#Because he's lonely and wants a friend T_T
doomedlemur · 9 months
Did Crowley as Bildad intentionally allow the crows to bleat?
I think so.
He makes no excuses or denials. He doesn't try to hide or ignore it.
He stops, turns, and waits, watching Ariraphale with a carefully neutral expression. He waits and watches for as long as it takes for Aziraphale to realize the truth, continuing to have the crows bleat to drive the point home.
He would not kill kids, even if he can't directly say so, and he wants to make sure Aziraphale knows it.
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lxmelle · 28 days
Love is the greatest curse of all… Damned if you love and Damned if you don’t.
What does it mean to be Human? It’s an extremely valid question posed by Yuta. Megumi didn’t think they were heroes and felt he had no option but to make personal choices. Yuji wanted his life and death to have some significance and save people. Todo says they have to keep going regardless of tragedy. Sukuna says it’s best to be unattached to all things as they’re all worthless. Gojo had a dream that was largely affected by Geto - about never leaving anyone alone for the new generation.
Is being human, to know love? Regardless of their strength? Kusakabe thinking of Yaga who helped the sister he loved, in her grief over her beloved son. Larue and Miguel with their love for Geto. The kids and their friendships with one another. Gojo, Yuta - knowing the taste of loneliness. Geto, knowing the taste of grief. The underside of love.
Back to stsg for a moment because that’s my unhealthy obsession brainrot
If Geto loved Gojo enough to tell him, he would’ve led him down a bloody path. If Geto loved him enough to leave him, it’d have led him down a lonely path.
If Gojo loved Geto enough to join him, it would’ve led them both down a morally-/societally-disapproving path. If Gojo loved Geto enough to let him go, it would’ve allowed him to go down a lonely path.
Yuta knew the pain of pure innocent love and how it bound Rika to his soul. But in doing so, he granted her the best happiness she ever experienced in her entire existence. Was it because she had meaning? Her overwhelming love for Yuta meant she could kill and hurt others for the sake of love? What a cursed existence even as a spirit. It hurt Yuta.
He loved her enough to desire not to let her go, but this cursed them both. In loving his newfound friends enough, he sacrificed himself and was lucky to survive it and freed the cursed Rika. But this then led him to bear the curse of loving others … in the endless cycle of “you’re Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t”.
Because Yuta loves and empathises, he sees Gojo. Humanity. Compassion. To be able to connect to those above and beneath his feet, in contrast to Hajime and Sukuna who both pursued strength alone. He understood the weight and enormity of love and the sacrifice that comes with it. He saw the impact of being a monster and the only one who was chained to his role despite being able to supposedly do everything, but actually felt like he could do nothing.
Not the things that Gojo really wanted anyway (ugh. The tragedy of his life T_T). He couldn’t spare Geto. Geto didn’t want to be spared and left him to handle it all at Jujutau High while he tried to single-handedly take on Gojo’s role and change the world.
Gojo was left behind. I think his view of their separation morphed over time too. He wanted to change the sorcerer world too, in a different way that wasn’t as drastic.
Maybe at first he wondered if Geto felt left behind in the face of his unparalleled strength, (the strongest, alone), telling Megumi that he should be strong, keep up and not get left behind. After all, he and Geto had that “talk” breakup and he decided to become a teacher to try and save those who wanted to be saved.
As Megumi grew, he had more students, and Yuta came along, it was about the protection of their youth. Just like he had his blue spring that was so precious to him. It was also what Geto gave him and the reason he had to stop and kill Geto, because he encroached on the principles he tried to uphold himself - not to kill young sorcerers. Geto couldn’t completely abandon all of his humanity and kill Yuta and Gojo spared him the continuous suffering and ended his life.
Then, not leaving anyone behind to be lonely. He would see to it that the next generation wouldn’t suffer like he and Geto and Nanami did.
And finally, he wished to catch up to Geto, after being left behind when Geto chose to become a monster himself.
In Buddhism, detachment is sometimes seen as the penultimate “enlightenment”. But it’s ironic because the more one aspires to become enlightened, the more selfish they inherently become. Because, we do not live in isolation. What is the worth of enlightenment?
Gojo’s enlightenment was costly. He was alone as a tool.
Sukuna’s is disastrous. He embodies a twisted form of enlightenment where he sees responding to love as compassionate through killing his opponents.
Yuta’s is now... tragic.
Megumi had tried to choose who to be compassionate towards. He admired those like Tsumiki who were kind, and like Yuji. Kind - as was Geto. And Yuta. Too kind that they would be willing to sell/soil themselves for the sake of who they loved.
Yuji’s compassion as a vessel was also wholly self-sacrificial.
How does one really retain any form of love or compassion in a world like jjk? When loving anything or anyone seems to cost them dearly? Is that the price of humanity? To love is to hurt?
It’s also interesting how Geto, from human origin, focuses on eliminating humans as the source of cursed spirits... and Gojo, from elite sorcerer origin, focuses on eliminating the higher-ups who were the source of twisted rules within the society.
Anyway. Just rambling a little... I’m still trying to process it all. Jjk is some kind of crazy masterpiece.
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spdrvyn · 10 months
do you think you'll be writing a part 3 to "i'll be lonely with you" ?? 👀 it's so good and i am invested
let's be lonely together — MIGUEL O'HARA
☆ there seems to be a spark growing between you and miguel, and you're forced to confront it when a heavy obstacle blocks your path.
minor angst. fluff. hurt/comfort. injuries. gn!reader. changed the formatting because it felt a little too clunky, hope you guys enjoy this one. school just started for me so i'll be getting a little busy T_T like the other "parts" in this, it can be read as stand alone.
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You were absolutely mortified when you heard the news.
Miguel getting injured was a rare phenomenon that you'd only ever see in your nightmares, however the multiverse would always find a way to make those dreaded dreams of yours become a reality.
You'd refused to believe at first, standing as still as a mannequin once Jess had informed you, but that realization had finally sunk in. Miguel was hurt, and you were away while it happened.
From what you've gathered, he got impaled. It wasn't in any fatal areas, but it's a gut-twisting incident nonetheless. You shuddered just thinking of Miguel covered in blood, but to think that a spear, a sharp piece of metal, a blade piercing through and sticking out of Miguel's side left you unsettled.
Of course, your first instinct was to visit him. No second thoughts.
God, even as you paced hurriedly to the infirmary which was all the way across headquarters, your mind ran like a coding sequence. Trying to compute what to even say once you see him.
Being too forward and asking questions straight away might get him overwhelmed, he is frail and you certainly don't need to weigh down on him even more. Yet, you also want to show him that you care, but how do you do that without confessing your feelings for him?
Oh, right. Your feelings for him.
Cross your heart and hope to die, it started out as a small crush. Very miniscule, very minute, but who could blame you? You hadn't been around for as long as Peter B., Ben, let alone Jess, but he was more than okay with your company. You considered that to be a great achievement, but you celebrated too hard on your newfound friendship. Letting it fester in your heart, boiling for more.
You had tried to embrace delusion, you had tried to be content in the illusion of simply being friends, however guilt crept up on you at every single possibility. Maybe you could push down your feelings, stay in denial, but it would be a wasted effort.
It was the little things. The ghost of a smile that you would see forming on his lips whenever you talked about your interests or practically anything not work-related, the way that his eyes relaxed whenever you came into sight, how he ran his hand through his hair during the times it had fallen unkempt to fix himself up just for you.
Although it wasn't just you who noticed his tiny habits, Miguel was ever the observant type as well. During conversations, he'd occasionally interrupt you with a detail from a discussion that you two had three months ago. You wouldn't be surprised if he knew bullshit like your mother's maiden name.
This showed up in presents too. When you just happened to be hungry, Miguel had pulled out a small box, well as small as it could get when in his hands, and handed it you. Once you'd open it, you were met with the smell of your favorite fast food place.
Even with the snarky comments about how he could easily replicate it with the ingredients he had at home, there was no ignoring the absolutely smitten smile that he wore as he watched you eat. Content, happy, and most of all: full.
