Spoilers Under The Cut!
GOD their outfits are so fucking cool. I love their bullying of Brennan. it's so great I love it. I CANT BELIEVE THEY DIDNT TELL HIM thats so funny.
"I spent 217 dollars at Hot Topic" Real for that Siobhan.
I would have KILLED for Brennan in Emo Kid Clothes but alas. Some other time.
That dice span for SO FUCKING LONG oh my god. The dice are FEELING IT today.
Fabian pushing Jace into the lava is maybe the funniest use of Brennan's own fucking encounter design against him. I love it.
18 D10???? EIGHTEEN??? INSANE.
"I served Rueben up a plate of redemption arc and he fucking cast a ninth level spell on it" is great.
"AHHH I SHOULD HAVE STUDIED A LITTLE BIT" beautiful final words for the duplicate
Ohhhh Jace is being HIVE-MINDED. He's just a minion. Damn.
Oh god if Kristen gets rage-starred they're seriously fucked,,, thank god it didn't happen.
"I mean I don't Hate it" NOT THE TIME FABIAN
They're already two people down [sobs]
Oh god I'm so worried ANKARNA NOOOOOO
Mary-Ann CHOOSING to take the damage is absurd. We stan a dedicated queen.
Oh god three people down is worrying. I'm sure they'll pull through.
God, Brennan's homebrew spell coming back to bite him is SO funny.
Killing KLCK fucking over Jace and Porter is incredibly funny. Turns out Rage does not make for Good Planning.
"I really can't I tried" GOD jace is such a stupid fucking sorcerer I love him.
Jace failing to Bigby's Hand Adaine into the lava and then fighting with Porter is amazing. Peak. ANOTHER CLUTCH NAT 20 FOR GORGUG! The gym really is pulling things off for them.
"He just rolled a 4" in the most defeated voice ever is so fucking funny. This is what happens when half your villain party has shitty strength.
"eat this gizard and get the fuck up" God I love Brennan's random ass magic items. It's great.
"You might still be trapped in a Burning Elmville with a raging giant" So an average Tuesday in Solace?
Honoring the Cock and Getting a Nat 1- the Dimension 20 Way
Fig's tricky little Shatter is my favorite tactic in her toolbox. And her getting 40 damage of shatter is ABSURD, even if her rolling them one by one is nerve-wracking.
He doesn't have his own mini so he's basically just That Guy
Bakur might choose to join either side so let's see :eyes eyes eyes:
GOD I love Fabian and his clutch rolls. BAKUR and ALLIES!
Mary-Anne rolling a nat 1 is so funny i'm losing it. Clutch ass cutting words. The Hangman is winning!
Fabian and Mazey are SO cute. They deserve the fucking world. ITS ALL LOVE NOW!!!!
The value of protective anger,,,, the strength of love and light and the desire to combat those who would hurt the ones you love,,, Brennan Lee Mulligan you are a genius
ANOTHER K2 BLIMEY NAT 20??? THE DICE ARE THE REAL HEROES OF THIS STORY. It's fucking. It's so fucking funny. I'm literally crying.
Zac in the DM's seat again is making me laugh so hard.
Brennan actually packing up behind them is so funny. He's really committed to the bit.
"She's about to become a normal person" this is actually tragic when you think about it. Luckily, K2 is in a comedy show, so it's going to be funny instead.
"This spell is MEANT to be comedic" yeah it's literally a fucking snowman.
"Unsleeping City K2???" I WANT THIS
K2 is now a human cleric and she's fucking real. Holy shit she's fucking real.
Oh god the Bad Kids are fucking down again :sobs:
"We're just collecting Barbarians" I love that <3 Barbarians Only
Mazey is definitely an honorary bad kid <3 Epic crits and clutch heals for all!
Fabian and Gorgug have gone down SO MUCH. It's incredible how they keep fucking pulling themselves back up. They are truly living on the edge.
We're halfway through the episode and I am very excited and also a little nervous.
OH THANK GOD SANDRA LYNN'S FINE! :D It's also nice to see Lydia and Ragh! :D
I love how Fig immediately calls back to her mom to help. They're the family ever.
GOD Jawbone's full mini is so fucking cool.
"All I have to do is be dead and I can roll anything" should be printed on a dice holder FOR SURE
Lydia's wheelchair sliding is actually so fun. I love Brennan taking into account wheelchair physics for his combat. It's always nice to see.
"is this Justice? Is this a New Dawn?" GOES SO FUCKING HARD???? ADAINE YOU ARE THE COOLEST
Mazey and Fabian are so sweet. I want them to be in love forever do you hear me???? YOU HEAR ME???
"All the ways you've protected people is what makes you cool" GOD MAZEY GETS IT. FABIAN HAS SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE.
Ankarna, sitting in the bottomless pit; THAT BOY DESERVES TO BE WITH HIS FUCKING GIRLFRIEND. LET ME RISE UP!!!!
Jace getting fucking arrested is the funniest ending for a villain in this show. ITS NOT EVEN THE REAL JACE.
God this battle was so cool it really did a lot for the Bad Kids as characters.
All of the scenes in the ether were SO GOOD. They really show how strong they've grown, and the strengths of their heart. Their desire to look ahead is built into them, and I love it.
"rebellion without a new dawn to look forward to is just cynical"
"where's the fucking cat" KRISTEN YOU'RE SO FUCKING FUNNY
"bring back everyone but Kipperlilly"
"No, just Mary-Ann"
The Bad Kids are great, Funniest people ever, 10/10
"Juicy God Gossip" is such a funny line. Another t-shirt I want.
FORGIVEN, HE BROUGHT AYDA BACK, WE ARE WELL. God their reunion was perfect it was so sweet. And Adaine and Ayda also had a really good moment.
Arthur Aguefort is the single funniest character Brennan has ever written.
Kristen Applebees is going to be the president! HOLY SHIT!
RATGRINDERS REDEMPTION ARC!!! So they were ALL just possessed. This is a good ending.
Oisin and Ivy should hopefully have a terrible senior year :3
Mary-Ann is so funny and earnest and sweet and I seriously love her. I hope she has a wonderful senior year and nothing bad ever happens to her ever again. ENEMIES TO LOVERS GORGUG AND MARY-ANN WAS NOT ON MY BINGO CARD
Is Gorgug's type just barbarians who can kill him????
GOD all of them are so fucking funny.
Kristen as a Pantheon Type Cleric makes SO MUCH SENSE!!!
Riz switching to tea and embracing change is beautiful. He's so fucking strong. "whatever you choose to do, you're going to be good at it" I love his relationship with his mom so much.
Adaine's mom is being a little bastard in the Nightmare Forest? That's going to be fun to follow up on if they ever do.
"i'd take them to get you" made me SOB. They're THE SISTERS EVER.
"we know what its for, we don't have to talk about it, it wasn't great" IS SO FUCKING FUNNY. Realest teenager moment ever.
"Do you ever talk to Jawbone about any of this?" Mazey's gonna learn her new boyfriend has NO CHILL.
FOUR GOD PANTHEON???? That's going to be SO FUN!!!
Tracker and her girlfriend broke up I'm losing it.
GERTIE DECLARED KRISTEN HER NEMESIS I'm SCREAMING thats so funny. I mean it was intensely funny. It is a bit fucked up she led Gertie on, but that's teenagers for you.
The Thistlesprings are the Most Adoring Parents Ever I love them so much. PROFESSOR THISTLESPRING ARC???? I REALLY HOPE THAT HAPPENS.
"maybe next year i'll be the bad guy?" ARTHUR AGUEFORT I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD.
Oh my god the Complicated Women Podcast I'm screaming. I love how Sandra Lynn talks about it.
Fig's going to be SUCH a good big sister. Hopefully Fig can help Fabian handle things.
GOD the Hunter's Mark from Sandra Lynn to make sure she can always find her daughter is so sweet. They're the cutest ever.
"Maybe she can just trust that they'll be friends outside of school" GOD I LOVE THAT. Fig is THE BARD EVER.
Ayda connected the Bottomless Pit with Leviathin and I'm just sobbing. Her point about learning was so strong and brilliant I love it.
"it's hot tub time!" - GOD THATS SO FUNNY
That ending was amazing and I had such a good time. It's bittersweet, but I'm happy I was here. GO BAD KIDS!!
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cheesecake-beech · 1 year
Hey me again i wanted to know if you could do claude and wild knuckles ( I love there relationship and there romance)
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I drew old gay people GSHSJBCSJH
GRANDPAS respectfully of their own little groups 🙏🏽🙏🏽 GAUGDHD I MISSED DRAWING THESE GUYS SM 😭😭😭😭😭
sobbing and crying and sobbing
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imwritesometimes · 6 months
wouldn't it be funny if I could write again lollollol........
#got a very sweet comment on a fic today and I was like oh my god. oh my goddddddd. ppl *still* like my stuff.#ppl still like my silly little stupid little stuff that I had stupid silly fin working on & it's dumb and silly but I shared it!#and ppl like it!#and I'm like not pushing myself anymore. like before I was kinda trying to force shit to happen#like sitting in bed with an open notebook/laptop like CREATE BITCH!#and I'm not doing that anymore lol and being on my meds has really made me feel SO much better#but also like I just don't.... have any ideas anymore. can't rotate blorbo like a rotisserie chicken anymore#I lay down to go to sleep now and because my body is not operating under severe extreme toxic anxiety levels anymore#I just fckn fall asleep. like I'm OUT. good night. sleepin. snoozin. zonked. 7+ hours.#no more blorbo thoughts at the end of the day I'm TIRED and my brain FINALLY shuts off#I hope one day I'll write again. I had so much fun with it. I have had a couple Thoughts#since I have been on my meds#but they're nothing more than a few quick sentences scrawled in a notebook.#it's like I'm doing so much other stuff and having fun in other ways and SLEEPING FINLALLY SWEET GOD ALMIGHTY#there's just like zero processing left for original blorbo ideas#this doesn't make sense and I bet you were all relieved cause I haven't ranted in tags in like months but hahaha#🤡 I STAY HONKIN'!!!! 🤡#(I'm actually really in a really good place mentally rn I promise like the best I've felt in years I'm just ahhh!! tonight lol)#erin explains it all
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kiri-tired · 1 year
God theres so much stuff to cover, tumblr has been missing out severely!! But yes, take this as my true comeback to the fandom. ✌️❤️‍🔥
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fairy-angel222 · 1 month
𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𐙚⋆.˚
Geto knows exactly what you need when you start to pick fights for no reason. Starting arguments over the smallest things in a fit of build up frustration. He doesn’t shout back, doesn’t even utter a word.
He just smiles.
Pulling you into his chest while you huff and push. His body rocking soothingly from side to side with his chin on your head. “Shh baby, it’s okay. Shh shh shh, i know baby, i know.”
It makes you angry how one sided the argument is. But you can’t help but sink into him as his words calm you down. Allowing him to kiss softly down your neck with an apologetic coo. “Haven’t given my girl the attention she deserves in a while. Left you all needy, hmm?”
You whimper, thighs clenching when he sits on the couch with you on his lap, the steady rising of his broad chest flush against your back.
“I’m sorry sweetheart. Gonna make you feel so much better yeah?”
You breathe out a moan when he gently pries your legs open. His fingers rubbing lightly over your clit through your dampening panties. “Look at that, been craving me so bad haven’t ya?” He sighs, leaving small marks on your skin in the wake of his kisses.
He took his time to slide off your panties, middle finger swirling in your wetness making you whine.
“Patience, i’m getting to it.”
“H-hurry up. Need you.” Your hips thrusting up into his hand desperately, letting out a little mewl when he finally prods at your entrance. “Haah.” Your lips part in a moan when he buries two of them into you, immediately curling them up to hit that spot you needed them to most.
“Faster.” You moan loudly, back arching against him in a cry when he complies. His thrusts becoming mean and hard as the pads of his fingers kiss that spongy spot inside you with no mercy. Your hands grip at his large forearms, mouth falling open in silent screams as his pace quickens even more.
Your stomach tightening and your eyes rolling back. The sweet feeling in your insides gaining intensity as it shot up to your brain, your head getting fuzzy as you shook against him. The world around you going blank with the curl of your toes.
“F-fuckkk.” Your cry came out as a high pitched babble, tears welling in your eyes as you neared your release. Geto holding you tight against him when your legs began to involuntarily shut.
“Nope, greedy girls gotta take it baby. You know ya need it so fucking take it.” His whisper was deep and husky, breath fanning over your ear as his thumb began to rub at your clit. “That’s it, good girl.”
Your noises only got louder as your legs trembled, “Fuck Sugu, ahhh. ‘M gonna— f-fuck ‘m gonna-” you let out a drawn out cry of his name as you let go.
A long clear stream spraying messily in front of you as he pulled away from your sopping hole. Using his palm to messily rub your clit as you continue to drench his thighs. “There ya go… so fucking messy.” He groans, turning your head to kiss you deeply as you shivered one last time, giving in to his lips against yours.
Geto’s hand snakes around your throat, resting delicately on your skin before pulling away. A string of salvia connecting your swollen lips. “Still wanna argue with me? Or should i take you upstairs and make you cum even harder on my cock.”
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slvttyplum · 3 months
ovulating with satoru is hell. you want him to bend you every which way and slut you so badly that your claws literally dig in your thighs to stop you from jumping on him.
humping the bed when he’s not around, staying extra long in the shower to play with yourself, you would spiral.
if he were to fuck you while you were ovulating, there was no chance in hell; he wouldn’t take the chance to cum inside you, and you wouldn’t want to stop either.
one day, you couldn’t help yourself, you had to have him. he just got out of the shower with the towel hanging low, showing his happy trail and his wet hair.
he looked so fucking good, you couldn’t just ignore it, so you jumped on him and started to ride him without a care in the world.
he let you take him over and rock your hips on top of him with your hands placed on his chest and your head thrown back.
“ahhh, fuck, this feels so fucking good.” your teeth biting down on your lower lip, and your eyes squinted, trying to take in his dick pushing into your sweet spot.
this is what you needed. something big and hurt by stretching you out and pulsing against your walls, not your fingers or grinding against a bed.
satoru shifted as you clashed down on him repeatedly. you felt so good that he didn’t know what to do or say; the only thing that could come out were a series of moans and groans.
your pussy tightening around him every time his tip hit or grazed your sweet spot, and your stomach sucking in trying to hold in your climax.
if it weren’t for restraint, you would’ve come right then and there on his dick, but you wanted to enjoy this and savor it.
satoru’s hands that were placed firmly on your hips to keep you in place from falling by how you were bouncing on his dick, sliding up to your shirt, and sliding under the fabric.
gripping your breast and playing with your nipples, the sensitive sensation sending chills down your spine and a lump in your throat.
“stop… stop don’t i’m gonna cum.” if he kept messing with your nipple, you were going to explode, but your body didn’t hold out on your strain.
your pussy clenches once more before your back arches, and your mouth falls open as you start jolting on top of him.
this went on for hours and days of you clinging onto him to please you, and he did.
your walls were pulsing and craving for him every minute of the day. it felt so good when he was finally inside of you, hitting all the right spots.
as much as you were scared he was going to lose it and cum inside you, there’s no way he could wear a condom, you had to feel his flesh.
so the only thing you could rely on was hope and plan b.
but to both your surprises, it was you who was begging him to cum inside you, arching your back, and fucking yourself onto him to feel every single inch.
“give it to me, please, cum inside me.” he didn’t even hesitate and pushed his cum deep inside of you, even letting it leak out.
“look at that,” with a sly smirk on his face. that night, satoru rushed to the nearest store and got what he needed, and you took it.
the next day, you were in your right mind and embarrassed.
“ugh, i don’t want to talk about it.”
