#Boarding school x public school romance
masked-alien-lesbian · 5 months
HLAW Day 3: AU
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Build-A-Bear Date
Pairing: Hana Lee x Raelyn (nonbinary OC)
AU Summary: A boarding school student Hana Lee x public school child of the staff Raelyn. A rich girl Hana x poor kid Raelyn story. Being from a rich family, Hana isn't really suppose to become friends with a "staffie" a kid of a staff member. All staff members and their families can live on campus but the kids have to attend a local public school and is discouraged to interact with the boarding school students. Will that stop a friendship from forming between Hana and Raelyn? Or will something else form between the 2 teenagers?
Hana stops at the sight of the brightly colored yellow and red store, the entrance flanked by plastic teddy bears.
"Uh, Rae? Are you sure this is right? I think this store is only for children." Hana asks nervously, Raelyn grins excitedly.
"Nah, Build-A-Bear is for all ages. No one is too old for a stuffed friend. Do you trust me?" Raelyn asks holding a hand out to Hana prompting a memory of the first day they met.
"Hah, what an embarrassment! The social climber actually thinks she can sit with us?" A beautiful but snobby blonde says snidely, causing her lackeys to giggle mean laughs. Tears welled up in Hana's eyes and she crys out when a smirking redhead knocks her textbooks out of her hands, causing her papers to scatter all over the floor.
Mercifully the bullies walked off as Hana tearfully bends down to pick up her papers. Suddenly ripped jeans and scuffed up converses appeared next to her and the owner of the outfit, that was in violation of the school's dress code, bends down to join Hana and help her gather her papers.
"Don't pay them girls any mind, their parents obviously don't love them so they take it out on you. I'm Raelyn." Hana gape at the kind eyes of her helper that's handing her papers back to her, smiling warmly.
"I-I'm Hana. T-thank you." Hana shyly says. Raelyn seems to light up even more and they offer their hand to Hana who takes it.
Ever since then Hana's life has never been the same.
Hana smiles and takes Raelyn's hand, "of course I trust you." Raelyn grins and leads Hana into the brightly colored whimsical store.
"I remember you said your parents wouldn't let you have a toy growing up, now is your chance to make yourself a friend!" Raelyn fans out their hand towards the wall of stuff animal options.
"Aren't you my friend?" Hana asks playfully.
"Of course! But this friend is allowed in your dorms at night. This one you can hug and squeeze when I'm not around."
Hana blushes and look away at the wall, her eyes sweeping across all the options.
"I'm not sure where to start."
"It's okay! Take your time. Pick the one that speaks the loudest to you, the one that grabs your attention the most." Raelyn says.
Looking across the options, Hana's eyes keep coming back to a frog.
"Maybe that one?" Hana asks pointing to the frog on the wall. Raelyn smiles and pulls an unstuffed frog plushie out of the bin.
"This one look cute enough for you?" Raelyn asks waving the froggie's face towards Hana. Hana bites her lip at how cute Raelyn looks peering back at her and nods before her brow furrows.
"Yes but...it's a little...limp?" Hana says unsure, Raelyn grins.
"Right this minute yeah, but now we stuff him or her or them." Raelyn says, leading Hana to a machine with a worker standing there smiling.
"Ready?" The worker asks and at Raelyn nod, takes the frog, fixes the hole in the back of the frog to a pipe sticking out of the strange machine, and with a press of a pedal begins to fill the frog up with stuffing. Suddenly the worker stops.
"Now if you one of you could pick a heart out and give it a kiss, I can finish stuffing your friend."
Raelyn points at a basket of little fabric hearts attached to the side of the machine and Hana reaches in and grabs one. Hana kisses the heart and hands it to Raelyn. Raelyn kisses the heart on the same side of Hana's kiss,looking straight into her eyes. Hana's gasp is lost in the sound of the worker finishing the stuffing process.
Soon the frog is stuffed and sewn up and in Hana's arms. Raelyn leads Hana to the wall and racks of little clothes, hats and shoes.
"Oh wow! We can dress him up?" Hana asks excitedly. Raelyn nods.
"You bet! Whatever outfit you want."
Eventually the two decide on cute little overalls and after printing off his birth certificate, they head to the cash register.
"Wait, you don't want to make one for yourself?" Hana asks.
"Nah, my other stuffed buddies would get jealous." Leaving out that they couldn't afford to buy Hana's and a second one, but Raelyn didn't mind. They were just happy to be able to give Hana this experience.
Later as they were walking through the mall, Hana sighs heavily.
"My parents won't let me keep him though." Hana says sadly.
"Then he can stay with me when you go home on break."
"Really? You don't mind?" Hana asks hopefully.
"Of course not! Besides he's kinda my son too, right?" Raelyn says a blush darkening their cheeks, Hana blushes too and nods, nervously giggling, before shyly grasping one of Raelyn's hands. Raelyn twines their fingers together and both teenagers' hearts fluttered in their chest.
Hours later after eating supper at a food truck, another first for Hana, Raelyn takes Hana back to her dorms. They're lightly swinging their joined hands when they come to a stop at the side of Hana's dorms. Neither are in a rush to let go though.
"I had fun today, Raelyn."
"Really? You're not just being nice are you?" Raelyn asks bashful. Hana giggles.
"Of course not! I really had fun today! I always have fun when I'm with you. You're always showing me new things but you never make fun of me or think less of me because I'm inexperienced at them." Hana says.
"I'm glad you had a good day. Next time we'll go to the arcade!" Hana giggles.
"I'm sure it'll be fun too, whatever that is." The two stand there smiling at each other for a moment before Raelyn breaks the silence.
"Hana?" Their voice cracks in nervousness. "Uh, can I...maybe kiss you?" Hana's lips part in surprise but she eagerly nods. Raelyn slowly leans toward Hana, giving her time to change her mind but Hana tilts her head and meets Raelyn's lips with her own.
They're both still for a moment, unsure and inexperienced but slowly they begin to shift. Noses bump but then they find their rhythm and the kiss is sweet and perfect. Perfect for a first kiss. They pull back, matching blushing cheeks and excited smiles.
"I'll uh let you go before you're late for curfew, but that was amazing." Raelyn says looking at Hana hopefully. Hana nods her eyes shining like stars.
"Yes! That was...that was everything." Hana says breathlessly. Hana walks to the door of the building and looks back at Raelyn.
"Sweet dreams Rae." Hana says warmly to the still blushing teen.
"Good night Hana."
Hana walks into her room and pulls out Jaime the frog. She looks at him for a second before squealing giddy and hugging him tight. Not knowing that across the campus, Raelyn was just as giddy dancing a little happy jig around a light pole on their back to their own room.
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porcelainseashore · 7 months
Heavenly Creatures
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Pairing: Altar Boy! Leon Kennedy x Catholic School Girl! Reader
Summary: Growing up in a conservative, Catholic community, you and Leon were kept apart as kids for your own good. However, a fateful encounter at church many years later causes you to question those boundaries.
Content & Warnings: 18+ Smut, porn with plot, unprotected p in v, oral (m & f receiving), rimming (f receiving), semi-public sex (church), Catholicism, religious imagery & symbolism, temptation, guilt, shaming, name-calling, growing up, smoking, swearing, romance, fluff, secret relationship.
Author's Note: Leon and Reader are in senior high and 18 when smut happens. No guarantee that you won’t burn in hell after reading this 🔥😂
Special thanks to AliBelleRosetta for being my sounding board + shadesoflsk & Cameron for your helpful feedback.
Title from Heavenly Creatures by Wolf Alice.
AO3 Link
Snake. Devil. Satan’s spawn.
Those were the names you had grown accustomed to as a child. You didn’t know why you were called them, instead of the one your parents had given you. You were too little to understand. All you knew was that you were made to feel different. Maybe you were really an anomaly from the rest after all.
Instead of being quiet and shy, you were loud and boisterous. It was natural for you, seeing as you were going through your tomboy phase, which was the exact reason your parents had stuck to when they received complaints about your behavior. They laughed it off, while others reined their daughters in, forcing them into perfect Sunday dresses, braided hair adorned with pastel ribbons and clean, black Mary Jane shoes. Good enough to fit into a pretty gift box with wrapping paper. But you would tear it all down, before anyone could lay a finger on you.
Growing up in a place where other children were told to shun you was difficult at first. But then, you learnt to play by yourself and relish in the power of make believe. You climbed trees, rolled in the mud and ran through the forest fending off imaginary monsters. Sometimes, when you bumped into other groups of boys who threw stones and made fun of you, you fought back, further earning the title of crazy witch! Who needed these idiots anyway? You were your own best company.
One day, you sat in your disheveled, cream cotton dress, swinging your legs from a tree in your front lawn as usual. It overlooked the suburban neighborhood street, giving you a bird’s eye view of your surroundings. You noticed a family of three strolling along the sidewalk, though the couple gave you a disapproving look as they walked past, and whispered to their little, adolescent boy. They thought they were being so discreet, but you could hear every single word they were saying.
“Don’t pay attention to her. She’s bad news.”
Regardless of this remark, the boy gave in to his curiosity and as he peered up, you held his wide-eyed gaze. His irises were azure in color, glowing as it caught the early dusk light from different angles, shifting across a stunning spectrum of bluish, iridescent hues. You were captivated by them, and as you continued staring, his cheeks turned rosy red, though it seemed like he could not break away from you either. That moment was abruptly cut short, as his father smacked the back of his head, chiding his son for disobeying him.
“Come along now, Leon.” The older man wrapped an arm around the boy’s shoulders, turning him away from your direction.
Leon. So, that was his name. As you watched them turn the corner at the end of the street and head off, you wondered if and when you’d see him again.
Leon had heard the stories passed around about you. His parents had often commented about your family as being one of those ‘weird, hippy types’. Frankly, this didn’t scare him, but rather, it fascinated him. They made you appear like something he had read in a book about myths and legends, and he wanted to see if it was real.
The next time he went out to play in the field, he walked by your place again on purpose, even though it would have been the longer route. As he had predicted, you were up in the tree again, lounging across its branches with your eyes closed, like a slithery snake basking in the sun. Your dress was stained with grass and dirt, and your feet were soiled and filthy. Twigs poked out haphazardly from your knotted, messy hair. 
You looked like a creature of sorts, alright, he thought.
He inched towards the base of the tree trunk gingerly, trying not to stir the sleeping beast. But as he got closer, he accidentally stepped into a pile of dead leaves, which crunched underfoot. 
You roused from your slumber then, rubbing your eyes as you stretched your arms out with a lazy yawn. He flinched when you looked downwards at him, as if you might strike out, but you just smiled and said, “Hi.”
He was confused then. From the descriptions of you, he had expected you to breathe fire and gnash your teeth at him fiercely, but you were just a normal girl. He gave you a puzzled look, nodding as he greeted you with a stutter, “Hi… I-I’m, uh, Leon.”
“I know.” You grinned.
“You do?” He looked astounded, as if you’d conducted some dark ritual to find out.
You picked up on this and teased him, wiggling your fingers as you mouthed, “Magic…”
He laughed, relaxing his stiff shoulders and asking you for your name. He’d only known you until now as that girl, or one of those nicknames people gave you out of spite.
You introduced yourself and offered him a half-eaten apple you had munched on before napping on the tree. He hesitated at first, regarding it as if it were a forbidden fruit, but eventually he reached out for it. Gratefully, he bit in, savoring the flavorful burst of its juicy flesh.
“Do you go to church?” He asked suddenly, out of the blue.
Shielding your eyes from the afternoon sun with your hand, you squinted at him. “Yeah, why?”
“Oh.” He paused, considering his next words, though he blurted out with unfiltered honesty, “Well, my dad said that demons can’t enter hallowed ground.”
“I’m not a demon,” you huffed indignantly.
“No, you aren’t,” he agreed, waving his hands in the air apologetically, trying to salvage the situation. “I think you’re nice, actually.” His face was warm and pink again.
“I think you’re nice too.”
And it continued on like this. Some days, he’d pop over to visit and speak with you from below the tree, when he was sure no one was watching. Until a day came where he wasn’t as careful, and was spotted by a concerned neighbor, who ratted him out to his parents. 
You were sad that he wasn’t allowed to see you again, but you’d grown used to being alone for most of your childhood, so you tried to put it behind you and move on, unaware that he’d often look out for you at each week’s Sunday Mass.
A number of years passed, and you filled out into your own body. You were in your senior year of an all-girls Catholic high school, and had recently turned 18. Reaching womanhood also meant that you became acutely aware of the changes in the way society treated you now, as compared to the opposite sex. Heads turned as you stalked around with one of the more unruly cliques in your school. Instead of being name-called after otherworldly creatures, you were reduced to bitch, slut, or whore. 
People hated what they couldn’t understand or control. You’d been giving the nuns a hard time by asking controversial questions about the biblical text you were meant to study and recite blindly. Detention was nothing new to you and your friends, whom you’d been caught smoking cigarettes together with on school grounds. You were a rebel at heart, and the rest of the law-abiding community wanted to crush that and make you conform.
Leon, on the other hand, had been going to the all-boys school next door, which shared a brother school relationship with yours. He was in the same year and age as you, though being a man meant he had the privilege of getting away with certain things you couldn’t. Even there, your name wasn’t safe from being circulated around the rumor mill. You were the subject of boys’ locker room talk. They associated you with the ‘bad girl’ crowd, highlighting your love for reading banned books and boasting about supposed sexual escapades with you. 
“She’ll do favors,” they said, making vulgar gestures by moving their fist back and forth in front of their mouth, while poking their tongue against their cheek.
Leon slammed his locker door shut and stormed off. It made him uncomfortable that they gossiped about you that way, but he was even more ashamed of the fact that he made no effort to stand up for you. He hardly knew you, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that what they were doing was finding a scapegoat to blame. That, unfortunately, time and time again, happened to be you.
Most of the students there were sexually active anyway, but no one had complained about them. As long as one kept things on the down-low and upheld a certain moralistic façade, they were considered as ‘innocent’, ‘pure’, or ‘normal’ even. For one, he was pretty sure that his father was having an affair with the church choir mistress, but that seemed to go overlooked. 
Everyone’s such hypocrites, he pondered, frowning in distaste. Including himself. Although he liked to think that he was brave and courageous, in actuality, he was afraid of rocking the boat. Fitting in was more important, just as his parents had taught him from a young age. It was the side of him that he hated the most, but could not get rid of.
Gathering his belongings, he left school and hurried off. He’d been requested last-minute to serve at Mass that evening, as one of the other altar boys had fallen ill. At church, he exchanged his school uniform for the standard black cassock and white surplice, before starting with the Introductory Rites.
You, on the other hand, had been singled out along with a bunch of other troublesome girls to attend Evening Mass with the Mother Superior that day. It was just your luck that you had to devote an hour of your time to a set of outdated rituals and prayers, with the aim of reflecting upon your sins. The most frustrating part of this exercise was that all of you were placed in the front row pews, so there was no chance of daydreaming or dozing off in front of the priest. You’d never been much of a believer, but sometimes you did speculate if God was watching your every move from above.
As you stood up for the entrance procession, which signaled the start of Mass, a familiar mop of dirty blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes passed by. You’d recognize that anywhere, but it was a wonder how you hadn’t realized that he was serving as an altar boy all this while. Maybe your Mass timings hadn’t aligned? Or maybe you just never paid much attention in church. You’d only seen him here and there when he attended Mass with his family as part of the congregation, but you ignored him back then, because you didn’t want to remember the feeling of losing the closest thing you had to a friend in your pre-teen days.
When Leon turned around to face the congregation for the greeting, he gulped as he saw you, standing almost directly in front of him as both of you made the Sign of the Cross. Speak of the devil, he muttered internally, before chastising himself for unintentionally insulting you and shook that thought away.
You gave him a coy smile as he scampered off to where he was meant to be stationed. For the first time in a while, you took the chance to admire his chiseled features and how much he had grown. He had always been attractive, but he was no longer the little boy you used to know, and instead now a fine, young man, in an even finer religious attire. Puberty did him good, you mused.
All at once, a mischievous plan flashed across your mind as you plotted how to win his attention. It would be an entertaining way to pass the time in this mundane institution. Viewing the school uniform as yet another means for the authorities to curb people’s freedom and creative expression, you had a habit of violating the dress code by making minor adjustments to it. Whether it was shortening the hem of your skirt or wearing below the ankle socks, you went for it. And today was no exception.
You waited until it was time to be seated before attempting to catch his gaze. Within a few minutes, he sneaked a peek your way and you stifled a laugh. Bingo. As you continued looking straight at him, you stretched your legs out cautiously, so as not to alert the Mother Superior, who sat beside you, to your antics. His eyes widened and flickered, as you showed off their length, rotating your ankles in small circles languidly. The other altar boys started to take note and whispered in hushed tones amongst themselves. But you only had eyes for Leon, scrutinizing him like a hawk, as you bared your teeth with a sly grin plastered across your face.
It was only a matter of time before the Mother Superior rapped you on the legs with a thin, wooden cane she carried around for doling out such punishments. The other girls in your row giggled as you returned your legs to a respectable position, disregarding the smarting pain that had accompanied the blow. 
It was worth it, you reasoned, spotting Leon’s lopsided smile, as he turned away to hide his blush.
This soon carried on like an unspoken game between you and Leon. You’d attend Mass whenever he was serving as an altar boy, and he’d look out for you, exchanging glances like a secret code shared between the two of you. A sense of thrill arose within him each time, as to what you’d try next. If only he knew what you were capable of.
At some point, you grew bolder. During the Holy Communion, where Leon had been helping the priest to hold the patina under the chins of those who received the Sacred host, you made sure once again to make eye contact with him the whole way through. Your mouth was slightly agape, as you extended your tongue, clasping your hands together in a pious prayer position. When the priest placed the host in your mouth, you swallowed it suggestively, licking your upper lip for a finishing touch. Leon nearly stumbled over backwards as his face turned bright red like a tomato. The last thing he heard was your silvery laughter, and you returned to your seat as if nothing had happened. You had ensnared him now.
When Mass ended, you slipped him a note, asking him to meet you at the confessional when everyone else had been ushered out. You knelt in the penitent compartment, waiting for him to arrive, confident that he would show up. A few minutes later, you heard someone enter the booth where the priest usually sat.
“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned,” you began. Through the latticed screen, you could just about make out Leon’s face as he chuckled.
“What are you playing at?”
“You tell me,” you challenged, testing the waters. “I haven’t received any complaints.”
“Well, I have a question,” he mentioned quietly. “Do you still remember when we hung out back then? At the tree.”
There was pang in your heart, as you recalled your childhood memories. “Of course, you were the only one who bothered to speak to me.”
You pursed your lips before taking the plunge. “I really appreciated that.”
There was a momentary pause, as he took your words in. “I wish they didn’t separate us.”
“It isn’t too late to start over.” It was humiliating how eager you sounded. No matter how much you tried to repress it, you yearned to rekindle that connection you had with him once.
“Listen, I like you,” he admitted, sighing heavily. “But, I can’t go public with this. My parents-”
“Who says it has to be public?” You retorted defensively. 
His heartfelt confession emboldened you, yet a part of you felt dejected that this was the best option he could offer. However, you didn’t want to concede without giving it a shot.
He made a noise which sounded like he was in disbelief. “You mean-”
“Shall I come over and show you?” You interrupted, already getting up before he could answer.
“Y-yeah,” he stammered. “I-I’d like that, I guess.”
Exiting your compartment, you stepped out and swiftly went over to where he was, closing the door behind you. It was crammed and stuffy in this tiny box with two people, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. Giving him a once-over, it struck you that he was still in his altar boy attire and perhaps what you were about to do was wrong on so many levels, but you brushed those thoughts aside.
Before he could speak any further, you ran your hands up along his chest and planted your lips onto his, soft and pillowy in texture. He let out a low moan, easing into your embrace as he kissed back, holding onto the back of your head for better leverage. His tongue grazed across your lips and you parted them in response, allowing it to slip inside as you tasted each other. Grabbing the collar of his cassock, you pressed your bodies together heatedly. You sucked on his tongue, eliciting another moan from his throat, as you shuffled him around, pushing his back against the wooden wall with a loud thud. Both of you had lost yourselves in a whirlwind of kisses, oblivious to the outside world and the ruckus you were making.
However, it was hard to ignore the hymn that was being sung when the next Mass started. Leon froze, before pulling away hastily. His mouth was red and swollen, and a pearly string of saliva connected it with yours.
“Shit, we lost track of time,” he panted. 
If you didn’t want to be seen, you’d need to remain where you were until the Mass ended. In other words, both of you were trapped here for at least another hour. 
Not being one to let such matters ruin the vibe, you responded, “That’s not a problem for me.” Trailing a lone finger down Leon’s body seductively, you let it come to rest above the growing bulge in his cassock.
“Are you serious?” He breathed, as you cupped your hand around it, palming him through his clothes.
“You got a better idea?” You murmured in his ear, squeezing his erection a little as you continued rubbing against it.
“Don’t get me wrong, it feels amazing.” His voice was strained as he spoke. “But, it’s just…”
“Catholic guilt?” You teased.
“Yeah, probably.” He nodded sheepishly.
“Well, maybe if we get you out of this thing.” You gestured to his attire. “You might relax into it more.”
“Makes sense,” he agreed, tugging the surplice over his head and discarding it to the ground. “Though it never really goes away, does it?”
You shrugged, shaking your head. “I still get it, but it’s less of an issue now.” It made you follow up with a question of your own. “Does that mean I’m a bad person?”
His eyes crinkled as he grinned. “You're doing it again.”
“Guilt,” he indicated. “But to answer your question, no, I don’t think you’re a bad person.”
“Doesn’t matter anyway.” You tried to deflect the topic, knowing the rumors that people spread about you. Leon had probably heard it all. “At least there’s still hope for you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” You winked, removing the sash from his cassock as he unbuttoned the rest of it, revealing a plain white shirt and a pair of shorts underneath.
He snickered as you clucked your tongue at the sight. “What did you expect me to do? Go Commando?”
“Would’ve been hot,” you pointed out.
Leon had always been perceptive. From your interactions, he began to suspect that sometimes you relied on lighthearted banter as a way to mask your nervousness and other underlying emotions.
Nestling his fingers under your chin, he turned you towards him. “You sure about this?”
“Mm hm.” It was sweet of him to check in. Most guys never offered you the same courtesy. “Been thinking about it since Communion,” you added brazenly.
He snorted as you gave him a quick peck on the lips. Working your way down, you kissed his clothed body, pulling the waistband of his underwear and shorts to his ankles. Kneeling before him, you reached for his cock, smearing beads of his precum carelessly along his velvety skin, while you pumped his hot shaft slowly.
He inhaled sharply, snapping his eyes shut, as he tilted his head back in pleasure. In the background, you could hear the priest’s sermon droning on.
With a smug smile, you warned, “Do me a favor and try to keep it down, will you?”
Before he had a chance to react, you filled your mouth with his cock, sliding all the way down its hardened length.
“Jesus,” he groaned.
Instantly, you released it with a pop and tutted in mock disappointment, “Taking the Lord’s name in vain?”
“We’re so going to hell for this,” he laughed faintly, tangling his hands in your hair.
“Ah-” He gasped again, as you held onto the base of his cock, lifting it to flatten your tongue on its underside. Slathering it with saliva, you took his balls into your wet mouth, one at a time, sucking on them delectably. “Fuck!”
“Don’t you ever shut up?” You joked.
“Not if you keep doing what you’re doing, angel.”
Angel. That was a new one. You’d never been called that before, but you liked the sound of it.
Wrapping your lips around his cock, you started a steady rhythm, bobbing your head up and down his shaft. Each time you came up, you flicked your tongue at the tip, licking it as you stared up at him. His eyes flew open, gazing at you with lust and arousal while you sucked him off more vigorously.
Sliding his cock in deeper, you allowed it to hit the back of your throat, causing you to make a guttural noise. Clenching his fist, he bit down hard on his knuckles to stop himself from crying out. If this was hell, he’d stay right here with you. He couldn’t think straight anymore, as he bucked his hips forward in response.
Grabbing his ass, your fingernails left crescent shaped indents on his skin, as you let him fuck your mouth to chase his high. Tears lined your eyelashes and sweat poured down your brow. It had gotten incredibly hot and humid in this enclosed space. But his muted moans only served to turn you on even more. You wondered how perverse and trashy you looked in this position, though Leon could only mumble the opposite in his feverish state.
Soon, he tensed and quivered while hissing through gritted teeth, “God, I’m gonna cum.”
Lady Luck appeared to be on your side, as the congregation were in the middle of singing another hymn, which inadvertently muffled whatever sounds were coming from the confessional. He struggled to hold in his groans as you felt a thick, salty load of his cum wash up against your throat. You choked a bit before swallowing it whole.
Collapsing backwards, you leaned against the cool surface of the seat behind you, wiping the edges of your mouth. Tucking his spent dick back under his clothes, he sank down beside you, kissing you gently and tasting himself on your lips. 
“You ok?” He brushed his thumb along your cheek.
You nodded silently and smiled, contemplating if there would be a future to what you had with him now.
“I ruined you,” he jested, showering you with kisses along your jawline.
“As if.” You rolled your eyes, but deep down, you knew it was the truth.
And, just like he had read your mind, he uttered the magic words, “So, when will I see you again?”
Since the encounter at the confessional, you continued your clandestine meetings with Leon, just like back in the old days, except both of you were now wiser in covering your tracks. In public, you pretended not to know each other, yet shared furtive, longing glances when you were in the same vicinity. Sometimes, he would make an excuse to brush past you, his touch ghosting across the curve of your spine, your shoulders, the back of your hand to the tip of your pinkie finger. Away from prying eyes, you hooked up passionately, damning each other further to hell. How many levels were there again? You’d lost count.
You enjoyed the moments spent with him. The aftercare and cuddling. The long talks into the night. You understood each other somehow, it wasn’t like this with other people. So, if the Day of Judgment arrived, why would God not sympathize with you both?
Despite that, neither of you had put a label on where you stood with each other. How did this secret relationship work? If you were found out, would he ditch you like before? Would you be thrown under the bus, so that he could be purified again? It wasn’t long until insecurity reared its ugly head, gnawing at you from within.
Leon sensed something was off as you lay in his arms, naked while he spooned you in the back seat of his car, parked along a desolate dirt path near the forest. You had that pensive look on your face, like you were in a world of your own, one where he couldn’t enter.
Pulling you close to him, he kissed the top of your shoulder, coaxing you out of your reverie. “Wanna talk about it?”
You hummed noncommittally. After a long pause, you asked, “Are you embarrassed by me?”
He was caught off-guard by the question and his breathing stilled. “No,” he argued. “Why would you think that?”
“I’m just tired of hiding,” you sighed. “It’s like I’m making you do something bad.”
There was a brief ache in his chest, as guilt swelled up like a wave. Coward, an inner voice spat.
Carding his fingers through your hair, he pressed his lips against the temple of your head. “You make me feel like the best version of myself.”
“Hm.” You pinched your lips together, wanting to believe him, but you weren’t convinced.
He observed this, but decided not to press the issue any further, knowing that you needed action, not words.
She’ll be your downfall. A surly voice piped up within him, like fire and brimstone. He shook it off, ignoring the moral tug-of-war that had occurred once he made that statement, as he vowed to prove himself to you in the coming days.
The next time you’d agreed to meet was in church, after the very last Mass of the day. He was serving as an altar boy again, and you were intrigued as to whether he had planned to reenact the entire confessional scene or switch it up with something new, like making you go through the Stations of the Cross while fucking you. You giggled at the idea, only to be shushed by a fellow parishioner, whom you had disturbed in meditative prayer.
When Mass ended and everyone except yourself had left the nave, you waited patiently for him in the pews. After a while, you felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to face Leon, who had changed into his casual clothes. As you got to your feet, he cupped the sides of your face in his hands, closing the distance, and bringing your lips to meet his in a fervent kiss. You were slightly taken aback by his initiation, since he was usually the shyer one out of the two of you.
Claiming your hand in his, he led you to the front, where the altar stood before the austere crucifix that hung from the wall. He smirked, noticing the look of shock and incredulity on your face, as it gradually began to dawn on you what he had in mind. However, he was anxious too, you could tell from the way his hand was trembling. He was sealing his fate, and you were both going down together. Nothing could bring you back after this ultimate act of blasphemy.
At the foot of the altar, he caressed his lips against yours. “I guess God is our witness now.”
Leaning in, you found yourselves consumed in a lip lock, which deepened with each passing second as you helped each other out of your clothes, kicking them off unceremoniously to the side. He spun you around, bending you forward against the smooth, marble top of the altar. The cold surface caused your nipples to harden and goosebumps to form on your skin. You shivered as he spread your legs wider apart and knelt down, holding your thighs as he licked a firm stripe along your silken folds. 
As he continued to lap at the sensitive flesh, he brought a hand towards your clit, stroking it softly with his middle finger. You jerked from the sensation, whimpering as he alternated between thrusting his tongue into your heat and suckling it with his lips. There was a slight pressure as you felt one of his fingers sliding into your pussy, already soaked with arousal. At the same time, his tongue trailed up towards your rim, teasing it with long, flat licks.
“Oh my god!” You gasped, gripping the edge of the altar, as an electrifying tingle coursed through your veins.
There was a playful smack on your ass. “Forgotten the Third Commandment already?” Leon scolded.
“Taking the Lord’s name in vain,” he mimicked your tone from when you had teased him at the confessional.
“Ugh,” you whined. “I’m sure this is the least of our concerns.”
You felt his hot breath against your asshole before he dipped his tongue in lightly. Simultaneously, he pumped your pussy, pushing in another finger and stretching you out, before his tongue went back to circling around your rim, inciting a string of moans from your mouth.
“Feeling good?”
“Mm, yes,” you replied hoarsely. “But when are you going to fuck me?”
He coughed out a laugh at your bluntness, before imparting a piece of unsolicited advice. “Patience is a virtue.”
You groaned at his quip. “Really, Leon? Are you-”
He interrupted rudely, pressing his hand on your back as he entered you, burying his cock deep into your cunt. You nearly screamed in ecstasy as he pounded his hips against your ass repeatedly, already setting a brutal pace from the beginning. Maybe you should’ve been careful of what you wished for.
“What was that again?” He taunted.
You growled, clenching your jaw as you felt his dick dragging against your sensitive walls. The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin echoed across the space. Your mind fogged up in an insatiable haze as you pushed back rhythmically against his thrusting, allowing him to penetrate you further, and taking pleasure in how his head brushed against your cervix with each stroke.
“So close,” you rasped, your core tightening as if it was about to burst.
At this, he pulled away briefly, flipping you over as he lifted you onto the altar top. He had a bruising grip around your thighs, which you wrapped around his waist instinctively, interlocking your ankles behind his back to draw him closer. Bewitched, he took a moment to drink in the divine sight of your flushed, moist body, supple and wanting in his arms, before kissing you sloppily on the mouth. Pressing his forehead against yours, he asserted, “You don’t know what you do to me, angel.”
With that, he rutted into you relentlessly, your breasts bouncing as you clung to the back of his neck, crying out in rapture. When you finally snapped, a glimmer from the gold cross necklace he wore daily flashed before your eyes. You looped your index finger around it, tugging at it as you peered up at the bleeding face of Christ looking down at you ominously from the crucifix. The last remains of the day’s light filtered through the stained glass behind him, casting a kaleidoscope of mottled colors across your bodies, the altar and the stone floor, like a disease.
You realized you had tempted Leon beyond salvation. But in spite of it, he had followed you willingly. This was the proof he had wanted to show you. You were the angel he would desecrate everything for. He’d cut your wings off so you’d be his and stay.
His cock throbbed with desire as he rode you through your orgasm. As he neared the edge, he pulled out, finishing himself off. Nuzzling his face into your neck, he murmured a mixture of curses and professions against your skin, while spurting hot white cum over the mound of your pussy. Holding onto the marbled structure for support, he bent over you, placing tender kisses on your eyes and your lips.
It seemed as if he had turned his back on God and worshiped you now. But instead of a guilty conscience, you felt nothing but love. Silently, both of you cleaned up and got dressed. He delicately reattached the butterfly clip that had come loose in your hair, while you wiped away the lipstick that had smudged onto his face. There would be no signs of what had transpired, except he had another surprise lined up for you. 
Upon exiting the church doors, Leon took your hand, lacing his fingers through yours, as you walked out onto the street together. You were his - he’d show you off to the whole damn world without shame.
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imfoive · 3 months
The Youngest Son - Chapter 1
Minho x Reader (fem.) Genre: non-idol au!, Suspense, Angst, Romance, Mature Warnings: mentions of drugs, cursing, death, physical assault, somewhat proofread WC: 2.8k A/N: A short read, just want to gauge if I should continue. Feedback is always welcome, enjoy! ── MASTERLIST
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Synopsis: The youngest son of the Lee family was stubborn, he was arrogant, he was conniving. Hiding it all behind the mask of a calm and collected man, the youngest son was a master at mind games. Playing a dangerous game where trust is a luxury and betrayal lurks around every corner. He had sworn once, to not let family ties or any feelings hold him back. Yet, against all odds, she had him completely wrapped around her fingers, and he had no desire to break free.
CHAPTER 1 ──────────────────── The youngest son of the Lee family was stubborn, he was arrogant, he was conniving. But he did a very good job at keeping it all hidden behind the persona of a perfect son. A calm and cool-headed man. The youngest son of the Lee family was a master at mind games.
At age ten, he learned that the woman he had called “mother” for as long as he could remember, was not his birth mother. Her unnecessary prejudice against him and cold shoulder she gave him out of the public eye, all began to make sense. He was a constant reminder of the unfaithful deeds her husband, his father, had done unbeknownst to her. At age ten he learned why he was treated differently than his older, dimwit brothers. enduring beatings for the slightest mistakes, weren’t for nothing. He learned from a young age that staying besides his grandfather, the patriarch, would keep him safer than he was alone. The old man didn’t pick favorites between his grandchildren, even if one was the product of a master-maid affair, afterall it was Lee blood that ran through the kids’ veins.
At thirteen he was sent to boarding school, abroad to soon learn the ropes of the family business. Though he fell at the bottom of the hierarchy in the Lee family, every member had to play their part, because that’s what it took to run one of the biggest industrial companies.
At fifteen, he met her. A enemies-to-aquaintances in the midst of a school filled with children from affluent families, where donations greased the wheels. Despite everyone trying to curry favor with him, he maintained a facade of a well-behaved young master. He wasn’t sure when this persona took root or how he managed to suppress his true emotions so effectively, but it became ingrained over time.
While others sought his friendship and the girls aimed to get closer, hoping for a future with the Lee family, she was the exception. She saw through his polite smiles and gentlemanly demeanor, refusing to play along with the charade. He found her scrutiny unsettling, as she saw past the facade he worked so hard to maintain. He didn’t like it one bit. 
The young master disliked the smirk on her face and the unreadable look in her gaze when she had him cornered. He felt vulnerable and was painfully aware of her intentions. She was establishing dominance, laying a foundation that challenged his carefully crafted image. And it didn’t help that her family was business friends with his. 
Business friends. 
They smiled for the cameras. Mingled in social gatherings. Shook hands, sent gifts. Their mothers would frequent the parlors together, shop together. But behind closed doors, they hated each other’s guts. Like every other conglomerate dynasty. But still, he couldn’t threaten her, or put it through her head that he was the one in charge. So he only kept tabs on her, letting her push him around, letting her be the boss. He was the class president, number one in the whole school, but bowed down to a brat who read him like an open book.
At twenty five, his heart pounded loudly against his chest, his eyes wide, cheeks feeling terribly hot as he stared into her own shocked gaze. Pressed against one another in a broom closet, his hand still pressed against her lips, he could feel her hot breath against his fingers.
The line between hatred and attraction began to blur.
He still vividly recalled the bitter taste that surged in his mouth when he heard the announcement of her engagement. Anger gripped him tightly, his hand clenching around the champagne glass. For a fleeting moment, his emotions flashed across his face before he regained his composure, masking his feelings as swiftly as they had surfaced. But it was too late—she had already caught that brief flicker of raw emotion.
Their eyes locked amidst the applause from the crowd, celebrating her and her new fiancé on stage. A chill ran down his spine at the intensity of their gaze. He hated the fact that he couldn’t decipher her expression as easily as she seemed to read him. Her father pulled her closer, placing her between himself and her future husband, while his own uncle chuckled, posing for the flashing cameras with his arm around his son's shoulder, nudging him towards her. Nearby, his cousin beamed at her, already envisioning their future together as husband and wife.
She was to marry into the Lee family. Becoming the bride of his older cousin—a union orchestrated for business rather than love.
He was pissed. And he didn’t understand why.
He understood why, but still he smiled, clapping like everyone else in the crowd. Seeing his smile she copies, her fists clenched her dress into balls at her side, tearing away her eyes from him. Turning to the reporters and offering practiced smiles to the cameras. And he hates every bit of it.
After a few more glasses of champagne, several smiles exchanged with other businessmen in the hall, he finds himself lightheaded outside the event room, in some empty corridor of the hotel. Leaning against the wall with one hand, the other pressed to his head, his gaze fixates on the vivid red carpet beneath his feet. The vibrant color stands in stark contrast to the turmoil churning within him.
When did he drink so much?
Normally, he was adept at maintaining control over his alcohol consumption, always maintaining a balance between sobriety and intoxication. But right now, his head was pounding.
    “Hey Lee Minho!”
He recognized her voice instantly, a sound etched into his memory after a decade of hearing it call his name—whether sober, ill, or in any other state. 
Startled, he turned to see her approaching with purpose, her dress billowing around her in the wind stirred up by her hurried steps. Before he could react, she had him pinned against the wall he leaned on for support. He was disoriented, his eyes struggling to fixate on her furious expression while he attempted to stand upright, hand instinctively returning to his forehead. She intercepted his hand, pressing it against the wall alongside his other one, effectively trapping him.
The closeness of her presence, her firm grip on his hands, and the intensity in her eyes broke through his haze. He met her gaze, their faces mere inches apart, and in that moment, the barrier he had been building between them, built on years of tolerance, misunderstanding, and unspoken desires, began to crumble. Minho clung to that small bit of conscious control he had left, determined to remain stoic despite his trapped circumstance.
    “Why did you leave the hall?” Her question pierced through the heavy silence, her fingers tightening around his wrist as she searched his impassive gaze for answers.
    “I felt light headed.” He replied evenly, his voice betraying the turmoil swirling within him.
Her brows furrowed, uncertainty flickering in her eyes as they briefly glanced at his shirt before meeting him again.
    “Did you know about the engagement?” She asked softly, her voice tinged with vulnerability.
