#Bastion kun
captainstrawberrywings · 11 months
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Here the Graffart crossover event with Yu gi oh gx
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mvrkieboo · 27 days
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Lyfestning University is a 200-year-old academic bastion, usually accompanied by the dreary weather and forest surroundings. Founded by a group of mages.
Due to its history, many otherworldly students enroll in the campus. For the purpose of maintaining some sense of orderliness, and making sure the shroud covering the existence of Otherworlders wouldn't turn uncovered, a mage Warden would be appointed after the previous would retire, tasked to oversee the activities of the Otherworld denizens of Lyfestning University.
You enroll to serve as its Young Warden, assistant to Warden Moon who happens to be your childhood friend—Moon Taeil.
(Was there a bit of nepotism at play during your appointment? Definitely—but Taeil was chosen to replace your father, so the nepotism was unavoidable at that point.)
Taeil has been dealing with a massive headache serving Lyfestning as its Warden—the headache itself mainly caused by the reignited feud between the werewolf fraternity and vampire fraternity.
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Brotherhood. Discipline. Sensibility.
Αδελφότητα. Πειθαρχία. Ευαισθησία.
A fraternity of werewolves.
Current members :
Alumnis :
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Pride. Strength. Intelligence.
Υπερηφάνεια. Δύναμη. Νοημοσύνη.
A fraternity of vampires.
Current members :
Alumnis :
Lysette Residency
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Housing residency for the mage residents.
Small numbers.
The Warden and his Young Wardens, tasked to maintain the harmony.
Young Wardens
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Could you uncover the source of the feud and assist Taeil in upholding the peace within Lyfestning? Your Foretelling could use some practice, but you were confident that you'd still be of some help to him and Ten.
What you're not so confident of was the temperament of Otherworlders. Dealing with werewolves and vampires was another thing, but to wedge yourself between them?
May Balder light your way.
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best-underrated-anime · 6 months
Best Underrated Anime Group B Round 2: #B7 vs #B3
#B7: Kid epicly procrastinates during class
#B3: Samurai on motorcycles!
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#B7: Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time
All Rumi Yokoi wants to do is focus during school, but she is constantly distracted by Toshinari Seki, her neighboring classmate. Paying attention during class is the least of Seki's worries, as he obsesses over intricate setups created using an assortment of items, from an elaborate domino course on his desk to a treacherous war played out with shogi pieces. Yokoi desperately attempts to focus in class, only to be repeatedly sucked into his intriguing eccentricities; however, they always seem to end up with her getting in trouble with their teacher. Fortunately, lessons will never be dull with Seki's antics around!
Propaganda 1:
Seki-kun is the sort of anime that stays underrated because it seems overly simple, but it really shines in its simplicity. The episodes are short tales of Seki’s epic procrastination and they’re absurdly amusing. Both the opening and ending are super funny and really well-thought-out.
It’s the anime equivalent of a hard candy. You can have an episode at the end of the day or between tasks, and it entertains you well without asking for much.
Propaganda 2:
It is a really short anime with very short episodes but is still very entertaining, and we never hear the character whose name is in the title speak but we still get a really good feel of his personality. It’s just really funny and a lot of fun to watch.
Trigger Warnings: None
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#B3: Orient
Freed from the rule of samurai 150 years ago, the people of Hinomoto live peaceful lives and revere their liberators—demons whose true forms remain elusive—as gods. Fated to mine rocks for the demons to feast on, Musashi knows the grim truth: humanity is enslaved by these otherworldly beings and the samurai are the last bastion fighting for freedom. Hiding his true opinion from his peers and growing distant from his childhood friend Kojirou Kanemaki, Musashi lives in angst until the day of his graduation.
When the fresh graduates arrive at the mine, they are horrified to see the inhumane treatment of miners and the uncanny physical appearance of their overseers. However, Musashi manages to endure thanks to Kojirou's help. As the demon leader wreaks havoc on the quarry, Musashi is saved once more from certain death by the Takeda samurai clan. Recovering from humiliation and yearning for adventure, Musashi embarks on a journey to become a samurai and form his own clan!
Ohtaka has done it again in creating a world full of characters with more depth than can be portrayed limited amount of screen time that each of them get. This leaves the viewer with a whole lot of potential to imagine on their own, even after watching. It’s kind of unique that it is set in the samurai era of Japan, but thanks to crystals left by the demons, motorcycles and flying castles are a thing outside the main characters’ mining village. There are plenty of gags throughout and dynamics between characters. Personally, I loved the second half a lot more than the first because of the cast introduced then. For example, the detail given to Kuroku with the lace she wears–it’s so intricately beautiful! Plus, most of the mechanics of how the world works is covered by then, so we can get into the action.