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nkogneatho · 29 days
when you first met itadori jin, you thought he was so sweet and kind. he was always a little nerdy when he talked about things he loved. "sorry i got carried away" was something he'd often say because he thought he was bothersome. but you never thought that. you liked when his eyes lit up at the silliest science theories. you loved that he was so considerate.
but you know what they say?? nerds are the kinkiest people. when you told jin you want him to fuck you, he turned red. but you had to say it out loud because he wouldn't. he respected you. that, until he had you bent over the couch. you'd never thought he'd be so rough. but that is the thing. he was so unconscious about it. his silly science addicted brain inspected your hole and he knew you'd be able to take it with a little stretching. his large hands were on your back, pushing you further into couch. you had to turn your face to the side to make sure you don't suffocate against the cushion.
"shhh don't move, my dear. i am doing this f'you." his cock was buried deep inside but he wasn't moving. "didn't you say you wanted to do it? i need to make sure you don't get hurt in the process—ahhh fuck don't squeeze me, darling." you couldn't help it. your cunt ached for his thrusts. "i am sorry my dick is too big for you baby. but i am a good boyfriend, right? mmm shit...'n good boyfriends always give their pretty girlfriend what she asks for." he collected your wetness with his fingers and licked them. "mhmm fhuck sweetheart. knew this pretty pussy was sweet the way she was throbbing when i was inspecting her. go on, lovie...tell her to make more juices for your kind boyfriend." jin wasn't even aware how dirty the thing he was saying sounds. he just thought it was normal. he finally thrusted once and you cried out his name, unexpecting the sudden jolt. "feels good, right?" you moaned out a yes. "of course it feels good. now..." he grabbed your waist, "time to marry your pussy with my cock, darling."
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oreoluvskento · 3 months
gojo being dangerously loud
a/n: i know this is supposed to be a nanami focused account but hear me out... whiny gojo. that's it.
cw: cunnilingus, riding, ummm gojo being drunk and loud and his baby girl moans, semi-public sex (they're in a bathroom), i am so horny and i just need him so bad
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you love the sounds your boyfriend makes during sex. he's never been shameful about it either, always loud and proud about the way your pussy makes him feel. this time, however, you wish he'd shut up.
you two are currently in your friends bathroom during a drunk movie night. you were both pretty tipsy, gojo more drunk than you and you were having a great time. all of a sudden, he doubled over, making it obvious to everyone that there was something wrong and he needed a bathroom fast.
except, when you follow him in and he locks the door behind you, there is nothing wrong with him at all, besides the raging boner he was currently sporting. your eyes widened when you saw it, but the casamigos in your bloodstream was stopping you from thinking clearly and the next thing you knew, you were getting eaten out on your friends bathroom floor.
"'toru, fuck, i'm close!" you whisper, holding his head harder and he speeds up, his tongue flicking your clit constantly as his two middle fingers are going to work. when you cum, you cover your mouth with your hand as your back arches off the floor and gojo doesn't pull away. you have to manually drag him away from you and he immediately goes for your lips, making your mouth just as messy as his own.
as the two of you kiss, he sits up and pulls you against his body sitting against the bathtub. you make quick work of his pants and without wasting any time you lower yourself on him. the last thing you expected was for him to throw his head back and let out one of the sluttiest moans you had ever heard. "ahhh fuckkk!"
you quickly slap your hand against his mouth and pray to god that no one heard that. he lifts his head and looks at you with furrowed eyebrows and low eyes, whimpering quietly against your hand at your pussy pulsing around him. "satoru, you've got to be quiet, baby, okay?" you ask and he nods, his cheeks red.
you finally lift your hips and before you could even go back down, a deep groan comes from his throat and you stop again. he gets impatient and pulls you down himself, dropping his forehead against yours as he moves you faster.
"mmph feels too good, can't stop," he says breathlessly against your palm, and you have to drop your head on his shoulder at the speed he was going. he truly was trying his best, but as the two of you went on, his whines got louder and louder until they were hoarse moans.
"im close, im close, please, please, please!" he cries against your skin and you take over, pressing your lips against his in the process. he moans into the kiss, his body going weak when you trade the fast movement for slow, deeper movements.
"you like it, 'toru?" you ask, your lips moving against his. he nods quickly, tears beginning to form in his eyes at the sensitivity of his dick but you don't stop.
"baby please- haaa fuckkk!" he begs squeezing your hips and you shake your head.
"promise me you'll be quiet when you cum," you instruct and he nods furiously, just wanting to feel his orgasm. you take his word for it, partly because you were ready to cum too, but you cover his mouth for safe measures.
you go faster now, grinding your hips down on his, and almost as soon as you start, you feel him start to shake and thrust into you himself. "ah, ah ahhhh fuck, fuck, fuck, cummingggg!"
before you could say anything, he holds you down, his head buried in your neck as he moans in your ear and your orgasm hits as well, spurring him on. "ohh shitshitshit too much too much fuuuck!" he cries, holding your body against his as you ride your orgasm out. right when you finish, you hear a knock on the door and your friend's concerned voice.
"hey, is he okay in there, do you guys need help?" her voice rings out and your eyes widen.
"yeah, he's okay, just drank a bit too much!" you shout back and turn back to look at your boyfriend. "cough," you instruct and he does just that. you reach to the side and flush the toilet and pretend to pat his back. "that's okay, get it all out."
"okay, there's some water in the kitchen for him when he's done," she says and leaves. you let out a sigh of relief and drop your head on a slightly sobered up gojo's chest.
"my bad," he whispers and you roll your eyes as you stand up.
"shut up."
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arminsumi · 7 months
GOJO さとる + GETO すぐる
"Oh? Make you take it? Okay. I'll make you take it."
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[ J's note ] : sharing is caring! i love me some satosugu smut idk why i haven't written more 🤨 also i rlly like the idea that suguru calls u a princess whenever satoru calls u a sl*t
[ Summary ] : Two pretty best friends sharing something good... and that's you! 😋👍💦
[ Warnings ] : 🔞 minors do not interact/read : contains 18+ content, smut, 3sum, bj, creampies, unprotected sex, light degradation/humiliation, c*m eating/c*ck cleaning, satosugu making out, dirty talk, pet names/namecalling (c*cksl*t, sl*t, princess), +++
🍒 More from Jay : JJK works
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It's a Friday night. You three should be studying for finals, but Satoru got horny. And his horny energy is contagious to you and Suguru.
So you find yourself being shared by these two needy college boys instead of nosing in the textbooks.
Satoru slides out your quivering cunt and wipes the sweat off his forehead, his pretty eyes looking down admiringly at the gooey cumring that's formed on the base of his cock.
Suguru's eagerly swiping his cockhead through your slit. He's shuddering and letting out a shaky breath as he pushes into your sloppy cunt after Satoru had his fun overflowing it with his cum.
Something about Satoru's creampies turn you on so much that you become a verbal slut.
"Make me take it!" you beg Satoru erotically as he stations himself in front of you.
The boys exchange a smile that ridicules your sluttiness.
"Oh? Make you take it? Okay, I'll make you take it." Satoru grins toothily.
And then he forces your hips back and forth and makes you fuck yourself onto his best friends cock.
"Fuck, yes! Ohhh please! More! Harder! Uhnnnmmnfuckkk that's so fucking good!" you nearly scream, feeling Suguru's fat cock stroking against your gummy sweet spot.
"Wow... actin' like such a fuckin' slut for us." Satoru teases.
Suguru scolds his best friend, "Language, Satoru. She's not a slut, she's a pretty princess. Isn't that right, Y/n? You're a pretty princess." he treats you sweeter, knowing the duality of their behaviors excites you.
"Mhm!" you nod.
Suguru can feel your cunt constricting around his fat cock as Satoru complies to your pleas and pushes you down on it harder.
He groans and caresses your ass, hand cupping over Satoru's. Your plush skin slaps loudly against Suguru's abdomen, that sound together with the squelching sound of his dick in your pussy makes him want to cum.
"Nahhh, she's a slut. A princess wouldn't ask "make me take it"... you're a slut, aren't you, Y/n?"
"Yes!" you wail, completely drunk off and full of Suguru's cock. "I'm a sluttt!"
He's pounding into your weeping hole too good, even he can't think straight. All you care about is cumming obscenely on Satoru's best friend's cock.
"Don't tell it to me, I already know; tell it to Suguru. Tell him you're a nasty slut."
"I'm a slut!" you wail loudly, "I'm your nasty slut! Mmm!"
"Yeah? Our little cockslut? Nasty just for us? Aw, look at that fucking sluthole gushing... spread those pussy lips, let me see how your cunt stretches out for my best friend's dick — that's it. Good slut. Spread 'em wider... haha, that's so fucking sloppy. You've got a sloppy, slutty pussy, baby. Oh... Suguru, you're close, aren't you?" Satoru smirks, noticing how Suguru's gone silent and let his eyes flutter shut. He always does that when he's about to cum.
"Y-yeah, I'm s-so close... keep making her take my cock, it's s-so hot... fuck, ahhh I'm gonna cum. I-I'm gonna fill you up j-just like Satoru did, princess. Oh fuck... g-god... nnh I'm cumming! Ahh S-Satoru, I'm cumminggg...!"
And it's funny, how Suguru cums moaning his best friend's name while draining his balls in your pussy. Satoru's nastily rubbing on your pussy to make you cum just like you came on his cock earlier, muttering filth above you as you squish your cheek against his cock.
You're so dazed by your long, hard orgasm... just taking Suguru's seed as it floods into your cunt as ribbon-like shots. You feel both the boy's cum spilling out your hole and running down your slit, Suguru's being more watery than Satoru's thick baby batter.
While you make those cute afterglow noises, these two pretty best friends are making out above you, their saliva dripping down their connected lips. Satoru's a whimperer while kissing Suguru, you noticed, and it makes your pussy clamp down on the fat cock filling you up.
"I'm so full..." you groan softly, pressing a hand to your pussy and feeling the cum flowing out your drooling cunt.
"Mhm. Good. Sluts need a good filling from two dicks, don't they? Are you happy now? Yeah? Good."
You're nodding cutely, nuzzling Satoru's abs to show appreciation.
"Aw, cute..." Suguru smiles, petting your hair. He slides out your abused hole with a nasty sound. "Hey princess, turn around and clean this mess off my cock, will you?"
"Mhm~!" you hum, happily turning around and complying to his wish.
The boys exchange a smirking look as you start to suck and lick on Suguru's cock like it's a lollipop that you can't get enough of. You can taste your salty slick, your cream, and the mixture of both their cum. It's all frothed up at the base, gooey and sticky along the shaft, and you lick up everything while the boys widen their eyes at you.
"Yeah, I changed my mind, Satoru... you're right. She's a nasty fucking slut..." Suguru admits under his breath, patting your head as you look up at him with doe eyes, mouth full of cock.
"Of course I'm right." Satoru plants a hard smack on your pussy, and slides his fingers in and out so he can gather the mess on his fingers and get a taste for it. He sucks the juices off his middle finger and winks at Suguru, who blushes vehemently and can't look away every time his best friend does that.
"But you're a slut, too, aren't you Suguru?" he giggles, then licks his lips and presses his tongue into his cheek to insinuate what you were doing — sluttily sucking on Suguru's mushroom-tipped dick.
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© arminsumi
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tojisbbg · 9 months
𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬
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❝you're exciting, boy, come find me; your eyes told me, "girl, come ride me".❞  
♡ geto suguru ♡
a/n: was scrolling through twitter and stumbled across yunonoai's new geto piece here. i love the roommates idea and decided to write a quick little smutfic for him ;)
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! <3
content: roommate!geto suguru x fem!reader, modern au, smut, fluff/crack, not edited.
"yes, satoru." geto sighed, pressing his phone to his ear before raising his shoulder to hold it in place, one of his hands filled with grocery bags while the other dug inside his pocket to fish for the house keys.
"you're so rude, suguru. it's been so long since i've talked to you, i feel like i'm gonna die from lung cancer." gojo dramatically whined on the other side of the line, making geto roll his eyes.
"i just got home from work and we literally talked last night." he deadpanned, making gojo huff in discontent.
"that's still too long." the white haired man snickered.
"gay ass." geto mumbled under his breath, finally unlocking the door as he twisted the knob to enter.
"i have a girlfriend! unlike you. you're my bro, it's always bros before hoes." gojo poetically recited, half of his words flying out of geto's other ear as the man had a long day at work.
"surprised you got one before me." he yawned, slipping out of his sneakers to slip on his house slipper. geto distanced his phone away from his ear momentarily.
"y/n, i'm home." geto announced, but there was no response heard back from you.
"hater, you're just mad that my dick is better than yours. anyways, wanna grab dinner together? i need to tell you about what happened in my morning class today, i nearly busted my lungs out from laughing." gojo offered, already laughing midway through his sentence because he's a whole clown.
"some other time, i'm gonna cook dinner for y/n tonight." geto declined, walking inside the living room, tossing his keys on the sofa.
"feed her your dick instead."
"shut the fuck up."
"y'all didn't fuck yet?"
"hanging up, talk to you later." with that being said, geto could hear gojo about to protest, but he was quick to press the red button to end his conversation with the annoying man. he set the bags of groceries down on the counter, rubbing his temple in annoyance.
geto noticed how you weren't in the living room nor in the kitchen, where he usually finds you around this time. curiosity piques his attention, walking over to your room.
as he inched closer to your door, geto could hear soft whimpers and groans exiting your room. his eyebrows knitted in confusion... until he stood in front of your closed door.
"nghh~ feel so good, suguru."
"f-fuck, just like that!"
"ahhh~ need your cock inside my pussy, sugu."
"i-i'm gonna cum!! oh my go-god!"
geto's eyes widened at the mentioning of his name slipping out of your mouth in such a lewd manner. you were masturbating to the thought of him. he could feel heat creep up to his cheeks, bringing a hand up to his face to cover his mouth as he continued to hear your moans.
"shit." geto mumbled to himself, feeling his pants tighten as a tent now formed around his crotch area. he was so fucking hard just by hearing you whine for him like a bitch in heat.
eventually, your voice died down, red alarm signals going off inside his head. geto quickly left from his spot as quietly as he could, heading back inside the kitchen.
he had a silly little plan that he wanted to execute on you.
so, he continued on with taking out the groceries, as if he heard nothing; gathering all the things he needed to make a quick home-cooked dinner tonight. a little smirk painted over his lips, hearing your door creak open before hearing your footsteps.
geto looked up, meeting your eyes, as you were startled to see the man whose name you were moaning a few minutes ago appear in your shared kitchen. he gave you a small wave before going back to his work of chopping some veggies on the cutting board, some other things already sizzling in a pot next to him.
you quickly cleared your throat, offering him a nervous smile as you played with the hem of your t-shirt.
"o-oh, you're back home so soon, sugu." you stammered out, leaning over the counter as you watched him stir the pot, his broad back turned to you as his hair was wrapped into a neat bun.
"mhm, got off of work early today to get groceries." he responded, looking back at you as he took note of your flushed face and disheveled hair.
you looked like someone just fucked your entire existence out of you.
you chewed on your bottom lip as you began to overthink, trying to recall if you'd heard the main door open during your little private session. but, your mind was absolutely fucked out during that time, only being fogged by the dirty thoughts of geto plunging his cock inside of you instead of your pathetic fingers.
oh god... did he hear you?
the thought of him catching you moaning his name while pleasuring yourself created a huge wave of shame and embarrassment, colliding straight at you as you turned even more red. geto, who was peacefully cooking, could sense your panic as his smirk grew.
