#Bambi And he video game
bambithevideogame · 1 year
#BambiTheVideoGame #VoiceActors #cast #Actors #TheMostDangerousGame #TheeForestKingdom @squareEnix @DisneyGames @disneyvoguemagazine
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mintjeru · 10 months
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plave in tiny
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The four times you fell asleep on Ghost and the one time Ghost fell asleep on you - three.
simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
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word count: 4,057
synopsis: you get wasted in a pub and Ghost has to take care of you.
warnings: mentions of drinking, occasional swearing, tooth-rotting fluff, Ghost being a softie
notes: I had a lot of fun writing this. Here are the main videos that inspired some scenes (potential spoiler alert): one, two
reader's callsign is Bambi (she/her)
find it on ao3 part one part two part three part four part five
The traditional post-mission gathering at the pub was in full swing in the late hours of the night, despite it being a Tuesday evening. The atmosphere was almost cosy and relaxed if you were to overlook the three people on the karaoke stage and the way their out-of-sync voices resounded throughout the room.
Seated at one of the tables with a glass of sparkling water, Captain Price exchanged a distressed look with Ghost, who was nursing a shot of Kentucky Bourbon. It was the captain's turn to drive so alcoholic drinks were out of the equation for him.
So he had to spend the entire night watching you, Gaz and Soap getting wasted and trying every form of entertainment the pub offered. You'd started slow with a game of darts, the loser having to drink a shot of whatever the winner decided. As the night progressed you went on to the pool table, had a break to tell stories and debate the key moments of the mission and eventually ended up at the karaoke bar, drunkenly singing to whatever songs were popular at the moment.
You were currently wedged between Gaz and Soap, leaning against each other for support, swaying and gesturing with exaggerated expressions when a new song would come on. You had lost track of the quantity of alcohol you consumed a while ago, yet everything seemed brighter and more colourful than before, so you didn't mind. You didn't know most of the songs that were playing at the karaoke bar, but that did not stop you from singing along, even if your voice was slightly out of tune. What you knew is that you were happy, perhaps happier than ever and, out of a sudden, you felt the need to express that in the loudest way possible, by taking Soap’s phone from his hands and picking the next song.
Surprised by your sudden move, Soap chuckled and gestured to the bartender to prepare three more drinks, even though he had his arm sloppily thrown around your shoulder, and was fighting a tough battle with gravitation. On your right side, Gaz was sloppily reaching towards the microphones, almost tripping over an imaginary wire. You caught him in the last second, grabbing a seat and forcing him to stay put as the first notes of the song echoed through the pub. A surge of drunken determination rushed through your veins as you took one of the microphones and turned towards the table Ghost and Price were seated at, wobbling slightly in the process.
“Captain, Lieutenant - I just… I just wanted to say this is for you. To Price - always being the helicopter, yet cool dad of the group!”. The drunken cheers of Soap’s and Gaz’s quickly accompanied your words, none of them realising how quiet the room had got. Everyone else left in the pub at that hour seemed to put whatever they were doing on hold and watch the inebriated toast with interest.
“And to Ghost!”, you went on unaware of the mood shift, your voice gaining momentum with each word, “who is always taking care of us during missions and let me fall asleep on him once! Cheers!”
Shaking his head in an attempt to hide the grin dancing on his lips, Price raised his glass and beckoned Ghost to do so too. At that moment, Simon was glad he was wearing the balaclava - he could feel an uncharacteristic blush spread across his face, not to mention that he could not control the visible twitching of his lips. The public seemed to be satisfied with the makeshift speech as a round of applause rippled through the crowd, but stopped as suddenly as it began. A familiar tune began to play in the background, and Simon almost pinched his forehead in frustration and disbelief when he saw the drunken determination and the over-confident grin plastered on your face: he had seen that expression before, it meant you were up to no good. His fears were instantly confirmed when the opening chords of Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” filled the space, being quickly accompanied by the shouts and whistles coming from the crowd.
You, Gaz and Soap began swaying to the rhythm of the music, humming along to the first part of the song. Ghost was actually impressed that you made it sound nice, keeping your voices low and soft and singing in sync for once. He turned his head to Price, not surprised to see the older man had reached for his phone and was filming the trio like a proud father on recital day.
That is until the part of the choreo came. And literal chaos ensued, as the three of you began screaming because that was definitely not singing, the high notes, even stopping to gasp for air every once in a while.
"I hope life treats you kind And I hope you have all you've dreamed of And I wish you joy and happiness But above all this, I'm wishing you love!"
He did not know when he made eye contact with you, but Simon found himself trapped inside your E/C eyes. The bourbon tasted sweet on his lips, but it did not compare to the joyful and carefree expression you wore on your face as you tried to keep up with the lyrics of the song, occasionally stumbling across Johnny and Kyle who were just as inebriated and dedicated to the artistic moment as you were. The familiar feeling of warmth and comfort was once again blooming in his chest, and for the first time, he decided to let it grow and see where it would take him.
You hadn't meant to lock eyes with Simon, definitely not when you were singing a romantic song you handpicked for the occasion. Yet your judgement was clouded by all the alcohol you'd consumed up to that point and now you couldn't tear your eyes away from his chocolate ones. And from his soft blonde eyelashes that made your heart flutter every time you saw them- making you even stutter on the lyrics of the song that you kept close to your heart. At one point you weren't even aware of the words leaving your mouth, just going along with Gaz and Soap, the two literally putting their hearts into the song.
That was until the second part of the choreo came. And you were so into it that you all fell down on your knees, pathetically crying and shrieking the high-pitched notes that Whitney Houston handled with ease.
Simon did not even know why the three of you bothered to come to training and shooting practices. In moments like that, your voices were lethal weapons alone.
And when the song came to an end, the crowd politely applauded you, secretly glad that it was over. Price was careful to save the video twice so as not to lose it, the proud and amused expression on his face not faltering once:
"I think it's high time we took them home, don't you think?", he asked Simon in an unusual cheery mode, downing his glass of sparkling water.
Ghost could only nod as his eyes were trained on your swaying figure. You were leaning against Gaz, a drunken smile on your face as you downed the drink the bartender slid to you with a wink. For a moment, Simon was too caught up in studying the way your eyes crinkled at the corners to notice them widen in an instant as you brought up a hand to your mouth. His jaw tightened when he realised you were stumbling towards the bathroom, probably sick from one too many a drink, and subtly gestured to Price that he'd get you and meet him at the car, before heading towards the bathroom himself.
However, he slowed down in his steps when he realised he wasn't the only one headed in that direction; the bartender had already beaten him to it. Ghost stopped dead in his tracks, his fists involuntarily clenching as he noticed the man standing near the entrance to the ladies' room, wearing an almost expectant expression, his gaze directed towards the toilets. The sound of you throwing up was the only thing that could be heard against the muffled background sound of the pub, followed eventually by the rush of flushing water.
Washing your hands and face, you took a look at your pale face in the mirror, closing your eyes in defeat. It was definitely time to call it a night and find a ride home or crash on someone's couch, and you accepted the thought as you made your way out of the restroom. Yet you didn't manage to go far as a man you vaguely recognized as the bartender stopped in front of you, hands crossed over his chest in what was supposed to be a masculine stance. You internally scoffed at his posture; you have seen it all during the years you've spent in the military.
"Hey!", he eventually said, a light smile on his face. "Hello! Do you mind, I would like to go back to my friends?", you briefly asked, already trying to sneak past him.
But the man was insistent and stepped in the same direction, making you stop once more.
"Look, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the show you put on tonight!". You raised a single eyebrow, a poker look on your face. "You and your friends, I mean!", he quickly added, blushing slightly. "And I was just wondering if you would like to stay for a drink after my shift is over and, you know, perhaps go to my place afterwards and…" Rolling your eyes in frustration, you let out an impatient sigh and tried to go past him again, only to be stopped by a firm grip on your arm.
"Look, you should really think about it-" "I wouldn't do that if I were you. She may be drunk, but she can still kick your ass in at least six different ways."
Drunk as you were, you couldn't hide the grin that spread quickly across your face as you took in the imposing figure of the Lieutenant, his skull balaclava lending him a threatening air in the dim light of the hallway. The bartender swiftly let you go, his eyes darting between you two as you staggered towards Ghost, too busy to fully take him in to take note of the hand that was softly placed on the small of your back.
"Oh, mate, I think this is a misunderstanding! I was just… but who the hell are you actually? Do you know him, darling?"
You grimaced at the unjustified use of the endearment, a plain expression of distaste replacing the previous smile. You swayed slightly, having to lean against Ghost as you mumbled something unintelligible about the toast. An unexpected wave of fatigue hit you out of nowhere, making you nestle your head against his chest, your arms weakly wrapping around his shoulders.
"I'm tired, I wanna go home, Ghost!", you murmured gently into his shirt, the vibrations of your voice sending a quiver down his spine. Yet if Ghost was affected by the unexpected display of clinginess, he did not let it show. Instead, he made a quick job of scooping you into his arms, your head nestling in the crook of his neck. Letting out a satisfied sigh, you closed your eyes and unconsciously nuzzled your cheek against the soft material of the balaclava, breathing in the scent of his cologne, your hands still clinging onto his shoulders in a koala-like grip.
For a fleeting moment, he became utterly oblivious to his surroundings, his mind consumed by the moment, struggling to make sense of the situation in which both of you had found yourselves. He didn't exactly freeze, but his brain didn't work properly either as the feeling of your breaths against his balaclava sent an electrifying jolt through him. You may have just washed your face and the perfume you wore must have faded during the night, but the subtle smell of your shampoo lingered, sweet enough to leave an impression that he knew would stay with him for the days to come. When he eventually realised you weren't alone, that the bartender was still loitering by the restroom's entrance, Ghost shrugged, remembering your previous words:
"You should have listened to the toast, mate!"
Carrying you to Price's pickup trunk proved to be no easy feat for Simon; he was too distracted by the hold you had on him, both literally and figuratively. It was as if his mind had turned to jelly and he could not distinguish dream from reality. And at that moment, he experienced the sensation of living within a pleasant dream, you being in his arms just as he often yearned for when trying to fall asleep in the solitude of his room.
If Price was surprised by the state you found yourself in, he showed no signs. He had just managed to secure Soap in the passenger seat, while Gaz was passed out in the back, head leaning against the window, an empty look on his face.
"I'm sorry Simon but you'll have to sit in the middle tonight", the captain chuckled under his breath as he was watching Ghost put two and two together while you were still clinging to him as if your life depended on it.
He would not be able to get in the car while also preserving the position you found yourself in, yet he did not want to give it up. For a passing instant, he actually thought of walking to your place- a weak attempt at trying to make the moment last longer. But he could feel Price's badly concealed smirk like the heat of the sun in July and he had to fight, actually fight the groan that threatened to leave him as he nudged you with his shoulder.
"Wake up, Bambi! We've got to get you home, come on!" His words reached your ears as a distant sound and instead, you chose to relish in the vibrations that resonated against your skin, letting out a small hum of approval.
"Ok means okay, come on!" "Mhm, sure…" "Y/N…" "Simon…"
Clinging on him like a koala had no visible effect on him, but you saying his name, his real name, made Ghost freeze and set his dark eyes on you. He could not control the cocktail of feelings swimming in his orbs, ranging from surprise to pure adoration, and the thought of hiding them did not even cross his mind at that moment.
Until you were both showered in a sudden burst of light, quickly followed by a camera shutter. Behind the Polaroid camera, Price did not even bother to hide his satisfied expression as he watched the picture develop with a soft whirring sound.
You, on the other hand, instantly jumped from Ghost's arms, the flash of the camera making you look like a deer caught in the headlights. You were still inebriated, as the world was spinning much more than it should have, but the drowsiness from earlier had evaporated in an instant. Shaking his head in disbelief and muttering something along the lines of "fucking hell", Ghost did not even bother to answer Soap's cheers. He just squeezed into the backseat of Price's car, seating himself next to Gaz and trying his best to ensure you would not hit your head and get in safely. And the giddy smile he got as a response was worth it.
Price was the last to get in the car. As he positioned himself behind the wheel, Ghost couldn't help but wonder where he'd hidden the Polaroid camera and the picture. Knowing the older man, he could only hope the instant shot would not be displayed in the lounging room, alongside other just as embarrassing moments.
Not that he had something against you or the picture.
He just thought that the moment was rather special, even intimate to him and that it should not be shared with all other SAS operators who spent their time in the lounging room when on base.
"You three did quite a show out there!", Price half-turned towards Soap and the backseat riders, a comic expression on his face.
"Thanks, dad!", you replied in an awfully cheery tone, swaying slightly from one side to another. You kept humming to yourself, not taking note of the awkward silence that had settled in the car.
"Bambi, did you just call Price 'dad'?", Soap asked from the front seat, his shit-eating grin being reflected in the rearview mirror.
"Do you see me as a father figure, Y/N?", Price quipped in, smiling softly at your confused expression. Simon did not even dare to glance in your direction - he knew the doe eyes were making a comeback and he was definitely not inebriated enough to handle them.
"I certainly do!"
Gaz's voice was muffled as his cheek was currently squished against the window. But the message got across and you reached across Ghost to pat his shoulder, aggressively nodding in compliance.
"And this is why", you began by raising a finger in the air as if to strengthen your point, "you are my brother, Gaz!".
Your drunken determination was almost comical to watch, but it topped when you squealed in excitement:
"Let me give you a kiss!"
"No, you won't! I'm definitely not getting caught up in the middle of this!"
Ghost's answer, more of a growl actually, was instantly followed by Soap's booming laughter as the Scot was trying to turn and face the backseat, extending a grabby hand towards you:
"I'm happily accepting your kisses if you'll let me, bonnie!", he slurred half of the sentence, his head comfortably propped on the headrest as he puckered his lips in your direction.
"No one's getting any kisses!"
"Come on, careful, there's a step there!" "I wanna go home…" "We are almost there, Bambi. Now, do you have your key?" "Yeah, it should be in my pocket. Let me… let me look for it…"
Murmuring to yourself, you fished the keychain and held it before your eyes, a small chuckle escaping your lips as the keys kept jingling. The tiredness from the pub was making a comeback and Ghost had to carry you inside after he managed to open the door while also balancing your swaying silhouette.
"Oh, this couch looks good!", you muttered to yourself, letting yourself fall on it.
But instead of touching the plush pillows, you felt two strong arms sneaking around your waist and keeping you partially suspended in the air. You opened your mouth to protest, but before you were aware of it, you were headed in the direction of your bedroom, a warm hand placed on the small of your back.
"You should change into something more comfortable…", Ghost muttered, frowning when you started shaking your head and slurring: "I'll do it in the morning."
He already felt like he was prying, being inside your home, in the privacy of your bedroom, so he did not push the topic and instead, knelt down and removed your sneakers.
"You should at least clean your face." He pressed on the issue, all too aware of your fixation with skincare and how you would complain to anyone on the base about the latest breakout on your face. "Mhm.." "Mhm means yes, Bambi!", he groaned in frustration as he bent down to scoop you in his arms again and carried you to the bathroom, where he laid you on the fitted furniture so that your faces were at the same level.
Ghost was no stranger to makeup removal techniques - he had his fair share of experiences he had gone through when learning what worked best for the black paint he used to smudge the area around his eyes. But he began to grow tired as well, and being in your house took him way out of his comfort zone, so he resumed reaching for a pack of makeup wipes, instead of looking for a cleansing balm or micellar water. His touch was gentle against your face, his fingers applying the suitable amount of pressure needed to get rid of any traces of eyeshadow and whatnot. There was a faint tremor in his hand when he reached your lips, but the remnants of lipstick had to be removed too.
He was not prepared for the sudden shiver that raced down his spine the moment his fingertips brushed against your lips. His breath hitched, his heart skipping a beat as he continued to delicately trace the outline of your lips, the warm and comforting sensation he'd felt before, making a return. For a moment, the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you locked at the moment, Ghost's eyes fervently searching for yours, as he rested a gloved hand against your face.
Letting out a soft sigh, you closed your eyes and leaned into his touch.
"Don't fall asleep on me…", Ghost hummed under his breath, involuntarily rubbing his thumb against your cheek. His gentle touch was a far cry from the deadly one that had become second nature on the battlefield.
"I trust you'll catch me", you whispered back, a delicate smile on your face.
And he did. With a tender grin under his balaclava, Ghost lifted you into his arms once more, cradling you like the treasure you were. Your head rested against his chest as he carried you back to your bedroom, each step filled with a quiet intimacy, completely new to him.
He entered the dark room, gently lying you down on the soft sheets, almost amazed at how quickly you passed out, again. Yes, you may have been wasted, completely inebriated, but you also trusted him to let him take care of you in your state.
Even if the action was foreign to him, Ghost tucked you in as best as he could, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face. His internal conflict was a raging storm, but he eventually let the few shots of bourbon get to his head. With shaky gestures, he peeled the mask up to his nose and brought his lips to your forehead in a chaste kiss. His warm breath lingered over your face for a couple of seconds before he quietly exited the room, leaving you in a peaceful slumber.
Bonus scene
Sitting by himself at the small table in the kitchen, Simon lifted the balaclava up to his nose and breathed in the scent of Earl Grey, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips. He could see the tendrils of steam rolling out of the freshly brewed mug, the late autumn morning sun filtering through the blinds and bathing the room in warmth and light.
After every single evening spent celebrating in the pub, you, Gaz and Soap had to take the day off and volunteer yourselves for the night watch. Ghost had grown so accustomed to the usual agitation, whether it was Gaz jogging in the kitchen for a snack, Soap casually napping in the lounging room, or you, asking everyone where they had hidden the cookies, and he was finding it weird to spend the day in relative silence and peace.
And he was so lost in his thoughts, replaying the events of the previous night in his head, that he failed to notice the private who was lingering in the doorway and looking at him with a mixture of fear and admiration. It wasn't until he reached for the milk, that he took note of his presence and gave him a questioning look. "Captain Price asked me to deliver this personally to you, sir!" The private placed a white envelope on the table, saluted and quickly left the room. Simon had no time to analyze the interaction as his eyes settled on the letter.
Only it was not a letter, but a photograph. And after double checking, he was alone in the room, Simon actually let out a small chuckle as he held the polaroid in the sunlight, his eyes softening at the sight of you cradled in his arms, nuzzling your head against his chest.
taglist: @neoarchipelago, @thecorruptedlovely, @mitchlow, @fieldsofbats, @thaprilks, @stars-andfreckles, @that-napa-know-how, @preistinajamjar
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songbirdseung · 8 months
synopsis: spending the night at their place for the first time and waking up next to them for the first time.
you are definitely waking up before him.
because the night before, you guys played video games till 3 in the morning.
so, you just lay there and appreciate your bambi boy.
You slowly open your eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. As you regain consciousness, you find yourself lying in an unfamiliar bed. The memories from the night before start to flood back – the laughter, the video games, and the undeniable connection with Heeseung.
Careful not to disturb him, you turn your head to find Heeseung peacefully sleeping beside you. His tousled hair falls gently over his forehead, and a serene expression graces his face. The room is quiet, save for the soft hum of the city outside.
As you lie there, you take a moment to appreciate the details – the rise and fall of his chest with each peaceful breath, the warmth radiating from his body. The room is filled with a comforting stillness, a stark contrast to the lively gaming session just hours ago.
After a while, you notice a subtle movement from Heeseung. His eyes flutter open, adjusting to the morning light. He blinks a few times, and when he finally focuses on you, a soft smile graces his lips. "Morning." As you lie there, you can't help but feel grateful for the simple joy of waking up next to someone who makes your heart race.
JAY 박종성 ~
you already know, this man will wake up early and cook for you
he'll kiss your face to wake you up
You're still lost in the land of dreams, the warmth of the blankets cocooning you in comfort. The gentle morning light seeps through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day. Unbeknownst to you, Jay is already up and about, quietly preparing a surprise for you.
"Wake up, baby" He sets the tray down on the bedside table, and you're greeted by the sight of a carefully arranged breakfast in bed. There's a stack of pancakes drizzled with syrup, a bowl of fresh fruit, and a steaming cup of your favorite coffee. It's a feast fit for royalty.
"What's all this?" "Breakfast for the most amazing person I know. I thought you deserved a little pampering today."
He leans down, placing a sweet kiss on your forehead. The gesture is filled with warmth and affection, making your heart flutter.
You sit up, still in awe of the thoughtful surprise before you. As you enjoy the delicious breakfast Jay prepared, he sits beside you, stealing glances to gauge your reaction. "This is incredible, Jay. Thank you."
"Anything for you, love"
JAKE 심재윤 ~
both of you would be waken up by layla
teeth rotting sweetness from the moment your eyes meet jake.
he won't let you get up, just continues to cuddle you despite layla's barks
The sun has just begun to cast its gentle morning glow through the curtains as you find yourself slowly waking up beside Jake. The room is filled with a comforting warmth, and Jake's arms are wrapped around you, creating a cocoon of security. Everything is calm until the sound of excited barking breaks the peaceful silence.
Layla, the energetic ball of fur, has decided that morning cuddles are overrated, and it's time for some play. Her energetic barks echo through the room, threatening to shatter the tranquility of the moment.
"Looks like someone's ready to start the day." Despite Jake's attempts to keep you wrapped in his embrace, Layla's enthusiasm is infectious, and she insists on being the alarm clock for the day.
Layla's barks escalate, and it becomes clear that she won't take no for an answer. Jake chuckles and releases you from his grasp, sitting up with a playful glint in his eyes. "I think Layla wants us up, love."
"She's persistent, isn't she?" Jake nods, and you both share a laugh as you get out of bed. Layla, unable to contain her excitement, starts hopping around, tail wagging furiously.
"Alright, let's see what our little troublemaker wants."
As you follow Jake and Layla to the living room, you find yourself enveloped in the morning routine that involves playful banter, belly rubs, and the infectious joy that only a dog can bring. Jake pulls you into another warm embrace, Layla contentedly lounging nearby. Despite the playful chaos, the morning feels perfect – a blend of canine energy and the tooth-rotting sweetness of Jake's affection. As you share a quiet moment, Layla sprawls out between you, seemingly satisfied that her mission to start the day with joy has been accomplished.
he'll feel the sun on his face and wake up before you
stares and admires your beauty (cause you're a stunner babe)
fell in love with you for the nth time
The soft rays of the morning sun gently filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Sunghoon stirs, his senses gradually awakening as he becomes aware of the sunlight kissing his face. With a contented sigh, he opens his eyes, and the first sight that greets him is you, peacefully sleeping beside him.
You're bathed in the soft morning light, your features softened by sleep. Sunghoon can't help but marvel at your beauty, even in the simplicity of this moment. He takes a moment to simply admire you, the way your eyelashes cast delicate shadows on your cheeks and how a faint smile graces your lips.
Sunghoon can feel his heart swell with affection as he watches you, a warmth spreading through him. The sun seems to accentuate the radiance that surrounds you, making you appear ethereal in the morning light. He brushes a strand of hair away from your face, his touch light and gentle so as not to disturb your peaceful slumber.
"How did I get so lucky?"
He leans down and places a soft kiss on your forehead, savoring the sweetness of the moment. Sunghoon takes a mental snapshot, wanting to remember this instance – the quiet morning, the warmth of the sun, and the overwhelming love he feels for you.
SUNOO 김선우 ~
you two are in synced, the same person
you wake up at the same time and admire each other
later, you both do each others' skincare routine.
The morning sun casts a soft glow into the room, and as your eyes flutter open, you realize that Sunoo is already awake, his gaze fixed on you with a fond smile. There's a moment of quiet understanding as you both share the same thought – the joy of waking up together.
"Good morning, Sunoo."
"Good morning, my other half."
You exchange a loving look, feeling a connection that goes beyond words. It's as if you share the same heartbeat, synchronized in the rhythm of the morning. With a playful twinkle in his eyes, Sunoo leans in to press a gentle kiss to your cheek.
As the morning routine begins, you decide to do something fun – a joint skincare session. Sunoo grins, always up for a bit of banter.
"Are you ready for the ultimate couple skincare routine?"
"Absolutely. We'll be glowing by the end of this." You gather an array of skincare products, and with playful banter and laughter, you take turns applying masks and serums. Sunoo can't resist making funny faces as you carefully spread a mask across his face, eliciting laughter from both of you.
"I can't believe I'm letting you do this to me." The banter continues as you exchange beauty tips and secrets, each step of the routine turning into a shared experience. Sunoo even attempts to mimic your skincare routine with exaggerated gestures, causing both of you to burst into fits of laughter.
you need the bathroom? too bad, he's not letting you leave the bed
wants to stay in bed the whole day
loving the new experience of waking up next to you
The soft morning light spills into the room, casting a warm glow over the two of you. As you start to stir, Jungwon tightens his grip around you, refusing to let you slip away from the cocoon of blankets and warmth that surrounds you both.
"Jungwon, I need to use the bathroom." Jungwon, with a playful smirk, pulls you closer, his arms securing you against his chest.
"Nope. We're not leaving this bed today." You chuckle, feeling the irresistible pull to stay right where you are – wrapped in his embrace. "But nature calls, Jungwon."
"Nature can wait. Right now, all I want is to stay in bed with you." He nuzzles into the crook of your neck, showering you with affectionate kisses. A mischievous glint in his eyes tells you that he's not going to let you go easily. "What if I promise to come right back?"
Jungwon tightens his hold, his warmth and laughter filling the room. "You're not escaping that easily. Today is a bed day, and I plan to enjoy every moment of it."
You can't help but surrender to the idea. After all, who could resist a day of relaxation with Jungwon? As you settle back into the pillows, Jungwon peppers your face with sweet kisses, reveling in the newfound joy of waking up next to you.
NI-KI 西村 力 ~
as much as he is a prankster, he'll respect your sleep
he'll bask in the moments and pull you closer to him
and you'll be enjoying the romantic side of ni-ki
Ni-ki, despite his mischievous nature, decides to play the role of a silent observer this morning. He refrains from any playful antics that might disturb your sleep, opting instead to bask in the quiet joy of waking up next to you.
As you open your eyes, Ni-ki pulls you closer, his arm wrapped around you in a protective embrace. There's a tenderness in his touch, a departure from his usual playful demeanor. He leans in, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Morning, sleepyhead." You smile, still feeling the warmth of sleep clinging to you.
"Morning, Ni-ki. What's got into you today?" Ni-ki grins, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "Just enjoying the view. You're not bad to wake up to, you know."
You playfully roll your eyes, appreciating the unexpected romantic side of Ni-ki. As the morning progresses, Ni-ki remains by your side, savoring the quiet moments of connection. He pulls you into a sitting position, his gaze fixed on yours. "I was thinking, we could just stay here, enjoy the morning together."
You can't help but be drawn into the romantic atmosphere that Ni-ki has unexpectedly created. You nod in agreement, both of you reveling in the simple pleasure of shared silence.
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isoobie · 3 months
BAMBI ─── highschool bf heeseung
🍵 wc 911 kissing, fmr 𝅘𝅥𝅮 listen! for @okwonyo’s event
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“hey! lee heeseung, come here!” a loud voice calls heeseung’s name from across the room in amidst of the calm atmosphere.
“i won’t and what will you do about it!” heeseung responds back and sticks his tongue out before running out of the classroom. however, before he can make it out of the second floor a hand grabs his shirt by the collar to stop him.
“and where do you think you’re going, we aren’t done yet.” its the same voice that screamed his name a couple seconds ago and now he’s looking directly into the owner’s face.
its yn, park yn, class president and heeseung’s best friend who doesn’t know that he has been crushing on her for more than three years.
yn and heeseung are head to head, practically shooting fire through their eyes at each other. if someone from a distance saw them, they would have thought they were sworn enemies but in reality they were having nothing more than fun.
a couple minutes ago, heeseung decided that it was a good (according to him) idea to play a prank on yn and take her favourite lip balm and hide it from her.
he loved teasing her, it was his love language but yn had enough, she wasn’t going to let this slide, it was her last straw.
before heeseung had run out of the classroom yn had looked everywhere for him, the field, toilets, the gym, canteen, even the janitors room but realising he was nowhere, she was mad mad.
but eventually when she found him in her homeroom peacefully resting, she didn’t let this once in a life opportunity go.
eye to eye, neither of them say a word, the silence could speak for itself. yn’s irritation and heeseung’s pleasure was so evident in the air that none of them dared to speak, until.
