#Black mail
mistresssria · 7 months
Serving at my feet is your sex life 😈, reblog if you dare to serve 🤨
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kawaiifemboy · 1 year
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akarii-memes · 1 year
Send "Caught on Can-did camera!" To record my muse doing something silly/embarrassing!
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anime-to-the-t · 3 months
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Another situation where fandom psychos are showing their asses. Antis is any space will never beat the perpetual cycle of them always being predatory towards children. It's very clear that all of their fussing over objects is them pushing their sick and twisted desires on others.
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girl8890 · 2 years
R Town | Ch.22
Jin x FemOc
word count: 2.7
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POV: Jin
Warnings: Domestic abuse (mentioned), Rape (mentioned), Blackmail.
Index | Ch.23
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Most people enjoy their days off. My favorite way to spend my days off is playing video games, and eating a bag of Fritos until the clock strikes one am.
Today, however, is my day off, but I don't intend to play video games all day and eat Fritos until I have to buy more. I planned on seeing Juliet and helping her seek out a job. I know even though she didn't show it all last night for some reason, she was scared to tell Felix she was leaving the club. I planned to help her with that too, but when I opened my phone this morning and texted her, my entire plan changed.
I know when you send a text, and you get a message in return that says "didn't go through," it doesn't mean your service sucks. Especially since my phone is brand spanking new. There are only two explanations for this unsent text. One being she blocked me, and the other being her phone has shit service.
I wanted it to be the second option so badly, but when I went by her place to see a waiting Daisy and Namjoon, I knew before even stepping out of the car it was the first option.
Before I let either of them speak a word to me as I stepped out of the car, I asked, "Where's Juliet?"
Daisy, a friend I've noticed Juliet hanging around at the club the few times I went by to check on her without her knowledge, stops leaning against Namjoon's arm to step closer to me. "I'm guessing your Jin, right?"
I don't have time for pleasantries, and the last thing I need right now is excuses, so I repeat myself but this time with authority strong in my voice, "Where is Juliet?"
Namjoon steps forward now and keeps Daisy behind him. I roll my eyes because it's so him not wanting his girlfriend getting involved with me. All because my father was a deadbeat, and I followed too closely in his footsteps when it came to my angry bursts. I don't get angry very often anymore, in fact, it was Juliet who helped me keep calm, but when it starts to bubble there's only so much I can do to stop it from overflowing.
"Jin," Namjoon starts. "She left over an hour ago. Daisy was here-"
"No she fucking didn't!" I yell making both Namjoon and Daisy jump. "She said we would talk in the morning. S-she said..." I stop myself short and feel an angry headache come on. Making me press my palms to my forehead and try to steady myself against my car.
Namjoon steps forward to help me, but I smack his arms away from me. Daisy then jumps in between us, worried I'll do something to her boyfriend, and raises her hands in an attempt to calm me down. "She said she didn't want to break your heart, but this was the best thing for you. Juliet didn't leave for no reason, Jin. She did it to protect you."
I laugh even though nothing is funny. I know that really can't be the full reason she left. There's no way. All to protect me? Protect me from what?
I suddenly freeze when a realization hits me. Juliet said a lot of nonsense last night, but one thing was clear as fucking day to my ears... she was afraid of Felix. Afraid of what he will do if she left. Maybe Juliet really does think she's no good for me, but that can't be the entire reason she left. Not the entire reason she was afraid to leave that place and be with me.
Without saying anything else to Juliet's little messengers, I turn and get into my car. If either of them called after me, I didn't hear a thing. My ears are ringing as I drive through the town to get to the Lee club on the other side.
It's close to eleven in the afternoon, so I'm guessing the Lee club is open since it opens up early. The whole car ride was a blur, but once I parked and stepped out of my car my eyes were clear as fucking day. Clear on the target I'm about to set all my rage onto.
