#Best Venue
egophiliac · 2 months
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IT WAS ERIC AFTER ALL!!!! I'm so glad we got to meet him (before Vil snaps him away with those Infinity Gauntlets) (can't wait to see what happens when we get the matching Infinity Tiara to go with them, there will be no survivors)
(sorry to be so slow/rough lately, just got a lot of stuff on the ol' brain at the moment! alas, if only I could spend all my time drawing incredibly stupid characters I mean I do but)
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neenosland · 2 years
Book the best birthday party hall in Indirapuram in just a few clicks. Choose a memorable venue that will be enjoyable for everyone in your child's friend group if you want the party to be well-attended. Neeno’s Land offers the best venue for parties, a play zone area for kids, and a cafeteria. Choosing the party theme with your child is one method to get them involved.
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shaadiwish · 2 years
If you've ever dreamed of getting married like the royalty, think no more, these Wedding Venues in Rajasthan are everything!
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William Adolphe Bouguereau (French, 1825-1905) La toilette de Vénus, 1873 National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires
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n3bismel · 2 months
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See You Soon Tour
📍Glasgow 14 April 2024
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katieaki · 4 months
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Pick on someone your own size!!
Venus and Lou, sneaking off to a secluded corner of the dancehall to talk about the shitty vampire radio show they're both obsessed with (before the events of Pony Express)
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weirwoodsugar · 11 months
i really didn’t know people hate adwd and think it’s a slog i’m sorry i didn’t know. i’ve read it three times this year if i had just the slightest bit less dignity i could probably go for another round i could eat it.
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Nathan Kress + Answering Tweets About Season 3
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astroidology · 2 years
some random astrology things ive noticed recently. (synastry & compatibility)
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Sagittarius & aquarius, pisces & libra, leo & capricorn , cancer & taurus , gemini & aries , scorpio & virgo. Usually get along the best, you dont notice right away but have lots of things in common.
Moon in aquarius are actually very chill and very open minded. They can become friends with anyone really but only allow few people get too close. They rarely show any negative emotion so you may think that they just dont ever feel bad. You'd mostly find them with a blank facial expression, as if they were not there, which makes them really hard to read at times. They do have an ego tho, even more than leo moons, because they know how to deal with their emotions and are great at separating personal life from everything else.
Moon in gemini have a very child like energy just like sagittarius and aries, but they're a lot more introverted than one would think. Really important to talk about is how witty and smart these people are, literally mind blowing. They catch on things fast. They enjoy learning and once they know you're listening, they can talk for hours. Also they are true empaths just as much as pisces moons, if they care about you, they'll be careful with their words or just stay quiet to not make you feel bad.
Is not that venus in aries falls in love quickly, is more that they mistake the feeling of attraction with love. So they can say that they love you within the first 2 days you were meeting and it wouldnt be a lie per say because thats how they feel it, but then that feeling goes away on the 3rd day and they're gone. They do like challenges but also would not be with someone that is not interested in them because they need the constant validation, and if it's rejection after rejection, they stop chasing.
Now venus in libra does fall in love quickly because they tend to idealize a lot. So they fall in love with ideas instead of actions. Have such high unsaid expectations that are almost impossible for anyone to reach. And its always them thinking they'll never find another person that makes them feel loved after every break up and then they heal and fall in love again and break up and so on... also, they tend to stay in toxic relationships and they rarely break up relationships at all.
When someone's mars fall in your 2nd house, they'll like your voice or something related to how you pronounce certain words or somthing but they'll notice it and usually let u know for sure,,,,
Having venus-mars synastry with someone such as conjunction & trines (especially fire signs) will make you compliment each other a lot and it wont feel weird at all, it flows naturally, almost like it's part of the convo.
Taurus suns are really easy to spot because you'd find them having the same routine every day, they rarely try different things bc they just get used to it and are honestly very chill about everything too. They dont be talking too much or too loud but when they do, you know it's the truth, or at least their truth. They're also very blunt in how they communicate and does not take anyone's sht. If they dont like you, they'll let you know. Now if they do like you, they be all giggly and joking around. As long as u dont mess with their food or eating schedule, you should be good. Also, do not joke around too much cuz they may get offended or annoyed. If they have a bad day then everyone must have a bad day too lol jk they do have a strong aura to them and its just very easy to read them even tho they dont express too much.