“so park yn, you gonna’ fight me or what?” his voice was laced with so much sarcasm yn’s bones were crippling with anger.
“give me my lip balm. right. now.” her response was so demanding it shook heeseung more than it should have, he had never heard her speak in such tone before.
“and what if i said no ... ” at this point heeseung just wanted an excuse to stay with her for longer, just to hear her voice for even just a second more.
heeseung couldn’t remember the moment exactly when he fell in love with his best friend but he knew for sure that he loved no one else but her.
all the times they hung out, all the times they video called, all the times she cried about her exes to him, made him fall deeper and harder than ever.
playing pranks and bothering her was the only way he could express his undying affection for her without him accidentally slipping up.
no other words could describe it when he was with her, it felt like the whole world revolved around her and him, and he selfishly wanted to live in that world.
heeseung thinks of yn as a dream, one he never wanted to wake up from. every moment with her was priceless, timeless and worth an infinity. god, he yearned to drown her compliments and make her feel like the most precious person on earth.
“hello? earth to heeseung?” yn’s sharp voice cuts through his thoughts and bring him back to reality. “these games aren’t funny anymore i just want my balm back, please.” he could hear the pleading in her voice, lord, he was so weak for it— for her.
“but yn guess what?” he’s doing it, and he’s only decided it in the last three seconds, he’s going to tell her.
heeseung inches forward like its normal, until he can hear the little ‘thump’ of her back on the brick wall behind them.
he keeps a finger to her lips and doesn’t let her say another word.
“just listen, please” it’s his nth time trying to confess, he can’t let this chance go to waste, he knows it’ll be perfect, “this may seem rushed or out of the blue but funny enough, i like you, park yn.”
yn is shocked, flabbergasted and surprisingly happy, she doesn’t know how all these emotions are tied together but it just happens. heeseung’s bambi eyes stare at her, waiting patiently for a reaction, and only when she smiles a slight smile at him he continues.
“it’s probably been three years, or more who cares, since i have liked you, god that’s long,” he makes sure to whisper the last bit, “i sometimes wonder if you know how i feel, if you reciprocate my feelings back or if you think about me like i think about you. i can’t express in words how i truly feel about you but all i want is you and me, us, please?”
how could yn say no? how could anyone say no? his hands are nervously behind her back while his mouth is slightly open ans his hair messily parted, he was so handsome.
“funny enough heeseung, my answer is ye—”
before they both knew it, heeseung’s lips were already on yn’s while the hand that once was nervous was now on her hips, secured.
“you like your new lip balm, girlfriend?” heeseung’s once soft voice was now back to it’s teasing tone and all of a sudden her anger was all gone.
“oh yes i do bambi, it’s my new favourite”
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isoobie 2024
156 notes · View notes
aohisworld · 5 months
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YOON AOHI & her seven babygirls!
in other words, the evidence of ENHYPEN being babygirlified for Aohi! ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
poly!ot7 x addedmember!oc. — headcanons!
contains: babygirlism, some words of killing game characters, cringe writing lol
key: japanese - korean ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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¡! ❞ Heeseung and Aohi sat in their seats as they relaxed from performing their last show, to the back of them, Sunghoon and Jungwon entertained the camera that recorded their 'behind the scenes'.
Aohi ate her way into gaining more energy as she munched on ordered kimbap happily, her feet swinging together like a kid would with candy.
The video suddenly zooms into the munching girl, and Jungwon addresses her in the video.
(oh? what's going on in the background?)
"Heeseung-hyung is sleeping, while Aohi is eating.." Jungwon explains, pulling the camera from Sunghoon as he approaches the table, and the video is met with the scene of a sleeping Heeseung on Aohi's lap.
(he's knocked out cold ㅋㅋㅋ..)
"Hello.." Aohi spoke softly, covering her lips with her mouth as she still had some food in her mouth. She was a little shocked at the sudden arrival of her group members beside her, smiling nervously.
"Heeseung-hyung's absolutely knocked out..." Jungwon snickers, poking at the sleeping eldest on Aohi's lap. "We should draw on his face." Sunghoon suggests, instigating something he shouldn't, Jungwon agreeing.
"Aiya! Don't wake him!" Aohi whispered, slapping Jungwon's arm as she tries to protect the eldest ENHYPEN member from Sunghoon and Jungwon's terrorizing.
The two giggled like evil kids as Aohi continues to slap away the hands that kept trying to poke Heeseung, but she could only do much with one hand as the other was holding utensils to eat her food.
(protector mode on!)
"Eung..." Heeseung nods off in his sleep as his eyes slightly open at the commotion.
Aohi clicks her tongue when she realizes the two boys were successful at ruining the eldest's nap, she glares up at them, like a mother cat would to strays who nitpicked on her kittens.
Suddenly Jungwon and Sunghoon sweatdrops at Aohi's expression, they knew they went too far when Aohi clicks her tongue, a warning not to test her patience any further.
(Jungwon & Sunghoon: ^^")
"Ah, let's go bother someone else." The two troublemakers make a dash for it before Aohi could scold them or even think about getting angry at them, running off with their tails tucked between their legs.
The last of the clip shows Aohi in the background running her hand through Heeseung's hair, trying to lull him back to sleep.
A few seconds is shown to see Heeseung looking up at her with his sleepy bambi eyes, effectively getting her to smile.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
¡! ❞ The vlog was supposed to be peaceful, Heeseung and Aohi decided to spend some time at a gaming cafe, the aoheung content was thriving and the gaming was a win streak all around.
Until it came to Valorant. Heeseung should've known they were going to be playing her favourite game, and with Ni-ki and Sunoo, no less.
See, Heeseung is good at games, don't get him wrong, but he's never played Valorant before.
(pew pew! Heeseung tries valorant!)
Now that he's being vlogged by Aohi and her gaming minions, his dignity as her boyfriend, the eldest of enhypen, AND as the main gamer of the group were all on the line.
"Hyung! Behind- behind!" Sunoo screeched as he watched Heeseung whiff his shots on to the enemy Reyna. Heeseung just puts his head in his hands as he laughs away his failure.
Aohi could be heard having an ugly laugh as she and Ni-ki watch from their own computers.
(Enhypen loses their first valorant game....)
"Aishhh... I can't teach this hyung!" Sunoo complains as he mirrors Heeseung's actions, a small pout on his face. "It's his first game! Cut him some slack!" Aohi spoke in between her laughs.
Aohi moves towards Heeseung's computer and fixes his settings, trying to give the deer-like member some comfort when playing. "Here, try my settings."
(Mother bat helps bambi!)
Heeseung fixes his posture in his chair as they queue another game, instantly being put into a swiftplay. "You should try Phoenix, oppa, you can heal." Aohi suggests, adjusting the headphones on her head.
"Eung.." Heeseung mumbled, picking a pepero stick from the various snacks they brought to munch on.
They lock in their characters, Sunoo locks in Gekko, wwhile Ri-ki and Aohi lock in Sage and Jett, and Heeseung takes Aohi's advice, locking Phoenix in.
(will this game be a win?)
"I got a kill!" Heeseung announces, a giddy grin on his face, and a compliment from Aohi follows. "Hyung, you're so lucky- Aohi-noona doesn't give me any whenever I clutch for her." Ri-ki complains from beside him.
"You're literally immortal, you don't need any more of an ego boost." Aohi replied, her gaze focused on her computer as she tries to kill off an enemy Yoru.
"Aohi! Heal me!" Sunoo spoke, a giggle leaving his lips when Aohi is stuck between two enemies and he watches from his screen as Aohi died healing Sunoo.
"Yah! You just watched me die!" Aohi complained, but at the end, laughing with Sunoo.
The quadruplet gaming group continued to play for a few more rounds, and it came to a 4-3 game, one more round to them for a win.
(Heeseung's the only one alive!)
Aohi groans as she's double peeked by the enemy Sage and Sova, pouting her lips as she watches Heeseung's play.
Ri-ki tries to scare away Heeseung's focus by jumping at him, getting complaints from the eldest as he tries to clutch the last round. "He's not going to get this-"
"Don't be so pessimistic!" Aohi quickly shuts Ri-ki's teasing down, the baby duck pouting in his seat in return.
Heeseung watches his map and his line of sight as the enemy Sage peeks him, giving him a free one vs. one to win. "Nice!" Sunoo and Aohi spoke, after he successfully downs her.
"Sova last elbow!" Ri-ki comms to him, out of his seat as he watches from Heeseung's own monitor.
(The valorant trio is quiet, watching bambi...)
Sova peeks Heeseung from his corner, and by a stroke of luck, Heeseung manages to flick a win for the trio. Sunoo and Aohi jump out of their chairs with a yell as Ri-ki holds his head in shock.
The victory screen is shown after Heeseung defuses the spike, Aohi taking it as an opportunity to shower the eldest in compliments.
"Daebak! I didn't think you would clutch since you're so new!" Aohi pats at the boy, him grinning at Aohi and absolutely relishing in her words. "Did I make you proud, batsy?" Heeseung grins as he asks for reassurance from their female member.
"Eung! Did so good!"
Heeseung turns evilly at Sunoo and Ri-ki, who looked at him with jealousy as Aohi continues to shower their bambi member with praises.
He almost had the feeling of blowing a raspberry at the younger members, but since he was so nice, he just turns to Aohi, happily sucking up to her.
It was a successful game for ENHYPEN.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ comments:
user: ㅋㅋㅋ, is Jungwon the mother cat or is it Aohi rlly?
user2: I don't know if I wanna be heeseung or aohi, to sleep or to be slept on? that is the question ~
user3: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
user4: pt. 1 of heeseung babygirling in front of aohi for attention
user5: alt exhibit title: mother cat swats at kittens for disturbing their eldest hahah
user6: aohi must be scary when shes angry, look at how quick hoon and won ran *cry emoji*
user7: my mom does the same stare to me and my siblings when we misbehave ㅋㅋㅋ aohi def has little siblings
user8: waahh... Aohi is so god at gaming, no wonder she and heeseung get along so well ~
user9: heeseung looking to Aohi for more compliments during the gaming vlog cry cry cry
user10: get you a guy who looks at you for compliments like heeseung does to aohi
user11: Not heeseung looking evilly at Sunoo and Ri-ki when he got aohi's attention LMAO
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¡! ❞ Jay was struggling to pick an outfit backstage for him to wear, complaining to a nonchalant Aohi who was doing a mukbang live on weverse for engenes.
“Oppa, how about this, why don’t you just wear something comfortable and cute at the same time?-“ Aohi chewed through her words, her chopsticks stuck into a ramyeon bowl.
(Aohi enjoying her ramyeon in the back ^^)
“Eung, you’re complaining about nothing..” Heeseung brought his two cents in, earning a ‘no one asked, hyung!’ From Jay.
Aohi turns to him, a tilt to her head. “Ah, you know what you should wear, oppa? That one pink cardigan everybody liked during the valentine’s live.” Aohi nodded her head, agreeing with her own opinion.
"Can we even wear the same outfits?" Jay grumbled, taking the pink cardigan out and patting it of imaginary dust, he tests the material to see if anything's wrong with it, before deeming it wearable.
"Jeongie, fast fashion is overrated, wear the same outfit because it's not like they'll care much!" Aohi whines, annoyed at being unable to eat her food in peace.
Jay turns to the dressing room, closing the door so he could change. With this, Aohi returns to her food, which has cooled down as she spoke to her fashionista boyfriend.
"Do you see this, engenes? They won't leave me alone, ever!" Aohi spoke towards the camera, a small playful eyeroll as she finally takes a bite of her ramyeon.
Aohi's food heaven only lasts for a few minutes as she is called by Jay again, this time, she still had ramyeon in her mouth, she couldn't even bite off before Jay called for her once again.
(fashion crisis Jay returns!!)
She turns with an eyebrow raised to look at Jay, who snorted at the way she looked, Aohi bites down on her ramyeon as she starts to scold Jay for laughing when he was bothering her first.
"Yah! Stop laughing at me! I'm hungry and you're taking away from my food time!" Aohi glared as she watched Jay double back in laughter. "I'm sorry!" Jay apologized behind his laughs.
"Go look for someone else to bother if you're gonna laugh like that!" Aohi snarked, completely over it as she returned her attention to her food once again, this time not listening to Jay's calls.
"Aohi-san..." Jay called sadly, trying to aegyo his way to get Aohi's gaze on him again. "It's pink or nothing, Park Jjongseong!" Aohi stood her ground, Heeseung laughing at Jay in the background.
Jay frowns at the call of his full name in front of engenes, he was being scolded in front of their fans!
(black cat sulking)
"Okay! okay!" Jay spoke, finally stopping his own rambling and sitting next to Aohi with a soft frown. The girl glances at Jay, continuing to speak to the engenes. "Anyways, Ri-ki's out with Jake-oppa and Sunghoon-oppa, so I'm hoping they bring me an ice cream or something-"
Que a sulking Jay laying over Aohi with a frown, "Yah! My hair's going to dip into my broth!"
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
¡! ❞ Jay sat in his seat his feet unable to still underneath the table. A small cat cake sat in front of him alongside black cat decorations. "Hello, everyone.." Jay greets the engenes with a gentle smile.
Despite it being his birthday today, he felt really sad since Aohi couldn't hang out with him, her saying something about a busy schedule.
And who wants to spend a birthday without their girlfriend?
(is our black cat sad? ㅎㅎㅎ)
"How was my day? Mm, really good, the members greeted me... Jungwon got me a gift-" Jay pulled the gift-bag from the side to show the camera. "Am I sad that Aohi didn't give me a gift?" Jay reads, his eyes widening for a fraction of a second.
"No! She's busy, so, I don't mind!"
(oh he's secretly sulking, definitely)
"Yah! It's my birthday, stop teasing me!" Jay scolds his live, a small frown on his face as the chat giggles over his annoyed features.
"It's okay because the other members and the staff did this for me so, I already got so much-" — "Aohi prepared this for you, not us."
Jay looked up at the staff, alarmed by what she said, "What?" He clarifies, wondering if what the staff said was right.
"Aohi baked the cake, and she put up the decorations, we just helped.." The staff behind the camera shrugged, and with the fact that Aohi set up the live for him, Jay couldn't hide his smile.
(his instant smile! too bright!)
All of the sudden, Jay was injected with a burst of energy as he happily looks around the setup, that he knew now, Aohi made, despite being busy, for him.
"Oh, well- Let's try the cake then!" Jay clapped his hands as he grabbed a pair of chopsticks off-screen, ready to taste the cake Aohi made, totally because he was hungry and not in any way because Aohi made his cake.
"ㅋㅋㅋ, you started to smile because you figured out Aohi set it up for you-" A staff teases Jay from behind, and he couldn't do anything but smile guiltily as he takes a bite of the cake. It was in his favourite flavour.
(happy cat =^∇^*)
"Aohi-ssi also got you a gift.."
"Where?! I'll open it now!"
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ comments:
user: Jay, you absolute babygirl for Aohi
user2: did anyone notice the way Jay called for Aohi in Japanese? I stan a multilingual sulking king!
user3: how does Aohi handle them *cry emoji* I think I’d be more than annoyed when I’m trying to eat huhuhu
user4: I’d like to thank Aohi for urging Jay to wear his pink cardigan again, really accents his babygirlism ㅋㅋㅋ
user5: Jay usually -> 😐 Jay when Aohi -> 🤭
user6: is this compilation of Aohi’s babygirls or is this her scolding the boys ㅋㅋ
user7: the way he instantly smiles when he finds out Aohi set up his live for him and not the staff 🫶
user8: oh park jjongseong how lucky you are to have aohi
user9: where to get an aohi?
user10: enhypen’s hubby and wifey fights and hubby goes giggly knowing wifey set his bday live up for him
user11: jaohi my roman empire 🫶
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¡! ❞ Jake swore he didn't mean for it to happen! He was talking with engenes who went to the event and when he looked away, the whole group was gone!
Now he sat here, absolutely lost. Various cameras and photographers called for his name, trying to get pictures of the idol as he tried not to panic at being by himself.
Jake tried to look for any signs of Aohi or the other members through the crowd, smiling softly when engenes would call his name. People filmed his lost puppy expression, giggling over the puppy-like behaviour.
(poor puppy is lost!)
Aohi was on the other side of the room, talking to a few guests with Ri-ki by her side, the boy was tall, making sure to cover Aohi well like a bodyguard.
"Ah, yes, we received the glasses well! The bags they came in were gorgeous, and I'm glad you chose us to help sponsor gentle monster." Aohi spoke happily to a sponsor, still unaware of Jake's small predicament.
Aohi smiled for pictures as she took some with guests at the event, giggling and conversing without a care in the world, it was only then, Ri-ki approached her and bent down to her ear.
"Noona, Jake-hyung's missing.."
(alarmed mama cat!)
"Where?" Aohi turned quickly, almost gaining whiplash at how fast she turned around. "What do mean he's gone, I thought he was following us?" Aohi whispered back, looking amongst the crowds for the humanified golden retriever.
"I swear we should put a leash on him! I literally look away for a few seconds and he gets lost!" Aohi sighs, turning around to the guests and saying her goodbyes as she goes to look for their elder member.
Jungwon joins them a little later, confused on the searching gazes the two held. "What are we looking for?" Jungwon asked, his hands instantly placing themselves on Aohi's back.
"More like who..- ouch! Noona!"
"Jake's not with us, and I have his phone so I can't call him.." Aohi mutters, showing Jungwon the black Samsung in her hand. Ri-ki shrugged at Jungwon's gaze turning to him, as if he doesn't know where Jake went either.
"Go look for him outside by the tables, I'll go search for him in here, call me if you find him!" Aohi ordered, quickly separating from her other two members, looking around.
(Will they find him?)
After a few moments of looking around for her puppy boyfriend, she spots a familiar blue dress shirt sitting down by an empty table as he desperately scanned the crowd, she assumed for her or the other members.
(She found him!)
"Jaeyunie!" Aohi called out, quickly walking to his side. Jake turns to the side and finds Aohi approaching his side, and his hearts feel a little lighter, sighing in relief at the sight of his girlfriend.
"Batsy..." Jake softly called out, opening his arms for Aohi to fill with her figure as his arms tightly wrapped themselves around her waist. "Oppa, where were you? We were so worried.." Aohi frowned, running her hand through his hair.
"I was talking to engenes, when I turned back you guys were gone.." Jake looked up at Aohi, mirroring her frown, but to her, he just looked like a kicked puppy.
"You be careful next time, I don't want to be in trouble with management.." Aohi scolded gently, flicking his forehead as a punishment, earning a small 'ouch!' from the boy.
"Now let go of me, before people see..." Aohi whispers, tapping on his wrapped arms. "If you promise we cuddle later?" Jake whispers back.
"Aish.." Aohi scrunched her nose, nodding at his words, and only then did Jake let go of her.
(the things she does for her boys...)
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
¡! ❞ "Aohi-ssi! Turn more to the side please!" The photographer called, gently urging her to turn to the left of her. Aohi obliges, giving her best smile.
The camera took a good video of Aohi posing for the photographer's camera, her familiar rockstar charm shining through her pictures.
It was the month of February, and with this month, comes a mountain of fanservice. In this case, Aohi and Xiulin's part of the valentine's day shoot.
(Waah! Aohi's so charming in school uniforms!)
Xiulin comes up to her with a soft smirk, Aohi takes notice of the girl's attire, instead of sporting a skirt like Aohi was, she wore pants and a uniform similar to the boys.
Aohi's jaw dropped, all the girl could express was betrayal. "Unnie! No fair, you get pants!" Aohi whined as soon as the shoot's been finished.
"Sucks to suck, Batsy." Xiulin teased, taking a lollipop, a supposed-to-be prop, and placed it in her mouth.
"Do you know how horrible this skirt is? It rides up like crazy!" Aohi huffs, crossing her arms as she is escorted off the set, presumably to relax. Xiulin shrugs and pulls her to the side of the camera, which were on both of them.
"Everyone, Aohi is complaining about wearing skirts rather than pants." Xiulin explains to the camera, letting Aohi defend herself for the engenes. "I hate skirts!" Aohi shakes her fists jokingly at the camera, Xiulin laughing with her.
Suddenly a puppy sneaks onto set with Aohi's favourite Pepero in hand, cookies-n'cream. Jake greets their staff politely, bowing and asking where Aohi was last.
He wanders the set, trying not to cause anything so that people wouldn't be disturbed while working. In the distance he spots Aohi and Xiulin, a small smile forming on his face.
(puppy spots relaxing cat!)
Jake maneuvers around staff to get to the girls, spotting the camera filming them, "Hello!" Jake greets the camera, his puppy smile instantly showing through.
"Jake-oppa, what are you doing here?" Aohi spoke in surprise, suddenly seeing him take a spot beside her and Xiulin. "I thought you had a separate shoot." Xiulin agreed, popping her lollipop out of her mouth.
"Aohi, this is for you, happy Pepero day!" Jake quickly pulled the box of Pepero out, smiling giddily when she gasps, taking the snack in her hand. "Thank you!"
Xiulin looks on the interaction with an unamused expression, not the slightest bit impressed at Jake's attempt at greeting Aohi with a singular box of Pepero.
"Why is it just one?" Xiulin asks, Jake immediately deadpanning towards Xiulin. "Xiulin." — "Jaeyun-hyung." Xiulin was afraid of no man!
"It's the thought that counts, unnie!" Aohi laughs as she watches Jake deflate at his failed attempt towards even using his hyung privileges into scaring Xiulin.
"So, do I think bigger than hyung too then?" Xiulin amusingly replies, nodding her head to now... noticeable basket of... Peperos... for Aohi, and what burns worse is that the tag obviously says from Xiulin-unnie.
(The EN- boys: 0 - Xiulin: 1)
Jake laughs his failure away as he squats down, his arms crossed as he rethinks his actions, he was just trying to impress his girlfriend by getting her, her favourite pepero!
"You'll get her next time, oppa..." Aohi attempts to console the sulking puppy on the floor as the camera captures everything, further embarrassing Jake even more.
Xiulin just walks away laughing, happily taking her win.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ comments:
user: huhu clingy puppy hates being alone without his members
user2: it’s starting to look like Aohi’s just taking care of her seven sons hahahah
user3: oh… gentle monster Jake… my love 🫶
user4: Aohi looks like a mafia’s wife and riki and jungwon’s her bodyguards ㅋㅋㅋ
user5: So Jake’s that type? (clingy hehe)
user6: wait he’s so cute like that
user7: Sim Jaeyun, the babygirl of the babygirls.
user8: not Xiulin outdoing Jake on Pepero day??
user9: someone save Jake from Xiulin she keeps bullying him
user10: Xiulin said Xiuhi >>> Aohyun ㅋㅋㅋ
user11: Xiulin’s afraid of NONE of her oppas 😭
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¡! ❞ Aohi couldn't stop staring at Sunghoon after his haircut, could you really blame her? They made him so adorable, especially with his cute brown and white long-sleeve, it almost felt like ENHYPEN had gone through another addition as she watches Sunghoon look through his magazine with gusto.
(mama cat is so proud of her baby cat..)
Aohi smiles as Sunghoon laughs at something Jay said, feeling her cheeks hurt at how amused she was of Sunghoon, 'did his cheeks get fatter? He has such a cute baby-face.' Aohi thought in her head.
To engenes, this little moment could be taken as either, as a mama cat looking at her kitten with endearment, or a girl being charmed by Sunghoon's boyish charms.
Unfortunately for her, Xiulin was highly observant. "Aohi, why do you keep staring at Sunghoon-hyung like that?" She exposes the girl, who is startled by the sudden attention. Aohi looks around with widened eyes when she sees the boys looking up at her, including Sunghoon.
Aohi could only look at Sunghoon for a few moments before a guilty smile rises, and she covers it with her hand as she turns away, her shoulders shaking as if she was laughing.
(Is she laughing at sunghoon?)
"What?" Sunghoon asked, looking at her bewildered, looking at his outfit and wondering if there was something on him, put on by the boys or stuck on by staff.
Aohi struggles to explain as she waves her hand through her laughs, trying to regain composure. The boys soon join as Aohi further struggles to get a hold of herself.
Xiulin scoffs jokingly as Aohi hits the girls shoulder, as if it would stop her from laughing. "Yah! Don't hit me, I didn't do anything!" She holds Aohi's arm.
"I'm so sorry!" Aohi cried, wiping her tears with her finger as small whimpers of laughing left her lip. "Hoon-oppa just looked so cute, and I couldn't stop staring-"
"I was so embarrassed that someone noticed, that I laughed!" Aohi explained, a small giddy grin is left on her face.
The boys laughed, pushing Sunghoon around to tease him for being cute. "Ey... Aohi thinks you're so cute, aegyo, do aegyo!" Heeseung teased behind him, patting his shoulder with a smirk.
(teasing brothers and shy sunghoon~)
"Ah... stop!" Sunghoon spoke, smiling behind his hand as he tried to hide away from the camera. "Don't tease him!" Aohi laughed, trying to pry the other oppas off of Sunghoon.
"Aish, it's nothing to be embarrassed about, oppa." Aohi giggled, patting the boy's hair before ruffling it, and Sunghoon makes a move to pull at Aohi's hands, his fangs flashing as he grins.
"Ah! No!" Aohi yelped, trying to pull away as Sunghoon tries to get her out of her seat.
(taking you down with me!)
"Guys, the interview!" Xiulin reminded them with a laugh, and the boys sit up quickly, Sunghoon is quick to let go, the remnants of their antics was a toothy grin. "Sorry! I forgot there was an interview!" Aohi laughed.
Aohi readjusts herself onto the chair, making sure she looked nice, before resuming with the interview.
The group quickly adjusts back to being professional, looking through their own magazines as Aohi is caught glancing over at Sunghoon for the rest of the video.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
¡! ❞ Sunghoon hasn't been feeling the greatest, but he was subjected to a weverse live, so he couldn't rest yet. Sunghoon set up his phone, staff being by him to help place his phone into a holder.
"Can you get through thirty minutes, Sunghoon-ssi?" The staff asked, he looked towards them, debating whether or not to ask if he could cancel tonight's live.
Sunghoon then glances at the clock, it was five minutes until he had to start, and he knows some engenes probably anticipate a live to start. Sunghoon decides against disappointing their fans with no live, and stays quiet.
"Live starting!"
Sunghoon is alerted, trying not to doze off on the couch he sat on. The staff couldn't be even more worried that Sunghoon would fall asleep.
(Sleepy hoonie :( )
"Hi, Engenes!" Sunghoon softly greets, waving a tired arm at the camera, the comments filling up quickly. Sunghoon is energized for a little bit, trying to interact with fans to keep him from dozing off.
It helps for a little while, Sunghoon gets into a rhythm of asking questions to the live and answering a few questions as well.
"Where are the others?" Sunghoon reads, "The others are enjoying their free time before bed, Heeseung is gaming right now.." Sunghoon points behind him, trying to say that the eldest as rooming in the next hotel room to his.
"Aohi and Xiulin? I think they're having dinner, we shouldn't disturb them.." Sunghoon places a finger up to his lips, telling engenes to keep from bothering Aohi and Xiulin.
"Engene, what did you eat for dinner tonight?" Sunghoon yawns as soon as he asks that question, watching the chatroom zoom past with various questions, feeling his eyelids droop.
The staff member looked on with Sunghoon worriedly, they don't want to make any sign that they were in the room, and so their only bet was texting Aohi to come to the room, in case Sunghoon ends up falling asleep.
(Droop droop... eyelids are falling!)
Aohi manages to read the text on time, and she silently enters Sunghoon's and Jay's hotel room, seeing the youngest of the hyuppa line fighting for his life trying to stay awake.
She tiptoes to the scene, gently placing her hands on Sunghoon's shoulders, startling the boy awake for a little. "You scared me..." Aohi giggles at his reaction.
"Hello, engenes! How are we?" Aohi asks, walking around the couch to sit beside Sunghoon who honestly looked ready to let go and knock himself out.
(he can't hold on any longer..)
Aohi manages to get a few sentences out of Sunghoon, answering a few more questions before Aohi turns to Sunghoon, he looked desperate to just close his eyes.
"Want to sleep on my lap, oppa?" Aohi asked, patting her lap. Sunghoon looks to the staff member, who looked like she couldn't say no to Sunghoon's soft and tired pout.
