considers himself a generally calm person, and this is true until his friends are in danger. staci and joey are his only family in hope county, and he'd do anything for them. after the seeds take them from him, his singular goal is to rescue them at any cost. at first, he agrees to help the resistance, because the more people fighting the cult the better, but the second any task doesn't directly help him get joey back from john (his first goal), he'll ditch it. he doesn't want to waste time, he wants to get right to joey, and also get his hands bloody punishing the people who have hurt her. after he gets accustomed to his brand new bloodlust, he prefers to use knives/blades/shovels to kill cultists over guns. it's more personal and painful for them. this is especially so with john seed! killing him from a distance with a gun would take all the reward out of killing john. also, it turns out that john seed's obsession with him scratches a very particular, desperate, life-long need inside wes to find someone who loves him more than anything, and his priorities after he rescues joey starts to blur into something that includes soaking up john's obsessive love forever and ever so he can (maybe, possibly) finally feel so full of love he'll never starve for it again! that's not to say john and wes don't beat the shit out of each other, because they do, most notably at wes's confession where wes beats john over the head with a metal pipe to rescue joey, and at wes's atonement, where john tattoos wes and then wes hunts john down until john gets the upper hand and steals him away to his bunker where, you guessed it, they beat the shit out of each other again. when marshal burke dies, wes blames the resistance. staci suffers near-death torment at the hands of jacob seed, and wes can't reconcile this with the idea that the resistance cares at all, because he's so sucked up in the well-being of his own two best friends. eventually, consumed with his mutual obsession for john seed, wes joins the cult and becomes john's right hand man and favorite chosen. he doesn't particularly take pleasure in torturing or killing innocents, but his loyalty to john has cemented itself and he'd do anything for him, just as he'd do anything for joey & staci. plus they still get to make each other bleed without politics also boomer is his bestie :)
Anything else we should know?: corruption arc through obsessive love babey.
Art for Wesley by @bybats (sorry for forgetting it in the first round TvT)
Deputy Calahan "Rookie" Hartley (@inafieldofdaisies)
About: Calahan is 23, the main source of Sheriff's Whitehorse headaches and occasional bane of John Seed's existence. A destructive pretty boy that ends up wreaking havoc anywhere he goes and quite often finds himself in trouble thanks to his cockiness and daredevil nature. Still, this is just the way he likes things anyway. What's a party without a little fire?
Does your OC have anything to share?: "Strategy? Pfft. Like I'd reveal my secrets."
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fallout new vegas ending guide. dont mind my little positive or negitive stickers its just my opinion
Overall ending is 
Mr house or independent ending (positive)
Legion ending, let caesar die (negative)
Legion ending, have caesar live (negative)
Ncr ending (neutral)
Courier ending:
Ncr ending (neutral)
Legion ending let caesar die (neutral)
Legion ending let caesar live (neutral)
Mr house victory (positive)
Independent  (neutral)
Black mountain
Kill tabitha (neutral)
Anything else (neutral)
Kill pearl and loyal OR mr house ending (neutral)
Ncr ending (positive)
Independent or legion ending (negative)
Brotherhood of steel 
Destroy the bunker (neutral)
Caesar ending or do not complete still in the dark (neutral)
Independent or ncr ending (positive)
Veronica dies or convince her to stay with the BoS (negative)
Anything else
Kill all the fiend leaders (neutral)
Anything else
Followers of the apocalypse
Julie farkas is killed, or save ceasar with legion ending, or independent new vegas (negative)
Ncr ending but do not have the ncr support the followers (negative)
Ncr ending with the ncr supporting the followers (positive)
Kill caesar, legion ending (negative)
Arcade gannon
Sell arcade into slavery as ceasar’s personal doctor (negative)
Anything else
The Khans
Kill papa khan and regis OR ncr ending OR have the khans break their alliance with caesar, replace papa khan with regis, and do legion ending (negative)
Legion ending (negative)
Convince papa khan to break their alliance, do not replace papa khan. (positive)
Marcus dies (neutral)
Anything else
Lily Bowen
Lily bowen dies or convince lily bowen to stop taking her meds (negative)
Anything else (neutral)
The Kings
Legion ending (negative)
Anything else
Rex dies, OR do not complete nothin but a hound dog, OR implant Rey’s brain in rex (positive)
Implant Violetta’s brain (neutral)
Implant Lupa’s brain (positive)
The Misfits
Do not complete flags of our foul ups (negative)
Anything else (positive)
Kill the people of novac OR sabotage the rockets during come fly with me OR complete the quest come fly with me and do any ending except legion (negative)
Do not complete come fly with me (negative)
Legion ending or kill all the bright followers (neutral)
Boone dies (neutral)
Ncr ending, make boone vengeful over bitter springs (neutral)
Anything else (positive)
Powder Gangers
Eddie dies OR house ending OR independent ending (negative)
Ncr ending (neutral)
Legion ending (neutral)
Kill the residents of primm (neutral)
Persuade the ncr to protect the town, ncr ending OR persuade the ncr to protect the town, independent ending (positive)
Persuade the ncr to protect the town, house ending (neutral)
Persuade the ncr to protect the town, legion ending (neutral)
Persuade myers to protect the town (negative)
Reprogram primm slim to protect the town (positive)
E-DE is killed or dont repair ED-E (positive)
Anything else (positive)
Convince the chief to stop falsifying records, legion ending (neutral)
Anything else (positive)
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lulu2992 · 8 months
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia
The almost complete but unused in-game encyclopedia, reconstructed thanks to the oasisstrings file.
