#Because I ran out of hearts and don't feel like waiting until tomorrow
sylkicute · 1 year
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CRK Romance Kingdom event webcore icons
[ No image ID because I'm socially burnt out at the moment :( sorry ]
Free to use/edit, just please don't claim as your own and credit me if you repost !!
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DNI banner transcript: Basic DNI (racist, ableist, queerphobic). This blog is radinclus, pro-endo, against transrace and transabled, anti-contact and anti-harassment. If you don’t like that, block and move on.
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spacebaby1 · 2 months
Rindou Haitani's Girlfriend
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Ran might get himself a girl that matches his freak on napping for 11 hours, but Rindou will absolutely get the humorous girlfriend.
The first time he met you was in 🎀police station 🎀he was 12 and had just gotten arrested with his brother Ran, who was 13 then. You sat with the handcuffs on, kicking your feet looking around and being so calm it made him question how the hell were you so calm. You just turned 12, and it was a day before your birthday party. The moment you noticed the as the police officer let him and ran sit on one of the chairs opposite from you, you waved at him with a smile. The officer went to write the report, and you got up from your chair and walked to sit next to them. "Nice hair!" You told Ran, "That's not a wig, right?" Ran laughed, shaking his head, and Rin rolled his eyes at you. "Why are a kid like you doing here?" Rin asked, "Oh, I just wanted to know how handcuffs feel like that's why I busted the cops car window to get arrested." You said with a smile, "No shit, are you crazy?" Ran laughed. "Aren't you too little to be arrested?" Rin asked, and you shrugged, "I'm twelve, I'm actually twelve tomorrow and I'm having a birthday party, hey, wanna come to my birthday party?" You told Rin with a soft smile. He felt his cheeks burn, and then you turned to look at Ran, "if you want, I'll write you the address." Ran just laughed, "you're one crazy girl. Happy birthday, by the way." Rin sighed, "Happy birthday, whatever." You laughed, "Aww, thank you, I'm Y/n!" Ran turned his side to face you now because he thought you were interesting, "I'm Ran, and this is Rindou. My baby brother." You smiled in an aww. That was the last time Rin saw you.
Five years later; he saw you again. Rin had just gotten some serious job done and was heading back home, walking under the cold nights with snow all over the streets. His eyes on his phone screen; reading an email Ran sent him when someone sprinted past him. He didn't bother to look until he heard the footsteps stop, and someone called out his name, made him almost jump. "RINRIN?" He turned back ready to attack whoever called him with hands in front of him and his heart almost stopped when he saw a girl, no, he saw you waving as you ran towards him happily? You caught your breath as you stopped in front of him, titling your head to side, "it's me! Y/n! Remember me the girl from the police station? Oh, that's funny to say." He blinked a few times before speaking and looking at your clothes that were not warm at all. You were dressed in a white shirt and baggy jeans with a weird hat that looked too big for your head. "Yeah, I remember you. You weirdo, why are you dressed like that in the middle of December? Are you trying to die?" He asked, rolling his eyes as he took his heavy sweater off and threw it over you. Making you laugh as you removed the sweater from your head, revelling your smile that made his breath hitch. "I'm jogging trying to run a mile and trying to find out if I can define the cold." He sighed, taking his sweater from your hand and putting your hands in it, then the other, "Yeah, define the devil when you die from cold and get thrown in hell." You laughed at his words. You looked behind him, "Where's your brother? Does he still have his long hair? Wait, your hair kinda looks cool!" Rin rolled his eyes, "you still remember him too. You shouldn't be out at this time of night all alone. You don't know what type of people are out here." You shrugged, taking your phone out and snatched his from his hand, "I'll save my number in your phone, here call me so I can save yours." You handed him the phone and waited for him to call. He looked at him phone then back at you and called. Your face lights up when your phone rang, and you waved it at him with a giggle, "I'll see you soon. Bye bye" you said before walking the other way.
Rin would lie if he said he didn't wait a whole day for you to call. He kept checking his phone every other minute. It's been a whole day now, and you still haven't called. Maybe you didn't care. It was around 12 at night when his phone rang. He picked it up without looking at the name, "RIN RIN!" He sat from where he was sleeping on the bed. "Y/n?" You laughed at his question, "Duh, who else would it be?" He tried to hide his stupid smile even if you weren't there to see it, "Why you calling me this late?" He tried to sound annoyed, but you laughed again. "I couldn't sleep, saw a really scary movie now I'm regretting life and I can't even get up to pee what if the lady with white dress attacks me in the bathroom?" He chuckled at your words rolling his eyes. "And you want me to do what?" He replied. "Stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep!" You replied excitement in your voice, and he felt his face burning; don't couple do these kinds of things? He thought. Nevertheless, he didn't mind staying on the call as you rambled about random things. He could hear you trying hard to stay awake by the time it was 3 in the morning so he decided to be the one talking as you just replied in a hum, he talked in a low voice until he heard you snoring softly on the other side of the call. He chuckled, "idiot. Sleep well." He whispered before putting his phone beside him still on the call.
When you decided to return his sweater, he "forgot" to tell Ran that you were coming honestly he kept asking Ran if he has to be somewhere so when you'll arrive you won't see Ran. Rin wasn't jealous. He's just Rin. Ran heard the bell rang and went to answer the door, "Yes?" He asked when he saw you; at first, he didn't recognise you until you smiled, throwing your hands open, "Ran!" His eyes widened, and he smiled, "Oh shit, it's my favourite prisoner! Come here. " He pulled you up in a hug, and you laughed, "Oh, look at you all grown up. How did you?-, wait, RIN? Y/N IS HERE!" Rin tried to act unbothered when he saw his brother wrap you in a hug, "I met Rin last week, and I came by to return his sweater." Ran looked at his brother, wiggling his brows as you walked behind Ran, Rin rolled his eyes, "she was jogging in a shirt and jeans, " Rin stated. You handed him the bag that had his sweater, and it smelled like you. "So Rin has been gatekeeping you from me? And look at you, you look so beautiful now. You've grown so much!" Ran said, holding your hands as he sat on the couch, and you were standing in front of him. He nodded with a smile, "Your hair changed. It's black here. Looks so cool." You said pointing at his hair, "thanks Gorgeous." You snorted at his compliment, "stawppp, you're making me blush." Ran pulled you to the couch beside him, "come sit with me. How have you been?wow, I can't believe you look so beautiful." Rin groaned, "you said that like a million times since she got here. It's been a minute." You laughed at the two brothers. Ran pinched your cheek, "No more jail, ha?" You shook your head freeing yourself from his grip. "No, sir." You said. Rin watched from where he stood at you talking with his brother. He wanted you to talk to him and sit this close to him.
You'd often run into each other on your way, and you'd always cling to Rin's arm, and he really didn't get bothered by it.
Late night calls were a regular thing. Rin would always wait for you to call him and ramble.
Until one night, you didn't call, nor has he seen you for two days in a row. He was working on a file when the bell ran at 1 am, he thoughts it's probably some random person that will go away ringing the bell on a rainy night but it ran again and he was ready to deal with whoever it was flinging the door open just when he was about to shout. Rin's heart dropped at the sight of you in tears, and you looked distressed as you hugged him crying. He's never seen you cry, and his mind went blank the moment he saw you crying and a small bruise on your lip immediately anger filled his eyes as he shut the door moving you in with him. "Who did this to you?" He asked, and you cried, "my boyfriend hit me." Let's just say that "boyfriend" now ex, apparently lost an arm the next day.
That night, Rin didn't let you leave his sight as he made you change into much comfortable pyjamas of his that looked way too big on you. He even dried your hair after the shower. You were tired, so he let you sleep in his bed, covering you with all his soft blankets as he went back to grab his laptop to work on a file. He sat beside the bed working when you moved in your sleep, brows frowned, he placed his hand on yours hushing you softly and You grabbed his hand in sleep pulling it closer to your heart. Rin's eyes widened, and he flustered, but he also knew you probably needed comfort after whatever you bo-ex did.
Rin didn't want you to leave him or the house when you can be here, safe. And you got used to his care that you just clung on him EVERYWHERE he went; he really didn't mind. It took you a few days to go back to your normal self, joking around and making Rin smile at your words, but it KILLED him every time he'd see that scar under your mouth. He wanted to KILL your ex, but you've long moved on.
You two didn't even make it official that you two liked each other it just happened. None of you asked the other if you'd date each other, but Rin would break anyone's hand if they even looked at you.
One day, you were liying on his lap on the couch watching TV, and you turned to look at him, "Are you my boyfriend?" You asked, making his face turn different shades of red, but he tried to look confident and looked down at you, "Yes?" That came out shaky. You nodded and went back to watching the TV only to get off his lap and cuddle his arm beside him; oh, you loved holding his arm and placing your face on his shoulder. You'd find different positions to sit near him, and each one never fails to surprise him. You got up and sat on his lap, wrapping your arms around his middle part and snuggling into him or you'd sit upside down on the couch beside him to which he always grabs you and pulls you on his lap with your head on his chest. "Hushh, sit still. I'm trying to watch this." You'll always fall asleep in his arms he's just that comfortable to you.
You have to hug his arms every time you sleep. And he just stares at you with a smile, glad that he saw you that day in the police station.
He's only soft for you and does everything you want and deserve, which is not much because you barely ask him anything other than his skilled cooking.
You are dear to him.
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cumikering · 5 months
Neighbour Ghost x reader 6
2.7k | angst No matter how loyal, guard dogs still have their teeth (part 1) (part 7)
Simon’s steps to your door were heavy, as his heart had been since that call.
Despite his blazing wrath, he was unprepared for the waves of guilt that washed over, the shame that wrestled to drown him. He was unable to protect you from his past – he brought it upon you, even after how much too sweet you’d been, how softly you’d touched him. How could he ever look you in the eye again?
The stray never deserved any of that.
When you gave him a squeeze at the door, he didn’t return it. Still, you tugged him in with the same lovely smile, even when it wasn’t as wide.
“Fancy a cuppa?”
Your pretty hand shouldn’t be in his filthy one. Do you even know what I do with these hands?
You sat at the dining table and Simon remained on his feet to your side, eyes fixed on the cup of pu erh before you. His fists clenched and released. You didn’t like pu erh.
At the end of the day, he was still a reaper in dress uniform - one with an unrelenting demon that lurked in the far corner. He could have fucked him up that evening at the bakery. Feel his nose crumble against his knuckles, maybe even the snap of his scrawny neck in his hands.
But no, this happened because he didn't. Like his mum said, you were good for him, of course you were. But was he for you? He was nothing but trouble.
You smiled up at him. Always so sincere, so delicate, making his stomach twist more.
“My dad’s visiting this weekend. I was wondering if you wanted to meet him? And… Um, what I should introduce you-“
Not addicted, he'd tell himself too many times, as if it didn’t sound like a bloody lie to his own ears. You were the beginning of an incurable addiction, a cliff with the bewitching view he was a step away from falling off of.
His gaze left you. “I’m going back home with my mum tomorrow.”
“Oh,” you said, your disappointment evident. “Okay, maybe next time then.”
His heart pounded in his ears as he forced the words out, nails digging into his palms. “We should stop this.”
“What… What are you saying, Simon?”
“This. Meeting you, staying over. I’ll have less time when I become captain. This isn’t going to end well,” he reasoned, but it sounded more like he was convincing himself this was the right thing.
He knew it was, even when it didn’t feel like it, like a lot of things in life. He knew one day he’d be glad he did this. One day, even when right then it felt like the worst thing he could be doing. Would someone, something, rip this decision away from his hands?
“You don't get to say that yet, not right now. I know you're going through a lot.” You reached for his hand. “But we can wait until things settle and we’ll talk-“
He pulled away from your touch. “I've made up my mind. I never meant for things to get this far.”
In the still room, his stare remained on the cup you hadn’t touched since his arrival.
“You knew this all along and you still let it happen,” you said as realisation dawned.
He looked up to meet your hardened gaze. He’d seen you sad, annoyed, angry, but this was the first time your eyes were devoid of warmth. Being the receiving end of that stare was a stab to his chest.
“I should believe people when they show me who they are.” You chuckled humourlessly. “Get out, Simon.”
The world slowed. It was hard to draw his breath as he remained unmoving, like he was chained to the floor of where his sanctuary once was. Despite the arms that ached to wrap around you and never let go, he forced himself to walk away as his blood ran cold.
The door slammed behind him. He didn’t expect a positive response, of course, but it was definitely not the shatter of his own heart.
Still, it didn’t hurt as much as it would have had he waited until you inevitably left him for one reason or another. At least he’d never have to worry about being like his dad, about hurting you, betraying you, if you weren’t there to begin with. Like he’d always known, you deserved better, someone as lovely as you – unlike this stray who would never be enough.
It’s the right thing.
He could give his mum his undivided attention now. She would never leave nor kick him out the door. If he was not wanted, he had to be endlessly needed, used dry until he was nothing but a ghost.
“Who the fuck broke my bloody door!”
Simon and his mum had been waiting for his dad’s return to the house that had turned into a complete mess. Meanwhile, she’d packed as much of her belongings as she could, her luggage in the living room.
“Sign the bloody papers before I make sure you never can anymore,” Simon barked, standing tall next to his sitting mum.
His dad rounded the corner and Simon’s jaw ticked thinking of what he did to you. He let out a weak sigh at the sight of his wife and son at the dining table, a sight he hadn’t seen in over a decade. His eyes softened.
“I don’t want anything from you, James. Please sign them and we’ll be out of here.”
He pulled out the chair across the table and propped his elbows up, face in his hands as he took a deep breath.
