allisonchinart · 2 years
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Final Fantasy XII appreciation! | (Sketchbook)
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Sunbeams tickled my nose. Awakened my spirit. I felt comfortable and secure, therefore I continued to keep my eyes closed. It took some time before I recalled what had happened before sleep. Like an intuition, I finally remembered the events of the previous night. A smile crept across my lips.
In response, the warm body next to me moved. I felt soft lips, which were bedded on my forehead, before the blanket was pulled tighter over my shoulders and fixed with one arm.
Silence reigned for a long while. Then I heard the rustling of paper. Pages of a book were opened, and I heard the man at my side breathing deeply before continuing with the reading.
"I wanted to see you again, touch you, know who you were, see if I would find you identical with the ideal image of you which had remained with me and perhaps shatter my dream with the aid of reality.”
His pronunciation was smooth and picturesque. That's what distinguished the two of us. I came from the streets of Rabanastre. While he...
Slowly I opened my eyes. Peaking up at him, his radiance flew towards me. I still could not grasp that I was now in Bhujerba. Seeing the nervousness on my face, and after an affectionately wished good morning, he asked the concerned question whose tone of voice made me melt in his arms.
"Please, tell me what is going on in that clever head of yours?"
"In front of me I have the Marquis of Bhujerba," I stammered out breathlessly. As if I didn't know it before. "And I don't understand that."
Halim laughed. It made me lose my heart to him.
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sarasa-cat · 2 months
If you haven’t played final fantasy xii— please go play it!
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ff12-ultimania · 9 months
Bhujerba's neutrality & house Ondore
The floating landmasses of Purvama, which include Bhujerba, fall under the dominion of House Ondore, with the Bhujerban government being a composition of House Ondore and its vassals. Each settlement and magicite mines on these aerial islands are under the jurisdiction of House Ondore.
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For hundreds of years, the Marquises of Ondore utilized its status as one of Ivalice's primary magicite producers to maintain neutrality and avoid reliance on powerful empires. The current head of the House, Halim Ondore IV, adhered to this stance of independence until recently, he has succumbed to the pressures exerted by the Archadian Empire, now adopting a pro-empire position over the last two years. Some citizens express discontent with Halim Ondore's shift, advocating for a more confrontational approach toward the empire. However, there are rumors about a covert anti-Imperialist resistance operating with the Marquis' discreet support.
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firagafury · 5 months
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
@5judgements​ found the dancer . chapter 5
An evening to celebrate and honor the passing of another year of the Archadian Emperor, Gramis Gana Solidor, was an occasion that no citizen or imperial guest wished to miss. With the emperor’s health declining over the recent months, there was an additional care to ensure that the commemorations would be remembered by those in attendance, regardless of their ties to the actual ruling house of Archadia.
Judge magisters, the superior officers among their troops, the head scientists from Draklor, diplomats from allied nations, members of the Senate, military personnel serving as liaisons to occupied territories, the capital’s very own elite - everyone received an invitation for a ball held within palace grounds, which again served a double purpose as propaganda and suggestion of intent for those keen on threatening Archadia. Although there was no actual display of power from their best among military ranks such as the tournament held months before, security was impossibly high and Emperor Gramis decided to make an appearance, health concerns notwithstanding.
Melissa was there, among those graced with an invitation - something only possible thanks to the backing and meddling of the Marquis of Ondore, of course. For all intents and purposes, her season was supposed to have ended a few weeks before, when she was even transported to the Sky City with the 8th Fleet, a personal courtesy given the woman’s non-official diplomatic status in the city. However, the dancer returned a couple of days later with news of an extension - for a full year, with an exclusive contract with the local opera house.
While initially her role had seemed to be one to foster curiosity and goodwill for Bhujerba, Melissa explained that her craft had indeed drawn the curiosity of many from the Empire - enough to secure sizeable revenue for the venue promoters who sought to retain her as a fixed attraction. The Marquis signed off on such dealings, evidence of his continued support of the fragile but sincere collaboration of the Sky City and Archades. 
