#Being allergic to most antibiotic families of medication
thediktatortot · 1 year
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aquietwritingcorner · 3 months
Healing Moments
Title: Healing Moments Fandom:  TMNT 2003 Word Count: 3960  Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating: K  Characters:  Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Splinter, April O’Neil, Casey Jones Warning: NA Summary: Raph escaped Shredder’s ship with broken ribs. But broken ribs still have consequences.      Notes: This was written for someone a bit back. I never published it outside of showing it to that individual, which was a shame. So I’m publishing it now! I hope you all enjoy it!   ff.net || AO3
Healing Moments
Don sat next to Raph, wetting down a cloth and using his left hand to wring it out and lay it on Raph’s forehead. His brother turned his head slightly and murmured, but otherwise didn’t react to the cloth. Don frowned but didn’t leave his brother’s side. The rest of his family was sleeping, at least as much as any of them could with their injuries from Shredder’s Ship. It wasn’t unusual for any of them to be awake at odd hours because they just couldn’t get comfortable.
They should have been paying more attention to Raph being uncomfortable.
It had started with a cough. They hadn’t paid it much mind. As much as April and Casey cleaned, this farmhouse was old, and they were all sleeping in the attic. It wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility that there was something up here or even just outside that Raph was mildly allergic to. Mike had even teased him a little bit about it.
But then the cough had gotten worse, and Raph had begun sleeping more. He had just brushed it off as healing, which also made sense. It took a lot of energy to heal, something that they, unfortunately, knew well. It was only when he had looked feverish, his eyes a bit glassy, his head a bit warm, that it had hit them that something else was going on. With April and Casey’s help—as they were the only ones uninjured and able to help the most effectively—Don gave Raph a look over.
Don didn’t have access to medical care. Here, at the farm, he didn’t even have access to his lab. He would have liked to confirm the illness that he was positive Raph had, but instead he had to make do with his observation and the very small lab he had set up in the barn. Still, he was certain that he knew what Raph had.
It made sense. Raph’s main injuries had been his ribs, which, of course, were near his lungs. With the pain of his broken ribs, Raph likely wasn’t breathing as deeply as he should have been. That would have set him up for an infection to settle in his lower lungs and turn into pneumonia. That was only confirmed by the way that Raph’s lungs sounded. That crackling was pretty distinctive, even in mutant turtles.
Don had immediately started on what treatments they could do at the farm. Making sure that Raph was sitting up instead of laying down, giving him over the counter pain killers, making sure he stayed hydrated, and having him sit in a steamy bathroom. Splinter had brought some of his teas with him, as well, and he made sure that Raph drank plenty of those. But it wasn’t enough. Raph continued to get worse, and Don had sent out April and Casey to see if they could get their hands on any antibiotics. He hadn’t questioned how they had managed to get what they did, he had just taken it.
Now they just had to hope that they were going to work on Raph and that he wouldn’t need something stronger.
“How is he?”
Don looked up at Leo’s voice, not terribly surprised to hear it. Leo hadn’t been sleeping much lately, and Don honestly wasn’t sure if it was emotional, or because of his injured shell. It was likely both.
Don looked back down at Raph. “He’s resting, at least. The fever is still up, though. I did manage to get him to drink some the last time he was awake.”
Leo nodded, standing over their brother. “That’s good at least. The medicine will help the fever, right?”
Don frowned. “The NSAID will help the fever. The antibiotics will help the infection, as long as it’s a bacterial infection.”
Leo paused. “What do you mean, ‘as long as it’s a bacterial infection’?”
Don looked back down at Raph, laying a hand on the back of his neck as a way to check his temperature. “Pneumonia in humans is most likely to be caused by a bacterial or viral infection. In turtles it can also be fungal. I highly doubt that it’s fungal, but it could be viral. If it is, the antibiotics won’t do him any good. We’ll have to rely on treating the symptoms and hope that his body can handle the rest. If it’s bacterial, then the anti-biotics will help.”
Leo was quiet for a moment. “How can you tell which kind it is?”
“Here?” Don said “I can’t. I’m making the best guess that I can. We’re just going to have to hope we’re lucky.”
Leo’s frowned deepened and he turned away. “Luck is not something I think we can rely on.”
Don sighed. “Well, it’s all we’ve got right now, Leo,” he replied, perhaps a little bit snippier than he needed to be. “So, we’ll have to make do.”
He turned his attention back to Raph as the other turtled started to cough. Don helped him sit up a bit more, and supported him as he coughed, none of his breaths as deep as Don had hoped they would be, but better than nothing. It sounded so very painful each time he did this, but coughing out the infection was a good thing, even if he knew it set Raph’s broken ribs aflame with pain.
With a sigh, Don helped to lean Raph back in his bed, making sure he was propped securely on the pillows and that he was as comfortable as he could be. Raph’s eyes cracked open, and he looked over at Don.
“Donnie?” he croaked out, his voice sounding rough and weak.
“Yeah, Raphie, it’s me,” Don said with a smile. “How are you feeling?”
Don chuckled slightly. “Yeah, I’d imagine so. I’m guessing your ribs are pretty sore?”
“Do your lungs feel sore as well?” Don asked.
Raph paused a moment more before answering that one. “Yeah,” he said.
Don nodded. “I thought so. You just rest, alright? I’ll take care of things right now. We all will.”
Raph let out a bit of a grunt, winced, and then closed his eyes. It wasn’t long before he drifted off to sleep again. Don sighed, and moved the washcloth back to Raph’s head, keeping watch over his brother.
Leo watched the whole thing, not interfering with Don’s care, and then let out what sounded like an irritated sigh and walked away, going towards the window.
Don watched, and then turned back to Raphael, keeping his own sigh to himself, and replacing the cloth on Raph’s head.
Mikey wasn’t terrible surprised when he looked over and found Donnie asleep at Raph’s side. Mikey had come over to relieve Don, to give him a break from the constant watch he had been keeping on Raph. After all, even though Don was usually in charge of their care when they were sick, at this point Raph’s care really wasn’t anything that the rest of them couldn’t do. Helping Raph sit up to cough, trying to get him to drink water, putting cold cloths on his forehead to keep his fever down, those were all things that anyone could do. Don was just stubborn and didn’t want to leave Raph’s side.
So, Mike had come anyway, told Don that Master Splinter had sent him up to give Don a break, and not objected when Don wanted to stay nearby a little longer. He hadn’t been surprised when, within moments, Don had fallen asleep. Mike had draped a blanket over his purple-banded brother, made sure he wasn’t putting pressure on his arm, and then turned all of his attention to Raph.
His brother did not look good. Raph was always all strength and attitude, even when he was being soft and caring. Right now, he didn’t look like either of those things. He was propped up on a mound of pillows, cradling his shell to keep him almost upright. His mouth was open as he breathed, although his breaths were a bit gaspy. He was pale and didn’t look like he’d be able to hold up his head much less fight anything off.
Mikey didn’t like it.
“Heya, Raph, just me, come to check on you. Well, that and to give Donnie a break. You know how he gets when one of us is sick. He’s a worse mother hen than Leo!”
Leo… that was another brother to be worried about, although for a completely different reason. But Mike would come back to that later.
“He’s been with you most of the time, but, I mean, part of it makes sense. He does know the most, and he’s honestly the most mobile of us. Well, Leo might be too, but I think his shell hurts him more than he lets on, and Don fusses over it, too.”
Mikey was working as he was talking, taking the moment to check Raph’s temperature and make sure that the cloth on his head was nice and cool.
“Anyway, since I can’t do much more than sit on my butt and stare at the wall, I figured I might as well sit on my butt here, give Donnie a break, and grace you with my presence!”
Raph stirred under Mikey’s touch, and Mike leaned in as much as his broken legs would allow. “Raph?”
Raph’s eyes cracked open, and he blearily blinked at his brother. “Mike?” he mumbled, his voice weak. “S’you?”
Mike grinned at his brother. “Yep! The one and only! I decided to give Donnie a little break!”
Raph grunted a little, and his eyes traveled around until they landed on Don, who was asleep, hunched over the end of Raph’s bed. “Good.”
Raph started coughing again, shallow ones that sounded like they needed to be deeper. His face contorted in pain and his arms wrapped around his middle. Mikey reached over as best he could, supporting him. It was hard to see Raph in pain like this, and not be able to do anything about it. He rubbed Raph’s shell, trying to find a way to soothe him at least a little.
Coughing, he knew, was good with something like pneumonia. It brought up the junk in the lungs, and Mikey knew to use a little bowl to catch anything that Raph coughed up. As gross as it was, Donnie would want to examine it. But it also was hard to watch him be in pain from coughing with broken ribs.
As the coughing eased up, Mikey helped Raph lean back again, watching as his brother gasped for breath, pain still clear across his face. He picked up a glass of water with a straw and held it up to Raph. “Here, Raphie. Think you can drink some of this? You need to get some water in you.”
Raph gave a tired nod, still working on catching his breath back. But as soon as he could, he clamped his lips around the straw, drinking it slowly. Mikey held it up as long as Raph would drink it, and then sat it to the side. “Think you can swallow some pills? Don left a schedule for your medicine.”
Raph nodded, and Mikey fumbled around for the pills, doing the best to reach for the pills without hurting himself, too. He read the instructions, and then took out the correct dosages, helping Raph to take them and drink a bit more water.
“You think you can finish up this glass of water? It’d be good for you if you could.”
“Yeah…” The word was faint and tired, but it was there.
Mike held the glass up again, never once letting it drop and adjusting it so that Raph could get every last bit out if out.
“That’s good, Raph. I’ll see if we can get you a refill, okay? In the meantime, just lay back. I’ll get that cloth back on your head.”
“…thanks, Mikey.”
“No problem, bro,” Mike said with a smile. “Hey—why don’t I catch you up on what’s been going on!”
As Mike prattled on, talking for as long as he knew Raph was listening, and hoping that it brought him some comfort.
April looked over when she heard a small groan. She had been changing the water out, making sure that all of it was fresh after having sent all of the others either to rest or to go outside. They had all been taking turns looking after Raph and they all needed a break. She could take care of Raph for a while and let them have that break. They deserved it.
“Hey there, big guy,” she said when she noticed that Raph’s eyes were open. “About time you woke up. It’s nearly noon.”
Raph blinked around the room blearily. “…where’s…?”
“I sent them all out for some sunshine,” she said, finishing up with the water. “I’d send you out for it, too, but I don’t think you’re quite up for it yet.”
Raph leaned his head back and closed his eyes. “…sounds nice.”
April smiled at him. “Don’t worry, you’ll be out there soon enough.”
Raph merely let out a grunt and said nothing more. April went on about straightening up the attic—Despite the presence of Master Splinter, there were four teenaged boys living there—at least until she heard Raph start to cough. She turned around and frowned when she saw him starting to cough again, pain clear on his face. She immediately rushed to his side, putting an arm around him and taking some of his weight on herself.
The coughs were a little deeper than she had heard him have before, which was good, but the pain on his face wasn’t nearly as good and it tore at her heart. The guys were like little brothers to her, and she hated to see them all in this much pain. Still, she held him against her as he coughed and hacked, rubbing her hand on the rim of his shell, holding a cloth up to his face, and speaking soft, encouraging words to him.
When he finished, he was breathless, but he didn’t seem quite as breathless as she’d seen him before. Still, she helped to lay him back carefully, letting him catch his breath, and went to fetch him a glass of water.
“Here you go, Raph. Drink as much of it as you can, alright?” she said, carefully adjusting the glass at need. “Just take it at your own pace.”  
April held the glass until Raph had finished it off, filling it up again and offering him more. Raph drank a little more until he finally stopped and laid his head back in the pillows that were piled up around him.
“…Thanks, Ape…” he said, his voice scratchy.
“It’s not a problem,” she said. April settled in beside him, taking care not to put stress on his lungs or ribs, and brought him to her, letting her little brother lean on her and relax. She gave the top of his head a peck. “What are big sisters for?”
“I think this commentator’s whack,” Casey said. “There ain’t no way they’re gonna win. They ain’t got the stats.”
Raph glanced over at Casey, from where both of them were watching the TV that he had managed to bring up the stairs and hook up enough to get the game. Raph still wasn’t up for much, but he had managed to stay awake through a couple of innings at least, which was more than last time.
Casey looked at him. “Don’t look at me like that, bro. They just pulled up three guys from the minor league after they traded off their top players. There ain’t no way they’re gonna do well after that.”
“…was stupid,” Raph agreed. “…but they got that guy… from Puerto Rico…”
“Yeah, he is really good,” Casey admitted. “But ya can’t rely on one guy to bring up the whole team! Besides, the other team managed to get four of the best players in the league!”
“…no others.”
“Yeah? Well, ya know what? Those three should be able to pull the team through!”
“YOU said—”
Raph’s rebuttal was cut off by a round of harsh coughing, which immediately brought the argument to an end. Casey abandoned his argumentative stance, instead moving to support Raph through the coughing, bringing up the small kidney bowl for him to spit anything out into. He kept a strong arm around Raph, making sure that he didn’t bend too far in his coughing, aggravating his ribs more.
As soon as Raph was finished, Casey helped him recline back on his mountain of pillows and sat the kidney bowl down.
“Hang on, Raph, lemme get ya some water.” Casey turned back to the water they were still keeping nearby and poured Raph some fresh into a cup. He helped Raph hold it, only letting go when it felt like Raph had a good hold on it, although he kept his hands hovering nearby. “Don’t drink it too fast, Raph. Ya don’t wanna throw up with broken ribs. Trust me on that one.”
Raph shot Casey a look, but he kept drinking the water anyway, draining it until the glass was empty. Casey poured him another one, and Raph started in on it too. Finally, he finished, and he let Casey take the glass, his arms dropping tiredly.
“Who me?” Casey said. “I ain’t the one that just tried to yell with pneumonia. Even I ain’t that stupid.”
Casey settled back down next to Raph and said nothing about the breadcrumb that Raph flicked at him, just flicking it back again. Raph flicked it back, and the two settled into a silent war as they watched the game.­­­­
“How are you feeling today, my son?”
Raph looked over at his father as Splinter carried a tray of tea towards him. “Better, Master Splinter,” he said, although his voice was still scratchy and weak.
“I am glad to hear it,” Splinter said with a smile. “I’ve brought you some food and tea, my son. Do you feel like eating?”
“I can try.”
“I would like that.”