You'd missed it, all of it. The adrenaline in your veins raced like a runner on a track, hand shaky as you raised it to knock on the door of his medical room. Sweat gathered at your forehead, you held your breath as it threatened to collapse. You knew had to do this.
Three knocks was all you needed, but before you could even get to the third rap, Miguel's voice spoke from inside. "Come in," it was low, but not menacing like it usually was. He no longer spoke like he was commanding a room, getting your undivided attention, low from the bottom of his heart with every word serving a purpose.
No. Right now? He spoke like he'd fallen into the pavement, instead trying to divert your attention, low from the deep pit of shame and embarrassment that he dug himself into.
Once you'd entered, Miguel looked just as sad as you thought he'd looked. Even if he still adorned the suit that made him particularly stand out from every other spider-person running in and out of this place, the suit that served as his captain's hat, the freshly patched wounds shined through it all.
"Miguel," You spoke, voice hushed as you rushed to his side. He flinches when you slam the door shut behind you before you grip the railings of his 'hospital' bed. "What even happened?"
Your eyes ran over his body, observing how the molecular fabric of his suit glitched and stuttered, the same way a TV would look if you pressed your hand against the screen too hard.
You wanted to get a good look of his injuries, to check for any sign of what the full story was, but before you could do more, Miguel brings the covers over the entire lower half of his body, including the surface of his abdomen. Looking away shamefully.
"I don't want to talk about it right now," He grumbles and you could barely even hear it, his words tore your heart apart piece by piece. Did he not trust you? Were your efforts to see something more in him for naught? "Why are you here?"
"Why else do you think I'm here, Miguel?"
The truth was that you weren't even mad at him, just disappointed. Numbers were too finite to count the amount of times you've limped into Miguel's office with a brand new injury from a mission, the amount of times you've explained to him that you'd go straight to the infirmary after, the amount of times he's demanded that you sit down as he patches up your wounds while you report said mission to him. 
Yet he was this ashamed to act so vulnerable in front of you, while you've looked even weaker in the past? It made you think, it really did. "I feel like you owe me some explanation, don't you?" You insisted, but he just shook his head.
"There's more important things to attend to right now," He begins, and it makes the blood pumping in your heart freeze over. "It's really not that big of a deal, it'll pass in a day, I promise." Lies. All of it. 
The frigidity of his words seeped from your chest down to your very fingertips, the steel railing of his bed practically turning to ice as the realization sunk in. He didn't want you to see him like this. He didn't trust you enough to see him like this. 
But why?
You wondered. So you asked him. 
"I just don't get it." One of your hands lets go of bars that way you could smooth your hair, probably the only not messy part about you right now. "I thought I was doing everything right, and it's still not enough, is it?" 
Miguel's face falls, the tense pout that he wore like a jacket being ripped to shreds as you further rambled. "Why are you shutting me out like this? What did I do wrong?" Fragile, delicate, creaking and cracking, all while on the verge of breaking. 
Was it your voice? Your tears? Your composure? No, everything. It was as if he had you in a chokehold, a slight pressure, and you could shatter in an instant. Your head immediately tilted down, facing the floor. You prayed, prayed, and prayed that he wouldn't take notice of the crystalline drops that fell from your eyes. 
But Miguel can't even bring himself to say anything and he hates himself for it, don't get him wrong though, he has so many thoughts, he's had so many thoughts about you. He felt like such an idiot for not saying them to you before, but he'd feel like even more of an idiot if he said them right now. 
That was mostly the self-defense talking, just look at you. Sure, he was the dumbass injured on the hospital bed, but you were an entirely different kind of pitiful. The strength that he'd built over the past year, to hurdle obstacles both physically and mentally, to be a leader, yet he couldn't even undo the repression of the feelings that he so coldly locked away. 
He wanted to try though. For you.
"It's— it's not for the reasons you think, okay?" Miguel stuttered, how he wanted you to look up that way he could wipe your tears, hush and reassure you, but he couldn't. Not in this moment at least. "I'm an idiot, I really am."
Now, that made you redirect your attention. A rarity it was to witness the proclaimed genius, leader of hundreds of Spider-people, to call himself fucking stupid. Your eyes were dry, but the puffiness of your lids said all it needed to. 
Miguel's face scrunches up a little, he had to be vulnerable, it was the least of many things that he owed you. "I just think you're too good for me sometimes," He sighs, 
leaning back against the pillow behind him. Gazing distantly into the small corner of darkness in the room, "Not sometimes. A lot of the time. Everyday."
A wave of warmth crashes over your chest, coursing through your icy veins as Miguel further digs himself into this hole. A hole that he'd most likely die in. "You're just so— so you, you know?"
He denotes your perplexed face and sucks in a sharp breath, bringing a hand out to rub the wrinkles on his forehead. "Fuck, just give me a second to think." He huffs in annoyance, there were often times where Miguel would be able to explain the full extent of canon evemts with no breaks in between when it came to something as simple as saying I like like you, he was more than clueless.
"I've seen this place come to fruition ever since I could even begin to fathom multiverse travel," He starts, Miguel had normally upkept the habit of keeping eye contact with those he spoke with, but right now he wanted nothing more than to keep looking away from you. "A year. A whole year."
Miguel was smart, that he could say with confidence. He was able to build machines that allowed him access to scientific discoveries that nobody else could attain, the same machines that are the foundation of everything he's built. 
However, it all really boiled down to the people. Each individual that he's recruited is special, he can't deny that. Their origins are the same, maybe their suffering alike, but it comes down to the soul, the core of their being. There's a specialty in every Spider-person that he's walked by in these hallowed halls.
Even after all of that, he just couldn't comprehend it. After seeing all of them get knocked down by the cruel humor of the multiverse, only to get back up and to keep preserving, he hasn't made a single realconnection. 
"You come in only a few months ago and it seems like everybody knows your name, knows who you are, your smile." Miguel talked and talked and talked, like you weren't even in the room. Like how he did whenever he'd come back to his office from a mission, a mission with you and Lyla would beg him for the details. 
"Yet, even when there's so many better versions of Spider-Man out there, more charming and more... likeable," Finally, finally he turns his head back to face you, trying to fight back the shame that makes him want to just shut the hell up. 
"You chose me." How could he even call himself a genius after all of this?
One of Miguel's worst fears nowadays was you being in his place, possibly worse. Dead on the dark floor an alleyway in some distant dimension, that idea terrified him a lot. He almost thought he killed you himself when you only seemed to just— stare at him, lips slightly parted and the only reassurance he received that you were still with him in this realm was the slow rise and fall of your chest. 
If this was how you felt everytime you had a personal discussion with him, he completely understood if you'd leave this room hating his guts. As each second passes at a snail's pace, that pit of anxiousness grows and grows until—
"Miguel," It's a single word, his name, his calling; the way you say it though, it makes his heart drop below freezer temperature. "Is that really what you think of yourself?"
"Here I thought that you were pissed at me this whole time," A dry, but short chuckle leaves your throat. The remnants of your sobs and previous cries still present in the way you spoke. "I don't hang around you just for some extra validation or because you're the boss, I stand you because I actually like you?"
"Have you actually never considered that? That I wanted to know you past a work basis?" You almost find the utter shock on his face humorous if it weren't how ridiculous his mindset was, how stupid he truly was. 
"I mean— I didn't—" Whatever was left of your tears seemed to dry out watching him like this, tripping and falling over his words. The walls that he so desperately tried to build up crumbling before you into pieces, these pieces that you'd admire and care for. "Fuck, I'm no good at this."
"Yeah, I can see that." All the worries that you've held so close to your heart were slowly starting to be ebbed away by the what he'd just said, maybe you were afraid, but he was to. "I can do the rest of the talking now." 
Even if he didn't make a single movement, you could tell that he agreed with you. 
His heart thumps competing the speed of a race car as you place your hand on top of his, running your thumb smoothly across his bruised knuckles. You delight in the way that subtle dark red hue settles on his cheeks. It's working. 
"I really, really like you. I like the way your hair moves, I like the way I can take a peek at your fangs when you laugh, I like the way that you roll your eyes when someone says something really stupid," It's a drawn out ramble, one that Miguel could get absolutely drunk on and result in a hangover the next morning. 
