catinflight · 2 months
Despite my appreciation for the spooks,
I'm not really used to drawing it all that much
So this was mostly to take a fun jab at it 😎😎🗣
(Cw: slightly disturbing imagery [?] Cody is kind of a scary goober 😨😨‼️)
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Plus an AMGRY aki n' suna, cause why not,
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maretriarch · 2 years
me, morsosely at 10 pm on a tuesday: damn...i cant find my clown facepaint :(
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catherinerabbit · 2 years
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fuctacles · 1 year
If you fall, I'll just catch you
For @steddieholidaydrabbles warm up prompt "Fall" (and I'll probably write a followup for the next one)
T | WC 1k | CW fear of heights, I guess? | Halloween preparations, Steve being the mom friend
next up
"I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall imgonnafall-"
"No, you're not," said Steve, while standing safely on the ground below.
Eddie loved Halloween. Eddie also loved helping his friends. So, a few days ago he thought to himself, why not combine both and impose some Halloween help on Harrington? Which was mostly for his benefit, since his trailer didn't leave much space for spooky decorations, but the Harrington's house? He could craft a whole graveyard around it. Maybe he will.
But first, he'd have to get down. Because when he was offering, insisting on helping out, he forgot that Steve's house was not only bigger but also higher than his trailer.
He didn't know he had a fear of heights until he climbed the ladder with some fake cobwebs in hand. The ones now abandoned on the roof while he clutched the tiles instead, thankfully rough and not slippery smooth. 
"Eddie," Steve's mother-hen voice was seeping through, but it was not enough to soothe Eddie.
"What?!" He bristled back, like a cat too scared of falling off a tree to reach out to its owner.
"Come back to the ladder, come on. I'll hold it in place."
"Nuh-uh. Thanks but no, thanks."
Ladders were wobbly and unreliable and had too many holes Eddie could look through. In fact, they were mostly holes, partially steps. How has he ever trusted them in the past?
Steve sighed from somewhere below. His feet shuffled on the gravel.
"I'll look for some other route, okay? Don't move."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
His breath picks up when the steps fade out, but he hears them again before he can manage to recite the One Ring prophecy in his head. Steve walked around the house and was back below him.
“So, there's a tree on the other side of the house, it should be easy to climb on from the roof,” Steve informs him. Eddie mulls his words in his head slowly, nodding to himself.
“Trees are sturdy,” he murmurs for self-reassurance and to acknowledge the plan. “They are literally rooted to the ground.”
“Great. You have to move a bit to your left, just follow my voice.”
So Eddie did, keeping his eyes on the roof tiles ahead of him and moving painstakingly slow until a convenient tree branch appeared in his sight.
“You got this, Eddie,” Steve's voice has been patiently guiding him and offering praises and reassurances for the past eternity. Eddie, while grateful, could only offer back a muttered string of curses.
He eyed the tree and grabbed onto the nearest branch, sliding from the roof to the tree with little effort. He took a couple of calming breaths before looking down to assess his route to the ground.
“Where the fuck is the rest of the tree?”
There were no more convenient branches below him. He looked at his friend below who had the balls to look amused.
“We had to cut the branches last summer because they were getting too close to the windows,” he shrugged. He shrugged while facing Eddie’s terror. "You just gotta jump.”
“You just gotta jump,” Eddie mocked him, clutching the bark under his fingers. “And what, break my leg? After all I’ve been through, I'm going to break my leg jumping from a tree?”
"I’ll catch you.”
“Oh, so I’m supposed to break my leg and your neck? Great plan.”
Steve sighed.
There was that tone again.
“What?!” Eddie seethed.
“If you hang from the branch you’ll be close enough to me, I’ll catch you easily. Don’t be a baby.”
“You’re a baby," he retorted. Just like a baby would.
“A very strong baby who's going to catch you and make you hot chocolate after.”
“Are you bribing me right now?”
“Yes? I’m getting a neck cramp from looking up there. Just get on with it.”
Eddie groaned. And then groaned some more with every movement he made on the branch. An excellent branch with a great view. He could see himself chilling there for prolonged periods of time, but…
He looked down once more, where Steve was making encouraging hand motions. He breathed out, lowering himself more and more from the branch until his legs were fully dangling, and he couldn't look down anymore.
“I can almost touch your ankles.” His fingers brushed against Eddie's sneaker. “You can let go now.”
“Mhm, okay,” Eddie huffed. “Just don’t fucking drop me.” 
He let go.
He made the most embarrassing squeak that he hoped got muffled by the loud grunt Steve made against his chest. His shirt had ridden up, but he was too overwhelmed with anxiety to feel embarrassed or self-conscious.
“Gotcha,” Steve murmured, breath hot against his shirt, and he lowered him to the ground, sliding him down against his body.
As his shoes settled on the neatly trimmed lawn, tension seeped out of his muscles and he collapsed against his friend.
“I hate everything, never again, I hate Halloween, fuck spiders, fuck heights, fuck roofs and fuck ladders. Fuck your stupid windows and fuck. Just, fuck,” he rambled while the fight was leaving his body. Steve laughed and without hesitation pulled him into a warm embrace that Eddie was too tired to reject. He slowly relaxed the deathly grasp he had on Steve’s shoulders.
“Does that mean you don't want to turn my front lawn into a graveyard anymore?”
Eddie huffed.
“You said ‘no’ already, don't have to rub it in.”
“Well, I might have changed my mind.”
Eddie perked up, disentangling himself from the embrace. He squinted at his friend.
“If this is you taking pity on me, I will take it.”
Steve laughed, rubbing Eddie’s arm before dropping his hold.
“Call it whatever you want as long as you leave all the roof decorations to me.”
“Gladly,” Eddie grinned, holding out his hand to shake on it. Steve did, but he didn’t let go, instead tugging him towards the sliding door.
“Come on, I promised you hot chocolate.”
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yournecessaryevil · 9 months
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❄️ Home For Christmas ❄️
It's the holiday season, and you were determined to spend it with your boyfriend. The only problem? He may not be able to come home for the holidays...
• fluff; slight angst; language; smut
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"What do you mean, you can't make it home this year?"
You were currently on a videocall with your boyfriend, and he had just sprung some rather unpleasant news on you. He wouldn't be able to make it home in time for Christmas, because of scheduling conflicts with touring. He was the guitarist for Motionless in White, a band that had only grown in popularity since their start in 2006.
Which meant that he was on the road more often than you'd like, causing him to miss out on several holidays, such as Christmas and Halloween. You'd been fortunate enough to have him home for the holiday season last year, but it seems you wouldn't be quite as lucky this year.
You stared at the screen in front of you, sticking out your bottom lip in a slight pout.
"But it's Christmas!" you protested.
A sigh echoed from the guitarist, a frown marring his perfect features. "I know, babygirl. We've been trying to get a flight out of here for the past week, but everything has been booked solid," he said softly, trying to appease you.
You didn't doubt him for a second; every year, it seemed that everybody and their brother and fifth cousin was trying to fly home for the holidays. The airports were always a mess, and the roads an even bigger disaster on top of it all.
"Hey. Look at me, sweetheart," Ricky's voice gently caught your attention, and you let out a wistful sigh, meeting his gaze.
"I promise, we're trying our hardest to get home this year. Chris has been making calls all day, trying to get us any possible flight out of here. It's just a little harder this time around, everyone seems to have the same idea about going home," Ricky explained.
You nodded, your gaze shifting to rest behind the screen, on the decorated living room. You'd spent the entire past week making the area look as festive as possible, in the hopes that Ricky would come home for Christmas and be able to see it.
But now, the tree sitting there with all its lights and baubles only served to remind you that you'd be spending the holiday season alone this year.
"Why can't I just drive out there and come get you guys?" you asked, the idea suddenly springing to the forefront of your mind.
"Too far of a drive, mama!" you heard Vinny call from the background.
Despite your current downshift in mood, you couldn't help the tiny smile that threatened to break out across your face.
"He's right, you know. That's way too far of a drive, we can't ask you to do that. Just... stay there, stay warm, and please trust that we're doing everything we can, okay, babygirl?" Ricky reassured you.
You gave a reluctant nod, your heart slowly sinking. He and his bandmates could make all the promises they wanted, but you knew how the crowds were at the airports. There was no way they'd be able to come home this year, no way that he'd be able to come home.
