#Bakugou is a dickhead
anyways what’s stopping me rn from writing a fanfic where ProHero!Bakugou stumbles across fanfictions about him and he jokingly starts reading them to the rest of the heroes but he starts to get a little annoyed at how the writer portrays him so he goes out of his way to make an account (blackandorangeexplosionking) to comment on the fics like
“Dynamite wouldn’t do this”
“He can definitely lift more than 800 hundred pounds”
“He doesn’t smell sweet, he smells really manly and not like caramel”
“Dynamite doesn’t live in a fuckin’ penthouse, he has a nice house in the suburbs away from all these extras. He’s not like fuckin’ IcyHot”
And the writers like ???? Shut up these are my headcanons about him and you can’t change how I see him??? If you wanna write what you think he can / can’t do, what he does / doesn’t like, write your own stories???
And he gets upset and comments “I know him personally and he thinks these are dumb stories”
And writers like 🙄🙄✋🏽lol ok whatever loser
And Bakugou gets so riled up he stops commenting on writers stories and just starts sending them messages on every platform they have; telling them that they have false information and they have no idea who dynamite really is and writing him how they do is stupid and writer finally gets fed up and is like ok let’s meet up and fckn talk at a coffee shop or something since you feel so passionate about these fictional headcanons / stories about a prohero who won’t ever see them
Bakugou’s foaming at the mouth ready to rip into the writer so he drops the name of a hole in the wall coffee shop and says they have 30 minutes, he’ll be sitting in the back and so he shows up 20 minutes early to sit and rehearse what he’s going to say and tell them to take down their stories because theyre not accurate but then the cutest cutie pie (writer🤍) walks in with an annoyed look on their face and he’s lost for words (wow for once) and doesn’t know what to say to them.
Bakugous wearing a mask and a hat pulled over his ash blonde hair but his carmine eyes are sharp as ever as he assesses the writer; their eyes widening in recognition of the pro hero Dynamite sitting in front of them. It had been Dynamite all along reading the silly head canons and stories about himself, no wonder he made comments like that. And oh my god the fucking smut Jesus Christ. Embarrassment was evident on writers face but they sit down across from him and patiently wait for him to tell them everything they got wrong.
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lunejump · 9 months
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I swear to god I had an explanation for this. I don't have it anymore
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thestormkitten · 2 years
The Nature Trail: Part 2
Authors note: This is part 2 to this ! I Hope you like it. Its been rotting my brain for days! I am currently working on a part three!
Bakugoux f!reader
Warnings: MDNI, all characters are aged up, swearing, mentions of sex and alcohol, more dickhead!Deku, fluff, angst, reader is quirkless
The following day you walked out of your office building expecting to see Bakugou waiting for you. Yet, to your surprise he wasn’t there. You waited a few minutes but then decided to walk alone. It was unusual that he didn’t show, but he was a pro hero and there’s no telling what could have happened. 
You silently wished that he was ok and went on your walk as usual. However, the leaves didn’t seem as bright and the sky’s blue was just a bit duller than usual. Something was off and you just weren’t sure what. As you came around the bend leading over the creek you saw a familiar tuff of ash blonde hair approaching. You felt a bit of relief to see him safe. 
“Hey!” You cheered at the blonde, but he just flicked his eyes towards you gruffly nodded and kept walking. 
Shock fell over your face and you weren’t really sure how to react. It was like all the months before you began walking together. He treated you like just another stranger. 
Bakugou felt awful giving you the cold shoulder. He felt terrible that he didn’t even wait for you, to explain why he couldn’t walk with you anymore. Not only was his heart hurt, but he didn’t feel right getting so close to someone else’s partner.
He continued on the path not looking back. He could only imagine your hurt face that watched him trail away or even worst he didn’t want to see you just walking away like it didn’t really matter if he was there or not. Neither sat well with him so he ignored both. 
Once at the end of the path Bakugou entered the small town. He walked around the block to find his ‘knock around’ vehicle, a 1998 Jeep Wrangler. It was perfect to just go for drive in, but didn’t attract as much attention as his fancy sports car. Once back in the city he entered the agency. Bakugou was sidekick and rising hero to none other than the number three pro himself, Best Jeanist. 
“Dynamite!” One of the front desk interns called out to him waving a stack of papers. 
“What?” He snapped. 
The young girl’s eyes became wide and she pulled her papers to her chest. “I Uh I’m-I’m sorry but you’re being summoned for a meeting,” She extended her arm out as far as she could so she didn’t have to get any closer to the explosive hero. 
He briefly looked over the papers. “What? What kind of meeting?!” He flipped the pages a few times. 
“I-uh I…” she trembled. Fortunately, for her Bakugou was already on his way to the elevator before he even noticed her response. 
He found his way to the meeting room, more annoyed that he had to do a meeting instead of patrolling. He didn’t love having to do the paper work and baby kissing that came with being a hero he just wanted to be a hero. 
When the double doors opened Bakugou was confused there at the long table was, Best Jeanist, The number two pro, Hawks, and the number one pro, Endeavor, and three old classmates and rising pro heroes: Shoto (Todoroki Shoto), Deku (Midoriya Izuku) ,and the Jet Black Hero (Tokoyami Fumikage). 
“Nice of you to join us, Dynamite.” Best Jeanist gestured to his right for Bakugou to sit down next to him. 
“Now that Dynamite has joined us let’s get down to business.” Endeavor crossed his arms and sat up straighter. 
“Ah, business is so boring Endeavor. When do heroes get a break?” Hawks yawned with his feet up on the table. 
“Hawks, take your feet off my mahogany table!” Best Jeanist shooed the winged hero’s feet off the table. 
“Is there a reason for us all to be here?!” Bakugou snapped. 
“Clearly,” Shoto deadpanned. 
“Dynamite, if we were all called here then there was clearly a reason.” Tokoyami crossed his arms and stoically waited for the pro hero’s to begin the meeting. 
“Kacchan, you’re really tense today, any reason?” Deku blinked at him with an innocent face. Bakugou wasn’t stupid and he knew Deku wasn’t either. 
The explosive hero narrowed his eyes at the One for All wielder. “It’s been a long couple of days,” He mumbled. 
“Well, now isn’t the time for you to get tired, Dynamite.” Best Jeanist rested his elbows on the table, “It looks like there’s a mission the three of us need to attend to in America.”
“When do we leave?” Bakugou was ready to jump at any chance to leave the situation he was in right now. 
“Not so fast.” Endeavor raised a large palm to the young hero. “We aren’t bringing you all along.” 
“Hawks? What’s the meaning of this? I’m your top sidekick!” Tokoyami questioned his mentor. 
“Relax,” Hawks gave a cocky smirk and sat back further in his chair crossing his arms behind his head. 
“This is a good chance for you four to be the pro heroes in our absence. Meaning you’ll take on our patrols and have side kicks of your own while we’re away,” Best Jeanist explained. 
“It will probably be the last big mission the three of us will go on before you all surpass us,” Endeavor looked over at his two mentees Deku and Shoto. It was a known fact he wanted them to be some combination of the top two. Not if Bakugou had anything to say about it. 
“We want you to lean on each other for help though, being on top isn’t simple, the four of you will work together here at my agency while we’re away.” 
Bakugou could not feel happier and more annoyed all at the same time. He was waiting for the moment to take over as a pro hero in his own right. Best Jeanist talked constantly about him taking the agency when it was time. However, he had to work alongside three of his old classmates and one of them just aided in shattering in his heart. 
“Can’t wait,” Bakugou said through gritted teeth and a clenched fist. 
As the meeting dispersed Bakugou went walking down the hall in hope to beat out his new temporary partners to the front door.
“Kacchan!” Bakugou’s shoulders became tense at the sound of Deku’s voice. 
Bakugou ignored him and continued walking. Yet, he should have known that he wasn’t going to get far before a large hand grabbed his shoulder. 
“What do you want you nerd?!” Bakugou barked at Midoriya. 
“What about her?!”
“I want you to leave her alone,” He stated plainly. There was no anger on his face or even a bit if jealousy. He said it as plain as ordering a coffee in the morning. 
“What are you playing at hah?!?” Bakugou got into the hero’s face. “You never even mentioned this girl. You’ve never brought her to a hero event. There’s no pictures of the two of you in the tabloids! Then what? All the sudden she mentions me and now your engaged?!” Bakugou was unsure where he was going with this but the words just tumbled from his mouth. 
“Kacchan shhh!” Midoriya took Bakugou by the collar and pulled him into a side hall to draw less attention. Bakugou hated how strong his revival was and made a mental note to increase his weights at the gym later “No one knows about her because I have to protect her. She’s, ya know, quirkless. Plus, I don’t want her around bullies like you!” 
“Like me? Im not the one calling her useless!” 
“As if you never said something like that to me in the past. She’s my fiancé. Stay away from her!” Midoriya warned again. Bakugou flinched. He was a horrible kid and a horrible teen, but he had changed. He wasn’t the same bully. Even if no one else knew it. He knew it and after a lot of therapy his own approval was all he needed. 
“Look, I’m gonna leave her alone anyways. Not cause you’re some knight in shining armor.  Because I just don’t want to see her anymore.” Those words felt like acid on his tongue.
“Good,” Midoriya nodded in triumph. Yet, there was something uncomfortable spread across his face as he turned away and left Bakugou. 
The following day Bakugou took his lunch early and didn’t even see you on his walk. He wasn’t going to let Deku or some girl he didn’t even know ruin something he once found so beautiful. But it did. 
He walked in again the following day. He continued to walk the path before he would see you. Though, he would scan the area hoping to see you everyday. The trail didn’t seem to hold the same vibrancy anymore. It was a sour taste in his mouth. So why did he continue to walk it? 
“Bakugou!” Mrs. Walters called out to him about two weeks into his protest against seeing you anymore. 
“Whatchya need, Granny?” Bakugou didn’t want to have to stop and risk seeing you, but he didn’t have much heart to tell her no either. 