"i'll be in the living room." you quietly informed, dashing out of the kitchen where he was making a heavenly concoction, the aroma of different spices already welcoming your senses.
but, unfortunately, you had bigger things to worry about than the raging appetite in your stomach.
you sat on the couch, trying to knock some self-assurance into your anxious mind. you took in a deep breath, falling into your own train of thoughts.
surely, if geto were to hear you, he'd probably feel at least a little weird about it, right? like probably give you some weird stares, side eye you or like maybe not even talk to you???
yeah, you were freaking out.
you lightly smack your cheek, bringing yourself back. you convinced yourself that geto didn't hear you, he was still chopping veggies and loading the fridge when you walked out. this meant that he had to arrive after you were done.
besides, he was acting pretty normal with you.
you sunk into the couch, a heavy sigh leaving your lips as you tried to shoo away your thoughts. you've been roommates with geto for about two years now, the both of you meeting in your organic chemistry class during the first year of college.
you were still living with your parents, while he was living with his best friend, gojo. however, you soon decided that it was time for you to break away from your parents' protective shell, wanting to experience true adulthood and independence.
and for geto... well, gojo was a handful to live with, in short.
so, you both met by fate, sitting next to each other in the painfully boring and difficult class. about a month passed and you guys grew pretty close to each other, frequently partnering up for experiments and mini projects; which were done primarily over his place since gojo was barely home after sunset.
you were apartment hunting during that time, which was so hard as the rent was outrageous, especially near campus. when geto heard your little rant about it, he offered to be your roommate so that the rent wouldn't be so burdensome on you.
of course, you agreed without hesitation because the man was so incredibly nice. geto was a gentleman, every single good trait and positive word that exists in the dictionary could be used to describe his personality.
needless to say, you were not disappointed. he was clean, organized and responsible. geto paid his rent on time, did the groceries on days where it was his turn and sometimes on your days as well when he sees you stressed out. he cooks dinner for you both frequently since your cooking is very limited, if not, takeout is always there as a solution.
geto made sure to kill any bug, big or small, that threatened you; especially in the summer heat when those fuckers slipped in through the window. he was your knight in shining armor, whacking them dead with his slipper.
not to mention that it's rewarding to see such a hot man in your house every day after a depressing eight hours of lecture plus work. there was no denying the fact that geto suguru was incredibly attractive, and he was extremely popular amongst the female students as well.
on really hot summer days, you'd see him in skimpy tight tank tops, the fabric hugging his slutty narrow waist while deliciously exposing his muscular arms. his beautiful luscious black hair resting a little below his shoulder.
oh, and of course, he smelled so fucking good.
a mix of coconut from the shampoo he uses along with the scent of expensive cologne and his body wash.
with all these factors coming into play, having a silly little crush on geto suguru was quite reasonable to you.
"you feeling sick, y/n? your face seems flushed." the sudden intrusion of geto's voice awoke you from your trance, looking up at him as the man stood in front of you. he looked down at you with a concerned look, the back of his hand coming up to touch your forehead.
"hm, no fever." he concluded, eyeing you for an answer.
"oh, it's 'cause i just woke up from a nap and it was super hot in my room." you lied, making him cock an eyebrow.
"hot? it's the middle of november." geto snorted, making you mentally wince because you were slowly getting caught in your lie.
"the heater was on blast in my room." you defended, making him cross his arms over his chest as he looked like he was thinking really hard.
"weird, could've sworn i made sure to lower the temperature on the thermostat before leaving this morning. oh well." he shrugged, deciding to not pick on you anymore as he took a seat on the sofa in front of you.
you let out a sigh of relief, thanking god that he dropped his interrogation with you. your eyes followed his body, watching him plop on the sofa as he leaned back, shifting his hips forward before manspreading.
you ogled at the sight, shamelessly eye-fucking him as your mind began to mentally strip him. almost immediately, your eyes fell on his lap, seeing the prominent bulge in his sweats. of course, geto's eyes noticed your staring, biting back a grin as his plan was working.
"you know, it's not nice to stare, sweetheart." geto playfully snickered, the petname that was directed to you sent heat between your legs, making your thighs clench together.
fuck, he made you feel so hot and bothered.
"i-i.." your words were stuck in your throats as you met his piercing onyx colored eyes, watching him give you a half-lidded smirk.
"hm? can't hear you from there, why don't you come over here and tell me." he patted his thigh, inviting you to sit on his lap. your eyes were the size of two full moons as you never expected to experience this side of geto.
either way, who were you to decline this gorgeous man's invite?
so, without hesitation, you got up from your spot and walked over to him. the both of you locked eyes, with you now standing in between his legs. geto's arms laced around your waist, pulling you down on his lap as you placed your legs on either sides.
as you pressed down against his lower half, you felt something poke your ass, making you gasp. geto chuckled, moving your hair away from your neck, exposing the skin.
"gonna help me take care of that, y/n?" geto whispered, pressing open mouth kisses on your neck, making you whimper as you wrapped your arms around his neck. you grind your hips on his hard on, earning a groan from him.
you felt his tongue swipe against your skin before feeling his teeth digging in ever so lightly, sucking the flesh. you let out a shaky breath, feeling him kiss, suck and lick all over your neck.
"s-sugu.." you stutter out, biting your lower lip to contain a shameless moan that itched to leave your throat. geto pulled away, looking up at you with lust clouded eyes. his hand grabbed the back of your head, pulling you towards his face as he crashed his lips against you.
geto could taste the sweetness of your fruity flavored lip balm, feeling his lips smoothly mold into yours. you sucked on his lower lips before giving it a soft lick, telepathically asking him to open his mouth, which he did. so, you shoved your tongue in his mouth, wet smooching sounds radiating off of you two.
he tasted like mint, so fresh and sweet. your hands cupped his face, angling your face in a way that you could kiss him deeper, his fingers dancing on your spine. you felt the wet muscle intertwine with yours, making you suck his tongue as you rubbed your clothed cunt against his bulge.
geto moaned in your mouth, the impact of your warm cunt against his painfully clothed cock sent waves of pleasure to his brain. you both soon pulled away, gasping for air as a string of saliva was connected to the both of your lips.
"can i help you with this?" you softly asked, pressing down on his cock once again, eliciting a gruff groan from him. geto looked at you, your eyes were practically pleading him, lashes innocently batting as you oh so politely asked him.
"of course you can, sweetheart." geto replied, making your heart jump to your throat as you eagerly slid out of his lap, now sitting on your knees in between his legs. with attentive eyes, he watched your hands tug down his sweats, which he helped you with.
it was adorable how impatient you were, so excited to have a taste of his cock. you've seen geto shirtless on multiple occasions, eyes always never failing to catch the deep v-lines that ran down the side of his body.
so, it meant that he definitely had a monstrously huge cock hiding in those tight calvin klein boxers.
you wasted no time in pulling down the waistband of his boxers, hand reaching in to grab his cock. however, as soon as you felt the sheer length and girth of it, unable to properly grasp it in your hand; you harshly gulped.
fuck, he was hung.
by the looks of your hesitation, geto's ego immediately jumped a whole tower up, leaning his head back against the sofa as he wrapped his arms behind his head.
you pulled his boxers down, his hard cock springing out and hitting his stomach, your eyes widening at the sight. he was huge and thick, standing no less than a good seven to eight inches in length. the tip of his cock was a cute blush color, leaking out so much precum as a single prominent vein ran on the underside of his cock.
you wrapped your hand around his cock, giving it a few teasing pumps, making him grunt as the soft flesh of your palms did wonders on him. your thumb cheekily made it's way up to his tip, circling it as the pad of your thumb became coated with his precum.
geto jolted at this sudden action, looking down at you with an expression that was so beautiful and arousing.
"f-fuck, why don't you give it a little kiss, baby." he requested, making you hum as you pressed a feather-light kiss on his tip, feeling the small bead of the wet liquid on your lips. you smirked at how his chest heaved up and down at your teasing, your tongue licking a long stripe up his vein.
"stop teasing." geto groaned, getting a little impatient. you giggled at his words, placing the tip of his cock on your tongue before wrapping your lips around it. you sucked on it a little before shoving as much of his cock as you possibly could into your mouth.
"o-oh my god.." geto's eyes screwed shut as he felt the warm encasing of your mouth around him. you began to bob your head up and down his throbbing cock, pushing him down your throat, while your hands simultaneously worked to pleasure the inches that you couldn't fit.
"mmm, just like that— being such a good girl for me." he praised, a hand coming down to encourage your movements, pushing you deeper. you gagged a few times, but that seemed to only drive him off the edge, as every time your throat contorted or tightened, it deliciously squeezed his aching cock.
you could feel tears prick at your eyes, your hands fondling with his heavy balls, giving them gentle squeezes. geto's thighs began to ever so slightly shake, small curses and whimpers exiting his plump lips as the movement of your mouth and hands quickened.
"gonna let me cum down your throat? take all of it like a good girl." his hips began to desperately buck into your mouth, one of his hands gathering your hair into a makeshift ponytail as he thrusted into your throat. you let him throat-fuck you, your nails digging into the flesh of his thick muscular thighs.
"shit." geto swore under his breath, feeling his cock twitch inside your mouth as his vein pulsated. with the release of a guttural moan from his mouth, geto came hard and deep down your throat; as thick wads of white cum spurted out.
you made sure to swallow every single drop, licking his cock clean before giving his tip one last kiss as you pulled away. geto looked down at you while you looked up at him with a cock-drunk smile, making him smile.
his hand came down to your face, long and thick fingers wiping away your tears.
"made me feel so good, sweetheart. let me reward you, yeah?" geto sensually spoke, making your clit throb with arousal. he helped you up, once again placing you on his lap as he pulled you in for a needy kiss, tasting himself on your tongue.
geto's hands sneaked inside your shirt, caressing your sides as you shuddered in response to his touches. you tried to focus on the kiss, but you soon felt his hands creep up to your tits, giving them a squeeze through your bra.
"suguru!" you gasped against his lips, making him bite your lower lip.
"off." he commanded, tugging at the hem of your t-shirt. you obliged obediently, pulling it over your head before throwing it on the floor. with very skillful movements, geto unhooked your bra, removing them before having it join your t-shirt on the floor.
your tits deliciously spilled out, perky nipples which were swollen from the lack of attention. geto wasted no time in taking a mouthful of your tits, sucking on the hard bud as you let out a whimper. you pulled his head closer to your chest, grinding your pussy on his cock through your shorts.
geto gently rolled your nipple between his teeth before giving it a playful bite, making you shake in his hold. he sucked the mounds of fatty flesh, making sure to leave a copious amount of purplish marks on your skin.
suddenly, he placed a hand on your back before shifting to the side, gently laying you down on one of the cushions. geto pulled down your shorts, eyes coming into contact with the wet patch on your panties.
your cheeks heated up in embarrassment, averting your gaze from him, which made him laugh.
"eager are we?" he playfully threw at you, making you whine. not pushing it any further, geto soon pulled down your panties as well, a thin line of your arousal being attached to the fabric. he threw your shorts and panties to the floor before taking in the sight of your soaking wet cunt.
"fucking hell, sweetheart, you're dripping." he commented, making you clamp your thighs shut from how bashful his vulgar words made you feel. however, geto didn't appreciate you covering up, strong hands now on your thighs as he spread them apart.
"don't be greedy, y/n. let me see, baby." geto scolded, pressing a kiss on your inner thighs, which made you yelp.
he wasted no time in giving your clit a feather-light stroke, making your thighs twitch from the sudden stimulation. geto liked that reaction, now using his thumb and middle finger to spread your wet folds open. he had to gather some self-control to not shove his face into your cunt.
"so fucking pretty." he complimented, gawking at your puffy cunt and swollen clit, giving it away that you indeed played with yourself moments before. you were so wet for him, it was absolutely ridiculous, your hole clenching on nothing as it leaked more of your juices.
"do something, sugu. need you so bad." you begged, bucking your hips up to feel more of his fingers. he snickered at your actions, landing a wet slap on your clit, making you whimper.
"good girls get what they want. so, be a good girl and be patient while i admire you, 'kay?" geto shortly lectured, making you softly protest at his constant teasing, needing to feel some part of him on your body.
the man watched you squirm and softly grunt with a contented grin on his lips, seeing how your thighs threatened to close every few minutes from his light touches. however, geto wasn't that mean and he's practically been dreaming of this moment ever since he’s met you.
and after what he heard earlier today? oh no, baby, he's gonna make sure to memorize every detail of your pussy today.
geto slid his middle finger between your folds, slowly rubbing it up and down, the tip of his finger nudging your clit once he dragged his digit back up. your breath hitched, hands flying to the back of your head to grip the cushion.
"tch, that's all you're gonna give me? you weren't so shy about being vocal earlier." geto scoffed, making your eyes widen as you looked at him with a shocked expression. he smirked, rubbing your clit in a quickened circular motion, making your brain stop working as you completely forgot about what he just told you, eyes screwing shut as you choked out a moan.
"fuck, suguru!" you cried out his name, breathing heavy as geto continued to stimulate the sensitive bundle of nerves, his free hand coming up to pinch your nipples and squeeze your tits.
"mhm, there you go. but, i gotta hear more from that pretty mouth of yours, sweetheart." with that being said, geto dragged his finger down to your needy hole, prodding it open.
you felt him enter his middle finger, groaning as it was longer and thicker than yours. geto began to thrust his finger in and out of your cunt at a slow pace, watching you fidget. he soon added a second finger, the stretch of his thick digits was too much as it made all the wires in your brain fuse.
"nghh~, s-shit, feels so good!" you cried out, feeling him scissor his fingers back and forth into your wet cunt. he suddenly plunged in a third finger, making you choke on your moans as they began to rub your tight walls.
"yeah? taking my fingers so well." he whispered, moving his body up, slotting himself between your legs while his fingers never faltered. geto captured your lips in a sloppy kiss, while you whimpered against his lips.
he moved his head down, taking your tits in his mouth once again as he continued to thrust his fingers inside of you. you babbled random things, eyes rolling back as you felt the familiar knot tightening in your lower stomach. your walls clamped down on his fingers, making geto grunt at the sudden squeeze on his fingers.
"such a naughty girl, you are, y/n. playing with this pretty pussy of yours while moaning my name when i'm not around." geto's voice was laced with faux sympathy, the squelching wet sounds of your cunt was like music to his ears, encouraging him to plunge his digits deeper and faster; hitting your g-spot.
"hnghh, g-gonna cum!" you squealed, hands coming up to squeeze his biceps, eyes pooling with tears as you could feel your brain becoming rewired. his palm rubbed against your clit while his fingers abused your hole, completely fucking out your senses as your brain became mush.
your throat released the most pornographic moan ever, clenching onto his fingers as you came hard on them. geto could feel your hole twitch and pulsate, your creamy cum dripping down his fingers and down your inner thighs onto the sofa.
"better than these, right?" he teased, using his free hand to bring your fingers to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on them. you nodded your head, not even comprehending what the fuck he just told you as you tried to calm down from your intense orgasm.
geto pulled his fingers out, making you wince as your hole felt empty. he shoved his cum soaked fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean as you watched the lewd sight of him eating your cum.
"so sweet." geto grinned, seeing you pant and flush into a deep red.
"sugu... p-please, hmphh—" you were cutoff by the sudden kiss, his lips smooching yours pretty noisily, coating them with his spit.
"what you need, sweetheart?" he whispered against your lips, tugging them between his teeth.
"need your cock in me, please." you breathed heavily against his lips, looking up at him with pleading lust glowing eyes. geto smiled against your plump flesh, sitting up on the sofa before pulling you up along with him.
"help yourself then." geto gave you the cue, helping you straddle his lap once again. you sat your bare cunt right on top of his hard cock, as it slipped between your folds, the warm leaky tip brushing against your clit. a soft whimper left your lips, eyes looking down at the porn-worthy sight.
you realized that his t-shirt was still on, pouting as you tugged the hem of it. geto cocked an eyebrow, feeling the fabric being yanked.
"off." you blurted out, the same way he did when undressing you. this made geto laugh, looking at you with teasing, narrowed eyes as he stroked your cheeks.