"I gotta go, my battery's dying, but I promise I'll see you as soon as I can, yeah?" the guitarist continued. Another sigh slipped free from your lips as you nodded again, exchanging goodbyes with him before ending the videocall.
This year was going to completely suck without him, all you'd wanted for Christmas was to have him home with you...
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"Did she believe you?"
Chris's voice sounded from somewhere behind Ricky, and he nodded, turning to look over his shoulder at his bandmate and closest friend.
"Yeah, she believed me. I hate lying to her, though. She looked so fucking miserable, poor baby," he answered.
Chris raised an eyebrow, unable to hide his smirk.
"True, but at this point, it's worth it. You and I both know the minute you get home, she's gonna fucking jump you. So, you know, win win," he said with a wink.
Ricky laughed, nodding in agreement.
His bandmate was right, Y/N never failed to greet him with wholehearted enthusiasm whenever he came home from tour. It was one of the many things he absolutely loved about her, the sheer passion she had for the things and people she cared about most.
It did kind of suck having to lie to her though. And he secretly hated how easily she'd believed him, too.
There she was, sitting alone at home, probably expecting to spend the holidays all by herself.
And here he was, stuck in a hotel room about an hour's drive away from home, waiting for his bandmates to finish packing up the last of their things.
And Y/N didn't even know...
"Dude, don't beat yourself up over it. She's gonna be so happy to see you, it won't even matter," Vinny suddenly spoke up, giving him a heavy-handed pat on the shoulder.
"Yeah, exactly. It's Christmas. No fucking pity parties allowed," Chris chimed in, grinning at his friend.
Ricky stuck his tongue out at the vocalist, flipping him the middle finger. "Easy for you guys to say. I've never had to lie to her like this before," he retorted.
Before his bandmates could respond, the door to the hotel room opened, both Justin and Ryan walking in.
"That's the last of it, time to get the fuck outta here," the bassist announced.
He had to fight hard against the sudden overwhelming wave of excitement burning its way through his veins.
"Yeah, time to go home," he agreed, trying to sound as casual as possible.
This was it, he'd be spending Christmas at home with his babygirl this year...
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You glanced at the screen of your phone again, noting how late it was getting.
'9:35', the little white numbers glared back up at you, as if taunting you.
This was it, there was no way they'd be home tonight. If they wanted to get home by Christmas Day, they'd all have to take a red-eye flight home. And the possibility of anything being available at this hour? Nonexistent.
You sighed, pulling the blanket tighter around you, lying back against the pillows on the couch. Tonight was going to be a long night, might as well put on a Christmas movie to cheer yourself up a little.
You stared at the screen as the opening credits began to roll, and somewhere at the halfway point of the movie, you could feel your eyelids growing heavier, your blinks getting longer, until eventually your eyes closed, sleep settling in. Ricky's face was the last thing you saw in your mind as you gave in to exhaustion...
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Ricky's voice sounded in your ear, a hint of amusement lingering there.
You groaned, arching your body up towards him, wanting to bask in the feeling of his fingertips skating across your skin.
A soft laugh echoed around you, Ricky's fingertips brushing lower, down towards your stomach, lower still.
"Come on, babygirl..." he murmured in encouragement, his scent surrounding you and leaving you in a breathless haze.
A strangled moan left the confines of your throat, as his fingertips slid lower, towards your aching core. "Please, please, please..." you begged him, arching up into his touch.
A smirk pulled up one corner of his mouth, and he shook his head at you.
"No, you need to wake up for me first, sweet baby," he answered, sounding amused.
Wait... wake up???
You awoke with a start, your heart thundering in your chest.
"Hey, shhh... it's alright, it's just me!" a familiar voice sounded, from your left.
Your eyes darted to your left, meeting the familiar blue ones of your boyfriend.
He was here??
You stared in complete shock, earning a soft laugh from your boyfriend.
"Hi, babygirl..." he breathed, leaning forward to kiss you softly on the mouth.
It was at this point you fully awoke, finally registering that Ricky was, in fact, here and home with you.
You began kissing him back, your mouth moving urgently against his, tongue dancing along his, tasting and savoring every inch of him.
A low groan left his throat, his teeth tugging on your bottom lip, hands moving to push the blanket out of the way, fingertips skating up beneath the hem of your shirt to brush along your lower belly.
"Mmm... fuck. Welcome home to you too, baby," Ricky groaned, pulling away to catch his breath. Your eyes met his, and you took notice of the way the pupils of his eyes had blown out so far, there was nearly nothing of the blue irises left.
"How did you get home so soon?" you whispered.
Ricky let out a breathless laugh, shrugging.
"We actually got in yesterday. But I wanted to surprise you this year. Chris was able to get us some time off for the rest of the holiday season, including New Year's. We leave again for the rest of our tour in February," he answered.
Wait... so when you'd called him-?
"So when I called earlier, you guys were already close to home?" you asked, Ricky answering you with a nod.
"Vin tried to get us to go home early, but Chris and the guys wanted us to wait. Those roads are a fucking mess," he said, shaking his head.
So his bandmates had been in on it, too...
You really wanted to be mad, but the hold that Ricky had on you right now was making you feel completely different. And after all, he was home now, wasn't he?
So you chose to forget about it, instead arching up into his touch, much like you had in your dream. And Ricky responded exactly as he had then too, laughing softly as his hand moved lower, his fingertips slipping beneath the lace waistband of your thong.
The minute his fingertips made contact with your aching core, a groan slipped free from your throat, and you arched further up into his touch, pushing yourself against his fingers.
"Fuck... someone definitely missed me, didn't they? You're so wet for me, babygirl," Ricky breathed, his fingertips moving to circle your clit. Another soft groan fell from your lips, followed by a soft whine as Ricky withdrew his fingers from you.
He laughed, reaching down to take you into his arms, but you shook your head at him.
"Nooo, I want you now. Here," you protested, staring up at him with a pleading look in your eyes.
His own blue ones widened, and he cast a dubious glance down at the couch.
"You... you want me to fuck you right here? On our couch? Really?" he asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.
You nodded, kicking the blanket away from you as your hands worked to remove your shirt and thong, until you lay naked before him.
Ricky stared down at you like a blind man seeing the sun for the very first time, running a hand through his hair, his lower lip caught between his teeth.
"Fucking- Y/N, holy fuck-!" he spoke, his breath leaving him in a soft hiss.
You bit back a smirk, letting your legs gently fall open, giving him a perfect view of everything.
"Jesus fucking Christ... Merry Christmas to me, right?" Ricky groaned, hurrying to remove as much clothing as possible. He leaned down, kissing you rather forcefully on the mouth, his teeth tugging harshly on your bottom lip.
"Mm, by the way... I love... what you've done... with our place," he spoke in between kisses, his lips curving up into a smile against your own. You grinned back, shrugging as you leaned back to look up at him.
"I wanted you to have a happy place to come home to," you whispered. Ricky bent down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. "Oh, sweetheart. It's already a happy place, as long as you're here..." he whispered back, before kissing you again.
There was that same urgency from before, like one of you was worried the other would disappear if time didn't slow down for you both. God, you could never get enough of him, of the way he smelled, the way he tasted, the way he knew each and every one of your most sensitive places.
He knew just what made you tick, he always had, from the minute you two had first met.
"Open for me, babygirl," came his frantically whispered plea.
You let your legs fall open for him once more, all too easy and willing for whatever he'd give you, or take from you. His praise came in a hushed groan, his fingers once again finding your slick arousal and circling it around your sensitive clit.
You let a soft moan slip free, as your head fell back against the pillows, giving Ricky full access to your throat. He left a trail of kisses along the side of your neck, pausing to leave a dark purple lovebite there, before moving on to the spot at the base of your throat, sucking your sweet spot between his teeth.
"Ricky, please..." you begged him on a breathless whine, arching your body up towards him, your hips meeting his. An answering groan rose unbidden from his throat, and his fingers slipped further down, down towards where you wanted him most, where you needed him.
He pushed in three fingers at once, not giving you any time to adjust to the feeling, before he began to fuck you with those perfect inked fingers of his. A stab of arousal burned its way through you when he found that sweet spot, and you couldn't hold back your moans.
"Mm, fuck, that's my good girl," Ricky breathed, curling his fingers against that most sensitive of spots, making your body tremble beneath him. "Please, please, please..." you begged him, your words nearly an exact echo of the ones you'd spoken in your earlier dream.