“I need to apologise, Melanie,” he began. “I’ve made your life hell, and I know there’s nothing I can do to change that now. I was my fault.”
“She didn’t ask,” Simon said through gritted teeth. He shoved the papers closer when he ached to break the filthy table with his dad’s skull.
“I’m sorry about your last night here. It was unforgiveable, what I did.”
Simon slammed his fist onto the table. He had watched the grand performance too many times. “You’re not fooling anybody with your tricks. Sign the bloody papers. I swear this is the last time I’m asking.”
His mum patted his hand, and he reluctantly took the seat next to her.
“I want you to have the house, Mel. You’ve always kept it too beautiful for a man like me. It’s the least I can give you after everything.” He let out a steady breath, flipping open the document. “I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me for how much I’ve hurt you,” he added quietly.
Was that remorse that settled in his hollow eyes?
His mum bit her lip as a tear slipped. When Simon wrapped an arm around her, she sobbed into his chest.
No words were exchanged as his dad went through the papers, and it remained so until Simon wheeled his mum’s luggage out the door behind her.
“Goodbye, James.” She didn’t spare him another look.
“Simon?” he called in a small voice. “I’m sorry I’m not the father you deserve.”
The lieutenant threw the door shut.
Simon spent the next few days with his mum, Tommy, his wife and son. Since his last visit, Tommy’s got a new job and seemed to be spoiling his son rotten with plenty of new toys, including the shiny red bike outside. Unfortunately, even after over a year, he and Beth still hadn’t had much luck trying for a second child.
Joseph was a brilliant kid with a toothy smile, just like Tommy was, and it always surprised Simon how big his nephew got between each visit. It was a shame he only got to meet his family twice or thrice each year.
“Joe, you’ve been sitting on your uncle’s shoulders all day,” Beth said with an amused smile. “Give him a break.”
“It’s the best seat ever!” His little arms wrapped tighter around Simon’s head, eyes glued onto the cartoon on the telly.
“You need to do your homework.”
“I’ll do it here.” He poked the top of Simon’s head.
He laughed. “I don’t mind.”
She shook her head. “Come on now. Dinner will be ready in an hour. You don’t want to be late.”
“Okay…” he huffed before dragging his feet to his room.
While he flicked through the channels,  Beth went back to the kitchen where his mum was. He wasn’t one to watch the telly apart from football, but his thumb hovered over the button when the Great British Bake Off came on.
He remembered the episode. He’d watched it with you, the only person he ever watched the show with. It was yours, like a secret only the both of you knew.
It’s the right thing.
Faintly, his mum chuckled at something her daughter-in-law said, and his mind couldn’t help but drift to all the times it was you and her in his flat instead. Sharing stories, laughing, while he smiled at the sight from afar.
It’s the right thing, Riley, I promise.
He turned the telly off and went for a walk instead.
At dinner, the table admired little Joe’s drawings he’d done at school – he always saved them for when his daddy came home. With his precious family beaming, it seemed like the life Simon should have had, the one he always imagined was supposed to be like. But even without the devil trailing behind like an ellipsis, this, somehow, didn’t feel right either.
Despite his smile, his chest was heavy with the rotting carcass of the heart he didn't know he still had until weeks ago.
It’s the right thing, it’s the right thing, it’s the right thing.
Later that night, Simon’s head tilted when he entered the guestroom his mum occupied.
“Have you not packed yet? We’re leaving tomorrow. I’ve still got training on Monday.”
On the bed, she lowered her book and frowned. “I’m not leaving. Manchester is my home, Si.”
“Home is where you’re safe, mum, and you’re not here.”
She sighed, the sympathetic kind, before putting her book away. “My well-being and happiness aren’t your responsibility.”
He scoffed. “‘course they are.”
“I can’t thank you enough for thinking about me, but what’s happened, happened. I’m trying to start over, and that includes not being a baggage to you.”
He blinked. “Mum, what are you on about?” he asked carefully as he sat next to her.
“You need to live your life. You push good things away, Si.”
What… “I don’t. You’re all I’ve got.”
“Always so stubborn.” She shook her head. “Don’t make the same mistake I did, Si. My first love… Your granddad didn’t want us together, and I ended up with your dad. I grew to love him, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I chose easy over real. Sometimes I wonder if I’d been less afraid, what life would be like now.
“I'm by no means regretful, because I got to have my two perfect sons, but you had to pay for my mistakes too, and for that I’m yet to forgive myself. I’m supposed to give you a good life, but I didn't. The least I can do now is not hold you back.
Her hands clasped over his. “So live for me, Si. Don't worry about me. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will always be your mum. I can’t stop loving you even if I tried. I just need to see you happy, that’s all I need from you.”
His gaze dropped to the ground. “I’m not good enough for her,” he muttered.
“That’s not for you to decide.”
“Isn't it too late?”
“You make it sound so easy.”
“You make it sound harder than it is.” She cupped his cheek. “It won’t be painless, but if she’s the one, it will be worth it.”
Against his mum’s shoulder, he wished his tears would stop flowing, but with the way she rubbed his back, Simon was once more just a little blond boy with the scraped knee.
From the front porch in the chill night, it was shameless how he called you at that hour, when he didn’t even say goodbye when he left. It was shameless how even after you rejected his calls, he still called for the 5th time, or 10th – he’d lost count. But at last, the line connected.
“Luv,” he said breathlessly, palm pressing against his eyes that had barely dried.
“Please stop calling me.”
“No, wait. Please, listen. Don’t-”
“You’ve made up your mind. Begging only reduces me to nothing, so I didn’t try to change it. I owe you nothing, Simon.”
And the line clicked off.
Still sat on the steps, he blinked at the phone in his hand, deciding if he was going to worsen the situation if he called again. It was shameless that he did anyway, but it went straight to voicemail.
Simon might not have had plenty of dating experience, it was shameless really, but he knew he still had a chance if you were mad.
You’d listen when he showed up at your door, still hauling his backpack.
“Luv, please. Please, listen.”
He thought his heart was about to explode when your footsteps approached. The door opened halfway.
“Hi,” you said, not meeting his eyes.
His breath hitched, and he was near to tears. Despite his resolve, he couldn’t get the words out.
“I've thought about it. You're right. I thought I knew what I was getting into, but it was always so hard to see you leave, and I realised it’s only going to get harder.”
No, no, no...
“Thank you for being honest and saving us from further heartache. I know I didn’t have to block you, but I hope you understand my decision to not be in contact anymore.”
“Luv, no. I wanted- I want to try. I don’t care how hard it gets.“
“I care. I want stability, maybe even a family, and I see now we’re not heading in the same direction.” You looked up at him with glassy eyes and a pained smile. “I wish you all the wonderful things, Simon. Truly, I'm so thankful I got to know you.”
He barely made out the words tumbling out of your lips, wishing he was hallucinating.
“Goodnight, Simon,” you whispered as you closed the door.
Even then, you didn’t give him a foul look for his audacity to show his face after biting the hand that fed him. It was the last time you were going to see him, why did you still have to treat him with respect?
He wished you’d have said something mean, even sick. You should have called him names, tell him he was the most ungrateful man there was, that he was just like his dad, so he had something to hate, so the fire could flare up high once more and he’d be safe behind it like he always was.
But it was you. You could stab him in the chest, and he wasn’t sure it would have been enough to hate you. To overwrite how wonderful you’d been to the wounded stray.
His gaze cast down, unmoving at your door. He did this to himself. It was his fault for dropping his cold stare, for smiling, for looking when you weren’t, cracking his jokes, touching your hand and kissing you, for lying down and baring his belly. It wasn’t your fault you didn’t want him anymore after what he’d done.
If he closed his eyes, he could still see the vivid curve of your lips, your soft laugh, the caress of your fingers. The ache for you morphed into an itch that made him want to claw at his skin, to replace the sweetness with bright, searing pain.
Would you please do the humane thing and shoot him so he didn’t have to drown in the storm that brewed in him?
It was for the best, he told himself. It was what he wanted after all, to keep his problems away from you, to keep you happy, even when he wasn’t in the picture. Leaving you was his repayment for being a thankless beast.
“Just because I go, doesn’t mean my heart follows,” he whispered.
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 17 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You manage to help Bradley calm his nerves before his preliminary court appearance. Even just five minutes spent with you feels better than anything else. But when he sees Meredith again, the resentment and fear return. And he still can't help but dwell on why exactly she's so determined to get custody.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4400 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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On Sunday night, when you were getting ready for bed, you dodged a phone call from Greyson. But a minute later your phone rang again, and this time it was Bradley. You answered it immediately. 
"Hi, Daddy."
Bradley's soft groan through the phone had you grinning. "Princess. I miss you, baby."
You flopped down onto your bed with the phone clutched to your ear. "Okay, Bradley. But you can't just say that right now when I can't even come over and see you."
He hummed into the phone, and you closed your eyes. You'd been there with him last night after Noah's party. You'd had his mouth on your body while he hummed just like that. But you wanted him around you all the time now that you had it in your mind that he could be yours for real if it weren't for Meredith. There could have been a label on this.
"When I manage to get the shit show that is my life sorted out, you can come over anytime you want," he promised. "You can have some playtime with Noah before he goes to bed, and then you can have a different kind of playtime with me." You could literally hear the smirk in his voice.
"Can I wear my crown for both kinds of playtime?"
Bradley sighed and said, "Absolutely. It's hanging on my bedpost, just waiting for you, Princess."
You closed your eyes and thought about how adorable Bradley looked when he had been wearing the green crown you and Noah had made for him. "How's Noah?" you asked softly. Because you truly missed both of them.
"He's fine. Asked for you all afternoon when I let him eat the ants on the logs you left for him."
Your heart soared and ached at the same time. "I wish I could come over tomorrow night and spend some time with him. With both of you."
Bradley was silent for a beat. "I talked to Tracy right before I called you."
"Your lawyer?" you asked, suddenly alert and worried. 
"Yeah," he replied, his voice raspy with frustration. "I'm scheduled for a preliminary court appearance on Wednesday afternoon."
You sucked in a deep breath and sat up and gripped your phone to your ear. "Bradley. Will Meredith be there? Does Noah have to go? Can I do anything? I can skip my classes." You could barely even breathe as you waited for his response. It was just a few more weeks until you graduated, and you were trying to end with top grades, but you'd skip if they needed you. 
"No, I don't even want you to worry about it, okay?" he asked. "I'm just telling you, because I want you to know what's going on. Penny is going to watch him for the afternoon, and I'm going to use some of my vacation time."
"Do you think things will be settled on Wednesday?" you asked, heart pounding at just the thought of Meredith being around Noah again. You ran your fingers down your arm which was mostly healed as you shuddered. 
"I'm hoping, Princess. Will you call me tomorrow night?"
By Tuesday evening, Bradley was a nervous wreck. After he put Noah in bed for the night, he called Tracy to go over a few last minute items. She was always very calm with him, but he had been assured that she could turn into a bulldog if the occasion called for it. 
"What else do I need to do before tomorrow afternoon?" Bradley asked. They would be the last hearing for the day, and he already had a plan in place for Penny to watch Noah so he wasn't late for daycare pickup.
"Just prepare yourself to see Meredith, and stay calm. I'll be with you the whole time," Tracy promised. But when Bradley ended the call, he paced around his house and out onto his back deck in the darkness. 
He had too much energy. He needed an outlet. All week long, when he started to get like this, he had cleaned his house. Now everything was spotless, almost like the nights when you had been over to watch Noah. The nights when he had gone out with women from the dating app.
"You're so fucking stupid," he told himself, walking back inside to the kitchen and locking the door. He could have been in a relationship with you for a month now if he had just stopped trying to deny the way he felt. He could have saved you the pain of having to listen to him lie to your face.
Bradley knew nothing else was going to make him feel the way you always did, so he grabbed his phone and called you.
"Hi," came your soft, breathy greeting, and he was already smiling. 
"Princess," he replied, taking a calming breath. "If you're busy studying, or you need to-"
"I'm not," you promised. "I was planning on calling you anyway. You okay? Ready for tomorrow?"
Bradley walked back to his bedroom and peeled his tee shirt and jeans off. "Yeah. A little nervous." He didn't need to elaborate more than that for you to understand, and your encouraging words were right there.
"You can do it, Daddy. You'll do it for Noah, because you love him so much, and he deserves to be with you." 
Bradley could feel the warmth of your words wash over him. He should have told you what was going on with Meredith from the start. 
"If I were there, I would help you relax," you added. "Ease your nerves for you."
"Oh yeah?" he grunted, settling on his back in bed. "How would you do that?" 
You laughed softly. "Remember how much you liked it when I went down on you on your living room couch, Daddy?"
Bradley closed his eyes and let his head sink into the pillow while he thought about your glossy lips wrapped around his cock. "Yeah, I remember. You gave me the best head of my life, and you broke my year long dry spell."
When you moaned his name, his cock twitched for you. "And you remember how relaxed you were when I was done with you?" 
Bradley pulled his briefs down so his cock was standing at attention. "I just remember being shocked as hell that my kid's hot babysitter called me Daddy and let me cum in her pretty mouth."
You giggled as Bradley started stroking himself. He put you on speakerphone and pulled up a photo of you. He was a mess for you, he really was. 
"You know what I love, Daddy?"
Bradley groaned and slid his hand down his length while he looked at the photo of you in your crown. "Tell me."
You sighed softly and said, "I love the way your cock feels on my tongue. Big and velvety soft. And so heavy." 
"God damn it, Princess," he moaned. Your voice really got to him, every single time. He could almost get hard for you when you were simply asking about his day, but when you were spewing out dirty talk like it was no big deal? He was fucking ready to go. 
