#Black Vine Villa
marcmarcmomarc · 3 days
RWBY Spanish dub
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Ruby Rose: Valentina Souza
Weiss Schnee: Romina Marroquín Payró
Blake Belladonna: Alondra Hidalgo
Yang Xiao Long: Mireya Mendoza
Jaune Arc: Óscar Flores
Nora Valkyrie: Analiz Sánchez, Regina Carrillo (young)
Pyrrha Nikos: Berenice Vega
Lie Ren: Alan Fernando Velázquez, Zoe Mora (young)
Summer Rose: Ale Pilar
Taiyang Xiao Long: Arturo Mercado Jr.
Raven Branwen: Fernanda Robles
Qrow Branwen: Germán Fabregat
Beacon Academy
Professor Ozpin: Mario Arvizu
Glynda Goodwitch: Maru Guzmán
Peter Port: Francisco Colmenero
Bartholomew Oobleck: Beto Castillo
Salem’s Inner Circle
Salem: Irasema Terrazas
Cinder Fall: Dulce Guerrero
Roman Torchwick: Sergio Gutiérrez Coto
Emerald Sustrai: Alicia Vélez
Mercury Black: Erick Salinas
Neopolitan: Agustina Cirulnik
Dr. Arthur Watts: Armando Réndiz
Tyrian Callows: Miguel Ángel Ruiz
Hazel Rainart: Octavio Rojas
The Hound: Mario Castañeda
Leonardo Lionheart: Humberto Solórzano
Vernal: Rebeca Patiño
Tock: Simone Brook
Atlas Military
James Ironwood: Dafnis Fernández
Winter Schnee: Xóchitl Ugarte
Penny Polendina: Cristina Hernández
Caroline Cordovin: Magda Giner
Ruby’s Group
Oscar Pine: Luis Leonardo Suárez
Maria Calavera: Ángela Villanueva
Dr. Pietro Polendina: Gerardo Reyero
Sun Wukong: Alexis Ortega
Scarlet David: Alberto Bernal
Sage Ayana: Abraham Vega
Neptune Vasilias: Enzo Fortuny
Nolan Porfirio: Pepe Vilchis
Coco Adel: Liliana Barba
Fox Alistair: Geezuz González
Velvet Scarlatina: Carla Castañeda
Yatsuhashi Daichi: Óscar Garibay
Clover Ebi: Raúl Anaya
Vine Zeki: Eduardo Giaccardi
Elm Ederne: Gabriela Guzmán
Harriet Bree: Karla Falcón
Marrow Amin: Ricardo Tejedo
Happy Huntresses
Robyn Hill: Erica Edwards
May Marigold: Ruth Toscano
Joanna Greenleaf: Yvette García
Fiona Thyme: Lupita Leal
The White Fang
Ghira Belladonna: Emilio Guerrero
Kali Belladonna: Rebeca Manríquez
Adam Taurus: Alejandro Orozco
Corsac Albain: Emmanuel Bernal
Fennec Albain: Eduardo Garza
Ilia Amitola: Monserrat Mendoza
Schnee Manor
Jacques Schnee: Arturo Mercado
Whitley Schnee: Moisés Iván Mora
Willow Schnee: Yolanda Vidal
Klein Sieben: Jesse Conde
Ancient Times
Ozma: Roberto Salguero/Ricardo Bautista
God of Light: José Luis Orozco
God of Darkness: Salvador Reyes
Jinn: Danann Huicochea
Ambrosius: Rubén Cerda
Xiong Family
Hei “Junior” Xiong: Eduardo Fonseca
Lil’ Miss Malachite: Leyla Rangel
Miltia and Melanie Malachite: Lourdes Arruti
Cardin Winchester: Raúl Anaya
Russel Thrush: Yamil Atala
Flynt Coal: José Ángel Torres
Neon Katt: Meli G
Arc Family
Saphron Cotta-Arc: Erika Ugalde
Terra Cotta-Arc: Carla Medina
The Ever After
Little/Somewhat: Angélica Villa
Curious Cat: Ángel Balam
Blacksmith: Carmen Sarahí
Jabberwalker: Víctor Hugo Aguilar
Jinxy: Jaime López
Red Prince: Pascual Meza
Herbalist: César Bono
Alyx: Julia Bilous
RWBY: Grimm Eclipse
Dr. Merlot: Sebastián Llapur
RWBY: Arrowfell
Amoncio Glass: Alfonso Grau
Hanlon Fifestone: Óscar Gómez
Bram Thornmane: Trujo
Olive Harper: Leslie Gil
Bianca Prisma: Cecilia Gómez
Roane Ashwood: Alicia Barragán
Ivy Thickety: Edurne Keel
Ruda Tilleroot: Jessica Ángeles
Minor characters introduced in Volume 1
Shopkeep: Eduardo Tejedo
Xiong Goons: Ricardo Mendoza “El Coyote, Carlo Vázquez
Cyril Ian: Víctor Ugarte
Lisa Lavender: Alondra Hidalgo
Police Officers: Daniel Lacy, Patricio Lago
Sailors: Marc Winslow, Noé Velázquez
White Fang Goon: David Bueno
Penny’s Driver: José Luis Miranda
Minor characters introduced in Volume 2
Tukson: Octavio Rojas
White Fang Lieutenant: Roberto Gutiérrez
“Deery”: Alicia Barragán
Perry: Arturo Castañeda
Councilman: Kevin Adrián
Minor characters introduced in Volume 3
Bolin Hori: José Antonio Macías
Nadir Shiko: Edson Matus
Brawnz Ni: Abraham Vega
Bartender: Carlos del Campo
Nebula Violette: Karla Falcón
Dew Gayl: Jessica Ángeles
Ciel Soleil: Camila Díaz Fraga
Amber: Ximena de Anda
Atlas Ship Captain: Víctor Hugo Aguilar
Minor characters introduced in Volume 4
Mayor: Alfredo Gabriel Basurto
Blacksmith: Jesús Ochoa
Dying Huntsman: Nando Estevané
Captain: Víctor Trujillo
News Reporters: Eduardo Fonseca, Sonia Casillas, César Costa
First Mate: Paulina García Casillas
Oscar’s Aunt: Kerygma Flores
Higanbana Waitress: Claudia Garzón
Businessman: José Luis Orozco
Businesswoman: Karina Altamirano
Henry Marigold: Emilio Treviño
Angry Businessman: Héctor Estrada
Trophy Wife: Ximena de Anda
Husband: Arturo Cataño
An Ren: Kerygma Flores
Kuroyuri Blacksmith: Alan Bravo
Boys: Luistio Comunica, Regina Blandón, Ana Layevska
Li Ren: Idzi Dutkiewicz
Mistral Pilot: Manuel Campuzano
Atlas Pilot: Hernán Bravo
Minor characters introduced in Volume 5
Mistral Pilot: Irene Jiménez
Menagerie Guards: Tatul Bernodat, Mark Pokora, Andrea Coto
Bartender: Víctor Covarrubias
Shay D. Mann: Esteban Desco
Sienna Khan: Lileana Chacón
Saber Rodentia: Ricardo Brust
Mata’s Mother: Gloria Obregón
Mata: Luis Fernando Orozco
Yuma: Bruno Coronel
Ramen Shop Owner: Ángel Mujica
Small Girl: Ivanna Corona
Trifa: Miriam Aceves
Mistral Police Captain: Rommy Mendoza
Minor characters introduced in Volume 6
Dee: Dan Osorio
Dudley: Alejandro Orozco
Mistral Woman: María Álcazar
Nubuck Guards: Raúl Solo
Red-Haired Woman: Rossy Aguirre
Terminal Soldier: Miguel Ángel Leal
Minor characters introduced in Volume 7
Drunk Mann: Raúl Aldana
Drinking Buddy: Héctor Emmanuel Gómez
Forest: Moisés Palacios
Fria: Isabel Martiñón
Councilman Sleet: Daniel del Roble
Councilwoman Camilla: Graciela Gámez
Minor characters introduced in Volume 8