"so demanding." he playfully sneered, pulling his shirt over his head before discarding it with the rest of the pile of your mixed clothes on the floor. you placed your shaky hands on his shoulders before tracing his defined collarbones.
you moved down to his chest, intentionally brushing over his nipples, which made him shudder from the sensitivity. curious eyes shamelessly roamed around his upper body, seeing the well-sculpted abs he had from working out multiple times a week.
"like what you see?" geto playfully asked, making you scoff.
"like what i see? i'm trying so hard to not eat you right now." you grumbled, attaching your lips back onto his, muffling out his chuckle. you teasingly pinched his nipples to evoke a reaction, and you weren't left disappointed as he jolted, whimpering in your mouth.
you slightly opened your eyes, seeing from the corner of your eyes how his face was turning red from embarrassment.
"you're so adorable, suguru." you giggled, making him tsk as he landed a tight slap on your ass, making you yelp.
"yeah? tell me that when i'm sending you to poundtown." he countered your words, making you roll your eyes with a snort at the comment.
"looking forward to it, sugu." you said in a flirty tone, sending a wink towards his way, making geto's heart thud against his chest. you dug your face in the crook of his neck, kissing his skin as you began to mark it with hickeys.
you could feel his pulse point throb, lightly grazing your teeth against it, making him let out a heavy breath.
"you little minx." he grunted, arms kneading your ass before giving it a few slaps as a punishment, making you moan. his actions made you pout, wanting payback.
you began to slide your hips back and forth on him, feeling his hard cock easily slide between your wet folds. you trembled in his hold, feeling the grip on your waist tighten as you did this a few more times. the lewd wet sound of his girthy cock rubbing your dripping cunt made you even more aroused, his tip bumping into your clit, making you whine.
"hmm, i could cum from this." you shamelessly admitted, grinding yourself harder on him, watching geto bite his lower lip to suppress a moan. this annoyed you as you wanted him to be vocal, pressing your lips on his before shoving your tongue in his mouth, swallowing his moans as you glided your sopping wet cunt over his throbbing cock.
"stop.. i wanna cum inside you." geto said in between his breaths, forcefully stopping your waist as soon as his tip rested on your hole. he looked at you with a dazed look, his large hand coming up to brush your hair away from your neck.
"gonna let me feel you, sweetheart? pretty please?" he said in a low voice, kissing your collarbones before moving up to your neck.
"y-yeah.." you stuttered out, no longer being able to handle this game of teasing anymore. you raised your hips a little, taking a hold of the shaft of his cock, aligning his tip with your hole.
you began to lower yourself on him, slowly entering his fat tip in, your eyes shutting tight as you winced in pain from the sting. geto held onto your waist as support, his fingers gently rubbing your sides.
"there you go, easy, baby." he encouraged you, words being chased by a gruff grunt as you managed to shove a third of his cock inside of you. you could feel your knees slightly shaking, breathing heavily as you gripped onto his shoulder tightly to support yourself.
"need some help?" he gently murmured against your neck, eyes peering up to see tears forming in your eyes as you struggled to take in his cock. you nodded your head, making him hum in acknowledgement. geto sneaked a hand between the both of your bodies, the pad of his thumb stroking your clit.
the sudden mix of the pleasure from stimulating your clit along with the stinging pain of his cock bullying into your hole made your body shake. geto could feel your hole start to relax a little, using the arm around your waist to gently push you down as he continued to play with your clit.
"t-too much, it's too much!" your breath hitched, feeling yourself sinking in a few more inches of his lengthy cock. his mouth latched onto your nipple, sucking on the swollen bud, while his thumb continued to pleasure the tiny bundle of sensitive nerves between your legs.
"nghh~, f-fuck.." you let out a long moan, finally shoving in the last few inches of his cock, completely bottoming out. geto let out a guttural moan, throwing his head back on the sofa, as you both stayed like that for a minute.
"shit, baby, y-you're squeezing me so tight." geto choked out, while you tried to adjust to the stretch of his cock. you slouched your body forwards, hugging him tight as you craved for more skin-to-skin contact with him. geto happily accepted, firmly wrapping his arms around you as his hands stroked your back as you both breathed in each other's scent, molding into each other's body.
"feel so full, sugu, you're so big." you chuckled, laying your head on his shoulder as you pressed tender kisses on his jaw and chin. geto hummed, a proud grin painted on his lips as you stroked his ego.
"is that so?" he turned his head to the side, kissing your forehead. you began to slowly rock your hips, as geto progressed to shallow upward thrusts; the both of you letting out a blissful moan in sync.
you decided to completely lift yourself off of his, only his tip remaining inside you before slamming down on him, knocking the wind out of his lungs. geto looked at you with half-lidded eyes, jaw wide open, as he moaned shamelessly at the tight grip of your dripping cunt.
you adjusted to the size of him, beginning to bounce on his cock while holding onto his chest for support. geto squeezed your ass before giving it a spank, making you squeak.
"fuck, feels so good!" you cried out, feeling your knees burn as your hips went up and down on his dick, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix each time you pushed down. geto pulled you in closer, watching your tits bounce in front of him before capturing one of them in his mouth, sucking harshly.
you cried out in pleasure, beads of sweat beginning to form on your temples as it dripped down the sides of your face. your eyes fell down, watching where you both were connected, seeing how your pussy swallowed his entire cock in one swift motion.
your juices were dripping down on his shaft, wetting his balls and the fabric of the couch below you guys. the vein that decorated the underside of his cock deliciously grazed against your walls.
the living room was filled with heavy breathing, wet skin slapping, the shlick and squelching sounds of your drooling pussy colliding with his cock; along with the mix of moans and curses.
geto released your now swollen nipple from his mouth, his drool coating the bud as he looked at you, completely pussy drunk.
"you don't know how hard it was to resist you. u-ughh, had to fuck my fist to the thought of you every night." geto confessed, making you imagine the picture of him laying on his bed with his legs spread open like a whore, fisting his hard dick while moaning your name.
this alone made your pussy flutter, unintentionally making you squeeze him; earning a gruff groan from the man.
"you liked hearing that, didn't you? dirty girl." he let out a breathy laugh, making you frown as you grew embarrassed at how your body betrayed you.
"shut up, you talk too much." you grumbled before shoving your nipple back in his mouth to hush him and save whatever dignity you had left remaining. geto smirked, playfully giving your nipple a bite.
"suguru!" you yelp as you smacked his upper arm. as an apology, geto swirled his tongue around the bud, pinching the other neglected nipple as he fondled with both of your tits equally.
you could feel heat slowly building up in your lower stomach, that knot tightening feeling once again returning as your thighs began to tremble while you bounced on his cock. geto noticed your struggle, deciding to help you out as he grabbed a hold of your waist, still suckling on your nipple.
suddenly, he began to thrust upwards, his pelvis meeting your clit each time you bounced down on him. the impact of his action made your eyes roll back, feeling your orgasm draw in closer. your hand reached for your clit, rubbing it fast as geto began to increase his pace in thrusting his cock into you as you rode him.
"fuck! g-gonna cum! oh my god— hnnghh, i-i.." your voice died down, mind completely fucked out as you began to babble random shit while geto pounded into your cunt. a ring of cream began to form at the base of his cock, your pussy so incredibly wet that it was easy for him to slide in and out with no problem.
"fucked you dumb already? you're so needy." geto mumbled against your tits as they smothered him while you tried to chase your orgasm. your shaky hand reached behind his head, smoothly pulling off the hair tie that kept his hair in a bun.
you watched his ebony locks fall on his shoulder, nearly cumming right then and there at the sight of him.
god, he looked so babygirl.
geto's face was completely flushed, swollen lips suckling on your nipples, hair tousled, and sweat dripping down his face as his eyes were closed shut.
your fingers found home in his hair, tangling with the smooth locks as you pushed him closer to your chest, bouncing on his cock while he thrusted upwards in you.
geto felt your pussy twitch and squeeze around him, indicating that you were gonna cum soon. so, he made sure that his movements remained sharp and fast; plowing into your messy cunt, his balls were completely coated with your slick as they slapped against your ass.
"make a mess on me, sweetheart." he said, not sure if you were able to hear him from how fucked out you were. but, you didn't need to hear him as with a loud moan being ripped out of your throat, the intense stimulation on your clit and nipple along with the harsh pistoning of his cock into your cunt made you gush around him.
geto let out a soft whimper, feeling the warmth of your juices leaking down on his shaft. with a few more desperate thrusts as his tip brushes against your cervix, he came deep into your pussy. you shuddered at the feeling of his thick cum painting your walls, as he dumped in a huge load inside.
you both were a moaning mess, breathing heavily as your mixed fluids began to messily trickle down his cock. geto released your nipple from his mouth with a 'pop', looking at you through his fuzzy vision.
he noticed the dried streaks of your tears on your cheeks, the corner of your mouth with drool. you tugged on his hair, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss full of tongue and the sound of teeth clashing, riding out your highs with small thrusts.
you sucked on his lower lip before releasing it, pressing one last soft kiss on his lips before pulling away. you looked at him in a daze, pushing away the single messy bangs that covered his eye.
with his cock still plunged deep inside you, you hugged him while resting your head on his shoulder; trying to cool down from your orgasm and catch your breath.
"you okay, sweetheart?" geto asked softly, his fingers coming up to your cheek to stroke the burning hot flesh. you hummed with a nod.
"yeah. you feel so warm, sugu. don't wanna let go." you mumbled, pressing a soft kiss on his pulse point. geto decided to indulge into you, wrapping his arms around you as he held you close, both of your heartbeats synchronizing.
"we should clean up soon, it's well past dinner time." he deeply chuckled, making you sigh.
"okay." you responded, picking your head up before leaning in to give him one last kiss. geto looked at you with playful eyes as you gave him a shy smile.
oh yeah, his plan worked out perfectly.
"mmm, this tastes so good, sugu!" you gasped, trying to speak with your mouth full, as you praised the taste of his food. geto made one of your favorite dishes, coconut shrimp curry with rice; his culinary skills were seriously no joke.
"hm, make sure to eat up then." geto chuckled, ruffling your hair before taking a bite out of his own plate. you both ate peacefully, talking about each other’s day along with making jokes here and there; as if he didn't rearrange your guts like twenty minutes ago.
"y/n?" he suddenly called out, making you look up at him with anticipating eyes.
"hm?" you hummed in response. you watched him clear his throat before playing with the shrimp on his plate with his chopsticks.
"i didn't want that to be like a one time thing between you and me. the thing is— i've liked you for a while now." geto confessed, making you nearly choke on your mouthful as you quickly chewed on your food, swallowing it.
"i like you too, sugu. although, i thought i was being pretty obvious." you sheepishly smiled, averting your gaze away from him as you grew shy.
"i guess i was being a little dumb. but, masturbating while moaning my name was definitely a game changing sign!" he teased, watching your nostrils flare up in embarrassment as your cheeks now became tinted with a soft blush.
"suguru!" you threw a balled up napkin towards him, making him burst out into a fit of laughter.
"i'm kidding! but, i won't lie, that shit made me so hard." geto casually stated, making you drop your eyes to the table.
"god, how much did you hear?" you gasped, growing a little worried. geto grabbed his chin, pretending to think hard.
"hmm, let's see. up till the part where you were like nghh~ need your cock inside my pussy, sugu! oh my god, i'm gonna cum!" he imitated your moans in an obnoxiously high-pitched voice, making you cover your face in embarrassment. geto let out a quick laugh at the sight, making you pout.
"damn, can't even fuck myself in peace." you mumbled to yourself, making him snort.
"well, now you can fuck me instead." geto nonchalantly replied with a smirk, making you choke on your food.
"god, you're so shameless!"
"i was being straightforward."
"whatever." you sighed out, rolling your eyes.
"go on a date with me this friday to the carnival." he suddenly offered, his smirk now replaced with a warm smile. your heart fluttered, feeling it stuck in your throat as your lips curled upwards.
"i'd love that." you accepted, and the both of you continued to finish up dinner.
since geto cooked for you both, you insisted on doing the dishes in return, although he tried to convince you that he had it covered. nonetheless, you were pretty stubborn, and geto decided to step away and let you clean up.
he made his way to the living room, sitting on the sofa as he grabbed his phone, clicking on the second person on his favorited contact list. geto waited patiently as he fixed his hair on the camera and after two rings, he finally picked up.
"you call me at the absolutely worst times, suguru. i'm literally about to dick down my girlfriend." gojo whined on the other side of the line, a frown tugging on his lips, making geto roll his eyes at his best friend's complaint.
"let's grab dinner tomorrow. i got something to tell you." geto smirked, and as if gojo telepathically knew what his best friend was gonna tell him, the white haired male gasped.
"no fucking way!"
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tojisprettywife · 2 months
lately what’s on my mind is how husband! toji eats you out? he takes his time with it. not on purpose, but for his own pleasure. slowly sliding off your panties, his heart beating fast against his tee, as your wet cunt is being exposed inch by inch. he specifically likes you on the edge of the bed so he can pull you, your legs over his shoulders. he takes a min, to take in all that is in front. etching every detail into his mind, you can feel his warm breath on your throbbing nub. “s’pretty” he’s completely mesmerized, pussy drunk, he leans in pressing soft kisses, slowly on your inner thighs. now he’s back to facing your throbbing bud. he press a kiss on your wet folds, but his lips don’t touch your aching clit. he softly sucks on your slick folds. his grip on your thigh, digging slightly into your skin. his tongue delves deeper, into your tight hole. he on purpose leaves your clit unattended. he smiles as you squirm, the only place you want his attention is your clit, but he saves the best for later. he gets back to sucking your folds, slurping and lapping the juices. the tip of his tongue, touches your nub’s hood, you bit your lip lightly, to stifle the moan. he presses a chaste almost, not even touching your clit, a kiss. you whine, he smirks. by now his cock, is hard, staining his pants with a little precum. he finally lowers his head, his warm tongue, enveloping your clit. he circles his tongue around the hard nub, you arch your back into his mouth, squeezing your eyes shut. your right hand gripping his jet black hair. he slightly grazed his teeth on your swollen clit, you moan loudly. “tojiiiiiii”. he smirks, spitting a little on your clit, to suck it again. but it’s no more slow, it’s dirty, loud and so good. the room is filled with your breathy moans, sometimes loud, most of all slurping sounds. he moans against your clit as he sucks, relentlessly. his cock, hard, throbbing in his gray sweats. he wants to fuck you then and there, but remember he’s eating you out for his own pleasure. so he savors it slowly. you buck your hips against his face, to make more contact. you keep writhing, your feet off the bed, pushing his head deeper. “ahhh” you whine in frustration, cry wanting more now, you had enough of clitoral stimulation, you want more, to be fucked senseless, want to feel his weight pressing down on you. “tojiiiii” you softly say, your eyes slightly teary, you look into his eyes. “m-more….” you say barely above a whisper. his lips curl up one side, he stands up, pulling his tee over his head, dropping them to the floor, climbing up the bed. “i know mama”. you know it’s gonna be a good good evening.
(not edited at all, it’s been on my mind for so long. got it out of my system. not at all proof read)
any interaction is very much appreciated :)
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thepowerofswayze · 4 days
originally on ao3
based on this post by @fantasylandloser
pairing: art donaldson (challengers, 2024) / afab reader [gender not specified]
word count: 1.9K
warnings & info: 18+, afab reader, college era art AHHH, friends to lovers, first time together, mostly smut, oral sex (reader receiving), art is a munch obviously, reader wears a bra and skirt
summary: Catching Art up on your adventures gets hard when he doesn't get your explanations, or your hand puppet examples. Looks like you just have to show him exactly what went down. Based on this post that i could not stop thinking about. :))
“Oh my god, fuck you!”