Splinter sat the tray down and sat out the lap tray they had been using for Raphael’s meals. Taking his time, he sat some of the food on Raphael’s tray. Raph eyed the food that was left over. It was a lot of food, and Raph wasn’t sure he could eat all of that.
Splinter sat himself down next to Raphael’s bed. “I hope you do not mind if I take lunch with you, my son. Your brothers are otherwise occupied, and I believe that Mr. Jones and Ms. O’Neil would appreciate some time together.”
Raph smiled. So that’s why there was so much food on the tray. “Yer fine, Sensei.”
For a little bit, the two ate in relative silence, until Raph felt the urge to start coughing again. He tried to finish his bite and swallow before the urge hit, but he didn’t quite make it, some of the food coming out as he coughed.
Immediately, Splinter was at his side, a hand on his shell. “Keep coughing, Raphael, it is okay. Just keep coughing it up.”
Raph didn’t really have much of choice, but when he was finished, he sagged back on the pillows again, trying to catch his breath.
“S-sorry,” he started to apologize, mostly for the mess of food particles he had coughed out.
Splinter immediately dismissed it. “Do not apologize, my son. Believe me, this is far from the worst mess you and your brothers have left on me.” There was a trace of humor in his voice, even as he made sure that Raphael was settled and brushed the food away.
He reached for the tea, and held it to his son, helping Raphael to drink it. “Finish it all,” Splinter said. “And then, when you feel like it, finish what you can eat. I will be here with you.”
Raph couldn’t help the smile that touched his lips. Somehow, even at this age, knowing that his father was there was comforting.
Raph woke up, not sure what had woken him up until he looked over and saw the silhouette of Leo sitting beside him. Everyone else was asleep, and only the moonlight illuminated the attic room.
Leo shifted. “Did I wake you?” he asked.
Raph shook his head. “Dunno.”
Leo hummed.
For a moment, the two sat in silence, until Raph felt the urge to cough building again. He hated coughing at night, because it disturbed his whole family. Still, it couldn’t be denied, and it wasn’t long before Raph was coughing, holding his ribs as he did.
He felt Leo’s arm come around his shoulder, his other bracing Raph from the front, not letting him curl over on himself. Finally, the coughing fit finished, and Leo leaned Raph back.
“Here,” he said, bringing a glass up. “Drink some water.”
Raph took the glass, drinking the water slowly. Leo watched him closely, taking the glass when he was finished, and then sitting back at Raphael’s side. For a moment, neither of them said anything.
“…Do your ribs still hurt?”
“…yeah. But not as bad.”
More silence. Then…
“I’m sorry, Raphael.”
“Don’t be.”
They didn’t say anything else, but Leo sat by Raph’s side for the rest of the night, helping him anytime he needed it.
“Hey! Look who’s finally downstairs!” Casey said with a grin.
“Yeah, yeah,” Raph said, grinning, even if he was being supported by both Leo and Don on both sides.
“With his fever broken for a few days, and his ribs seeming to heal, it seemed a good time to bring him downstairs,” Don said.
“It’s good to see you down here,” April said with a smile.
Leo and Mikey helped Raph to the couch, where they carefully lowered him down.
“If you feel tired or if you need anything, make sure you tell us,” Don said, hovering over Raph.
“I will, Don, ya don’t have to hover,” Raph said.
“Dude, Don not hovering is like asking Master Splinter not to give us tea,” Mikey said.
“Which is exactly what I am bringing you now,” Splinter said. “And you will drink it.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, Raphael.” Leonardo said, giving his shoulder a squeeze before moving away.
“Thanks, bro,” Raph said, settling in on the couch and taking the tea that Master Splinter offered him. He let out a shallow sigh of contentment, glad to be out of the attic and among his family again.
“Hey—who wants to watch a movie?” Mikey asked.
“I’ll make the popcorn!” Don volunteered.
“I’ll come help you,” April said.
“What movie did you have mind?” Casey asked, leaning over to look at the collection they had brought with them.
Raph watched as Splinter settled down in a chair, and Leo moved closer to the family as they all gathered around. His ribs still hurt, he still had a cough, and he couldn’t breathe deeply, but he was glad to be here with his family. Maybe none of them were whole and healthy, but they were well on their way to healing at least—and with the way his family gathered around him, he could tell that they felt the same way.
Raph settled back, drank his tea, and listened to his family argue the finer points of the best Star Trek movie.
“Ya better just hope that Five ain’t the only one that still plays.”
He couldn’t help but grin at the cacophony of protests that rose at his words. Yeah. They’d all be fine in time.
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hongtiddiez · 10 months
man last twilight hit me particularly hard today and i'm still crying after finishing the episode.
i spent a good chunk of my day at my specialist today and it wasn't great. my disease is getting worse. my weekly shots aren't enough anymore. i'm so tired and i can't stop fucking crying.
my immune system is fucked up, i produce too many white blood cells and those white blood cells have chosen to attack my skin. it leaves me with holes across my body - some of my wounds are now over a year old. when they heal they leave atrophic scarring - but they aren't even healing anymore.
the specialist gasped at the sight of me today. (i'd never seen her before, my state of being was new to her.)
"you're bleeding."
"i know."
"you're bleeding like, a lot."
"i know. i take iron supplements, it's okay."
"it's going to get all over your pants."
"it's okay."
"are you in pain?"
"yes. i'm used to it."
"are you in a lot of pain?"
"yes. it's okay."
she was so concerned, so alarmed, and i couldn't help but just smile and laugh it off. if i don't i'll end up like i am now, sobbing at my desk hidden away from my family because there's nothing they can do for me, they'll just hug me and say they're so sorry, they wish there was something they could do. but there's nothing anyone can do, this is just my life now.
"how often do you take your shots?"
"every friday."
"the recommended schedule for that medicine is once every two weeks"
"yes, they increased the frequency for me because i'm stage 3"
"and you never miss a dose?"
"no, i take it on schedule every week."
"i don't think it's working anymore."
i try to be strong about it, most of the time i am - this is just my life now, wallowing about it isn't going to fix it. i'm stage 3, the only thing that will fix it is a cure, but that doesn't exist yet.
i recently had to buy those washable period underwear because one of my year old wounds just won't stop bleeding and i'm so tired of washing the blood out of my pants. i've gotten so good at preventing bloodstains. (a mix of dawn dish soap, water, and baking soda as a pre-soak works wonders)
i bought an antimicrobial soap in bulk last week to prevent infection. it dries out my skin, but it's not as bad as the diluted bleach baths. i have to start using 10% benzoyl peroxide as a body wash. "do you have a fever?"
"no, i check regularly."
"your wounds are really deep, we're worried about you potentially going septic."
"i'm very careful and keep them clean."
i buy bandages and tape in bulk. my allergic reaction to the tape adhesives are the lesser of two evils. sometimes they get so bad i bleed, but it's just an abrasion. it's okay.
and now i have to take another round of antibiotics that make me nauseous.
and they're changing my medication. i'm 'lucky,' a new medication was approved by the FDA recently that shows good results in reducing the symptoms of my disease. but how long will it be before i don't respond to that anymore?
it's another biologic, an immunosuppressant shot, and i'm sure just like last time it's going to make me so, so sick. adjusting to biologics is so hard, it's not totally unlike low dose chemo (obviously there are differences) and last time it made me sick for weeks.
i don't want to be sick. i don't want to take these antibiotics that make me nauseous. i don't want to keep scrubbing the blood out of my pants. i don't want to use the soap that dries out my skin. i don't want to wear perfume to cover up the smell of my dying flesh. i can't even have sex with my husband. we recently went a year without having sex and i know he understands, he gets it, but i can't help but think part of him resents me. we got together when i was 22, when my symptoms were still mild, i got my diagnosis at 25. i quit my office job and lost my insurance. we eloped at 27 so he could add me to his insurance and i could afford my treatment. his family spent the next year asking why we were in such a rush to get married, we didn't know how to explain to them it was because my doctor was preparing to declare me completely disabled.
i don't want to be in pain anymore. it's been almost 10 years.
i'm okay, i'll feel better tomorrow, maybe even in a few hours, but i can see why people kill themselves over this. i'm so tired. i'm so defeated. i have to hope there will be a cure someday, something better than just pushing down the symptoms.
if you read this far thank you. like i said, i'm fine. i just wanted to get my thoughts and feelings out and i'm bad about talking to my family - they worry too much, pity me too much.
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birds-of-wax · 2 years
Here’s notes on a Modern Brotherband AU ideas I’d love to write some day (if I ever get time to write it, or one of the other five Brotherband AU ideas living rent free in my head...):
The Heron is a metal Scandian navy ship (modeled after Canada’s HMCS Whitehorse) - her full designation is the SNS Heron 
The Mangler is a rail gun mounted on the front of the Heron 
The Heron Brotherband is an experimental crew, composed of disgraced or unwanted Scandian navy or army personnel 
Thorn was going to retire early, but was offered the job of commanding the crew by Erak
Hal was going to be dishonorable discharged from the navy for destruction of navy property after he got carried away and accidentally blew up the commander’s office while demonstrating one of his ideas
Stig was facing a court marshal for striking several superior officers
Ingvar is one of the unwanted navy personnel, due to his very poor eyesight, which many officers sited as a risk to their crews
Jesper was getting processed for a dishonorable discharge from the army for petty theft
Stephen had been shuffled from crew to crew due to his inability to follow written orders
Ulf and Wulf always end up annoying their officers enough to keep getting transferred, which eventually made them look unmanageable
Edvin was dishonorable discharged from the army after his first mission due to striking a superior officer, dereliction of duty, and disobeying a direct order
Lydia joins the crew later than most of the others, because no-one else will take a female sniper
Kloof is a military war dog, who was assigned to the Heron after she bit her former partner (her former partner deserved it)
So that’s the basics. Now, more details:
Jesper was stealing to help him cope with losing several teammates after they were captured during an ambush, which only Jesper came back alive from
Stephen can’t follow written orders because he has severe, undiagnosed dyslexia
Edvin hit his former team leader because during his first mission they encountered civilians in the line of fire and Edvin wanted to rescue them. The mission was a secret, so the leader said no. Edvin went and rescued them anyway (and that’s a whole other headcanon in itself). 
Edvin spent several years working as a paramedic before being offered a chance to try out for the Heron’s crew medic
Edvin was the last person to join the heron crew
Edvin wasn’t actually looking for a new job, but his step-father (a navy admiral) gave Thorn his file to look at, and Thorn offered Edvin the chance to try out
Edvin drives a banana yellow jeep, or a lime green Kawasaki ninja motorcycle
Stephen has a twin sister, and a second much younger sister who is deaf
Edvin has a large step-family he adores, after his single mom married a widowed navy admiral
not a lot of people know Edvin and his dad are related, due to them having different last names
Edvin’s dad being a navy admiral was the original reason he was in the army instead of the navy 
The Heron crew only answers to several navy officers due to it’s experimental nature: Erak, Edvin’s dad, and a couple other admirals
Erak is the head of the whole Skandian navy
While on duty the twins can be told apart, due to their names being on their uniforms. They used to switch, but after a medical incident Edvin told them he had to be able to tell them apart, or they were getting a medical discharge
Ulf is allergic to a common antibiotic, which Wulf is not allergic to. Due to them switching Edvin thought he was treating Wulf, and accidentally gave Ulf the wrong medication. It was bad.
SNS stands for Scandian Naval Ship
Thorn was one of the best trainers the Skandian navy has ever had, but after he lost his hand in a training accident he gave up on living for a while
all of the Heron crew are in therapy
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kilzold · 2 years
tw: pregnancy, medical stuff
update: my water broke on new year's eve. i've been in the hospital since jan 3 being monitored. had the most horrible allergic reaction to antibiotics ever, a rash that flared so badly for like a week and had every doc on the OB team and some from family med up in my room bc it was so severe. legit the worst pain/discomfort i have ever felt in my life. better now after super high dose steroids! whole skin peeling like a bad sunburn though.
probably going to be induced on 1/23, will be 35 weeks + 4 days then. baby's been miraculously fine throughout all of this.
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wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
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#and the blade of marmora is more like a family and takes care of each other instead of letting members get captured and leaving them behind
My Top Posts in 2022:
With Bloody Outstretched Hands, Part 4
I thought I would get further into the plot than I did, but oh well. Have some Bailey being uncomfortable and confused while the heroes try to help them.
CW for minor medical stuff (starting an IV), medication, and Bailey's crappy headspace. Let me know if I missed anything, or if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist.
Bailey slowly managed to get their breathing under control. No matter how many healings they went through, they never got less intense.
They survived, though. They always survived. And they remembered to show their proper gratitude for the healing, too.
The healer double-checked their concussion, using a penlight to check pupillary reactions.
“Concussion is healed,” she said as Bailey blinked away the light’s afterimage. “Good news! You can have painkillers now.”
“Thank you,” Bailey said softly. Painkillers weren’t something to take for granted.
She came over with a tray loaded with equipment. Bailey swallowed hard. Tourniquet, alcohol swabs, medications, syringes, needles—what were they going to do to them?
The healer must have noticed Bailey staring, because she made eye contact with a soft smile. “I’m going to start an IV so we can get some fluids started, as well as giving you those pain medications. Okay?”
Bailey nodded quickly, cheeks prickling with embarrassment. There was no reason for them to be such a stupid little baby, are you going to start crying now? about this. The heroes were doing them a kindness. They needed to suck it up and deal with it.
They tried closing their eyes as the healer worked, but that made everything worse. The smell of disinfectant, the hum of the machinery, it was all too much like being back there. They opened their eyes. This wasn’t… wasn’t there. They got out; they were at Hero Headquarters now.
They got out.
The healer stayed focused on their arm as she asked, “Are you allergic to anything? Medications, foods?” She pulled the tourniquet tight and started feeling for a vein.
They blinked. “Uh… not that I know of?”
She nodded. “Good. Because you’ll need some antibiotics as well, just to make sure your back heals up properly.” She picked up a needle.
“Okay,” Bailey managed to croak out. They had to look away, but they could still feel the sharp sting as the needle pierced their arm and the strangeness as the tubing entered their vein.
“And… done!” the healer said. When Bailey looked over, she was taping the tubing to their arm and removing the tourniquet. “Bring me a bag of saline and an IV stand, please, and the—yup, that one!”
That was directed to the hero, who was walking over with the requested items. They looked… surprisingly concerned. Yes, it was the job of heroes to care about and save people, but surely that didn’t extend to villains, right? There was no reason for them to look so soft when looking at Bailey of all people.
“Thanks, Foxfire!” the healer said.