The staff member allowed him to sleep, shooing him off with the flick of her hand as she went back on her phone, Sunghoon grinning happily at the greenlight to sleep.
"Sure, I need a nap.." Sunghoon jokes, even though it was true. Sunghoon lays on Aohi's lap, and instantly the girl's hand gravitates to his soft hair.
Aohi gently runs her fingers through the strands, her acrylic nails seems to lull Sunghoon to sleep. Soon enough, the chat was giggling over how Sunghoon quickly knocked out on Aohi's lap.
"Our penguin was really tired today, engenes.."
(sleep well, little penguin!)
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ comments:
user: Aohi is every engene during the dicon interview because he looked extremely babygirl in that clip
user2: not hoon being teased by the rest of the hyuppa line 😭
user3: oh to be called cute by the Yoon Aohi 🫵
user4: ahh the way aohi looks at sunghoon ~ hes really her babygirl ㅎㅎㅎ
user5: Aohi notices so much about her members, I always notice her taking care of Riki but Sunghoon too?? 🥹
user6: I’m gonna need a girl who’ll put me to sleep like Aohi does for Sunghoon..
user7: is the massage that good Sunghoon 😞
user8: ㅋㅋㅋ I’m surprised they allowed Sunghoon to sleep on Aohi’s lap, they must’ve felt bad for tiring the poor boy out~
user9: move hoon it’s my turn with Aohi
user10: hoonaohi compilation next!!!
user11: sleep well indeed sunghoon!
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¡! ❞ Aohi’s favourite part of every concert is that everyone in the group gets to say something nice for the fans after the performance, and in this case, ENHYPEN had a concert in the Philippines, Aohi’s home.
Well, not that Japan isn’t her home either! She misses both homes just as much. Just, something about the air in the Philippines or just the memories that resurface when she steps back into the country makes her feel amazing.
Her favourite thing to do in the Philippines is obviously visit her old home while she has the time to do so, and it makes her happy that she could just relish in being home.
She wanted to mention that when she spoke, looking happily amongst the crowd of fans as each of the members did their moment of speaking, Jungwon going first.
“Aohi actually, speaks a lot about the Philippines,” Jungwon stops to let the translator do her job, “She gets really emotional when we get off the plane—“ Aohi pinches Jungwon gently, telling him to knock it off.
(fans awe at their playful banter..)
“It’s just a little nostalgic for me, that’s all!” The fans seem to scream encouragement to Aohi, she knows about how proud Filipino fans are of their celebrities internationally.
“I just have to say thank you, for letting us perform for you tonight, and we hope that you guys have a great experience, dancing and singing with us!” Jungwon bows as he finishes his ment, earning a gentle elbow from Aohi as she grins.
Jay seems to stop both of them by stepping in the middle, making Aohi pout now that she couldn’t annoy Jungwon, and vice versa.
(Enhypen’s cat line ㅋㅋㅋ)
“Sunoo-hyung, do you want to make a ment as well?” Jungwon spoke, tipping over to look at Sunoo from the end of the line.
Sunoo’s surprised for a little bit at the sudden mention, not having something in mind to talk about. “Ah? Ah!- Yes, uhm…”
Sunoo steps out, glancing towards Aohi, who discreetly sent him a thumbs up of encouragement.
"Well, I want to thank engenes for making the time to come see us..." Aohi claps along with the boys, who agree with Sunoo's words.
"and I'm really grateful that you guys could come to support us, even though we all have such busy lives, it means well that you guys make the time to show us your support, despite not knowing us well—"
Aohi puts her hand up to her lips as Sunoo's lips start to quiver, signaling, maybe a small emotional moment for the boy.
"Sunoo-hyung.. why're you crying?" Ri-ki spoke softly as Sunoo turns before he could even continue, trying to hand his hyung a towel to wipe his tears.
Aohi pouts softly at Sunoo's crying face, leaning back to see if he was okay, before she cuts the line and approached Sunoo with open arms, the boy instantly taking her hug.
"Aigoo-yah.... Sunoo-kun, crying already?" Aohi teased softly, and although Sunoo couldn't understand well, he laughed along with her words, knowing her intentions weren't ill.
"Sunoo-yah! You're just crying to get Aohi's attention!" Sunghoon tried to lighten the mood with the playful accusation, earning a 'no!' from said boy.
The other boys from the hyung line seemed to jump on the tease train as they try to back up Sunghoon, Sunoo smiling as he shook his head, the fans seem to scream in support of Sunghoon, as if trying to make Sunoo smile again.
"Yah! You T-types leave him alone!" Aohi shielded Sunoo from the hyung line, hugging him close and cradling his head with an angry pout, laughs could be heard from the crowd as Sunoo's is picked up by Aohi's mic.
(T-types ganging on the ENFP)
"Aish! We're supposed to be doing ments, get it together, kids!" Xiulin gently smacked Jay's and Heeseung's arms, inevitably ending the goofing session between the group members, a small aww resonated in the arena, enjoying the bickering between members.
Aohi smiled as the groups retained their line-up, but not before she pulls down her mic, covering Sunoo's mic, and putting her free hand up to whisper something in the boy's ear.
Sunoo smiled as he hears the words Aohi whispers, unable to keep his happiness to himself.
"Oppa, I'll be here whenever you cry, don't worry."
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
¡! ❞ Sunoo and Jungwon were supposed to be the ones to take care of Jjaeyul and Ayun for the day, but in a last minute decision, Aohi was joining them.
Aohi and Sunoo stood together as Jungwon dribbled the stray basketball in the court. Aohi cheers when Jungwon gets it in, a huge smile on her face. "Waahhh, really good, wonie!"
(cheerleader batsy on call!)
Suddenly, a rumbling from behind the door is heard, and Jjaeyul and Ayun make their appearance, Aohi gasping as she made a wave at the kids, who also waved happily back.
"Hello!" Aohi greeted, bending down to get on the kids' level, Aohi was extremely great with kids, having two little siblings herself, she knew her ways around keeping toddlers happy.
The kids started to talk to the trio, trying to get comfortable with the presence of the new hyungs and unnie. "How old are you, unnie?" Jjaeyul asks, looking up at Aohi curiously. "How old am I? Unnie's twenty." Aohi explains, making a zero and a two with her fingers.
"What about the hyungs?" Jjaeyul asked, pointing at Jungwon and Sunoo, who were occupied with familiarizing themselves to Ayun.
Aohi gently takes Jjaeyul's hand in hers, making sure he doesn't point since it was awkward, "the hyung over there, Jungwon-hyung, is twenty, like me." Aohi points to her brown-haired boyfriend, who doesn't seem to hear Aohi talking about him.
Sunoo approaches the two, leaving Jungwon to play with Ayun at the moment. "Hi, Jjaeyul!" Sunoo cheerfully greets, squatting down to gently shake the toddler's hand.
"How old are you?" Jjaeyul is quick to investigate, looking at Sunoo with a curious look, same as Aohi. "Me? I'm twenty-one." Sunoo nods, and Jjaeyul is happy with his answer.
"You are one year older than Aohi-noona?" Jjaeyul asks, Sunoo nods to his questin. "Eung! Why?" Sunoo asks, "You like noona?" Jjaeyul asks, shocking Aohi and Sunoo, leading to a burst of laughter from the girl.
(Sunoo is exposed?!)
"I like Aohi, she is my group-mate." Sunoo replies, looking nervously at Jungwon and Aohi, Jungwon snorts as he overheard their conversation, and Aohi's losing it behind Sunoo.
"Ah... my mom's twenty-seven, and my dad is thirty!" Jjaeyul explains, absolutely oblivious to the reason why Aohi's dying of laughter and Jungwon was trying not to laugh from afar.
"Want to switch? I want to play with Jjaeyul.." Jungwon tries to salvage his hyung's dignity, switching from Jjaeyul to Ayun in hopes that Sunoo doesn't get asked anything embarrassing.
Aohi follows after Sunoo with a smile, shooting Jungwon a thankful glance, because if not for Jungwon switching, Jjaeyul was bound to ask another embarrassing question, and she wasn't sure she was going to survive another laughing attack.
(Jungwon switches teams, team sport!)
Aohi sits beside Sunoo as Ayun pulls out a small stylist kit, complete with nail polish and a working hairdryer. "Hi, Ayun!" Aohi greeted, an adoring smile on her face. Sunoo almost forgot why he was there for a moment, before following after Aohi's greeting.
"Let's paint some nails, Ayunnie!~" Aohi sing-songed, taking the bottle of yellow polish out of the bag, picking Ayun up and placing her in her lap as she puts her hands out, letting Ayun paint her bare nails.
"Waah, you're so good at this, Ayunnie~" Aohi encourages the little toddler in her lap, Sunoo watching with a soft smile from the side lines.
Despite Ayun's lack of perfection, Aohi is happy with her manicure from the little stylist.
(Aohi, Ayun's first satisfied customer!)
"You wanna do Sunoo-oppa's nails next?" Aohi asks, pointing at Sunoo, who nods, putting his hands out for Ayun to work on. The small girl was a little hesitant, before Aohi helps her to paint Sunoo's pinky.
"Wow, oppa looks so good in yellow, Ayun! Good job!" Aohi compliments, setting the stylist off in an energy boost as she's comfortable with continuing Sunoo's manicure.
"I love it, Ayun-ah! You did so well." Sunoo smiles down at his messily painted yellow nails, and stylist Ayun rummages in her bag to get her hairdryer, thinking of drying the polish.
"Are you going to dry our hands?" Aohi asks, pulling her hands back out for her to point her toy hairdryer on. "Woah! It actually works!" Sunoo spoke, placing his chin on Aohi's shoulder.
"Right? It's actually so cool, I might buy one for myself." Aohi jokes, letting Ayun finish her blow-drying service and looking at her now dry nails with a thankful smile. "Thank you, Ayunnie.." Aohi moves aside for Ayun to finish Sunoo's nails.
"Clip?" Ayun spoke, giving the clip to Aohi with one hand as she used her other to blow-dry Sunoo's nails. "For me?" Aohi clarified, pointing to herself, and when Ayun shakes her head, Aohi speaks again.
"For oppa?"
Ayun nods at her words, she was asking Aohi to put the clip on Sunoo since she had dry nails. "Ahh, I get it." Aohi turns to Sunoo as she fixes his hair for her to clip it nicely on Sunoo's head.
(dress-up victim #1, Kim Sunoo ㅋㅋㅋ)
Aohi giggles at the cute scene where Sunoo just has a plastic flower in his hair. "You look so pretty, oppa." Aohi teased, gently running his fingers through the side where the flower wasn't clipped.
Sunoo playfully rolls his eyes, turning to Ayun and leaning his head down, "Do you think I look pretty, Ayun-ah?" Sunoo grins when the toddler nods happily.
"Ayunnie, want to go inside so we can dress Sunoo-oppa in a princess dress?"
"No! The clip is enough!"
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ comments:
user: Aohi is adorable! She cares so much for sunoo <3
user2: Sunoo’s babygirlism showing to Aohi ㅋㅋㅋ
user3: waahhh.. Aohi’s Sunoo’s protector ㅋㅋㅋ
user4: mama cat protecting sunoo from his teasing brothers hahaha
user5: they’re the cutest ship ever!!! sunoahi 🫶🫶🫶
user6: you know Aohi’s mad if she starts yelling at her oppas ㅋㅋㅋ
user7: Sunoo’s just relishing in Aohi’s attention huhuhu
user8: not aohi trying to put Sunoo in a princess dress lmao
user9: Aohi and Sunoo look like a Family with Ayun 🤭
user10: Aohi is trying to plot Sunoo into being a princess huhu
user11: they’re actually so cute together???? wish companies would let idols date :((
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¡! ❞ Jungwon was supposed to go home after lunch, he was supposed to be at home, with Aohi preferably, and relaxing, maybe taking a nap with said girlfriend.
It didn’t seem like the case when the stylist brought on new clothes onto the set, matching clothes.
Aohi smiled at the pair of clothes, thinking it was adorable, she patted the fabric gently, looking over at Jungwon, who had furrowed eyebrows.
(angry cat)
‘Did he not like the outfits?..’ Aohi thought, dropping the fabric from her hands as she approached him. “Don’t like it?—“ Aohi asked, looking at the rack, then back at Jungwon.
“No… I just want to go home.” Jungwon replied, sighing, everyone around him could almost see a cat tail sway sadly while his ears folded down on himself.
“Ah…. Well! Tough it up, buttercup!” Aohi spoke in exaggerated English, patting the boy in the back in a loud manner.
“Ow!” Jungwon yelped as he rubbed his back, making Aohi laugh and rub his back.
“Are you guys done chatting over there yet?” The stylist spoke, looking over at the two cat-like members. “Eung! Coming!”
Aohi steps out of the dressing room, pulling at her skirt, despite it being over her knees. “I really hate skirts…” Aohi mumbled, scratching her head as she walks to the set of the last shoot (hopefully) of the day.
Jungwon’s sits by the stone cylinders by the set, waiting for Aohi so they could start their photoshoot.
He swings his legs around, a little stuck in his mind, whistling softly. “Jungwon-ssi!” The staff member called him over and Jungwon turns to the sound, Aohi had already been waiting for him with a pout.
Jungwon couldn’t help but smile at the pout, if he could, he would’ve already squished Aohi out of cuteness aggression.
(giddy cat ㅋㅋㅋ)
“We’re going to do the shoot in the flower field.” Aohi approached Jungwon and took his hand, and like it was reflex, she quickly intertwines her fingers with his.
To the staff, this was just natural group habits. If Aohi isn’t doing it, Sunghoon is to his other members, Jungwon does the same with Ri-ki like he’s a toddler about to get lost.
The photographer ushers the duo over, and Aohi is asked to sit down on the patch of grass. “Jungwon-ssi, I need you to lay on Aohi’s lap for this.”
Jungwon feels a little hesitant as Aohi grins, she was a naturally affectionate person, always locking pinkies with one of the boys, and if not, with Xiulin.
And since the boys and Aohi can barely show their affections without consequences, she takes what she can get, and one of her boyfriends laying on her lap? It’s practically a jackpot!
(happy aohi!)
Aohi pats her lap happily as Jungwon hesitates to lay down, fearing he might like it so much he wouldn’t want to leave her lap.
“Ey… how come Jungwon gets to lay on Aohi’s lap and I couldn’t even wrap my arm around her last time?” Jake complains from the side, a puppy-like pout.
“Shut it, dog-boy, they’re taking pictures right now.” Xiulin pulled Jake by the ear like a mother would. Jake let out yelps of complaint as he’s pulled away, Xiulin drowning out the boy’s cries.
Aohi laughs at the sight, and the photographer takes a picture, and he smiles at the result. “Keep that smile, Aohi-ssi!” The photographer encouraged.
Jungwon could feel his cheeks warm up the more he stayed laying on Aohi’s lap, and it takes everything in his power not to cover his face.
“Won-ah, you look so red!” Aohi laughed, looking down at her lap as Jungwon let out groans of complaint.
“Don’t announce it! I know!” Jungwon replied. Aohi giggled, and she glanced to the side, a small patch of beautiful flowers bloomed beside of them.
Aohi makes a move to pluck a few out, before gently placing it in Jungwon’s hair. She seemed to be in her own little world as she showered her boyfriend in the orange flowers.
The staff makes a move to get their attention, seeing Jungwon and Aohi only looking at each other, and they worry that they forgot that they were in a shoot.
“Aohi-ssi!—“ The staff called, but the photographer stops them, camera in hand. “Don’t, they look really natural, this is perfect..” The photographer whispered, making sure he doesn’t bother the moment the two shared.
Aohi looks up after a while, seeing that the photographer was taking photos without telling them, and her cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“Were we still shooting?— I didn’t realize and I already covered Jungwon in flowers—“ Aohi looks down, and Jungwon’s hair was littered with a crown of flowers.
(Aohi’s flower boy..)
“We got our photos, Aohi-ssi, don’t worry!” The photographer reassures her, even walking up to her and showing her the shoots he had gotten.
“Wah! Jungwon-ah, you look so cute!”
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
¡! ❞ See, when you put Aohi and Jungwon together, they’re the perfect cat duo. They’re both so cat-like that even Jay could sneeze at just the sight of them together.
The two didn’t mind being compared to cats though, because in all fairness they loved cats! Aohi even has some back home!
But they didn’t think it was so serious, especially on one night, where Jungwon and Aohi were making a secret vlog on their own.
“We’re going to get ice-cream, our manager doesn’t know we’re out to the convenience store—“ Aohi spoke softly, fixing her newly-cut bangs for their comeback.
“Aohi! Quickly!” Jungwon ushered as the two ran across the street, a laugh resonating from both of them.
Despite Jungwon’s leadership, with Aohi, it seemed that the girl resorted Jungwon to just a teenager doing teenager things.
(all for the ice cream?)
“Wah- I almost got ran over!-“ Aohi laughed, Jungwon scrunching his nose as he pushes against the girl’s head. “Don’t laugh about it, it was a serious situation!”
Aohi let out a yelp, rubbing the spot where Jungwon pushed. “This, engenes, is why Yang Jungwon is crazy.” Aohi points at Jungwon, who tries to grab the camera with a smile.
“Ah! No! Don’t take away my engenes!” Aohi cried out, running off where she ends up at the front of the No-staff ice cream store.
(arrived at your destination!)
“Won-ah, what are you getting?..” Aohi perched behind the boy, watching him look through the various kinds of ice cream. “Honestly I didn’t even know Korea had so much ice cream..” she mumbled.
“I’m going to get this ice cream!” Jungwon shows a strawberry Samanco to the camera. “Strawberry with chocolate!” Aohi recited a familiar sentence, pointing at the fish.
(Aohi’s aware of fandom jokes ㅋㅋㅋ)
“It doesn’t even have chocolate!” Jungwon laughed. “Still!” Aohi retorted, she hands off the camera to her boyfriend, wandering to look at the other types of ice creams the store had.
Jungwon points the camera at a shopping Aohi, an ice cream in hand. “Look how pretty she is, engenes.” He whispered to the camera, making sure the girl doesn’t hear.
“Aohi’s one of the prettiest girls in the world, don’t you all think?” Jungwon faces the camera, his lips curved in a cattish grin.
“Don’t think about marrying her though, she’s mine!” Jungwon joked, despite it actually being true, well— one in seventh of a fraction, true.
(Catwon protecting his cat wife)
“Wonnie, I’m done!” Aohi calls Jungwon over to the check-out machine, checking her ice-cream in. “You’re eating two?” Jungwon asked, seeing three ice-creams on the machine.
“I wanted to try the grape ice balls.” Aohi explained, showing him the package. Jungwon reads the content as he nods.
“Fair enough.” — “okay, I paid! Let’s go eat it at the park!” Aohi grabbed the bag and started to walk towards the door.
Jungwon walked faster in front of her to hold the door open. Anyone who watched the blog can see how Jungwon looked at Aohi like she was the love of his life.
Jungwon was always looking at Aohi that way, even if she doesn’t see it, and he can’t help it, even when the staff catch him.
Jungwon and Aohi continue to walk down the streets, and Aohi grabs for her screw-bar, opening it. “We’re not even at the park yet..”
“So? I have another one anyway, and i’m hungry!” Aohi took a small bite of her popsicle, Jungwon wincing.
“Doesn’t that hurt?”
Aohi only grins, “I don’t have weak teeth like you, Mr. Yang.” Aohi teased, poking the boy’s shoulder. “Nobody bites ice-cream, Aohi!” Jungwon retaliates, although it is playful.
“Whatever you say, Jungwon.” Aohi calls him by his name, earning a complaint. “Yah!”
“Shh! It’s a stray cat!” Aohi shushed, seeing a calico emerge from the parks’ bushes. Aohi made a small ‘spspsps’ sound, trying to lure it towards them.
The cat approached Aohi, sniffing at her hand, Aohi only started to rub the cat when it deemed her worthy.
“I’m still allergic, you know.” Jungwon spoke from beside her, distancing a step away from Aohi continued to pet it with Gusto.
“Oh You’re adorable! You’re such a cute boy!” Aohi cooed, the stray cat meowing happily in return. “I wish I could take you home.”
“Nuh uh, you have me and Jay-hyung at home.” Jungwon sounded very adamant at keeping the stray cat at the park.
“But!-“ — “Nope!”
(Catwon intimidated by stray cat getting cat wife’s affection)
She pouts, standing up from her squat as Jungwon ushered her over, the stray cat meowing at the sudden absence of Aohi.
“Here, I have sanitizer.” Jungwon pulls Aohi away from the stray cat, pulling his hand sanitizer from his pocket.
“Yah! No! Kitty!” Aohi whined as she’s pulled away from the stray cat, who meowed after her.
(Don’t go!!!)
The stray cat follows the two, as seen from behind the cat duo. “Engenes! I tell you, he’s crazy!” Aohi spoke into the camera, a frown on her face.
“Yah! Stop following us!” Jungwon pointed at the cat from behind him, a meow of defiance being heard.
“C’mere my cat prince!” Aohi cooed at the stray cat. “Save me from Jungwon!”
(I’ll save you, meow!~)
“Okay, blog over, Aohi’s picked me over a stray cat!” Jungwon called out, Aohi yelling ‘no!’. “You’re such a jealous guy, won-ah, it was a cute cat.” Aohi flicked Jungwon’s ear, scolding him for taking her away from the stray cat.
“I’m cuter!” Aohi laughs at this retaliation, patting the huffing Jungwon as he had a frown on his lips, a furrowed brow and his hands balled up.
“Okay, okay— don’t be angry!” Aohi salvaged what she could before Jungwon could lash his leader anger onto Aohi.
“You’re the cutest cat, obviously! You big baby!”
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ comments:
user: aigoo felinez 😭
user2: jungwon would probably let aohi do anything
user3: Jungwon: you can’t defeat me, I’m leader rest of ENHA: we have an Aohi!
user4: aohi-ssi! Where do you get your cat from?
user5: I want to make Jungwon a flower crown too ㅋㅋㅋ
user6: felinez duo huhuhu
user7: not an actual cat taking Aohi from Jungwon 🤭
user8: they really tried to get aohi into the cat distribution system
user9: jungwon sulking when his cat isn’t better than an actual cat
user10: aohi biting ice cream????
user11: this duo is so funny wth 😭
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¡! ❞ Ri-ki usually gamed when he got home from anything idol-related, and his favourite game to play was always roblox.
Don’t get Aohi wrong, roblox is a fun game, and she loves to somewhat… make fun of some kids (teenagers these days, huh?) but it gets boring sometimes.
And it’s not like they allow bullying on idol vlogs either, so they had to find a family-friendly game to play for their engenes!
So this was where Aohi tries to convince Ri-ki to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons with her.
“We can play minecraft—“ Ri-ki points to the Nintendo version of the block game, getting a complaint from Aohi.
“That’s literally Roblox but survival-based!” Aohi makes him put the packaging down, Ri-ki pouting his lips.
Aohi ignores the fact that it makes Ri-ki look like a little duckling as she scans through the games. “There’s nothing else to play! Let’s just get animal crossing and go!”
“No, please let’s look for something else!” Ri-ki begged, and it was like this for five minutes until Aohi grabs a game, specifically a Barbie game, and threatens the youngest with it.
“You either play this or animal crossing, our engenes are fine with whatever!” Aohi points the Barbie packaging at him, and he seems to sweat-drop.
(sulking duck)
“Okay, but I’m not going to like it.” Aohi turned her head to the other side, “you don’t have to like it, the engenes will enjoy it anyway.”
Ri-ki and Aohi soon get home from their nearest Game Woori, two staff members already waiting for them for the film.
“Ready? We have it all set up for you.” The staff member spoke, gently fixing Aohi’s hair with a clip. “Eung, ki-ah, hurry up!” She called from the bathroom, getting a response.
“I can’t rush going to the bathroom, you know that?” Ri-ki flicks Aohi’s nose, making her glare at him.
“I CaN’T RuSh goING to ThE BathrOOM, yoU KnoW That?” Aohi mocked, and Ri-ki stared, before he started to tickle her out of revenge. Aohi is quick to squeal as she shielded her sides.
“Stop it!” Aohi tried to defend herself, before the staff members broke up the two teens. “Noona started it!” Ri-ki pointed, a laugh leaving his lips when the staff members started to scold Aohi.
(Duck-ki remains victorious over bat-hi!)
“We’ll start soon, let’s get it running!” The staff member reminded, and Aohi actually started to take the vlog seriously.
“In three, two….” The staff used his hand to signal one, and the blog was off!
“Hello, engenes!” Aohi smiled and waved her hands towards the camera, Ri-ki joining with a smile of his own.
(naohi gaming session, start!)
“Ri-ki actually didn’t want to play animal crossing, and he actually wanted to play minecraft—“ Aohi spoke, turning her nintendo switch on, "But he's been playing roblox, and he needed a relaxing game."
"So, I already have my own island—" Aohi gets a complaint from the youngest, "How come you have an island already?—" Aohi clicks her tongue and turns to Ri-ki with an annoyed look.
"How much longer are you going to interrupt me?"
(Ri-ki sweat-drops...)
"Sorry, noona..." Ri-ki spoke from his seat, a giddy smile on his face when Aohi returns to her switch. "Anyways, we'll just set Ri-ki up, and then we can get him to start his island!"
Aohi and Ri-ki spent the next hour creating their islands, along with starting Ri-ki off, and Aohi is irked with his starter villagers, "Yah! No way you got Genji and Renee!" She looks at Ri-ki's switch with furrowed brows.
"Stay jealous!" Ri-ki laughed, pulling his switch away as Aohi pouted. "Whatever, just start your island already!"
The remaining time (edited by staff to be fifteen minutes most) ends with Ri-ki being forced to decorate his island by Aohi while she showed a tour of her own island.
"So, I kind of, tried to recreate my hometown back in Japan, thankfully there was a lot of items so I was able to—" Aohi is interrupted by a tap on the shoulder by Ri-ki.
“Noona, I finished.” Aohi looked at him with a blank look, it’s been twenty minutes. What could Ri-ki have possibly decorated in twenty minutes?
“What did you do?” Aohi cut straight to the chase, looking unamused, expecting a mess of random furniture strewn around the whole island.
“I did what you asked!” Ri-ki laughed, and Aohi wasn’t convinced. “You can’t of done much with twenty minutes.” Ri-ki just grinned and Aohi couldn’t feel any easier.
(mischievous grin ㅋㅋㅋ)
“Come visit, I’ll show you!”
Aohi prepared herself for the mess Ri-ki made, to her, it felt more like taking care of a toddler the way Ri-ki would do the childish things you’d see him do.
The switch started its transition while connecting her device to Ri-ki’s.
“Engenes, I’m really scared.” Aohi honestly stated, staring at the camera with a worried side eye.
“I haven’t even done anything?” Ri-ki complained, looking at her shocked. “That’s what makes it worse! You’re gonna do something!” Aohi whined, looking to the staff members for help as they stared back, shaking their head, amused.
“I actually did something nice though, really.” Ri-li greets Aohi’s avatar at the airport, “how do you get clothes like that?..” Ri-ki asked, looking at Aohi’s avatar, looking like her.
“Because I’m cool.” Aohi replied, “now show me what you did!”
Ri-ki runs through the island with Aohi, and as the girl continued to see more and more trees and natural land, Aohi starts to feel like she’s been bamboozled by Ri-ki.
“Did you lie to me?” — “no, just walk a little further!”
Aohi sighs and does what he says, walking up to find a small place where Ri-ki had made a small park like area, with a pond in the middle.
“Oh!- Wait!- you actually decorated something!” Aohi gasped, looking around at the flowers Ri-ki collected over his island. “Wah! It’s actually so pretty!”
(impressed bat-hi)
“Noona, read this part..” Ri-ki showed Aohi a sign at a bench by the middle of the park. “Why? What does it say?” Aohi’s avatar sits by the bench while she read the sign.
“‘Ri-ki loves Aohi-noona’—“ Aohi smiles as she reads the sign, feeling her cheeks warm at the digital confession.
Ri-ki smiles at Aohi’s blushing cheeks, and it takes him his entire patience and strength to not bring his hand up to pinch her cheek or smother her in a kiss.