Right before I step through the doors of the sex and strip club, I pause. I pause and remember who I am, and what investigation I've been secretly having for the past few months. I honestly started putting it to the side when Juliet became the center of my mind, but now, after feeling in my gut that Juliet left because she was protecting me from the bastard owner of this club, I step back. I step back from the building and return to my car.
I'm the lead detective of this town, and with that the sheriff too! I may not be able to do much since this investigation isn't on paper, but at this point, I don't care about any of that. I only care about the girl that the fucker Felix drove away. I care and love her enough to not care about any laws I might break for what I'm about to do. I just hope what I'm about to do won't be in vain.
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
It took one search into the dark web for me to find what I was expecting. At the station, we have a search browser that lets all detectives on an investigation find taken down or even almost published articles and websites. The reason I didn't use it before is that a detective can only use it if there on a LEGAL investigation. Meaning it was approved by the higher-ups, and it's viewed as a needed source. I not only didn't tell my higher-ups about this investigation but I could be fired for even using the website right now.
Sure, I could probably get on the same website at home with a few hours of searching, but why would I do that when I have the browser up and ready in front of me now? Luckily, not a lot of people are here today. Sundays are always slow, and that's why I picked this day to have as my only day off, as well as a lot of other cops. The only cops on right now are out on patrol and one that's been sleeping in the break room since I got here thirty minutes ago.
I should reprimand the guy for sleeping on the job, but I'm not being good cop Jin right now. I'm being the Jin that doesn't give a shit about his job and is more worried about shutting down a business because it scared the only person I've ever truly cared about out of town.
Once I put Felix's full name in, I first got the same articles about him beating and sexually assaulting girls. The same articles I found originally where the charges were dropped. But as I scrolled down, I found a lot more articles.
The website shows me articles of alleged rapes by himself and allowing his workers to get raped by others. Paying off girls that got beaten and assaulted by him when he was having a "bad day." There was even an article about him letting girls get gang banged, but that article was cut short. Meaning it was one of the articles that weren't even allowed to be fully written for some reason.
All of this of course shocked me, but then I got to the articles about his wife. M Lee, also known as Malissa "M" Park. It shocked me to find out her family is the Parks. The ones that own and abandoned this town years ago. It makes sense why there wasn't much about her on the regular web, since if my memory is correct that family only did business with other businesses, so they never got many press releases for being the sponsors or stockholders and not the main ones. Even if, the photos and articles that were on this search browser made me question why she was married to the guy.
There are photographs of her in a hospital with multiple injuries, and even a video of Felix pushing her in the back of one of his clubs. But what really shocked me was an article that wasn't fully edited but clear enough to show that Felix not only beat his wife before but also raped her to the point she was bleeding so badly and had to go to the hospital.
This is exactly what I needed. A close-by witness, and printed out evidence of something terrible Felix has done. I press the print button, feeling victorious, but then I really start to think about my question from before. Why hasn't M gone to the police?
That's when my gears start turning. Is her family in on it? It seems if a few of these conspiracy articles are correct, the marriage was seemingly out of nowhere. The families connected in business, then bam! Marriage. What if she wouldn't help me because of that? That she's not married to the guy because of love but another reason entirely.
There's also the chance that Felix is holding something over her head. I don't know her personally, but by some of these graphic photos of her injuries, I don't think any girl would want to stay in a marriage just because of an arrangement. Could he be threatening her?
The printer dings, indicating it's done printing my evidence, and so does the lightbulb in my head. What if I don't need her in on it? I could threaten Felix with these articles, and that could be a good enough reason for him to leave town. I don't know if it would bring Juliet back, but it's worth a try. I know I'm kind of a bastard for no longer leading with my original plan of wanting to shut him down, but since all this evidence is illegal for me to have to start with, I'm going to have to go with the alternative.
Guys like Felix always get their comeuppance, anyway. I just sadly won't be the guy to arrest him when he gets that final comeuppance.
With my plan finally set up, I take the evidence I just printed, wipe the computer I used clean of any search history, and retake the steps I originally was going to take.
