grandpakronos · 27 days
yall send me headcanons you want full fics for (if they're not yours try and tag op so i can credit them)
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beast-feast · 1 year
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Some more this time in scented felt pen
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scarletfasinera · 11 months
New icon btw. I got the idea from Brieuc shout out brieuc
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bleep-blop-lizard-hop · 11 months
Here's the second thing I wrote!
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makeminemarvel · 1 year
Calling Reed a fat cat gave me a delightful image of chubby dilf Reed with cat ears because I've never heard that phrase before
Thank you for giving me that image too because it is in fact very cute! To be fair I probably shouldn't have called Reed a fat cat because I'm sure he's aware of his own privilege, especially after becoming besties with Ben... but it's also deeply amusing to me to picture Reed as an "It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?" type character, chubby dilf catboy or not.
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avengerphobic · 11 months
1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22 for Amadeus for the ask game <3
1.My first impression of them So I used to run a userbox blog back in the day and someone sent me a userbox request about him and I was Like WAIT there is a Korean Hulk that no one told me about so I looked him up and I was like idc about anything else he is going to be my favorite
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like) like literally the moment i read Amazing Fantasy 15 I was like he's it he's everything I've ever wanted
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character? probably his and Herc's friendship theyre a perfect pair. I think that you really can't beat them. like brain and brawn and then their father son relationship is so important to me
12. Sexuality hc!
He's bi, like i literally forget he's not sometimes lol
21. When do you think they were at their happiest? probably right at the end of Chaos War when he got the girl, he got his dad back, and presumably had pretty high hopes that he was going to see his little sister again
22. When do you think they were at their lowest? Either When he found out that maddy was alive and he didn't know where she was or when Herc died and he thought he was actually dead
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spyderverse · 2 years
your header is SOOOO sexy im obsessed with the colours
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lovecatsys · 4 months
Beyond, tech and bludgeon for the WIP word game :)
From an Untitled Academy X oneshot starring Cessily and Julian:
"It was beyond nerve-wracking, walking onto the school grounds for the first time. Before this, Cessily was a beautiful cheerleader with a great group of friends and a bright future with parents who loved her. Now, she was an ugly mutant made of metal with no friends and parents who wouldn’t let her go outside lest their neighbors see the horror she had become. No future, just living in a special school full of freaks like her until she graduates– and then what? Cessily still couldn’t control her powers, sometimes if her emotions got too intense she would turn into a big ugly puddle of liquid metal. This was so much worse than everything she had ever feared. She’d trade getting a face full of zits, having her parents find out she was bi, or flunking her algebra test for <i>this</i> any day."
From issue #001 of my original comic Fastcat & Miss Justice:
"Panel 3
A guide leads the group of people inside the building, looking at them and speaking to them with an artificial smile, as the group takes in the lobby of the building. 
The lobby is impressive, it is mostly empty with a few employees coming in and out, in the center is a large statue of Robert Payne, the original CEO and founder of the company, standing with his wife and child son. 
Two TVs flank the wall behind the statues on either side, both displaying the same screen that shows an image of a device with a label and description, too small to read. 
Underneath the TVs are two large passageways with blank walls behind them, leading to hallways in either direction. 
GUIDE: Welcome to Payne Tech, where brilliance paves the road to the future."
Looked pretty hard and I think I can't find anything with bludgeon in it :/ sad!
Send me a word, and I'll post a section from a WIP with it!
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batemanofficial · 6 months
what SONG what MOVIE and what TV SHOW do you like/make you feel better/ whatever the phrasing of those asks r :333
:33333 hmm for songs, i love the entire folie à deux album by fall out boy but 27 is a personal favorite :^) and for movies i'd probably say either contact or the first saw movie LMAO it depends on whether i wanna cry or not honestly. and for shows it's gotta be lost!!! ive rewatched the first 3 seasons of lost sooooo many times it's such a good show
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milosirlgf · 11 months
m relisyening to gavins study bvideo and going ISNANE that man is actuallly delusional
god that audio actuallt mignt be one of my favs of all time i listen to it like every day ITS SO FUCKINF GOOD
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positivelybeastly · 5 months
WIP tag game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by most beloved @brw! As will surprise precisely no-one, all mine are Hank centric and express varying degrees of my unhinged feelings about this man.