Minho opens his mouth, but his gaze flickered towards the distant sounds of people chatting down the hall. In a sudden move, he grasped her arm, surprising her, and swiftly ushered her through the nearest door.
    “What are—”
His hand presses against her lips, her whines could wait. The dark broom-closet was the last place someone would look in search for either of them. He didn’t need another mess of people catching him with his future sister-in-law pressed against each other in the halls of her parents’ hotel.
Except when he finally sighs after the footsteps outside the door fade into the distance, he realizes that was the exact situation they were in, but closer. Much closer. 
    “Minho.” She whispers, fingers pulling away at his hand that covered her mouth. 
Maybe it was the alcohol fully taking over, but her skin felt hot against his, the rise and fall of her chest brushing against him in a way that felt searingly hot. His heart pounded louder with each passing second. Her gaze hardened, a reminder that her anger hadn't dissipated.
    “Are you happy that I’m engaged to your cousin?”
Minho remained silent, swallowing hard to soothe his suddenly dry throat. Leaning his head back, he stared up at the dark ceiling, that bitter taste in his mouth returning. He could feel her eyes on him without needing to glance down at her, acutely aware of their proximity. His arm raised, maybe to pull her even closer or to push her away, he wasn’t sure exactly because his hand faltered in the air before dropping to his side, defeated.
    “Yeah I am.” 
No he wasn’t.
He looks down at her, smiling his fake smiles.
    “Congratulations, sister-in-law.” 
He hated it. 
The tears had welled in her eyes, and he chose to ignore them. He exits the closet, squinting at the bright light that seemed blindingly brighter after coming out of the dark room. He does his best to not look back, trying to walk-straight, away from her. Any longer and he might go back in there and do god knows what.
She remained frozen in the closet’s stillness, staring at the closed door where moments ago, they had shared a fleeting but charged encounter. It took her a moment to collect herself, wiping away the tears that had escaped her control. Then, anger simmered beneath the surface. She’d make him pay, she’d make him take back his words. She was good at doing that. 
Returning to the bustling main hall, she scanned the crowd for Minho, but he was conspicuously absent. Instead, she felt an unwelcome touch at the small of her back, causing her to flinch involuntarily. The fingers belonged to someone else, a reminder of her imminent future tied to the Lee family.
    “I was looking for you Y/N.”
Her fiancé, Jae, offered her a glass of champagne with a smile, his other hand deftly retrieving it from a passing server and passing it to her. She managed a forced smile of gratitude, accepting the drink amidst the constant click of cameras capturing their every move.
    “Thank you, Jae.” She murmured, the formality in her tone belying the lack of intimacy between them.
There was no respite from the public eye, no chance for a private moment. Reporters hovered nearby, snapping photos incessantly, amplifying her frustration. She longed to push him away or unleash her pent-up anger, but she restrained herself. Instead, she stood composed, facing him directly. Her fingers instinctively reached for his tie, straightening it with practiced precision.
    “You reek of alcohol.” She commented casually, her smile unwavering as she rested her hand on his jacket.
Jae smirked, glancing around briefly before leaning in closer to her.
    “Already starting to nag, huh?” His tone was more of annoyance than tease.
    “Better get used to it then.” She retorted, raising an eyebrow and tilting her head subtly, a hint of defiance underlying her compliant demeanor.
Jae had long understood her independence and resilience, attributes shaped by her status as the sole heiress to her family’s wealth. It was clear to him that she didn’t tolerate disrespect from anyone. Yet, Jae possessed his own confidence and a streak of cockiness, and he wasn't about to let her forget his presence.
    “We’ll see, baby.” He chuckled, his tone dropping as he drew her closer, a move intended to assert his control over the situation. Her involuntary shudder in response only fueled his ego, reinforcing his belief that he could handle her strong personality and keep her in check. ─────────────────────── Minho stood in front of the restroom mirror, the icy water splashed on his face offering a jolt that helped clear his mind. The cold sensation contrasted sharply with the heat of his skin, instantly sobering him up from the alcohol-induced haze. As he stared at his reflection, the running water echoed loudly in the otherwise eerie silence of the men's room.
His eyes locked onto his own, but his thoughts raced elsewhere—to the intense moment with Y/N in the dark broom closet. He vividly recalled the heat of her breath against his hand, her eyes fixed on him with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. A part of him wished he had kissed her, he had marked kissed bruises down her neck, claimed her as his. But his sane side reminded him of the harsh reality, suppressing his desires. Still, the memory of her pressed against him replayed in his mind, stirring emotions he struggled to reconcile with his usual composure.
He mutters, almost pounding the sink handle shut.
He didn’t realize how long he had been holed away in the restroom, or exactly how long he had been thinking about her afterwards. Returning to the main event hall, he noticed that the crowd had thinned considerably, with guests beginning to depart as the night wore on. His secretary easily found him amidst the lingering attendees, gently pulling him aside to deliver news of an impending family meeting at the Lee estate the following morning. And to head home now that all the important guests have left.
So he does as he’s told. Like always. With a smile.
Minho found himself in a haze as his car pulled into the underground parking lot of his apartment complex. He was awake but disconnected, his mind lost in a whirl of thoughts and emotions from the evening. He mumbled a thank you to his secretary before stumbling out of the car, exhaustion weighing heavily on him.
The elevator ride to the fourteenth floor felt excruciatingly slow, each ding echoing in the eerie silence that seemed to follow him. Fumbling for his keycard as he approached his apartment door, he froze at the sight of a familiar figure crouched beside it. Her head turned at the sound of his footsteps, meeting his gaze with a mixture of relief and distress.
Y/N stood up abruptly as he approached, and before he could react, she ran towards him, her arms enveloping him in a tight embrace. Caught off guard, Minho stumbled backwards, her grip unyielding.
Tears streamed down her face, and Minho felt a surge of anxiety as he struggled to comprehend the suddenness of her presence and emotions. Her crying and shaking embrace were overwhelming, stirring conflicting feelings within him that he wasn’t prepared to confront.
    “What’s wrong—” He begins to say as he pulls her to face him, only to fall silent. 
His words faltered as he noticed the red mark on her cheek and the cut on her lower lip, dried blood marking its edges. Shock widened his eyes as he took in the sight, his mind racing to grasp the situation.
    “Jae-h-he attacked me.” She whispered through a sob.
His expression hardens at her words, she buries her head back into his chest, sniffing back cries loudly again, her cries echoing in the corridor. It was the first time he had ever seen her in such a vulnerable state, and it shook him to the core. His initial confusion and concern quickly turned to a fierce protectiveness, a surge of anger rising within him at the sight of her injuries.
Gently, he pulled her into his apartment, closing the door behind them. Without a word, he guided her to the couch, his movements careful yet urgent. He dressed her wound after finally calming her down. She’s been to his apartment plenty of times, uninvited mostly, bothering him. So seeing her in such a vulnerable state fascinated him, yet his heart clenched painfully. 
Minho knew exactly what it was, and why it was. But he was in denial.
There was no way he could want her.
Was he even allowed to feel that way?
As he studied her, he couldn't ignore the intensity in her gaze, how she watched him with a keen awareness that unsettled him.
But was she aware of the control she had over him?
That she had him completely under her spell? 
Closing the first-aid kit, he looks back at her, blood-red eyes and tear-stricken face.
Minho seethed with anger and frustration. He shouldn’t have let her leave that damn broom closet. He shouldn’t have let her get hurt. The thought of Jae laying hands on her ignited a fury within him he hadn’t felt in a while.
He gently rested his palm against her cheek, his touch surprisingly tender despite the storm of emotions raging inside him. This newfound side of him, fierce and protective, startled even himself. His gaze softened as he caressed her face, leaning in closer.
    “Should I kill him?” ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ to be continued.
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lionhanie · 2 months
beautiful stranger (park sungho)
a beautiful stranger has come to save the day!
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sungho x gn!reader (college au) 
word count: 4.5k 
genre + warnings: one (1) pinch of angst, cursing, written in all lowercase, a really really really bad date (it’s a random dude dw), sungho is pining badddd!
a/n: biggest sungho brainrot in the woooorrrrld!!!!!shoutout my babygirl jas for giving me the inspo for this <3 (and beta reading as always :3) this was heavily based on beautiful stranger by laufey!  i'd suggest listening to it before/while reading ^_^
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dating felt like a hassle. it wasn’t that you weren’t looking for a relationship– if anything, you were more of a hopeless romantic than anything else. pinterest boards full of couple poses you only dreamt of remaking with your partner when you finally had the opportunity to, a page in your notes app dedicated to sweet date ideas, countless playlists full of love songs you’d want to be posted to one day. instead, each failed date chipped away the hope you once held about being in love. 
it was hard to blame yourself for the disappointment you felt every time you had to restart the cycle of getting to know a potential love interest. how many times could you talk about trivial matters you’ve discussed with people who ultimately end up leaving your life? what’s your favorite color? do you have any pets? did you play any sports in high school? it was repetitive, redundant, and utterly boring, to say the least. 
living in a college town didn’t help either. college students seemed to thrive on the idea of a temporary fling– something “casual” is what they liked to call it. you, on the other hand, could not fathom the idea of love being “casual”. relationships seemed to work backwards; it was nothing like what you grew up seeing in the movies. hooking up amidst a drunken haze, waking up the next morning with fuzzy memories of the person you shared an intimate night with. only then do people decide whether or not their one-night-stands are “worth” getting to know properly. everything was so… wrong. 
coming to university made you realize that trying to perpetuate your idea of romance would be difficult, especially when nobody seemed to take anything seriously anymore. but the hopeless romantic in you would never back down– you were determined to experience something at least remotely similar to the type of love you saw on TV in your last years as a student. so here you were, all dolled up, waiting to meet a guy you’ve been talking to for the past two weeks.
you met on a dating app, having swiped right after laughing at one of his prompts. sometimes, you were ashamed to admit you even bothered making a profile, but it felt like your last resort at this point. his name was minwoo, a graphic design major just one year above you. strictly based on his profile, he seemed sweet. unlike many others you’ve seen on the app, his pictures weren’t too flashy. almost too normal, even. your conversations were surprisingly more mentally stimulating than you’d expected from a dating app, which gave you some hope. at least he was capable of talking to someone like a normal human being, right? 
minwoo asked you on a date soon after you first exchanged numbers, but schedule conflicts on both ends kept pushing it further and further away. despite all the obstacles, he still seemed interested. this was uncommon amongst the men you met on there, finding that most of them would ghost you if you weren’t willing to come see them merely days after matching. probably just losers looking for a quick hook-up. maybe this time, the dating-app gods decided it was time to give you someone good. 
you agreed to meeting him only after making sure it would take place in the middle of the day in a public location on campus, where you knew it’d be safe. minwoo didn’t seem to mind, rather going along with whatever you said without complaint. you suggested a bakery that you frequented– the location was popular among students for their cheap drinks and cozy atmosphere that made a perfect spot to settle down and study for hours. being a regular there meant you were familiar with the workers, which gave you comfort knowing you had a familiar face nearby in case the date went south. 
you’re pleased to see other familiar faces when you first walk through the bakery’s entrance– finding strangers you’ve seen before doing work on their laptops or enjoying an afternoon pastry. you got there 10 minutes earlier than your set meeting time, in an attempt to avoid an awkward meeting outside. first dates always make you nervous; not to mention the fact that this was a stranger you found on a dating app. what if you’re nothing like your pictures? will the conversations flow as well as they do through text? hell, what if you got catfished? 
you push away your thoughts, regaining your composure as you take out a compact mirror from your bag to retouch your makeup. each time the chime above the door jingled, you found yourself turning to see if it was minwoo. it was now 2:13pm, almost fifteen minutes after you agreed to meet. you place your hands neatly in your lap, observing your surroundings briefly. 
you share a fleeting moment of eye contact with a man by himself at a table by the wall, holding his page in the novel he was holding. you recognized him as another regular, having seen him occasionally when you’d stop by for a coffee. he was wearing a denim baseball hat, which covered most of his face. he gives you a small smile, but you pull your gaze away quickly. you couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed at the fact that you were sitting alone in the middle of the store, sitting at an empty table because you refrained from ordering something before minwoo got there. 
truthfully, sungho had seen you there before. to him, you were nothing more than a beautiful stranger, one he had the pleasure of seeing more often than not when he would show up to his local bakery. he’d be lying if he said he didn’t look forward to the chance of seeing you every time he came in, sometimes even going as far to dress a little better if he felt like you’d be there that day. he was a bit shy to admit that he’d memorized your order with how often you showed up, hearing the baristas call out the drink and watching you pick it up. even he thought it was a little creepy, but it’s not like he’d ever act on his attraction, right? 
hm, maybe they’re waiting for someone? sungho thinks to himself, completely forgetting about the book he was previously reading. makes sense for someone as breathtaking as you to be in a relationship. he finds himself a bit disappointed as he sinks into his seat slightly. he’s brought out of his thoughts as the familiar bells above the door ring again, signaling a new customer. a sleazy looking guy walks in, and he watches as you perk up at the sight. that’s the guy you’re meeting? sungho’s annoyed at the way your date is dressed in sweatpants and a worn out band tee when your hair is done to perfection to match the cute outfit you had on. 
you promptly stand up as minwoo looks around the bakery for where you were, motioning for him to come over to your table. you feel a bit overdressed now that you see what he’s wearing. once he sees you, he smiles as he gives you an awkward side hug. first dates are always awkward like this, you shouldn’t mark it off as a disaster just yet. 
“it’s nice to finally meet you, yunjin!” what? 
“ah, it’s Y/N, actually.” you awkwardly laugh, hoping he was just making an off- putting joke. surely he wouldn’t get your name wrong.
“pfft, yeah i was just kidding! yunjin’s my mom’s name.” you raise your eyebrow at the comment, finding it weird to think that he’d go on a date with someone with the same name as his mother. “is this place any good?” 
“yeah! i go here a lot, actually. they make all the pastries in the back, so you know they’re gonna be tasty.” minwoo merely nods at your comment, walking over to the counter to order. you follow behind him, looking at all the cake slices on display once you get there. 
you smile at the person behind the register. they give you a quizzical look, side-eyeing the guy next to you. you were normally alone, so it was odd to see someone with you this time around. you shrug nonchalantly and hold in a giggle, glad that minwoo was too busy looking at the menu to see your interaction. 
“i’ll have an iced coffee… and get me one of those croissants over there.” minwoo orders rudely, speaking too fast for the worker to tap in the order on the screen. you watch as they frantically press buttons on the screen, waiting for them to finish before you say your regular order. 
once the barista looks up at you, you open your mouth to speak, only to be cut off. “and for you, a small caramel macchiato, right?” you beam back at them, finding it sweet to think they know your order by heart. 
“you got it! i think that’ll be it for us today, thank you!” the total shows up on the small screen in front of you, card reader lighting up as it waits for payment. you turn to look at your date, expecting him to pull out his wallet to pay, but his hands are resting firmly in his pockets as he looks around the rest of the bakery. you send a sorry look to the worker for the hold-up before you take your card from your purse and tapping it on the reader. it’s not that you cared much about who paid, but rather the fact that he didn’t even try to do so rubbed you the wrong way. 
“thank you! we’ll bring it to you once it’s done.” minwoo’s already on his way back to the table before the receipt is printed. your lips pursed as you take the piece of paper and shove it into your purse, thanking the worker once more.
sungho can’t help but notice the way you look defeated as you walk back to the table alone. maybe it isn’t your boyfriend. what kind of man makes you pay on a date? he scoots his chair a bit closer to your table, glad he was sitting somewhat close to yours. a little eavesdropping wouldn’t hurt anyone. he was just curious, that’s all. 
“sorry, i left my wallet at my dorm.” minwoo explains to you sheepishly. first, he shows up late without apology or explanation. next, you’re called the wrong name. then, he makes you pay for his order. it can only get better from here, right? 
“ah, it’s no worries!” you lie– everything he’s done so far has done nothing but raise red flags in your head, but you remain optimistic. you place your hands on the table, waiting for him to start up the conversation… except, he doesn’t. instead, he’s on his phone tapping away, presumably texting someone. it must be urgent if he needs to reply right then and there, right in front of you. 
you clear your throat, which makes him look up from his screen. “so, you’re in graphic design right?” it’s a topic you didn’t discuss much in your texts, so you felt like it would be a good way to break the ice. 
“eh, yeah. honestly, it’s kind of a joke major,” he comments dryly. his attention is entirely on his phone. 
“what made you pick it then?” you’re desperately trying to keep up the topic. 
“well, my friend said it was easy. plus, i play a lot of video games so i thought it’d be pretty cool.” he picked his major… because it was easy? minwoo continues texting away, when suddenly he scoffs at what he’s reading. “gosh, this bitch…” 
you’re completely flabbergasted at this point. “excuse me?” is he talking to you? sungho’s equally as shocked at his words, letting out a gasp when he hears what minwoo said. 
“sorry, my sister’s just asking me to pick up something on my way home.” 
“oh, i see.” now would be a good time for your drinks to arrive– you weren’t sure what to say anymore. if anything, you weren’t sure if you wanted to keep up a conversation with someone who spoke about his family in such a way. “...i thought you said you lived in the dorms, though?” 
“ah, did i? i live at home with my family.” you tilt your head at him in confusion. you were certain he said he lived in the dorms just seconds ago. it was a weird thing to lie about. why bluff about something so trivial? 
“here are your drinks!” a different worker from before comes up to your table with a tray, placing your order in the middle of the table. minwoo immediately reaches for his own, drinking from the straw before gagging at the taste. 
“hey, this is so bitter. is this how you guys normally make it?” the boy is clearly flustered, looking back and forth between you two. “there’s no way this place takes that long to make an iced coffee if it tastes like this!” you notice the way he’s struggling to answer minwoo’s outburst. 
sungho rolls his eyes. he hasn’t looked at his book in ages, finding your date far more interesting. has this douche never been to a coffee shop before?
“it’s supposed to be like that, yeah. we have sugar in the corner for customers to adjust the sweetness themselves.” the worker explains calmly, motioning to the coffee station by the garbage. he was one of the newer hires, but he resolved the situation well. 
minwoo takes his drink, clearly annoyed as he goes to add sugar. you quickly apologize for his behavior once he’s gone, and the worker gives you a face of understanding before taking the tray back to the kitchen. 
you take a sip from your own drink, finding it made to perfection, as usual. even when you first tried their iced coffee, you can’t recall it being that bad. at least, not gross enough to make a scene. glancing at your watch, you noticed it’s only been twenty minutes since minwoo arrived. it felt like you were there for hours– in the worst way possible. 
minwoo returns to his seat, seemingly satisfied with his coffee now. “i can’t believe they sell shit like this. what’s the point of buying it if i have to make it myself?” he was so… pretentious. it was annoying. 
“i mean, not everyone likes their drinks sweet, so i think it makes sense-” 
minwoo puts his hand in front of your face to shut you up. “well, i do. they should just do it right the first time.” 
you lean back, shocked at the way he nearly hit you with his movements. “it’s not like they know how your preferences.”
“jesus Y/N, you sound like my ex right now!”
“...your ex?” maybe you weren’t the most well-versed when it came to dating, but you knew better than to mention other people to the person you were currently talking to. 
“yeah, my ex was like, batshit crazy. she would always be on my ass about how often i’d go out to the bars with my friends, it was ridiculous! a guy just needs to have fun sometimes, right?” there wasn’t anything explicitly wrong with wanting to go party with your friends, but why did he need to do all that if he was in a relationship? to you, it felt like a valid thing to be angry about. if it was something severe enough for her to lash out on him like that, it must’ve been serious. you can’t find it in you to blame the poor girl, especially if she had to put up with his immaturity all the time.
you don’t have anything to say as you swirl the drink around in your cup, watching as the foam on top melts into the rest of it. this was a disaster. you should’ve known something was wrong with the way minwoo felt like an entirely different person upon meeting. he was nothing like the seemingly kind boy you were texting for the past two weeks. 
suddenly, his phone vibrates on the table. he quickly picks it up before you can see who’s calling, already out of his chair. “sorry, i need to answer this– it’s my sister. i’ll be right back.” minwoo unlocks his phone to answer, his tone much sweeter than it was when he was speaking to you. 
you watch as he walks out the door to take the call outside. suspicion brewed in your gut as you think about what just happened. earlier, he was cursing out his sister, but now he’s smiling on the phone with her? something told you it wasn’t actually his sister calling. 
sungho doesn’t know what gets into him when he finds himself springing to his feet, heading over to your table. in a time like this, he’s grateful that he managed to pick up on your name thanks to the workers. “Y/N, right? this probably isn’t my place, but are you dating that guy?”
you immediately shake your head no, almost disgusted at the thought of being in a relationship with someone like minwoo. 
“i don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he’s obnoxiously loud. if the music was any quieter, everyone could hear the way he’s acting like an asshole.” your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, thankful that most of the people in there were too focused with their own business to listen in on your horrendous date. 
“yeah, he’s definitely… something. it’s my first time meeting this guy, sorry to bother you over there.” you bow your head slightly, flustered to think that you were burdening one of the regulars by bringing your no-good-date to your favorite bakery.
“it’s your first time meeting and he’s like that?” the stranger lets out a huff of disbelief. “you’re free to say no, but… do you need help? i can pretend to be your friend or something so we can get out of here.” his eyes are full of concern. you’re taken aback at the stranger’s act of kindness, but thankful nonetheless. 
“i’m alright, i think. he was a lot nicer over text, so maybe he just needs to warm up to me or something?” 
the man’s displeased with your response; he would’ve rather you walk out on the date right there. “...okay. i’m sungho, by the way. my seat’s just over there, so just give me a look if you need saving.” sungho returns to his table, looking at you before he picks up his book again and pretends to read. 
“listen, she really wants me to come home soon, so i might have to leave in an hour or so.” one more hour spent with this weirdo. you don’t think you could last another ten minutes. 
“that’s fine, i understand it’s something important!” you’re unsure how you maintain such a cheerful act when it feels like your date lied about who he was on the phone with just moments ago. 
“so, are you doing anything later?” he places his phone face down on the table before leaning back in his chair. this was the first time his attention is entirely on you, but after everything you’ve seen, you’re immediately turned off. 
“probably going to work on some papers i have coming up, i’m pretty swamped right now when it comes to my assignments.” you didn’t actually have anything urgent you needed to work on, but you didn’t want to make yourself available for whatever he was about to propose.
“that’s a shame. i was planning on going out to the new club that opened a couple streets down,” minwoo pouts at you, making you groan in disgust internally. “you’re nice and all, but i can’t help thinking about what you’d really be like once you got some alcohol in ya!” 
“oh… what’s wrong with the way i’m acting now?” 
“well, not that there’s anything bad about you, you just seem a bit… uptight! i was just saying you need to loosen up bit. maybe all that coursework has you pent up, if you know what i mean.” you shiver at his implications. minwoo places his sweaty fingers atop yours, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. you try to pull away, but he keeps his grip firm as he smirks at you. 
you quickly glance over to sungho, finding that he was already looking at you, waiting for your signal of help. you bite your lip slightly before giving him a small nod. sungho takes his hat off, finally giving you a proper look at him as he runs his hand into his hair. he’s quick to close his book and tuck it under his arm, making his way over to your table in a few long strides. 
“Y/N? what are the chances i run into you here!” he sounds genuinely happy to see an old friend, placing his palm on your shoulder reassuringly as he takes his place beside you. sungho’s so good at the bit, you’re convinced he might be an acting major. “actually, leehan said he found your lab report in the library just now. didn’t we need to turn that in yesterday?” his words are urgent as he shows you random messages on his phone. it was leehan who he was texting, but the contents of their messages weren’t remotely related to his made-up story. 
“fuck, i totally forgot about that,” you place your hand on your forehead, feigning stress over your fake lost assignment. “minwoo, it’s been really nice meeting you, but my entire grade relies on getting that report in, so i might have to leave earlier than expected…”
“oh, really? i haven’t turned in any of my assignments in weeks!” you hold yourself back from rolling your eyes; of course he was a shitty student to top it all off. he was probably on the verge of getting kicked out for his bad habits. 
“Y/N, leehan just said he needs to go to class soon, we might want to go now before he has to leave.” 
“shit, actually?” sungho nods eagerly, making it seem like you urgently need to leave. “i’m so sorry about this minwoo, i should get going.”
“okay, i’ll text you later then?” you hum in response, grabbing your belongings as sungho is practically pushing you away from the table and towards the exit. he holds the door open for you as you step outside, heading in the opposite direction of the store. 
“are you really going to text him later?” sungho’s walking beside you as you count the cracks in the sidewalk. 
you let out a pitiful laugh at the silly question. “god, no. there’s no way i’m going to be in contact with that freak any time soon.” 
“good. anyone could see he was a piece of shit.” his words stung a bit; you felt humiliated. to think that you genuinely thought minwoo might be your chance at a college romance, yet you needed to be saved by a stranger. your judge of character might be worse than you think.
you find yourself at a nearby park far away from the bakery, sitting idly at the swingset. your savior is still with you, an empty swing between you as he kicks the pebbles on the ground. you’re not sure why he’s still there, but you’re comforted by his company in the aftermath. 
why is dating so hard? you curse yourself for not seeing this outcome sooner. there really wasn’t any way you could’ve predicted minwoo would act like that– in a way, it feels like your fault. maybe you weren’t the type of person people would want to date. maybe there was no chance of you finding someone good to settle down with before you graduated. did it have to do with you? maybe it wasn’t the dating culture holding you back. you don’t know why your eyes begin to well up, but you stifle back your sniffles as a tear falls into your lap. 
sungho immediately picks up on your emotions. he doesn’t normally know what to do in situations like this, but he’s sure he wants to comfort you. “hey, hey… are you crying?” he moves to kneel down in front of you. 
he pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket, offering it out to you. you quickly take it, looking away as you dab at your eyes. “fuck, this is so embarrassing.” you force out a laugh, trying to make light of the situation.
“it’s not embarrassing,” sungho pauses for a moment as he thinks about what to say. “sometimes people don’t turn out to be how you think they are.” sungho wants to slap himself for struggling to find the words he wants to tell you.
“i guess, but i’m sitting here crying in front of a stranger.” you look down at him, feeling small despite the fact that he was on the ground in front of you now.
“i’d like for us to be friends, at least.” you giggle at his comment, giving him a nod of agreement. 
“maybe this is a sign for me to give up.” your words are full of defeat. 
sungho’s confused from the lack of context. “give up?”
“give up on love. i don’t know why i thought i could find something on a dating app, for god’s sake. i guess it’s just not for me.” sungho knows whats he wants to say now. he wants to tell you you’re beautiful. he wants to tell you that you deserve to be treated well. he wants to tell you that anyone would be stupid to give up the opportunity to love you. 
he knows he shouldn’t say all that, at least not now. “would you give it one more chance? y’know, if the opportunity ever showed up.” 
“yeah, if that ever happened. i’m starting to feel like a lost cause here, sungho.” you scoff. after so many failed encounters with love, you felt like it was time for you to take a break.  “you’re acting like the right person is going to magically show up in front of me.”
there’s silence in the air between you as the leaves rustle the trees above. “this might be the worst possible time to do this, but would you let me take you out on a date, Y/N?”
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...part two? (i have ideas for it already. Plz lmk if u guys GAF.)
taglist: @onedoornet @minwrlds @serejae @loserlvrss @gluion
© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Read It and Weep- Part 2
Pairing: NFL!Player!Rafe Cameron x Journalist!Reader
Summary: After a week of chaos, the Reader goes to interview their team during practice, chatting with them all about their win and their hopes for the next few Playoff games. But when the team sees how Rafe and Y/n interact, they decide to mess around a bit.
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Violence, swearing, flirting, sexual tension.
Song: 'Bubbly' by Colbie Caillat
A/n: I'm so excited for this part. I love their interaction and I love writing their flirty moments. It's gonna get steamier from here on in so hold on! @tee-swizzle, here's your babydaddy.
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I got so many messages following Sunday’s game.
Instagram, snapchat, twitter, my email was even blowing up along with text messages rumbling in from nearly every single person that I know along with people that I had never met before. 
There was this sudden interest in my life. People who really never wanted anything to do with me in high school now want everything to do with me, tickets to games, behind the scenes info, all the things that I would give them if we were actually friends but we’re not. Old family members that I didn’t talk to anymore except for birthdays and holidays were suddenly so interested in my job, wanting to read everything I’ve ever published. 
There were even tweets left by other football players on my most recent tweet that I posted, addressing the loads of questions about my state and about whether I’m okay or not. I just simply stated that I’m okay and don’t need any medical interventions and that Rafe was a gentleman for helping me up. I only made the post in the first place because half of the people that commented or reached out were concerned that Rafe had actually hurt me when he took me down when indeed, it was just my pride. Had I known that by posting that, I’d be getting interaction from every football player out there, I wouldn’t have posted it to begin with, especially with the incessant jokes they’ve left on my page- jokes that have attracted news stations in our area along with NFL commentators.
Rafe Cameron’s new woman?
Was the run in between sports journalist Y/n Y/L/N and Rafe Cameron planned to act as  a sort of ‘hard launch’?
Does Y/L/N have it out for Rafe Cameron’s wide receiver paycheck? 
The jokes started with Rafe’s own team, the team who’s known me as their faithful journalist, all turning against me to make jokes at my expense about how I ‘fell for Cameron’ and even made jokes about making our ‘ship name’ on shirts and hats for the whole team to wear. 
Given their track record, I assumed that they’d do it. 
But it did bother me, to see people all of a sudden equate my worth to one incident with a person that I barely know, chalking up our ten minutes of conversation into this huge love story where I’m the desperate damsel and he’s this loverboy giving me the chance of a lifetime, a chance to ‘be with him’, even though neither him nor I have talked to each other since the whole incident.
I got people asking me for interviews left and right, newscasters begging me to come on their shows and podcasts to speak about my opinion of the Rafe Cameron. I even got a call from my own manager asking if I would write a piece on Rafe and I almost agreed but then I wondered how weird it would be for him to read an article written by the girl that he flirted with during a whole entire conference and also toppled over when winning one of the most important games of the season. 
I came up with the alternative that I would go and interview all of the players as a whole during their at home practice before we all hop on a plane and go to Boston for a playoff game. My boss was on board and claimed it would bring in enough publicity, especially since half the country is looking forward to hearing Rafe and I interact, pining after us like we’re some fictional romance or as if I’m a contestant on a TLC dating show. 
My heels click against the concrete of the tunnel and my stomach only hurts more and more the closer I get to the literal light at the end of the tunnel. I can hear the men yelling and running around and I can already picture the bright smiles on all of their faces, knowing how excited they get for interviews. They’ll do anything for a break. 
I’m going to be honest, the amount of effort that went into my outfit, make up and hair was probably a little bit excessive but there’s a part of me that wants to do what everyone’s been talking about all over social media; knock Rafe off his feet. It was such a confidence boost to see Rafe completely and utterly enthralled in my very presence at the conference and I’d be stupid to ignore the follow request in my instagram right now, from him. 
When I stepped out into the sun, I’m immediately caught off guard by a bunch of whistles sung into the air, my neck craning to look at the bench with a teasing look, watching the huge men lining the bench wave sweetly at me with feigned affection. I give them an awkward wave in return as they all begin to shout individually; 
“Hey Cameron! Your girlfriends here!”
“Rafe, your girl’s here to see you.”
“Your baby mama's here, Rafe!”
“Baby mama- what?” I giggle breathlessly and under my breath, watching Rafe slip his helmet off and he jogs towards me. Before he can reach me, I take a step back, holding a teasing hand up to his chest, feeling his heart pound beneath my fingers. “Don’t want you taking me down again.” He looks shocked for a moment before he laughs sheepishly, eyes rolling at my obvious taunting and he takes a step back with his arms raised in surrender. 
“Jesus, it was one time.” He scoffs, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck, a gentle blush sweeping across his cheeks cutely. “I’m never gonna get past that am I?” My head shakes rapidly at him with a huge, proud grin, reaching out to pat his shoulder, feeling sparks beneath my fingers. 
“Never, nope. Not when the whole internet is talking about it.” A look of realization passes across his face and I can see the images of the tweets and articles pass through his eyes and I imagine the same, picturing all of the snapshots that the cameramen managed to take of us and, to be honest, it took everything in me to not save them to my phone and send them to my dad who still refuses to believe that Rafe and I actually talked, even after hearing the post-conference conversation and the actual tackle in the first place. 
“Correction, talking about us.” He grins, swaying gently on his feet while pointing a finger between the two of us and I tilt my head at him with a dumb smile.
“What us?”
“Ouch Cameron, she’s got you wrapped around her little, talented finger.” Greg approaches us quickly and without warning, swooping an arm around Rafe’s shoulder as he gives me a handsome smile and a wink. Rafe’s soft expression drops almost immediately and it doesn’t go without noticing the way his shoulders tense the minute Greg appears, his hungry eyes staring at me like a predator would look at its prey.
“Hi Greg.” I smile politely, ignoring the way that Rafe takes a step closer to me, glazing over at me as I pull my notepad out, prepared to give Greg my typical interview questions but he speaks before I can ask any questions.
“Hey, sweetcheeks. Are you here to interview us? Coach said something about it.” Greg asks, turning to look at Rafe with a shit eating grin and Rafe sighs, shoving his friend away from him and taking another protective step towards me, arm brushing against mine and it sends goosebumps down my spine.
“Yeah, I wanted to chat with some of you during practice, get some lines about the playoffs and winning last week's game.”
“Oh you mean the game where you won a buddy-boy's heart?” Greg winks at Rafe and Rafe clears his throat awkwardly, looking down at his feet with a tired smile. I pick up on the tension that’s between them, as if something’s happened in the last week that I’ve seen them. They’ve been fine all season, all buddy-buddy, a cute bromance, but today I can see the discomfort practically oozing out of Rafe as he stands so closely beside me. 
“Get the fuck out of here, Greg. You’re the fucking quarterback, you need practice more than any of us.” Rafe shoves him away and turns to me, ignoring the questioning look that his friend gives him and I make a mental note to write down the ‘tension’ that appears to be wracking through the team as the playoffs come and go.
“Ouch, baby needs a nap.” Greg sends me a wink and a pervish smile, shoving Rafe towards me as he stumbles and I reach out to steady him, hands gripping his strong shoulders. 
“Sorry about him. He’s a pain.” Rafe mutters, returning to his normal position across from me, still standing closer than before but keeping an honest distance between us, something my mom would call ‘leaving room for Jesus’ and, I’ll be honest, the closeness, the protectiveness, is extremely attractive and refreshing to see, especially from Rafe who’s already so strong and protective as is. And incredibly hot if I might add, not much room for Jesus here.
“Oh really? Couldn’t tell.” I laugh, reaching out to pat his shoulder in an attempt to console him and his shoulders roll in an attempt to loosen up a bit, jaw slacking. He laughs sheepishly at me with a soft smile, hooded eyes sweeping to look down at the ground and I can just make out the blush on his cheeks as he turns to look back at the team that’s still practicing.
“You’re funny. And stunning. You look different than your typical get-up.” His eyes shift to look over me once more, this time ten times more obvious than he did when he first approached me but not nearly as obvious as Greg’s eyes on my boobs.
“You know what my typical getup is?” I ask with an honest tilt of my head, teasing him but at the same time, it makes me wonder if he’s truly been paying attention to me longer than last week. The thought makes me think back to every single outfit I’ve ever worn in front of him, remembering the one time I wore a pretty embarrassing spongebob shirt to practice one day after I had woken up, completely and utterly hungover.
“I pay attention.” He shrugs with a coy smile.
“To a random journalist?”
“To a random beautiful woman? Yes.” His flirting is incessant but I have to give him credit because he is possibly one of the most sweet talking, charming people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. He seems to know just what I want to hear and just what will have my heart racing. “Most distracting thing on the field.” He bumps me with his shoulder and I grin vividly, hands reaching up to rest on my cheeks to conceal the heat coming from them. “Did you get my follow request?”
“We should talk about the game.” I laugh awkwardly, suddenly feeling so comfortably claustrophobic in his shadow and I’m so close to him that I could just lean into him and fit my body into his. I bet his body would fit against mine like Cinderella's slipper. 
Isn’t that what they’re calling us? A match made in heaven?
“Fine, fine. I’ll reel it in a bit.” 
We fall into a comfortable silence, both of us turning to watch the players on the field, tossing the ball back and forth and running drills- but what gets my attention is the noises coming from the bench and I turn my head to see four of the players making faces at Rafe and I and clutching their chests in cute affection.
“Don’t look now but they’re making kissy faces at us.” I whisper to Rafe and he scoffs, giving them a simple look out of the corner of his eyes before he leans down to me, whispering against the shell of my ear and it has me gulping in breaths of air.
“Ignore them. They’re pussy-sober which makes them sad and stupid.” I giggle, shoving him away from me with wide, playful eyes.
“Oh and you’re not?” His lips part in a look of shock but a pleasant shock as his dropped jaw slowly turns into a bright smile, his head once more lulling forward as he avoids looking at me out of pure embarrassment. 
“Ouch, Y/l/n.” He whispers, reaching up to pat his chest with a pout. “You wound me.”
“And you literally wounded me.” Folding my arms across my chest he pouts with furrowed brows, hands reaching out to rest on my shoulders as he gives me another once over, almost as if he’s looking for injuries though I think the real reason is to just have another reason to look at me.
“Fuck, I asked if you were hurt, you said you were fine. Are you okay? Do you need to get checked out, I’ll pay-” He starts but I reach up to place a hand on his chest, cutting his words off and instead he’s now tuned in on the fact that I’m touching him, his heart rate speeding up beneath my touch.
“Rafe, it’s a big bruise on my hip. I’ll live.”  
The coach calls Rafe over almost immediately before Rafe can ask to see the wound on my hip and I’m glad that he did because the last thing I wanted was for him to see how big the bruise is and how big of a baby I actually am. How he was already so ready to take care of me, help me pay for medical care- I’m beginning to wonder if he’s just like this or if he’s just like this with me.
It’s fun to watch him play, watch him sprint across the field and catch the ball effortlessly, nine times out of ten falling dramatically to the ground after catching it and looking back at me with wide, excited eyes, almost asking ‘did you see that?’ It makes me appreciate his roots, the fact that at one time, he was just a little boy playing flag football and winning high school games and now he’s with the big boys, making all of his dreams come true. It’s quite the tearjerker. 
“Hey, Y/n!” Rafe calls out suddenly, startling me from my note taking and I spot him running towards me with a ball. “Wanna learn how to throw?” He asks, tossing me the ball and I grin down at it, feeling the worn leather beneath my hands as Rafe’s pupils dilate a bit watching me, his hands moving to grip at the neckline of his jersey.