"Beg for it, I know you want it, babygirl. You're so wet, fuck, I don't even need to get you ready for me, for this dick," he groaned, withdrawing his fingers to circle your clit again.
You stared up at him through hazy, half-lidded eyes. "Please, Ricky, please... I need it, I need you," you whined. He shook his head at you, his blue eyes meeting yours, the irises darkening with his lust.
"Again," he hissed, sitting back on his heels to stare down at you, one of his hands finding its way up to your throat, squeezing softly.
Oh, he wanted to play that game, did he?
That was fine, you could play it too.
You stared up at him, a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of your mouth.
"Harder," you told him.
Something in that one word caught him off guard for the briefest of moments, one of his brows raising, before his eyes narrowed.
His grip on your throat tightened as he leaned down, his other hand still working circles around your sensitive little clit, bringing you closer and closer to that edge.
He spoke the word rather harshly, his dominant side coming out to play.
This was it, what you loved about the way you two fucked.
It wasn't just sex with you two, it was more than that. It was an entire fucking experience.
You swallowed hard, looking up at him with those big doe eyes.
Just one more last little detail to push him...
"Please... Sir. I need it, I need your dick, I want it so bad," you begged him, watching his face to see his reaction.
You could almost see the breath leave him, you certainly heard it; an exhaled hiss was your only warning before he lined himself up with your entrance, pushing in only the tip, teasing you like you'd teased him.
"Do you think you've earned it, babygirl?"
Fuck, he was just so hot-!
You nodded, all thoughts of teasing lost to the wayside as you stared earnestly up at him, silently begging him to give you what you so desperately wanted.
"Words, Y/N. How bad do you want it? You gonna be a good girl for me?" he continued.
"Please yes, Ricky, fuck, I need it!" you whined, your hips rising subtly to meet his. The grip on your throat tightened in warning, but he relented, finally pushing in until he was buried as deeply within you as he could get.
The two of you groaned in unison, and you could swear you saw his eyes roll back for a minute, before he leaned forward, bracing himself against the couch with his free hand as he began to set a brutal pace within you.
At this rate, you wouldn't be able to speak coherently, let alone think. You'd be so sore tomorrow morning, but honestly? Worth it.
You matched him thrust for thrust, up until he let go of your throat to push against the backs of your knees, tucking them against your chest and keeping them pinned there as he fucked you.
Holy shit- it was such a deeper angle-!
His name left your mouth in soft gasps, until it wasn't even his name anymore, just a series of incoherent ramblings and gasping pants.
He bent down to kiss you on the mouth as he fucked into you, his eyes clouded over with hazy lust.
"Fuck, that's my good girl. My dumb, pretty little baby, all stupid and fucked out for me," he muttered, throwing in more dirty words of praise as he kissed you.
It wasn't long before you could feel that familiar tightening knot in your lower belly, that slowly growing ache between your thighs.
You were close, you knew he could feel it, too.
He could feel it in the way you were clenching tightly around his dick; he'd be lying if he said it wasn't the hottest fucking thing he'd ever experienced.
A softly hissed exhale of breath sounded in the space between you two, the smell of sex and Ricky's signature cologne hanging heavy in the air, enveloping you both.
"Not yet, babygirl!" he ground out between clenched teeth, his grip on the backs of your thighs tightening, his fingers digging in.
"Mm- please! I need... I need-" you couldn't even get out an intelligent response.
You were pretty sure you looked as blissfully dumb and fucked out as you felt, in that moment.
Ricky knew it too; a smirk flashed across his features before it vanished.
"Aw, you need it? Is that it, babygirl? You need me to let you cum?" he teased you, mock empathy in his voice.
You nodded frantically, trying hard to match the pace he'd set, and failing miserably.
Your thighs were shaking, you had to cum so bad, you needed it. It wasn't even that, either. No, you needed him to cum, to finish inside of you, it's what you wanted the most.
Almost like he could sense it, Ricky smirked again, raising a brow at you.
"My poor baby. You want me to cum in you, is that it? Want me to breed you, fill you up and fuck a baby into that pretty little tummy of yours? Is that what you want?" he asked, his grip on your thighs almost bruising. You nodded again, sticking out your bottom lip in a pout.
Ricky laughed, leaning down to kiss you on the mouth again, gently sucking your bottom lip between his teeth before letting it go.
"Cum for me, babygirl."
And all too easily, you did exactly that, practically leaping over that cliff's edge, falling into a delicious downward spiral, sinking down beneath the depths of those dark waves of pleasure, almost losing yourself in all of it.
Ricky's name left your mouth in a sharp cry, your back arching off the couch, your aching pussy clenching down tight around his dick, frantically trying to cling to the last of your high.
And exactly as promised, he came as hard as you did, his grip on your thighs becoming almost painfully tight before he loosened his hold. Your name slipped from his mouth in a strangled shout as he spilled his seed into you, giving you everything he had until there was nothing left to give.
You could feel it leaking down your thighs, combined with the slick, sweat drenched scent of arousal hanging heavy in the space around the two of you.
But you didn't care.
Because in that moment, the only thing that mattered was the fact that Ricky was here, at home with you, in your arms and here to stay for the holidays.
He gently slid free from you, shifting positions so he was lying beside you, with you tucked safely in his arms.
His breath left him in soft pants, his eyes alight with a fire like you hadn't seen in a while.
"Fuck... that was-" he couldn't even finish his sentence, but you knew. You always did.
"Yeah. Merry fucking Christmas, right?" you teased him breathlessly, earning a round of laughter from you both.
When the laughter had ceased, Ricky nodded, pulling you closer into him.
"Exactly. Merry fucking Christmas, babygirl," he said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
This right here, this safest of havens, the most sacred of places, was where you wanted to be, where you needed to be.
Because here in Ricky's arms, everything else just seemed so small and insignificant, any troubles easily a problem for tomorrow, not tonight.
You nestled closer into his chest, breathing in his comforting scent.
"I'm so glad you're home," you mumbled sleepily, letting out a yawn.
Another kiss, this one pressed to the top of your head, before you heard his response.
"Me too, baby. Me too."
As you lay there in his arms, sleep slowly approaching, you couldn't help the errant thought that snuck its way into your brain.
He'd definitely have to come home for Christmas more often... a lot more often...
After all, there was nothing else quite like being home for the holidays, right?
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🎃 TAGLIST: @synthetic-wasp-570 @tearfallpixie @annateagan @nixwolfe @motionlessindoubt @motionlessomens @veroxbarnes @bangoversequence @nerdraging4point0 @circle-with-me @thesazzb @bobateaandchocolatepudding @talialovesmiw
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
Heyyy! I was out of town the whole day and came back just now I'm exhausted so this request might be short or too dumb XD
Sonic x reader
A Halloween night and reader was out trick or treating but it's midnight so time to head home, and sonic exe decides its funny to try and scare reader on the way back chasing them around doing his best to scare them
But reader is just pretending to be scared of him and hides, and when exe least expect they jump out from behind a tree and jumpscares him!
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The Scariest Halloween (If that’s true)
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Note || ohhh! This is such a fluffy fluff idea ❤️
WC || 729
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“Oh this was such a great haul!”
Letting out a hum of agreement, you nodded. All the candy looked real tasty, but there were a few you didn’t have a particular liking too – so you handed those off to your friend. 
You wondered if the streets were still open, but few here and there were already settling down into the night. Even with some that are actually already done with all the trick or treaters, you could recall a few good costumes you found during your extensive time as one of the few who actually decided to go out for halloween. 
“Yeah,” Your friend says, “I gotta head home now, my mom set a curfew and I can’t be late.” They sheepishly said. You raised a knowing brow, but shrugged, you can understand their situation; “Don’t worry, I will be fine by myself. I need to go home too anyway.”
They smiled with relief, feeling as if a burden had been lifted from their shoulders. They waved you goodbye as they shouted, ‘Thank you! You're the best as always.’ You let out a long sigh, feeling a creeping anxiety set into the pit of your stomach. You didn’t like being alone by yourself at night on the streets, especially not for long. Regardless, you could manage in your unfortunate circumstances. 
Though, all those costumes you saw were simply so comforting and dazzling. 
Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Clowns, and a few. You couldn’t remember them all exactly, but they were very precious. There were pictures as proof, as you did ask for permission to take them. You thought they were nice people, having even exchanged contact information with one of them. Your friend from before was that person, you just clicked with them instantly. You wished they would have stuck around a little longer. 