He expected your voice to be tentative, but you sounded bold. "Are you touching yourself right now?" 
"Of course I am," he grunted. "You're talking about sucking me off."
"But I didn't even mention how much I loved burying my face against your skin and smelling you while I kissed your balls."
He kept stroking himself as he rasped, "If you're trying to get me off, it's working."
He could practically hear you smile as you whined, "Next time, just cum all over my face."
It was the picture of you in the crown that was really doing it for him, because he could imagine it so clearly: your tongue catching ribbons of his cum while you laughed and lounged back naked on his bed.
"You want me to make it messy?" he asked, panting harder as he jerked himself off. 
"I want it everywhere. Dripping off me."
"Fuck!" he cursed, and then his eyes were squeezed closed as he was coating his own abs with his cum and thinking about you licking it up. He was virtually sure you would if you were here and he asked you nicely. 
"Did you make a mess, Daddy?"
"Yes, baby. I really did."
"Next time, I'll clean you up with my tongue."
Bradley sighed as you told him you missed him and asked him to call as soon as he could tomorrow. You really had managed to help ease his stress, and you weren't even here. He couldn't help but think of how much better he would feel if you were. 
"Morning, bub," Bradley whispered as he scooped his son out of bed early on Wednesday morning. He held him close while Noah buried his face against his neck. "I'm taking you to see Penny for the day."
"I want my babysitter," Noah whined, and Bradley held him a little tighter. 
"Me too, bub. Hopefully one day soon she can be here a lot more often."
That seemed to make Noah perk up a bit as Bradley got him dressed. And then He held Noah on his lap while they both ate bowls of cereal. Bradley didn't want to let him go as his nervous energy about the court appearance returned. He just knew he was going to want to rage as soon as he laid eyes on Meredith. But he would have Tracy with him the whole time. He needed to remember he didn't have to do any of this alone. 
On the way to Penny's house, Bradley stopped at the coffee shop with Noah, and the barista started making both of his drinks right away. And then she made a fuss over how cute Noah was while Bradley used the sharpie to write the appropriate names on both cups. Then he drove to Penny's house, and he hustled Noah inside as quickly as he could. Because he saw that your car was still at your little house down the street. 
"Thanks, Penny. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you're willing to help me out right now."
Penny kissed Noah's cheeks and shot Bradley a surprised look. "I'm more than happy to help out anytime, Bradley. Honestly, Noah is so sweet, he reminds me of how Amelia was!"
Bradley just laughed and handed Penny a bag of some of Noah's things. "Well, regardless, I appreciate it. Especially this week."
Penny eyed him closely. "I know your usual sitter isn't available during the day. This is really no problem at all. Just call me later. And good luck today."
Bradley swallowed hard and ran his hand over his khaki uniform. "Thanks." Then he gave Noah one more kiss on the cheek.
He ran back out to the Bronco. Your car was still there. He quickly drove down the block, and when he parked in front of your house and grabbed the cup of coffee that said Princess with a little heart next to it, he saw your front door open. You were wearing your navy blue scrubs, and you had your tote bag of books, and Bradley's heart was pounding. 
When you looked up and saw him standing at the end of your sidewalk, your lips parted in surprise. "Bradley!" It was half laugh and half gasp, and you just dropped your bag and rushed toward him. He held your coffee out in his left hand as you collided with him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "What are you doing here?" you asked, kissing his cheek and his lips and his mustache.
"I missed you," he whispered, his voice deep and raspy as he held you close with his right arm. "A lot." He kissed you harder as you ran your fingers through his tidy hair, most definitely messing it up. But he didn't care one bit.
"Where's Noah?" you asked against his lips. Bradley smiled, because you always wanted to know where Noah was, you always wanted him to be safe.
"I just dropped him off with Penny."
Your cheek came to rest on his chest along with your palm. "You brought me my coffee?" When he hummed and handed it to you, your laughter made him smile. "Thank you, peasant."
"You're welcome, baby." You looked up at him, and he kissed your forehead before you took a sip. 
"Wait, why are you in your uniform? Are you wearing that to the hearing?" you asked, running your fingers along his pins and straightening out his nametag.
"I'm working until lunchtime," he replied, taking your hand in his. "Then I'll change into my suit to go meet Tracy."
You just nodded up at him. "You have nothing to worry about. And if for some reason things don't go your way today, Nat told me she has your back no matter what. She's actually a little scary?"
"She's very scary. I tried to tell you that when you met her."
You pressed your face against his uniform shirt and murmured, "When I met her, I thought she was your date, and I was jealous."
Bradley froze with his hands on your hips, and a smile found its way to his lips. "Really?"
"Yes, really," you told him, hiding your face close to his armpit and making him laugh. "I had a big crush on you, okay?" 
"I love that for me," he said, kissing the top of your head. "Princess, I need to leave, and you need to get to class."
When you looked up at him, all he wanted to do was carry you up to your bedroom and spend the whole day there with you. "You'll do great. Call me later, Daddy."
After one more kiss, Bradley waited for you to leave first before getting in his Bronco and heading to base, desperately trying to keep his mind off of Meredith.
By the time he was walking up to the San Diego superior courthouse in his suit, Bradley was a nervous wreck. And as soon as Tracy saw him, she must have known it. 
"We can do this," she promised as soon as he reached her. "I'm ready to go, and as soon as we get in there, you'll be just fine. This is our preliminary hearing."
Bradley took a few deep breaths and looked at some pictures of you and Naoh together before he turned off his phone and stashed it in his pocket. "You're right. And the sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can get back to my normal life. I just know I'm going to be a lot more nervous if the judge wants Noah to come next time. I hate putting him through this. But I'm ready."
"That's the spirit," Tracy told him with a nod as she took him by the elbow and led him inside the building. "We will handle everything as it comes. We're a team, and we're going to do this together."
"Together," he repeated, because as soon as he was inside, he saw Meredith and her lawyer in the hallway. Bradley's breathing grew shallower, and he had to swallow against the desire to run back outside. She wanted to take Noah away from him. She suddenly wanted their son after so many years of avoidance. She wanted to ruin Bradley's life. 
"You're fine," Tracy told him, her voice sure and steady. "Let's wait on this bench." She pushed Bradley down onto the wooden seat as his mind swirled with worry. 
Meredith wanted the only thing Bradley really had that he was unwilling to part with. He wasn't going to be okay with shared custody or visitation. He wanted her gone. He wanted Noah to associate someone better as his mom. He didn't want Meredith to have any access to him, especially not after the way she tried to fuck with Bradley through you and Noah. 
"It's unacceptable," Bradley muttered, turning to look at Tracy where she was sitting very calmly next to him. "She doesn't get to ruin everything I care about."
"Just keep repeating that to yourself."
And so he did. When he made eye contact with Meredith, she scowled at him. He couldn't fathom for the life of him why she was doing this now, but Tracy had been correct. It didn't matter why. Meredith and her lawyer would spin everything to look like Bradley was keeping Noah from her. The facts didn't matter much at the moment. He just needed to block her from getting to Noah.
"It's time," Tracy told him, once again leading Bradley along with a gentle hand on his arm. He tripped along with her, and then he was inside a small courtroom in front of a judge in robes. He stood quietly next to Tracy, waiting. It felt like they had been waiting for a very long time. 
"What's going on?" Bradley asked quietly.
Tracy leaned in closer. "We're waiting for Meredith to join us." 
Great, now she was just being difficult to really mess with Bradley. She was seriously holding this entire process up now? Unreal. It was a real shame she wasn't in here yet, because Bradley was pissed off and ready to go.
A few more minutes passed, and Bradley saw the judge check her watch for the third time. Right as she opened her mouth and turned toward the bailiff, Bradley spun when he heard the door open. Meredith strolled inside the courtroom, and Bradley could see her seething lawyer in the hallway on his phone just as the door closed. 
"What the hell?" Bradley muttered, but Tracy elbowed him in the ribs, because Meredith strolled right up to the bench to the judge.
"Your honor, I would like to request a continuance." 
Judge Greene just stared at Meredith for a moment before responding with, "No. I will not allow a same day continuance. Does that mean you'll be representing yourself today?"
Bradley could see Meredith's cheeks pale as she took a deep breath. "Yes, I'll be representing myself today."
"Perfect," Judge Greene said blandly. "Mr. Bradshaw, please approach the bench with your counsel."
Bradley and Tracy walked up to stand next to Meredith, but Bradley was struggling to figure out what happened to Meredith's lawyer. Maybe Tracy would be able to figure out what was going on? Bradley wouldn't have come here today without a lawyer in his wildest dreams.
He realized he wasn't paying attention when he heard the judge ask Meredith, "Will you be finding counsel before the custody hearing?"
"Yes, your honor."
"Then for the time being, the minor will stay in his current living situation, and any further arrangements will be determined at trial one week from today."
Bradley sucked in a deep breath. Noah wasn't going anywhere right now. Or hopefully ever.
"Dismissed," Judge Greene said, and Bradley watched Meredith turn on her heel and practically run for the door. 
"What is going on?" Bradley asked, but he felt a little better as Tracy smiled at him as they made their way into the hallway where Meredith was nowhere to be found.
"I'll find out," Tracy told him, typing a note into her phone at such a rapid pace, it was making Bradley dizzy. "But it's definitely making you look more stable and better organized than Meredith."
Bradley ran his fingers through his hair. "Simply because I showed up with you and kept my mouth shut?"
"Yep!" she said, still typing away.
"Then you're worth every penny."
Tracy laughed and pulled a water bottle out of her briefcase and handed it to him. "You look a little pale. I need you to stay focused. This could all be over by next Wednesday, especially if Meredith shows up alone again, asking for a same day continuance." Tracy rolled her eyes as Bradley downed the water in one huge gulp.
"One more week?" he asked, thinking about you and Noah and pizza and popcorn on the couch. 
"If we're lucky. But just be prepared to bring Noah. Judge Greene may want to speak with him either in the courtroom or privately. And it's best if you don't try to coach him ahead of time. Let him speak his mind."
Bradley took some deep breaths and nodded at Tracy. "Right. Okay. One more week." 
Bradley was exhausted after he climbed in the Bronco and loosened his tie. He turned on his phone to text you, but he thought better of bothering you while you were still on campus. He'd been in the courthouse for less time than he had planned for, and Penny had texted him a few minutes ago.
Had to check on an issue at the Hard Deck. I have Noah with me. Meet me at the bar whenever you're finished. 
So Bradley made his way toward the beach as he listened to his favorite song that reminded him of you. He wondered if you'd think he was ridiculous if he made you a whole playlist. He kind of wanted to make you a playlist of songs that made him think of you. 
He was making a mental list of some songs as he strolled into the bar which was technically not yet open for the day. And then Bradley's eyes settled on Noah where he sat on top of the bar, playing with two of Penny's bartenders. His sweet son who would hopefully never have to be around Meredith. 
"Should we draw another dog, Noah?" Helen asked, sketching on a cocktail napkin while Missy got Noah a cup of water. 
"My babysitter gets me coloring books. Do you have crayons?" he asked, eating plain carrot sticks and drinking the water.
"Hey," Bradley said with a smile as he strolled toward the three of them. "Looks like you're having fun."
"Rooster! Noah is precious!" Helen gushed, straightening out her skin tight Hard Deck shirt. 
"He taught us a cute song about dinosaurs," Missy added, ruffling Noah's curls. 
Bradley grinned. That was the song he always had in his head now, the song that you taught Noah. "Where's Penny?" he asked, kissing Noah's forehead while he drew all over the dog Helen had made for him.
"On the phone," Missy said. "She shouldn't be much longer."
"Do you want a beer?" Helen asked. "Or something stronger?" Bradley was tempted to sit and have a beer while he waited for Penny. But then Helen added, "Damn, Rooster. You look good in a suit."
"Thanks," he muttered, definitely blushing as he slid onto one of the stools. "I guess I'll take that beer." He reached for his wallet and started to dig out some cash, but Helen's hand found his and folded it back up again. 
"It's on me," she said with a wink that had Bradley a little flustered. She was flirting with him. 
"That's not necessary," he replied. "Especially since you and Missy have been helping Penny watch Noah."
But Helen rolled her eyes as she filled a pint glass with Bradley's favorite kind of beer. "You can just leave me a nice tip. Or your phone number."
Bradley really looked at Helen as she shot him a smirk. She was somewhere between your age and his, and she was working for Penny to help pay for school. He supposed she was cute, but she just didn't look like you. He was very much into you. 
When she set down the beer, Bradley thanked her and took a sip. Then Noah handed her the cocktail napkin he had scribbled all over.
"Oh, wow, thanks Noah," she said with a laugh. "This is great."
"Thanks," he said, climbing down onto Bradley's lap. "My babysitter is a good colorer, and she's a Princess, too. And she's our favorite, right daddy?"
"She sure it, bub," Bradley told him, giving him a hug and feeling so much relief that this could all be done by next week. He never wanted to stop hugging his child. 
When Bradley looked up, Helen was gazing at him with pursed lips, but then he heard Penny's voice.
"Bradley! How did it go?" she asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Should know more by next week," he replied. "How was Noah today?"
"Absolutely perfect," Penny promised. 
"He can hang out with us any time!" Missy called from the other end of the bar. 
"He sure can," Helen added with another wink. "Because he's as sweet as his dad."
Bradley finished his beer as he shook his head and laughed. He left enough cash to cover the beer and a tip, and he scooped Noah up in his arms. "Thanks again for today," he told Penny as he and Noah waved to both bartenders. 
"Call me if you need me. Noah is welcome with Amelia and I anytime."