"You're not better or worse than me, we both carry our own flaws, have our own struggles," Time seems to come to a standing point when you bring his scathed hand to your heart, where he can feel how fast it's beating under his fingertips. 
"But what really matters to me is that we help each other change, to improve. You've done so much for me after all this time and I want to do the same for you ten-fold," You suck in a sharp breath. "Possibly even more." 
Miguel clearly couldn't bring himself to words right now. How could he after everything you've just confessed? Any sentence after that would make him sound like a caveman and it's not like he could afford to look like any more of a bumbling idiot in front of you after all that. 
Instead, he opts for something else. Slowly but surely, he drags his hand up to grip onto your shoulder, pulling you closer. Gently but closer. 
He notices the way that your body tenses in anticipation, your breath quickening when his gaze flickers down to your lips. 
"May I?"
Yes, please.
There was a certain softness to the way that Miguel kissed you, in a way that you'd never expect would come from him. However, the grip that he has on your shoulder tightens and surely, there's a certain desperation to how he holds you. 
He wants this. He needs this. 
You want to lean in closer. Maybe even climb onto the bed and straddle his lap so that things can go further deeper, all of these thoughts racing through your head come to an abrupt stop when Miguel hisses in pain pulling back. 
Excitement quickly contorts into concern when he retracts his hand from you to rub the crook of his neck. You swore you could see blood sprinkling the gauze that covered the wound there.
"Shit, I'm so sorry. You should—" Before you could even finish apologizing, he recovers. Practically grabbing you with so much force that your body slightly clashes against the metal of his bed, the cold steel in contrast to the warmth of his touch. 
God, kissing you felt like running a marathon or scaling a building as high as the Effeil Tower, but did Miguel care? No, he didn't. He didn't give a shit if he'd be ripping a stitch or causing a blood vessel to pop. You were all that mattered to him now. 
"Don't you dare apologize." He grits through labored breaths before continuing to kiss you with a newfound hunger and how could you not listen? 
No matter how many bandages, lectures, and battles Miguel had to go through each passing day. The isolation that had consumed his heart in a tar nobody could break, you did. When Miguel was there to save the multiverse, most of all, you would be there to save him. 
And he was more than okay with that. 
want to see more? here's my masterlist
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merakiui · 1 year
Hiiii~ Mera! I've wanted to ask you if you by any chance have any Malleus thoughts?? 👀 👉👈
I may have a few hehe!! :D please accept these very assorted Malleus concepts that have been floating around in my brain.
✧ sugar daddy malleus in ancient times in which he’s the mysterious being of the deep, dark forest everyone tells you to stay away from. but that same mysterious being is leaving lustrous gemstones and exquisite pieces of jewelry on your doorstep or at the entrance of the forest for you to take, always even more generous each time. and in return, you must provide him with something of yours (usually he’d like something from your hobbies, whether a poem or a sketch or a wood carving and so on). one day he’ll steal you away, but until then he provides generous sums for you to continue living comfortably. after all, he’s quite entertained with the lovely art you produce! he must know more.
✧ omegaverse in which, by order of lord malleus, guards silver and sebek free you (and plenty others) from an alpha who had been keeping you captive for various reasons. without a place to live or a madol to your name, lord malleus allows you to live within his castle under the condition that you must earn your keep. sebek doesn’t trust you, but silver thinks everyone deserves a fair chance and though it may be dangerous for an unmated omega and an unmated alpha to coexist, especially when said alpha is a very important ruler, you’ve proven to be a very diligent servant to malleus, always so determined to pay him back for his generosity. malleus has grown rather fond of you in the time he’s gradually beginning to know you, and before long he’s inviting you to take a stroll through the palace gardens with him or to join him for evening tea or to accompany him to the grand library so he may find a book he’s been looking to read. and eventually your heat will sneak up on you, and who better to assist you with it than the lord you serve? :)
✧ a very awkward fwb dynamic in which both you and malleus are horribly inexperienced in romance, so your dynamic essentially becomes one of fwb—by which if malleus gifts you a bouquet because you’re his dearest friend (he is madly in love with you) you hurry to return his goodwill with some of your own. there is no sex in this fwb (yet). the two of you are just always trying to return the other’s kindness and are so worried about forgetting to repay favors to one another or else you think it’ll look rude and malleus fears his favorite child of man will become offended. the benefits in this friendship is essentially just lots of courtship gifts that neither of you realize are courtship gifts. both of you are always friend-zoning each other, too. T_T lilia just wants you and malleus to kiss already.
✧ ceo malleus who is very bad at using technology, so you (his secretary) help him out and handle much of the tech work for him. naturally he has to repay you by railing you behind closed doors in his office (and maybe even knocking you up if you’re capable of having children hehe).
✧ you’re making a wish on a star in hopes that the sky above will answer it. but when you wish for a companion/lover/friend/a horned fae prince who is very tall and can sing and is very handsome and keeps a tamagotchi and is also lonely so he needs a friend (this last one is very specific;;;;), you don’t expect said fae to appear and offer companionship. he may or may not have been watching you for months now, waiting for the right moment to appear before you at your windowsill. but when you’ve made such a curious wish, how can he possibly stay hidden any longer? he adores you too much. <3
✧ arranged marriage in which you’re betrothed to malleus in a marriage that’s meant to serve as the first stepping stone in uniting humankind and faekind and putting all previous disagreements to rest. you think you’ll be fine so long as you’re courteous and obedient, but your fiancé seems to like you a little too much. :)
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simsdada · 9 months
maybe this isn't the "right" place to talk about this but, using this website helped me when i was feeling down many times before and i never felt so desolate in my whole existence. T_T
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my relationship is over, it lasted for four years, and i have been dealing with the feeling of dependency for a month and a half now because my partner stopped talking to me. he wasn't texting, calling or even speaking to me at all, we live in different cities and of course we were best friends, so we talked every single day, suddenly everything changed, and i was feeling awful, i couldn't sleep, i couldn't eat.
i even felt like i didn't want to live anymore. </3
these last days i actually got better, i was watching movies, trying to distract myself, and trying to learn how to love myself again, and thinking "well, this will pass, i just need to wait and respect him, we'll always be together and this will pass".
but, on this last sunday, september 26, he finally texted me, opened up and was really sincere about everything, telling me things aren't working out anymore, that it's time for both of us move on with our lives by ourselves, etc. it hit me like a damn truck. four years, four years of talking to each other, traveling together, spending months on each other's houses, the memories, everything... it's such a weird feeling, it's like a void.
i was actually dealing with it quite okay. like i didn't care. but yesterday i needed to find a picture on my phone and i scrolled to find it, and i saw all of our pictures together, there's more than two thousand pictures there. and it hadn't hit me until then; but then i realized: it's all over, forever. i'm all alone.
i totally broke down, my parents tried to help me, but i couldn't stop crying, i was shaking, i couldn't breath. i texted him, even thought we deleted each other's numbers, i still know his number of course, i asked if it's really over forever, and he replied, he said it's really forever, but that he will always love me, respect me and will be always grateful because i was the best person he has ever met.
i don't know. i really don't know how but i will have to find out. find out how to be myself again. before i met him, i was such a lone wolf, i never enjoyed talking to people, i loved being by myself in my room, playing sims all day long, listening to music and being in complete peace, i could NEVER in a million years imagine myself needing a man to "survive", but this is how i felt with him, i felt like i could die without his attention and his love.
how can i go back to being that person? how can i go back to being myself? because i lost myself years ago, i wasn't me anymore, i became "us".
i have my stuff to do, i'm in culinary school and i'm having so much fun there, i have my hobbies, i'm always trying to find a job and i know i will find one soon, i will go back to play my lovely games, i will go back to being myself, to loving myself. i need to.
i don't know if anyone even remember my posts or would like to see them again, but i need to distract myself, to learn how to have fun by myself again.
i'm 23 years old, i met him when i was 19, that was 19 years of my life where i didn't need a partner to survive, where i loooved being with my own company, i was always so independent, so i'm sure i'm capable of being that person again!
if you read everything, thank you so much. i just needed to get this out of my chest. T_T
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golden--doodler · 9 months
This post was long overdue! I can’t believe I haven’t done this sooner, but here’s part two of the very first post I made on this lovely site, random Bob’s Burgers facts that no one asked for but I’m sharing/reminding everyone of because I can:
—Apparently, when Gene was a toddler, Bob had to watch him, and he somehow managed to eat a fern under Bob’s watch. Where did this fern come from? Who knows?  ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯  Bob was very worried and thought Gene would die or get really sick, but he was fine. Gene has an iron stomach for real. This tidbit is as mentioned in Season 3, Episode 15, O.T. The Outside Toilet.