Behind the scenes, however, the intentions of the Ondore administration were very different - Melissa had met with him at their homeland, and explained the status of her assignment in a way to highlight that she needed time - only on the very eve of the meeting had she been successful in breaching Ghis’ final layer of armor and ensnaring him. The delay did not please the Marquis, but the account of her travel instigated him to continue with the charade - and Melissa was able to return with the fanfarre her created persona required, even if deep down she had no intention of following through with the Resistance plans anymore.
The Bhujerban had decided to use the time to find an alternative - anything that could help her country, but not at the cost of her beloved magistrate’s life.
The renewed season, the possibility of meeting Ghis frequently, the life in the capital to which she had been growing used to - all these things filled Melissa with excitement for the evening of the ball, Drace being immensely helpful with recommendations for a good seamstress as well as getting the woman in touch with those who could not only secure her an apartment but also a decent one (after all, a hotel was no longer suitable for the Bhujerban considering her long-term presence). Zargabaath had also provided counsel and the last weeks had been used to finalize her move into a new place, decorated to her preferences (with everything she had brought from the Sky City after her meeting with Ondore).
The only thing missing was speaking with Ghis - since they said their goodbyes at the Bhujerban aerodrome, she had not seen him again. Presumably too busy with the Marquis, and then dispatched elsewhere when she returned to Archades. Melissa was itching to share the good news with him - and to talk about what it represented for both of them; Ghis had hinted at a relationship before - would he still be amenable to it if they both lived in the same city? It seemed like a silly thing to fret over with war on the horizon, but her heart could yearn for nothing else.
However, his colleagues within the magister circle told her to not send word - both Drace and Zargabaath suggested doing so personally at the ball, which Ghis would be sure to attend (as well as all of them). Besides, Melissa’s fresh anxiety in relation to the oldest judge did not escape the trained eye of his peers - despite the dancer never outright gossiping about her trip with Ghis to the Sky City, she had alluded to certain events - Drace immediately understood.
So that brought the dancer to the night at the palace, for once dressed like an Archadian (it was the Emperor’s birthday, after all). Her dress was one of shimmering fabric mimicking the colors of the sunset, with crossed straps around the neck that turned into billowing twin capes trailing after her steps while leaving most of Melissa’s back bare. The front of the dress had no embroidery save for the right side of the waist, where crystals had been sewn into a delicate flower pattern, decorating a small section there where some skin was visible in a tasteful manner (but considerably less if one compared to her usual attire).
The slit for the right side of her legs offered ample movement - and combining with the soft fabric used for the outfit, there was a lot of freedom for her to walk as if wearing one of her own adored costumes. Her long, dark hair was styled with a half braid, the only Bhujerban concession being the jewelry added to her tresses, earrings and arms; nothing else on Melissa hailed from the Sky City, and if not for the choice of vibrant colors, she could perhaps be confused with one of the local ladies in attendance.
With a glass in hand, Melissa walked around the main room, looking for familiar faces - one in particular, which she had failed to locate despite the assurances of the other magisters that he would be there. It was a most curious feeling the dancer experienced then - almost like stage fright, but of an extremely personal nature; the woman felt hot and cold simultaneously, and longed to see Ghis’ face while at the same time hoping he would share her enthusiasm for the news. There was hardly anything she could do but wait more - but the weeks without contact had turned her into someone almost desperate for his presence, and, more importantly, his approval.
An assassin turned soft - if only Ondore knew how well his own agent had lied to him.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 23 hours
Talk about Nabyrie Ondore~
What are her significant story beats? Any skills that set her apart?
(I recently inundated my last braincell into Ivalician Hell once again so seeing anyone have FFXII ocs is neat)
omg, I honestly didn't expect an ask about Nabyrie!!! 😭😭😭 She is such an old OC of mine!
I created her when FFXII first came out, back in 2007, but she is still so precious to me <3
So, regarding her story!