Please note that it’s still cut content, so some information might not be relevant anymore.
You can read the oasisstrings file here. Pictures from this encyclopedia were also extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
Part 6: Characters
Aaron "Tweak" Kirby
Uppers, downers, sideway-ers... Tweak is all about pushing the limits of the human condition.
Adelaide Drubman
A confident go-getter with deep pockets to do whatever she wants, like living with booze, bazookas, and boy toy Xander Flynn.
Bo Adams
A hardcore survivalist that chooses to live out in the woods and off the grid.
A scruffy pal with unparalleled loyalty.
Cameron Burke
A U.S. Marshal with an agenda. The only thing standing between him and his political aspirations is the Project at Eden's Gate.
Casey Fixman
A grill cook with a classified past. Most locals don’t believe his outrageous war stories or the wisdom he serves up with every order.
Chad Wolanski
A self-styled prepper chef who sells food out of his food truck since his restaurant "The Grill Streak" burned down.
Dr. Charles Lindsey
A veterinarian drafted into service as a medic. There's no one else to do it, and aren't we all animals?
Orphaned as a cub and raised by Wade Fowler, he's the star attraction at the F.A.N.G. Center. He loves eating cheeseburgers.
Clutch Nixon
A legendary stuntman who left this world the way he entered it: Face first onto a pile of rocks.
Dave Fowler
Wade Fowler's brother, he runs the business end of the F.A.N.G. Center.
Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt
An old prepper who'd worked himself to the bone and lost everything even before Eden's Gate came to town. Same shit, different horse.
(no description found)
Eli Palmer
A bonafide prepper and the leader of the Whitetail Militia. He helped Eden's Gate design their survival bunkers before he wised up.
Faith Seed
The Siren in the East. The youngest in the Seed family pacifies unruly followers to make way for the Collapse. Some believe she's only an illusion.
George Wilson
George is a Whitetail Militia and baseball enthusiast, but spends most of this time as a lookout because of his age.
Grace Armstrong
A medal-winning shooter and army sniper with a vendetta against Eden’s Gate.
Guy Marvel
A genius movie director envisioning a masterpiece of anarchy and gold statue wins. Even an auteur needs help to make movie magic.
Deputy Joey Hudson
One of your fellow Hope County Deputies who has absolutely no time for bullshit and has the fists to back herself up.
Hurk Drubman Jr.
His wit and intellect may have been blunted by paint huffing, but that hasn't stopped him from living a life of adventure.
Hurk Drubman Sr.
A retired oil baron who is the undisputed master of his domain... what's left of it after the divorce.
Jacob Seed
The Soldier in the North. The eldest Seed brother serves Joseph by creating the army that will defend the Project with their lives.
Pastor Jerome Jeffries
The local man of God who will do whatever it takes to protect the people of Hope County – even if it costs him his soul.
Jess Black
Dutch’s niece. Jess is a loner who nearly lost her life in Jacob's camps, only to discover a new talent in the process: killing Peggies.
John Seed
The Baptist in the West. The youngest of the Seed brothers, John is in charge of reaping the land of supplies that will help the Project survive.
Joseph Seed
The Father. The middle Seed brother heard a Voice that told him to initiate a great Project, to prepare for the Collapse of everything. And so he has.
Kim Rye
A world traveler who chose Hope County to put down roots, and those roots are on the way - she's in her third trimester.
Larry Parker
Genius or crackpot? Science will decide.
Mary May Fairgrave
The tough-as-nails barkeep who blames Eden's Gate for the death of her parents.