Art chuckled from where he stood, watching as you tossed the t-shirt he’d balled up and chucked at you back in his direction. It fell harmlessly to the floor a foot from him, and you glared at him as he snickered, picking it up and putting it away.
You were visiting Art, your close friend from high school, at Stanford. At that moment, you happened to be explaining how an interaction at a party at your university had gone a couple weeks before. Art never really liked listening to you talk about guys- hence, the shirt thrown directly at your face when you’d started describing this particular frat boy to him in detail- but he’d given up complaining a while ago. It was either that or be honest about why he hated it so much, and that was never going to happen. So, he tidied up his room as you explained the lead up, the flirting, the stumbling up the stairs. He fell back parallel to you on the bed as you got to the “good part”, his head by your legs and an arm over his eyes, like he could block out the imagery.
“Anyway, I didn’t think it was a big deal at first, like when we were flirting, but then I was on him, kinda like-” You took a moment to sit up straight, grinning as art groaned and propped himself up on his elbows to see you better. He watched you attempt to mimic the position with your hands, your left hand being the guy you were talking about, your right being you.
To Art, it just looked like you were mashing your hands together. He looked up from your hands to see you raising your eyebrows at him, as if to ask if he was following. “Huh?” He said.
With an exasperated sigh and without another thought, you pushed yourself up on your knees and waddled over to him, swinging a leg over his body and hovering just over his torso. For a moment, Art just watched, bewildered, as you steadied yourself with your hands on either side of his head. He let himself fall back from his elbows, hands sliding up your hips and settling at your waist, catching momentarily on the fabric of your skirt. His fingers peeked just under the hem of your shirt. Your skin tingled where he touched you.
“... Like this,” you said finally, blinking at him for a moment. “Well, uh.” You moved your hands to his chest instead, careful not to push too hard (though with the muscle he’d acquired since he’d started playing tennis for Stanford, you were sure it bothered him much less than you thought). “More like this, I guess.”
Art nodded, quickly licking his lips before asking, “Then?”
You tried not to look at his mouth. “What?”
“Then what did you do?”
It finally hit you then: what the fuck were you doing, climbing all over your best friend to ‘show him’ how you and some guy had been fooling around a couple weeks ago? That would just mean fooling around with him, obviously. That wasn’t really the plan.
But, it was too late for your common sense to kick in now. There you were, your hips hovering over his, not quite touching yet. You watched his eyes dart down to your lips, then drag slowly back up to meet your gaze. You couldn’t wait here and think about what you’d gotten yourself into and how this would change your friendship forever, though you got the feeling he’d let you take as long as you wanted.
Then what did you do?
You steeled yourself, biting your lip and watching his lips part slightly as he tracked the action with his eyes. Then you took that moment to fully sit on his lap.
You could feel his chest expand beneath your hands with his sharp inhale, his eyes snapping down to your hips, then back up to your face.
“This,” you murmured. You’d intended for it to come out cocky, maybe even a little seductive, but you could hear the breathlessness in your own voice. You were trying your best to ignore the growing pressure where your hips met his, though really, it was hopeless. 
Art’s ears were burning a bright shade of pink. The urge to gently nip at them crossed your mind, just for a moment. He cleared his throat. “Then?” His voice was almost a whisper, chest rising and falling unevenly with his nervous breathing. The way he was looking at you, like he wasn’t sure you were real…
You leaned forward, trying not to let your breath stutter at the friction caused by the movement, until your lips hovered just over his. Then you kissed him.
You pressed your lips together gently, lingering for a moment before pulling back by centimeters. His lips chased yours, his grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly, and you were right back on him, lips falling open against each other. A soft sound escaped him as your hips shifted against his, along with a contented sigh from you. You repeated the motion, reveling in the low groan he let out, followed by your name murmured into your mouth.
Art’s lips were soft. And he’d shaved recently, you thought, hands cupping his face. The smooth skin of his cheeks was a stark contrast to the calloused hands he was now raking over your thighs, your skirt pushed up around your hips. You broke away from his lips, kissing down his neck instead, listening to the noises he made whenever you left a mark, whenever you ground against him just right. “Shit,” he gasped. “You’re- You’re sure?”
“Yeah.” You left another kiss just below his ear, before murmuring, “What is it?”
You could feel him all but shudder beneath you. “Fuck,” he groaned, then your name, before he looked you in the eye. You resisted the urge to dive right back in. “Let me eat you out,” he said, suddenly determined, though still flushed and dazed. “Please.”
All you could say was “What?” because, surely, this was one big dream.
“Please.” His hands hadn’t stilled, still rubbing shapes into your thighs, his hips rolling up against yours. “Can I?”
Your entire body was on fire. “Okay, yeah. Yes.”
He wasted no time flipping the both of you over, laying you against the bed so he could kiss down your neck. You barely had a moment to process, your hands moving to tangle in his hair, one of his knees slotted between your legs. He tugged at the bottom of your shirt, prompting you to lift yourself slightly and help him get it off. Your bra came next. “You, too,” you murmured, pulling at his shirt and making him chuckle. He reached behind his head, tugging it off in one swift movement and abandoning it beside your shirt and bra on his freshly cleared floor.
One of his hands slid down your chest from your shoulders, enclosing one of your breasts, the thumb circling your nipple. You bit your lip and sighed, pulling him down for another kiss by the back of his neck.
Art let his hand trail from your chest down the sides of your stomach, then slotted his palm right between your legs, over your underwear. You gasped quietly, pulling away long enough for him to return his lips to your neck, your shoulders, your collar bone. You murmured a couple choice words as he started to move his palm, rubbing at your clit through the fabric. The dulled sensation was almost enough on its own, paired with the kisses he left against your chest. “Arthur,” you whined, tugging at his hair. “Don’t fucking tease me.”
A grin overtook his face at the use of his name, his hands only slowing down, tracing torturously slow circles over you. Art only snickered at your glare before hooking his fingers into the waist band of your underwear, pulling it down and leaving you in your skirt pushed up to your waist. He watched you carefully as he slid further down so that his head was between your legs. His finger only traced a line from your clit to the bottom of your hole before whatever restraint he had was gone, and his mouth was on you.
Art’s tongue flattened against you, the warmth and friction making your head fall back as your eyes fell closed. “Fuck,” you moaned, hands threading into his hair as he answered with an equally obscene noise, muffled against you. ‘Hungry’ didn’t even begin to describe him, his mouth falling into a vague rhythm, eyes closed blissfully, whining into your pussy like it was doing him just as much good as it was you.
You thought about asking him to finger you while he worked, but his tongue prodded at your entrance and almost immediately, words escaped you. You brought one hand up to your face, clasping it over your mouth to muffle your moans, but Art stopped suddenly, watching your face. You whined your confusion, and he reached out to tug at your hand. “I wanna hear you. Let me.”
You blinked at him, chest heaving, and murmured “Alright,” before watching his head dive right back between your thighs, one hand still intertwined with yours. You had no choice but to moan unabashedly, your other hand busy pulling at his hair.  His free hand was wrapped around the outside of your thigh, pushing it in towards his head, so tightly you were sure it couldn’t be comfortable. But there he was, continuing to move his tongue against you like there was nothing else he’d rather do, whining and whimpering like you were his first meal in weeks. “Fuck, Art,” you cried, barely keeping your eyes open so you could watch him move. “You’re gonna make me cum.”
He groaned at that, relenting the pressure of your thighs against his head just long enough to reply: “That’s it, baby, please.” If he had anything else to say, he couldn’t keep himself off of you long enough to finish, already pushing your thighs back against his head, nose bumping against your clit as he bobbed up and down.
It seemed like that was all it took, really. You squeezed his hand and his head embarrassingly tight as you felt yourself tip over the edge, head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut. Art kept up his rhythm as you cried out his name, your hips rolling against his face. He didn’t stop even when you’d come down, chest heaving, until you basically pushed him off, desperate for a moment of relief.
He kept a hand on your thigh, the other untangling from yours to push his blonde hair out of his eyes and look at you. He was breathing as hard as you were, you noticed. His mouth hung open as he panted, the entire bottom half of his face coated in saliva and your arousal. Fuck, he was pretty like this. “‘S good?”
You shook your head, beckoning him toward you and pulling him down by the back of his neck when he was close enough. “You’re unbelievable,” you murmured, lips against his almost before you were even done speaking. You didn’t mind the stickiness. You pulled back to look at him, then glanced down to the tent in his pants. “Lemme return the favor.”
Art let out a breathless chuckle. “I don’t think I’m gonna last that long,” he said, somewhat embarrassed. “Not if you’re the one touching me. Not after this.” He gestured to the shine still on his face, to your thighs beneath him. Your face burned, and your smile was so wide that your cheeks hurt.
You shrugged. “Lemme try anyway,” you said, before bringing his ear down to your lips, nipping at the lobe gently. “Please?”
He couldn’t say no to you.
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m-ayo-o · 6 months
Ok well now you just HAVE to write Itadori and Megumi with Bunny reader
brain is all mushy now. this one is super gross !! mdni pls god 18+ Yuji + Megumi 21+ x bunny girl. somno- being woken up with oral + someone already inside. unprotected sex, breeding, multiple rounds, mentions of double vaginal penetration, lengthy description of creampie ! unrealistic. fiction. CONSCIOUS CONSENT is always required !!! + wrap b4 u tap ty ted talk over pt. one ⋆ hybrid fics
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You slowly wake up from your lovely dreams of being filled by Yuji to a warm, wet sensation between your legs.
You suddenly feel so hot and your tummy is all full of arousal already, and you're only just peeking your eyes open.
"O-oh, oh-"
Your little voice alerts the two men that you're finally waking up, your eyelashes fluttering open to find...
Oh, he's back, your gorgeous owner is home...with his face between your legs, humming contently now you're awake.
"Megumi, owner, y-you- you're home-! ah-"
"Yeah, bunny, I'm back I love you I missed you so much" he sighs into you with a glance up your squirming body, returning his tongue immediately to lap and suck an orgasm from you.
"Nhgg, nhh ahhh-"
You can't believe he's got you there already.
And it's then, with your pussy clenching up and squeezing juice everywhere, that you realise you're not empty.
Oh no, you're far from empty. In fact, you're stuffed so full with something (someone) so warm and thick that your little head starts to spin.
"Hhahh-" your pussy flutters over him, the intense pleasure blowing your mind already and you've only been awake two minutes.
You slam your hands down to ground yourself, seeking purchase on the sheets, but your fingers dig into something firm and hot.
"Oh, bunny! Don't be so rough with me!" you hear the cutest giggle from behind you, his hot chest muscles against your back, and you know who it is right away.
You can't find your voice for a few more seconds, until the waves of pleasure start to subside.
"Yu- Yuuuji !!!!"
"Yeah honey bunny?"
"m sorry-"
"Bunny I was kidding, you can do whatever you want to me, just promise you won't stop squeezing my cock ok?"
"nh nhhh promise"
"I could barely even pull out of you last night you felt so good, cutie, so I just waited for Megumi to get home so we could share you. I hope that's ok?"
"unn uuhh uhhhhhuuhh"
You let out delirious moans, feeling Yuji's hips wiggle, jerking his cock ever so slightly inside you, while Megumi just keeps going.
He works your little clit some more, taking you higher with each release, then Yuji gets impatient. You feel him start to thrust slowly, with your back in a deep arch and his hands on your waist.
Megumi kneels up at the end of the bed and watches you two, now he can clearly see how stretched you are from Yuji's fat cock.
You're taking him so well, he wonders if he could fit inside your cute pussy at the same time... he could just kneel on top of Yuji's muscly thighs and shove his dick in.
He watches in a daze, jerking and edging himself to the thought of Yuji's veiny cock pushing against his own, thinking about just how tight you'd feel, and he wonders if you could do it.
That may be pushing you too far, so the thought of it will have to do for now.
Yuji asks to switch, taking your body below his so you can see his gorgeous face and run your fingers through his fuzzy undercut. He proceeds to push you into the deepest mating press, making you whimper out affectionately when he kisses your lips.
"Baby bunny you're so tight like this, you know that?"
"Yeah, aw you did? Does Megumi do this position with you too?"
You nod, with your ears flopping a little and your hands grabbing at the muscle of his shoulders.
"Mm, I bet Megumi loves it like this too, huh? Bet he loves filling your cute little pussy like this- shit- shit Gumi? Gumi can you show me, I, I wanna see?"
It's filthy but Yuji's too far gone to care. He needs to dump his thick load in you, then have his friend fill you up directly after.
"Please will you-ahh?"
"You want me to show you how I fuck my girl?"
"Yeahuhh uh huhh" he nods, getting more and more turned on with every thrust.
"Well you better finish up so I can take my turn. We can't both fit our dicks in there, can we?"
Yuji explodes at the thought of sharing you with Megumi. Of rubbing their wet cocks together, smearing your juice all over each other.
"Come on then, bunny," Megumi barely lets Yuji's cum trickle out of you before he's lining himself up, "let's get you filled up again and show him how we fuck"
It's hard to believe he's taking you in the same position, with his body pressed so hard on yours, his strength pinning you down and his teeth sinking into your neck.
"Oh fuck you do it so hard Megumi, that's mean, do you like that bunny, are you okay?"
"Yeah yeah Yuji it's - it's- ahh!!"
"Poor baby can't even tell him how good you feel, want me to slow down?"
"N-nhhuh no no no!!!!"
"You like it like this?"
Of course you do.
You're a little too fucked out to tell him exactly how you're feeling, but not so much that you can't start begging for his cum.
He knew you'd start this up at some point- you always do. When he fucks you for so long, for his own pleasure, you end up whining that he needs to hurry up and cum already.
You keep on begging, changing your usual tune slightly-
"Megumi, owner, Yuji's not inside me anymore," you cry, sounding so upset at the fact, "I want you both, ple-please I need it..."
"Hm," he hums into your neck, pausing his biting and kissing, "you want to suck him?"
"N-no- no- want him... inside with you," you sniffle and plead your owner understands.
You hear a groan from Yuji, who still recovering but slowly stroking his growing hard on.
"Baby, we won't fit. You've seen- felt how big he is."
Your owner is firm with this matter, telling you that it won't work and maybe next time you can try it if you behave really well.
So you sniffle and push aside your thoughts of Yuji and him filling you together, as if it wouldn't be the most satisfying pleasure in the world for such a needy bunny in heat.
But, at least you have both of their sweet loads inside you, with Megumi pressing a final hot kiss to your lips. He pushes himself so deep you can feel the heat of his creamy mess right near your cervix. He knows you won't get pregnant this time, but one day... he might just have to fulfil your insatiable natural desires.
He pulls out so slow- he knows you're filled up for now. He knows this look on your face oh so well. You've been completely taken care of, and this could be the end of your ridiculous horny heat behaviours.
But, when his dick is sliding out, his tip popping through your tight entrance, and he sees the gushing white liquid... his eyes cloud over again.
"Bunny-" his fingers find the cream now, spreading it over your lips and pushing it back inside.
Yuji hears how his friend is moaning and leans forward to look for himself.
"Oh, fuck, sweetie-" he's amazed at the amount of cum that's spilling from you right now and can't help but join his friend.
He extends his fingers- thicker and rougher than Megumi's- and they push in two digits each, spreading your hole nicely.
With the drag of their fingers and the lubrication of their thick loads, your body convulses with another orgasm.
But now you can see how they're looking at you, with their dicks hard and flushed again- Yuji's getting those thick and pulsing veins while Megumi's bends up with precum leaking at the tip again- you know they're not done with you.
And now, they're the ones begging for you.
"One more round, princess?"
"Is that okay, sweetie?"
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yuji | megumi | m.list | pt. one
💜 megumi taglist : @nobody289x -> check taglist + rules, then comment or inbox to join ! ^-^
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smutoperator · 18 days
How about a fic about Chaeyoung and Somi swapping partners with their boyfriends? I think it could be a good idea for a fic.
