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When we raise enough, all members get discounted custom tarot decks!
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saleemphi · 3 months
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Why not spend a weekend in the beautiful city of Gloucester known for its remarkable ancient architecture and learn Pranic Healing Level 1 on 20th & 21th July 2024. Learn techniques to help yourself, family and friends.
For info, venue & register click:
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dragonspitapothecary · 7 months
Why You Should Care about Your Biofield
Have you ever felt a subtle but palpable energy surrounding your body? This is your energetic field, known as the biofield. It is an integral aspect of our existence. While invisible to the naked eye, the biofield plays a significant role in our overall well-being and your health. Understanding the natural significance of the biofield and how it affects your health can help you understand why…
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magdalene-spirit · 11 months
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Keys 🗝️& Doors 🚪(#resonancescience #biospiritual #morphogenetic #vibrationalenergy)
🌀 There are qualities & potentials
Within you currently dormant
For lack of the right key
To activate a function
Many, many layers of yourself
Are turned off in forgetting
Awaiting the right moment in time
When things will align
To open that gate
That wakes up
New knowings
🌀 Many tools & practices
Lie scattered on the Earth In wisdom & healing traditions
That are the keys to the sacred gates
Of great remembering
They may seem mundane § Earthly
At first,
But use them & see
What treasures
They reveal
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biointernet · 1 year
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Bionet Patreon
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multidimensional-p · 1 year
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Anahata vibinnn on her thrown 👑
Can you tell she’s about to drop some fire tea from the higher planes? 🥵
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wellbodymind · 2 years
Biodynamic Meditation, Day 57
Biodynamic Meditation, Day 57
I slept from 10:30pm until about 5:30am. When I woke, I was comfortable lying in bed and not ready to get up, although my mind was active. So I listened to a Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep, or non-sleep deep rest) on YouTube. The best Yoga Nidra recording I’ve found so far is I AM Yoga Nidra by Liam Gillen, 38:41. He guides you to relax deeply using breathing, intention, awareness of sensations,…
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dhyzenmedia · 2 years
Biofield Tuning: Ancestral Healing Workshop - Jan. 20th
Biofield Tuning: Ancestral Healing Workshop – Jan. 20th
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 52
Sorry for the long wait! I got a bit distracted with the new series...
The biofields on Gallifrey are so active that they can keep non-Gallifreyans young. For example, Leela had not aged even after 25 years on Gallifrey. (Audio: Spirit)
The Tenth Doctor recalled that Jamie McCrimmon used to hide the Second Doctor's recorder from him. (Comic: The Forgotten)
The TARDIS chose a name for herself but never told anyone (including the Doctor) what it was. (Short story: Toy Story)
By some accounts, the First Doctor was unaware of Sol prior to running away from Gallifrey. On the other hand, Susan had learned about the solar system and the planet Earth in the classes she took on spatial cartography. (Audio: The Beginning)
The Forge salvaged a Gallifreyan sarcophagus, which is a type of hibernation unit. When the Seventh Doctor, Ace, and Hex opened it, they found an older version of the Doctor inside. (Audio: A Death in the Family)
The Seventh Doctor kept a calendar keeping track of when his friends would die, which is how he knew about Evelyn. (Audio: A Death in the Family)
The Third Doctor possessed an obedience spray. When he used it, he could make people follow his orders. (Comic: Undercover)
The First Doctor used to skip class at the Academy to practice juggling and yo-yoing. (Novel: Match of the Day)
John Smith - an amnesiac Decayed Master - once treated the Seventh Doctor, removing his clothes after they had been charred by a lightning strike and wrapping him in wet towels to ease the pain. Feeling that the Doctor could help restore his memories, John Smith fell into a reverie next to the Doctor and forgot about his other guests at the time. He gave the Doctor water when he woke up and warned him not to move because of the physical trauma he had gone through. (Audio: Master)
When a Time Lord truly goes mad, a part of their mind becomes lost, referred to as Dark Design. This unleashes the dark part of their minds. Those affected by Dark Design are hidden away in institutions. (Novel: Falls the Shadow)
This Dark Design is a true evil within the very DNA of Time Lords. While unaffected Time Lords effectively stabilize space-time, a Time Lord suffering from Dark Design might have the effect of changing the future and the past like a virus. (Novel: The Infinity Doctors)
Dark Design is a lot more intense than Time Lord Insanity and enters mental spaces unfathomable to other species. (Novel: SLEEPY)
Omega was affected by Dark Design and as a result was able to summon an embodiment of his dark side. (Short story: A History of the Universe; TV: The Three Doctors)
The Seventh Doctor had met no sufferers of Dark Design native to his time. However, he knew of possible futures where he would become affected. (Novel: Falls the Shadow)
The above points are particularly interesting when you take into account several incidents in DW Canon. For one, the Master said, "There is some evil in all of us, Doctor, even you. The Valeyard is an amalgamation of the darker sides of your nature, somewhere between your twelfth and final incarnation, and I may say you do not improve with age." Furthermore, the Doctor’s dark side was once again manifested later on as the Dream Lord. There was an additional manifestation of the Doctor’s darkness (or, the weak, insecure, lonely aspect) somewhat dormant in the Sixth's subconsciousness. (TV: The Ultimate Foe, Amy's Choice; Audio: The Widow's Assassin)
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reality-detective · 1 month
To the Cabal & Those Of Baal Worship
Do you want to know a secret?