“Can you take these over to the girls across the road?” She held out a large tray of cookies and gestured towards the building you worked in. 
“What?! Why don’t you just do it yourself?” He snapped. 
“I have to watch the shop and you know those girls just work so hard they could really use a little treat! Especially coming from a strapping young man like you!” She pressed the tray against his chest. 
“Why don’t you go and I’ll watch the shop!” He offered. 
“Don’t be silly! Go!” She shooed him across the street. “Oh and tuck in your shirt!” She called out behind him. 
He scoffed at the last remark. He entered the front of the building in hopes you didn’t work at the front desk. He could drop the cookies and run. 
“Hello!” A round faced girl with blonde hair and blue eyes greeted him. 
“Uh hi…the granny across the road wanted me to bring these to you.” He set the tray on her desk. She peaked at it then pulled out a small card under one of the cookies. 
“Oh these have y/n’s name on them! You can take them back to her!” She smiled and pointed around the corner of the office. 
“Oh uh no I don’t think I-“
“Bakugou?” You came around the corner wearing a black pencil skirt, royal blue top with billowing sleeves and your favorite ankle boots. You held a cup of coffee that almost spilled over in surprise from seeing him. 
“Oh you know each other!” The girl at the front desk squealed. She eyed him up and down and then gave you a pointed look.
“Sorta…” He answered quietly. He didn’t mean for you to hear but you did anyways. 
Hurt skidded across your face. Bakugou caught it but assumed you would steel yourself like Deku and offer an ingenuine smile. To his surprise you didn’t though. You stood there with hurt and realization littering your features. 
“Uh the lady across the road wanted me to bring these for you.” He held out the tray again. You glanced at the tray as if it was the first time you even noticed it. 
“Thanks,” You reached out with the hand that didn’t hold your coffee and expertly balanced the tray on your palm. 
“Ok…well I’m going to get going,” Bakugou nodded to the girl at the desk before turning to walk out. 
“Wait! Bakugou!” You called out to him. He should have just kept going but his heart kept his feet in place. “Are you going to the hero gala tonight?” 
He wasn’t expecting that question. Were you going? Deku said he didn’t want anyone to know about you. Was he going to bring you in front of the whole world as his “airhead quirkless” fiancé? 
He turned to you slightly just to see your face. “Yeah,” He answered simply. 
A smile grew on your face. “I’ll see you there then.” 
Hero galas were never Bakugou’s cup of tea. He never enjoyed having to dress up and answer all sorts of questions by paparazzi and colleagues, and he never enjoyed finding meaningless dates to accompany him. 
“Ready, Katsuki?” Bakugou’s best friend, fellow rising hero, and roommate, Kirishima Eijiro popped his head into his room. Kirishima was dressed in a black suit with a red vest and red tie. His dyed red hair was pulled into a low pony tail. 
“Yeah yeah I’m coming!” Bakugou straightened his black tie. He also wore a black suit only he sported black on black. The only hint of color is the orange pocket square to break it up just a tad. He ran a hand over his blonde spikes and then another over his short undercut. He knew he looked good, but in the back of his mind there was anxiety that filled him. He wasn’t sure what it would be like seeing you at this event. Maybe the magic that glued him to you was just on the trail and you didn’t hold any power over him outside of it. He reminded himself once again he barely knew you. 
“The girls are here, Katsuki! Let’s go!” Kirishima bugged him once again. 
“Alright alright!” Bakugou stepped out of his room and into the living room to find two very beautiful women sitting by the breakfast bar. They were both wearing gorgeous long gowns then had little specks of glitter in them. One was tall and thin and the other was short and curvy. He honestly could not remember which was his date. They were both young interns fresh out of college that worked at Best Jeanist’s agency. Often times Kirishima would set up their event dates so neither had to show up alone. 
“Hi, Dynamite!” The tall and thin one stood up. She wore a black slinky dress and orange gemmed jewelry. She dressed to match him. 
Right, Hana. Hana was his date. 
“Ready to go, Cutie?” Kirishima extended his arm to the shorter girl as she nodded shyly. 
“Alright let’s get this over with,” Bakugou complained as he took the waist of Hana and they headed out the door. 
The night began as expected. As they walked in there were a slew of reporters in his face asking him questions about taking over while the top pros were in America. They asked about Hana of course who giggled and said “Things were still new.”
Clearly her media training had paid off.
Bakugou made a note to remind her this was just a one time thing. 
Yet, it was fine. Everything just seemed fine. He stood by the bar nursing a beer with Hana leaning against him with her hand laying on his chest. 
“Are you gonna dance tonight, Mr. Dynamite?” She flirted with him and clung to his bicep. Her hand didn’t feel the same as when you held onto his arm. 
“Have you ever seen me dance, Sweetheart?” He grumbled and took another swig of his drink. 
“No, but, I just thought…” Her voice trailed off as a commotion started by the enterance. More hero’s arrived and the press was ready to scramble for every bit of information they could get. 
Bakugou saw a few different hero couples walk in then his anxiety came back full force. You walked in hanging off of Deku’s arm and the whole place erupted in chatter. Deku never brought a date and he never mentioned a partner so who in the world were you? 
He couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t just the magic of nature, it wasn’t just the quietness of the trail, you were beautiful. You wore a dark green glittering gown that hugged your curves perfectly, it was off the shoulder and you wore an emerald gem around your neck that sat perfectly in your cleavage. He wouldn’t have expected anything less from you. You looked elegant and of course you matched with Deku. 
The way the fabric hugged you made his stomach flip and something dark stir deep inside him. 
He watched as the reporters swarmed the two of you. 
“Deku! Who is this lovely lady?” One reporter held a mic to his face as she eyed you.
“Y/n! My fiancé!” He held your hand out to show off your engagement ring. 
“You’re engaged?! We had no clue you were even involved with someone! What’s your quirk, Y/n?!” The reporter held the mic to you. Your eyes got wide maybe you weren’t anticipating that question just yet. But of course they wanted to know what type of quirk the a rising top hero’s partner possessed. 
“Well, Im actually…” you started but then Deku cut you off as per usual. 
“It’s a small quirk. Nothing fancy!” He brushed off the reporter and patted your hand looped around his arm. 
“Oh but!” You tried to interject but Deku hushed you. 
How could he be so embarrassed by you? You curled in on yourself as he shut you down as he always did. Your eyes scanned the room and then they landed on him. 
Bakugou let a small smile tug at the corner of his lips. He nodded and raised his beer to you. You smiled back and gave a small wave to him. 
“Wait do you know her?” Hana exclaimed. 
“I’m not really sure,” He turned away from the two of you and back at the bar. He didn’t want to see you, but he kept his ears peeled for all the questions the press was asking. 
“How did the two of you meet?” 
“Our mothers work together.” 
“How long have you been together?” 
“About a year!” 
“How’s Deku in bed?” 
“Uh no comment.”
Bakugou was happy that you chose not to mention his old revivals endurance in the bedroom. He didn’t need that imagine too. 
Once the press had its fill and you posed gracefully next to the pro hero the cocktail hour ended and dinner was to be served. Dinner was filled with speeches from the commission, legends like All Might himself and other pro heroes. 
It was a slug fest to say the least. Bakugou found that his red eyes glared a hole into the side of your face as you sat between Deku and Shoto. You kept your body turned into Deku as if you were hiding you let him whisper in your ear before you spoke. It seemed like your bright and happy spirit was dampened by him as he controlled you as his own little puppet. 
Once dinner was over the reception was on its way. Couples crowded the dance floor and circles of heroes and professionals formed as everyone talked about work, the upcoming new rankings, and life. 
Somehow Bakugou found himself standing in a circle talking with Shoto, Tokoyami, and Deku. And of course you hung onto Deku’s arm. Bakugou draped an arm around Hana’s waist as he normally would any date he was on. Yet, he could see you staring at his hand as it floated above her hip. 
Were you jealous? He couldn’t tell. However, the dark and mean part of himself hoped you were. He even tightened his grip on the girl just to see you gulp a little harder. 
“So y/n…” Momo, who was Shoto’s beloved wife, turned to you in the circle. “How does it feel being at your first pro hero gala?” 
“Oh uh…” Your eyes shot over to Deku waiting for him to give you permission or maybe an answer he deemed appropriate. 
“C’mon, Princess, you don’t need his permission to speak!” Bakugou cut him off before he could give an answer. 
The whole circle stared at him half confused as to why he was speaking up for you. Deku narrowed his eyes at the blonde, but didn’t want to make a scene in front of others. 
“Go on,” Bakugou encouraged. 
You took a deep breath and a weight lifted off your chest for a moment. “It’s wonderful. I never thought I would end up here. But, it’s like being in a fairytale,” you let your eyes wander the room. For the first time since you got here Bakugou saw a spark of the wonder that filled your eyes. He saw a hint of your personality that he knew. “I just love how everyone almost sparkles and the this building is so amazing. Each column is so perfect…” you began noticing the small details that just like you always did. You could feel happiness and excitement bubble up in your chest. Something you were always afraid of letting loose in front of the people Midoriya had deemed important. 
“She likes to ramble! No need to over share, My Love!” Deku quieted you down once again. 
The light immediately went from your eyes and you realized where you were again. 
The air amongst the group became thick. It was clear that no one was comfortable with the way Deku treated you. 
“Let’s get some drinks!” Tsu, who had come with Tokoyami as his date, reached her hand out to Momo and another out to you. 
“C’mon, Hana!” Momo called back to the young intern as the ladies ran off to the bar. 
The air that was already thick became even thicker because the tension between Bakugou and Midoriya was even more palatable. 
“We should discuss future patrol plans and divide the work of the other pros while they’re away,” Shoto began to drone on about work. Yet, Bakugou could barely listen. His own mind was turning. He didn’t know what to do or say anymore. He just wanted to get a moment alone with you.
“Hana, have you been seeing Bakugou long?” You asked the tall thin blonde as you turned the straw of your cocktail before wrapping ruby red lips around it. 
