#Bad Juju
nilobunny · 7 months
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My Digisona Bad Juju! I LOVED digimon tamers as a kid and always have been my favorite season, being impmon and guilmon were my ALL TIME favorite digimon <3 But impmon will always have a special place in my heart <3
please follow me! bluesky || itaku || twitter || furaffinity || patreon
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yourlocaltoad · 8 months
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Transperent renders of the senseis for the Skylanders Creator App (Skylanders Creator, 2016) (pt3)
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mywastelandperfection · 11 months
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Bad Juju: (watching Juju Junior play with the Hatchlings) Have you ever wished that your children would stay young forever?
Sonic Boom:
Juju Junior: Mama, how come me and the hatchlings can’t play together anymore?
Bad Juju: (head in hands) Because your mother forgot to think before she spoke.
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So I swear I've got some bad karma on me or something! It's only 7:35 am and I've already had shit luck all morning…. My toilet seat has broken off my loo (it's been broken for 6+ months) but finally bit the ghost and broke off completely! Then I came out to head to work and my tyre was flat so had to pump that to pump it up. I just I just pray that it is still pumped up when I come out of work this evening🤞🏼🙈! To top it off while commuting to the office I nearly had a kamikaze pigeon fly into my car. Fuck my life 🤣
I just hope the say improves from here 🤞🏼🤞🏼😅 hope all have a positive day ahead!
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gs-artchive · 11 months
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legendary + dark bad juju edits
i figured out how to make backgrounds look decent finally
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baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad juju
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hyperpsychomaniac · 1 year
Hilda fanfic
Another nightmare for Erik. I do like playing around with the surreal-ness of them. One-shot.
“Go on. Tell them, Ahlberg. Tell them you lied. You made the whole story up to get attention, because nobody likes you!” Jeremy’s accusation rang out, bringing a hot flush to Erik’s cheeks. He dared not lift his head as he stood, trembling, before the entire schoolyard.
“Tell them you never deserved that medal.”
Erik’s jolted upright, the second accusation knifing deeper than the first. How did Jeremy know he’d deliberated riled the Trolls - provoked them to attack the city he’d sworn to protect? How could he know what he’d done?
It was not the schoolyard before him, but all of Trolberg. A vast crowd, staring up to where he stood, alone on the stage where they’d presented his medal. This time, all those faces didn’t fill Erik with giddy elation, but with the same fear that had gripped him all those years ago. He’d been caught.
Erik looked about desperately for his deputy. She always knew what to do. She would get them out of this sticky situation. “Gerda? Help.” There she was, suddenly, standing at his shoulder. But his plea fell on a stone-cold expression. Gerda said not a word, but turned her back and walked away.
“No, please! Gerda, don’t leave me alone up here.”
It was not Jeremy that accused him now. The voice was familiar, but deeper. The same voice he’d heard in the vision, calling out his name. Behind the crowd, she stood, towering over them. The Troll’s mother. His mother.
She stepped forward, shrinking as she strode through the crowd, her face still carved of stone, but the features became clearer as she approached. Not kind. Not the loving face Erik knew, always there to tell him none of this was his fault. Nothing ever was. No, her features were twisted with utter disgust.
Erik raised his hands as he took a stumbling step back. “Mo-mother?”
She grabbed a fistful of his shirt, lifted him clear from the ground, and slammed him up against the wall behind. Erik gasped. Not only from the force of the blow, but the shock. His mother had never laid a hand on him before.
“Tell them.”
The crowed stared, expectant. As what she wanted from him dawned, tears sprung to Erik’s eyes. They would all know! They’d know he’d lied, they’d know he’d put them in all in danger. And worse, they’d know he’d made a desperate, pathetic grasp for their praise, love and affection.
She had never hurt him, but in that moment, Erik knew she would not relent until she’d wrung the truth from him. “Mother, please, don’t make me…” he begged, voice splitting, “I can’t!”
“If you won’t speak, I will reveal you to them as the man you really are.”
