#Bad news bears
markscherz · 1 year
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Bad Newts: Amphibians are in Serious Trouble
My colleagues and I have just had a paper published in Nature, based on our efforts to assess almost all amphibian species for the IUCN Red Lists. The major takeaway messages:
It is a bad time to be an amphibian
Two fifths of all amphibians are threatened with extinction.
Salamanders are the most threatened group; three fifths of all salamanders are threatened with extinction!
Climate change is a major driver of amphibian declines globally
Habitat loss, especially due to agriculture, is a problem for the vast majority of amphibians
Chytrid pandemics have caused and continue to cause catastrophic declines of both salamanders and frogs
Protected areas and careful management are working as strategies! They are actively improving the outlook of some species
As many as 222 amphibian species may have gone extinct in recent times; of those, 185 are suspected extinct but not yet confirmed.
Our paper is Open Access, you can read it here!
Photo of Atelopus hoogmoedi by Jaime Culebras, used with permission
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crithaus · 2 years
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i am struggling very hard with this here guy but i've not given up yet and thats about all i can say, BUT, i was thinking about how absolutely soft their first wedding was.....
This is a WIP btw
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indigoire · 2 years
Took a rewatch to figure it out, but I'm pretty sure episode 8 of TLoVM Percy gives Vex the siege arrow. Remember from the campaign:
Percy: In theory, this is a siege arrow. Shattering stone, shattering doors, breaking things...
Vex, flirting: ...breaking hearts, left and right?
Percy, hesitantly: If that is what you're after.
If we have to cut "this is a night of unbridled guilt" then at LEAST we get Vex literally BREAKING A HEART with the siege arrowhead that Percy gave her to make up for her death.
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pulpsandcomics2 · 7 months
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Bad News Bears
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dudja · 2 months
Classic Billy Bob Thornton #BadNewsBears #Comedy #Funny #Classic #baseball #names #memes #coaching
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coolthingsguyslike · 1 year
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star--joy · 1 year
In which Percy gets a date, is late to work, and fixes a broken espresso machine, not in that order.
Six Shot Americano Man leans over the counter, glancing at the scattered tools surrounding Vex as she kneels on the floor for easier access to the innards of her broken espresso machine “Hm. I could take a look, if you don’t mind."
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: None
Words: 1395
Originally posted: 8/2/23
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49056469
“Is everything alright?”
Vex startles at the sudden voice, screwdriver slipping from her hand and clattering to the floor as her head jerks up, thumping against the counter-top with a painful thud. “Shit!”
“Ah, apologies. I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
At the counter of the small cafe, Six Shot Americano Man is staring at her. He always comes in ten minutes after open and orders his monstrosity of unsweetened caffeine. Normally, Vex has it on the counter waiting for him, but with her machine busted, there’s little she can do.
She presses a hand to the spot where she’d smacked her head, wincing at the immediate shot of pain. “No, don’t worry about it. I’ll have that Americano out for you in about…” she glances at the exposed innards of her broken espresso machine. “Well, probably not for a long time.”
Six Shot Americano Man leans over the counter, glancing at the scattered tools surrounding Vex as she kneels on the floor for easier access to the machinery. If it were anyone else, she might be annoyed, but Six Shot Americano Man is her favorite customer, partly because he’s polite, but mostly because he tips insanely well. “Have you called someone to fix it?”
“They won’t be here until tomorrow, and I figure I can’t make things much worse, can I? If I could just find out what’s wrong with the thing…”
“Hm. I could take a look, if you don’t mind. I’m rather good with these things,” he offers, stroking the stubble that’s just beginning to peek through on his jaw.
Vex peers at him with narrow eyes. Normally, it would be a quick and easy ‘no’ to a request like that, but, hell, she’s willing to try just about anything. After all, Scanlan had called out for his shift today, and although this hole-in-the-wall coffee shop is rarely busy, Vex doesn’t want to deal with a broken espresso machine by herself. Besides, Six Shot Americano Man hasn’t yet given her a reason to be overtly cautious. Fuck it. “Alright, but I can’t pay you.”