-Sana's husband-
Wild Swingers
Son Chaeyoung, Jeon Somi x Male Reader, Somi's Boyfriend
Tags: (lots of) A2M, (lots of) anal, (a little) armpit play, boyfriend swap, catfight, couch sex, creampie, (lots of) deepthroating, (lots of) dirty talking, (lots of) double penetration, griding, jealousy, lesbian, mating press, multiple orgasms, P2M, orgy, rough sex, squirting, spitting, standing DP, titfucking, tribbing, wet pussies
Word count: 7462
Somi and Chaeyoung were having a joint date with both their boyfriends, enjoying themselves as they took them to many places in the city to have fun. Eating, drinking, playing—everything. The two girls were truly having a great day as they were about to head back to Somi's room, until Chaeyoung brought up a question to her best friend.
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"You find my boyfriend hot, don't you? Do you wanna fuck him?" Somi got caught by surprise when Chaeyoung suddenly asked this without any filter. "What? No!" Somi got caught by her bestie's boldness. She knew Chaeyoung was a little wild girl, but not to the point of offering her own boyfriend to her best friend. "Well, I mean..." Somi started to hesitate. "You want him; I know you," Chaeyoung replied.
"The plain is fairly simple," Chaeyoung continued. "You can fuck him if I can fuck your boyfriend; done deal?" she asked. "You want to swap?" Somi asked. "Let's tease them, and once we get home, they'll fuck our brains out," Chaeyoung said. "I like the way this is going," Somi said.
The two girls entered a photo booth as the final activity of the day. "Wait for us outside," they told their boyfriends. Somi and Chaeyoung took increasingly naughty pics, with Chaeyoung even sharing one on Instagram with their underwear exposed. But their boyfriends got to see even more, as they later took it off and photographed themselves with Somi's boobs and Chaeyoung's pussy fully on display, as a tease for later in the day.
"Holy shit, you girls have no shame," you told your girlfriend. "We love to tease," Chaeyoung replied to you. "Guys, come to my house; the fun is far from over," Somi continued. "Sure," you told her. "A little extra fun won't be bad at all," you continued.
You four arrived at Somi's house, following her boyfriend as he took a couple beer cans out of the refrigerator. "Girls, do you want some?" he asked. "Maybe later," Somi replied to her boyfriend. "We need to chill a bit here on the couch," she continued. 
Chaeyoung doesn't seem to want to stop at any moment, finger-fucking Somi's pussy into oblivion. "It's better than your boyfriend's cock, isn't it?" she asks. "You have no shame saying this in front of... fuckkkk." Somi can't even finish the sentence; as Chaeyoung fucks her so fast, she decides to join her; after all, two hands stimulating a wet pussy is definitely better than one.
Somi's boyfriend and you took a few snacks to eat and drank a couple beers, roaming around the kitchen in just your underwear and bragging to each other about your girlfriends and feeling lucky about having a pair of hot and wild idols willing to share a date. Both of you were ready to drink more beers until low-pitched screams coming from the living room interrupted you.
Both guys couldn't process the insanity that was ensuing on the couch. Somi and Chaeyoung had started a catfight between them, dropping to the floor. When the guys arrived, Chaeyoung was already yanking Somi's bra and unveiling her naked tits. You two almost intervened, but let the two girls fight a little. Such best friends wouldn't start doing such things without a plan, after all, would they?
The guys stayed watching as the girls slowly took their clothes off of each other. Chaeyoung may be the smaller one, but her strength was clearly no match for Somi, who at this point only had her tiny panties on, and just barely, with her long legs and huge chest already fully exposed. Chaeyoung picked up a bit of water from the adjacent table and poured it on Somi's bare body, making her best friend already wet.
Chaeyoung tripped herself up as she tossed the water into Somi, laughing while doing so. You two just decided to sit, watch, and enjoy it, as it proved to be quite entertaining to watch them fight. As soon as Chaeyoung got back on her feet, she tossed Somi to the couch. "Oh my God, you're such a naughty bitch," the tall Wasian said as Chaeyoung got fully on top of her.
The two kept fighting and laughing on the couch, but Chaeyoung was more effective at taking her friend's clothes off, pulling Somi's thong all the way down to her thighs, and exposing her bare ass, allowing you to catch a glimpse of her anus and pussy as well.
Somi tried to take Chaeyoung's clothes, but the little spinner resisted as hard as she could. Instead, she managed to strip Somi fully naked and give the guys a full frontal view of her best friend. "I knew you were no match for me; you are just tits on a stick," Chaeyoung said, talking trash to Somi. "If I'm just tits on a stick, how about you suck them, little bitch?" Somi responded, topping little Chaeyoung and shoving her massive milkers right into her friend's face. Chaeyoung pushed back, and the two shared a hot kiss, their bodies hotly bumping into each other.
"Oh shit," Somi moaned as Chaeyoung started massaging her naked body, first groping her tits, then running her fingers into Somi's pussy, before running her hands all over her body. "Now let me suck those titties," Chaeyoung said as Somi dove them straight into her mouth, letting her bestie lick them harder than a baby searching for its mother's milk. Chaeyoung kept moving her naughty tongue up and down, left and right, turning Somi on and getting her wet with ease, then spltting and groping them. 
Somi tried to follow and took Chaeyoung's bra off, exposing her own little tits as the tall wasian grinded her pussy against Chaeyoung's fabric, which was followed by stretching her hands right onto Somi's cunt. "Take those off," she told Somi, who proceeded to pull Chaeyoung's panties down as the two started rubbing their pussies against each other, and Somi dove onto Chaeyoung's point nipples to suck them.
"Spit on them, nasty bitch," Chaeyoung ordered, and Somi followed. The little cutie took advantage of Somi stopping her tit sucking and got up the couch to suck the blonde's massive honkers, placing her small head between them. "Oh fuck, you really want those tits all to yourself, cunt," she told Chaeyoung. "Yes, I do; give me all of it," Chaeyoung replied as Somi's big boobs muffled her words.
Somi helped Chaeyoung take her boots off, leaving herself wearing just a pair of sexy red fishnets. "You've got a foot fetish now?" she laughed as Somi started kissing Chaeyoung's little legs and tiny toes. The two then started a little game. "Let's see who squirts first," Chaeyoung said, as both put one of their hands in their pussies and fingered them nonstop, Chaeyoung making sure to grab Somi's boobs while she did it.
"How about we do this together?" Somi said, locking her pussy against Chaeyoung's as the two started a hot tribbing session. Somi moved her hips as she sexily moaned. Her soft and slim slit felt quite overwhelmed by Chaeyoung's meaty cunt rubbing against it. Somi is usually straighter than a pole, but that friction against Chaeyoung's throbbing folds was really turning her on, making her push harder as the tribbing went by.
"Work my pussy," Chaeyoung demanded as she spanked Somi's ass in approval and licked her chops, their clits fully interlocked now. "You're going to get that wet before even getting fucked," Chaeyoung said. "HAHAHAHA!" Somi let out a massive laugh, the two interlocking their legs and squirting fountains from their pussies.
"Let me lick it," Somi demanded as she dove her head into Chaeyoung's core. "If you want it so much, then take it," Chaeyoung said, grabbing Somi's head and dunking it into her folds. Even though Chaeyoung was the one being eaten out, it was Somi who was moaning. "Hmmm, you love that wet, sloppy pussy; let me print it all over your face," Chaeyoung said. "Taste me; let me cum all over your mouth. Put that tongue all over my pussy," she continued.
Somi follows Chaeyoung's orders and quickly drives her little bestie over the moon. She always bragged about being a good tongue-kisser, and it seems like those skills translate well into eating pussies. You feel a little envy, as it feels like you are no match for what Somi is doing and that making Chaeyoung cum just with your tongue is so hard to come by. Meawnhile, Somi can do that with such ease.
Chaeyoung lets out lout moans as Somi's tongue sends shivers down her spine. "You dirty fucking girl," she tells her, laughing. "You never told me you could eat pussy like that," she said. "I didn't know that either," Somi said as she slapped Chaeyoung's cunt after she cums, letting her best friend squirt out further juices.
"My turn," Chaeyoung says, flipping Somi around. "Dirty bitch already spitting on that fucking pussy, such a dirty girl, Somi says as Chaeyoung outs her whole hand inside her mouth. "Get this pussy wet for my boyfriend," she continues. You overhear it but feel confused, thinking she was talking about Somi's own boyfriend.
Chaeyoung makes a mess of Somi's pussy, fingering it in an insane way. "Ahhhhh fuck," Somi says, unable to handle the pressure from Chaeyoung's magical hands. Without even using her mouth, she makes Somi cum with ease and turns her into a moaning mess, finishing the job with lots of licking into Somi's throbbing clit that makes her friend squirt a river.
At this point, you and Somi's boyfriend can't contain yourselves and start jerking off at the sight of your girlfriends fucking the shit out of each other. They are just too hot for you two to handle, and even better when they combine forces, as you two really start pondering why they haven't done this earlier.
Chaeyoung doesn't seem to stop finger-fucking Somi's pussy nonstop. "Better than your boyfriend's cock, bitch?" she asks. "That's bold of you to say it in front of... fuckkk." Somi can't even finish the sentence, as Chaeyoung keeps plowing her fingers deep in her cunt rather than joining her best friend, as two hands stimulating a pussy is better than one. "OH FUCK, OH YEAH, AHHHHH, GOD, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH," Somi turns into a screaming mess as Chaeyoung gives her an evil laughter, enjoying her big tit friend cum like a big whore.
"Come on, come on," Chaeyoung says. "I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING, OH SHIT." Somi screams as Chaeyoung's hands stay obliterating her pussy and as Somi starts trembling in orgasms, she finishes her with more licks all over her clit while burying those fingers even deeper into Somi's cunt.
"I see you guys are ready to join the fun," Chaeyoung says. You run in her direction as she smiles at you, already noticing your throbbing erection under your panties, getting up as you kiss her. "We are going to do something different today," she says. "You'll take Somi, and I'll take her boyfriend," she continues. You hesitate a bit, as you have never done a boyfriend swap before. "Are you sure?" you ask Chaeyoung. "Yes, we already set everything up; we are ready and wet," she responds.
Somi moves in your direction, still trembling from her orgasm. Her fully naked body is truly wonderful. Just her tits alone would make her extremely hot, but she's got great legs, a beautiful face, a sexy tummy, and a pink, peach-shaped pussy. The two girls kneel on the floor, and Somi starts with a slow but hot sucking of your cock, which contrasts to Chaeyoung's frenetical blowjob to Somi's boyfriend, where she's already taking his shaft deep in her small throat from the start. Somi, on the other hand, likes to build things up calmly, adjusting as she finds the best spots to suck your cock.
"That feels so good," you tell Somi as she moves her mouth further down your shaft. Chaeyoung, on the other side, shows no mercy to Somi's boyfriend's cock, twisting it hard as she bobs her head on it as fast as she can. If just a little deepthroat is enough to make Somi gag and go back to your tip, Chaeyoung just takes any cock balls deep in her throat until she runs completely out of air.
"That's a good whore, spitting all over that cock," Somi's boyfriend tells Chaeyoung, who is already getting extremely loud and sloppy, with some of her saliva landing on his hips. Meanwhile, Somi tries to stay focused and do her best work on your cock, slowly jerking it off. Their styles may be very different, but both are more than satisfying to their partners.
Somi's pretty face is too hard for you to resist as you puush your cock up into her throat, testing her to see if she can take it full speed. Somi slows you down a bit, managing to get the perfect pace for her pleasure. On the other side, it would be incorrect to say Chaeyoung is getting her face fucked. With the way she keeps bobbing, it's rather her face that is fucking Somi's boyfriend pole.
Their contrasting styles really create a hot sexual atmosphere in the room. Somi is like a slutty princess, enjoying herself as she slaps your cock into her big tits, while Chaeyoung is just a nasty, dirty whore, trying to take the life out of the cock she's sucking, putting her best friend's boyfriend on the edge as she bites his cock as if she's an electric eel, shocking her target.
"Ohhh shit," Somi's boyfriend screams as Chaeyoung makes his cock throb hard. "Put it down my fucking throat," she demands, wanting it more. You watch it and get flashbacks of when you two started dating and you filled her mouth full of cum after one deepthroating and thought you had literally blown it with her. Now you see her repeating the same moves on another guy.
You just let Somi take her time. You're very enamored with her; she just oozes sexiness, and the methodical way she works on your cock leads to great arousal. If Chaeyoung just straight up swallows any cock she sees on sight, Somi likes to savor them.
Somi gets rewarded with a hot facefuck for her great blowjob as you two slowly build up more chemistry. She naugthly stares at you and signals she's ready for more, giving some love to your balls for the first time. Chaeyoung and Somi's boyfriend fill the room with all the noise as you and Somi opt for silent work and get to know each other better. 
"Holy fuck!" Somi's boyfriend screams as Chaeyoung continues to attack his cock nonstop. "My dirty boy loves this dirty girl getting down that cock, doesn't it?" she asks. Somi herself decides to get a little sloppier, starting a louder blowjob as she spits on your cock and pops it in and out of her mouth, making sexy sounds.
"Suck that pipe, suck that pipe." The order comes from Somi's boyfriend to Chaeyoung, but his girlfriend also follows suit with it. Both girls are now deepthroating their opposing boyfriend's shafts. Chaeyoung handles it with ease, giving commands like "Look at me while I blow your fucking cock, and don't ever think of cumming," but your hard thrusts into her throat end up being a struggle for Somi, who decides to bring out her not-so-secret weapon.
Somi places your cock between her boobs. It was what you had been dreaming of the moment you saw her. And it blew even your highest expectations out of the water. Her tits are just perfect sized for your cock to wrap around them, squeezing it at the perfect spots, but also to slide up and down them, making banging them more pleasurable than fucking a lot of pussies out there.
Somi licks your chest as you fuck hers, then you two kiss each other and enjoy yourselves. You never thought it was going to be this good, but barely five minutes in, you're in love with her. Meanwhile. Chaeyoung just wants to be as nastiest as possible to Somi's boyfriend, throbbing cock, making a mess of it, and licking its balls to tip like there was no tomorrow.
"God damn it!" Somi's boyfriend screams as he tries his best not to blow his entire semen on Chaeyoung's slutty face. Meanwhile, it's all about kissing and fucking her tits between you and Somi, who grabs them with her hands and squeezes your cock even further as you get more and more addicted to her massive fun bags.
"Ahhh, fuck, please don't stop fucking my titties," Somi says as she enjoys every time your throbbing tip emerges out of her knockers, diving down to lick it a few times, her hands wrapping around them even further. Your cock and her boobs seem like a match made in heaven, to the point you wouldn't be opposed to going all day just banging them.
Chaeyoung feels a little jealous watching you and Somi have all that boob fun. It's truly the thing she envies her best friend the most, as her small tits are a huge contrast to Somi's big melons. But she gets creative and finds a way to have Somi's boyfriend's huge cock rubbing on her body, mimicking you two's titty fun using her armpits instead. This is something Somi's boyfriend isn't accustomed to, but he enjoys it a lot. "If you think it's very tight, wait until you see my pussy," she brags.
"Then let me see it," Somi's boyfriend replies. As his girlfriend is still busy pleasing your cock with her knockers, he and Chaeyoung are ready to move towards raw and animalesque fucking. They work together to bring the couch to the other side of the room, as she wants both couples side by side. It takes a while for you and Somi to notice, as it feels like her chest has placed some kind of enchantment on you. She licks yours while you suck hers. By the time you do, Chaeyoung is already sitting on Somi's boyfriend's pole and getting her cunt impaled.