“Is this a part of the interview?” I ask teasingly, tossing the ball back in his direction and he rolls his eyes dramatically. “You don’t throw the ball, Rafe-”
 “You can just say ‘I was shown exactly how Rafe and Greg do what they do and look great while doing it.” He winks and I scoff at him, turning my head just to hide the shit eating grin on my lips that seems to be a permanent thing around him. “C’mon.” He reaches out to take my hand gently in his as he begins to walk backwards, taking me further onto the field with every step I take. “Please?” He pleads, thumb brushing against my hand as I ponder for a moment, weighing the pros and cons but when I come up with nothing, I give him a simple shrug, taking the ball from him with a grin. 
“Why not?”
Series Tags: @onedayatatime6 @hysteriahall @littlefirefly08 @hanniebee33 @imsorare @acatwriteshere
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ohbx · 2 years
Partnered Up
A JJ x Reader Slow Burn Fic
Author's notes:
This is pretty much PG (with a touch of PG-13, maybe some swearing, mentions of abuse as in the context of the show). No warnings, except it being over 4k words & unedited. I wrote in first person so I just made it a reader insert but I might give the character a name cause she definitely seems like a character. (Y/F/N= Your Friend's name) Also this is a treasure hunt free alternate universe.
Partnered Up
I had obviously noticed JJ and his friends at school. They almost always traveled in a pack. Loud, boisterous and looking like they just rolled up from the beach. Although that was more common than not because I went to public high school on the Outerbanks. Out of his crew, he and John B were especially notorious for leaving a trail of broken hearts throughout the island. Whether it be kooks, pogues, tourons or anyone in between any girl I met knew who they were, and had a crush on one of them at one point or another. While the girls reasoning differed, (Kooks were usually looking for a one night tryst with a bad boy to piss their ex boyfriend off or gain the attention of some kook guy.) the point remained, they were the sleepover talk of girls across the island - every girl secretly thought they would be the one to tie down one of the island boys who were a little rough around the edges. 
But now, John B was dating Sarah. A fact that only raised the desperation for JJ throughout the school halls. I could practically hear girls heads turning from their lockers as he made his way down the hall, clutching tattered papers, no backpack in sight. And sure, I understood the appeal. The piercing blue eyes, the charming, shameless flirtation. And of course I had read enough romance novels to understand the “i could fix him” urge for the girls who saw him show up year after year to school with no parents whoever came to end of the year barbecues, busted lips and black eyes monthly, and stoned more often than not. I understood it, I really did. But I didn’t have time to worry about boys. Especially not boys who would never give me a second look. I mean, I had been going to school with him for almost a decade and I doubted he even knew my name. It wasn’t self pity, but rather self awareness, to know a boy like him would never give me the time of day. And for that I never spent that much time worried about what the blonde boy thought of me- since I was pretty sure he didn’t think of me at all. It wasn’t self pity, just self awareness. And for that my self preservation kicked in anytime other girls at the lunch table gossiped about the blonde boy’s smile or dimples - I would have never admitted that I had given him a second glance. 
As all high school teachers do, my biology teacher had a penchant for making her class as socially draining as possible. Which meant today when we were being assigned our physiology project for the final 6 weeks of the semester - she announced that she would be assigning us partners instead of letting us pick our own. I glanced longingly at my best friend sitting next to me and slowly rolled my eyes. It would be a lot simpler and more fun if the two of us could just work together. The teacher read out all the pairs and announced my name next to the infamous bad boy himself. JJ Maybank. As the teacher wrapped up her pairings, she projected the topics that each group was assigned to on the board. I slowly and nervously bent over to grab my text book from under my desk. But when I looked up, JJ was already leaning on the desk next to me. 
“Hey Y/N - looks like we’re partners,” he said with a sheepish smile. 
“Yea!” I replied maybe a bit too enthusiastically.
I offered him my phone number as class was ending for the day and then had to rush to swim practice after school. I told him to just text me before class tomorrow so you could get a jump on planning your project. 
After swim practice, as I toweled off at your locker, I picked up my phone to several text notifications from JJ
JJ: Hey y/n it’s JJ Maybank
JJ: Sorry you’re stuck with me as a partner
JJ: Just text me whenever you’re done with swim and we can start a plan 
I  felt a pit in my stomach. JJ wasn’t known for being the smartest or most studious kid in school but I immediately felt bad that he was apologizing before the project even began. Secondly I was shocked he even knew I  was on the swim team. 
I quickly crafted a response telling him I was happy to work with him. Trying to keep it casual. Admittedly, that had never been my strong suit when it came to cute boys.
I then texted him that I would do some googling and take some notes about the  assigned topic tonight, and we both could chat about it tomorrow. 
He replied shockingly fast that he would do the same. 
After swim practice the next morning I found myself taking more care in the shower to not smell like chlorine all day and taking a little bit longer on my makeup and hair before I returned to school for first period. I wouldn’t let myself admit that it was because I would be in close proximity to JJ later that day- but deep down that definitely played a factor. 
When I  got to class that day after saying hi to my best friend, I sat farther towards the back where JJ was already slumped in his chair. He perked up a bit when I sat down next to him. The teacher had given us a free period to discuss and plan our projects , so after a quick hello I took out my notes, and so did JJ. 
I offered him my notes to look over while he handed me his but then he cleared his throat promptly. 
“I uhhh…” he began sheepishly and then paused.
“I can’t read cursive” he spit out all at once and then half laughed. 
I tried to keep my face neutral, and not laugh, as he was clearly looking nervous, but I was confused. 
“I uh, I have dyslexia” he quietly offered by way of explanation as he rubbed the back of his neck- not making eye contact.
“Oh!” I tried not to sound surprised or show it on my face. “Here pass me back my notes and we can just discuss what we both learned and then what direction we want to research and create our presentation on.” 
JJ just nodded and said “thanks” as he handed we traded notes back. 
We spent the next hour or so nerding out and actually having great, very insightful conversation about our disease we were researching, and I scribbled quick messy notes with promises to type them up when we were done so we could both see them on Google docs. 
At the end of class everyone rushed out the door at the bell, and I turned quickly with a quick see ya! to JJ on the way out the door. 
“Hey Y/n wait” JJ said quickly as he called after me. I spun around to face him. 
“Uhh thanks for being so nice and helping me out today. I know you probably wish you had a partner that wasn’t such an idiot"
"You don't need to thank me, you're my partner, we both deserve to be able to work in a way that works for us. Otherwise I wouldn't really be a partner and I'd be a bitch" I said, and I meant it.
JJ had offered some of the best insight you had heard in this class all year. I was confident that he was going to be a good partner for the project despite my initial internal reservations due to his reputation. 
JJ just shrugged back at me sheepishly. 
"Well, I mean it, thanks. You'd be surprised how few people feel that way. Usually teachers or my group hear that and just decide they'll fail me or do all the work themselves."
"Seriously, you don't have to thank me, I am happy you're my partner, I think things will go well with this project. Sorry - I really gotta go to swim practice. Coach will kill me if I'm late" 
He just nodded and offered a brief see ya as I turned and headed down the hall. 
It went on this way for a few weeks. We worked tirelessly during class, had a few brief moments of small talk, and then I would rush off to practice. I was secretly thinking about him during the evenings, but I didn't usually hear from him until class the next day. 
So imagine my surprise when I powered my phone back on after practice to another two texts from JJ. 
JJ: Hey - hope your practice went well! 
JJ: I got sidetracked after class
JJ: but I wanted to no if you wanted to come to a party tonite that my friends r having at the boneyard. I know your not a big partier but since its not yet  summer it will be pretty low key, you can bring Y/F/N or whoever if you have a bf or something 
I found myself smiling slightly to myself with my head in my locker. Y/F/N laughed and asked who was making me blush. I coyly avoided the question... for about 14 seconds until I asked her if she wanted to go to the boneyard tonight. 
"Oh so JJ" she joked. "C'mon you cannot be falling for him that is such a bad idea" 
"I am NOT falling for him" I rolled my eyes. "We are just becoming friends. Plus I feel like we could use some Friday socialization that doesn't involve chlorine or studying in my living room"
 It was late May, and Y/F/N sat on my bed as I deliberated about what I wanted to wear to the party. After a lot of back and forth, I landed on birkenstocks, jean shorts and a tank top. Boring, I know, but it felt the most me, and the most appropriate for the weather. 
We decided to walk, as it was only half a mile away, and then we could have a few beers and then walk home after. It's not like my mom was home anyway.
I had texted JJ for the details on when to arrive, but I hadn't expected us to be the first ones there beyond his direct friend group. They quickly ushered us into their circle and we joined in the drinking games they were playing around the bonfire. 
Y/F/N was flirting with Pope, and while I didn't think it would go anywhere tonight, I could definitely see them being a cute and nerdy match.
As the party picked up, I was definitely feeling a bit of a buzz from a handful of hard seltzers and beers.
Y/F/N was occupied chatting with Pope and Kiara about who knows what, something scientific that I was too drunk for, so I made my way across the party in search of someone else to chat with.
JJ intercepted me, steadying himself on my arm after we almost collided.
"Wanna walk down the beach?"
I wasn't a big partier, but I definitely knew the insinuation there, and this many drinks in, I couldn't think that far in advance, I think I was just flattered by the invitation.
We broke away from the big group of high schoolers and reached a quieter part of the beach.
"So you're a fast swimmer right?"
"Compared to girls in this county, sure"
"Dont try to be humble, Kiara told me how you're ranked like #3 in all of North Carolina or something"
"#2" I mumbled sheepishly, never good at bragging about myself.
"Damn, so like good?"
"Let's hope so, I am gonna need it to pay for my college"
JJ nodded, thinking something over. A mischevious glint flickered across his eyes.
"Ok let's see it then. Race you out to that swim buoy!?" He challenged, stripping off his shirt and kicking his shoes off already.
As he dove into the calm surf, I peeled off my jean shorts and kicked off your birks. Diving in in just my tank top and thong. I took off swimming messily, but still passed JJ fairly quickly.
I didn't beat him by much, just enough to be standing looking bored when his head popped up at the buoy.
"Damn" he laughed "You got me."
His eyes flitted down to my thick, but definitely more revealing when wet tank top. He took a step closer to me.
For the first time in our friendship, it was silent. He kept a strong eye contact with me as he reached his hands out placing them on my waist, now covered in goosebumps. He pulled himself closer to me or me closer to him, I wasn't even sure my brain was forming coherent thoughts over the sound of my heart fluttering.
And then he kissed me. He kissed me in the way that the world around me went silent and all I could think about was him, and us. I didn't think about the fact I was practically naked about 10 feet from my first party, nor the fact that we were in the ocean at night. Nothing. Just him and us. Not that I had a lot to compare it to, but I knew it was a good kiss.
We continued to make out hands roaming up and down each others upper bodies, until our teeth were chattering and we made our way out of the water.
JJ shook his hair off like a dog before sliding his tee shirt over his head. I shook off suddenly self conscius about my lack of clothes, and slid into my jean shorts. Luckily it was a nice night, so we started to dry off pretty quickly.
Jj snaked his hand through my belt loop and pulled me closer to him. Catching my jaw with his other hand and pulling me into kiss me. I got the vague sense that he had done this before, but not even in a way that I could be jealous, because of how special this moment was making me feel. Well until it wasn't.
"Look Y/n. I like you a lot."
My heart skipped a beat.
"I uh, like you too"
"Do you wanna come back home, er uh, to John B's with me?"
And the other shoe drops. He doesn't actually like me, he just wants me to come hook up with him in his friends guest bedroom. I knew if I did that I would end up feeling temporarily validated, only to be more heartbroken when he inevitably didn't like me at all.
"I cant, I uh, have to walk home with Y/F/N" I said quickly as I started walking back to the party. Tears pricking the corners of my eyes. He followed behind, murmuring his agreement or understanding or something.
I left soon the party after, giving JJ a hasty goodbye hug, before shedding drunk tears on the way home about how he didn't really like me.
The next day I woke up with a pounding headache. I was asleep on the floor of my room and Y/F/N was asleep in my bed. I climbed into it, jostling her awake but I was in need of girl talk. 
"So now what?" she asked 
" I just like, don't know what to do. He clearly just saw me as another girl, when I had thought we were getting along so well so I guess I will just wait and see if he says anything." 
"You could just ask him" 
"No way" 
My mom was still gone the rest of the weekend, so it was spent going to the beach, and hanging out at home with Y/F/N. I was dreading going back to school on Monday, and I hadn't received a single text from JJ, and knew I had blown my chance. 
I arrived in my last period on Monday and slinked my way to the back of the classroom next to JJ. He looked like he hadn't slept since I saw him on Friday. When I sat down he grunted a hello. We pretended that there was nothing we cared about more than our current science project. But we still got almost nothing done. We couldn't agree on which way to go forward, what to dive deeper on, what should be the main focus of our presentation, everything was an argument. 
I left the class for practice without saying another thing, barely even a goodbye. I had never swum so fast or hard in my life. Blowing off steam, I buried my head and swam faster splits than I usually swam at meets. I kicked my legs until I couldn't feel the pain in my chest any longer. 
I got out of the pool and grabbed my phone out of my locker. I felt my stomach bubble in anticipation of a text but I didn't actually expect one. 
The next four days JJ didn't show up to school. Our project was still due in just over a week, so I worked a lot on it in class by myself. 
On Friday I finally built up the courage to shoot him a text in the morning when I see he's not there. A few hours went by without a reply. I figure I knew Kie well enough by now, so I asked her if he was ok.
She gave a concerned looking shrug. 
"We've heard from him, but he does this sometimes, just kinda drops off the face of the earth and no one can get him to hang out or go to school. Are you worried about your project?" 
"He told you about that?" 
"Yea he won't shut up about it" Kie laughed " It was all we had heard about for like the past 4 weeks" 
TYou exchanged numbers with Kie, and she told me to just text her if I was worried about him or hadnt heard from him by the end of the day and she would try and do a wellness check. 
As soon as you sat down for 6th to begin though, JJ had texted me back. 
JJ: Sorry I'm not in class. I couldn't. 
No further explanation? I wondered to myself
me: Are you ok? 
The typing bubbles repeatedly showed up and then disappeared at least 3 times before he responded, completely ignoring your question. 
JJ: Can we meet up to talk about the project today? I feel bad I haven't pulled my weight. 
Sure I quickly replied.
Me: My place or yours? 
he shot back: Cant do mine. 
me: that's fine
Then I just texted him my address and the time I would be home from swim practice.  
I grabbed a pizza on my way home from swimming. I figured if this was going to be the most awkward friday of my life at least we could have a snack while studying. 
I got home, quickly showered, and tried to make myself look semi-presentable in a flannel and jeans, even though I knew that ship had pretty much sailed.
I put the pizza in the oven to stay warm and grabbed a few cokes out of the garage to put on the kitchen island. 
By the time I was done, I heard a soft knock on the door. 
I opened it to JJ, looking like he had been hit by a car. Probably not today, his clothes were clean, and his hair looks more purposeful than usual, but he had deep, purple bruises across his face, and a dark scab drifting from his eye down his cheek. I let out a slight involuntary gasp and stuttered a little bit. 
"what happened? are you ok?" 
"Can we please not talk about it" he looked as if he might burst into tears or run off at any moment. 
I nodded, not trusting my words. 
I just held out my arms and offered him a hug which he wordlessly accepted, melting into my embrace. He wasn't much taller than me, but he slumped down, head on my shoulder he let out a heavy sigh before letting go. 
"Thanks, I guess I needed that" he said his words attempting to convey lightness but getting stuck in the back of his throat.
"I figured" I shrugged, helplessly. Lost at what to do as I led him into the kitchen where my books were spread on the island. 
I saw him taking stock of my kitchen which had small pads on all of the corners as well as small braille labels on the cupboards. 
"Is this like babyproofing?" he asked. 
"No" I laughed "My little brother is blind, its for safety but also theoretically so he can find stuff on his own" 
"I didn't know you had a little brother" JJ looked shocked as he tried to process that information. 
"He lives off the island about 11.5 months a year. He's almost 8 and my favorite person in the whole world. He goes to a boarding school for blind kids." 
JJ just nodded. 
"That's why my mom's not here. She tries to spend a few weeks a quarter there, whenever she's not running our family business on the island. She feels really guilty about sending him away, even though the only place she can make money is on the island and the only place he can learn is off. So she has a tiny shoe box apartment out in Raleigh where his school is." 
"And your dad stays here with you?" Jj asked innocently. 
I just shrugged "He's not really in the picture these days"
"I'm sorry," JJ offered. 
"It's alright. We get by ok. I've had to grow up pretty fast these past few years since my brother started school, but it's worth it." 
"Wait. This is why you were so good at helping me and dictating everything you wrote isn't it. JJ asked. 
"I don't even think I thought about it like that, I just have spent a lot of time with my brother who also learns differently so it came easily to me" I answered genuinely. 
"That was the nicest way anyone has ever called me illiterate" JJ joked, perking back up to his normal self. 
I just rolled my eyes at that comment. We worked for a few hours only breaking for pizza and soda until about 10 pm. Until we decided we were caught up enough to call it a night. JJ promised to work more over the rest of the weekend to make up his share, even though I told him that wasn't necessary. 
Normally on Friday nights, I watched a movie after homework, studying and pizza with Y/F/N, but she left right after swim practice to go to her grandparents on the mainland. So I just offered JJ to stay. He accepted, quickly shooting a text to his friends to let them know his whereabouts. 
"Kie made it seem like they did a pretty good job of checking up on you" I noted. 
"They do, they mean well" he said. Now that I had seen him, I better understood why. They probably knew something that he wasn't ready to let me in on yet, even though I was desperately curious and felt unceasingly bad for him. 
As we watched the movie he slid closer to me on the couch. I was  keenly aware of his body’s proximity to mine , and not as much so to the plot of the movie. 
I was aware that i was a bit nervous and jumpy, after all I had never had a boy at my house alone before. But he put his hand on my thigh, and as much as I had wanted to not be nervous I moved away from him and put my back to the arm rest of the couch, hugging my knees into my chest.
“Oh fuck I’m sorry i knew i misread the vibe I’m an idiot” JJ quickly spat out 
“No it’s not…” I struggled to find my words which was rare for me 
“I just , I like you, but I felt like I gave you the wrong idea last weekend. I don’t want to have a one night stand, and then I felt like you didn’t speak to me all week or say anything after. I get that that’s what you’re looking for but it’s just not me” I word vomited
“I’m so stupid I’m sorry i should have known you’re too smart to think of me as more than a friend. Can we just pretend I didn’t do that”
“I do like you like that I just. I know you just do hook ups and I don’t know I know i sound like a prude but I don’t think i can do that.”
“Wait. You do like me like that?”
“Obviously. We have so much fun together.” I replied honestly. 
“I spent all of last weekend and all week convincing myself that I fucked up by kissing you. And convincing myself that you like every one else just wanted to brag about having some drunken escapade with JJ and never see him again.”
“And I thought you were mad I didn’t sleep with you because you didn’t text me. “  I admitted.  
“I’m sorry.” He looked heart broken. “It honestly wasn’t that. No one has ever wanted me in anyway other than for my body. So i assumed if you didn’t want to come home with me you were probably offended I even made a move at all and certainly couldn't like me back.” 
My heart hurt hearing his genuinely vulnerable comment. 
“I obviously always thought you looked good, but only have developed a crush on you now that I know you for you” you admitted. “But i assumed since you have your pick of gorgeous girls that you wouldn’t want me.”  My voice quivered. I had never once admitted to someone how insecure I was about how I looked. It always seemed like there were more important things than appearances, quite literally speaking in my life. But that didn’t make being a high school girl any easier. 
JJ scooted back closer to me and pulled me in a big hug. 
“I think you’re absolutely beautiful. I always have. Why else do you think the teacher put everyone else together with their normal partners except us and John B and Y/F/N. Because she noticed me staring at you up front all of class.”
“Is that true?”
“I’m pretty sure. Everyone else I know in that class has their normal partner.”
I let out a little laugh. 
“I must not have noticed because I was too preoccupied by your insights about our project   And your, well everything.”
I pulled away from JJ’s hug. 
“Do girls really not talk to you except to get you to hook up with them?”
He shrugged. 
“Usually people only think I’m interesting or want to talk to me at a party. That and my dad spent all weekend and Monday night reminding me how worthless and stupid he thinks i am.”
"Did he do this?"
He just nodded. His chin quivered. 
“You are actually one of the smartest people I’ve ever been paired with at our school. You are funny and interesting and genuinely a good friend to me day in and day out. “
At this point, my limbs were so entangled that i was sitting in his lap on the couch, your legs basically straddling him. His strong arms were snaked around my back, while mine rested on his shoulders. I leaned back so I could make eye contact with him. 
“Maybe we’re an ever better more messed up pair than I thought” he joked. 
This time it was my turn to make the first move. I leaned in slowly. Meeting his lips gently as his face was all bruised. He sighed happily. I deepened the kiss. His hands slowly unwrapped from my back and made their way onto my backside, slowly rocking me in his lap. 
I hated that I pulled away. 
“I thought you didn’t want me to use you for your body.”
“On second thought, please do” he joked, voice husky. 
“I wouldn’t want you to think I don’t like you for your brain.” I  said as I climbed off of his lap. 
Without even having to explain again though, he understood I was only ready to move so fast. By the time we had rehashed all of our misunderstandings and made out through the second half of the movie, I was exhausted, as I had been up since morning practice. Something told me, and it wasn’t just the bags under his eyes, that JJ also hadn’t been sleeping very well. 
“Wanna stay the night uh. I mean. Like just actually sleep here?” I asked. 
He nodded happily before getting up to follow me upstairs. I quickly changed into pajamas in the bathroom and emerged to JJ, shirtless and littered in even more bruises, a pair of my baggy swim sweatpants sitting low on his waist. 
I climbed into my bed at the same time as he did, and he pulled me in close to him.  My head rested on his shoulder. 
“Can I ask you something ?”
He asked softly.
“Would you wanna be my girlfriend?”
I nodded softly.
“I would love to”
He kissed the top of my head
-Two weeks later-
I entered John B's house, through the screen door on the porch, and came into the kitchen to meet the already gathered pogues. I was joining them in celebrating the last day of school.
Pope immediately asked me when Y/F/N was arriving, so I reassured him that she would be there for the real full party. I walked over to JJ who wrapped his hands around me from behind and placed his head on my shoulder contently.
"Want a beer?" John be asked.
I nodded, and as he pushed open the fridge, I saw magneted to it our final graded report from our Biology final, with an A+ scribbled in red ink on the top corner.
"Aww our project" you involunatarily remarked. JJ stepped over trying to remove it from the fridge out of embarrassment, but John B intercepted him with both arms pulling the other boy close in a half wrestle, half hug.
"We're very proud of him, always" John B smiled ruffling a hand through JJ's hair and laughing while JJ groaned.
You were thankful for this found family when yours was away, but even more so for the love they provided JJ each and every day.
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henelopekru · 2 years
Illicit Affairs
CHAPTER ONE. Welcome Back
A Hope Mikaelson x Penelope Park (Henelope) Fic "Don't call me kid, don't call me baby."
Word Count: 2k words
Summary. Inspired by an old tweet I saw just after the second season of Legacies aired. In which Penelope had returned to Mystic Falls after all, only to realise Josie had moved on. Her so-called romance with a forgotten friend is only a ploy to make her ex-girlfriend jealous, never intending to go as far as it does.
A/N. Honestly this is a fic I've wanted to write for a while now. I actually haven't checked, but I imagine Henelope doesn't get a lot of love since they literally interacted twice the entire show lmao. Also please forgive me if some of this is a little inaccurate to the show, it's been a while since my last rewatch of Legacies!
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Penelope wasn’t sure whether it was the circumstances that made her irritated by seemingly everything or if it was just Mystic Falls High. The school receptionist typing away at a computer likely older than Penelope herself, the ticking of a clock prehistoric in appearance.
8:55am, it read. Penelope frowned, it was far too early to be awake, especially while her body was still combating a severe case of jet lag. How long had she been waiting now? The email she’d gotten after enrolling last night had asked her to arrive at the reception at 8:30, it wouldn’t surprise her if they’d just forgotten about her. She contemplated asking the receptionist, who Penelope was about seventy percent certain was playing a flash game instead of actually doing any work.
She didn’t want to be here, pulling at a loose thread on her chair, trying hard to ignore the oddly stale scent in the air that threatened to make her nauseous. Still, this had been the agreement she’d decided on with her parents, she could come back to Mystic Falls without them, but she had to continue going to school - they just hadn’t specified what school.
Never in a million years would she have imagined she’d be going to a public school of all places, but anywhere sounded better than the Salvatore School right now. She couldn’t go back there, not after what had happened last night.
The plan had been to surprise Josie with her return. After the way their goodbye had gone, Penelope had assumed Josie would be thrilled to have her back. Sure, maybe they wouldn’t have gotten back together, but she’d just been excited at the idea of seeing her again.
But seeing her with someone else? With Landon Kirby of all people?
At least they hadn’t seen her, that Penelope had spotted them first. She’d managed to preserve her pride so far, but she wouldn’t have stood a chance if they’d known she’d seen them. That was the only silver lining she could see for now, but she didn’t feel optimistic enough to try and think of any others. It was a shitty situation, nothing could fix it.
Josie had been the only reason Penelope had even returned, wanting to warn her about the Merge, wanting to love her in spite of all her flaws and in spite of Lizzie. Her new school in Belgium hadn’t been so bad after all, designed completely for witches, the only downside it had was that there was no Josie. She was too late, Josie had moved on and there was no way Penelope could go back to the boarding school, she couldn’t stand seeing her and Landon together again.
The worst part was that she had no real place to be angry or hurt; Penelope had already broken up with Josie, long before she’d even left for Belgium, she’d broken her heart first - so this was what it felt like, karma stung more than Penelope would’ve liked. 
She’d never actually been broken up with before, or rejected, but she got the feeling her situation with Josie was more painful than any other kind of heartbreak could be. It wasn’t that neither of them cared, Penelope had just messed up and it was too late to fix it.
It was her own fault, she’d caused this.
Penelope had hardly had the time to give much thought to the other girl she’d seen near the mill that night, right after she’d left Josie and Landon. The girl was a student - maybe? - but not one that Penelope recognised, she’d simply chalked her down to being a new transfer, she didn’t look young enough to be a freshman, probably around Penelope’s age.
The girl was the last of her worries though, just as she had been last night. Besides, Penelope doubted that she’d even see her again, she didn’t intend on going anywhere near the boarding school.
“The principal will see you now, Miss Park.” The school receptionist mercifully tore Penelope from her thoughts before she could wallow in any more self-pity. 
Penelope nodded, standing up from her seat in the waiting room, boots squeaking as they made contact with the rubber floors. She grimaced at the harsh sound, approaching the door to the headmaster’s office, reading over the newly placed name plate.
‘Principal A. Saltzman’
It didn’t come as a complete surprise to Penelope, she’d known Alaric had taken a job in Mystic Falls High. Perhaps she hadn’t known it was the job of principal, but it made sense, considering he’d been the headmaster at the Salvatore school. Still, that didn’t take away the dreadful awkwardness that she knew would come with having to talk to her ex-girlfriend’s father.
With a near inaudible sigh, Penelope knocked on the door, waiting for permission from the man inside before she entered the office, unsure of what to expect.
“Take a seat, Penelope.” Alaric gestured towards the empty seat across from his side of the desk, hitting the witch with an odd sense of deja vu from her first day at the Salvatore Boarding School. It felt like forever ago now, since she’d first convinced her parents to allow her to move from her home in New Orleans to a small town in Virginia.
Sitting down, Penelope wouldn’t even dare to look Alaric in the eye, out of.. What? Embarrassment? Guilt? She couldn’t pinpoint it exactly, but both seemed to apply. Embarrassed she’d believed Josie would just take her back, guilty they’d even broken up in the first place. Penelope wondered if Alaric knew about Josie and Landon, if the kiss she’d witnessed the night before had been the first of many to come or if they’d been together since Penelope had left for Belgium.
The silence in the room was deafening, as Alaric quietly flicked through his computer screen, likely looking through Penelope’s files from her last two schools. 
She wondered if Alaric resented her, for everything that had happened. She’d never had to worry about that when she first broke up with Josie. While he’d been the headmaster at Salvatore’s, there’d been no room for him to take sides and if anything, Penelope wasn’t sure she’d ever seen him take Josie’s side - it was obvious he struggled to balance being a father and a headmaster all at once.
But now, they were in a different school, where maybe he could allow his love towards his daughters to take the forefront more often. Despite her silent disagreements Penelope had towards Alaric, mainly ones that involved him not telling Lizzie and Josie about the merge, she actually liked him. Surprisingly - even to her - she’d actually be quite disheartened if he treated her differently.
Eventually, Penelope cleared her throat, “Why did you leave the boarding school?” She asked, leaning back in her seat. In a way, she was relieved Alaric was her headmaster again, she didn’t feel like trying to suss out a brand new person.
Alaric was too occupied with the computer to look up, although Penelope didn’t take offence, she knew what he was like and it was just nice to have some sense of familiarity after everything that had happened since she’d come back.
“I thought the school would be more suited to a headmaster that can help better than I can.” He explained vaguely after a pause, looking up from the screen in front of him.
She let out a quiet burst of laughter, it had never been a secret that Alaric was ill-equipped when it came to running a school of supernatural teenagers. “You mean someone who’s not a human, right?” Penelope asked, earning a glare from Alaric.
“Penelope.” He began in a hiss, “You don’t know who could be listening.”
Penelope only shrugged in response, although she knew he was right, so she decided not to press any further. Even if she was hurting more than she’d care to admit, she knew throwing the rest of her former classmates under the bus would be unfair. Perhaps the council had stopped vampire hunting years ago, but there was no use in risking it.
“You applied for your enrollment quite late.” Alaric noted, looking up from his screen to shoot her a knowing glance. Maybe this Josie and Landon thing had been going on for a while. “Last night, to be exact. You’re lucky I recognised your name.”
Penelope could only pray that Alaric wouldn’t mention Josie. She wasn’t sure she could handle even the mention of her former girlfriend’s name right now.
She chose not to offer an explanation, to be safe, “So can I still enrol?” Penelope asked nonchalantly, like she had other options. Technically, she could go back to Belgium, but how would she even explain what had happened to her parents? They’d had no idea about her and Josie and for good reason, they never would have approved of the relationship.
Alaric nodded, “You can, but I don’t understand, Penelope.” He answered, finally tearing his full attention away from the computer, resting his arms on the desk he sat at, “You fit in well at the boarding school, you were well liked.. I just don’t see what you gain from coming here instead.”
Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Penelope sat up straight. “Maybe I want a different experience.” She shot back, just about managing to hold back her sarcasm. She made a point of lowering her voice as she continued, “Besides, it’s not like I need help controlling my magic, I grew up around witches in the French Quarter.”
“And you’re sure there’s not another reason?” Alaric asked, as though he already knew but was just waiting for Penelope to confess the truth.
Penelope nodded in response; a lie that Alaric appeared to see right now.
He paused uncertainly, “Have you spoken to Josie since you got back? I know she missed having you around school.” Alaric commented, a statement that caused Penelope’s heart to sink.
She didn’t want to think about how Josie must’ve felt after she left, their tearful goodbye had been painful enough. She wondered how long it had taken after that for her to grow close with Landon, if he was just a rebound or if Josie really loved him - neither option was preferable.
“No, I broke up with her, remember?” Penelope clarified, feigning disinterest. She almost immediately dropped the act, more so out of shame rather than the fact that she was talking to Josie’s father. He probably didn’t think very highly of her after she broke his daughter’s heart the first time around. “If I see her, I’ll say hi..”
Seemingly satisfied with the answer he’d been given, Alaric momentarily returned his attention back towards the computer, clicking and typing a few times before he spoke, “Then congratulations, Penelope, you’re officially a student at Mystic Falls High.” He announced, not bothering to lace his tone with enthusiasm, he knew it was the last thing Penelope wanted.
With another click at the computer, a sheet of paper appeared from the printer behind Alaric’s desk, the machinery making a soft buzz. He turned around in his chair to grab the paper, handing it to Penelope. “This has your timetable and your locker number.” He stated, pointing towards each area where the necessary information was located.
Taking the paper in her hands, Penelope quickly skimmed over the information, enough to know that her first lesson of the day was History. She nodded, “Thanks, Alaric.” Penelope acknowledged.
“That’s Mr Saltzman to you.” Alaric corrected her half-heartedly. He shook his head, knowing that she wouldn’t listen, Penelope had been too close to Josie and the rest of the Saltzman family - excluding Lizzie, of course - to even consider Alaric an authority figure. “Just be careful what you call me around the other students.”
Penelope nodded again, humming in amusement as she stood up from her seat. “Yeah, sure.” She mumbled, gathering her things and folding up the sheet Alaric had given her, “I guess I’ll see you around then."
For the first time during the entire exchange, Alaric offered Penelope a smile. Strangely enough, Penelope found it reassuring, easing nerves she didn’t know she had about her first day, “Good luck today.” He said, “And welcome back to Mystic Falls.”
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roobylavender · 6 months
omg i always find the discussion on kishimoto and shounen writers re: writing romance and female characters really interesting bc it's so true that wider fandom refuses to engage with heroines even at the level of male characters who have the same amount of screentime/development, even more so if they occupy any sort of love interest role because they're "in the way" of m/m pairings - but i also wonder how much of this discussion has turned into "if you don't ship this (shoddily-written) heterosexual pairing you are doing a disservice to X female character" with the poor excuse that shounen series supposedly """don't focus""" on romance anyway (if that's truly the case, why does the author bother introducing it as a last-minute element by suddenly marrying off half the cast?) like if romance is going to be a genre introduced to the manga (and if any and every interaction between the two characters who end up as married in the final chapter is to be taken as romantic, then romance is indeed going to be counted as one of the story's genres), surely it needs to be taken seriously and held to the same standard as the action and fantasy world-building genres of a manga...
also not to out myself as a grandma but personally this new idea i sometimes see on reddit or twitter that "shounen authors aren't 'allowed'(?) to develop their romances properly or focus on romantic subplots" honestly disgusts me as a certified 80s manga enjoyer lmao because it's such an insult to decades of prior shounen manga that did in fact take the time to write romance well and thus didn't end up with canon pairings anywhere near as controversial as, say, the ones in nardo or bleach... like it just goes to show how little people know about the genre to be making super broad and baseless statements like that. it's got the same energy as when people read 2010s DC comics and think they've gotten the best the genre has to offer even though 1) they haven't even skimmed the surface of the material 2) modern stories are written terribly compared to their predecessors
LIKE people cite that ursula k le guin quote about H/P to talk about how it's like incredibly derivative, practically factory-generated fantasy but imo it doesn't quite hold true because H/P isn't fundamentally a fantasy story but rather a boarding school one with fantastical elements - but that quote does absolutely hold true for naruto and its role within the shounen genre because every element of it is ripped off from its betters (i.e. slam dunk, HxH, etc) yet people praised it as if it was completely original and the pinnacle of shounen... and yet despite it all, broader fan consensus still found the female characters and their romances in both the series examples i listed (that kishi clearly plagiarized from) more agreeable than the canon ones in naruto 🙈
somewhat tangential to this but i feel like what makes this phenomenon (as in the one you talk about in the last paragraph) prevalent within mainstream shounen manga specifically is the way that manga publication works to begin with. like although magazines are generally reflective of genre categorizations they need not always be so (eg clamp which has published typically shoujo content in typically shounen magazines and vice versa) and usually your serialization in a magazine happens because you applied to it through a competition. and you applied through that competition for that magazine because you were enamored with the mangaka already employed by the magazine. the wsj hierarchy is essentially a long form example of this in that many of its mangaka were either fanboys of their predecessors on the magazine and thus decided to apply to it or they were lucky enough to work as assistants to those mangaka and then spring off into their own work once they had found the footing to do so. the derivative nature of the various series in the magazine is practically manufactured! and it's a wonky sort of survival of the fittest scheme in that the successor mangakas get to pick and choose what elements that were key to their admiration they incorporate into their own work. that's how i think you get to works like naruto and bleach. i don't think it's outright plagiarism but more.. fanboy antics distilled into fanfiction that subsequently goes through an editorial process to prepare it for original publication. the twilight turned masters of the universe turned fifty shades of grey phenomenon if you will. how you fare after that then depends on your own additional input. i feel like although kishi definitely modeled some character and relationship dynamics on those of his predecessors what attracted people to his story was his world (which is ironic because it's more than arguable that his world is underdeveloped in various places) and how that world contextualized those already familiar dynamics. that's why even though the naruto-sasuke rivalry was admittedly modeled off of the yusuke-hiei one there was still a significant difference in overarching function between the two relative to their place within each series
as for the commentary on romance specifically i definitely agree with you that there's no excuse for romance writing to be taken less seriously merely because something is published in a shounen magazine lol. and frankly with respect to naruto specifically i always find this excuse to be very confusing because at least with sasusaku the writing is very intentional.. a lot of people seem to skirt over their development with respect to each other because it's convenient to ignore and that always frustrates me because kishi is more than due his fair share of criticism for any number of things but it's silly to criticize him for the absence of something when there is precisely.. no absence. i think a lot of people mistake subtlety for absence if anything. the moments when sasuke deliberates on his weakness and inability to save sakura and how that should render him worthless in her eyes are largely unimportant to naruto's readership so they either act like they never happen or they conveniently isolate sasuke's explosive reactions to that worthlessness without allowing other people to view the context that birthed them. that scene in part one where he shoves the apples away from her is one i see spread sooo often but no one ever includes the thoughts running through sasuke's head right before it happens
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i do think kishi can generally be criticized for not making romance more of a focal point of his narrative because love in all of its forms is so important to that narrative and sasusaku's example in particular is quite revolutionary with respect to the world the characters occupy (as is naruhina's i would say). but i also feel like it's premature of people to say that they lack development. they only really lack development with respect to that final chapter which most people acknowledge is a corny fast-forward future written for the sake of wrapping things up in a bow. where they end up by the end of chapter 699 is pretty well predicated by the extent of their journey and people only really dislike it because where they're willing to look beyond the violence between naruto and sasuke they're not willing to do the same for sakura and sasuke. admittedly i'm biased but i do think it's one of those rare situations where people are doing a disservice to sakura if they don't even try to read into the intents behind her relationship with sasuke. i don't think people have to like it by any means but i wish there was more good faith engagement with it because there is certainly plenty to criticize about kishi but i don't think most people actually even get at what's worth criticizing because they're too busy making up excuses for him even though those excuses are supposedly supposed to be criticism loljfkldsjgdf
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☁️ You found this game in the trash…?