I walk straight into the Lee club and find Felix within seconds. It's not very hard to find the blonde man, especially when he's sitting in the front row of the stage and pawing at the girl who's dancing. I take Felix by the collar and lift him up on his feet.
"What the fuck, man!" Felix yells at me and pushes me away from him.
I raise the papers, and not caring about anyone listening, I yell, "You really thought you could hide this forever? All the shit you've been doing to the girls that work for-"
"Okay, okay! Shut you for a second." I'm fuming at this point. I feel my face heat up and I swear steam is coming out of my ears. Does this mother fucker really think I'll listen to him?
"No, Felix. You listen to me!"
"And I will!" I'm shocked by his acceptance to listen to me so quickly, but then I finally realize we actually have an audience and that's why he's so willing to listen. "Can we just do this in private? I'll listen to whatever you have to say just... not here."
As much as I want to blast and ruin this guy's reputation to the public, it won't help my case if it gets out how I found this evidence. Not that I'm going to tell Felix that, but one word to someone at the station and they could easily put two and two together. Hence, why I made this plan of basically blackmailing the guy out of town in the first place.
Felix nods his head, indicating for me to follow him, and we walk behind his bar until we're inside a room that looks like an office.
"M is usually the only one that uses this office, but I also know it's sound proof, so you can give me all your threats in here."
I'm shocked by how easy Felix is taking this, but at the same time, I'm also bewildered by how he's just "okay" with knowing I'm about to blackmail the shit out of him. Felix notices my shocked reaction and responds with a knocking smirk. "You really think you're the first cop to threaten me? I promise, whatever you have in your hand right there, isn't going to do shit to me. I've paid people off before, and I can pay off more if I need to. At the end of the day, no one gives a shit about a bunch of whores that got treated badly by their boss."
Felix ends with a shrug that was basically saying, "this is normal for me," and I don't know whether to punch him in the face or die on the floor laughing. Does he really think I just have evidence about the girls that work for him? I already can't wait to smack that stupid smirk off his face.
I raise my first page of evidence, the picture of M in the hospital, and I actually smile when I see Felix's smirk fall. "Evidence number one of how your a shit husband. Beating your wife to the point she has to be put into a hospital."
"That's not what you-"
"Evidence number two!" I raise an article explaining M's pleads with a nurse at the hospital. "Said by your wife herself, 'I can't be here. I need to get home before he' and I quote 'kills everyone I love.'"
Felix leans against the desk and looks down. Him finally realizing that I won, and he has just lost, but I don't stop because I want him to really fucking get the point of his reputation being demolished if this stuff were to ever get out. "And evidence number three. This one's my favorite, but not because it says anything good about you. M's rape kit results." Felix looks up at me, and looking at his pathetic angry eyes makes me decide to read right off the page. "Malissa Lee's injuries and positive results shows that not only was she raped by her husband, Felix Lee, but she was injured so badly that the bleeding wouldn't stop until she was sent to surgery."
"Okay, I get it."
"The surgery was luckily successful, but for unknown reason she does not want to press changers."
"I said I get it, Jin!"
"The doctors say that luckily nothing was torn, and the bleeding only happened because her body wasn't used to having sex - forced that is - so brutally." I end there. Felix is fuming with anger so badly that it's actually radiating off of him. Meanwhile, I'm happy as could be. Not about what I just read and the fact it happened, but what this evidence means for him. Of course, I wish I could make this evidence the real thing, and arrest him instead of reading the words of the articles as blackmail, but this is the best I could do for now.
"What do you want?" And that's the best thing that's been asked of me all day.
"I want you out of my town, and to never return. I don't care if the club stays open, but I don't want you anywhere near it. One step back into R town, and all of this evidence will be blasted everywhere! You won't have time to pay everyone off because your reputation will already be smashed to pieces before hand. Not to mention all the jail time this evidence will mark you with."
After a hesitant moment, and a few hard stares from Felix, he says, "Fuck you, but fine."