Merle Briggs
A local prepper. Merle could talk your ears off about his dream bunker, or the shelf life of canned goods.
Wilhelmina Mable
Wilhelmina Maybelline, big cat whisperer and taxidermist. The well-being of Peaches the cougar is her top priority.
Nadine Abercrombie
The last living member of a family of hoarders, though she considers herself a collector. Much classier than simply hoarding. And more selective.
(no description found)
Nick Rye
The best dang pilot in Hope County. Give him a chance and he'll put on a show.
The long-time pet of Miss Mable. Probably named for the color of her fur and not the sweet disposition she lacks.
Deputy Stacy Pratt (yes, his first name is actually spelled Stacy in the files)
One of your fellow Hope County Deputies who’s a good cop when his ego doesn't get in the way.
Dr. Sarah Perkins
A lone biologist determined to unravel the mysteries of how Jacob's Judge wolves are created.
Sharky Boshaw
A wanted arsonist, Charlemange Victor Boshaw IV hides out where he can live his fire-blazing, rockstar fantasies.
Sherri Woodhouse
She gave up city life, opened a fishing store, and began the hunt for her family’s missing legendary whiskey.
Skylar Kohrs
A high-powered expert fly fisher hell-bent on landing a legendary fish.
Tammy Barnes
Once a homemaker, now the chief interrogator for the Whitetail Militia. They say her marshmallow blondies are to die for.
Tracey Lader
A woman determined to bring down Eden's Gate, especially Faith. They used to be friends and the sting of betrayal fuels her wrath.
Virgil Minkler
A trusted mayor for the past 7 terms, now hell-bent on stopping the production of Bliss after it took the life of his son.
Wade Fowler
The co-owner of the F.A.N.G. Center, an animal rescue facility that takes in orphaned wild animals.
A member of Eli's Whitetail Militia.
Wendell Redler
He made it through Nam with his buddies. Now he’s an old man, his buddies are gone, and this is not the America he fought for in his youth.
The smart-ass quartermaster for the Whitetail Militia who also has a radio broadcast to counter the Father's propaganda.
Earl Whitehorse
The devoted sheriff of Hope County. He believes delivering justice with a gun should be a last resort. On the eve of his retirement, duty calls.
Willis Huntley
Just a man in love with the good ol' US of A.
Xander Flynn
Left California for Hope County to detox from the city life. Ended up finding "modeling" gigs at the Drubman Marina, and a cult cramping his style.
Zip Kupka
A self-proclaimed conspiracy "realist" who finds a new reason to hate the government with each passing day.
There were three more:
Coyote Nelson
Fishing is life.
In the files, Coyote Nelson is the name of the fisherman you meet at fishing spots.
A bright kid of Blackfoot heritage and the go-to person for all things computers and arcade machines. He keeps it on the down low.
The character’s full name apparently is Morris Aubrey. He’s the person who’s always near Far Cry Arcade machines and telling you how “awesome” the game is.
A supply runner for the Whitetail Militia.
All I know about Scooter is that, according to a deleted mission objective, this character (who was also cut) was supposed to be escorted to the Wolf’s Den at some point.
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blazehedgehog · 4 months
Thoughts on the God of War series?
Perpetually one of those game franchises I've wanted to get around to "some day." Years ago, like 10 or 15 years ago, my cousin subbed to Gamefly in its infancy. As I recall he was pretty unimpressed, so before he canceled his sub, he rented Gitaroo Man and God of War 2 and then reported them lost in the mail.
Call it divine intervention or whatever you want, but a few weeks later, his PS2 broke. It was a hand-me-down from a friend of his and was already a little wonky when he got it, so it wasn't, like, too surprising, but the timing was funny.
Ultimately that meant he gave me those games. I never started God of War 2 because it felt weird not playing the first game beforehand, and it's remained as such that I've never touched any of those games. Nowadays I don't really think I need to play God of War 1, much in the same way I've never played Devil May Cry 1 or 2. But I've also never been so gripped that I've felt like I HAD to play a God of War game, either.
Stepping back and looking at the big picture it's really weird how the trajectory of that series was so mired in, like, a very specific generation of people. From angry, horny teenagers to sad dads regretting who they used to be.
Especially in the context of, like... there is SO MUCH MEDIA over the last decade about "passing the torch." More than I feel like there ever has been. What does it say when the boomers/gen-Xers and even some millenials are framing themselves like "I was a legend but now I'm old, so you get to be the new legend."
That's uniquely something that only has ever happened in media right now. Or at least this overtly, and with this much saturation. Archie Bunker times a thousand.
Weird times.
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