As Bradley kissed Noah's face on the way out to the Bronco, Noah asked, "When can I see my babysitter?"
Bradley was feeling pretty good now as he buckled Noah into his car seat. "You know what? Why don't we call her when we get home and ask her."
As soon as your phone rang, you were scrambling to answer it. "Bradley! What happened today?!"
But you heard Noah's sweet voice instead. "Hi! Can we sing the dinosaur song?"
"Of course!" You sank down to sit on your stairs as you and he sang the song together, and you could hear Bradley's laughter in the background. 
"Helen didn't sing it right," Noah said. "And she kept talking about daddy's suit."
You closed your eyes and imagined how good Bradley must have looked in his suit. If his officer uniform was any indication, then it must have been so sexy.
"Wait, who's Helen?" you asked, and you could hear Bradley taking the phone from Noah.
"She's a bartender at the Hard Deck," he replied casually. "I picked Noah up there. And guess what."
"What?" you asked, crossing your fingers.
"Trial date is set for next Wednesday. And Noah is staying with me until then."
"Really?" you asked, jumping to your feet. "That's so soon!"
"Yep," he replied, voice raspy as he added, "but Noah and I are both dying to see you, Princess. Can we stop over this weekend?"
You looked around your sparsely decorated house and tried to imagine entertaining Noah here. You weren't even sure if the three of you would fit on your couch, unless you were cuddled up on Bradley's lap.
"Sure," you told him with a smile. "I'll stock up on some coloring books. It'll be fun."
"We can't wait to see you."
Princess is always taking care of Daddy and Noah. Wish she could have babysat him for Bradley that day. Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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Stay with Me (Opla Luffy x Reader)
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You let out a long sigh, leaning over the edge of the ship and feeling the salty sea breeze ruffling your hair.
With so many thoughts surrounding your mind, you couldn't sleep even if you wanted to. When had things gotten so complicated in your life?
As if before you met Luffy it wasn't already.
It had all started when your parents died, when you had barely become a teenager. You knew it wasn't their intention, but they left you alone in the world, not knowing how to support yourself.
Having no other choice, you packed your bags before you were evicted from the house where you lived your entire life and went to the city's brothel.
Being young and pretty, you were quickly accepted to work there.
You hated more than anything having to sell your body to brute men who didn't care about anything other than satisfying their own needs. But you had to resign yourself, there was no other way for you to be able to eat.
Until one day, you couldn't take it anymore.
Trying to defend yourself from the attack of a man who wanted to have you at any cost, you pierced his throat with a shard of glass and he fell dead on the floor.
Horrified by what you had just done, you fled out the window before they found out what happened and ran to the port. After what you had done, you could no longer stay on that island.
Without seeing clearly what was in front of you out of desperation, you ended up bumping into a boy wearing a straw hat.
He didn't know your name, or who you were, but seeing how desperate you were, he allowed you to board his ship and left the island with him and his crew.
You ended up finding out that his name was Luffy, despite some of the pirates being suspicious of you and your intentions, he seemed to trust you completely.
From what you knew of men there was only one reason why he had agreed to help you.
Without waiting for him to try something, you snuck up on him first at the first opportunity you two were alone. However, to your surprise, he rejected you.
Confused, you asked if that wasn't what he wanted for saving you. He just laughed and explained that he only saved you because he saw that you needed help and didn't expect anything in return.
That day, something changed in your heart. You no longer saw him with the same eyes as before. And that was what you least wanted to happen.
From the beginning, your plan was to stay on the next island where the ship would dock and start a new life.
You had to forget about him, but it was practically impossible when you were stuck with him on a ship for days.
You were taken out of your thoughts when you heard a familiar voice coming from behind you.
"Hi." You smiled, like you always did when you were in his presence. "Can't sleep either?"
"No." Luffy replied. "I always get anxious before arriving on an island I've never been to before."
You chuckled, not saying anything else. You looked at each other in silence for an exaggeratedly long time.
"So tomorrow you're really going to leave?" He asked, finally breaking the silence that followed.
"Yes." You answered. "I've bothered you guys long enough."
"Stop it, woman, you don't bother us at all." He laughed. "But what are you going to do when you get to the island?"
"I still don't know." You sighed. "I can get a job somewhere there, I just know I'm not going back to the life I used to live."
It was clear to everyone that he was very worried about what would happen to you after you left the ship, in addition to being upset with the fact that you two would probably never meet again after the next day.
You continued to look at him, noticing that he was slowly approaching you. You knew you had to move away, but his gaze seemed to have you trapped.
You tried to say something, but the words seemed to get stuck in your throat, your heart was pounding in your chest when you had him so close to you.
"What can I do to make you staw with me?" He asked in a low murmur.
You were caught off guard, not expecting him to say that. You had to admit it was tempting, but you didn't want to be dead weight.
"W-what are you talking about?" You asked, failing to try not to stutter. "What would I do here? I'm useless."
"No, don't say that." He said. "We can find something you can do, but what can I do to make you stay?"
You smiled, happy to realize that your feelings for him were reciprocated.
"I want you to say you love me." You asked in a sweet tone of voice, trying to contain yourself as you looked at his lips.
He moved even closer and wrapped his arms around your torso, continuing to look into your eyes and approaching his face from yours.
"I love you." He whispered, without waiting another second, he kissed you lovingly.
You kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his body, looking like you would never let him go.
After what seemed like an eternity, but not long enough, you broke the kiss, almost in the same second hugging him and laying your head on his chest.
"I love you too."
You weren't going anywhere the next day, you had finally found your place.
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evermoresversion · 1 year
Could you write a nick leister fic where his gf suffers with type one diabetes and suffers from a glucose attack and he helps her recover from the attack and after they cuddle <3
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A/N For this I based it on a scene from the netflix movie purple hearts. I hope you like it a lot, thx for your request. <3
PAIRING Nick Leister x Fem!Reader.
TW/TAGS Mention of diseases such as diabetes, established relationship.
SUMMARY You suffer from type one diabetes, you have always been careful with your treatment and you make sure that your glucose monitor is under control, and even Nick makes sure of that too. Until one day you got too careless and had a diabetic attack, in which Nick helped you.
Since you were little, you were diagnosed with type one diabetes. So since then you have had to deal with the whole process and treatments.
So when you grew up you were already totally used to living with it in a calm and peaceful way. Almost.
One day when you were busy for most of the day and far from home, you forgot your glucose packets in there.
When you had just arrived, Nick was waiting for you at the door of this one, your mother was not at home so it was you and Nick alone.
Both already entering your room he left his things on the night table that you had on one side of your bed.
"Tomorrow dad wants you to join us for dinner, if you'd like." He began to speak and you immediately felt dizzy in your body so strong that you almost fell to the ground.
"Yes... Sounds good to me." You drawled your words and frowned at feeling dizzy out of nowhere. You had kept your mind so busy during the day that you had forgotten that you had a treatment to obey.
"Are you okay? You don't look good." Nick approached you slowly examining you with his eyes.
"Yeah... I'm fine, just..." the strength, with the quickness of a snap, ran out of your body, leaving you utterly weak as the monitor tucked into your side began to beep like crazy. You almost fell to the ground if it hadn't been for Nick catching you in his arms in time.
"Where's the glucose?" he asked, this time examining the entire room.
"In my bag." you barely murmured and he rushed to take it. He already knew what to do because of his sister and besides that you had already given him instructions for this type of case.
He sat on the bed with you in his arms and opened the glucose packet and then took it to your mouth.
You ingested a good part of the envelope and moved your mouth away from it to give him to understand that you had enough.
"How long does it take to take effect?" he murmured, settling in better to lie down next to you.
"Twenty minutes." you warned and he nodded feeling his heart beat rapidly against his chest, it was the first time that had happened to you in front of him and he was really scared that something worse could have happened to you.
And as if you could have read his thoughts, you smiled a little, trying to look at him.
"Calm down, I'm fine." you murmured snuggling into his chest and closed your eyes, his hand was lost in your hair to brush it in a disorganized way.
"It's just terrifying." he murmured kissing your head. You looked into his eyes and tilted his chin a little for him to kiss you.
His lips kissed yours with an achingly perfect softness, while his free hand slid down your waist to pull you against him.
"Do you want to sleep?" he murmured once, his lips away from yours but close enough for you to hear his voice.
"Yeah." And once again you closed your eyes, sleeping next to him.
"Good night, gorgeous."
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2023.
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darlingdekarios · 1 year
so this is goodbye.
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rating: mature for canon themes length: 1,752 content: Arthur Morgan x f!reader, established relationship, hurt no comfort, set in the hours leading up to Arthur's death, mentions of blood (tuberculosis related), canon compliant
Arthur Morgan's most important goodbye - the one he gives to you.
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"Let's just go together."
It was an impossible plea - one you knew the answer to long before he turned to face you, blue eyes transparent with the cold truths of the situation. For as many roads as you'd taken together, it seemed the path had thinned - going forward, there was only room for one.
"You and I both know it's too late for that now," his voice was thin, the result of his lungs failing in every aspect - you couldn't stand the sound of him like this anymore. "Even if we ran, I'm on borrowed time. I'd just die on you tomorrow, we both know it."
It was true, there was no denying it - only a fool would try.
"I'd rather you die with me in peace than at the hands of men who never deserved to be in your company," your words fell into the air like shattered glass, broken beyond repair.
"I will die in peace knowing you're safe," he promised, reaching forward to grasp both of your hands in his. It occurred to you this was the last time you'd feel his hands against yours. "But I can't do that if you don't go now, while you have the chance still."
His thumbs ran across your knuckles, memorizing the feeling of them one last time - the same thoughts in your mind echoed in his. You tried to steady yourself, deep breaths in and out to pretend you were okay - the façade dissipated when a quiet sob left your lips, though he'd been waiting for it all along. Just like his death, your brokenness over it was inevitable.
"I'm not ready to say goodbye," you choked out, words squeezed through a throat that felt smaller by the minute, much like the world closing in on you. "I should…I should be with you until the end. I should be by your side."
"They won't allow that. You've been by my side all this time, don't you ever forget that counted for something. Everything we did together counted for something."
Some part of him was glad for all the trouble that was about to be caused so you had to go your separate ways. In truth, since the doctor had informed him of his fate Arthur was certain of one thing above most others - he didn't want you to be around when he succumbed to this cough, despite the fact that seeing your face as his eyes closed one last time would be a dream for any man. He didn't want you to watch him suffer, because he didn't want you to live with that suffering forever.
So now in his final hours, finally in a semblance of control of his own actions, his mind and heart were radiantly in love with you - so much of his remaining energy focused on your ensured survival through another day. He could only be thankful for the time he'd received with you, for every day you'd spent telling him you loved him - particularly knowing he never deserved something as divine as your love.
Any amount of time with you was more than a man like him had earned in life to begin with.
But as for you and your heart?
"It hasn't been enough time. We didn't get enough time, Arthur."
Tugging you forward gently his arms wrapped around you in a hug, the only comfort you'd ever found in this life wrapping you in warmth once more. He was filthy, but that wouldn't stop you from taking as much of him as you were allowed now - your face buried into his chest, arms tight around his torso, clinging to him as though it gave you life.
He pulled away to shed his jacket from his frame, reaching around you to wrap it on your shoulders. He'd always preferred it on you, anyway.
"But the time we did get made me a happy man," he reminded, his voice earnest and truthful, words offering no amount of doubt. "You made me want to be a better man."
His hands came to your shoulders to squeeze gently, holding you against him still.
"I need you to promise me you're not gonna turn that horse around and go back up there after me," his voice was serious, steady - it left no room for disagreement and yet you couldn't help the desire to do just that. "You've got to promise me. You are not to follow me. That's no place for you anymore."
"Arthur, I…"
"Now, I don't want to hear it," he grabbed both of your hands again, squeezing them in his - even now you could feel his strength waning. You were hanging on his every word, memorizing how each syllable fell from his lips - already dreading the day you couldn't remember his voice anymore. "Please listen to me. Those men up there…they're nothin' more than animals now. They will kill you to hurt me, and you're all I have left that they can use. Already lost John…don't make me lose you, too."
There was so much…too much to say in this moment, this goodbye you'd known was coming and yet had sprung so suddenly. It was impossible to pick which words to give him, which words would hold the most meaning - which would make him feel the most fulfilled. They were in your mind like debris picked up by a tornado, far too much chaos to make sense of.
"I can't do it without you. I'm not ready to live without you."
"You're goin' to have to, sweetheart," his hands left your shoulders to hold your face instead, thumbs running over your cheeks as he leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead. His next words were whispered against your skin - his private form of begging between the two of you, one last time. "You go on and you live your life, and you don't ever try to find Dutch or Micah or any of 'em, outside of Abigail or Charles or Mrs. Adler. Forget the rest of 'em. Please."
He leaned away to meet your eyes again - you gave yourself a moment to hold your response purely to enjoy the splashes of color in his blue eyes, knowing no other would compare to these hues again. You nodded, knowing this is what he needed, knowing it was the only remaining peace you could offer him.
"I won't go lookin', but if I see Micah or Dutch again I will put a bullet between their eyes, Arthur," you promised, eyes dark as you spoke the names of the men who he would soon face. "I swear I will, even if it's the last thing I do."
"I know you -"
He was overtaken by a cough, the worst one yet - he leaned against a tree to support himself but you were also there - just as you had been all these past weeks. You rubbed his back as he coughed, reaching upward to smooth his hair away from his slick forehead as it fell about. He tried to motion you away when blood spurted from his lungs, spraying the grass beneath you. You held strong, instead pulling a cloth from your satchel to wipe his mouth.