—Gene is the only Belcher with visible ears, and they’re adorable 🥰 I still don’t know how Bob’s hair manages to completely cover his, but it does.
—Real life fact, but 9/3 is not only Bob and Linda’s anniversary, but also Loren Bouchard and his wife’s anniversary! That’s where he got the date from. How adorable.
—Linda’s birthday is June 3, making her a Gemini. Tina’s birthday is March 30, making her an Aries. Gene is a Sagittarius, making his birthday sometime in either late November or December. I like to say his birthday is December 19, because that’s one of my friend’s birthdays :3
—Linda’s high school was called Cardinal Genarro High School, and one time, there was a pumpkin carving contest. Linda didn’t want Gayle to feel bad for losing to Linda’s amazing pumpkin, so she tried smashing her own pumpkin. Gayle followed her, though, and because of a series of events, they ended up destroying the entire table, which they swore to keep secret until well into adulthood (Season 12, Episode 3, The Pumpkinening).
—Linda’s hometown is a made-up town called Hunkawtaway.
—Linda once had Jury Duty on St. Patrick’s Day and wore a green blazer to court.
—Tina’s favorite flowers are Gardenias, as revealed in Season 5, Episode 11, Can’t Buy Me Math.
—Tina owns cat pajamas as seen in Season 4, Episode 9, Slumber Party, and that’s very important to me.
—Gene has brown eyes, which he most likely inherited from Bob. In the comics, Tina’s eye color is revealed to be blue, which she might have inherited from Linda.
—According to Gene in Season 11, Episode 2, Worms of In-Rear-Ment, Louise has always wanted to see Machu Pichu.
—Louise has apparently seen “Game of Thrones”. I wonder what she thought of it. Funnily enough, in the Season 4 Wharf Horse two-part season finale, Bob mourned the fact that he’d never find out how the show ended.
—As seen in Season 11, Episode 14, Mr. Lonely Farts, Gene normally hates being alone and thrives off the energy of other people. My poor boy had a whole panic attack when he was accidentally left home alone. However, he ends up using the opportunity to do a rave in Louise’s room with all of her toys, which she usually tells him not to do. It’s also revealed in that episode that Linda has a secret cracker stash, which he infiltrates.
—According to Season 13, Episode 18, Gift Card or Buy Trying, Gene might not like himself a whole lot. He rants about his former friend, Mitchell, saying that he’s loud, can’t really play music, and has no idea how annoying he is, and then comes to a realization, saying they’re exactly the same, so those things might be how he views himself.
—In Season 13, Episode 21, Mother Author Laser Pointer, it’s shown that Bob and Linda used to read Snail & Newt books to the kids when they were young, which is based off the real life Frog & Toad series. It’s so sweet they did this T_T
—Teddy’s favorite color is yellow! Mine is too :D This was revealed in Season 4, Episode 16, I Get Psy-Chic Out of You.
—Teddy’s full name might be Theodore J. McGillicuddy.
—Jimmy Pesto called Jimmy Jr. “Pepper” as a nickname in Season 1, Episode 10, Burger War, a nickname that’s not been repeated since.
—According to Season 3, Episode 20, The Kids Run the Restaurant, Mr. Fischoeder was married for a week. He had a real Grunkle Stan moment.
—As seen in Season 9, Episode 19, Long Time Listener, First Time Bob, Bob loved listening to a radio station with a DJ named Clem when he and Linda first started getting the restaurant off the ground. I think Bob listening to the radio at night and jamming out is very endearing. The same episode also revealed Bob’s hatred for Sweet Potato Fries.
—In Season 9, Episode 16, Roamin’ Bob-Iday, it’s revealed Bob occasionally succumbs to severe burnout from working at the restaurant, but despite that, cooking will always be his favorite thing to do.
—As revealed in Season 7, Episode 7, The Last Gingerbread House on the Left, Bob used to build gingerbread houses with his late mother, Lily. In the same episode, he made mini gingerbread versions of his family, which is the cutest thing ever. He’s the best dad for real.
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
Dearest Penpal,
How are you enjoying the festivities? I myself couldn't attend due to personal matters I have to resolve in my home nation. I terribly miss the scent of inazuman blossoms and their cuisine.
I wish I had more interesting things to say, I hope you don't find this letter a little lackluster than the previous one as I've already told you almost my entire life! How funny.
Liyue is peaceful yet bustling with activity as always. I find myself daydreaming about quitting my job and traveling like I hear a lot of travelers do. Perhaps I'll entertain the thought more if the heavens decide I'm worthy of a vision.
Looking forward to your response,
from Starlight.
a/n: sorry life is a mess, i hilariously got sick (still am, my head hURTS) and everything is a mess. from school, to genshin pulls (calamity!mika.), to my pentab not working, to idek anymore lololol anyways, incredibly sorry for the delay in letters! none of you deserve to be left hanging like that T_T. i'll just blame thoma in the lore-
From this yandere genshin secret pen pal event
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"Are y-you sure you didn't make this letter up?" Beidou asked, clutching the paper you handed out to her. The normally confident captain looked pale as her eyes trailed to read the passages repeatedly. You can only nod in sheer reluctance and stand like a good child waiting for a scolding.
"Yes, which is why I wanted to meet the Inazuman man you have boarding your ship..."
Beidou waved the letter in the air.
Kazuha leaped down, landing with his anemo vision as support. Familiar maple leaves surrounded his fall— leaves you had seen attached to Widower Momiji's letters. You strike him as the man you were looking for, and knowing how Widower Momiji did not lack friends from well-raised circles, this "Kazuha" must be a fine gentleman as well.
"What's wrong, Beidou?"
She shoved the letter against his chest.
"Does this handwriting look familiar to you?"
Kazuha didn't even see the letter before he jolted and stilled.
"There's a familiar scent mixed in these pen strokes, a scent that should no longer exist..."
The man whom you assumed to be a wandering samurai unfolded the parchment, vaguely skimming through the contents. Despite how almost slapdash he read the letter, he craved the tenderness of your pen pal's handwriting. Some loops he traces with his thumb, while some he was too afraid to smudge. 
"It's been years since I last exchanged epistles with him," Kazuha spoke with no rancor or jealousy whatsoever. "
You could only blink. It appears you'd be dealing with constant flowery honesty should you also befriend him, but you don't seem to mind it. 
"So, do you think it's him?"
"There is no doubt about it," Kazuha answered his captain. "But that doesn't mean his way of communication isn't limited. If anything, this might just be Lady Guuji's way of rewarding him for his past heroics."
You grabbed the letter the samurai reluctantly returned, "huh? Forgive me for asking, but is my secret pen pal some sort of criminal or a government official? Because based on how you talk about him, he comes off as someone significant."
Beidou smiled awkwardly.
"The truth is, your pen pal is dea—"
"Is an honest man," Kazuha butted in. "Don't worry, I can vouch for him. He's the most resilient and bravest man I've met and I'm lucky to have had the privilege to call him my friend."
"Then why do I feel like you're hiding a crucial detail from me?"
Kazuha chuckled.
"Because he's your secret pen pal, and based on his current situation, he must be incredibly lonely and you're the only one he can talk to."
... A fair point. It wouldn't be right if you knew his identity while he doesn't have a sliver of an idea who you are in return.
"Don't worry about it, kid. Say, why don't ya share a drink with us? My treat, of course," Beidou proudly bumped her fist against her chest. "Oh, and by the way, this kid here is Kazuha. Kazuha, this is (Y/n)."