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Emotional Abuse
The third main character comes from a mentally abusive family situation, but the other two help her leave that situation. Main character’s child abuse is in flashbacks for character development to rise above that and break the cycle. Don’t know if gore or fan service need a trigger warning, typical shonen stuff.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how they’re presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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blue-unifox · 1 year
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I posted 283 times in 2022
That's 282 more posts than 2021!
73 posts created (26%)
210 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 259 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#pyre - 99 posts
#my art - 41 posts
#supergiant games - 29 posts
#other people's art - 29 posts
#rambles - 24 posts
#pyre supergiant - 22 posts
#reblorbo - 22 posts
#ace attorney - 19 posts
#bastion - 18 posts
#other people’s art - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#rucks would be expecting any surviving people but all he sees is a white cockroach with a huge hammer that he shouldnt even be able to lift
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Imp nest?
Thank you for the request! :D
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148 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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Never underestimate the power of pure spite
183 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
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231 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
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Zulf maybe needs to be slapped on his arm but also a hug and kiss on a cheek maybe
236 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Happy new year!! Here, have a thing from my twt from last year
937 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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auburniivenus · 3 months
‘if you have to go, you know that I will go with you.’ - uryu (familiarache)
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"Ishida-kun." Breathes out, utterances scarcely more than a whisper, her voice the gentlest zephyr that scarcely dares to navigate the quiet threshold of her lips. In the mere utterance of his name, his appellation hitherto nothing but an assemblage of syllables, there occurs a metamorphosis, a sudden impact that sends tremors through the placidity of her very being. She hadn’t allowed herself even the merest fantasy that he might bestow upon her the gift of his company on an evening imbued with such significance. Her cheeks betray her, blooming with an innocent flush, revealing the unheralded pulsations within her chest.
Prom, that emblematic rite, hovers in the nearing future like a shining lodestar, signaling both a conclusion and an inception—a border between what has been familiar and what lies in wait, veiled in enigma. It’s a night spun from the very gossamer of dreams. Here stands youth perched on the brink of adulthood, peering over into an unfathomable yonder that spreads out from beyond these consecrated academic precincts. Orihime had thrown her occluded desire into the ether, a secret beseeching from a heart empowered by a craving to be touched by splendor in such an ephemeral hour. Unspoken was her desire for an escort, for though contenders abounded, aching for the unique opportunity of accompanying her, their appeals met with noiselessness.
In the midst of numerous aspirants, she maintained herself as an unalterable bastion of calm, a lone figure amid turbulent seas. Within her heart's chamber, however, a tender hope had sprouted, a nascent prime trembling to unfurl. "I... I find no necessity in partaking in the festivities." Concedes tenderly, encased in a tenuous veil of timidity. Her eyes—pools of molten caramel—avert themselves from his oceanic glance. "But I’d like to go. I-If it pleases you, I’d be honored by your company. It’s true that offers have been made, solicitations for my hand, yet none have kindled the ember of ease that your presence brings." A confession.
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mpindustriaps · 8 months
Landbrugshaller i stål: Den moderne landmands bedste allier
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I en verden, hvor effektivitet og innovation er nøglen til succes, står landbrugshaller som en bastion for moderne landbrugspraksis.
Landbrugshal: Ikke bare en bygning, men en revolution
På overfladen kan en landbrugshal synes som en simpel struktur, men dens betydning strækker sig langt ud over dens fire vægge. Den repræsenterer en ny æra af landbrug, hvor opbevaring, effektivitet og innovation går hånd i hånd.
Designet til at vare
I landbrugets verden er pålidelighed afgørende. Landbrugshaller er bygget med dette i tankerne, hvilket sikrer, at de kan modstå tidens tand og de udfordringer, som naturen bringer.
Mere end bare opbevaring
Mens opbevaring er en primær funktion, tilbyder landbrugshaller også muligheder for at forbedre arbejdsprocesser, beskytte værdifulde aktiver og endda fungere som produktionsfaciliteter.
Bæredygtighed i forgrunden
I takt med at verden bevæger sig mod mere bæredygtige praksis, kan landbrugshaller tilpasses for at imødekomme dette skift. Fra solpaneler til regnvandsopsamlingssystemer, mulighederne er mange.
Fremtiden for landbrug
Som landbruget fortsætter med at udvikle sig, vil landbrugshaller utvivlsomt spille en central rolle i denne transformation. De er ikke kun en refleksion af nutidens behov, men også en forberedelse til fremtidens udfordringer.
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rausule · 10 months
Argitek. are_ge__etica ! Eties gekwalifiseer om kultuur volgens tradisies uit te druk; Gekwalifiseerde ontwerper en toesighouer van die oprigting van geboue. argitektuur. Die wetenskap van
die Romeinse vorm. bastion. Sterk halfsirkelvormige projeksie geplaas met tussenposes langs
gebou tot 'n fyn kuns verhef.