Always keeping in consideration that I wrote it when I was just a teen (and in Italian as well), my "Tales of Two Empires" revolves mostly around Nabyrie's story, and it's divided in two parts: "Book 1: For Whom The Nightingale Sings" which revolves mostly around Nabyrie's own romantic relationship with Vossler; how Nabyrie herself would navigate the whole whole political situation in Ivalice between Rozarria and Archadia, trying to ensure Bhujerba's neutrality while also lending her personal support to the remaining Knights of Dalmasca (hence her supporting Vossler's and Ashe's cause).
So we can say that the first part of Nabyrie's story follows the events of the game, while narrating them from Nabyrie's side - so basically Bhujerba and the Knights of Dalmasca's resistance.
The moment my story diverges is around Vossler's death on the Leviathan, and that's when Nabyrie's retreat to Bhujerba and Book 1 ends.
"Book 2: The Blue Yonder" starts AFTER the events of FFXII and it mostly narrates about how Nabyrie has agreed to a marriage of convenience with Larsa, how she has become Empress of the Archadian Empire and how, after Vossler's death, she fell more and more and more into a dark spiral, with that darkness channeled into preparing to fight once again against Rozarria and defending the Empire, while also trying to carry on a personal revenge caused by that pain that was consuming all her soul (yes, my darling OC Aranea owes A LOT to Nabyrie in terms of inspiration).
This is a very VERY general summary of the story.
Her most significant Story beats are connected to Vossler's death, her relationship with Balthier during her years in the Empire, her personal vendetta against her own cousin Ashe (whom she considers responsible for Vossler's death), her ascension as Empress of Arcadia and as Warlord for the Empire, her funneling the Mist's own power into her own body as a way to gain absolute power over some of the Espers (to the cost of some of her own sanity) and eventually her redemption in the end.
As for Nabyrie herself, she is the first daughter of Halim Ondore IV and Zahira Alya Margrace, Su Alteza Real La Infanta Princesa de Sangre of House Margrace of Rozarria, and the designated successor to Halim's role as Steward of Bhujerba.
She is fiercely loyal to her city, fiercely indipendent, and especially in the first part of her story, a tomboy with one heck of a temper and fierce disposition that could be considered complementary to Vossler's own temper.
Feel free to read a tiny snippet of my story here, if you will. It was one of the few parts that I have translated in English, but do keep in mind that I wrote it when I was really young!😅🙏
Thank you so much for your question, I so rarely have the chance to speak about Nabyrie, but when I happens, it's always a joy for me, because she is one of my most favourite brainchildren <3
so truly thank you for giving me this opportunity! :)
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fioras-resolve · 2 years
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disillusionedjudge · 7 months
@tarnishedxknight - continued from here
"That was hardly invitation for you to keep trying." Yet, Everren could not help the small grin as Ashelia turned away from her and continued to work the controls, and she simply moved to stand behind the pilot's seat. Her arms crossed as she rested them against the headrest and leaned against the seat. "But I will admit, I am impressed by your tenacity."
Her head tilted as the Princess spoke again, and her grin faded. "Do you even know where to find it?" she pressed, but not to be rude. She just... had her doubts, when it seemed Ashelia had not even known the Dusk Shard had been kept in her own palace. "And the Strahl is not something you can merely borrow, your Majesty. A sky pirate's ship is their home as well as their vessel, and not something one will easily lend." Yet, she remained where she was. She made no attempt to stop Ashelia, but she would not remain idle if there was success on the other's part. She would simply prefer to resolve this calmly, rather than needing to remove her from the ship entirely.
Everren did not miss the injured pride in Ashelia's tone, and she let out a small snort in response. Her brow furrowing slightly at her admission of Basch having been the one to teach her. But that was a subject she was not going to broach, and instead, shook her head. "I can assure you, whatever you may know will not lend easily for piloting this one. She is... a unique case. Balthier made sure of it."