He shrugs off his formal jacket, walking around the corner so he’s behind the bar. “That’s not an issue. May I?”
She easily steps away to make room for him. “Be my guest.”
His face is quickly pulled into a look of consideration as he pushes the wires around to get a better look inside the machine. Vex leans against the back wall, keeping a curious eye on him as he fiddles with some mechanism or another, quietly muttering to himself. What little words she can catch are some kind of technical jargon.
“Have you worked on these before?” she can’t help but ask, watching his fingers move with practiced precision.
“Not this particular model, but I’ve always had a knack for machinery,” he hums, green eyes never leaving the task. Vex should probably be watching his fingers as they delve into the wires, in case this issue should ever arise again and she needs to fix it, but she finds herself studying the man, instead.
Objectively, Six Shot Americano Man is rather attractive, though that’s not a new revelation. It’s hard for anyone to not notice that the first time they lay eyes on him. Hell, when he first started coming in all those months ago, Scanlan had fallen over himself trying to land a date, though found himself unsuccessful. So, yes, Vex knew he was attractive.
Somehow, though, that had never really resonated with her until now. He’d always just been Six Shot Americano Man who tips well and doesn’t talk much, and Vex had been content with that.
So why is she feeling the sudden urge to have a name for him?
It probably has something to do with the small emoting of his expression, lips pursing and nose scrunching and eyes narrowing when he fiddles with what must be a difficult component. Or perhaps it’s the practiced, confident movements of his hands deep within the machine.
Either way, Vex figures it’s been a damn long time since she treated herself to a proper date with a handsome somebody. Might as well give it a go, now.
“You know, I see you nearly every day, but I don’t think you’ve ever told me your name,” she hums, trailing over to his side.
“My name is Percy,” he answers, only glancing at her for a second before turning his attention back to his work. “And you’re Vex’ahlia, if the nametag is correct.”
The way he says her name is strangely appealing, the syllables slotting together so perfectly when wearing his posh accent. “You can just call me Vex, darling. Everyone else does.”
She doesn’t think anything of the moniker, but it causes Percy’s hands to fumble for half a second. “Well. It’s nice to meet you, Vex.”
“And you, Percy.” If he were looking at her, she’d throw in a wink, but alas. “So, I have to ask, what keeps bringing you back here? You know there’s a Starbucks down the street, right?”
He laughs. “Is it standard practice to recommend the competition?”
“I would argue that this is more of a customer satisfaction survey. Something must be keeping you loyal to us, it’s only helpful to know what it is,” Vex says, finding herself leaning over him slightly. 
Percy glances up at her, then looks away a tad bit too quickly. His cheeks are beginning to turn a dusty pink. “I like the quiet. Everywhere else is too busy.”
“So you like that we get bad business? That’s not very helpful for my survey.”
There’s a short pause before he says, “Well, the baristas also provide excellent company.”
Vex’s smile grows. “Hm, good to know. I need as much detail as possible for this survey, could you be more specific?”
“The one named Scanlan is particularly enjoyable.”
His voice is so deadpan that it takes Vex a long second to recognise it as a joke, but the smirk on his lips gives him away. She snickers. “Don’t let him hear you say that, he’ll start trying to flirt with you again.”
Percy grins as he pulls his hands out of the espresso machine’s innards. “I’ve dealt with worse. And… there we are,” he says, pressing the power button and watching with satisfaction as the machine begins to start.
Vex’s eyes widen as the screen comes to life. “No shit, you actually did it?”
“Did you not think I could?”
“Of course not! I just figured you couldn’t make it worse,” she admits, clicking the single shot button and watching with awe as espresso starts to pour. “That’s amazing!”
His preening is subtle, but Vex is good at reading people, and she can see the way his chin lifts and his smile grows a centimeter. It’s endearing. “It’s nothing, really.”