Having 8th house synastry overlays (moon, venus, mars in your 8th house) are usually felt more by the house person. A little too much more id say. Unless u have synastry within your personal planets as well then the planet person would get to feel it too, but when it comes to that always pay attention to degrees, the closest the better. But yea it does feel kinda like obsession and its either your lovers or enemies, you too scared of opening up yet you feel like the other person can already read you like a book. And any interactions that you had with this person, you'll remember vividly. Jealousy and alot of possessiveness too. Honestly everything is felt way too much.
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tangledinink · 9 months
who would you say would win in a no-holds-barred fight, the gemini twins or draxum's kids? (also, are there any nicknames for draxum's kids in general?)
Oh GOSH what a good question. This is HARD, honestly. It would definitely be close...
Draxum's Kids (which is what I've been calling them in my head as well, lol) are definitely a force to be reckoned with. They've spent years training near every day.
But the Gemini have spent years fighting for their lives near every day.
In terms of raw combat alone? I think the Gemini would be able to win without question, (not to say that it wouldn't be a pretty brutal fight...)
But then you have to take mystics into account, and Draxum's Kids definitely hold the advantage there. Donnie is a very powerful witch, but he can't hold a candle to Mikey, or even to Venus, (though her mystics are much less suited to combat.)
But I think that the Gemini would still be able to win out-- though just barely. To a degree, I think it would come down to mentality. Draxum's Kids are highly trained and highly capable combatants, but they haven't seen very much actual combat before. The Gemini have. The Gemini have long since killed the part of them that hesitates or questions what they're doing, and they are very good at turning that section of their brains off and just focusing on winning and nothing else. Draxum's Kids are highly trained, sure, but the Gemini are a well-oiled machine designed to do exactly this over everything else.
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officialbabayaga · 11 months
benadryl subreddit
crystal ballroom - pdx - 080123
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heartorbit · 4 days
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THATS ME!!!!! i didn't mean to just give them to pjsk fans help but i severely underestimated how many i should've made and cut out .. so i just ended up giving them to cosplayers or people who said hi to me .... T_T
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#again WAS NOT MY BIRTHDAY. MIKUEXPO TORONTO FELL ON TSUKASAS BIRTHDAY IN JAPAN TIME. SORRY TO EVERYONE WHO SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.#i love your icon cause i saw a garf miku cosplayer at mikuexpo toronto too IT WAS SO AWESOME#i saw snother tsukasa cosplayer in hid school outfit and they had cute star glasses i Need some.#in the future n for cons i think i'll just order stickers to hand out .. cutting them out by hand was so much .....#especially when i did the whole pjsk cast. 10 or so of each of them. my best friend helped and it still took like 2 hours#<- I DID THAT FOR ANIME NORTH I MEAN i think i forgot to post about it here. anyways#i dont plan on tabling at cons or snything cause i just like attending them so much. but#In the future i think i'll just pay to get Nice little prints or stickers made and shipped to me to hand out ...#Sorry they arent actual stickers they're just laminated with tape i did them the night before while crunching for the con the week after.#alliellama#ask#sorry to go on but mikuexpo really was such a good time#when we first got there i was in the merch line w my friends and skmeone came up and said can you do the tsukasa laugh right here right now#but everything we said echo and i was like T_T no im shy ...#and then 2 hours later i heard there was a saki cosplayer there and started running around the venue shouting SAKI. SAKIII. SAKI.#WE FOUND HER IT TOOK ME LIKE 20 MINS which is impressive because there were a lot of people. by god.#it was so fun. we had such a good time i could go on. everyone was so FREAKING NICE. AND GAVE SO MANY FREEBIES. AND COMPLIMENTS.#but i literally only had like ..30 mikus. to hand out. i felt SO BAD. CONSERVING THEM.
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shaadiwish · 2 years
Note all of these questions to ask before booking your wedding venues. Afterall, wedding planning is important. For more such updates, visit ShaadiWish.com.
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sturniolowhore · 6 months
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summary ⎯  venus has had her eyes on her brother's best friend chris for as long as she can remember but she is far too scared that's all she is to him, his best friend's little sister. what happens when she realises he sees her in a different light and how will she and chris keep it hidden from her brother who has always told his friends never to meddle about with his sister.
part one! ♯ part three! ♯ part four! ♯ part five! ♯
part six!
warnings ⎯  suggestive and sexual, eventual smut, chris x fem!oc, fluff, cursing, kind of angst (?)