“No. Actually, this is the first time we’ve ever gone out. Red Riot set this up for me and my coworker over there. But, if rumors are true then I’m in for a treat tonight.” Hana leaned in closer to you, but her eyes were on the back of Bakugou’s head. 
“Rumors?” You lowered your voice. 
“Anyone, girl or guy, that Dynamite has taken to one of these things says he’s incredible in bed. It might not be a long term commitment, but damn, if I’m not ready to have my world rocked by him,” Hana bit her lip. 
“Oh,” You squeaked and just kept slipping your drink. You were slipping it so much you I didn’t even notice you got to the end within two minutes.  
“Woah! Need another one, Y/n?” Tsu looked over at your empty glass and motioned for another drink. 
“Oh uh I don’t…” then an imagine of Bakugou ripping the dress from Hana fluttered across your mind. “Actually yes. Yes I really do.” You grabbed the drink and had another. 
You went through three cocktails before the boys came strolling over. 
Tokoyami extended a hand out to Momo. “Come on, you know the rules one dance before you get to dance with your husband.” Momo laughed and took her old friend’s hand kissing her husbands cheek as she went by. 
Shoto rolled his eyes and extended a hand out to Tsu. “Shall we?” 
“We shall!” Tsu ribitted and followed Shoto onto the dance floor. 
This is the perfect chance for Bakugou to get you alone. 
“Well if everyone is exchanging partners…” He extended his hand out to you. Your mouth dropped in surprise. Then your eyes flicked to Deku. He didn’t respond as he was too shocked. Bakugou knew he wouldn’t say no. It would have looked far too possessive and he had an imagine he was trying to maintain. 
You silently took his hand and he pulled you onto the dance floor. 
“I thought you didn’t dance!” Hana called out behind him. 
He ignored her. He pulled you close to his chest and rested a hand on your waist. You put a hand on his shoulder and let the other rest on top of his hand. His mouth was right by your ear so he could whisper to you and no one would hear. 
“What’s going on?” He questioned. “Why are you letting that Shitty Nerd tell you what to do and say?” 
“I just-I don’t want to embarrass him. He’s a rising pro hero with a quirkless partner. He doesn’t want to seem weak. And I’m, ya know, an airhead.” You responded. You were thankful for the grip he hand on your waist because your cocktails were starting to creep up on you. 
His hand tightened around you and he pulled you a little closer. 
“I told you to stop saying that shit about yourself. You’re acting like a different person. Unless that wide eyed dreamer was just an act you were putting on for me.” 
You pulled away to look at him in surprise. “What? No! Deku just doesn’t want me talking about my dreams or my thoughts or staring at those little things!” 
“You mean all the best things about you?” He muttered and pulled you closer again. You felt surprise at his words. 
Had you been dreaming about the man that waited for you patiently everyday? Yes. Did you love walking with your arm looped into his? Yes. Did you feel like someone finally heard you? Someone was finally listening? Yes. Yes to all of it. Bakugou made you feel like you weren’t useless like your curiosity for everything around you wasn’t weird. He made you feel different than Midoriya ever could. You didn’t believe he could ever feel the same way. Yet, now in his arms you weren’t totally convinced that he couldn’t. 
You rested your head on his shoulder and took in a deep breath. “Bakugou…”
“It’s Katsuki,” He mumbled. 
Your cheek flushed and your stomach flipped. “Katsuki,” You began again. 
His heart felt like it was on fire. He loved hearing your soft voice say his name. 
“We don’t even know each other. You only told me you were a pro hero just a couple of weeks ago.” 
He knew you weren’t wrong. But for some reason it didn’t seem like it mattered. It didn’t matter that you didn’t know about him being a pro hero until just a few weeks ago. You knew him for who he was behind all that. He let himself talk about his memories, his favorite things, his mother, and his friends. He didn’t need to pretend to be someone else for you to like him. You just liked him. 
Yeah, he didn’t know you were involved with Deku, but he knew how your eyes lit up and how creative and brilliant you were. How it didn’t seem like anyone else knew how to see who you were underneath your warm smiles. 
“I’m not saying I love you or any shit like that…but I know how you light up on our walks. Or how you love to talk about the details you see in each leaf. I know how you are creative and funny. And, I know that he doesn’t.”
You didn’t have words for a moment. You just grasped onto his shoulder a little tighter.  Then you whispered against his shoulder, “Are you going to sleep with her?” 
Bakugou was taken back by your question. He certainly didn’t think that would be the next thing out of your mouth. He pulled back and looked you in the eyes. 
He started to speak but before any words could come out a large hand was on his shoulder.  He looked up and Midoriya was standing there with a deep frown. 
When you snapped out of your little world you both noticed that the music had changed and it was no longer a slow song. 
“Kacchan,” Midoriya’s hand tightened on his shoulder. 
Bakugou let you go and Deku let him go to pull you into his chest. He placed a possessive hand on your back and you cowered into him. Just like that, the light that flowed from you just died.  
“It’s time to go.” Deku took your hand and dragged you out the building. 
Bystanders stared and whispered as he stood there alone. Hana came to his rescue quickly and began dancing with him leading a stunned Bakugou back to the bar slowly. 
“You ok?” She asked kindly. Before he could answer Kirishima was at his side with his own date in tow. Large red eyes stared at Bakugou with concern. It didn’t take a lot for his best friend to read him. 
“I’m gonna get another drink,” Bakugou mumbled and shook off the pity from the people around him. 
“What the heck was that?” Deku snapped once you were both in his Mercedes. He drove down the rode with the steering wheel so tightly in his hands you thought it would break. “I take you a hero gala finally and you do that?” 
Tears started to well up in your eyes. You were a crier you always had been. “I’m sorry! He just wanted to dance with me!” 
“Dance with Bakugou, start all that starry eyed dreaming, almost telling people you’re quirkless!” He spat. 
“I-I’m sorry! Why do you hate everything about me?!” You cried into your hands. Everything came to the surface, your feelings of inadequacy in Izuku’s world, your fear of losing him to a villain, your new found feelings towards Katsuki, the alcohol. It all came bubbling up to the surface. 
“What?” Midoriya slammed onto the breaks. He pulled to the side and turned to you. “Y/n…” he cupped your cheek and looked into your eyes. You could tell he felt bad. You could see the guilt. “I love you. I just don’t want anything to happen to you. If the world finds out you’re quirkless they’ll ridicule us. Just like others ridiculed me when I was quirkless. A villain will see that and know he can hurt you. Why do you think I moved us to that small town?” 
“But you never want to listen to me talk about my day. Or the things that make me happy…I can’t tell you about my art or my books or…or…” you started to hiccup. 
“Bunny,  no. It’s just…I want you to be sharp I want you to be aware. Not live in a fantasy world where you’ll get hurt.” 
“I AM aware, Izuku!” You shouted at him. “I’ve been taking self defense classes for month. I always know what’s going on around me! I’m not stupid or useless!” You shouted. 
“I know that you feel useless because I felt useless when I was like you.” He took hold of both of your hands in his large ones. He wanted to make you see. He told himself he knew how you felt being quirkless. He told himself he was the only one who would ever understand you. 
“I’m not you, Izuku! I’m not ashamed that I’m different! I’m not ashamed that I don’t have a quirk! I’m not ashamed to be who I am!” 
“No, Bunny, no you don’t understand. The things people will say about you, about us. They don’t get it. But I do, I get it!” He tried to pull you in. But you pushed on his chest and tried to pull away.  “Please, Bunny, please I’ll try to be better!” He begged for you. You looked back at the man you thought you once loved. You sniffed and looked at him deep in his green eyes you felt numb. Yet you were unsure if it was just the mix of emotions or if you didn’t love him anymore. 
“Ok,” You sniffed again. “Let’s go home.” You felt the feeling of exhaustion and alcohol take over. “We can talk more in the morning.”
 Bakugou walked with Hana out the building. He drank way more than he had intended on. Hana waved off Kirishima and his other friends promising to care for him and not wanting to ruin their nights too. 
Bakugou wrapped his arm over her shoulders and she helped him hobble down the sidewalk. 
“Ok, let’s get you home!” She uttered. She wished her quirk was more useful in getting giant drunk men home. 
“Nah nah nah nah! No way. I don’t wanna go home! Don’t you wanna find out if those rumors are true?” He stopped and grabbed her hips pulling her close to him. 
She laughed loudly and shook her head. She put her hands on his shoulder and sat him along a half wall as she took the spot next to him.
“Dynamite, you are so drunk. You’re also totally head over heels for Deku’s fiancé,” She told him matter of factly. 
He gaped at her. His brain was still slightly too fogged to form anything coherent. 
“The whole gala could see it.” She laughed to herself. “And I thought I was gonna make you fall for me.” She shook her head. 
“Hey you’re a great girl,” He mumbled and leaned his head against her shoulder. 
“Oh I know. And maybe when you’re sober you can introduce me to Chargebolt sometime,” She giggled and looked down on the hulking pro hero. 
“Fucking Pikachu?!” His nose scrunched up. She nodded. “Ha okay deal, Kid.” He smirked and continued to lean on her. 
“She really likes you too, ya know.” 
“Yeah? Too bad she’s taken,” Bakugou huffed and closed his eyes. 
“True, but hey you never know.” She shrugged and stood up trying to tug him back to his feet. “Hey my apartment isn’t far. You can crash on the couch,” She offered with a smile. 
Bakugou nodded and got up still too drunk to walk straight so he leaned against her. 
The next morning you woke up on the couch. You insisted on not sleeping in the same bed and since Midoriya had patrol the next day he suggested he take the bed. You rolled over and grabbed your phone from the coffee table. 
Your phone had exploded with texts from friends and family. They all sent you links to articles, photos and videos. They told you how excited they were how beautiful you looked. Until, you got one from your coworker. 
Meg: Isn’t that the guy who brought you cookies? 
You opened the link and it was a picture of you and Bakugou dancing. You looked like lovers how close you were pressed. His usually tense shoulders were relaxed and his face seemed peaceful. 