0 notes
catsvrsdogscatswin · 1 year
Higurashi Month 2023, Day 8: Game
Higurashi Month prompts archive: AO3 
Shion had been here before –been in front of this classroom before. That had been the first time she had really begun to get to know Satoshi-kun –not just his bravery, but also his hurts, his cares, his fears. She looked shamefully at her hands, remembering how she had berated and beaten Satoko-chan, then took a deep breath and looked up, straightening her back.
This was fine. Shion was no longer that kind of person –and besides, she had made a promise, hadn't she?
"Hello~" she sang, sliding the door open and sauntering into the classroom. "My my, Onee, couldn't wait to start without me?"
"Shion!" Onee gasped, looking flabbergasted. The rest of her club looked nearly as shocked –Rika-chama and Satoko-chan knew of her, at least, but Rena-san and Kei-chan looked like they'd seen a ghost. "What are you doing here?!"
"Hmm~? I came to play games with your club, of course." Shion drawled, sashaying around a stunned Kei-chan, before swooping down to squeeze a surprised Satoko-chan in her arms, scooping her up from her chair. "And take care of this adorable little munchkin~!"
"Eh?! Shion-san!" Satoko-chan squeaked, wriggling in Shion's grip. "What's going on?!"
"Well, I promised Satoshi-kun to take care of you." Shion said, and did not miss the way that Satoko-chan's squirming abruptly ceased. She cooed, rubbing her cheek against the top of Satoko-chan's blonde little head. "And I can't do that if I go to a different school, soooo~"
"You transferred?!" Mion gaped, her jaw dropping. As well it should –Shion had spent weeks coaxing, cajoling, begging Oni-Baba to let her have this one thing, fulfill this one promise to her long-lost… friend. The damn miserly old hag had known full well who Satoshi-kun was and what he'd meant to Shion –what he still meant to Shion– and she had to wonder if guilt for his disappearance and the subsequent meaninglessness of Shion's sacrifice had been more than half the reason for Oni-Baba's eventual, reluctant yes.
"I did!" Shion sang, shooting her sister a wicked grin. She let Satoko-chan wriggle out of her grip, before sliding into a spare chair and palming her chin as she leered over at Onee. "And I'd like to join your club, too."
Mion looked like she'd been cornered by a pack of hounds.
"Oh, how wonderful!" Rena-san squealed, either ignoring or oblivious to her leader's reluctance as she turned to Shion with shining eyes. "It'd be amazing to get another club member so soon after Keiichi-kun, yes it would!"
Speaking of which, something sparked in Kei-chan's eyes as he looked at her.
"What, you mean I'd no longer be the newbie…? Heck yeah!" he cheered, his face lighting up.
"Hmph!" Satoko-chan turned away from Shion and stuck her nose in the air, smoothing out the wrinkles Shion's impromptu cuddle had made in her clothes. "Well, I mean, if you absolutely have to… I don't want to make you break a promise, or anything."
They all looked towards Rika-chama as the last bastion of support, and she blinked, coming out of her self-imposed daze.
"Oh, I-I think it would be nice to change things up with a new member!" she chimed belatedly, giving one of her angelic little smiles. "Nipah!"
"Seems like my acceptance is unanimous." Shion drawled, turning back to her sister with a self-satisfied smirk. Mion slammed her hands on the cluster of desks and stood.
"Now hold on a second!" she barked, glaring at an unconcerned Shion as fire spurted from her eyes. "You can't just waltz in here and attach yourself to my club with no warning!"
"Oh? Are you afraid of some actual competition or something?" Shion sighed, spreading her arms in a careless shrug. "How sad. How mean."
"Ngh-!" Mion's face went beet red. "I can beat you any day!"
Shion's eyes flashed towards her with a wicked spark glinting in them.
"Oh~?" she drawled, reaching out for the cards that had lain discarded on the table all this time. "Then deal me in, Onee, and put your money where your mouth is."
Mion gulped –but she'd already dug her own grave.
"Fine!" she snapped, her chair screeching a little as she pulled it back and sat down again. "When I win, I'll make your punishment game expulsion from our club!"
"And when I win, I think I'll make you acknowledge me as leader of the club for a day." Shion snickered, swiping up the cards she was dealt as the other club members leaned back in, a sense of competition rising sharp in the air from all of them –not just her and her sister.
Shion smiled, even as all the cards were dealt and the pseudo-bloodbath began.
This promised to be… fun.
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pizza-ra-bizza · 1 year
is daar altyd kastele vir Charlie ?