- Remember the good ole days when someone had to be wired to gather information for a sting operation?
- Remember how someone would be searched before they entered a high security area for secret meetings you didn't want recorded on record?
- Remember when you could ensure that if someone would speak of what went on you had a way to get rid of them?
I want you to think of a hypothetical technology for second. Let's call it "Bio-Sensory Neural Interface" or "Energetic Biofield Interface" (EBI)
What can this technology achieve?
• The Bio-Sensory Neural Interface (BSNI) technology represents intelligence-gathering methodologies. It leverages the interaction between advanced computational systems and the human energetic biofield to facilitate seamless, real-time communication and data acquisition from human sensory experiences.
• Utilizes sophisticated sensors to interact with the human biofield, capturing and interpreting electromagnetic signals naturally emitted by the body.
• Enables non-invasive interfacing, ensuring the integrity and operational security of the actor.
Real-Time Sensory Data Transmission:
• Converts sensory input (visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile) into digital data streams, allowing remote operators to experience the actor's environment firsthand.
• Acts as a live sensory transceiver, making the human body a dynamic tool for intelligence collection.
Cognitive Communication:
• Facilitates direct, silent communication between the operator and the actor through thought transmission, eliminating the need for spoken words or physical devices.
• Supports bidirectional communication, enabling strategic planning and real-time adjustments through inner dialogue.
What does this basically mean in more mundane terms?
This basically eliminates the need for physical implants or external devices, reducing the risk of detection and enhancing the safety of the operative in sensitive environments. Which means you could never detect any infiltration apparatus. You could never know who is working for the good guys.
This is one reason why your plans never pan out. This is why you can never quite nail down why something didn't go as planned. This is why you can never trace or track how certain info was shared to those who were never invited to your secret clandestine meetings.
You think because you hold them while a major celebrity is performing in town that the powerful political figures attending would fly under the radar because everyone is distracted with Taylor Swift? You are some funny guys.
BSNI technology is ideally suited for intelligence operations requiring high levels of discretion and security. Its applications extend to military intelligence, covert operations, and high-stakes negotiations where traditional intelligence methods may be impractical or too intrusive. And please avoid trying to look up this technology. This is not what it is called.
This is Mind-to-Mind technology. You all have been caught with your pants down. And now you are way too far behind to catch up to how this could have possibly been used against you. Now you are scrambling. Trying to wonder how you have had to resort to outright assassination attempts. Something that wasn't on the cards before you 1st tried years ago.
Oh' well. You lose. Off to G¡tmo you go. Pain-(☠️) is in your future.