“Oh, shut up,” she scoffs, easily grabbing a cup and beginning to prep his Americano. “You just saved my ass. I’m never letting you pay for a drink again, they’re all on the house.”
Percy considers something for a second. “The business is already struggling enough, I don’t think that’s the best idea. Though, if you truly want to repay me, you could let me take you out to dinner. It’s not in any way expected, of course, but I would enjoy getting to know you.”
Her heart thunders with excitement, but she keeps her cool. “I suppose I can manage that,” Vex teases as she hands him his Americano. “You free tomorrow?”
“I can be,” he quickly agrees, just eager enough to be endlessly charming. “Here, my phone number. Just text me a restaurant and time, I’ll be there.” He quickly jots his number down on a napkin. “Unfortunately, I must get to work. I’m already late. I look forward to tomorrow.”
Vex blinks. “You were late to work to fix my machine?”
“I’d say the outcome was well worth it,” Percy hums, grinning wide. “I’ll see you soon, Vex’ahlia.”
She shakes her head, exasperation and fondness mingling together in her chest. “Yes, yes, I’m excited, too, now get to work! I’m not going to be the reason you get fired!”
He’s still grinning as he races out of the coffee shop, though Vex is pretty sure she doesn’t have much room to judge, given she’s doing the same. God, tomorrow can’t come quickly enough.
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rrrick · 2 years
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
here's the deal. i actually hate writing and should never ever be expected to write again. wdym i can't just lay all comfy and cozy in my bed? you want me to write??????? my silly little horny thoughts and ideas??????????????? hmmmmmmmmmmmm No i don't think that sounds very fun. im gonna doomscroll on twitter instead kthxbye
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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Kelly Leak's stat line for 1976: 
 Batting average: .900 
Home runs: 50 
Fucks given: 0
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rightpastnowhere · 1 year
Perc’ahlia Week Countdown - Day Three
If you can’t count on me to catch up like I keep promising, then you can at least count on me to be consistent <3
Day Three — Mask / Trinket
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(yes the prompts are in a diff order on the collage but i wanted the heart to be visible)
And as usual, some brainstorming!!
Percy’s mask, “Darling, take the mask off” (c1 e33 / tlovm s1 e12)
Masquerade balls, disguises
Modern AU spa day/facial masks, modern AU Halloween, COVID AU if you really want
Vex’s false confidence/bravado masks, Percy’s mask of nobility, masking for neurodivergent/queer headcanons
Trinket, obviously - his relationship with Percy (they were buddies as early as the home campaign!), Percy spoiling him
Trinket and the de Rolo babies, and also Charlie!!
Percy making things for Vex, Vex perhaps making things for Percy, Percy making little trinkets and toys for the kids
Seeing trinkets that remind them of each other, collecting things, shopping for things together, fidget trinkets
Day Three of Perc’ahlia Week will be Tuesday, September 26th!! I don’t know about all of you, but I’m getting really excited!! Head on over to @percahliaweek for more information, and don’t forget to tag your posts - WIPs and anything else related!! - with #percahliaweek !!
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vintage-tigre · 1 year
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celebclippinz · 1 month
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Magazine clippings
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dudja · 3 months
Batting practice with dad b like: #comedy #badnewsbears #billybobthornton #funny #dad #memes #sports
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adamedits · 7 months
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Bad News Bears
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star--joy · 1 year
Vex doesn't understand why Percy keeps giving her arrows, but she's sure there's some ulterior motive to the whole ordeal.
Prompt: “You really inspire me.” (creativepromptsforwriting.tumblr.com/post/673924497584291840)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Arguments
Words: 1644
Originally posted: 8/11/23
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49274167
The first arrow was a simple thing.
Well, that’s not true. The first arrow was complex in construction, delicate and complicated enough that it kept Percy tinkering for weeks. Crafting one that explodes upon impact is no small feat. In that way, it hadn’t been simple at all.