“Well, gotta get home.” You sigh, walking down the street as you keep your head held high. Not letting any little sound or misstep scare you. 
Sounds of footsteps resound in your ears, reminding you to keep walking. It was your own fortunately, but something eerie sounded beneath your own. You certainly didn’t want to find out the source of that sound. So on forth, you continued walking. Up ahead you could see trees appear, laying in a row in front of the sidewalk you were walking upon. For a moment, the muscles in your ear spasmed, alerting you to something. It was random at times, but this appeared to be worse. 
An all too familiar laugh resounds in your ear, glitchy yet affirming your silent suspicions. “You have to be kidding me.” You raise a brow, then continue walking, shifting into a hunched over stance as if to display to your pursuer that you were indeed scared of the situation you were placed in. For the most part, you could feel as if it worked. Sensing steps creeping up behind you, you jolted, shifting fully into running away. You didn’t want to stick around for his antics, you’ve had enough of them. But you could play into them for his sake, this felt fun for once. 
“HAHAHA!” His laugh resounds once again in your ears, but it was as if it was stimulating. Yes, that was the word. Silly as it may sound, but his laugh was reassuring, that you weren’t actually alone. 
And for a few minutes more, he chased you around the neighborhood. Having only lost sight of you once you dived behind somewhere, causing him to look around in confusion. Normally he had such good sight, so he looked around more, eyes glazing over the environment with careful trepidation. 
‘No way I’m gettin old’ the demonic hedgehog thinks to himself, then shakes the thought off. “Hide And Seek huh? You may have chosen the wrong game.” He says, laughing once more as he looks around for you. His path was set and predetermined, so it wasn’t hard for you to angle your way around him, staying out of sight in the process. 
Once you felt he was cornered, you snickered to yourself. 
You could finally get the jump on him!
Carefully you stepped out, maneuvering your way toward him from behind so as to not alert him to your presence. He was still clearly very much looking for you, but it was in his unlucky state that you were actually-
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
papercut spending halloween together hcs pls....... 🧍‍♂️
ive been getting back into until dawn i think that was a sign that we’re all excited for october
•would it REALLY, be papercut spending halloween together if i didnt say that curly would take pony w him to embrace the trick out if trick or treat
•curlys scaring the neighborhood kids for their candy bag they drop
•the way curly grew up, he couldnt rlly celebrate halloween so i feel like when he could he was like a kid and took advantage of it, ponys normal about halloween, he likes it but aint too crazy over it
•w their costumes i think they could crash into a soc party to fuck it up a lil, maybe steal somethings!! serves as a good disguise, especially if they got a mask
•ik curly loves fake blood, he loves making it and over uses it, its so messy
•they gotta get creative w their costumes and they do!!! but the CANNOT go as “murderer and victim” for the 3rd year in a row, they GOTTA switch it up, go as deadpool and spiderman or something guys, jigsaw and chucky, just something else, man</333
•theyd def have a bit of a sugar high and crash out somewhere till someone drove em home
•if bribed w something good enough, curly could get her to do small face paint for em
•curly tried beings tulsa’s first edward cullen and using those fake glow in the dark plastic fangs to bite ponys neck but that went as good as you’d expect it, just a ton of drool
•not exactly ON halloween more like around it, but pony would go to the movies and drive ins and see scary movies and god forbid curlys there bc he’d try to “yknow baby, if that were us, id protect u” his way into making out, never worked but u cant say he aint try it, gotta give him his props
•out of the two of em, its curly that wants to try out an ouija board, ill leave it at that
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altocat · 11 months
EC Sephiroth-Glenn Halloween Event Spoilers
I'm providing a spoiler summary for you guys here, since this concerns (noncanon??) FS content for the Halloween event. Chill dumb holiday fun below the cut.
The FS trio is minding its own business on the Rhadoran island getting the new mako reactor ready when they come across a strange portal! Matt explains that it's used for teleportation. Hojo gets namedropped again.
Glenn, like an idiot, just immediately hops on in. Sephiroth decides to go in to get him. Matt and Lucia stay behind.
They end up in spooky Halloween Nibelheim! Sephiroth says that Glenn is TOTALLY getting written up for being so reckless. He's concerned about staying focused on the mission. Little stickler for the rules!
While he's lecturing Glenn, the portal closes behind him. Now they're stuck here.
Glenn approaches a strange red hooded figure that turns into a spoopy pumpkin thing. Battle time!
This event is in honor of some sort of strange harvest festival for the holidays. Seph dumps some spooky lore. But there are real monsters wandering around. Glenn wants to evacuate everyone asap! Sephiroth advises that they take it slow and logical.
They come across a scared kid without a costume. The kid pleads for them to save his town from the Dark Army (festival lore shit). The monsters came out of a hole somewhere apparently, aka the portal.
So we gotta go find the leader of the Dark army if we want to find the portal materia. Glenn keeps calling himself a superhero. Aww.
To weed out the real monsters from the costumed civilians, we have to go up to them and say "tussle or treat". This is so fucking stupid lmao It's so cute. Glenn and Seph keep snipping at each other. Also cute.
After wandering around the town, Glenn and Seph can't find the army's leader. Montage of them butting heads and having no luck at all! Seph is gonna look into more Dark Army lore to find some clues.
The boy from earlier explains that the Dark Army eats people's feelings (anger, hate, fear, etc.) and they use them to grow. They scare people in order to feed. Glenn decides to go look for a main hideout. Seph, wanting to minimize casualties from this outing, still wants to keep a low profile.
Seph is STILL pissy about Glenn getting them into this situation. Glenn calls him a hard-ass. The monsters are dwindling but STILL no results! The boy points out that maybe they should wear costumes so that they can trick the monsters.
WHERE CAN THEY FIND COSTUMES YOU MAY ASK??? Oh shit oh fuck Seph run baby please.
Sephiroth is VERY suspicious of the boy since he keeps giving them perfect advice. The boy says that he and his friends sometimes go into the mansion to play. HMMMMMMMMMMM.
They arrive at the mansion (fuck). THEY ARE IN THE LIBRARY (FUCK FUCK FUCK). The boy reveals he doesn't know what Shinra is.
Sephiroth seems okay after his brief spell. But Glenn is concerned, especially since he says Sephiroth always overworks himself. Sephiroth is surprised at this. No one has ever told him to take it easy. In fact, it's always been the opposite.
We're interrupted by another monster. Sephiroth is nervous that he led them here, after all they feed off of negative emotions.
Seph and Glenn find their costumes. Seph in his demon costume and Glenn in a pumpkin mask with a top hat.
It looks like we're finally nearing to defeat the leader. The boy reveals that HE'S been the leader all along! Called it. He reveals that in killing all the monsters, he gets to feed on as many people he wants.
After kicking the leader's ass, we finally reach the ending. Seph slices that fucker, while it warns them that so long as negative emotions exist, so will it.
Seph and Glenn seem to reconcile now that the portal is open, even finishing each other's sentences. Glenn suggests that for once, Seph should follow his lead and slack off with him at the festival and stuff their faces with festival food.
Seph's tummy rumbles and he's about to relent. But Glenn gets sucked into the portal anyway. Seph is sad he can't try the pumpkin soup now. Oh well!
In the epilogue, Seph and Glenn return to the others through the portal, still in costumes like idiots. Neither of them remember the events of the festival. So basically square can shitpost all they want without anyone remembering rofl this is SO STUPID AND GREAT
This was a cute story! And not without substance. The reveal about Hojo is genuinely horrifying.
Happy Halloween everyone!
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son1c · 10 months
Fibulah is the best ship everrrrr 💖 A match made in heaven fr (yknow, cuz they’re both dead?)
Although, pressing question, how’d they meet?
they met because one of the chaos emeralds just so happened to be taking up residence in lah's haunted mansion! fibula was able to track its scent to the premises, and quickly deduced it was hiding somewhere inside. of course, once he actually WENT inside, lah's two ghostly admirers tried everything in their power to scare him... but they had no idea who they were up against LOL and he scared the both of them silly instead.
as it turned out, lah had found the chaos emerald before fibula ever got there, and was keeping it in her room. so, after fibula crept his way through the rest of the mansion and saw the prize being guarded by another ghost, he figured he'd have to scare this one too in order to claim it.
lah of course was surprised to see him there... she figured the other two ghosts would've scared him within an inch of his life, as is what happens to most travellers who stumble across her mansion. all except for one... who she remembers quite fondly... she even has a picture with him...
intrigued, lah attempted to get closer and see what set him apart from the rest of the trembling lot. but before she can get TOO close, his head suddenly fell off and rolled across the floor to the tip of her tail! WHAT! she was startled by the sight, but also DELIGHTED. she was not expecting the stranger to die just like that--it was an extremely rare treat for her to see a real death.