Charlie my see ek versamel liefdes gekneus Die sentrale toring staan ​​skeef maar solied Die patrolliepaadjie kronkel langs die mure Die plastiek uitkykpunte ondersoek en rapporteer dan Ons oorstroom die grag met koeldrank en chemiese vloeistowwe Met die kurkpenne op die grond word die tent vasgemaak Wagskofte wissel by die koninklike ingang af Donderdag en nag word tonikums in kokende olie gaargemaak Ons verfyn onsself in die kuns om klippe en kruike te gooi 'n Strawwe verdedigingsplan word in die bastions uitgewerk Ons vas om nie voedselvoorrade te verbruik nie Wanneer die beleg kom, trek die maag toe en rekalsiteer Die siel en sy afgeleides word met die tande vasgehou Knieë buig soos boomtoppe Kom ons gaan oor die bewegings, die houe en die longe met ons oë toe Leun op die hangers, kom ons hoop nie die muur gee mee nie En as hy ingee is daar altyd kastele vir Charlie
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tagnoob · 4 years
The O-PNSN Keepstar Blows Up
The O-PNSN Keepstar Blows Up
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After the rebuff at the Y-2ANO Keepstar last weekend, PandaFam changed their tack and decided to go after the Keepstar in Fountain that was the furthest from Delve.  That was the Keepstar belonging to The Bastion in O-PNSN.
O-PNSN is a good dozen gates from Delve and, perhaps more importantly, to get there the Imperium would have to travel through I-CUVX, PandaFam’s forward staging system.  They…
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Hello! Sorry if this is messy, I just wanted to lay down some ground rules! If you have any questions or asks, then feel free to let me know!
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Napstablook (PLATONIC ONLY)
Frisk and Chara (PLATONIC ONLY)
Annoying dog/toby (PLATONIC ONLY)
Roulx Kard
Tasque Manager
The Addisions
Dream Daddy
Detroit become human
Stardew Valley
Literally all of the bachelors
Resident Evil Village
Alcina Demitrescu
Karl Heisenberg
Donna Beneviento
Hanzo Shimada
Genji Shimada
Cole Cassidy (Mcree)
Gabriel Reyes (Reaper)
Lucio Correia Dos Santos
Hana Song (D.Va)
Lena Oxtan (Tracer)
Jack Morrison (Soldier 76)
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou
Shoto Todoroki
Izuku Midoriya
Tenya Iida
Denki Kaminari
Ejirou Kirishima
Ochako Uraraka
Tamaki Amajiki
Togata Mirio
Toga Himiko
Mina Ashido
Shota Aizawa
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Seven deadly sins
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Aoi Akane (the time keeper)
Seduce me the Otome
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Professor Snape
Tom Riddle
Glamrock Freddy
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
DJ Music Man/tiny music man
Wet floor sign bots
Map bot
TMNT 2012
April O'Neil
Big Mama
TMNT Bayverse
Mr. Sacks
Casey Jones
Hellboy (2004-2008)
Abe Sapien
John Myers
Johann Krauss
Liz Sherman
Prince Nadja
Princess Nuala
✨Lego Monkie Kid✨
Red Son
Sun Wukong
Ao Lie
Azure Lion
Spider Queen
✨Sparkles✨ mean I'm currently hyperfixating on this topic at the moment and will have a higher chance of writing for this/these one('s)
While these are not all the fandoms I'm in, these are the ones I'm most comfortable with writing about
Some rules:
I may or may not write smut? I'm not sure since I haven't really done it, but I will NOT write smut for characters under the age of 21
I won't write anything that has to do with the reader being super OP or being half of like, literally everything
When it comes to Y/N being an anthropomorphic animal/human or half of that, if stuff like that is canon in the fandom, then I'll write it (like a half human half monster for Undertale, or a Cat person for TMNT) but if stuff like that just doesn't exist in that world, then I most likely won't write it
I won't write a character being a racist, rapist, homophobic, transphobic or anything like that, those things are fucked up and aren't ok and that character I may write, might be someone else's comfort character and I don't want to ruin a character for someone
I won't write a character as being an abuser, sure, I could say they where abused some way in the past if it is relevant to the fic, but I will not write a character being an abuser themselves, that's just not right
I won't write yandere characters, it just feels to toxic to me to have someone be THAT possessive of someone
If a character is canonically underage, I will not age them up, if a reader or character is being romantically shipped with the underage character, the reader/character must and will be underage as well
(Keep in mind I might add rules or change certain rules)
I can do:
Any gender for reader, if not specified, I shall do gender neutral
I will write angst and mental health related topics of asked
I will absolutely 100% write a character or reader with ADHD and other neurodiversities
I can do shipping fanfics! Although, it depends on the characters, but I may be able to write it, even if I don't entirely agree with the ship! AS LONG as it is not anything like AbuserXvictim or MinorXadult or anything like that.