“Yah!- corny, it’s so corny!” Aohi shooed it off by playfully scolding Ri-ki with his teenage confession, in animal crossing no less!
(duck-ki confession.. success??)
Ri-ki giggled as Aohi playfully hit him over the shoulder, telling him to knock it off— “Is that you saying no?” Ri-ki tilts his head.
Aohi takes this opportunity to look at the camera, “only Engenes have my heart!” She makes a heart shape with her hands, looking through the middle of it with a wink.
(heart attack!)
Ri-ki just smiles, knowing that behind this fan service, Aohi has long given her heart to him and his six hyungs.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
¡! ❞ ENHYPEN was given a week off to relax, and what better way to spend it if not to a small vacation? Aohi, Xiulin and the boys were brought to a small vacation house, where they were to spend the entirety of the week!
The group decided to travel by car, four members in each, Aohi being the extra inside of the hyung line's car
Aohi buzzed in her car seat happily, currently the passenger princess in Heeseung's Chevrolet Camaro. The group was fairly quiet, the car being filled of Aohi's music.
Aohi looked out the window, humming along with Basics by Twice, blasting on her side of the car.
"Aohi-yah, I'm opening the window." Heeseung announced, looking to his safety mirror before rolling down the passenger window, Aohi squeals at the sudden brush of air from the slight opening.
"My hair!" Aohi complained, holding her pins in place. The hyung line laughs at Aohi's pout, watching her fix her hair. "You look fine." Jay spoke, fixing her strands from the backseat.
(hairstylist Jay to the rescue!)
Heeseung spoke a soft apology, his eyes on the road. Aohi ruffled in the passenger seat. "Oppa, you have the seat warmer so high, are you trying to cook my butt?" Aohi grumbled, turning down the heat as she leaned back.
"Sorry, sorry!" Heeseung replied, soon enough the car arrived to the small vacation house, it was a beach house!
"Wah! Look at the beach!" Aohi enthusiastically pointed out the window, Heeseung parked the car and unlocked his seatbelt, doing the same for Aohi as he opened his driver's door.
Heeseung jogged from one side to the other, opening the door for her. "Thanks, seungie-ah." Aohi spoke, grabbing her stuff and getting out of her passenger seat.
(Heeseung's passenger princess treatment..)
"Hyung, you don't do that for us!" Sunghoon laughed, getting out after Jay, who was busy grabbing their stuff from the trunk.
Heeseung just shrugged at Sunghoon, closing the door when Aohi has walked away. "You have hands." And with that reply, Sunghoon sulks.
Aohi approaches the beach house, Xiulin and Sunoo calling after her. "Batsy! Wait up!" Xiulin called out, jogging up to her as Aohi opened the clear glass door. "You two are so fast!" Sunoo complained, joining the girls.
"Just excited is all, sorry, Sunoo-oppa." Aohi walked into the living room, gasping at the pretty interior, "Wah! It has a sun-roof!" Aohi pointed up at the ceiling.
"Oh now, we definitely have to take photos!" Sunoo gasped, Aohi agreeing with a squeal, the two jumped for joy like two high-schoolers at the mere thought of getting the perfect golden photos.
(photogenic duo jumps for joy!)
"Noona," Ri-ki emerged from the front entrance of the home, making a bee-line for Aohi, who turned around at the sound of him. "What's up, Ri-ki-san?" She instantly opens her arms for Ri-ki, the youngest happily taking his spot.
"I want to sleep." Ri-ki's muffled voice spoke, the mic he wore rubbing against Aohi's sweater. "Then sleep, you big duck." Aohi retorted.
"Puma! I'm a puma!" Ri-ki complained, pulling away with a pout, and Aohi laughs at the youngest's sulking behaviour. "You're still a baby-duck, don't get me started."
"Go join the others, guys! I have to cook!" Jay spoke, bringing the last of the bags inside the home. "I want to help!" Aohi raised her hand, following a grocery carrying Jay into the kitchen.
The film-camera zoomed in on Ri-ki, who seemed contemplate where to go, before turning to the kitchen and following after Aohi.
(Duck-ki follows after mama bat..)
"Yah! Go outside, I can't have three in the kitchen!" Jay tried to shoo Ri-ki away as soon as he appears by the hall of the kitchen from the living room.
"Did you follow me, ki-ah?" Aohi giggled, washing her hands as Ri-ki sat by the table in the kitchen. "I won't be in your way hyung, don't worry."
Ri-ki watched as Jay glanced at him with a distrustful look, before setting up his workspace. "Oppa, which veggie did you want me to cut again?" Aohi dried her hands as she pulls out a cutting board from seemingly nowhere.
Ri-ki peers from behind her, curious of what she was doing. "The potatoes, garlic and then just pluck the greens." Jay gently places three potatoes on her board, handing her a peeler.
(ENHYPEN's personal chefs, Aohi and Jay!)
"Are you sure you want to just watch me? Sunghoon and Jake-oppa are going swimming." Aohi looked out the window of the beach house, seeing the two hyungs ruffling around the shallow part of the waters.
Ri-ki just shakes his head. "I'll join later, I want to watch noona." Jay makes a side-eye, "Just Aohi? What about me?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. "You're not pretty enough." Ri-ki shrugged, and Jay scoffs.
"Wow, don't eat my food anymore, you hear?" Aohi laughs at Jay's and Ri-ki's playful conflict.
"As in to say! Hyung, you're too masculine and you're handsome, you know?" Ri-ki makes a smooth save, hoping to keep his Chef Jay privilege.
"Uh huh, thought so.." Jay spoke.
The trio continued to silently work. Aohi peeling potatoes and then cutting them. She finishes by placing the cubed potatoes into cold water, making sure they don't bruise over.
"I'll do the garlic, just finish the greens and then you can go, okay?" Jay patted Aohi's head gently, making her lean into his hand. "Eung!"
Ri-ki watched the interaction with puckered lips and squinted eyes, as if like a jealous duckling. "Aohi-noona, me too! Give me a headpat!" Ri-ki ordered, leaving his seat to approach the girl who was washing greens.
"What? Why? You didn't do anything-" Aohi looked over her shoulder. "I want one, anyway!" Aohi let out a huff, looking down at her greens. "Go ask Jay-oppa! I'm doing something!"
Ri-ki frowns at this, "I want one from you though." And at this, Aohi clicks her tongue. "Okay, just, let me finish washing and plucking this, and if you can wait, I'll give you a headpat." She compromises.
Ri-ki seemed to smile, satisfied with the deal, nodding softly and sitting back down. "I don't know how you handle him, he's so scary especially with his height." Aohi snorts at Jay's words, pushing her hips into his.
"he's just a big duck, that's all. We're talking about the same boy who can't sleep in a bed without someone being in it." Aohi replies, looking behind her to see Ri-ki playing on his phone.
(Clingy duck waits patiently for Aohi ㅋㅋㅋ)
"I guess you're right.." Jay looked along with Aohi, before turning back to cutting the carrots. "It makes it less scarier when we know he follows you around so much." Aohi gives Jay a side eye, before looking at the camera set up in the kitchen with a 'is he serious?' look.
Soon enough, Aohi finished with her kitchen tasks, cleaning her space. "I'm going to go join the oppas for swimming, do you need any more help?" Ahi asks Jay, who was stirring pasta sauce in a pan. "No, go have fun, batsy." Jay ushered her.
Aohi nods and places her stuff away to join Xiulin and the others on the beach. Ri-ki finally looks up from his phone to see Aohi leaving, and he silently leaves along with her.
"Ri-ki, are you good with shrimp?- Ri-ki?" Jay seems to ask into the air, turning to see the youngest was gone. "Seriously? He followed after Aohi?"
"Noona.." Ri-ki called after her, Aohi jumping as she walked down the wooden porch, looking behind her with a look of surprise. "Yah! Did you just follow after me in silence? How long have you been behind me?"
Ri-ki stayed quiet, his lips in a slight pout. "You said you'd give me a pat." He points to his head. "Aish..." Aohi clicks her tongue.
"Here, c'mon." Aohi ushers with a sigh, urging him to lean down as the camera catches the pat on camera. "You and your headpats, eung? The boys can't get one without you getting one, huh?" Aohi spoke, making a 'tsk, tsk' sound.
"You still spoil me though." a sigh leaves Aohi.
"You're right..."
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ comments:
user1: not Aohi threatening Ri-ki with a barbie video game 😭
user2: I think Naohi is the cutest between all of them, Ri-ki can’t leave his noona alone ㅋㅋㅋ
user3: Ri-ki’s so cute making a pond for her in acnh — I hope he continues with his island for her
user4: Aohi’s going to be a good mother because she has seven boys following her everywhere huhuhu
user5: You’d think it would be the other way around but noo Aohi has these boys tripping over each other
user6: Aohi’s so cute taking care of Ri-ki, I want a headpat from her too!
user7: Ri-ki’s so real for confessing to Aohi, me too ri-ki me too
user8: “only engenes have my heart” oh Yoon Aohi, You’re for the ladies 😭
user9: ive never seen such a big guy follow after someone as small as Aohi— gives me whiplash
user10: the last scene is just Jaohi and their son, ri-ki ㅋㅋㅋ
user11: now, Aohi being babygirl for enhypen next!
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¡! ❞ The TV closes with a click, Aohi yawning. "I didn't think the boys were so clingy, that there was a compilation." She looks up at Xiulin, who had an arm around Aohi.
The two cuddled on the couch late at night, the boys already sleeping in their own respective rooms.
"I don't know how you never notice it, they're so clingy, I can't even get close to you without them being asleep or on the other side of the country." Xiulin snorted, patting Aohi's head.
"I guess it just feels normal, I'm surprised the fans don't really connect the dots." Aohi shrugs, tightening her arms around Xiulin as the older girl hums.
"I think some fans have, but then again, them saying anything is a reach because we can't date our group members." Xiulin replied, glancing down at Aohi, who sleepily stared at her with a soft smile.
"Why aren't you clingy with me, unnie?" Aohi asked softly, her eyelids drooping at the midnight fatigue hitting her. Xiulin laughs quietly at her question, her hand running themselves in the girl's dyed hair.
Aohi hums, "Why're you laughing?" Xiulin shakes her head, "I don't need to be clingy because you already cling to me first." Xiulin smiled, she ruffles her hair last minute as Aohi pulls away with a grin.
"Then I'll stop depending on unnie!" Xiulin playfully scoffs at the bold statement. "I doubt you'll last before I break." Aohi whines at her words, Xiulin never letting her win their playful banter.
"One day, I'll win over your arguments, unnie.." Xiulin shakes her head, "Sure, you can dream about it tonight." Aohi groans at her words, rolling around, as if playfully annoyed with Xiulin's smart remarks.
"It's late, we should head to sleep." Xiulin starts to move from her spot. "Nuh uh, I'm too tired to move to the bedroom, let's just sleep here." Aohi yawns, further proving her point.
"You're right," Xiulin sighs and lays back down on their couch, and Aohi happily takes her spot next to Xiulin, squishing against each other to fit the small space.
Xiulin closes the few lights on with a remote, and a small bit of shuffling is heard, Aohi trying to get comfortable, the two girls laid in the dark for a bit, a yawn leaving Aohi.
"Goodnight, unnie." — "Goodnight, my babygirl."
"Unnie!" — "Sleep!"
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jihyoruri · 8 months
can you do things in wow!yn’s camera roll in written form I feel like that would be so fun to write out the stuff in her camera roll instead of having to find photos
omg this is such a good idea wtf
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#1. a photo of her and aeri in the dark in yn’s room with red eyes that she took when they had a sleepover .
#2. a photo that she took of her hair after getting a wolf cut (wony asked her to send her a photo)
#3. a photo that keeho sent to her of her laying on the sidewalk during a late night hangout
#4. a video that she took for her playing mx by deftones on her guitar
#5. a photo of her hand in chrome heart rings
#6. a video that aeri took of the big tattoo on yn’s back
#7. a video of nwjns!yn falling
#8. a photo that wonyoung took of her sleeping when she fell asleep in wony’s bed
#9. a screenshot of one of her stans telling someone to jump off a cliff on twitter
#10. a video that wonyoung took of her playing the intro of bambi on her guitar
#11. a photo of her belly piercing with a star ring
#12. a video that yunjin sent of her and yn late at night in an open roof car singing their heart outs to practice by drake
#13. a 0.5 photo that rei took of yn after yn got her tongue piercing
#14. a video that kehoo took of aeri choking yn
#15. a photo of yn kissing yujin’s cheek
#16. a photo of her and wonyoung after soaking aftwr having a long walk in the rain
#17. a 0.5 photo of leeseo sleeping sitting up on their dressing room
#18. a video that rei took of yn throwing up in a can after coming back to dorms after hanging out with aeri
#19. a photo of behind the scenes of her vivienne westwood photoshoot
#20. a photo of wonyoung and yn after they dressed up as princess bubblegum and marceline for a fansign
#21. a screenshot shot of a photo that a fan took of yn and wony when they dressed up as judy and nick for another fan sign
#22. a photo of yn and jennie with jennie kissing yn’s cheek
#23. a video that rei took of yn just starring at a garbage can on fire (yn caught it on fire)
#24. a photo of her lower stomach star tattoo
#25. a photo of yn and her step dad in football jerseys after he forced yn to go to a game with him (she had a really good time)
#26. a photo of locket with edward cullen in it (she does it because she finds it funny how people always think it’s someone important in it just find edward)
#27. a video that wonyoung took of yn when she fell asleep with her head in her lap
#28. a photo of yn with her arms wrapped around liz
#29. video that ningning took when she went into aeri’s room only to find a yn and aeri sleeping on the floor with yn having stars drawn all over her.
#30. a video that leeseo too of yn stuffing chicken in her mouth ( “why do you always look sick?” “I don’t know, leave me alone.” “you sorta look malnourished.” “yeah? and guess what? your bias loves it and she’s still gonna love it after I drop her.” “you’re so mean!”)
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filmbyjy · 2 years
‘kissing them just to see their reaction’
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pairing: enhypen x fem!reader
summary: you and the boys are best friends and well, you wanted to see how kissing them would go.
warning: on jake’s part it’s a little suggestive so umm proceed with caution.
NOTE: saurr i’ve opened up my request box so feel free to request any headcannons or even imagines!
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lee heeseung
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side note: he looks small here😭😭
you and heeseung were hanging out peacefully in your living room. he was busy trying to beat the shit out of people in ‘call of duty’ so you were just left there scrolling on your phone. then a certain video comes on your ‘for you’ page.
the video was about two best friends and the girl best friend kissed the guy best friend to see his reaction. you fell into that pit of watching a lot of similar ones and so you looked up from your phone to peak up at heeseung.
he was busy furiously clicking on the buttons of the controller. you weren’t stupid, you knew your best friend was hot. he was every quality every girl wanted in a man and that included you. however, you knew heeseung didn’t like you that way. especially not when he didn’t show any signs of possibly liking you as more than a friend.
which is why you never made an effort to woo him but something tells you maybe you should give this challenge a try. you wanted to see how he’d react. besides, it can only go two ways. knowing heeseung, he’d either kiss you back or possibly sit there looking shocked with his widened bambi eyes before he shyly stutters and asks why you kissed him before admitting he doesn’t like you that way.
you hoped for the latter because although seeing the boy adorably get flustered, you weren’t ready to get rejected. taking this risk meant you’d be crossing a line between being more than friends. you sighed. heeseung takes notice, he pauses the game and turns to you.
“hey, what’s wrong?”
he nods before walking over to where you sat, “but I also know that if you say nothing then something is wrong. tell me what’s in that amazing mind of yours?”
should you take the risk? you looked straight into heeseung’s eyes. he tilts his head waiting for you to say what you wanted. which you don’t because you just went for it and gave him a peck on the lips. he did his bambi eyes just like you predicted. is he going to reject you? you can’t look at this, you stared down at your hand and nervously played with it.
“sorry, i shouldn’t have done that. i just saw a tiktok about two best friends kissing and i just wanted to see your reaction. i crossed the line, didn’t I?”
what you didn’t expect was for heeseung to place a finger under your chin and tilt your head up. he places a delicate kiss on your lips, it was short and sweet.
“i’ve always wanted to do that.” heeseung whispers once he pulls away.
“you did?”
“i’ve had a crush on you for a while now but I was scared you didn’t like me in that way.”
“heeseung. we are both idiots.” he places his forehead against yours and shuts his eyes. you shut your eyes too to bask in each other’s embrace.
“yeah, we are.”
park jongseong
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a/n: let me introduce you to some new thangs. get it cause ‘kick it’. ehem I’ll see myself out.
bless your soul, you have no idea how you managed to even be friends with this greek god of a man. who did you save in your past life to even get such treatment?
okay but enough with that. it was the start of the world tour period and so you decided to travel to Seoul to watch his concert. both you and jay had been childhood friends before he moved to Seoul to pursue his dreams of becoming an idol. it was sad because you missed him a lot. however, you realised would jay even remember you? what if he forgot about you?
you didn't have much thought as you were already on the way to the concert. you had special access as jay's mom had requested it when bang pd had invited them. you realised that it had been 11 years since you've last seen him. what was surprising was that he pulled you into a hug backstage when you joined his parents.
"i missed you." he muttered. you felt your heart race.
since you had a term break for your university, you decided to spend it in seoul for a few days. hence, you were staying with jay's parents for a short while before you flew back to seattle. so far they treated you with so much care and you felt loved. the next day after the concert, jay had gone over to his parent's house. it was his day off before he had to go on tour so he wanted to spend it with you.
"brought some snacks." jay holds up a plastic bag full of snacks. you smiled. he lets himself in and shuts the door behind. the both of you falling into a deep conversation whilst catching up with each other. jay kept rambling about i-land, about the boys, about the idol life etc.
it came to the point where you really wanted to see what would happen if you just possibly kiss him to see how he would react. which you stupidly did so. just one tiny peck on the lips. jay stops talking. his eyes were widened, his jaw dropped at how shocked he was.
“umm continue.” you say shyly. you were already blushing hard, your ears turning even more red by the second. jay gets over the initial shock, a smirk plastered onto his lips (which was hiding how much he was flustered)
“you like me don’t you?” jay teases.
“jay, can we not talk about it?”
“why not? didn’t like kissing me at all?” he pouts.
“jay, please. drop this subject, I’ve already embarrassed myself enough. moreover, I don’t expect you to like me back so-”
“who said I didn’t like you back?” jay says.
“huh?” jay didn’t say much because the next thing he does was pull you into a loving kiss.
sim jaeyun
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note: jake is not an idol here, just a normal aussie boy :)
it was a hot day, jake invited you to go swimming since he had a swimming pool in his backyard.
“you can change in my bedroom, I’ll change in the bathroom since I need to take off my, you know, underwear.”
“(name), the swimming trunks have an underwear inside. why would I wear another underwear over it. it’s uncomfortable.” (he was lying there was no underwear in those swim trunks, he went commando and is a free man)
“well, how am I supposed to know there was already an underwear inside. i’m not a guy.”
“yeah, I know. you walk around in your scandalous bikini set.”
10 minutes later, both you and jake were in the pool. swimming around and enjoying the cool water. until jake decided to go full on wwe on you and tried to tackle you.
“jaeyun!” you fell straight into the water. you yelled whilst swiping the water away from your eyes. jake laughs but pauses when he looks back at you. yup, he thought you were hot.
you walked closer to him and pointed a finger right on his bare chest. jake didn’t even comprehend the words you were muttering out, he knew you were lecturing him about tackling you in the pool. his hands suddenly wrapped around your waist. you gasped a little. it went silent between the both of you.
and that’s when your eyes flickered down onto his plump lips. how you’ve always dreamt of kissing them but you always thought your friendship was simply platonic. clearly it wasn’t because who would think of kissing their guy best friend.
you went for it and kissed him first. before he could even make the first move but then you realised…did he even want to kiss you? you pulled away after the short kiss and covered your mouth.
“I shouldn’t have done that. I am so sorry, jake.”
jake doesn’t say anything further before he pulls you back into another kiss, that conveyed his true feelings for you.
park sunghoon
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you and sunghoon were like sort of friends. the only way you befriended him was through jake. however, the only time you ever chatted with fine sculpted boy was when jake was around.
other times, you would not be caught talking to him. you preferred to keep your mouth shut. reason being, you were afraid of fooling yourself in front of him. there was no way of denying that sunghoon was attractive. moreover, he was your type. shy, introverted and has an adorable toothy smile.
you would rather just keep your mouth shut than to make a fool out of yourself. sunghoon too thought the same. he thought you looked pretty, he felt like you and him were meant to be. okay, maybe it was just because he fell in love at first sight but he will never admit it. anyways, today, you, jake and sunghoon were hanging out at jay’s house.
they wanted to play games jay’s newly bought console. courtesy of mr.park since he loved his son dearly. jay and jake were busy tapping at the controllers, screaming their heads off while you and sunghoon either watched them or were busy scrolling on your phones.
“hey, wanna play you two? we played too long, our hands are cramping up.” jay asks. you didn’t fancy playing video games but you wanted to try it so you took the controller and sat where jay previously sat. jake smirks.
“let’s make a deal.” jake suggests.
“what? no. i’m playing for fun, I’ve never played this before.”
“exactly, you get handicap benefits. sunghoon can also help you if you’d like.” jake winks. you turned to look back at sunghoon. he was sending glares at the boy beside you. when his eyes with yours, it softens.
“umm, if you want help. I can help.” he says.
“then can you help me?” you shyly asked.
“alright then, since you have sunghoon’s help. I’ll make the challenge harder. you have to kill the boss. like the top boss of this level.”
“bro, this level is hard though.” jay says.
“yeah I know but sunghoon said he beat this level before so it will be easier for (name) with his help.” jake explains.
“alright then. deal, sim jaeyun.” sunghoon says.
and so the game begins. jake plays the level but dies like 20 seconds later. he groans.
“alright your turn (name).” jake says.
it was your turn, sunghoon tries instructs you to do things. surprisingly, you were so far doing well. when there was a part you couldn’t do or figure out. sunghoon sat behind you and grabbed the controller to move your character around.
the boss level arrives and you were panicking while trying to defeat it. you yelled cusses while trying to beat it. sunghoon helps you through it and when it ends when the monster falls to the ground dead. your jaw drops. you turned to hugged sunghoon but miscalculated and accidentally kissed him right on the lips.
okay maybe it wasn’t a miscalculation, you knew he was near to you and you wanted to see what happened if you kissed him. either ways, your eyes ‘widened’ and you quickly pulled away. you gasp and frantically apologised to the boy. even the two boys that were there had their eyes widened. they were shocked at what they witnessed.
“oh my god, this is embarrassing. sunghoon, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to do that I swear-” you felt a pair of lips on yours again.
you hear gasps behind and beside you. jay and jake’s jaw dropped even more at the bold action sunghoon did. your hands fall around sunghoon’s neck, you kissed him happily.
“okay okay! stop kissing you two! god, I don’t wanna have to bleach my damn eyes.” jay says. both you and sunghoon pulled apart.
“you two are disgustingly cute but at the same time just eww.” jake fake gags.
“you are just jealous, I have a girlfriend now.” sunghoon proudly says.
kim sunoo
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sunoo runs around the art store, trying to help you find what you needed. he has a sugar rush so you thought it was smart of you to use the energetic boy.
“here. pencils for shading.” he says. you thanked him. he runs off again and you just watched him.
“i’m surprised he actually willingly wanted to do it for you.” jay nudges at you.
“it’s probably the (name) effect again. sunoo likes you.” jake adds.
“pfftt very funny. there is no way sunoo likes me.” you say. the two older boys rolled their eyes.
“yeah sure. just so you know, even if he has sugar rush, he would never be caught helping any of us.”
“well too bad. maybe treat him nicer and stop teasing him then he will like you.” you stuck out your tongue.
“that’s not the only reason. it’s because you are you and sunoo likes that.” jay says.
“enough. there is zero possibility of sunoo liking me.”
“whatever you say.”
“(name) (name)!! I found those fancy colouring pencils that you’ve been talking about!!”
“oh my, I’ve been wanting these for so long…” you noticed the price tag. “it’s too pricey. come on boys, let’s go. you have practice.”
just when you were about leave the store, sunoo comes up behind you and places in the colour pencils that you wanted so much. you quickly realised that it was already paid.
“save it. I wanna gift you this since you’ve always wanted it soooo much.”
“once again, kim sunoo strikes at buying a gift for (name).” jay says. you rolled your eyes.
“how about I reward you!” you say to sunoo.
“oooo what reward-”
you pecked sunoo’s lips. he gasps and covers his mouth. even the two older boys were in shock.
“(name)…” jake says.
“d-do you like me too?” sunoo says.
“maybe…” sunoo pecks your lips a couple more times and hugs you excitedly.
“eeeekkk, (name) is my girlfriend now!!” the boy shouts.
yang jungwon
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“you know jungwon, I really don’t get how flexible you are.” you wince watching the boy stretch his legs almost easily doing the splits.
jungwon shrugs, "i did taekwondo for years. why wouldn't i be flexible?"
"you're right. i shouldn't doubt your skills."
jungwon snorts. he huffs and gets into position.
"alright. you said you wanted to learn how to do 'pass the mic'?"
you realise what you've gotten yourself into. you awkwardly stood still.
"umm, i won't break my ankles right?"
"no but there is a possibility of spraining it. which is why you should stretch properly."
you hummed, "then, teach me."
jungwon smiles. he teaches you how to do the dance. it was extremely hard and you tripped like so many times. thankfully, jungwon catches you all the time without fail.
you tripped for the tenth time and jungwon catches you.
"you know...i'm starting to think you're purposely falling for me." jungwon jokes.
you blushed, "shut up, i'm just clumsy."
"sure, you usually don't fall this much. especially in school."
"well, i'm not an idol so obviously i am not used to this. besides, we were in a debating club together!"
"yeah whatever. wanna do it from the top again?"
"will you lead?"
and so you and jungwon get into positions. the song starting to play and you followed jungwon. just about halfway through the song when you were getting into it, you tripped again. this time, you dragged jungwon along with you.
accidentally pecking him right on the lips in the process. you gasp.
"is this your way of telling me, you have a crush on me (name)?" jungwon asks.
"what? what do you mean? i don't have a crush on you!"
"mhm sure~~" jungwon teases. you were feeling flustered but you could only think of one thing to do and that was to kiss yang jungwon right on the lips again.
the boy was initially in shock but got over it quickly. his hands reach out to place right on your cheeks so he could really kiss you back. you pulled away.
"let's go out on a date." jungwon quickly mutters.
nishimura riki
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it was a tradition to go to a bowling alley every once in a while with ni-ki since he constantly begged the boys. unfortunately, with busy schedules, they were unable to do so.
instead, ni-ki begged you. his extremely close 'friend'. reason why there is a quotation mark on your friendship is because sure you and ni-ki were friends but it was clear he treated you as more than friends.
he was more touchy with you as compared to everyone. you weren't opposed to dating ni-ki though since you liked him too. however, the boy made you feel confused. as such, you decided you wanted to confirm the relationship you two had.
"here you go. it's your turn first." ni-ki hands you a bowling ball perfect for you.
"thank you." you rolled the ball down the lane and knocked down a few pins. ni-ki was proud so he high-fived you for doing well. you collected the spare soon after.
"you're getting good. you may even be able to beat jay hyung in bowling." ni-ki says.
you snort, "i thought you said you don't really play bowling anymore? why are we here together then?"
"because...i wanted to spend my time with you."
you shoved the boy, clearly you were flustered. ni-ki smirks.
"watch this." ni-ki rolls the ball and gets a strike.
"great job, ni-ki but this isn't over."
"oh so it turned into a competition? alright, then. let's do this."
and so a competition between you and ni-ki starts. a small bet was created where the winner would get to do whatever they wanted. however, you were losing. you huffed. maybe it wasn't too smart to challenge ni-ki. knowing his competitive nature, it made it harder.
ni-ki notices how hard you wanted to win this bet. hence, he started to slow down. he pretended to do bad for the rest of the rounds, purposely rolling the ball to the gutter or getting lesser pins. in the end, you won.
you jumped up excitedly and ni-ki smiles.
"I WIN!!"
"beginner's luck." ni-ki says before bending slightly down to your height. you rolled your eyes. "what do you want then?"
that's when ni-ki felt your lips against his. it was just a mere small peck. you instantly hid your face with your hands. ni-ki stares at you in shock but a smile creeps up. he pulls you into a hug.