The article’s headline said “PRO HERO DYNAMITE MAKES HIS ROUNDS” 
The first was a picture of you and him then a picture of him and Hana entering the gala. Finally, a photo of him and her on the street her hips pulled towards his and she was smiling wide. It was followed by a picture of them walking into an apartment building with his arm draped around her. 
The final line of the article read, “Has this pro hero wooed Deku’s fiancé to just sleep with his new lady?” 
The comments were calling the article bullshit. Many commenters saying you were just friends and that he could sleep with whoever he wanted. One even speculated that you were brother and sister. However, almost everyone agreed Bakugou and Hana slept together last night. 
Your stomach dropped. Had he just told you lies? Was he making you feel special and heard to just what? Get a rise out of his date? 
“Good morning, Bunny,” Izuku walked out of the bedroom yawning. 
You looked up at Izuku with large, teary eyes. You wanted to hurt for him, you wanted to want to jump up and hug him. Yet, your heart wasn’t tugging for him. The only thing you knew you had to do was take off your engagement ring. 
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Kaminari watched with a quirked brow as you walked straight into the common room and plopped right down next to Bakugou, who opened his arm to allow you to curl into his side.
Sure, it amazed him that Bakugou even had the means to score a partner, let alone one would could just come in and plop next to him, interrupting whatever game he was playing on his switch, but…
Kaminari was moreso interested in whatever you two were doing than thinking about the other complexities of your relationship.
“What do you want?” Bakugou asks, his nose burying in your hair.
Bleach blonde eyebrows furrow in frustration, “you do realize it’s almost 10 pm, right? I’m not doing that.”
“Mmmnn!” You push your head against his shoulder, and he snarls at you.
“Don’t you ‘mmmnn’ me! It’s fuckin’ dark out.”
“Do you have any lick of a clue what the hell is going on?” Kaminari whispers, a hand covering his mouth in an attempt to keep his question between himself and Kirishima. Kirishima tips his head as he watches you and Bakugou… talk? to each other on the loveseat just feet away.
“Honestly man,” the redhead sighs, tipping his head in thought. “No idea.”
“You want Aizawa to kill me?” Bakugou mumbles, gently rubbing your arm with his thumb. “Dumbass. Because he will.”
“Yeah, I should’ve expected you to say that.”
“Say what?” Kaminari whispers, the pitch turning into a whine, gentle fingers tugging at Kirishima’s tee-shirt. Kirishima shrugs and continues to watch the… conversation.
“Come on,” Bakugou pleads, “can’t I just give you some of my chips? I’ll take ya to get some snacks tomorrow, I promise-“
Bakugou groans and tips his head back, blinking up at the ceiling as if trying to work up some strength. “Hey, idiots,” he grumbles, making the two of his friends tense up in fear; Kaminari visibly trembles, he hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, he just really wanted to know if you were okay-
“What time does that stupid convenience store close for the night?” The blonde asks, and Kirishima watches as your lips, peeking from Bakugou’s neck, curl up into a smile.
Kirishima shrugs, “I… think they’re 24 hours. Or at least open until real late. I think they stop making food at 1 am though.”
Bakugou groans. Kaminari sees you stifle your giggles, your fingers curling on his shirt. You grunt again, and Bakugou rolls his eyes.
“Fucking- fine.” He turns back to his friends with a snarled lip. “You dickheads want anything?”
“Uh…” Kaminari begins. “I’ll… take a strawberry juice, if you’re offering.”
“I’m not, but my insignificant other is.”
Kirishima chuckles, “I’ll take an egg roll. Thanks man.”
Bakugou gives a subtle nod and turns his head back down to you, “you’re coming with me-“
“Oh hell no!” He barks. “If I go down, you’re coming with me, you shitfuck!”
Once again, you laugh into his neck, and even if kaminari and kirishima don’t understand the dynamic, it feels good to see Bakugou smirk in your hair and nuzzle into you.
“Yeah yeah… love you, too, or something.”
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polly-pocket13 · 4 months
katsuki bakugou x reader
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It was 1 am in the morning, when you were standing in a pajama and with your headphones on in the kitchen. Currently, you were cutting spring onions for your ramen while you were singing along to a song. 
All because you previously overslept dinner with your classmates. You were so tired from your workout after school that you felt asleep at 7 pm and woke up six hours later, pretty hungry. That's why you're in the kitchen at one in the morning making ramen.
The next thing you did was cut your finger because you weren't paying attention when you chopped the ingredients.
“Ah, shit.” you cursed quietly. 
“It surprises me that this took so long.” you quietly heard Bakugous voice behind you.
You turned around and looked confused at Bakugou who was standing at the door. You put down your headphones and asked him, “What do you mean, and why are you awake at 2 am?” 
“Firstly, I could ask you the same question, so why are awake at 2 am, dancing, singing in the kitchen and making ramen? Secondly, the way you're cutting things is terrifying, so it's a surprise that you cut your finger now and not earlier. You can be happy that you just cut your finger and nothing else happened.” he told you. 
“Tzz, Dickhead. I am hungry, that's the reason, I am making ramens. And my cutting isn't terrifying.” you said and held your finger under running cold water.
You blushed.
How long he has been watching you?
“Show me your finger.” he said.
He was now standing behind you.
“It isn't that bad.” you said, turned around to him and showed your best friend your finger.
He covered your cut with a band-aid.  You had goose bumps everywhere because he was so close.
You had a crush on your best friend Bakugou since the middle school, but you know he doesn't feel the same way for you.
This is the reason why you wouldn't ever reveal your feelings to him.
“Thank you.” you said and walked to the countertop, and slowly started to cut the ingredients for your ramen again.
“Like I said, terrifying.” he told you again and got behind you. “Let me help you.” he said and laid his hand on yours and helped you to cut your ingredients. 
To be honest, only he was cutting the ingredients, and you just tried to breathe and also held the knife as he was so fucking close to you. 
You could feel his breath on your neck. 
“See, not that hard.” he told you as he finished cutting all the ingredients. 
You said, “I could do it myself.”
“Sure, you could. But maybe you would have lost a finger.” he said and smirked.
You turned around so that you could look him in the eyes. His face was really close to yours.  “Shut up, Kacchan. Sometimes, you are a Jerk.” you mumbled. 
“Being a Jerk is a full-time job.” he only said and moved even closer to you.
What the fuck is he doing.
“You didn't tell me why you are awake at 1 am.” you said and tried to win some space, what didn't work out. “Couldn't sleep, there was someone on my mind.” he answered and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Who?” you asked. 
“Sometimes you are really dumb, nerd.” he said and closed the space between your lips.
Maybe it was fate that you overslept the dinner.
a/n: I'm not sure if I really like it, maybe I'll delete it later on.
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Jealous Ex!Katsuki x Fem!Reader
A/N: this is totally not based off of how i wish my ex acted when i had a creep hitting on me ha.
It’s been six months. And I’m one drink down for every month since he left me. So I really shouldn’t feel as sick as I do when a random wraps their arm around my waist.
He tugs me into his scrawny, shirtless figure and my stomach lurches.
Everything smells of stale cigarette smoke. 
This is wrong.
Gently I push the stranger off, wandering back towards the bar. A tired smile from the bartender greets me.
“Hi lovely,” I smile, jumping up on the barstool.
“What can I do for you babes?” The small person hums, mousy hair flopping across their face.
“Can you make me another one of those yummy cocktails? Y’know, the one with the fireball and the-” I start, leaning inwards.
“The one that tastes like autumn?” They finish, a knowing smile.
“Yes!” I can feel my head slosh as I nod. Maybe I’m more tipsy than I thought. 
Unwanted arms twist around my waist yet again.
“Hey pretty,” Unkempt long hair tickles my shoulder. Hot breath on my neck. 
“I’m gonna go back to dancing,” I excuse myself, untangling us. Clutching my drink, I weave in and out of the crowd. The warmth is more uncomfortable than it was before, sticky and clammy.
A pain in my shoulder, my drink wasted on myself and the floor.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry” I start, embarrassment heating my cheeks.
“Hey, watch where you’re-” A voice, so familiar it hurts. Low, and consistently gravelly.
“y/n.” Shock changes his tone. Aggression turns soft. My heart squeezes.
Six months.
Six months and I’m still so undeniably in love with Bakugou Katsuki it hurts me.
“Hi,” I mumble, eyes trained on my hands.
He clears his throat and my eyes can’t help but follow the noise. 
I always said his eyes were rubies.
Not the blood of his enemies, like Kaminari so often joked.
Warmth and pain mixes inside of me, and I find myself biting my tongue.
I love you.
It would be so easy to say.
“Aww did you spill ya drink pretty? ‘S okay, I’ll get you another one.” Cigarette overtakes my smell and I do everything not to gag.
“Um, I’m actually gonna head home.” Shaking the man off yet again, I go to turn around.
“Ooh, ready for some fun are we? Lead the way, beautiful.” Hands around my waist, and my throat closes.
“No.” I shake my head, squirming out of his arms yet again.
“Aww, but baby” His arms are tighter this time, face nuzzled into my neck.
“Oi, she told you to fuck off.” Katsuki steps forward, and I go to turn my head.
“Ha, you’re just jealous that I’m gonna get somma this tonight.” Wet warmth trails up my neck and I cringe away.
Stifling hold is suddenly tugged away.
“She’s not interested, dickhead. Now fuck off before I make you.” Katsuki’s voice is grim, fearless. All I can focus on is wiping the saliva off my neck.
“Fuckin fine. She’s not that cute anyway.” I hear a huff becoming more and more distant.  
Another arm. New, but old; drapes across my shoulders.
“Gonna walk you home to make sure no more creeps try’nd attack you.” Katsuki mumbles, gently guiding me through the crowd.
“Thanks,” I whisper.
The outside air is cold, drawing me closer to the man’s core heat. Small sparks on my shoulder act as a radiator.
The walk is quiet, and my head swims too much to understand if its comfortable or uncomfortable. 