As a writer, I hope that I may advance in my writing skills, as well as have fun with what I write, so, I ask as many requests as your heart's desire!
Remember, I have every right as a writer to deny a request if I'm not comfortable with writing it.
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upwiththekai · 2 years
Tag Masterlist A - I
A guide to my blog’s A to I tags, for my own and your convenience! More tags will be added as time goes on.
Please feel free to let me know if any of the links are broken.
♡ 19 Days
♡  Abingdong Boys School (Band) ♡  Ace Attorney ♡  Addams Family ♡  Adventure Time ♡  Aesthetic  ♡  Aggretsuko ♡  Air Gear ♡  Alien (Movie) ♡  Alundra (Game) ♡  America’s Next Top Model ♡  Amnesia the Dark Descent ♡  Animal Crossing ♡  Animal gif ♡  Animals ♡  Animal Video ♡  Anime ♡  Anime figures ♡  Anime food ♡  Anime gif ♡  Anime scenery ♡  Anonymous ♡  Antman ♡  Ape Escape ♡  Aristocats ♡  Art Reference (Tutorials) ♡  Arthur (Cartoon) ♡  Asian food ♡  Assassin’s Creed ♡  Attack on Titan ♡  Audio ♡  Avatar (Cartoon) ♡  Azumanga Daioh ♡  Azur Lane
♡  Bad Art ♡  Bad Dub ♡  Banana Fish ♡  BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! ♡  Banjo & Kazooie ♡  Barbie ♡  Bastion (Game) ♡  Batman ♡  Beetlejuice ♡  Berserk (Manga) ♡  Beyblade ♡  Big Hero 6 ♡  Bioshock ♡  Birds ♡  BL (Boys Love) ♡  BlazBlue ♡  BLEACH (Anime) ♡  BloodBorne ♡  Blue Flag (Manga) ♡  Bob’s Burgers ♡  Book of Life ♡  Bootleg ♡  Bravely Default ♡  Breaking Bad ♡  Brett Dalton (Actor) ♡  Bungou Stray dogs ♡  Bunnies
♡  Captain America ♡  Captain Harlock ♡  Cardcaptor Sakura ♡  Cartoon gif ♡  Castlevania ♡  Cats ♡  Celebrities ♡  Chainsaw Man ♡  Chappie ♡  Cheating Craft (Anime) ♡  Chrono Crusade ♡  Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai! ♡  Classic posts ♡  Clive Barker’s Undying (Game) ♡  Code Geass ♡  Codename STEAM ♡  Colin Farrell (Actor) ♡  Colour Reference (Tutorials) ♡  Concept art ♡  Cooking Mama ♡  Cosplay ♡  Courage the Cowardly Dog ♡  Cowboy Bebop ♡  Crayon Shin-chan ♡  Creepy ♡  Critikal (YouTuber) ♡  CrossOvers ♡  CyberPunk (Game)
♡  Dad Jokes ♡  Daft Punk ♡  DaiOuji (Vocalouji/UTAU) ♡  Dall-E ♡  Dancing ♡  DanganRonpa ♡  DC Comics ♡  Deadpool ♡  Death Note ♡  Deltarune ♡  Derpy Animals ♡  Detective Conan ♡  Detroit Become Human ♡  Dexter’s laboratory ♡  D.Gray-Man ♡  Digimon ♡  Dir En Grey ♡  Disney ♡  Doctor Strange ♡  Dogs ♡  Dogs Bullets and Carnage ♡  Doko Demo Issyo ♡  Dolls ♡  Donkey Kong ♡  Don’t Starve ♡  DOOM ♡  Dragalia Lost ♡  Dragon Ball ♡  Dragon Quest ♡  Drake & Josh ♡  Dramatical Murder (Series) ♡  Drawing challenges ♡  Drawn animals ♡  Drawn food ♡  Durarara
♡  E3 (Event) ♡  Ed, Edd and Eddy ♡  Elvira (Actress) ♡  Emofuri (Software) ♡  Eurovision Song Contest ♡  Evil or Live (Series) ♡  Eyeshield 21 ♡  Ezra Miller (Actor)
♡  Facebook posts ♡  Fairly Odd Parents ♡  Fallout (Game) ♡  Fanfiction ♡  Fanworks for me! -> [Fanart] - [Fansongs] - [Cosplay] ♡  Fashion ♡  Fate series ♡  Final Fantasy ♡  Final Fight ♡  Fire Emblem ♡  Firewatch ♡  Five Nights at Freddy’s ♡  Flowers ♡  Food ♡  Foxes ♡  Free! (Anime) ♡  Fresh Prince of Bel-Air ♡  F.R.I.E.N.D.S ♡  Friend’s art ♡  Friend’s work ♡  Fruits Basket ♡  Fullmetal Alchemist
♡  Gackt ♡  Gadgets ♡  Game Grumps ♡  Game gif ♡  Game of Thrones ♡  Garfield ♡  Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun ♡  Genderswap ♡  Genshin Impact ♡  Ghibli Studio ♡  Gif ♡  Gijinka ♡  Gintama ♡  GL (Girls Love) ♡  Glitches ♡  Godzilla ♡  Good Omens ♡  Google ♡  Gordon Ramsay ♡  Green Lantern ♡  Guilty Gear
♡  HADES ♡  Haikyuu!! ♡  Hair (Fashion) ♡  Hakuoki ♡  Hamsters ♡  Hamtaro ♡  Hannibal ♡  Harry Potter ♡  Hawkeye ♡  Headlines ♡  Heman ♡  Hetalia ♡  Highschool Musical ♡  Hiroshi Kamiya (Voice Actor) ♡  Historical ♡  Homestuck ♡  Hozuki no Reitetsu ♡  Horror ♡  Hugh Dancy (Actor) ♡  HunterXHunter ♡  Hyouka