Atlas Commander: Itatí Cantoral
Shovel Mom: Denisse Aragón
Disgruntled Grandmother: Diana Santos
Fiona’s Uncle: Gabriel Pingarrón
Crimson: José Luis Rivera
Madame: Rona Fletcher
Step-Sisters: Annie Rojas
Rhodes: Idzi Dutkiewicz
CCT Voice: Sonia Casillas
Minor characters introduced in Volume 9
Mouse Leader: Betzabé Jara
Townsperson: Kate del Castillo
Toy Soldiers: Ricardo Mendoza “El Coyote”, José Arenas, Ramón Bazet, Diego Becerril, Óscar Gómez
White Pawns: Cecilia Gómez, David Bueno, Enrique Cervantes, Ramón Bazet
Toy Guard: Roberto Carrillo
Hawker: Erick Selim
Teapot Lady: Maythe Guedes
Paper Pleasers: Iván Bastidas, Luis Carreño, Irwin Daayán, Gaby Cárdenas, Denisse Aragón
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The sun glistened on the Sarno River, where ships floated aimlessly while others were anchored at port. People were all about enjoying the sunny morning, not even minding sailors ordering their men to get the nets drawn so they could get to work selling their fresh scores of fish down at the market.
 Further north, crisp hills rolled from a large mountain to the crowded city to the west. The streets were bustling as people shopped, visited relatives, and even children drew on the walls of a big arch with speckles of paint that their guardians let them buy when the merchants came into town only a few days ago.
Although people were walking down one street in the center of the city, heads turned as shouts bounced off the stone walls covered in floral motifs.
"Stop him, you fools!"
A man, or more accurately, a teen dressed in a cloak, ran down the busy street, bumping into people as he ran from city guards.
"Sorry!" The teen said this as he jumped through a fountain, splashing water on an older woman who was resting.
“Es stercus!” A man yelled, helping the woman up.
"I said sorry!" The teen yelled over his shoulder; his feet burned from the hot cobblestone marked by the sun.
Need to lose the old dogs.
Looking to his right, he smiled like a lemer and ran towards the narrow alleyway, knowing full well that the guards would not be able to follow him with the bulk of armor they torture themselves with.
  Marcel held his breath as the guards ran past the alleyway, not noticing the hunched figure of the sixteen-year-old boy.
  Letting out a chuckle, he held the bag full of his precious cargo closer to his body, making sure none of it was smashed.
  Looking up at the sun, he knew he should be getting back and quickly climbed the wall of the building next to him with the help of a few boxes and overgrown vines.
  Balancing on the roof, he leapt from house to house, gracefully and practically dancing in the warm sun.
  It only took a few minutes, and knowing the city like the back of his hand made it easier to navigate even while he was on rooftops.
  Finally arriving at his destination, he easily jumped on a balcony and swung to a tree branch hanging by until his feet hit the ground.
  "At last....home." Marcel said, looking at the old torn-down villa built with tan bricks and red pine wooden decorations that hung in the front to ward off evil spirits.
  The closer he got, the more he could hear the sounds of laughter and crying from children. Through short, wide windows, if he narrowed his eyes and focused, he could see heads of hair run past.
 Marcel let out a smirk and opened the front door.
 "Mars!" A small girl squealed and threw herself into his arms, which spined her around.
"Oh, Cassia! It's been forever since I saw you!"
  "You saw me this morning, Mars!" Cassia giggled and hung onto the taller boy.
Marcel grinned. "Did I? Well, you've grown since then!"
  Cassia blushed and stood on her tiptoes. "You really think so?"
  "Well, of course."
  "Is that Marcellus?! Oh, I have a word to pick with you."
  From down the hallway a young woman appeared with black hair all the way down to the floor in a braid and the most stunning blue eyes that seemed to distract people from her dark bags that were under them.
  "Decima! It's good to see you."
"I don't want to hear it, Marcellus." Decima spoke with narrowed eyes, then turned to Cassia.
  "Little Shurb, how about you go play outside with the twins?"
  Cassia wrinkled her small button nose. "But they always want to play Terni lapilli."
  Decima frowned. "What's wrong with Terni lapilli?"
  Cassia crossed her arms. "Nothing; they just always lose the marbles, and it takes us till sundown to find them." She pouted. 
  Marcel got down on his knees and booped her nose. "How about this? You play with your brothers, and I'll get you new marbles tomorrow."
  Cassia's eyes widened. "Shiny ones?" 
Marcel nodded, the small girl's smile being infectious. "They will be as shiny as Sol's chariot."
  Cassia nodded her little head. "Deal!" The small girl ran out of the arched, cracked doorway.
Decima sighed as she rubbed at a stain on her lavender stola.
"Marcellus, what have you done this time?"
Marcel lips pressed together, knowing full well a lecture was coming.
"Please, on Astraeus's stars, do not start pestering me, Decima. 
   "Oh, shall I not, Marcellus? If the sweat on your forehead and the dirt on your feet are any indication, you have been participating in Mercury's sinful tricks." 
   "Don't pretend that his sinful tricks do not keep us from drowning." 
Decima glared. "They may keep our heads above the tide, but for how much longer? Once the guards catch you, that's it!" She slammed her hand down on the table, and Marcel was surprised her copper wedding band on her finger didn't crack. 