- Julian Assange
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priestesslyssmystic · 2 years
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Claim your FREE Aza Toth Potion bottle vessel and/or grab the money spirit, Bankzii’s doll vessel for yourself by claiming in the comments and messaging me for your item bundle! Then, you can post in the gallery or Mystic Market as well as your own art or other characters/Spiritsonas etc. for UT(E) and maybe even get them tokenized and made into playable cards for Biofield! https://discord.gg/f2na3htf6h No Unity Tokens(UT(g)/UT(E))? That’s easy! Look! It’s the Giving Spirit! You’ve been blessed with +5 UT(g)! Don’t forget to start your Biofield grimoire in the notebook app on your phone and log this momentous occasion! For extra receipt verification, a file with screen shots of transactions with UT are recommended. If you claim either of these items, you will also earn +2 experience to distribute to your characters chroma neutrality in your next session! I will be posting a video explaining how to play the actual game and a score keeping template for your grimoire soon! Happy travels! 🤗💖 #biofield:arcadia #biofield #adoptables #collectables #tcg #rpg #games #discord #cute #fun #givingspirit #unity https://www.instagram.com/p/CnixgUOtuM5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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🤔🧬 Do long-term companions of Time Lords biologically change?
When humans spend extended periods around Time Lords, they're not just tagging along on adventures – they're also undergoing some physical and biological changes.
⚡The Artron-Fueled Biofield
Gallifreyans, particularly Time Lords, are surrounded by an artron-fueled biofield. This biofield can also have surprising effects on humans who are in close proximity for extended periods.
⌛ Slower Ageing: The biofield's temporal energy can slow down a companion's ageing process. This means they might age a little more slowly than normal humans.
❤️‍🩹 Enhanced Healing: The biofield also boosts the body's natural healing processes. Cuts, bruises, and even more severe injuries will heal a bit faster than a normal human.
🛞 TARDIS Operation: Due to their symbiotic link, many TARDIS models can be operated only by their designated pilot/s. However, prolonged exposure to a Time Lord's biofield may grant companions the ability to operate the TARDIS without the pilot's presence.
🚀 The TARDIS Effect
The TARDIS itself isn't just a machine; it's a living, sentient entity with its own unique influence on those who travel within it.
🧠 Enhanced Perception: The TARDIS may be able to expand a human's cognitive abilities, allowing them to perceive and at least partially understand complex time-space phenomena.
🔮 Psychic Connection: The TARDIS has a mild telepathic field that can establish a psychic link with its occupants. This connection may help some humans to awaken their dormant psychic abilities.
⏲️ Temporal Resilience: The TARDIS environment could help to build a companion's resilience to temporal anomalies. This means they're less likely to suffer adverse effects from time travel, like nausea or disorientation.
Happy travelling!
Gallifreyan/Human Biology for Tuesday by GIL
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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y-0-sha · 4 months
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i decided not to sell him ....... =) [demo version of the ref]
edit : belongs to enterjokeshere ☀☀☀
a little bit info if you are interested -
Mizar is practically not a person , his appearance as a “human” has almost left him , leaving behind only the location of his facial features and physique, after several rituals , Mizar will boast of a new appearance , but this is for the next time .
"Mizar" is not a real name , that name was given to him in honor of the " Ursa Major " star . Mizar is a blue dwarf and although his height is not great , he has endurance and speed.
Mizar has vague memories of his past , remembers practically nothing due to the rituals in the sect, where he once ended up by accident (like the other 6 characters, with the names of stars). Mizar himself denies the fact that he fell into a sect; he respects the commander-in-chief and the rest of the team.
has a friend Alcor
Mizar is "a star" that , together with "the star" Alcor , creates a binary system
* i would like to explain a little about the sect:
The sect called “Ursa Major” is a group of creatures that believe that the cosmos is the progenitor of everything and that the stars in the sky are future new creatures and civilizations with which they will establish contact.
short name of the sect members : " UrMa "
At the moment , the progress of UrMas was enough to establish cosmic communication through the brain and radio magnetic waves , a magical core was formed and strengthened in the body , the most advanced are capable of tlikinesis .