And for the first time since Lee club was opened, I leave this club feeling happy I entered it.
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
Ending Notes: I know this chapter seems shorter than other chapters, but this was always meant to happen and I didn't know what else that was needed to be added to it. This is also the point where some people get majorly fucked (and not in a good way). I know you're probably like "yay! Felix is leaving," but don't forget wherever Felix goes... M is forced to follow...
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Back in 2017 I signed up for one of the Cards Against Humanity sillies and did their Cards Against Humanity Saves America. Basically they were like fuck Tr*mp and his border wall and used the funds from the campaign to buy land and to make all 150,000 contributors part owners of said land across the US/Mexico border.
It was fun and silly and I got a little certificate.
Today I got an email that Elon Musk illegally annexed that land for SpaceX and that CAH are suing him over it. So possibly I’ll get like $100 if they manage to win a lawsuit and stick it to Musk. It’s like even more bang for my original buck.
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navinsamachar · 10 hours
रिश्तेदार के घर पर कब्जा करने के लिए शातिर मां-बेटियों ने अपने सिर में ईंट मारी, फिर झूठे केस में फंसाने की दी धमकी
नवीन समाचार, हरिद्वार, 24 सितम्बर 2024 (Pathri-Cunning Mother-Daughters hit themselves)। उत्तराखंड के हरिद्वार जनपद के पथरी थाना क्षेत्र के गाडोवाली गांव में मां-बेटियों और दामाद द्वारा अपने रिश्तेदार के घर पर कब्जा करने के लिए साजिश रचने का मामला सामने आया है। पुलिस व संबंधितों से प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार, मां-बेटियों ने पहले पीड़ित पक्ष से झगड़ा किया और फिर खुद को पीड़ित साबित करने के लिए अपने…
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kawaiifemboy · 2 years
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mailboxxi · 27 days
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my first zs, if this is anything
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chronivore · 1 year
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Black Mail
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zegalba · 1 year
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my vintage 1930’s black chain mail clutch
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sun-kissy · 22 days
Hi, i wanted to request a james potter x reader thingy :))
So the idea is that james and reader broke up during hogwarts/directly after because they had the children talk, james really wants to be a father but reader is terrified of pregnancy so they break up. But over the years the reader keeps yearning for james and eventually they meet again when james and lily are together and have baby harry and its just really angsty 😭😭
Hope all of this makes sense i thought of this while listening to a song lyric
thank you for the request babe i love how your brain works <3 this is quite angsty so hopefully you like it! and now i’m curious to know what song 👀
also here’s some shameless promotion for @astonishment’s series with the same name, it’s deliciously tragic (☹️☹️☹️) and everyone should check it out!!
in another life | j.p.
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“Calm down, babe,” Sirius mutters as you walk in step, looping his arm through yours.
You nibble on your bottom lip anxiously, sighing as you glance over at him. “It’s not that easy, Siri. I’m seeing him after what — four years? I can’t just calm down!”
He rolls his eyes, reaching towards you and thumbing at your lip to save it from your torment. “You’re seeing me after four years.”
You turn to Sirius, and he huffs out a laugh at your deadpan expression. “Well, you never asked me to marry you.”
Sirius wiggles his eyebrows, his lips curving up into a grin. “Marry me?”
“Fuck off, Black.”
James and Lily Potter were holding a meet-up of sorts, and had invited most people in your year at Hogwarts. You were hesitant to go, given your history with James, but Sirius insisted you tag along. You knew he, Remus, and Peter had stayed in touch with James. Rightfully, you ought to have too. But neither of you tried to; maybe you both knew it was better that way.
Sirius simpers, coming to a halt in front of the large black gates of the mansion. He reaches forward and begins to twist the lock, and you instinctively reach over and grab his hand to stop him. He turns to you, confusion twisting his features. “What are you — oh. Oh, sweetheart.”