THEN. just when she thought things couldn't get any better, the head winked and said "gotcha!" and she realized he wasn't dead but UNDEAD. a monster, just like her... and this girl lovesss all manner of spooky beasts. plus, i think it'd be really funny if her werewolf fixation switched to a zombie fixation, or if she just rotated interests in halloween monsters to keep things fresh in general. gotta spare some love for the vampires every now and again, right?
ofc while she was distracted with his decapitated head, the rest of fibula's body had snuck behind her to snatch the emerald. i'd imagine she would willingly trade it if he was able to bring her some good pictures of people being scared... and the ghosts use OLD cameras, so he might even be familiar with them... you know, the polaroid, print-on-the-spot type...
and OFC fibula's pictures are the best she's ever seen. no one is better at getting a scare out of poor unsuspecting people than him!
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tarnishedspark · 7 months
Thinking about some ideas for the sort of ecosystem things that would need to exist on Cybertron for Transformers to have access to oil for joints, oil baths, etc. because of oil being an organic compound.
puttin in a show more thing bc this got Long
I'm thinking there's probably several different ways it comes about so its not like. Everything relies on the existence of the 1 magical oil machine.
Forged oil
When you think about it, bots don't immediately need an oil change as soon as they stumble out of the Well or a hotspot. The forging process probably synthesises oil for them the same way it creates the glass for their optics, liquids for their hydraulics, and whatever squidgy possibly-silicone bits they need for their internals to function. And if we assume all life on the planet is made this same way, then some of the supply woukd be made that way.
What if there was some bacteria or something that could distil atmospheric carbon and water into complex hydrocarbons and eventually oil. Maybe it is a multi-stage process with a few different varieties. I imagine this would grow in gross-looking slime slicks, possibly floating on energon rivers or in places like the rust sea. Then simple mechanimals would consume the slime as part of their diet to supplement their oil reserves and it would progress through the food chain.
Cyber plants
Cybertron has some plant-like mechanical things, like seen in the Wastes in the idw2 Halloween special. There could be varieties of cyber plant that have processes to produce oil. Something at the nanotech level they have instead of photosynthesis and biological processes. If there's cyber plants that can produce oil, that would likely be tge most renewable/farmable source. and I need to move on from this before i start considering the chemical processes too closely
If Cybertron is the body of Primus and Primus is a giant transformer, then there's bound to be some oil in there somewhere. Don't ask me where it came from but he's gotta need it. Wherever Primus came from, I guess. There may be subsurface reservoirs of oil that modern transformers mine to meet the needs of the populace, much like our own oil mining
now i wanna use the plant and bug ideas for smth but i don't have anywhere it is Relevant atm
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marithefriendlyghost · 2 months
Tell me about your cosplays
HAI!!!! depends on what you wanna know :) i've been a cosplayer for a while now, started in 2018-19 with my sander sides cosplays (i hand made vigils jacket, its still somewhere in my closets) but ive been admiring cosplayers for wayyy longer, i love the craft so much
then in the peak age of 2020 covid hit and i saw a influx of cosplay comps on youtube, i made my fair few fnaf cosplays (which have no documented proof)
the following halloween i made a Thanatos from Hades cosplay for a library event, big prop sythe and all, ive gotta revit it but i was proud at the time
i never got seriously into it till around 2022 when i made my sweetheart from Omori dress, was the first time i had seriously approached a cosplay with dedication and excitement for a halloween event i planned with friends
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(as seen here) and then it kinda continued to spiral!! got very into danganronpa for a while so i made and brought my share far of those cosplays styles many wigs. also did Mari and Sunny from Omori in this time too (hence where my name comes from!) then i expanded out to my other interests, Sara Chuidon from YTTD (Your Turn To Die), Stephanie Lauter from NPMD (Nurdy Prudes Must Die), Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid) and now getting into the nitty griftty of my longest hyperfixation and special interests, Supergiant games (Sybil Reisz being my latest one) I am currently working on the following: Zagreus, Melinoe (Hades) Gabriel, V1, V2 and Mirage (ULTRAKILL) and Sal (Griftlands) and if you ever looked at my detailed milanotes you'd be more concerned for the amount that i wanna do but if you really ask me, i love to cosplay for me and me alone. i only got a tiktok and instagram in the past 2 years so i can post for me, and its fun. my cosplays don't have to be popular and ive only ever been to 1 con in my entire life (too overstimulating haha!) i love to explore makeup and expression, i love to film videos and preform what ive always looked up too and if that convinces someone else out there to try it out, then I've more than done my part in sharing my fav hobby
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Hi can you do a faith fic where the reader gets possessed while with john and he feels like super guilt but he's able to free them of the demon? possibly ending with an I love you?
"Jesus, what monster would do this to these poor deer?”
“Only someone who has no respect for God’s creatures..” John muttered as he looked upon the disturbing sight that beheld you both:
Deer carcasses and skulls were arranged around a sigil drawn in blood. Unlit torches were staked around it, indicating this was meant to summon something evil..but for whatever reason was abandoned.
Maybe this was the source of the wildlife’s strangeness.
It would certainly explain why the deer seemed to stare at you while venturing to the Martins’ residence. They never got too close, and were skittish as typical deer were if approached--but something about them was just unnerving.
There’s no doubt that evil forces are influencing their behavior.
Having a sort of “sixth sense” when it comes to demons was a blessing in times like these. You felt the same familiar disturbance all around this forest, allowing you to tell where one is hiding and alerting John if necessary.
People might’ve seen you as a freak, but for your childhood friend turned recent priest it’s been a lifesaver.
Speaking of whom, he had a death grip on the rifle, watching the trees for any signs of movement--or of her--as you investigated the ritual site.
He thought he was better prepared for this day. But the demon within Amy was too stubborn to let go, and would rather perish than surrender to him.
Even if you both found her....her face was mutilated beyond recognition. She couldn’t survive and resume her normal life. Not in such a horrid state like that.
She was suffering, likely bleeding to death somewhere, and had to be put out of her misery.
John only prays that he’d gain the strength to pull the trigger when the time comes.
Until then, he didn’t mind searching the rest of the forest. Anything that could help him quell the demonic activity in Connecticut was worthy of his time.
Meanwhile, you noticed a large deer skull in the sigil’s center. One of the demonic symbols Amy left throughout the house was painted on its forehead, though it looked faded and dry. You approached it and knelt down, putting on gloves before carefully scooping it up.
“Wow, this is heavy.”
“What is...?” John looked back at you, only to tense up. “[Y/n]! Don’t touch that!”
“It’s fine, Johnny. This is just a simple skull. An empty vessel.” Standing, you turned around to show it to him, smiling. You then saw straps and realized this was actually a mask. 
‘Neat..’ Your grin became wider, as you had a humorous idea.
“Halloween comes early, I suppose.” After putting the mask on, you spread your arms out, only to find John’s unamused expression. You pouted. “Awh come on. You gotta admit this is pretty cool. It’s such a well-crafted mask.”
“....it’s also creepy. I don’t think you should be wearing it.”
You blinked, lowering your arms and tilting your head. “We both just saw a demon tear its arm through a girl’s face..but this creeps you out?”
“[Y/n], we’re on a serious mission.” He huffed. “I appreciate you trying to lighten the mood, but now’s not the time. We have to find her and-”
“Why are you so eager to hunt her down? Is she not human to you anymore?”
John stared at you in confusion, noticing how monotone your voice suddenly became and how you rubbed the sides of the skull, seemingly in pain. His mind was racing to assume the worst thing possible.
But he didn’t want to jump straight to that conclusion. Not yet. Maybe you were just upset about the whole situation--and that he intended to follow the “KILL HER” advice scrawled in blood.
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “She’s still human to me. I wish to save her through a proper exorcism. But if it won’t let her go, then..what choice do we have?”
“I have one...turn the gun on yourself, Priest.”