"i see, you wanted a boyfriend."
"shut up!"
"well, if that's what you want...i guess i could be yours." he says whilst a smile playing on his lips.
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Pairing: Charles X Rockstar Cherrie!
Word count: 13k
Summary: in which she’s a rockstar. He’s a fan. And her four year old daughter just wants to find her a new man. Hence plan break in is formed.
When he looked back at the day that started his whole not so 'meet cute' romance , full of not so smooth flirting and more than what should be legally allowed awkwardness , Charles realised that none of it would have ever had taken place if he hadn't had been so careless and forgotten to close his door behind him .
It had been a normal Tuesday , nothing out of the ordinary as he dragged himself out from his comfortable couch and over to the door reluctantly, to pull in his heavy package that had just been delivered to him. A brand new gaming chair that he had been putting off buying, only leaving it the very last second when his old chair had finally snapped underneath his weight and almost broken his back as it sent him flying to the floor in a ungracefully heap while he was live streaming last night.
A incident that he would now never be able to forget , seeing as people would not stop tagging him in the now viral video of him folding in-half like a iron board , topped off with a humiliating girly screech of fear as he did so.
Not his finest moment but also not his worst. Just another humiliation that he was trying to forget , by stuffing his face with a bag of cheesy tortilla's and watching Tik toks to pass the time until his delivery finally arrived.
Dressed in old checkered boxers and an even older faded white shirt that was stained with toothpaste, sweat and paint? His messy hair was sticking up in several directions as he tiredly yawned , putting all of his strength into dragging the heavy box that contained his new chair , out from the hallway and into his apartment instead.
Grunting like a overworked builder as he pushed at it until it began to slide against his wooden floorway and into his front room instead, his front door still wide open as he focused on not folding in half over the heavy box too.
He could hear the faint sound of hammering and then some drilling coming from the apartment opposite his own, a new neighbour that he had yet to meet having moved in a little over a week ago
Now. No doubt still getting settled and getting their things sorted in their home , Charles wondered briefly to who it could be .
Someone with money obviously , he just hoped that it was someone that would leave him alone and let him have his peace. If someone came knocking at his door late at night asking for sugar, he was not going to answer it. Manners be damned.
His friends might have called him anti social, Charles liked to think of himself as...a lover of peace and quiet . He already had a million eyes on him at the track almost every other week , he didn't need any of that forced socialising to follow him back home either.
As soon as that door closed behind him, he returned to being a simple man. Covered in cheesy tortilla dust and questionable stains . That was the way that he liked it . Alone .
He had come to love his me time with himself , no expectations and no need to talk to people that he had absolutely no interest in talking to.
So you could only imagine his shock and absolute horror as he went to turn around and walk back into his hell away to close his front door and found a four year old stood right behind him instead . Like something straight out of a horror movie.
Staring up at him with big bambi eyes and a terrifying smirk on her chubby face , Charles was not proud of the noise that escaped his mouth at the sight of his unexpected guest.
A mix between a loud shriek and a girly scream , jumping almost six feet in the air as he flung his arms around his head in fear . Tripping over his own two feet as he gasped loudly and clung tightly onto the back of his couch to stop himself from falling flat onto his face again.
"What the fuck!" He yelled out in shock, panting loudly as he tried not to have a heart attack right there and then.
Eyes widening in pure shock as he gaped down at the giggling child in front of him, in his own apartment .. grinning like a little devil , leaving him in absolute disbelief.
With two messy pigtails and rosy cheeks , dressed in the cutest cat pyjamas that he had ever seen. The child simply giggled and said "bad word!" While laughing hysterically. Hands linked behind her tiny back as she swung them from side to side , tilting her head up at him cutely.
Charles didn't know if he was hallucinating or having a nightmare. Because the last time he checked , he did not have a child. Certainly not in his apartment either!
Who the hell's child was this?! He cautiously lowered his defensive arms from his face and eyed her warily , clearing his throat awkwardly after a moment of just looking at her in silent disbelief.
His mouth opening and closing several times before he finally managed to splutter out a "who are you?" Not knowing what the hell he was supposed to do or say in this strange situation that he had found himself in.
The kid just beamed up a him , oblivious to the terror that she was causing him.
"I'm star. You look silly." She then proceeded to inform him , looking judgmentally at his stuck up hair and stained shirt, then giving another long glance towards his 3D pig slippers that he had slipped on while getting his door.
Charles frowned down at her in disbelief. Was he getting insulted by a random child in his own home? One that should definitely not be there?! He couldn't believe this.
He looked at his glass of lemonade on the table and wondered if perhaps he had somehow been spiked.
What the hell was in those vitamins that he had taken this morning?!
"And you look like a child that is not mine. Where have you come from?" He tried to sweeten his voice , even bending down to reach her level . Giving her a strained smile as his heart raced in pure panic , his mind running through every terrible scenario possible.
Someone had kidnapped a child and was going to frame him with it. He looked at his package that had his new gaming chair in it. Had she come from there? Was this a new crime going around?! Were children being stuffed in gaming chair boxes in some sick underground crime ring?! Was he about to be swatted?!
He eyed the cute kid in front of him and swallowed nervously , not knowing what to do. Seconds away from a panic attack while she just smiled at him like she wasn't completely scaring the shit out of him.
Star just shrugged her little shoulders at him , not answering his question. Instead she shoved past his crouched self and wandered over to his wall full of pictures and stopped in front of his favourite one.
She looked up at the large golden framed magazine cover that he had blown up years ago when it had first came out , a toothy grin taking over her chubby face as she pointed at it with a giggle.
"Why do you have a picture of mommy on your wall?" The innocent question made him freeze in his place.
The blood draining from his face as he slowly pushed up from his frozen crouched position , turning to gape at star in shock. Frowning deeply as he wondered if he was hearing things now too. Because there was no way that she had just said what he think she said.
She did have a Spanish accent. Maybe it was that.
He looked at the picture she was looking at on his wall. Frowning in complete confusion as the four year old continued to tap at it impatiently.
It was a picture of Cherrie . One of his favourite rockstars in the world. She was a Spanish rockstar that had rose to stardom when she was just eighteen years old. She had been a instant hit all across the globe . In her tight leather and endless hair , her tattoos and her bad attitude. She was a rockstar through and through.
And Charles loved her. Had admired her and had been crushing on her since the first time that he had ever watched a video of her performing live in front of a crowd of thousands of people, looking like a absolute rock goddess as she danced around the stage in tight leather shorts and a tiny studded bra , tattoos littered up her arms and neck. They covered nearly her whole body too , Charles had been hypnotised as he watched her smirk like some sort of siren, looking straight into the camera with her smoky eyes as she sang huskily about ripping out some mans heart just for fun.
It was safe to say that Charles had been hooked ever since. He had listened to every song  . Bought every single album. Every single piece of merch that she came out with. He practically lived in one of her tour hoodies from over a year ago when his friends had surprised him with tickets for his birthday, a night that had been the best night of his life so far.
He was obsessed with her . A huge fucking fan, just like everybody else in the world. She was the woman of his dreams.
And the picture on his wall was of cherrie's Rolling Stones cover , of her straddling a Harley bike in tiny studded, denim shorts and a cut up guns n roses shirt. Her curls teased and reaching down to her waist messily, the two steaks of her hair beside her ears coloured a bright Ferrari red. Charles like to dream about that , sighing in awe at the photo every time he passed by it.
He had almost forgotten about the small fact that Cherrie was also a mother of a now four year old. A child that she shared with a famous underground boxer from a fleeting relationship that the two had together years ago.
And apparently said child was in his apartment , staring up at him impatiently as she waited for an answer to why he had a picture of her apparent mother up on his wall.
Charles took a closer look at her cute little features and swallowed thickly , feeling like he could faint.
Same glossy eyes... same dimples and button nose. Even the same mischievous smirk and unruly hair.. same Spanish accent and judgmental side eye.
Yes. He could see it now. There was no mistaking who this child was.
He inhaled sharply "oh my god." Was all he could stutter out fearfully. Hands clutching at his face as he stared down at cherries child in absolute disbelief , heart beating rapidly in his chest.
The four year old just giggled at the look on his face , completely unbothered by his panic.
"We're neighbours. What's your name?" She then asked him. Turning around suddenly and Wandering over to his couch. Climbing up it and making herself comfortable .
Charles stood frozen where he was, blinking at the four year old in disbelief. Not knowing what to do.
"Charles. Er- I think you need to go home. Your mommy will be worried about you." He finally snapped out of his speechlessness enough to form a full sentence to her .
Warily eyeing his still open front door, unable to believe the fact that Cherrie was apparently his new neighbour that he had been avoiding meeting.
If he had known that she was the one moving on their , he would have been the one at her door asking for some sugar. He just couldn't believe this.
And now he had her child walking into his home and making herself comfortable on his couch, picking up his half full bag of cheesy tortillas that he had left. Swinging her feet up and down happily as she munched on them messily , completely unbothered.
Star glanced over at him boredly "mommy was building a cabinet for all of her awards. My mommy wins a lot of those. Why do you have some?" She bluntly said , pointing over at his own shelves of awards curiously . Looking up at him with her big bambi eyes.
Charles crumbled and sighed quietly , scratching at his arm awkwardly as he cautiously eyed her while walking into his kitchen. Grabbing her a bottle of water and a straw too, he quickly uncapped the bottle and shoved the straw into it before handing it to her carefully.
"The tortillas are a little dry. Sip the water so that you don't choke." He advised her gently in concern as he watched the way she was wolfing them down like a starved animal. Crossing his fingers and praying that she didn't have any allergies .
The four year old eyed him "I want fanta. Not water." She told him , unimpressed. Not accepting the water as she looked at him impatiently "and you didn't answer my question." She reminded him crossly.
Charles wondered if her little attitude and short temper was from her rockstar mother or her boxing champion father. He really didn't know who he was more afraid of .
He sighed "well I don't have Fanta. Sorry. And those are trophy's from races that I won." He told her , leaving the bottle of water on the table in front of her instead.
She gasped excitedly "you run really fast?!" She exclaimed looking impressed now at the thought of him being some type of Olympic runner.
Charles laughed at that, shaking his head in amusement . "No. Racing cars. I drive in formula one. Have you heard of that?" He asked her curiously , glancing at his still open door again. Knowing that he needed to work up the guts and courage to knock at their door to inform Cherrie that he had her daughter soon.
This was not at all how he dreamed of meeting her. In his dreams he was confident and smooth, maybe they'd meet after one of her concerts and she'd just look at him and fall in love just like that. Like the movies.
But instead he had harsh reality where he was awkward , terrified and had her sassy little four year old judging him in his own apartment that she had wandered into. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
She let out a disappointed noise, frowning at him. "Oh." She let out making him frown back at her, offended by her lacklustre reaction. "Yeah. Mommy watches it sometimes." She told him.
Charles felt himself light up in excitement , cheeks flushing at the thought of the love of his life watching him race and seeing him on her tv . Oh wow. He grinned . "Really?!"
Star nodded her little head, smirking at him mischievously. "Yeah. She loves Mercedes! She knows Lewis!"
Charles smile dropped. A scowl taking over his face as he pursed his lips disapprovingly . Sniffing "lovely. Just lovely." He muttered with a sigh , that being the wake up call he needed to get his ass across the hall before stars boxer father beat his face in for having his four year old in his apartment without their knowledge.
Charles had heard that Leon was a really nice guy, apparently the exact opposite of what he looked like. But everybody had their limit and Charles quite liked his face the way it was.
So he sighed , terrified and pointed to their apartment. "I'm going to go get your mom. Are you coming?" He looked back at the four year old refusing to get up from his couch in exasperation.
Star just giggled and shook her head, picking up his the remote and putting on cartoon instead.
"No. I like it here." Was all she declared before laying down on his couch, not longer giving him her attention.
Charles just shook his head in disbelief and turned around , rubbing at his face with a long, loud sigh as he hesitantly eyed their closed front door in front of him. Trying to work up the courage to Knock.
"I can do this." He muttered to himself encouragingly , breathing in and out "just be cool. I can be cool. Just say hello and-" his self talk was brought to a abrupt halt as the door in front of him suddenly swung open.
Cherrie pausing from where she had been about to burst out of her foot in a panic , looking at the man in front of her door talking to himself In surprise.
She instantly recognised him and held herself back from instinctively punching him, having worried for a moment that he was some crazy stranger at her door.
"Were you talking to yourself?" She amusedly questioned him. Eyeing his own opened door behind his frozen body and relaxing for a moment, having a good idea to where her naughty daughter had ran off to.
Star had been going on and on about wanting to meet their neighbour since they moved in last week and each time that Cherrie refused her requests to knock at his door to say hello, her four year old grew more and more annoyed at her. Because her child was a Annoyingly curious kid who wouldn't rest until she had dissected the lives and brains of everyone she met.
She was a little gossiper who wanted to know everything about everybody. She was also a little shit who liked to wind people up for the fun of it, just like her mother. She had gotten her mean and sarcastic sense of humour.
Which was why she had lied about her mother's favourite f1 team being Mercedes , knowing fully well their Cherrie loved Ferrari just as much as the next person. She had just wanted to see Charles face when she said it. Unbeknownst to the poor driver that she had set her traps on winding up.
But he didn't need to know that. Yet.
He took one wide eyed look at her pretty face and teasing smirk and choked up, blinking rapidly as he blurted out "I have your child!" Sounding like a complete phsycopath.
Cherrie watched in pure amusement As Charles went bright red in front of her, his panic written across his poor face as he stuttered to correct himself, looking horrified.
"I mean- not like that! That sounded like a ransom threat or something!" He laughed out awkwardly , unable to meet her eyes. "I have definitely not kidnapped her! I promise!-I just- my door and- my chair and -" he was a horrifying mess , unable to even speak.
Cherrie finally took pity on him after a long minute of watching him stammer about doors and chairs and not being a criminal. Giggling a little at how cute he was, she shook her head at him fondly .
"Charles, stop panicking. I had a feeling that she would do this. She's been wanting to meet our new neighbour all week. I guess she decided to break into your place instead of waiting any longer." She said apologetically, patting Charles on the shoulder gently in hopes of calming him down.
He went even redder if it was possible. Gulping at the feeling of her hands on his bare arm, he let out a awkward laugh and scratched at the back of his neck. Brain spinning for something to say and coming up short as he looked at her , stood in front of him in denim shorts and a tight metallica tank top. All of her tattoos proudly on display, her thick and unruly hair piled up ontop of her head in a messy knot.
She looked like a wet dream. Charles still felt like he could faint. Sweat gathering at the back of his neck as he swallowed thickly , trying to shovel up any remaining confidence that he had.
Which was not very much at all.
"Oh . Okay. Well she's on my couch eating cheesy tortillas . she's not allergic to them or anything is she?" He said in slight worry , crossing his arms in front of his chest slowly.
Becoming increasingly aware of how he looked right then. He grimaced in embarrassment as he looked down at himself in his old checkered boxer shorts and stained shirt, pig slippers on his feet. Of all days to look like this... he groaned internally . Pierre was going to have a field day over this when he told him.
Cherrie laughed softly , looking at him with a smile. "No. No. I'm sorry that she's stealing your food and breaking into your home. She just does whatever the hell she wants to I'm afraid." She sighed , reminding herself to scold her mischievous four year old later.
Charles just chuckled "it's okay. She did deny my water though. She wanted Fanta." He told her as he led her into his apartment . Giving a anxious look towards her as she slid past him confidently , not at all phased by the sudden situation that she had found herself In.
"Star baby..." she called over to her daughter with a raise of her brow , crossing her arms over her chest and attempting to give her a stern look despite how amused she felt at the absolute balls her child had.
Star paused with a chocolate in her hand, having ran into the kitchen and broke into his candy stash while Charles was busy embarrassing himself in front of her mother.
Looking like butter wouldn't melt on a stick as she quickly shoved the chocolate into her mouth, smiling innocently up at Cherrie as her cheeks bulged from the chocolate.
She tried to talk with her mouth full "Charles- as-a-ooofff- you-" they could barely make out a word that she was trying to say.
Charles chuckled in amusement , shaking his head in amazement at how confident the four year old was to just invade his kitchen like she owned the place despite having never even met him before today.
Cherrie grimaced at stars lack of manners , shooting Charles a apologetic glance. She tried not to laugh when he blushed and quickly looked away from her as soon as she met his gaze which had already been on her.
So cute. She mentally cooed. Surprised af herself for thinking so.
She usually found herself attracted to the rough around the edges, tattooed and twice her size, looked like they could kill someone and probably had daddy issues , kind of men.
So it was a nice surprise to feel those familiar butterflies fly around her stomach as soon as she glimpsed at his bashful smile , his cheeks a lovely rosy red that would match his car perfectly. Huh. Who would have thought.
Not her, that was for sure. She looked away from him and back to her daughter with a small smile, pushing away the weird and sudden urge that she had felt to give Charles a hug. He just looked so huggable.
What the hell was wrong with her? She found her men fuckable, not huggable! Was this some type of mid twenties crisis that she was entering? Finding men that she would usually not gravitate towards to so yummy all of a sudden?
Oh my god. She inhaled subtly and kept her calm and cool facade. She was the one cool one. The untouchable woman that ate men like him for breakfast.
She fixed her face and reminded herself of the bad bitch that she was.
"What have I told you about talking with your mouth full star? Don't do that please." She told her daughter sternly. Leaning over to wipe the corners of her four year olds mouth with a tissue that she pulled out of her pocket. She was a mother after all. She was always prepared for messes like this.
Charles tried not to grin when the sassy child side eyed him as she swallowed the stolen chocolate messily, her chubby stained cheeks evidence that that was not the only chocolate that she had stolen before they arrived back.
"Charles has your picture on the wall mommy! Look!" She snitched on him immediately, giggling naughtily when Charles face paled, his eyes going wide in embarrassment.
He looked over at a grinning Cherrie in panic, heart racing in his chest as he tried to explain himself quickly.
"Not weirdly! I'm just- I just- I like your music." He blurted out , mortified.
Cherrie looked at the sexy Rolling Stones cover that he had blown up on his wall in amusement , feeling her chest go all gooey. Aww. Someone had a little crush on her. How cute.
She snorted "I don't think it's only my music that you like." She teased him confidently , ever the flirt.
Charles just groaned in embarrassment and covered his burning face with his hands , unable to take it anymore. He wanted the Earth to open up and swallow him whole.
She then walked carefully over to his trophy's and awards , raising a impressed brow as she looked through them all.
Humming quietly to herself "a world champion yet?"
He hesitantly walked over to her, standing by her side as he glanced for a moment over to her daughter to see her sneaking off the couch and running back into his kitchen to steal some more chocolate again.
He shook his head in amusement , hiding a grin as he looked away from the four year old and pretended not to notice her stealing his extremely expensive box of chocolates from Dubai.
"Not yet." He simply answered her. Fiddling with his fingers as he glanced shyly at her.
Cherrie just hummed again, smirking to herself as she looked back at him. "Soon?" She casually asked again.
He laughed softly "hopefully yes. That's the dream"
She patted his shoulder gently as she moved around him to kneel down to his record player instead, starting to thumb throw his records nosily.
Charles could see where her daughter had gotten it from. The both of them confidently going around his home like they owned the place. It made his stomach fuzzy. He wished that he had a inch of that confidence.
Cherrie seemed to agree as she told him "say that with some more confidence in yourself Charles. You'll never win otherwise." Speaking from experience herself. She wasn't a record breaking Grammy winner for no reason.
He slowly nodded his head with a small smile , leaning against the wall behind him as he watched her pull out all three vinyl's of her albums. Holding them in her tattooed hands with a surprised look on her pretty face, she glanced up at him with a soft smile
"You really do like my music huh? Not just my good lucks?" She was surprised. Not picturing Charles as someone that would listen to her type of music.
He laughed bashfully , biting on the inside of his cheek to hold back his starstruck grin.
"Yeah." He breathed out through his laugh, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I already told you that. Your lucks are just a great bonus." He tried to joke, his shyness making him a little quieter than necessary.
But luckily Cherrie was close enough to hear every mumbled word . She grinned up at him, pleasantly surprised by his humour.
"Amen to that!" She laughed as she stood back up, casually walking over to the couch and taking a seat. She laid out the vinyls next to her and picked up the first one.
"Star! Put those chocolates down and have a drink of this water please!" She called over to her daughter without even glancing her way.
Charles chuckled as he watched star freeze with her hands half way in the large chocolate box, sat cross legged on his kitchen floor beside a open cupboard that she had raided.
She frowned and then immediately looked at Charles with a pout , widening her eyes at him and blinking rapidly . "Please-" she started to plead.
Cherrie warned her "Star-"
Charles took one look at the four year olds pouting face and big bambi eyes and crumpled, "it's okay. She can have them. I wasn't going to eat them anyway." He lied. He had payed €500 euro for them, he was saving them for a special day. But this seemed like one anyways.
It wasn't everyday that he got to have his favourite rockstar and her cute daughter in his home.
Star cheered loudly , grinning up at him with one of her teeth missing. Dimples creasing her chubby cheeks. Charles heart melted at the sight.
Cherrie picked up a pen from his table and started to sign the vinyls for him, shaking her head in amusement at how her daughter somehow already managed to have poor Charles wrapped around her tiny finger already.
"Say thank you Star. And get up off the floor please." She muttered to her as she focused on her task in front of her.
Charles silently walked over to the four year old on his kitchen floor . He carefully closed the wide open cabinet beside her and held out his hand to help her up.
Star looked up at him with a cheeky grin , whispering to him hopefully "will you have Fanta next time I come here?"
Charles chuckled , he had to. His heart already giddy at the thought of them coming around again. God. He felt like he was dreaming.
Where had this luck been for him last season? He really could have done with it then. Maybe he would have been a world champion already.
"Okay. But take a sip of the water , yes? It's good to stay hydrated." He told her gently . His heart melting as her small hand slid into his own, gently pulling her off the floor and leading her back over to the couch.
She sighed dramatically as he held onto her hand while she climbed up onto the other couch that was opposite her mother. Passing her the bottle of water carefully , making sure that she didn't spill it.
"Okay but Fanta is hydrating too Charles." She told him straight . Hinting at him not so subtly.
Both he and Cherrie laughed , Cherrie glancing over at him with a smile. "I'm sorry about her. She's got a bit of an attitude. All confidence , no subtlety I'm afraid. Not afraid of anyone or anything." She told him.
Star glanced over to her mother with a identical cheeky  smirk to her own. . "Daddy said that it's because I'm just like you."
Cherrie just rolled her eyes fondly "daddy's a idiot. Drink your water." She told her . Then she turned her attention back to a amused Charles with a smile.
She passed him the signed vinyls silently , Charles taking them from her curiously . His smile widening as he glanced down to see her pretty handwriting sprawled across them . 
"For my biggest fan." She teased him.
He blushed, laughing sheepishly as he carefully took a seat beside her on the couch. So close that he could smell her vanilla perfume.
"Thank you. I would sign something for you but Star told me that you're a Mercedes fan." He stated. His eyes scanning her pretty face , unable to look away.
He took in her button nose that had two small, silver  hoop piercings on the left side. Pouty lips painted a dark red , her dark eyes smoky with dark liner. Makeup perfect as usual.
That picture on his wall was beautiful. But to have her in front of him like this ... to be able to count each freckle on her cheeks and see the creases by her shiny eyes when she smiled.. it simply took his breath away.
She was otherworldly and Charles felt like a giddy schoolboy with a crush, trying not to giggle and blush as she looked at him with a smirk, shaking her pretty head in amusement .
"My daughter likes to wind people up for her own sick amusement." She informed him. A little too proudly. But she couldn't help it.
How many other people had a four year old that was confident , sarcastic and liked to take the piss out of people for fun? Especially a racing driver? She was proud of her little sassy pants . She really was.
Charles was surprised , looking over to a giggling Star with his mouth dropped open. "And did she get that from you too? That was so mean Star!" He exclaimed , laughing.
The four year old simply stuck out her tongue at him, stuffing her face with his chocolates again now that she was finished with the water.
Cherrie just shrugged slyly "maybe. Were you hoping that I'd be a Ferrari fan?" She teased him, nudging his shoulder with her own gently.
Charles breath hitched at the contact, trying to play it cool. He knew that he failed as soon as he saw her little smirk, but he still tried anyways.
"Maybe. Are you not?" He really hoped that she was.
Cherrie messed with him a little, she just couldn't help it when he looked so cute . Looking up at her like she was some kind of goddess. His lips parted not so subtly , barely blinking as he gazed at her with shiny eyes. His cheeks having never lost their red tint since she had arrived.
She was so used to these arrogant and tough men that surrounded her. The type that didn't giggle. Didn't go red just from looking at her. Didn't fluster in her presence. Didn't crumple from just one smile.
It was refreshing to meet Charles and see someone like him, someone who was already so admired and loved by the rest of the world . Ferraris golden boy so clearly crushing on her... it made her heart sing and as she felt those butterflies swarm her chest and she could think was , oh boy. I think I'm falling in love again...
"I could be persuaded." She finally muttered after just gazing at his pretty face for a long moment. Admired his pretty eyes and even prettier smile. God, it should be illegal for a man to look like this. How the hell was she just supposed to get up and go back to her rockstar men now?
The answer was simple. She couldn't . But she wasn't going to give him it that easy. That just wasn't her style.
She could have a little fun with him yet..
With that thought in mind she swiftly got up from the couch and casually patted his head , giving him one last smirk and a mischievous wink that had Charles gaping up at her in awe. Heart racing in his chest at the mere sight of her.
"Come on Star. It's late and we've still got unpacking to do." She held out her hand for her daughter to take. The four year old quickly jumping down from the couch with her stolen chocolate box in her other hand, taking her mommy's hand and grinning toothily at the still frozen Charles happily.
"Bye bye Charlie! I'll bring my teddies tomorrow and we can have a tea party!" She told him loudly . Looking excited as she beamed at him.
Cherrie looked at her daughter and then at Charles with a slight grimace . "Charles is a really busy guy baby.. I don't think that he-" she was about to let her down. Not expecting Charles to want to take time out of his day to play with her crazy little daughter who had already broken into his home today.
But Charles surprised her again. He quickly shook his head and stood up, following them to the door with a warm smile on his lips .
"It's okay! We can play." He smiled at a excited Star softly before looking at Cherrie with wide eyes "if that's okay with you obviously-" he panicked.
Cherrie quickly calmed him down with a giggle, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear and swallowing . Unable to believe how kind and nice he was being towards them.
The butterflies turns into a whole damn zoo.
"Are you sure? She can be a lot? And I do have a meeting tomorrow afternoon-"
Charles shook his head with a smile, gently placing his hand on her arm and squeezing softly . "I really don't mind. It'll be fun! I was only going to game anyway! My friend Pierre will be coming over sometime tomorrow too. You can definitely make him Join our tea party." He slyly told the four year old who gasped excitedly, grinning mischievously up at him.
"I'll make him wear a tiara!" She exclaimed. Charles high fiving her quickly.
Cherrie just grinned s the pair of them fondly "okay." She breathed out. Not knowing what to do with these new, sudden feelings she had . "I er- I'll come over with her in the morning then. I can't stay long because of the meeting but her dad will pick her up about four? Is that okay?" She said to him hopefully. Not used to the guys that she liked taking any interest in her daughter too.
Her overconfidence and attitude usually scares them away. They were identical in that sense seeing as guys were usually that way about her too.
Charles tried not to let his fear show at the thought of Stars father , Leon, the same Leon that had knocked out many a man in just one round in the ring. The same Leon that looked absolutely terrifying from what he could remember.
He just kept smiling at her, pushing his intimidating thoughts aside. "Yeah that's okay! Is he-" he hesitated . Glancing at a distracted Star for a moment before looking back at Cherrie "is he okay with me looking after her? I don't want to upset him or anything-" he liked his nose as it was.
Cherrie just waved off his concern with a grin "oh yeah he'll be fine with it! I'll let him know, so don't worry! He's actually a fan of yours . So if anything he'll be excited!" She told him happily .
She then leant in to give him a hug and Charles brain short circuited. His breath hitching in his throat as he hesitantly hugged her back, breathing in her sweet perfume before she pulled away.