  Marcel's brows furrowed. "Don't you see I am doing what I must? With Octavian gone—" Decima's eyes closed as if in pain at the mention of the name. "—we are all at risk even with our union. If we don't manage to keep up with our debt, then our ruse would have been for nothing, not to mention what Rufus would do." 
  Decima looked away, and Marcel took the older girl by the shoulders, making her look him in the eye. "You are my truest friend... I am doing what is right for all of us. For the children. For you as well." 
  Marcel and Decima stared into each other's eyes for what felt like minutes. They knew everything about the other—what stalked their dreams, what pushed them to keep going—but they never judged, for they completely trusted the other.
  Decima nodded at her friend. "May Juno be with you." 
  Marcel smiled, a little bitterly. "No gods are with me."
  Before Decima could utter a sound, Marcel walked down the hall. "Cerdis is in the children's room, I'm guessing."
  Decima called back, wiping her hands on the front of her stola. "Yes, you know he has been waiting for you." 
Happiness surged through him, suppressing the fear that was slowly creeping into his mind.
Marcel smiled and opened the door to the largest room in the very small, cracked domus where they lay their heads each night.
Candles lit the room where no windows let their light in. Two dark wooden cribs were in the corner, while there was a small bed on the other side of the room, which kept two growing children resting their heads, although there was barely any room for one child, much less two.
  Although right then there was only one child, whose hair was raven and nappy, even under the covers, anyone could see the boy was small—too small. Most considered the boy to be cursed by Asclepius and wanted him put out of his misery, although Marcel knew better.
Marcel sat on the bed, making sure not to startle the sleeping figure.
  Gently, Marcel uncovered the face of the small boy to reveal sunken eyes and paste-like skin that seemed to be coated with sweat; however, there was a small smile that played on the sleeping boy's lips.
  The older boy spoke softly. "Cerdis, it is time to wake; Sol's chariot has already passed."
  Eyes slowly opened, blinking before the little boy grinned from ear to ear; his brightness could put a smile on anyone's face.
  "Mars!" A raspy voice came from Cerdis as he sat up, wrapping his small arms around the older boy.
  Marcel softly kissed the boy on the top of the head. "Ah! Finally, you wake from your slumber." He held the raven-haired boy close. "Are you feeling blessed this morning by the gods?"
Cerdis nodded his head, looking confident. "Yes, because it is my day of birth!"
 Marcel smiled. "Yes, it's not everyday that someone survives five winters."
  Cerdis frowned. "I am still not as tall as Cassia."
  The older boy laughed. "No, but maybe with the help of Juno, you will catch up." He said it, hoping that the bitterness would be kept out of his tone.
Cerdis gave him a toothy grin. "You really think so? I won't only be older than her, but taller as well!"
Ah yes, Cassia does hold her height over Cerdis very often, although it is probably due to the fact that Cerdis was the only one who questioned her when picking games. Hmm. I wonder what Cassia will do when Cerdis comes into manhood. I'm sure Cassia will find something else to hang over the poor boy's head.
Marcel patted Cerdis's head. "Well...I have you a present."
  Cerdis shook with excitement and, with almost lightning speed, reached for Marcel's satchel but with speed was snatched back. "Now, now, Cerdis, I have a few other things in here."
  Cerdis crinkled his nose, although the comment didn't make his smile waver. "I cannot wait any longer! Please Mars! What have you brought me?"
  Without a second thought, Marcel opened the bag, minding the trinkets that were valuable, however small enough that their owners would not even notice they were gone until it was too late.
  Cerdis's eyes widened as Marcel pulled something oval-shaped and quite small into his palm and wrapped it in cloth.
The raven-haired boy smelled the sweet aroma, and his mouth watered. "Is that-?" 
  Marcel uncovered the item to reveal the room-temperature sweet bun, smashed a little on one side, which made the honey sweetness drip over until the cloth was covered with the sticky substance.
"It was no trouble." Marcel once again kissed Cerdis head.
  "A maritozzi!" Cerbis, not minding the stick, grabbed the sweet treat with full hands and took a bite. Marcel tried not to cringe at the mess on the boy's face.
  But it was quite easy, with the happiness shining through. "Mmm." 
 "I see you are quite enjoying my present."
Cerdis showed his dimples through his smile, licking his fingers. "Thank you, Mars!"
Marcel smiled in a moment of weakness, asking the gods to bless his little brother with many more winters.
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perennialwitness · 6 months
The Real OG(an excerpt)
Please say the following aloud:
When you’re here, 
You’re family. 
If your mind made the connection to Olive Garden just now then we probably come from a similar background. Semi-suburban– too far to take public transit into the city, close enough to drive. Forty-five minutes, with no traffic. And we all know there’s no such thing as ‘no traffic’, only varying levels of density. The freeways more like rivers than roads, their red halogen flood line rising and falling with the moon and the weather. Kept fed by a sprawl of Commuter Towns, their  farthest edges in constant creeping development.
I grew up in one of these places, vast stretches of single-family homes connected by high-speed stroads. A town with clearly delineated lines between the Blacks and the Whites, everyone else fell somewhere in between. Then there were Subsections within that for the rich(meaning they more than likely owned their home) and the poor(straight down past section 8 and into the dusty outskirts). Streets would change suddenly from one to the next. The asphalt under your feet rapidly degrading as you made your way toward the Blacker, Poorer side of town. It mattered that you knew this. It was a way to communicate things oftentimes hard to say aloud. For instance, I lived on the poor Black side and went to school on the poor White side. Anyway,
Growing up, family events that warranted a drive to the city were rare. If it was your birthday, graduation, funeral, divorce– didn’t matter, there were only a handful of places to celebrate, all of them inhabiting the same mile long shopping plaza. There was; Applebees, famous for their happy hour specials. Chevy’s, Tex-mex where they make the tortillas out in the middle of the restaurant, which had the appearance of a beach cabana. Sizzler or Red Lobster if you were feeling extra spendy(dim lights, lots of wood grain, for date nights and so forth). And then there was the Olive Garden, which was reserved for nights when you really wanted to fill up. 
“Ain’t no bigger bang for your buck than Olive Garden on a coupon,” My step-dad would say then he’d rap his overstuffed wallet against the table and let out the hoarse rattle that was his laugh. He was right, if you were smart about it you could make one dinner last three days easy. 
Truth be told the food is barely food, classic recipes trimmed down to the bare necessities as a way of cutting costs and increasing turnover. Heapings upon heapings of pasta swimming in sauces brewed by the vat. Bread sticks, soggy with butter and oil, coming out in the dozens from the kitchen like clockwork. Servers in a mad dash to ensure every table’s basket full, lest they screech about meal comps, how they were advertised endless breadsticks and how they would sue if they weren’t offered compensation.
Bigger bang, bigger buck. 