Foxfire looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. “We’re using codenames?”
“Until our fearless leader says otherwise!” she cheerfully replied, undaunted by her colleague’s glower.
Bailey rather wished they could disappear right then. Whether it be through invisibility, mimicry, or teleportation like Foxfire could do, they weren’t picky. Of course the heroes knew each other’s civilian identities. They would obviously use their real names in their own base. And here was Bailey, a villain, in their midst. They were forcing the heroes to abandon their usual easy dynamic and instead guard their identities in what should be their safe place.
“Sorry,” they said, barely more than a whisper.
All that earned them was a strange, undecipherable look from both heroes.
The healer set the IV stand next to the bed Bailey was on and hung the bag of saline off it. She fiddled with a length of tubing, and then Bailey’s arm was chilled by the saline drip. She grabbed syringes and loaded them, presumably to inject into the IV. Bailey didn’t watch.
“So!” the healer said. “Next steps. We’re going to photograph your injuries, and I’m going to splint your leg. Then Foxfire is going to start on your back while I start the paperwork for all this. Any questions?”
Too many to count. And apparently the pain meds were kicking in and breaking down their brain-to-mouth barrier already, because they blurted out, “What paperwork? Why do you need to take pictures?”
See the full post
142 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
BBU and Pet Welfare
So to preface this, I love the BBU. It's a fantastic shared sandbox with tons of amazing ideas and some really fantastic stories. It's a look into what human greed and corruption can produce when left unchecked, when you start seeing people as commodities rather than as people.
That said. I do have one issue. And I didn't even come up with this myself; it was brought to my attention by my lovely SO. I was trying to explain what the BBU was to them, and all the abuses that the pets experience.
SO, who is a vet student: yeah, except pets don't work that way.
Me: ???
SO: there are animal rights and animal welfare groups going nuts about our animal pets. There would absolutely be pets' rights/welfare groups in that setting.
Which. Is absolutely sound logic, and also something that I had never considered before. Because we don't just let people do whatever they want with their pets. There are groups like the ASPCA and RSPCA that go in and get involved if pets are being abused or neglected. They will seize animals that aren't being properly treated.
So why wouldn't there be anything like that for Pets?
Looking at it from a Doylist perspective, it feels like the answer is "because that doesn't make for as good of whump". But what's the Watsonian answer? What's the in-universe reason why there aren't protections for Pets? I find it hard to believe that WRU would manage to squash all of the dissent; in fact, it could be good for their image to help Pet welfare groups (or at least look like they're helping them). It could make people believe that they really do care about the pets that they train.
Obviously, having Pet welfare groups wouldn't solve everything. It would get really murky with Romantics, because consent from a brainwashed pet is... dubious at best. But I have trouble seeing any reason why Pet welfare groups wouldn't step in for things like physical abuse, or 'dog' fighting rings.
Is there a reason already developed about this that I just have missed? Or is this an avenue that the BBU could expand in?
Tagging some BBU writers that I know have great worldbuilding: @maracujatangerine, @ashintheairlikesnow, @haro-whumps, @the-host-and-colton, @cubeswhump
144 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
With Bloody Outstretched Hands Masterlist
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An injured villain makes their way to the heroes' headquarters to beg for protection.
No matter what the cost.
This is set in the same universe as my series "And Still", which you can find the masterlist for here. You don't have to read that first, but some of the events might be mentioned.
General content warning for Villain escaping an abusive situation/relationship. Specific warnings are on each piece.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Before the Beginning
Part 5
Bailey gets drunk
Bloody pulp
Part 6
Sadistic Choice (BTHB)
Part 7
Morning Reassurance
Part 8: Breakfast in Bed
Part 9: Breakfast in Bed 2
Part 10: Breakfast in Bed 3
Part 11: Trust Issues
"Same Time Tomorrow" (drabble)
Spineless (drabble)
Pariah Prisoner AU:
Pariah Prisoner (BTHB)
Trying Not To Cry (BTHB)
Reluctant Caretaker (BTHB)
"Hold On"/Soft Words of Reassurance
Stitches/Sloppy Bandages, Self Done First Aid (BTHB and Whumptober 2022 No. 11)
See the full post
208 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Dp/dc thing I think u will appreciate: Danny just trying to Be Normal but he keeps getting summoned by cults and villains and shit. "I'm a kid, and it's two in the morning, go away!"
Said while he's wearing NASA pajamas, with glowing green eyes and an aura of complete menace.
Bonus points if the bats have been following the cult/whoever has been passing around their notes on Ghost King summoning around for a while and THIS is finally the time they get there in time to see just who has been summoned. Every previous time they got there and the entity had already disappeared/escaped.
303 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Found this chart! This is gonna be very useful for Bailey and the heroes in the not-too-distant future....
768 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Understanding Sore Throats in Children: Causes and Remedies
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As parents, witnessing our children in discomfort, especially when it comes to health issues like sore throats, can be distressing. However, understanding the root causes and effective remedies can help alleviate both our worries and our children's discomfort. In this blog, we'll explore the various factors contributing to sore throats in children and delve into practical solutions. Additionally, we'll highlight the importance of seeking expert care, emphasizing the role of Tagore Hospital, a trusted child hospital in Jaipur, in providing comprehensive pediatric care.
Causes of Sore Throats in Children:
Viral Infections: The most common culprit behind sore throats in children are viral infections, such as the flu or common cold. These viruses inflame the throat tissues, leading to discomfort and pain.
Bacterial Infections: Streptococcal bacteria, causing strep throat, is another prevalent cause of sore throats in children. Unlike viral infections, bacterial infections like strep throat may require antibiotic treatment.
Allergies: Environmental allergens like pollen, dust, or pet dander can trigger throat irritation and soreness in allergic children.
Dry Air: Dry indoor air, often exacerbated by heating systems during the winter, can parch the throat and lead to soreness.
Environmental Irritants: Exposure to smoke, pollutants, or harsh chemicals can irritate the delicate throat lining, causing discomfort in children.
Remedies for Sore Throats in Children:
Hydration: Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids, such as water or warm herbal teas, to soothe their throat and prevent dehydration.
Warm Saltwater Gargle: A simple yet effective remedy involves gargling with warm saltwater several times a day to reduce throat inflammation and ease discomfort.
Humidifier Use: Using a humidifier in your child's room can add moisture to the air, relieving dryness and soothing sore throats, especially during dry seasons.
Rest: Ensure your child gets ample rest to support their immune system and aid in the healing process.
Consultation with Pediatric Experts: In cases of persistent or severe sore throats, seeking professional medical advice is crucial. Tagore Hospital, a leading child hospital in Jaipur, offers specialized pediatric care, including diagnosis and treatment for various childhood ailments, including sore throats.
Tagore Hospital: Your Partner in Pediatric Care:
Tagore Hospital stands out as a beacon of pediatric excellence in Jaipur, offering compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services for children. With a team of experienced pediatricians and state-of-the-art facilities, Tagore Hospital is committed to providing the highest quality care to ensure the well-being of every child.
Whether it's diagnosing the underlying cause of a sore throat or providing tailored treatment plans, Tagore Hospital's pediatric experts prioritize the health and comfort of their young patients. With a child-centric approach and a focus on family-centered care, Tagore Hospital strives to create a supportive and nurturing environment for children and their families.
Understanding the causes and remedies for sore throats in children empowers parents to provide effective care for their little ones. By partnering with a trusted Pediatrics hospital in Jaipur like Tagore Hospital, parents can rest assured that their child's health is in expert hands, ensuring a speedy recovery and a brighter, healthier future.
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Watching House as a Physician.  Season 2 Episode 3. Infectious diseases & Respiratory.
Welcome to another episode of medicine done badly.  I’ve been watching House on Amazon prime.  Got the subscription during the pandemic, as like everyone else, I’ve garnered an online shopping habit now. 
Alright. In the opening scene a young roof worker falls off the roof presumably due to acute shortness of breath. i.e. trouble breathing. (why do we use the term shortness of breath? it’s the english version of the greek term dyspnoea - the actual preferred language of Western doctors. Fuck do I know why we like Greek and Latin so much. Moving on.) Then cut to Dr. Cuddy examining him in the back of the ambulance. 
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This would never happen in real life. Yes you can be on the scene and handover to the paramedics or EMT when they arrive as a doctor. But they would take over. I personally wouldn’t have the balls to look after a patient in a different environment, different resources and field I’m not familiar with. You can have field Emergency docs - but requires different training. 
Also, ethically, you’re not meant to treat family or friends. Dr. Cuddy later in the episode gets a bit emotionally involved - this is why we don’t treat people close to us. We lose objectivity. We make mistakes. And you see later see Cuddy do some pretty bad ones. 
I feel like much of this episode is not really IM. THere’s less differential diagnoses being made. More side tracks into trauma, emergency, intensive care or vascular surgery. 
Anyhoo. Trauma and emergency would manage the fall and post fall traumatic injuries. And the trauma protocol was either not shown or completely off in this episode. Surgeons don’t seem to exist in House, at least not very much. Similarly, no other doctors exist except surgeons in Grey’s anatomy.  Also you can’t clear a C Spine clinically, which is what Dr. Cuddy does in the back of the ambulance. You’d need a CT first and clearance both radiological (by a radiologist) and a clinician. 
Aaaanddd, you can’t just listen to the chest and go no pneumothorax (air in lung or collapsed lung) - yes it’s reassuring, but again you’d need imaging to confirm this, given how serious a condition this is. It is realistic to consider in the setting of a fall, particularly if there are rib fractures that can puncture the lung.
Once the more critical injuries are managed, we would look after the IM side to things. 
So. Finally.. differential diagnoses.
Takes what seems and feels like days before they finally sit down and go through differentials. Really not much on that white board. Dark fingers, broken ribs, fever and lung infiltrates. Time line’s not clear on when he developed the fever.
Presenting complaint isn’t really addressed. It could be: - Dyspnoea, leading to the fall, he’s requiring O2 via nasal prongs, which suggests that he’s hypoxic (this is definitely odd in a young guy who’s normally very physical fit if he works as labourer). so much to unpack here, but they never get into this well.  Post fall, Cuddy notices his ring and pinky finger becoming dusky, which becomes very central in this episode. Very few things would cause this. pains me that they do no differentials on a white board for this alone. 
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Then a lot of throwing around medical terms. 
PTT prolonged and Fibrinogen off. These are markers of your coagulation pathway and signs that you’re not forming the clots the way you should if you have an injury.  DIC is also thrown around. What is DIC? Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Certainly severe sepsis and trauma can cause this and lead to severe bleeding. It will throw off your coagulation pathways (things that stop bleeding). It’s not common. I’ve treated it once, while I was rotating in ICU, it is not standard ward medicine practice. Standard therapy is fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and even large metropolitan hospitals only have a limited supply. It’s a huge concern for surgery and post-op (as you patient will just not stop bleeding after you cut them open, and if not treated, potentially bleed to death). Cuddy mentions ARDS. Acute respiratory distress syndrome, it could be a complication, but it’s not a cause. Again, falls more into the realm of critical care (a la ICU). However, patient had SOB prior to the fall. Finally HOuse makes the observation. of “what if he was sick before he had his run in with gravity...” Everyone jumps to Pneumonia. And this is where it gets confusing.  If he was unwell, the minute he entered the emergency department with a fever and hypoxia, they would have worked him up for any garden variety pneumonia, bacterial or viral. Cultures would have been sent and imaging. Any young hypoxic patient would prompt a closer look at the chest. And no one waits that long to start antibiotics - “sepsis kills” is a slogan often used around hospitals. You have to initiate empirical therapy within 30 mins, to reduce mortality and morbiditiy. 
Ordering an Echocardiogram (USS of the Heart) also makes no sense in the context of a lung infection. I would order one, but not to look at the lungs.
Then there’s the most unrealistic thing about this series. Doctors breaking into patient homes.
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It is however, a good way to showcase social history. It’d be boring to watch a doctor ask the patient outright about their living situation etc, but it’s far more interesting to see exactly how they live. We try as much as possible to illustrate to each other and ourselves what the living environment and working environment of our patients are like. 
In the context of infection, a good social history can point out exposure. As they exemplify by showing dead rodents and mould. This leads to 2 further differentials: Rat bite fever (caused by streptobacillus, something you’d see in the US, but probably not anywhere else), it’s an unrealistic differential in general. And the 2nd is aspergillosis.  Okay..  So aspergillus is a mould commonly found in our environment. In fact it’s everywhere around us. 
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THere’s few times when it’s an issue.  It is a concern in respiratory syndromes like asthma or bronchiectasis. And also as an opportunistic infection in immunocompromised individuals. in the context of asthma, it’s not so much the aspergillus itself that causes issue, it’s our body’s over reaction. It’s a hypersensitivity issue that causes inflammation in the lungs or a pneumonitis. We even gave it a name. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. It’s still badness, but it doesn’t happen that quickly. We also have specific tests for this, which were obviously not considered in this episode of medicine done badly. In the immunocompromised host (steroid therapy in transplant patients or those on chemo, etc.), you can get the invasive mould as an opportunistic infection.  I don’t really understand why they think it would be the case here. Also, killing the bug with heavy duty anti fungals will only give more issues rather than do anything. They start him on amphotericin. this is not standard practice.  And now it flips to why amphotericin is not standard practice or first line treatment for invasive aspergillosis. The patient has now become anuric (not making any urine). (First line drug by the way is voraconazole, superior efficacy in trials with a lower mortality rate and ADRs) Also, note that they have just jumped straight to dire renal failure from the amphotericin. No work up. That said, heavy drugs like amphotericin are often a cause, but  It’s often temporary with the appropriate supportive measures (stop insulting agents, give hydration, monitor fluid balance), reversible, even if you require temporary dialysis or haemofiltration. Anyways, would get into AKI another day, that’s a whole other post in and of itself.  Then his hand is apparently “dying.” There’s pain on light touch, but it’s not a cold, pulseless limb. Or discoloured. doesn’t add up. This now enters vascular surgeon territory. Again. It’s interesting that there’s never any referrals to any other teams. If he has good circulation, I would imagine they would try to save the hand and consider other differentials. 
The only time I can think of an emergency amputation in this situation is necrotising fascitiis. That’s the only thing that would occur that rapidly  AND necessitate losing tissue or limb.  With a young person who’s this ill, there’s often multiple subspecialties involved by this point. I’m also surprised he’s not in ICU.