She smiled at him and Charles knew then that he was completely and utterly fucked.
"Fanta tomorrow please Charlie!" Star grinned up at him as she suddenly wrapped him up in a hug too, copying her mother. She squeezed him tightly , barely reaching his hips.
His smile softened as he  bent down and hugged her back affectionately. Giving her a small squeeze back bedore ruffling her hair softly and pulling away.
By the time they had all said their goodbyes and a impatient star dragged Cherrie away with a demand to play with her dolls, Charles was left in a daze as he slowly closed the door behind him with a star struck sigh.
Unable to believe what the hell had just happened to him. He crossed his fingers over his heart and prayed to whoever was listening that tomorrow went as well as today did too. Maybe he'd find some magical confidence out of nowhere too and ask her out.
A man could dream.
The next morning found Cherrie stood in front of her largest mirror , double checking herself over and over again as she fiddled with her now straightened hair for the hundredth time in a matter of minutes, huffing to herself. Not satisfied at all.
Her four year old daughter was sat at the end of her bed in a poofy , bright red sparkly gown and a obnoxiously large crown on her little head that kept nearly falling off every time she moved around to look at something. Cherrie had tried to convince her to wear something more casual and comfortable, only getting a judgmental look in response.
Star was a spoiled princess and she intended to look like one too. Cherrie supposed that she only had herself to blame for that. She didn't get those diamonds and pretty ball gowns from a ghost after all. She had them custom made for her princess , sparkles and all. She just couldn't help it. She loved her baby .
"Are you nervous to see Charlie again mommy?" Star finally called her out after another few minutes of watching her mother fiddle with her long hair again, unable to remove herself away from the mirror.
Cherrie paused in her faffing , looking over her shoulder at her smirking four year old with narrowed eyes. Sometimes she hated how perceptive Star was .
What kind of four year old could call her out on her bullshit constantly like this? It was unbelievable. Nothing could escape her curious gaze.
"No. Of course not. Mommy doesn't get nervous." She lied as she adjusted her chest in the tight tank top that she was wearing , making sure that she looked good. Wearing some cute ripped denim shorts too, she quickly slid on some beat up Converse as she eyed the time .
Star giggled at her mischievously "you get nervous when you think they're cute. Katie said that you like boys with accents too. Charles had a accent mommy." She told her matter of factly , smugness written across her chubby face.
Cherrie mentally cursed out her gossiping best friend and nosy four years old daughter that had gotten it into her mind that she wanted her mother to have a new boyfriend now .
It was embarrassing, having her toddler basically wingman for her. Star had once walked straight up to a Spanish footballer that she had heard Cherrie giggling about to her friends , she has then proceeded to bluntly tell said footballer that her mother found him 'hot when he was sweaty' and then asked him if 'he had a girlfriend and did he want one because her mommy didn't have a boyfriend either!'.
Cherrie had never been more mortified than she has that night. Dragging her loudmouth daughter away before she could do anymore damage . Calling over her shoulder to the shell shocked footballer that her daughter was crazy and to ignore every single thing that he had just been told.
It was another reason why Cherrie tried to keep Star away from people. She was determined to find her mommy a man, she was insufferable. And Cherrie completely blamed her mother and best friend who never shut up about her still being single.
Every dinner it was the same old 'why haven't you settled down yet?' Along with a confused 'you can have any man you want cherrie! Why are you coming home empty handed again?!'
Quite frankly Cherrie was sick of it. But she hated how much they were right.
She had been single for a long time now and it was... lonely. She missed having somebody to talk about her day with. Someone to cook with , someone to just have fun with. To just come home and cuddle , to just laze around and love without any boundaries.
She missed being in love and she missed someone being in love with her in return.
She may have been this untouchable ice queen to everybody else but she was still human. She just wanted to be adored. She wanted to be wanted so much that they wouldn't even dare to glance at another woman that wasn't her. Was that so bad?
She didn't think so and clearly her daughter didn't either . And Cherrie had a fluttering feeling that Star had locked her eyes onto a new target in her mission to 'get mommy a boyfriend'.
Poor Charles had no idea what he was going to get himself into.
Cherrie smiled at the thought of him, so cute and so pretty . Would it really be so bad to ask him out? Maybe she could invite him over and cook him some dinner. She wondered if he liked pasta, she made some really fucking good pasta. And double chocolate chip cookies too.
Didn't they say that the way to a mans heart was through his stomach? She grabbed a container full of cookies that she had made last night , deciding that it wouldn't hurt to try.
"You need to be really good for him today Star . I mean it! Tone it down on the sass!" She warned her daughter sternly as they walked over to his apartment slowly.
The four year old was holding a large backpack full of her toys in her hands, having packed it herself. She just giggled naughtily "I will mommy! But do you like Charlie? Tell me!" She wanted to know as they both paused outside his door for a moment.
Cherrie just sighed and looked at her in amusement "I think he had pretty eyes and a really nice smile. That enough for you?" She laughed .
Star giggled "you like him! I knew it!" She smugly exclaimed.
Cherrie hushed her quickly "okay! Okay! Keep it to yourself. I can get myself a man on my own okay? Don't be getting involved again!" She warned her as she knocked on the door loudly.
Star just grinned mischievously to herself , not answering her. Refusing to comply. Cherrie just hoped that she wouldn't embarrass her too much, because she did like Charles and despite her cool facade , she wanted him to like her too.
She crossed her fingers and wished for the best.
Pierre was struggling to hold in his snickering as he sat on the couch in charles apartment , watching his best friend talk to Cherrie in the kitchen while her four year old daughter 'unpacked' for their play date.
Or more like he was watching in second hand embarrassment as Charles tried so hard to flirt with the rockstar and failed terribly.
Unable to take his wide eyes away from her as he looked at her hair that was usually so wild and curly , now flat ironed and reaching her hips smoothly, shining underneath the sunlight that streamed through the windows. He was mesmerised.
"Your hair-" he blurted out nervously , grinning at her crookedly . He wanted to compliment her and tell her how good she looked. How her hair frames her face beautifully and highlighted her sharp cheekbones perfectly.
Instead of a compliment though, what came out of his lips sounded more like a accusation "what have you done to it?" Flushing bright right as soon as he heard his own words to himself.
Cherrie paused and frowned at him in confusion , gently running her fingers through her hair that she had spent hours straightening that morning to look good.
"I straightened it? Why? I thought it looked good? It makes me look sexy, no?" Her Spanish accent was thick with confusion. Having expected a 'you look pretty' and not a 'what the hell have you done to your hair?' From him.
Charles waved his hands around his face in panic, spluttering to correct himself . While Pierre tried not to die from laughter in the other room.
"No! I mean- I don't mean no you don't look sexy! I mean yes- you do. You always do- I was just trying to say- your curls- it's different- a GOOD different-" he panicked , tripping over his own words horrifyingly. Wanting to die right then and there.
Even Star sighed loudly at his humiliation , shaking her tiny head at him with disappointment. She looked at Pierre and said "what's wrong with him?" Genuinely curious to why he was behaving like such a fool in front of her mother.
Pierre laughed even harder, grinning widely at the four year old in pure amusement. Oh god. He couldn't wait to tell the rest of their friends about this. This was just too good!
"He's trying to flirt with her and failing terribly." He told her daughter straight. Not expecting her to understand . But she did.
The little child marched straight into the kitchen like a woman on a mission, not stopping until she was stood beside a flustered Charles who slowly looked down at her , mortified .
"Just tell her that she looks pretty idiot!" She slapped at his leg since that was all she could reach, rolling her little eyes at him in exasperation.
Cherrie just laughed while Charles mouth dropped open in shock, looking at the four year old in disbelief.
"Oh my god." Was all he could say. Feeling like he was having a nightmare now. This could not be happening to him.
His flirting was so bad that a toddler had to step in and help him. He wasn't ever going to be able to live this down.
Cherrie grinned at him in amusement , heart melting at the way he couldn't meet her gaze. "You think I look pretty Charles?" She made it easier for him.
He just nodded his head quickly, sighing long and hard. He found the courage to meet her eyes and said quietly "yes. Very much so. You look like a dream. And I love your hair. That was what I was supposed to say."
Pierre snorted "what kind of dream Charles?" He then looked over at Cherrie and grinned slyly "I once heard him say your name in his sleep-"
Charles picked up the closest thing to him, which happened to be a roll of kitchen paper, and threw it at his friend quickly to shut him up. Face burning.
"Okay! Enough of that!" He shouted, clapping his hands together with a nervous laugh. He glanced down at a grinning star again "don't we have a tea party to get to?"
Star gasped excitedly and took ahold of his hand , dragging him into the front room again without any hesitation. Pushing him down to sit on the floor where she had laid out a velvet blanket, she started pulling out her tiny tea set. Taking it very seriously.
Cherrie took the time to wander over to Pierre, watching in amusement as her daughter pulled out a large tiara and plonked it ontop of Charles head.
He adjusted it on his hair , all of his attention on her daughter with a fond smile . "Are we both princesses then? I really like this dress!" He said in a amazement as he looked at her big poofy gown that she was wearing.
Star confidently shook her head, sitting down beside him and handing him a tiny teacup . "No. I'm the queen. You're the princess Charlie! You do as I say. And I say that.." she pulled out a large unicorn teddy and placed it on his lap with a toothy grin "you have to look after sparkly!"
Charles just laughed , shaking his head in amazement. He briefly looked up and met cherries gaze that was already set on him. He gave her a shy smile bedore focusing back on her daughter, getting into his princess roll as she poured him the 'tea'.
"Does Charles like pasta? Wine? Flowers?" Cherrie murmured to Pierre quietly , stomach turning into a whole damn zoo as she watched Charles play with Star without any hesitation. The smile never leaving his face.
Pierre looked at her curiously "pasta, yes. Champagne over wine and flowers.. I don't know. Doesn't everyone like them?" He answered her slowly . Cocking his head at her , still amazed that Charles had somehow managed to have his dream girl in his home like this. "Why?"
Cherrie just shrugged with a small smirk playing on her lips. "Because I'm going to ask him on a date tonight. When I get back from work." She informed him bluntly . "Do you think he'll say yes?"
Pierre looked at her like she was insane "he might pass out before he can say yes! He's in love with you! You have absolutely nothing to worry about . He'd marry you right now if you asked him to. That's how whipped he is!" He whispered to her seriously.
Cherrie grinned , pleased. Then she pushed herself off the couch and got their attention again. "I'm gonna head out. I'll try not to be too long. Are you sure that you're okay looking after her until Leon comes to get her?" She made sure again as she grabbed her purse, ready to leave.
Charles, with a tiara on his head and a tiny teacup in his hand just gave her A grin and a quick thumbs up, nodding his head . "Of course! She's safe with us! Have fun! I'll see you later?" He questioned hopefully . Completely lovestruck by her.
Cherrie giggled and nodded her head, yes. Humming happily "of course! There's cookies in the kitchen Charles . I made them. So enjoy honey." She gave him another quick wink and just like that she was gone.
Leaving Charles to sigh like a fool, grinning widely as he took a pretend drink from his teacup, star reaching over to refill it again with a happy smile on her chubby cheeks.
Ready to play wingman now that her mother had gone. She looked at Charles seriously and asked him bluntly "do you want a girlfriend? 'Cause my mommy doesn't have a boyfriend but she wants one and she said that she thinks you're really pretty and that she likes your smile and accent." She gushed out to him without any hesitation. Snitching on her mother immediately.
Charles just gaped at her in shock, cheeks going pink as he let out a flustered giggle. "Really? She said that?" He couldn't believe it. Neither could Pierre who was shaking his head at his usually so unlucky friend in amazement.
Star just nodded her head "yes she did but a lot of boys like mommy so you better hurry up. You're replaceable." She told him matter of factly before casually moving on.
Pierre burst into hysterical laughter while Charles just blinked over at the four year old in disbelief. Unable to believe what he was hearing.
He felt like he was living in some strange dream that he had conjured up about Cherrie after seeing her on stage for the first time years ago. Where had this type of luck Been all of his life?!
A few hours later and Charles was sat at his kitchen table with a face full of bright pink blush and pink lipstick smeared across his chin, bright blue sparkly eyeshadows across his eyelids alongside a shimmering golden scarf that the four year old had managed to almost strangle his neck with.
Because apparently she had brought her barbie makeup kit in that bag with her too and suddenly halfway through their tea party, Charles found himself getting a makeover by a giggling star who was having the time of her life playing with him.
Pierre was taking a hundred and one photos of his new look as he sat there with his glittery makeup , munching on the cookies that Cherrie had made for him, unbothered by his friends consistent giggles. She was happy and if he had to look like a fucked up, melted Barbie for that to happen. Then so be it.
"These cookies are so good. I can't believe she made me them. She's so sweet. I didn't think she'd be this sweet. She looks so cool and mysterious ya know?" He rambled to Pierre absentmindedly , keeping one eye on the four year old that running around his apartment while loudly singing some Spanish song that he had never heard before. So cute. But so loud.
Pierre smirked over at him in amusement , nodding his head in slight agreement . "Yeah , she does look like the type of woman to break kneecaps and hearts but for some reason, she seems pretty taken with you." He mused , honestly surprised.
He gave him a look "I'm honestly as shocked as you are because you are so not her usual type." He said bluntly. But he was only being honest.
Charles chuckled , looking at him with a hopeful raise of his brow. Scratching lightly at the glitter covering his flushed cheeks . Heart racing in his chest at the thought of Cherrie liking him too.
"Do you really think that I have a chance with her?" He asked Pierre quietly , still feeling like he was in a dream.
So many times he had dreamed of meeting his favourite rockstar and the two of them falling madly in love with each other. But he had never accounted for it ever happening.
They were from two different worlds, two wildly different personalities. Yet here she was. Smiling at him and baking him cookies . Her daughter playing tea parties with him and stealing all of his candy from his kitchen as though it was just another regular Tuesday. He couldn't believe it. He really couldn't.
"I mean.. she's just- a legend. Literally a dream. How do I even woo a woman like that? She Probably eats guys like me for her breakfast. She's just so cool.." he sighed out , taking yet another cookie from the container.
God. She was a amazing baker too. What couldn't she do?
Pierre laughed lightly and simply shrugged at him "I think that you just need to keep being yourself because for some reason she seems to like that. So.." he said "you must be doing something right." And he was right.
Before Charles could answer him, there was a loud knock at the door that had them all freezing. Even Pierre looking a little scared as they realised who it must be.
"That'll be Leon. Oh my god." Pierre muttered nervously "did you see the last boxing match he did? Broke the guys jaw in half mate!" He unhelpfully said to his anxious friend.
Charles inhaled shakily as he hesitated before jumping out of his seat at the sound of another hard knock. His heart almost jumping out of his chest in fear.
Chewing on the inside of his cheek nervously "what do I say?" He whisper shouted to Pierre as he slowly walked to the door, dreading every step.
Pierre was as panicked as he was, shrugging helplessly "hello maybe?"
Charles just give him a glare. Taking in a deep breath and gathering all over his courage before finally swinging open his front door.
"Hello!" He blurted out as his neck tilted up and up.. and up. His eyes widening as he was met with a six foot two beast of man looking down at him .
Arms as big as tree trunks, the muscles almost bulging out is his clothes as he stood there in tight leather pants and a band tshirt, man bun and scruffy  beard and all. Covered from head to toe in tattoos just like Cherrie was, more than double his size in , well, everything .
Charles wondered if this was what his murderer would look like . He swallowed thickly as his throat ran dry, unable to do anything but blink up at her ex boyfriend and baby daddy fearfully. Heart racing in his chest.
Oh my god. He thought weakly to himself. Neck still tipt painfully back as he looked up thin. This guy was fucking huge!
Then he grinned down at Charles , voice deep and gruff as he said casually "Charles Leclerc! So good to meet you! How are you man?!" As he clapped him on his back happily. His threatening image immediately dissolving into nothing but friendliness.
Charles exhaled loudly in relief when he didn't immediately punch him , moving aside to let the beast like man in. "I'm-I'm good yeah! Star wanted me to be a princess so.." he chuckled nervously as he gestured to his glitter filled face that was coated horrendously in the cheap makeup.
Leon just laughed and patted his back again, almost sending him into the wall from how strong he was. Pierre was looking at them with wide eyes , his head snapping between the comical sight in front of him.
Charles looked like a tiny mouse compared to this guy. He tried not to laugh at how terrified his best friend looked as he gazed up at Leon , utterly speechless and not knowing what to do or say.
"Sounds like star. Although I must say.." Leon chuckled casually "you make a better race driver than a princess." Before Star came running over to her dad quickly at the sound of his voice.
Beaming as she ran into his arms and gave him a hug, Leon bending down to her height as he gave her kisses and told her how much he missed her.
Charles softened at the sight , realising that Cherrie was right. Despite his terrifying appearance, he seemed to be a really nice guy. He felt himself relax a little in his presence before the four year old menace opened her big mouth again.
"Charlie is going to be mommy's new boyfriend daddy!" She exclaimed happily to her father as she pulled away. Looking very proud of herself.
Charles paled white , eyes going wide in panic as he looked between the grinning four year old and her monster of a father who could snap him in half like a twig if he wanted to.
"No!er- that's not- that's not true! Nothing like that has happened . I promise! Not a boyfriend!" He stammered out, terrified.
Star just grinned mischievously at him "yet." She added with a naughty giggle . Enjoying every single second of panic that she caused him.
Pierre was back to hysterically laughing, leaning his hand out to give the girl a proud high five. Enjoying this far too much.
Charles just stood there , frozen , speechless, as he looked helplessly at her ex boyfriend beside him. Hoping that he wasn't about to get his nose rearranged from this.
Luckily for him, Leon was a good guy. Seeing his panicked and pale face, he let out a chuckle and told him casually . "I know. Cherrie told me on the phone. She sounded like she likes you. Never heard so many ways to say that somebody has nice eyes before." Smirking at him in amusement as he leaned against the wall behind him with his big arms crossed over his chest comfortably.
Momentarily forgetting his paralysing fear, he smiled sheepishly . "Really? She talked to you about me? What did she say?" He mumbled shyly , heart reading in his chest.
And Leon realised then that Cherrie really wasn't kidding when she told him what a sweet and nice guy Charles was. How different he was to her usual type of assholes and cunts that she dated.
He felt himself relax and smile easier. Knowing that his baby mama and his daughter were gonna be in safe hands.
This guy couldn't hurt a fly! Leon decided them that he liked Charles , he decided to help him out the best that he could as well.
"Just about how nice you were . Different than the guys back home. I've seen you drive. You're really cool. But I assumed that you'd be a arrogant asshole, you have every right to be one. Ferrari's golden boy." He chuckled, friendly , not meaning it badly.
"But you seem like a good guy . And that's what Cherrie needs. I was getting sick of breaking those assholes jaws every time they fucked her over. I don't want to go to jail again but ya know.." he casually told him as he picked up one of her cookies to eat.
Pierre's and Charles small , shocked "jail again?" Going unheard. They exchanged a glance , Charles taking a small step away from Leon just to be safe.
"Oh. Well..I can promise you that I won't treat her badly. I really like her. She's just- she scares me a little honestly." That was an understatement "I didn't think that she would like me." He muttered honestly . Still unable to believe his luck.
Leon just laughed "yeah. She acts all tough and she can be a mega bitch sometimes but she's amazing really! She'll keep you on your toes!" He winked at him . "Too good for a man like me. But you?" He looked at him consideringly "yeah. I think you might just be what she needs. Her mama is gonna love you. You better get ready for the rest of her crazy family to never leave you alone if you get together! Two of her brothers are in jail but they're great guys! Her father used to be a underground fighter too!" He proudly told them. His accent thick.
Pierre looked at him with a gaping mouth "have you all just spent casual time in jail then?" He muttered in shock at how casually he was speaking about it as though it was nothing. Poor Charles didn't know whether to laugh or faint.
Leon looked at him with a blinding smile "of course! It builds great character. But Cherrie is too pretty for jail so maybe you can calm her down and keep her safe ah?" He looked at Charles pointedly . Liking him for her.
He patted his shoulder again as he picked up star in his arms, the four year old tiredly yawning as she cuddled into his huge arms. Her crown sat sideways on her tiny head.
"Now I'm gonna go. Get the princess some real food and a nap I think." He told them kindly "Cherrie should be back soon. So.." he looked at Charles with a nice smile "don't look so scared! Make a move! You'll be surprised. She's a real softy inside!" He told him encouragingly before leaving .
Star waving at them tiredly , Blowing them air kisses over his shoulder as they left . Charles and Pierre waving at her with small smiles on their faces, utterly speechless .
Then they were alone. There was a long pause of shocked silence before Pierre finally broke it and said in disbelief "I can't believe that you got her baby daddy's approval to make a move on her!"
Charles blinked rapidly , just as shocked as he was. "I know! He had to duck to fit underneath the door mate! He was so big. I was shitting myself!" He admitted to him with wide eyes. Needing to take a seat again after that. His heart slowly beginning to calm down again.
Pierre laughed loudly in agreement "right! I can't believe it! You've got to be the luckiest man in the world right now! What's the game plan?" He asked him curiously.
Charles just looked at him helplessly , utterly lost. "I don't have one." He muttered honestly , still in shock. "I'm just gonna wing it and hope for the best." He said after a moment .
Pierre snorted in pure amusement "well let's hope it goes well then because I would not want to piss off a guy that huge! Especially when her family all like to take vacations in jail apparently!"
Charles didn't know that his face could pale any further. But it turns out, it was possible.
By the time that Cherrie finally arrived later that night , Charles had worked himself up into a sweat. Nervously wringing his fingers together as he opened his door slowly , a tired but smiling rockstar greeting him happily.
"How was she? Was she good for you? Not too much trouble?" She questioned him with a grin as she looked at his makeup and glitter covered face in amusement . Shaking her head in humour. But also adoration that Charles had actually let her daughter do this to him without any complaint .
Charles laughed softly and smiled back at her , unable to take his eyes off her. She looked beautiful when she smiled. Her eyes lit up too.
"She was very good! Very demanding." He laughed fondly "could definitely be a real queen with that attitude. She's super funny too." He said honestly. Having had a lot of fun playing with the four year old all day.
Cherrie took a smaller step closer to him subtly , smiling at him softly . "That's good then. I'm glad she had fun. Have you eaten?" She asked him, a plan already formed in her mind.
Charles laughed a little, shifting anxiously on his feet as he wondered how he could ask her out without making even more a fool out of himself .
"Er just your cookies. They were amazing. I loved them." He praised her with a grin.
She grinned back at him happily "yeah? I'm glad. You'll probably like my cooking then. How's pesto pasta sound? With some homemade brownies for desert.." she carefully wrapped her arms around his neck, smirking at the look of startlement on his face from her sudden touch.
"And a side of me too if you're good ?"
Charles didn't know where he found the confidence to mumble "that sounds like a full course meal." To her quietly .
Utterly Awestruck by her as he hesitantly placed his hands at the dip of her waist , barely breathing as their eyes locked together . The air around them quickly changing to something more..promising.
Don't faint. Don't faint . Don't faint. Please don't faint. He mentally chanted to himself over and over again.
She smirked at him slyly, gently pulling at the small hairs at the nape of his neck. Enjoying the way he let out a shuddering breath from her touch.
"Charles.." she whispered to him as she slowly lowered her face to his, giving him time to pull away if he wanted to.
He just let his eyes flutter closed as their noses gently nudged together, exhaling shakily against her lips as his heart hammered away quickly  in his chest.
"Yes?" He breathed out against her lips, hands clenching around her waist nervously. Just wanting to kiss her and never let her go again.
"Do you want do go on a date with me tonight? At my place?" She asked him quietly before quickly adding "after I've kissed you of course?"
He couldn't have nodded his head any quicker if he tried. Making her laugh lightly at the desperation written across his face as he swallowed thickly and muttered a small "yes please."
That being all it took before Cherrie finally closed the gap between them and kissed him softly , pressing their lips together as she pulled him in close. One arm around his neck and the other one sliding around his waist to keep him steady as she felt his knees almost buckle beneath him from her kiss.
Moaning into her mouth quietly as he melted into her body, hand coming up to cup her jaw gently as she deepened the kiss, parting his lips with her tongue as he shuddered against her, goosebumps littering his skin as he felt her nails scratch lightly at his neck as she kissed him like he had always dreamed of being kissed.
She was the one in control. His rockstar.
"Fuck." He breathed out shakily as she pulled away for only a moment to let him breath again.
His head falling back against the wall behind him as she move her lips down to his neck, kissing her way down his jaw and below his ear, softly sucking and leaving her mark on him as he panted breathlessly , his face flushed red before he stuttered out a quiet "do you want me to bring a bottle of champagne for our dinner?" Excited for their little dinner date even when she was kissing him.
She breathed out a giggle against his neck at his nervous words, pulling away to look up at him with a soft smirk tugging at her swollen lips. Shaking her head fondly at him as she intertwined their fingers together and led him quickly over to her apartment instead .
"Later." She simply answered him as she pulled him through her door and into her home swiftly .
Looking over her shoulder at his wide eyes glued to her , her smirk deepening slyly .
"want to see my bed?" She suggestively asked him. Already heading down the hall towards her room, knowing what his answer would be.
Charles felt like he was in heaven. And suddenly he became a track star as he sprinted after her as quickly as he possibly could, almost tripping over his own two feet in excitement as she beckoned him into her room with a sultry bend of her finger and a promising smirk on her face.
"Yes! Oh my god, yes!" He fumbled out with a nervous but giddy laugh as she pushed him down onto her ridiculously large bed with just one hard push.
His back landing against her mattress with a thud as the air was taken out from beneath him, gazing up at her with dark , but wide eyes. More turned on than he had ever been in his entire life.
"I'm going to fall in love with you." He felt the need to tell her seriously . Needing her to know that this wouldn't be just some casual hook up to him. She was all he had ever dreamed of. Literally.
There was no way that he could let her go now. He was absolutely fucked as soon as her four year old had broke into his home and stolen all of his chocolates for herself.
He had a overwhelming feeling then that this was it for him.
She just smirked down at him as she slowly crawled upon his body, straddling his hips as she lowered her lips against his trembling mouth again. Watching his throat Bob as he swallowed nervously, his eyes never leaving her own as his chest heaved from both nerves and excitement for what was about to come.
"Good. Because I think I'm gonna fall in love with you too." Was all she breathed out against his lips with a soft smile before closing the gap between them again and kissing him passionately , hands and tongues exploring every inch of skin that they could reach .
His dazed moans getting lost against her mouth along with their clothes as she got down to giving him a night that he had only ever dreamed of happening.
And to think that this never would have happened if his gaming chair hadn't had finally broken and send him folding himself in half, forcing him to buy a new one.
He really needed to to thank that little mischievous , four year old the next time she came for a tea party too. Because if she hadn't had broken into his home and stolen all of his chocolates , he wouldn't have met the love of his life like this either .
He was literally living his dream.
She was his rockstar now.