"Nice to meet you."
"You as well."
"Now that we've had our introductions, would I be able to partake in some sake, captain?" Kazuha teased, but his tone doesn't quite match his somber expression.
Beidou sighed.
"Just this once, I'll forget about your height and let you drink. You deserve it after reading that letter."
"Thank you, Beidou."
Kazuha turned to look at you, a gentle smile resting on his face.
"And Mx. (Y/n)? When you write a letter back, tell him that Kaedehara Kazuha received his greetings."
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cuddlemonsterdean · 10 months
Happy Friendly Friday! Do you have a favorite a) happy!Dean moment and b) sad!Dean moment?
Happy Friendly Friday to you as well! Ooh that's a tough question, but a good one!
For a), I'm gonna go with Tombstone because he's just so adorable here, all happy and excited because he's got Cas back and he gets to geek out about cowboys!!
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I also especially like this happy!Dean moment because it demonstrates that he likes to touch things to investigate them/simply because he likes them, that he tends to ramble about his subjects of interest when given opportunity, and that he wants to share his joys with his loved ones. It's also one of those moments where he's so much like an excited little kid that it's both endearing and heart-breaking because it makes one think of the childhood he didn't get to have. especially since he obviously did have many interests but no one to share them with and talk to about, given how socially isolated he was. so it's extra nice when it's later revealed that Cas watched Tombstone with him and that finally, in their own little bubble that consist of just the two of them, Dean has found someone he can share those previously lonely parts of himself with :')
For b), I had to think a lot about what to pick. 15x09 and 15x18 came to mind immediately, and also 14x19, but 12x22 is also immensely personally important to me.
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the "I had to be not just a brother, I had to be a father and I had to be a mother. and it wasn't fair. and I couldn't do it." and "I hate you and I love you". and the "Mom, I need you to see me. I need you to really look at me, and see me?" Tears, every time. I'm tearing up just typing this T_T
I know, technically it maybe doesn't quite fit the sad!criteria because there's also relief and the beginning of healing in this moment. so to focus on the sad part, I think when he's crying here it's about finally being able to express all the grief and pain he went through having way too much responsibility heaved on him constantly for all his life. he's basically been going through caretaker burnout for years now, but no one in his life knows how to talk to him about it because they don't understand what it really was/is like for him. plus then there's his struggle with his own identity because he's been defining it through his family for so long ("My name is Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester is my brother, Mary Winchester is my mom, and Castiel is my best friend") and he's been deeply scared his mom would reject him for who he's become - no wonder he's crying while asking her to finally see him for all that he is.
final note on why this scene is a fave - it demonstrates once again how deeply emotionally intelligent and how self-aware Dean is, contrary to popular fanon.
thank you for the ask!! I'm am having The Emotions now (and I miss Dean so much) but it was also a lot of fun :3
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hihi !! i hope you dont mind but can i request headcanons/drabble prompts with kim joongoo (lookism) ? like the gn!reader having a crush on him when he was in middle school (his age where he saved vasco) and him also having a crush on reader but isnt too obvious with it ^^ tysm! (feel free to ignore/delete this if you're uncomfy!!)
middle school!goo and reader
details: gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and goo are middle schoolers and neighbors
a/n: hello anon~ no worries, this request is fine !! but i wasnt given much about reader so i just vaguely wrote reader as a neighbor to goo, i hope thats okay T_T
i also wrote more than intended and feel like this was a messy oneshot instead of headcanons;; sorry, hopefully this still works for u!!
> 15 or so year old goo, who was free as a bird and felt like he was on top of the world; there was never a fight he couldn't win and all he had his eyes on was money, which he had plenty of thanks to people always asking for his "beat 'em up" services
> and then he got a crush. he didn't acknowledge it for a while though because he really only regarded money and violence as his true loves but yet here you were pulling at his heart strings
> he was unashamedly shallow in starting his attraction because he thought you were good looking, but over time your personality charmed him and that's when he went, "oh, is this what a crush is?"
> was grossed out at the beginning lol like "ew this kind of stuff leads to marriage and all that weird ass adult stuff" which was something he didn't want to think about as a teen; he just wanted to enjoy his youth
> really did his best to just treat you as someone he kind of likes until he was bored watching tv one day as an ad for a romance movie played and he imagined you and him as the main characters
> instant cringe and panic. he began to admit he really did have a crush on you then, but still kept it on the low
> honestly you seemed like a good person and he didn't want to take your kindness for granted. so, he never bothered asking you out because he was actually worried about hurting you if it turned out he wasn't committed. plus, you two were just teens, and he's seen other teens around in their "dumb relationships" that last like 2 weeks and didn't want to deal with that
> for now he was content being your friend. occasionally spoiling you with the money he earned or often visiting your home (usually by breaking and entering your room through a window...) just meant you two were close friends and nothing more
> little did he know, your feelings were mutual! you simply couldn't resist the lovable grin and upbeat personality of the strangely charming boy next door
> the time you spent patching him up when he dropped by with small injuries, the time spent together vandalizing old buildings, him casually and randomly dropping over $500 for something you mentioned liking the other day...
> still, the two of you were just friends. sometimes things felt awkward and you wondered if he had a crush on you, too, but there was just no way with how he acted... right?
BONUS rushed cliche drabble of this scenario but fast forwarded to present time because my brain was on a roll for whatever reason :
Goo Kim was a man who only valued money and enjoyed the violence often needed to obtain it. And that was all he needed to feel satisfied. He never felt empty or lonely, but he did feel like he was missing something in his life. Not in a puzzle piece way because he knew he was complete, but more so an ingredient to make his life even better.
However, this was not something he needed to ponder about. He knew the answer was the neighbor he had as a friend growing up. It honestly confused him how such an ordinary person that happened to live next to his place then could affect him so much. Whatever it was about you that enticed him, he didn't care, he just knew he wanted it.
No, he needed the excitement you gave him; it was a different but similar thrill to the ones being surrounded in blood and riches gave him.
"It's a shame," he muttered aloud, strolling down the fairly empty street as the sun began to set. He really should've tried to find a way to keep in contact with you, but after meeting Gun and getting mixed in with Charles Choi's business, all he felt like he could do was leave with a goodbye. How could he even begin to explain to you what he was going to get involved in?
If only he could see you again. He was more mature now, as hard as that was to believe, and felt he could be the proper partner for you. Not to mention, the fact that he still thought about you to this day meant his feelings for you were more than just a "crush." The commitment and "gross" relationship stuff he didn't want to deal with as a middle schooler then, he was ready for now. Probably.
Goo sighed. Maybe you still lived in his old neighborhood? He hadn't visited it ever since he left, perhaps you still lived in the area. Later this week, he should--
Somehow, despite the years and the clear change in it, Goo recognized the voice. When he turned his head to the side, he saw a familiar face standing outside the convenience store nearby. A grin grew on his lips as he walked closer to the figure.
You were as lovely as he remembered.
"Today must be my lucky day," he thought, holding a hand out.
"Hey, it's you. It's been a while, but we should hang out just like we used to. Whaddya say?"
Seeing your eyes light up just at the sight of him still remembering you was enough of an answer to him. Explanations and confessions could come later, all he wanted now was some time with you.
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alex-rambles · 1 year
Bill Cipher is shocked when a girl has summoned her with a such a forelorn expression. But what's even more shocking is why she has summoned him. Because she wants a friend, no surprise that her bright, cheerful and seemingly naive means she looks easy to trick so he goes along with it. But as he does he sees she's actually very mature, individualistic, strong willed and stubborn than he 1st thought which makes manipulating her annoyingly hard but this also makes them grow genuinely closer.. But that's when something happens which shocks even him. She begins trying to act like him. Trying to fit some of his energy, smoothness and confidence into her personality, trying to move and talk like Bill. He finds this adorable and even gives her pointers. (Idk how to end this lol.)
-Bill is not often summoned out of loneliness
-Humans are greedy
-His whole thing is exploiting their greed so he can fulfil his own greed
-But you're over here like "I am lonely T_T"
-Well, sure, he'll be your friendly friend chum buddy pal (if you got that ily)!
