sugarspellitout98 · 2 years
Figured I'd try chatgpt for writing fanfiction. I'm not disa-aca-pointed (though Kommissar keeps calling her Frauhlein and not mice):
Beca Mitchell had never been intimidated by anyone before, but there was something about the German beauty, Kommissar, that made her uneasy. It wasn't just her sharp wit or her stunning looks; it was the way she flirtatiously teased Beca every time they were in the same room. The two of them were competitors in an a cappella contest, and Kommissar seemed determined to get under Beca's skin.
Their first encounter had been at a party hosted by one of the other teams. Kommissar had cornered Beca by the snack table, smirking at her over a plate of hummus.
"Are you intimidated by me, Fräulein?" she'd asked, her accent thick and seductive.
Beca had raised an eyebrow. "Why would I be intimidated by you?"
Kommissar had leaned in closer, her body almost touching Beca's. "Because I'm better than you," she'd whispered.
Beca had felt a shiver run down her spine, but she refused to let Kommissar see that she was rattled. "We'll see about that," she'd said, before walking away.
Since then, Kommissar had made it her mission to flirt and tease Beca every chance she got. Whenever they were in the same room, Kommissar would find a way to single Beca out with provocative comments or playful touches.
Beca tried to ignore Kommissar's advances, but it was getting harder and harder. There was something about the German girl that was undeniably attractive, and Beca hated herself for feeling that way.
One day, during a rehearsal break, Kommissar approached Beca once again, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know, Fräulein, I can tell you're attracted to me," she said, her voice low and sultry.
Beca rolled her eyes, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing. "In your dreams, Kommissar."
The German girl laughed. "Oh, you have no idea what goes on in my dreams."
Beca felt a surge of desire as she imagined all the things Kommissar might dream about. She shook her head, trying to snap out of it. "Look, can we just focus on the competition?" she said, hoping to change the subject.
Kommissar smirked. "Of course, Fräulein. But don't think I've forgotten about you," she said, placing a gentle hand on Beca's arm before sauntering off.
Beca watched her go, her heart racing. She knew she shouldn't be getting involved with a rival like Kommissar, but she couldn't deny the chemistry between them. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to this competition than just a trophy.
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tiny-feisty-gay · 2 years
while researching obscure german phrases i came across this absolute gem 22. Dreikäsehoch (three cheeses high)This sounds like it would make a great name for a pizza. What it actually describes is a person who is vertically challenged, implying they’re only as tall as three wheels of cheese placed on top of each other.Usually this label is reserved for small children.
tell me luisa wouldn’t call beca that at least once
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lilolilyr · 27 days
♡ pls reblog my fic posts ♡
This is my new fandom masterlist!
In alphabetical order, everything I write for:
Gen F/F F/M M/M
• Dracula
• Goncharov (Katfia)
•••• Good Omens (ineffable spouses)
• Gunpowder Milkshake, also on @floreleine
• Hacks HBO (Avorah)
• Hawaii 5-0 (McDanno)
• Holby City (Berena)
• Humans are Weird // Humans are Space Orcs
• James Bond (00Q)
••• Leverage
•• Lie to Me (Callian, Zoe/Gillian)
• Lord of the Rings // The Hobbit
• MCU (mainly ClintCoulson, Stucky)
•• Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (MacPhrack)
• Ocean's 8 (HeistWives aka Loubbie)
• Pirates of the Caribbean
• Pitch Perfect (Becommissar)
•• Sherlock (Johnlock, Shirene aka Adlock)
••• Star Trek
• ST Discovery (Milippa -prime, -mirror, -poly, -kat)
• ST DS9 (Kiradax, Kahndax, Kiradaxkahn)
• ST Picard (Saffi)
•• ST TOS (Spirk)
••• ST Voyager (J7, Chakotey/Tuvok)
• Star Wars
• The Devil Wears Prada (Mirandy)
• The Hunger Games
• The Old Guard (Andromaquynh, Andronilynh)
• The Witcher (mostly Geraskier)
• Warehouse 13 (Bering and Wells), also on @hgwellsmykabering
& more :)
A bunch of my fics are unfinished and Up for Adoption!
I don't just write but also make podfics, art, manips, moodboards and memes sometimes :D
If you want to be put on any of my fandom tag lists to be notified when I post something, let me know!
I'm always taking prompts, though much more likely to write for people who also support me by reblogging stuff and/or commenting on Ao3 of course ;) the ones in bold are my active fandoms that I'm mainly taking prompts for! You can also send other ideas though :)
I'm open to transformative works - podfic, fanart, continuations, AUs etc of my works - just click 'inspired by' if you post on Ao3 / link to my work on tumblr!