And then Ashelia pleaded with her not to interfere, and Everren fell silent.
Admittedly, she wasn't all too willing to aid her. Not when it meant welcoming Archadia's ire, and dealing with Judge Ghis had been quite enough for her taste. But... her desire to leave Bhujerba was stronger, and a part of her itched for a new adventure beyond the usual heist. After all, it was Ghis they had escaped from, and she knew he would take it personally. He would be relentless in his hunt for them - in his hunt for Ashelia in particular - and she was not keen on being chained again.
And, even despite her reluctance, she could no longer ignore an old stirring in her heart. Although a few years since, she was still a soldier. A new war was rising, and she was tired of running. She knew her luck of hiding from the Empire would not last forever, and she would rather go down fighting.
Everren reached out a hand and settled it upon Ashelia's to still it. "Let us get the others before you go flying off," she murmured. "An odd group we may be, but you need not do this alone, Lady Ashe. With the right offer, Balthier and Fran can be easily swayed, and you already have the loyalty of the others. It will be safer to retrieve the Dawn Shard with aid, in case we run into any trouble."
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For the game ask: #1, #11 & #18, pls? 😊 -Crowie
Evening, my dear @thatcrazycrowgirl!
Nice to see you here in my inbox, buddy!
Allow me to answer your questions!
1.Last game you finished The last game I finished 100% (again) was another one gameplay of “The Wolf Among Us” (cannot seem to be able to stay away from Bigby for too long lol). If you mean newly played game that I finished, then it’s “Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter” a while back. (honestly, Bigby was a mood).
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11.Do you prefer ‘blank slate’ main characters you make yourself or otherwise project onto, or characters with a set personality and backstory? Always characters with a set personality and backstory. I truly do not like blank characters, pretty much for the same reason as to why I don’t like First Person POV games. I want to fall in love/despise/get miffed by all the blorbos because of the way they are portrayed in the game, and I want to follow their stories! For projecting, I got my ocs once I am done playing ! 😂😂 18. A game location you really like
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My biggest dream would be to have FFXII as an open world type of game, just so that I could fly to the skycity and truly spend hours and hours roaming around. I fell in love with this location so long ago, and to this day, it remains something truly special to my heart.
thanks for the questions! :)
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5judgements · 2 years
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@stingslikeabee​ asked:
[ PUNCH ]: sender intervenes in a conflict between the receiver and a third party by punching the aggressor solidly in the face. (Lilian's logic: 'if I hit the jackass and not Noah then he doesn't get in trouble with his superior officer')
   It was another standard stop upon Bhujerba’s skyward shores that had given not only Noah a chance to search her out, but the other soldiers as well. Much in a traditional Archadian manner word had spread that the Landissian had gone and found himself a friend in the locals, though the actual words they had used were far less kind than Noah would ever care to repeat. This particular subject of talk had resulted in more than a single instance of discipline between both parties involved and he would never be ashamed to admit he would do it again in a heartbeat, to protect her image.
   However, she apparently was just as keen to do the same for him. Upon the hounding words of his fellow imperials he had rounded upon them with an eager intention to provide a reminder that he had little resistance to start a fight. Lillian crosses that line before he can even utter a word of warning.
   The shock of her having just struck a foreign soldier in the jaw seems to do numbers on all of them, Noah included, but he recovers faster than his compatriots. A timely thing too, because that same soldier swiftly evolves his surprise into a blossoming anger colored with the blood of a split lip. Stepping between Lilian and the soldier, Noah sets a hand over the hilt of the sword hung from his hip, his free hand gesturing for her to remain behind him.
   “Noah, your love for this heathen won’t keep her safe. She’ll understand imperial wrath when we’re finished with her, and heave you both over the border of this pitiful city,” the soldier threatens, unsheathing his own weapon to wield it between them.
   “You would do well to lower your sword,” he counters. “How fast will the city guard come running to such a display, and we both know that a tale of you being bested by a Bhujerban would do nothing good for your already meager reputation.”