Perhaps a better way to phrase it is this: the first arrow was nothing important.
Yes, Vex was pleased to have such a weapon at her disposal, and yes, she was flattered that Percy spent so much time creating it, but that was it. A small gift between friends.
Except not much time passed before the second arrow was presented to her. Similar to the first, but more fine-tuned, according to Percy.
Well, fine. Vex can handle that. She knows how their gunslinger likes to perfect his inventions, to improve them until they can’t be anymore. That’s what she’d assumed it was. He’d simply wanted to create it for his own benefit.
The third arrow, yet another advancement, was considered the same.
Sometime around the fourth one, however, Vex hears a warning bell sound off in a deep corner of her mind.
“It’s a siege arrow,” Percy explains, ignorant to her sudden caution as he hands her the weapon. “Maybe now we’ll have more luck getting through doors.”
“Indeed,” she hums, testing the feel and weight of it, though her mind is elsewhere. “Thank you, Percy. I have to say, you’ve been spoiling me with all these gifts.”
The unspoken question of why hangs over her head, but apparently, it goes unheard to the gunslinger. He just grins. “Yes, well. I do hope you enjoy them.”
And then, just like that, he’d walks away. Vex watches his retreating form, lip caught between her teeth, before retreating back to her room for a night’s rest. Sleep does not come easy as she ponders the motives of his kindness.
The fifth, sixth, and seventh arrows come and go, each one sparking more confusion in Vex. Barely a week ever goes by without a new creation finding its way into her hands, and a part of her is going mad with it. If he wants something so desperately, why doesn’t he just come out and ask? Percy never struck her as particularly manipulative, at least to his friends, so why the fuck is he desperately trying to suck up to her?
Perhaps he had done something terrible, and this is his way of apologizing. Yet even then, Vex can’t figure out what he might have done to warrant such profuse gifting.
Well, she’s done with it. No more beating around the bush. Steps firm and steady, she finds herself marching down to his workshop, fully intending to put this whole ordeal to an end.
Percy meets her halfway down the stairs, another fucking arrow in his hands. “Oh, Vex, I was just about to come find you,” he says.
Vex looks down at the arrow in his hands, looks up at his proud expression, then grabs him by the collar of his soot-covered work shirt and drags him down into the workshop once more. Percy yelps. “What in the hells—?”
“What are you playing at?” Vex demands, all her careful composure thrown out with the force of her frustration. “What’s the goal here? And don’t lie to me, Percival. I’m not in the mood.”
Slowly, he reaches up to fix his shirt collar from where Vex had snatched it. “I’m afraid I don’t follow. Have I done something?”
“You know what I’m talking about! What do you want? Money, is that it? You want me to be looser with your funds? Fucking— fine! Here,” she snarls, unclipping her personal coin purse and chucking it at his feet. The anger coursing through her is more potent than it’s been in years, boiling her very blood in a way that’s almost alarming. Percy has no right to play her for a fool. Vex thought he’d respected her more than that, but apparently she was wrong, and it fucking hurts.
Percy stares at the coin purse on the ground, mouth open and eyes wide. “Vex, I— are you alright?” He’s stepping closer, arrow still in hand but long-forgotten. 
“I’m fine. Take your money. And next time, just ask. Don’t play these games with me.” Her voice is wavering and she hates it, hates how much she cares.
“What in Pelor’s name are you talking about?!” he asks, sounding so genuinely baffled that it gives her pause. Then, “Vex’ahlia… Vex, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
Teeth grinding together, Vex snaps, “The fucking arrows, Percy! I don’t appreciate your bribery.”
Percy looks at her, looks at the arrow in his hand, looks at the coin pouch on the ground. His face twists, but not with guilt or anger. Instead, he just adopts the expression of a kicked puppy, all furrows and pouted lips. “Bribery? That’s what you think I’m doing?”
“You’re denying it?” Vex asks, arms crossing over her chest as if that could shield her from the way his sadness is wringing her heart.