To their credit the owners of the Olive Garden had tried to keep the place classy. The walls were painted to look like the cracked plaster of a Mediterranean villa, there were “stone” columns wrapped with vine decorations, arranged by someone unconcerned with structural support. Italian-sounding string accompaniments droned over the PA to complete the immersion. It was, all things considered, a nice place to bring the kids. And my parents, swept up in the fantasy, would drink wine there, instead of their usual Whiskeys and Vodka Sodas. They’d pretend they were in love, and we-- the kids I mean-- we tried our best to behave like “family”.
In my adulthood I avoided these places. Not because I cared about the quality, I don’t have qualms with cheap bad food. My aversion was psychological. These chains represented a place and a lifestyle that I couldn’t return to. The make-believe of it all. The gamified domesticity. It isn’t simple to correct your vision, removing the blinders is painful, seeing the truth of things deteriorates the sense of self. There’s just too much comfort in familiarity. So easy to lull oneself back to sleep amongst the herd, so more than anything else what I feared was regression.
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toriaurorawriter15 · 13 days
I can see you: Chapter 8 The Meeting
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The Riverside Country Villa is enormous. Pen thought as she drove past the ornate kissing gate.
Once her white P.T. Cruiser drives through the beginning of the long gravel road, Pen sees two over-the-top rose bushes in a maze pattern and a line of palm trees between the road and the four acres of the villa's landscape.
The romance writer's mouth dropped when she saw the house. No, Pen couldn't say it was a home. In front of her is a place where she could picture herself getting married in her dreams.
The villa is the 1800s-style Recegnecy mansion that Pen loves writing in her stories.
The three brown pillars hold the triangle rooftop while the three-story brown brick building is cover by vines with pink lotus flowers and white roses. In front of the house is an imperial stairway made of stone.
The one thing that destroys the place's exterior, well in Pen's option, is the middle, where a modern Dutch door replaces the original door.
The small wooden door looks out of place with the stone brinks surrounding it. But Pen has to accept that sometimes regency materials are hard to come by in modern times.
After stopping for a few seconds to stare at the mansion in disbelief, Pen felt like a little girl jumping for joy. Knowing she would be living one of her dreams for one week is exciting but also inspires her to write. Sadly, she has to wait until she gets the WiFi to access it.
Nevertheless, Penelope Featherington is certain that this vacation will change her life. For the better, who knows?
"I am staying in a Regency mansion," Pen whispers in awe.
Pen turns the car's engine off, unbuckles her seat belt, and opens the door without looking away from the villa.
It takes her a few seconds to notice several other cars already parked in front of the quad with a fancy fountain in between. Some are rentals from near the LAX airport, but the one that catches her eye is Eloise's Mercedez bins.
"Pen!" She hears before seeing Eloise from the top of the imperial.
Pen laughs as she sees her best friend running down in her direction in her long Bridgeton blue and crochet beanie Pen made her for Christmas two years ago.
"Ooff" escapes Pen's lips as Eloise hugs her like she didn't see her yesterday.
"Eloise, I don't think your friend can breathe!" They hear an unrecognizable tenor male voice shout from above.
Pen's body begins to stand stiff from hearing the most musical voice in her life, while her best friend changes her position to a side hug to face one of her older brothers.
Within seconds of searching for the source behind the voice, she sees his beautiful blue eyes, tousled curly hair, and tan skin.
SingleManTraveler and Colin Bridgeton walk down the stairs quickly, but in Pen's point of view, he looks like one of those romantic characters who is slowly looking at her with a smirk of a smile on his medium-sized lips.
Colin's navy blue eyes stare at Pen with amusement behind them while she realizes how short she is as he walks closer to the two ladies.
According to her doctor, she is five-one while all the Bridgetons are taller than her.
Colin Bridgetion is a whole foot taller than her. To be exact, six feet tall!
Oh my goodness, he is hot, Pen thought while she took this time to see what he was wearing.
Unlike everyone in the family, Colin was wearing a less expensive outfit.
A pair of navy blue Levis, white Converses, a causal t-shirt, and a black pair of sunglasses on his curly hair; the whole outfit made him look like a model.
As for her, Pen decided to wear one of her favorite outfits.
A regency dress in the color green with blue lace, and her hair is back to its original color, red, pin-up full-on natural curls, and green flower wedding pins.
"Ah, hello, Miss Penelope Featherington! It is nice to see the face of the woman who sent such wonderful messages from Instagram." Colin replies like he just told the most perfect joke of the century.
Pen's blue eyes widen in shock from his greeting while Eloise asks," Pen, What is my brother talking about?"
Neither of the two explains to the third wheel in their conversation just what they are talking about.
Penelope stopped working like those memes from Tumblr, and all she could think was, Fuck. He read her instragam messges. She is so screwed.
"Nothing, Eloise! Let us bring Miss Featheringtion in, shall we?" Colin disregards her question before walking behind the two ladies.
"We are talking about this later." Pen hears Eloise whisper in her left ear while her petite body is pulled up the stairs by said best friend.
She nods okay without saying a word before glancing behind them to see Colin following them with her luggage and giving her a mischievous grin on his handsome face.
Colin then gives her a wink of a smile, and Pen looks away before feeling her face turning cherry red.
"Yup, I am fucked." Pen thought as the three walked the stairway into the mansion.
Previous Chapter
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fangsandsoftgrass · 3 months
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Cirwedh Softgrass, Child of the Green, Vinedusk Ranger, Warden, and Eye of the Queen.
AHHHHH SHES SO PRETTY!!! Cirwedh is THRIVING in this new area, the Dawnwood is so close to home and just across the river Strid is her little haven tucked into Malabal Tor, Black Vine Villa! (Which I will be posting pictures of soon!) Dawnwood is something she can navigate, something like the jungles she grew up in. Her first time in the new Bosmer settlement she couldn't help but cry when she heard the music, smelled the cuisine (mmm Jagga 🤤) and saw how lively it was. Of course she wasn't enthusiastic about the Bosmer here denouncing the Green Pact, but they are her people regardless. I think so far the Dawnwood is my favorite zone in West Weald, because it's so similar to Valenwood and I looooooove Valenwood. The last place we were was the Telvanni Peninsula and that SUCKED I low-key hate Morrowind and most dunmer I interact with LOL ESPECIALLY the Telvanni bro. Cirwedh is so happy to be far from it and in a place where she meets people like herself. Also she gets to see her bf again >:3
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evilasiangenius · 1 year
Mistakes Were Made: Sleeping Beauty Crowley
In the ruins of an abandoned rose-covered villa, Aziraphale protects a sleeping Crowley from a world fallen into chaos.
Of course, mistakes were made...