♡  Ian McKellen (Actor) ♡  Ib (Game) ♡  Illusions ♡  InuYasha ♡  Interview with the vampire ♡  Iron Man
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DAY 11- A Golden Take Over
as im supposed to be a headcanon blog, I really liked hasquetzdoneanythingwrong's suggestion to let their character take over the blog for a day. So I've written a short story about Gilgamesh taking over this blog (holy sh*t). Chaos ensues!
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He had found it.
That accursed laptop. That laptop, which was filled to the brim with a disturbing assortment of posts discussing his deeds. Frustration swelled within the King's features as he regarded the title of his...subordinate's blog. 'Has Gilgamesh Ever Done Anything Wrong Ever' , it read.
'How preposterous!' To think that such a meager human would deem themselves worthy enough to judge him and his actions! Slamming a golden fist upon his subordinate's wooden desk, Gilgamesh felt tempted to destroy the laptop right then and there. However, curiosity prevented him from doing so, as he scrolled through their posts.
He wasn't doing it because he was interested in the opinions of his subordinate, mind you. Gilgamesh had much better ways to spend his time than this. He was just browsing out of mere curiosity, okay?!
As he was browsing through swathes of personal opinions, cursed image edits of his astounding countenance, and other posts from various other blogs that managed to pique his interest (not that he'd admit that aloud), he came upon a rather interesting post from a Quetzalcoatl-themed blog. As his piercing red eyes flickered through the contents of the post, a devious sneer light up his once-bored expression, mischievous glee dancing in his eyes.
'Take over the blog for the day? Fuhn, what an amusing suggestion to make...' His mind was made up. He'd take revenge on that subordinate of his, and make them quake in their very boots!
The King typed at the speed of light, as only the dim amber lights of the subordinate's room served as a bastion for the darkness that engulfed Chaldea.
Sehai-kun (me) returned to their room after accidentally spending the entire night in the library. They couldn't help it, books were such a joy for them to experience! Yawning loudly, they helped themselves through the dark halls of Chaldea, only to witness a surreal sight.
The door to their bedroom was wide open. And typing on their precious laptop was none other than Gilgamesh, his sparkling armor clunking gaudily as he typed like a hurricane.
'Holy SHIT.' Panic swelled in Sehai-Kun's heart, as they hesitantly took a step inside. "Gilgamesh?"
There was no reply. Slightly irritated at that, Sehai-Kun took a much bolder step this time. "Oh, King of Heroes, the mightiest King of all Kings! What fares you, to be cooped up within my room within the witching hours of night?"
Whipping his golden head of hair around to face them, Gilgamesh glowered. "Mongrel. I found your laptop."
"Wait, what?" Sweat oozed from Seihai-Kun's pores in shock. "G-Gilgamesh...Don't tell me..."
"Yes." Eyes beaming with pride, Gilgamesh swiveled around Sehai-Kun's laptop, so that they could see it for themselves. "Feast your eyes upon this, Mongrel! I've decided to show my gratitude for that abysmal blog of yours with a post of my own."
As Sehai-Kun languidly paced towards the laptop, their body quaked in fear. Just what could he have written? As they squinted their eyes to read it, they gasped in shock.
The post read:
Greetings, mongrels. Your King has decided to ever so kindly drop by for the day. That's right, you should be honored! Whether I have done anything wrong or not matters not, for I shall stand by my decisions until the very end.