Then there’s a buncha filler scenes of the cast of house getting emotional. Ho my god, they’ve taken the hand of a young 20 something physical labourer. Indeed, this is badness. Unlike House, we actually are trained to always consider how a patient’s illness impacts their activities of daily living and livelihood. 
I find the general population assumes that we practice medicine in a vacuum, we merely treat the clinical illness and ignore everything else. They imagine that we all must be like house. 
Actually we try to put things in perspective as much as possible and knowing our limitations in this area, we often enlist the help of friends - physiotherapists, occupational therapists and social workers. They never exist on TV or on the movies. Ever. Unless it’s to portray how terrible it is to be a social worker.  From time to time in this episode, Cuddy laments that being chief of medicine is too administrative and she hasn’t been a doctor in years. That also doesn’t happen in real life. If you’re chief you’re still a doctor. You have admin shit to do deal with yes, but you still practice. It’s like being chief resident, in all the TV shows with one of these, you still seem them working as residents, be it scrubs or grey’s anatomy. 
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Back to the differential. They finally get to endocarditis. Culture negative to be precise. That indeed would explain the bilateral dusky fingers that led to unnecessary amputation. Septic emboli. 
Going to stop here, more out of exhaustion now. I’ve created quite a lengthy post. Happy to reblog thoughts on culture negative endocarditis on request later. This is a worthy topic to study up on for students or residents. At least review Duke’s criteria and think about your clinical features like Roth Spots and Janeway lesions or Ouch Osler’s nodes. 
The ending is also a far fetched connection to make, but is one that we would consider. In fact, we would ask in detail every time from day one - have you had any exposure to animals. It’s very rare to see someone so young be that sick out of the blue when you’re immunocompetent and have no underlying predisposing conditions. If there’s no focal source, then we would even ask about injectable recreational drugs, exotic travels, sexual health. 
Most of the time, patients that sick are honest to their doctors. 
But what about..
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Frankly, much as we lie as humans, when our lives our on the line, we’re generally pretty honest (sometimes too honest) with the people we want to save us. 
Any patient who is young and comes to hospital requiring inpatient admission, they’d be investigated by subspecialties with expertise in certain areas such as infectious disease. The dept of infectious disease would either be home team, or all over this patient as they special in the realm of both common and rare infectious diseases, culture negative endocarditis would have been considered before a hand amputation.
The term, “department of diagnostic medicine is laughable,” particularly when they consider it the only department in the world in the show. 
In actuality, it’s a department that is universal and exists everywhere. it’s Internal medicine. Dr. Vivek Murthy, the next surgeon general (and also the last one under Obama) is an internal medicine physician. Ken Jeong of Community and the Hangover fame is also a physician of internal medicine. 
Beginning to get the sense that most episodes are going to end with a diagnosis that is either infectious disease, rheumatology or haematology. But generally those tend to be most interesting and give the most plot twists or meaty differentials V.s. a stroke or acute myocardial infarction is fairly straightforward to diagnose. 
This is a very twisty episode in all the wrong directions. 
Dyspnoea is a very common presenting complaint. There’s a properly done approach to this in the podcast by the Curbsiders by the way. 
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 316
Genetic engineering has penetrated into various parts of our life. Agriculture has seen a Green Revolution. Herbicide-resistant plants were engineered to have built-in pesticide resistance and to convert nitrogen directly from the soil. By April 2002, the approximately 50,000 rice genes had been discovered. Scientists already are working on ways to alter rice, the main food of the world's population, so that it will be more nutritious and resistant. Insects are being engineered to attack crop predators. Researchers are growing agricultural products in the laboratory using genetically altered bacteria. A major commercial role for genetically engineered plants as chemical factories is also envisioned, such as organic plastics.
Some drawbacks of this revolution are increased toxins and diseases, which are causing the resulting organisms to become resistant to antibiotics. Increased toxins in plants were designed to make insect-resistant plants. Nuclear physicist Dr. John Hagerlin testified in Washington, DC, at the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) public hearing that increased toxins trigger unanticipated allergic reactions. The resulting gene pollution threatens the environment, for it breaks down genetic barriers put in place by Nature.
Industrial mistakes in production or insufficient research in engineered food ingredients also can cause serious problems. The Tryptophan food supplement, an amino acid marketed as a natural tranquilizer and sleeping pill, was mass-produced from genetically altered bacteria. It killed 37 persons and permanently disabled over 1,500 others with an incurable nervous system condition known as eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS).(9) When these technologies were applied to livestock, farmers first were pleased that the engineered cattle produced more milk, grew faster, and yielded more meat. However, cases of mutation and rampant overgrowth have caused scientists to reevaluate the effectiveness of these procedures.
Another important issue is inserting human genes in animals. What percent of human genes does an organism have to contain before it is considered human? If humans have a special ethical status, does the presence of human genes in an organism change its ethical status? What about a genetically engineered mouse that produces a human sperm that is then used to conceive a human child? Or a pig that contains human genes in order to grow organs that can be transplanted to humans?
It is shocking that the FDA issued guidelines in September 1996 that allow animal-to-human transplants, even though a group of 44 top virologists, primate researchers, and AIDS specialists, opposed it. They attacked the FDA guidelines, saying that based on knowledge of past cross-species transmissions (e.g., AIDS, Herpes B, Ebola, and other viruses), using animals was not adequately justified for use in a handful of patients. Vast numbers of people could be injured or even killed if a new infectious agent were to be transmitted. The FDA puts the responsibility for health and safety on local hospitals and medical review board.
Recombinant DNA technology also has been applied directly to the human body. After mapping the entire genome, scientists discovered some disease-causing genes. They are now working to isolate those genes and develop molecular-level treatments. Although curing Alzheimers, nuscular dystrophy, and many other inherited diseases would make patients happy, unexpected results may occur. When applying gene therapy, a one-to-one correspondence between the gene and its function is assumed. Since genes interact in a horizontal manner, as scientists have shown, introducing a new gene could have unforeseen effects.
Genetic manipulation in human beings always encompasses the possibility of designer genes that manipulate a child's appearance, IQ, or behavior. According to a March of Dimes survey, 40 percent of Americans would use gene therapy to enhance their children's looks or intelligence. Even picking your child's gender has become a question of money. A Fairfax, Virginia-based genetics and in-vitro fertilization institute offers family balancing for approximately $3,000. Known as microsort, the male sperm is separated from the female one. In 2001, the institute treated around 60 couples a month and planned to double its production. Fortune Magazine calculated that the microsort market could be worth $200 million.
There is also talk that people could be exploited as producers of certain substances. For example, a biotech corporation applied to the European Patent Office for a patent on a so-called pharm woman. The idea was to genetically alter women so that their breast milk would contain specialized pharmaceuticals.
There are many other largely debated topics in this field, but the most controversial one of all is human cloning life. This is divided into therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning.
In therapeutic cloning, scientists produce embryos in culture dishes to harvest their stem cells. These then are used in further research, the long-term goal of which is to produce replacement organisms. Stem cells are undifferentiated and primitive cells that can be found in embryos as well as in an adult body. Researchers intend to isolate stem cells so they can serve as a starter stock for growing replacement nerve, muscle and other tissue that might one day be used to treat patients with various diseases. Even though this procedure sounds very promising, we should not overlook the fact that embryos are mass-produced to harvest stem cells. Once these have been isolated, the embryo becomes useless and disposable. The ethics of this procedure are questionable, since stem cells also could be harvested from an adult human body.
Reproductive cloning intends to implant such a cloned embryo into a woman's uterus. Although this procedure is not safe for either the mother or the child, Severino Antinori announced that he and his team will soon produce the first cloned child. The Whitehead Institute of Biomedical Research revealed that cloned mice possess subtle genetic defects that could eventually wreak havoc on the animals system. This means that even though a cloned child might appear completely normal at birth, it has to expect serious health problems later in life.
There also are potential psychological risks for a cloned child. Dr. Thomas Murray worries about the child's self-identity problem once he/she finds out that he/she is a clone and how he/she was conceived. George Johnson, a professor at Washington University, opposes cloning because genetic variation is the chief defense our species has against an uncertain future. If we strip ourselves of it even partially, it is to endanger our species.
Recombinant DNA technology faces our society with problems unique not only in the history of science but also life on the Earth as well as legal approaches towards them. It places in human hands the capacity to redesign living organisms. It presents probably the largest ethical problem science has ever had to face. Our morality up to now has been to go ahead without restrictions to learn what we can about nature. Reconstructing nature was not part of the bargain. Going ahead in this direction may not be only unwise but also dangerous. Potentially it could breed new animal and plant diseases, new sources of cancer and novel epidemics.
Since creation is in a perfect balance, interventions might have unforeseen effects. A book must be written by an author, a picture must be painted by an artist, and a poem must be written by a poet. Each piece of art has an artist who has an encompassing knowledge of his/her creation. If we do not understand that nature is a perfectly composed book, our writings will be no more than scribbles between the lines.
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aswallowssong · 4 years
Whumptober (Sickfic) Day 8 - Hospital
This got way out of hand y’all, but here we are!
Read on AO3
Both women were clad in sweatpants and hoodies, JJ’s hair in a loose ponytail while Kit’s braids were falling out.
JJ was the only one she’d called.
The blonde dropped into the chair next to her, taking her hand and squeezing gently. The worry could have been coming from anywhere, they were in a hospital, but it surged when JJ took a breath.
“What happened?”
What happened? Kit wasn’t entirely sure. Reid had been off work a few days. Actually, she’d kicked him out of the bullpen that Monday when he was coughing so aggressively she swore he was going to crack a rib if he didn’t go home and lay down. It had sounded wet and congested and gross, but she assumed he’d picked up whatever cold was making its way around. He’d be fine if he just got some sleep like a normal person, and he’d be back by Wednesday. Gideon had even driven him home. 
Then Hotch had told them Reid was out sick again on Thursday, which was concerning, but not enough for her to be overly worried. Some people caught things worse than other people. He was probably taking an extra day to be completely back to normal before facing them all again. He already got so much flack for being the youngest; the baby. She’d thought he was just avoiding being coddled when he didn’t need it.
At least that’s what she’d thought until he was calling her at one-thirty in the morning, his breaths coming in gasps and wheezes as he asked for her help through what sounded like strangled sobs. She’d scrambled from her bed and basically grabbed the keys out of Monty’s hands as she walked through the door, shoving her glasses on her face and babbling something half-intelligible about an emergency.
It had taken her exactly three minutes to get to Spencer’s apartment in the dead of night, which was weird, because she hadn’t known that he lived anywhere near her. It took three more minutes for her to decide he needed more medical intervention than she could give him in his apartment. He was shaking and wheezing and coughing disgusting colored phlegm into the sleeve of his hoodie, skin on fire with eyes panicked and bright.
It took six minutes to get him down to the car, and another twelve to drive to the hospital closest to them. She’d walked him into the ER she’d worked in for a year and a half before the academy, no idea who was the Head, and no idea what to do except flash her badge and relay as much information as she possibly could to the nurse behind the desk.
They’d taken him away as soon as they saw that Kit was supporting most of his weight, his gasping and coughing causing the nurses to move with an urgency Kit almost missed. She just wished it wasn’t due to the fact that Reid, Spencer, was struggling to breath.
She’d found a corner to cry her eyes out in as soon as they’d taken him away from her.
“They, um. He’s in a room. They took him away from me and wouldn’t let me go with,” she said slowly, not really answering JJ’s question. “They wouldn’t let me go with.”
“But what happened? To Spence?”
Kit told her as well as she could, mind moving at seven hundred miles an hour. Things were fuzzy as she remembered them. Spencer’s breathing. Monty calling after her. His hands gripping hers so tight it was painful as she drove through the deserted streets of the district towards the hospital she knew so well.
JJ didn’t let go of as she spoke, running her thumb along the back of Kit’s hand. “You did everything you could,” she said quietly. “Do you know what’s wrong with him?”
“I…” She shook her head, starting to ramble as she processed. “I sent him home Monday, remember? He was supposed to be back Wednesday and then he wasn’t. He wasn’t back today, yesterday? It’s Friday now I think, but it’s still today. It’s still Thursday and he didn’t come to work and I thought, maybe he was just waiting. But then he called me and he was struggling to breathe and I did what I could.” 
She looked up at JJ’s eyes, her own pooling with tears like they had before. “I did everything I could, but he was in respiratory distress. It’s the middle of the night. I don’t have supplies like that in my backpack. I couldn’t help him.”
“You did,” she assured, squeezing Kit’s hand again. “You got to his apartment and you got him here.”
“I should have checked on him today. During the day. On my way home.” A tear slid down her cheek. “I should have done something else. You’re my responsibility. All of you.”
JJ shook her head, moving so that both her hands were holding Kit’s. “Don’t do that. No one else checked on him either. This is on all of us.”
“No, it’s on me.”
“Spencer Reid?” 
A voice called out from the doorway of the waiting room. An older nurse was standing there, giving the two girls a kind, sympathetic smile. They were the only two there, so the nurse must have known they were the ones there for Reid, but Kit appreciated the professionalism. Something concrete in a time where nothing felt like it was making a lot of sense.
“Yes,” Kit said quickly, swiping her tears away under her glasses and taking a deep breath as she stood. JJ stood as well. “Is he okay?”
“Are either of you immediate family?”
Both girls stood still for a moment before they both shook their heads. “I’m JJ, and this is Kit. We’re-,” JJ said before Kit said quickly. “We work in the same department at the FBI headquarters. I’m the one that brought him.”
The nurse nodded before starting into her spiel. The one Kit had given plenty of times before. “Mr. Reid has moderate bacterial pneumonia. He’s being given oxygen and intravenous fluids and medication to work on the dehydration and the fever. Once his sputum test comes back, we will be able to start him on a regiment of antibiotics.”
“He’s allergic to carbenicillin,” Kit said quickly, a hand drumming against the fabric of her sweats. The nurse smiled at her kindly. “We caught that on his file, yes. It was recently updated.”
Kit nodded quickly. “I did that a few months ago.”
“It was thorough,” the woman said, never losing her calm, kind front. “Now, I’m sure you’re glad to know that your friend is okay, but I am sorry to tell you that visiting hours don’t start again until ten. I’m sure he’ll be glad to see you then, if he’s awake.”
“Wait,” Kit said quickly, catching on to her meaning, “We can’t see him now?”
“Neither of you are family, so no, I’m sorry. You’ll have to wait until the morning.”
“He doesn’t have any family,” JJ said with the same speed and determination Kit had spoken. “He has us. And Kit just brought him here, and he was scared.”