Excerpt below cut
The house was covered in thorns. Tendrils crawled up the walls, the broken columns and dead trees like a contagion seeping up from the ground, black and twisted, thick vines dark with dripping condensation.
“Well, this seems promising. Fit habitation for a demon. I think you’d approve, if you were awake. Your new home away from Hell,” Aziraphale said as he stepped over the threshold, holding Crawley in his arms.
He paused, taking a breath. There was something novel about this, but why did that gesture seem significant?
Aziraphale looked down at Crawley. The fold of the blanket had fallen from Crawley’s face, and he could see that beneath a curling lock of dark hair was that sharp point of a nose, the excellent cheekbones that defined the contours of the demon’s beauty.
It was a good thing he could not see himself, because there was a wistfulness in his expression that would have shocked him.
He walked down the long colonnade of the outer courtyard, Crawley cradled against his shoulder. When people lived here it would have been bright and cheerful, but now it was left in a deep gloom; the ornamental trees and plants had overgrown the courtyard, blotting out the sun, and in the deep shade the central pool was frozen, covered in crackling ice.
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armaans · 1 year
who: @dancingshores​ where: one of highgarden’s many bustling halls, within a night of celebration. there was feasting, dancing, and gambling; he noticed how women from the other courts did not seem to engage in the game, apart from their own. currently, armaan was involved in some sort of game of dice, with lyseni, tyroshi and reachmen. 
it was another hot summer night within the great hall of highgarden, ivy and vines creeping up stained glass and ornate white marble decor; and yet, after an evening of feasting, the surroundings was the last thing on his mind. this card game had gone on for far too long, thanks to a specific member of the party seemingly enjoying the conversation more than the actual game. unaware of the impatience that was only growing upon the table, the man continued to speak of matters across the narrow sea; matters that were not anything of significant importance. 
rather, building styles of villas and pavilions - and as the lord of yronwood put down his final hand, his hand seemed to come down hard upon the table top. almost in a way that caused whatever was on the table to shake.
it shut the representative up at least, or reminded him they were here to play the game, rather than engage in small talk for the sake of trying to get in one’s socialising. his dark orbs, stormy in essence, looked to the large crowd that was dotted around the rest of the room; there was dancing, there was one woman dancing specifically. by the sounds of the anklet, his first impression was to think it was the princess consort - only, it was not her. only someone with an uncanny resemblance to her, a woman he had come across before. she had stayed within yronwood with her lord father some years prior, for a brief amount of time; back when his uncle held the regency and armaan was to turn eighteen within the week. 
of course, she was once someone of far more importance to his friend, the ruling lord of the tor. she had stayed with the jordaynes; he was sure he had seen her during his visits to the tor, time after time.
there was much talk of him retaking yronwood that evening over the dinner, stepping into his father’s shoes that dinner; it was almost ironic now. for who knew what betrayal, bloodshed and butchery would come just a week later; crossbows shot into an empty bed, and he watched. her presence reminded him of a time where things seemed okay, but in reality, were truly not. their eyes met multiple times throughout the course of the night, and when he was finally able to collect his winnings once the game wrapped up, the man did not excuse himself. 
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rather, moved his way through the crowd in his black kurta, still adorning traditional dornish attire. his hair longer than he usually kept it. moving his way through the crowd, he knew better than to interrupt her. he would not join her. and so, the bloodroyal just became another figure stood around watching. watching, alongside those andals who looked as though she were a piece of meat to be unwrapped. he was there, silently, as he felt as though he needed to be - she was dornish, she was one of their own. 
there was applause as she finished, in a spiral conclusion. he joined the claps, slowly; still keeping his gaze fixed on her. though in truth, his attention was on the people around them. dancers were not whores, not in dorne; he knew not elsewhere. “kya aapaka kaam khatm ho gaya, ya kya mujhe agale din tak yaheen rukana hoga?” (are you finished, or do i have to wait until tomorrow?) 
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Rock and Fortress
Rock and Fortress https://ift.tt/fVn3Plu by May_Millefeuille On a dramatic shoreline of jutting rocks and cliffs, two neighbouring villas are the home to two opposite families. The Malfoy’s occupy the beautiful and desolate castle atop a cliff facing the sea, locally known as 'Serpents Edge'. The Granger’s occupy the much smaller vine covered lodging at the bottom of the cliff. Returning each summer and separated only by the small beach both properties share, a young boy and girl meet and begin a complicated friendship that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “They’re a very old and strange family that own that house round the other side of this cliff, they only come for the summers and keep to themselves when they do. Beautiful house though, been in the family for generations. Armand I think was his name who first owned it, they’ve all got funny names come to think of it. Draco I think is the son’s name, same age as Hermione here”. “Perhaps you will make friends, Hermione!” my dad nodded at me enthusiastically, as my mum looked on warily. “Yeah, maybe” I said without much conviction. I doubt he’d want to be friends with me anyway. No one else does. Words: 347, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Lily Evans Potter, Ron Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Hermione Granger's Mother, Hermione Granger's Father, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Dean Thomas, Astoria Greengrass, Luna Lovegood, Daphne Greengrass, Marauders (Harry Potter) Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Minor Character Death, The Golden Trio Era (Harry Potter), Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, POV Hermione Granger, POV Draco Malfoy, Adult Hermione Granger, Adult Draco Malfoy, Redemption, Hurt/Comfort, Coming of Age, Sad and Happy via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/ah74YOe July 30, 2023 at 02:54PM
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anas123 · 2 months
Romantic Escapes: Top Honeymoon Destinations in West India
West India is a region blessed with diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and stunning natural beauty, making it an ideal destination for honeymooners. Whether you dream of tranquil beaches, majestic forts, serene hill stations, or vibrant cities, West India has something for every couple. In this blog, we will explore some unique and enchanting honeymoon destinations in West India and highlight honeymoon tour packages to ensure a memorable start to your married life.
1. Lonavala and Khandala: Twin Hill Retreats
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Lonavala and Khandala, twin hill stations located in the Sahyadri mountain range, are popular honeymoon spots near Mumbai and Pune. Known for their lush green valleys, misty hills, and tranquil lakes, these hill stations offer a perfect romantic getaway. Visit the beautiful Bhushi Dam, take a trek to the historic Rajmachi Fort, or enjoy a serene boat ride on the Lonavala Lake.
Khandala’s Sunset Point and Duke’s Nose provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape, making for perfect photo opportunities. Many honeymoon tour packages include cozy stays in charming resorts and villas, offering privacy and comfort amidst nature.
2. Diu: The Coastal Charm
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Diu, a small island off the coast of Gujarat, is a hidden gem for honeymooners seeking a peaceful beach destination. With its pristine beaches, Portuguese architecture, and relaxed vibe, Diu offers a unique blend of history and natural beauty. Spend your days lounging on Nagoa Beach, exploring the historic Diu Fort, and visiting the beautiful St. Paul’s Church.