He loved you with a passion you were certain no one else could come close to matching. You could see it manifested in his eyes.
"You are the best man I have ever known, Arthur Morgan," your words were quiet, movements delicate as you wiped the sweat from his brow as well, pushing his hair back again. One of his arms wrapped around your waist again, a wheezy breath sucked into his lungs as he watched you talk. "You deserved far better than what the world gave you."
"I got more than I deserved."
When I got you.
His eyes gave life to the words he couldn't bring himself to say aloud.
You stepped closer despite the fact he tried to push you away again briefly, ignoring his plea as you wrapped your arms around his torso again, pinning him between yourself and the tree, wondering how long you could get away with holding him there. Almost as if he sensed your thoughts he kissed your forehead weakly, a heavy, raspy sigh huffing from his lungs. You turned your head to kiss his cheek gently.
You both nuzzled your heads together for a moment, enjoying the closeness and serenity of one another for as long as the cruel circumstances would allow. When he pulled away it was to lift you back onto your horse - one he'd gifted you years ago now - strong hands rubbing your thighs one more time.
"You go on 'n' get out of here," his voice was firm, resolute - you had one option as to what to do next. "And don't you dare look back."
He withdrew from you, turning his back to hide the way his Adam's apple bobbed as the threat of tears welled in his chest, something he'd sworn from the beginning he'd never do in front of you. As he climbed on his horse the leather reins shook in his trembling hands, leaving you for the last time becoming the hardest thing he'd been asked yet.
He heard the hooves of your horse as you attempted to retreat, and was painfully aware when they stopped - an immediate fear taking over him that you wouldn't be able to go through with this.
"Arthur," you called out, the sobs chasing the end of your words a hammer to his heart each time. "I loved you. I do love you…I will love you always. Every day."
He turned his horse to you, glistening eyes mirrored by your own as he rode up along side you. He removed one of his gloves to reach out and hold your cheek in his hand, thumb wiping a tear from beneath your eye gently.
You would never let yourself cry again.
"So many things I should've done different," for everything that was happening, Arthur sounded at peace with what he had chosen, content with all that he was leaving in the world as long as it included you. "I don't know what happens when we die, but I know if this…all this shit in life…ain't it for us…I'll be waitin' for you."
He released your face to reach for your hand, raising it to his lips in one final kiss. With that, you watched Arthur Morgan set off on his final ride.
masterlist. red dead redemption masterlist.
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fxchild · 1 year
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter seven: So now you're back?
A note from Fxchild ! Hi hi so ya I am not dead ! My phone lit broke and I totes forgot my email for this acc but now I'm back and my writers block has never gone away so quickly ! I'm so excited for new chapters to b out soon ! In the meantime while you r waiting for chapters, if you have one shot ideas for characters Finn Wolfhard plays I would b more than happy to write those so you guys aren't waiting forever for a new chapter ! So...finally heres the well awaited chapter seven ! I hope you enjoy this <3
It's the first day of May. It's also been three months since Miles left again. I keep telling Flora that he'll be back soon but I feel my heart break every time I lie to her. I don't think he will be back until I leave for the summer and then he'll leave again when I come back. I feel so guilty..Flora doesn't have a brother that lives with her because of me. But was it all really my fault? He treats me like shit and expects me to tolerate it. Never mind. I don't give a flying fuck about him anymore. He can do whatever he wants, if something happens to him, oh boo hoo not my problem.
It was finally Friday which means I have tomorrow off and I only have to teach Flora a little today because the weather was perfect for horseback riding and I'd promise to let her out today. Today I wore a dark red top with dark grey jeans with black high top shoes. I put my hair in a half up half down clip and did minimal makeup because I was planning on recording myself for an upcoming interview I have for a summer job.
Today I planned out a written test to see Flora's knowledge on geography. I would give her a half an hour to finish up on review and two hours for the test. The test was fairly easy so it shouldn't take her more than an hour or so.
"And begin." I smiled at Flora, setting my timer on my desk which is right across from hers. She immediately begins to read and write down answers while I look over her past work to grade.
Around 45 minutes into the session we hear the front door open. Flora pays no attention to it, I assume it's Ms. Grose coming in from cutting grass or buying groceries so I ignore it and go back to reading old assignments. Around a few minutes went by when I heard footsteps coming to the room. Expecting Ms. Grose I take my feet off the desk and fix my posture without looking at the door. I pretend to be in deep thought with grading when I hear someone clear their throat and hear Flora shout,
"Miles!" She screeches and jumps from her seat running over to hug him. I immediately turn my whole body in my chair with wide eyes. His hair slightly longer and he looks a little taller. He still has the same smirk and dead eyes I saw the night he left. He had on a black coat that ran down to his knees and two bags in his hands that he must have taken when he left. He engulfs Flora into a hug and smiles down at her. I've never seen that smile before. Unlike the ones he had given me this one was warm and loving. I think I had given him that smile before but I wasn't sure. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, he looked up at me and smiled. It was genuine, his eyes brightened. I knew it was real because it wasn't that same old smirk he put on with confidence, he looked painfully awkward and his eyes kept darting between me and the wooden floor. I didn't smile back. I rose up from my seat and walked over to him.
"Flora, why don't you take Miles bags and put them in his room for him sweetheart?" I smiled down at her while patting her hair. She gladly accepts and runs off with his bags. Miles smiles at me again nodding opening his mouth to speak but I cut him off.
"How you been Miles? Where'd you go this time huh? Was it fun?" I say with a sarcastic fake smile, he could tell I was mad.
"Well I-" He begins as I slap his face.
"You scared the shit out of me! Do you know how upset Flora was? She cried for almost a week, blaming herself, poor girl!" I say gritting my teeth with my eyes starting to tear up slightly.
He stared at me with pursed lips before sighing and answering. "He told me to."
I scoff and look at him dumbfounded. "He? Wh-who the hell is 'he' Miles huh? What are you schizo?" I roll my eyes annoyed
"Nobody-nothing. I just..had a dream that's all." He shakes his head staring down at the floor with shame.
"Whatever Miles." I roll my eyes and walk over to Flora's desk to pick up her finished test. "Better go find Flora. Told her she could get out of class early to go ride the horses." I say looking through her test without looking up at Miles.
"You're not gonna come?" He asks quietly, nodding his head to the side, scratching the back of his neck.
I chuckle quietly before placing the test back on the desk. "After the last time?" I walk over to him, picking a pine needle off his jacket. "No thanks." I fake smile before walking out of the room to my own. When I reach my room I fall flat onto my bed before letting out a loud sigh into my pillow. A few minutes later I look out the window. I see Flora and Miles running to the stables and shouting happily. I turn to look at my Calendar, 30 days until I leave. I got sick of sitting in my room bored and decided to go do something, anything in his boring place.
I walk into the kitchen hoping there's an apple or some food sitting out but instead of being greeted with food, it's an unbearable Ms. Grose. I smile at her but she crosses her arms and frowns at me.
"Why are you being so unpleasant towards Miles?" She grits her teeth. "What are you talking about?" I ask trying to pretend I have no clue what's going on. "Talking to him in such an arrogant tone, not accepting his offer and you still wonder why he left? You should be shamed." She spits at me coldly. My face dropped as I start to feel tears in the corners of my eyes.
I quickly ran back up to my room and slam the door. Tears start to stream down my face as I grab my backpack and start shoving stuff into my bag. By the time I zipped it up I hear the front door open again. I quickly put my shoes back on and started heading down the stairs. Walking towards the door I'm wiping my tears, Miles blocks my path.
"Woah woah! Where are you going?" He asks with a concerned look on his face, his hands falling to my shoulders. "Out." I reply while sniffling trying to push past him.
"Um okay, when are you coming back?" He lets go of me, now following me out the door. "I don't know..like..tomorrow? Sunday maybe?" I continue to walk away from him to my car. "Tell me where in case you get black out drunk again and need me to pick you up." He scoffs grabbing onto my wrist.
"You know what Miles? You won't have to worry about me anymore! I won't bother you. It's clear I make you want to leave and you hate me so I'll just leave you alone okay?! Is that what you wa-"
He cuts me off by pressing his lips against mine. It was soft and quick, like he was trying to shut me up and this was the first thing he thought of. He lets go of my wrist and stands up straight looking at me sternly. My cheeks are burning red as I attempt to say something but I can't seem to speak, like there's no air in my lungs.
I lean up against my car door for a moment staring at my feet trying to decide whether to leave or not. I finally look up at him, his head in staring at my feet too. His hands are in his pockets and he's biting his bottom lip nervously. I smile up at him.
"Hey..I'll be back in a little while. I promise I won't make you pick me up this time. Want me to grab you something?" I softly smile, hoping he won't hate me. He shakes his head no with a small smile on his face before letting me get into his car. He watches me drive off before heading back inside.
'29 days..' I whisper to myself as I head into the nearest town, smiling to myself.
This was extremely rushed so my apologies if it wasn't as great as one of my last chapters ! I promise the next chapter will b better and have more of a plot than this one. Hope you guys liked this and r excited for the next chapter!
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
Ken Wakui could have created healthy, mentally stable characters honestly, ones that would communicate with each other easily but he chose the most toxic of them all.
So what ? You gonna tell me I'm wrong ?
He chose to create Mikey, who clearly has that soul crushing overwhelming guilt, the one that makes him think he doesn't even deserve to live, that everyone always ends up dying or wanting to kill him. And instead of coming to you, and having a decent conversation with you about his secret anxiety, that guy would just manipulate you until you're none but a puppet on his string.
-" You're my fucking Achilles heel, 'kay ? Tell me how the hell am I supposed to let m'baby go out without me ?"
The scars of falling in his lures wouldn't even be visible for you, as he brings you closer to him and holds you like there's no tomorrow, far away from anyone's eyes, he was still him, Manjiro.
-" I know I'm fucked up, but you'll stay, hm ?"
-" You'll stay with ya man, wontcha, love ?"
You gonna tell me I'm wrong?
He created Rindou, who feels like the strongest, the smartest, and anything else until Ran's in the equation. Don't get me wrong, he loves his brother from the bottom of his heart, yet alongside all that love and admiration, he had never felt... Enough.
Ran's flirty nature around you would get to him, and instead of coming to you and talking about his insecurities like a big strong man, this guy would just have you understand how much you need him.
-" Rin', please, please, please... " You whine, hands on his broad shoulders as you tried to ride his length, whilst he has his arms behind his head and watched you wearily.
-" Uh uh, baby, your man's not gonna help ya. Wanna see how this tight lil pussy can take my cock, show me, please ?"
And though his erection would be painfully hard, watching tears gathering in your lashes line so beautifully as you make a mess of yourself on him, he would smirk slyly, waiting until you collapse on him and beg him to fucking ruin you.
-" See? Who's gonna fuck you like me ?" He has you in a mating press, slamming his cock deep inside you until he has you crying his name. " No one's gonna treat my princess better than I can. Shit, babe, easy o'mme " he hisses, grinning discreetly with how your walls wrapped him in.
I'm deadly serious, these men are the most fucked up, don't even get me started with SANZU FUCKING HARUCHIYO.
Sanzu deserves a whole psychology book of his own, but a whole new pathology would be created the day he meets you. Yes at first he wouldn't even glance your way twice, too busy with Mikey anyway. But just the way you randomly smile whenever his eyes cross yours, and didn't even flinched the first time seeing him without a mask, just how you rushed to ask about him seeing some blood ( that wasn't even his ) on his shirt... That's a game changer.
Indeed because no one ever truly cared about him, not even his own family, so when you, a perfect stranger whom eyes shine with admiration whenever he walks in the room, show up in his life...
-" Haru, that's folly and you know it. " You argue, your wrists starting to hurt from all the rubbing against the ties . And you swore at some time, you've seen some genuine humanity flicker behind his blueish hues, one that was soon replaced by something more animalistic once he presses his forehead against yours.
-" I know, babes, I know... " His voice came in a hoarse whisper, making you swallow as his other hand roam higher up your bare thigh. "But I told you. Talk about that out of town job once again and I'll have ya tied to my bed, haven't I now ?"
Contrary to what you would think, his touches and kisses on your skin are feathery, light, pressing open mouth kisses on the skin between your thighs.
-" Shhh, easy, easy... swear I'm gonna take good care 'f my pretty girl, y'trust me ? Why the hell would i hurt the best fucking thing to ever happen t'me ?"
I could go like this all night, but I have to get up early tomorrow. If I need to end up on a quick note, I'll talk about Draken.
Draken and his insecurity of not being good enough, of losing you like he did to Emma. Understand, you're so nice, so smart and kind, so pretty, and what does he has for himself, if not sharp edges, rough manners and inappropriate actions ?
But Draken loves you, and he truly never felt that way, never had a girl, or anyone else steal his mind from gang fights and motorcycles like you do, but you do. And his ways are... Controversial.
-" Ain't ya gonna take all of me, pretty ?"
He gives slow, deep thrusts though he's only dying to fasten that pace, but he can't have you scared of his own strength, not yet.
His hands gently apply deep pressing on your waist, whilst his kisses lingering on your neck make you fall deep in his games.
-" I... " You hesitate, and he knows that, but as soon as he starts slowing down his pace a little too much, he has you crying for him. " Yes ! Yes, Ken, gotta take it... Gonna take your kids !"
There, he has you exactly where he wants you.
-" What a good girl I found myself, ain't ya ? Look at this pretty lil pussy tryna take all of my fucking cum, you gonna make me a daddy ? Stay with me whatever, yeah baby ?"
Yes, nothing better than breeding to make sure you would never leave him, right ?