Only when we reach my apartment, does his warm arm leave me. 
As if it’s muscle memory, he lifts up the pot plant; grabbing the spare key and letting us in. Kicking off my shoes, I wander towards the next best warmth I can get.
My bed is cushy, a welcome comfort.
Katsuki enters not too long after, water and toast in hand.
“You need to eat before you sleep,” He says, plopping down next to me.
Rubies, full of warmth.
“Why are you being so nice?” I mumble, eyes stinging.
I miss this. I miss him.
“Cause I fucked up,” He whispers.
“What did you do this time, Bakugou?” I sigh, picking up the glass.
“I hurt someone because I didn’t want them to hurt me first.”
My heart hitches.
“But then I realised that all I did was hurt both of us, for no goddamn reason.”  The water splashes against the sides of the glass as I tremble uncontrollably.
“She won’t even say my name anymore.” The grief is heavy in his voice, breaking it gently. And I can’t hold back my tears.
“You said you didn’t love me anymore,” My voice warbles past the lump in my throat.
“I knew you could do better,” He mumbles, picking at the duvet he helped me choose.
“I don’t want better!” I cry, gripping the glass.
“I want you.” Glancing over, I can’t help but stare.
Bakugo Katsuki does not cry.
Yet diamonds fall from rubies.
“Then be mine again. Please.” He whispers, voice catching. 
And all I can do is nod.
Coolness of glass leaves my hands. Warmth cradles my cheeks.
“Thank you baby,” His lips meet mine, and I’m home. 
Home tastes like cheap cola from the bar. 
Home is our teeth clashing as we smile through tears and kisses. 
Home is my fingers twisting through staticy blond.
“I missed you so much,” I whisper against his jaw.
“Missed you more.” Strong arms pull me effortlessly into his lap. His hands stay on my hips, tracing gentle circles.
“Lemme show you how much I missed you.” Katsuki asks, tugging me impossibly closer. Kisses tickle down my neck, and my entire body floods with adoration.
“Please,” I nuzzle into his hair, savouring the closeness. I jerk my neck away as he gently bites exactly where he knows I hate.
“Katsuki,” I whine, shoving his face away. A warm chuckle reverberates through his chest. The sound is contagious, making bubbles in my chest.
“You’re an ass,” I bite back my smile, gentling pushing him further.
“Yeah, but I’m your ass.” He mumbles, pulling me back in. Arms push me down, feeling him grow beneath me.
My body clenches excitedly, as familiar hands start tracing up my stomach.
“Take this stupid thing off,” His voice vibrates against my neck, as he tugs at the hem of my top.
“Hm,” I muse loudly, deciding to have some fun. “No, I don’t think so.”
“You little shit,” He growls fondly, pushing the top up as his hands wander further. A gentle squeeze to my breasts is all I need to continue my attack on his jaw.
“But I’m your little shit,” I mock inbetween kisses. I feel his jaw clench beneath my touch.
“Alright, thats it.” He huffs, wrapping an arm around my waist.
Suddenly, I’m off his lap; the bed bouncing at my sudden shift in weight. The bubbles in my chest build until they burst into a fit of giggles.
“There’s my pretty woman,” Katsuki smiles, eyes soft. Gently, he fully removes my top. And then his own.
The warmth of skin on skin is a comfort I’ve missed oh so much. 
Obviously, Katsuki missed it just as much; face disappearing into the valley between my breasts. 
Soft kisses leave pins and needles, and I reach for his hand. In an instant, our fingers are interlocked.
Like he never left.
I revel in the moment, using my free hand to trace patterns on his shoulders.
Small sparks greet my skin as his other hand massages my thigh. I feel myself dampen at the closeness - leaning into his touch.
“You sure you want this pretty woman? You’re still tipsy,” Its so odd, hearing such soft words from such a hardened, aggressive man. 
“Please, Kats” I breathe, moving my hand to his hair. A hum of agreement, and his loving assault continues.
I keep tracing patterns, unintentionally digging down as his hands get close to where I want them - no - need them to be.
A ghost of a touch, and I’m pushing myself up to meet him.
“Missed me that bad, did we?” He scoffs in amusement, fingers circling my clothed clit.
“Like you’re one to talk,” I mumble, cheeks heating. Softly grinding on me, my breath hitches.
“Sorry baby, but I’m not waiting anymore,” He whispers, pulling my panties off; his boxers following suit.
Rubies bore into me, sparkling with adoration.
And suddenly, pain and pleasure all in one.
“C’mon, you’re okay. You can take it.” Katsuki praises as he thrusts in. I blink through watery eyes, nodding.
The movement is slow at first, just until the pain falls away. 
Then, its relentless. 
The sound of skin on skin echoes through my small apartment, going at an unholy speed. My toes scrunch as I’m sent into ecstasy.
“See how much I missed you?” Hands grasp my hair, moving my head to the side to leave kiss after kiss.
“See how much I love you?” He grunts into my neck, suckling right near my jaw. Words fail, leaving me only able to whimper in response.
“Yeah that’s right,” He whispers to me, fastening his pace. More whines bubble past my lips.
“Love you so much, never gonna leave again, you hear that?” His words a near hiss, nipping my neck gently.
“Kats, kats, please,” I beg, gripping onto him for dear life. My stomach coils, and I don’t know how long I’ll last.
“Come on baby, cum for me.” He encourages, pushing deeper, faster.
I break, legs spasming as I gush.
But Kastuki doesn’t stop.
Instead, he pushes my ankles up near my ears - keeping his relentless pace. Tears spill over my cheeks at the overstimulation.
“Just a little longer, okay?” He promises, hot breath painting my thighs. I nod frantically, practically melting into the bed.
But the coil tightens again, and I can’t help but squirm.
“Come on, together this time. Where do you want me?” Katsuki asks, somehow pumping harder.
“Inside,” I croak through tears. It’s too much.
An eyebrow raises.
“You wan’t me to make you a mama, that it?” He huffs, beads of crystalline sweat coating his brow.
“Mhm,” I whine, clenching at the thought.
“Fuck, y/n.” He grunts, burying himself into me.
Warmth floods me, and my blond lover collapses ontop of me.
“Love you so much, Katsuki,” I whisper, tangling my hands through his hair. I press a gentle kiss to his temple.
“Love you more, dumbass.” He sighs, kissing wherever he can reach. 
“I guess this means you’re reinvited to Tsu and ‘Chako’s wedding.” I hum, scratching his head.
“The fuck you mean ‘reinvited’?” Katsuki snarls sleepily, nuzzling into my neck.
“Honey, you were my plus one. You never got your own invite,” I gently remind him, amusement tickling my insides.
“What cunts.” He grumbles, pulling me close.
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sawbiter · 1 year
rivalry - katsuki bakugō
cw - fluff, tiniest bits of angst??, chubby reader, fem reader, rivalry (as the title states lol), competitive reader, yelling, denial of feelings, jealousy, pining, mean guy whose a softie just for his girlfriend type beat. this might not be very in character..
bakugo hates you.
god, he really does hate you.
he hates the way your stupid smile makes your chubby cheeks even cuter, he hates the way you always argue back against him, even when he's yelling and everyone else is seated and taking it, you're there telling him to shut the fuck up and stop being such a dickhead. he hates how it hasn't made him angry in months.
he hates how impressed he is with you. you're so soft, so pretty. he hates the beautiful chub on your tummy, how you basically bounce with joy when you laugh.
he hates you, he swears.
bakugou hates you, but he can't help but feel jealous when you talk to others.
you're supposed to be his opponent, not izuku's. so stop talking to that damn extra and come argue with him. shit, you don't even have to argue, anything to get you away from that stupid extra and near him.
he's never had thoughts like those before, especially not about someone who fights with him and argues with him constantly.
which is why, when he doesn't know what to do, he picks a fight.
“hey, y/n!” he shouts, and you turn your head, previous beautiful smile still ghosting on your face, “ready to get your ass kicked in training?”
you grin, “as if. i'm gonna leave your ass in the dust, thank you very much.”
he grins, he got the response he wanted, and your attention was off that damn nerd.
katsuki ended up winning the first fight.
in the second, he had you pinned beneath him, your pretty face hidden by the ground your face was smushed against.
wait- why the fuck are you suddenly so pretty?
you used this sudden distraction to flip him over, your plush thighs against his chest, keeping him down.
and though he definitely could have flipped you back over; he didn't. you were so, so pretty. your lips looked perfect. you looked perfect.
he was distracted the rest of the day.
he realized why he liked arguing with you so much. and he wasn't no pussy, so he has to do something about it.
later that night, katsuki would knock on your door, blushing and angry, shove roses into your hands, and slam your own door in your face.
the note he left with the bouquet was a paragraph long about how much he hated you, but not really. how that this doesn't mean he won't still kick your ass in training.
you would laugh, that beautiful laugh of yours that he hated loved so much, open the door to see him still outside, feeling like a damn idiot waiting in the hallways of the dorms way past his usual sleep time.
you'd laugh at him, before pressing his lips against yours and hugging him tightly. (he wasn't blushing at all, stop lying.)
katsuki hates loves you, but he'll still fight with you any day.
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sweetheart4you · 2 months
Hiii! Can you do villian Bakudeku x s/o who has a Cheshire cat like quirk? It’s okay if not ! Have a good day/night !<3
Sorry it so long to get to you! I've been busy and just burnt out, hopefully this makes up for it!
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Bakugou heavily disliked you at first. He hated being sneaked up on. He was honestly just glad you weren't good at combat and stuck to gathering info.
Deku was in awe. But then started muttering and asking you questions. He liked you off the bat since you weren't rude to him for doing so.
Eventually, as you get more settled into the team, Bakugou and Deku both started to appreciate your skill. The longer you stayed in the team, the more Bakugou warmed up to you.
Eventually, both Dynamite and Deku, asked you out. You weren't sure as who to pick, and they assured you that they wanted to share you.
When Katsuki would be angry, your surprise hugs would cheer him up. When Izuku was mad, he preferred to just hold you and vent out his frustrations.
