#Baron Zemo romance
lettalady · 8 months
Word game: darkness
Fanfiction WIP guessing game: Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
I found the word in the WIP: Malum House which features GRZemo.
I wanted to attempt a gothic romance and... well I'm roughly 28k words into fleshing out the plotting and testing to see if I can actually accomplish what I've set out to do.
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No answer sounds in return, the light radiating from Oeznik’s wicks traveling with him to plunge the hallways beyond Helmut’s office to near darkness once more.
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morguevampire · 1 year
(Un) Fortunate Encounters - Chapter 6
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Masterlist for this fic
summary:  Fighting boredom and missing genuine human interactions you make it your mission to find out more about the Baron. He ignores your questions but tension builds up eventually, when you don't stop prying.
warnings/tags: fluff, smut, angst, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of torture, drinking, mild alcoholism, dark themes, slow build romance, not really Stockholm syndrome but that’s up for interpretation 
chapters: 6/?
word count: 1.934k 
pairings: Helmut Zemo x fem!Reader
author’s note: 
Uhhh, it's been a minute. Whoopsie.
Here's the usual excuses of being busy with uni and real life responsibilities but if we're completely honest I did not really feel like writing and I think I needed a (quite long) break from this story but I am back and i had fun writing this! Wrote this chapter pretty fast, so excuse the mess lol. As usual, english not my first language bla bla bla.
Feedback is always appreciated and THANK YOU to whoever is still reading this and has not given up on me. I have the intention of finishing this... i just need time. But as Zemo said: I have experience. And patience. A man can do anything if he has those.
Muchos besos mis amores <3
You can also find this work on https://archiveofourown.org/works/43158162/chapters/119680711
The more time you spend talking to Zemo, the more intriguing it becomes to find out more about his person. He’s like a closed book, not giving you any more information than is visible on the cover. Little side notes sometimes helping your brain in forming a genuine personality around him. But it feels like a one-sided game. He asks you questions about your family and friends, your hobbies, your feelings and your morals but in return you get almost nothing.
Mentally you make a note to pay extra attention when talking to him. Taking in all the crumbs he gives you about his private life. It almost feels like a game, and it does keep you entertained.
With time you get bolder in returning his questions. Simple little inquires, which aren’t too intimate but when answered could reveal something.
It’s obvious that they annoy him, most times he won’t answer or even leave the room in a sort of nonchalant way which makes you even more curious. As if he didn’t hear you. But his ignorance doesn’t stop you from prying. He’s fast to tell you his values and morals in a general sense, yet he will not go into specifics about his actions or his past.
On one occasion, it was during your dinner-routine, he seemed to be in a particularly chatty mood and gave you quite a few personal insights, so you figured it might just be okay to ask him about his family. You were both indulging in some whiskey and at the beginning it seemed to have lifted some of his secretive nature. You even catch him smiling at one point. Like a full-on laugh. But that changes immediately once you ask him about his son.
“So, what was Carl like? That’s your son’s name right? I think I read it in a news article somewhere?”
The noise of his cutlery clashing against the porcelain plate startle you. You immediately fix your gaze to your own plate, not wanting to look at his furious face and be reminded of the incident in his study. Your intentions were innocent enough but you knew you had overstepped a boundary. Instead of rage or screaming, his eerie soft but sharp voice tells you it’d probably be best to retire for the night. You mumble a quiet “sorry” but he’s already out of the dining room.
With that you’re left alone, food half eaten and the light mood of the evening ruined.
It bothers you. The way his mood changes so dramatically. It was difficult to navigate. On one hand you feel welcomed and heard and safe in his presence and on the other hand you feel like walking on very thin ice around him.
You were also sick of apologizing for asking questions. He seemed to know everything about you, yet you had no idea who the man you were staying with was. For the next day he was nowhere to be seen. Your trust had been broken.
You decide to distract yourself with books and a cup of tea, spiked with rum to ease your nerves. That evening you eat dinner on your own. Sulking in your own stupidity in thinking such a manipulative, egoistic man would open up to you. You still couldn’t even figure out what his intentions with you were. What did he want? Why were you still here? After all, it has been two weeks or so.
Time seemed to fly by when you were in company with either the Baron or Oeznik, but when you were alone it was like living in a never-ending dream. Not necessarily a nightmare, but the sort of dreams that made you feel stuck and anxious.
After dinner you decide to lounge around the living room, nursing a glass of the expensive liquor stashed in a cupboard next to the bookshelves. Alcohol helps pass the time, you figure. You were staring at the words in a random book, absently touching the stitched up wound above your left eye when his voice interrupts your aimless thoughts.
“We should probably take out those stitches. The wound seems healed enough.”
It wasn’t a question or a request. It was a command to get up and follow him into the downstairs bathroom.
He instructs you to sit down on the edge of the bathtub, where he kneels in front of you, unpacking the medical kit which seems to have magically appeared. You feel yourself caught in a sort of haze, intimidated by the situation. You’ve never been this close to the man before.
Perhaps that time in the warehouse where he carried you towards safety but having him in front of you, on his knees, face so close you could feel the ghost of his breath on your cheek not only made you blush, but also tense up.
You try avoiding his keen stare, rather just looking down at your sweaty hands fumbling around nervously.
When you dare to look up for individual short moments you notice light freckles on his skin. Also some stubble on the cheeks. But his face seems soft, even with his focused gaze, eyebrows furrowed to assess the wound on your forehead.
Whenever you feel your staring becomes too intense or obvious and you look down again, his smell overtakes your senses. His cologne smells citrusy, mixed with notes of cedar wood. 
You curse yourself for being so desperate. It must be your lack of social interaction with other humans besides him that makes you so overwhelmed with the closeness. Needless to say, it is an invasion of your private space, whether you appreciate it or not, you can’t really tell just yet.
After assessing the healing process of the wound Zemo mumbles a simple “looks good” and proceeds to take out tweezers and medial scissors.
It’s in that moment that he briefly catches your stare. For some unknown reason, instead of avoiding his eye, you decide to look right back at him. It’s probably only a fraction of a second but it feels like minutes of staring into each other’s eyes and by the time he finally concentrates on your forehead again you’re a wreck. Shaking even more than before and trying to breath as quietly as possible. What was wrong with you? Why did he have that effect on you?
He must have noticed your discomfort as he tells you that “it’s alright, just stay calm and relax” while he’s preparing to remove the stitches.  
It really just isn’t that easy to relax when your brain decides to completely eliminate the function of self-control and all you can think about is the fact that your kidnapper/host/new-friend-who-also-happens-to-be-a-Baron-AND-a-terrorist is actually quite an attractive man and very caring and gentle when he wants to be. His fingers just ever so slightly ghosting over your skin, giving you goosebumps all over. Underneath all those rigid, strong features definitely lies something soft and vulnerable.    
You try to calm yourself down, you really do. Closing your eyes and easing your breathing when Zemo suddenly burst your meditative bubble.
“He loved Turkish delights.”
Your eyes snap open, finding Zemo’s but he’s not looking at your confused expression, but instead focusing on the wound above your left eye. He senses your confusion though.
“Carl. My son.”