Somi decides to do something different and sucks your cock a little more before getting it inside her. It's good that her sexy mouth at least tries to distract you as you watch Chaeyoung riding her boyfriend's cock and making some of the craziest facial expressions you've seen. "She never did this to me," you start thinking. Meanwhile, you won't be seeing those reactions from Somi or her big tits bouncing as she decides to sit on it in a reverse cowgirl position.
All that jealousy goes out of the window the moment your cock enters Somi's warm folds. Her pussy tightens so hard that as soon as you get inside her, you have to hold yourself back, not to cum. Also, you finally get time to appreciate the backside of Somi's body. Her tits may be her best-known asset, but she's got an amazingly fit and toned ass that makes the perfect clapping sound every time it descends down your hips. Soon, Somi's delicious body and perfect pussy make you forget about the loud noises from Chaeyoung on the other couch.
"You like how I ride your fucking cock like that? You like your fucking cock in my tight little pussy?" Chaeyoung asks, as Somi's boyfriend can only groan, with her attacking his cock in full force and getting increasingly louder. "FUCK" Chaeyoung scrreams as she fingers her pussy, looking more and more like a crazy nymphomaniac.
On your side, Somi places her hands on your chest and keeps bouncing on your dick, slowly increasing her pace. She spreads her ass a little to ease up the pressure your massive cock exerts on her tight holes, twerking on it once she gets adjusted. The way her ass moves is amazing. Somi may not have the fattest butt, but she knows how to move it up and down a cock.
If Somi's pussy has full control over you, with her start teasing you and rubbing her entrance against your tip, on the other side, it's her boyfriend that treats Chaeyoung like his fuckdoll, pumping his cock up and down her pussy as a rough punishment for her for being such a whore. The more she moans and screams, the more he attacks. "AHHHHHHHH, FUCKKKKKK," is all Chaeyoung can say as Somi's boyfriend prick bulges under her belly and hits her cervix until it makes her cum.
Somi tastes her juice out of your cock, while her boyfriend's is getting creamed by Chaeyoung's squirt. "Give me your pussy one more time," she tells her, showing no mercy for the little spinner still recovering from her orgasm. Somi, standing up a little while jerking your throbbing cock, gets a privileged view of watching her best friend turn into her boyfriend's fleshlight.
"You've been so good to me; you deserve to see my tits bouncing as I sit on your cock," Somi says, switching to a regular cowgirl position and mirroing Chaeyoung, who moans so loudly it hurts Somi's ears. She presses on to your muscular chest and sets them free for you to enjoy the bounce and grope them as she rides you, trying to do her best to concentrate as Chaeyoung has turned into a screaming mess.
The two girls compete for attention. Somi lets her bouncy boobs do the talking, but Chaeyoung's shaking orgasms are entertaining to watch. In the end, both of you are feeling blessed to have such sexy beauties and masters of fucking bouncing on your cocks nonstop. Both girls keep challenging each other, seeking both men's approval as they engage in a grinding competition and put both throbbing cocks on the edge. But unlike in their early catfight, it's Somi who comes on top this time, rotating on your cock with her body floating in the air in an extremely sexy way that puts you over the moon.
Somi keeps teasing you and starts rubbing her folds in your shaft, her boobs getting louder than ever. You can't help but want to satisfy her appetite even further: "I want to fuck your ass right now," you tell her. "Ooooh, you want to fuck my ass?" Somi naughtily asks. "Yes, didn't you hear it?" you reply.
Chaeyoung hears you two talking and asks Somi's boyfriend the same thing. You put Somi sideways on the couch and entered her tight asshole. "Oh, fuck yeah," Somi says as you slowly bury your shaft in her anus. You start with very soft pumps, not wanting to break her, but you quickly notice she is well accustomed to anal sex and start pumping faster. Chaeyoung, trying not to lag behind, pushes Somi's boyfriend back down the couch and goes back to sitting on this dick, this time anally and in reverse.
If you and Somi opt for passionate spooning anal fucking, Chaeyoung goes straight for the kill, manhandling Somi's boyfriend's cock while she fingers herself, tightening her hole even further. "My ass is so fucking tight," both girls repeat almost at the same time, as Somi also gets increasingly aroused by her butthole being stretched out."
"I want this cock so bad; I want you to fuck me so hard," Chaeyoung says. Meanwhile, Somi is all about moaning as your cock keeps stabbing her clenching asshole. "FUCK MY ASS, FUCK MY ASS!" Chaeyoung screams as she starts squirting all over Somi's boyfriend's hips. 
Chaeyoung finds a way around Somi's body and kisses you while you're still fucking her best friend. "Do you enjoy watching me get fucked in the ass, daddy?" she asks, but you ignore your screaming whore girlfriend and focus on Somi, leading her to bounce even harder on Somi's boyfriend's cock. Meanwhile, Somi's own ass got so tight that you struggled to get halfway inside it. God, you never knew she could be so tight.
The more the assfucking goes on, the bigger of a whore Chaeyoung gets. She lies on Somi's boyfriend's chest now and lets him pound her in a pearly gates position while groping her tiny tits. She now squirts once every five seconds. She looks to your side, her body limping and itching as she gets pounded to oblivion, but she can only see your ass as you put Somi under an anal mating press and treat your slutty girlfriend with indifference.
You pound Somi's ass hard, finally managing to carve up her tight hole and making her moan and scream in a loud way for the first time. "Fuck me balls deep," she demands of you. On the other sofa, Chaeyoung gets placed under a full Nelson, making her asshole gape even further and forcing her to hold herself by Somi's boyfriend's knees. "God damn it, it feels so fucking good; pound my fucking asshole; fucking give it to me, deep in my asshole," she says while getting ragdolled.
"Let me suck my ass off your fucking cock," Chaeyoung says as she stands up and throats Somi's boyfriend, enjoying her dirty anal juices and twising his shaft. Somi follows suit with your cock, taking it deep in her throat. While she does it, you call Chaeyoung with a request.
"I want to fuck your ass too," you tell her. But Chaeyoung is too focused on a different cock to listen to you, performing a 69 on Somi's boyfriend. "You want to fuck my asshole? Tell your girlfriend to allow it," Chaeyoung finally responds, leaving the answer up to Somi. "Fuck her asshole," she says immediately.
You never had an easier entrance to Chaeyoung's butthole than today. Her hole is already massively gaped from the previous fucking, unlike her usual tight self. As you easily stretch her butt out, Chaeyoung reminds herself of how much she has missed that thick cock of yours. Somi and her boyfriend just watch as Chaeyoung gets her anus further gaped. You show her no mercy after seeing what she just did minutes before, and with this pounding, you have a feeling of revenge over her being such a slut.
"Put that fucking back in my ass; fucking give it to me." Chaeyoung demands, as your cock slides out just for a second. She is thirsty even after a rough pounding. The more you fuck her, the more she wants it and talks dirty. You start spanking her. But she's unfazed. This whore is truly insatiable, to the point where you start wondering if just one cock will be enough to satisfy her.
"You like that?" you ask Chaeyoung as you keep slapping her ass. "Yes, don't ask those stupid questions and slap my butt," she replies. You pull out a bit to admire the gape in her anus, but you think it can grow even larger. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung reaches her hands out to Somi's pussy as her best friend sits her ass on her boyfriend's cock. "Oh, that's a tight asshole," Somi says, and you attested to it just a few minutes ago.
Somi gives Chaeyoung a naughty stare as her pussy gets fingered. She truly wanted to ride your cock like that in the ass, but after you pounded her so hard, she decided to take a little break and get back to the safety of her boyfriend. But in the end, her hole was already so sore that she quickly started to feel the burn after a few rides.
"Ride his dick like a fucking whore; let him stretch your ass," Chaeyoung told some, who suddenly left the pain behind and got naughtier, roating on her boyfriend's cock. "Keep going, keep going," Chaeyoung said, which could be an incentive either to you or to Somi. You took it, switching her from the doggy position she found herself in since you penetrated her asshole and putting her under a rough, pile driver that made her squirt all over the room as you pounded her balls deep.
"I'm ready to be filled with two fucking cocks in my holes," Chaeyoung said after a while. Your answer was just to put her on the floor and lift her leg up, forcing Chaeyoung to cling onto the couch as you further manhandled her asshole. "I guess your holes are so used up that one cock or two cocks won't make a difference," you mocked her.
Somi cleaned up her boyfriend's cock, preparing Chaeyoung to sit her pussy on it. You immediately filled the void and didn't let the gorgeous Wasian go without anything to do, grabbing her by the boobs and shoving your cock on her face for her to suck. Somi took it to the fullest, enjoying the new anal flavor from Chaeyoung in your cock. "That tastes so good," she said.
As Chaeyoung prepared to sit once again on Somi's boyfriend, you two were still busy. Somi just didn't want to let go of your cock, even as Chaeyoung's asshole was almost begging to be filled up, winking at each thrust she received in her cunt. But Somi was addicted to the taste of Chaeyoung's butthole and missed your cock very badly, deciding to be a little selfish.
Chaeyoung got a little upset with her best friend, craving your cock. "You're taking too long, bitch," but Somi just couldn't listen. Just after a while, she gave the green light: "Ready to fuck your whore girlfriend's ass again?" she said, finally freeing your cock. "Yes," you answered her. "Then give it back to her ass," Somi continued.
An impatient Chaeyoung continued to bounce on Somi's boyfriend's cock harder than ever, making loud noises on the couch. She stopped as soon as she saw your cock coming in her direction, but you still teased her a little, missing her hole intentionally. Somi slapped Chaeyoung and asked her, "Ready to take two at the same time in front of your best friend, slut?". 
The scream of joy Chaeyoung gave when you finally inserted your cock back in her ass was enough to answer. She rested her head on Somi's left boob as the pair of cocks started working on her holes together. Somi loved watching it, especially your cock at the top pumping in and out of Chaeyoung's ass. She quickly found out you two would be relentless to her, splitting her tiny body up with no regard. Chaeyoung got clingier and clingier to Somi, fingering her best friend's pussy to endure the scorching pounding she was taking.
"OH FUCKKKKK!" Chaeyoung screams. "Fuck her," Somi told both you and her boyfriend. It turns out that very few things are hotter than a short girl being double-stuffed by a pair of cocks. Chaeyoung started breaking apart, but you weren't going to lift off. "You said you could take it; now there is no going back," you told her, giving her a little tap in the ass.
"Get your fucking cock back in my hole," Chaeyoung said when you slid out. She slowly rose up to the challenge, but you showed her who was in control, increasing your pace and destroying her asshole, turning her back into a screaming mess. "Suck my fucking titties; they want some love from a tiny little slut like you." Somi poked fun at Chaeyoung as she reached to lick her melons.
"Keep fucking me like a dirty little slut; get deep inside both my fucking holes; come on guys," Chaeyoung demanded as you two got the perfect sync to hit her holes. "Ride those cocks, come on," both of you told her. Chaeyoung kept getting stretched out, her face now on Somi's lap, who was now spanking her back, enjoying watching her best friend become a cocksleeve.
Chaeyoung almost teared up when you two finished fucking her, but tried to show some strength by going right back to riding Somi's boyfriend's cock. You, still behind her, quickly put her back in her place, mounting on top of her and giving Chaeyoung the roughest assfucking of the day yet. "Who owns you, bitch?" you asked her. "It's you, baby; you own me; you own my fucking asshole; your fucking cock was built to destroy it," she answered.
Somi kissed Chaeyoung and tried to provide a little relief for her bestie, but the more she watched her getting double penetrated, the more she wanted it for herself. But it was all a ploy. As soon as Somi offered help, you pumped Chaeyoung even deeper, and when Somi offered her tits for Chaeyoung to suck, you got even rougher.
"Give it to me; give it to me harder," Chaeyoung said. You followed her orders to the fullest, manhandling her ass in a way you had never done before. "I FUCKING WANT IT HARDER... OH MY GOD," Chaeyoung collapsed on both your cocks, completely out of breath and panting. "Damn, you're looking like this, and it's not even an airtight one," you mocked her.
"Taste your dirty ass and your fucking pussy," you ordered her, as Chaeyoung crawled and dove first into Somi's boyfriend before maniacally cleaning yours. "Is this the taste you like so much, Somi?" she asked her best friend. "Yes, I hope your pussy tastes just as good," Somi says, taking her boyfriend's cock to do the cleanup.
You fucked Chaeyoung's face with the same intensity you did to her ass, while Somi kept tasting her boyfriend's prick and jerking it off. "You want to feel two cocks inside you too?" you asked her. "Yeah," Somi gleefully answered. And you knew if Chaeyoung could do it in her tiny frame, it wouldn't be a problem for a girl of Somi's stature.
Chaeyoung made sure to get your cock as ready as possible for Somi, spitting all over it and shaking it hard. You kept teasing Somi. "Ready to get fucked by two cocks at the same time?" you asked again. "Yes, I am," she smiled. "When?" you asked. "Right now," she replied. "Then come here," you ordered her.
Somi sat her pussy on your shaft. "God damn it, your pussy is so fucking wet," you told her. Somi promptly answered the praise for her cunt by twerking it on your cock. Her boyfriend suddenly joined; his hard thrusts up her ass were perfect to you, making her tits bounce right at your face. "You like two fucking cocks filling you up right now, since you asked so much for it, slut?" Chaeyoung poked Somi, who could only pray to God now.
Chaeyoung spat on Somi's boyfriend's cock a lot; she knows taking on her best friend's tight asshole is always a hell of a challenge. You just gave her pussy slow pumps, enjoying her tits to the fullest in your mouth and making them your personal playground.
Somi's holes started queefing as the fucking continued, and she clenched them, enjoying the bliss of getting double-stuffed. At the bottom of the pile, you were having the best life, torn between Somi's massive knockers and your girlfriend's wet pussy. "Fucking cum all over them," Chaeyoung demanded, grabbing Somi's hair as you two fucked her harder, staring her best friend down and giving her a sexy look.
"It seems like our boyfriends are punishing us with hard fucks in the ass for cheating on them; maybe we should do this more often," Chaeyoung said as Somi endured the same as she did before. Another queefing sound came out of Somi's holes. "Stop farting, bitch, and take those cocks," Chaeyoung mocked her best friend's tightness.
"I love watching your tight holes get obliterated," Chaeyoung said. Somi didn't answer her, focusing on just taking those cocks. "Just like me, you're a dirty slut now, getting stretched out like that," she continued. "Fuck yeah, I am," Somi said.
"Then show me." Her boyfriend came out of nowhere and pumped Somi's ass even deeper. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! FUCK ME! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Her screams filled the room as Somi got massacred by her boyfriend's throbbing cock. "Come on, give me your cum," her boyfriend said. "Follow him; do it, Somi," Chaeyoung followed.
Somi releases her orgasm as you give her ass a little tap. Her DP was perfect for you to rest as you let her boyfriend do most of the work and got to enjoy eating and sucking her and Chaeyoung out. But even after cumming, her boyfriend doesn't seem done with her. After all, jealousy goes both ways, and he saw her being all clingy to you and worshipping your cock with her tits and pussy in a way she hadn't done to him in a while.
Somi finally gets a break after a long DP. She can barely walk, and her head is spinning, but both cocks are already lined up for her to taste her holes. It is what this selfish cunt likes the most; she already tasted Chaeyoung's but wanted hers too, alternating between both cocks. Then Chaeyoung chimed in and took Somi's boyfriend cock for some more nasty ass-to-mouth, like the dirty whore she is.
"Your ass tastes so good in this fucking cock," Chaeyoung told Somi, who was focused on your cock above all else. "Oh my God, you're such a good cocksucker; keep going; worship my dick." Somi's boyfriend praised Chaeyoung's blowjob skills, wondering to himself if he hadn't cum yet despite all her efforts.