However, that pathetic mongrel doesn't possess such a countenance. If I am to put it simply: they have done many things wrong, and will continue to do wrong, if they fail to shed that coil of cowardice that they've grown so accustomed to wearing. They are nothing but a lamb waiting for the slaughter...
Seihai-Kun's features gradually paled, as they read through the post that jived and shimmied around their fatal flaws. This was much too cruel a read!
'Well shit. Guess my night's been immeasurably ruined now.' Seihai-Kun was SCREWED.
LMAO I WROTE SO DAMN MUCH this was so much fun though. I write Gilgamesh fanfics on ao3 sometimes and i REALLY enjoy it. writing gilgamesh makes me so happy lmao. BUT THIS SCENARIO DOESNT MAKE ME HAPPY THO
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agrippaspoleto · 3 years
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@happybeeps-nat‘s amazing Prince Poe and Soldier Finn story ‘A Possibility (A Promise)’ has inspired me to draw Prince Poe in action. Nat has allowed me to share with you a sneak peak for the sequel with the working title ‘A Revelation (A Betrayal)’. Give her all the love for her wonderful work!
Poe’s blade is slashing through flesh like a bird’s wing cuts the air. He cannot feel the wound in his left arm, but he knows there is one, oozing blood and mixing with dirt. The noises of battle around him are dulled by his aching skull and the rush of battle pulling his mind to the sole purpose of victory. His vision sharp on his next victim as he severs head from shoulders or hand from deadly arm. His bones have long since begun to ache, but there was no time to indulge the pain. The battle was almost won against the First Order forces on the outskirts of the Ileenium kingdom. The situation here turned out to be far worse than he expected. Houses destroyed, entire villages left behind, deserted, desolate in the aftermath of First Order rule.
Poe will have to bring message to Leia, inform her that Ileenium is lost. But not without fight. He and his loyal allies, mercenaries fighting under the name of no one but loyal the Prince of Yavin, refused to leave without intelligence. And he vowed to the Stars that he would bring news to Leia.
The last enemy, clad in white robes that look so grotesque when soiled with blood, falls victim to his unforgiving blade. The Prince takes a moment to breathe and to make sure that his friends are still alive and standing. Temmin Wexley at his back, cleaning his axe with the blood-stained robes of a fallen trooper. Karé Kun, his wife, approaching him with a breathless manic grin. And Iolo Arana, always at Poe’s flank, presenting him with an equally manic grin. Poe, however, does not smile. Too serious is the situation, too close was the battle, too painful the wound in his left arm. He needs to get to Leia, needs to tell her that their last bastion has fallen. Ileenium is lost, and nothing separates them from First Order territory anymore. Nothing but open field owned by Republic politicians that like sitting on their money more than protecting their people.
Rage is burning inside him now, more searing than it was when he had the purpose of a battle. His heartbeat is just beginning to settle after the fight, when a wheeze catches his attention. Poe looks around, hand at his sword again, ready to draw it and bring more death upon the people who long to see the world in flames.
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fandomtrumpshate · 3 years
Unlisted Fandom Challenge - Update
Today's Unlisted Fandom Challenge update brings you not just the leaderboard, but the WHOLE LIST of write-in fandoms - yes, all 136 of them. Five new fandoms joined the list (historical/artist RPF, The Goblin Emperor, The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, Vorkosigan Saga,  and Witch Hat Atelier), but so far, nothing has been able to challenge Gundam Wing for the top spot. Lucifer, did, however, snag another entry and move up a rank. The full list is under the cut
Separate posts  a bit later this evening will give the details on how signups are going for the listed fandoms (spoiler, Sherlock is still on top of the game), and info on the supported orgs and overall signup numbers.
There's just ONE day left to sign up! Still time to knock Gundam Wing out of the lead and get your fandom onto the leaderboard.