Now you were even more stunned. He was actually opening up. In all of the possible situations, he chooses to tell you about his son while being mere inches from your face. But you didn’t want to break the spell. Staying quiet and assuming he talked to distract you, why he chose such a personal topic, you didn’t know but you appreciate his story.
He tells you about how Carl was a tough kid. Nothing ever hurt too much and he wasn’t scared of anything, besides maybe wasps. But he most likely got that from his father. 
  He would come home from playing outside spotting bruises and cuts from branches or wounds from falling from his bike but he’d be so casual about it. Simply asking for a band aid, just to rip it off again after a few hours because it was “annoying on his skin”. 
His mother was worried he’d be too reckless, but she knew he’d learned from his father to always calculate the risks. 
It was only once, when he suddenly came running from playing with friends outside. When jumping over a little stream somewhere in the woods surrounding the Zemo’s Estate he must have slipped and cut himself quite deep on his shin on a sharp rock. The ever cool Carl he was, he told his friends it was nothing, just a scratch and he’d just get a band aid real quick.
  He really did try to hold back the tears, but when he spotted his father sitting on the balcony and alarmingly getting up when he saw his boy limping towards him, blood running all over his legs, the tears came, even for tough Carl.  
The wound was quickly fixed up, the tears dried and the mood lifted with a treat of Turkish Delights. 
“With all my efforts, I've always encouraged him to freely express his emotions. And not to shy away from embracing his weaknesses.” He sighs.
“But then again, I suppose I wasn’t much of a role model in that regard.”
You don’t know what to say. You want to say something. Anything. Mostly you want to thank him for opening up. For telling you about something so intimate. Essentially telling you about his own failings. Making himself vulnerable, right in front of you.
“I think he still really looked up to you. And I don’t think you failed.”
It’s all you say.
Zemo has long finished taking out the stitches but he’s still there. Not having moved from his position and it seems you’re back to simply staring at each other. In that moment he looks like a normal man. A bit of a broken man but a genuine one. An open book, really to be read and ready to be understood.  You catch yourself wanting to touch him then. Just softly run your hand along his cheek, or just give him a hug, a long one. You search his face, wanting to take in as much as possible, before the moment expires or worse: it turns out to have been a dream. He’s doing the same, his stare dropping to your lips in an almost antagonizing rhythm. It takes everything in you not to reach out. You’ve never been one to make first moves, and you feel it isn’t your place to take action or advantage of his vulnerability. So you wait, and continue to stare and hope he just leans in and kisses you already. You know it probably isn’t a good idea, but you also feel it to be something you both would need at the moment.
It could be your imagination but you feel as if he was leaning even further into your space, ever so closer, breath hitching and heart beating too fast, too loud in your chest….
“Right… the scar should heal quite nicely.”
It is pure disappointment. The way he pulls back in the last second, right before you could have tasted his lips, mumbling whatever about your scar. You just nervously clear your throat and thank him.
He’s stood up and is out of the bathroom before you can even think about saving the situation.
Needless to say, that night you can’t sleep. And for once, it’s not because of nightmares.
You lie there, wondering if his thoughts are circling around as well.
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Note: The show notes and the story synopsis are not final, this is just currently what I have in mind. Just not that I thought that Rogers: The Musical in Hawkeye was cringe and I want this to be an Avengers musical with a much higher quality.
Assassins In Love (An Avengers Musical)
Production Notes:
The story and the production design will incorporate elements from the comics, in particular the 616 timeline, but there will be references to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. References to the Avengers Assemble and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes cartoons are very welcome. The goal of the production is to be fan service in good taste, but in such a way that non-fans can also enjoy it.  Action scenes/language/sensuality will be kept at the PG-13 level.
The songs will be in the style of classic Broadway and Disney musical numbers, with touches of hip-hop and big band jazz. The superheroes and villains in their fight scenes will wear bright, colorful costumes based on their comic book and film counterparts.
The majority of the story takes place in 2010s New York City. Scenes with flashbacks and travel to other places can be depicted with lighting and stage effects.
Genres: Action, Romance, Romantic Comedy, Suspense, Spy thriller
Starring Characters: Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier and Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Supporting female characters: Sharon Carter/Agent 13, Maria Hill, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Pepper Potts appears at the party in Act I and in the Finale
Supporting Male characters: Steve Rogers/Captain America and Sam Wilson/Falcon; Tony Stark/Iron Man, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, and of course Clint Barton/Hawkeye
Villains: Alexander Pierce/Red Skull and Madame B from the Red Room; Kingpin also appears briefly in Act II
Avengers Chorus: Vision, Thor, Bruce Banner/Hulk, Scott Lang/Ant-man and Hope Van Dyne/Wasp; Doctor Strange; Peter Parker/Spider-man, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver; Rhodey/War Machine
Villain Chorus (for opening Avengers battle): Including but not limited to Loki, Baron Mordo, Mysterio, Doc Ock, Whiplash, and Zemo
Extras: NYC Civilians, SHIELD/Hydra agents
Clint Barton’s family from the MCU will be mentioned throughout the play and appear in the finale
Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter will have a romance that parallels and foils Bucky and Natasha’s relationship; they will be a couple by the end of the show.
Story Synopsis
Prologue—(The prologue will be depicted in a montage of scenes and dances with minimal dialogue).
Steve Rogers/Captain America and Bucky Barnes were best friends and fought side-by-side in World War II. At the end of the war, Captain America goes missing and Bucky is captured by Hydra. Red Skull turns Bucky into the Winter Soldier and uses him as an assassin to enforce Hydra’s agenda.
Meanwhile in Russia, the Red Room headed by Madame B trains young girls to be assassins but incorporates ballet into their program. Young Natasha Romanoff is one of the best pupils in the Red Room. Red Skull and Madame B arrange to have the Winter Soldier train with teenaged Natasha.
In modern times, Captain America returns. He fights the Winter Soldier only to discover that his opponent is his long-lost friend Bucky. Bucky goes into hiding.
Present Day
The Avengers save New York City from a team of supervillains. After the battle, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff have a personal chat. Steve is adjusting to the modern world. However, ever since his encounter with the Winter Soldier he suspects that Hydra could be building in secret. He is also looking for Bucky but so far the search is fruitless. Natasha Romanoff is content with her existence as an Avenger, but she wonders if she can ever have a normal life and do something besides be an assassin. Sam Wilson arrives to tell Steve that Bucky has turned up.
At the headquarters of SHIELD, Director Nick Fury suspects that Hydra is rising again and warns Phil Coulson and Maria Hill to be on the lookout. Hydra is, in fact, operating under Fury’s nose, led by the Red Skull disguised as Alexander Pierce. Pierce works in a high-profile position at SHIELD. Madame B pays Pierce a visit, and together they plot to destroy the Avengers and help Hydra take over the world. Throughout the play, Madame B is in the background of various crowded scenes, spying on the characters.
After spending months in hiding, Bucky Barnes is in Brooklyn, his and Steve’s childhood home. Bucky is living in the streets while trying to remember his past and put his Winter Soldier days behind him. Steve Rogers finds Bucky and offers him material help. After some persuasion and argument, Steve gets Bucky to move in with him and Sam. Steve also invites Bucky to a party that night being thrown by Tony Stark.