🍓 Yeah… why not give it a try?
☁️ Sure…!
Sugar Sweet Destiny is Cookie Run: Kingdom’s newest April Fool’s Day event for 2023 based on countless PC games about finding love in high school. This post is not exhaustive yet, and it will be updated with time as I- the Editor- play the mode more and more. There will be spoilers for the endings here below the break, as well as a few pointers on how to win their hearts.
In order to start a new game, you need 15 Blooming Hearts. These Hearts will restock over time, and you can always buy more with Crystals, ads, or in packages
The Gifts and Album menus will open after your first playthrough
Clicking the “Minimize” button or desktop bar will minimize the game and show the desktop, and you can return to the game by clicking the icon on the bottom bar or the desktop
The red X button will close the game and take you back to your kingdom
Protagonist: You play the role of the protagonist, in which you name yourself. Choose carefully, that name will appear throughout the current run through the story. You are a reasonably popular student of Kingdom High, Class 1-C, going about your day, when you suddenly find a box of chocolates in your locker! Your choices will determine whether you make your feelings known to your classmates and win their hearts, or fall apart in a blubbering mess trying. How do you make these choices? When multiple blue buttons appear in the middle of the screen, choose one to determine your character’s next action.
If you make a choice that results in a Bad Ending before choosing to express your feelings to someone at the end of Day 5, you can choose to spend 15 more Blooming Hearts to go back to the scene and try again with another option
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Your Classmates
🌟 Marcus Madeline: The Student Council President. Comes from a very wealthy family and has an official fan club that spans half the school. VERY popular and makes his fellow classmates freak out when they see him.
🌿 Herbert Hoo: Your longtime childhood friend, and an avid gardener. He’s soft spoken and likes plants, and they seem to like him too. The Gardening Club just had to have him as a member, and he enjoys doing it. Although he enjoys his time being together with you too.
🗡️ Rachel Raspberry: The Star of the Kingdom High Fencing Club, and the Class Rep. A child prodigy in swordsmanship, she defeated a high school student in a fencing competition while she was in middle school. She also fended off multiple bullies from a neighboring high school who didn’t know who she was, and took them all on with just a stick… and WON.
🌊 Serena Faire: A class senior, famous for her otherworldly beauty and quiet nature. The last member of the Astronomy Club, she has her sights set on the moon with genuine feelings and love for it quite frequently during her moon-watching sessions at night. Known for her frequent shutdowns on other students’ attempts to date her. Also known as the Ice Princess for seeming so cold with her perceived ignorance, but actually quite compassionate and kind.
⚔️ Derek DaChoco: The thuggish super-bully, rumored to be the son of a shady corporate bigwig. Doesn’t pick fights, but when he does, he swings a 2x4 (a two-by-four wooden board, most likely) with a raging flurry. Known as the Dark Tornado of Kingdom High. “Public Enemy Number One” of Kingdom High. Rumored to have flunked junior year for a full decade, can make almost everyone quake with fear.
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The Album contains memories of every ending and certain moments that take place in the game. Each memory and ending has a picture and a reward associated with it. Get all the Happy Endings to unlock a Special Memory Painting.
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Happy Endings
“Looking at You” - Visiting Serena Faire on the roof during her moon-watching sessions, and even showing her how to turn a bowl of dough that looked like the full moon into moon pancakes, you could understand her and her fascination with the moon… and you were the only one who would accept her for it as you would also look up to her. (300 Crystals)
“No. 1 Fan” - Seeing you being hounded by the fans for trying to cut the line to express your feelings without a gift, Marcus Madeline had to tell them to stop and shoved his way through the crowd. It was there when you mustered all your courage to ask him out on a walk by the lake. In front of EVERYONE. In a gasp and shock from the crowd, Marcus was seemingly just as confused as he wanted to give everyone his love. With unanimous approval from his fans, he reached out to you for the way YOU saw him: as himself. In a burst of emotion, the two of you express your true feelings for each other as the fans erupted in thunderous applause and entrusted you with his love. The two of you run off to the lake, smiles all around, hand in hand. Your high school love life is just beginning…! (300 Crystals)
“Leave me Alone” - Upon uncovering the curtain in the nurse’s office, you find Derek DaChoco in bandages and bad shape and tend to him with fresh bandages after he awakens in front of you. The nurses tried to object, but Derek was alright with it. He even suggested that you should be a doctor! You share a moment as he talks about what his father said about trying not to get other people involved with his own path. (100 Radiant Shards)
“Rooftop Serenade” - Following your friends cautiously through the unlocked door to the rooftop while simultaneously knowing that Serena Faire could be up there, you remain there after they disperse upon seeing nobody- and no ghost- there. You know where she is, and you call for her… and she responds back warmly. She remains there quite often to stare at the moon and feel her worldly concerns and whatever weighs her down melt away. The two of you share a moment in silent tranquility, nobody to witness it except the stars of the night sky. Words cannot express the feelings the two of you shared that night as you comforted each other and held each other’s hands, feeling the stars travel across the sky. (100 Radiant Shards)
“The Great Cream Explosion” - Visiting a classroom with a lot of noise, you find Marcus Madeline and his world-famous madelines being swarmed by his fans and their recommendations for pastry pairings. It’s hard to cook in this, but sprinkles in some whipped cream was enough for the cream to practically explode and cause you to turn into a creamy mess in 3… 2… 1… not. Because Marcus was there to protect you from the brunt of the blast! As the two of you share a moment and embrace before a teacher helps guide everyone with the cleanup process. (100 Radiant Shards)
Bad Endings
“No. 0401 Fan” - Getting rejected by Marcus Madeline in front of his fans in the name of student camaraderie as you tried to express your feelings by week’s end, you soullessly accept the offer to join his fan club from other classmates while collapsing into a crumpled heap in front of everyone. You weren’t the first one either… and you even considered transferring away from Kingdom High. (3 Epic Soul Essences)
“Locked-up Heart” - Leading your classmates to the rooftop door to uncover the truth behind a ghost story of a blue-haired girl on the roof, the door was unfortunately locked. Forget it. Don’t get their hopes up so quickly. It usually leads to disappointing not only them, but also yourself. (100 Rainbow Pearls)
“Disappointment” - After giving the senior bullies from the day before some money to stave them off, your attempt to approach Derek DaChoco was brushed off as he looked away and pretended to not know you. Faith in humanity shattered. Probably shouldn’t have tried to ask Derek about his age, especially the second time around. (5 Arena Tickets)
“Delicious Nonetheless” - Looking for Derek DaChoco during the annual baking day since you talked with him twice, you instead see his handiwork instead: chocolates! It’s unknown whether it was meant to be a dented snowman or a heart, but it was too good to be thrown away. Thinking- no… hoping that someone would show up and ask what you were doing, you kept eating the chocolates Derek made. Nobody came, so you left the room with a satisfied appetite… and a disappointed heart. Perhaps you were too quiet with those chocolates, hm? (30 Topping Pieces)
Accessible after experiencing someone’s Happy Ending, you can give your classmates gifts (from your Kingdom inventory) to increase your affection with them. Each person has their favorites and preferences, so looking for context clues is important. Increase their affection high enough, and you’ll get a special Title and even their Profile Picture! Unlock all 5 Happy Endings to interact with Someone Else…❔
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marvelgurl789 · 1 month
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/17254331"><strong>Hush! We have to be quiet! Kurt Wagner x reader smut</strong></a> (7186 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Fracturedinnocence"><strong>Fracturedinnocence</strong></a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Fracturedinnocence"><strong>Firefox317</strong></a><br />Chapters: 2/2<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/X-Men%20-%20All%20Media%20Types">X-Men - All Media Types</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/X-Men%20(Alternate%20Timeline%20Movies)">X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/X-Men%20(Movieverse)">X-Men (Movieverse)</a><br />Rating: Explicit<br />Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings<br />Relationships: Kurt Wagner/Reader<br />Characters: Kurt Wagner, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Charles Xavier, Reader Insert - Character, Reader, Nightcrawler<br />Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Humor, Whispers, Quiet Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Morning Cuddles, True Love, Dorkiness, Sweet/Hot, Superpowers, Making Love, Deutsch | German, Canon - German, Mutants, Boarding School, Vaginal Sex, Clothed Sex, Nighttime, Romance, slightly plotless, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Students, Adorable, Mutant Powers, Mutant Reader, spontaneous, Surprise Sex, Teleportation, tail teasing, Fog<br />Series: Part 4 of <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/series/1275548">X-men X readers</a><br />Summary: <p>Basically no plot, but I think it's cute ^^ please comment, kudos, what have you, if you like it!</p><p>I don't own anything Xmen or you. Or Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner. (I wish...)</p><p>Enjoy!</p><p>(Please don't steal my mutant power idea. I have a plan for it in the future. Thank you)</p>
0 notes
naomikozura · 9 months
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Might As Well Be Looking At Us
Actor!Satoru Gojo x Model!Reader (reader is afab)
Warnings: some cursing, tabloids making some crazy headlines, nothing major (let me know if I missed anything!)
A/N: I was listening to Slut! by Taylor Swift and idk a actor x model story just popped into my head, plus the song is really good so it’s just a nice vibe.
W/C: 3.7k
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Super Model Y/n L/n Spotted With New Flame?
Has Actor Satoru Gojo Found Another Name To Add To His List Of Love Interests?
Actor Satoru Gojo Seen Spotted with Jewelry Hieress
World Famous Model Y/n L/n Seen With Japanese Billionaire At A Charity Dinner
Satoru Gojo spotted with Co-Star Mei Mei, New Flame or Publicity Stunt For New Movie?
Super Model Y/n L/n Sparking New Romance With Toji Fushiguro, Japan's Most Notable Business Man
Satoru Gojo: Japan's Playboy Bachelor
Y/n L/n: Japan's Most Beloved Model and Most Eligible Bachelorette
• • •
Tonight was the night of the benefit dinner held by the Zen’in Foundation. They were raising money to help fund a new school system within Tokyo, especially to help kids who’s parents couldn’t afford the tuition at many prestigious schools for their children. The head of board, Maki Zen’in, was passionate about helping these families. She too had once been apart of a family that accepted a grant to go and study for her future. It’s what led to the rise of the Zen’in Foundation. It was inspiring how someone so young could rise to the occasion so quickly.
The night was filled with lively music, photographers, endless trays of champagne and hors d’oevre for the attending guests. Servers in fancy tuxedos walked around while serving drinks, the giant ballroom full of all types of Japan’s elite. Actors, models, businessmen and women, philanthropists, fashion designers, magazine editors, heiresses, photographers, musicians. This night had the greatest turn out in the history of the Foundation.
Outside the Gala, was an onslaught of paparazzi, magazine interviewers, and fans of the most renowned people attending the event. The flashes of lights blinded nearly every person who stopped to pose for the photographers, letting them capture their outfit for the night with their plus one in attendance.
The loud chatter seemed to die when a familiar black van with tinted windows pulled to the curb, security ensuring the attendee inside made it out safely. The flashes stopped for a split second as the door opened and a head of white hair appeared.
Dressed in custom tailored Ralph Lauren suit, and a white shirt nicely layered underneath his suit jacket, wearing black dress shoes and his hair done in a messy yet proper style, Satoru Gojo stepped out into the flood of screams as chaos erupted. Fans waving posters for autographs and photographers calling his name for a photo.
His charming smile spread across his face as he grabbed a few pens, signing posters, taking photos with fans, and saying hello to others. Satoru enjoyed meeting fans regardless of what his PR manager said. He was a famous Actor who needed to be more careful. He didn’t care, he enjoyed meeting the people who loved him.
“Satoru! What new project are you working on?”
“Satoru Gojo, is it true that you have a new lover you’re keeping secret?”
“Gojo! What size shoe are you!”
“Satoru over here!"
“I have a question for you Mr. Gojo!”
He smiled as he looked up, the screaming of photographers seeming to die down as another van pulled up to the event. Satoru looked at the car from the poster he was signing, walking towards the entrance of the catwalk as he waited patiently for the door to open.
As the security opened the door, a beautiful woman dressed in a stunning golden dress. A sweetheart neckline with a one shoulder style, the dress tightly around her waist as the train followed behind her delicately. She wore golden heels to match her attire, her h/c hair down with the front slicked back and pushed behind her ears. The moment she stepped out of the vehicle and looked up, the crowd exploded into screams and flashes of lights.
Satoru felt his breath get stolen right from his lungs and his words trapped in his throat. He’d never seen anyone look so regal, classy, so… perfect.
“Miss L/n, Who are you here with?”
“Y/n, Y/n over here!”
“Y/n L/n, is it true you and Mr. Toji Fushiguro are secretly in a relationship or is it a different billionaire?”
"Y/n, Is Mr Fushiguro secretly funding your lifestyle?"
Y/n L/n.
A well known super model throughout the country of Japan and even every country on this side of the world. You had grown into your fame, always holding yourself to a high standard and never letting the tabloids know too much about your life.
Of course Satoru had heard about you, seen you in magazines and on the tv but he never seen you in person.
You were more perfect in person than he’d ever imagined. It was the first time someone had taken his breath away in god knows how long. In ever actually.
You posed beautifully for photos, your smile fitting your face perfectly as you made sure to show off the details of your gorgeous gown.
You kept walking until one of the security grabbed your hand, helping you up the stairs. Satoru snapped out of his dazed look, making his way through the photography tent and walking inside after posing for a quick moment.
He tried to find you but you had already slipped into the crowd. A server walked by with a tray of champagne and he requested a whiskey neat instead, the server nodding before heading to the bar.
“Suguru! Hey, long time no see!”, Satoru greeted his old friend from his high school days. Suguru Geto had become a famous stunt actor, fighting and doing crazy stunts in all his films that he was up for a lot of awards for his work.
“How is everything? How’s that new movie working out for you?”
“Man, you have no idea. I have to do a million things for one scene and it’s exhausting but hey, it’s what pays the bills right?”
The two of them laughed, catching up on their busy lives before Satoru noticed Suguru look behind him, his eyes flickering with a desired look. Satoru turned, seeing the very person holding his friend’s gaze.
You were talking to Utahime Iori, a famous fashion designer and Shoko Ieiri, a well known surgeon and doctor in Tokyo. From the looks of it, it would seem the three of you had known each other for years. You smiled at them as the three of you laughed over something that Satoru couldn’t quite make out.
“She’s better looking in person, don’t you think?”, Suguru asked as Satoru looked at him from the corner of his eye.
“Yeah, I didn’t think someone could look so good honestly.”, he admitted, his blue eyes caught in a daze.
“You think she’ll take my number if I give it to her?”
“Doesn’t she turn down guys all the time?”, Satoru mentioned, remembering watching an interview of yours online about your love life being strictly yours and you often turned down random men who asked for your time.
“Yeah but I mean, I’m sure they’re bums or something. I’m sure for us it’ll be easier, right?”, Suguru smirked before placing his empty whiskey glass on a server tray, straightening his suit and walking towards you.
Satoru leaned on the standing table, watching to see how the scene would play out in front of him. Suguru reached you as you excused yourself from Shoko and Utahime.
“I’m Y/n, it’s nice to meet you in person Suguru. I’ve heard a lot about your movies and all those stunts you do. I’m surprised you don’t have more scars than you show”
“I mean, it’s hard work but all worth it in the end if it means doing something I love”, he smiled flirtatiously, cool and suave, as he listened to you talk about your favorite movie of his. It made Suguru feel prideful knowing he had even an inkling of your attention.
“Well, how about you? Model of the Year?”, he said as you took a sip of your champagne.
“Oh, I mean.”, you smiled, looking at your glass before looking up at him. “There are.. a lot of amazing women up for the award this year. I think it’s good to empower women to keep working for that goal, you know? Even if I don’t win, atleast another woman who worked just as hard will and I think that’s what matters the most”
Satoru couldn’t help but feel antsy, he wanted to know what the two of you were talking about. Was he being obvious in hitting on you? You were smiling a lot, your body language seemed open and relaxed. Suguru was a lot more smooth and popular with women than he let on. The tabloids always made him out to be a gentleman because of his respectful persona whereas they made Satoru look like a player because of his friendliness.
“Well, I don’t want to take up your time from your friends, Y/n. I just wanted to see if you’d be interested in dinner sometime, just the two of us.”, Suguru said it almost as a statement, not questioning himself because he knew most women liked when men took the initiative to ask them on dates.
You smiled at him, before you placed your empty drink on a server tray and turned to him again.
“I’d love to, Suguru.” you started, his inner thoughts celebrating. “But, I don’t think it would be a good time right now. I have a lot to focus on at the moment, but if you want to grab a coffee as friends we can definitely do that”
There’s no way, right?
You just friendzoned Suguru.
He smiled at you, handing you a small card with his number on it.
“I’d love to grab coffee as friends sometime”, he smiled as you grabbed the card, giving him a gentle hug as he walked back towards where Satoru sat.
“Dude… No way she just hugged you”
“Well she did”, Suguru said as he grabbed the second round of whiskey from the tray. “She also friendzoned the shit out of me”
Satoru tried to control his expression. Did you really turn down the heartthrob Suguru Geto? The one every woman considered a catch? Gentleman, charming, smart, talented, funny, rich? He wondered why.
The night continued with small talk, a few speeches, and a dance floor before opening into the donation event. The auction would happen right after dinner was served, leaving room for more socializing and networking.
You had walked over to the balcony, excusing yourself from your friends and letting yourself get a breather after a long day of work followed by this event. You were tired to say the least, but you liked attending these events, especially for the cause Maki Zen’in had organized it for. You were once in a position like hers, not having enough money to attend school so your parents went into debt because of it. Once you became a successful model, you were able to pay off all your family’s debt and move them to a nicer home.
You let your thoughts wander as you made your way out of the big ballroom. You found a small staircase that led to the floor below the mansion, following it into the garden that had a pool in the middle filled with water lilies and a few koi fish. You smiled at how beautiful the moonlight reflected off the water, taking in the cool breeze of the night.
“Needed to get away for a bit, huh?”, you turned to look at the voice behind you, your eyes widening at seeing the infamous white haired actor. He looked absolutely devastating, like he was groomed into this life.
“Yeah, too many people. It’s starting to get overwhelming”, you admitted. You didn’t have a care in the world admitting even you got tired of attending social events.
“I get the feeling. It’s like, once you become famous enough you suddenly have to be okay with attending more events than you can keep track of.”, he laughed, his humor reaching your ears as you smiled.
“Exactly. Why do we have to come to these things? The only reason I’m here is for the Zen’in Foundation.”
“You know the Zen’ins?”, Satoru asked softly. There was no need to talk too loud if it was just the two of you. The music from above creating good background noise.
“Only Maki, she was a child when I met her but her mother knew mine. They were good friends but even though we have quite an age difference, we still support each other regardless”, you smile at the memory of your friendship with Maki. She was almost like a little sister to you.
“It’s good to keep family ties. Not many people can say they still have them”, he breathed as he looked at you with calm eyes. Your eyes met his in a calm way, the blue reflecting in the moonlight.
“So, what is the infamous Satoru Gojo doing out here with little me?”, you asked playfully, watching as he straightened and removed his suit jacket, throwing it on a nearby chair.
“Wondering what I can do to get the gorgeous Y/n L/n to dance with me?”, he said as he stretched a hand out to you, a slow song playing softly from above. A dance waltz. You smiled at him, grabbing his hand, before you pulled away.
“If we’re not being formal,”, you said as you took off your painful heels, tossing them to the side as you grabbed his hand again. “They were killing my feet”
“No complaints here”, he smirked as your placed a hand on your waist and you placed your hand on his shoulder and the other clasped in his.
The both of you moved in sync with the music, you missing a few steps as you tripped but laughed it off as he chuckled. His humor filling the air as the two of you talked softly about your lives, not saying too much but enough to keep the conversation going. He twirled you in a final move before bowing you, his eyes meeting yours before pulling you back upright as the song ended.
“Satoru Gojo. Who would’ve guessed you were such a skilled dancer?” you smirked.
“And who would’ve guessed you had two left feet?”, he whispered back as he smiled. You laughed at him before sitting down in the chair, putting your heels back on and looking out at the small pool.
“For being a model, it’s hard to dance. I’m coordinated in walking the runway not stealing the dance floor”
“You’re an interesting person, Y/n”, you raised an eyebrow at his comment. “Don’t get me wrong, I think you’re amazing. Beyond amazing honestly, but you’re interesting.”
“Care to explain, Satoru?” why did you saying his name give him chills. He felt warm inside.
“It’s just, it feels like everyone is so… superficial.” He shrugs. “It’s nice to see someone care about their family, you know? Most people just care about rising to the top, being the best of the best for money or fame but you seem to only have your family in mind through it all.”
You didn’t say anything as you soaked in his words, watching as he pulled his lips into a charming smile.
“Suguru told me about your thoughts on being nominated for Model of the Year. I think there needs to be more women like you. Happy for whoever wins because they worked just as hard, even if you don’t physically see their work. It’s admirable”
“You flatter me.”, you smile. “I think it’s true though. Sometimes I wish people saw me for me instead of this super model. Why can’t we be nominated for awards for who we are instead of what we are? I know some girls in the industry who feel the same too.” you smiled sadly, catching yourself before you ruined the mood. You weren’t about to dump your heart and soul to someone who was trying to keep the mood happy. “What about you? What makes you different than all the superficial people in that room?”, you asked, turning the attention to Satoru.
“I started acting to get away from my family. I just wanted to prove that you can do whatever you want despite of the plan your family has for you. In my case, they wanted me to do business like the rest of them but I decided to stray. They disowned me but I didn’t really care, I just wanted to break away from that cycle of ‘Your life will go the way we planned it! There is no room for anything else!’. It’s lame but you know���
“I think it’s admirable”
“Oh now you’re flattering me”, he looked at you while laughing.
“Honest”, you raised your hands then leaned on your palm. “I think there needs to be people who break generational issues, especially if they aren’t what you really want to pursue in life”
“Yeah, I suppose so”, Satoru smiled at you as you tucked your hair back. He stood from his chair, stretching his arms as he grabbed his jacket and stretched a hand out to you.
“Shall we go back?”, you took his hand, his gentle touch bringing you warmth.
“You don’t think the photographers will think you have another name to add to your list?”, you joked.
“I think we both know what bullshit those tabloids are. Besides, they saw you going out with Toji Fushiguro to a restaurant to surprise his wife for her birthday and they assumed you two were dating”, he rolled his eyes, annoyed at the ridiculousness of the media.
You laughed as you shrugged. “Look, to be fair, they don’t know he’s married, so I get how it looks like that. But yeah, it’s pretty stupid”
Satoru liked that you joked about the stories the magazines and media published, especially with 99% of the time, none of it was true.
The two of you walked up and back into the ballroom, waving him goodbye as you went back to Utahime and Ieiri and he went back to Suguru Geto and a new face, a young up and coming horse racer, Yu Haibara.
“Where were you?!”, Utahime said brightly, Ieiri eyeing you as if you were up to something suspicious.
“Nothing, I just went outside for some fresh air”
“And you come back with the Satoru Gojo?”, Ieiri poked.
Across the room, Suguru and Haibara eyes Satoru as he smiled while taking a sip of his drink and seemed in a better mood all together.
“What has you all giddy?”, Suguru asked.
“I know what it is”, Haibara smirked, wrapping an arm around Gojo. “He walked back in with Miss Y/n L/n”
“What? No way,” Suguru looked over at you as you raised her hands in defense as Utahime pondered you with questions. “What happened?”
“Nothing. Went out for some fresh air, she was there, we talked, and then we came inside. That’s all.”
“That smile doesn’t say ‘That’s All’. More happened you dog.”, Satoru just shrugged, wanting your short lived moment to be just between the two of you.
The night went on and ended around midnight. Satoru was tired, his body sore from months worth of improper sleep and his lack of a good work life balance. Everyone said their goodbyes, waving to the cameras on the outside of the building.
Satoru paused when he saw you, contemplating in his head if it was worth shooting his shot and asking you on a date. He watched as you smiled at the security guard before he opened the door to your vehicle.
Satoru ran over to you, the paparazzi stunned at the infamous Satoru Gojo running after the attention of the stunning Y/n L/n.
“Y/n!”, he called after you, causing you to stop you from getting into your car. “Hey, how about we get together sometime. Maybe I can show you how to steal the dance floor if you’re interested in lessons” he smirked as he saw the humorous smile spread on your face. You looked up at him with glistening eyes full of curiosity and interest.
“Yeah, I would like that Satoru”, you smiled as he pulled out a card from his jacket and handing it to you, your hand softly grabbing the card. He didn’t let it go, instead leaned in and whispered in your ear.
“For the record, I thought you looked stunning tonight, I’d like to see what you look like as just Y/n.”, he gave you a small kiss on your hand before pulling away, leaving the card in your fingers as he smirked and walked away.
You watched him go, not even noticing the chaotic outbursts that just happened. You didn’t even realize how that scene just looked to the paparazzi and the attending guests. Your heart thumping in your chest as you finally got into your car and started to head home.
You looked down at the clean, well made business card of Satoru’s. It had his name and number on it.
You turned it over, recognizing some scrippled blank pen writing.
I’ d give you an award for having the best heart, we need more people like you, just Y/n.
You smiled stupidly before tucking the card in your clutch, staring out the window at the passing city lights as you thought of the charming white haired bachelor from tonight.
• • •
Breaking! Satoru Gojo and Y/n L/n In A New Romance?
Model Y/n L/n Seen Being Wooed By Tokyo’s Playboy Satoru Gojo
Have Two World Famous Names Become A One True Pairing?
The Pairing You Never Thought Of But Can’t Stop Thinking About: A Look Into The Night With Satoru Gojo and Y/n L/n
Stunning Y/n L/n Caught In The Garden With The Handsome Satoru Gojo
Y/n L/n Leaving Award Ceremony as Newly Awarded Model Of The Year With Infamous Actor Satoru Gojo On Her Arm
Has Japan's Sweetheart Been Swept Off Her Feet?
Is Japan's Playboy Finally Settling Down With Japan's Sweetheart?
• • •
~Extended Ending~
“How does she even give a guy like you a chance?”, Suguru asked while out with Satoru.
Satoru shrugged as he brought his whiskey to his lips, “It’s the Gojo Charm”
A small buzz from his pocket made him dig his phone out and flip it open. It was you.
Satoru smiled as he downed the rest of his drink and leaving cash on the bar for the Bartender.
“Gotta go, my stunning date is waiting for me”, he smirked as he waved his phone and said goodbye to Suguru.
“That bastard.”
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absolutebl · 2 years
Reveal your watch, rewatch & excited about BL list
@iankuea thanks for the taggage 
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 Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (Japan) - Shin is my PRECIOUS baby stalker seme edgey honeychild and Minato is going to break that desperate 17 year old need open like a balut egg. I just hope we get at least some kisses before THE PAIN. 
Triage (Thailand) - OMG SO GOOD, the tension, the twists, the flips, the acting the CAN THEY END IT HAPPY???? 
Love Mechanics (Thailand) - messy cheating chaos queers of epic stupid but SO WELL ACTED - can’t stop the YinWar 
KinnPorsche (Thailand) - I like 1/5 of it more than I should and the rest of it less than I ought 
Unforgotten Night (Thailand) - for a kinky BDSM there is not enough kink, B, D, S, or M sadly, still it marks the return of the trash watch! 
Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! (Japan) - my least favorite dynamic but watchable 
Love in Spring (Korea) - rumors of no kiss/bromance abound, it’s dumb, I love the psycho character... of course I do... I AM the psycho character
Check Out (Thailand) - messy cheating chaos queers of epic stupid
Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart (Thailand) - yawn fest 
My Secret Love (Thailand) - it’s absolutely terrible
Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai (Japan) - I magically got ahold of it but haven’t had the courage to watch it yet 
Not BL... 
Alchemy of Souls - it’s CW level Kdrama historical craptastic and I have been waiting for this all my life. 
Love the Way You Are (China) - NOONA ROMANCE! basically China doing a remake of Something In The Rain only sappier, softer, and probubly with a better ending 
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DNA Says Love You (Taiwan) 
Love Class (Korea) 
My Esports Genius Brother (China) 
Long Time No See (Korea) 
Old Fashioned Cupcake (Japan) 
609 Bedtime Story - OhmFluke but not sad, I hope. 
Bed Friend - I’ve wanted James to get his own BL since Oxygen 
Between Us - of course
Chains of Heart - new premise, intriguing 
City of Stars AKA Fueangnakorn - An actor falls in love with a programmer and the narrative intends to “explore the ramifications of being public figure in the social network era who must endure critics, bullying, and defamation.”
Coffee Melody - Pavel MY LOVE 
The Eclipse - First + Khaotung at a sinister boarding school, haze the one you love, good boy/bad boy, suspense & horror elements, self acceptance themes, a curse, enemies to lovers
Fahlanruk The Series - one night stand, friends with benefits, pining seme, high heat
I Feel You Linger in the Air - from the producers of Lovely Writer. This is a time travel historical romance. FROM THAILAND!  H I S T O R I C A L ! ! ! 
My School President - It’s Love Sick meets the whipping boy trope. How exciting. Yes, I know, we’ve seen it all before. But this is me. I never met a high school set BL I didn’t want to grant a fair shake (even one that centers around singing). And I love me some whipping boy. 
Never Let Me Go - PondPhuwin in a decent show? Sign me up: mafia, attack dog (whipping boy + bodyguard), love triangle, obsession, suspense
Vise Versa - proud member of Jimmy nation here and this is alt reality, bodyswap, soulmates. Soem trope I love, some I don’t 
Eul's Love - Reunion romance office set.
The Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304 - Same pair as Kissable lips - Korea’s first example of this kind of casting. Rich kid lay about meets poor nerd, cohabitation. 
Heesu in Class 2 - high school shy unpopular boy with a secret crush on best friend. 
Comfort the Boy adaptation of Dongmul's manwha webtoon A Shoulder to Cry On. Teasing confident gay, fake dating, rich/poor, school setting, homophobia/gossip puts scholarship in jeopardy. Stars idols Jaehan & Yechan BOTH from Kpop group OMEGA X, 12 eps. MADNESS. 
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner 
Love Tractor asame production house as Semantic Error, stressed-out law student meets hunky young farmer. This is a very underused romance trope in BL.
Oh My Assistant - sexy one for Korea about an artist who draws adult webtoons and spends most of his time horny because of it, who hires an assistant that turns out to be his biggest fan. We’re gone see how Korea handles thirst.
PT is Love - friends of 10 years who’ve been hiding feelings for each other enter the same university. Plus MURDER.
Love is like a Cat: A new star, called the Cat Prince for his cold arrogance, goes up against a charismatic puppyish director. Korean Thai colab project will feature Mew Suppasit. 
Space Bakery: A spaceship crash-lands into and destroys a small bakery shop. Of course this means the alien and the baker end up living together. At the same time, other aliens-in-hiding all around the city start hunting for them.
I Secretly Fell in Love with Student Council President (let the dumb titles continue) - director of H2: Crossing the Line; Love Is Science with possible alternate title: About Youth. 2 high school boys with different backgrounds, personalities, and values compete for student president, but have more attraction than animosity.
My Tooth Your Love (from Result Entertainment - We Best Love peeps) with script by Lin Pei who loves VERY traditional yaoi tropes, she’s the writer of mush HIStory stuff. 
Bokura no Shokutaku AKA Our Dining Table - I LOVED THIS MANGA. Lonely salaryman (talented cook) gets accidentally adopted by a college kid and his baby brother. They build a family together. This is a sweetly gentle and cozy manga and it will make a GREAT live action piece. 
Kabesaa Doujin Sakka no Neko Yashiki-kun wa Shounin Yokkyuu wo Kojirasete iru - starring Matsuoka Koudai (I know him from Five) and Nakao Masaki (Kakafukaka, Bow Then Kiss - he’s a BIG DEAL ya’ll) slated to be released in October. 
Copy and paste and play if you want. 
157 notes · View notes
joyfulhopelox · 3 years
overnight delay | jhs
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Pairing: Hoseok x reader (pilot!au, s2l)
wc: 6.1k
Genre: smut, romance
summary: missing your friend’s babyshower due to the weather conditions you have to find a way to occupy yourself during this overnight delay.
r: 18+
Warnings: dirty talk, bareback riding, creampie, cockwarming, multiple positions, oral (f receiving), masturbation (somewhat mutual) sexual tension in public, this is one of the tamer ones.
A/N: I missed my bias’ birthday, but I finally managed to post this, and only a day late. I realised as I wrote this that the weather conditions scenario played incredibly well as we had a storm yesterday which didn’t allow me to post earlier. Thank you for being so patient with me! Thank you @notyouroppar for editing this and for being there for me and thank you so much @btssmutgalore and @yoonjinkooked for being my support pillars and making sure I am still alive. I really appreciate you.
Enjoy some more airplane shenanigans! If you have any feedback, or just want to talk to me please do! I love seeing your thoughts and hearing from you! ♡ Happy belated Hobi day!
(taglist is open leave a message or an ask to be added) <3 Tag: @sunshinejunghoseokie , RED-NINJA15@red-ninja15 @effielumiere @btssmutgalore @codeinebelle ,@taeshobipop,@dreamamubarak
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“Ladies and gentlemen, due to some unexpected weather conditions the flight FR2300 to Las Vegas will be delayed until further notice. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience. For more details please go to the information desk, thank you.”
“-well this is happening,” you spoke flabbergasted to no one in particular. The flurry of people passing your frozen form, forcing you to skillfully dodge a shoulder and a bag, was enough to snap you out of your trance. Normally, these types of announcements were ones you’d easily dismiss; however, your ears pricked as soon as you registered your flight number. You listened with breath abate, only for your plans to get to your friend’s baby shower to be ruined.
Your shoulders slumped dejectedly and you decided to sit down for a moment before you headed to the information desk. There was no chance you’d get to talk to anyone for the next few hours. Judging by the rush of people, most passengers on the same flight had trampled over each other trying to get information out of the poor desk assistant. You would definitely find out more information about your flight on the airline’s website. Opening your bag you pulled out your phone and your diary. Old school, but things written on paper held a heavier meaning for you than an app you could easily dismiss.
“Weather…winds, rain blah blah, ok, so nothing too serious, no further information?!” you exclaimed, jumping up in disbelief, jolting a sleeping passenger next to you. Apologising profusely, you sat yourself back down, cheeks flaming with embarrassment and anger. “Argh, this is so stupid, there is nothing wrong with the weather,” you glanced outside for a moment, the stillness in the air mocking you. “But at this rate I will definitely miss the baby shower,” you whined, grabbing your luggage ready to fight your case with the airline staff.
Lost in your thoughts, a long list of excuses and apologies you had to offer your friend playing in your head, you completely missed the person that ran into you making you lose your balance. The sting in your shoulder brought you back to reality; the numbers of the gates around you made you realise you’d been so caught up in your thoughts, you’d barely moved. Hurrying up your pace, you ignored the lines of people waiting to board their plane, and the duty free shops that under normal circumstances would call your name. The closer you got to the information desk, the louder the commotion around you. People yelling at each other in unintelligible words; the airport suddenly changed from a serene setting to a scene pulled out of Doom’s Day.
“Does no one think about the airline staff?” you wondered out loud, your brows furrowed in concern at the long line of furious people unloading their frustrations on the poor desk assistants. They were dealing with the situation as best as they could, but you could tell from their almost huddled form, they were ready to have a breakdown in the middle of the airport.
“Apparently not, lord knows what they’d do if they saw a pilot or flight attendant,” the smooth voice coming from behind you made you jump in surprise. Focused on the situation unfolding in front of you, you barely noticed your own body commiserating with the staff as you tried to back away, almost bumping into an innocent passerby.
“Oh I’m so sorry,” you apologised feeling foolish for not being more aware of your own surroundings. Turning to apologise once more, you doubled in surprise. What caught your eye was not how good looking the man was, with jet black hair, choppy haircut slicked back tastefully, sharp features and lean frame. It was his navy uniform, pressed shirt and the gold double stripes on his cuffs. You may not have known much about the hierarchy amongst the airline staff, but he screamed pilot.
You were staring— there was no other reason for you to notice his face morphing into a slightly more uncomfortable frown, the corner of his smile creasing for a moment.
“Oh,” you mumbled, your mouth slightly agape. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean–“ he cut you off with a light airy laugh, and you found yourself wondering if you were going to be around him enough to try to pry it out of him more often.
“Why are you sorry?” he questioned without hesitation and you paused briefly pondering your response. Why were you sorry? His presence was distracting, his tall lean frame almost towering over you, uniform fitted him like a glove- it was a miracle you hadn’t dropped to the ground yelling arrest me officer.
“Are you going to yell at me?” he wondered, his eyes crinkling with his smile making you realise he wasn’t seriously offended nor angry at you.
Shaking your head lightly you let out a small laugh, your voice drowned out by the loud voice over the speaker. Of course, normally they’re quiet when you need them, now that you had better things to do they’re not.
“No, I’m really sorry, I almost bumped into you, then almost said something unsavoury about your,” throwing a quick glance at his uniform to make sure you weren’t wrong, you carried on, “colleagues. I’m normally not that rude, I just am tired and will be late to my friend’s party, and oh god,” you breathed in and out trying to calm yourself down, completely ignoring the amused glance that morphed into worry as his eyes took in your display.
“I will be so late, I’m the godmother! How can I miss the baby shower, she’s going to kill me,” you whined, “so is her wife! Have you met them?” You looked up at him, eyes shining with tears and before he could even utter a word you cut him off once more, “of course you haven’t met them, stupid of me, I’m really sorry I’m a mess and rambling aren’t I?” you stopped, sealing your lips, your breathing laboured from the amount of words per minute that your brain dished and your mouth struggled to catch up with.
“Hey, hey, breathe-“ the man spoke softly, his footsteps reaching your ears as he got closer. “May I?” he asked and your breath hitched at his consideration. Nodding softly you braced yourself for the human contact, only to gasp when his arms enveloped you whole and he brought you closer. “It’s ok to cry it out,” he softly patted your back and you found it difficult to breathe. The proximity allowed you to smell him, his scent, quite expensive, made your mind reel and your instincts to scream at you. Burrowing your head into him as best as you could your whole frame shuddered with unspoken emotions.
“It’s ok,” he carried on, his smooth voice barely above a whisper. “Cry it out, you can hide in here as much as you want,” he coaxed, his fingers gently pulling at the ends of your hair.
“I won’t judge.”