-He sees use in you, after all
-But wait! He gets to know you, and you're not too easy a piece to move!
-You wanted a friend, not a puppeteer
-And apparently you can spot his manipulation tactics
-So he tones it down, which results in him actually kind of seeing you as a friend as well
-And soon enough, just a little bit more
-He actively chooses to hang out with you (henchmaniacs in the nightmare realm rn: 🙃finally he's not torturing us)
-But wait just a diddly darn second, because now you're trying to mimic his whole... thing
-Bill is flattered, as most people tend to decide he is NOT the kind of personality they want
-Meanwhile, y/n: hm yes if I act like an asshole people will surely like me 😁
-Well, he'll help you out, but only because he likes you!
-"Well ysee here you need to be LOUDER! The whole town should hear you if ya do it right!"
-But he also encourages you to keep your OWN personality around, because as much as he loves himself, he fell IN love with you, not him
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the Last 10 people Who reblogged something from you. Learn about your mutuals and followers. 🎠 But only if you want to, just have fun! 💖💖
Awe thank you!~ I love this sm! Answers are gonna get long-winded though T_T
5 Things That Make Me Happy:
Positive Feedback - has to be on the top of my list because this absolutely does breathe life into me. I started writing in the first place to make people happy. I do it because I love it and I want to share that love with others. I want to be the writer that makes people look forward to getting off work to read that new chapter or the reason they stayed up a little too late because they just had to know what happened next. I want my stories to be someone else's escape. And maybe one day, I'll be on their bookshelves, too. ♥
Genuine Friendships - they're so important to me. I'm someone who has very few friends and even fewer family, so if you're close to me, it means something. I'm all about chosen family, and it often reflects in my writing (one of my fav main characters has a tendency to adopt lonely misfits). With my friends, we're either just acquaintances or you're my goddamn sibling, there's really no in between, which is both a good and a bad quality trait.
Fucking Fallout - because it's the most immersive game I've ever played. I know a lot of the games get some hate throughout the fandom, but I genuinely love every installment that they come up with, because it continues the story. Even with all its flaws, I love all of 1, 2, 3, 4, NV, and 76. I'm more partial to 4 because I relate more to their characters, but NV had the superior storyline. ♥ I literally cannot get this game or these characters out of my head.
BTS - Okay hear me out on this one: I know BTS is a stereotypical K-Pop band, but I seriously love them as people. I don't like K-Pop normally, as a genre. I listened to "emo music" growing up (I was born in 1993 so the 2000s was where my favorite music really lied). I was also a troubled kid and I brought a lot of those insecurities and trauma to my adulthood, and my old bands just wasn't doing it anymore. The memories of teen angst mostly stressed me out. But then I found BTS, and their music and messages helped me SO MUCH as a young adult, well into later adulthood (I'm 29 now). I absolutely love them, and they make me happy with their genuine care and messages. Those 7 boys are some of my biggest inspirations in life, reminding me that I can do anything if I try hard enough. But you will NEVER catch me mixing my love for BTS with the Fallout stuff on this blog. I've noticed that liking K-Pop is a quick way to catch hate, so I keep my obsession with them to myself. I'm okay with that; I've done it for the last six years.
My Husband - as cheesy as it is to say, I have the best husband I could have asked for. STORY TIME: I met him in Kindergarten, and he was always getting me in trouble by making me laugh and the teacher kept telling us to be quiet. She had to separate us. I had a crush on him in 2nd grade. Then we didn't see each other again until middle school. We had gym class together in 6th grade. In 8th grade, we became best friends. He dated a friend of ours in 9th, and I thought that would help me get rid of the feelings I had for him because I was terrified I'd ruin our friendship if I made a move. It didn't work out between him and our friend, but he told me in 10th grade that he liked me a lot, and we really understood each other. (Honestly it "helped" that we both came from troubled/broken families and were both below poverty level.) When we got together, we were each other's first EVERYTHING. We were together all throughout high school with no complications, and our peers deemed us worthy of being prom king and queen in 12th grade even though we were the nerds who oftentimes got bullied. It was so surreal. We moved in together after high school. We went through a loooooot of bullshit. Being kicked out of houses, losing jobs, losing family members (deaths and otherwise) and we're pretty much inseparable now. We've been together for 14 years. He's supportive in everything I do, even if he doesn't always understand my obsessions. He believes in me. He knows I'm not going to thank him for doing the bare minimum (respecting me, listening to me, helping me, not expecting me to mother him, etc). He genuinely fucking loves me. And he's pretty damn handsome and funny, too. Icing on the cake. And after losing all the people that we have over the years, we're pretty much all that we've got left. But I wouldn't choose to live this life with anyone else.
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birinboom · 1 year
Opinions on genshin characters? Obviously not all but your favorites?
Hang with Me ask game
Thank you so much for your ask! 💖 I’m gonna need to keep a list of characters open to answer this or I’m gonna forget someone. Genshin has so many characters -_-
Amber: My little fire bunny, I love her so much. She’s always so bubbly and capable. My go to archer. My SO bought me a copy of her Baron Bunny, best Christmas gift ever!
Barbara: I want to adopt her. I know a lot of people find her annoying, but I just can’t, she’s too adorable! She just wants to make everybody feel better with her singing. My #1 healer!
Bennet: My son! My poor, unlucky son. I hate that he has trouble forming an adventuring team because of his bad luck, and it always makes me so happy to see him with his friends during events.
Cyno: He is my biggest favorite out of all of these characters. I love how he’s serious and stoic right up until he starts relaxing and begins cracking silly jokes. Some of them are hit-and-miss, but others are genuinely funny to me. I love how protective he is, even with the criminals he’s dealing with - if they are in his care, then no harm will come to them until he can hand them over to the Akademiya (and after that it’s no longer his problem 🤷‍♀️). And I love how nerdy and absolutely obsessed he is with the in-game card game.
I still need to get him to lvl 90 so he can replace Keqing as my electro character. And then Keqing can get a much needed break.
Diluc: He falls into two of my favorite character tropes - red hair, and fire powers. I’m weak. ‘Course it doesn’t help that he’s an honorable, hardworking, eloquent, rich boy who seems so incredibly lonely, even when he’s surrounded by people.
Gorou: Puppy! Puppy-puppy-puppy-puppy! He’s so cute, and I love how he has a huge sweet tooth! I bet he’d be nice to cuddle. Can I adopt him? Please? 🥺
Itto: Bestest and tallest oni! I love how carefree he is, he’s such a child at heart. Also, he’s hilarious! I love listening to him speak, his voice actor does an amazing job.
Kaeya: I love-hate him. I never forgave the smug-ass bastard for lying about giving me a new weapon if I found some smugglers for him. But damn he’s smooth and so pretty. And such a tease, argh! 😩
Kaveh: He has a heart of gold, giving all of his money to people in need (and subsequently falling for a lot of scams…) I want to hug him so badly, especially after the end of the ‘Parade of Providence’ event T^T I need more canon content with him, he seems like such a creative and pleasant person to be around!
Lisa: She reminds me so much of myself IRL, lazy and turning everything into an innuendo 🤣 We also look somewhat similar; tall with long, brown, wavy hair. Can I be a librarian witch, too?
Razor: Another son, little wolf boy, I love him so much T_T Please never grow up and learn how to speak properly.
Thoma: He seems like he’d be such a good friend, the kind to instantly notice if something is wrong and ask what he can do to make it better. But I can’t help but wonder how many people do the same for him… Also, he’s an animal lover, so that’s a huge bonus.
Tighnari: I want to pull his ears so badly! Not hard or anything, but I wanna see how flexible they are. Also, catch me calling him ‘ya big Valuka’ every time he does something I don’t agree with. I wanna run a plant nursery with him.