For a romantic experience, take a walk along the Ghoghla Beach during sunset or enjoy a candlelight dinner by the sea. Honeymoon tour packages to Diu often include beachfront accommodations and guided tours, ensuring a relaxed and memorable stay.
3. Alibaug: The Beach Haven
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Alibaug, located on the Konkan coast of Maharashtra, is a popular beach destination for honeymooners. Known for its clean beaches, historic forts, and lush greenery, Alibaug offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Visit the picturesque Alibaug Beach, explore the Kolaba Fort, and take a leisurely stroll through the Alibaug Market.
For adventure-loving couples, water sports such as jet skiing, parasailing, and boating are available at Nagaon and Mandwa beaches. Many honeymoon tour packages to Alibaug include stays in charming beachside cottages and luxurious resorts, offering a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure.
4. Rann of Kutch: The White Desert Wonderland
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The Rann of Kutch in Gujarat is a magical destination, known for its vast white salt desert that stretches as far as the eye can see. The Rann Utsav, a cultural festival held from November to February, showcases the rich heritage and vibrant culture of Gujarat with folk dances, music, and handicrafts.
Stay in luxurious tents, enjoy camel rides, and savor traditional Gujarati cuisine under the starry skies. Visit the nearby attractions such as the Kalo Dungar (Black Hill), the India Bridge, and the Mandvi Beach for a complete experience. Honeymoon tour packages to Kutch ensure a blend of cultural immersion and unique adventures.
5. Nashik: The Wine Capital of India
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Nashik, located in the state of Maharashtra, is renowned for its vineyards and wineries, making it a delightful destination for wine-loving couples. Tour the famous Sula Vineyards, York Winery, and Soma Vine Village, where you can indulge in wine tasting sessions and vineyard tours. Enjoy a romantic stay in the vineyard resorts, complete with wine spa treatments and gourmet dining experiences.
Apart from its vineyards, Nashik also boasts beautiful temples, scenic hills, and the serene Godavari River. Visit the ancient Trimbakeshwar Temple, explore the Pandavleni Caves, and take a boat ride on the Gangapur Dam for a well-rounded honeymoon experience. Honeymoon tour packages to Nashik often include vineyard tours, luxury stays, and wine-tasting sessions.
6. Silvassa: The Tranquil Retreat
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Silvassa, the capital of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, is a peaceful retreat surrounded by lush greenery, rivers, and tribal heritage. This lesser-known destination offers a tranquil escape for honeymooners seeking solitude and natural beauty. Visit the Vanganga Lake Garden, take a boat ride on the Dudhni Lake, and explore the Deer Park for a close encounter with nature.
For a cultural experience, visit the Tribal Cultural Museum and the Hirwa Van Garden, which showcases the local tribal art and lifestyle. Honeymoon tour packages to Silvassa include stays in nature resorts and guided tours, ensuring a relaxing and rejuvenating honeymoon.
West India offers a plethora of romantic destinations, each with its unique charm and appeal. Whether you prefer the misty hills of Lonavala and Khandala, the coastal beauty of Diu and Alibaug, the enchanting white desert of Kutch, the wine trails of Nashik, or the serene retreat of Silvassa, you’ll find the perfect setting to celebrate your love. With a variety of honeymoon tour packages available, planning your dream honeymoon in West India is a breeze. Embark on a journey filled with romance, adventure, and unforgettable memories in this beautiful region
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edwin--artifex · 7 months
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'Archeological Box' @ Domus Aventino BNP Paribas Real estate on Piazza Albania on the Aventine Hill, Rome
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Edwin Alexander Francis 'dubbed' the famous Italian television host, science journalist and writer Piero Angela who curated the archeo-multimedia installations together with Paco Lanciani.
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La Scatola Archeologica Domus Aventino
“Portare alla luce ciò che è antico, è una delle più grandi forme d’amore per l’umanità”
Piero Angela
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(c) of the renders courtesy:
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Here's a clip from the promo vid ->
and an article from:
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Ancient Roman villa and elaborate mosaics found beneath apartment block in Rome. The villa and its mosaics have now been turned into a subterranean museum
By Nick Squires ROME 6 October 2020 • 10:00am
A concierge and a smart address are no longer enough for one apartment block in Rome – it can now boast its very own subterranean Roman villa. Archeologists have unveiled the remains of a sumptuous Roman “domus” or villa, complete with elaborate mosaics, that had remained hidden for 2,000 years. It was discovered when engineers carried out work to earthquake-proof the residential development, which was built in the 1950s. Archeologists were called in and found a series of palatial rooms laid with mosaics featuring black and white geometric designs, made from tens of thousands of tiny cubes of stone. “You can see from the richness of the decorations and the mosaics that the villa belonged to a powerful person, probably linked to the imperial family,” said Daniela Porro, a senior cultural heritage official for the city. “Rome never ceases to surprise us. It’s an archeological jewel.” It was unearthed by chance in 2014 and after years of archeological work is now ready to be opened to the public as a subterranean museum. Visitors will enter the modern apartment building from the street, cross a courtyard and descend one flight of steps to an anonymous grey door next to a pair of lifts. Inside are not the only the remains of the Roman villa, with mosaics and fragments of frescoes and Latin inscriptions, but earlier segments of a stone tower dating back to the 8th century BC, as well as a huge defensive wall that dates back to the Roman republic. During the excavation, archeologists found a wide array of objects from everyday Roman life, including a hammer, a key, a water tap, a hairpin and oil-burning lamps. They found amphorae which held garum, a noxious-smelling sauce made from fermented fish that the Romans loved to use to spice up their meals. There were also fragments of lacquered bowls stamped with the images of Hercules and the goddess Athena. Video projections on the walls of the underground space bring the villa alive, with a senator and his wife strolling amid marble busts, ornate tables and couches. One mosaic has as its centrepiece an image of a bright green parrot with a splash of red in its plumage, while another depicts a grape vine growing from a large vase. The archeologists found not just one layer of remains, but six different layers, one on top of another, spanning a period of two centuries. The patterns of the mosaics, including one which features a repetitive figure 8, are unusual. “We’ve not seen it before,” said Roberto Narducci, an architect involved in the excavation. The €3 million dig was funded by BNP Paribas Real Estate, the company which owns the apartment building. “It’s quite a challenge to allow access to the site, while protecting the privacy of the condominium’s residents,” said the company’s Anselmo De Titta. “It will be open to the public at least two days every month and more if there is the demand.”