You two weren't done, and you got addicted to this double penetration thing. "Give me that pussy," you told Chaeyoung, carrying her tiny body and stuffing your cock in her cunt. Somi sat on the couch, recovering from the pounding she had just taken, watching Chaeyoung get lifted in the air as her boyfriend followed suit and stuffed her best friend in the ass.
"Come on, right there," Chaeyoung invited the challenge, riding both cocks while mid-air and performing a hot standing DP. Somi couldn't help but  watch as she got on her knees and took a look at both those massive cocks taking turns pumping little Chaeng like nothing. "Holy shit, you guys are filling her up well," Somi said, getting even closer and staring right at Chaeyoung's stretched-out fuckholes.
"Bounce up and down those cocks, baby," you told Chaeyoung, who quickly obliged. "There you go," you praised her as she clinged one arm to each of you, screaming as she got stretched out. You put Chaeyoung back on the ground, noticing Somi's return to the frame as you fed your girlfriend's pussy for her to taste. Meanwhile, in the background, her boyfriend took Chaeyoung's sore asshole all by himself and manhandled her.
Somi pulled her boyfriend's cock out of Chaeyoung's ass to taste her favorite hole once again. Chaeyoung took sloppy seconds of her pussy, gripping your cock as soon as Somi left. You could see how much Somi was obsessed with the taste of her best friend's butthole by the enthusiastic way she sucked her boyfriend's meat, which even resembled some of Chaeyoung's high-octane blowjobs early on.
"You look so good sucking his cock," Chaeyoung told Somi, who replied in the same way. The two girls knew this wouldn't go on for long; they made sure their boyfriends would be ready for the final stages of this whole debauchery. Their sloppy blowjobs had both your cocks reinvingorated and harder than ever, ready for even more even after such a long fucking, as both of you rewarded them by slapping your hard meats into their needy faces while they stuck their tongues out.
Chaeyoung climbed back into your lap as you carry fucked her once more, with Somi still busy with her boyfriend's cock, before letting it go so Chaeyoung could enjoy a couple extra minutes of standing DP that she loved so much, with Somi going down low to massage both cocks balls as you two thursted up Chaeyoung's fuckholes.
"These two cocks are doing a great job; I want to try them together again," Somi said down low. If Chaeyoung did something, she was going to follow. This time, they swapped cocks, with Somi back to sucking yours while Chaeyoung took Somi's boyfriend. "I'll take your ass this time," you told Somi, putting your thumb in her mouth as she jerked your cock off. You two kissed each other and went straight to the couch, with Somi quickly sitting on your meat.
Somi got her asshole plowed from the start, with Chaeyoung giving her pussy a little fingering before allowing Somi's boyfriend to take it. All three of you attacked Somi hard, making sure she would feel completely overwhelmed. Her boyfriend is pumping her pussy, you are taking her ass, and Chaeyoung is groping her big tits. "Tell us how much you love it," Chaeyoung asked. But Somi couldn't answer, as the pumps got faster and the groping got harder. "AHHHHH. "YEAHHHH!" was all she could scream, sandwiched between two horny men destroying her tight holes and a slutty friend who couldn't help but follow everybody else into their addiction towards her tits.
Chaeyoung sat her pussy on Somi's beautiful face and grinded on it while you two kept stretching her out. Somi had turned into a fucktoy for all three of you, the perfect stress relief. The top cumslut. "Look at your boyfriend, Somi; tell him how much you want those cocks filling you up," Chaeyoung said, lifing her best friend's head out her pussy. "I want every inch of it," Somi said. "Then, are you gonna cum all over them?" her boyfriend replied.
"Yes, I will. AHHHHH. FUCK YEAH!" Somi screams as her body twists in orgasm after orgasm. For some seconds, it feels like she died and ascended to heaven, even if three devils were fucking the shit out of her and just couldn't stop. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!" she screamed as a squirt dropped out of her pussy. 
But that wasn't enough, and it only made both of you pump her harder and Chaeyoung grope her harder. Tall, blonde, gorgeous, and full of milk in her chest, Somi was the perfect woman to get double penetrated at every possible turn. Chaeyoung enjoys it a lot, as she has her best friend's big boobs all by herself and gropes them nonstop. "Are you gonna fucking cum again?" she asks Somi. "YEAHHHHHHH, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME," Somi answers, unleashing even more juices from her cunt.
Somi quickly jumps to taste her ass from your cock, while Chaeyoung scoops her best friend's pussy juices. "We aren't done yet," she says as the two continue to suck both guys cocks sloppily. "You're so nasty," Somi's boyfriend says about Chaeyoung before putting her on the couch to fuck her pussy. "Lick my pussy while he fucks me," Chaeyoung orders to Somi, who dives down it. You, seeing Somi on all fours, stick your cock in her pussy as she sucks Chaeyoung's tits and massages her pussy.
Both guys now just want to finish. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung puts Somi's tits in her mouth as the Wasian beauty gets on top of her. The guys pump the girls out until Somi's boyfriend is the first to finish, dumping his long-awaited load into Chaeyoung's meaty pussy, with Somi licking it at the top. You soon follow, filling Somi's pussy full of cum, which falls right into Chaeyoung's waiting mouth.
All four of you are exhausted at this point. After a long hour of crazy fucking, each of your girlfriends is filled with cum from the other guy, which is the perfect way to end this great day. You and Chaeyoung take a shower after and head home. Somi's boyfriend follows suit. "See you tomorrow, baby.".
That day becomes a living memory in Somi's head. She thinks about it at night, masturbating herself as she remembers your cock doing wonders for her, from fucking her tits to finishing inside her, all the way to all those times you fucked her holes or let her savor Chaeyoung's ass from your cock. Somi knows she needs another day like this and will make sure to set it up herself next time.
The next day arrives, and this time, Somi is with a different friend, talking about some regular stuff until she changes the subject of the conversation.
"Giselle, I need something from you,"  Somi says.
"I'm all ears," Giselle replies.
"Can I have sex with your boyfriend? You can fuck mine too," Somi continues.
Giselle makes a shocked expression. "I'm not sure; I don't know if he's going to accept it.".
Somi tells her about her day with Chaeyoung, leaving Giselle in awe.
"I'll see what I can do."
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nqify · 1 year
ok, then here we go!
how about jake sully during heat? and maybe he not only can't keep his hands off of you, but when he's not touching you he can't help but jerk off right in front of you.
maybe he's just so unbearably horny that he starts to hump his pillows, the grass, your leg, his hands, or even touch himself during important meeting and has to be excused.
like he's just a needy soft!dom who is feverishly grinding on everything or tugging his thick cock in thoughts of you; poor bby can't even stop it 🥺🤭
had to make my first Jake sully fic with ur request ofc!!! AHHH!! this is so good!!!
heat. — jake sully ☆
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Jake sully is the definition of needy!soft dom!! especially during heat!! this MF will find any excuse just to fuck you, like omg!! it’s a full moon we must fuck, or he made food without burning himself we must fuck!! he’s just so needy!!
so when his heat rolls around, omg get ready to be fucked and touch every single day. oh this fucker can not keep his hands off you.
lets just say, Jake starts to feel his heat coming on in an important meeting. during this meeting the only thing he could focus on was you, he’d be eye fucking you from across the room!!
his gaze was dark and lustful, his eyes were hooded and covered with little strings of hair. girl u are fucked!! you’d noticed, his posture straighten up, his arms all big and strong and his cock aching for you!! he will try everything and anything to get out of there. “baby, i need you now”
and now ur back is arched, pillow underneath you while jakes hands were gripping ur hips!! “f-fuck, pretty, this pussy f-feels so good!!”
this man would 100% get pussy drunk while he’s on heat. he’d be eating your pussy, tongue swirling around your clit while his fingers were spreading you out, “gimme more baby, want more of ur pussy, fuck so pretty for me” he loves u omg!! “such a pretty pussy baby, just for me right?? only me?? for daddy mm??” you’d be nodding, “wanna hear u say it, say this pretty pussy is mine, cmon, needa hear it” pussy is aching!!!
sometimes you’d be away from him, hunting for food or travelling with friends. you’d come home to this fucker humping the pillow, he’d be grinding, head thrown back while whines escaped his throat. “j-Jake??” this MF does not stop, he just looks at you and smirks, “aaahh, baby, daddy needs some help, you can help him right?? cmon be a good girl for me”
or whenever your away too long and you guys finally get into it, this fucker is so needy!! he’d be jerking off on top of you, “f-fuck needa cum, needa cum shit” but omg he was so hot. stroking his cock up and down to the sight of you?? pussy WET!!! “look at you baby, u want my cum?? u want daddy’s cum to make a mess of ur pussy?? yeah??”
now when he’s in heat bf will only do doggy style and missionary. he needs to have control over you when he’s in heat, or he’ll explode. this dude will have ur back arched and ur legs spread wide, gripping into ur tail for deeper thrusts.
“mmm, fuck pretty, look at this pussy, u need my cock don’t you?? u want daddy’s big cock to fill u up huh?” ur whining like PLS HELLO?? in doggy style this fucker is going deep!! like reaching every inch of u. bro is def hitting ur cervix. “yeah baby?? that feel good?? u like when daddy touches ur little special spot huh?”
now for missionary, oh boy. his veiny hand would be gripping your neck while the other was holding your waist. he’s pounding into you with everything that he’s got, “mmmm, my pretty girl likes this right?? fuck ur such a dirty slut for liking this” oh BOY!! “j-Jake!! need ur cum!!, pls fill me up daddy”
HELLO!! Breeding kink while on heat?? YEPYEP!! “yeah baby?? u want daddy’s cum? u want him to make u all full and stuffed right? yeah I can do that baby, just keep being a good girl for me” and oh my god HIS LOAD is THICK AND HEAVY!!! you could feel it in you and lord DO U LOVE IT!! and when he would see it pour out, “oh no baby, i gotta keep it in so u can have my babies!!” he’d just fuck it into you.
this dude has to be messy, spit and cum everywhere!!! you want a kiss? messy asf. he’s eating you out? messy asf. fucking ur pussy, MESSY ASF!! DEF has a spit kink!!!!!!
“cmon baby, open ur mouth for me, yeah that’s it, good girl” and BOOM SPIT!! cuz he’s on heat he feels some kind of control making you a mess
your drooling EVERYWHERE!!! and he’d make fun of u!!! “awe look at you, such a fucking whore and can’t keep herself clean can she?? she likes when daddy makes her all messy and dumb doesn’t she mm??” ur nodding bc DUH?? “uh uh babygirl, say it, say ur my dumb little slut” GIRL!!!!! “I-I’m ur dumb little s-slut!!” HSHFNJS
and ofc!!! when u guys are done he’d still keep his cock in you!! he loves having you so close, cock warming is def his fav thing to do. “baby, u still feel so warm” and omg “I love this pussy so so much”
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gloxk · 7 months
Whats the best kind of sex to have with aot men?
(Eren armin and connie?)
Best kind of sex with AOT men!
(Connie, Armin, Eren)
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A/n: AHHH! Hey guys! It’s been almost a week :) sorry for my small hiatus, I am back! Have yall seen good girls? Well, if you have Connie is slightly inspired by Rio🤤. Ugh omg he’s so fine.
Warning: smut (ovi), Plug eren and Plug connie. perv!armin…
Connie!; Bratty sex,
Of course connie pissed you off once again.
It was like he woke up every day and decided to be trifling.
“Fuck you. I’m done.” He was so irritating you genuinely couldn’t even have a full conversation without getting mad. “You don’t mean that ma.” of course you didn’t.
But hell you were committed to the act.
Blocking him on everything, even blocking his friends.
That obviously didn’t stop him from calling you on a text-now number. He even went as far as emailing you. (You don’t even check that shit.)
All day your phone rung and rung —never ending ear splitting ringing noise. Finally you answered hoping he would end his antics.
“Ma, I got a 3.5 just fa you. Lemme make it up to you.” His words persuaded you; unfortunately you gave in.
You nearly ran too the door after hearing a car pull into your driveway. ‘Act mad, Act mad, Act mad’ you thought to yourself as you opened the door.
There Connie stood with a bouquet of money with a small baggie in his hand. His face turned in a sly smile. “Can I come in?”
You started yelling as he closed the door behind him, although you were acting mad your feelings were real.
Connie started rolling the backwood for you while you laid in to him. He never interrupted you, letting you express your feelings.
He kept eye contact while his tongue glided over the dried leaves. You knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted a reaction—and he got one.
You sat beside him on the couch taking the blunt from his finger-tips. “You done with that attitude?” It was an act and he knew it was, but you didn’t care. “Nah.”
Connie felt so bad for his baby. He made you have this attitude? Of course he had to get rid of it for you!
Your legs were thrown over his shoulder, as he thrusted in to you “Cmon, I thought you knew better. You know attitudes don’t work wimme.” he teased you, you both knew the act wasn’t going to last long. So it was pathetic trying to keep it up.
Armin!; Sleep sex,
Armin was a night owl, always up and doing something productive. Reading, cleaning, taking pictures of you while you sleep-
Armin was confused why his key no longer worked, he was only gone for a few days yet the locks were changed.
He prevailed, as he always would. He was a little upset with you but nonetheless he was willing to talk it out.
His eyes lingered over your sleeping body for longer than they should. He kept his eye on your lace underwear, wondering if he could slip them off without waking you.
Armin tried to control himself and respect your sleeping body, but you were too beautiful to resist .
He kissed your neck trailing lower and lower…until he reached your underwear. He happily slipped them off and took all of your beauty in.
He started in awe, watching the way you face twitched as he slowly fucked himself into you.
Your soft moans got to him; he ran his finger over your nipple twisting and tugging at them.
You slowly opened your eye lids trying to grasp the sight infront of you. But you couldn’t see, something was covering your eyes. You slightly panicked slinging your head side to side.
“I’m right here baby.” Armin kissed your cheek trying to reassure you that you were okay. But it only made you tense up more feeling him inside of you.
“I changed the locks! How did you get in?” He placed his thumb over your lips, dragging them down slowly. “Why did you change the locks?” As if he didn’t know why…
“Because you’re fucking crazy! Because this is the shit you do!” you cried, but unfortunately your tears only turned him on more.
Eren!; jealous sex,
Eren wasn’t exactly happy to see you with a different guy. “You look pathetic standing next to him instead of me.” Eren thought to himself.
When Eren told you to go find someone better than him; he was just joking. He didn’t think you’d actually move on. What happened to be locked in? What happened to being forever?
Maybe you got tired of fighting and arguing with him every single night. But how could you? The make-up sex was amazing.
It pissed him off that you didn’t even notice he was there. Did you not see the fully blackened Hellcat parked outside? I mean who else would it belong too? Did your new “boyfriend” have a better car than him? No better yet, did he make you cum faster then Eren?
Eren and Connie found themselves on the couch together discussing your new man. ��That’s wild, she fuckin with a different plug bro.” Connie kept instigating the whole thing. “If that was my girl, i would’ve let my gun speak for me.” & “Me personally I wouldn’t take that disrespect, you feel me?”.
Eren couldn’t possibly take that disrespect at all; of course he had to handle it. He handled it the best way he knew how.
Your phone rung on the bed side table; you watched as it vibrated against the stained wood. Unfortunately your hands were pinned against your back—so you couldn’t see who it was.
”He’s still calling you? It would be wrong for us to ignore your man.” Eren answered the face time call; he laughed at your boyfriends concerned voice. “Yeah, she ight. Wanna see?
He flipped the camera over to you, as requested. Your back was arched giving Eren the perfect view of your pussy. He made sure to give your boyfriend something to think about before he hung up.
“Sorry ma, he wanted to see his girlfriend!” Eren laughed, his tone was oozing with sarcasm. You hated that he always knew he could come back into your life regardless if you moved on. Because nobody could ever replace him.
I luv request like these <3
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