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bambithevideogame · 1 year
#TheHeSaidSheSaid #BambiTheVideoGame
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bteezxyewriter12 · 4 months
Here Without You
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 4k
Includes- Based on song Here without you by three doors down, angst, fluff, sex, missionary, oral, pussy eating, cum eating, cock riding, multiple orgasms
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000
Gif Credit- Yooboobies
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Yoongi Masterlist
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Opening the door to my apartment, silence greets me, my eyes tearing up
"Stop it", I whisper to myself, wiping my eyes
I need to stop crying all the time
It doesn't help
It doesn't bring him back
I just have to wait for him to come back
He will
When the tour's done, he'll be home again
Closing and locking the door, I go to our room to undress
I try to think of what I have to do before I can video call him
Cook something
Maybe watch a TV show or YouTube
Some thing to pass the time until he wakes up and can call me
He's in Texas now, so when he wakes up at 10 am, it's 1 am here
Luckily I don't have work tomorrow so I can sleep in
I've stayed up late every night since he went on tour three weeks ago so I can talk to him and I've gone to work exhausted
It doesn't matter though, he's worth it
Sighing, I throw my clothes in the hamper, then go to the bathroom to shower
I'm laying on the couch with the TV on for noise when my phone rings
Seeing the caller as "naekkeo", I immediately pick it up, his beautiful face filling my screen
"Hi jagi", he says softly, his sad brown eyes gazing at me
"Hi naekkeo", I answer, tears flooding my eyes
This tour has been particularly hard for us
It's the first one after our wedding
And the first one where I can't come to any of the overseas concerts
Not with this video game designer job I have now
I started it last year and the boss is an asshole
He gave me such a hard time to take off for my wedding and honeymoon even though I told the interviewer that I needed certain days off and was guaranteed them at hiring
I'm working on a major game now and I have endless meetings
The thing is I can do everything remotely but my boss is being such an ass, demanding that I come in for meetings
I'm one of three people that come in physically for meetings
The people from other departments come in virtually
Because they have other bosses who aren't pricks
This is the first time I haven't been with him at all on the tour and it's affecting both of us
He's already been gone for three torturous weeks
"How was the concert last night?", I ask, forcing the tears back
"It was good", he answers, his eyes wet, "ARMYS had fun"
"Did you have fun?", I ask
He nods, biting his lip as the tears spill over his eyes
"Naekkeo", I say softly
"I'm sorry", he says as he cries, "I just miss you"
I shake my head, my own tears falling, "I miss you too baby. Don't be sorry"
"I can't....I can't do this jagi. I need you"
I nod, wiping my eyes, trying to calm him down, "I need you too baby. It's just for a little bit"
"It's another six weeks jagi. I can't spend that long without you", he sobs, "We've never been apart this long. It's killing me"
I know exactly how he feels
"Me too naekkeo but there's nothing we can do. You have to be on the tour. I have to work. I wish I could be there, I want to be there with you", I say, more tears falling, making his image blurry, "I don't know how it can happen baby. It's torture for me too naekkeo"
He shakes his head, "I don't want to be here without you. I dream about you every night and when I wake up and you're not there it's devastating"
"I want to be with you naekkeo", I whisper, "So much. I dream about you too Yoongi and I miss you more than anything"
"I can't handle it", he sobs, "I can't sleep without you. I hate knowing you're not backstage waiting for me. I hate not seeing your smile. Hearing your voice. Holding you. I don't know how I'm supposed to keep doing this tour"
I really have no idea how he's supposed to do it either
I don't know how I'm supposed to keep going without him
Video calls, it's not enough
Like he said, I need to be in his arms, I need to feel him, hug him, kiss him
I can't do that through a screen
"We just have to keep counting down the days baby", I tell him, "Just get through each day at a time"
It sounds lame but there's nothing else I can think of to make this better
It's hard for both of us
He just shakes his head, wiping his eyes
"Tell me about the concert naekkeo", I ask him in a effort to distract us both, "What's the set list? What was your favorite part about this concert?"
He smiles sadly, knowing exactly what I'm doing
But he nods and begins talking
Three days later
I toss and turn in bed, trying it get comfortable
I can't sleep
I've been laying in bed for hours
I know it's because I wasn't able to talk to Yoongi tonight
BTS had a concert last night and when they have concerts he can't call me
I know they did a vlive too and he went to bed really late
He's probably exhausted and slept all day
I understand
I'm not mad, I know how he operates on concert days
On little to no sleep and he crashes all day the next day
I just miss him
As I'm turning again, I hear a noise
It sounds like it's coming from the front door
Like jiggling
I quiet down and listen hard
I hear the front door open and I'm immediately alert
The door shouldn't be opening
The only ones who have keys are me and Yoongi
And Yoongi is thousands of miles away
Carefully, I get up from the bed, tip toeing to the open door
Quietly, I leave the room, going out into the hallway, ready to run or fight if I need to
A figure steps into the long hallway from the living room and I gape, not sure I'm seeing who I'm seeing
"Yoongi?", I gasp
"Jagi", he whispers, starting to come to me
I don't think, my body immediately goes into a run towards him
I get to him in seconds, crashing into him as he picks me up, his lips immediately against mine
I kiss him desperately, so shocked he's here but so fucking happy and relieved
His arms hold me tightly, keeping me against him, my legs and arms locked around his waist and neck
I don't know how long we kissed for but for me it's never enough
When the kiss does end, I lean my forehead against his, just basking in him being home
"I missed you so much", I whisper
"I missed you jagi"
"How...how are you here naekkeo? Shouldn't you be in the U.S.?"
As much as I want him here, I don't want him to get into trouble
"I couldn't stay away from you a minute longer jagi", he tells me softly, "I just can't. I can't spend another six weeks away from you, Jo. I can't do it baby"
"I can't either naekkeo", I say, knowing exactly how he feels
Like everything is colorless, lifeless without him
"I think about you all day jagi. I miss you so fucking much it hurts. I hate that you're so far from me. I don't think I ever cried so much from being away from you"
I know
This whole time has been so fucking hard, so heartbreaking
I want him to be on tour, I know how much he loves performing, I just hate that he has to be away from me to do it
"It's the same for me baby", I tell him, "I just want you so much it hurts. I want you to be able to perform naekkeo but I don't want you to be away"
"I don't want to be away either jagi"
"What are we going to do baby?", I ask, worried
He's here now but he can't stay
He has the rest of the tour to do, his ARMYS are counting on him
"You're coming back with me", he says
"Yoongi", I start, "My job naekkeo"
The stupid reason I had to stay behind
There was no way my boss would let me take two months off to go with him
"I called him jagi", he tells me, "I spoke to your boss and after a lot of convincing and proving who I was, he agreed to let you have the time off for the rest of the tour"
I gape at him, in shock
My asshole boss caved to Yoongi?
What did Yoongi say to him?
"You won't be paid for the time jagi but it doesn't matter. We have enough money"
"That's your money Yoongi"
He shakes his head, "You keep saying that jagi but it's not. It's ours. You're my wife, the love of my life, everything that's mine is yours from even before we were married baby. You know you don't even have to work jagi but you insist on it"
Of course I do
I'm not a mooch
Just because he's rich doesn't mean I can spend his money
I was never with him for the money or the potential money as we met in high school and have been together since then, when we were both broke
He works hard, he sacrificed in the beginning of BTS, the money and success he has is because of him
I even offered to sign a pre-nup before we got married and he was actually offended I even suggested it
He declined it, shocking me and he always maintains that the money and everything that comes from it is ours
"You know you don't jagi. You know I would give you anything you ask for, do anything for you", he says softly, "And I'm good with you wanting to work baby but I need you with me. I can't go back without you. Please jagi, say you'll come with me. Please"
"Of course I'm going to come with you", I whisper, running my fingers in his black hair, "Even if I had to quit, find another job after the tour, I would come naekkeo. I can't be apart from you any more baby. I need you"
His entire body relaxes as he breathes in relief
"Ok jagi. Thank you"
"Shh baby, don't thank me. Just like you, I'll do anything for you naekkeo, give you anything you want", I assure him, "I want to be wherever you are. And if you have to be in the U.S. I'm going with you"
He nods, "Ok jagi. I love you"
"I love you Yoongi"
His lips press against mine, my heart filling with utter joy that he's here
He carries me to our room, laying me on the bed, his lips never leaving mine
He moves next to me, my body turning to his, our arms around each other
I kiss him passionately, falling into him after weeks of missing him
His kiss is everything, his arms around me is heaven
He's my everything, my world
The kiss becomes heated, his tongue against mine, our hands desperately touching each other
"I missed you", I murmur between kisses while pulling his shirt up
Her separates from me long enough to get his shirt off mine following
"I missed you too, you have no idea"
"I do naekkeo, I missed you just as much"
He smiles his gorgeous smile right before kissing me, his hand slowly pulling down my pj pants and panties
Once they're off, I slide my hands down his sweatpants, getting them and his boxers off
I want him so badly
Three weeks of no physical contact is catching up to us
He moves on top of me, laying between my open legs, his warm smooth skin right against mine
His forehead leans against mine as I move my arms around him, my hand on his back, slowly running my palms up and down, feeling him
He moans softly, his skin trembling under my hands
I slide my hands up, moving over and along his strong shoulders, up his neck, sinking my fingers in his soft hair
We shift slightly, our lips against each other's, kissing desperately
I feel his length at my entrance and I drop my hands to his hips, pulling him closer to me
He takes the hint, his cock sliding inside, my pussy stretching around his thick shaft, pleasure tingling throughout every cell of my body
He whimpers into the kiss as he pushes in inch by inch, my pussy getting wetter and wetter, impaling me on his huge thick dick
My body arches from the pleasure, letting him slide in faster, bottoming out quicker, his head nestled against my spot
I shiver under him, squeezing his cock involuntarily hard
"Fuck", he groans, moving his arm around my waist and holding me against him, "You feel so good jagi. Always so tight for me. So wet"
"Mmm", I murmur, shivering against his lips that found their way to my neck, "And you feel good naekkeo. So hard, all the fucking time"
I purposely clench around his cock, his moan so hot as I enjoy the hard feeling of him buried inside me
"You make me this way jagi", he whimpers, "Fuck, anything you do turns me on. If I could stay inside you all fucking day, I would"
I giggle, kissing the top of his head, "I'd definitely let you baby"
I happen to really enjoy having him inside my pussy
Even if we're just laying here
We don't have to have sex
Cock warming is a huge thing with us, it's something we both love
He lifts his head from my neck, smiling, then kissing me softly
I fall into his kiss as he begins to move, slowly pulling out a little bit then slamming back inside
His head hits my spot, stars blasting in my vision, every nerve on my body alive and electrified
With every stroke he pulls out more and more, until he pulls out to his head, then buries back inside me
He moves at a good pace, fucking me into the bed and my head is in the clouds from the sheer pleasure
He press kisses against every inch of skin he can, my body trembling under his lips
His hand slides slowly up my body from my waist, up my arm, his hand taking mine, intertwining our fingers
I close my hand around his, holding on tightly
His other arm is next to my head, leaning on it as he moves, thrusting into my pussy again and again
"Yoongi", I moan in bliss, closing my eyes as I just feel him
Feel his body against mine, his skin against mine, his cock moving inside me
I'm loving every single second of it
Each smack against my spot brings me closer, my legs tighting around his waist, my pussy throbbing around his cock hard
I'm so hot and sweaty, panting for breath, my fingers digging into his back, my other hand clenching his
"You're so fucking beautiful", he whispers
I open my eyes to find him looking down at me, watching, love pouring from his eyes, "My God, I'm so fucking lucky you're mine"
I smile shyly, "No naekkeo, I'm so lucky you're mine. I love you"
"I love you Jo", he murmurs, his lips finding mine
His kiss combined with him sliding back into me, right into my spot, have me shaking and coming on his thick cock
"Yoongi", I moan between kisses, the intense pleasure washing over me, my pussy clenching around him hard
He moans, his hips not stopping, rolling into me, fucking me through my orgasm
As the pleasure fades, I relax into the bed, Yoongi kissing all over my body as he pulls out
My skin jumps with every press of his lips, his hot kisses feeling so fucking good
He kisses my lower stomach, my hand finding its way into his damp hair, tangling in the strands
He moves down slowly, now pressing kisses against my pussy, pushing my legs wide open
I feel his tongue on me, licking up slowly, my body shivering in bliss
He groans loudly, his tongue moving a bit faster, "So fucking good"
"Yoongi", I whine, feeling so fucking good
My god, I missed this, missed him
His hands grip my legs tightly, his tongue dipping into my hole, my pussy clenching down on it immediately
He licks out and up, his tongue rolling over my clit, my body arching from the increased pleasure swarming over me
His tongue slides back down, circling my hole before dipping in, shoving as much in as he can, then pulling out, sliding up and flicking my clit
He repeats the motions over and over, my cunt getting wetter with every move of his talented tongue
I know I'm completely soaking his face and I know he loves it
"My baby tastes so good", he groans, tongue swirling around my clit, driving me fucking insane, "My baby's pussy is so fucking good. So fucking sweet"
God, he's so hot
The way he's so into eating me out makes everything feel ten times better
I like knowing that he really enjoys doing it instead of feeling like he has to
His tongue move faster, all over my clit, my hips moving on their own, fucking his face, knowing that this is another thing he loves
"Yes baby, fuck yes", he urges, "Don't stop jagi"
His mouth wraps around my clit, sucking hard and I scream his name, squirting a little on his face
"Mmm", he moans, his mouth moving faster, slurping around my clit, the pleasure so fucking intense, my entire body is shaking and my head is empty
I tug his hair tightly, his next suck sending me straight into a mind shattering orgasm
"Yoongi!", I scream, coming on his face, his tongue driving right into my hole, his mouth sucking and swallowing my cum
I can't think, don't know which way is up, all I can do is ride the waves of bliss
It's so intense, so mind numbingly pleasurable
God, Yoongi is the king of oral
His licking slows down as I finish, his eyes already on me when I look down at him
He smirks, kissing my inner thigh, his tongue licking up my cunt one more time
"So good jagi"
I sit up just as he does and I move closer to him, kissing him hard
His tongue moves in my mouth as I climb in his lap, pushing him down on the bed
I follow, kissing him silly, running my fingers in his sweaty hair
He moves me over his length and I sit, taking him in immediately
I'm so wet, I slide all the way down his cock so easily, moving my hips to rock on him
His hands grab my ass, holding on as his hips lift, keeping his cock as deep as he can inside me while I grind on him
Breaking the kiss, I lean on his shoulders, starting to bounce softly on his cock
"Fuck jagi", he groans, his fingers digging into my skin, "Fuck"
"God Yoongi", I cry, his cock spreading my pussy so deliciously, tingles are running up my spine, "So good baby, so fucking good"
He nods, his eyes glued on me as I ride him faster, harder, "Fuck baby, that pussy looks so good on my dick. Creaming my cock so much, it's pouring out of you"
It is, I can feel it, all over this cock, all over his lap, the sticky feeling making me so horny
"Mmm do you hear how loud your pussy is?", he asks as I indeed hear how loud the squelching is, "Fuck, missed me this much?"
"Yes naekkeo", I moan, grinding down on his cock when I take him all in, his head rubbing my spot, making my body shiver, "Missed you so fucking much"
"Missed you too jagi", he groans
"I know", I smirk, his throbbing cock so stiff inside my cunt, "I feel how much you missed me"
He smiles his gorgeous smile, his eyes travelling from my pussy up my body to my face
"So pretty baby", he says softly, "So good at riding my cock"
I smirk, nodding, our skin slamming together loudly with every move, "You know how much I love riding you"
He nods
It's our favorite position, the one we fuck in the most
I don't know, my legs do get tired sometimes but it takes awhile for that to happen and when it does, I still don't stop
I can get him in so much deeper, bounce on him, rock or grind on his dick
And he can fuck me too so it's not just me always fucking him
The best part, for me, is that I get to watch him
Watch him in pleasure, watch him cum
He's so fucking beautiful it's insane
And that's what I do now
Looking down at him, watching him in pleasure, the sight such a fucking turn on
His eyes closed, his head pushed back into the pillow, his mouth slightly open, breathing hard, his hair wet with sweat, his fingers digging into my hips, sweat shortening on his skin as he whimpers my name, begging me to not stop in his sexy voice
He's so fucking stunning without even trying
And he's all mine
Leaning down, I whisper in his ear, "Cum for me naekkeo"
"Oh god, fuck", he groans, holding my hips hard and thrusting up, meeting my bounces, sliding deep inside
We move together, fucking each other, both of us getting fucked out and desperate to cum, moaning loudly
"Yoongi! Yoongi!", I cry, unbelievable ecstacy slamming into every crevice of my body as he fucks me into an earth shattering orgasm
"Fuck Joanne! Jagi!", he cries, his cock pulsing, his warm cum filling me, his body shaking under me
I force my eyes open and watch the complete ethereal sight of him orgasming
I never want to miss seeing this
I rock on his cock, making the pleasure last a little longer for both of us, our bodies relaxing as the bliss so slowly leaves
I move off him but don't go far, snuggling in his arm, my head on his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat
His fingers run slowly up and down my back, giving me shivers
"When do we have to leave tomorrow?", I ask
He looks down at me, smiling, "Don't worry jagi, I got a later flight. 5 pm"
"Oh thank God", I giggle
He laughs, "I knew you'd want to spend as much time in bed together as you can"
I raise my eyebrow, "As if you don't want that either"
"Of course I want that baby", he agrees, "We can slack off for awhile, then I'll help you pack and we can go"
"Back to Texas?"
"California", he answers
I nod, "Ok"
"Ok", he nods
I gaze in his beautiful dark brown eyes, reaching up and running my fingers in his hair, "I love you so much Yoongi"
"I love you so much Jo. So fucking much"
I know he does
I'm so lucky to have found someone who loves me as much as I love them
Yoongi is the best thing that has ever happened to me
He's my everything
I lean closer, my lips against his in a soft loving kiss
His arms hold me tightly as he kisses me back and I'm so glad he came back for me
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angelicsoka · 3 months
everything you need to know about in between!
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( angelicsoka, 2024 )
NAME ada sylvie evans
NICK NAMES bubba, bubs, & A
BIRTHDAY 25th of january
ZODIAC aquarius
FACECLAIM mikey madison
CURRENT AGE 19 years old
PRONOUNS & SEXUALITY she/her & bisexual
HOMETOWN des moines, iowa
EDUCATION high school diploma
PIERCING & TATTOOS conch, lobes, helix & a cluster of sparkles on her right thigh
QUALITIES bubba is pretty introverted when you first meet her. she tends to blossom into her extrovert-like personality over time. due to this, bubba is more of a loner. she'd rather keep to herself, spending her time reading and watching movies. she grew up an only child, so she is pretty use to the quiet life she is living. she yearns to be more confident and not care so much about pleasing people or having them like her.
LIKES & HOBBIES reading, watching movies and shows, listening to music, swimming, horseback riding, collecting funko pops & figurines, building legos, & traveling
DISLIKES spiders & wasps!!, loud places, driving in unfamiliar places, going somewhere unfamiliar, harassment
MENTAL HEALTH diagnosed with major depression disorder & generalized anxiety
MOVIE revenge of the sith
TV SHOW psych
FICTIONAL CHARACTERS louise belcher, ahsoka tano, & padmé amidala
SONG view between villages by noah kahan
VIDEO GAME resident evil 6 & red dead redemption 2
BOOK bird box by josh malerman
ARTISTS noah kahan & radio company
ANIMALS horses & deer
FOODS & DRINKS steak, red velvet cupcakes, & water, powerade, fruit punch
PEOPLE luke hughes, cole caufield, & her mother
MOVIE live action little mermaid & bambi II
TV SHOW bob's burgers
FICTIONAL CHARACTERS ahsoka tano, okoye, & shawn spencer
SONG call your mom by noah kahan
VIDEO GAME red dead redemption 2
BOOK carrie by stephen king
ARTISTS we three & hozier
ANIMALS horses
FOODS & DRINKS ice cream & chocolate milk
PEOPLE quinn hughes and her father <3
bubba's father helps open casinos all over the united states, her mother is best selling author.
luke coins her the nickname "bubba" as she chews hubba bubba gum all. the. time.
she lived in des moines, iowa until she was ten, because her father was promoted to the position he is in now.
she has lived in new york, san diego, tampa, and most recently, las vegas.
her mother is a stay at home mom, spending her free time writing mystery & horror novels.
although bubba is loved dearly by her parents, they weren't always around and when they were, they were busy with work or stressed out.
bubba took to horseback riding in her free time, which she had a lot of.
bubba wasn't the happiest about moving to michigan, but her mind quickly changed when she saw the house and the view.
bubba has one ex boyfriend named sebastian nicks.
bubba hates taking her antidepressants because they make her feel numb. she'd rather feel sad and hopeless than numb.
bubba's anxiety makes it hard for her to talk to people or do the things she really wants to do ( ie. concerts, dating, going to the movies )
bubba is OBSESSED with star wars because when she was little, her dad would sit with her to watch the movies
she has met ewan mcgregor, hayden christensen, mark hamill, and carrie fischer (rip 🕊️)
padmé amidala and leia organa have been her role models since she was kid. she even wrote a paper on them for her fifth grade english class.
whenever she is feeling down, bubba's father will try his best to find time to watch the movies with her. he will go buy all her favorite foods and they will stay up all night having movie marathons.
if her father can't, luke will step up and do it for him <3
takes place in the summer of '23
people who will stay at the hughes' lake house during the duration of this fic will include: the hughes bros ( duh. ), trevor zegras, cole caufield, ethan edwards, mark estapa, luca & adam fantilli, elias pettersson, brock boeser, and possibly more!
other people to appear include: nico hischier, sebastian nicks ( oc ), curtis lazar, john marino, and possibly more!
luke honestly sucks at talking to girls in this fic... especially bubba.
more info set to come at a later date!
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daintylovers · 4 months
Champagne Coast
1.1 Pilot
Seth Cohen x Hailey Atwood (oc)
A/N: hehehehe I just loooovvveeee my stiles stilinski variants. this is an oc and she is ryans sister- twins! at least, same ages. I'm gonna try not to have too many physical descriptors of her, for all we know she could be adopted. hope you enjoy!
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"Trey, what if we get caught?" Ryan was always so quick to assume the worst.
"Ryan," I started, "We won't get caught, but you might if you keep overthinking things."
"Hailey, this is grand theft auto. Real-life fucking grand theft auto, not the video game. Something seriously could go wrong." I just rolled my eyes in response. We had done this several times by now, jacking cars for parts. We needed the money, and of course driving around random cars was always fun. A way to blow off steam from the stress of everyday life.
Catching on to my facial expression, Trey slung his arm around my shoulder, "There's the spirit, Bambi." That was my designated nickname. It was a running joke, at first glance everyone assumed I was just an innocent little thing. It helped me get out of sticky situations. More than enough.
"Come on Ryan. Are you in? Or are you out?" Aforementioned boy sent a glare in my direction, willing me to change my mind. I just shook my head with a smile. No way out of this one.
One of Ryan's best qualities was his inability to say no to me. I was always dragging him into my messes, and thankfully he would always arrive with a mop in hand. Ready to clean up the disasters left in my wake. I could feel sorry for him, if I thought about it enough. But that's just it, I didn't.
If it weren't for me, we might be stuck living at this house, for the rest of our lives. No stories to tell, no anything, really. I can't live like this. And he shouldn't have to. Ryan was one of the good ones. And if I could find a way to get him out of here, he could establish himself, and pull me from these ashes.
"Fine. But," Here comes the ultimatum, "Hailey, you stay as far away as possible. You aren't getting thrown in a cell again." Oh, but it's fine if he does it?
All three of us had terrible track records. From fights to breaking and entering, the cops were our biggest fans around Chino. But now we had to be more careful than ever. Trey wasn't a minor anymore. While Ryan and I were each one way from juvie. Ryan had been on the fence for three months now. While I got my final warning just last week, for punching a guy in the nose. He had been trying to grind up against one of my friends, and she had repeatedly told him to fuck off. But to no avail. Ryan tried to hold me back, but I had slipped easily from his grasp, hitting my target so forcefully that his head snapped back and his nose was left bleeding and crooked.
Our target was a shiny, souped-out black sports car. I wanted her. I debated trying to convince Trey to let us keep it for a few days.
Ryan was still wary so Trey began to speak, "I'm your big brother. If I don't teach you this, then who will?" Then he smashed the window open. So much for keeping it for a little.
"I don't know Trey-"
"Hailey, get Ryan to get in the car or I will leave his ass for dead." Could have just told him that yourself. I wasn't Trey's biggest fan, but he got shit done. I admired that. Very resilient, the lot of us.
Ryan climbed into the passenger seat, while I took up the back. Situating myself in the middle, I had the perfect view and the empty streets we were about to race. Trey hotwired the car like it was nothing and we were on our way.
Except we didn't get very far before sirens started following us. Fuck.
"Trey pull over."
"Ryan- fuck off man no way."
I tried, "Trey, please. Maybe we can make a run for it."
Trey turned around to spat something at me, but swerved the wheel on accident, causing the car to smash into the building adjacent.
Kids, always wear your seatbelt. Especially if the driver is a fucking idiot. I flew from my seat, but Ryan's arm caught me and pushed me back. My head bounced off the seats. My ears started ringing, and I swear my neck almost snapped from the force.
Someone was talking, but I couldn't make out the words. Or the voice for that matter. But the flashing lights told me enough. I watched Ryan put his hands up, and look at me. He jerked his arms up a little and I got the memo.
With raised arms and my head spinning, I tried to prepare myself for the jail cell.
My neck hurt like no other when I awoke. One of the guards had been knocking against the bars, guess I hadn't heard him. He looked pissed. "Get up kid, Someone is here to see you." Who the fuck could that be?
With bleary eyes, I forced myself into a standing position. I held my wrists out so he could slap the cuffs on them before he led me to the visitation room.
Walking in, I spotted Ryan instantly. He was sitting with some older man, who had papers out in front of him.
Like he had some type of sixth sense, Ryan turned his head to face my direction, giving me a soft smile, happy I was alright. He was always the more worried one during this type of thing. He had a point though, girls are never treated the same.
Sitting down, he was quick to assure, "Bambi- you alright?"
I nodded, my throat feeling scratchy. He looked at me with concern, "How's your neck? The crash probably affected you more."
"I'm fine Ryan. Just a little banged up" I replied, voice sounding like hell.
I turned to face the newbie, who was watching our interaction like a hawk.
"Hailey, it's nice to meet you. My name is Sandy Cohen, and I have been appointed as your guy's public defender."
Having already thought about my fate all night, I wasn't feeling too hopeful. I just stared at him, with no expression. He didn't care if I rotted in prison for the rest of my life. No one did. Besides Ryan, but because of me, we would rot together.
Ryan asked about Trey, and that made me pay more attention. Was it bad, that I had forgotten about him? During my all-night freakout session, I hadn't once thought about how this would affect him. The only things on my mind had been about Ryan and I.
"Well, Trey is over eighteen. Trey stole a car, had a gun in his pants, an ounce of pot, and a couple of priors," He had a gun? "Trey is looking at anywhere from three to five years."
The man, Sandy, continued, "I'm not here for Trey. I'm here for you two. Ryan, your grades? Why is a smart kid like you in here right now?" Because of me. "And Hailey, you have community service written every which way. What, steal a car to help out the neighborhood?"
I couldn't help myself, "Something like that."
"She speaks." He laughed a little. I just stared at him. "Hailey, fighting? That doesn't seem like you. Ryan, truancy charges? Come on guys, why are you doing this to yourselves?"
Not receiving any answers, he trudged on, "What is your guys' plan for the future? College? Trade School? Anything?" This guy was trying so hard to remain hopeful for us. What a joke.
But- if we're really being honest, his questioning was making me a little sad. I had no future. Never really did. But Ryan? God, Ryan could do so much. I think I might be sick.
I guess my face cracked, losing it's blank expression in exchange for desperate eyes. If you looked extra close, my lip was sure to be quivering. If Trey were here, he would have laughed at me. He didn't take too kindly to emotions. Ryan learned that quicker than I did growing up, which is why his expression never faltered.
"Mr. Cohen, with all due respect, modern medicine is advancing to the point where the average human life expectancy will be one hundred. But I read this article that said social security was bound to run out by the year of 2025. Which means people are going to have to stay in their jobs until they're eighty. So, we don't want to commit to anything too soon."
Sandy laughed, but persisted, "Look, I can plead this down to a misdemeanor. Petty fine, probation. But seriously guys, stealing a car because your big brother wanted you to it's stupid and weak. Two things, neither of you can afford to be right now." Well, actually we can't afford to be anything right now- fancy lawyer ass. "We three are cut from the same cloth. I know it may not look like it right now, but I was once in your position."
I cut him off, done with whatever this was supposed to be, "And look at you now, hot shot." He hadn't expected that. Just a minute ago I looked ready to crumble, but now I was turning my desperation into anger. I just wanted this to be over.
Mr. Cohen managed to get us out, shortly after. Now the sun was blaring down on us. I had Ryan on one side, and Mr. Cohen on the other.
"My office will be in contact to remind you of your court date."
"Got it," Ryan answered, as our mother's car screeched up to us.
She stumbled out and thrust her poorly manicured finger into my face. "Unbelievable! This is the kind of family I got. Pathetic!"
Mr. Cohen looked like he was the one getting publically berated. "Ms. Atwood? My name is Sandy Cohen. I am Ryan and Hailey's attorney."
"You should have let them rot in there. Just like their daddy. Just like their stupid brother." Then she grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the car, "Let's go! Now!"