John’s eyes widened in shock. His heart was crushed to hear a voice that wasn’t your own.
‘No..no, no, no!!’ He panicked internally, hands trembling as he realized you were possessed.
Something was still lurking in that skull..and it got inside your head.
Damn it. Why didn’t he tell you to stop?! Why couldn’t he just speak up?!
First Father Allred was gone..and now he was about to lose you to a demon before he could tell you something important.
Something he’s wanted to say for a long time, but was so afraid to.
‘What if I'm too too late now? What if---no.’ He shook his head to clear away those bad thoughts, strengthening his resolve and praying God gave him courage.
He couldn’t let you easily succumb to this evil.
Suddenly you lunged at him, and out of reflex he pulled the trigger.
His heart stopped as you tumbled to the forest floor beside him, holding your face in your hands.
Did he shoot you?
Oh god.
But then he saw that he only shot off one of the antlers. You were still alive, and you levitated back into a standing position, laughing. “You missed! Oh poor, pitiful Johnny. Can’t even aim to save your life!”
“Release [y/n] from your clutches, demon. Or else!” John held the rifle close, intending to use it as a defensive weapon. He was infuriated that it dared to call him by that nickname. Only you could.
“It’s your fault that her face was ruined, you know. She would have been fine if it weren't for you. Why did you have to come back and be a hero? History is doomed to repeat itself, Priest. You failed her....and you failed dear [y/n] now that you wasted your only bullet.”
“..I don’t need bullets of man to deal with you. Just my weapon of God.” He threw down the rifle and drew out the golden crucifix.
Holding it in front of him, he frowned at the sound of your chilling screams as you stumbled backwards, pain instantly seizing every part of you.
Yet he persisted. As guilty as he felt for letting this happen to you...he knew it was the only way to free you from that monster.
Catching the demon off-guard was key. That’s something Father Allred always told him.
You barely put up a fight as you tried clinging to a tree to steady yourself---only to collapse to the ground. 
This time you were laying still.
John cautiously approached you, wondering if the demon left your body. But it seemed to have retreated back into the mask. So he quickly removed it from your face, throwing it far away and exorcising its shattered remains.
Now the evil spirit had no choice but to reveal itself:
As a gray cloud shaped like a stag with glowing red eyes and large antlers, shedding bloody velvet.
It let out a shrill cry as it reared its hind legs and charged towards him, but he stepped aside and held his crucifix outwards, seeing the demon’s body flashing red. He kept distance between itself and you, determined to not let it take over you again.
Eventually it screamed one final time, swearing revenge before it vanished, reduced to a bloodstain on the ground.
Relieved that the spirit was gone for good, he returned to your side to help you sit up. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m..I just felt like I was in this far-away place..” You coughed, rubbing your neck. “That’s strange, though..how could it slip past me? How could I have missed-?”
“I’m so sorry..”
“Huh?” Looking to John, you noticed the overwhelming guilt in his expression. “For what? It’s not your fault. I chose to put that stupid mask on and goof around. The demon was just dormant, waiting to make a damn fool out of me.”
“...I-I shot you.” He uttered in realization--the horrible reality of nearly killing you making him sick to his stomach. “God, I..I didn’t mean to, [y/n]. I just..d-did it without thinking...and I could’ve....” His voice became shaky, as did his hands, while he averted his eyes to the ground, afraid of what he might find if he looked at you now.
Would it be disgust? Anger?
Yet he felt you gently grasp his trembling hands.
“I know. It’s okay-”
“No it’s not. If you died..I..I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself. I don’t know if even God would forgive me.”
“He’d forgive you for defending yourself, Johnny. And I would, too.”
John sighed heavily, feeling the exhaustion of his fight with Amy and the stresses of exploring this forest--plus the predicament you were both just in--finally catching up.
“..but I wouldn’t forgive me..because I never would’ve had the chance to tell you how I....”
Yet he found himself backing down again, feeling weak and weary. But he was sick of being a coward. ‘Just tell them..please.’
“Tell me what?”
“...t-to tell you how much I love you and need you in my life. How you’ve always been there for me at my lowest..a-and how you’ve given me renewed faith.” Closing his eyes, he took a shaky breath, finally ripping off the bandaid at last.
Your heart fluttered at the revelation. “You...mean that?”
“..I mean it.” His voice remained at a low whisper, prepared for the abandonment or ridicule.
Though what he didn’t expect for was your hand cupping the side of his face, causing him to open his eyes to see your soft smile. He was astonished.
You weren’t mad?
“I’ve..felt the same for a while. But I didn’t think clergy members could-”
"I’ve gone against them in a number of ways..” He admitted, lightly smiling back as his tension vanished. “Might as well add one more to that.”
“I guess so.” You chuckled softly, although you were cut short when he pulled you into a tight hug. As you felt him bury his face into your neck, you relaxed and returned the embrace. His shaky breathing slowly became even, knowing you were safe and sound in his arms. 
“May God give me the strength to protect you from all forces of evil...I swear I won’t let anything happen to you.” He mumbled. "I love you more than you could ever know."
For a moment, his eyelids felt damp against your skin. But you just held him close, rubbing his back.
“I love you too, Johnny."
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thekittymuffin · 7 months
Batman year one, ya gotta start somewhere also this is the website I use
Gotham by Gaslight, it's Jack The ripper in Victorian era Gotham need I say more
Batman arkham asylum, THE FOUND OBJECT ART IS STUNNING the themes, ough
Batman the cult, super good and most importantly had my favorite guy Jason todd
The killing joke, worst fridging in all of history but its good, also three jokers for a follow up au (ignore Jason and babs at the end)
LONG HALLOWEEN AND DARK VICTORY RAHHHHHH best murder mystery and sequel of my life
All of this is actually just the recommendations from my dear @anozira-teef who got me into batman :D
There also is a list of comics more centered around Jason todd that I'm working through at the moment and a wealth of hilarious, heartbreaking, and heart warming fanfics that I'll share if you like! Enjoy 👍
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danidoesathing · 2 months
Ask meme, Lord Huron, let's see.... 8, 9, 15, and 4 because I gotta know!!
8. Is there anything I wish people would write more about in fics? (A dynamic, an exploration of an arc, just a character that doesn’t get much screentime, etc)
i mean. theres not a whole lot of fics out there and honestly i cant complain too much about what we got! There's a lot of characters i would love to see written/written more (Leigh, Tubbs, Moonbeam, Alex and Dale, Frankie, Danielle etc) and we are in desperate need of some Lonesome Dreams fics but i of all people know that writers are at the whims of inspiration and bursts of writing passion. and again everything everyone has made has been really good!!
9. Is there anything in general I wish more people in the fandom talked about?
Just lonesome dreams. in general. i know its vague and weird and disconnected from the rest of the lore but man. i love it dearly and wish we had more to work with and/or talk about it more. Huron my dear friend huron
15. Is there something I wish someone would draw as a fanart?
oh i have. MANY images in brain i wish i could draw or could transmit into my brain directly. i have ideas for ones that were the characters in the outfits/styles the band performed their songs in (either in the MVs, on stage, or in promo stuff). also got a few for like different character drawings based on non-LH songs that i think fit them. i would make it if i had the patience to draw but alas
4. My favorite fanart from the fandom
theres SO many good ones man dont make me chose. we dont have much in terms of content but we are BLESSED with some of the insane artist talent in the fandom. I wont pick a single one and instead will list a couple really good ones: Zani's art of Frankie and the DMH scene, Rook's POTU furry art, lizormianillustration's frozen pines art (any time they post LH art you can hear the fandom scrambling over to it lmao), and i cannot find the fucking art/blog for the life of me but this dead man's hand one that i know is on tumblr SOMEWHERE. and of course both the halloween Frankie Lou and the Let the Devil Come art you did are SO good. there's defintely more i cannot remember if its not mentioned know i love it
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salstray · 4 months
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jokes on you i cant be stopped
also please excuse all the dust and hair my cat sheds like a madman and honestly- so do i. and i've been v lazy lately with cleaning it all off. i have no excuse~
warning- this is long and i explain all their names also because i'm insane and its 2 am <3
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FIRST OFF!!! This is my halloween store rat! His name is Bertrand - he is named after a dnd character from one of the first ever Dnd podcasts I ever listened to (Rusty Quill gaming my beloved) also shout out to lego Gandalf- i cannot for the life of me get that fucking HAT to click onto his head so it falls of constantly. (also if you look closely- his arm si also about to fall out of its socket. I'm doing my best over here-)
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This is Smug!! (Baby Smaug, I love Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit) he is clipped to my dice jail for when I dm my own DnD games. He guards the naughty dice. I bought him at the local ren fair for like 5 bucks <3
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Terrance! From the same halloween store as Bertrand! He was 25 cents <3
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Graith!! My gargoyle <3. Also proof that it's almost 2 in the morning RIP (fun fact- he is named after a monster fucker story i read years ago where the MC banged a gargoyle in a cave somewhere. his name was Graith, so i stole it for my desk buddy)
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three of the 4 skulls (wow my desk is SO GROSS. I gotta clean it tomorrow i'm so sorry) Sheila, Rodney, and Timothy! A raccoon, a turtle, and a... bat, I believe. (he's still in his plastic cause i was too damn scared of pulling him out of it without breaking him so he lives like that forever)
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Fredrick~ (i used to be a big fan of My Drunk Kitchen and if you watch the very early episodes, Hanna Hart is always going Fredrick~? and that's what I call him and how I say his name. He is wearing a hair tie cause I'm always loosing them and he keeps them safe.)