My favs • Ask me things! • behind the scenes • discord • Ao3
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writebethany · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
Just because i saw it and wanted to 😂
How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Started with Warehouse 13 and bering and wells, then wandered into OUAT and Swanqueen, then DWP and Mirandy, then a stint in Pitch Perfect 2 specifically for Becommissar because mmm Kommissar, a blip into Supergirl some for Supercat, more for General Danvers (tangentially also Supercorp but that's more for the fact that I run the chirstmas exchange than anything, love those kids, not my usual ship), and a crossover or two with Legends of Tomorrow with Supercanaary in there too in that same era, two seconds in ot3 shipping in The Greatest Showman because Jenny Lind mhm, one fic in Steven Universe because poly!diamonds, then into Harry Potter for anything to do with the Black Sisters and Hermione and occasionally Lucius which is still on going, but a bit backburnered because I've also fallen into writing fic for The Librarians this year centered around some pairing of Cassandra, Eve and Jenkins for the most part. Basically. It's a lot, and a lot of bouncing around between larger eras in specific fandoms lol.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Ask me No Questions (I'll Tell You No Lies) [HP Hermione/Narcissa/Anathema], Heaven When We're Home [HP Hermione/Narcissa], By All Accounts [Supergirl, Supercorp (apprciate you guys but I'm still confused by that😂)], Coffee Shops and Vigilantes [Supergirl/Legends of Tomorrow, Supercanary], Sincerely Yours [HP Hermione scores a hat trick]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to as much as possible, especially in smaller fandoms. Sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed at it falls by the wayside, but I come back eventually.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhhhh there's usually one in every fandom I stay in for long enough where I just go full nuclear angst and no happy ending. Probably the worst of the worst Offenders is "I Hate to Kill You (I Hate to Die)" for obvious reasons if you've read it, but "of all the things I never told you" and "Halfway Through the Woods" are also up there and in probably last place but still *very* angsty is "Better This Way"
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hard to pick. Save for those fics I'm a happy ending hoe. Probably the most rewarding happy ending will be for "The Sun Must Set to Rise" but that isn't published yet. I'm actually procrastinating the wrap up that story right now by doing this 😂😅
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Out right "you suck" hate? Once or twice. But there has been whining in the past on my stories about how I never finish anything or that I update too slow and why am I like this. *Those comments get responded to with some lessons in manners*
9. Do you write smut?
*looks at the tab beside Sun Must Set to Rise* I have no idea what you're talking about. But yeah, some pwp but a lot of smut as the pay off in long fics to put that cherry on top of them.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Have before, though they aren't my main thing, and unclear if Supergirl/Legends counts since like. The shows actually did that themselves once a season 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I think I ended up on a scraping website that people posted about on tumblr all of once. Not mad about not having to fight that lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had people ask before, but they're on different databases than ao3 so I haven't really checked on how that went for them.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Several! Two of my closest fandom friends have cowritten with me and one IRL friend. Some of them got finished, others did not, but it was fun along the way.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
??????? I know there are people out there who have stuck in one fandom and only one fandom for longer than I've been writing and they definitely have the answer to this, but I have ADHD and doooooo not. If I had to pick at gunpoint, I'd probably say Harry Potter Hat Trick, but unless you point a gun at me I'm not answering.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
Probably "Sometimes it's Soft Hands and Mailing Envelopes" it was a big part of my life in 2015 and I obsessed over it and wrote it and its sequel at such a fast pace, especially for going into my senior year of college. But I've reread the prequel and it's cute and I started reading it over again and just went 'I know where I wanted this to go, I can see how I would get there, I don't want to do that though' because it's a very slice of life story about moving in with your girlfriend and both you and your girlfriend navigating a new job/grad school and I've lived both of those experiences now, and especially I do not want to relive grad school, but also I don't usually write long slice of life things anymore. Sci-fi/fantasy and plot heavy for lyfe lol. But I do wish I had finished it at the time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think over arching plot, like I'm good at fitting the pieces together where they need to go to make a believable story, which is good when you tend towards writing more mystery-esque 'solve a problem' fic. Also dialogue as a secondary. There is no struggle here to make these bitches say words.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have DEBILITATING wordy bitch disease. This could be managed if I edited stories before posting them, but I don't. I'm doing well to edit my original work, thanks. So it leads to a lot of fics that are probably 20-50k too long and drag on the point for a bit. I *have* gotten better at it though. The White Queen is probably 100k too long oh my god, I try to forget she exists, even if it's one of the most popular fics I've written.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have before, mostly in Pitch Perfect since Kommissar is German. It was a good experience. I probably wouldn't do it again unless I either knew the language or it was made up. In text notes so the reader gets what was said are the most awkward thing to deal with in the history of ever.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Warehouse 13. I hadn't known about fic for that long before starting to write for it. I also hadn't realized that I was a big ole homo, which in the late 00s/early 10s fanfic was the only fucking way I was going to see two ladies kiss and by god I was going to leverage the award winning writing skills I had gained writing terrible, original, teenager ficition to do it.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think for a long, long time it was Of Cats, Giraffes, and Mice. It's just so very soft and caring and for a long while I could just feel that care and sink right into it and it just felt like the best thing I'd ever written. Rereading it now, it's still a very good fic, but I'm starting to see the little holes here and there as I grow as a writer. It's still good! I love it to death, and to talk about favorites without it would be incomplete, but I think that it's important to mention that even your best work eventually loses a bit of shine, no less dear, a huge stepping stone in the right direction, just not the top one anymore.