You couldn’t see him, but you guessed by the way his chest relaxed that he was prepared for you to use him as your human shield. The thought of a total stranger, a handsome stranger, being this kind to you made you pause, your tears lingering in the sting at the corner of your eyes. You tried your hardest not to start bawling your eyes out, but the situation you were in coupled with your tiredness and his kindness managed to break the dam in an instant. Slowly one by one your tears started chasing each other down your face only to be stopped by the soft material of his shirt.
“I am so sorry,” you apologised sniffling, unable to stop the trembles that took over your body. “I’m normally not as emotional, it’s just-“ another hiccup wrecked through you and you could feel his arms tighten around you lightly bringing you closer. Your nose was buried into him and your arms hung uselessly by your side. Not wanting to make the situation even more awkward, you fisted your top preventing yourself from wrapping them around him; he was a stranger after all.
“It’s alright,” he whispered, his cheek pressed tightly to the side of your head. You could smell his clean scent and its undertones of musk and oud sent your mind reeling into scenarios you shouldn’t have thought of. “You can let it all out, no one can see you.” You mulled his words in your head, but by the time you came to a conclusion the tears had already started pouring out of you along with the dam of words you had to share towards the airline and the weather. To his credit, Hoseok allowed you to curse at him and the rest of the crew without saying a word, his arms tightening their grip on you. As the last curse passed your lips you felt the relief of having let out all your frustrations. It was all short lived though. The shame of having caused a scene in such a public place, along with the mortification of having presented yourself in a state in front of not only a part of the airline crew, but also a handsome man, washed over you in waves.
You pulled away from him, your words stuck in your throat. “I am so sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” you muttered taking a step back. “I’m Y/N.”
“Don’t worry, no need to look so flabbergasted and my name is Hoseok and I was to be your pilot for the day,” he laughed at your expression; your mouth hung open and your eyes were wide in surprise. You never expected a stranger to act so kindly towards you, and for a moment you felt your heart clench and warmth envelop you. “I won’t ask you to join the Mile High Club as payment, it was me offering my services to aid you.” He ran a hand through his hair, disturbing the locks of hair that have been
“I would join the Mile High Club in a minute if you asked me,” you mumbled before you could stop yourself. Mortified, you turned away from him quickly and covered your mouth, hoping he hadn’t heard you.
“Y/N, that was an incredibly scandalous proposition,” Hoseok’s voice rang in your ears and you stopped abruptly, the chill running down your spine gripping at your throat. The fear of having upset him and having made a fool of yourself at the same time kept you rooted on the spot. Unable to turn around and face him you tried to busy yourself with your luggage muttering something about an overnight place to stay.
“But I’ll take it,” he was closer than before you realised, his smooth voice echoing in your ears making you turn around. “As a pilot I already have a room in the hotel right there,” prying your eyes away from his sharp handsome features was a struggle, especially when the smirk that lit up his face spoke of trouble, and you found yourself more than excited to hear the rest of his proposition. You’ve bit the bullet, chewed it, and allowed it to reach him. An act of bravery only fuelled by the way his eyes were drinking you in, as if you were the only source of hydration and he was a parched man. Hoseok placed a hand on your shoulder to gently turn you towards the direction of the exit.
“If you want, you can come with me,” he said, his voice as friendly as before, but the slight grumble in his tone made you realise that you weren’t imagining this. He wanted you as much as you did him.
“Or,” his eyes narrowed slightly and the corner of his mouth twitched, “I could fuck you right here right now in this airport and make you scream so loud everyone would hear you even over the tannoy.” The sultriness in his voice was a clear indication for you that he was not joking nor pulling your leg. His stance had not changed, his body language not betraying anything. Yet, the way his teeth nipped at the corner of his lip for a moment made your decision.
“Why not both?” you cheekily replied, a moment of adrenaline and lust coursing through your veins. “Isn’t joining the Mile High Club a result of fucking on an airplane?” you wondered, your eyes fixed on his. The ghost of a smirk that appeared on his face lasted a second before you found yourself enveloped into his arms once more. His scent wafted over you once more making you moan lightly. Now that you were not pretending to be cordial and your cards had been played you allowed your brain free reign over its desires, and what it wanted was this handsome stranger with a golden heart to own you, at least for the moment.
Hoseok inhaled sharply, his nose burrowed into your neck, a ghost of a kiss making your skin tingle. “Y/N, if I wasn’t such a selfish man I would have taken you here and now in front of everyone,” his uncouth words cut through you like a knife. You could feel your knees weaken thinking about the possibility of affecting him as much as he affected you.
“Unfortunately, I want to keep your pleasure all to myself,” he placed a hand on your lower back guiding you towards the exit. “I will take care of your bags don’t worry,” he responded to your unasked question, your eyes flickering to the two small hand luggages he grabbed with one hand. “There’s a car reserved for staff waiting,” he motioned towards the black van and you turned around alarmed.
“Will there be someone else?” you questioned not wanting to have your shameless display and advances made known to more people, especially not his colleagues. Hoseok’s amused snicker, a dark glint shining in his eyes, made your heartbeat quicken.
“I wish. That way I wouldn’t have to control myself from ravaging you inside the car.” He muttered, barely audibly, before he cleared his throat and let go of your hand to open the door for you. “The crew has already left, it’s just me and the driver,” he added louder this time for you to hear.
Reaching the hotel was a blur, your hands glued together, his fingers tightly squeezing yours and for a moment you couldn’t help but feel the giddiness surface and trump over the nervousness building up in your chest. To you, all this felt like an adventure, a spontaneous decision made, fuelled by the courage built on top of the adrenaline from earlier. You felt like a teenager who was sneaking out behind their parents’ back to go to their friends’ party. You could feel your panties clinging to you, your arousal rising by the minute. You took the time to observe him. Taking in his sharp jaw and defined bridge of his nose, the way his perfectly styled hair fell on top of his forehead lightly brushing his eyebrow making him twitch from time to time, you couldn’t help but smile lightly to yourself.
When you built up the courage to say something he turned around, his gaze locking onto yours for a moment, before your words died in your throat. You quickly turned away from him, cheeks heating up and pulse threatening to raise the bile up to your throat. You kept your eyes fixed on the scenery even when his gaze lingered, the shadowy forms of the trees and airport buildings not registering in your head.
The ride to the hotel didn’t take long but to you it felt like ages, your thoughts racing with the weight of your impulsivity. Before you could step out and regret having made this decision, Hoseok’s hand gripped yours tighter and pulled you back in for a moment.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered before he let go of you stepping out into the night. Flabbergasted and flustered you followed him, your shaky knees making you stagger behind him.
When the card unlocked the door, with a flash of green, you felt your heartbeat speed up. Hoseok took a hold of the handle and before he could open it, he turned to you once more.
“Are you certain?” he sounded hesitant, and with your mouth as dry as the dessert you swallowed, raising your eyes to meet his. You didn’t reply, you couldn’t, your voice was stuck on the words playing over and over in your head.
Yes, fuck me like there is no tomorrow.
Instead, he must have seen something in your eyes. Perhaps in the small way your eyebrows furrowed or the small crease at the corner of your mouth, for he nodded and pushed the handle, the door giving way under the force.
Entering behind him, your heartbeat increased with every step you took, this was it. Your hands were clammy and your attempt to wipe them on your top failed miserably.
Hoseok turned around, his hand reaching for the light switch. His calm composure was not lost on you and for a moment you deflated, the telltale signs of disappointment making your shoulders sag. He looked so serene, the small trace of his smile lingering at the corner of his mouth and his stance was relaxed as if he had done this more than once. And perhaps he had. For you, everything was still new, even the will to propose such an affair was something that took most of your courage.
“Please sit. Would you like a drink? Something to eat?” He moved around the room, his eyes not settling on you once, and if you’d blinked you would’ve missed the way his jaw twitched as you made a small strangled noise before responding to him.
“I’m good,” you replied softly, doing your best to keep your tears at bay. Had you misinterpreted this?
“Then perhaps you may want to take a shower?” his voice faltered for a moment, his movements paused, “or you may want to call your friend?” At the mention of your friend whose baby shower you were definitely missing, your heart skipped a beat and you felt the anger bubble underneath your skin. Using it as an incentive, you took a silent step closer to him, your feet burrowing into the plush carpet before you firmly grabbed the hem of your top and you pulled it over your head.
When he refused to turn around, making himself busy with arranging your luggage by the window, you clenched your fists. “Hoseok,” you demanded his attention, your voice firm.
Hearing his name spoken so sharply, Hoseok turned around, his eyes landing on your figure. He swallowed hard as his eyes raked over your figure, his form turning rigid. Your feet were firmly planted onto the carpet, your top lying uselessly by your feet and he could clearly see the swell of your breasts. If it weren’t for your sweaty trembling hands and rapid breathing you would’ve closely resembled a statue.
He didn’t say anything, he couldn’t. Hoseok fought his instincts doing everything in his power to not give in until he made sure you were ok. Despite his hardening cock nudging him to take you then and there, and your half naked form screaming at him to fuck you against the wall, he wanted to take his time and enjoy your reactions as much as he could.
“Mmm,” he feigned ignorance, as if you weren’t tempting him to roughly push you into the wall, rip your panties off, and shove himself so deep inside you would feel him bruising you deep within your womb. He took a careful step towards you and when you didn’t move, your stance unwavering, he took a few more until he was toe to toe with you.
“Stop being so cordial,” you grit between clenched teeth.
Pushing you backwards with his body, he trapped you between himself and the door. With little room to breathe and your arms trapped in between your bodies there was little movement you could do so you settled on gripping his uniform tightly, your gaze fixed on his.
“You think,” he hissed, his smouldering eyes narrowing and he bent over his form towering over you. “That you can pull this,” he motioned to your already half naked form, your breasts visible to him as your whole body shook in rhythm with your ragged breaths. “And I can stay cordial and a gentleman, and not want to fuck your brains out Y/N?”
He wasn’t touching you. Yet, you could feel the shivers running down your spine from his words alone, the cold sensation following up towards your throat,where a choked moan ripped its way out. You felt hot and cold at the same time, your pussy felt on fire, muscles clenching and unclenching lewdly. Your skin prickled with goosebumps the colder air you exposed it to making your nipples pucker.
“I will ask you this once more, before I lose all control, are you certain?” his gaze didn’t waver from yours, his dark irises drinking you in.
Your nod was all it took for him, and with a steady grip he pulled you into him, his lips finding yours. The softness of the kiss made your head reel, and you let yourself embrace the dizziness of his body so close to yours. Despite your proximity you craved more. You needed to feel at least a bit of him. Boldly your fingers found his buttons, undoing them quickly. His blazer and shirt were easy to discard, his own eagerness aiding you in undoing the last few buttons and throwing the garments somewhere in the room. When your palm made contact with his smooth warm chest you groaned, and he sought the opportunity to trace your mouth with his own tongue.
Hoseok slowly guided you towards the bed, his lips never leaving yours, his hands leaving hot trails down your body. Gripping at any patch of skin he could, he hoisted you up, eliciting a yelp out of you. Trying hard to not tumble out of his arms you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist.
“Hoseok,” you moaned, the position you were in allowed you to feel his hardened member right against your heated core and you couldn’t stop yourself from rutting your hips against him for more friction. “Ah, so good,” you let your head fall backwards, your arms resting comfortably around his neck for support. His clothed cock rubbed against your folds, forcing your panties to cling to your slick.
“Look at how hungry you are to be fucked, getting yourself off on your own,” he growled. Your reactions coupled with your cunt rubbing against him made him twitch uncomfortably in his pants. The smidget of restraint he had went out the window when you moaned out his name and ordered him to fuck you senseless.
“I bet, if I left you, you would make yourself come whilst I was watching,” his voice dropped and you felt the clench in your stomach tighten at the prospect of putting on a show for him. Nodding eagerly to him you locked eyes with him, the glint in them telling him all he needed to know. He would have let you play on your own for a while if you hadn’t been taunting him for so long. He didn’t know if he could last nor keep his sanity if he waited longer.
“Unfortunately Y/N, I can’t. I’m too hungry to taste you.” He dropped you slowly onto the bed, your body jolting at the impact with the cool mattress against your heated back.
You looked up at him, your teeth nibbling on the corner of your lips, uncertainty filling your body as he hesitated to approach you. You could see the conflict on his face, his brows furrowing for a few seconds as thoughts ran through his head. You knew he needed the encouragement, as you’ve been the one to make the proposition, you pushed your own insecurities away and bit the bullet.
“Hoseok,” your voice was velvety smooth, smoother than you’d expected it to be considering the butterflies plaguing your stomach. His name coming off your lips was enough to draw his attention back towards you, and in an attempt at brave seduction you motioned for him to keep his eyes on you.
“Watch me,” you moaned, a finger making its way down your cleavage pushing the bra off your shoulders in the process. Once your breasts were free for him to gaze at he inhaled sharply a guttural moan vibrating through him.
“Y/N…” he started but you shushed him carrying on touching yourself.
“Just watch,” you cooed, your hands undoing your trousers and pulling them down quickly. You had no time for games, the tension in your stomach increasing just by witnessing his hungry gaze on you. “Touch yourself, do this with me,” you gently coaxed him, your legs splaying open to reveal your already wet cunt. The cold air brushing past your wet pussy made you close your eyes in pleasure and you let your head fall down onto the soft pillows.
Hoseok’s eyes never left your form, your legs spread open displaying your hunger for him was enough to spur him on. Fiddling with his belt, he undid his trousers and pulled his raging hard on, almost sighing in relief at the sensation. He’s been uncomfortable since being cramped up in the car with you, despite the space you two had in the van he felt as if he could implode just by having you in his vicinity. Grabbing his dick he wasn’t surprised to see he was already dripping precum, making it a lot easier for him to palm himself before he wrapped his hand around his girth pumping himself.
“That’s it, good, imagine it’s my mouth licking all around your cock, sucking you in,” you moaned, your eyes fixed on his movements. You didn’t know where this dirty talk was coming from but you embraced it openly. Too distracted by him pleasuring himself your fingers ceased fiddling with your clit, the coil tightening in your stomach lessening to a dull throb.
Hoseok breathed out, your words almost making him blow his load. Tightening his grip on his cock he paused.
“No matter how much I want to carry on doing this, I can’t let you take the lead yet, I promised you something,” letting go of himself he leaned across you on the bed, lowering himself to his knees. Unexpectedly, he grabbed your ankles, roughly pulling you towards him.
He didn’t hesitate to plunge in, like a starved man, his tongue lapping at your folds, moaning softly at your taste. “You taste so good, I could keep doing this for hours,” he pulled away to observe your expression. Eyes hazy, and lips puffy from biting them you were a vision. Smiling to himself he dove back in, his finger joining his lips in tracing your cunt.
“Hoseok, please, fuck me, I want to feel you deep inside of me,” you pleaded, hips raised off the bed as your back arched with pleasure. His lips on your clit nibbling at the sensitive nub made your knees weak, and your thighs to clench around his head. You could feel his finger prod deep inside of you, hitting the right angles as he added a second one. The flurry of sensations, pain from his teeth biting lightly on the top of your mound, the electricity of his digits scissoring within your cunt accompanied by the lewd squelch and your erratic moans—they all condensed and crashed onto you in an orgasm making its way from the pit of your stomach all the way down to the tip of your toes.
“Hoseok,” a scream made its way past your lips, your hands buried deep into his dark locks, keeping him in place as you rode your high, painting him in your cum.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful when you scream my name like that,” he rasped pushing himself onto his knees. With his fingers digging into your thighs he pushed your legs further open, his form hovering above you. Opening your eyes still dazed from your orgasm you could see the slick sweat and your own cum shining on his face. Unable to resist, you hooked your leg around his waist pulling him towards you. When your lips clashed, unceremoniously, you moaned with desire; you could taste the saltiness and tang on his lips making you crave more of him.
“Are you ready for me baby girl?”
“Yes, fuck me like there is no tomorrow,” you groaned grinding your bare pussy into his abdomen
“Contrary to popular belief, I don’t fuck anyone and everyone, so I’m lacking a condom,” he grit, trying his best to keep his mind off your reddened slick cunt waiting for his dick to be buried inside of it. The thought of him being this open with you made you pause, the familiar warmth that you felt earlier washing over you again before the need of being filled by him made you throw any other thought out the window.
“It’s ok,” you rasped, “fuck me raw, I want to feel you,” your voice cracked as your hand reached for his dick, raising your hips to meet the tip and shuddering at the contact. Sliding the tip along your slit, you pressed him to your entrance, your gasps from the effort of holding yourself up filling the room.
Hoseok lost all sense of control at your words, his mind only focused on the feeling of your smooth velvety walls engulfing him little by little, until he was sheathed deep inside of you. Pausing for a moment to allow you to adjust to his cock, he closed his eyes allowing his head to drop forwards. You fell onto your back from the strain, your small ragged breaths playing in his ears like his favourite record.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he whined, trying to control himself from plunging in and out of you as roughly as he wanted. If it was down to him, he would’ve grabbed your hips and fucked into you with abandon until you couldn’t speak anymore. Your pussy muscles contracted around him teasingly, and his hips snapped forwards at the feeling.
“Y/N,” Hoseok growled, propping himself up on his arms, his dark gaze warning you of the repercussions of your actions. “If you carry on this way, I won’t be able to stop.”
Unprepared for his reaction you whimpered, the crown of his cock hit the entrance to your womb, causing a spark of electricity to travel up your spine. Shuddering, you pushed your hips into him to chase the feeling again. Despite his warning, you wanted him to use you as he desired, to fuck deep into you, to make himself come using your cunt. Without words you placed your hand onto his upper torso feeling the muscles contract lightly at your touch and you pushed him back as far as he could go without leaving your warmth.
“I’ve got another idea,” you whispered, the deep voice unfamiliar to your ears.
Hoseok allowed you to mannouver him onto his bum, his cock slipping out of you for a moment. Before you could miss the sensation, you straddled him and sunk down deep onto him. In this position not only could you control the speed, but he reached even deeper than before.
Riding him until your legs went numb was not your plan, but his hardened member massaged your inner walls so well you could barely think of anything else. Just the incoming orgasm waiting to ravage you. Hoseok supported your weight as much as he could, his hands gripping your waist tightly, his eyes trained on your bouncing breasts, small curses falling off his lips when you ground your hips further into him. As soon as your knees gave out he made quick work of pushing his own taking over the erratic movement.
“That’s it,” you moaned, allowing your head to fall backwards, “there,” gasping out when he hit a particular sensitive spot that made you see stars. You dug your nails into his shoulder for support.
Hoseok hissed at the sting but he didn’t stop, his hips mimicking the movement making sure he hit the spot each and every time. Even as he felt your head support itself onto his shoulder, your teeth nipping at his pulse, he didn't relent, his hand travelling in between your sweaty bodies finding your clit. Pressing hard, he felt your shudder before he heard your staggered breath announcing your second orgasm. Your pussy clenched so hard around him that he felt his own release approaching, and he let out a guttural groan as he increased his pace.
“Fuck, I’m coming, come with me Y/N. I want to feel you as I’m shooting my cum deep inside of you,” he mumbled into your neck, slamming his hips into you once more before he let himself go. Feeling his hot cum inside of you, you mewled, your muscles contracting in rhythm with his shallow thrusts, milking him of his cum.
“Well that was…” you could barely find your voice, your throat feeling tight from your screams, and you could only hope you hadn’t disturbed your neighbours too much. Mortified at the thought you pulled away from him burying your head in the pillows allowing his cum to run down your inner thigh.
Hoseok noticed the three seconds it took for you to realise how loud you’d been and he chuckled lightly to himself on his way towards the bathroom. Picking a towel up he slowly wet it before he cleaned himself and headed back to you.
“You’ve done so well baby,” he cooed and you groaned, kicking your legs out, almost hitting him. “Come on,” he softly pulled at your ankle, and you relaxed under his touch, allowing him to clean you. After he finished he got back into bed, his arms pulling you to him. You forewent the pillows for his own chest, burying your head into him. Hoseok smiled as you mumbled something unintelligible, his eyes fixed on the sky outside.
It was getting lighter, signalling an early morning and he knew he wouldn’t have much time left with you. But for the moment, he revelled in your body pressed so close to his, his mind musing at the thought of making you aware that your neighbours were your future flight attendants.
The next day you woke up on your own, the side of the bed felt cool, signalling the man that occupied it had left a while ago. Disappointment filled your heart until you realised that you’d been woken up by the rays of the sun filtering through the drapes. Jolting out of bed hurrying to check the time you stepped on a piece of paper.
You picked it up in confusion, your eyes focusing on the neat handwriting that littered the paper with a name and numbers and a promise to see you again. Smiling lightly to yourself you rushed to get your bag ready to make the next flight. The excuses you had prepared for your friend seemed like a farce to you, and you couldn’t help but sigh in exasperation. Regardless of having joined the Mile High Club or not, you weren’t able to make it and you could only hope she would be understanding of the situation.
Making it onto the early morning flight was a breeze, and as you sat down comfortably onto your seat you checked your messages, the worry dissipating once you saw your friends’ reassuring words. It will all be ok.
The stuffy atmosphere around you made you aware of the bodies cramped next to you, and for a moment you couldn’t help but think of the pilot who made you see stars the night before. Before you could delve deeper into your thoughts, your skin already crawling with need, the flight attendants started making their rounds distracting you.
“Hello everyone and welcome on board,” the voice crackled over the speaker drawing your attention. The light familiar lilt in the captain’s speech made you pause. “My name is Jung Hoseok, and I will be your captain for today. On behalf of the airline crew, myself and copilot Kim Namjoon, I want to welcome you all on board and wish you a pleasant flight.”
It will all be just fine.
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iamjungkooked · 3 years
Truth and Consequences
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↳Pairing: Kim Taehyung x female reader
↳AU: Vampire!Taehyung, Human OC
↳Genre: Smut, Romance, Drama, Angst
↳Word count : 20.5k (sorry if there are issues on mobile. The cut is in place so pls don't ask about it. )
↳Rating: 18+ (please do not read if you are underage)
↳Warnings: swearing (per usual), riding kink, public unprotected sex blowjob, infidelity, oral sex (female receiving), slight dirty talk, way too much kissing and making out, overstimulation.
When Kim Taehyung makes his existence known to you, you're enamoured, enraptured and bewitched by him. You can’t get enough of him. Finding yourself in a relationship you are unable to label, you realize you’re ready to lose yourself and everything that matters to you if it means he’ll be a part of your life. But what happens when Taehyung isn't ready to face his truth and neither its consequences?
↳A/N: I worked so hard on this, I have zero energy left. I literally slept and breathed this fic for the past few weeks. Also FML I meant to cut it off at 10k but as usual, I got carried away. Anyway, I hope this won't deter you guys! Thank you for sticking around 💜 Please give my bby lots of love! I promise it's good.
When your father sends you to the town of Truth and Consequences — literally that’s the name of the town— to live with your estranged mother you are less than thrilled. The population stated on the welcome board when you pass into town under the faded text is 1270. That’s less than the number of students at the high school you used to attend.
People in the town of Truth and Consequences were close. The Kim family was the so-called heart of the town because they were the first ones to settle on the land. They had abandoned ship years ago. But rumours abounded that they had returned to town.
Whispers filled the air. You couldn’t care less though because you had no idea who they were.
Maybe the daughter got pregnant out of wedlock and they left out of shame
Maybe their older son picked up habits this town couldn’t support
Maybe Mr.Kim and Mrs. Kim had a falling out
So on it went.
Such thoughts held your attention hostage as you passed through the eerily quiet woods.
Over the years you got used to everything in this town. But something about the atmosphere always bothered you. The air that blew through this place always held within it secrets— secrets that were well kept.
The skies were grey and gloomy for the most part. Days were shrouded by clouds, and nights were almost always enveloped with a mist.
A chill shot through you every day when the sunset. Nights in this place were quiet. In fact, they were too quiet. Even when the wind moved through the trees, the rustle that came about was quieter than normal. Sometimes when you take your nightly walks, you swear there are shadows lurking about.
There was an uncanny feeling that you're being watched.
Even as you walk through these woods you call home, your hair stands on edge.
A twig snaps under your feet. The lushness of the forest deepens as you follow the cobbled path home. Tall, dark trees tower above your head. Moonlight filters through the gaps between the canopy of leaves that covers the sky of these woods.
Animals scurry about— a scared flight of a squirrel from one tree to the next as you pass by. The hooting of an owl overhead, glaring down at you as you pass by. There is a rustle accompanied by a snort in the brushes nearby— no doubt a deer. You have spotted many on your nightly walks. You try your best not to startle them. They are gentle creatures.
You can faintly see the antlers disappearing behind the grove of trees to your right.
You continue ahead, resolved to get home before midnight falls because nothing good happens after twelve am in this place.
Your previously light steps become heavy and your strides become longer. Your hands find their way into your jacket pockets as a chill begins to settle in the air.
A painful grunt in the distance causes you to abruptly stop. It’s a deer. You’re well acquainted with the sound, having accompanied your father as a kid during his hunts.
You rush towards the sound.
Your eyes blow wide at the sight in front of you. Your blood curls within your veins, shivers cascading down your spine in waves. Air gets stuck in the back of your throat. Your instincts kick in and you start backing away.
But you step on a stray stone, which sends you tumbling to the ground. The skin on the palm of your hand grazes against the twigs buried beneath the soil which causes you to bleed. You’re frozen, helpless on the ground as you watch the creature bent over the deer.
The animal is helpless. The deer whimpers, crying out for help. The creature has its face buried in the deer’s neck, and a trail of blood runs down to the ground. Red drops fall onto the soil, soaking the ground with pain and suffering.
On cue, the rain starts. The drops begin to fall, slowly at first and then the sky pours all at once.
You hyperventilate, unable to fathom the scene in front of you.
The nameless creature digs its claws into the deer’s neck and rips it apart. The deer falls limp onto the ground, its cries quietened as death envelops it. Your stomach turns at the sounds of gulping and sucking. The soil turns red underneath. A small stream of blood begins to flow down the slope.
A whimper crosses your lips.
The creature whips its head in your direction. It’s a man-- at least it looks like a man. His fiery golden eyes find you. Blood drips from the sides of his mouth. He stands up from his crouched position with such poise, you’re forced to watch. He takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the blood.
He begins to walk towards you, folding his hands behind his back. His erect posture, relaxed shoulders tell you he isn’t just any man. He has an air of authority about him. He’s walking as if he owns everything around him. His power emanates in the way he steps lightly. It’s the way he’s looking forward like he’s never known what insecurity feels like. The soil doesn’t crunch under his feet the way it did under yours.
You should want to scream. But instead, you're hypnotized by his eyes. You have seen amber-coloured eyes before, but you have never seen them shine and reflect light the way they do. It's like he's beholding the sun in his eyes, the way red and orange flecks appear on his irises.
He continues to approach you and you continue to watch him. Your curiosity begins to peak.
He closes his eyes and breathes in sharply. Then his eyes open, gaze falling to your hand. “Human” he pauses halfway to you. “You’re human.”
You’re tempted to ask him what he means by that. But the way he looks at you with that golden glow in his eyes-- you forget the words.
“Your blood” he crouches down in front of you, still a respectable distance away. His eyes flicker to your hand once again. “It's….” he licks his lips and tucks his chin into his neck almost like he’s trying to resist.
You don’t even feel the pain until he makes you aware of it. You curl your fingers into your palm, holding your hand close against your body. “What… what are you?” you ask because he sure as hell isn’t human.
“I am called a lot of things” he raises his head to look at you. You immediately find yourself breathless when his eyes find you.
At this point, the rain begins to fall faster, although still gentle as it hits everything around it. Your view of him is slightly obstructed. Your clothes begin to soak. You can feel the cold against your skin. But you can’t be bothered by it. “What kind of things?”
He stands up once more. You follow his lead and push off the ground. to your feet.
“I am not going to hurt you,” he says holding out his hand for you, motioning to your injured hand.
“You killed that deer”. you counter instead. He lets his hand fall back to his side. Your vision becomes misty and combined with the rain, you’re barely able to see.
“Survival.” he says quietly, head hanging low.
“What are you?” you question again. You have a feeling you know what he is, but the absurdity of it all prevents you from admitting it. You have read enough books and watched enough movies to figure it out.
“You-- you…” his eyes flicker to your hand that’s started to actively bleed. The blood drips onto the ground. The muscles of his jaw tighten. “You know what I am”
He’s not wrong.
“You can’t be. Vampires?" you begin to laugh in disbelief. "It's a myth. Nothing more”
“You’re denying what you've just seen? Typical of humans”
You open your mouth to counter but can’t find the right words. Again he’s right. You clear your throat “I have to ask. Are you going to kill me?” He is a bloodsucking creature after all. Yet you’re surprised at the realization that you aren’t trembling and running the other way. It’s what you expected yourself to do before this moment. But with him, you’re curious.
“If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead” he reminds you. “You…” he swallows hard. “You should do something about that cut of yours”
“Does it tempt you?” you bring your bleeding hand forward
“Yes” he lowers his gaze to the ground like he’s ashamed.
Your eyes widen at his admission.
Wordlessly, he takes your bleeding palm in his hand. You notice his Adam's apple bob. His hand is warm against yours, unlike all the lore you have read which says vampires are icy cold to the touch. In fact, his hand is hot you realize. He begins wrapping his handkerchief around your palm to stop the bleeding. “You’re burning.” you say, daring to look at his face.
He doesn’t look at you. He’s focused on wrapping the cloth around your hand. “Surprised?” his lips pull into a smile as he lifts his eyes to meet your gaze.
Your shoulders rise in a hesitant shrug, and a chuckle passes your lips. You’re more surprised that you’re able to laugh in such a situation. But there is also something about his manner which is reassuring.
“Aren’t you afraid?” he questions in a deep guttural voice which makes your heart race a little faster than it's supposed to.
“I am a little bit shocked actually. But I am not afraid of you. Somehow I know you're one of the good ones” you shrug. “So vampires are real then?”
He nods.
“Are there more vampires in this town? you would be lying if you said you weren't in the least bit curious about his world.
“Just my family,” he replies. “We’ve lived here for centuries” he glances at you but continues to fix your wounded hand. “Why aren’t you scared?”
“I guess I always had a sense that there was something off about this town. I always felt like there were secrets here that were never outed in the open. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a lot to process. But I am not as surprised as you may think”
“Look” he ties the two ends of the handkerchief together in a knot. The back of your hand rests in the palm of his hand, his finger tracing the blood on the cloth. “You’re not supposed to know about my existence. It’s dangerous for you” he retracts his hand back.
Yo feel slightly disappointed at the loss of contact but pay the feeling no mind. “How?” you blink brows pulling together.
“Our survival is only preceded by the secrecy of our existence. If humans find out we exist, we’ll be forced to take a stand” he heaves a sigh and steps away.
“Take a stand?” you question, wondering what the premise behind that statement is.
His eyes lock with yours. He shakes his head,. “You know too much already” he starts to walk backwards.
“Wait” you reach out as if to hold him.
“You shouldn’t be walking alone at night. It’s not safe” he tips his head to say goodbye.
“Tell me your name at least” you start towards him.
Silence lingers in the air. He regards you-- giving a once over as if he’s trying to figure out your intentions. “Kim Taehyung”
"Tahyung" you whisper, and his name rolls right off your tongue.
"You should go home. It's raining. You'll get sick" he reminds you, and for the first time, you remember it's been raining the whole time. You look back to where he's standing.
Except he isn't there.
You catch a glimpse of Taehyung.
A bus crosses the street, obscuring your view for maybe three seconds. When it passes, he isn’t there anymore. You’re forced to wonder if he was a figment of your imagination. It wouldn’t be surprising given that you have been dreaming about him, and he’s been on your mind.
Whether it was a figment of your imagination or not, it lit up a need in you, one you had been suppressing for over a week.
It was one of those feelings that had settled deep in your veins, flowing with the rush of your blood. It was a need that had etched itself into every part of your subconscious. It was a nagging feeling always in the back of your mind, distracting you.
Those golden eyes of his were haunting in the most beautiful way possible. Everytime you closed your eyes, or even had a moment of silence to yourself, you could see his face, hear his voice telling you to go back home because you'll get sick. It should be ridiculous-- a vampire telling a human to go home because they'll get sick. All it did was make you dwell on your feelings, to drown in them until you were begging for one last breath.
It was painful really- the longing you felt for someone you only met once. You tried introspection and came to the conclusion that it is pointless to try and figure out one's feelings. It's a hole you can easily spiral down.
“Y/n, you okay babe?” Yoongi squeezes your hand as you walk down the cobbled street.
“Huh” you blink away from the trance. You look at him-- your boyfriend. He’s as human as they come. He's as perfect as perfect can be.
A pang of guilt buries all the other feelings. “Yeah. I am-- I am okay” you offer him a half-hearted smile.
Your hand feels foreign in his. It isn’t an unfamiliar display. He’s done it countless times before and you’ve loved it so. Yet somehow, it feels strange. You’re full to the brim with the urge to distance yourself from him, whether that stems from guilt or your dark desires for another it’s difficult to say.
“Are you sure?” he asks, voice honeyed like it always is.
There was a time when he’d make you weak in your knees. It wasn’t that long ago although it feels like forever. It was just before the time you met Taehyung. Min Yoongi was the source of your happiness. You had imagined marrying this man. But that desire too was marred by an unequivocal craving for Kim Taehyung.
“Yoongi” you say tentatively, halting in your steps tugging him backwards as he continues on. “I have to do something. Do you mind if I take a rain check?” your fingers uncurl from his.
His face falls for a moment as he surveys the distance you begin putting between you and him. “S-sure” he says, blinking rapidly. “Is everything okay with you? You’re worrying me”
“I promise you I am fine” you begin walking backwards, sending him a flying kiss. “I’ll text you okay?” the words hastily leave your lips as you pivot on your heels, not even waiting for Yoongi’s response.
Armed with the determination to find Taehyung, you trace your path back to the woods.
Your chest burns with a fierceness as your feet refuse to slow down. The closer you get to the spot where you met him, the longer and faster your strides become. The balls of your feet ache and the air doesn’t reach your lungs fully. You’re panting, sweating under the layers you are wearing to chase away the cold. Your fingers are stiff and numb due to the cold.
You bend over your waist, hands pushed against your knees to support yourself. You tuck your head, taking in a few deep breaths to hush the ruthless pace of your heart. You straighten up, placing your hands on your hips as you turn. You scour for him in each direction, hoping that he’ll come out of the woods. Leaves and twigs crunch under your feet. Your head spins as you round a full circle and come to a stop. “Where are you?” your desperate voice calls out for him.
Upon being met with nothing but the chirping of the squirrels and cawing of crows as they swarm the sky above, you start on your way again. Your steps start slow, then as the despair builds, you’re leaping through the air. You run and run and run until you’re standing at the same spot where you met him.
You slow to a walk steps light against the ground. You scan your surroundings. The beating of your heart obscures your hearing as the rhythm vibrates against your eardrums. You walk to the tree where you had seen Taehyung feeding on the deer. The tree is maligned with splatters of blood. You crouch down, fingers tracing the dried blood pattern.
You fall onto your knees resting your hands against your thighs. You breathe deeply, letting the air pass into your lungs.
“Were you never real?” your voice breaks, faltering at the end when you’re filled with hopelessness.
You hear crunching behind you, and you turn around so fast your head spins.
“I thought I told you not to walk alone in these woods” Taehyung steps out from behind a tree, suited and booted. Ethereal, just the way he was that night.
Your throat feels heavy, vision starting to become misty. “Am I dreaming?” you mumble, standing to your feet. You turn to face him, feet beginning to carry you forward. “Tell me I am not dreaming” the smallness of your steps enlarges when he takes a few steps towards you meeting you halfway. You run towards him, throwing your arms around his shoulders. It takes him a second as he stumbles back against your weight. But he gently places his hands on your sides to stabilize you.
“I didn’t think you were real” you mumble, pressing your chin against his shoulder flooded with relief. You lock your arms behind him.
He lets go, beginning to pull away. “Looking for me?” he steps back, a hesitant smile pulling at his lips.
"That obvious huh?" you can't help the smile that appears on your face.
"It's dangerous" he reminds you.
“Then why doesn’t it feel dangerous?” You look into his eyes, refusing to look away. “Why does it feel exactly right?”
“Because you are fooling yourself” he takes another step back. “You saw what I did” his eyes flicker behind your shoulder to the tree, guilt and shame beginning to ascend.
“I don’t care”
“I am made to murder. To kill”
“I still don’t care” you shake your head.
“No?” his tone changes, turning solemn. His expression darkens. he steps towards you-- not one or two steps. He closes the distance between you in two long strides. “What if I told you that I can hear the blood running through your veins" He tilts his head down to look at you. His eyes begin to change from brown to the amber you have become used to. “What if I told you, I have never wanted another human’s blood as much as I crave yours” he pushes away the hair from your shoulder to expose your neck. He places his warm hand against your neck. His face hovers above yours.
“I trust you. You won’t hurt me” the words are whispered against the quietness of the woods.
“I could rip you to pieces and not care” his jaw tightens while he looks right in your eyes-- as if he can see everything you have been hiding. Like he can sense exactly what you want, but he won’t give it to you. "I am not what you think I am" he gulps when your pulse fastens underneath his fingertips. "I am not one of the good ones" whispered words echo yours from earlier.
“That’s a lie” your gaze bounces to his lips just for a split second--desperate for a taste.
His head dips further, nose touching yours. His mouth almost grazes your lips-- the sweet euphoria of a kiss taken away before it can bloom. “You’re lying to yourself" he wets his lips, eyes fluttering to your mouth. He inhales sharply, fingers uncurling from around your neck. "Don't make me into something I am not"
"And what is that?"
"Someone good. I am a monster. Someone you should be scared of. Someone who should make you want to run the other way" his voice drops to a whisper, barely audible.
"I don't see a monster though. I see Taehyung, the one who instead of taking me for his own told me to go home" you offer a slight smile, hoping it can soothe whatever thoughts ache his heart.
"This can't end well"
“So you say. You still haven’t explained to me why and how exactly it’s dangerous for me to know about your existence. I won’t expose you”
He chuckles almost like he feels ridiculed by your lack of insight. You get the sense that he’s trying to hold back. He looks at you. “I am not even meant to speak to you, let alone touch you” he curls the fingers against his palm. “You’ll stay away from me if you value your life,” he says warningly, trying to stave off the impending doom.
“That’s the thing though. Ever since I have met you, you have consumed me. Every thought, every second of every single day is about you. Even when I am in Yoongi’s arms, I am thinking of you. When he holds my hand, it angers me as if him touching me is wrong.”
His eyes flicker behind your shoulder. A gust of wind hits your face and just like that he’s in front of you. He stands tall, chest puffed out.
A tentative step forwards and you clasp your fingers around his wrist. “Taehyung” you shift closer to him almost like you’re hiding behind him.