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The last of the skulls and of my lil friends! This is a rat skull, I'm p sure, and his name is Markus~ (don't think I had a reason for this one but I think of the name Markus and I think Detroit Become Human which I thgouth was a cool as fuck game so, probably after him!)
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cerberus253 · 2 months
So, that Guy Named "Jack" and He Carries a Candle Around
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After years not being on my mind, he finally showed up in my dreams some time ago and I've been thinking about him a lot (that's usually how my hyper-fixation gets re-kindled of an old character).
Contains- Canon Info, Headcanon Info (SFW and NSFW)
Veeeerrry long post
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- Is called "The Boogeyman. The For Real one."
- Poor back posture (is usually seen hunching over)
- Will kidnap you if you say his name out loud
- Loves Pumpkin Pie (just look at him smelling it!)
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- Can levitate while awake and asleep, also those tied in his ropes
- Sleeps like a cat, does the "Stinky Face" like a cat (probably just squinting, but it's still cat-like), and does the "Raptor hands" thing
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- Likes satirical sitcoms (F Troop)
- Polite and witty (he even holds his pinky finger up when holding his candle)
- Talks in monotone unless very upset
- Likes to eat peanuts
- Is rather one-track minded when kidnapping targets, ignoring those who have not said his name
- Is an escape artist
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(pic of Candlej-- uh, y'know, right after Freakazoid (not pictured) trapped him. He got out pretty fast. Look at that cheeky bastard. Love 'im <3)
- The stitches on his mouth actually open up to a mouth (I saw it happen for a few seconds, so it's real)
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Headcanon (SFW):
- Shows up and attempts to kidnap those who are actually scared by him, which are usually children.
- Answers to teens and adults if he wants to, since a lot of times it's for shits and giggles, parties, or weird cult stuff. Disrespect with the use of his name will not trigger him in this day and age!
- While Jack appreciates the wanted invitation to just hang out, he's rather an introvert and values his alone time, but does have his social moments.
- If he does show up [for adult strangers], and it isn't for kidnapping, its usually for Halloween-themed occasions (parties, fairs, carnivals, etc). Since it's usually around strangers, he just creeps around, watching people, either finding someone to scare or talking to those who seem interesting to him, or anyone who just comes up and chats to him. If at carnivals or fairs, he'd also play some of the games.
- I honestly believe, when his name is called, Jack can see the situation/setting he'll be getting himself into. Like, if just saying his name aloud will ALWAYS make him appear, then one could easily trap him in some max security prison. He'll know if he's floating into a trap or not, or if the callers aren't worth going after (especially in this day and age). Besides, if he came to everyone's beck and call, he'd be all over the place, and how could some people know about him yet be here? Survival of his kidnapping? Okay, so if you called again, he'd show up again, and now you'll know what to do to stop him. Why would he float into that? Anyway, yeah, I think Jack's picky and will only show up if you're actually afraid of him or are being serious about it.
- Has a strong sweet tooth, and likes salty treats. You will win him over if you can bake well AND bake his favorite things: Pumpkin Pie!
- Enjoys horror media (movies, TV shows, and books), specifically psychological and thriller ones. This includes watching people playing horror games or watching horror videos and get terrified by them. Will eat popcorn to it.
- Goes to candle and occult stores, which are the only places he'll actually pay for things other than rope. Where does he get the money? Uh... *whistles*
- Enjoys moonlit graveyard night walks (floats?), reading in dimly lit libraries, exploring old, haunted abodes, morning Autumn forest walks, etc.
- Pocket Dimension in his gloves, boots, and sack mask. He's gotta put all that rope somewhere.
- When outside of his kidnapping/villain hobby, he doesn't talk to strangers as much, preferring to let the other person go first, then indulging in conversation if he likes them enough.
- Doesn't talk about too personal of stuff unless he really really likes the person.
- Great listener and observer! Will be the kind of guy to remember seemingly small and insignificant details about someone he likes!
- Struggles to express his emotions normally, but when they are extreme they are noticeable (EX: The Peanut Incident of '97).
- Knows how to do all kinds of rope knots, easy and complicated.
- Doesn't mind physical contact, but isn’t the one to initiate unless it’s for scares. A little nervous if it’s romantic/sexual. Despite this, the Ghost-Man is TOUCH-STARVED, he's just unsure when it’s a good time to indulge himself.
- Jack is normally polite, and a little cheeky, to strangers, but when it comes to friends, he's also kind and considerate.
- Doesn't feel bad about kidnapping people, nor what happens to them after. However, if you strike up a good conversation, and get him to like you enough, he might change his mind. It would be a shame if such an interesting and compassionate person were to disappear and never be seen again... Don’t worry, he won’t stalk you (unless…👉👈 maybe he likes you a little too much 🙄)
- Why does Jack like to scare people and kidnap them? Yeah, he's weird, but what if it's because he's lonely and he didn't know how to socialize? Like, what if he was a creepy and weird kid that liked spooky things growing up, so people avoided him and he didn't know how to converse with his peers, so he found out that scaring people was a way to get them to notice him? Ya know, like "bad attention is better than no attention?" So now, as an adult, it's just what he does on a day-to-day basis because he's so used to it? Just a Theory.
- Jack’s a kind of Sheet Ghost. Him and the burlap and cotton/leather apparel are separate, like removable skin. Without it, he cannot eat. He doesn’t have to eat, but he likes to.
- Likes animals that people deem creepy/scary (insects, arachnids, deep sea fish, snakes, bats, etc.), but his favorite ones are black cats.
- Enjoys surprise gifts, including: Old books, old candle holders, baked goods, and spooky/creepy knick-knacks.
- I see him more as a Giver than a Taker kind of guy in any relationship, but when it comes to physical affection, he’s nervous and doesn’t usually initiates unless he can’t help himself, or he knows and trusts you enough.
- If ya wanna be friends with him, ya gotta be open and accepting of his (non-criminal) behaviors. Simply going out of your way to talk to him when he's around tells him you might want to be friends with him.
- If Jack [also] wants to be friends with you, he'll purposefully seek you out on occasions, scaring the shit out of you when you're least expecting it. Then he'll get down to casual stuff.
- If you have some sort of sensual (not sexual) relationship with him, he will accept cuddles and hugs when you need them. In addition, if you have trouble sleeping, he’ll sit/lay next to you to keep you company (might fall asleep himself).
- I’m gonna say this: Jack does, in fact, live somewhere. I am going to headcannon that he lives in an abandoned Victorian mansion that was left alone for so long that even time forgot it and now it sits between Life and Death in mist strewn woods. When people go missing on their own, they may stumble across it, seemingly empty, but Jack doesn’t like that someone literally entered his place so he scares them out. On the other hand, sometimes he invites close friends over for some quiet spooky time, but that hardly ever happens.
- His place is old, dusty, and dirty, which he doesn’t mind, but he also wouldn’t mind if someone wanted to clean it up (maybe that's why he kidnaps people). Just don’t kick out the rats and bats, change the aesthetic of the place, break anything that isn’t already damaged, install too many modern things, that sort of stuff. He still wants it to be old and creepy, but he understands if you need to charge your phone.