Even though you were all villains, you had a really healthy relationship.
“C'mon. Give me a kiss dickhead. I want your kisses.” “Kacchan, don't be rude! I want your kisses too, babe. Give me some, please?”
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crybaby-bkg · 10 months
cw: this got long sorry 😔 but creepy/perv bakugou, recording, film major bkg x art major reader, masturbation, coercion, dubcon before it just becomes con, voyeurism/exhibitionism
as an art major, you typically did some works for a few students on campus; for their plays, as background pieces while they danced, a cover for their released songs. it wasn’t out of the ordinary for people to ask you to create something for them, and you enjoyed it more often than not. but, you weren’t usually the art itself.
Bakugou is a friend’s friend that you’ve seen a few times, ran into at the library or at coffee shops. he’s a film major, and always looks so unhappy about the whole thing, as if he didn’t choose it himself. you joke to Mina that you think he’ll graduate and become one of those directors that hate everything and yell at the actors constantly and later on get sued for being a dickhead. you never say it to him though—you’ve never spoken more than a couple words to the man.
it’s why it shocks you when he approaches you one day. it’s after one of your painting classes, and he stands outside the door with a frown and his hands shoved in his pockets, his eyebrows scrunched as if pissed at the mere sight of you. he asks you, in that low and gruff tone of his, if you could star in his final project for the semester. says it’s supposed to be a film made with this criteria and that, but, you’ve kind of checked out on the conversation after the first sentence.
“You mean, you want me to create something and that be the star of your film?” you ask him, feeling so intimidated at his stature. he always seems to loom, his hair shadowing the lights above, creates a cast over a portion of his face, makes his eyes look…unsettling. like they’re looking straight through your flesh, can find the marrow in your bones. he scoffs like you’ve offended him, rolling his eyes into his skull, mouth pulled tight.
“No.” his voice is firm, gaze concentrated only on you, like the halls are empty and you’re the focus of his lens. “I want you to star in it.”
his words confuse you—you’ve never presented yourself as an actor before, never alluded to wanting to be in the spotlight if not for what you create with your hands. but he shuffles on his feet, looks desperate even. there’s some hemming and hawing for a minute or so—why not choose Mina?—she’s busy—why choose me?—‘cause you’d be perfect for my short film—what’s it about?—you’ll find out once you get the script.
and even after you hesitantly agree and get the script—you still don’t understand what you’re doing. why you’re here, why you’re the only person, why it has to be a solo film, why there’s damn near zero lines in the entirety of the have-to-be forty five minute film.
the scenes are all so long, and maybe it’s because movies aren’t your forte or chosen major, but you just don’t get it. one scene; you’re staring at yourself in the mirror while Bakugou holds a small, black camera over your shoulder. he’s eerily quiet behind you, whispers out a faint fuckin’ go when you have to wash your face in the sink, makes you do it over because your movements are too jerky and unnatural.
the rest of the scenes go that way; you doing regular at home activities, being put under a lens, quietly barked at to do this and move that way and fix your hair and remember to frown.
“Isn’t there another way to film this?” you ask him on the fifth day of shooting in his spacious loft. there’s a bubble bath scene coming up, one you dont understand the importance of, but Bakugou tells you it’s the most necessary part of the entire thing.
“No,” he grunts out, looking at you from under his lashes as he sits on the lid of the toilet. “But I’ll make it soapy, so the camera won’t see much.” the camera? much? you weren’t worried so much about what the camera captured as you were the man behind it. he looks at you with such intensity, you feel naked already despite the robe you wear that’s suspiciously already your size.
he leaves the bathroom when you sink in the hot water, returns before you can say it’s okay, hears the water splashing and thinks that’s good enough. he kneels on the floor beside you, camera pointed directly in your face, makes your chest hot and your skin feel prickly. the scene passes on regularly enough; you run the water over your arms, tilt your head back as you sigh, whisper the few lines scripted, lean back and close your eyes, sigh again. it’s almost relaxing, makes you forget about the friend of a friend recording you naked right now. almost.
“Touch yourself.” Bakugou suddenly demands, hushed and quiet behind the camera. your eyes immediately shoot open, looking to him in question, how he’s eerily still in his spot hovering over you.
“Huh?” you ask, unsure if you heard him correctly, looking around the rounded lens in your face, trying to ignore the red blinking light. but Bakugou only frowns.
“It’s a masturbation scene. Touch yourself.” he repeats, voice louder, more demanding this time. your stomach twists at the thought of doing something so intimate in front of him. he’s a handsome guy, for sure, even made you consider asking him out after this, figured he was just serious about his work and awkward about certain things. but…something had been off about this entire thing since the start.
“But—but I don’t, I’m not,” you stutter, sitting up a little, the bubbles covering your chest starting to disperse with your movements. but Bakugou only sits a little higher on his knees, finally pulling the camera away from his face for the first time since he’s asked you to do this for him.
“You want me to fail?” he asks, booming voice eerily quiet in the silent bathroom, carmine eyes dull, shaded over with something terrible. “Then do it.” he tells you when you shake your head quickly.
you stare at him until he gets back into position again, camera back pointed at you. when he doesn’t say anything else, you swallow thickly, wondering if the art that will come out of this will be worth it. so you listen, sneak a hand under the water, start touching yourself in a way you never have in front of anyone.
is it bad to say that it’s exhilarating? being watched and recorded by someone who breathes so heavily every time your voice hiccups? being directed to touch your chest next when the suds start to disappear and your nipples start to peek through? is it bad that you want him to send you this portion of his film, only, just so you can watch yourself again and again? make a portrait of yourself with your fingers on your nipples and your knees raising from the water and your head thrown back from the intensity in oil pastels?
“That’s a wrap.” Bakugou announces when you finish, head spinning and still panting. you look over to him, how he closes the camera, the obvious bulge in his pants. “I’ll get you a towel.”
you wonder when’s the next time he’ll need you. or better yet—maybe he could be the star in your final drawing project? you had finished it already but, what was the harm in starting over with him as your muse? as naked as you are? camera not blocking his face so you can paint the similarities of his blushing cheeks and eyes when you direct him to look at you? to touch his chest? to play with himself just like that?
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
Okay I NEED to know what the current most popular slash ships are, being on tumblr just feels like slash fandom is dying out, and I'd like to look up some ships because even if I don't like them, following other slash shippers feels so much nicer than seeing people bash them all the time.
On AO3, the m/m category is a tag like any other.
That means you can go directly to that tag and look at the sidebar, either in general or filtered for the past year. (No need to rely on those faulty ship stats.)
Broadly, the really massive juggernauts are still going, chugging along on fanon long after their canons have ended or gone to shit. A bunch of fandoms that younger people like are huge. And a lot of older people who used to only be into Western fandoms fell for The Untamed a few years ago and are now into lots of other danmei and BL fandoms. Thai dramas seem to be really heating up lately.
Here's the sidebar in general:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (108832)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (68896)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (66461)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (66324)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (60107)
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) (51611)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (44020)
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (42921)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (42063)
filtering those out:
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (39754)
Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian (37086)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V (36739)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (32031)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (30843)
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (29711)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) (29591)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (28681)
Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin (28574)
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) (28260)
Or filtered for updating in the past year:
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) (14878)
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (12640)
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (10617)
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) (10353)
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (8964)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (8391)
Alhaitham/Kaveh (Genshin Impact) (8284)
Regulus Black/James Potter (7721)
filtering those out:
John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley (6879)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (6751)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (6723)
Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru (6253)
Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian (6245)
Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) (6228)
Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor (5725)
Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know (5632)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V (5201)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (4199)
In general, I would look at things with canon gay and/or at big anime, c-drama, and kpop RPF fandoms.
And block dickheads liberally when you see them in the tags on tumblr.
If you want to hang out with oldschool people, you could always come to Escapade con. We should be having an online one some time in the summer. There's also a discord. We're currently doing a group watch of Mysterious Lotus Casebook among other things.
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Can u do bakugou and shoyo x male reader? Maybe where people realize they are dating?
I wasn't sure if you wanted them separately or as a poly relationship, so I did both (poly is at the bottom) lol. Hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: Bakugou being Bakugou. (Very) brief mentions of homophobia.
𝔅𝔞𝔨𝔲𝔤𝔬𝔲 𝔎𝔞𝔱𝔰𝔲𝔨𝔦:
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When you and Bakugou first started dating, coming out to everyone was the last thing on his mind.
He's not a very public person, because to be quite frank– his love life is no one else's business.
He's the kind of person who let's his friends find out stuff about him on their own. Never ever will you catch this man directly telling anyone anything about himself because his life is no one's business and he stands by that.
It takes awhile for anyone to catch on, mainly because Bakugou isn't into PDA.
So Class 1-A practically drives themselves crazy trying to figure out if you're actually a thing.
On one hand, you both are constantly low-key flirting.
But on the other hand, Bakugou still very much calls you names such as dickhead and asswipe.
Plus no one has ever seen you two be physically affectionate so
There's no way, right??
Wrong, you two got caught kissing.
It was wrong time wrong place.
Bakugou gave you a small peck goodbye, and Mina had seen it.
And because Mina can't keep a secret to save her life, everyone found out.
Bakugou wasn't exactly thrilled, he preferred it when everyone wasn't "up his ass" about his relationship.
"Bakugou! Why didn't you tell us you were dating Y/N?!"
Now thing is, everyone is shocked up also not shocked.
On hand, you two were always together so it just made sense
But on the other...it's Bakugou. He's the least desirable person to ever exist, why in the world would you choose him?
Eventually everyone chills out, and it's back to normal.
Nothing really changes. You and Bakugou still aren't too openly affectionate...
"Katsuki? Do you ever worry about how some people are going to react to us...you know, dating?"
"What do you mean?" He turns to face you. You're sprawled out on his bed spouting out depressing shit all of a sudden while he's trying to study.
"I'm glad that our friends are supportive but...not everyone is going to be as accepting as they are. Does that not worry you?"