Tony Stark throws a party at the Avengers Tower in Manhattan. While the other guests enjoy the party, Bucky sees Natasha Romanoff from across the crowded room. He remembers her from the Red Room. Natasha sees Bucky also, and she recognizes him. They meet and they talk briefly.
A few days after the party, she goes to Central Park and she sees Bucky again. They discuss their shared past.
Steve gets Bucky a job at SHIELD as a super-agent. For his first assignment, Bucky is sent out with Natasha Romanoff. It is at this point that Bucky recognizes that he has a growing romantic attraction to her.
Bucky has a hard time hiding his feelings for Natasha from the other Avengers. The Avengers and their coworkers at SHIELD believe that Natasha might like him back, but she is in denial. Nick Fury sends Bucky and Natasha undercover to a party in Manhattan hosted by Kingpin. Natasha and Bucky dance together at the party, and then they fight Kingpin’s thugs and arrest the crime magnate.
After the party, Natasha and Bucky frequently go on assignments together, but they also start seeing each other outside of work. Bucky is unsure about where to take his relationship with Natasha. He goes to Steve for advice, and as they reminisce about old times, they rekindle their former friendship. Later, Bucky summons up his personal courage and he tells Natasha that he loves her. They start ‘officially’ dating as a couple, but Madame B is spying on them. Maria Hill, however, is in turn spying on Madame B. Hill tips off Fury that Hydra is going to make their move.
Natasha rented an apartment in Manhattan (furnished by SHIELD) for an ongoing assignment and she is staying there while she and Bucky are dating. Madame B breaks into Natasha’s apartment while she is getting ready for a date with Bucky. Natasha is overpowered and tied to a chair. Then Madame B disguises herself as Natasha and she goes out and captures Bucky.
The Avengers receive Nick Fury’s call for help and they ‘Assemble’ to take out Hydra. Sharon Carter makes a phone call to Natasha and learns that Natasha has been captured and that Bucky is being lured into a trap. While the Avengers go to save Bucky, Natasha attacks her guards and frees herself to go join the Avengers.
When the Avengers come to rescue Bucky, Alexander Pierce reveals himself to them as Red Skull. There is a battle between the Avengers and the Hydra sleeper agents. Natasha arrives, and during the combat she and Bucky steal several moments to ask each other if they are all right. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes take turns fighting the Red Skull. Red Skull attempts to set off a bomb, but Natasha disables it. Bucky kills Red Skull. Madame B and the other Hydra agents are arrested. Bucky asks Natasha to marry him and she says yes.
Finale: The Avengers throw a big wedding for Bucky and Natasha.
@sharingsharoncarter @burninblood @bolshoiromanova @agentxthirteen
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lilliad-dreams · 2 months
My favorite muses as of late..
Henry Granville [ The one and only, my beloved Henry <33 ] - Bridgerton
Crowley / Fergus McLeod [ The crossroads demon and part-time king of Hell. ] - Supernatural
Fleur Lovelake [ A Hunger Games OC I created purely out of boredom, but then wrote a romance with Haymitch I've fawned over forever <33 ] - Hunger Games ( OC )
Severus Snape [ An almost half a decade lasting obsession, and I'm still not done with him <3 ] - Harry Potter
Baron Zemo [ A man whom I will never be bored of writing.. God bless me. ] - MCU / Marvel
If anyone wishes to write with my muses, dm me !! I need to write a surplus of all my beloveds.
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
November 5th -  Mach 1
Abner Jenkins had been a gifted engineer and aircraft maintenance technician who became bored and disillusioned with his low paying job.  As such he used his engineering prowess to create a powerful suit of armor based roughly on the exoskeleton of the common beetle.  The suit provided flight, shielding and a host of offensive capabilities.  Now calling himself ‘The Beetle,’ Jenkins hired himself out as a mercenary for various criminal schemes.  This brought him into conflict with superheroes that included The Human Torch, Spider-Man and Iron Man.  
Following numerous defeats at the hands of these heroes, Abner continued to refine and streamline his armor.  He became involved with the Sinister Syndicate and later Baron Zemo’s Masters of Evil.  
Following the apparent demise of the Avengers and Fantastic Four in battle against Onslaught, Jenkins joined Zemo’s nefarious Thunderbolts scheme.  Herein a group of super villains hid their identities and posed as new superheroes to fill in for those heroes who had disappeared.  Jenkins was rebranded as ‘Mach 1’ an armor-clad hero in the mold of Iron Man.
Although this was a plot to gain public trust so to ultimately take over the world, Jenkins came to very much enjoy acting as a hero and receiving the acclaim and emotional reward of being one of the good guys.  As such, Jenkins ultimately turned against Zemo and he and a number of the other Thunderbolts decided to become heroes in ernest and aided the returned Avengers in bringing Baron Zemo down.  
Jenkins would ultimately have to serve a prison sentence for crimes committed during his time as The Beetle.  He was furloughed so to continue acting as a member of The Thunderbolts under the successively leaderships of Hawkeye, Luke Cage and The Winter Soldier.  During his time with the team, Jenkins maintained an on-again/off-again romance with his teammate, Songbird.  
Mach 1 was seemingly killed in a mission trying to contain the destructiveness of Kubik the Living Cosmic Cube.  Considering Kubik’s ability to alter reality, it is likely that the hero will return in the not too distant future.  
Jenkins first appeared as The Beetle in the pages of Strange Tales #123 (1964); and first appeared as Mach 1 in Incredible Hulk #449 (1996).
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nyxetoile · 1 year
New Story Alert!
Title: Forget Your Perfect Offering
Rating: E
Pairing: Amanda Newbury/Baron Helmut Zemo
Summary: The slowburn, enemies-to-lovers Amanda/Zemo dark romance that none of you asked for but I had to write anyway. What can I say? @olivesawl was busy at work and I was left unsupervised. Please go to AO3 and check the tags for warnings and triggers. Specific chapters will have warnings in the notes. I will make every attempt to update regularly.
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stony-ao3-feed · 2 years
Betrothals and Betrayals
Read it on AO3
by Elenduen
Heirs to the Kingdoms of Eregand and Lonliand, Steve and Tony are betrothed as children to strengthen the two countries' alliance against the encrouching armies of Hydra and Terring.
After the assassination of his parents and the attempted assassination of himself, Tony is brought to the court of Eregand for his protection and so he and Steve can get to know each other, but more attempts on his life follow and so he is sent away to be educated in a secret location until he is of age.
The sudden death of his Grandfather King of Lonliand and another attempt on his life bring Tony out of exile sooner than expected to claim his crown and wed Steve. But the threats to his life, to their lands still exist and those close to the crown are plotting against the new King and Prince, wanting power for themselves.
Struggling to fit into their new rolls, struggling with each other and what is expected of them, Tony and Steve have to overcome uncertainty, mistrust, misunderstanding, and betrayals along with constant threats to their lives if they are ever to find happiness together.