(To be completely honest, I kinda disliked Tighnari before I really got to know his character. I tested him when he was released and found his voice lines so boring. ‘One with the forest! Let’s nip it in the bud! I hear EVERYTHING!’ Big whoop. The thing is that the voice lines he uses in combat do not portray his delightful snarkiness, I had to wait for that until I progressed enough in the story for him to appear. Then he was added to my ever-growing pile of faves)
Xiangling: Yet another adoptee. I love her battle quotes about how she wants to eat the monsters and her ‘Ow! My dinner is attacking me!!’ And her summon is too cute! Just… please don’t make me eat her experimental dishes T_T
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lady-yandere · 2 years
Just a passing feeling?
Yandere Teo x F!Reader
Hello my Yandere obsessed darlings. Worked on a little something for Teo again, hope you all like it!
Warning: mention of relationship abuse and deterioration. Mention of beginning obsessive tendencies. Please read my profile rules before interacting with my post.
*As per usual if something looks weird (because I had another midnight writing session... T_T) just let me know!
He wasn't sure what he was feeling. All he wanted however, was for it to go away. He kept ignoring her texts, it wasn't like him. A sense of dread washed over as he clutched his phone; he didn't want it to be like before. Like his past.
"Honey! You didn't call me."
"Hmm...Oh? I got bored...I didn't feel like it. I’ll do it next time." She’d always look at her phone.
"O-Oh. That's okay." He lied, watching her.
"I’m going out." She was smiling but not at him.
"But Honey...we were supposed to go out?" 
"You know, I've been thinking...let’s skip our date tonight." She had said the same thing last week.
 His undergrad romance was nothing more than his wishful thinking, then again, he should have noticed the signs, she was never interested in anything he did, so nonchalant. She was in love with being in love. As was he. To truly be interested... Well, his movie projects were always met with,
 "Sounds boring...I'm going with my friends then..." Her eyes never met his.
“Sure, just be careful!”
 Of course when you love something it becomes a recurring topic no?
Then it bubbled over, and She just got angry.
 Then it got physical, his words would be cut off by a slap. Yet he’d take it.
 "Gosh...why do I even like you? Everything you talk about. Movie this movie that. You’re so needy! I don’t have to hear about it!" She would sigh.
                 “Aren’t you...needy too?”
 Then she’d be furious all over again.
 It wasn’t always like this, but rather than a relationship it turned to dependency. Dangerous existence. Sure, he talked about movies, it was his dream and he wanted to share it but with someone who loved him. Then one day he had enough of being her emotional punching bag. He questioned whether he loved her or the idea of her.
 ” ...let's break up. Because honestly, I don't love you." It was a relief beyond words.
He clutched his phone again, She's different that her, right? He was so scared it would repeat. That this relationship would be like the last. He didn't want that to happen. Ever. The phone buzzed again.
 "Honey? Teo? Please Honey...talk to me..."
 No. She was nothing like her. He had to remember they were two separate people. His heart cried for that, on cloud nine. It was like fate the day they met on the messenger, he spent days talking out into the space alone before she showed up, brightening up his lonely days in the hospital. She became his everything. On days he found himself rambling in text. His nerves overtook him, wondering if she'd leave forever. He didn't want to act selfishly. Yet he found himself continuing to do it over and over. She however always listened, and his obsession with her grew.
"Sugar, don't ever leave me, I love you so much...It hurts so bad." Soft whispers to his phone echoed out into his empty bedroom. “I’ll be so sweet to you; I’ll love you day and night. I’ll make every dream with you as my focus, just don’t leave alone. Don’t resent me.” He could never say this to her though and he’d let it fester in his heart. 
He looked at the pictures of her, every one carefully taped all over his wall, every smile, just for him. He hoped she continued to change her profile, so he could add another to his collection. However it wasn’t quite enough, he wished she could be in front of him in that moment. Hold her, kiss her. Keep her. First, he had to talk to her, beg for her forgiveness. He would be sweet, compliant, everything she wanted. He needed her more than ever, he didn’t want to push her away anymore but these emotions, he wanted to keep her from these thoughts. Why did he have these awful thoughts? To have her for himself only. He wasn’t sure why. Then again it was only a passing feeling. Right? This strange obsession?
  The phone buzzed again, another message, her new profile picture of a smiling face. He kissed it, again and again, as if it were a spell to bring her to him.
               “I’m going to see you; I need to see you. I’ll find a way. I promise we'll meet.”
With shaking hands, he opened the messenger and began to type a message.
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archer12xx · 2 years
You're Not Gonna Read This, Are You? No, I'm Saying DON'T!!!🚫🚫🚫
It's crazy talk, I need to dump somewhere. Lmao but if you want to play the role of my friend, then read on! 😁 And thanks... 🙊😊
I mean... How am I supposed to last till the main game is released? I wish you could answer me this, Tobi. T_T
Can someone who does card magic tricks put someone under a spell? No, that's just the charm of The Fox.
Unleashing thoughts in 3, 2...
I can't even remember when it started, how it did, and why this is happening lmao I only know one day I said I love this guy and I did, I do, and I always will be.
He really looks sooooo good in that cg where he's holding 27A of spades. Vaniraa you're the best! 🧡
Orrrrrrr maybe I do remember... "Empty seat... why do you feel so lonely?" "It's a little lonely ;_;." Yeah, Tobias, you had me at "lonely" 😭
Like there's a part of me that thinks two broken hearts make a whole... Man, that's so dramatic. *Insert joke/pun here*
(huh? who said Tobias is broken? Lmao)
The first time I played the demo, I got an orange raindrop beside the rose dp (on the choice a little after you showed up in chat). And take note, I'm not using the color coded choice feature. That's fate, baby! I believe it is. 😉
Basketball. That, too. Like among all the prizes, yours is my favorite! You didn't even have to convince me that it's gonna be fun because, guy, I love Basketball!!! I play a little, too. I can shoot! Wanna bet on it? 😎
And food. 🧡 What else is there to say about that? Just food. 🧡
I think even if it's a GSW game and Thompson is standing right there in front of me, my eyes would be glued on you. 😉😉😘 You'll be the only celebrity in there that I'd wanna see.
Tobiaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssss 🧡🧡🧡
You cracked me up when you stole Rory's tickets. LMAO
I love how you listen to MC. Like a lot. You're such a good fox. I wanna pet your head and give you treats. 😘🧡
You said "But I care about you ^^" and my heart did a somersault. No one's ever said that to me before. Lol (it's kinda sad 😢)
You know... I love action movies. ;)
I love you so much I don't even care if you think Alaska is an island. I don't even know where Alaska is if you ask me to point it out on a globe or a map. Seriously, I don't. Lmao
I'm good with puzzles and I definitely want to team up with you. We'll be the best team ever!!! We'll crush any competition we participate in. And with your luck, we'll never lose! 😎😏
Go on and be the life of the party! Lighten up the room! And I will... try and brighten up your day, everyday. So that when they tell you, "You make people happy, who's gonna make you happy," you can just smile and tell them it's D. 😉
I guess I'll have to work hard on changing your mind about relationships and commitment 😜
How to catch the eye of The Fox and make him "forever bachelor... not anymore"?? Lmao
The fountain, is it the Bellagio? 😂🤷🏼‍♀️
I'm going crazyyyyyyyy~
It's gonna get weirder from here...
I just wanna hold your hand, made of pixels...
But in reality... I know I won't be able to catch your eye, let alone your heart... 💔 I just can't... You're waaaaayyyyyyyy out of my league. You're a celeb for one... 😔
But I feel like we'd be best friends! If we ever get the chance to meet, that is. The world feels big, though, since we're not in the same one. T_T (if that even makes any sense)
Aaaaaand I'd definitely be your fan. I won't miss an episode of BLB even though I won't understand a thing about it because... gambling...
Tobias, you're my favorite! Out of all the characters in all the games I played... YOU, MR. FOX, ARE MY NUMBER 1. MY ONE AND ONLY FAVORITE.
I did leave everyone because they're not as fun as you. Like I lost interest on them. :/ Dude, I even tried distracting myself but I still ended up thinking about you and writing this stuff that I hope I can convince myself not to post.
With you, it feels like... I found the one.
I just wanna go and dive into the infinite blue. 😂
Tobias Fox, you foxy fox. I love you so much already idk what I'm gonna do until 2023 😭😭😭
Is this a cry for help? Maybe... maybe not??