The nurse shook her head, Reid’s file tightening in her hand. “I’m sorry that you’re upset. The only people who are allowed immediate visiting hour exceptions are immediate family, like a spouse or a parent, or a listed emergency contact, in the case of a patient with no familial ties.”
“Well, who’s his emergency contact? We’re not leaving him here alone.” JJ’s eyes were full of a fire Kit would say lined up pretty well with what Gideon always said about her. 
If her eyes really looked like that, maybe he was right to say she was trouble. 
The nurse sighed quietly, opening the file and scanning. She tilted her head as she read the name on the file. “Emergency contact for Spencer Reid is… Dakota. Dakota Col- Colg…”
“Colghain?” Kit asked, eyes wide and eyebrows pulled together. The nurse nodded. “Sure, that could be it. Do you know her?”
“I am her,” Kit said, stunned. She pulled her badge out of the pocket of her sweatpants, flipping it open so the woman could see her name printed clearly along with her picture. 
“Well why didn’t you start with that?” The nurse said, waves of true annoyance coming off of her. “You can come with me, but your friend has to leave until visiting hours start again.”
Kit promised JJ she would call as soon as she could before following the nurse down the cold hallway. Goosebumps erupted along Kit’s arms as they passed door after door, the walk from the ER to General Admissions being so eerily familiar, but so foreign at the same time. She’d lost a young man in room 302, and an elderly woman in room 246. She’d walked down the hallway a million times, she just didn’t think she’d be doing it again. Not as a visitor. 
The nurse opened the door to Reid’s room, and Kit had to swallow back the whine threatening to escape. He was paper white, hooked up to an IV with a nasal cannula situated in his nose, pumping oxygen into his fluid-filled lungs. The guilt was hitting her in waves, and she didn’t move for a moment.
This is your fault. If you’d checked on him today, or if you’d given a shit on Monday past the fact that the coughing was annoying everyone, he wouldn’t be in this situation.
“It’s alright,” the nurse said, her annoyance ebbing as she watched Kit stand there with wide eyes. “It can be hard for some people to see all these IVs and machines.”
“I’m a Charge Nurse,” Kit said quietly, using the terminology she knew from the hospital, not the academy clinic. “I’ve just never seen him look like this.”
Kit sat in the chair by Reid’s bed for almost an hour before he shifted, his breath catching and leaving his coughing and sputtering as phlegm tried to work its way out of his lungs. She moved to the edge of the bed quickly, helping him sit up and passing him a bin that he could spit the offending mucus into. She let herself be thankful for one moment that it was her and not JJ there with him, not knowing JJ’s comfort level with all things medically gross. 
“You’re okay,” she said quietly, one of her small hands pressed steadily between his shoulder blades. “Get it out. That’s your job right now.”
“Hurts,” he choked out as he continued to cough, and Kit sighed, rubbing gently across his upper back. “Yeah, I know. Not a choice, though. I’m not going anywhere, just try to breathe when you can.”
It took minutes for him to get control of his lungs back, though he wheezed with every shallow intake of air. He looked at her with glassy, fever bright eyes, his eyes moving slowly around the room before he said quietly, “What did they say?”
“Bacterial pneumonia. They’re putting you on antibiotics and keeping you here at least twenty-four hours. So, really, Saturday morning.”
“I’m allergic-”
“To carbenicillin, I know. I told them.”
Reid seemed to relax slightly at that, knowing that whatever they gave him to combat the infection in his lungs wasn’t going to be his end. Kit helped ease him against the thin mattress again in a position that wouldn’t allow him to drown in his own illness.
It was quiet, save for the occasional cough from Spencer. Her hand was gripped around his, the overwhelming guilt and confusion building as time went on.
“I’m sorry,” she finally said, and he opened his eyes to look at her with puzzlement. “What?”
“I’m sorry. I should have given a shit when I sent you home on Monday, and I should have checked in on you today. We probably could have avoided this whole, ‘scary fever can’t breath’ thing.” She was looking down at her hand that was playing with the seam on her pants, the hand holding Reid’s already as tight as she dared.
Reid shook his head lazily. “I’m sorry I waited so long to call you. I knew there was something wrong-” He cut off with a few harsh coughs before he continued. “Earlier. I just didn’t want to bother you.”
“You wouldn’t have bothered me,” she insisted, feeling like she was really looking at him for the first time. He was young, like she was, and he didn’t have any family. It dawned on her that she was his emergency contact. Not Gideon. Not even Hotch. She didn’t know if up until that point she would have called them friends. 
But she was the one sitting in his hospital room at nearly four in the morning. And in his hospital room at four in the morning she wasn’t so sure he was a minion or a spy. He just looked like a scared young adult. Just like she was.
“Why is it me?”
“Why am I your emergency contact? Why isn’t it Gideon?”
Reid didn’t speak for a moment, the air flooding with his sadness. “I asked him. He said no,” he said, voice quiet and trembling with tears that wouldn’t fall. “I should have asked you, Dakota. I shouldn’t have just done it. I’m sorry.”
There was another bout of silence before she nearly whispered, “You can leave it.”
He turned his head to look at her, something like distrust in his eyes. He wasn’t sure. He thought she was joking, or poking fun. She could see it.
“I- what?”
“You can leave it. I don’t mind.”
“You don’t?”
“No, Spencer, I don’t. Thank you for calling me.”
He stared at her for a second before nodding just slightly, gratitude filling the space between them.
“Thank you for coming.”
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sabraeal · 4 years
Hard Talk Theater: I’m Not Well
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Hey guys. I know I’ve been...erratic on here and elsewhere lately, and though I’ve talked a little about what is happening on my twitter, I’ve definitely been dragging my feet updating here, where the bulk of my followers are at.
Here’s the short of it: I went into the ER two weeks ago with what I thought was an allergic reaction to some antibiotic and ended up staying 10 days while remaining mostly a medical mystery. They found one autoimmune disorder (ulcerative colitis), and suspect that there may be another that they haven’t found (I have a LOT of follow up to do in the next few months).
I’ll be okay. They’ve ruled out a lot of the scary options, and we’re left with some more rare, head-tilty ones, but ultimately I’m going to heal up and get everything in order.
It’s just...going to take a while. Longer than I’ve ever really let myself have a break for.
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I’m still here. Everything just currently takes....so much more effort than it ever has as I heal, and I’m realizing I really won’t just...bounce back in a week, ready to write up more fic. It’s actually been weeks since i had the energy to READ fic. But I am slowly improving every day, and I’m hoping it won’t be long until I’m back, interacting and creating as much as I always have.
It just won’t be as fast as I like
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That being said, I’m so glad for all of you. These arrived for me today and I had a good half hour sob once my husband informed me my fandom ladies had wanted to send on their well-wishes. The hardest thing about all this is that I come from a big family, and I have some of the best IRL friends on this planet, and if we weren’t in the middle of all this social distancing I would be buried under their well-visits and food and any other help they could possibly offer-- but for the safety of everyone, we all have to stay away and it’s very...frustrating on all sides. So getting this little reminder of how lucky I am to have made this obiyuki family came right when I needed it most <3
Thank you guys so much for being there. I know I’m on what is probably just the beginning of a long, rocky journey toward recovery, but having you guys here to support me means the world. I love you all so, so much <3
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clerksailor54 · 4 years
Oxytocin Neurone Task And Also Launch Complying With Management Of Melanotan.
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As with any medication, long-term effects of melanotan ii are not clear. In most cases, people taking the drug report improved sexual libido, stronger erections and less fatigue. Over the long term, however, patients may see some degree of loss of their sex drive. The benefits of taking this hormone for treating impotence and erectile dysfunction are probably more important than the side effects.
The main side effect seen with melanotan use is appetite suppression. The hormone has the ability to affect the brain's hunger centre which makes the patient feel hungrier than normal. Some preliminary studies suggest that it may also suppress the person's thirst. This could explain why diabetics take drugs to slow down their metabolism when they have a high blood sugar level, because the treatment makes them feel fuller faster, which reduces their need to drink.
Some people are at risk for developing an allergic reaction to melanoma, especially if they have a history of tanned skin or fair hair among their family members. In such cases, the use of this hormone could cause an irate form of eczema. Eczema outbreaks tend to be of a red nature and may also appear on your fingers. If you do get an allergic reaction, you should discontinue use of melanotan immediately and contact your doctor for further advice.
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It's not for everyone. It may cause allergic reaction, swelling, redness, pain and swelling. It can also have some serious side effects, such as bleeding and infection. Before you undergo any kind of cosmetic procedure using melatonin, you should talk to your doctor first. If you have any other medical conditions or if you are currently taking medications, you should stop using them while you're under the influence of melatonin and wait until the medication or the melatonin is properly taken in by your body.
The Medicines as well as Health care items Regulatory Agency is warning individuals not to use it as a result of the possible threats to short as well as long-term wellness.
" Do not be tricked into believing that Melanotan offers a shortcut to a much safer as well as a lot more also tan.
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In addition to its use in treating chronic pain and fatigue, melon it is now being investigated for its ability to increase skin pigmentation. It works by inhibiting the effects of a chemical called melanocortin. Melanocortin is responsible for the "frosting" of the skin, a phenomenon that can be caused by age or injury. Inhibiting melanocortin therefore prevents early brown aging and promotes a more even skin tone. While there are https://aus.melanotan.eu/ associated with melon ii use such as headaches, dizziness and nausea, these are generally mild and transient and have no lasting effect.
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Another potential medical uses of melatonin include the treatment of sleep apnea, narcolepsy and seasonal affective disorder. This hormone also helps to control thyroid activity. At melanotan.eu , there is no established treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. Narcolepsy affects mainly young men and is caused by a disturbance of the central nervous system.
It's very effective in treating dark spots and acne marks. Due to its lightening properties, melanotan it can help to fade age spots, freckles, discoloration and sun damage. Although there are many other skin lightening treatments on the market, melanotan it has none of the side effects and can be easily purchased over the counter. One of the best side effects of melanotan ii is the fact that it improves pigmentation.
Melanotan, also known as "the master inhibitor" is used in the treatment of a range of disorders. The use of Melanotan II for example, has recently been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Melanotan II is an artificial analogue of the naturally occurring peptide hormone, melanocyte stimulating hormone, which increases sexual interest and stimulates cell proliferation in the skin. It was initially designed to treat low back pain associated with fatigue. It has been shown to have some effectiveness as an anti-aging product, although its efficacy has been questioned by some recent studies.
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As well as potential medical uses, melanoma has recreational uses. It has been found that men who suffer from impotence and erectile dysfunction have higher levels of melatonin in their bodies. High levels of melatonin have also been found in people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder. This disorder can be temporary or permanent. During periods of seasonal affective disorder, people who suffer from impotence and erectile dysfunction are advised to take a high-potency, long-lasting doses of melanoma.
What is Melanotan? Melanotan is a naturally occurring hormone, produced by the skin pigment in the macula of your eyes. It is a highly complex protein, composed of 30 different subtypes, which have diverse effects on human health. Melanotan (related to vitamin K), is a valuable commodity, with applications ranging from topical cream for the skin to an antibiotic that kills harmful bacteria.
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Melanotan is an interesting peptide, a type of hemoglobin, which is the building block of red blood cells. Melanotan is found in abundance in the surface of all colors of the rainbow and is produced from melanocytes in the epidermis. It stimulates the production of melanin and provides a lot of benefits for our health. Here are 5 benefits of Melanotan II:
What Are Melanin.
One of the most common side effects associated with the use of RTML and other melanotan products is the formation of a benign tumor at the level of the stomach and duodenum. This tumor may block the absorption of nutrients and lead to vitamin D deficiency. The patient may experience severe nausea and abdominal pain due to the tumor. Patients with a history of vitamin D insufficiency and a history of stomach ulcer are at increased risk for the development of this tumor.
There is one potential medical uses for the hormone that has not been explored yet. It is believed that melanoma may have a role in the development of prostate cancer. In mice, the hormone stimulated prostate cell proliferation and increased the number of malignant tumors. However, this evidence is not conclusive. More research is needed to determine whether the melanoma has cancerogenic properties in humans. It is, however, a valuable addition to our knowledge of melanin production and metabolism.
Melanotan is undergoing clinical trials at this time. The drug's potential use for treating low testosterone levels and for managing fertility in women is being explored. If the results of these trials are favorable, it will be marketed as a prescription drug in the United States and around the world. At this point, the safety of melanoma is not clear. Because of this, it is not recommended for the general population, although long-term safety of this compound is unclear.
Are tanning injections bad?
All melanin injections are unsafe when used for the purpose of changing skin color. Melanin injections are unregulated and have the potential to cause life threatening side effects. Illegally purchased injections bought online may be mislabeled or contain impurities that could be seriously harmful to your health.
Melanotan injections are most effective when made into thin, pale, age-appropriate solutions. It's supposed to be a one-time procedure so you will not have to be concerned about future skin tanning. It's not a long-term solution, either, since the melanin levels in your skin slowly build back up as you age. In fact, it takes five to ten years to reach your maximum melanin level after you've had a melanoma treatment.
Since the primary focus of What is Melanotan is the potential medical uses for this skin tanning drug, many articles have been written on this subject. These articles indicate that the benefits of using the drug are not directly related to its use as a sunscreen. However, the potential medical uses are numerous and deserve further investigation.
How can I increase melanin in my hair?
Foods That Increase Melanin 1. Iron-Rich Foods. Iron helps to boost the production of melanin in your hair. 2. Copper-Rich Diet. Lack of copper can reduce the count of melanin in the hair. 3. Catalase. totally free is an antioxidant enzyme that prevents the growth of grey hair and helps restore the natural color of your hair.
Melanotan is used by the general population as a sunscreen. It has an anti-aging effect, delaying the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. It works by inhibiting the conversion of melanin in the skin to pigment. The Medline website states, "Some preliminary evidence indicates that [the] use of [the] [drug] may have some protective effect against Parkinson's disease." This is only speculation, however, and more research is needed to support this claim.
As noted above, the main benefit of using what is melanoma is the protection provided by the hormone against ultraviolet light. Another benefit is the effect it has on free radicals, the molecules responsible for aging. It is believed that the hormone blocks the formation of free radicals which otherwise would cause wrinkles, sagging skin and other aging signs. Some studies also indicate that the hormone may be useful in combating various diseases such as cancer and diabetes, as well as protecting the heart and helping to repair wounds.
