motley-cunt · 1 year
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sunnymarbles · 3 months
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aphmau dump hi guys ^_^ ignore the gross disgusting old 2016-2019 time period art in the corner of redraws
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Been talking with some friends and i have another dp au(void help me)
Danny Phantom Phasmophobia au
Sam and Tucker decide they want to go to this creepy house in this small town outside Amity Park, Danny hesitantly tags along
When he enters the house, He feels this oppressive aura, and his core is screaming at him to leave(He does not, But hes really wary and on edge)
Eventually someone in their trio has to go in alone, Danny reluctantly goes in(He doesn't want Sam or Tucker to get hurt)
The aura from before is more intense now
Eventually the ghost would appear(I imagine they're pissed that humans are disturbing their haunt), and they cant tell Danny's a ghost at first until they get close
When they do, Danny cant move or speak, the feeling from before is overwhelming and hes fucking terrified
His core is telling him to look away, not to appear as a threat, so he does
The ghost realizes that Danny's a young ghost, and a halfa at that, so they take pity and calm Danny down, and explain to them a few things(that i'll explain in a second), and let him go with a light warning not to disturb another's Haunt
On the other side of this, Sam and Tucker are terrified for Danny when the ghsot started hunting, and then after when Danny's Radio suddenly stops working, They try to break into the house but cant manage to get in
They're so relieved when Danny walked through the door, visably shaken up but other then that, completely fine
They decide to leave after that, and Later Danny fills them in on what happened afterwards(They apologize to him for pushing him into that situation in the first place)
Theres a difference between Haunts in the Ghost Zone(Lairs), and in the human world
Amity park is an exception and i'll explain that in a bit
All Haunts should be treated with respect, Ghosts dont enter a haunt uninvited, attack someone in their own haunt, etc. Thats the extent of it for Lairs, Since ghosts are really the only beings in the infinite realms, theres no need for any protection
In the human world however, Humans and other creatures disturb haunts quite frequently, to counter act this, Ghosts who reside in the human realm have a oppressive/protective aura to chase away anyone unwanted, and by extention, any curious ghosts looking to claim the haunt as their own. Sometimes, Ghosts will fight eachother for a haunt in the human world, hence why the aura affects them aswell
Amity Park is an odd case. The entire city is considered Phantom's haunt, which is pretty big for a haunt. Whats stranger is that Phantom is much more welcoming then other ghosts, allowing other ghosts to reside in Amity as long as they dont cause any trouble
His aura is still protective, and intimidating to new ghosts entering, but it isn't as intense or intimidating as other ghosts.
Another thing is that a ghost's aura depends on age of the ghost, along with how long they've had/how close they are to their haunt.
Halfa's are also a fun topic, They get the same instincts ghosts do, but they dont get any information when it comes to ghost taboo, rules, traditions, etc. Danny in this didn't know the rules about human haunts, but his instincts acted up anyways, which is why he was on edge and reacted to the aura
Alot of Phasmophobia/Danny Phantom idea's ive seen where danny wasn't completely dead seemed to have Danny as confident and unphased by other ghosts, so I thought this would be a nice different take on the idea ~ Ender/Whisper
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optimus-rhyme · 2 years
Real actual thing I wrote for science at school
What would the trolls from Homestuck be classfied as? This will be an INDEPTH study into that question. Things we know for sure: They're natural carnivores, evidence to this is that Trolls have front facing eyes, meaning they are predators. This is supported by the fact most trolls have sharp teeth and there diet consists of bugs.
They're nocturnal: This is in reference to myth that trolls will turn to stone in the sun, in comic though, it's because the sun on there planet is so bright it will cause blindness.
They have a bee like reproduction structure: All trolls have to send genetic material to the Mother Grub, as the name suggests this creature lays all trolls. (besides our main 12 trolls, who were created paradoxically with ectobiology.) They are not mammalian : Trolls are very close to bugs, being layed in an egg rather than born, other than that there pretty much grey humans with horns. They have a skeleton: There skeleton's are exactly like a humans.