I was already buckled in, not wanting a re-run of last night, before Ryan got in. His hand reached back, and I took the tiny card from him.
It was Mr. Cohen's card.
Once back at the house, a pit of dread formed in my gut.
Mom had already poured herself another drink, before she turned her attention onto us, "I can't do this anymore."
"I'm sorry Mom," I answered almost immediately. I was always the one apologizing first. I hated myself for it, yet every time I couldn't help myself. The Bambi nickname was more accurate than most people knew. Deep down, I desperately craved some sort of parental figure's love. Dad left, and Mom only cared when it benefited her.
"I want you out! Both of you."
"What?" I stuttered, tears springing to my eyes immediately. Hearing my wavering voice, Ryan was quick to grasp my hand, assuring me we would be fine. She didn't mean it. She never meant it. But the what-ifs always pestered me.
"Come on Mom, where do you expect us to go?"
Her boyfriend answered for her, "You heard her. Out! Now!"
Ryan was pissed, all of mom's boyfriend always treated us like shit. "This isn't your house, man."
"Oh, you think you're a tough guy, huh?"
Ryan's grasp on my hand tightened, and then he dropped it.
"Both of you, stop it." Mom tried, weakly.
But Ryan couldn't help himself, "Why don't you get the fuck out and stop freeloading off our mom."
The guy punched Ryan square in the nose, so hard that my brother stumbled back into me. I saw red.
I stepped out from behind Ryan and went to make my mark, but the guy was quick. He caught my fist in the air, twirling my arm around behind my back, then shoved me to the ground. My lip caught the corner of the side table, and I felt blood start to fill my mouth.
I felt someone lift me from the floor, knowing Ryan was the only one who would touch me after that. If I thought my head hurt before, then this was hell on earth.
We were out the door in minutes. Making quick to get the hell out of dodge.
No one wanted to house us. Ryan tried everyone we knew. I tried everyone and their mothers, and yet all we got was rejection. I had one last try, and my money dried up. Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out the card we received just hours beforehand.
How did it get this fucked, so fast?
I showed the card to Ryan who just nodded, what other choice did we have. Sure the park benches were always an option, but after last time? No way.
Mr. Cohen was the only one to pick up.
The house we pulled up to was something straight out of a movie. I didn't even realize people actually lived like this. Talk about growing up on the wrong side of the tracks.
We were just about to go inside before Mr. Cohen stopped us and told us to wait just a little.
Not having any other options we nodded our heads.
Ryan started walking down the driveway, pulling his pack of cigs from his jeans pockets. I followed him down, waiting for him to finish lighting up.
Once he took his first puff, he looked down at my puppy dog eyes. He smoked but hated it when I did it. But I guess he was feeling sorry for me because he handed me his pack.
He turned his gaze ahead of him, so I took one out. Then after a second thought, I took a few more out, hiding them in my jacket pocket.
"Put them back." He chided.
Damn, I thought I was safe. I put most of them back, keeping an extra one. He turned and gave me a look, not having my antics.
"Please, Ryan. Just this once."
"You're getting your once right now," He said, sneaking his hand into the pocket to retrieve his stolen goods. Then he offered me the light and allowed me a taste of heaven.
Looking up, I spotted a girl across us. She was staring at Ryan. Of course, she was staring at Ryan.
Feeling a little out of place, I made my way up the driveway again. These rich people need to lock up their homes more carefully.
I made my way through the backyard, careful not to fall into the gigantic fucking pool in the middle. If I had a house like this, I would swim every night.
I continued snooping around and noticed the back door to the house was also unlocked. I stubbed out the rest of my cigarette and made my way inside.
Making my way around the corner, I was caught by the owners. And Ryan.
"There she is, girl of the hour. Thank you for gracing us with your presence." Mr. Cohen joked, while his wife looked like her head might pop off at any minute.
Sheepishly, I waved my hand and made my way to stand next to Ryan.
"You must be Hailey," the woman said, offering her hand. I shook it while nodding my head. "Great, well, you two will be staying in the pool house. Which I'm sure you have already found." Touche.
"Thank you, Mrs. Cohen." Ryan and I said in unison like the Shinning Twins.
The rest of the night was spent in said pool house. I had wanted to keep wandering, but Ryan wouldn't allow it. So instead we both tried sleeping, tried being the keyword.
I woke before Ryan did. Odd, because normally it was the other way around.
Tip-toeing around his sleeping form, I successfully exited the pool house.
I wasn't alone for long before, I heard a slight shriek. Looking inside the house, I saw two doe eyes staring back at me. Then I let out my own shriek. Who the hell is that?
He was clearly younger than Mr. Cohen, but I wasn't aware they had a kid. Unless they didn't, and this was some sort of looter.
Sliding open the door that separated us, the boy stepped outside, ready to question me. But I beat him to it, "Who the hell are you?"
"Huh- Who the hell am I? Who the hell are you? Why are you in my backyard?"
"Wait, you live here?" So not a looter, my first theory was proving to be more accurate.
"Yes!" He exclaimed, "But you don't live here. And you're pretty, but with the cut on your lip, I'm assuming you aren't here to befriend me. So please leave before I get my lawyer dad to throw your ass in jail."
"Well your lawyer dad, just helped get my ass out of jail. So I feel pretty good about my standing with him right now."
This made him falter, "Wait, aren't you supposed to be a boy?"
I just raised my eyebrow at him.
"Sorry, my mistake. I must have heard wrong last night," then to save his ass, he extended his hand, "Truce?"
"Sure, spaz." and I put my hand in his. We awkwardly shook hands for longer than necessary, before I pulled away.
"Seth, but close enough. Wanna play video games?"
We played on his living room floor for about thirty minutes before Ryan caught us.
"What the hell Hailey, you left?" Seth swerved his head toward the intruder so fast, that I was worried he was gonna get whiplash.
Answering the question I knew was on the brunette's lips, I said, "Technically Ryan, I didn't leave. I relocated."
I looked to Seth, with his big questioning eyes, "Seth, meet Ryan. Ryan meets Seth. You two are like opposite sides of a coin." Then I smiled at Ryan, mouthing "sorry".
"Hi, Ryan. I wasn't aware there were two of you." That last bit was directed to me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, you want to play?"
In the next few hours, I received a lot of information. Seth was in love with Summer, a girl, not the season. Ryan was in love with Marissa, the girl from last night. But most importantly, Kirsten, the woman from last night, was in love with playing dress up.
We were currently residing in her room after she insisted that Ryan and I should attend the fashion show later that night. She had heard that Ryan was invited and thought that meant I would want to go too.
Don't get me wrong, in another life, I would eat this up. But, I didn't have high hopes for trying to fit into this richy rich society.
Kirsten had loaned me a dress, light pink silk that dropped down to my knees, with an asymmetrical hem at the bottom.
"That looks great" she smiled. Catching her gaze in the mirror, I tried to smile, but it looked more like I was in pain. She wasn't wrong, it did look great. Probably the greatest I have and would ever look. But I just felt so empty.
No empty was the wrong word. I felt too much, like one wrong breeze and I would fall off the cliff I was on.
"Thank you for the dress. And for your hospitality."
She made her way behind me, patting my back gently, "Come on sweetheart, the boys are probably waiting."
"Welcome to the dark side." Seth introduced. We had arrived at the function, and I was trying to stay mindful of why I was invited.
The show started soon after we took our seats. Ryan's Barbie doll, the model-faced girlfriend came out first. Then a slightly shorter brunette bounced out after, and Seth turned to whisper in my ear, "That's Summer." Of course, it was.
He tilted his head slightly to look at me, waiting for my approval. I gave him a thumbs up, then brought my lips up to the shell of his ear, "She's really pretty Cohen. Watch out, I might just steal her from you."
Pulling back, I looked at him and we erupted into giggles.
Once we turned our attention back to the show, I noticed that Summer had already gone back. So much for Seth's five-second glance at her.
I turned back to him one last time, ready to mouth "sorry", but he was already looking at me. I proceeded anyway, but with my cheeks heating up. He just shrugged his shoulders, then reached out to turn my head back.
After the show, Seth and I managed to be separated from the rest of the group. After failing to find our group, we lingered off to the side.
"You know, you could have been up there tonight." he started.
I looked up at him and gave him a smile, "Really? I was thinking the same about you. I could totally see you swinging your hips to be beat up there."
His cheeks turned red, but before he could come up with another witty comeback, Ryan found us. "Guys, we should go to that girl Holly's house. She's throwing a party."
"A party? No- no I'm good actually. I like my house."
Never one to back down from a party I said, "Come on Cohen, what if Summer is there."
That got his attention, cheeks turning brighter by the second.
"Come on!" A girl from the back of the car ahead called out.
Looking at Seth one more time, I wiggled my eyebrows and started walking back. "Come on Seth, you heard the girl." Then I turned on my heel and got into the car.
Looking around, I noticed a certain brunette bombshell was sitting right next to me. She offered me her hand and I accepted, "I'm Summer. You're Ryan's sister right?"
"That's so close, you almost knew my name!" She looked embarrassed and I felt guilty. "I'm Hailey, and yes, I am Ryan's sister."
I had been at the party for about an hour now, and still no sign of the boys. Not that I had searched too hard for them. Instead, my eyes had spotted the booze fairly quickly, and that ended up with me dancing with some guy. He was cute, but not cute enough for me to stop thinking about Seth. I hoped he actually came out. He needs to experience life a little.
Parting ways with the guy, I motioned to the drinks and he followed suit.
Then I spotted just who I was looking for. "Seth!" I stumbled over to him.
He turned around fairly fast and caught me as I thrust myself into him, going for a hug but failing. He laughed and held me up, hands on my waist. "Hailey!"
"You have a boyfriend?" A voice interrupted.
"Boy-boyfriend, no, no I'm sorry," Seth said to my former dance partner. Who ignored the boy, looking at me instead.
I was bored of him so I just nodded my head and then turned to ignore him.
He must have left as I made my way to get another drink because Seth came to stand right next to me. "How much have you had to drink?" He asked.
"How much have you had to drink?" I tried to counter. He just laughed at me, before a commotion erupted outside.
Noticing Ryan wasn't near us, I had a sneaking suspicion that he might be involved in whatever was transpiring outside. I tried getting through the crowded kitchen, but between being slightly more than drunk and being shoved back by unsuspecting elbows, I wasn't making it very far.
Seth, noticing I hadn't made it as far as he had, turned back to grasp my hand, and then pulled me through.
Once we got outside, I watched Ryan get knocked in the face by some blonde douchebag who shouted, "Welcome to the O.C. bitch!"
What the fuck is happening?
We left the party quickly after.
Coming out of the bathroom, I felt refreshed after being able to take a hot shower. Ryan and Seth were sat on the couch by the bed, talking about the night.
When I came out, both boys looked at me and then held up snacks.
We talked and giggled for a while until each one of us had our eyes closing by themselves. Seth had been curled up on one side of the couch for a while now. Any minute and he would be out like a light.
I excused myself to use the bathroom one last time, as Ryan went out for another smoke.
When I came out, albeit I took a little longer than anticipated Ryan and his Barbie doll were curled up on the bed. Damn. That was my spot.
My only other option was the floor, or the side of the couch that Cohen fist rested on. I made my way to the couch, gently pushing his legs to the side, trying to get the pillow that he rested on. I figured the floor was a safer place than being kicked in the head in the middle of the night.
I was trying to be subtle, not wake the sleeping boy, but he foiled my plans. "What are you doing?" he whispered soft, voice clogged with drowsiness.
"Nothing, go back to bed."
He sat up, rubbing at his eyes the way a small child would, "Seriously, Hailey, are you sleeping on the floor?" he questioned.
He made a move to get up, but I placed my hands on his shoulders pushing down slightly. "Seriously, I'm not letting you take the floor. If you're going to be so stubborn, just sleep on the couch with me."
"Cohen, I don't want your freakishly long legs to kick me."
"They won't. Just come on," he said, removing my hands from his shoulders so he could scoot over. "See, enough room for two."
I debated it for a second, I had never slept in the same spot as a boy. But Cohen took my silence as rejection and immediately moved to stand. "I'm sorry, I- I should take the floor."
"No!" I was quick to interject.
"No- just lay down again."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive Cohen."
And with that, he laid back down and opened up his arms. I crawled next to him, my back to his chest. He encircled by frame, "Is this okay?" I nodded in response, feeling the sleep hit almost immediately.
"Look, Ryan, Hailey, I'm sorry. I don't mean to play bad cop, It's nothing personal," Kirsten started.
Just minutes ago she had burst into the pool house, furious in only a way a mother can be. She didn't even question the fact that I was in her sons arms, only glaring at him and pointing behind her.
Seth got the hint and removed himself from me, following his mom back into the house like a scolded puppy.
Ryan and I made our way in shortly after, headed for the kitchen for one last meal before we were inevitably kicked out.
"I'm sorry, you two seem like such nice kids."
"It's okay, we get it," Ryan answered.
She was nice enough to allow us to stay by the Seth, so we made the trek upstairs.
Knocking on the door, I entered first. "We have to go," I told him.
"You're leaving?" he questioned, clearly sad.
Ryan spoke up, "We have to take care of some things back home."
Seth got up and shook Ryans out stretched hand. They did a typical boy handshake, before turning to me.
Seth and I looked at each other, unsure of what to do. I made the first move, going in to wrap my arms around his waist. I felt him stiffen at first, and then he reciprocated my motion.
When we pulled away he said, "Well, I can't wait to come visit you guys down in Chino. You can show me your world."
Our world no longer existed.
Once we pulled up to the house, Ryan and I were met with the shell of our home. Abandoned with a single poorly written letter.
"Come on." Mr. Cohen, our savior, to the rescue once again.
Back to exploring Seth's world instead.
A/N: holy fuck this took so long to write. but- yipee!! thank you for reading <3
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lightandfellowship · 5 months
Are there any worlds or Disney stories that you would have liked to see in Dark Road? Or any headcanons for worlds Xehanort went to (after the main story)?
I think Castle of Dreams would have been a really great world for a Vor and Vidar side-story.
Why Castle of Dreams? For one, all the Disney worlds in KHDR are reused from KHUX. Realistically, that's the only pool you can draw from when thinking about Disney worlds that "could have been", because otherwise the artists on the game would've had to make completely new assets and, well, KHDR is pretty much KHUX Reused Assets: The Video Game. All the KHUX Disney worlds not featured in KHDR would work fine in the game apart from Wreck-it-Ralph since it's a special world.
Actually, I just realized Castle of Dreams is the only non-WiR Disney world from KHUX that didn't make it into KHDR. So I guess Castle of Dreams is the only reasonable choice, lol.
Two, I feel like Castle of Dreams would work well thematically with Vor and Vidar in a variety of ways. Though I don't know if I'll ever finish that fic with them I wanted to make (probably not), perhaps I'll try to create short comics of some small moments I had in mind for them instead. I can better talk about and illustrate my ideas for this world then.
As for Xehanort post-KHDR, I'd probably be more willing to draw from non-KHUX worlds since KHDR doesn't really cover that time period much, anyway. I can just imagine this theoretical KHDR sequel in my mind that doesn't rely so heavily on reused assets. Xehanort's conversation with the MoM suggests that he must've seen some pretty messed up stuff involving darkness on his "world tour", so I'd probably go for Disney properties that are like...a bit darker or more tragic than Disney's usual fare? Stuff that you'd look at and go, "Yeah, makes sense why Xehanort ended up like this."
The question then becomes, what properties? Maybe stuff like:
Bambi: Xehanort's relationship (or lack thereof) to his mother could make witnessing Bambi's mother die to hunters be pretty upsetting. Much like Xehanort, Bambi was also the descendant of a noble bloodline and was expected to do great things when he was older.
The Fox and the Hound: Involves two unlikely friends becoming each other's enemies because of who they are and what they're expected to be, so that could remind him of his relationship with Eraqus, and make him question what the future has in store for them (and Xehanort does call Eraqus a "sly fox" on multiple ocassions).
Hunchback of Notre Dame: We've only ever seen it as a Sleeping World, so we have no idea when exactly the movie's plot occurs during the course of the Kingdom Hearts series. There are plenty of comparisons to draw between Xehanort and Quasi: tragically separated from their mother, raised by someone else, forced to live in isolation away from people and the greater world, has "imaginary" friends, desires freedom, is made to feel like an outcast, etc. Quasi could make Xehanort reflect on his childhood in Destiny Islands and Scala, but in a far more negative light that ends up tainting his perception of it.
Thanks for the interesting question, Starlight!
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mattslolita · 15 days
Hey kiwi how are we doing today?
(Also, who is Bambi dating again? I completely forgot.)
I wanna talk about Bambi so I I’m going to talk about Bambi and you can’t stop me 😁
Bambi doesn’t know what an orgasm is until she has one for the first time
Bambi is oddly really good at video games and like to show off
The first time Bambi gets high, she just cuddles up with her boyfriend and cries (that’s what I did )
hi angel, i'm doing okay right now, i appreciate you asking me 💌! and it's dealer!chris paired with bambi!reader !
okay so bambi isn't completely clueless when it comes to sex and that topic, so she deffo has an idea of what an orgasm is — i will say though she doesn't fully understand the feeling until she gets one for the first time !
oh she will MURDER chris at call of duty & battlefield like he doesn't stand a chance against her i fear
sigh yes bambi definitely shed a lot of tears after smoking w chris for the first time 😭
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cinewhore · 1 year
pairing: Doug Renetti x fem!reader word count: 4k warnings: fluff, angst, smut: vaginal penetration, cumshot a/n: in a minx mood! I just finished the second season and fell in love with the characters again. Folks have also been asking me about this so I guess this can live on here again. no beta and this is kind of old lolz. Enjoy & give credits to the gif creators!
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Popping your grape flavored gum, your eyes fly across the screen of the game you were currently engrossed in, hips swaying back and forth to KC & The Sunshine Band “Get Down Tonight”.  You came to the Hot Spot bar often, checking the high score of space invaders. You were the top player of the famed game ever since Charlie installed it and he always made sure to tuck away tokens for you whenever you showed up. 
It wasn’t your thing, playing video games. With the increase of working days and a higher demand for adult content, you were always looking to blow off steam that wasn’t sex related. You drunkenly stumbled upon the flashy box and were hooked. 
“C’mon, you piece of shit, eat my dust!” you mutter, tongue poking out a bit as your concentration deepens. The colored aliens jump around, narrowly avoiding your blazing ray gun. You weren’t going down without a fight and with a quick flip of your wrist, the last three aliens on your screen were blasted to hell. The machine dings as NEW HIGH SCORE appears, prompting you to input your initials for the scoreboard. You continue to hum to the song, jerking the joystick around the alphabet to claim your rightful throne. 
“Whew momma, I’d know those hips anywhere.” 
You bite a smile as you finish your gaming session, tossing your purse back over your shoulder. Turning around, you come face to face with Doug Renetti. He holds up two shot glasses filled with brown liquor, shaking them a bit to entice you. 
“You’re late.” 
Doug laughs and it pings your heart. You hated how much you liked to hear his laughter. 
“What can I say, I’m a busy guy.” 
You permit the rugged looking man to escort you to a booth, sliding in across from him and accepting the drink. 
“Too busy for me even? Wow!” you joke, signaling to the bartender for another round. 
“Never too busy for my favorite girl.” Doug flashes you a smile, dazzling you with his pearly whites. You bite your lip and lean back against the plush seat. 
“You go to work today?” 
Doug nods, thanking the waitress for the new set of drinks. “Yeah. I, uh, actually got this new magazine in the works. It’s gonna be big, I can feel it.” 
“So I heard.” 
Doug raises an eyebrow, massaging his sharp nose. “Oh yeah? Tony keeping tabs on me now?” 
You let out a nervous chuckle, rolling your eyes. Tony was always a sore subject of conversation. Your current boss, Tony Delgatto owned one of the biggest adult production companies in L.A. Tony and Doug started in the industry together but lines were crossed and the two went their separate ways. Tony and Doug both refuse to discuss what exactly happened between them and you knew better than to ask. Something about men with their dicks and egos. 
“No, the porn industry is just very small. Word travels fast.” you shrug but Doug wasn’t buying it. 
“How much did Bambi tell you?” 
You giggle into your glass. “Everything.” 
Doug groans. “She never stops talking, that Bambi.” 
“We go to the same hair salon! What else are we supposed to talk about, the weather?” 
“Yeah, that’d be nice for a change.” 
You scoff. “Oh, geez, maybe next time I’ll lead off with a: Hi Bambi, how’s the weather today? Oh! It’s mid-70s? Again? Someone call the press!”
“Yeah, alright. I get it.” 
A moment of silence passes by and you know exactly where this is going. 
“The offer still stands-” 
“Doug! Can we not do this today?” 
Doug’s face softens, his normal joking demeanor changing into something serious. “You’re a goddamn sex symbol and instead of becoming a household name, you’re wasting potential by showing your ass on a calendar spread where February has thirty days in it!” 
“Hey! Gertrude apologized for that and got new ones printed.” 
Doug sighs. “What I’m saying is that I can take good care of ya and present you to the world in the right way. You need to be on magazine covers, video tapes, television, not that other shit.” 
You clear your throat, gazing down at your hands in your lap. Doug was right. He tends to be, having done this for such a long time. Even as a high school dropout, Doug always felt that he was smarter than any test could prove. His business started off a tad rocky but once both of his feet were planted firmly on the ground, it took off. You always teased that he was hiding all his secrets in his hair. 
“I know my worth,” you assert. “And I’ve been working with Tony for years, if I just up and left for his biggest competitor he’d blackball me before I even left the parking lot.” 
Doug downs his drink. “Yeah….maybe.” He takes in your sullen expression. “I didn’t mean to make you upset, let me make it up to you.” 
You give him a half smirk. “Oh yeah? And just how do you plan to do that, Douglas?” 
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The walls to the single stall squeal as you get fucked against it, holding onto Doug for dear life. You were happy that you decided to wear a dress for the occasion, forgoing the bright colored tights due to the warm weather. Your underwear was currently dangling off of your right foot, legs thrown across Doug’s arms. 
“Now this,” Doug grunts, shifting his angle and hitting a deeper spot that made you cry out. “Is some grade-A pussy.” 
You laugh breathlessly. “Don’t you fucking forget it, sweetheart.” you grab a handful of his hair, tugging on it hard to spur him on further. 
The bass of the music playing seeps into the restroom, helping to conceal the moaning you were doing. Doug licks at your throat, analyzing your facial expressions. Even though you were a performer, he could tell from certain ticks that this wasn’t an act. Doug knew how to fuck you good and he was cocky about it. Some days he took it for granted but today he wanted to savor the moment, he wanted to make you unravel as many times as he possibly could. 
Creeping over to the sink, Doug sets you down and flips you over, spreading your legs with his foot. He doesn’t warn you as he enters you again, slowing down his pace in order to catch his breath. 
Your eyes meet in the mirror and you grin, eyes half open. He towers over you and tugs at the front of your dress, yanking it down enough to release your breasts. Doug kneads your tits, fingers pulling at your nipple. You whine, arching your back more. 
“I’m a pretty girl, say it.” 
Your eyes open all the way as you stare at Doug who doesn’t skip a beat. 
“Say it or I swear to God I’ll stop.” 
He thrust forward more harshly and you shuffle your feet around to accommodate him more. 
“I’m-oh-I’m a-” 
Doug smacks your ass. “Eyes on me when you say it.” 
You force yourself to glance at Doug. “I’m a pretty girl.” 
Doug nods. “Again.”
“I’m a pretty girl.”
He grabs your neck, pulling you up straight against his chest. “The prettiest fucking girl with the best pussy, ain’t that right.” 
You mumble and whimper affirmations, losing yourself to an orgasm. “I’m comin’, Doug, please.” 
“Uh huh, honey, I’m not done with you yet.” 
Doug slips out and prompts you to sit on the sink, positioning himself in between your legs. You groan as he enters you again, your immense amount of wetness making it an easy process. 
You surge forward kiss Doug, licking into his mouth. Your tongues fight for domination, Doug devouring all of your soft moans. 
“You want my cum?” 
Your head bobbles as you say yes. 
“How much you want it?”
“Bad. I want you to cum so badly, Doug.” 
Doug pumps his cock into you a few more times before he pulls out, snatching the condom off. He jerks his shaft, gasping as he spills his seed across your open legs. 
He drops his head on your shoulder, arms locking around your hips. You take a hand and lace it through his hair, humming lowly as your body simmers down from its tiny spasms. 
“Come work for me. Please.” he utters, pressing kisses to your bare shoulders. 
“You know I don’t talk business with your dick out.” 
Doug laughs softly, leaving one last kiss on your cheek before he makes himself decent. You adjust your dress, thanking Doug when he hands you your panties. 
“Doug, you know I can’t work for you.” 
Doug stares off into the distance, nodding to himself. 
The whole Tony excuse was played out. You could give a rats ass what Tony thought, you were fucking scared of Doug. You were head over heels for your oldest friend in the city who you sometimes had sex with. Ok, so you had sex a lot but it wasn’t like he was asking you for more and you were happy not to enter that unknown territory. You didn’t want people to think that you were fucking him for special privleges. You didn’t want to admit your true feelings. You didn’t want to get hurt. Not by anyone but definitely not him. 
Doug goes to leave the restroom but stops himself, digging in his suit pocket. He produces a small velvet cloth bag, handing it to you. 
You grab it, looking at him confused. “What’s this?” 
He gestures for you to open it. You gasp openly, a hand flying to your mouth. Inside the bag was a silver starfish necklace. Simple and beautiful. 
Doug takes the necklace from you, fastening it around your neck. He admires the charm, touching it gently. “Saw it and couldn’t stop thinking about how much you would like it. Happy birthday.” 
Doug says nothing else as he leaves you alone in the bathroom, closing out his tab and exiting the bar. 
Tony hadn’t said anything to you all day. 
It was a tough business. Not the industry you’d thought you would be a part of when you first moved out west. You wanted to go to school for marine biology but your parents didn’t approve, saying that the money wasn’t there and you should do something more practical with your life. They agreed to let you go to L.A. but set a hard rule that they weren’t going to support you so you had to find a job while applying to schools. 
Balancing rent, tuition, books, and other bills proved to be too much so you took up a call girl job when an older woman you came across in a bar one night told you that you were wasting your pretty over the phone. 
“Film is where it’s hot, sweet cheeks.” she advised, handing you a business card for Tony. Doug offered to help but you turned him down, saying that phone sex was better because you didn’t want your image to be broadcasted everywhere. 
You weren’t exactly sure when your beliefs changed but talking sexy over the phone wasn’t putting food on your table. 
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A Week Later.
You slip your sunglasses on top of your head, popping your gum noisily. You mosey up to the front desk of Bottom Dollar, smiling at the receptionist. The poor girl couldn’t get a word out before Bambi rushes past her, engulfing you in a tight hug. 
“I knew you would show up!” Bambi steps back, grabbing your hand and dragging you through the office. “Doug was adamant that you were not going to come but I just kept telling him that you’d end up here and here you are! My horoscope said that good things come to those who wait.” 
Bambi leads you into the photo area where Doug, Tina, and Richie were observing a new layout. They all turn when you enter with Bambi. Doug sits up straighter when he sees you, eyes zooming in on your neck. 
The necklace was still there. 
“Well would you look at what the cat brought in!” Bambi shrieks. 
You wave, surveying the scene. 
“You came.” Doug says, walking over to greet you with a hug. You hug him back, inhaling his familiar scent. 
“I heard you were struggling to stay afloat so I figured I’d offer a helping hand.” 
Doug chuckles and pulls you over to the table. “Oh really? Wonder where you heard that.” he side eyes Bambi. 
Gazing at the boards on the table, you whip your head up to look at Doug. “Is this for me?” 
Bambi holds up the layout for you to see it clearer. “I came up with the idea!” 
“Well, that’s half true.” Doug points to the board. “With the new magazine we got coming, it’s all about the female gaze. Intellect. What a better way to gain knowledge than having your own fun fact spread! We would feature you in every other issue and we’d use the space to feature fun trivia and facts about the ocean. We could even give some proceeds to a sealife charity of your choice.” 
Tears well up on your eyes as you gaze at Doug’s work. Setting down your purse, you shed off your jacket. 
“Where do I stand?” 
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