She raked her nails down his chest, tearing his clothes to tatters, stripping him bare. Unheeding of his pleas, she clawed one hand, then the other across his body, again and again and again, cutting his flesh to ribbons. And all of Trolberg saw him revealed. Not only for what he’d done, but his mother cut him deeper still. Through the layers of deceit, past the stories of doom, and the grandiose speeches that promised Safety Patrol, and its illustrious leader, as Trolberg’s heroic saviour.
“Mother, please, stop…”
Erik collapsed to his knees, whimpering, hugging his flayed chest together. But it was too late. Every eye had bored deep inside, seen past the deception and frustration to the fear and desperation which had driven him. Seen deep inside to the scared, unlovable, ugly soul, desperate to be seen as something it knew it could never be. They’d seen him for who he truly was, and they would never love him now.
Erik awoke, not violently, but with a faint, wrenching sob. He curled up on himself, and scrunched up tight, covering all his mother had stripped bare. Until, slowly, he realised it had been nothing but another dream. Another in the string of nightmares, waking him since his actions at the wall. Despite his safety, no longer in danger of being outed, despite no hope of falling back asleep, he stayed knotted in his covers for a long time.
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kosmicwraith · 2 years
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A little Bad Juju, if you please...
My piece for the Destiny Exotic Zine, All that Glitters is Gold !!
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gracegrove · 8 months
Finding a white eyelash and a white hair in the same day?
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Dark Witch
“Do not take juju lightly, unless you are looking for unexpected death.” - Nnendi Okorafor
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yourlocaltoad · 8 months
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Icons used for Skystones: Overdrive (skylanders superchargers, 2015) (pt15)
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mywastelandperfection · 9 months
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(Bad Juju is teaching Juju Junior about wishes)
Bad Juju: The concept of wishes and those who grant them is a varied one. There are the benevolent, like my fellow Skylander, Ninjini, who grants the desires of others not for personal gain, but out of the goodness in her heart.
Bad Juju: There are the malicious, like many a dark wizard, who only use their power to inflict suffering upon others. Even asking for something as simple as a glass of water could be twisted into a dark fate by their evil hands.
Bad Juju: And then there is an in-between, like the paw of a monkey. Someone could use it to wish themselves wealthy, but then lose a beloved family member to whose fortune they would inherit. These will grant your wish exactly as you worded it, but will take something away in return.
Wolfgang: (stumbling in with a black eye) Hey Bad Juju, I used a monkey’s paw to make a wish and then it punched me in the face. Is that bad?
Juju Junior: …Momma, what would that mean?
Bad Juju: (pulling out a notepad) Of course, there is also the type that is just plain incomprehensible. I say we keep an eye on him to see what happens.
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
hi ok so i have 2 questions! when did you start playing league? and also are you toxic? i've been playing for almost 2 years now i think and i swore i'd never be toxic but i ? pinged my supp in my last game and i feel GUILTY
I started playing league on July 15th, 2017, (a couple days after Kayn was released), 5 years ago, in season 7. Time flies, amirite?
And am I toxic? Uhhhhhh, I've never been chat restricted or banned. 😅 In all seriousness though, I only dish it back if someone starts it. Like if someone says, "gg ez," during the middle of the game and we beat them, I'll say back, ""gg ez" -[insert name of person's champion who said ggez]." Or if someone is relatively toxic throughout the game and is focusing more on having a chat war instead of playing, I'll end the game with, "thanks _____ for the win." I've recently started saying, "just like your mom," after someone says, "ez." Its so cringe, I love it. At the same time though, I'm the kind of person that believes flashing your mastery is bad juju. :x If it's at the end of the game, it's whatever, but if you're doing it in the middle- karma is gonna get your ass. o.o
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unofskylanderspages · 2 years
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Bad Juju’s Sky-Chi is Harnessing Havoc. The ghostly skeleton turns her blades into a lightning tether that connects to Juju Junior like a rope, and both become covered in static. Juju Junior can be controlled to run into enemies, and the tether also electrifies any targets between them, At the end, her blades and Junior come back in a lightning strike around her.
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