UrMas believe , the creature has not only an ordinary physical body , but also a so-called "subtle body" , which can connect with others using energy channels and perceive people as a biofield ..... the info is a kinds of "demo" version =)
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thephysicsofmiracles · 7 months
When we incarnate, there are two stages of life ahead of us. During the first, rarely are we aware that we are designed with the capacity to create our own reality. And we bring with us all the consciousness of our previous lives and ancestral intergenerational karma, which we have volunteered prior to incarnation to live through and alchemise emotionally (endure karma and let ourselves be changed by the suffering). The second stage isn't a given, though, and comes about usually as adults when we become more intimately aware of the lives of those around us and notice the discrepancies in the efforts of others as compared with ours to gain happiness and success. 'Luck' seems to follow certain people, and we wonder and observe how they tackle similar circumstances we mutually experience. Because deep down, we innately know that things are supposed to work out and our dreams are meant to be lived. But since generations before us have settled on mediocrity time and time again, we are afraid to trust that it is meant to happen for everyone, not just "some people". That's where a relationship with Self becomes the most paramount acquisition of a human life. Because when we endeavour to establish communication with our Higher Self in a regular grounded way, through meditation and other various practices that bring on altered states of consciousness that re-thread our heart's consciousness into our internal dialogue, it becomes very clear right away, how loving, kind-natured and benevolent our Godforce Self is toward us, continually and constantly. Never accusatory and always deeply desirous of our comfort and intrinsic peace. Like the way you want to soothe a newborn in your arms when they are swaddled and sleeping. You see, the suffering we endure prior to learning how to control our reality is not wanted or insisted on by some higher force. It is simply part of our consciousness when we arrive, and our higher selves protect our hearts so that we stay loving on the other side of the experience. Some of us do not retain connection to our Soul or soul-union post-trauma and this is deeply unfortunate. Because the health of all our relationships with others in our respective futures depends on the ability to connect to our Soul, post our voluntary generational cycle-break experiences. This is where sound, frequency and light play such a huge role in the process of human evolution. What might take an entire lifetime or several to heal through, possessing only an average capacity to process experiences within the confines of 3-dimensional perception, can happen within a week, a day or even a few hours when we are exposed to the formulas within nature, music and deep states of openess that come with meditation, fasting and silence. The frequencies emitted within each of these environments cause the brain to operate at another level of consciousness that gives more control over to the Higher Self, which knows exactly what needs re-tuning within the heart to return to an unconditional love perspective on any troubling or afflicting beliefs held within the biofield pertaining to a particular trauma. Like re-tuning a piano, it's never not worth it. The design of life may be simple, but the design of a human being is not. You would never overlook tuning a grand piano so that it would again play perfectly. And yet, the human design is far more sophisticated, complex and valuable. ~ Chantal Eva
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biointernet · 1 year
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Bionet Patreon
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energyhealing101 · 2 months
Achieve Deep Relaxation and Harmony with Sound Healing Chi Coils
Introduction to Sound Healing and Chi Coils
Sound healing is an ancient practice that has gained popularity in recent years as people seek natural and non-invasive methods to enhance their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This holistic approach to wellness utilizes sound waves to penetrate deeply into the body, impacting cells and organs at a cellular level. By harnessing the power of sound, individuals can unlock a profound state of relaxation and harmony.
Chi coils, also known as Biofield Tuning Devices, are unique sound healing tools that combine the principles of electromagnetic fields and energy vibrations. These coils are designed to emit specific frequencies that interact with the body's natural biofield, promoting a state of harmony and balance. The science behind chi coils is rooted in the understanding that the human body is a complex system of energy fields, and disruptions in these fields can lead to physical, emotional, and mental imbalances.
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The Science Behind Chi Coils and Sound Healing
The effectiveness of chi coils in sound healing is based on the concept of the body's biofield, which is the electromagnetic field that surrounds and permeates the human body. This biofield is believed to be a crucial component of overall health and well-being, and disruptions in this field can lead to various imbalances and health issues.
By introducing targeted sound vibrations through chi coils, practitioners of sound healing can help restore the body's natural harmony, promoting a state of deep relaxation and balance. The gentle, pulsing vibrations emitted by the coils can have a profoundly calming effect on the mind and body, helping to alleviate anxiety, tension, and other stress-related symptoms.
The Calming Effects of Sound Vibrations
The soothing and calming effects of sound vibrations have been well-documented in various studies. When exposed to specific frequencies, the body triggers a relaxation response, slowing down heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and reducing stress levels. The use of chi coils in sound healing sessions creates an immersive meditative experience that allows individuals to enter a state of profound relaxation.