Words: 3648, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Peggy Carter, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Ana Jarvis, Sharon Carter (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Peter Parker, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts, Johann Schmidt, Alexander Pierce, Brock Rumlow, Baron Zemo, Obadiah Stane, Ho Yinsen
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, Arranged Marriage, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Tony Stark, Orphan Peter Parker, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Suspense, Action/Adventure, Romance, Pregnant Tony Stark, Red Skull - Freeform, Kidnapping, Protective Steve Rogers
Read it on AO3
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ao3feed-stony · 2 years
Betrothals and Betrayals
by Elenduen
Heirs to the Kingdoms of Eregand and Lonliand, Steve and Tony are betrothed as children to strengthen the two countries' alliance against the encrouching armies of Hydra and Terring.
After the assassination of his parents and the attempted assassination of himself, Tony is brought to the court of Eregand for his protection and so he and Steve can get to know each other, but more attempts on his life follow and so he is sent away to be educated in a secret location until he is of age.
The sudden death of his Grandfather King of Lonliand and another attempt on his life bring Tony out of exile sooner than expected to claim his crown and wed Steve. But the threats to his life, to their lands still exist and those close to the crown are plotting against the new King and Prince, wanting power for themselves.
Struggling to fit into their new rolls, struggling with each other and what is expected of them, Tony and Steve have to overcome uncertainty, mistrust, misunderstanding, and betrayals along with constant threats to their lives if they are ever to find happiness together.
Words: 3648, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Peggy Carter, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Ana Jarvis, Sharon Carter (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Peter Parker, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts, Johann Schmidt, Alexander Pierce, Brock Rumlow, Baron Zemo, Obadiah Stane, Ho Yinsen
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, Arranged Marriage, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Tony Stark, Orphan Peter Parker, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Suspense, Action/Adventure, Romance, Pregnant Tony Stark, Red Skull - Freeform, Kidnapping, Protective Steve Rogers
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42070581
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Westview Penitentiary
by SquidsComics
MCU fanfiction where the world sees the benefits of Wanda's Westview and gives her her own town to live out her happily ever after. This doesn't come without a catch though, other than her family, the town is entirely populated by super villains. Among these incarcerated villains are Thanos, Ultron, Abomination, Agatha, Vulture, Zemo, and more! Read Wanda's little slice of life story as she balances being a mom with being a super prison warden!
Words: 1177, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, WandaVision (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Avengers (Comics), Scarlet Witch (Comic), Marvel (Comics), Marvel 616
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Emil Blonsky, Abomination (Character), Vision (Marvel), White Vision (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Agatha Harkness, Ebony Maw, Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Cull Obsidian, Black Dwarf, Ultron (Marvel), The Vulture, Baron Zemo, Arcade (Marvel), Thaddeus Ross, Quicksilver (Professional Wrestling), Pietro Maximoff
Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Thanos (Marvel)/Everyone, Corvus Glaive/Proxima Midnight
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Action, Action & Romance, Superheroes, My First Fanfic, Mind Control, Prison, Town of Westview New Jersey (Marvel), The Hex | The Maximoff Anomaly in Westview (Marvel), Alternate Universe - House of M, What if? House of M (2009) #1
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/8k1Cnaj via IFTTT
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lettalady · 3 months
Is it cheating if I send two? 🌹🌹
I mean considering how often I twist a prompt into something else I'm not one to say one way or the other 😉
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🌹🌹: Malum House || GRZemo (gothic romance Baron Helmut Zemo au)
For two roses you get two paragraphs - also because the moment is fun but also requires a little extra context:
Helmut hesitates only a moment before admitting to the name, or lack thereof, of the dog that was once a puppy – a present presented to a little boy that no longer dwells in the land of the living. “Dog.”  Aster bends to similarly offer greetings that he does to Dog, who immediately notes that she’s mistakenly drawn herself to adequate face licking height and bounds to her once more. This time Dog does manage to settle Aster off her feet and to the floor, but quickly falls into place alongside her to best receive belly rubs, all the while ignoring scoldings from all observing.
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morguevampire · 2 years
(Un) Fortunate Encounters -Chapter 1
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Masterlist for this fic
summary:  You already had enough shit to deal with in your life and probably could have done without bumping into a wanted Sokovian terrorist/criminal by accident. Of course this random encounter had to turn into a whole new mess but could it perhaps turn into something beautiful?
warnings/tags: fluff, smut, angst, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of torture, drinking, mild alcoholism, dark themes, slow build romance, not really Stockholm syndrome but that’s up for interpretation 
chapters: 1/?
word count: 1.062k 
pairings: Helmut Zemo x fem!Reader
author’s note: Hallöchen und Willkommen zurück!  I haven't posted anything in ages but I suppose I am back with quite a challenge for myself: a multi-chapter Zemo fic? I will try my best to actually finish this story and post (semi) regularly - in case people are actually interested. Please excuse the kind of cryptic summary. I have the story more or less planned out but I am quite spontaneous so I might just switch stuff around. Already working on the next two chapters tho :)
 As always, English is not my mother tongue so I am happy for any corrections concerning spelling, grammar and general sense-making. Also let me know what you think in general and if you are interested at all in me continuing this work. Thank you and Tschüsseldorf
You can also find this work on https://archiveofourown.org/works/43158162/chapters/108466263
Chapter One: Strangers
It must have been last Tuesday, you recall, while one of the detectives presses play on the security footage that they are showing you. You were storming out of the bank, you somehow managed to block your credit card and you were in a rush since you had to go fix it during your lunch break. God forbid you took an absence from work for stuff like this, your boss was an asshole.
You bumped into a guy on your way out, which you didn’t even fully register but apparently it was the worst thing you could have done because you’re currently sitting in an interrogation room of the fucking FBI because of it. The two detectives not so quietly knocked on your door this morning, all but dragging you out of your apartment – you were seen with a wanted criminal and brought in for questioning, while your apartment was being searched by forensics.
It’s now been almost two hours of “How do you know Baron Helmut Zemo?” and “What did he say to you?”. He apparently escaped prison again and was on the run leaving basically no traces. You told them time and time again that yeah, you knew who he was… from the news… but that you really didn’t recognize him bumping into you and had already forgotten the encounter a minute after it happened, so caught up in your own shitshow of a life. At least after the 10th time of trying to make it clear that you did not KNOW the guy they followed a different strategy in questioning you.
“Please, Miss, close your eyes for us and try to recall the moment. We really need details to get a lead on finding the bastard.”
You did as you were told. It was difficult; the fluorescent lights of the room already giving you a headache and the atmosphere rigid and uncomfortable but you really tried going back to that moment in your mind.
You remembered rushing out of the door of the bank. Not too many people were around. You were looking at your phone, checking the time to see you needed to be back at work in 10 minutes when suddenly you full on pumped into a guy in a dark purple sweater and gray baseball cap. Your phone slipped out of your hand and you remember that he bent down to pick it up at the same time as you. He mumbled a quiet “apologies”. He was quicker to grab your phone, handing it to you with a simple “Are you ok?” while intensely staring at your face, slightly tilting his head. Remembering now you could probably verify he had an accent, but it could have also just been that you now knew that a Sokovian terrorist asked you that question. You mumbled a quick “yeah, yeah no worries” and got up quickly. In your memory the exchange lasted maybe a few seconds but seeing it on the security footage it seemed to take ages until you were on your feet again heading away from the man. He even turned around to watch you storm off and quickly disappeared himself.
You could kind of understand why the FBI was suspicious about the encounter but you really did not have any useful information. Eventually, in combination with the lack of evidence in your apartment, they recognized you were a dead end and let you leave, simply warning you to stay in the country and to tell them should you remember anything useful.