He softens when he sees the expression on your face. You’re biting your cuticles, and the anxiety in your features is palpable. Sirius sighs and firmly pulls your hand away from your mouth, intertwining your fingers together. “It’s gonna be okay. Just be cordial with him. There’s no bad blood, right?”
“Right,” you mutter, albeit uncertainly.
“But, um…” he sighs, dropping your hand to rake his fingers through his hair. “There’s something I should’ve told you before. But I didn’t wanna freak you out.”
The apprehension in your tone causes Sirius to wince. “James and Lily, they… they’ve got a baby.”
There’s a beat of loud silence as the fact sinks in, a mount of uncertainty and hurt settling in the pit of your stomach.
You’re trying not to show it, but the heartbreak on your face is painfully obvious. Sirius pouts, moving to take your hand again. “Babe, I’m sorry. I should’ve –”
He doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence, the gates swinging open to reveal a beaming James Potter.
“Pads,” he grins immediately, eyes locking on Sirius as he moves towards him and swoops him into a quick hug.
You take the moment to look James over. He looked exactly like you remembered — messy curls, toned biceps, that movie-star grin. Yet something felt different, in the way he pulled Sirius into a hug without all the raucous fervour he would’ve at 16, how he held him so gently at arm’s length while talking to him. He’d softened, you realised, from the responsibilities of fatherhood and being a husband.
They pull apart a moment later, and his gaze drifts to you. His smile loses a bit of its sunshine, not softening but not quite dimming either. “Y/n, hey.”
There’s a moment of hesitation as he looks at you, but then he seems to decide upon giving you a hug too.
“Hi,” you mutter as he shortens the distance between you, needling his arms under yours to press them to your back. You embrace him in return, and a sudden pang of hurt shoots through your heart at the familiarity of the action.
Perhaps he was remembering it too, from the way he tightened his grip. Both of you were heavy on physical touch, and it was undeniably the best part of your relationship back in Hogwarts — how he’d always have a hand wrapped around your waist, how you’d wake up to cuddles and hugs every morning. You didn’t exactly have anyone to hug anymore, living alone.
So you convince yourself that the reason you hold on to James for slightly longer than necessary was because you craved human touch, not because of… anything else.
Finally, James pulls away, his arms dropping to his sides as he gives you a small smile. You plaster one onto your face too, for his sake. “So,” he starts as he turns around, beginning to lead you and Sirius into the mansion, “how’ve you been, Y/n?”
You can feel Sirius’ gaze burning holes into the side of your head, but choose to ignore him. “I’ve been great, yeah. You?”
James nods. “That’s cool. Yeah, I’ve been good too. Things have been fun, but kind of busy; you know, with work and Lily and the baby…” He seems to realise what he’s said, and clears his throat awkwardly. Oh, of course. The baby.
Sirius is beside you in an instant, arching his eyebrows and nudging your elbow to respond.
“Oh, um… congrats on the baby, by the way.”
James turns around to face you as you walk, and you give him a grin to prove that you’re being genuine — to show him that it didn’t feel like there was a knife being twisted in your gut every time the word baby was brought up.
His eyes soften, and you know he can tell how you’re feeling. But he gives you a grateful smile, and says no more as the three of you come to a stop in front of the house.
“By the way,” James mutters as he pushes the door open, “you guys are like, an hour early. You’re the only ones here.”
You immediately turn around to glower at Sirius for subjecting you to more torture than necessary by bringing you early. But he all but smirks as he follows you in.
Your eyes coast around the mansion, taking it all in. It’s decorated in a minimalist aesthetic, white couches and brown rugs. It was pretty, that was for sure; but you couldn’t help but think how different it was from James’ place in the dorm — posters and stickers all over the walls, boisterously red curtains and LED lights. It used to be so full of life.
Honestly, you might’ve guessed an old couple lived here, if not for the small signs of their life as a family — the pacifier on the dining table, a cradle at the far end of the living room, and the heart-shaped photo frames lining the walls.
James watches you, a small smile playing on the edges of his lips. “You like it?”