Trolls have 11 blood colors from highest to lowest they are: Rust, bronze, gold, olive, jade, teal, cobalt, indigo, purple, violet, and fuchsia. There can only be two fuchsia bloods at a time, because one has to rule the planet and the other one has to wait to be next in line. There was two other blood caste, lime is one of them, but they have all gone extinct. The last blood caste is not on the hemospectrum at all, bright red mutant blood. It's not known how it was created as the only known troll with it was made paradoxically so theres no origin to trace it back too.
Trolls have two distinct groups, seadweller and landdweller, seadwellers only being in the violet and fuchsia bloods. Seadwellers are differnt for being able to breath underwater, the only visable differance about them is they have fins. For this i'm going to assume all blood types are subspecies.
Scientific classification: Rust bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia (pecuinus "beast like", cimex "bug")
Order: Arthropod
Family: Durdae (from the latin word durus meaning hard, tough or rude)
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Kinesis
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Kinesis (movement, as most rust bloods have telekinesis)
Scientific classification: Bronze bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Order: Arthropod
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Duxducis
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Duxducis (leader, guide, commander as most bronze bloods have telepathic control over animals)
Scientific classification: Gold bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Order: Arthropod
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Perculsus
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Perculsus (shock, gold bloods have the most potent psychic abilities and are commonly enslaved to be uses a batteries)
Scientific classification: Lime bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Order: Arthropod
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: † H. Cuppedia
Binomial nomenclature: † Hemo Cuppedia (delicacies, candies, sweetmeats, referencing lime/red blooded cherubs)
Mutant red bloods are theorized to be mutanted lime bloods so they don't get a classification, but if i were to give them there own there species would be Hemo Cruentus (meaning Blood Blood red ell oh ell)
Scientific classification: Olive bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Order: Arthropod
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Depraedor
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Depraedor (to plunder, lay waste, ravage as most olive bloods have animal-like predator qualities to them)
Scientific classification: Jade bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Order: Arthropod
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Matris
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Matris (mother, jade bloods are tasked with caring for newborn grubs)
Scientific classification: Teal bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Order: Arthropod
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Lexlegis
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Lexlegis (law, statute / covenant, teal bloods are a caste of civil servants)
Scientific classification: Cobalt bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Order: Arthropod
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Imperium
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Imperium (power to command, control as cobalt bloods have psychic powers ranging from mind reading to outright mind control)
Scientific classification: Indigo bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Order: Arthropod
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Arcus
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Arcus (bow and arrows), arch, bend, arc, most indigo bloods have arrow shaped horns)
Scientific classification: Purple bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Order: Arthropod
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Somnio
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Somnio (dream, imagine foolishly, the ablities they have are "chucklevoodoos" which induce nightmares)
Scientific classification: Violet bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Subclass: Piscisimlimexia (piscis similis "fish like", cimex "bug")
Order: Carnivoran
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Regius
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Regius (royal, regal the only thing violet bloods really are, are royal fish)
Scientific classification: Fuchsia bloods
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pecuinusimexlia
Subclass: Piscisimlimexia
Order: Carnivoran
Family: Durdae
Genus: Hemocaste
Species: H. Immortalrarus
Binomial nomenclature: Hemo Immortalrarus (immortal + "rarus" meaning rare, fuchsia bloods live for a extremely long time and theres only two of them around at once)
Trolls have yellow sclera probably due to there nocturnal nature, meaning they most likely can see way better than humans. Trolls probably are naturally stronger than humans too. Nepeta, a troll whos 13 years old, can take down animals much bigger than her in battle.
It is suggested most bodily fluides of trolls are pigmented with there blood, as there tears are tinted with the same color Trolls mouths are never shown to be tinted with there blood color, and there lips are said to be naturally black I think this is to be able aborb heat in the night because the suns not out no more and it probably gets cold, it would also be a good way to hide from predators.