- If ya wanna be more than friends with him, ya gotta not only be open and accepting of him, but love the strange, dark, and mysterious things in the world (which includes him). Someone who’s kind, understanding, weird (complimentary), enjoys being alone with him, but also goes along with him when he wants to socialize; someone who isn’t extremely loud and energetic, but does give life and warmth around him; has a lot of similar interest with him, etc.
- Anyway, I think Jack is pretty inept when it comes to people flirting with him. I mean, yeah, he recognizes someone being really nice to him, but to get romantic, even physically? Nah, that's silly! Falling for a ghost is weird! Once he does get it, I think he'd be rather awestruck and confused, not really knowing what to think.
- However, you'll know he reciprocates when he leaves little gifts for you to discover (possibly even a Treasure Hunt!). or maybe even doing small domesticated things, like doing dishes, making breakfast/dinner for you, making your bed, etc. I don't see him doing laundry (undergarment respect) nor dusting, though. If he doesn't do anything, you'll definitely know he's been around because of the smell he leaves behind (candles and smoke).
- He struggles to know when you really need him around when it comes to emotional/mental struggles. Don’t get me wrong, he can recognize when you’re feeling that way, but doesn’t know what to do or if you need alone time, so he’s going to need you to tell him to stay or go, listen or give advice, and/or to touch or not to touch. Whatever it is, he’ll do it for ya because he cares and worries on the inside (referencing back to the struggle to express emotions). Communication 👏 Is 👏 Key 👏
- Not into hook-up culture. Definitely, at least, Grey-A in both romantic and sexual departments. Like, yeah, Elvira, Mistress of Darkness is a very pretty lady that he crushes on, but personally may be a little much for him.
- Appreciates if you helped clean his clothing attire. Being in the woods or a dusty mansion can get ya pretty dirty.
- Isn’t too picky with other peoples’ apparel, but he is fond of gothic attire. I want to say his favorites would be: Traditional, Romantic, Mopey, Victorian, and Medieval.
- Will help you with your make-up, King/Queen ✌️
- Okay listen, I don’t doubt that Jack may stalk people he has strong romantic interest in, because he’s a weirdo, BUT he is RESPECTFUL about it. He will watch you watch TV, doing chores, cooking and eating, doing sit-alone hobbies (reading, art, gaming, etc), doing taxes, sleeping (a BIG one), etc.
- He will NOT watch you do anything too…revealing (showering/bathing, changing, etc). He may be weird and lack certain social skills, but he knows when to look away…
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Headcannon (Suggestive/NSFW):
-… HOWEVER, if he knows that he’s allowed to look at you naked, or doing naughty things, he will. He will. Might even sneak up on you to scare you, then to “help you out,” if ya know what I mean~ Despite this, I don’t think he’d be the kind of guy to watch and pleasure himself while doing so. I just can't think of him doing that. He's weird and creepy, not sick and perverted.
- Would set up a relaxing bath (with candles, of course!) for you after a long and hard day, resting against the side of the tub while you’re bathing, watching and listening to you. Maybe helping you wash yourself.
- Jack comes off as a Soft Switch to me, mostly leaning Soft Dom.
- Remember the “he knows how to do all kinds of knots?” Yeah, he’d have fun with bondage. I don’t think he’d be really aggressive with it, but in fact passionate and loving. Wouldn’t want you getting rope burn.
- If he did decide to “unwrap his gift,” he would do it carefully (again, to avoid rope burn) and methodically, speaking softly, monotonously, and sweetly while he comments on how beautiful you (his gift) is 💛
- I mean, you can suggest he use soft or lace-like binding rope fabrics so he doesn’t have to worry about hurting you, but he prefers classic, plant fiber rope 👌
- Expect playful teasing from him, both verbally and physically. Will use words like “naughty,” “silly,” “little tease,” “my beloved toy,” etc, and would tell you to mind your Ps and Qs (English Idiom for “manners”) if you want him to do something for you.
- Will call you sweet nicknames like, “pumpkin,” “darling,” “my dear,” “little moth,” etc.
- Normally he’d be wearing regular burlap cloth, which is rather irritating to skin (luckily he doesn’t have any), but when he wears the softer kind, you know he’s looking for a lot of physical affection.
- With said soft fabric on, Jack can finally really touch and feel you up as much as he wants and as long as he wants, really squishing, massaging, and fondling all those soft and squishy curves and crevices of yours~ 🖤
- If you want to really get him Turned On: LACE. NIGHTGOWNS. Walk around the house with it on, sleep with it on, cuddle with it on, get intimate with it on, etc. Just seeing the delicate fabric loosely hang around your form, and the intricate lace designs flowing around your chest, sides, and edges (also sleeves if applicable) makes him giddy and warm up fast. If you’re not wearing any undergarments underneath, I think he’ll get the message why you’re flaunting yourself in front of him~ 💖
- In addition, since he's so into scaring people, I think he'd be into playing Hide n' Seek/Cat and Mouse, with you hiding (the Mouse) and him seeking (the Cat). He'd be talking a lot during it, saying things like, "Where oh where has my darling gone?~," "I'll find you soon, my pretty~," and "Come out come out wherever you are, little one~."
- Of course, after finding you, he would love for you to try to run from him! "You can run, but you can't hide, my dear!~," "Running only excites me more, once I catch you, my little moth!~"
- After getting caught, "There, finally! I've caught you now, little rascal~ Now to make sure you won't be running from me any longer, love~" *brings out the bondage rope*
- I honestly don’t think he’d be into violent and aggressive sexual interaction. Like, despite his love to scare, I don’t think he’d try to bruise nor hold a real knife to your throat or anything like that. Legit the worst he’d do would be pretending to choke you or leave red marks on your skin.
- Jack’s favorite parts of you are anything squishy and soft, which includes chest/breasts, stomach, love handles, butt, and thighs. He just adores it when you smile and giggle while he lovingly squeezes any of said parts, and will continue to do so for your arousal. Then he’ll go for the other soft and sensitive spot that will surely get you heated and huffing~ 💗 Be careful not to say his full name, though! Or he'll just tighten those ropes around you!
- I’m not sure if intercourse would even be possible, but I know he’d take great pleasure in pleasuring you in any way he can, whether it be massaging, fondling, fingering, or using sex toys on you (maybe he has specific apparel that has a hollow dildo attached to his crotch so he can be in you XD).
- Jack would like really any position, but I think he’d prefer to hug and play with you from behind. He likes to feel you press into him (or he pressing you into him) when you’re rhythmically gyrating from his touch, and even better if it’s into the bed (he wants to be squished by you👌).
- Another location would be in front of a mirror so you, and him, can see yourself getting fondled/fingered/loved/fucked by him, blushing, smiling, and giggling, all the while stealing glances when your eyes aren’t shut from the pleasure. Additionally, turn your head and give him soft yet passionate kisses, using a possible free hand to hold his face against yours, to make him just as giddy👌👌
- One thing he would prefer is doing it in the dark, or dimly lit space with only candles to light it. Maybe start off in a dimly lit room, and one by one, over the course of the passionate and romantic affection, they’d be blown out until pitch blackness. That’s when he’d start fingering/fucking you, when your sense of sight is unreliable so your sense of hearing and touch are strengthened. Kinky AF~
Closing Notes:
- Like I said before, I see Jack as more of a Giver than a Taker. With friends, and close friends, he’s rather tolerant to all kinds of folks: Loud, quiet; eccentric, secluded; freaks, geeks, creeps, and weirdos; neurotypicals and neurodivergent, etc, just don’t be an asshole (racist, sexist, homophobic, a rapist, all that stuff). He enjoys watching the diversity of people.
- However, when it comes to romantic relationships, I see him like how I am: Yeah, I may have a handful of people I crush on/admire, but you have to really catch my interest for me to actually pursue you, which is quite rare.
- The types of people I think Jack would have strong interests in are the quiet, introverted/extroverted-introvert ones, and outcast types. He’d want someone who is kind, sweet, accepting of him, (trying to) understand(s) him, exclusive, mindful, considerate, weird (affectionate), giving, observant, patient, unique, quiet but not shy, has many similar interests as him, indulges in his hobbies, and their weirdness matches his weirdness.
- Then there’s the “darker” side of said person he’d also like: Reflective, mysterious, a loner (but not truly isolating), gloomy, obsessive (with interests and hobbies), struggles to show emotions but can express them, and prefers to have personal/intimate alone time with him rather than dates or parties every weekend.
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