Once you got home you collapsed on your couch. The apartment felt strange, knowing just mere hours ago a team of men in white suits basically took it apart, looking for any kind of evidence that tied you to the man that bombed the UN.
You let out a big sigh that turned into a grunt and rubbed your eyes. You were exhausted and pissed off and maybe also a little bit scared. You couldn’t shake the feeling off that this wasn’t a simple accidental running into some stranger. This man was a mastermind. A villain. He had the brains to take out the avengers and yet he makes the mistake of bumping into some random woman all while getting caught on a security camera. What was he even doing at the bank?
Thoughts kept circling around in your head and what’s the thing a mindful, responsible adult with a good coping mechanism does in that situation? Pour a glass of wine and do some research on google. At least it was Friday night, so you had the whole weekend to come up with weird conclusions and maybe take one or the other semi-drunk nap. You opened your browser and in a Bella from Twilight kind of way simply googled “Helmut Zemo”. Random articles popped up, some pictures of him during his arrest and as with any brutal criminal there was of course a whole community of people romanticizing him. You looked down on his “fans” for justifying his actions but did you blame them for finding Helmut Zemo attractive – not really. You had to recall how he looked at your face while picking up your phone, brown eyes staring intensely into your own while a deep, quiet voice asked you if you were ok. And that’s when you shut your laptop and slumped back in your seat, groaning once again because what the fuck. Were you really that desperate and deprived of attention from the male species that you would let your thoughts go into that direction. No. It was time for bed, even if that just meant staring at the ceiling for however long it took exhaustion to overpower your restless mind.
The next morning you couldn’t really remember how you got into your pajamas or whether you brushed your teeth but your mind was still full of images of him. Coffee should help, you figured. You stared absently at your little Italian moka pot, contemplating the day’s activities when a loud crash suddenly erupted. Almost as if somebody just smashed down your front door. You startled, froze on the spot and became extremely scared. Was it the FBI again? Have they found something after all? Something that you weren’t even aware of? You were just about to turn around when something heavy hit the back of your head.
And everything went back.
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themculibrary · 2 years
Amusement Parks Masterlist
Anything Goes (And Usually Does) (ao3) - tisfan bucky/tony E, 2k
Summary: A night at the fair, anything and everything goes...
A Whole New World (ao3) - Icylightning pepper/tony T, 18k
Summary: For last six months Tony and Pepper were looking for a child to adopt but luck wasn't on their side. Until one day, Tony receives a letter from five year old Peter Parker.
Best Ride In Town (ao3) - ChasingMuses bucky/zemo E, 13k
Summary: Bucky's pretty sure there's not much better than a disheveled, slightly desperate Zemo. He's not wrong but he's going to have to make up the public embarrassment that the Baron suffers. Thankfully, he's up to the task.
Candy Floss (ao3) - Captain_Loki clint/natasha G, 1k
Summary: The Avengers go on a team building trip to an amusement park
Disney World (ao3) - Kenzie_Marvel G, 9k
Summary: Natasha and Tony takes Yelena and Peter to Disney World, cute chaos ensues. :)
ferris wheels (engine failure) (ao3) - MAVEfm G, 1k
Summary: He can't stand Coney Island or the way his whole body feels like it's caught in a current, or the way Mantis is looking at him.
For A Smile (ao3) - FujurPreux steve/tony T, 9k
Summary: Tony's scientific quest to make Steve smile goes to interesting places when he tasks a new AI to help him with the logistics.
Honey Honey Rock the Boat (ao3) - HisaHiru steve/bucky T, 5k
Summary: A date at the amusement park, Steve and Bucky being lovey dovey... What could go wrong? Nothing. Except Tony (and friends) decided it was time for them to step in and play detective. Sam wanted to go home already.
(I Can't Let This Go) I'm On My Way (ao3) - kototyph steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: “Do you, uh… d’you want to go in?” he asks. Jeez, he’s nervous. He doesn’t think he’s been this nervous since 1940 and asking Mary Margaret to come dancing, standing out on her stoop with all her brothers and sisters watching and Bucky egging him on from under the stairs. She’d turned him down in front of God and country and even slammed the door in his face.
Steve really, really hopes Bucky’s not about to slam the door in his face.
It's 3am and We Must Be Lonely (ao3) - monicawoe steve/bucky T, 2k
Summary: Steve and Bucky go on a motorcycle ride to Coney Island in the middle of the night. The amusement parks are closed but that doesn't keep them from having some much-needed fun.
Ride (ao3) - Azure_Waves bucky/darcy E, 2k
Summary: When Darcy's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, she's happy James is with her. It would be okay if the amusement park they'd broken down in front of wasn't closed (and creepy!), but hey, she has good company at least.
Rollercoaster (ao3) - AmethystSong steve/tony T, 7k
Summary: Thor prompts the Avengers into going to an amusement park, comedy, chaos, and romance occur in that order.
Superheroes (ao3) - enigma731 G, 11k
Summary: Clint has more than a few concerns about Tony's new Avengers themepark. Trouble is, no one wants to hear them from the focus group's "least marketable Avenger." Looks like he'll just have to investigate for himself. As usual.
the closest thing (ao3) - daisylincs G, 6k
Summary: A mission with Coulson and May takes an unexpected turn when Daisy finds out that a) they tricked her into taking a day off and going to an amusement park, and b) everybody at said amusement park seems to think they're a family.
The Person on the Other End of the Line (ao3) - imgoingtocrash G, 3k
Summary: Flash gives in to an immature impulse that leaves Peter injured enough that they call his emergency contact, Tony.
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marvelbang · 2 years
You'll Never Be Useless, Honey by ZaraMelMercury, art by weepingnaiad
You'll Never Be Useless, Honey (11611 words) by ZaraMelMercury
Chapters: 7/7
Fandom: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark & Stephen Strange
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Vision (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Helmut Zemo
Additional Tags: Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Thanos Dies (Marvel), Thanos dies in Wakanda, Thor went for the head, Everybody Lives, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Angst, Hurt, Fights, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Hurt Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has Issues, Tony Stark Has Daddy Issues, Tony Stark Has Self-Esteem Issues, Tony Stark Has Panic Attacks, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Loves Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Loves Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Has Issues, Natasha Romanov is So Done, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark Friendship, Protective Natasha Romanov, BAMF Natasha Romanov, Avengers Family, Domestic Avengers, Feels, Angst and Feels, Family Feels, Tony Stark Feels, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Baggage, Team as Family, Protectiveness, Protective Avengers, BAMF Pepper Potts, Age Regression/De-Aging, Physically De-Aged Tony Stark, Love Confessions, Happy Ending, Eventual Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romantic Fluff, Not Howard Stark Friendly, Be Careful What You Wish For, Complicated Relationships, Dom/sub Undertones
Series: Part 4 of
Is My Dream Real?
Tony Stark didn't think he could ever be any happier with anyone other than the amazing Dominant who was Steve Rogers. Their relationship and agreement had strengthened so much, that they have become a real and true couple, reaping more than just the benefits in the bedroom. However, every relationship must face its trials and tribulations...