He knows you wouldn’t like it, it’s everything you aren’t. Your dorm had been just like his; trying to fit as many vinyls and posters onto that small space next to your bed as possible. There would be fairy lights in every corner and succulents on the nightstand, a dreamcatcher which he’d gifted you hanging right above your bed. You were messy, as a person, and with your love too. You thought he was messy as well; but apparently he’d gotten his shit together already.
“Yeah, it’s simple. Pretty.”
“Honey —“ Lily bustles out the kitchen, a small gasp escaping her lips as she sees you and Sirius. She’s holding a ladle in one hand, and has her other arm wrapped around a baby perched on her waist.
You don’t register it when she kisses your cheek and hugs you, asks you how you’re doing and leads you to sit on the couch. Your gaze is locked on the baby, every second spent staring at him worsening the nauseous feeling at the back of your throat.
You must’ve asked for his name, because the word, “Harry,” registers in your head. This beautiful baby, with Lily’s deep green eyes and James’ luscious curls, was Harry.
Would you have named your baby Harry? Probably not, it was too generic. But it was too late now, to pick out names and choose a less boring aesthetic for a house together.
You had lost your chance back in seventh year, that night when you were laying on James’ bed, limbs tangled together as he raked his hands through your hair with all the love in the world. You’re gonna be my husband one day, you’d whispered, feeling so much affection for him you thought your heart would burst. Yeah, baby, he’d replied with a soft smile. We’re gonna live in a mansion, with our dogs and children and —
I don’t… I don’t want children. And that’s where it all started going downhill, that’s the moment James’ smile turned upside down and his hand dropped from your hair. It had turned into an argument, a screaming match — and eventually a reason to break up. James couldn't understand much you feared it, the pain of pregnancy and the exhaustion that came with motherhood. And some part of you knew that you weren’t blameless either — calling him awful things and accusing him of not loving you; though love was all he ever gave till the day you told him it was over.
The feeling of Sirius’ nails digging into your palm brings you back to the present, and you see him nodding absentmindedly as Lily rambles about how much trouble Harry’s been, and oh, she’s picked up a hobby of crocheting, and…
You flit your eyes to look at James sitting opposite you, gazing at you with his brows pinched in concern. Your emotions must’ve been obvious on your face, then. But he immediately looks away when Lily calls out to him, holding up Harry for him to carry.
You watch silently as James squeezes into the chair next to his wife, taking the small, lovely baby between his large, calloused hands. He smiles at Harry, looking at him though he was the most precious thing on earth. James’ fingers bunch Harry’s tiny shirt as he brings him close to his face, gently pressing a kiss to his forehead. Lily’s head lolls onto James’ shoulder as he shifts Harry into a comfortable lying position in his arms.
There you have it. The perfect family, with the gorgeous wife and the adorable baby and the man who could’ve been yours if you wanted.
It’s too much for you to take, and Sirius squeezes your hand as you start to shake. Harry coos, and you melt at how James’ face breaks into a sunny beam. He tilts his head to press a soft peck to his wife’s hair, and there’s so much love in that simple gesture that you feel like you could die.
You feel Sirius’ worried gaze on you, your hands trembling and your knee bobbing up and down. The taste of blood from how hard you’re nibbling on your lip is grounding; it brings you back to yourself, who you are, and not who you could’ve been.
“Hey,” he murmurs softly from beside you, but it doesn’t get lodged into your brain. The only thing you feel is your vision of the perfect family blurring, soft streams of regret rolling down your cheek. Sirius makes a small noise of pity from beside you, and James looks up instantly, eyes widening as they lock on you. Lily is fast asleep, baby Harry staring at you with his thumb stuck into his mouth.
“Y/n, you okay?” James asks gently, but you don’t reply, still looking at him with that distraught look on your face. You open your mouth, but you don’t seem to have the vocabulary to express the heartache you felt right that moment. It felt strangely like grief; like you were mourning for the version of yourself you never got to meet, for the version of James who didn’t have the chance to be yours.