He scoffs. You're an idiot for thinking that.
"Of course not. I don't need anyone's permission, I can date whoever the fuck I want...and so can you. I love you, and no one's going to change that."
After that, he's determined to be more openly loving towards you.
Just to prove to you that no one else's opinions matter to him.
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𝔗𝔬𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔦 𝔖𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔬:
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Todoroki is similar to Bakugou when it comes to his private life: it's private.
He often makes impulsive decisions without consulting the people around him, and one of those decisions happened to be dating you.
You two got together...and he just never said anything to anyone.
Not because he was scared to, he's not afraid of being judged for who he loves.
And it wasn't because he's not comfy with PDA, because he's perfectly ok with it.
That's actually how everyone found out.
He straight up walked over to you in front of everyone:
"Hey babe, happy to see you."
Kiss on the cheek.
Everyone stops breathing.
Todoroki...the guy who claimed he didn't come to school to make friends...was dating someone.
Minds were blown.
"Todoroki?? Why didn't you ever say anything???"
"I didn't need to??"
"But you do??"
"Oh well...I'm dating Y/N."
No one saw this coming.
Todoroki didn't seem like the kind of guy to date, and no one ever saw you two hanging out so???
This came out of no where.
Some of his friends didn't even know who you were because they've never heard of you.
Not because Shoto is ashamed of you or anything— he just doesn't understand why he needs to talk about his personal life.
You're the person he's dating, so from his understanding, you're the only one who needs to know that.
The guy doesn't understand why everyone feels the need to know about his love life.
When you bring up your concern about some people being not so accepting towards your relationship, Todoroki shrugs.
"Would it make you more comfortable if I were less affectionate with you in public?"
If yes, Todoroki completely respects that.
He respects it a little to hard though because he'll flat out stand on the opposite side of the room.
You love him, but sometimes he was an idiot.
If no, then Todoroki questions why anyone else's input should matter.
"They aren't dating us, so why should they care? If anyone has anything to say, I will talk to them."
He 100% means that btw
Will stand up for you if someone makes a comment about your relationship.
He loves you. End of sentence.
Bonus: Endeavor isn't too happy about the relationship because he doesn't want Todoroki getting distracted from his hero work. Todoroki responds by sending his father pictures of him and you together as a sweet little fuck you.
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𝔓𝔬𝔩𝔶!𝔗𝔬𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔦 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔅𝔞𝔨𝔲𝔤𝔬𝔲:
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This relationship is a dumpster fire.
Sorry, have to be blunt with you, everything is going right and wrong again the same time.
Mainly because of thing 1 and thing 2 over here.
How they go about relationships is so different yet similar and it throws them both off.
While they both agree that their private life is private— Their views on PDA collide
Now if you ask Bakugou, it's not his fault that the secret got out about you all dating.
Todoroki was challenging him.
Todoroki likes holding ur hand in public.
Bakugou would usually oppose to it, but he felt so left out.
So being as stubborn as he is, he grabs your other hand- making sure it made a loud SMACK to grab everyone's attention. (Dw, ur hand is ok)
Todoroki looks over curiously, "Bakugou, I thought you did not like public display of affection."
"Tch, no shit I don't! But like hell you're going to third wheel me!"
"Bakugou, No one is third wheeling—"
You awkwardly stand there wishing for death to take you as everyone immediately stares at your dysfunctional trio.
Bakugou and Todoroki arguing? That's normal
But both of them holding your hands??? Bakugou telling Todoroki to call him by his first name???
"You three are totally swapping spit." Mineta is the first to say something. While everyone yells at him for his bluntness, they had to admit, he said the exact thing they were all thinking.
You three would definitely get some questions from the class
They're supportive, don't get me wrong.
They've just never been exposed to a poly couple so
They're all very confused.
More so confused about how you got Todoroki and Bakugou agree to it.
After the whole ordeal is dealt with, you gave them a stern talking to about how they need to learn to get along.
"You completely outed us, Bakugou!"
"Yeah yeah, I know Y/N. I'm sorry."
You thought you were making some progress until Todoroki opened his mouth.
"All because you were jealous about me holding his hand–"
Your boyfriends are disasters.
Get them some help.
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spinji · 10 months
Imma be honest, I have no idea where people are coming from sympathizing with All For One.
I get the simps, you guys are gonna twist things for your meow meow all you want. More power to you.
But the narrative wastes no time showing us that AFO's greed and desire to control is INSTINCTUAL. He stole nutrients from Yoichi in the womb, stole his mother's quirk, and (arguably) stole her life. This was long before he'd be developed enough to make a conscious choice.
"But AFO is the one telling us this so of course he might lie" No???? We don't have any characters that could relay this information to us so the narration is just neutral omniscient dialog to explain what's happening, referring to AFO in the third person. This isn't diagetic narration.
Do you honestly think AFO, losing his goddamn mind in the middle of a fight, would turn to Bakugou like "so my mother was a prostitute-". The last page is the only one explicitly from AFO's point of view and that has a very obvious change in perspective. So no, I don't think All For One is telling us the story of how he was almost eaten by rats. We can absolutely take this at face value.
There are more complicated implications about the world building in this chapter, like how the actually recorded first quirk was flashy but harmless to set up a nice and happy origin of meta abilities despite that not being true. It puts AFO in a tight position as well because well he grew up in a hellscape with no parents and learned how to survive on his own right? So it's okay that he killed all those anti-quirk people right?
What about Yoichi?
Yoichi grew up in identical conditions to AFO, just as starved, just as unloved, just as alone. But Yoichi also grew up kind. He had empathy and hope, not wanting innocent people to get hurt. You can't inherently blame their circumstances when AFO has been a dickhead since birth and yet his twin, in the same scenario, did not. The difference? AFO had power and a compulsive need to control.
Yoichi would not have felt the need to run away, willingly, with Kudou if this was meant to be AFO's tragedy. Tenko's family ran to him, Touya's family thought they lost him, AFO's ran away from him.
AFO is blinded by ego and an all consuming sense of control. He is very much meant to be the embodiment of these things, monolithic as a threat. And his pursuit after One for All has been both a power grab and a desire to have complete control over his brother again in the form of suppressing his vestige.
Remember how Himiko actively chose not to live by a villain name? Because she didn't see herself as a criminal?
This is All For One's origin story and we still only know his villain name.
Do you really think that's not intentional?
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The Taming of Man: chapter Four - Dragon Shifting!Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
Ayo, Merula back again and dropping the new chapter? I know I said that this would be up in a few days...like...an hour ago...but I expected it to be much much much longer. While writing, I realized just how much more writing I'd need to do to get to my original goal, and that much just felt cluttered and too much to put in one chapter. Enjoy my wifeys!
Words: 2,210
This is incredibly based on the song The Willow Maid by Erutan, I highly recommend giving it a listen for the best experience.
Warnings: Cursing, reader is She/Her and will be AFAB in later chapters, Shirtless Katsuki, slight misogyny a little if you squint
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"Ok, so..." You took the map from Katsuki, placing your finger on the different sections as you name them. "This is Forrmidūl....This is Novia...-" Katsuki scowled a bit at the mention of the place- "This is Positeel...and this is Marina." Katsuki nodded, his impatience showing, but the smile on your face warming him a little.
Each country was painted a different color to show the borders better, and the forest was painted completely white because no one owned it. "This place is big, huh?" You couldn't look away from the map, studying it. It wasn't like you've never seen a map before, but this whole place was new to you.
"And this is just one continent," He said, almost proudly, like he took pride in the fact that his universe was so big. "Where I come from, The entire world is just the one continent," you sighed, almost to yourself, before laying back on the stump and looking up at the tangerine sky. The dress you wore had that difficult corset and giant hoopskirt, making it hard to bend much, but once you laid down you were comfortable. It helped that you took out that headache of a bun, too. "Must be big," he mused, not laying back with you but instead watching you from his seat at the edge of the stump.
"Yeah, No other kingdoms either. Just us." You didn't look away from the empty sky, wanting to catch a glimpse of the first star. You would have to go soon, you've never stayed later than sunset, but you just wanted to see one star. Maybe they were different here. Most things were. You began to hum mindlessly to yourself, that same song you always sung, and Katsuki snorted. "Why'd you always sing that," he asked, a hint of amusement in his husky voice. You shrugged, saying, "It's my country's song. Kinda like a national anthem." Katsuki began to gather his things, sliding his shirt back on and putting the near-full healing potion into his bag. "Well keep singin' it. I need it to get here."
Now it was your turn to laugh derisively, your eyes finally falling on him as he buttoned his shirt up. What a shame to cover something that looked so beautifully sculpted, each scar like the slashing of a mastered pen on pristine paper. Fuck, wait, don't think that. He's a dickhead, an asshole...and kind of your teacher. "Must be my beautiful voice," you said with a sarcastically coy sigh, squirming to get up. He watched you try and turn turtle several times with no avail, laughing before reaching out a calloused hand to help you up. "Yeah right, probably just your dumb faerie magic."
You begrudgingly took his hand, his laughter making your heart swell in a way you didn't understand, before the skin to skin contact shocked you both. It was completely normal, just one of those small static shocks you could get from anywhere or anyone, but for some reason this one sent a shiver down both of your spines. You chuckled nervously, standing straight up and releasing his hand as soon as possible.
"S-so, what should I bring tomorrow," you asked, trying your best to hide how weirdly flustered you felt. He hadn't really thought that far, he honestly didn't expect you to show the first time. "I dunno...same thing," he sighed. He supposed you could never have too many healing potions. You nodded eagerly, before both of you went your separate ways.
For the next week, You simultaneously listened to suitors blather on and on about how great they were, and visited Katsuki for lessons. You learned a lot, sure, like geography and politics, but it soon became too little for you. You had a taste of the outside world, and you wanted more. That's why, at the end of the week and very end of your lesson that day, you asked Katsuki to take you outside the forest.