When Tony takes the blame of a failed mission onto himself, his guilt in disappointing Steve leads him to make a deal with Doctor Strange. When that takes a turn for the worst, the team is left to cope with a spelled and de-aged, now toddler, Tony Stark.
With Tony going back to his youth to face his insecurities head on, and an unexpected vengeful attack from Baron Zemo himself, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark face the next chapter in their new romance...
Art post by weepingnaiad: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/marvel_bang_2022/works/45389428
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cherryblossomtease · 3 years
In The Fairest Season ~ Part 7
18+ only
warnings summary masterlist
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Chapter Warnings - Sexually explicit content
You’re still surprised that the servants aren’t talking about your morning escape to the coast. You were certain they would be whispering about the new Baroness and her wild foreign ways, but no, if anything it seems to have only endeared you to them all the more.
After you recovered from that remarkable thing Helmut did with his mouth, you went with him through the gap in the wall to see that he’d ridden his horse to find you.
The ride back —sat high in the leather saddle with Helmut steady behind you— was glorious. That crisp morning air tossed your hair while his coat kept you warm. When you’d come back looking like a ghost brought in from the moors, the servants just smiled and bowed to their beautiful mistress and helped you warm by the fire and as promised served a breakfast fit for a Baroness.
Now, after a day of trying to learn your way around the castle, and another night learning your way around your husband, you lie naked and spent; smiling as you stare off at nothing, the fire crackling in the distance.
You can hear the leafless branches of the trees scraping the window as you lay in his arms, curled up small and safe beside him, your bare skin pressed against his.
“Will it always be this way?” You ask quietly.
He stirs, his hand laying over the curve of your shoulder, stroking down, tickling the tiny hairs along your arm to the top of your hand which you lift letting your fingertips touch, meeting in the air like a steeple. He slides his down interlacing them, resting both your hands in the space between your hips that face one another.
“What way is that?” He asks preoccupied with admiring the sight of you still shaking a bit after a more… ambitious encounter tonight. You’re still thinking about the way it felt when he got behind you…
“I feel—light— I thought maybe I would be sad to lose that part of me, but now I see that it doesn’t matter so much. Now that I’ve shared it with you. It’s like floating.”
“No. It won’t always be this way. But when it is, there is nothing better.” He smiles.
You shut your eyes listening to the trees outside, inclined to agree.
He says your name and you look into his eyes. “What is it?”
“I want to talk to you about something.” He says pulling his hand free of yours to smooth your hair from your face.
“If it’s about what we’ve just done…I can’t help not knowing what to do, it’s only been two nights, you’ll just have to be patient,” You say bluntly. Helmut laughs, rolling onto his back until you pull up beside him smiling. “What? I don’t want you critiquing me just yet dear husband.”
Settling into a smile he lays his palm to your cheek. “I have nothing to critique draga devojko, which I thought I’d made rather clear.” He says and takes his hand away to rub your stomach, low beneath your navel.
You turn your head biting your lip, your grin is as wide as your blush is deep. What an absolute beast! You think, very aware of the sticky mess along your upper thighs, the remnants of his approval not inside of you. And how I love him… “What is it then?” You ask with a coy little smile.
“Singing.” He says and you can feel the color drain from your face.
You turn onto your back, sitting up on your elbows. “What about it.”
“You were born to sing, you know that. I don’t want you to give up trying, not because you’re here, not because you’re my wife. You may fall pregnant soon, and if you do it will be a gift. But until then… you should try.”
You stare across the expansive room until it all blurs into nothing and your eyes shut. “I don’t want to sing anymore.”
“Of course you do.”
“No, I don’t”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Helmut. I was almost killed for my voice, why would I ever put myself at risk again.”
“But you weren’t”
You sigh and sit up wrapping your arms around your knees. “You were right. It isn’t this way every time.” You grumble.
He rolls his eyes at you and sits up, stroking your bare back. “Listen to me. I’m saying this to you tonight so that you know how it will be. You are the same woman you were before you ever became a Baroness. I don’t want that to change. Not yet. And here, in this country, you have a chance to accomplish great things. But you must try, you must begin to strengthen your voice and not let it fade.”
You know he’s right, but you carry such fear with you… but perhaps if you were to go slowly. Still, that will do little to fix the fear that continues to walk beside you, like a demon shadow, it’s ragged nail gliding along your throat.
With a shiver you shake your head. “I can not make promises. I don’t know how to explain it but I feel such a terror— unlike any I have ever known.” You look back at him and he sees how your eyes sparkle with tears.
He quickly tsks, angry with himself for upsetting you and sits up, pulling you close. “Then you must take the time, and ask of me whatever you need to feel safe.” His arms squeeze a bit tighter “I would burn the world for you.”  You don’t doubt it.  When the room is quiet again and you’re feeling better, you pull away and look up at your devilishly handsome husband and smile.
“Helmut? Let us strike a bargain. If I begin to train as you wish me to do… then will you make love to me until I am better at it than you?”
He tilts his head, amused, surprised, intrigued. He laughs and agrees, kissing your shoulder. “Yes, wild mala pltica. Until you beg me to stop.” He says shaking his head, looking ever so slightly afraid of you which makes you laugh.
The sound fades against his lips as your eyes close and behind them you see lights, bright and shining and beyond them —the stage.
Your white silk gown that costs more than your former yearly salary —when you spent your days and nights singing for the ones you call contemporaries now— is bunched up around your waist, the preparation it took to put the thing on all but forgotten.
In the simple elegance of your bedroom, his hand clamps down over your mouth but does little to quiet you.
Your voice is too strong now, and he isn’t exactly helping.
“Don’t stop.” You demand, breathing hard after dragging his fingers away from your mouth.
Helmut leans forward, bracing on your dressing table with you in front of him.
When he takes you from behind like this, you lose all sense of decorum. You feel like a feral creature ready to devour him if he doesn’t get you first.
He tries to keep you quiet but you know, he doesn’t really care. Helmut is not a demure man, he likes a show and he couldn’t care less who hears. This is his house and you are his wife, his Baroness —his little bird— who he fucks until she screams his name, until she thinks she will fall to the floor and then he fucks her again.
You would not have it any other way.
You shut your eyes and imagine all of those people waiting…
There is a hall full of guests below who have just seen you perform on the best stage in Sokovia. They have come from far and wide to hail you as the brightest star, finally risen to heights worthy of your talent after overcoming such odds, refusing to let the devils hand rip your talent away, but they —your loving admirers —will have to wait.
He finds your eyes in the mirror and you look into his, hearing your own sweet, whimpering  moans as you take all of him in, the consuming feel of Helmut’s attention no less wonderful than it was the first time.
You reach back grabbing the Barons arm, “Please don’t stop…” You manage and he flashes a smile. You know one another’s bodies so well now.
He slides his hand across your belly and down, the silk gown going right along with it and you spread your legs for him, your mouth open with silent approval letting him circle your clitoris with your stage dress and his deft fingers as he keeps you filled with his solid member until you sink against him, fingers digging into the fine fabric of his dinner jacket.
You feel your world stop for a breath, teetering on the edge, hovering, waiting, and finally you’re sent crashing over the edge when he strokes you one final time and you gasp as you climax; your shaking breath stunted, mixed with the lightest laugh of release as you pulse.