   There’s a stagnant pause between Noah and the other soldier, the others nearby equally on edge. It certainly was not a great situation; she had (minorly) injured a visiting agent of the Archadian military, and that very well gave the man every right to defend himself. In the eyes of the law it would have put Noah in the wrong to stand there and defend her, but he rarely had chosen rules over morality.
   Looking past Noah with a sneer, the soldier gestures towards her with the point of his sword and speaks, “He will not always be here to see you to safety. Pray that we do not cross paths again, you harpy.”
   Lowering his weapon with a defeated air about the motion, the imperial wipes away the blood dribbling from his mouth, retreating away from the pair. Noah waits until they’ve disappeared out of view before removing his hand from where it had been resting over his sword hilt, turning around and placing his palms onto her shoulders in a gentle grounding motion.
   “That was a reckless thing to do,” he sighs. “But he is right. I won’t always be here to help you. Please, for your own life and my sanity, don’t do that again.”
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dragonbleps · 1 year
Remembered/Discovered that MP regenerates while moving around outside of combat in ff12 and now my grind is unstoppable. These characters are going to be level 5billion before leaving Bhujerba
I'm in Lhusu Mines grinding the heck outta these skeletons. I'm on chain number 61 and counting
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gbrnth · 2 years
Time seemed to drag since Melissa (or rather, Lilian) was taken by Basch to the hospital room where his twin brother had been recovering following the Battle of Rabanastre. The Dalmascan guard had met with her before, in Bhujerba - back then, it had been the dancer who sought him out after realizing how similar he looked to Gabranth, unaware of the fact he had a twin; months later, after the war, it had been the knight who retrieved her at the Sky City to bring her to his bed.
Noah had been calling for her, he explained - albeit under the name they had met under. Basch was no fool - he had put two and two together considering Lilian's interest in his looks in the past, combined with his feverish twin asking for someone. Their relationship hadn't been public for long - and certainly it wasn't known to the general population in Dalmasca - so the fact that Basch had gone through the trouble of finding her showed how deeply he cared for his brother.
Lilian was almost never absent from his room - the Bhujerban guarded his sleep, and held out a hand whenever Noah asked for it, aware of her physical presence there or not. The woman conversed with the doctors, sang lullabies and old folkloric tunes of her homeland to him, updated the man on the idle news of times of peace.
When the judge did awake - she wasn't sure if he had his wits about him, or if it was another fever dream. At any rate, the moment his eyes focused on her, Lilian held his hand with incredible tenderness, allowing the tears forming on her face to roll freely - physical contact was more important than wiping the moisture away.
"Hello, my dear," she murmured, head canting to the side to take a better look at him and dragging herself (alongside the chair) as close as she could to the bed, one hand letting go of his but only because Lilian was desperate to feel his face, to comb his (now grown) hair away and ensure that tender proximity as best as she could. "I'm here. I'll be here for as long as you need me to, kanta."
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Noah's last coherent memory following the battle in Rabanastre's airspace was his brother; placing him under the Dalmascan healers' care with urgency. After they had administered their remedies - and the pain was reduced to a tolerable level - the injured Judge fell into a feverish state; drifting in and out of consciousness- exhaustion and the wounds caused by Vayne as well as Basch's companions finally taking their toll.
In his dazed condition he was unable to differentiate between reality and imagination - hallucinations brought to life by his subconscious mind. The voice of Melissa; speaking softly, singing in a foreign language he believed to be Bhujerban - only a fabrication of his head, incapable to finally let go. Her words filled the void surrounding him, yet he barely understood the meaning behind them.
Noah couldn't recall her real name  - given to him alongside the revelation of treachery; Melissa being nothing but a mask to hide her real identity as a spy for Ondore. Yet it didn't matter - she was far gone; another fleeting memory to add to his agony. His aching heart may indulge in this feverish dream for now.