“It’s fine.” he turns over his shoulder, offering a reassuring nod
“Let’s just go” you tug at his arm but the man doesn’t move even an inch.
“I heard something” he easily unfurls your fingers from his wrist. Then he’s walking in the direction of whatever he heard. His steps are light against the soil.
“Be careful” you whisper-shout.
He turns around, pressing a finger to his lips. He pivots on his heels resuming his inspection and walks towards the grove of trees, eyes scanning the surroundings. His steps have a spring to them, effortless and stealthy. No one could hear him coming. He stood just short of the large oak tree tilting his head as if he’s trying to hear whatever it is.
Your gasp makes him spin around.
“You move, I kill her,” says the vampire holding you hostage. His arm is wrapped around your shoulder holding you tight against his chest. His mouth lingers close to your neck, fangs on full display. He’s not hiding his intention.
“Hey man, you want to kill her, you go ahead” Taehyung surrenders, hands in the air.
“W-what?” you gasp against the chokehold. You feel your throat tightening. Your heart beats painfully fast, pounding against your ribs. A dull deep ache settles in your chest just as your eyes begin watering. You feel absolutely betrayed at this point. He’d let you die? “Are you fucking serious right now?” your brows pull together as you stare at him.
He completely ignores you, attention directed on the vampire. “But before you kill her, you should know I have marked her” he raises a cocky brow at the other vampire. “You really want to fuck with that? You know that no other vampire can touch a human who has been marked by another ” he takes a step forward and another and another. His eyes are cold, the brown in them being drowned by the fiery golden. “You make even a single move to hurt her, I will rip you to shreds. I can guarantee you that” he grinds his jaw. He squares his shoulders, ready for a fight should the need arise. “So..?” his nostrils flare, eyes holding the gaze of the other vampire.
The vampire chuckles, arms dropping from your shoulder. “Marked or not, finders keepers”. You feel his breath on your skin, anticipating when he’s going to bite you.
"Taehyung" you look at him pleadingly.
He shifts his attention to you momentarily. "One of the good ones right?" a corner of his lip lifts up in a lopsided smile. His eyes linger on you for a few moments watching you intently.
In a flash, Taehyung is right in front of you. Before the rogue has a chance to bite you, Taehyung is faster at pushing you out of the way. You fall onto the bed of leaves nearby which cushions most of the blow. He grabs the other vampire by his neck and lifts him, feet dangling in the air. “She’s mine.” In one motion, he sends the vampire flying back where he hits a tree trunk. The branches rustle and leaves fall off because of the impact.
The other vampire winces in pain, stares between you two before vanishing.
Taehyung stands still, eyes focused in the direction where the vampire was. When he’s made sure it’s just the two of you again, he jogs over and helps you up. “Did he hurt you?” he asks
“No. But you did” You wince. “What the fuck was that about?”
“Don’t worry I haven’t actually marked you. I just slipped this in your jacket. I already sensed he was here” he reaches into your jacket pocket and pulls out a vial filled with red liquid-- blood? “This is my blood, and that’s what he smelt when he found you. But I guess he doesn’t play by the rules” he talks about it so casually.
“I don’t even know what marking means. But never mind “ you narrow your eyes at him. “I actually thought you were going to leave me for dead”
“I followed you here because you were being followed by him.” Taehyung says
“So you were there, on the other side of the street”
He nods.
You're distracted by the vial in his hand. “What’s marking?” you question.
“A marked human-” he begins but then stops, eyebrows pulling together. “Were you not listening?”
“No, I was kind of busy fearing for my life” you deadpan.
“It doesn’t matter, you’re as good as dead anyway” he pauses, eyes scanning you like he’s trying to determine if you were hurt or not. “Don’t look for me again” he starts to back away ready to leave.
“Don’t you dare do that” you call out. Your voice echoes against the hollowness of the forest. “I asked you something”
He lets out an exasperated sigh. “How many times do I have to tell you?”
“No” you shake your head. “You don’t get to tell me that”
“I just saved you from another fucking vampire! That should tell you something about how dangerous we are” his voice vibrates throughout the forest, loud enough to cause the murder of crows to flee right above your heads.
You flinch at the loudness of his voice, momentarily losing your train of thought. You manage to push away the feeling, determined to hold your ground. “Why did you save me? You tell me to stay away from you but then you do the exact opposite. What the fuck am I supposed to think?”
“Nothing. It doesn’t mean anything” he says through a clenched jaw. “I feel nothing for you. You’re nothing” the muscles of his jaw grind. “You’re just a human, who's looking for something she can’t find in her relationship. News fucking flash, you won’t find it here. Don’t romanticize me. I am made to kill. That’s my DNA. You can never be safe around me”
You feel your heart skipping a few beats at his harsh words. “You think that I came looking for you because you’re a vampire? Because somehow I am trying to act out some sick fantasy? I am not here because you fascinate me. I am here because I wanted to see you, regardless of whether you are a vampire or not. I would have done the same if you were human. You’re trying to push me away but I don’t fucking care. I don’t care about what you are, or what you do. I just…” your fingers clench and unclench out of sheer frustration and you tap your foot impatiently against the ground. “I just want you around” you lock eyes with him. “Okay?”
He pinches the bridge of his nose out of sheer frustration. “I can’t have you around me” he mumbles, looking up at you.
“Lies” you bridge the distance in a few long strides and clasp your hand around his wrist. You tug him closer. “I don’t give a shit. Just tell me, you won’t disappear. You don’t have to feel anything for me. Despise me all you like, but don’t leave.”
It doesn’t take any effort on his part to remove your fingers from his hand. “I don't…” he meets your gaze. “I don’t despise you” his voice softens, quieter than before. “I don’t even know your name so how can I despise you?” his lips begin to curve up in a smile.
The realization hits you too. “Y/n” you say softly. “ It’s nice to finally meet you Kim Taehyung” you extend a hand towards him.
He looks at you and then your hand as if he has to think about it. He offers a firm handshake. “Nice to finally meet you too y/n”
The moment is chased away by the blaring sound of your phone. You jump, hand slipping out from his to reach into your pocket. You pull out your phone. “Hi Yoongi” you whisper as if you’re embarrassed while your eyes flicker to Taehyung.
“Where are you?” he sounds concerned the way he always is when you don’t come home.
“I am with a friend. I’ll be home in a bit” a pang hits your chest as you utter the empty reassurance. The breath caught in your throat forces its way out of your mouth as you hang up hurriedly.
“Friend?” Taehyung raises a brow at you.
“Why? You want to be more?” you glance at him, and then avert your gaze to the side.
He slides his hands into the pockets of his pants. He gives you a once over. “Don’t ever let me catch you walking alone in these woods. Or…”
“Or…?” you try to provoke.
“Or I’ll have to kill you” a corner of his mouth curves up sinfully.
“Make it quick then” a quiet laugh escapes.
“In all seriousness though, it's not safe for you.” he pressed his lips in a thin line.
“It’s weird you say that because I have never in my life felt as safe as I feel with you”
“I’ll walk you home” he holds his hand out. All you can do is blink at him in question.
“Don’t get the wrong idea. I can still smell that vampire around here. Just in case he makes an appearance” his sincerity reflects in his eyes as they never falter. You both look at each other, trying to figure the other out.
“I can’t figure you out” you narrow your eyes at him. “You’re one hell of a confusing person” you begin walking towards him. “You know” you stop for one moment, looking at him and then his hand and decide this is probably the only opportunity you’ll get to satisfy your curiosity. “You are doing an awful lot for someone who you don’t want to give the wrong impression to”
Your comment visibly catches him off-guard. “Even so, I can’t just let you leave by yourself, especially after what happened” his fingers circle your palm and he begins walking while you let him take the lead.
“Level with me. You don’t know me. So why are you being this courteous and nice?” you become aware of how warm his hand is. It stays in the back of your head as you try your hardest to not pay any mind to the feelings it’s eliciting in your stomach. It stays in the back of your mind how perfectly snug his hand fits around yours.
He lowers his gaze, staring at the ground as you walk. He’s thinking about how to answer. After a few beats of silence pass, he speaks as he looks ahead. “I don’t know myself. Call me old-fashioned. Damsel in distress sort of thing gets to me” he looks at you and at his admission, your face contorts in confusion. A grin overcomes the frown his lips had held.
“Hmm” you nod. But you don’t prod any further. “One last thing” you look at him. “Hypothetically speaking, say I wasn’t me and someone else would you still walk me home? Hand in hand?”
He gulps hard and looks at you. “If you weren’t you, I’d still walk you home"
"Oh" you say dejectedly, looking off to the side.
His lips quiver into a smile at the look on your face. "Not hand in hand though" he adds.
His words manage to draw a smile to your face. “I like that answer Kim Taehyung” you nudge him.
“Fuck Taehyung” you moan against his lips. He curls two fingers inside you, moving in and out feverishly. The sounds of the slick wetness between your thighs is enough to throw you to the edge.
“Do you like that? Your pussy is so fucking tight, all for me” he presses his lips against your neck as he sucks the flesh. You feel his teeth sink gently into your flesh.
“Mhmm” you make a noncommittal sound. You doubt you’ll be able to get a single word out because the adrenaline and the euphoria rushing through your veins have you gasping for air.
“Cum for me then” he uses his free hand to circle your clit, while drinking and fucking you at the same time. The stimulation accompanied by his honey-laced voice in your ears becomes too much. You try to pry his hand away but it’s futile because he continues to slide his fingers in and out until finally he feels you clenching around his fingers and writhing against him.
You jolt as you awaken. You blink, and buildings pass you by. You realize you’re on the bus as you lift your head off the window. You sense a presence next to you and look up to find Kim Taehyung occupying the seat next to you.
“What the fuck? ” you jolt, eyes widening in surprise. You look around, partly worried if all these people around him are too tempting for him to resist and partly worried that you may have uttered stuff during your sleep. “Did I say anything while I was sleeping?” you glance at him warily.
His brows furrow. “Hello to you too”
You dismiss him with a wave of your hand. “Tell me”
“No. You just moaned a lot” he says with a straight face.
You’re unsure if you should laugh or hide your face in embarrassment. “Moaning how?”
“I don’t know. Just making sounds”
“Fuck. Did I say anything?” you clutch your bag tighter around yourself out of embarrassment.
He swallows, looking out of the window. In fact, he looks everywhere but at you. The hollow in your stomach deepens. He clears his throat. "You said Taehyung"
"No" you gasp, eyes blown wide, head falling onto your backpack. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" you mutter under your breath. "Fuck" you say one last time. "Can you like go away?" you mumble. "So I can maybe possibly bury myself in the ground and never see you again"
You hear him beginning to laugh. "I wish" he grows silent. "But we need to talk" his voice turns serious again, making your stomach flip on itself. It's a good thing he isn't dwelling on it, which would further have led you to be embarrassed even more.
He presses the stop button and clasps your wrist in his hand, pulling you up as shoves past people to get off. You try to protest but he keeps walking. His strides lengthen, while you’re fumbling and falling trying to keep up. “Slow down, will you? Not everyone is 6 feet tall” you grumble behind him. Were he human, you would have forced your hand out of his grasp. But seeing as he wasn’t and considering your own mortification at seeing him right after having a wet fucking dream about him, you’re stuck.
He drags you along. You have no idea where he’s taking you and your surroundings start to blur once you begin overthinking. You wonder how long he had been sitting next to you? Was it towards the end of your dream? Or did he come right when you were knocked out? What must he be thinking about you?
“Hello” you hear a faint voice. “Y/n, snap the fuck out of it” you feel yourself being shaken and when you come back to it, standing in front of you is one annoyed-looking Taehyung.
You groan out of sheer and embarrassment and hide your face behind your hands.
“Oh for fucks sake” he sighs. “Listen to me. My parents know that you know what we are”
Your hands drop from your face. “I fail to see the problem”
He pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a moment to calm himself. He's serious when he looks at you “They’ll kill you”
You study his face letting a beat of silence pass. A hearty chuckle from you fills the silence. “There are 1200 people in this town. If they kill me, I am sure everyone will figure it out”
“You really think people in this town will be able to figure out anything?” this time he laughed.
“So they’ll kill me” you shrug. “Doesn’t make a difference does it?” the rhetorical quip is quick to pass your lips.
You watch as Taehyung’s expression slowly morphs into one of confusion and then concern. “Have you lost your mind?” his eyes narrow.
“Look Taehyung, everything in this world is a means to end a life. A car, a truck, a tree, another human being, a knife, fire, water. Anything could kill me, so what makes you or your kind any different? You’re also another means to my death if that’s what it comes to”
“What is wrong with you? Here I am trying to make sure you live, and you dont even give a shit?”
“Why are you trying to make sure I live? What am I to you? In fact, what are you to me?” you fold your arms across your chest and raise an eyebrow at him in question.
“Fine, if you’re so hell bent on dying, go ahead” he turns around to leave.
You groan with a roll of the eyes. “Why are you always so quick to leave?”
He turns around. “You think this is a joke? You want to know what it feels like to be killed by a vampire?” he harshly grabs your hand and pulls you toward himself. “This is what it feels like”
A dreadful coldness seeps into your bones. Your mind is filled to the brim with images of people who have been killed by vampires. You see the image of a man collapsed against a car in a parking lot gasping for air as blood pools on his shirt. You feel your own lungs giving out. A woman is drenched in her own blood, and you feel yours running cold in your veins. You see another woman screaming as fangs tear into the flesh of her neck and you feel her pain coursing through your body.
You push him away and fall onto the ground breathless. You clutch your chest as you glare at him. “What the fuck was that?”
“I can feel your emotions, but I can also make you feel other people’s emotions. Do you get what I mean now? My parents will not care.” he crouches in front of you. “I’ll hold them off for as long as I can. But you really have to stay away from me”
“I can’t do that”
“I know what you feel” his voice and eyes soften as he presses his hand to your cheek. “ I know” he looks into your eyes. “I know y/n”
But you don’t. Your own feelings feel foreign to you because you cannot give them a name.
“Then why can’t you just…” you stop short when Yoongi’s face flashes in your mind. “I know it is wrong on all levels but I can’t stop. My body doesn’t listen to my brain anymore. When you’re around it’s like I short circuit”
His lips curve up and he silently chuckles. His expression becomes solemn once the moment passes. “You have a boyfriend” he throws a reminder, not like you need one.
“Can you make it go away?” you ask, leaning into the palm of his hand. “You’ve got this power. So make it go away”
“I can’t change your free will. Your emotions are yours to control. I can only feel them and amplify them” his eyes crinkle at the corners as he offers a soft smile. But just as fast as it had come, he’s back to being expressionless “I came to warn you. Whenever you look for me, you put yourself in danger. It’s dangerous for me to be around you because it gives my parents more reasons to harm you. So stop looking for me. Don’t even think about me because I can sense it from miles away. Forget I exist” he draws his hand back.
You scoff. “I can’t just forget you”
“You have to” he insists. “If you want to live, you will”
“There is no other way?” you ask just for good measure.
“No” he’s firm with his answer.
He gets up and you’re half expecting him to vanish like he always does. But instead he begins to walk away.
Your eyes move back and forth, brain on overdrive, trying to think of a way to make him stay. You’re desperate. There is no word in the English language you can use to describe your relationship to him: lust, love, attraction? All you know is you need him around in your life in whatever capacity possible. You at least need to be able to see him.
This man has absolutely bewitched you and you have no idea why. From the first moment you laid eyes on him-- you were smitten. Then when the dreams started, it only strengthened your feelings for him. You’re not afraid of him because somehow you know he won’t hurt you. If anything, you only feel safer with him around.
“Wait!” you yell, rapidly getting on your feet and stumbling on the way to Taehyung. “I know a way”
“What are you talking about?” he grabs you by the forearms and steadies you on your feet.
“Remember that day with the vampire, you said something about marking a human. So mark me”
“What in the world…” Taehyung looks blankly at you. “Do you even know what that means?’
“No. You stopped mid-explanation, remember? But it’ll work won’t it?”
Taehyung shakes his head, shoulders beginning to convulse as he starts to laugh. “This is absurd. I am not marking you” his smile disappears completely. He presses his tongue against his cheek as he levels with you.
“If your parents want to kill me, then why can’t you? Save a life for a change”
“Marking you…” he rubs his hands on his face out of frustration.
“What happens if you do? At least tell me that. If I don’t like it then I’ll drop it”
He scoffs. “There is nothing to like or not like. It’s not happening” he’s adamant.
“Kim Taehyung, you tell me right now or I will…” you trail off trying to think of something to threaten him with. “Just tell me” you give up when nothing comes to mind.
He studies you, like he’s trying to figure out whether to comply or not. A long sigh passes his lips. “I have to bite you, feed off you until you're at the edge of death and then give you my blood.”
“That’s it?” you ask, surprised that it is not some ritual where someone or something needs to be sacrificed.
“You could die in the process, did you not hear that?” he narrows his eyes at you.
That should be a hard pill to swallow. “Will it stop your parents from killing me?” you question. You’re not scared of his parents. What you are scared of is losing him. If his family disappears again,you won’t get to see him. Old you wouldn’t have even considered something like this. You would have scorned at the idea of it all. But somehow, you were standing in front of him, less afraid to lose everything else and more afraid to lose him. Set in your resolve, you wait for his answer.
“Yes” he casts his gaze down, desperate to avoid your gaze because he knows what he’ll see in your eyes. He can already feel it.
“Then do it” you don’t know if you say it to save your life, or to save your sanity by ensuring Taehyung doesn’t disappear from your life. Whatever it is, you do know you’re ready to do whatever it takes to make him stay.
The very last thing you anticipate is getting invited to Taehyung’s house. When you asked him to mark you and he disappeared you were sure you would never hear from him again.
The universe has its ways of surprising you.
You come home to find an envelope slipped under the door. It’s a pale yellow and it is closed with red sealing wax. You tear it open to find an invitation.
Dear Miss Y/N
You’re invited to a formal dinner hosted by the Kim Family on June 17th 2021 at 6:30 pm.
2590 Meadow Lane
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
You turn the invitation over in your hand, mulling over the fact that this could be a death trap. Taehyung already told you his parents intend to kill you for knowing about their secret. But why would they invite you over if they wanted to kill you? Maybe they want to talk or get to know you and make sure you don’t say anything.
Had you ever thought to ask Taehyung for his phone number you would have texted him. But since that isn’t an option, you figure the only way you can see him is by thinking of him. After all, he was the one who said he knows when you’re thinking of him. So that’s what you do. You have absolutely nothing to lose.
You close your eyes and think of him. You imagine his face, the way he looked the first night you met him. You open your eyes. But you’re still alone.
Shaking your head, you close your eyes and think of him again. But this time you try to do it with more feeling. You imagine the first time you saw him. You allow yourself to feel the awe you felt. You let the butterflies take a hold of your stomach. You think of the time when you were desperate to see him, and you let that feeling sink into your stomach. You think of the dreams you’ve had about him and let that excite you. Taking a few deep breaths you single out each feeling and force yourself to feel it until all of your senses are invaded by the feelings he evokes in you.
A knock on the door startles you. Corners of your lips turn up in anticipation. You run towards the door, and fling it open.
Taehyung greets you with an expressionless face.
“It works” you smile triumphantly and tug on his forearm to pull him inside.
He stays quiet and waits for you to shut the door. You skip happily towards him. “Welcome to my house”
“If you’re so eager to die, I’ll kill you right now. You don’t have to trouble yourself with all this” the firmness of his voice doesn’t even surprise you.
“What’s it to you if I die?” you fold your hands behind your back as you move towards him.
He chooses not to respond to that question. Even when you had asked him before why he wanted to save you, he never answered. He continues to maintain eye contact with you. You hold his gaze and unlock your hands from behind and present the invitation to him. “I thought you should know”
His eyebrows pull together as he takes the envelope from you. He opens it and reads it, his expression becoming solemn as his eyes scan the words. “You’re not going” he announces, ripping the invitation to several little pieces all the while looking at you.
“Why should I listen to you? You’re not my boyfriend or my husband. You’re not even my friend” you fold your arms across your chest.
“No. I am not your boyfriend or your husband or your friend. But I am the guy who can protect you”
“I don’t need protecting” you turn away from him. But feel yourself being tugged back. His grasp is tight enough on your wrist to make you want to scream in pain. But you hold it in. “That hurts” you motion to your hand.
He let’s go. “Why can’t you just fucking understand? You are actually in danger. This isn’t a game. It’s not Twilight”
“I have never watched that movie. I am offended you would compare yourself to twilight”
Taehyung’s nostrils flare. “I am not joking right now”
“Why do you care?” You shrug.
“I don't have to tell you why. You should accept my help”
“Is it because you like me?” your heart begins beating faster.
He gulps. He steps towards you and places a hand on the nape of your neck. He inhales deeply. “I don't like you” he licks his bottom lip and places his forehead against yours. You can feel him breathing harder.
“Bite me then. It shouldn't matter what happens” your whisper against his lips, leaning in, intending to kiss him but he pulls back slightly as if he knew.
He opens his eyes and lets go of you. He steps back. “I won’t”
“Why not?!” you yell. “I want you to!” your anger finally gives way. You’re tired of going back and forth with him on this.
“You don’t know what you’re asking me for.”
“I don’t give a shit! Don’t you get it? Before you came into my life I was the kind of person who would have judged anyone for finding someone other than their partner attractive. Here I am doing the exact same thing but worse. Sometimes I don’t even feel as guilty about it. Before I met you, I would have never even dared lie to Yoongi because I love him. But I have lied to him. I never would have put myself in danger of any kind. Now, I don’t even care if I die.”
“I can’t do it” he glances at you and then looks at the floor like he's defeated.
“You know what’s worse? Actually dying because you can’t see past your morals and principles”
“You want it for the wrong reasons y/n. I know you want me to mark you because then we won't have a reason to not see each other. Because then you won’t have to lose me. I am not worth it. You know who is? Your boyfriend, who you seem to have forgotten about"
“Don’t bring him up” you swallow hard. “Don't guilt-trip me because I do that enough for myself. Things are not the same. That’s beside the point. Mark me. It’s the only way to save me”
“No. You think it’s the only way to save yourself. But I can hold off my parents if you just stop.”
“I am not going to Taehyung. I know you feel something for me too. Why else would you warn me about your parents? Why else would you come running here just because I thought of you? Vampire or human, a man doesn’t do things like this for a woman he doesn’t feel anything for. I am practically a stranger. I am not an idiot. But you sure are being one”
Taehyung sighs, exasperation evident on his face. “I said you’re not coming. That’s that. I am not fucking arguing with you and I sure as hell am not marking you”
“What’s so wrong-“
A knock on the door interrupts your conversation. You turn towards it with an inward groan, annoyed by the interruption. “You know—-” you turn to face Taehyung, except he isn’t there. A breeze of wind hits your face and you realize he must have sneaked out of the kitchen window.
Disappointed, you walk to the front door just as there is another knock. You’d hand curls around the doorknob and pull it open to reveal Yoongi standing on the other side.
“Hi y/n” he leans in to give you a kiss but you end up turning your cheek. He places a hesitant kiss on your cheek and steps inside past you.
“I brought dinner” he says while you shut the door and follow him into the kitchen. You should be happy he’s here. But you’re irritated more than anything else. How can Taehyung say you’ll lose yourself when you already have?
Wordlessly you begin to set the plates on the table.
Yoongi turns over his shoulder to look at you. “Is everything okay? You look a little down”
You manage a small smile. “I had an eventful day today. I am just really tired”
“What happened?” he turns back, finishing taking out the containers from the brown paper bag.
“Just the usual. Asshole customers and asshole boss” you lie easily. If only you could tell him.
“Aww I am sorry y/n” he comes behind you and places his hands on your shoulders, gently pressing away the tension. “If you want to sleep, I can leave the rest of the dinner in the fridge for you”
You can’t understand how you’re able to feel all those feelings for Taehyung when you have the sweetest person you get to call “boyfriend”. If that isn’t a stroke of luck you don’t know what is. Yet somehow, you find yourself feeling distant, when anyone else in your situation would have fallen more in love with Yoongi.
You turn towards him and wrap your arms around him. “I am sorry” you whisper.
“Why are you sorry?” he strokes your back.
“I am just sorry that we haven’t been able to give each other much time” you mumble against his shoulder.
“Yeah” you hear the disappointment in his voice. Don't worry about all that. Let’s watch a movie”. he suggests. “Just until you fall asleep”
“What about your dinner?”
“I’ll eat after you sleep”
You settle into the couch under the covers, head resting against Yoongi’s chest. He plays your favorite movie and soon enough you find yourself drifting off, your last conscious thoughts a mess of Yoongi and Taehyung.
“Oh my god really?” you laugh as Aiyana shows you pictures of Taehyung when they were younger. “I can’t believe you are his sister. You guys are so different”
“I know. He’s so stoic. Always going on about what’s right and what’s wrong” she rolls her eyes and pockets her phone.
“Tell me about it” you chuckle. “By the way, I wanted to ask you something.” you pull your bottom lip between your teeth out of nervousness.
“What is it?” she takes a sip of her coffee.
“About your parents. Are you aware that they... dislike me? To put it mildly ”
“Oh yeah. They’re hell-bent on getting rid of you so our little secret isn’t exposed. But Taetae has been moving mountains to make sure that doesn’t happen”
“He has?” your eyes widen.
“Mmhmm” she nods. “Every night he and my parents fight about it. But he always manages to quell their anger one way or another. Last night he promised them he’ll take care of it in his own way”
“Take care of it how?” you ask, sudden curiosity taking hold of your mind.
She shrugs. “I have no idea”.
You nod as you ponder. You hadn’t expected to meet his sister at the coffee shop. But when she called you by your name and introduced herself as Taehyung’s sister you immediately warmed up to her. Turns out Taehyung had told her about you.
“What’s your brother like?” you take this opportunity to learn more about him. It’s not like he will ever let you get close to him.
“He’s actually a really sweet guy. He doesn’t look like it. But he’s the best of us. He’s never actually fed from a human. He refuses to. He tries to act all tough like he doesn’t care. But he does. He cares a lot about other people. He cares a lot about you” she passes a knowing smile.
You chuckle. “Me?” you find it hard to believe.
“Yeah. He won’t ever show it though. He doesn’t know how to” she picks up her coffee and takes another sip. You look outside the window to find Yoongi on the other side of the street hugging another girl. He crosses the street and enters the cafe.
“Sorry, give me a second” you excuse yourself Aiyana takes her phone out and starts scrolling through.
You pass by a crowd of high school students and stop in front of Yoongi who becomes startled by your sudden presence.
“Fuck…” he jumps back. Once his breathing evens out he greets you. “Hi”
“Hi. What are you doing here?” you ask.
“Grabbing coffee” he replies.
“Who was that girl earlier?” you ask, not because you’re jealous. But because you are curious.
“She’s a coworker”
“I swear I have never seen her here before” you comment. With a town as small as this everyone knows everyone. Yet she isn’t familiar to you.
“She just moved here” he purses his lips. “Listen, I need to talk to you about something. Can we meet up tonight at your place?”
“Sure. I’ll see you tonight then”
“Sounds good” he nods. “I’ll see you later tonight then” instinctively he leans in to give you a kiss, but then he stops when he notices you looking away.
He moves past you to stand in the line to order and you go back to the booth. Aiyana puts down her phone. “Who was he? He’s cute”
“That was my boyfriend”
She raises her eyebrows at you. “Boyfriend? I am sorry but you two do not act like a couple”
You sigh. “Yeah. I have a feeling we’re ending things soon”
“I am sorry” she places a hand on top of yours to give a reassuring squeeze.
“It’s okay. I am somewhere else mentally…” you lower your gaze, afraid that she’ll figure it out.
Her face contorts. “Boy, did Taetae mess things up for you”
“It’s my fault. I messed it up for myself. Yoongi is the nicest guy. I couldn’t be the right person for him. He deserves someone way better than me” you acknowledge that fact.
“You deserve someone good too”. she tries to comfort you in her own way.
“We all do” you offer a smile in return. “I’ll see you tomorrow then” You notice Yoongi leaving the cafe and running across the road with a coffee
“You’re not coming” she states, not even bothering to phrase it like a question.
“Like brother, like sister. I have to know why your parents invited me”
“To kill you” she looks right into your eyes, holding your gaze firmly.
“You both could be wrong. Maybe they want to talk”
She snorts. “We know our parents, which is why Tae warned you. We both happen to like you. You know when he first told me about you, I was impressed. You didn’t run away like most people do. But now that’s turning out to be a problem. You need to know when to run the other way”
“ I like to face my problems. Anyway, I will see you and Taehyung at your house”
“Y/n” she says warningly. “I know we barely know each other. But please don’t come”
“I am sorry Aiyana, I have to know” you purse your lips. “ I have to get back now” you slide out of the booth.
You have no idea what your fate has in store for you. But one thing is for certain, you are determined not to lose Taehyung: one way or another.
The silence that engulfs you should feel painful. But it doesn’t. It didn’t even hurt when Yoongi told you moments ago he wants to break up. Would it have been different, had Taehyung never showed up? Would your feelings have stayed the same towards Yoongi?
He sits quietly next to you, sipping on the beer. He’s zoned out looking at the coffee table.
You heave a sigh and let your head fall against the back of the couch. “I am not sure what to say” you quip looking at the ceiling.
“I am sorry y/n. But you’ve been gone from my life for a while now. I don’t know what happened to you and why we stopped spending time together. But, I can’t do this. I know things have changed for you. I sensed it the day you left all of a sudden to meet up with a friend”.
“I didn’t want any of it. I loved you. I did. But…” you hide your face behind your hands, feeling the tears pricking your eyes. “I am sorry I lied to you. I am sorry I started acting different. I really am”
“I can’t force you to stay when you don’t want to anymore. It would be fair for me or you. We’d both. Do you even want to try to make this work?” he looks at you.
You don’t have the courage to speak or look at him so you shake your head.
Wordlessly he rises up and drags his feet to the kitchen where he throws away the bottle. Your vision becomes blurry and a few tears fall down your cheeks. You don’t even have the courage to look back at him. You wish you could say something, anything. But nothing you can say will make him feel less hurt.
You hear the sounds of his footsteps moving towards the front door. Then you hear the lock click into place.
You allow yourself to break once he’s gone. Your chest feels heavy, and your throat feels tight like you are trying to swallow a still-beating heart. You gasp for air but it doesn’t reach your lungs. You fall into your side as you lay down and pull a pillow in front of your face to muffle your cries.
Your sobs break into hiccups. A forceful cry shakes your whole body and you inhale sharply in an effort to breathe against it. You wrap your arms around yourself. It does nothing to ease the ache in your chest. Your nose becomes runny and you use the back of your hands to wipe it away. You can taste the salty tears on your lips when you lick them. You don’t even have the energy to wipe them.
You lay limp, feeling the wetness on your cheeks increase. You shut your eyes tight to drive away the image of Yoongi leaving without a word. It would have been better had he yelled at you, blamed you. It’s the worst when in situations like this all you receive is silence from the other person. Because that silence is louder than any words they could have used to convey their pain, and disappointment.
Once your mind is numb enough to everything, you let your eyes close because you know sleep is just around the corner.
When you awaken the next morning, a notification pops up on your phone reminding you it’s the 17th which means you have to figure your shit out before going over to Taehyung’s house, even though you are not in the mood.
The leaves crunch under your feet as you cut through the forest to get to Meadow Lane. It’s right behind the forest, flanked by Sweetwater Lake. The path you’re walking is bordered on either side by tall pine trees, the leaves of which form an arch over your head.
Since it is autumn, the sun has already begun to set. Overhead, the sky looks picturesque with orange and pink hues. Clouds roll in slowly, the sound of thunder somewhere far-reaching your ears. The weather turns, threatens to rain down on you just as you’re turning around the clearing ahead.
The previously coloured sky begins to turn grey. The soft wind begins blowing, rustling through the leaves of the trees. Your skin erupts in goosebumps as the temperature suddenly drops. The weather forecast you had checked stated it would remain sunny. You chose to believe it. You should have known this town can never welcome anything other than thunder and rain.
The soil under your feet softens as a gentle downpour begins. You pace fastens until you’re leaping through the air. You run as fast as your legs will carry you. The wind makes your hair fall into your face, obscuring your view.
You still have about a fifteen-minute walk to Taehyung’s house. You shield your eyes and look up. It doesn’t seem like the rain is going to stop any time soon, so you decide to stop under the large evergreen tree ahead, the branches of which form a canopy.
It’s enough to protect against the soft rain. You pat away at your red dress which you had gotten as a present after high school graduation. Thankfully though your hair isn’t wet, otherwise it would be a frazzled mess. You take out your phone to find no reception.
You look around, unsure of what exactly it is you are searching for. As you are scanning your surroundings, your eyes catch something red in the distance. It looks like a pair of eyes. But since it is raining you think you’re probably seeing something wrong. Either that or it’s some kind of an animal.
You busy yourself by staring at the canopy of leaves above your head, fascinated by how the branches and leaves intertwine. You look around once more as you wait, mind drifting to the same spot you had seen a mysterious pair of what looked like eyes. You turn to the side and find nothing.
“Oh shit” as you’re looking around you encounter a man standing in front of you, staring at your neck. Immediately you figure out he’s a vampire. What else could he be? “Can I help you?” you ask warily.
“You may be able to.” he steps towards you. You lift your foot to step back, but find it hitting the trunk of the tree. You’re trapped.
“Uhhh… “ you start, unable to find any words. your heart thrums, mouth drying up. You clench and unclench your hands.
“Do you know the way to Meadow Lane?” he asks.
You don’t know how to answer that. Yes, you know where Meadow Lane is. But you don’t know what his intentions behind asking that are. It’s a strange situation to be in. You’re prey, he’s predator. There’s no guidelines on how to deal with something like this.
You find you’re unable to talk. Even if you try, your voice doesn’t come out. You’re urging yourself to run in your head, but it’s like your feet have turned to stone. You can’t lift them even though you want to.
He closes in again with another step. “You aren’t lost are you?” he raises an eyebrow at you smugly.
“No” you manage to whisper.
“You look scared” he comments, noticing how you’re retreating into yourself.
“Should I not be? You’re a vampire aren’t you?”
His lips curve up, revealing his fangs. “How did you figure?”
“Your eyes” you look at them momentarily and then look away.
“You know a lot about vampires?” he questions, taking another step. He’s almost toe to toe with you. You clench the material of your dress at your sides because of the close proximity.
“N-n-no” you gulp hard. “Are you going to kill me?”
“Depends.” he shrugs, mouth forming a frown.
You’re startled by the crunching of leaves. You look off to the side to find Taehyung. He’s wearing a black leather jacket, black jeans and combat boots. His black hair is tied up in a bun. “Brother” he greets the stranger. “If you know what is good for you, you will step away from my girlfriend” he starts towards both of you and places his hand in yours, pulling you to his side. He gives a small squeeze before letting go and sliding his arm around your waist. You let your hand rest around his back.
“She’s human.” Taehyung’s brother comments. “She cannot be your girlfriend”
Taehyung shrugs, looking down at you. Sensing his eyes on you, you look up to meet his gaze. “Love is love” he looks at you and taps your nose with a small smile. "Right?"
You nod, absolutely confused because of what is happening. But you play along anyway, figuring he has a plan.
Despite that, you don't know what to think. It feels like he is acting, but it also feels real. All you can do is look up at him, trying your best to figure out what he really thinks. But Taehyung never makes it easy. His expression becomes unreadable when he looks at his brother.
His brother laughs. “I wonder what mom and dad will think”
“We’ll find out won’t we?” a corner of his mouth lifts up and he bumps his shoulder into his brother as he passes by with you in tow.
“Are you okay?” he softly asks, looking down at you. He lets go of you. The warmth and security you felt are chased out by disappointment. He looks over his shoulder, to find his brother following you both.
He puts an arm around your shoulder and pulls you in. His eyes close and he kisses you. You peek at his face through your wide-open eyes and he's perfect. His mouth moves against yours like he's trying to tell you something. Before you even have the chance to respond he pulls away, lips wet and red. "I am sorry" he whispers, whether that is for the kiss or because of his brother's behaviour, you don't know.
"I am not" your lips part in a small smile, red rising to your cheeks when he looks alarmed at your admission.
You walk the rest of the way hand in hand with Taehyung, all the while trying to keep a calm face. Because lord knows your insides have turned to mush.
Dinner with the Kim’s is like dinner with any other family. Except they are vampires. They are just as dysfunctional and typical like any other family. They seem to have a patriarchal structure too where his dad makes the decisions and his mom for the most part agrees with him.
After dinner, you’re sitting in the living room. His dad smokes a cigar with your permission, which you find odd. While his mom sits next to his dad continuing to glare at you and Taehyung.
“Stop” Taehyung looks at her— more like glares at her.
“It’s cute” she motions to how you’re sitting. You’re leaning into him while he’s got his arm behind you, resting on the top of the couch. Aiyana is sitting on the love seat, while his brother Seokjin is standing by the fireplace, quietly looking on.
You almost want to hide your face in his neck. But that might not leave the strong impression you’re trying to set. You don’t move away from him because you remember he told you to stay close. “Thank you for inviting me over” you look at his parents.
His dad stops mid-smoke to look at you and his mom raises her eyebrows at you. “We’re glad you could make it” his dad looks at you. It unnerves you. It’s as if he is trying to read you.
You can sense Taehyung’s agitation as he shuffles in his seat. “Let’s go. I’ll drop you home” he takes your hand in his and begins to pull you up.
“Not so quick Tae” his brother interjects. “We still have lots to talk about” he comes over to where you are and glares right at Taehyung. He doesn’t back down either and both brothers embroil themselves in a staring contest. Seokjin’s eyes begin turning red while Taehyung’s turn golden.
“Taehyung” you pull on his hand.
He stares at his brother a few seconds longer than necessary before looking at you. “Let’s go”
You start on your way towards the door. Seokjin appears out of thin air, blocking your exit. “Like I said, we have to talk” he looks at you and then at his brother.
“Stop it” Taehyung pulls you behind him, his hand still clasped into yours. “I said I’d take care of it and I will”
“By making her your girlfriend?” Seokjin’s mouth lifts in a smirk. He looks over to his parents.
“What is all this?” his mom speaks. Taehyung turns around, and you follow his lead. Your mouth is so dry that you can’t even swallow. You run your tongue over your dry lips as you look between him and his mother.
“It doesn’t matter. We’re gonna leave” he says once more.
“She can’t leave” his dad speaks in a monotone, cold and devoid of any expression.
“Dad please. Don’t force my hand” Taehyung looks at him. They stare at each other for a few seconds. His dad nods.