A/N ⎯  finally working on something with parts to it so i'm excited!! as a reminder, leo and venus do not exist irl, i just chose any random names for the sake of the story.
i hope you enjoy <3
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
chris 🤍
saturn 🪐
mhm? is everything okay?
chris 🤍
everything is all good
wanted to let you know we're like five minutes away
saturn 🪐
okay thank you sm chris
you have no idea how much easier you made all of this
chris 🤍
what can i say 😏😏
saturn 🪐
andd you ruined it!
chris 🤍
cmon saturn yk i always make things easy
saturn 🪐
actually you don't
you make everything so very complicated
chris 🤍
ouch 💔
saturn 🪐
aw did i hurt your feelings?
chris 🤍
are you gonna make it up to me?
saturn 🪐
no i'm sorry the truth hurts darling 🥰
chris 🤍
the darling made me feel better :)
saturn 🪐
shut up you idiot
chris 🤍
saturn 🪐
i'm sorry i'm being annoying
are you sure he has no idea? i just really want it to be a good surprise
chris 🤍
hey no you're not annoying
he just thinks i'm taking him out for his bday and then we're hanging out at your place like normal
it's all going to be okay saturn i promise
saturn 🪐
you can be so sweet sometimes
it's like another person possesses you but honestly thank you, that made me feel tonnes better
chris 🤍
are you going soft on me darling?
saturn 🪐
noo you can't use my own word against me??
chris 🤍
why not darling😇
saturn 🪐
fuck off
pay attention to leo
chris 🤍
yes ma'am see you in a few
i'll text you when we're in reception
saturn 🪐
see you 😊
venus smiles at her phone as she clicks it shut before she realises how happy she seems over a few messages and calms down a little. she turns to the rest of their friends with the newfound knowledge, "they're a few minutes away. chris said he would text me once they were in the reception area."
"relax vene, it's all going to go exactly as you planned," nick puts his hand on her shoulder to comfort her after a few minutes when he notices how panicked she looks; she's always been one to stick to plans and things not going the way they're set to makes her anxiety sky rocket.
before she has time to dwell on her nerves anymore though, her phone vibrates again and she looks at it quickly.
chris 🤍
we're inside darling
saturn 🪐
good now drop lee off and go home
you're not wanted
chris 🤍
always a sweetheart aren't you
saturn 🪐
i try 😇😇
after that, it's the last few moments of chaos and rushing around to get into position. it takes about a minute for the sound of the front door clicking open to reach their ears and the moment leo steps into the living room, they all scream surprise and he practically glows at the sight of all his friends. he starts to greet everyone one by one and venus leaves him to do exactly that, walking to the snack table and scanning it for what to eat first.
her small search is interrupted when she feels hands on either side of her waist and a chin propped onto her shoulders. she doesn't need to see or say anything to know who it is, he's always doing something like that and each time it's fucking instant butterflies at the touch.
"this looks fucking amazing," he says so close to her ear and it makes goosebumps settle on the skin beside it and the hairs on her neck stand slightly.
"you think so?" she asks, fully aware it looks good but wanting to hear him say it again purely for the sake of it.
"are you kidding? never seen anything like it. i knew you'd be able to pull it off," she can hear the smile in his voice as he speaks and she can't help but mirror it herself, her cheeks slightly flushing making her a little thankful he can't fully see her face.
"vee!" the sound of her brother's voice pulls her out of her trance and chris quickly removes himself from her, leaving her to frown at the lack of contact as she already misses the feeling of his hands against her.
chris watches from the side as leo pulls her into a tight embrace and he briefly makes out her mumbling into the hug, "happy birthday lee."
they pull apart and the smile on her face makes chris want to capture a picture in his head forever. everything about her is beyond adorable and there's just no way he can avoid the way he feels about her. he tried to at first but every time he so much as thought about her, it felt like his feelings were growing. now he silently embraces it, flirting whenever he can in the hopes that one day it'll be reciprocated and not something he does as a joke. it's hard with her being his best friend's sister but he still hopes for something to blossom between them everyday.
he watches as the two siblings continue to speak, both of them smiling as though they have no other purpose. his attention after a few moments stays glued to her because there's just some force of attraction that pulls him towards her. it's like he doesn't even realise he's gravitating towards her until his eyes are on her or until he's standing beside her. his body has a mind of its own when it comes to her.