He opened his eyes eventually - searching the small hospital room, focusing properly for what felt like an eternity. His gaze fell on the woman in a chair next to his bed - briefly wondering if he was still dreaming. Melissa's fingers were curled around his weakened hand, offering warmth and enough contact to keep him together. Raising her free hand she caressed his face, the touch so familiar and longed for.
This wasn't a fabrication of his mind, he realized. She was really there.
Tears glistened on her reddened cheeks; the words falling from her lips a testimony to lingering emotions. How long had she been here; sitting beside his bed and waiting for him to wake? Thousands of words were in his head; things he wanted to tell her - yet he didn't know how to start. In an effort to sit up Noah pushed himself into an upright position - only for the pain to return alongside his senses, albeit dulled by the medication. With a groan he found a more comfortable position; a shaking hand reaching out to cup her cheek, tenderly wiping the tears away.
"Please don't cry", he muttered, voice still hoarse from days of silence. "You're my sunshine; I don't want to cause you this much grief." Although he had pushed her away she was still there. "I dreamed of you - supposing this was all my imagination. How long have you been here?"
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tarnishedxknight · 1 month
"Gabranth! Just the Judge I needed to see."
Without her armor, her steps had been silent - her presence unannounced by the rattling and clanking of steel. Gylfie looked - and felt - far smaller without it, but she still held her head high, and lost none of the authoritative air she carried without it. What she so faithfully wore like the other Judge Magisters had been left in Archadia when she had gone on her self-given and secretive mission to Bhujerba, and what she needed to discuss with Gabranth had offered no time to don it before she tracked him down. So be it if it was seen as unprofessional - keeping under Ghis's radar had been far more important.
She slowed as she reached the other Judge Magister, and tilted her head. Her expression unreadable. "Could you come with me to my office? There is... an urgent matter I wish to discuss with you privately."
(( @disillusionedjudge in Gylfie's corruption/judge magister au!))
Gabranth felt himself cringe underneath his armor the moment he heard her voice, but fortunately it did not show outwardly. He bore no love for House Ynarra, though perhaps Gylfie was the most tolerable of the three. As of now, she was the only one of her name left in the military, after the untimely if not also curious deaths of both her father and brother in such quick succession. That did not mean he appreciated being accosted, however, though that was true for him of all Judge Magisters, save for Drace.
He turned to face her, glad for his helm as she summoned him to her office for an urgent matter. What urgent matter? Were it that urgent, his spies would already know about it. Or at least, they should.
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"And I've my own urgent business to attend to, Judge Ynarra," he said rather dismissively. It was a posturing move, nothing more. An indication that, no, he would not jump at every request put forth to him. He was not the unofficial leader of their rank because he acquiesced without hesitation to the requests of any and all who confronted him with them, after all.
It had served its purpose, however, and now the reality of business was still laid out before him. The truth of it was... that he ought not to ignore an urgent summons by a fellow Judge Magister, no matter how inconvenient it may be. "...and so it had better be a quick matter," he finally added in a circuitous acceptance of her request to him. With that, he began walking to her office, not waiting for her to lead the way.
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ff12-ultimania · 10 months
Bhujerba: Tourist destination and magicite mines
Bhujerba has earned substantial profits by exporting high-quality magicite stones sourced from its mines spread across Purvama. Additionally, Bhujerba boasts airships crafted with precision by the Moogles, contributing to its economic prosperity. Leveraging its substantial financial resources, Bhujerba offsets its geographical limitations — a small territory unsuitable for agriculture — by importing food from other nations. Beyond its economic prowess, the skycity of Bhujerba stands as a captivating tourist destination, offering breathtaking aerial vistas and streets that retain the essence of the bygone Galtean era. To enhance the visitor experience, the city provides government-appointed guides (the city Parijanas) to assist and enlighten visitors.
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<- The exquisite magicite wings formation enveloping Marquis Ondor's estate stands as an emblem of Bhujerba's prosperity, derived from the lucrative magicite exports.
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witchblade · 4 months
ive got to go to BHUJERBA. for the um
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