Everything happens too quickly. You feel a sharp sensation on your neck, digging deeper into your skin. Aiyana screams Taehyung’s name. You can feel the blood from your neck being sucked out and it’s painful. Your vision begins to blur and spin. Your surroundings merge into one. The teeth, surely Seokjin's, sink deeper into your skin as if they weren't already. You can’t help but moan due to the sharp stab rising out of your neck and radiating to your arm.
Your breaths turn into soft wheezes, as your chest feels like it’s collapsing on itself. Your throat constricts, all as if there is no airflow. And you feel your impending doom all over your body. Your head plays a highlight reel of your moments with Taehyung as if it's the last you'll ever get to see of him.
"No!" Taehyung roars as he runs over closes his hand on Seokjin’s neck while he’s sucking your life away and flings him across the room. The last thing you remember is a panicked Taehyung, begging you to keep your eyes open.
You wake up gasping for air. You dreamt you were bitten by Seokjin which felt like you were dying. You felt your breaths slowing down, your vision starting to blackout. A sudden chill enveloped you, and your extremities started to become numb.
All the movies and tv shows have been a lie. It’s not euphoric or arousing. It hurts like fucking hell.
You look around, familiar objects and walls of your room come into view. It helps alleviate some of the anxiety. You realize you’re on your bed and grasp the sheets, trying to let the softness melt into your skin and soothe you.
“I am sorry” you hear a dejected but familiar voice. Taehyung sits next to your bed, on the stool of your vanity.
“What.. what’s going on?” you look over your shoulder and turn to face him.
“You don’t remember?” he asks in a delicate voice.
You groan when sharp pain shoots up your neck. "No" You slowly bring up your hand and touch the spot. You feel a gauze-like texture underneath your fingers.
“Oh my god” it all comes rushing back. “I almost died didn’t I?” you look at Taehyung, who doesn’t look at you.
His fingers curl around your bedsheets, knuckles turning white. “I am so fucking sorry” he repeats in that defeated way again. “I am sorry”
“Fuck” you breathe out. “I should have listened to you” you let your head drop into your hands. “I should have listened” you chide yourself. You feel tears on your cheeks. “I should have”
“Stop it” Taehyung says. The bed dips beside you.
You turn and throw yourself at him upon feeling him in close proximity to yourself. “I am terrified Taehyung. I am so scared” you circle your arms behind his neck and push yourself flush against him.
“I know.” he says. He's reluctant at first, not knowing where to place his hands.
"What's going to happen?" your tearful voice, breaks through the inhibition he's been holding onto and he slides one arm around your back, and the other hand rests on your head.
“I should have seen it coming. But I promise you, you will be fine”
“No. I should never have put you in that position”
He places his hands on your sides and gently pushes you off himself. “Look at me.” he says, when your gaze drops to your lap once more. He places his hands on either side of your face.
You shake your head.
“Look at me.” he says again.
You do.
“I am going to protect you. I will. I swear” his eyes hold warmth and sincerity you have never seen before.
“You don’t have to go to war with your family because of me. They are your family. I am nothing” your cheeks continue to be stained by tears that refuse to stop. you drop your head out of guilt.
Taehyung doesn’t immediately reply. He studies your face— the way tears roll down your cheeks, the way your eyes have become puffy, your red nose and snot running down it. It’s not a pretty image, but he thinks it’s exactly that. It’s beautiful.
His mouth curves up in a smile. “You’re human. You’re not nothing. You’re unique. There is literally no one like you in this world. No one exactly as you are. You are strong, you’re brave. In a situation where others would have run away, you stood your ground. That takes a lot more than courage. That’s not nothing, my love” he swipes a finger against your cheek, taking away with it your tears.
You glance at him, a small smile rising on your lips and sniffle. Had he said 'my love' under different circumstances, you would have been putty in his hands. But right now you're too scared to dwell on it any further.
He continues when you don't say anything. “I’ve lived a long long time y/n. But I have never met anyone as determined as you. I have never met anyone ready to put their life at stake because of me” his thumbs caress your cheeks, and he places a soft pillowy kiss on your forehead.
You sniffle. “That’s nice to hear. But I fucked everything up for you. Your family is going to hate you”
“My family is…” he breathes sharply as he draws his hands back. “complicated. We have always been like this. You didn’t change or add anything to it”
“What are you going to do?” you question, worried that he’ll end up fighting with his brother. Or worse his family will do something to harm him because he sided with you.
“I am going to make sure you’re okay”
“You need to rest and heal first”. He gets up and walks towards your bedroom door.
Just as he’s about to leave, you speak. “Taehyung?”
“Hmm?” he turns to look at you.
“Thank you. For staying by my side” you can’t help but smile.
“Always” his eyes linger on you for a few seconds before he disappears from your sight.
It takes a couple of weeks for you to start feeling better. The marks on your neck begin fading away. It did not hurt anymore to touch it. Although physically you begin to feel fine, mentally you’re still an anxious mess.
Sounds of footsteps scare you. People sneaking up on you sends you into a frenzy. Small sounds around the house like the creaking of the hardwood floor causes you to hyperventilate. People calling your name from a distance has the effect of bringing on a panic attack.
Of course, all of this is worsened by the fact that you haven’t seen Taehyung in two weeks. He had promised he would protect you. But all he did was disappear.
To say you were disappointed would be an understatement. You were hurt. With such thoughts and feelings as accompaniment you don’t even realize when you are at your front door. You take out the keys from your pocket to unlock the door. You freeze when you feel eyes on yourself. Turning to the side you drop the coffee from your hand.
“Taehyung!” you gasp. Alarmed, you fall to your knees clutching onto your chest, while trying to even out your breathing. You swallow hard as you look up at him. No matter how much you try to breathe, it doesn’t feel like you’re getting any air in. Your head starts spinning from breathing too much and your feet start to tingle.
“Take deep breaths” he urges and crouches next to you.
“I know” you slow down your breathing. “I am okay”
He stays silent, watching as you gather control of yourself. Once you’re more settled, you turn to him. “You left me”
“I needed time to think.” he counters.
You push off against the ground to stand up. grabbing the set of keys that had fallen off to the side. You unlock the door and slip past Taehyung. But you leave the door open.
When you hear the door shutting behind you, you turn around. “Think about what exactly? You know what don’t. I don’t need excuses” you turn away from him.
“Y/n please wait” Taehyung grabs you by the wrist and tugs you back. “I had to think about how I am going to keep you safe”
“Why do you want to keep me safe?” you yank your wrist out of his grip, which surprisingly was weak.
He pulls his lip between his teeth and he thinks about how to answer. “For the same reason you want me around”
You open your mouth to speak but close it when your mind draws blank. If you could throw yourself at him, and kiss him till night falls you would. Your knees feel weak, as they quiver due to the weight of his words. Does it mean he likes you? Because the only reason you want him around is that you really, really, really like him
His voice draws you out of your thoughts. “When you asked me to mark you, I didn’t know what to think. I have never in my life fed on a human being. That’s something I live by” he pauses, gauging your reaction.
“I know. Your sister told me”
You notice he’s about to speak. But you interject. “Long story. But continue”
He blinks, wondering if he should ask how you know his sister. But he decides not to. “Marking you would mean I have to feed on you. And I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop myself. Everything is heightened for a vampire, and that includes hunger. I haven’t fed on humans for centuries so there is no saying whether I could stop myself. The bloodlust is luring for someone like me”
“I understand. But I am okay with that. You have to know that too. I don’t care that you’re a vampire. You’re Taehyung to me. Just Taehyung, the person I like” you take a step towards him and cautiously place your hands on his chest. “I know you have your own code you live by, and I don’t want you to change that because of me. But I am going to be okay because I know you won't hurt me”
“I’ll do it. I needed to know you are okay with the consequences” his hands trail up your arms and rest on the sides of your neck.
“Whatever it is, as long as you won’t leave, I will be fine.”
He pulls you in, catching your lips against his mouth. They’re soft and pillowy. His breath tickles the underside of your nose. He pulls you into himself, both arms locking behind the small of your waist.
The throaty noise which leaves your mouth becomes a testament to the fact that you have wanted this moment from the first time you laid eyes on him. The heat of his body mingles with yours, making you feel sweaty and dizzy altogether.
Taehyung kisses you— nose nudging against yours. He feels perfect the way he’s standing flush against your body. The softness of your flesh balanced out by the hardness of his.
You feel helpless against him, all thoughts in the back of your mind drawing to a close. Your mind becomes empty save for the euphoria. You want him— all of him. You want to breathe him. You want him to invade all your senses until you’ve lost yourself in him.
He tangles your hair in his fingers and pushes your head back to expose the vulnerable flesh of your neck. He pulls away from your lips, only to pepper kisses against your collarbone. “Stop me, if you don’t want it” he mumbles against your fire-laden skin.
When you still say nothing, he continues to leave butterfly kisses on the crook of your neck.
Taehyung can feel your pulse against his lips. He moans softly, letting his mouth brush against your flesh. Even when he’s so close, when he can smell your blood he can’t imagine what you will taste like. The uncertainty has him on edge and just as he’s about to lose it, you tug on his shoulder and pull him up, for another taste of his lips. He obliges you--lets you run your mouth all over his without any objection.
His hands come to rest on your neck again. He can feel the blood rushing to your veins under the pads of his fingers. Unable to take it anymore, he draws back and pulls at your hair to reveal your neck.
You’re breathing hard and he’s breathing hard.
Sounds of your breath fill the silence.
His eyes turn golden and he closes them as he opens his mouth. He sinks his teeth into your skin. At first you feel a sharp stab of pain but that is drowned by the explosive dizziness that takes hold. Taehyung drinks, and then drinks some more. You find your vision beginning to become hazy. Fear grips you by the claws as you feel your breath beginning to give out. His words echo in your mind “it’s not a pleasant experience”
It doesn’t feel pleasant at all. It feels like imminent death.
Your grip on him loosens until your hands fall to your sides and you begin to slide down against him. You both fall to the ground together, with Taehyung still drinking away.
He can’t stop himself. You taste like paradise. In the back of his mind he knows he needs to stop. He can feel your heartbeat slowing down bit by bit each second. But now that he’s had a taste, he tries to wash away decades of hunger with your blood.
It drips down your neck and stains your shirt. Taehyung can feel the warmth of the liquid around his mouth, yet he can’t bring himself to a stop.
“Taehyung stop. She’ll die” his sister runs over. She places a hand on his shoulder. Taehyung shrugs her off, consumed by his bloodlust. He can’t remember anymore why he never wanted to drink human blood when it tastes this good.
“She’s dying Tae” Aiyana pleads. “She’s dying and you’ll lose her. If you don’t stop, her heart will stop beating and the only way to bring her back would be to turn her”
He stops, retracting back when the words sink in. His eyes flash open, the previous golden intones being replaced by the chocolate brown. His face turns pale when he sees your half-lidded eyes closing.“She’s breathing” he says, panicked. He bites his wrist and places it against your mouth. “You have to drink y/n, please” his words break into helpless whispers. “Please, please, please”
He sounds distant. You can’t bring yourself to do what he’s asking. Your mouth feels numb. You find yourself in a state between consciousness and unconsciousness. You can hear him, yet your body won’t listen. You know you’re going to die but you feel lifeless.
“Please, my love” Taehyung pleads.
It’s only when you hear him sniffle and sob that you begin to suck on his wrist. His blood tastes like a mixture of acids, burning the back of your throat as it goes down. You feel nauseous but continue despite that. Your vision begins to blackout and you’ve plunged into darkness once again.
When you wake up, Taehyung’s face comes into view as he lays on his side facing you, hands under his head. You turn over to your side too. You notice there are a few inches of space between you. Like a gentleman he kept to his side. It manages to bring a smile to your face because it’s sweet of him.
A sudden rush of nausea causes the smile to disappear. You become aware of everything else you’re feeling once acid begins pooling in your mouth. You feel drained, and your head feels heavy as if someone had been sitting on it. You groan, feeling the sharp stab rise out of your neck.
Taehyung opens his eyes. “Hi” he whispers.
“Hey” you manage to croak. “Sorry if I woke you up” your face contorted in pain as you try to exhale a long deep breath.
“I wasn’t sleeping. Just closed my eyes for a bit”
You mimic his posture and put your hands underneath your head. “You didn’t have to stay”
“I wanted to” he shifts towards you. “I couldn’t leave you alone. Whatever happens to you is my responsibility”
“You don’t have to take that on. I made this choice too. I am responsible too”
“You don’t understand. I almost killed you. I couldn’t stop myself. Had I not asked my sister to be on standby and had she not shown up, you wouldn’t be here right now. I lost control which is exactly why I didn’t want to do this” he lowers his gaze as if ashamed
You shift closer to him, your knee touching his. You place your hand on his cheek. “Look at me please”
He lifts his gaze.
“Stop blaming yourself. I don’t blame you. You saved me Tae. You have saved me from all future possibilities of pain and suffering. I can never blame you for taking that away” you lean in and press a kiss to the edge of his mouth.
His brows pinch together and he licks his lips. “I don’t know if I can” he removes one hand from underneath his head strokes the side of your head in an affectionate manner. “I am just glad you’re okay”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything” his voice comes out a raspy whisper.
“How did you become a vampire?” you shift a bit closer, enough that you can feel his breath on your face, but there is still a respectable distance between you.
He blinks in succession, wondering how to answer your question. “ It is not like they show in movies. I wasn’t turned. I was created, just like humans are. My real mother was a witch. She died giving birth to me, which is why a part of me can feel the emotions of others. My mother was an empath of sorts”
“Do you miss her?” you ask, using the back of your fingers to stroke his cheek, a gesture to soothe him.
“I wish I could have had some time with her just like other people. I don't even remember her” he replies looking into your eyes.
“I am sorry” you say. He moves closer too, knees touching yours.
“How do you feel?” he raises his hand to your neck and traces the bite marks he left. “It hurts doesn’t it?” he looks solemn as he stares at your neck.
You place your hand on top of his. “A little bit. What’s going to happen to me?” when you ask he draws his hand back, resting it under his head again.
“Nothing crazy. You have my blood in your system so other vampires will be able to tell you belong with me” he lowers his gaze as he utters the words, like he’s hesitant.
“I belong with you?” The corners of your mouth curve up in a smile. “I like the sound of that”
He chuckles. “Of course you do. But what I mean is they’ll be able to sense my smell on you so they won’t attack or hurt you. It’s considered hostile to do that”
“So like am I your girlfriend now?” you tease, a laugh rumbling out of your chest but you wince when your neck hurts.
His eyes widen. “What?”
“Wow. You’re really easy to tease. I mean I wouldn’t mind it. But if you need time, I’ll wait”
“You should sleep. You went through a lot” he begins to get up, legs sliding out of your bed when you tug him back by his shirt. “What?” he looks over his shoulder.
“I still feel weak. Anything could happen to me, you know?” you blink your eyes in that coy manner.
Taehyung’s lips pull into a reluctant smile as he rolls his eyes. “That’s emotional blackmail”
“You said you feel responsible, so take responsibility” you tug on his arm to get him to lay down but he doesn’t budge. “You’re really going to make a sick girl do all this work?”
“Fine. Fine. You got me” he lays down on his back, crossing his feet with hands behind his head and you take the opportunity to lay your head on his chest. His eyes widen, and he doesn’t know what to do with his hands. You don’t really know what he was expecting.
Taehyung’s hesitancy doesn’t go unnoticed by you when he doesn’t give in to the cuddle. “Umm Tae.. you know we already kissed right? It won’t make a difference if you just hug me back”
He opens his mouth to speak but you don’t give him the chance. “ I am really sleepy. Good night” you lay your head on his chest again, lips parting in a smile at the thought of his flustered face.
But the contentment is short lived.
“Y/N, you’re bleeding” he abruptly rises to cause you to roll off his chest.
“What?” you touch the marks on your neck to find wetness underneath your fingers. Sure enough, there is blood on your finger when you remove it. “Shit, I’ll clean this up” you hurriedly slide out of the bed and rummage for something you can use to stop the bleeding. You find an old white t-shirt your dad had given you as a going away present. Momentarily you debate whether you should find something else. But when you see Taehyung’s irises taking on a golden hue, all uncertainty leaves your mind. You press the shirt against your neck. “Tae” you call out cautiously.
He’s standing on the other side of the bed, back towards you. You can see his shoulders rising and falling heavily, and his fist clenching and unclenching. You take a step towards him, tip toeing. “Taehyung…” you say his name again. In an instant your mouth begins to feel like sand in a desert.
“Stay away” you hear him growl.
You immediately stop. You hold your breath on instinct and just wait. You know he won’t hurt you. There is no way he will. After all this time you know you can trust him, even if he doesn’t trust himself. “I trust you” you speak, but your voice comes out weaker than you expect.
“Don’t come any closer” he inhales sharply. “Stay there”
“Tae come on” you begin to walk towards him. “You wont hurt me”
“You don’t know that!” he yells. “I dont even fucking know that”
“You won’t” you continue insisting. You place your hand on his shoulder and force him to turn to face you.
He doesn’t resist and turns around. He keeps his eyes lowered, but you can already see his canines peeking from behind his lips. You place your forehead against his. “You’re not a monster”
“I am” his broken voice causes your stomach to flip. He places his hands on your shoulders and pushes you away. “This is what I am” his golden eyes almost make you lose your breath. Then he opens his mouth and you can see the canine’s in his mouth have become sharper, almost like the fangs you’re used to seeing in fiction. “This is my reality” his eyes flicker to your neck where a couple of spots of blood have accumulated. “I can’t control myself”
“You’re controlling yourself right now” you try to encourage him as you move closer and throw the shirt you had been holding against your neck to the side.
He steps back, stumbles against the rug but doesn't lose balance. “You have no idea. I am this close” he gestures with his index and thumb. “I am right on the edge” he inhales a shaky shallow breath. “This is why I can’t be around you. I can smell you, all the fucking time. Ever since that first night in the woods, I have craved your blood like a madman. You taste, jesus christ…” he looks to the side, and runs his hands through his hair. “I fucking want you, more than I have ever wanted another human”
“Then act on it” you urge.
“I am terrified of what I’ll do to you. I don’t know what it is about you, but I swear to fucking god I have never needed human blood. We can survive on animal blood too and I have been doing that for decades. Yet somehow, I can’t seem to let go of my bloodlust for you, especially after marking you” he grits his teeth like he’s angry at himself.
“You’re stronger than you think” you walk over to him place your hands on his chest. “You’re more self-disciplined than you give yourself credit for. Even if you don’t trust yourself, I fully trust you. Hell I don't even place that much faith in myself”
He slides his hands into yours as they rest on his chest. He closes his eyes and takes a long, deep breath. When he opens his eyes they have almost faded into a brown. “I have to go”
“No. You’re going to stay here with me because I am afraid too. I am not letting you go”
He scoffs. “You think you can stop me?”
“I don’t need to because I know you’re not leaving me”
“I am sorry y/n. This can’t work” he takes a few more steps to put distance between you, making his stance on the matter clear.
“Then why in the fucking world did you go through all this trouble? Why mark me? Why fight with your own fucking family if you’re not ready to face your feelings?!” you can’t help but shout. “I am tired. I am actually tired, Taehyung. I fucking broke up with Yoongi. I let that poor man hurt and suffer all because I couldn’t see past the rose tinted glasses I have been wearing. He asked me if I even wanted to try working things out…” you release the breath you have been holding. “... and all I could do was shake my head. I can’t even imagine how much that must have hurt him. And he left!” you exhale shakily. “He left without saying a word and I just wish I was fucking dead. So yeah, kill me right now because it’s better than this hellish nightmare I am living”
“Y/n-” he starts.
“No” you say firmly. “If you want to leave, you leave right now and you never come back. Because I swear to fucking god, I can’t keep doing this-- whatever this is” your heart beats against your eardrums, your cheeks feel flushed and you suddenly feel dizzy again. You lower your head and close your eyes for a few seconds.
When you open them, he’s gone.
Ever since Taehyung left, you’ve begun feeling like something is missing. Maybe it’s because you have his blood in your system you think. But what you thought was yearning before he marked you, turns out to be something much more. It’s like you don’t know who you are anymore. The first few days were spent in a state of catatonia. You couldn’t even find it in yourself to move. You spend two whole days in your bed, just lying there and staring at the ceiling or out of the window of your room, mind devoid of any thoughts.
The emptiness within you isn’t filled with anything— not by drowning yourself in work, and certainly not by drinking until you pass out.
But that’s what you do, day in and day. As soon as the clock strikes 6 pm after work, you’re out of the door and heading to the local bar. Were it up to you, you would spend your whole day there.
The walk to the bar is painful because you have to pass by Taehyung’s house on the way. The first few days after he disappeared you would stand by the tree in his front yard, hiding behind it and just look at his bedroom window, wondering if he is in there. Every light in the house is turned off, further confirming your suspicions that the Kim’s had left town.
After a week of doing this, you decided you had had enough. Despite wanting to avoid crossing the street, you forced yourself down the street every evening and tried your damndest to ignore his house. Then you’d sit at the bar until the clock strikes 11 pm, which is when Jerry had to close up.
Tonight was no different. It was a Friday night too so you knew the bar would be full of people. Under different circumstances you would avoid crowded places, but considering the current circumstances, people were a good distraction. You sit in your usual seat by the bar and Jerry wordlessly begins making your drink. “Whoever he is, he isn’t worth it” he makes a remark, catching you by surprise. You en coming in like clockwork for at least two weeks now and he's never said a word.
“How do you know it’s a ‘he’?” you feel curious.
“Why else would a woman drown herself in alcohol? It’s either a bad break up, or a bad divorce” he slides the glass of whiskey on the rocks your way.
You raise an eyebrow. “It’s neither” a corner of your lip rises up.
This time he’s surprised. “Neither hey. But it’s a man isn’t it?”
“Man? I wouldn’t use that word per say. But sure” you start chuckling at the confused expression on his face.
“Well whatever it is, all I am saying is it is not worth it. You’re young, attractive. You have years of your life ahead to experience things. Don’t lose it over someone else. It’s all about investment” he says while you take a sip of your drink.
“Oh I am sure he wants to invest in her” says a familiarly unfamiliar voice. A voice you are hearing after weeks. You turn around to find Taehyung walking over, hands slid into the pockets of his bomber jacket.
You are mid-swallow, when you splutter the drink all over the bar. People around you groan especially jerry. You give an apologetic look. “I’ll clean it” you extend your hand and he gives you a towel.
“Tae” Jerry holds his hand out. “How you doing?” They shake hands.
“I am here. How have you been Jerry?” Taehyung asks
“Good. I thought you guys left. Again”
You continue to wipe the counter, but your attention is directed to their conversation as you eye them from the periphery of your vision.
Taehyung shakes his head. “Not me. My family has though. But I am here to stay” he looks at you as he says that last part. He comes round the barstool, intending to sit on it. Before he can, you kick it slightly so there is more distance between you. He huffs lightly before taking a seat.
If you could slap him you would. He has the nerve to come in acting like everything is fine. He doesn’t even bother to greet you, instead, he asks Jerry how he is.
“You two know each other?” Jerry looks between you before turning around and grabbing another glass. He starts to make a drink, for Taehyung you assume.
You both say simultaneously “No” “Yes”
You briefly glare at Taehyung and then sit down in your seat. You’ll be damned if you run away. You’re angry and he should know that. In fact, he should see it.
Jerry looks at both of you questioningly. “Is that a yes or no”
“No.” you say firmly, downing the drink in front of you. “Can I have another please?”you slide your glass to Jerry who is about to make you another whiskey but gets distracted by Taehyung.
“Yes we do” Taehyung offers his opinion, and you couldn't care less. “You guys can continue you know” he eggs Jerry on. You don’t miss the look exchanged between the two.
“Oh yeah, about that guy,” Jerry begins again. “What’s the story”
“Pretty simple, I hate him” you quip, ignoring the way Taehyung cocks his eyebrow in surprise and nods his head.
“I am sure he had his reasons” he crosses one leg over his knee, resting his elbow on the bar table as he angles his body towards you.
You scoff. You look at Jerry instead of Taehyung. “Excuses is more like it”
“You know when I was younger, I went through a really bad break up.”
You open your mouth to protest but he cuts you off. “I know you didn’t break up with him. But what helped me feel more at peace was saying the things I would say to her were she in front of me. So, if he was here right now what would you tell him?” Jerry begins to fill your drink again.
“I’d tell him to fuck off” you look at Taehyung, who begins to laugh in a silent manner, biting his lip to prevent making any noise “I am sorry. Am I amusing you?” you narrow your eyes at him but look away when Jerry places another drink in front of you, and you chug it down.
He waves his hand. “No. No. I am sorry. Go ahead. I won’t stop you” shoulders still shaking as the bout of laughter fades off.
“You know” you turn to him. “He was an ass the way he left. I mean this was probably the 50th time he’s done that. Can he please” you place your palms on your temples and look heavenward. “make up his mind?”
“I am sure his mind is made up.” Taehyung replies, scooting over towards you.
“Is he sure? Because I would fucking hate for him to go back and forth. I mean even pendulums have better stability than he does” you glare at him and then chug your drink at once.
You notice Taehyung biting his smile. He swallows hard before replying. “What else do you want to say to him?”
You look at him. “I want him to know I am hurt, beyond words could ever explain. I want to tell him that I am suffocating right now. That I wish he would understand that I seriously don’t fucking care about what and who he is. Even if he wasn’t the person he is, I would still care for him. You know I’ve told him this before but all he’s done is care about his feelings on the matter. How selfish!” You sigh.
“Yeah. He is selfish. He sounds like a dick to be honest” Taehyung surprises you with his words.
“Hey!” you point your finger at him. “Only I can say that about him. Even he can’t say that about himself.”
He holds his hands up in the air as if to surrender his point. “Sorry. I didn’t know you were that protective over him” he sounds a little too happy about it.
You huff. “I am not being protective. I am just saying only I get to talk about him right now. Anyways” you dismiss him.” Jerry, should he not at least take into consideration the fact that I am completely okay with who he is? Isn’t that my choice? If I still want to like him despite his own beliefs about himself, I should be able to do that shouldn’t I?”
“Yes you should.” he says firmly, making you feel a twinge of happiness that at least someone else thinks the same.
“See?” your eyes widen as you stare at Taehyung, point proven.
He shrugs. “I agree. But I also think you should hear him out”
“I did! I heard you- him last time” you correct yourself quickly, glancing over at Jerry who doesn’t catch it. “ But he didn’t even try to understand me. He just left. I asked him to and he left”
Agitated, and wide eyed Taehyung speaks up. “What else was he supposed to do if you told him to leave and never come back?”
“Figure out that I didn’t want him to leave. That I only said that because I was angry and what I really really, really wanted was for him to choose option two”
“How is he supposed to know that?” Taehyung looks outraged.
“Is it that hard? After I told him I like him, and I don’t want him to leave, is it actually difficult to figure out I’d still want him to stay? He says he can feel my emotions, so how could he not feel my desire? ”
“That makes no sense!” For the first time, you notice Taehyung’s red cheeks.
“It does. It makes perfect sense if he just for one second used his brain. He never listens to me, and the one time I didn’t want him to listen to me, he actually did. Convenient no?”
Taehyung blinks, processing your words. “What are you implying?”
“He never wanted to stay in the first place. He never cared about me. He cared about himself and his feelings. He focused on what he wanted, never once on what I did”
“That’s unfair” he gulps hard. “ That's fucking unfair”
“How?” your eyes widen as you glare at him.
“Because you didn’t try to understand him. You kept telling him what you needed and wanted but you never asked him what wanted”
You laugh out of disbelief. “I understood what he wanted, which is why I tried to reassure him that I’ll be okay. But he was adamant I wouldn’t. What gives him the right to tell me whether my feelings for him are valid or not? Or if I’ll be okay or not? ”
“Because he fucking cares for you too! Because he likes you and he doesn’t want to hurt you!” Taehyung’s nostrils flare and he breathes hard. He downs his drink and slams the glass on the counter. For a moment only the sounds of his breath are audible as the bar grows silent. Everyone turns to look at you both.
“It’s alright folks” Jerry addresses the crowd. He speaks for the first time after sitting back and watching you both. “It’s a lovers spat. Nothing crazy”
Everyone returns to their conversations after Jerry’s unneeded announcement.
“We’re not lovers” you snap at him.
“Uh huh” he nods, the way people do when they are not convinced. “I’d suggest you two talk it out in private”
“Not interested” you slide out of the seat and grab your bag. You begin to walk towards the exit. In the back of your mind, you wonder if he’ll follow you. Without even meaning to you realize you’re listening for the sounds of his footsteps. You groan. “Get your shit together” you mumble to yourself.
You exit the bar and turn to the left and start on your way home. Your feet drag against the cemented sidewalk. A slight buzz runs through your body. You’re nowhere near drunk but you feel so tired that you could sleep at the next bench you see on your way.
As if the universe was eavesdropping, a bench makes an appearance right when the park starts. Your feet hurt, so you decide it best to sit down for a few minutes to gather your strength.
You lay your head against the back of the bench. The sky above as usual is covered with grey clouds. “I am so tired” you whisper, closing your eyes. The moment you do, the tears you had been intentionally holding in, flow, carrying with them all the things you never got to say to Taehyung. Things that will stay unspoken. You stay still, letting everything out.
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand when you taste the salty tears on your lips. You lift your head off the back of the bench and place it in your hands, covering your face.
The turmoil and pain within you takes on the form of quiet sobs that you muffle by biting your bottom lip. Pressure builds in your chest as you try to force down the cries. You place your hand on your chest and fist the material of your shirt. “It hurts” you whisper. “Why does it hurt this much?” you exhale shakily.
The bench squeaks next to you. You feel yourself being pulled in.
The familiar scent hits you when your head touches his chest. Taehyung quietly wraps both his arms around you. You cry into his chest, beginning to struggle against him and protesting. His grip on you doesn’t loosen, however. “What did you..” you hit his chest. “What did you do to me Tae?” you continue hitting him on his chest but he doesn't stop you even though he could.
He doesn’t say a word. He just holds you.
“My life is a mess. Nothing feels right.” you gasp for a breath. “It feels like I can’t breathe” a forceful sob rumbles out of your chest, bringing with it a sharp ache. “I don’t...” you hiccup the way a child does when they are crying. It makes your entire body shake “ I don’t know what to do. Either kill me or make it go away. I am begging you” you cry with so much force you begin feeling nauseous.
He holds you tighter. He places his head on top of yours, still choosing to stay silent. As you break down in his arms, because of him all he can offer you is silence. It’s louder than any words he could say.
“What did you do?” you exhale shakily. “It’s not fair that I still care. I should..” you stop to take a breath but it’s swallowed by another sob. “I should hate you. I should hate you like I have never hated anyone. I should be drowning in hatred. But instead I am being choked by my feelings for you. That’s what it feels like” you push against his chest, forcing his arms to unlock from around you and shuffle away.
Your hair is a mess and all over your face as you look at him through teary eyes. You’re angry at your stupid eyes for producing this many tears. They just won’t stop.
“What else?” he asks calmly, although you see his Adam’s apple bob. He uses the palms of his hand to wipe your tears and fixes your hair behind your ears.
“I hate you. I hate you” your head lowers. He extends his hand under your forehead before you end up hitting it on the surface of the bench as you’re hunching over.
“I hate me too” he whispers.
Your whole body convulses with the force of your cries. They resonate against the silence. You slide your fingers in the palm of his hand which rests on your forehead and hold on as if you’re pleading him. “ Make it go away Tae. Do something, anything. Or I promise you I will die.”
He holds you up by your shoulders and shifts closer to the point where his thigh is flush against your legs. He wraps his arm around your frame again. You rest your head on the crook of his neck, too tired to fight back. “What do I do to make you feel better?” He asks.
“Tell me…” a hard hiccup interrupts your words. “Tell me you won’t ever leave me again”
“I won’t ever leave you again” he says in a quiet and calm voice, placing his cheek against your forehead.
“Tell me you’re sorry” another hiccup causes you to jolt in his arms.
“I am sorry, my love” he repeats and presses his lips to your forehead. "I am so so sorry"
“Say that you will stop overthinking and follow where your feelings lead you”
“I’ll stop overthinking and follow where my feelings lead me” he repeats as if he’s a puppet.
“Promise me that you won’t be harsh on yourself”
He hesitates.
“Promise me Tae” you lift your head to look at him. He avoids your eyes but you use your hand to guide his face in your direction. “Promise me”
He nods. “I promise”
You rest your head against his chest once more, wrapping your arms around him as tight as you can. “Tell me you love me”
He looks down at you. He sees the way your eyes are puffy, your lips are pink and swollen, your nose and cheeks are red— the way your eyes glisten under the moonlight. The way you look so strong yet broken at the same time. The way you fit perfectly in his arms. He notices how you haven’t given up and that you wear your heart on your sleeve. In his embrace, he sees someone who is willing to give up everything for him and that makes him feel emotions he can’t name. Feelings he hasn’t experienced in centuries. He feels the breadth of human emotion in one small moment. And there’s only one expression that can articulate all of it. “I love you” he says. “I am in love with you” he caresses your cheek.
“Just kiss me already” you mumble.
“No” his lips part slowly to reveal a wolfish grin. “You kiss me”
You lift your chin and pull him by the collars of his jacket and press your lips squarely against his.
He peeks at you through half-lidded eyes and then slowly closes them, living in the feeling of your lips on his.
The world explodes when he kisses you back.
He kisses you and he kisses you some more with a fervent urgent need you have never experienced. He’s kissing you like he’ll never get to kiss you again. You feel once more the kind of passion that leaves you weak.
Everything around you melts into a blur. It’s just you and him. His lips part your mouth and you feel breathless in a way you have never felt before. His hands are all over the place, but you don’t mind because you want him closer and closer and closer.
You shift onto his lap, rolling your hips against him. A throaty moan leaves his mouth, but you swallow it with another kiss. Your fingers tangle in his hair but he brings your hands behind your back and holds them as he places a kiss on the underside of your jaw. He softly bites the flesh of your neck, causing you to shiver. You feel the wetness arising between your legs, just from his kisses and touches.
"Let's go home," you say impatiently as you get off him.
Taehyung continues where you left off when you get home. Turns out super speed comes in handy when you're both horny.
You're on the couch, straddling him, kissing him. His hands are entangled in your body, traversing every inch of your skin. Shivers roll down your body in waves. Taehyung parts your lips with his tongue, the taste of vodka and whiskey melting together. He pulls away and moves down to your collarbones, tracing a path to the edge of your chest where he stops.
When he's met with silence, his hands slide up your sides, stopping just underneath the swell of your breasts. He pauses to look at you. You nod. He lifts up your shirt and kisses your exposed cleavage.
You start to unbuckle his jeans when you feel him against your crotch. He helps by pulling his briefs down. He palms his length and sucks in a deep breath when you take over and begin doing the same. He groans, tilting his head back. “Fuck”
A small amount of precum glistens at the top. “I need more” you lift yourself just enough so you can get rid of your pants and then you slide on top of him. You’re surprised at how wet you are because the moment he enters you, you hear a squelching sound.
“Oh fuck. ” Taehyung breathes and groans as he adjusts. He places his hands on your hips, squeezes, lifts you and then drops you back down on his cock. You almost lose your breath and your head falls on his shoulder. Your nails dig into his skin.
You roll back and forth, while Taehyungs hands stay on your hips to guide you. He inhales sharply followed by an almost inaudible breathy moan. You continue your motion, feeling him stretching you out inch by inch. You can feel the flutters in your stomach slowly moving towards your pelvis where the pressure begins to build.
He groans. "Fuck me baby" Taehyung crosses his arms behind the small of your back and begins thrusting into you. He hits the right spot each time and you lose your breath. You heave, sounds of your breath filling the air. You whimper and moan as you cling onto him.
He continues to thrust into you, hard, not sparing any energy. "Fuck I am so close" his voice is raspy as he whispers. When he feels his release is close he pulls you off himself. You place kisses on the corner of his mouth as he palms his length to hit his release. His eyebrows furrow, mouth opening to release shaky breaths. His shoulders begin to relax. He turns to look at you. "My turn" he licks his lips. You lay down on the couch for
He pulls you onto himself and kisses you. It’s soft, warm and loving. He kisses you until your lips aren’t your own. He whispers sweet words in your ears that make your cheeks turn red.
He lays you down, placing himself between your legs. He kisses down your chest, and stomach, stopping just above your pelvis. He looks in your eyes, his own turning a soft shade of amber. With a sinful grin, he licks a strip along your inner thigh making you shiver.
Your back arches when without a warning he places his mouth on your slit. His tongue laps against your flesh, driving you almost to the edge. Your fingers pull at his hair, as you push him in further. He pulls away just as you're about to cum. He slides a finger inside you, curling it in and out.
"Fuck Tae.."
"Come on baby" he urges, pulling it out, only to thrust two fingers in.
A cry of pleasure leaves your mouth. The sounds of his fingers moving in and out is enough to send you off. You grasp the edge of the couch so tight that your knuckles turn white. Sounds of your heavy breaths fill in the silence.
Taehyung buries his fingers to the hilt inside you, pace fastening. He can fill you beginning to clench around him. "You're so fucking tight y/n" His fingers scissor and curl, mix of both making your eyes roll to the back of your head. "Cum for me" he whispers.
As if you has been waiting for him to say, on cue your muscles tighten and you feel the pressure releasing, rolling down in waves along your legs. "Oh..my..." your high is so ecstatic you can't even speak.
He pulls his fingers out, shuffling up , placing his hands on either side of your head to press a sweet kiss to your lips. He kisses either of your cheeks,then your forehead, and then your nose. "I love you" he dips his head to place another kiss on your lips.
"I love you too" you swallow.
All he can do is grin from ear to ear in response.
“Never thought I would ever see you smile” you chuckle, pulling him in a hug.
“I never thought that either. But I have a feeling I’ll be smiling a lot from now on” he presses his lips to your neck in a soft kiss.
It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. You haven't eaten yet because you have been waiting for Taehyung. You're hungry and you're tired even though all you have done is laze around. You mindlessly watch the TV, limbs falling off the edge of the couch, thoughts occupied by when Taehyung is going to come.
You throw the covers off yourself and move into the kitchen, yourbrain having decided its had enough. You rummage through the fridge, find some peanut butter and bread. It looks appetizing. Quickly spreading the peanut butter on the bread, you begin to devour the sandwich.
"I told you was going to bring food"
You jolt in surprise. "Tae" you turn around. "Geez, can you not do that?" you mumble as you swallow. " I almost choked"
"Lucky for you, your boyfriend is a vampire"
You frown at the man. "How does that help me?" you turn around, standing on your tiptoes to grab a glass. You're at the sink when you feel his arms wrapping around you, your back flush against his chest. He presses a kiss to your neck.