Your head falls back and he inhales your scent which is perfumed tonight and the Baron comes quickly and quietly though you know the soft sound of his voice when he does and it still makes you feel like you are floating…
As you try to quickly make yourselves presentable, him at his corner of the room and you at yours, you look in the mirror one last time smoothing your hands down the front of your gorgeous silver gown. Keeping your smile hidden you resist the urge to turn to the side and give away the secret.
You will wait to tell him tonight, when everyone has gone and the halls are empty but for their many ghosts.
You look back over your shoulder finding his reflection, watching Helmut adjust his white cravat and your heart nearly bursts.
And how many hiding places will this little one find? You think remembering that sweet conversation not so long ago.
Helmut finds you watching him and smiles
“Always.” You say eyes back on your reflection, still so pleased by the woman you find.
She may have started as the child of love who sang her way into the hearts of the people and a Baron, but now, she is the one they come to see, she is the one who stands alone onstage, unafraid.
She is you.
The many occupants of the castle hall turn as you appear at the top of the stairs, breaking into applause, praising you in both English and Sokovian.
You stand on the landing with your adoring husband at your side, thanking them, elated by their support and love. He takes a step down and raises a hand as if to show you off like some priceless jewel and the cheers grow.
With his signature smile and sparkling eyes, Helmut takes your hand, kissing the back of it and stokes the center of your palm gently, secretly tickling you. Your eyes dart over in warning, insisting he stop though you love it when he teases you. Helmut tilts his head just a little with an innocent shrug. You can only stifle your laugh and give him a wink— the wicked man— and step down to take his offered arm.
On ground level you begin to greet your guests, anxious to run into Brigittes arms who has traveled just to see you and hopefully to stay for a while when Oeznik appears at Helmut’s side.
“This was delivered for you sir. I would have taken it to your study but the messenger insisted you be given it straight away."
Curious but unbothered, you both look down at the letter the old man holds.
It is folded and sealed like any other, but as you look closely you see that the red wax has an emblem you don’t recognize.
“Is that an octopus?” You ask looking around Helmut’s shoulder. You count six arms curled in under the head, but it is this head that draws your attention again. That is no sea creature.”Is that a skull? What is this Helmut?” You ask glancing up at him.
He is silent. He is still.
“Oeznik, is the man still here?” You ask when the Baron does not seem to be able to speak.
The butler looks around for a moment, finally settling on the open doorway of the main entry.
“There My Lady”
A tall thin man stands alone looking in at the both of you, his black hair parted, his thin face a bit gaunt and harsh looking. He is far, but even from here you can see that there is something very off about the man. His confidence is misplaced and his arrival brings a heaviness that you feel yourself reject. The tiny hairs on your arms rise in protest.
“What did he say his name was?” You ask, your throat gone dry and tight.
The Baron finally speaks. “He does not have a name, at least not one that I was given when I was first confronted in the summer. When I was rudely taken from you.” He says glancing at you from the corner of his eye “But I’m sure he had a message?” He asks looking at Oeznik, and you think perhaps the Baron already knows. You’ve never seen him look this way before. You wonder, is this the face of Colonel Zemo…
Oeznik nods looking very grave.
“Yes my Lord he did… he simply said, Hail Hydra.”
Authors Notes - Okay I've decided to stop kidding myself, because of course I'm going to write another chapter in fact I've already started. Thanks for reading and showing this story so much love I appreciate it more than you know!
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I miss residing in this headspace…
Came for the Low
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Wedding Chapter NSFW
The tiny bedroom above the restaurant was bathed in golden morning light that crept in through the window and lay in a warm haze over the two bodies moving slowly under the sheet.
Shutting his eyes, Zemo sighed deeply and slid his hand behind his head, cradling it with a smile. He was completely relaxed in spite of his racing heart.
With his free hand the Baron reached and smoothed his palm over the curve of his wife's head under the white linen and opened his mouth with a light gasp followed by a laugh. She was teasing him.
He'd been woken up by the feel of her warm tongue, soft and wet as she sucked him into her mouth and now she was moaning softly as he filled her, growing until he was fully erect and gently thrusting, sinking into the feel of her full lips stretched around the width of him.
Her small hand pressed against his thigh as she sucked, the other gripping the base, working in tandem with her mouth, increasing the rhythm the more tense he got.
It would not take him long, one look down and he caught a glimpse of her under the sheet, cheeks hollow as she bobbed her head, the soft brown skin of her hand in contrast to his own, her hair was all over the place and tickling his stomach. He wanted to grab her breast but didn't dare move, so instead he raised his chin, his head sinking into the pillow as he thought of the way they looked when she sat on him, bouncing in perfect unison, her dark nipples begging to be sucked and licked and...
Zemo's hand came down on her head, pushing until she gave a muffled yelp, but he held her firm. With a final sigh, the tension gave way and he went rigid holding his breath as the first warm rush shot down her throat—her moaning against his sensitive skin making the release into her mouth all the sweeter.
He could feel her swallowing each time he throbbed which only made him want to come all over again, but there was no hope in drawing it out. With a final powerful pulse, he finished and exhaled with a shaking smile.
Christine was wet and aching for attention as she drank him in. Zemo would of course return the favor with enthusiasm, but for now she'd enjoyed making him feel good.
Knowing how he responded to touch afterwards, she pulled away slowly, listening to the way he moaned again as her teeth and tongue very lightly graze the length of his still solid member until she let him fall free and sat up, running her fingers along the corners of her mouth and over her bottom lip.
She sat there looking quite pleased with herself, that smug little grin making him chuckle. The sheet lay over her hair like a veil reminding him of last night.
His bride...
Zemo reached and ran his hand down her arm, gently gathering her fingers into his own hand.
"Good morning husband" She said, her whisper soft voice tickling his ears.
He gazed at her with the sun shining around her head like a halo. "Good morning wife."
"Sleep well?" She asked rising up to sit on her heels.
Zemo gave a lazy laugh, exhausted from the orgasm and shook his head a little. "No, too much orujo"
"Oh you and Gael are wild!" She laughed too. "But so cute."
"Yes. Like two puppies." She grinned.
He pretend to not like this but shrugged. "I am—cute—yes, I know." He winked.
Christine snickered shaking her head at him. "I thought I might loose you to him at one point. You two are quite a pair." She teased and he groaned, grabbing her arm to pull her down on top of him.
He took her face in hand, pulling her into a kiss. Her lips tasted like him. He moaned a little remembering the feel of that mouth on his cock which was threatening to rise again. She could work wonders on him without even trying...his bride, his wife. "How are you feeling?" He asked when she raised up. He tucked her hair behind her ear and pinched her chin between his thumb and index like he always did.
"Well enough to wake you." She said wiggling her brows at him. "No sickness yet today...oh! I hope I didn't just jinx it."
Zemo sighed and laid his arm over his eyes. "I should have followed your lead. No drinking." He said amused but angry with himself for overdoing it, but how could he not? The night had been completely perfect. Yes, he'd been married before but this was different. There had been an energy around them that filled the village with a sort of magic that does not happen everyday.
What they'd shared was special and no matter the outcome, he would carry the memory of marrying this woman with him, like a homing beacon, bringing him back to center when all else spun out of control...