Tsk, and people think these guys are healthy lol.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Irresistible (Shiv Roy x Tattoo!Reader)
Character/s: Shiv, Logan mention
Word Count: 981
A/N: This was not requested, but I did get a Shiv request and I want to be sure I can do it justice. I feel like I know her the least besides Kendall, so I'm a lil scared to post this lol. It's a teensy bit short too, don't come for me y'all!! I just know she'd love tattoos so much. Maybe not on her, but her partners? Definitely!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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She runs the tips of her fingers across the ink of your skin. Starting innocently enough, your fingers, your hands, west and elbow. Some new, mostly old, still raised on the surface of your flesh. Up, up, across, tracing your collarbone, your chest, your neck, until she’s got your chin tipped up, examining the ink on the underside of your jaw. Her eyes are delicate, but intense. She’s dissecting you as you sit, wait, and you let her. You’d let her do a lot of things. She lets a smile slip, letting go, instead grabbing for your hand, giving it a squeeze. She’d always been a lover of art, of expression, but her favorite was your body. Covered head to toe in tattoos. The drama of it all. The pain, too. It gave you an edge, a shield. It makes me look a lot cooler than I am, you joked, but she just shook her head. Not cool, elegant. Elegant as fuck. You laughed, not expecting that certain word choice from an angel like her. The more you got to know her though, the more you expected it. The more you could rely on it, on her.
She started appearing everywhere. Not just around the office, at her fathers table, but in your corner, in your space. She hadn’t noticed you til an office party ran late. Past midnight, everyone drinking, celebrating. You never showed skin at the office. It wasn’t professional anywhere, but especially Waystar. Parties, parties were another story. Your co-workers knew what you looked like, who you were outside of work. You let loose a little, sipping at your drink, watching your peers make mistakes for tomorrow morning. Thats when you spotted her, watching you. Of course you knew who she was. Your heart fell into your stomach. She was powerful, a Goddess among men. She had power. You? You’d only been working there a year, almost two. That was all. You doubted Logan knew your name. As long as the work was done on time, he didn’t really care. She hadn’t taken her eyes off you, her gaze burning right through you. You hadn’t spilled on yourself and your fly wasn’t down, you checked. You looked behind you, too, but there was no one. No, she was looking at you. Was that a smile? You could see it in her cheeks, in the lines of her face, no matter how hard she tried to hide behind her glass. Heat rose to your face. The boss’ daughter was looking at you, staring. You tried not to let on that you knew, turning your attention elsewhere. Co-workers dancing, people you didn’t even know knew one another mingling like old friends. Every time you looked, out of the corner of your eye, there she was. 
There she was. 
You’ve been staring. It takes every ounce of courage in your body to speak those words. Flirty, just loud enough for her to hear. Maybe I like what I’m looking at. She says cooly, not looking at you directly. You’d disappeared. The crowd thickened and you took your chance, moving from one end of the room to the other, so close to her you could smell her perfume. She didn’t jump, you hadn’t shocked her, like she was always prepared for anything. Everything. Maybe? Ouch. What were you doing? You weren’t this person. You weren’t sexy or spontaneous, you definitely didn’t think you had a chance with any person, let alone the Siobhan Roy. She either didn’t notice the moment of panic or chose not to, instead shrugging her shoulders. Yeah, maybe. Where have you been hiding all this time? Accounting, you want to say, but that isn’t right. You’ve been here all along, in plain sight. Is she noticing now because of your skin, or she’d had too much to drink? She doesn’t seem drunk, not even a little tipsy. So she liked your ink. . . That made you smile despite yourself. Scary, powerful, Siobhan Roy liked tattoos? That’s pretty cute. You can touch them, if you like. You held out your wrist to her. That startled her, how you’d figured her out, how forward you were with her. She touches you as if she’s afraid you’ll break, so delicate, so frail. She traces the images, the shading and linework, getting lost in the patterns, the intricacy. She doesn’t ask what they mean, like most people. She doesn’t ask if it hurt, how expensive it was, or who you went to. She just traced. When she came to, as if coming out of a haze, she blushed. You liked it.
Her touch tickled. 
She did it when she was nervous, too. Tracing the image on the back of your hand, your knuckles, absentmindedly. She rubbed whichever arm she held, the two of you a long established couple after that night. She always get embarrassed when you bring it up. Not to tease her, rather in awe of her. She was stunned by you, by the artwork, even if she couldn’t put it into words. She buries her face into you, begging you to stop talking. Too late. You’re stuck with me, you want to tease. She can’t help it, the second she saw you, she knew things would be different. Not love, something more complicated. Something more permanent. She didn’t believe in love at first sight. That night, though? That night, maybe she’d come close. When you get new ones she studies them, hypnotized by the process. Going through all that pain for something so beautiful, so forever. She knows what her father thinks of you, of your body, but she couldn’t care less. You weren’t just beautiful, you were stunning. The artwork was just an added bonus, the cherry on top. One day you’ll get something to represent her, your wife. For now you wear your ring. For now, that’s enough.
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shokotartitas · 10 months
-A dance- Diluc x Fem!Reader
Context: You and Diluc were great friends, you always took the initiative for obvious reasons, but Diluc had a crush on you, which you didn't realize, there was a party one of your friends. In which they invited you and if you want to bring a companion it was accepted.
Warnings: None!
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You were at a friend's house, at this time the tavern was open and you knew it very well.
-W-Well... I'll retire, I'll go see him, okay?-
You said nervously as she opened the door.
-Wait...- your friend said.
-I invite you to my birthday it will be the day after tomorrow, you can bring a partner-
You nodded as you left the house straight to the tavern.
You arrived at the tavern and entered and went to hug Diluc
-Diluc!- You say while laughing softly.
-Oh YN- he gives you a slight but sincere smile. The comfortable hug corresponds
-Diluc... Could you go with me to a friend of mine's party?-
You say while waiting for a "no"
Diluc was thinking -hm... Are you sure? What, with me?- Diluc says seriously
-Because you are one of my best friends!- You said as you smiled warmly.
You break away from the hug and look at him.
-Could we have an apple cider? It will be the day after tomorrow so... Get ready! I'll come see you, okay?-
Diluc laughed softly. -You?- He looked at you with grace. -I'll go see you.-
You blushed a little -well... It's okay!-
Diluc told you that he was going to pick you up at 7:00.
6:00 a.m party day
You woke up early, out of nowhere Diluc came to your mind, you were starting to like him. -Just today... why do I feel this way if I'm not with him right now...?- You thought as you sighed.
You went down to the kitchen, grabbed an egg and cooked it.
You finished breakfast and went for a walk around Mondstand.
You bought some jewelry and ran back to your house, you looked for a dress but you didn't know what to wear.
-S-Shit!- You said something angry with yourself, until a letter arrived
-uh?- You went down to see and read it
-Buy a dress, I hope you like it...-
You were surprised, your eyes widened
-Diluc...- You said in a whisper as you opened the package.
-It's... lovely!- You said excitedly while smiling.
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-For the archons!!!- You screamed while jumping.
-It sure was expensive...-
You sighed as you went down to your kitchen again to eat what you had bought there for lunch.
5:30 p.m
You looked at the clock on your wall as you went to the bathroom to take a shower.
-What a thrill...!- You said while you undressed
You turned on the water and entered the shower.
-ah...- You gave a contented sigh as the water fell on your warm skin.
You came out with your towel wrapped around your body, your hair dryer in hand, and a lot of makeup, or well not much.
After drying your hair, you brushed it and put on your dress.
-It looks nice on me...- You said looking in the mirror.
You sat on your bed and put on lip moisturizer and cheek blush.
You put on your matching white shoes and did your hair.
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(Short hair, long hair, it doesn't matter, it looks beautiful on you!)
You smiled, it was 6:40
-It's early so I'll do a little more cleaning- you fixed your clothes, the bathroom and you cleaned yourself a little more .
-five minutes left- You said as you finished brushing your teeth.
Knock Knock
"I'm coming!" you said as you came down the stairs and opened the door.
-Hello, and it seems that the dress I chose looks beautiful on you...- You looked away embarrassed as you laughed.
-Thank you, Diluc, I honestly did not expect a package from you-
-You're welcome, come on, it's getting late-
They went together while Kaeya saw them so he approached.
-Oh well, YN you look prettier today-
-Thank you Kaeya- you got nervous having Diluc nearby, until you saw Diluc glare at Kaeya.
-Now, now, little brother, don't get like that.-
You laughed lightly while your heart raced at being so close to the redhead.
-It's almost there, you said happily-
Diluc was lost looking at you until he reacted -a-ah yes...-
They arrived.
Diluc took your hand and didn't let go, entering with you.
-It's big- you said as your cheeks grew hot at his touch.
-You're right- The redhead said as they took their seats.
They played music, a romantic one. Which he explained, he got up from the chair and stood in front of you.
-Will you grant me a dance, Beautiful lady?-
You nodded while you blushed slightly, your friend who was the birthday boy winked at you so you accepted.
You put your arms around his neck, he on your waist and they danced calmly, without rushing, you were blushing, Diluc looked at you with a soft smile.
His piercing red eyes looked into yours, as they had their slow, sensual dance.
I finished the dance, Diluc took your hand again and took you to a place a little further away.
-H-huh? Diluc? - You looked at him worried and curious.
-Yn... You... I like you- He said as he kissed your knuckles. -I understand if you don't want to be with me because of your feeling-
He didn't finish speaking until you kissed him on the cheek.
"I like you too..." you said nervously while looking away.
-Diluc smiled warmly as he took your chin and your waist with his other hand. -Would you let me kiss you?-
-Whenever you want...- you said shyly while Diluc put his lips on yours in a passionate, tender and loving kiss.
-ngh...~- You gasped as you reciprocated.
Diluc separated from your soft lips as he hid in your neck, you could feel his hot breath on your neck and collarbone.
-I love you...- You said while blushing. -me too... my princess- he said while giving chaste kisses-
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HELLO!!! Do you want part two, NSFW or SFW?
I hope you liked it, I was watching a video on Tiktok that said "The world asks a lot of me and I just wants to dance bachata with Diluc"
Bachata is a dance between couples known in Latin America even holding hands
And it gave me the idea!
Bai bai!
Words? Don't know!
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paty0831 · 6 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 2
Chapter 2: Is it possible to die from embarrassment?
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Months passed and Li and Emil became close friends. They always met after school to do something like going to the movies or for coffee; but if they had a lot of homework or a group work they would meet at each other's house to work. During these meetings, Li met Mathias, who visited Lukas every day and was like a big brother to Emil. Li became friends with Mathias and his friends. Eventually, Li became popular, but he didn’t care anymore because he was starting to have feelings for Emil.
Li was in his room reflecting on his time with Emil, realising that what he feels is more than friendship.
“What's wrong with you Li? You've been acting weird for days”
“Mei?! What are you doing here?”
“I can't find my pen and I came to ask you if I could borrow yours, but you don't listen to me”
“What? How long have you been here?”
“For half an hour, this is the fourth time I'm asking you”
“Oh, right. It's on my desk”
When Mei went to pick up the pen, she realised something.
“Are you in love with Emil?”
“What?! Why do you say that?”
“You wrote his name many times in your notebook. Besides that your desk is full of pictures of you...that explains why the printer is out of ink”
“Does writing his name and printing our photos indicate that I am in love with him? I don't think so”
“One of the photos is in the heart-shaped frame I gave you last year”
“...I've run out of frames”
“It's the only frame you have; the other pictures are taped on your desk”
At that moment Li realised that he couldn't hide it any longer. He was in love with Emil and he had to tell him.
“How do I tell him that I’m in love?”
“Prepare something nice for him, like sing to him outside his house”
“How about if I invite him here to watch a movie and then I'll tell him?”
“You always watch movies here”
“Yes, but we do it after doing our homework. This time we'll just watch the movie”
“Li, you don't know anything about romance”
“Besides, knowing you, you're going to want to see another Jackie Chan movie," said Yong Soo who heard the conversation from outside, "also, remember that you lost the bet”
Being prom king and queen allowed the whole school to get to know Yong Soo and Mei, so it didn't take long for their popularity to grow. However, it took Li longer to gain Emil's trust.
“By the way, brat, your pen ran out of ink," added Yong Soo.
“You moron!” Mei replied as she gave him a few bumps.
“Back on topic, how do I propose?”
“I insist on singing outside his house”
“To do that you have to lose your fear of singing. That's why you're going to debut tomorrow at the karaoke,” said Yong Soo.
The siblings go to karaoke once a month. Yong Soo and Mei are the ones who sing while Li and Yao just listen to them.
“NO! Of course not! I'm not going to sing!”
“How about singing a duet with someone?” Mei proposed.
“Why should I sing with Li?” Yao asked annoyed.
“Because he's afraid to do it alone," said Mei.
“Why not one of you?”
“Because you have to debut too," said Yong Soo.
“And why did you wait until we got here to tell me?”
“Li, are you ready for your debut?” Yong Soo asked, ignoring Yao's question.
“Yes, but wouldn't it have been better to practice before coming here so as not to make a fool of myself?”
“Maybe," replied Yong Soo.
“At least we're the only ones here," Li remarked, since it was only them in the karaoke room, "By the way, what are we going to sing?”
“Don't worry, I chose a song according to your standards," said Yong Soo.
“No kpop!” Yao shouted.
“Yeah, I know”
The instrumental of the song Loser, baby started playing and Yong Soo pointed at Li to start singing. Li got nervous and didn't say anything, so they stopped the music.
“Li!” Yong Soo shouted.
“There's no one else, just us," added Mei.