It is never shown what the biological funtion of there horns are, they never use it in combat so im assuming they use it in an attracting mates kind of way, the fact its the only brightly colored thing on them helps support this theory.
Female trolls are said to have breasts, but its said there uncable of lactation and its unknown what the use for them are
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eelmachine · 3 years
i wish i was in a ginat labyrinth theres proably so much fun stuff to do
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c-h-pictures · 4 years
So, I wanted to make Con artist AU Janus completely blind, but it’s just not working.
So now he’s blind in one eye and has no depth perception.
Because I still need the blind factor for storyline, but completely blind isn’t working.
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filmmakerdreamst · 3 years
your top 5 dasey episodes?💕
1. Home Movies
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OK. Their fight at the beginning screams UST (and also kickstarts the episode)
Casey is trying to interview Derek about the family and he surprisingly gets really pissed at her. They fight alot in this show, but this is the first time he legitimately shouts at her while being dead serious/visably hurts her feelings and vice versa.
He's clearly mad that she left him out of something that deeply effects him. Hes never been good at expressing feelings which leads to him bottling them up and letting them out in an unhealthly way (sometimes I feel this dude needs more therpy than Casey). Even though, he likes his new step-family, he still had no say in the matter at the end of the day e.g. This is not a picture perfect family Casey, this is a mess of a family thats making the best of a contrived situation.
And its very obvious to me, that he clearly loves her by this point, and he resents the fact that he does. e.g. 'My Dads decisions put me in this mess'
It gave me a slight reminder of 'Flowers in the Attic' (even though thats a totally different kettle of fish) where the two eldest siblings fall in love with eachother because of the situation they are forced under by their parents (i.e. emotional neglect etc)
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And the ending scene where they playfight over a video of Derek filming her brushing her teeth, is like my favourite moment between them ever. Its so cute and touchy feely and full of love. I tell you, in another situation, this would end in sex. (not even sorry right now)
2. Adios Derek
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This could be my top favourite (if it wasn't for 'Home Movies') because it just shows how much Derek is obssessed with his step-sister, to the point that hes told hes going to be sent away to another continent.
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The thing he pranks Casey about is strangely specific. Hes just found out she keeps a poetry column. He hacks her computer, and changes the poem she writes - to a limmick that he wrote. I dono - its just a little weird if he doesn't have feelings for her.
Also possibly my favourite moment is at the end of the episode, where he gives her an advanced copy of the school paper (without being asked) where he had her real poem published, along side funny poetry that he wrote about her. Thats peak romance for me.
3. Things that Go Bump in the Night
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This episode is such a choatic mess OMG. The way Casey is eager to impress Derek by sneaking out with him. Their married bicker in the car -- which leads to them denting the other car. Them acting like 'a couple' who might get found out by the rest of the family. I love every bit of it. I've said this before but its almost like a G rated version of them going on a date secretly and the family finding out.
4. March Break
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Very Obvious Choice. But come on. Why did George and Nora leave them alone together?
I just think its funny how this episode has a contrast of the family road trip vs Derek and Casey at home, circling each other, reinacting 'Creul Intentions'.
It just shows how the show genre is split in half. There's the family-friendly comedy of George and Nora and Lizzie, Edwin and Marti. And theres the whatevers going on with Derek and Casey. They are an genre in itself (heh heh)
5. Dinner Guest
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I love this episode for the primal reason that he calls Casey's Dad back after seeing Casey upset. I feel this is one of those pivotal moments in their relationship. And he's not even there when Casey's Dad comes back, which means he didn't even want the credit. He just wanted to see her happy. Great character development for Derek.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
hi! feel free to ignore this but recently i started to question my sexuality and i thought i could maybe ask you a bit about it? i just want to chat to someone about it i guess because i‘m a bit overwhelmed rn.