Idk... I think it's time for me to sleep. Lol
End of thoughts.
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zhongrin · 2 years
Hello miss rin! It's been quite a long since I sent asks to you (the al Haitham and Kaveh anon... it's me XD).
And this is NOT a request, I repeat NOT a request! I absolutely love seeing your reactions XD hence the Zhongli fan arts
Idk if it's weird but I suddenly had a brain bloom(positivity folks, no more brain rots but blooms ^_^) and it made me tear up??!! SO basically what if you suddenly heard about a dark experience of your darling's life... like say I originally imagined it as ajax's father telling us about how his son 'claimed' to have fallen into the abyss and is still bitter that no one believes him. And us just internally breaking down that no one, NO ONE believed this man when he needed them the most. Then? Nothing we just go back to our residence and BAWL on his shoulder and he's confused like?! And then when we tell him, he laughs and hugs us back and calms us down! T_T
You are having a rather nice chat with Madam Ping (or any adepti really) and then she drops the bomb about everyone he once knew is either dead or in isolation. If that didn't hit you hard enough, she reminds you of what he had to do to Azdaha, his best friend (shhh let's assume) to save Liyue. When Zhongli meets you later at the tea house, you stare at him for a while and break down. And by break down I mean you can't speak because you're crying so hard. This lone god has had to deal with death and the loneliness it brings so many times and yet he still stood strong and firm for Liyue, his Liyue that he so dearly built and raised himself (? I'm not sure, ig Guizhong also helped?) Once your tears start, they don't stop as your mind keeps getting with the thought of everything this man has had to endure alone, until you came along.
Once you calm down, that is after you take a look at his genuinely concerned face and decide that the poor soul needs an explanation. After explaining he just chuckles and asks to take a walk with you to Pervases Temple. On the way there, he remarks how he never really dwelled on it too much until today because Liyue was always the priority. That is until you came along. Now he just lives in the present allowing the old memories to rough around the edges, clear enough to remember but blurred enough to avoid pain and sadness. And then he takes your hand, brings it up to his chest.
You were kind and compassionate enough to share eons of pain with me in just a mere day so let me share an eternity of joy and prosperity with you for time perpetual.
Sorry, I ran out of brain juice but I hope you enjoyed this miss rin! I really wanted to share this with you because you're one of my favorite authors who only deserves love and happiness ( and c6 Zhongli with the best artifacts huhuhu). I do pray that it makes sense because English is not my 1st language T_T
But anyways this was too long lmao, I hope you have a great week miss rin! <3
i remember!!! ohh that was you!!! sobsob i always melt a little bit whenever you call me 'miss' rin it's such a cute lil title hskdjsjds
move away brainrots we have brain blooms now ehe
ok but that's. that's so. hrgggg *clutches chest* i am an empath when it comes to people or things i'm invested in, so this hits home so hard.
THE WORDS HE SAID AT THE END I AM CRYING i would totally bawl all over again and demand that he shan't have any 'take-backs'.
ty for sharing this with me oh my lord don't ever apologize for your english, it's not my first language either and i am so bad with grammars lmao
m-me, one of your 'favorite authors'???? HSJSHDSKHD idk about the love and happiness part but a c6 zhongli with the best artifacts would certainly make me happy- /j
i had a great week indeed, and i hope you did too you amazing person you!!!
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flovverworks · 2 years
disjointed (akira) pt2 ch1-8 thoughts. srry ch9&10 but....i cant stay away from alchstar main story update any longer....
the fact akira tears up like 3 times in 8 chs vs djgr who tears up like once (in the manga!!!!!! not even ingame!!!!!) after leaving zinkenstill cuz the sky is pretty makes me. explode. in my head akira cried that first night too cuz lord thats a lot happening for one tiny heart. anyway the fact most? of the main story times akira cries are because of the relief once somethings stressfuls over & the like makes me....@_@ akira........
akira is SO normal.....SO SO normal..........i love that about them.....struggling to find the words to respond to vincent......their feelings towards living in society.....this lonely room.......(but also the concept of akira only finding the room lonely After theyve gotten sacri because they will now always know what its like to have a companion in there at all times......pet owners do u get me). anyway ive called akira normal plenty of times (and its important to me<3 the more normie i can make akira the happier i am) but everytime they add to it i get sooOOoOOoOoo i rly do love it. akiras just a little dude. who doesnt always know what to say. who wishes they knew what to say. who likes people. who doesnt like people. who wants to be together. who wants to be alone. (billionth speech about akira and the feeling of belonging & being depended on). akira whos just an average person who suddenly got pushed into a leader role, ‘my wizards’ 1.5 my beloved, and working more and more on becoming more leaderlike i................
im so sad they dont draw official art of the akiras like All The Time cuz akira is SO much of a character (which makes it hellish for me cuz the more a character speaks the more i struggle with writing them), but akira is everything and STILL. WHERES MY OFFICIAL ART. I AM ON MY KNEES. MY AKIRAS....
but really i feel akira learns so much from the wizards. bradleys speech? about leadership? give us worth..... i think that along with the feelings about trust..... i dont know how to put it into words but its an entire feeling of “believe in ur friends”. theres just something with akira growing as a person by meeting the wizards.
child wizards.........please....that entire thing is still so funny to me LOLT_T i wanna write that. figaro realizing akira&co r outside the door. akira being SO proud of the eastern wizards. nero. faust. akira checking the western wizards first before letting vincent in,,,,,,good job akira. akiras feelings on chloe summarizes mine too, thats exactly how i talk about chloe. ‘i like him:]’. akira doing their UTMOST to praise the northern wizards lord, the fact all of them PAUSED before going >:] im...... (bradley always using ppl as arm chairs is so funny too i rly love that). akira trying to avoid power matters n northern wizards just going its ok lets make a ranking and then starting betting..u guys....i def think theres something funny how the top of the rankings didnt even get addressed (snow&white...). but also mithra cheering on lennox so much vs ‘yeah figaros losing power:/’ instead of trying to hype up figaro regardless cuz he also is with rutile&mitile a lot means so much to me. theres something about it. but also mithras whole ‘rutile n mitile should be right below me in the rankings’ u r SO much. mitiles prophecy in relation to mithras promise makes me dizzy still.
thinking about the end of that night like. arthur going to the castle like ‘:] today went well:] oz even scolded me:]’ while chloe & oz are both miserable is funny (coping). but honestly i love oz so much.............hes so cool..........central wizard oz...........waiting for arthur to return to the castle first...T_T guhhhh
but also thats why in the scenarios in my head akira cries cuz that entire vincent exchange. along w everything during the rankings (owens talk about arthur....mithras wording about figaro.......), getting to know about arthur........its ssooooooooooooo much
the amount of times the wizards called akira by name alrdy made me dizzy by this part (seeing akira as a friend..........ppl using names instead of titles alrdy Gets Me in fancontent with things like this, so it being used INGAME.....IN THIS KIND OF WAY......), and then tying it into akira not wanting to name the sacri cuz ‘its a substitute for me. i dont want to get attached to something thatll disappear’ into murr @_@............................... the mithra the part after is so unreal theyre so funny. anyway are ALL of them gonna call akira by name before pt2 is over........i kinda wanna take notes at what part which ppl uses it but......thats energy. (thinks about bradleys speech again). haugh. (BUT ALSO with vincent? ‘if we become friends, let me call u by name’. lays on the floor
both shylock & murr having provoked oz is SO funny tho. especially considering how shylock acts when murr does it. i lov shylock. u go shylock. im on ur side
all of them being so ‘yes lets do this’ about protecting arthur...T_T (especially figaro since..MITILE.) oz is so cool (pt2)
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sakunantokachan,,,,,,,i didnt think it was gonna have more than 1 pose LOOLT_T my surprise when i went to check what akira calls it in jp. its so cute. so funny. i want the entire ‘protect akira’ plan to backfire and turn into ‘akira protects sacrichan’ and then has to be scolded. thats all i want. i am begging
akiras kawawawa............URE the cute one...
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