I think now my favorite is Heaven When We're Home. It has all of those hallmarks that Of Cats, Giraffes, and Mice did, if shorter, and there's a lyrical note to the writing and word choice in it that I have NO idea how I did (not being sober when writing probably didn't hurt) and I'm still chasing that sort of writing even now 2 years later.
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danjiddg · 3 years
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The request for people give me comic review.(CH5) Pitch Perfect 2 - Becommissar for 美男
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lesbianemilyjunk · 4 years
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becommissar mutant au:
Beca, a DJ who is unknowingly manipulating people's emotions through music is recruited by The Kommissar, a literal ice queen.
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psychocalixtelove · 5 years
Hello all!! I need some help!
A brief explanation: Top Surgery isn’t covered by my insurance, so I have to raise the money myself. I’m working two jobs right now, to save for surgery and a cultural trip I’m taking to Denmark in March, so I really need and appreciate the help!
(I am doing “commissions” where I write things and, instead of paying me directly, you would donate to my GoFundMe. All the ships I will write for are in the tags!)
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kidsofships · 5 years
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Daughter of Beca and Kommisar
Emma Roberts
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restlessxgirls · 6 years
we dance around, just like constellations by shinebymidnight Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: F/F Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies) Relationship: Kommissar/Beca Mitchell Characters: Beca Mitchell, Kommissar (Pitch Perfect) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Student/Teacher, Student Beca, Teacher Kommissar Words: 16310 Chapters: 2/3 Summary: Beca feels pathetic, this longing and desire she’s had all year for this woman, her teacher. It’s something that can never, ever happen and there’s nothing that can be done about it, this utterly screwed up situation she’s somehow got herself in. Teacher Kommissar/Student Beca AU.
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gothicpheonix · 6 years
Becommissar Fanfic Search
I’m looking for a Fanfic where Beca misses her flight. Kommissar lets her stay with her since her house is nearby. Maybe Beca meets her family?
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c-k-mack · 7 years
Counting Kisses - Chapter Five - Boom Boom
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aca-kendriick-blog · 7 years
fanfiction stuff by aca-kendriick!
okay, I used to post fanfiction on my old pitch perfect blog all the time and I miss it, so I’m bringing it back! this is almost gonna be a masterpost of my personal fanfiction rules/preferences and links and stuff, so if you have any questions or prompts or whatever, hit me up!
do I take prompts?: yes! just drop me an ask or message with the pairing and prompt and I’ll do my best to do y’all proud!
do I write RL fanfiction?: no, I don’t like writing real life fanfiction about real people. it makes me personally uncomfortable and I think fanfiction should be used for fictional worlds only.
pairings I will write: bechloe, becommissar, chaubrey, mitchsen, triple treble
genres I will write: adventure, angst, fluff, humor, hurt/comfort, romance, smut
websites I publish on: archive of our own // fanfiction.net
pre-2018 fanfiction:
Aphrodisiakum: Beca Mitchell/Kommissar (becommissar) - ao3//ff.net
Early Riser: Beca Mitchell/Kommissar (becommissar) - ao3//ff.net
Doughnut Holes: Beca Mitchell/Kommissar (becommissar) - ao3/ff.net
Five Minutes: Aubrey Posen, Chloe Beale - ao3
Drunk in Love: Aubrey Posen/Beca Mitchell/Chloe Beale (triple treble) - ff.net
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tiny-feisty-gay · 2 years
In between my screaming about wenclair and avatrice I've also returned to my beloved becommissar so uh here's a new chapter
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lilolilyr · 3 years
Watching Pitch Perfect 2 right before the esc semi had... Interesting results.
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Bekommissar watching eurovision together fanfic here
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telupathy · 7 years
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Is no one talking about this on Tumblr?! 😍
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wipweek · 7 years
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WIP WEEK is a week dedicated to updating fic or art WIPs that is typically held every two months.  All fandoms are welcome to participate.  Original works are also accepted.  Please tag your entries with the #wipweek or #wip week tag. Since multiple fandoms and ships are participating, please clearly list the fandoms, ships, and content warnings in the post so that they can be properly tagged for any potential readers.
The fourth WIP Week will be held from January 28, 2018 to February 3, 2018.
Each day will have a theme, but you do not have to post every day. You are also not obligated to follow these themes. You can work on one fic or artwork for the entire week if you choose. If you’re not comfortable posting full updates but still want to participate in the week, you can post your daily word count and a small snippet from your work.
Here are the themes for the week:
January 28: Your Oldest WIP
January 29: Your Newest WIP
January 30: Your Canon-Verse WIP
January 31: Your Most Popular WIP
February 1: Your Favorite WIP
February 2: Your AU WIP
February 3: Your Previously Unpublished WIP
If you have any additional questions or suggestions, send an ask here.
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