They turned the music back on and Li started singing. At first he felt embarrassed, but at one point he felt confident and let himself go, since this is a song he really likes.
While they were singing, Mathias, Lukas and Emil came in, but Li didn't notice, he was more focused on the screen with the lyrics of the song. The one who did notice them was Yao, so he did his best to make sure Li didn't notice so he could sing confidently.
“Aren't those Li and Yao singing over there?” said Mathias.
“It seems so;" said Emil, "but Li told me he didn't like to sing”
“If he was encouraged to go up there and sing, you should do it and so should you Lukas”
“Of course not!” said the brothers in unison. When the three of them went to karaoke, only Mathias was encouraged to sing.
“I will convince you somehow”
When they finished singing, the others applauded. Mathias stood up and raised his arms to applaud them.
“Bravo! Bravo!” Mathias shouted.
Li turned to look at Mathias and noticed that Emil was with him, so he felt embarrassed and just wanted to disappear.
“Hi Mathias!” Yong Soo said as he walked over to say hello. Mei and Yao followed him. Li wanted to run away, but Emil saw him and waved.
“Hello Li”
“Hi Emil,” he replied, looking confident, but he was nervous.
“I liked the way you sang”
“Really? Or are you just saying that to be nice?”
“No, I’m serious”
“Oh, thank you..." Li felt more confident and realised that Mei’s idea might work.
“Do you think it will work?”
“Yes, Emil will love it," Mathias replied enthusiastically.
“OK, if you say so" said Li with some insecurity.
Li was in front of Emil's house with some friends, including Mathias and a speaker. Suddenly an instrumental version of "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars started to play, Li started to sing the song while the rest of them sang along. This caught the attention of Emil and his family, so they all came out to see what it was all about.
After finishing the song, Li confessed his feelings to Emil and asked him if he wanted to be his boyfriend. Emil accepted, trying to hide his excitement but failing, making it obvious to everyone that he was very happy.
“See Emil, I told you he liked you back," said Mathias.
“You don't have to mention that in front of everyone," replied Emil in annoyance.
To be continued...
@hongiceweek sorry I'm late!!
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y0urnewstepp4r3nt · 1 year
Trying my hand at the shovel talks. However, I really don't know how to write and can't stay in one point of view. So sorry about that it's probably annoy but enjoy.
Dustin and Mike
Steve walked into family video expecting to takeover for Keith and spend the next 5 hours being bored out of his mind. What he didn't expect, however, was the little shits bursting into family video as soon as Keith left.
"Steve we have to have a serious talk with you."
Henderson, of course it was, and Wheeler.
"What. What's so important that you barge in here for?"
Henderson had the nerve to look at mini Wheeler like he was already done with Steve.
"Well Steve, we're here cause you can't keep it in your pants and are now dating OUR DM. So if you screw this up like you did with Nancy and he gets sad we suffer. Don't hurt Eddie or we'll kill you."
Henderson just nods agreeing with Wheeler.
"I'm not gonna hurt him chill out."
"No Steve. Mike has a point, you're a resident heartbreaker in the worst way! You can't hurt Eddie because then we suffer aswell and maybe you need to realize that! When you hurt Eddie you'll hurt us. This isn't one of your hot girl dates that you dump with no consequences Steve!"
Before Steve could even open his mouth they had already left. Leaving him to think about what they said and if they really thought he was going to break Eddie's heart. Maybe Mike meant it, but maybe Dustin was just giving Steve a shovel talk first then he was going to Eddie's. That has to be it right? I mean they thought of each other as brother. Steve shrugged it off and continued his ghosttown shift, waiting for Robin to start.
"Ohhh Steve-o! Guess who came to save you from boredom!"
Robin walked in and slammed her hands on the front counter.
"You'll never guess what happened today. Tammy freaking Tompson came and gave a speech about how much the school helped her achieve her Nashville dreams!"
That was definitely something, a Muppet preaching about her Muppet voice success, iconic.
"And you made googley eyes at her the entire time cause you love her muppet voice."
"Oh my god Steeeve! I tell you one time and you never let me live it down. Anyways before you head out as your best friend I have to tell you to be careful with Eddie because sometimes you move to fast and he might get the wrong idea and be hurt."
She's started rambling so Steve cuts her off, feeling a little hurt.
"Rob, I know it'll be fine I won't move too fast he won't get hurt. I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"
"Yeah, yeah good see you later dingus drive safe!"
Steve waves and walks to his car frowning. Did he really seem like someone who would hurt Eddie? Robin had a point, he would probably freak Eddie out with his loud love. Maybe he should have thought about that, months ago, before Eds asked him out.
Lucas & Max
Steve was walking up to Eddie and Wayne's trailer when he heard red yell his name and give him a come here gesture. So he turned and jogged over to her and Sinclair. It'll be quick anyway.
"What's up Red, Sinclair."
"We just wanted to let you know that when Eddie feels sad he likes to play music loud. Like at max volume. So if you break his heart just know you'll have to face us."
"Jeez guys I'm not going to break his heart why are you so intense about it"
"Steve if your going to break his heart wait a month until the break so we dont fail."
They both ran back into red's house as Steve started his walk back to Eddie's trailer. At least they said if? That's gotta count for something right, after 3 other shovel talks, if seems pretty optimistic. So Steve walks into Eddie's trailer a little less energetic then when he first got out of the car, but it's fine. He'll be ok.
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m0use123 · 2 years
Asami couldn't understand why her girlfriend didn't want to sleep in the same bed together.
But every night, without fail, she got.
Korra:- Alright Sami, night, see you in the morning.
Asami:- wait ... you're sleeping in the spare room again?
Korra:- yeah, I'm pretty tired, look, I'll see you in the morning Sami, night.
And with that, the Avatar all but ran out of the living room.
Desperate for some form of explanation, Asami contacted both Senna and Master Katara. To her surprise she received a book and a letter posted to her from the southern water tribe a week later.
Asami opened the letter first and read:
Dearest Asami,
After receiving your letter about Korra, Katara and I thought you were ready.
We have enclosed a book that the partners and loved ones of every Avatar since Wan, has contributed in writing.
It is time that it was passed on to you, in the hope that it will help you love, care for and protect the most powerful being on the planet.
The only rule is that the Avatar must never know of it's existence, this is purely observational and to help the next generation.
We truly hope you find this useful for a long, happy life with Korra.
All my love,
P.S. I think you will find your answer in the chapter on sleep.
With her interest peeked, Asami set the letter aside and ripped open the book's protective paper wrappings.
She scanned the contents page and skipped to the chapter devoted to sleep.
The book must have been a gift from the spirit world, because it was light, the same size as a typical paperback and the pages were never ending.
As she skimmed each page, Asami came across names of Avatars so far back in history, she had never heard of.
She sighed with relief therefore, when she finally found a name she recognised.
It was written by Rangi, talking about Avatar Kyoshi, apparently the toughest Avatar in history suffered with nightmares, Rangi spoke about sitting up with her girlfriend, and creating kids stories aloud to eachother until the Avatar crashed from pure exhaustion.
Asami kept skimming, past Roku, she slowed as she recognised Katara's writing, explaining about Aang's sleepwalking habits. He also started talking in his sleep when the pressure became to much for him. Even Tezin, Kya and Bumi had written the odd paragraph about their father over the years.
At long last, the heiress found entries from Senna and Tonraq about a much younger Korra often having sleeping problems.
My, Korra is having a bad night again, she's been tossing and turning violently for hours, she crys out in her sleep every half hour, I've scanned the book and can't find a similar situation anywhere, Ow spirits help us.
Asami's heart clenched at the thought of a six year old Korra, too afraid to sleep, what made it worse was that a handful of pages later senna would be explaining about Korra's sleepless nights after her poisoning.
A few pages later and Asami found a section written by a babysitting Kya.
Grinning Asami closed the book and ran through the Sato mansion to find a meditating Korra in the garden.
She approached with a massive grin on her face.
Asami:- Why didn't you just tell me you suck your thumb in your sleep.
Korra chocked on her saliva as her eyes shot open.
Korra:- Sami, I don't know what you're talking about.
Asami:- Korra, I know, you don't have to hide it anymore. I except your company in bed tonight, no exceptions.
Korra just gaped like a fish as she watched Asami skip back up to the house.
. . . . . .
Later that evening as Korra was nervously slipping down under her girlfriend's silk sheets, feeling incredibly nervous.
Korra:- Just, don't laugh okay? Please don't mention it to anyone either?
Asami raised a well manicured eyebrow.
Asami:- I'm insulated you don't trust me baby, but yes, I promise to both, now please, we have a big day tomorrow, get some sleep.
The young CEO, kissed the Avatar's burning cheek, switched off the lights and snuggled down for sleep.
Asami woke first as the first rays of the sun filtered into her bedroom.
She turned to face her girlfriend and nearly squealed outloud at the cute sight.
Avatar Korra, saviour of the whole world many times over was sleepily sucking her thumb.
Her forefinger was hooked over her nose and she had her thumb stuck upto the hilt in her mouth.
As she watched the offending digit moved slightly in and out as the powerful force actually 'sucked'.
Unable to stand it anymore, Asami giggled and pecked her girlfriend's forehead, causing her to wake up.
Korra smiled sleepily around her thumb, until she realised what she was doing and sat bolt upright and hurriedly removed the digit, drying it on her PJ top.
Korra:- well that was embarrassing, sorry.
Asami:- Don't be silly, it was cute.
Korra:- come again? (She raised a questioning eyebrow.
Asami:- I said you were cute baby, and you gotta deal with it.
Korra turned crimson as her own words were used against her.
. . . . . .
Later that night, just before bed, Asami started writing her first of many entries into the 'Avatar hand book' grinning like an idiot as she enjoyed passing on her wisdom.
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crispinablr · 2 years
Unexpected date
This weekend there was a festival in Jericho so all the students who requested it were allowed to go to town, I had heard from my roommate that there would be a mini fair in town. I had never been to a fair, my parents were always busy working and when they had vacations we spent it visiting the family on the beach, eating together and visiting some ancient ruins.
The idea of finally being able to visit one was exciting but there was a problem, I was afraid of going alone, just thinking about going to a new place full of people without any kind of someone to keep me company made me nervous. Enid would surely go with Ajax, Wednesday would rather drink poison than come to this colorful and crowded event having fun, Divina would surely go with Yoko, Bianca and Kent would surely be with the rest of the Nightshades having fun.
While I was considering the options I look at the clock and I realize that the class was almost over, I attend the rest of the class and wait until the bell rings. After what felt like a few seconds the bell rings, I pick up my things and I put them in my backpack in an orderly way, once everything is placed and the zipper is closed I raise my head, my heart almost came out in front of my table was Kent looking at me with that beautiful smile that always decorated his pretty face.
-Are you okay? I'm sorry, I wanted to ask you something and I couldn't wait to ask you, I didn't expect to scare you.
-It's okay, I didn't hear you approach so you took me by surprise. What did you want to ask me?
-This weekend there is a festival in Jericho and I thought that we could go, you know, together.
I was shocked at the proposal but I quickly recovered and told him what I wanted to tell him so much.
-Of course!! I had never been to an amusement park or a fair and I wanted to go with someone but I thought that you all already have plans so I did not dare to ask you, I am glad that you invited. Kent's smile grew bigger after knowing the answer, he was jumping for joy.
-Great, wait, have you never been to a fair or an amusement park?!
-No, I have never been to an amusement park or a fair because my parents spend their time working and when they are free we visit the family so unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to go, and I am ashamed to ask my parents to go to one because I feel like they wouldn't have fun, it's not the kind of thing they like to visit. My answer takes him by surprise, he looks like a puffer fish opening and closing his mouth, I don't know how he managed to look silly but adorable at the same time, I almost giggled. Seeing my reaction, she quickly composes herself and returns to her usual smile.
-That's great! - he says happily
I look at him strangely, not knowing what to say.
-What I want to say is that it makes me happy to be the first person to show you the attractions and the stalls with food and games. - I was so excited that I could visualize a puppy tail moving from one side to the other - I promise you it will be The best date you've ever had in your life!!
Date? - I ask as I feel how all the blood goes to my cheeks. Kent realizes what he just said and tries to explain as he stutters.
-I.. i-I wanted to say that-t-t, It j-just came out of my mouth without thinking,- he stops short and then blushes after thinking about the words he had just said- BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WANTED TO GO I'M ON AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOU!!! - He puts his hands on his head and before running off he tells me - what I wanted to say is that IhopeIcanmakeourvisittherethebestyou'veeverhadinyourlife,see youtomorrow.
I stay planted looking at the place where a few seconds ago he was standing and a smile forms thinking about the "date" tomorrow.
POV Kent I can't believe I directly told her that the visit to Jericho was a date. I am an idiot!!! I was so excited that she ran away from me without even thinking about it, I hope it didn't bother her. I urgently need to speak to Divina, I hope she has some advice.
Narrator POV Worried, Kent goes to his sister's room, fortunately the person in charge of guarding the wing of the female dormitories was nowhere to be found, so he takes the opportunity to quickly go to the door of her twin's room. He gives a few quick taps on the door, after a while the door opens showing Divina with a puzzled face but she doesn't have time to register what is happening because her sister puts her into the room and closes the door quickly. -What have you got into you???
-I almost asked my crush out!!!
-Wait, wait, what? she-she is surprised by her brother's response-I need you to calm down, what exactly happened?
-Well, since I had no companion for the festival that is tomorrow in Jericho, I plucked up my courage and asked him to go with me.
-And then what happened???