His mouth opens and closes several times. Slowly, he picks up the coin purse and hands it back to her. “I apologise. I hadn’t realised that you— that I was giving that impression.”
Vex twitches. She couldn’t have been wrong. What other reason would he have to be so fucking kind to her? And, Gods above, if she is wrong, then why is he handling it like this? “What impression were you trying to give, then?”
Percy’s hand ruffles through his hair. When he speaks, it’s little more than a murmur. “It’s— I spent a long time creating things out of anger, Vex. Horrible things that I had no right to invent.” It’s clear that each of his words is chosen with a great deal of thought. He won’t look at her.
Stepping forward, Vex lets her hands uncross from her chest and fall to her side. “So, what, is this some kind of penance? Your way of apologizing?”
His jaw flexes. “No. It’s more selfish than that, I’m afraid. I… when I made the things I did, the firearms, I was inspired by rage. When I make arrows for you, it’s different. Rage isn’t my inspiration.”
“What is?” she asks, breath held.
He looks up at her, all gentle and sad. “You are. You really inspire me to create something better. To be something better.”
Vex swallows, breaking his gaze to stare at the arrow in his hand. Her heart withers with guilt as the reality of the situation sinks in. Gods, she’d been screaming at him, accusing him of such terrible things, when his whole motivation was that? “I’m— Fuck, I’m such a dick. I’m sorry,” she whispers, burying her face in her hands.
“No, I’m sorry. I should have been more clear with my intentions—”
“Shut up, you did nothing wrong. I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, why I assumed—”
“Nothing is wrong with you, Vex’ahlia,” Percy interjects, voice still quiet, but with a firm, passionate undertone. His footsteps approach, and then his hands are gently pulling hers away from her face, exposing her distressed expression. “Of all people, I understand not knowing what to do with kindness.”
Vex breathes in, inhaling his unique scent of soap and metal. He’s very close, and she feels utterly exposed to his eyes, but it’s not such a horrible feeling when he understands. “Percy… do you still want to make the arrows? I understand if you don’t, but… I really do love them.”
His lips curve into a smile. “I’ll make as many as you want.”
And then, somehow, their lips are connecting. Vex doesn’t who leaned in for the kiss first, or if they were both in sync, but either way, it’s wonderful. Soft and slow, like nothing she’s ever experienced.
Her hand finds purchase on the back of his neck, idly stroking through the baby hairs there, smiling against his lips when he melts into her touch. His own hand is on the small of her back, holding her close to him, thumb rubbing mindless patterns.
“That was…” Percy whispers when they finally break apart for air, coming to rest their foreheads together. “Wonderful.”
Vex laughs, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Agreed. Do you think you can pull yourself away from the workshop for the rest of the day? I would like to spend some time apologizing for… everything. I really am sorry.”
“I’ve already forgiven you, Vex.”
“I’d still like to make it up to you. However you like. Besides, I’m not exactly getting the short end of the stick here, darling. Your company is a lovely bonus.”
Percy’s throat bobs. “I would enjoy a dinner with you, if you’re offering. But I don’t want you to do it as a payment, or an apology.”
Vex sighs, pushing through her instincts in order to be honest, peel back some of her armor, exposing her vulnerable underside. “That’s not what this is. Not in your case, anyway. I… I care for you, Percy, and I am going to keep apologizing for a little while, because I feel really fucking bad. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t also enjoy a dinner together. Genuinely”
His smile is radiant as he leans down to kiss her once more, if briefly. “Alright. I’ll ask Laina to cook something for us. There’s not much privacy to be had in the dining room, but we’ll make do—”
“Oh, don’t be silly. My room is big enough for us both. Meet me there with the food, yeah? Don’t keep me waiting,” Vex hums, pressing one last teasing kiss to the corner of Percy’s lips, quite enjoying his blush as she flutters out of his workshop. 
She’s sure of one thing: this is going to be a lovely dinner.
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