It helps improve facial complexion and skin pigmentation. Melanotan helps to reduce age spots, freckles, discoloration and sun damage. It is very effective in treating sun-damaged skin, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, acne scars and hyperpigmentation caused by smoking, environmental factors and heredity. It is also used in dermatologic treatment for general purpose, especially to treat mild to moderate wrinkles, burns, eczema, enlarged pores, dark underarms and other skin pigmentation problems.
Getting Correct Application For Melanotan 2.
When you receive a melanoma treatment, it will have a delayed onset of tanning. Melanotan injections are made into the dermal layer of the skin. The hormone that is being delivered to your skin is supposed to stimulate melanin production, so the hormone is active only while the melanocyte is generating it and your body generates it at a much slower rate. So even if you've had a tan before, your skin won't turn brown immediately after receiving the hormone.
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zoobengal65 · 4 years
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Why Buy Sarms Supplements?
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So in order to take advantage of the benefits of Testosterone Boosters you need to first process them. award-winning peptides-uk honored as top-rated and best BPC157 Italy is where most companies leave the processing up to, which is why the majority of them are ineffective. They are not taking into consideration the fact that they are not taking them through the normal process that your body goes through when it processes anabolic steroids. In order to process them correctly, you have to buy them already created and then process them properly yourself. It is much easier and more profitable to get them from a sports store and then process them yourself, as opposed to buying them already made and spending money on the process.
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Another type of anabolic steroids is trenbolone which is known to be more potent than its counterpart. It is said to be an even better type of anabolic steroid due to its ability to promote muscle growth and decrease fat deposits in the body. Also, this type of steroid can produce great results in just three to six months of continuous use, making it popular among amateur athletes and bodybuilders.
Why Purchase Sarms Supplements?
Sarms Types is a popular pharmaceutical company that manufactures supplements to help in the treatment of low testosterone symptoms. Many men suffer from low testosterone levels, which can lead to a host of related problems. Some of these include weight gain, loss of energy, depression and loss of libido. In order to treat these conditions, doctors will usually prescribe testosterone tablets or perhaps medicate with HGH (human growth hormone). Both of these treatment options are expensive, require multiple prescriptions and have some serious side effects.
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Many bodybuilders and other athletes take the synthetic form of anabolic steroids because it produces faster results. They are also more potent than their natural form and therefore are able to provide superior results in a shorter period of time. However, while using them regularly, they may cause serious health risks including heart disease, kidney failure and others. To avoid these dangers, it is recommended that anyone who wishes to use this product on a regular basis should consult their physician first.
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So what should you do if you decide to use anabolic steroids online? Follow the instructions. If you are at all unsure about any aspect, you should consult your physician or a trained trainer. Remember, never use this substance without consulting your doctor!
A new ingredient called ostarine was recently added to Sarms Types Testosterone Boosters. This ingredient, however, is unlike any other in that it contains natural plant steroids (which are far safer than synthetically created hormones). This means that side-effects caused by ostarine (such as sexual dysfunction) are unlikely to occur. The testolone hormone, which is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pituitary gland, is also not a concern as it does not produce muscle growth.
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One of the benefits of using anabolic steroids online through Sarms types is that it does not require a prescription. Furthermore, because this product is sold online and over the internet, there is no need to see a doctor before trying it. As long as you follow the instructions provided in the manual, there is no need to take this substance in isolation. You can use it as a part of your muscle-growing plan. But remember that the success of your muscle-growing program largely depends on the proper implementation of your exercise regimen as well.
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What are the three antimicrobial proteins?
Blood and interstitial fluids contain three main types of antimicrobial proteins that discourage microbial growth.Interferons (IFN's) Lymphocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts infected with viruses produce proteins called interferons. Complement System.
There are numerous benefits to using this product as an anabolic steroids such as increased muscle growth, increased strength, stamina and vitality. The side effects from taking too much of it, however, includes liver toxicity, hormonal changes, allergic reactions to anabolic steroids and damage to bone and joints as well as psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, mental paranoia and more. It has been found that taking up to 2 grams of testosterone daily can produce a substantial increase in muscle growth, which is why many athletes use it as a supplement.
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Sarms types generally refers to the various synthetic anabolic steroids on the market for sale either in a local drugstore or online in various different concentrations. They are most often used for bodybuilding purposes but are also increasingly being used by teenagers to increase their sex drive and performance in sports such as soccer, American football and lacrosse to name a few. It is a common misconception that steroids are only used by athletes and bodybuilders and are therefore illegal. The opposite is true.
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Cardarine is used by millions of people around the world for a variety of reasons, including improving energy, libido and energy levels, and even as a mood enhancer. Its active ingredient, genistein, is well known for its ability to increase testosterone levels, which is what is needed for muscle growth. However, it is also a common ingredient in many bodybuilding supplements as an antioxidant. you can learn more here. means that it is able to combat the harmful effects of oxygen on the body. Although genistein has a lot of benefits, it is also notorious for causing some dangerous side-effects such as impotence and fertility issues.
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Natural supplements such as Sarms Types can be much more affordable and have little or no side effects. Instead of using dangerous synthetic testosterone, Sarms types offer alternative forms of increasing your levels of testosterone. What makes these supplements different from synthetic alternatives is that they feature herbs, which have the same molecular structure as natural hormones like progesterone and estrogen, and are therefore already known to increase levels of these hormones naturally. With just one simple daily tablet, you can see dramatic increases in your testosterone levels.
Anabolic steroids, such as synthetic testosterone, stimulate the production of Luteinizing hormone (LH), human growth hormone (HGH), and testosterone. They are also known to cause growth hormone deficiency, which can result in decreased energy levels and muscle loss. As mentioned above, this new substance, or steroid, in Sarms Types is called ostarine. Sarms types contains a mixture of different types of anabolic steroids. The active ingredient is not disclosed, but research chemicals have indicated that it is produced by the liver itself.
Two ingredients that feature in Sarms Types Testosterone Boosters are L-Arginine and Ginseng. L-Arginine is an amino acid that the body naturally produces. This means that taking regular L-Arginine supplements can help to maintain healthy levels of this amino acid throughout the body, including in the sex organs. The ingredient Ginseng is well known as an herbal tonic that can be used to improve vitality, sexual drive and mood. The most famous ingredient of this family, however, is margarine.
The three sarms types that I mentioned above are anabolic steroids. There are a couple of others that can help with increasing your muscle mass as well. Which ones you choose is completely up to you and dependent on what your goals are. Do research and figure out what the best options are for you and your goals.
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lvrdfiji · 6 years
Top 10 greatest inventions That Changed the World
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Human beings are a nifty little species. Though we have been on earth for a comparatively short period of time (Earth is normally 4. five billion years old), contemporary Homo sapiens possess imagined up and created some amazing, far-out sometimes, things. From the brief moment somebody bashed a rock on the ground to make the first sharp-edged tool, to the very first of the wheel to the development of Roter planet (umgangssprachlich) rovers and the Internet, several key advancements stick out as revolutionary particularly. Here are our top picks for the most crucial inventions of all right time, along with the science at the rear of the invention and how they will come into being.
1- wheel
Prior to the invention of the wheel in 3500 M. C., humans were limited in just how much stuff we’re able to transport over land severely, and how much. Evidently, the wheel itself wasn’t the most challenging component of “inventing the steering wheel. ” In order to come period for connecting a non-moving system compared to that rolling cylinder, issues got difficult, relating to David Anthony, a teacher of anthropology at Hartwick College. “The stroke of brilliance was the wheel-and-axle idea, ” Anthony told Live Technology previously. “But then which makes it was also hard. ” For example, the holes at the guts from the tires as well as the ends of the set axle assemblies had to be almost perfectly circular and soft, he stated. How big is the axle was a crucial factor also, as was it is snugness inside the hole (of course not too small, however, not as well lose, either). The hard work paid, big time period. Wheeled carts facilitated commerce and agriculture by enabling the transportation of goods to and from marketplaces, and also easing the burdens of people touring great distances. Right now, wheels are essential to the lifestyle, present in from lighting to automobiles to generators.
2- The nail
Without nails, civilization would crumble. This important invention goes back a lot more than 2, 000 years to the Ancient Roman period, and became feasible just after human beings developed the capability to cast and form metal. Previously, hardwood structures needed to be built by interlocking adjacent boards a more arduous construction process geometrically. Before the 1790s and early 1800s, hand-wrought nails were typical, with a blacksmith heating a square iron rod and hammering it on four sides to make a point then, according to the College or the University of Vermont. Nail-making machines came between the 1790s and the early 1800s online. Technology for designing nails continued to progress; After Holly Bessemer created an activity to mass-produce metal from iron, the iron fingernails of yesteryear waned and by 1886, ten percent of U. S. fingernails were produced from soft steel wire, regarding the School of Vermont. By 1913, 90 percent of nails stated in the U. S. was a metal wire. In the meantime, the mess a more powerful but harder to- insert securer is considered to have been invented simply by the Greek college student Archimedes in the 3rd century B. C.
3- The compass
Old mariners navigated by the stars, but that technique did not work throughout the day or on cloudy evenings, therefore it had been unsafe to voyage far from land. The Chinese invented the first compass sometime between your 11th and 9th century; it was made of lodestone, a naturally-magnetized iron ore, the appealing properties which they had been learning for years and years. (Pictured is a style of a historical Chinese compass from the Ryan Dynasty; it really is a south-indicating ladle, or Sinan, manufactured from polished lodestone. ) Soon, the technology passed to Arabs and Europeans through nautical contact. The compass enabled mariners to navigate definitely not land safely, raising ocean trade and adding to age Development.
Also, learn Why Inventors Switch to Professionals Like Invent Help
4- The printing press
The German Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press around 1440. Key to its advancement was the tactile hand’s mold, a fresh molding technique that allowed the quick creation of large levels of metallic movable type. Although others before him - including inventors in Cina and Korea - acquired developed portable type made from steel, Gutenberg was the first ever to create a mechanical procedure that transferred the ink (which he created from linseed essential oil and soot) from the removable type to paper. With this movable type process, printing presses increased the acceleration with which book copies could possibly be made exponentially, and thus they led to the widespread and rapid dissemination of knowledge for the very first time in history. Twenty million volumes have been printed in Western European countries by truck. Among other activities, the printing press allowed wider usage of the Somebody, which resulted in alternative interpretations, including those of Martin Luther, whose “95 Theses” a document imprinted by the hundred-thousand sparked the Protestant Reformation
5- The inner combustion engine
In these motors, the burning of gas releases a high-temperature gas, which, since it expands, applies a potent force to a piston, moving it all. Thus, combustion engines convert chemical substance energy into mechanized work. Years of architectural by many scientists proceeded to go into designing the inner combustion engine, which required its (essentially) modern type in these half from the 19th hundred years. The engine ushered in the Commercial Age group, as well as allowing the invention of an enormous variety of machines, including modern aircraft and cars. Pictured will be the operating steps of a four-stroke inner burning engine. The strokes are the following: 1) Intake stroke - air flow and vaporized gas are used. 2) Compression stroke - energy vapor and air flow are compressed and ignited. 3) Power heart stroke - gasoline combusts and the piston is pushed down, powering the device. 4) Exhaust system stroke – exhaust is certainly driven out.
6- The phone
Though several inventors do pioneering work on the electronic tone of voice transmission ( many of who later submitted intellectual real estate lawsuits when telephone make use of exploded), Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be awarded an obvious for the electric phone in 1876. His patent drawing above is pictured. Even though many creators did pioneering focus on digital voice transmission ( a lot of whom later on filed rational property legal cases when telephone use exploded), Alexander Graham Bell was the first ever to end up being awarded a patent pertaining to the electrical telephone in 1876. ( His patent drawing is usually above. ) He drew his motivation from teaching the deaf and appointments to his hearing-impaired mother also, according to PBS. He called the initial phone an “ electric speech machine, ” relating to PBS. The invention took off and revolutionized global communication and business. When Bell passed away upon Aug. two, 1922, regarding PBS, U. H. telephone assistance stopped for a full minute to honor him.
7- The lamp
When all you need is daylight, productivity is bound to hours of sunlight. Lights changed the global world by allowing us to be active at night. According to historians, two dozen individuals were a key component in inventing incandescent lights through the entire 1800s; Thomas Edison is definitely acknowledged as the principal inventor as they produced a totally functional light system, including wiring and generator in addition to the carbon-filament bulb like the one above, in 1879. And also starting the introduction of electrical power in homes throughout the burkha, this invention also had a fairly unexpected consequence of fixing people’s rest patterns. Rather than going to sleep in nightfall (having nothing at all otherwise to accomplish ) and sleeping in sections through the entire night separated by intervals of wakefulness, we have now stay up except for the 7 to 8 hours allotted meant for sleep, and, ideally, we rest all of them at once.
Also, learn The vibrant business of invention ideas
8- Penicillin
Is actually probably the most famous discovery tales ever sold. In 1928, the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming observed a bacteria- packed Petri dish in his lab with its cover accidentally ajar. The test experienced become contaminated with a mold, and the mold was almost everywhere, the bacterias were lifeless. That antiseptic mold ended up being the infection Penicillium, and over another 2 decades, chemists purified it and created the drug Penicillin, which fights a wide array of microbial attacks in humans without harming the human beings themselves. Penicillin was being produced and advertised by 1944 mass. This poster mounted on a curbside mailbox advised World Battle II servicemen to consider the medication to rid themselves of venereal disease. About 1 in 10 folks have an allergic attack towards the antibiotic, according to the study published in 2003 in the journal Clinical Critiques in Immunology and Allergy; even so, most of those social people go on to be able to tolerate the drug, experts said.
9- Contraceptives
Not really only have birth control pills, condoms and other forms of contraceptive sparked a sexual trend in the developed globe by enabling women and men to have sexual intercourse designed for leisure instead of procreation, they will also have significantly reduced the common quantity of offspring per woman in countries exactly where they are utilized. With fewer mouths to feed, modern families have achieved higher standards of living and can offer better for every young child. On the other hand, around the global level, contraceptives are helping the human population level off gradually; our amount will stabilize by the finish of the century probably. Certain preventive medicines, such as for example condoms, curb the pass on of sexually transmitted illnesses also. Herbal and organic contraception offers been used for millennia. Condoms arrived to use in the eighteenth century, as the earliest oral contraceptive “the tablet ” was developed in the past due 1930s by a chemist called Russell Marker. Researchers are ongoing to create developments in the contraceptive, with some labs even pursuing a male form of “the pill. ” A permanent birth-control implant called Essure was approved by the Drug and Food Administration in 2002, though in 2016, the implant was warned by the FDA would need more powerful warnings to tell users about serious risks of using Essure.