"Hell no," he scoffed, almost immediately, much to your disgruntlement. "C'monnn," you whined, walking after him in your giant baby-blue dress (The result of your earlier meeting) as he began walking towards the forest edge. "It's too dangerous," he huffed, stopping and turning to you. "I'm magic," you reasoned, fluttering your fingers and producing pink glitter dust to prove your point.
"You know what kinda shit is out there? The kinda fuckin' people out there? It's not all smiles and rainbows, princess," He said sharply, glaring down at you. "I know that, that's why I need a big strong Dragonborne prince to protect me," you teased, hopefully stroking his ego in a playful and endearing way. He scanned your eyes, sternly examining your face with a hard countenance, before turning to keep walking. "No," he barked.
You stood there dumbfounded, blinking rapidly in confusion. You were getting this, whether he liked it or not. "If you don't take me I'll go by myself," you called out quickly, nervously fidgeting with your dress. You needed this to work. He stopped in his tracks, seeming to be thinking. Moments passed, before he turned his head with a pissed expression on his face. "...Be here at noon tomorrow... and don't wear any of that frilly crap!"
You jumped with joy, squealing with happiness. You were about to leave and let him walk out without another word, but instead you zoomed over and tackled him with a hug around his neck. He nearly fell backward, but kept his balance as he stayed stock still, unsure what to do. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice tight with all the excitement you were feeling, before giving him a peck on the cheek and running off to go home. He watched as you jumped into your portal, unmoving as he processed.
His hand gently touched where you kissed him as if by instinct, and he could feel his face getting tomato red by the second. "Damn it," he shouted, clenching his fists and sending flocks of birds flying out of trees, practically rumbling the ground. You and your fucking faerie charm, that had to be it. No way he was just naturally infatuated with you, it had to be magic.
"Do you have to undermine me every day," Ochako sighed, undoing the knots of your corset. You just laughed nervously, mumbling, "About that..."
She froze and drooped a little, clearly anticipating your next words. "About what?" You turned to her as she released you from the rib-crushing confines of your attire, stepping out of and over your dress. "I kinda need- want to go out tomorrow, around noon this time..."
need sounded suspicious, so you quickly changed it to want for a more believable story. "Wh-" Ochako started, before you cut her off with- "And before you say no, remember that I don't have any meetings, or lessons, or plans, and mother is travelling to meet with the dukes, and-"
You paused, blinking confusedly as you looked at your handmaid's annoyed face. "...fine?"
She rolled her eyes a bit and sighed with a smile ghosting her face, shrugging. "Yep, You make a good point," she said with amusement, watching your face light up. You brought her in for a tight hug, and she hugged you back. She laughed a bit, saying, "You smell kinda weird."
You pulled back, cocking your head a bit with a confused smile. "Yeah? like what?" She shrugged, thinking a little. "I dunno, kinda like...burnt sugar or something."
burnt caramel, you corrected in your head, before catching yourself. You smelt like Katsuki. Now that she pointed it out, it was all you could smell, the scent of and musk and smoke and caramel. Must've been from that hug from earlier. "Weird," you said nervously, Ochako seeming to be none the wiser as she helped you into your nightgown and blew out your candles, tucking you into bed and leaving you to sleep.
You could do nothing but take deep breaths in from your nose, wanting to catch the scent as much as possible and make yourself blush from embarrassment in the process. What were you doing? It's not like you liked him...It's not like he'd like you back. You chalked it up to the newness of it all, the fact that he was so foreign to you, that he was the one kind of person you were supposed to hate...
"I told you not to wear anything too frilly," Katsuki scoffed, immediately pissed off at the sight of you. "What? This isn't nearly as bad as the other dresses," you argued, gesturing to yourself. You were wearing an ankle length matcha green A-line dress with light green butterfly lace, a structured yet relatively loose corset, and off the shoulder sleeves. Your shoes were the best you had for walking, your sturdiest pair of brown flats. As a princess, you weren't expected to go adventuring, and therefore had no adventuring clothes.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was wearing a linen tunic and pants that looked to be something like a mix between leather and snakeskin, a solid and thick maroon fabric with the slightest bit of a scale imprint and iridescence. He had thick and heavy working boots, no doubt steel-toed, and noticeably made of the same material as his pants, except in brown. "Well 'm not carrying you if your soft little feet get tired," he stated gruffly, gritting his teeth.
"Not like I'd ask you to," you laughed, beginning to walk towards the same part of the forest he always came in and out of. He followed closely behind, the scent of you being pushed into his nostrils by the breeze gently blowing your hair back. As you both approached the edge, right where the green brush meets the damp fog, Katsuki grabbed your arm and held you in place.
"Before we go in there, I gotta tell you about some shit so you don't piss yourself."
You rolled your eyes, sighing with a slight smile. "it's not like I'm a baby, I can handle whatever's in there. Besides, this is clearly fae magic."
Katsuki blinked a couple times in confusion, his curious demeanor decidedly extremely cute, and his grip on you softened a little. "What do you mean? Fae don't live here."
"Well I know that. This was probably fae magic used to protect the portal." You spoke as if you were explaining things to a toddler, something he hardly appreciated.
"How do you know," he scoffed, clearly not believing you. There was no way. "Look.," you huffed, slipping out of his grasp and reaching out towards the mist. The second your fingertips touched it, the mist parted with a golden glimmer surrounding your hand, the area around it now visible. You pulled back with a cocky smile on your face, cheeky and self assured. "Since it's to protect other fae, it doesn't work on me."
Katsuki was a little red from embarrassment, clearly in the wrong, and he just grumbled with a slight pout. "Well let's hope you keep that confidence," he huffed, grabbing you again and pushing you through the mist. he held you in front of him, and as each part of you passed through, a bubble of clarity surrounded you. Seeing as he was technically attached to you, his hands on your forearms, he got the benefits of this too.
He could now see everything in Nebel, and to be honest...there wasn't much to see. No trees or brush, the ground covered in a thick layer of dense moss and mushroom. You however, you were way more impressed. You excitedly reached down and touched one of the grey little mushrooms before he could tell you no, and to his surprise, it began to glow a bright and bioluminescent blue. You happily plucked it and its little friends, as well as a clump of moss, and put them in your satchel.
"Why're doin' that," he asked harshly, clearly judging you. "I bet they'd be really great for spells," you explained, continuing your trek. You both reached Leben in no time, and now there was no need for Katsuki to grip your arms. He let go as soon as possible, and the absence of warmth made you feel...a little empty. it was stupid and weird, you just brushed it off.
The entire walk, from Nebel to Böse, you were collecting little things. Plants, jewels, sap, literally anything. You made his anxiety peak in Böse especially, when you reached to pick a fucking fire flower. "Hey," he shouted aggressively, reaching out to smack your hand away. He was too late however, and your fate was sealed. You reached out, grabbed the flower by its stem, and of course....nothing happened? It stayed stagnant.
No flames? No hissing? Where were these flowers when he was traveling the forest? You gently plucked it from the ground, took a deep breath, and smelt the spicy-sweet, cinnamon scent of the flora. "What," you said curiously, noticing just how confused he looked. "...nothin'" he finally grumbled, grabbing your hand and pulling you through the last stretch of the woods. Not even the forest could resist your charms.
After mere minutes, you were at the exit of the Farbenreich Forest, your afternoon adventure with Katsuki only beginning.
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Ahhhh I did it! Had to push through some writing block at the end there, but I hope my work didn't suffer for it! As always, leave a comment with your thoughts, I loveeee to hear from you guys!
Taglist: @sky-angel1011 @the-galaxy-fiend @chixkadee @faemagic88
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sapphic-agent · 9 months
I just saw a post that made me mad all over again, but it makes me so annoyed how, at times, it seems like 1A couldn't care less about Izuku.
Their complete lack of standing up for him against Bakugou and the infuriating clusterfuck that was 1A vs Izuku aside, there's just other instances that stand out to me:
- Kirishima neglecting how sick and injured Izuku was after the Forest Camp (he was in a three day coma and having seizures from a high fever!) and guilting him into joining the rescue mission.
- Ida neglecting how sick and injured Izuku was after the Forest Camp (and punching him in the face HARD to stop him from going on the rescue mission.
- Them just accepting at face value that Izuku was also at fault for the house arrest situation.
- 1A criticizing Izuku for "making trouble" when he was saved the School Festival from Gentle Criminal and busted his ass trying to make sure Eri had a good time at the Sports Festival. Meanwhile, they were gushing over Bakugou saving a lady's purse and being a complete dickhead while doing so.
- NO ONE in 1A supporting Izuku in his mock interview when he tried showcasing Blackwhip.
- A good amount of 1A admitting they were only rescuing Izuku because that's what everyone else was doing.
Just... how the hell am I supposed to believe that this is the amazing "fOuNd FaMiLy" they're toted as?
It's something about the manga that drives me nuts.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, 1A should have kept up their indifference/dislike towards Bakugou. It was a great contrast to the way the Aldera kids praised him. Having the 1A kids like Izuku but dislike Bakugou was literally such an important point of character interaction, showing that Bakugou can't get away with treating people like shit just because he's strong.
But no, he can. He definitely can. Because God forbid anyone genuinely dislike him except for Monoma who's continuously antagonized for it
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andypantsx3 · 8 months
Hi! Wondering if you’ve ever thunk thoughts about a cooking competition/ bake off AU seeing as: 1.) cozy, 2.) you’re obsessed with soup, 3.) your entire characterization of Bakugou (I think you’ve compared him to Gordon Ramsay before somewhere)
Omg!! I have not, specifically because I have already read the cooking AU of my dreams, where Bakugou is a dickhead chef whose image you have to rehabilitate lol. But to be able to write about that much food... you do make an excellent suggestion....
Omg but it would be so fun to make our Reader a home-taught baker who butts heads with formally-trained patissier Bakugou!! Or one of those poor sops on those shows for people who can't cook and Bakugou is the cranky pro chef wrangled onto the judging panel. I can almost taste his wrath...
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mysicklove · 5 months
in my bakugou era. love that little dickhead
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