so for example i like never get crushes; i think people are attractive or nice but like i never get the physical things people talk about. but when guys ask me if i‘m open to something casual i also don‘t want that i think? because i do enjoy the idea of a partner?
because i‘m a virgin but i also like never fantasize about sex with real life people? i only ever do that with fictional people
feel free to answer with anything you want! you‘re just a very nice person and i appreciate you 🤎
hey! hopefully I can be some help, I know how confusing it can all be so I'll try my best but I can't tell you for sure. I'm gonna chuck everything under a cut cause it's getting kinda long lmao
from what you've said theres defs a possibility you are a-spec (ie on the ace and/or aro spectrums). what you've described is defs similar to what i feel and what i've seen other a-spec people describe feeling.
In regards to being aro, because it's the one more familiar to me, it can be tricky to work out but the not experiencing crushes in the way they're often described I think would be a big indication that you are aro-spec. I know I don't really get crushes though I do find some people attractive as a potential partner. And you liking the idea of a partner isn't proof that you aren't aro-spec. Some aro people want relationships, some don't, some are okay with a casual hook up sitch and some want a long term monogamous partner. There's lots of different ways to be aro-spec and calling yourself aro comes down to how you experience romantic attraction.
You may decide you aren't completely aromantic and instead are aroflux (experiencing fluctuating levels of romantic attraction) or demiromantic (only experiences romantic attraction to people after forming a deep emotional connection) or any number of other identities. AUREA have a list of different terms related to the aro-spectrum so it might help to look through there and see if any of them make sense to you and your personal situation/feelings.
It's totally okay to test out a label for yourself and then change if it doesn't fit right, or else not use a label at all! I started off thinking I was Bi and then switched to Greyro (feels attraction cery rarely) and then when I thought about it more changed to Aro partly because I don't think I have ever felt romantic attraction and partly because it can be used as a general catch-all term so even if I do one day feel romantic attraction it still fits. But not using any labels is totally an option too! You can just decide you don't experience romantic attraction the way most people do and leave it at that if it feels too hard to narrow it down more! And then if you want to come back to it later and have a more specific word for it, then you can do that when you're ready and it feels less overwhelming.
AUREA do also have a FAQ page and theres a whole section about questioning if you're aro-spec which you might find useful.
Now, as for being ace I know a lot less. I have questioned whether I'm somewhere on the ace spectrum but I've not totally figured it out yet and it's not as important to me as figuring out I'm aro was. But I defs understand how being a virgin can make it hard to know. Personally, when I read or write smut I don't tend to imagine myself at all. Even if a fic is using Y/N for the character and everything is saying "you did this" and "you did that" I just cannot visualise myself in any sort of sexual situation. Which is why I think i'm quite possibly ace-spec. Again, I don't know as much about being ace but here is a list of different ace spectrum identities which will be similar to the aro spectrum list above. And a link to the Ace Visability Network FAQ page which may also be helpful to look through.
I know this can feel kinda worrying and overwhelming and be really tough to figure out so if you ever want to chat my DMs are always open, I am more than happy to go into details about how I figured it out or answer any questions you have to the best of my ability. Hopefully this helped a little even if it was just the pages I linked lmao!
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jaketeachesdeath · 4 years
Another comparison for you. This got brought up in the VCUK group so I figured Id share it here too.
A lot of folk arent sure whos jaw is whos and it can be tricky.
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So here were have two sets of jaws.
Top set is Squirre.l and the bottom set is Ra.t
Theres two key differences here, one is that Squirre.ls have 4 molars and Ra.ts have 3. The other is that they are a different shape. The back of the Rat.s jaw has this near semi-circular cut out shape where as the Squirrels is more stretched out.
Size is a tricky one, you can get big Ra.ts and small Squirre.ls but there is a size difference between the two in the above images as seen below.
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Please note however that juvenile Squirre.ls may not have 4 molars yet as theyre still growing in. So if in doubt check the shape!