eventually he gets pulled to other side of the room by matt and he'll be lying if he says he doesn't feel slightly upset that he has to separate from venus. still, he puts aside his sadness and engrosses himself in the conversations everyone is having and finds himself enjoying his time. that isn't to say he doesn't sneak glances at her whenever he can but he's still having fun nevertheless.
after hours pass, he still hasn't managed to corner venus on her own again. they've had many group conversations but none alone and he's a little bummed but it's time for leo to open his presents as now only the closest of friends remain. he's very excited to give leo his gift and his stomach bubbles at the thought as they sit down in various spots in the living room.
he pays attention to everything leo gets but he just really wants him to open (or rather see) his present. he almost jumps when it's his turn and leaves the room to go get it. when he's just outside the door he tells them all to close their eyes and they oblige happily.
he sets the item right in front of leo, sat beside venus might he add, and then with a large smile he says, "you can open your eyes now."
"oh my fucking god!" venus yells before anyone else can and okay maybe this is also part of the reason chris wanted to get the gift so badly.
"you did not," leo beams brightly as he picks the cat up in his hand before stroking it and looking at its collar, "vee, look at the collar."
venus does as he says and she literally jumps up and crashes chris into a hug that makes his breath hitch instantly, "you named it stitch. i feel like i'm the one getting the gift sorry but this is literally amazing."
"he's so cute," matt says as he takes the cat from leo and begins tickling him behind his ears.
leo stands up and pulls chris into a hug, one less dramatic than venus' but still one that shows chris how thankful he is. chris knew he was excited for a reason and seeing their reactions makes his heart soar. he'd genuinely do anything for the siblings.
later on when he's on the couch on his phone, only him and his brothers with leo and venus left at the house, venus approaches him and flops down next to him with an exhausted sigh.
he clicks his phone off within seconds and gives her a gentle smile that she returns with an even greater one before she starts her adorable rambling again, "i can't believe you actually got a cat. this is the best day of my life, i could kiss you right now."
chris knows she's joking but his heart flutters at her words and he suddenly starts to find it very hot in the room. normally he's the one flirting or making a comment like such but hearing it from her is another thing entirely. he's actually rendered speechless. chris sturniolo is fucking speechless.
"oh come on kissing me can't be that bad, you don't have to be so disgusted to the point you can't speak," she rolls her eyes at him but he swears there's a little flicker of sadness in her eyes as she speaks.
"come on i never said that. i'm just a little shocked you're the one saying something like that and not me," he tells her somewhat truthfully because she could not be more wrong.
"oh so you can flirt with confidence but the confidence disappears when you're flirted with. cute," she laughs and he wants to kiss her so badly, it's practically insane.
and she has the audacity to keep going as though she isn't completely flipping chris' world upside down, "come on chris, let's get straight to it."
she puckers her lips up jokingly but chris feels his heart racing, beginning to imagine how he'd react if this was all real and he actually was about to kiss her. if it were anyone else, he probably would have kissed them but he has something good with venus. it might not be what he wants to have but he has her and he doesn't want a kiss to ruin that. it does hurt not having her like he desires but he knows losing her entirely would hurt even more.
"venus what the fuck are you doing?" leo's voice is sharp as he enters the room and for the first time, chris finds himself filled with relief that it isn't just himself and venus in the room anymore.
she turns to him with a sheepish smile and basically questions, "um... showing chris a meme?"
"a meme that looks a lot like you're going to kiss him? and why the hell are you not moving away chris?" he shifts to chris and chris sighs inaudibly to anyone but himself.
because it's not real.
because even if it was real, i don't think i'd be able to move.
because i wanted to kiss her.
"because do you really think saturn here would kiss me? how many times have i flirted with her and all she does is tell me to fuck off? come on lee," chris decides to say and leo does calm down at that because he knows it's true.
chris is too focused on leo to see the way venus' face falls as a result of his words. her mind is producing dozens of thoughts all at once. does chris' flirting actually mean something to him? has she been denying herself of having him this entire time? surely not but then why does chris sound different when he says his words? what the fuck just happened?
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
tags: @mattslolita
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fredbydawn · 6 months
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realized it's funny that i watched these two after falling down the rabbit hole and gave them the same rating when they're very different movies, like one is about a character getting to explore taboo elements of their sexuality and desires that most people sought out cuz of a scene which is centered on the ass of a male Saw actor, and the other is Delta of Venus
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