7 Gundam Wing 5 9–1–1 5 Bridgerton 4 Genshin Impact 4 Lucifer (TV) 4 Sanders Sides 3 Campaign: Skyjacks 3 Diamond no Ace 3 Pirates of the Caribbean (films) 3 Rusty Quill Gaming 3 Stand Still Stay Silent 3 The Maze Runner 3 Yu-Gi-Oh! 2 A Redtail's Dream 2 Assassin's Creed 2 Attack on Titan 2 Black Sails 2 Bleach 2 Carmen Sandiego (Netflix) 2 Cobra Kai 2 Cyberpunk 2077 2 Emperor’s Edge by Lindsay Buroker 2 Final Fantasy 8 / Final Fantasy 14 / Final Fantasty 15(XV) 2 Ling Qi/Spiritpact 2 London Spy 2 Newsies 2 Shameless (US) 2 Suits 2 The Imperial Radch Trilogy 2 The Last Kingdom 2 The Losers 1 Ace Attorney 1 Angel Sanctuary 1 arthurian mythology 1 Babylon 5 1 bastion 1 Benjamin January Series 1 Big Wolf on Campus 1 Billabong Books - Mary Grant Bruce 1 Cherry Magic / 30sai made dotei dato mahoutsukai ni narerurashii 1 Chicago Fire 1 Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 1 Chronicles of Narnia 1 Cosmere - Brandon Sanderson 1 CSI: Miami 1 Cut High Earth Defense Club (any season) 1 Daiya no A 1 Danganronpa 1 Death Note 1 Destiny 2 1 Devil May Cry 1 Dimension 20 1 Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (2016) 1 Discworld 1 Dragonriders of Pern 1 Fallout 1 Georgette Heyer - Romance Novels 1 Great Pretender 1 greek mythology 1 Grimm TV 1 Hawaii 5-0 1 Hilda (TV series) 1 Historical/artists RPF 1 Horizon Zero Dawn 1 Hunter x Hunter 1 Identity V 1 IDOLiSH7 1 Ivanhoe 1 Jeeves and Wooster 1 Jibaku Shounen Hanako-Kun 1 Jujutsu Kaisen 1 Jupiter Ascending 1 Kuroshitsuji 1 La Casa de Papel 1 Lupin the 3rd 1 Moominvalley (Cartoon 2019) 1 mushishi 1 My Roommate Is A Detective 1 Nancy Drew games 1 Oceans 11 (2001 version) 1 Pandora Hearts 1 Persona 5 1 PG Wodehouse - Psmith 1 Phandom 1 Movie fandoms 1 Pokemon 1 Pretty Little Liars 1 Prodigal Son 1 Promare 1 Ranger's Apprentice 1 Red Dwarf 1 Resident Evil (Video Games) 1 Rhink 1 Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch (series) 1 Robin Hood BBC 1 Rookie Historian: Goo Hae-Ryung 1 RootBound 1 Saiyuki Gaiden 1 Sanditon (TV 2019) 1 Sarazanmai 1 SCI Mystery 1 SEVENTEEN 1 Skip Beat! 1 Smile For Me 1 south park 1 Speed (1994 film) 1 Star Ocean: The Second Story 1 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (any) 1 The Elder Scrolls 1 The Goblin Emperor - Katherine Addison 1 The Hour 1 The Last of Us 1 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 1 The Librarians 1 The man from uncle (movie 2015) 1 The Mechanisms 1 The Mighty Boosh/Boosh RPS 1 The Murderbot Diaries 1 The Old Guard Movie RPF 1 The Order (Netflix Series) 1 The Rookie 1 The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System 1 The Starless Sea (novel) 1 The Terror (S1) 1 The Wicked and the Divine 1 Tiger and Bunny 1 Timeless (2016) 1 Tokyo Babylon 1 Tomorrow When the War Began - John Marsden 1 Tortall 1 Tower of God 1 Vagrant Story 1 Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold 1 Warehouse 13 1 Witch Hat Atelier 1 works of L.M. Montgomery
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juunedai · 4 years
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Day 22: Stop Blowing Holes in My Ship! 
late submissions seem to be an ongoing theme whenever i participate in months . . . it’s still september where i am so here’s my entry for day 22! honestly not too sure if this is a rarepair but i’ve only ever seen judai/johan, ryo, sho, edo, etc. & i feel like it’s fitting to end with these guys, they mean a lot to me 
why i think this ship rules/transcript: 
1. bastion is obviously head over heels for this guy. ichiban-kun. befriending him, specifically, out of everyone in the academy. (yeah, he’s good at dueling. but also, it’s fun to read it as him being head over heels.) sleeping in his dorm when his room is getting repainted. in general just getting super pumped up when things are about judai and they’re about to fight.
2. when manjoume throws his cars into the sea, he specifically doesn’t mention his 1834728352745 backup decks and just lets judai fuss over him and yell at manjoume. and THEN he’s like “sorry for not telling you, judai” and shows his extra decks. firmly believe he just liked having judai’s attention on him in a way that was other than rivalry, even if it was only for a little bit.
3.  it’s just cute? #1 scorer of the year is absolutely smashed for this chill guy they’re like confident and skilled but in like completely different ways and yet pair together perfectly
4. ok to be honest. i don’t actually think this is requited. yeah i do this a lot huh 
[transcript: daichi, judai, and sho sitting on a long wooden bench. sho and judai are in osiris red uniforms, while daichi is wearing ra yellow. he sits on one end of the bench looking wistfully at the other side, where judai leans casually jabbers on to sho, who is nervously slouching and holding a card in his hands.] 
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