As individuals are exposed to these soothing vibrations, they may enter into a theta brainwave state, which is associated with deep meditation, creativity, and emotional healing. This deep state of relaxation can have transformative effects, allowing for the release of physical and emotional tension.
Therapeutic Benefits of Sound Healing with Chi Coils
The healing benefits of sound therapy with chi coils extend beyond physical and emotional relaxation. Research has shown that this practice can have a positive impact on a wide range of health conditions, including:
Chronic pain
Sleep problems
Certain neurological disorders
By targeting specific areas of the body and addressing underlying imbalances, sound therapy with chi coils can help alleviate symptoms, promote healing, and enhance overall well-being.
One of the primary therapeutic benefits of sound therapy with chi coils is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Chronic stress can have a negative impact on the body, leading to various health issues, from heart problems to weakened immune function. By inducing a state of deep relaxation, the calming vibrations of the chi coils can help lower stress hormones and promote a sense of calm and well-being.
Additionally, sound therapy with chi coils has shown promise in pain management. The vibrations emitted by the coils can help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and alleviate muscle tension, all of which can contribute to a reduction in chronic pain. This non-invasive and natural approach to pain management can be a valuable complement to traditional medical treatments, offering a holistic and integrative path to optimal health.
Exploring Different Types of Chi Coils
Chi coils come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, each with its own unique properties and applications. Understanding the different types of chi coils and their characteristics can help individuals make an informed decision when selecting the right sound healing tool for their wellness journey.
Handheld coils: These smaller, portable devices are designed for targeted treatment, focusing on specific areas of the body that require attention. They can be used to address specific concerns such as joint pain or muscle tension by directing sound vibrations to the affected areas.
Floor-based models: Larger chi coils provide a more immersive and full-body experience. These models allow individuals to lie down and be surrounded by soothing vibrations, creating a more comprehensive sound healing session.
Specialized coils: Some chi coils are designed to work with specific energy centers or for general relaxation and balance. These may have unique features or frequencies tailored to particular wellness goals.
When choosing a chi coil, it's essential to consider individual needs, preferences, and wellness objectives. Exploring the various options available can help find the chi coil that best suits personal wellness goals and complements existing self-care routines.
Incorporating Chi Coils into Your Wellness Routine
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Integrating sound therapy with chi coils into your wellness routine can have a profound impact on overall well-being. By engaging in this holistic practice regularly, individuals can experience a deeper sense of relaxation, balance, and inner peace that positively affects all aspects of life.
As you continue to explore the transformative power of sound therapy, you may find that it becomes an essential part of your self-care routine, providing a sanctuary of calm amidst daily life's demands. The experience of deep relaxation and restoration of balance can have a significant impact on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being as you journey towards optimal health.
Enhancing Overall Well-being with Sound Therapy
The practice of sound therapy with chi coils can help cultivate greater self-awareness, emotional resilience, and spiritual connection, empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and clarity. As you continue to integrate this holistic approach into your wellness routine, it may become an indispensable part of your path towards optimal health and well-being.
Some potential benefits of regular sound therapy sessions with chi coils include:
Improved sleep quality
Enhanced emotional regulation
Increased focus and mental clarity
Better stress management
Greater overall sense of harmony and balance
By embracing the healing potential of chi coils, individuals can embark on a journey of personal growth, self-discovery, and enhanced overall well-being. The practice of sound therapy can become a valuable tool in the pursuit of holistic health, complementing other wellness practices and supporting a balanced, harmonious lifestyle.
Sound healing with chi coils offers a unique and powerful approach to achieving deep relaxation and harmony. By understanding the science behind these devices and exploring their various applications, individuals can tap into the transformative power of sound vibrations to enhance their overall well-being.
As more people seek natural and holistic solutions to their health challenges, the practice of sound healing with chi coils continues to gain recognition as a valuable complement to traditional medical treatments. Whether you're looking to reduce stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, manage chronic pain, or simply promote a greater sense of balance and relaxation, chi coils can be a valuable tool in your journey towards holistic wellness.
By incorporating sound therapy into your self-care routine and exploring the different types of chi coils available, you can discover a path to deep relaxation, balance, and improved holistic health. Embrace the healing potential of sound vibrations and unlock a new level of harmony in your life with the power of chi coils.
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