If you think there may be a possibility that it may be Rabbi.t check the teeth! Dont forget Rabbi.ts teeth continuously grow so they can continue eating with wear. So they'll lack visable roots.
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So ive been reading a lot of characters-meet-genderbent-versions-of-themselves fics lately and heres just a couple of things you can add in these fics to make them more realistic with said orginal character's personality and that drive me crazy when ppl forget to consider them
In this context "orginal character" refers to the canon characters
Girl hair: Not all girls have long hair! Girls have hair of all lengths. Some girls prefer their hair super short some like it down past their butt. Hair length can be choosen due to appearance or lifestyle or preference. Long hair gets knotty and its hard to take care of, so if the character has little paticence the female version might chose to keep her hair short. Hairstyles! Not every girl wears her hair down everyday. Some girls only wear ponytails, some wear it half up, some prefer buns. Hair can be messy/loose or it can be sleek and tight. The longer the hair typically the more damaged it is! This doesnt have much to do with the fic, other than making the hair appear lighter in color. Texture! Why would i bring this up? Well like sun damage the longer the hair the more secrets it reveals, in this context texture. Example, we thought my bro had straight hair until he started growing it out and we all found out its actually almost as curly as mine.
Communication: Men and women communicate differently. Its not all that drastic, but say if the orginal character is a emotionally constipated man, then the woman version would still be emotionally constipated but she would likely talk a bit more about whats going on. Women subconciously bond when talking of experiences or sharing problems (which has led to the stereotype of women talk to much and talk about nothing). Why bring this up? If one of the genderbent characters brings up/lets something slip to the orginal characters it could bring up conflict amoung the group of orginal characters. Which always makes a good fic
Clothing: men and women clothing is very different! I really wish it wasnt shopping as a girl i can tell you that you will never find what you are looking for. So say the original man character dresses really simply. The woman character can dress pretty much the same, other than her clothing being a bit thinner and a lower neckline (it is so hard to find a normal t-shirt neckline). If the orginal character a woman that dresses nice and wears heels and makeup the man version could dress slightly nice and maybe care a lot about how his hair looks and vice versa. Orginal a man who is always wearing pants? The woman version would probably too or maybe crop pants. Just because women shorts come in a thousand different lengths doesnt mean every female character version is confortable in all of them. Mens shorts really only have 2 length options (cargo and basketball short) so really you just have to chose one for the man character version
Makeup: not every woman wears makeup! Do not feel pressured to make your female charater versions stress about makeup if the orginal male character doesnt care about his appearance at all and he wears the same shirt 4 days in a row without caring. Female him would not care either
Body: okay not gonna lie this one bothers me the most so im gonna start at the easy stuff. Height! I know that in the USA the average male height is 5'9" and female 5'4". So if the orignial character is tall SO IS THE ALTERNATE VERSION. Using these measurements theres a 5 inch (12.5 cm) difference. So add 5 inches to the girl to make the boy and subtract 5 inches from the boy to make girl. Girls can be tall. In middle school my friends who were girls averaged from 5'7" to 6'2". Shape! Yes man and women bodies have differences, but they arent all the same. The general shape is up to you (hourglass vs square, triangle vs apple, boobs) But if the male character has big biceps do not make the female have twig arms. She is still doing exactly what he is doing. Do not be scared to have your woman versions have muscle. Also dont be scared to make the man versions scrawny. Not every man is a muscular. Not everyone is skinny! Weight gain is typically more visable on woman, due to tight and thin clothing. Men can be self conscious about their bodies too.