...and here's Piero Angela's conclusion ('dubbed' by Edwin Alexander Francis :-) ->
check out the real estate here ->
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stateofgeorgie · 10 months
In Autumn, the island's country roads rumble under the weight of men on tractors, laden with burlaps sacks fat with olives, black, purple green. Olive mills are crowded with them, dropping off sacks, picking up great canisters of liquid green-gold olive oil. October, November, December - women in trees,  kids below spreading canvases to catch the fruit. If you're lucky, your trees will be ready to harvest before the weather turns cold enough to nip at your fingers and nose, you will picnic under the bounteous trees.
  🎪 Pinterest: https://gr.pinterest.com/homegiftguide/  🖼️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/april0ctober/ 🗿 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/april0ctober/ 
 - olive harvest - poetry film - Zakynthos, Greece - 
 filmed by ANTA stone villa and their organically farmed olive grove (antaconcept.com) 
 Let's say the year starts in fall. Let’s just say it, without asking if it’s true. There is fruit, dark, perfect, juicy and bitter. The wind blows and fruit falls. The wind blows and golden leaves fall. The grass lies shrivelled from summer. The fruit is heavy on these branches, But half lasts till the dying of the light, Midwinter, they are shrivelled wineskins That shine like gold in raindrops and sunbeams. They crust the concrete with loamy pebbles, Fertilize glades, groves, gutters, and concrete. Thick grass prepares to coat everything. Trees look always the same, unchanging though The slender stalks that unfurl the first eye-soft leaf In the gentle days before spring have turned into ship-like Hollow cases adrift on the land, Caught in walls, falling into wells, filled in the flood with dirt like that they sprang from, wine-dark, mixed with seeds, half rot and half roots. The dirt inside such twisted coffins harbours stories, people never seen before, a carnival of life. That bitter juice, that smooth black skin, those large craggy seeds, those silver blades hold forth, deliver a message for the whole community of life. The wind carries it, the summer comes in with slim blossoms, messages carried still further. Messages of cream, of the fat of life and the almost sensible secret scent of growing things. Summer makes seeds of tiny buds, puts flesh on their bones, sends them bouncing and bright into the hands of little children amidst the thrill of a first gentle lifting up to the community of twigs and air. They grasp, release, gasp at the height, The ancient dance is skilfully executed by chunks of solidified light. The bright new baubles, pale as grass, entice the child to put a foot on the first step of roots and each step leads to the next. The sense of the limbs takes over. The puzzle is laid bare. Old, still arms made light with new life lift and lift. The process is self-evident, the mystery cracks open. Weights meet in balance, wood bounces, a foot bounces and a seed in such a state can sometimes bounce as far as the sea. That sea tells secrets, hears everything whispered, sends its waves to lend a hand. It carries the sky inside and out, light in every straight line stirring the mess together. It rests and wrinkles the bones of old groves when their roots go deep enough. Like always, summer grows heavy and sags, vines and fields are sticky and buzzing with life, juice runs over the dry grasses. Ripening, always ripening. When fall comes again, they stand ready to receive a communion of sorts, secretive but informal, an exercise of limb and mind, an activity that must end in mulch. Everything dies like this, sacrificing its former life to future life. Dying is fundamental. Seeds and seedlings eat their clothes And offerings are made to all, regardless of deserving. Food is given in every form but only some look to us like death. A rot produces a perfume too; some say it is not very different from an orchid’s. We take and take, fill pockets and pantries, Stain our clothes our hair our minds, and feed on oil that burns our throats for sheer freshness What’s left will be torn apart by the wind. Hidden away, purified to the utmost, a fruit becomes a commodity Its link to its old life withers away. Its future existence stretches forth as always, exploring the vast web of possibilities ________________________________ 
 olives, olive trees, olive harvest, farming, organic, film, short movie, film festival, poem, poetry film, olive grove, Greece, Jim Jarmusch, Paterson, original poetry, nature, ambient music, ambient sounds, relaxing visuals, Greek islands, alternative tourism, food tourism, eco tourism, greek filmmaker, cinematographer, fuji-xt30, shot with fuji, fuji xt30, fuji eterna, poetry film, poetry short film, spoken poetry film, poetic film, poet film, poetic filmmaking, visual poetry film, film poem, short film, documentary, short doc, olives, Zante, Zakynthos, april october studios, fujifilm, fujii, olive harvest, organic, farming, bio, ANTAconcept
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otakutemmiebooks · 2 years
The books I have to read in the next 2 years are,
The Love Hypothesis: Ali Hazelwood
Shadow And Bone: Leigh Bardugo
Radio Silence: Alice Oseman
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: J.K. Rowling
Red Queen: Victoria Aveyard
The Inheritance Games: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
World War Z: Max Brooks
Independent Study: Joelle Charbonneau
Killer Kung Pao: Vivien Chien
Ready Player Two: Ernest Cline
Mockingjay: Suzanne Collins
The Taking: Kimberly Derting
The Dating Plan: Sara Desai
All the Light We Cannot See: Anthony Doerr
The Rules For Disappearing: Ashley Elston
The Rules For Breaking: Ashley Elston
Charming and the Cherry Blossom: L.J. Evans
If I Stay: Gayle Forman
Peach Blossom Spring: Melissa Fu
Girl In Pieces: Kathleen Glasgow
The Fault in Our Stars: John Green
Paper Towns: John Green
The Summer I Turned Pretty: Jenny Han
Prince Charming: Rachel Hawkins
Her Royal Highness: Rachel Hawkins
Verity: Colleen Hoover
Ugly Love: Colleen Hoover
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder: Holly Jackson
Grey: E.L. James
Jay's Gay Agenda: Jason June
Love & Other Disasters: Anita Kelly
Under the Dome: Stephen King
Illuminae: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Crazy Rich Asians: Kevin Kwan
Invaded: Melissa Landers
Starlight: Melissa Landers
Autoboyography: Christina Lauren
The Girl With Seven Names: Hyeonseo Lee
One Last Stop: Casey McQuiston
Cinder: Marissa Meyer
Midnight Sun: Stephenie Meyer
New Moon: Syephenie Meyer
Where the Crawdads Sing: Delia Owens
The Horsewoman: James Patterson
The Verifiers: Jane Pek
The Alice Network: Kate Quinn
Daisy Jones & the Six: Taylor Jenkins Reid
Divergent: Veronica Roth
Insurgent: Veronica Roth
Fangirl: Rainbow Rowell
Asylum: Madeleine Roux
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe: Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Salt to the Sea: Ruta Sepetys
Zom-B: Darren Shan
The Light Between Oceans: M.L. Stedman
The Loners: Lex Thomas
Enchantée: Gita Trelease
Code Name Verity: Elizabeth Wein
Black Dove White Raven: Elizabeth Wein
Rose Under Fire: Elizabeth Wein
Love & Gelato: Jenna Evans Welch
The 5th Wave: Rick Yancey
The Last Letter: Rebecca Yarros
Kingdom of Lies: Ben Alderson
Tell Me You Want Me: Willow Winters
City of Thieves: David Benioff
N0S4A2: Joe Hill
The Ex Hex: Erin Sterling