-That's what I'm going to wait for, she was super excited - she starts to smile thinking about how beautiful she looked all excited about the invitation - she told me that she had never been to a festival or an amusement park so I got excited thinking about all kinds of plans to do together with her and well,… I accidentally told her that I would make it the best date. -all the shame returned to him and she just wanted the sea to swallow him at that very moment.
Divina faced the situation and hugs her brother to comfort him.
-And what happened afterwards?
- I tried to explain myself but I just blurted out a lot of nonsense words and said goodbye to her quickly, I've been like an idiot, right?
Divina remains thoughtful trying to analyze the situation carefully, she knew that the love that Kent had for you was reciprocated since both Bianca and she had caught you looking at Kent while they were chatting and how you smiled every time you talked about him. She knew that what she was going to say was something that would change tomorrow's evening but she believed that it was important to tell her brother in order to calm him down.
-Your crush likes you -What…?-Kent is shocked without being able to process the words that had just come out of his sister's mouth-are you kidding??! -No tuna head, she really likes you but you never realize it because you are looking at each other as if you were swans in love and you don't notice anything.
With this new information, Kent goes from being embarrassed to being excited as if he were a little boy who just received the best gift in the world.
-I need to plan everything for tomorrow, I'll make this the best date I've ever had and then I'll ask him if he wants to be my partner.
-Do not screw up and remember this: do not tell anybody that I told you this
-You are the best twin in the world, thank you!!!
He gives his sister a bear hug and quickly goes to her room to prepare everything for tomorrow.
Back to the reader POV It's finally the next day, I'm so excited for the festival plus Kent was going to be the one who was going to be my guide. I get ready in a matter of minutes and I take the things that I was going to need and I quickly go to the place that we had agreed. I finally get to the school door as soon as I was about to turn around I feel a hand resting on my shoulder and I feel my heart jump in fear before I can react I hear a familiar voice.
-Are you OK?
-Yes, it's just that I didn't see you around here and suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I got scared.
-I didn't realize I'm so sorry.
-It's okay, I'm glad it was you, are we going to the festival?
He just flashes me one of those beaming smiles that has to make you forget what you were doing and just gawk. Fortunately, I come back to reality when I hear a group of friends talking animatedly about trivial things, we go to the bus and spend the rest of the trip talking, getting to know each other, talking about how our lives were before entering the academy until we finally arrived at our place. destination. Everything looked so lively and full of life between the colorful stalls and the lights of the attractions, I could feel the excitement emanating from Kent as if he were a little boy on his birthday.
-Come on, I have prepared a thousand things to do, you are going to hallucinate!
Before I could even form a word, he grabs my hand and leads me from one stall to the next. There were all kinds of things we went from stalls with stuffed animals, cotton candy and popcorn shops, cafeterias, shops with a huge variety of delicious sweets, we tried not to stuff ourselves with sweets, but it was almost impossible, everything looked so delicious that it was impossible to resist . I had brought my mobile to take photos, I didn't want to miss anything of this moment, I took photos of both the food and the place. I saw a Fair Ferris Wheel so I caught the attention of Kent who was devouring the cloud of sugar that he had bought for a while, he turns to see me and I try to suppress a laughter, around his mouth he had pieces of cotton candy and remnants of the sticky pink sugar from it. He looks at me strangely as he tilts his head to the side like he's a puppy.
-It's just that your mouth is dirty from cotton candy - he is surprised and tries to clean his mouth without success since cotton candy is unfortunately quite sticky so it was difficult to remove it from his face - wait I'll help you now.
I grab one of the packets of wipes I always carry in my backpack and help him remove the cotton candy that had stuck to his face.
-Take it in case you need it at any time, they have saved me from more than one trouble.
-Thank you,
He gives me a small thank you as he stares at me, and I toss the used wipe in a nearby trash can and hand him one of the remaining packets from one of my backpack pockets.
-Take it in case you need it at any time, they have saved me from more than one disappointment.
He gives me a smile as a thank you - did you want to tell me something before?
-Would you like to go to the Fair Ferris Wheel? - I said hopefully
Clear! It was one of the things I had planned for today - look in the direction of the Fair Ferris Wheel to see if there was a long queue - we can go now since there is no queue. What do you think?
I nod at the proposal and when he sees this he starts to quickly eat what was left of the cotton candy, he makes sure that there are no remains on his face and he takes my hand towards the Fair Ferris Wheel. We quickly reached our destination, luckily there were not many people and we went to one of the cabins without any problem. The views from the Ferris wheel were beautiful, you could see the whole festival from above, everything looked so small from above.
I was glad to have come and to have enjoyed the festival, especially to have shared this experience with someone else. I start to take photos of the views from the cabin window and while taking the photos I can see from the reflection of the window how Kent was looking at something as if he was mesmerized with a sparkle in his eyes that I have never seen before, I'm curious What was it able to capture your attention?
-The landscape is simply hypnotic, isn't it? "I think you're the most hypnotic thing tonight," he says softly.
I turn surprised at his response and I feel how all my blood rushes to my cheeks and I was simply stunned looking at him. He walks over to my seat and kneels as he takes my hands as I continue to process what's happening.
-Ever since you smiled at me that day while you were talking to Bianca in the choir I felt my heart beating a thousand an hour and we hadn't exchanged any words but I knew I wanted to be by your side. As I got to know you and listened to people talk about you, my admiration for you increased, I also began to fall in love with you little by little.
He takes a breath of air preparing to ask the final question.
-I know it's a bit sudden but I feel like if I don't say it I feel like I'm going to explode so would you like to make me the happiest man in the world and be my partner?
The tears are forming and I feel that I couldn't be happier, I just throw myself into her arms and hug her as if it were a sweet dream about to end and I laugh happily.
-Of course I want to be your partner, my sea prince, I love you too.
And that's how we ended our date, hugging each other at the top of the Ferris wheel and happy to finally confess those repressed feelings for so many months.
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catacomb231 · 2 years
Baby Birdie|Hawks x F! Reader PART EIGHT
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Summary:Your secret relationship gets leaked to the press and now being in the same spotlight and pressure Hawks has, you begin to rethink your feelings for this relationship..
TW!! A LITTLE bit of suggestive thing😉
Part Seven
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"Ms. L/N! Is it true you're dating Hawks?!"
"Ms. L/N! Are the rumors of you being pregnant true?"
"What does it feel like to kiss him??"
All of these obnoxious and kind of creepy questions were bombarding you all at once! You plug your ears while you try and escape the crowd of reporters following you. Just because you and Hawks had a little slip up and kisses for just a second! And soon that picture was leaked and now all over the news. You didn't want this!
You finally shake them off your tail and get back to your apartment, closing the door and let out a big sigh. At least you're safe in your apartment. You let out a groan as you flop down on to your couch. Suddenly a tap comes on your glass balcony door and you look over to see Hawks standing there. You sigh and get up and let him in.
"I'm glad you got home safely! There were reporters everywhere!" He tells you and you just lightly nod. "Yeah.. I know." You reply and turn away, walking back over to the livingroom couch. "I'm sorry for all of this. I never wanted you to get into the public eye! I'm not hearing the end of it from the Commission either." Hawks explains as he followed, sitting beside you.
You just started down at your lap as you fiddled with your hands. "I know, it's just... " You begin, still avoiding eye contact. "I just.. I don't know about this whole thing.." you continue, causing Hawks to tense up and look at you concerned and confused. "What do you mean, Y/N?" He asks. "I mean.. your life is so fast and hard to deal with! And.. I think we should.. have some space."
A pang hit through Hawks heart. "Like.. break up..?" He asks quietly, causing you to look at him like he's crazy. "No no! Not break up! It's just.. I need some time to figure out if this is the life I want.." you explain, causing Hawks to sigh. He didn't want to leave you, but he understood where you were coming from. It's a hard thing to date a pro hero-especially the number 2 Hero.
"I understand... I will give you the space you need." He tells you, causing you to nod. "Thank you.."
You two sat in silence for a while until Hawks stands up. "I guess I'll head off then." He says and was about to walk towards the balcony but you grab his hand, stopping him. He looks over at your face that was trying it's best not to stay crying. "Wait! Uhm.. we can.. spend the rest of the night together first. We can start tomorrow.." You suggest, gripping his hand tightly.
Hawks was happy to hear that because he nods and kisses your hand, bringing you into a hug, which you happily returned. "Alright. You'll have my undivided attention."
You sigh. "Thank you."
The morning sun rays ran across the comforter that you and Hawks laid under. Hawks was on his back with his arm wrapped around to your left arm as you wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head on his chest, hearing his calming heartbeat. You guys just woke up and now you two just laid in silence, staring at the ceiling. Neither of you wanted to get up knowing what was awaiting you guys.
Luckily, your guy's last night "activities" will hopefully keep you both sane for some time while you figure this out. "I promise I'll figure this out as fast as I can." You tell him, earning a small nod from Hawks. "I know." He replies, before you both return to silence. You felt bad because you felt like Hawks didn't want this, and it didn't seem fair. But you had to know if he's worth this or not.
It was going to be hard without him, but you knew you had to do this. It took a while, but finally, Hawks gets up from bed so he can get ready for work. You sit up in bed and watch him get dressed into his uniform before he kisses you on the head. "I hope you figure it out soon." He tells you with a smile, but it wasn't a happy smile.
He heads to the balcony and slides the door open, glancing back at you before flying away. Only once he was gone you began to cry and bury your face in the comforter.
A couple of days have passed since you told Hawks you needed time to think and it was killing both of you! Your apartment seemed so empty and big without him. No bright red wings to stroke or cuddle into. No singing in the morning. Just completely silence. But you knew you needed this. Whatever the outcome would be, you knew you needed this.
Hawks had left you with a feather so if you ever need him and you can't reach him through his phone, he knows you're in trouble with the feather. You thought you would be fine but you were wrong! Cuz like, of course you are!!
You were just sleeping, it was about 2 in the morning when you hear a window break from the living room, causing you to sit up, staring at the doorway with wide, frightful eyes. Your quirk reflected your emotions by sprouting a dead flower, but you quickly pluck it off. You hear the floor creak and heavy footsteps start creeping closer and closer, getting closer to your bedroom.
You reach your hand underneath the pillow behind you, ready to grab Hawks' wing if you need it. However your body skyrocketed with dread as you see the villain Dabi walk into your bedroom. He stopped in the doorway, meeting your eyes with his piercing blue ones. He seemed just as shocked to see you as you saw him, almost as if he was expecting no one to be here.
You were about to open your mouth to scream or say something, but he beat you to it. "You open up that pretty little mouth of yours and I'll burn your lips off." He threatens, causing you to quickly close your mouth again. You stared at him in fear, shaking and gripping the feather. You didn't even know what he wanted from you! Please hurry, Hawks! You thought.
"Now listen up," He begins. "I am going to take what I need to take and you won't call the police or for help if you wanna live. Got it?" He tells you, earning a frantic nod from you. He started going around your apartment, looking for anything that would be interesting. As he was distracted, you slowly started inching towards the fire escape window that was in your bedroom.
You reach the window without him spotting you and open it up, climbing out and on to the metal platform that was on the side of the apartment complex. That's when he had turned around and spotted you. "I told you to stay put." He says, his low threatening voice spooking you and causes you to whip around and watch as he starts walking towards you.
You look around but find yourself cornered, so you hop over the railing and jump down. "Is this woman crazy??" Dabi says to himself before looking over the railing, down at the far ground below.
But he didn't find you splat on the ground like he expected. That's when he hears flapping and he smirks, turning around to see Hawks flying in place while holding you in his arms. He glares right over at Dabi through narrowed eyes. "Well if it isn't the number 2 hero." Dabi says with a chuckle, but Hawks doesn't respond and instead shot feathers at him. Dabi easily dodges though and gets away after hearing the police sirens in the distance. Once he was gone, Hawks goes into his worried and protective mode and sets you back down on the fire escape. "Are you okay?? He didn't hurt you, did he?" He asks frantically while looking over you. You grab his hands and lower them. "I'm Okay Hawks.." You reassure him while staring into his golden eyes.
"I am so glad I got here in time to catch you! That was crazy!" He says as he pulls you into a hug. You wrap your arms around his back and hug back, burying your face into his chest. You took in his fresh, airy smell and small scent of fried chicken. "It was... But I knew you'd catch me." You reassure him, causing him to relax a little bit.
After telling the police and everything, going down to the station with them for some paperwork, Hawks flew you back to your apartment. He silently sets you down and turn to look at him. You two stared at each other before you felt like you were gonna start crying again. "I'll be okay now, Keigo.. I promise." You reassure him, trying to reassure yourself too. He nods. "I know.. Get some sleep dove, and be careful." He replies, kissing you on the forehead before flying away. You take in a deep breath and wipe your tears away before walking in, locking your door once again.
You were exhausted, and practically fell right back to sleep after falling into bed.
Hawks lands just outside the abandoned warehouse and walks in, making eye contact with Dabi. His body was hidden away in the dark shadows, barely illuminated by the moonlight that came through the large windows up above. However, it seemed like his icy blue eyes pierced and glowed in the darkness. Hawks glares at him as he approaches, stopping a few feet away. Dabi had a crap eating grin on his face.
"Since when did you get a girlfriend?" Dabi sneers, causing Hawks' red wings to puff up. "She isn't my girlfriend." He muttered back a reply. "Oh, so I can have her to myself?" He says in a mischievous tone. "Don't you dare." Hawks threatens in a deep tone, causing Dabi to chuckle. "So when did the mighty Hawks get a girlfriend?" He asks once again. "It's none of your business." Hawks replies with a scoff.
"That's for me to decide..." Dabi said before he disappears so Hawks couldn't do anything.
You were in trouble.
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