~Wearing her flowing suit from the little shop in Malaga and a traditional Spanish veil gifted to her by Gael’s wife, Christine clutched the small bouquet of pink and burgundy flowers from the local florist as she walked down the steps, leaving the tiny apartment above to enter the restaurant’s courtyard, where Zemo stood waiting.
He watched as she came into view, white heels taking the steep incline slowly, her pants flowing light as air around her legs and a thin silk camisole under the draped jacket, both in that same bright ivory.
Christine was radiant, but the unexpected sight of her face framed in the scalloped lace stopped his heart. On flat ground, she looked up, her sparkling black eyes finding his and the man nearly forgot to breathe. Tears pooled, wavering in his eyes as she came to him—his second chance…
Gael and Luisa stood back, watching from the kitchen doorway with wide knowing smiles, and very quietly turned to go back inside leaving them to it.
“Hi.” Christine whispered sounding small and nervous as she waited to hear what he thought. She’d never really been the sort to imagine her wedding day, it had never occurred to her that she would have one, but now that it was here she hoped the Baron liked the way she looked as much as she truly did.
Zemo exhaled a shaking breath through his parted lips in disbelief that she was his.
“Hello,” He replied wanting to touch her but was too afraid that she would break she was such a delicate thing, but then he smiled remembering that this was the same woman capable of taking out assassins three times her size and his face relaxed as he pitied all the men on the receiving end of her wrath. “You’re beautiful.” He said simply, but she heard the many layers of love beneath the word and tucked her chin with a shy smile.
Zemo raised his elbow, offering her his arm which she took and smiled up at him. “You look incredible too.” She said nudging him.
He chuckled as he wiped at his eyes, escorting her to the carved gate.
She meant it. He hadn’t shaved in a few days and the resulting shadow was lovely. His parted hair was a beautiful mop of perfectly coifed dark brown that she would run her fingers through later tonight. The jacket and pants he wore —a few shades darker than his hair— were paired with a cream colored shirt left unbuttoned and no tie. She had a laugh to herself because of course he’d been prepared with a bespoke suit. Had he brought it hoping she would say yes or was Zemo just the sort of man who traveled with tailored clothing ready for any occasion at all times? Running her hand along the fine fabric over his shoulder, she grinned not caring. Either way he was glorious to look at.
Arm in arm they left the restaurant and started the walk through the square towards the famous edge of town, to a spot where people had come to watch the sunsets for thousands of years. By the time they arrived, a small group of well wishers and curious villagers had stopped to watch them stand before the tiny old officiant who had married hundreds before them.
The ceremony was said in Spanish with Helmut translating the vows when it was time for her to repeat the words. Her voice was light as she slipped the gold band—identical to her own— onto his finger as a symbol of the pure, and simple truth of their love. And when they shared that first kiss, it was to the applause of the wind coming down from the mountain to bless their union.
Neither of them would ever be able to recall the walk back, they were so lost in the joy of the day, but one thing Christine would always remember was him whispering sweetly in her ear, some of it in English some in Sokovian, and how he’d kissed her cheek and hand often between waving thanks to the well-wishers who passed them by.
Some of the older folk handed them gold coins as they neared the restaurant insisting they have thirteen until they were properly showered in affection and traditions they did not know but graciously accepted.
When the gates to Gael’s place opened, Christine stood frozen by the transformation in the courtyard. The man’s promise was not unfounded. The restaurant was beautiful. Lit by lanterns and string lights, the tables had been put together in one long line and was now covered in a feast of Paella, croquetas, Jamón, Espetos and all the things Christine could not remember the names of, but once they sat, she ate with enthusiasm as her husband laughed and joked with his childhood friends sharing and passing plates of the delicious food.
The whistles and shouts came any time they kissed —which was often— until one of the old men teased that they needed to sneak into the closet and get it out of their system, which drew laughter and calls of approval from the rowdy crowd. But as the small family band set up in the corner struck a note, Christine suggested a dance instead.
One beautiful song was played for them first which silenced the room.
Gael, with tears in his eyes pulled his own wife close as he watched the way Zemo held his bride with one arm, his other hand keeping Christine’s close to his heart as they swayed to the music that filled the air with a slow, haunting rhythm.
The sound of sniffling and the sight of adoring smiles was the backdrop to their first dance as a married couple until the last strum of the guitar echoed along the stone walls surrounding the full courtyard. Christine rose up and pressed her lips to his, her veil concealing them as they shared a moment that everyone who saw, would always remember. There was such strength in the way they held one another. You could see that these two people had been through much more than most, and were so thankful to have found a sense of peace, here in this forgotten place.
And then —because the night was a celebration— out came the anís, sangria, and Gael’s cousin from Barcelona with the Orujo.
Sober but high on the night, Christine kept up with the party, howling with laughter as Zemo and the other men made adorable fools of themselves while the women danced and sang and adopted her into the multiple families that had continued to trickle in, not wanting to miss the party.
At one point Zemo and a few of the others serenaded Christine with an enthusiastic version of a traditional love song that had her and the women cheering by the end and the Baron pulling his bride up and into his arms to kiss her. A kiss that did not end as the aching desire to consummate the marriage reached its peak. He sat her down taking Christine's hand to lead her away from the wild night to the raucous approval of the crowd.
“Goodnight!” She'd shouted from the door way that led to their little room, a glimpse of the white she wore fluttering up the steps as her laughter faded with their climb~
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stony-ao3-feed · 2 years
You'll Never Be Useless, Honey
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by ZaraMelMercury
Tony Stark didn't think he could ever be any happier with anyone other than the amazing Dominant who was Steve Rogers. Their relationship and agreement had strengthened so much, that they have become a real and true couple, reaping more than just the benefits in the bedroom. However, every relationship must face its trials and tribulations...
When Tony takes the blame of a failed mission onto himself, his guilt in disappointing Steve leads him to make a deal with Doctor Strange. When that takes a turn for the worst, the team is left to cope with a spelled and de-aged, now toddler, Tony Stark.
With Tony going back to his youth to face his insecurities head on, and an unexpected vengeful attack from Baron Zemo himself, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark face the next chapter in their new romance...
Words: 11611, Chapters: 7/7, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Is My Dream Real?
Fandoms: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Vision (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Helmut Zemo
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark & Stephen Strange
Additional Tags: Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Thanos Dies (Marvel), Thanos dies in Wakanda, Thor went for the head, Everybody Lives, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Angst, Hurt, Fights, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Hurt Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has Issues, Tony Stark Has Daddy Issues, Tony Stark Has Self-Esteem Issues, Tony Stark Has Panic Attacks, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Loves Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Loves Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Has Issues, Natasha Romanov is So Done, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark Friendship, Protective Natasha Romanov, BAMF Natasha Romanov, Avengers Family, Domestic Avengers, Feels, Angst and Feels, Family Feels, Tony Stark Feels, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Baggage, Team as Family, Protectiveness, Protective Avengers, BAMF Pepper Potts, Age Regression/De-Aging, Physically De-Aged Tony Stark, Love Confessions, Happy Ending, Eventual Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romantic Fluff, Not Howard Stark Friendly, Be Careful What You Wish For, Complicated Relationships, Dom/sub Undertones
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