James' mouth twists downwards in a frown as he stands up and steps closer towards you. It’s like an alarm is set off in your head, and you immediately jolt back to the present, sucking in a deep breath.
Your legs act of their own accord as you stand up, Sirius’s hand falling limp on the couch as he looks up at you in surprise. You gulp down the lump in your throat and fiercely brush the tears away, James coming to a halt in front of you. “Y/n, baby —“
“I’m not your baby.”
James slaps a hand to his mouth, eyes as wide as Harry’s now. “Fuck, no, it — it just came out. I didn’t mean to. Shit, you’re crying.”
“I’m okay,” you warble. James opens his mouth to retort but you don’t let him, knowing that the longer you spent here, the more the gaping hole in your chest would grow. You couldn’t bear it anymore, watching James with his wife and wishing it was you instead. The worst part was that it was all your fault, your stupidity and your rejection.
“I’m fine, really. I…I’m gonna go now, it was nice meeting you. Convey my love to Remus, Peter and the girls.” You pick up your bag, moving to the front door with a befuddled James tracking your movements.
“Y/n —“
“Bye, James,” you call out halfheartedly as you slip into your shoes. He comes to stand at the door, rocking Harry from side to side. He looks almost disappointed as you make to leave.
“I’m sorry.”
You look up, surprised. “It’s not your fault.”
James’ lips pursed together with guilt, seeming like he wants to say something as he opens and closes his mouth. He finally sighs, “It’s not your fault either.
It was startling, how he still knew just the right thing to say — he always had. The regret that had been clogging up your heart for years was drained out upon hearing that one sentence. James didn’t hold the utter failure of your relationship against you, and that was enough. If you couldn’t have his love, at least you had his forgiveness.
You give him a half smile and nod, turning around to leave. You’d go back to yours, more of a house than a home. But at least no one but yourself could hurt you there, there was no one to turn away and no hearts to break. No one to love.
You spin back around to face the door, heart stopping upon seeing the moistness in his eyes. You hear the scratchiness in his throat as he sucks in a deep breath.
“No, don’t — don’t say anything. I just wanted to tell you, um…” he defeatedly runs a hand through his hair and exhales shakily. “I hope we worked out, you know, in another life.”
That catches you off guard, your heart involuntarily squeezing in your chest. James looks almost embarrassed as he says it, but you see the vulnerability in his eyes. He was right — maybe there was some planet on which you were less of a coward, another world where he could put a ring on your finger. He’d been yours to lose in this life, perhaps he was yours to love in another.
You clear your throat, feeling nausea brimming in the pits of your gut. “Yeah, I… I hope so too.”
You spare yourself one last glance at him before turning towards the exit, praying he didn’t see the tears dribbling down your cheeks.
You squeeze your eyes shut and will yourself to trudge forward, before he can call out to you and break your heart all over again.
In a few long strides, you’re out the gates; out of James’ life again.
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mcondance · 1 year
miguel's fav position is def mating press, but what about hobie. do u think he likes you on top so he can touch everywhere or on all fours, using his size to press against you?
hobie’s favorite position is… baby i’m drawing a blank i feel like he likes every single position like he just loves being inside you but if i had to choose… it’s either missionary with your legs over his shoulders or with you on top cause his dirty talk goes crazy with you on top 💯 you bein in control turns him on BAD so he’s literally encouraging you and telling you to take what you need and to ride him “just like that” and to “show me how much you love this dick, yeah?”
(bonus! he also rlly likes when you talk to him while he’s fucking your brains out. he’s all about your pleasure so over time he’s taught you to tell him when he’s doing something you rlly like. say he angles his hips a certain way. he presses up against your spot n you go crazy and start saying shit like “yeah, right there, feels so good” … he will go insane. makes sure he presses against that spot with every thrust and he’s moaning “yeah? right there? tell me how fuckin’ good it feels, love.”)
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catfindr · 10 months
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milkmyth · 2 years
Twitch needs more slash commands.
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