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atransreflection · 5 years
Trans Childhood Confessions #07
I think this is a very big thing for me to realise, and its only a recent realisation. I feel like I get a lot of voices asking about how I could go through all my formative years being fine wearing dresses, having my chest visable, wearing makeup and so on.. basically looking 'feminine' (what ever that means) without having an issue with it, but now in recent years it makes me dysphoric. When I was a teen I loved dressing up, wearing dresses, I thought it was sexy and that I looked good. But, and this is a big one, it wasnt me. I looked in the mirror and saw a sexy female, not to sound big headed, BUT, that wasnt me, I was looking at what might as well of been a picture of a women on the wall. I saw someone else, and thought they looked good - as more people told me I looked sexy or nice, id want to do that more for other people. But it wasnt me, it never was. Eventually I realised this, so I started to dress differently, I wore a binder and 'masculine' clothing, looking in the mirror, I cried. I actually cried, because thats me - right there. Yes theres some things that stuck out as not me, but I cant change those things just yet, but one day it'll be me to the fullest in that mirror, and itll be amazing.
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pazak-thion-brady · 2 years
01:23. An accursed time. A time I see way too often. Theres something strange about that time. Things go bump in the night, the visions are more visable than ever and the rain just, hits different.
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myzooelliecirket · 4 years
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affects of war on animals in zoos
In Iraq there was a zoo called Mosul's forlorn little zoo which was captured by ISIS. For three months they used it as ground which in turn killed more than 40 of the zoos animal through accidently getting imbertween the fights and through collateral damage and bombs or from hunger. The Iraqi army broke through and liberated the zoo from ISIS. There was rusting cages left and by january there was only two surviving animals left Lula, a caramel-colored female bear, and Simba, a three-year-old lion. What many people dont know is that animals suffer from PTSD and other war psychosis like humans do. Both the animals that were rescued had this Lula ate her two cubs due to stress and hunger then theres Simba Who was one of three lions. His mother killed the father to make sure that they both had food to survive. When they found the two of them Simba was emaciated with his ribs being visable and his bones visable through the skin he also would not stop pacong his small enclosure, lula was severely Tramatized and hungry she poked her nose sheepishly out the bars to beg for food and water. This is the problem with humans who want land that is not theirs to take. They dont care for what things they harm or cause because all they have is greed and want they dont take caution because they see animals as inferior and not worth anything but every life is worth the same just because something walks around on four paws doesnt make its life worth any different. I dont think land is worth more than a life. Land doesnt have a conceince it doesnt have pain it doesnt have greif and it is certainly not worth killing innocent animals just beause you want it.
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musashden · 4 years
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So I went to Ross for the first time in six months and found this guy for only $3!
I’m looking for posable male dolls so this BTS line is perfect because they’re basically leftover Monster High male bodies - full articulation. And their pale skin is basically a blank slate for the color experiments I have planned
I have plans to turn him in to Daken. I also have “V”, Jung Kook and J-hope. One of those is earmarked to eventually become Nightcrawler.
Not sure if its visable but Ross says the original price was $10. It isn’t. These BTS guys were originally a solid $20 so to get one for $3 is amazing, especially since I plan to repaint him. Amazon also has them every now and then for around $6. Turns out these “Idol” line guys are on the outs because theres a new “Prestige” line coming out. Honestly its just a different outfit on the same doll.
Thats my dog’s nose blocking the bottom of the box - she was really in love with everything I bought from Ross for some reason - even though I wiped and sprayed everything she was just all over everything I bought.
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a-pretty-nerd · 7 years
Imagine: Part 8 Finale (Jasper Jordan x pregnant reader)
A/N: This is the last instalment of this fic! I am so happy that you guys enjoyed it! If you like this one, then you might like a new I’m cooking up. This one involved a 1920s AU with Jasper(ot just straight up, Devon) being reader’s lover! I also have some Murphy smuts, and Rodrick smuts on the way! But as always, don’t be afraid to make a request! ✌❤
Warning: Violence, the apocalypse, angst, etc.
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That’s it. Octavie won the fight. Arkadia offically had rights to the bunker that was sure to save everyone. There was hope after all. You, and the baby, and Jasper didn’t have to die! It was just a matter of convincing Jasper. But you were running out of time. While you were helping everyone pack up for the bunker, Jasper and Harper were off partying with the others. Monty hadn’t given up hope, but he was too busy trying to convince Harper, and making suits, and figuring everything out. It wasn’t until mostly everyone had left, and your time was numbered by days, that you approached by Bellamy.