10- The internet
It certainly desires no introduction: The global program of connected with each other computer systems referred to as the web is used simply by billions of individuals worldwide. Countless people helped develop this, however, the person most credited using its invention is the computer scientist Lawrence Roberts often. In the 1960s, a united team of pc scientists doing work for the U. Ersus. Protection Department’s ARPA (Advanced STUDIES Agency) built a communications network to connect the computer systems in the company, called ARPANET. It used a way of data tranny known as “packet switching” which usually Roberts, a known member of the team, developed predicated on the prior function of additional computer researchers. ARPANET was your predecessor of the web.
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hymn2000 · 5 years
Peter Hates Having His Tummy Touched - MCU AU Mini-Fic
Part of my frostiron and spiderson series
Peter hates having his tummy touched. One day when he’s landed in hospital, the doctor seeing to him wants to do an ultrasound. But that means, according to google, 15-45 minutes of constant tummy touching. And Peter isn’t happy about that.
Warnings/themes: medical, hospital, hurt/comfort, family, minor injuries
This was written in about an hour so it’s not the best. Might write another little fic of the same theme at some point in the future
You can also find me on AO3
Peter huddled down at the head of the bed, trying to make himself look as small as possible. There was no way he was letting that doctor anywhere near him. He was a small-ish man, but he looked very stern, and Peter didn’t much like the look of him.
The off-duty paramedic had been different. He’d been reassuring. Peter had let him near enough to put a few rough dressings on his wounds and clear his neck at the scene. He grabbed his wrist to stop him when he tried to call an ambulance for him, though. This paramedic seemed new, and he wasn’t one that Peter had met before. But he was understanding and kind, and Peter let him bundle him into his car, drive him to the hospital, and hand him over to the A&E staff.
He’d been a bit funny with the nurses, so they struggled a little in triage. He was dizzy and confused, wouldn’t let them look him over properly, and refused a blood test - but he did let them stick electrodes on him and hook him up to a monitor. And then he was moved to cubicles, and the curtains were pulled round, and now there was this doctor. And Peter didn’t like him one bit.
“Come on now, son; stop being so silly” the doctor said. “You’re obviously in pain, and you’ve got blood all over your face and arms. Let me take a look at you”
No way, Peter thought. Especially not on my own. I want my dads.
“Can’t you give us a name, at least? Something to work with?”
It was strange. None of the staff that knew him seemed to be about, so it felt like he was somewhere different altogether. He didn’t say a word. The doctor sighed, going over to the whiteboard by the bed and getting out a board pen. Peter knew how this bit worked: a randomly generated name, 1st January and the suspected year of birth, sex, and a random serial number with the hospital code. Peter didn’t want to talk to this doctor, but he didn’t especially want to be noted down as Unknown Patient, albeit in a less obvious way.
Peter took his phone out, opened a page, and held it out to the doctor. The doctor quickly took it from him. He looked at the screen, opened to a contact labelled; ‘daddy’.
“Thank you. Good boy” The doctor said, and he pressed the call button.
The phone was answered within the first five rings.
“Peter, sweetheart, I’m still at work” the voice on the end of the line said.
The doctor looked surprised. “Loki?”
“Dr Sherman?” There was a pause. “Are you with Peter? Is he ok?!”
“He’s had an accident, and he’s not letting anyone examine him. He just handed me his phone with your contact. I think he wants you”
“I’ll be with you in five minutes”
The call ended. Dr Sherman set the mobile down beside Peter on the bed. Peter left it there.
“He’ll be here soon” Dr Sherman said. He noticed the way Peter was huddled up. “...Is your stomach hurting? You look uncomfortable”
He went to touch him, and Peter whined and turned away, curling up tighter against the pillow.
“Alright” he sighed. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. See if you can relax a little while I’m gone”
Peter couldn’t relax. He was in pain, and he was nervous and just a little bit confused. And he wanted his daddy. He didn’t care how silly he was being: he knew he didn’t want Dr Sherman touching him, and he was sticking to that.
Dr Sherman made Peter jump when he came back.
“Alright, don’t hurt yourself”
There were hurried footsteps, and all in an instant, Loki was with them.
“Peter!” Loki threw his arms around the boy. “Oh sweetheart, what have you done now?”
Peter held onto his father for dear life, but didn’t say anything.
“I didn’t realise he was your son” Dr Sherman said, getting out a pen for the whiteboard again. 
“He’s Peter Parker-Stark. Hyphenated” Loki said. “He’s fifteen”
Dr Sherman filled in the board, and put the marker away. A nurse joined them in the cubicle, a clipboard over her arm. She looked young, and Loki had never seen her before. He nodded politely at her.
“He hasn’t let anyone look at him” Dr Sherman said. “Is there any medical history we should know about?”
“Nothing relevant. He’s not on any medication. Oh, he’s allergic to... Ah, sorry, I can’t remember what it’s called at the moment. It’s a rarely-used type of antibiotic. It’s in his notes. Other than that... Oh, he’s got selective mutism. So he might not speak to you”
“I see. Thank you; you’ve been most helpful”
Loki kissed Peter hard on the cheek. “...How did he get here? Was it an ambulance?”
“An off-duty paramedic brought him in. They must have had more luck with him, as that’s where those rough dressings are from. He was off with the triage nurses too, I’m told”
“I think he’s just scared. He’s not being rude or anything like that” Loki said, kissing the top of Peter’s head. “We need to have a look at you, chick”
Peter went a little panicky - as was evident by the loud, fast beeping of the heart monitor.
“Hey, hey! Shh, don’t start. Shhh!” Loki gave him a little cuddle, and soon his heart rate fell and he started to calm down. “There now. You remember what I taught you about primary and secondary surveys?”
Peter nodded slightly.
“Well, now it’s time for Dr Sherman and the nurse here to do theirs”
Loki kept one arm behind the boys back, slipped the other arm under his knees, lifted him up, and plonked him down on his back in the middle of the bed, so he lay flat. Peter looked a little shocked, but he didn’t struggle or try to curl in on himself again. He blinked up at the bright lights above, and looked at Loki.
“There, you’re alright. You stay still and let yourself be checked over. I’ll hold your hand” 
Loki nodded at Dr Sherman, who cleared his throat and stepped forwards.
“Ok, Peter, I’m going to check you over. If anything hurts, let me know. Let’s start with that forehead cut”
Dr Sherman peeled back the dressing, causing the wound to bleed again. 
“That’s rather nasty” He looked back at the nurse. “His admission page mentions confusion and dizziness. I’d like to order a head CT, just to be safe”
He put the dressing back, checked the rest of Peter’s head, and pulled out a pen torch. Peter squirmed and pushed his hand away. 
“Oh dear”
“I think you just surprised him” Loki said. “I don’t think it’s aversion to light”
“Mind if I try?” Loki said, taking his own pen torch out.
“Be my guest”
“I’m just going to check your eyes, Peter” Loki said. “You know what to do”
Loki had practised on Peter hundreds of times, so Peter knew he was in good hands. He tried to keep looking at the same spot, but he didn’t like the feeling of being watched, and couldn’t help looking around.
“Peter, stop moving your eyes”
Peter stopped, fixing his gaze on Loki’s nose.
“...Equal and reactive” Loki said, stepping back. 
“Thank you” Dr Sherman said. “I’m going to continue checking you over now, Peter”
Peter didn’t struggle. He listened to the doctor mumbling about cut elbows and abrasions. Dr Sherman moved on to his chest and sides, and Peter startled and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Does that hurt?”
Peter nodded. Dr Sherman felt his ribs carefully.
“Best order a chest x-ray” he said to the nurse. 
“You’re alright, chick” Loki said, looking him in the eye. “Halfway there, ok?”
Peter nodded slightly, looking up at his father. They kept looking at each other. Dr Sherman kept checking him over, and Peter startled and squirmed when he started prodding his stomach.
“Did that hurt?”
Peter looked at the doctor, but didn’t say anything. Loki looked at him too.
“Was that his stomach?”
“That wasn’t pain”
“Believe me, it wasn’t pain” Loki said. “He hates having his stomach touched”
“I see” Dr Sherman said. “Well, I still need to check you over, Peter. Just hold still for me”
Peter whimpered and pushed his hands away. 
“Peter, you need to hold still for the doctor” Loki said. 
“I’m not convinced” Dr Sherman said. “I’m just going to lift your shirt up”
Peter tried to stay still, but the cold air against his skin made him shudder. 
“Has he always been this thin?”
“Well, he’s lost some weight recently. He’s been a bit under the weather, and it’s affected his appetite”
“I see. And these bruises on his hips?” Dr Sherman inspected them. “These look at least a few days old”
Loki looked at Peter. “Was that the pool, or the stairs? The pool?” Loki nodded and looked at Dr Sherman. “He had a bit of a tumble in the swimming pool. He was trying his luck climbing some of the rocks”
“I see. Is he usually quite accident prone?”
“A little bit, I suppose” Loki said. “No more than any other boy his age. Well, maybe just a little”
“I see” Dr Sherman said, prodding Peter’s stomach again. 
Loki held the boys hands so he couldn’t push the doctor away, but Peter still whined and squirmed and tried to struggle away and turn onto his side.
“No, sweetheart” Loki said, pushing him back onto his back and holding him down with a hand to the hip. 
Dr Sherman finished examining the boys abdomen, and straightened up, sucking his breath.
“I’m not convinced he’s not in pain. I’m concerned something may be going on here” he said. “Has he always had this aversion to touch there?”
“Well, as far as I know” Loki said. “I’ve never really thought much of it. Just one of those things”
“I’d like to take a closer look. I’m going to order an ultrasound” he nodded at the nurse. “Ok?”
Dr Sherman checked Peter over, not finding anything else untoward. He listened to the boys chest and did some other observations, and scribbled on his chart.
“We’ll get you sent off for your scans, and then we’ll do the ultrasound here. I’ll see you both in a little while”
“Thank you, Doctor”
Peter wouldn’t say a word, which worried Loki. Peter squirmed a little when the nurse came back to dress his wounds, but still didn’t say a word. Luckily he didn’t need stitches, much to everyone’s relief. Loki got talking to the nurse while she worked away.
“I don’t think we’ve met”
“I’m new to this hospital” she said. “I only started last week”
“Oh, I see! Is this your first rotation?”
“Second” she said. “I’ve heard a lot about you since I’ve been here. Everyone seems to know you”
“Oh yes, you’ll find that a lot. Mostly it’s just people being nosy. It’s only the people on my ward, and certain people down here that really know me - for various reasons. How are you finding it?”
“Busy. It’s very different to my last rotation. But it’s good. I’m still quite shy about it, though”
“You’ll get used to it in no time”
Peter’s CT scan and x-ray were uneventful, quiet affairs. They’d just returned from radiology when Loki heard a familiar frenzied voice. 
“I’ll just be a moment, chick”
Loki slipped through the curtain and went and cornered his husband.
“Loki! Where is he? Is he ok?!”
“Of course he is! I said that on the phone” Loki said. “Calm down, darling. We’ve just come back from the scan. We should get the results soon”
“I need to see him. Where is he?”
“He’s just over here”
Loki took him back to Peter’s cubicle.
“What have you been up to, you silly thing?” Tony said, gathering the boy up in his arms and giving him a big hug. “You really need to be more careful. God, my heart’s still thumping! How’s your head? Does it hurt? Where were you? I thought you were staying in today. Did-”
“Tony, don’t pester him” Loki said. “He needs a bit of calm”
Tony let go of Peter, straightening up and nodding. “Sorry. I just got so worried when you rang”
“He’s been in much worse scrapes that this” Loki said. “He’ll be fine”
Tony soon got worried about Peter’s silence. It wasn’t unusual for Peter to not talk to strangers, but it was incredibly unusual for him not to talk to his parents.
“What if something is wrong?” Tony said, lowering his voice. “What if he’s in shock or something?”
“You’re worrying too much” Loki said quietly. “He’s fine”
Just then, Dr Sherman and the nurse came back, wheeling an ultrasound machine into the cubicle. Peter looked up all of a sudden, and slowly sat up, looking at the machine as though it were a man-eating shark.
“Ah, Mr Stark, I didn’t realise you’d arrived” Dr Sherman said, shaking his hand. “I’m Dr Sherman, and this is nurse Ellul. We’ve been looking after your son”
“Oh, hi. Thank you. Uh, why the machine?”
“I’m concerned about Peter’s stomach, and I’d like to take a closer look”
Peter curled up against the pillow while the grown ups talked. He didn’t feel too well, and his tummy was squeezing horribly. It hurt rather a lot. He couldn’t help reacting - and that drew attention to him.
“Is your stomach hurting?” Dr Sherman asked.
Peter shook his head, but it was obvious he wasn’t being truthful. Tony looked at Loki.
“Well... We never thought anything of it. Maybe there is something going on. it wouldn’t hurt to check. I guess...”
“I’m not so sure” Loki said, looking at Peter’s heart monitor. “He’s scared already”
“It’s just an ultrasound. I know you’re familiar with them. It’s better to be safe than sorry, don’t you agree?” Dr Sherman said. He looked at Peter “Lay down for me now”
Hearing his voice surprised everyone, and there was a short pause.
“Peter, sweetheart, it’s not so bad. Maybe it won’t make you feel so funny, because it’s a probe and not someones hand?” Tony tried.
Peter shook his head. “Don’t want to”
“You need to”
“No! I don’t wanna be touched! Why is that suddenly a crime?!”
“Don’t shout, Peter” Loki said. “It’ll be over before you know it”
“That’s a lie! It said online that they can take up to forty-five minutes! Fifteen to forty-five minutes!”
“I think it’ll take less than fifteen minutes” Dr Sherman said. “Calm down now, and do as you’re told”
“Yeah, listen to the doctor, kid. You are being pretty silly now” Tony said. “We’ll pin you down if we have to”
“It’s not fair! I didn’t consent to this!”
Dr Sherman looked at Loki and Tony. “Perhaps we should give him a mild sedative to help him relax, since it’s making him so nervous”
“No way” Loki and Tony said. “We won’t do sedatives. Check his notes”
Dr Sherman blinked a bit, glancing at nurse Ellul. 
“I really do recommend this scan” he said. “Can you think of any way to calm him down?”
Tony shook his head slightly. “Sorry. I bet you’ve never had anyone make this much fuss over an ultrasound before!”