Beast/Omega Red Krakoa era PWP (uh, it's. Don't worry about it.)
Chapter 5 of the Irredeemable Beast (I really need to stop saying I'm working on this and actually fucking work on it. Hank, Zeke, Dark Beast and Rina have been stuck in a hallway doing a comedy of errors bit for like two months.)
Chapter 2 of Time to Breathe (I need to work out if I'm writing Logan to be too much of a cipher for my feelings about Hank and the X-Men post Utopia or not. I should just take the plunge and be cringe so I can get to Hank being a piece of diplomatic man candy for aliens.)
I also feel like I should put in the fics I have in my brain atm, despite not having worked on them yet, so there's:
A Wonderbeast fic taking place when Hank's in a coma after Cassandra Nova attacks him. Who do you think sent a room full of roses? It sure as fuck wasn't Trish Tilby.
Ultimate Wonderbeast where I fix whatever the fuck Ultimate Simon was and make him Ultimate Hank's kinda sugar daddy don't ask it's weird shut up shut up I know.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it! I don't know who on my dash writes fic, so have at thee if you do, you're doing it.
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fruedian · 11 months
love your new url!!! 💖
AHHH thank u <333
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scarletfasinera · 11 months
Hiii Taxi hope youre doing well today (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
HIII BRIEUC thank you very much. I hope you are well today too ❣️
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tojisun · 2 months
beast simon preparing you for days so you can take in his knot. he clicks his tongue when you get whiny and desperate, and grabs you by your jaw because you’re not being obedient; because you insist that you can take all of him already when he can barely fit four of his fingers in you. you always end up squirming, legs shutting close as you cum, splintered moans scratching from your ragged throat. but you’re too overstimulated already, so wrung dry, and you feel like your cunt’s been stretched out enough. you say this to simon and all he does is pull your face close to his, his gaze intense, before grunting out, “next time i hear y’whine, my knot’s goin’ down y’r throat instead.” that shouldn’t have made you wetter than you are already—
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bi4bihankking · 2 years
2, 3, 9, 44 :)
What character death for the sake of drama was the worst?
Beth and Yolanda's deaths I would say, especially since that series directly implied that they were in lesbians with each other (I don't think that's gonna carry over now that they're back either unfortunately), the entire comic is just the worst 90s thing you can imagine and I hated every moment of reading it, it didn't need to exist and just served to pointlessly kill off a bunch of C-Listers.
Who is your most hated comics writer?
Chuck Austen, there's a writer who could fit in here for his IRL crimes but that's a bit of a downer, while Chuck Austen just has awful stuff in fiction. You know his Avengers stuff, but there's also the weird Angel/Husk ship in X-Men.
What’s the worst plotline you’ve read?
Trying to think if there's anything worse than ginger Hank's forcible institutionalization stuff... hmmmmm oh right I read Cantwell Iron Man. Writers who hate characters should not be allowed to write them I think, because it was about 2 issues of Tony trying his best to help people and then Patsy Walker Hellcat coming and being rude to him because he's a billionaire! While he's in the hospital! and something like that happens in every issue!
Also the entire Aaron current Avengers run is bad...
Any characters you used to like but grew to dislike?
Honestly if I like a character I tend to just keep liking them after they do bad things but with maybe a few OCD issues about liking them (I know I know but how bad fandom has been these last few years really messed with my OCD), like I guess at most you can say I used to be okay with Bruce/the Bats but the way fandom acts about them made me not wanna see them at all.
The big thing I prefer Marvel for over DC is that it doesn't ever really feel like anyone is the main character of Marvel, Spider-man obviously brings in the big bucks but everyone has fans, and Spider-man fans wouldn't be like "can't you see no one cares" if someone wanted to discuss Power Pack in a general Marvel space, but it's really not the case with DC. Both canon and fandom treat the bats as the moste importante DC characters.
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