“Y/N.” His voice deep, and demanding as always. You turned and looked up at him with a curious gaze. Its not that you and Bellamy didn’t get along, it was just a rarety for him to reach out to you.
“Why aren’t you leaving with the others?” You shrugged.
“I’m staying with Monty for a bit. We still have time to-”
“You’re a top priority. You shouldn’t be here now. The radiation will come any day now.”
“I’m well aware Bellamy. I just…I have a few things I need to take care of first.” You went to walk away, but he blocked you.
“If you’re talking about Jasper, you’re wasting your time. Nothing will change his mind.” Somehow he turned his words into a knife, and gutted you. You’d thought the same thing before, but hearing it said by someone else. It hurt more than anything else.
“Get out of my way Bellamy.” You demanded.
“Get the fuck, out of my way!” You shouted at him. All the anger you felt, all the sorrow and the hate from the past 5 months came out. His eyes went wide, clearly taken back. He stepped aside, and you stomped off to your room. You layed down on the bed, and cried.
Several days went by too fast. You stood amungst the group of wild teenager as the music blared, and they stripped to their underwear in a wild frenzie. Bellamy had just left, leaving you and Monty to catch up in the last remaining rover. Monty made extra suits. Five to be exact. Four, for you, Harper, Jasper, and himself. Then an extra just in case.
You found Jasper at the bar, pouring himself some of that putrid tea he made. He looked sickly, his skin was greasy and pale. The bags under his eyes made him look 10 times older. How had you not seen him like this? Why didn’t you tell him before. Maybe then, he wouldn’t be like this. Monty went to approach him before there was shouting across the room. One of the others had collapsed, and they frantically circled around him. Monty went to try and revive him, but you watched as the emaciated Jasper clawed him away. He rambled on about how to let him have his peace. It scared you to death to see him like this. On the verdge of death himself. He looked down at the dead body in fascination, and envy. You had to act now. This was your last chance.
When Jasper seperated himself from the group, you followed him into a dark room. Almost nothing, but a table, and a window. Jasper wrapped himself in a blanket, and went to finish his drink. You knew, if he finished it, he’d be dead. The cup gently tapped his bottom lip, and you panicked.
“Jasper!” You cried. He jumped, and turned his attention to you. His eyes wide with fear. You had clearly startled him.
“Y/N. N-No. What are you doing here? Go, get out of here before its too late.” He put his drink down, and approached you to walk you away.
“I’m not leaving. Not until I talk to you.” It was hard to speak. Your heart felt like it was in your throat. You felt sick to your stomach as you looked helplessly into his big brown eyes. Those eyes, still as soft and sweet as the day you met him.
“Goodbyes will only hurt Y/N. Please just-”
“This isn’t a goodbye Jasper. Look, theres something I have to tell you.”
“Oh, God. Y/N. Don’t do this to yourself. Don’t tell me you love me. It will only make it harder for you to move on.” He placed his hands on your shoulders. “I just want you to go, and be happy.”
“Oh float you Jasper!” You had enough. Enough of him and his shitty attitude. You cared about this too much to let him brush you off again. “You want me to be happy? You make me happy Jasper.” His eyes were wide, he very visably didn’t know how to react. “But, thats not what I came here to tell you.” He looked you up and down, nervous and confused.
“You shouldn’t be here, you need to leave. You’re f-fucking pregnant.” He was stumbling through his words.
“Jasper, please. Y-You need to know this. I should have told you long before. And I’m so so sorry. If I did, maybe things would be different.” You felt like you were going to cry. You did everything you could to keep yourself from it. You were so sick of all the tears. You kept your gaze away from his eyes. You stared at his collar bone. “Jasper…The baby…” You took in a deep breath.