Don't Cry For Me: Daniel Black
Glitch: Briana Michaels
Twisted Game: Eva Ashwood
Ruin: Jolie Vines
Lord Eternal Night: Ben Alderson
The Fine Print: Lauren Asher
The Night Circus: Erin Morgenstern
The Deal: Elle Kennedy
New Year's Kiss: Lee Matthews
The Heir: Sophie Lark
West With Giraffes: Lynda Rutledge
Percy Jackson Lightning Thief: Rick Riordan
The Falling in Love Montage: Clara Smyth
Sugar Daddies: Jade West
Fifteen Hundred Miles From the Sun: Jonny Garza Villa
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scribblescreative · 2 years
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[Image ID: square image with a grey concrete background and creeping, green vines. The word “one” is written in black font in the middle of the square. /.End ID]
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[Image text: Turner’s House - Sandycombe Lodge. Philip writes: Joseph and John: JMW Turner, England’s greatest painter (discuss), was good friends with Sir John Soane, one of England’s greatest architects. Wanting a bolthole away from London, Turner acquired a plot of land in distant Twickenham, which took in views of open pastures leading down to Marble Hill, and then to the river. He designed a bijou residence, Sandycombe (or Solus) Lodge, which nods vigorously to Soane, with idiosyncratic architectural and design details Turner used the house sporadically for 13 years, but lodged William, his elderly father, here until the latter’s death in 1826, when Turner sold up. Suburbia was already starting to encroach, and by the time the railway opened… well, you know the rest. Turner’s isolated Regency villa now sits in the middle of a very agreeable suburban Victorian street. For many years it dissolved into the background - it was even used as a factory during WW2. It was bought by a Prof and Mrs Livermore in 1947, and they devoted much of the rest of their lives to its restoration. Now managed by a charitable trust , Sandycombe Lodge has recently been renovated, and is an atmospheric delight - well worth visiting. /.End ID]
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[Image ID: a square instagram post with a grey concrete background with five photographs on it. The photographs depict the exterior of an old brick, two-storey cottage, from varying angles. The cottage has a small square, one-storey extension with rounded corners and is surrounded by a white picket fence. Two of the five photographs show the interior of a dated bedroom with a four-poster bed, patterned wallpaper, matching curtains by the window and around the bed frame, and an exquisite large rug. One of the photographs is of a hand drawn sketch of the exterior of the cottage drawn in the 1800s. /.End ID]
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[Image text: Writing Prompt - Character: Philip refers in this piece to the industrial revolution and the way it altered this 19th century building's surroundings. For today's writing prompt, think about how it might feel when surroundings change. Choose one (or all!) of these tasks and use as much of the historical information from Philip's post as you like. 1) Put yourself or a character into Sandycombe Lodge on the day that you first noticed the ground near your home being broken for a new building. 2) Write about an elderly father who is cared for/abandoned in Sandycombe Lodge. 3) Invent an alternative character to live in this building. Stand them on the stunning balcony and see what they have to say. What do they see? /.End ID]
[Image text: Artist Prompt - Character: Philip mentions 5 different people who spent their time at Sandycombe Lodge. Choose to draw/design any amount of these people as you as you like, thinking about how they would have looked at the time in which they lived at the lodge. If, like me, you’re not confident in your people-drawing skills, then choose to draw the kind of pet you think they might have had, or a garment/accessory they would have worn. These people were: JMW Turner. Sir John Soane. William (Turner’s elderly father). Professor Livermore. Mrs Livermore. /.End ID]
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woodfinder8754 · 2 years
Olivewood Estate Homestead, Residence Of Canadian Charles Chaff
The 2013 is the current launch and it's consuming superbly right now. Pair yours with a thick steak cooked on the grill. Grapes for this Argentine red mix are grown in Alejandro Vigil and Adrianna Catena’s Gualtallary vineyard within the Uco Valley. It is a mix of eighty olivewood estate five % Cabernet Franc and 15 p.c Malbec and it's deep purple within the glass with aromas of brown baking spices, ripe black cherries and just a whiff of mint. In the mouth there are flavors of black raspberries and black plums with a touch of milk chocolate and a pleasant raise of peppermint in the finish.
Unfortunately we are not able to find the page you're searching for. Golfweather.com provides a detailed climate forecast for the exact longitudinal and latitudinal location of every golf course world broad. It's a beautiful place with an exquisite olivewood estate golf course, the newly constructed lodging is completely wonderful. Do your self a favour and pay the lovely place a visit. We had a lovely time there and will definitely go once more. The waiting time of 50 minutes for breakfast is merely too long.
Another purpose is that almost all consumers work in the Sandton, Randburg and Johannesburg CBDs, and they find that properties in North Riding are accessibly priced and located,” adds Chimbwanda. Though Sandy Lane Hotel and Sandy Lane Estate are two completely different entities, residents who turn out to be members at the lodge acquire extra access to the hotel’s five-star facilities, together olivewood estate with tennis courts, spa amenities and connoisseur dining. “This is by far the best property anybody can purchase right now in Sandy Lane Estate, if in search of a statement home with a sea view. It’s worth noting that lower than 10% of the houses on the estate have a sea view, so it is a very coveted characteristic,” Mr. Parra stated.
Luxurious 6 bed Sandy Lane Estate Villa with spectacular views of the West Coast and Caribbean Sea. Discover the best top things to do in East London, South Africa together with Burnside Touch Farm, Olivewood Private Estate & Golf Club, Hood Point Lighthouse, East London City Hall, Khaya La Bantu Cultural Village. Zillow Group is dedicated to ensuring digital accessibility for individuals with disabilities. We are repeatedly working to enhance the accessibility of our web experience for everyone, and we welcome feedback and lodging requests. If you wish to report a problem or seek an lodging, pleaselet us know.
Thanks to reasonable late summer time and early fall temperatures in 2018 he was capable of enable his grapes to slowly mature on the vine resulting in a wine with elegant structure and balanced acidity. There are aromas of chocolate lined cherries, cassis and black olives in the bouquet. In the mouth there are flavors of rich, ripe darkish fruits and just a contact of dried thyme and oregano with a strong spine of minerality. One truism of wine and meals pairings that may by no means exit of style is that purple wine and steak are an ideal match.
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Bone Chapel
Player: @ananarch
House: Black Vine Villa
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hellahellastoned · 3 years
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