“Given what I’ve been told, I can understand his reluctance” Dr Sherman said.
Loki suddenly grabbed Peter under the arms from behind, picked him up, climbed onto the bed, and lay down flat, making Peter lay atop him. 
“Daddy, let go! I said no!”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but sometimes you have to do things that you don’t want to do. It's for your own good, chick” he said. He looked at Dr Sherman. “I know this isn’t ideal, but you’ll be able to access his tummy this way, and I’ll keep him still”
“I don’t want to! He’s gonna hurt me”
“No, he isn’t” Loki said, holding both of Peter’s hands captive in one of his, and resting his other hand on Peter’s hip.
Peter knew he couldn’t escape from Loki easily, so he looked to Tony for help. Tony sighed and kissed him on the bridge of the nose.
“It’ll be over soon, pet” he said, resting a hand on his head. “Just try to stay calm”
Nurse Ellul turned the ultrasound machine on and opened the monitor.
“I’m just going to pull your shirt up, Peter, darling” she said, carefully doing so.
“Alright then, Peter” Dr Manning said, squeezing some gel onto the ultrasound probe. “You’re perfectly safe. This is going to feel a bit cold”
Peter squirmed when the probe touched his skin, but Loki held him still so he couldn’t move. The gel was uncomfortably cold, and the probe felt weird against his tummy. Peter squeezed his eyes shut and tried to calm down, but he couldn’t. He whimpered and tried hard to pull his hands free from his fathers grip. He could hear his heart monitor beeping, and he could feel the muscles in his stomach lurching and retracting as the probe dug into him. 
It seemed to be taking an age, and Peter rather thought that part of that was due to his own involuntary movements - a cruel irony, he thought. The lower part of his tummy still hurt, and the probe just made it worse. 
“Stop it! Dad, make him stop; I don’t like it!”
Tony rubbed his forehead with his thumb and stayed quiet. He hated seeing Peter so uncomfortable, but he hated the possibility he might have some hidden illness even more.
“You’re doing well, Peter” Dr Sherman said. “Are you in pain?”
“It won’t be too much longer”
He was looking at the monitor, frowning. He continued moving the probe, exploring further. After what felt like hours, he removed the probe from Peter’s stomach.
“There, all done. Good boy” he said. 
Loki slackened his grip on Peter, who seemed relieved. Nurse Ellul wiped the gel from Peter’s abdomen, and Peter squirmed and whined and struggled.
“Ok, darling” she said. “There, all done”
Loki sat up, keeping Peter in his lap when he did so. He hadn’t been able to see the monitor from where he was, so he didn’t know how the scan had gone, technically.
“So, what’s the verdict?” Tony said, biting his thumb. “Is he ok?”
“I can’t see anything wrong” Dr Sherman said. “It all looks clear. I think your tummy ache may just be anxiety, Peter”
“Oh, thank god” Tony breathed out in relief. “So it really is just him being strange?”
“This aversion to touch, is it just strangers that spark it up?”
“Oh no, he won’t generally let us touch his stomach either” Loki said. “Here, I’ll prove it”
He shoved his hand up Peter’s shirt, and Peter squeaked and squirmed and pushed his hand away. 
“Don’t do that! You know how I feel about it!”
As soon as he said it, Tony rested a hand on the boys stomach, and received a similar reaction.
“Sorry, chicken”
Loki gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. “Sorry, sweetheart”
“How funny. And he’s never had any illnesses relating to, or any major injuries to his stomach?”
Loki and Tony looked at each other, remembering the building site incident. 
“He’s had a few moderate injuries to his tummy, but he’d never liked us touching his tummy before then” Tony said. “I guess it’s just one of those things. Like how some people hate having their feet touched”
“Perhaps you’re right” Dr Sherman reached out and ruffled Peter’s hair, careful to avoid touching the cut on his forehead. “I’ll be back with your CT and x-ray results as soon as they come through”
Tony sat down on the bed, an arm round Peter.
“It’s incredible how much of a fuss your stomach has caused today, chick”
“I didn’t ask anyone to fuss”
“Well, maybe not. You fussed, though”
Peter scowled at him. 
“What’s with the face?”
“Leave him alone, Tony” Loki said. “At least we know there’s nothing nasty going on in there now. Not that we’d considered it, but still”
Tony sighed. “Well, never mind. Let’s just hope your other results are clear too”
The CT scan came back clear, and, to everyone’s surprise, the x-ray showed that Peter’s ribs were not broken; only bruised. So, after a few more little checks, and a few scribbled signatures, they were allowed to take Peter home.
Peter was tucked up on the futon in the back room when they got home.
“Dads, I don’t need you making a fuss. I only ended up in hospital cos of all the blood and not speaking and stuff”
“You ended up in hospital because you got hurt” Tony said. “It’s a good job your father was nearly at the end of his shift, otherwise you would probably still be there”
“I’d’ve just made the doctor call you if daddy wasn’t available” Peter said. “Dads, I’m fine. I’ve had my painkillers, I’ve listened to the doctors and nurses advice. I’m fine”
“You’re silly, is what you are” Loki said. “You may think today was nothing, but you scared the hell out of us, ending up in A&E again. You need to be more careful”
“He needs supervising” Tony said. “Maybe we should get you an au pair”
“Now who’s being silly?” Peter said, but he grinned.
Tony ruffled his hair gently and kissed him on the cheek. 
“Well, I’m gonna go and get you something to eat” Loki said.
“And I’m gonna sit here with you” Tony said, sitting beside Peter and wrapping a blanket round his legs. “Let’s get you comfy and settled”
Loki smiled at them. “Try not to have any more falls while I’m gone”
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Through Hell ch 2
Three weeks prior....
She had gone down hill somewhat fast. The pain from her foot had become unbearable as she tried to walk anywhere even if it was five feet. The simple infection that had plagued her for years had changed but she refused to go to the building medic. She should be able to treat it herself. She knew that. The second day of the pain she had noticed the cuts forming one the bottom of her toes. The open sores now made walking or even standing so painful that she couldn't.
"Go to the medic." Her friends pleaded as they saw her try to hoble anywhere through the building wincing as she went.
"I'm fine." She replied until the day she stood up and went into the hallway walking about the same speed as a snail she propped herself up on the wall and was using it to move through the hallway when she ran into a group of the most elite of the soldiers she worked with. All of them had watched her decline and now her approach.
"You. You look like crap." Their medic said as he looked her over and noticed some signs that alerted him to walk over. "You know better then to push this off."
"It's nothing."she said softly and almost breathless.
"It is something there smarty pants. You know that as well." Ieyasu replied as he looked into her eyes and saw the pain there.
"Ieyasu, get out of my way." She ground her through clenched teeth.
"Your funeral." He said as he moved slightly out of her way. She continued to use the wall to move. Every step she winced more and more until her movement were jerky and uneven.
"What the hell Princess." Hideyoshi asked mostly to himself as he started to walk forward to just pick her up and carry her to her next destination, when she turned awkwardly and they watched as he eyes rolled back and she started to crumble to the floor. It was almost like watching a horrible train wreck in which you were frozen to your spot and couldn't take your eyes off the scene. She was going to hit the floor hard until one man moved and quickly and caught her before that happened. He lifted her in the air with ease and began to make his way down the two flights of stairs to the medics office.
"She passed out. Something is wrong with her foot." Mitsuhide said as he placed her on the gurney and the medics nodded.
"Out you can go now." the medic replied.
"I'm not leaving her." He said and they looked at the man almost everyone in the building feared to have any sort of interaction with. Nicknamed the torturer, the man in front of them was easily the one person they all knew to be the one who could dig up any information on anyone and he had no qualms about using it to become one of the best intelligence officers of their time. The medic debated for a moment and then nodded. He did not want to cross the man.
"Fine help then and take of the shoe of the foot she was having trouble with." The medic said.
"It was both." mitsuhide said as he went to work on her boots. He got the laces undone and started to remove the show in a reverse Cinderella moment that had both men gagging when it was removed. "What the hell?"
The medic walked out of the rooom and yelled for someone to call an ambulance, her foot had turned gangrenish. He figured the other had as well. "This is bad."
"How bad?" Mitsuhide asked as he worked on the other boot.
"She could lose her feet bad." The medic said. "Worse is I am afraid that the infection is in her blood if she passed out. She is septic."
"And that means what." Mitsuhide asked.
"The infection is in her blood stream begin carried everywhere. They might not be able to contain it." The medic said softly.
"You're saying she could die?" Mitsuhide's tone was nothing to mess with. "How the hell could a simple infection kill someone in this day and age?"
"She has been hiding this. If she had treated it before maybe this would not have happened but we are not going to go there." The medic said, "The problem with her is she is allergic to many antibiotics. This is not going to be easy for the doctor at the hospital."
"What is she allergic to?" Mitsuhide asked and was given a run down on the list. It was long but he listened to everyone of the these. He took the packet for the hospital and held it as the emt's came in and loaded her up on their gurney for transport. Mitsuhide followed without a word and got in. No one would nay say him with the look he had on his face. His counterparts and team members were watching from the smoke pit near the front of the building.
"Looks like Akechi has his hands full." Masamune chuckled. As he said this Ieyasu was sending a text for an update when he had one. They all watched as she was rushed away and their friend in the back of the ambulance with her.
"He doesn't even realize does he?" Shingen asked lightly.
"No, I don't think he does. Maybe this will make him realize though." Nobunaga replied.
"I hope he didn't pick right now to find his feet." Ieyasu said not in his normal snarky tone as he received a text from the medic she was just with. "She is really bad off. The medic that just had her in his office thinks she might."
"Don't finish that statement." Kenshin said softly.
"It was just something wrong with her foot though." Mitsunari said.
"Gangrene." Ieyasu said. "Both of her feet were gangrenous and bad."
"That's treatable right?" Yukimura asked.
"Yes but that one." Ieyasu said as he pointed to the ambulance in the distance,"is allergic to nearly antibiotic that is used to treat it." He shook his head and looked at the retreating vehicle, "They could kill her as well."
The group stood in silence with his last words echoing in their heads. All of them liked the woman who was known in the building as a lightning fast fireball with her words and be behaviors. She was brave and daring challenging them all to be their best by being better then them. They also knew their friend that was in the ambulance with her though he never outwardly showed it, was deeply in love with her. It had began about a year prior when he would hang on every word she said. He listened to people for a living but he was never so obvious before to anyone. Any news of her in the field became his obsession. His friends all knew of his plight but they truly believed even the man himself didn't realize why she had become so important. They feared for her life but it wasn't for her that they felt that way, not entirely. They knew if she died he would be gone as well and he wouldn't even know why.
Mitsuhide looked at the flushed faced woman in the gurney as they tried to get vital signs. When they had done a temperature reading on her it had to be repeated a few times. She was burning hot. "This is not going to be an easy case." One of the emt's started as he looked at the woman and then her feet. "This is really bad."
Mitsuhide could feel the unfamiliar emotions rolling through him but he wouldn't let them cloud his judgement. He knew the outcome of this. She simply had to pull through and go back to work where he could watch over her. This was exactly what needed to happen. He smiled at her even knowing that the situation could turn horrible any minute he knew she was a fighter, a fireball, she could beat and then blow all of them out of the water. They finally arrived and he was the first out and he followed as the team of doctors began working on her. Standing off to the side of the room he watched everything and listened as they ran test and cultures. He gave them a list of the things she was allergic too and he realized then as the doctor went over the list and his face fell that this was not going to be easy. This was Mitsuhide's first realization that this was really bad. He watched as the doctors decided to try to treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic and something for her fever. They began to pump her full of things quickly as he stood there and watched.
"She has a long road ahead of her but she is here now." The doctor said softly to him as he just kept his eyes on her. "She is going to go upstairs to ICU but as the person who came in with her you should be able to stay with her. Does she have family near by?"
"Not that I know of." Mitsuhide replied searching his memory for any mention of her family and he couldn't remember any time she had talked about her family. He would make the call to their boss as soon as she was moved and alert him so he could see if she had anyone in the area.
"Can you make decisions for her?" The doctor asked.
"Short term yes, she would allow it. I will contact our boss and see if she had someone else near by who can as well." Mitsuhide said and the doctor nodded. "Then we need to start a more aggressive treatment for the infection however her allergy to the main component is providing a major hurdle to it. We could treat both her reaction to the antibiotic but it is a risk. A major one and we only get one real shot at it. Would you sign off on it, if it came to that?"
"I would have to hear more about the risks involved." Mitsuhide replied looking at the doctor," I won't risk her life if their are other options available first."
"I see." The doctor said and the team of nurses that were prepping her to be moved were done and indicated that they would start the move. Mitsuhide looked down at her now with two IV's in her arms and a breathing mask on. She looked even smaller as she laid completely still on the bed. He followed out of the room as they began the move. They all crowded into the elevator and he touched her hand, it was still so very hot that he almost dropped it back onto the bed. The fever was still raging through her they had packed ice blankets around her and were discussing an ice bath and the pro's and con's of it. He could hear the words but he was focused on her face. That was all he could see and he noticed the color in it. To him it wasn't correct, it was just to red.
As they settled her into a private room in the icu ward he called the building to give them an update. He also asked if there was someone who could make medical decisions for her and surprisingly she had set that up years before. She had completely lined up all her ducks on the worst case scenario and that was now. Their boss faxed over the papers and contact info that she had set up. She had even listed her "family" on them so the correct people could have access to her. He was shocked to see his name on the list along with his teammates. She had thought of them as her family instead of her actual blood one. That was a piece of information to be stored away and find out the background on that story.
He sat there holding her extremely hot hand when the primary on her list of people to make a medical decision for her walked in with the doctor. He looked at Mitsuhide and tried to smile at the man. "How is she?"
"No change." Mitsuhide replied.
Bettison looked at the doctor," Do what you have too."
"Okay we will start the allergy medicine first then we will start the others." The doctors said.
"What did you do?" Mitsuhide asked.
"Gave them permission to treat her properly." Bettison said with a sigh.
"She is allergic to the medicine. You gave them permission to do that without talking to someone else. They told me they only had one shot. There could be other damage done!" Mitsuhidejumped up and stared the other man down.
"Without the treatment she will die." Bettison countered.
"And the treatment could kill her as well." Mitsuhide said.
"I'm sorry Akechi we have to try at least." Bettison said softly.
"If she dies because of this I will kill you." Mitsuhide said softly but loud enough for the other man to hear and even acknowledge him with a nod, excepting his fate either way.
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