“What about it Y/N?”
“The baby, is yours!” There it was. You said it. You got the courage to look up at him. His expression hadn’t changed. You watched him take a deep breath, and close his eyes shut. He shook his head, and then looked at you.
“What?” He was in disbelief.
“You got me pregnant, Jasper.”
“N-No its Damian’s.”
“Damian and I never had sex.” He stared at your belly, then you.
“B-But how?”
“Don’t you remember? Unity day, you got super hammered. And we…The next morning you told me it didn’t mean anything.” He stared at you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I tried. I wanted to. So badly. But everytime I tried to tell you, it was just so wrong. And in Mount Weather…you were so happy with Maya I-I…” The tears started. They rolled down your cheeks. “I couldn’t ruin your chances with her.” His eyes started getting teary. His eyes found themselves lost in yours. His breathing became heavy.
“Y-You let everyone think, that it was someone else’s. Just so….Y/N…Why?”
“Because I’ve loved you since we were on the Ark! I have loved you, even though you put me through so much shit. I mean, you knocked me up, and you reject me, and now…Now you’re leaving me…” You watched him as the tears fell down his cheekbones. His lip began to quiver, and then he reached out. He held you close to him, like he would never let go. You felt his tears fall on your head as he wept.
“I’m so sorry Y/N.” He sobbed. “I’m so..s-sorry.” You looked up at him, held his face in your hands, and kissed him. He kissed back, tenderly. When you pulled away, his hands grazed over your belly.
“You taste just as sweet as that night.” He whisepered. He leaned his forehead against yours.
“Jasper, I can’t do this without you.” You held his hand on your belly. “We, can’t do this without you.” He looked down at your belly fondly. As if, he was happy.
“Y/N…” His voice was soft, and sweet.
“It’s not too late.” You kissed him again. “You know you’d be welcome with open arms. Jasper, no one wants to see you go. Think how devistated Monty and I would be. Or Octavia, or Raven. Jasper, you have so many people who love, and care about. Y-You…You have a family right here.”
“I’d be no good in a family. I-Im-”
“Bullshit! You’d make a great Dad, and a wonderful partner. You’re a skilled chemist. You’re smart, and sweet. You have a heart of gold. You’d do anything to save the people you love. I know you’ve convinced yourself that you’re cursed, and useless, but you’re wrong. So, so wrong. So please. Come with us. Come with us, or I’m staying here with you.” You stood your ground.
“Oh float you.” He whispered before kissing you, passionately. The most amazing, loving, and breath taking kiss you’d ever had. He held the back of your neck, and your hip in the other hand. He reluctantly pulled away, and looked at you again, with something of a smile. Or a grin. “Come on then.”
“Really?” He nodded, and went to walk out of the room with you. But Monty stood there, in his suit. His mouth hanging open. “Jesus Monty, how long have you been standing there?”
“I saw the whole thing. You’re really coming?” He asked Jasper.
“If you’ll have me.” He shrugged. Monty just gave him a tight hug. Then he swept the two of you off to the Rover. You’d saved Jasper’s life. A debt he’d never be able to repay. No matter how many dirty diapers he’d change.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The end ❤✌
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foulserpent · 7 years
d.on/t reb/log
i do sometimes worry tht like. people are gonna take that (very good, very true) message in that prev post but start going after trans ppl who will draw characters somewhat Noticeably Trans bc theyre tryinh to feel better about their own bodies.
like when i was younger i drew a lot of trans characters w/ noticeable boobs or visably wearing binders, not for fetishy reasons ofc but bc you know. i was trying to feel ok with myself by drawing people with bodies like my own being ok with it
and ofc theres a HUGE, OBVIOUS difference between that and some rando being like "look at how TRANS this character is look how much i emphasize their secondary sex characteristics bc i think its hot" but people on here have no damn nuance and ive already seen trans artists being accused of fetishizing Themselves for drawing people of their gender with bodies like Their Own so
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