You quickly down a glass of water before turning around in his arms. His mouth waiting in question when you do. His lips are on yours and he kisses you long and deep, and tender. How could you ever starve when he loves you like this? You place your hands on his chest, and lean into the kiss.
He pulls away first. "Mmm that peanut butter tastes good" he licks his lips.
You deadpan. "Right"
You just stare at each other, and when your brain can't handle how intently he's looking at you, you give up first. "Can I ask you something?"
"Anything my love"
"Where did you go, when you left?" you hadn't broached the subject for fear of dredging up unwanted feelings. But lately its been on your mind, so you decide that the worst that can happen is, he doesn't answer.
“To think” he sighs, eyes gaze shifting to your lips momentarily. “You gave me a lot to think about. I have honestly never had to use my head and my heart this much” his hands circle the small of your back.
“What conclusion did you come to? And what about your craving for human blood.. My blood?” you rest your arms around his neck.
He lowers his head to look at you. “If I am ever going to accept myself, I have to face the truth and its consequences. I have struggled with my own identity for as long as I can remember because what I am made to do doesn’t match with the part of me that feels for others. As for the bloodlust, I just have to be stronger than my cravings. I have to feel the fear of hurting you because trust me, everything starts with you ”
“Me?” you frown at him.
“You’re the first person who wasn’t scared of my truth and neither of its repercussions. I think you gave me the courage I had been running away from because I was always so terrified of hurting others” he lowers his gaze, but you tilt his head up to look at you.
“Because you feel too much and too deeply”
“I was being selfish because I didn’t want to experience pain, mine or others. So I always closed myself off. Ran away at the first sign of interest in me. I gave you so many reasons to leave, but you stayed.” he tilts his head down, lips brushing on yours. It’s barely a kiss- just a startling touch of his lips. “Thank you”
“I am your walking, breathing reminder that you are an exceptional creature- flaws and all. I am not scared of you. I never was and I never will be because you’re just Taehyung” you offer a bright smile, one that reaches your eyes.
“Just Taehyung” he nods. “I like the sound of that. It’s a good start”
You rise on your tiptoes and let your arms wrap around him. He lifts you off your feet as he squeezes you tight. You tighten your hold on him too, letting him sway you side to side in his arms.
He shows you a new meaning of love and you think every other love you have known before this has been wrong.
For one moment Taehyung begins to think everything is worth it. That this dead, ruined body he carries around is capable of receiving warmth, is capable of loving. He thinks his struggle to accept himself has been worth it because it’s brought him to you. He suddenly begins to think he’s worth it. He has never thought that before.
And he’s lived a very long life.
The End
Thank you if you read this monster of a fic! Your feedback is appreciated. Like, reblog, comment or send an ask!
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Iwaizumi NSFW Alphabet
just remebered that this is my blog and I control the iwa smut
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s pretty good, he catches on pretty quick to what you like and will usally have some water and snacks on hand by the bed so he doesn’t have to get up to take care of you. Also, his after sex massages are godly 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Okay I know this sounds weird but he has this treasure trail on his stoumach that he is sooo cocky about. He knows it drives you wild when you see it (cus like it is very hot) and he loves to show it off as much as posible 
On his partner? hes all about the ass. Big small, round or flat he doesn’t care he loves the booty no matter what besides it’s not like you’re flatter than Oikawa anyways
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
So conflicted when hes about to cum because on the one hand you look so good covered in his release and when you scoop up his semen with your fingers and lick it off your hand oh god nothing gets him harder. but on the other hand when he’s pounding into you it’s like your body is begging for him to cum inside so usally he makes you tell him where you want it. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would gladly Cuck Oikawa or let Oikawa watch, sex and putting Shittykowa in his place are Iwa’s two favoret things so why not combine them
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s had a few partners but he’s not really a fuckboi, he likes having a steady partner so he can get to know their body rather than a string of one night stands. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy, like I said he’s all about your ass and he will spank you while fucking you, He’ll also push your head down onto the bed if you aren’t arching your back enough for his taste.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s more serious in the moment but that isn’t to say he isn’t capable of finding the humor in things. He loves to tease you and it often helpd break the tension if something awkward happed. IE you asked him to spike your ass like a volleyball and he laughed at you for an hour straight before doing just that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
it’s a little messy, don’t get me wrong it’s still all clean down there but like unless you ask him to shave he’s keeping the bush. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
The romance really comes after everything is all said and done, like he won’t have any sweet words for you in the heat of the moment but that’s mostly becuase his mind goes totally blank when he fucks and he can’t formed words. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
sometimes, mostly just to tease you. he’ll send you a video of him jerking off and moaning your name with some caption like “doesn’t this look a lot better than studying” to get you to come over and get him off for real. If you really can’t come fix his issue he’ll still send you a video of him cumming all over himself cus he’s nice like that
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
daddy kink plain and simple. he just loves heairng you cry out for daddy while he eats you like it’s is last meal but he also likes it when youre just like  “hey daddy can you grab that for me?” cus like yeah he is your daddy even out of the bedroom. Rip to you if you say that infront of the team 
public sex you are getting fingered in public 100% he doesn’t want to get caught persay. but he’s sure as hell not afraid to. as they say no risk no reward. you have also defently fucked in the boys changing room... and sucked him off in the club room, and gotten fingered in the volley ball storage closet. It’s a mericall no one from the team has caught you two yet. 
cock warming. He tries to work it into every sesion of aftercare its just nice to have his cock inside you even if it’s soft. makes him feel closer to you. watch out becuase the two of you will just be cuddling and watching a movie and boom his dick is out and hes looking at you like “so you gonna sit on that or what?”
roleplay? kind he gets really turned on when you roll up your uniform skirt and start “acting like a slutty little school girl” and he pretendeds he’s a teacher punishing you for braking dresscode. this is all in his head by the way, hes a little too ashamed to admit why he wants you to keep your clothes on while he fucks you or ask you to call him sensei.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Like I said anywhere in public is a rush for him, but his absolute favorite is in the shower Aoba Johsai locker room shower. The water just hightens everything and your moans echo beautifully off the tiles. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you complemt him.  “Wow iwa that was such a great spike you’re so strong!” “wow Iwa I never realised how mucular you are,”  “oh Iwa that was a great game you looked so cool out there!” are all sure fire ways to get your back blone out. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
ight hear me out! hes not into choking. Iwa just doesn’t trust himself enough to do it right in the heat of things and would never want to hurt you (yes he leaves bruises on your ass he spanks you so hard yes he doesn’t want to choke you until you black out) if you really want him to choke you he’ll do it, but like while you're riding a toy or something so he doesn’t get distracted. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He perfers receving tbh. you just look so cute on your knees gagging on his cock (choking on his dick and choking on his hand are two difrent things stfu) Iwa lives to condicened to you while you’re trying to fix his XL meat in your mouth
“you’re such a pretty baby, if only there wasn’t a big fat cock making you cry but you’re so much of a whore to let go of my dick now that it’s in your mouth isn’t that right?” stuff like that. 
also his head game is godly. he holds your hands and kisses yo right on your sex then procieds to send you to anouther plain of existance with his mouth. he won’t let up until you're crying. you make such a mess every time, not that either of care.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
unless its a special occasion he’s rough and brutal. real head board braking motherfucker RIP to (y/n)’s hips they are fucking gone
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He kinda has to be quick when you too are banging where someone could walk in any second. But he does perfer to take his time with you especially since he loves to make you cum over and over again. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Once he hits a grove he kinda likes to stick to what he knows. He might drag his feet a little but he’ll ussally try new things. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
oh my god good luck he can go forever if you let him. the only time you can even hope of going less than three rounds is if he just had a big game and he’s tiered from it, even then games tend to rile him up more than anything. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns a pocket pussy, not that he uses it much. He’s fine with using toys on you as long as he’s the one in control. Doesn’t like it if he finds out you’ve been using a vibe somwhere without him. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It depends. Normally he doesn’t tease much he’s pretty straightforword and would rather just get down and dirty about it. But if he feels like you’ve earned a good teasing? good luck. He’s patient and he knows your body so well he can have you in a mess in less than a minute and he’ll keep you there until you’re begging for him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not very loud, lots of grunts and deep huffs if he’s talking it’s broken phrases repeated over and over again “you feel so good, so good so good,” “who’s cock is making you cum? who’s cock? who’s cock?” like I said his mind shuts off when he’s fucking you. He does tend to shout when he cums though. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves fingering you something about seeing his hands work on your body really gets him going. He like how deep his figners can go, how much they make you squirm. How the veins and the tendions on the back of his hand look while he slowly edges into three knucles deep. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
do I even have to say it? big cock citty population Iwaizumi Hajime. It’s a little longer than average and a little gatherer than you’d maybe ecpect and it really streaches you out. The head is a flushed read color and it’s sesitive as hell. please suck on the tip of his cock while fodleing his heavy balls he will literally cum in seconds. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not very high. He’s always ready to go when you are but most of the time he’s just chill with hanging out. Unless he just won a game or you are wearing some of his clothes in wich case he is defently horny. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
please, you rock his world but you’re not half the work out a five set volleyball game is. He is fine to go to like the gym or something after sex even if you are completely wreaked. but if you ask him to cuddle and happen to fall asleep, well a nap wouldn’t kill him right?
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
Tumblr media
“When there's a smile in your heart, There's no better time to start... Think of all the joy you'll find When you leave the world behind And bid your cares goodbye! You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!”
~“You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!” from Disney’s Peter Pan
Peter Pan AU?? Peter Pan AU again?? Oh my gosh, I bet you thought I was done with this idea, but nope! Got one more art idea out of this... (Background source is here...and tagging @kc-and-oc​ for her interest in seeing 20′s Orion! 😅)
After Orion left Neverland, he was adopted by a teacher from Carewyn’s school, a matron who had never married or had children of her own named Rolanda Hooch. Rolanda encouraged Orion’s education full-throttle, helping him catch up to his peers in all of the core subjects within the span of four years -- Carewyn, Bill and Charlie Weasley, and Carewyn’s classmates Rowan Khanna, Penny Haywood, and Ben Copper also jumped in to help Orion get situated. As an adult, Orion ended up becoming the star player on the English National Football Team. His first and dearest friend, Carewyn, ended up becoming a well-respected social worker who championed higher salaries and better working conditions for low-income jobs. And over the years they spent in London, they both became very familiar with J.M. Barrie’s play Peter Pan -- a story that purportedly was partly inspired by the author’s happy experiences with a friend and her five sons and partly by an imaginary friend he’d had as a boy and no longer remembered the name of, who lived in a make-believe world called Never Never Land. Orion wasn’t entirely surprised that James remembered Neverland more than Orion himself -- love is what helps one resist the “forgetting” magic of Neverland, and the boy had been always much more in love with Neverland than with him. And truly, of all the names the author could’ve given him, “Peter Pan” wasn’t a bad one. 
One night, when Orion and Carewyn were both in their 30′s, they both ended up at a fancy shindig hosted by Cornelius Fudge, a prominent lord and member of Parliament with a lot of banking investments in both England and New York. The event was a fundraiser for Carewyn’s long-held personal ambition: a new boarding house for low-income workers in central London, where they could have housing close to an assortment of jobs that could help them save up enough to purchase more permanent living arrangements. Carewyn was a sight to see in emerald green, and she soon ended up the center of attention, even if Orion could tell from a mile off she wasn’t keen on it. He wasn’t surprised, though -- at just about every public event they went to, someone openly wondered how it was that a dynamic, beautiful lady like Carewyn had not married yet. Orion was secretly glad of it. Carewyn’s love of her own freedom was one of the things he admired about her, and something he understood very well himself. He hated the thought that she’d ever be forced to clip her wings, just to please the societal expectations placed on her. She had so many, many admirers at that party, though -- Orion himself had always had a few as well, but most women vying for his interest gave up on him soon enough, after determining that the glamour attached to romancing a star football player wasn’t worth trying to keep up with Orion’s dreamy, philosophical musings. But it seemed Carewyn’s fire didn’t ward people off quite so well -- on the contrary, Orion found that many men seemed to see it as a challenge: something to temper and “tame.” It was a thought process Orion found unpleasant. Eventually it got to the point that the young football player had to mellowly slide between the other men blocking Carewyn in and offer her his arm. 
“May I have this dance, Miss Cromwell?” he asked coolly. 
Carewyn couldn’t completely hide the relief flooding her face at the sight of him. 
“You may,” she said at once. She took Orion’s arm, adding to the other men without looking at them, “Please excuse me.”
As Orion led her out onto the floor, Carewyn exhaled heavily. Her gaze remained on their hands instead of Orion’s face. 
“Thank you,” she murmured tiredly. 
Orion gave her a small smile. “Of course. I couldn’t allow a lady to remain the captive of such ill-bred pirates, could I?”
Carewyn smiled too despite herself. “You always have had a knack for warding off pirates.”
The band struck up a favorite -- “Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue” -- as they began to dance. 
“Five foot two, eyes of blue, But oh, what those five foot could do! Has anyone seen my gal? Turned-up nose, turned-down hose... Flapper, yes sir, one of those! Has anyone seen my gal?”
Carewyn -- as small and bright-eyed as the song dictated -- glanced down at Orion’s crisp black and white suit and white gloves and his combed-over dark hair as her lips curled into a slight frown. 
“...You look...nice,” she offered as kindly as she could. 
“Do I?” asked Orion lightly. “You sound unsure.”
Carewyn gave a dry sniff. “The suit is very handsome. It’s just not ‘you’ at all.”
Orion grinned. “I’m undoing this bowtie at the first opportunity.”
Carewyn brought a hand up to stifle her laugh.
“Your hair really is much too neat, as well,” she said, her eyes sparkling. 
“The English team expects its players to look ‘coiffed and clean,’” said Orion, a ghost of mischief dancing through his eyes. “At least at public events -- on the field, I assure you, they could frankly care less.” 
He looked down at her green gown, black gloves, and lightly curled ginger hair. 
“You, however...look quite in your element.”
Carewyn raised her eyebrows dryly. 
“I like wearing nice dresses,” she said under her breath. “I’m more lukewarm on the socializing that comes with it -- these politicians unsettle me, in how much more focused they are on their own selfish whims than they are the well-being of others...”
“Ah,” breathed Orion through a loose, open smirk. “Pirates they truly be, then.”
Carewyn’s blue eyes softened fondly. “Oh yes...all they merely need are some peg legs and bandannas, and they’ll fit the role perfectly!”
She gave a sigh. 
“Still...at least Lord Fudge seems to be a bit more amiable than most. I’m grateful he invested in this event, even if it is more for his image than sincere caring...”
As the song came to an end, the dancers all brought their hands up together in a round of applause. Lord Fudge in particular was beaming from ear to ear. 
“Lovely, gents! Very lovely indeed!” he said jovially. 
He strode across the floor toward Carewyn and Orion. 
“Mr. Amari,” he greeted, giving a quick bow of his head. “Good of you and the rest of the team to come on out tonight...”
Orion inclined his head ever-so-slightly in return. “Of course. Carewyn was my very first friend in this world -- I would consider it a great dishonor, to not support this dream of hers, when it is such a treasure to her.” 
Carewyn looked up at Orion, genuinely touched. Fudge’s eyes flickered from Carewyn to Orion and back, his smile faltering somewhat. 
“Ah, mm...yes,” he said quickly, before he successfully plastered his smile back on. “We certainly do esteem Miss Cromwell’s dreams here...and her wonderful ability to inspire others with them, as well!”
He turned to Carewyn. “That reminds me, Miss Cromwell -- there’s someone I’d like you to meet...”
He offered her his arm. Shooting Orion a very quick, lightly resigned smile, Carewyn accepted the older man’s arm and placidly followed him off the dance floor. This was a fundraiser, after all -- she supposed she’d have to do some networking at it. 
Orion and Carewyn were inevitably separated, when Carewyn had to return to hob-knobbing with the members of Parliament. Despite himself, Orion was glad that he could have Carewyn to himself a bit, at least at the start -- she was his first and truest friend, and he always cherished her company. And even if they were on such strict protocol and the suit he was in was uncomfortable and his bowtie was much too tight...her smile and the little caring wrinkles kissing the corners of her lips always touched his heart. 
At one point during the evening, Carewyn’s friend, another member of the English football team named Andre Egwu, pressured Carewyn to sing something for the assembled guests. After some cajoling, Carewyn gave in and -- with a quick glance at Orion over on the sidelines -- sang a song her mother had taught her and she had never forgotten the words to, even after so many years.
“I have a place where dreams are born and time is never planned. It's not on any chart: you must find it with your heart --  Never Never Land. It might be miles beyond the moon, or right there where you stand... Just keep an open mind, and then suddenly you'll find Never Never Land... You'll have a treasure if you stay there, More precious far than gold:  For once you have found your way there, You can never, never grow old. And that's my home where dreams are born, and time is never planned! Just think of lovely things, and your heart will fly on wings Forever...in Never Never Land.”
Orion found his eyes sliding shut listening to Carewyn’s voice, his lips curling up absently in a soft smile. It was partly her voice, and her stories, that had first kept his attention. After Jacob Cromwell had begged Orion to find his sister and bring her to Neverland under his and the Lost Boys’ care so she’d be safe, he’d gone to the window Carewyn had had at the Weasleys’ home out of curiosity, only to lose his shadow when it got caught in the window when Mrs. Weasley shut it. Carewyn, Charlie, and Bill had found Orion’s shadow, and Carewyn had kept it with her that entire day she stayed at home doing chores, singing to it and telling it stories to keep it occupied. And when Carewyn was the Lost Boys’ “mother,” Orion had loved her lullabies. They just always seemed to bring out such a wonderful sense of peace in him -- of balance -- and they still did, without fail. 
When Carewyn had finished singing, the entire group devolved around her, swarming her with adulation. Lord Fudge himself gushed profusely, his lightly wrinkled smile very broad. Carewyn tried to play off his praise with modesty through the flush in her face -- a gesture so true to her that it made Orion smile fondly. It was only as he migrated to the refreshment table to meet up with fellow players Andre and Charlie that he felt his balance being disturbed -- because Charlie was talking heatedly with Andre.
“What do you mean, ‘that’s what this whole thing’s really about?’” Charlie demanded. “It’s supposed to be a fundraiser, for Carey’s boarding house!”
“Of course it is,” Andre said, though unlike Charlie, he kept his troubled, irritable voice low. “But from what I’m hearing from all the men’s wives, the fundraiser itself is only being hosted because Lord Fudge plans to propose to Carewyn...and he thinks his and his associates’ money going to pay for things she cares about -- like the boarding house she’s been trying to open and her brother’s college -- will bring her around to the idea.”
Orion stopped mid-step a short ways away. His shoulders had stiffened, making him look like a startled cat.
“Carey would never accept that!” snarled Charlie. “She’s got too much pride to marry some guy just because he pays for stuff!”
“Maybe,” said Andre, sounding crosser than ever, “but this isn’t Fudge paying for trinkets like jewels or furs, meant for her. Instead it’s for people who Carewyn cares about -- people who need that money and will feel the pinch if that financial support is withdrawn. And considering Fudge’s political position as well, he has the power to damage Carewyn’s efforts going forward, too. I have to give it to Fudge -- he’s damn crafty.” 
Orion backed up, away from the table. He found himself running into a wall -- his hand rested absently on the marble coving as he tried to regain his footing. 
Charlie was right. Carewyn was much too proud to ever marry someone she didn’t care about -- this Orion knew. But...she was also the most selfless person Orion knew -- someone who always put the wellbeing of her loved ones and those in need over her own. And considering how deeply in debt Jacob’s school was and how much money she’d need to open that boarding house she always wanted...
Could she make that wretched choice? Would she make that choice -- sacrifice her freedom, to help others? And if she didn’t...
Over the years, Orion had seen the darker sides of Carewyn. One of the darkest was that she was never good enough, in her own mind -- and whenever she fell most short of her own expectations, was the most human and fallible, made mistakes that hurt others, or just felt the least bit responsible for others’ suffering...she hurt herself ten-fold, to compensate. When Jacob returned from the World War with a missing leg, Carewyn took all of the blame on herself, despite all logic or reason -- she blamed herself, for being the reason Jacob went off to War in the first place, as he’d gone to earn enough of a military pension to support them. Whenever she was unable to help anyone, she hated herself more than ever, blaming herself every time a client she’d taken on either died, went to jail, or lost the job she’d fought to get them. Even when Andre himself proposed to Carewyn at one point, though she’d valued her freedom and their friendship too much to accept his hand in marriage, Carewyn hated herself for ages afterward. And every time that happened...she’d be so blinded by her pain that Orion was terrified that she’d forget how to fly. 
Would she forget? Could she forget? No -- she’d promised. She’d promised she’d always remember...
But everyone forgets how to fly. Everyone does, eventually. Even Bill and Charlie...even they had recently...
Orion scanned the room, looking for Carewyn. But she wasn’t where he saw her last. She wasn’t in the room. Nor, it seemed, was Lord Fudge. 
Charlie suddenly being in his personal bubble and touching his shoulder startled Orion -- enough so that he found himself instantly and subconsciously trying to distance himself. He turned away and in an instant had swept away across the room. 
But as fate would have it, Charlie had stepped on Orion’s shadow -- and perhaps because of how torn Orion felt in that moment, the sewn threads that had bound him to his shadow for so many years were torn open when Orion so abruptly fled the room. And his shadow, now loose, wriggled until it had yanked itself out from under Charlie’s foot and leapt across the wall of the room.
Charlie gave a start, but he was unable to react fast enough before the shadow hightailed it through the open window and out into the night. 
The shadow found Carewyn with Lord Fudge outside, in the candlelit gardens of the Fudge estate. Sure enough, as Andre had heard it rumored among the wives of Parliament’s lords, the politician had indeed planned to propose to Carewyn. As a widower who was in need of a wife to help mind his children and further endear him to the people, he could see the value someone like Carewyn could provide. And sure enough, when his intentions came out -- namely, that he would continue to fundraise Carewyn’s interests, once she’d accepted his proposal -- Carewyn found herself very conflicted indeed. As a woman, it was hard enough to get support for her goals, especially from the legislative body of Parliament. Yes, women could now vote, but their employment options were severely limited, they earned far less than men in the same positions, and any sort of financial assistance they could apply for was paltry. A woman couldn’t even open a personal bank account, the way a man could -- Carewyn had had to share an account with her brother Jacob, and considering how in debt his college had been as of late, that meant Carewyn herself was in debt. Most any woman in her shoes would have to think seriously about accepting marriage, if it guaranteed having financial backing for herself and her family, let alone for her career. 
But when Carewyn’s eyes drifted away from Fudge and down to the ground and noticed the familiar shadow desperately clutching onto the shoulders of her own in the candlelight, all thought of that went right out the window. 
“Excuse me, Lord Fudge,” she said very tersely, “but something has just come up. I must go.”
She immediately picked up her skirt and ran, leaving the older man behind in the garden with no answer or even an explanation of where she was going or why. When she finally got far enough away and found another large pool of light from a window of the estate, Carewyn turned her focus back to Orion’s shadow. He was still clinging to her own shadow’s shoulders, wrapping his arms around it as if from behind. 
“Oh, Shadow!” the ginger-haired woman whispered, her voice torn between fondness and worry. “I won’t have proper needle and thread to sew you back on here!”
Orion’s shadow clung on more tightly than ever to Carewyn’s, his hands clasped over the heart area. His posture was stiff and melancholy, almost shrinking against hers’ opaque black shoulders. It made Carewyn’s heart hurt. She tried to comfort Orion’s shadow by bringing a hand up as if to pet his hair, so that her own shadow followed suit. Orion’s shadow seemed to move into hers’ touch, like a cat wanting attention. 
Carewyn hated how relieved she was, to see Shadow. It had been a very long time since she’d seen him last -- back when she was a child, when everything was so much simpler -- when all she worried about was mending pockets and doing laundry, instead of whether or not people ate that night...whether Jacob and she would have a place to live, a month from now...
That would be the life she’d be resigning herself to, if she accepted Fudge’s proposal, wouldn’t it? The life of a house wife and mother, rather than a starving activist...?
“Please, Carey -- be our mother!”
She shut her eyes, forcing out the memory of the Lost Kids’ voices ringing out in broken unison. Once she’d composed herself, she opened her eyes again and turned her focus to the window. 
“Where’s Orion?” she asked softly to herself, as she looked around at the guests inside. “You probably don’t even know, do you, Shadow?”
She couldn’t see Orion anywhere...could he have gone outside too?
Orion’s shadow waved its hand to get her attention and then, slipping up onto the wall of the estate, pointing at an open door on the far end. Taking the hint, Carewyn went around the house, toward where she knew the door let out. 
Carewyn eventually found Orion sitting up on the edge of a railing at the top of a wall on the opposite side of the garden. He was meditating with his legs crossed, his eyes closed, and his hands clasped together in his lap. It was remarkable he could stay so balanced, while sitting on nothing but a railing. He also had -- true to his word -- undone his bowtie, now that the opportunity had availed itself to him, so the white tie was dangling loosely around his neck. 
Carewyn’s face softened with immense relief at the sight of him. 
“Orion,” she breathed. 
Despite this, though, her heart still beat with concern as she called up to him. 
Orion opened his eyes slowly and looked down at her. 
“...Carewyn,” he said. His voice was calm, but there was something in the back of it -- almost guarded. 
Carewyn offered a weak smile. “...You’ve lost something, you know.”
“Have I?” he asked. 
“Yes. He came to find me.”
Carewyn indicated Orion’s shadow, which leapt deftly between the pools of light coming off the closest lanterns as if they were stones crossing a river. 
Orion’s black eyes grew a little smaller.
“...So he did.”
Orion’s gaze drifted over Carewyn’s face, studying it. Then at last, he said, 
“...Bring him up to me.”
Carewyn blinked in slight surprise. Nonetheless, she strode over, reached out so that her shadow’s hand could take hold of Orion’s shadow’s hand, and led him toward the long line of stairs up to where Orion was balancing.
“Not that way,” said Orion. 
Carewyn looked up at him, confused. “What?”
“Not that way,” he repeated mildly. 
“Well, what way should I use, then?” Carewyn asked dryly. “Is there some other staircase you’d prefer?”
“No,” said Orion. “Fly up. Don’t walk.”
Carewyn’s eyebrows knit together over her eyes. She glanced around warily.
“Orion, you shouldn’t be flying in public where anyone could see you,” she hissed. “You know that.”
“I see no ‘public’ here,” Orion said lightly. 
“Anyone could come across us here.”
“Everyone, excluding perhaps Lord Fudge, is back inside.”
“He shouldn’t see you flying, either.”
“We’re not talking about me flying -- we’re talking about you.”
Carewyn looked up at Orion, her face contorted with confusion and unease. It got to the point that she had to look away.
“You do remember how, don’t you?” 
Despite the mild tone of his voice, Orion clasped his hands that bit tighter.
“Of course I do,” said Carewyn lowly. “Faith, trust, and pixie dust.”
“Then do so.”
Carewyn swallowed the lump that had cropped up in her throat. After a moment, she stubbornly started up the stairs. 
“Why won’t you fly?” Orion asked softly. 
“I’m just not in the mood for it,” said Carewyn. She couldn’t meet Orion’s eyes -- it felt like even just holding her head up that high was too difficult. 
Orion’s face was very unreadable, but his black eyes were as dark and rippling as pools as he watched her climb. Then, just as she got close to the top, he abruptly flung himself off the wall and into the air.
Carewyn threw out her arms, trying to catch him and pull him back before he fell, but he effortlessly hovered in mid-air, out of her reach. 
“Fly my Shadow over to me,” recurred Orion.
Carewyn’s face contorted with frustration and pain. “Orion, please! Not right now!”
“‘Right now’ is exactly when. ‘Right here’ is exactly where. Fly him over to me.”
“Orion -- ”
“We’re completely alone, Carewyn. There’s no protocol to act on or image to consider -- so fly to me -- ”
“I can’t!”
Carewyn released her grip on Orion’s shadow. She found her knees buckling, and she slowly lowered herself down, coming down to sit on the ground. She hugged her knees up against her chest as her melancholy blue eyes fell to the pavement. 
“I can’t,” she whispered.
Orion’s expression melted. It gained a lot more sorrow as, little by little, he drifted back down toward the railing, standing on it with apparent ease.
“You have forgotten,” he said softly.
“No,” said Carewyn stubbornly. “I told you, I remember -- I just...can’t fly, right now...”
Orion shook his head. “Remembering directions isn’t remembering how to do something. You know the words -- but you’ve forgotten the feelings.”
Carewyn looked more miserable than ever. Shame and pain flooded her entire face as her gaze bore into the ground. Within seconds, the emotion was too much for her to contain. She closed her eyes, trying to compose herself. Then, after a minute of failing to, she hid her face completely in her knees. 
“I broke my promise to you,” she whispered. 
Orion’s black eyes grew smaller. “Carewyn...”
“I promised I wouldn’t forget. I promised I’d always remember. And yet now, even if I know it in my mind, I still can’t...”
Orion taking hold of her shoulders made her look up, startled. Her almond-shaped eyes were trimmed with the slightest traces of tears -- the sight made Orion’s heart ache. 
“Carewyn,” he murmured again, “do you not remember? Do you not remember the day I returned to London to see you, all those years ago? I came to see you at your old window, but the window was locked. I rapped at the glass, rattled the lock, but it was no use -- I couldn’t get in. I was paralyzed with fear -- with doubt -- and little by little, I fell, all the way back down to Earth. I fell, with no way of getting back up...until I found you, and you gave me the happy thought I needed to fly again.”
Orion’s midnight black eyes crinkled up as he offered her a sad, but oddly beautiful smile -- one full of such warm and caring emotion that Carewyn momentarily was left breathless.
“I forgot how to fly, Carewyn Cromwell,” he whispered. “I! ‘The Boy Who Never Grew Up.’ But you, my Wendy-bird...you helped me remember, again.”
Carewyn stared at Orion, unsure of what to say. Eventually, however, her eyes fell away. 
Orion brought his hands down to take both of hers. 
“Come...fly with me.”
He pulled her back up onto her feet. When they reached the railing, however, Carewyn balked.
“I can’t,” she whispered, “I’ll fall...”
“I won’t let you fall,” said Orion. 
And despite its gentleness, his voice rang with such conviction that Carewyn knew he was serious. Her heart clenched anxiously as he hoisted her up and over the railing -- Carewyn gave a yelp of fear as she felt gravity pulling down on her, but Orion sure enough caught her, carrying her with seemingly no effort in his arms and hugging her close. 
“I will never let you fall,” he breathed in her ear. 
Carewyn’s heart was racing. She clung to the back of his black tuxedo jacket, breathing heavily -- then, shutting her eyes tight, she buried her face into his chest.
Her throat felt so tight, so dry. She swallowed painfully, her fingers digging into the back of his jacket.
“Lord Fudge wants me to marry him,” she muttered at last. 
Orion’s black eyes grew a little smaller. “And what do you want?”
“To say no,” spat Carewyn. “The fact that he’d even try to coerce me into marriage by throwing this fundraiser and donating to Oxford...it’s disgusting.”
“Then follow your heart.”
Carewyn closed her eyes. “It’s not that simple. If I say no, then all of the people I’ve been wanting to help will be at the end of their rope again, unable to make ends meet. Jacob will be unable to make ends meet.”
“And if you say yes?”
Carewyn’s eyes darkened visibly. “...Then I lose my freedom.”
Orion’s eyes rested on the top of her head grimly. He brought a hand along her back, mirroring how she held him. 
“...Carewyn...I understand that there’s no good option in your mind, for this problem. But from where I stand...you being in a cage...unable to live the life you’ve always aspired to, having to live a life orchestrated by someone else...”
His own fingers dug into the green satin of her dress. It was much lighter-weight than his clothes -- he could feel the flesh of her back and the strap of her brassiere, when the fabric over them was scrunched up. 
“...That is the future I envisioned, when Hook spoke of you giving up your childhood dreams, for things I’d never understand. That is the future...I dreaded coming to pass.”
Carewyn’s eyes welled up with pain. “Orion -- ”
“I know it’s selfish of me...but I don’t want you to marry him. I don’t want you to do the ‘right thing,’ and sacrifice what you want for others. I don’t want you to be who you are -- to bite your tongue and endure, to suffer silently, just to fulfill that image you have in your mind of the superhuman you want to be...”
Orion closed his eyes, trying to keep his balance. 
“...I just...want you to be my friend. My true friend, my dear friend, my person to remember. My Carewyn.” 
Carewyn’s eyes were filling up with tears. 
She closed her eyes, forcing her tears back before they could leak out down her cheeks. As he held her tight in his arms, his hand clutching her back just as she clutched his, the warmth of his embrace washed over her. It was like a sea crashing upon a shore -- a cleansing, soothing wave. Little by little, she felt the dark, suffocating self-hatred ebbing off of her, being worn away by the gentle rush of his ocean. 
My person to remember. My Carewyn. 
That was all Orion wanted her to be. All he’d ever wanted of her, from the beginning. He never had any expectations of her, and yet he’d always supported her all the same, knowing how high her own expectations of herself were. No matter how capable she always tried to be and how much she always was a rock for everyone else, Orion never wanted her to be that rock for him -- just his friend. Just his Carewyn. Even back in Neverland, he didn’t want her to be his mother like the other Lost Kids did. He’d only ever called her Carewyn -- not “Mother.” 
My person to remember. 
The thing that kept people from forgetting, both in Neverland and on Earth, had been love. Jacob remembered his little sister Carewyn while in Neverland because he loved her. Bill and Charlie remembered their parents and siblings while in Neverland because they loved them. And Orion...Orion remembered Carewyn because he loved her...and it was for that love that he eventually decided to stay and grow up alongside her. Platonic love, it had always been. And yet now...now, feeling how desperately Orion held onto her, and how much she held onto him just as tightly...she wondered if it still was.
Whatever it was...she felt the weight that had descended onto her shoulders, in Fudge’s company, dissipating. She felt lighter than she could remember...light as a feather, and yet warm and strong as a fire...
My Carewyn. 
Carewyn inhaled slowly, trying to compose herself. Holding on tightly to Orion, she pulled herself away just enough to look him in the face, her lips curled up in an emotional, but warm smile. Then, without any flicker of fear, she abruptly yanked herself out of his arms so that she fell. 
“Carewyn -- !”
Orion reacted with fear, ready to catch her -- but before she could reach the ground, Carewyn had managed to slow her fall. She hovered in mid-air, before she slowly drifted back down to the ground with the ease of a leaf falling from a tree.
Orion stared, amazed. Carewyn looked back up at him, her ruby red lips spread in a warm smile and her almond-shaped blue eyes sparkling. 
“I won’t,” she said. 
Orion blinked. 
“You won’t?” he repeated, his hushed voice betraying some hesitance despite himself. 
Carewyn’s smile broadened. “I won’t.”
She barely even felt her feet leave the ground -- it was only the brightening of Orion’s eyes that made her realize they had. 
“I won’t marry him,” she recurred a bit more forcefully. 
Orion’s face broke into a wonderful, bright, relieved smile. 
“You won’t?”
“I won’t!”
Orion’s black eyes were almost over-bright, crinkled up with such pure joy as he extended his hands. Carewyn managed to take one, and Orion used the grip to pull her close so as to loop his other arm around her and cradle her beside his chest, his grin broader and whiter than she’d ever seen it. He twirled her around, slow-dancing in mid-air like a pair of fairies with stars in their eyes. 
God, his voice was so soft. So warm and tender. It made Carewyn feel like she could soar up higher still, just hearing him so happy. 
Her blue eyes sparkling fondly, she brought up a hand to gently trail it through his slicked-back bangs. The touch made Orion stiffen like a cat, only to instantly relax when she didn’t pull away. 
“Orion...” she murmured, “...I should very dearly like to give you something, if you’re open to it.”
Orion’s black eyes seemed to deepen. “...I, as well.”
His voice had become quieter and lower in his throat...almost longing. It made Carewyn’s heart beat that little bit faster, despite herself. 
Watching his face very carefully for his reaction, she slowly leaned in and, very gently, placed a kiss to the side of his face, just shy of his ear. It was the same place, so many years ago, that she’d bestowed a kiss to, on the deck of her grandfather’s pirate ship. 
The familiar contact -- lips to flesh -- made Orion shudder lightly, his eyes fluttering closed as he exhaled. Then, opening his eyes again, he stared down at Carewyn, his black eyes very intense upon hers...and within a minute, he’d impulsively shot forward and covered her lips with his own. 
Their kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it made the two feel like they were stars themselves -- flaring balls of stardust and light, blazing hotter than anything on Earth.
When Orion broke the kiss and opened his eyes, he was breathing heavily, almost anxiously. Carewyn herself couldn’t calm her heartrate -- and yet, she found she didn’t care. Her lips were spreading into a huge grin despite her best efforts.
“...Am I turning pink?” she asked coyly. 
All hint of anxiety flooded out of Orion’s expression and posture. He beamed from ear to ear, his midnight-black eyes squinting and shining happily.
“Just your cheeks.”
“They must look rather flushed, then.”
“Nearly as red as strawberries,” said Orion with a wry smile. His own face flushed a bit darker as he added, “...Might I sample them, as well?”
Carewyn giggled softly behind her hand, before lowering it and beaming still broader around her flush. “...You may.”
With the encouragement, Orion leaned in and kissed her tenderly on the cheek. Carewyn brought a hand through his hair -- the feeling of her touch made his lips linger on her skin, brushing along it in several more lasting, messier kisses. 
“I still need to get your shadow back on,” Carewyn reminded him. “Shadow’s rife to get into trouble, if left to his own devices.”
Orion chuckled. “Perhaps we should find him and leave, then.”
Very gradually they drifted back down together. Once their feet reached the ground, Carewyn brought a hand down onto Orion’s arm, as if silently encouraging him to escort her -- Orion just as wordlessly complied, and he escorted her back toward the house. 
“You have been my friend for so long. I don’t want that to ever change, between us. But...”
Carewyn tilted her head to the left. “But?”
Orion bit his lip, his face flushing much more uncomfortably. “...I would...like to kiss you again, in the future -- as I did just now. Although I know it’s not something friends commonly do.”
Carewyn’s eyes softened. As they reached the doorframe of the house, Carewyn brought him to a stop and faced him properly. 
“...I would like that.”
Orion looked startled. “You would?”
Carewyn reached out a hand to touch his cheek, holding it in place as she leaned in and kissed him. It was a short, but searing kiss. 
“I would,” she said, her low voice passionately serious. 
Orion’s black eyes seemed to melt again, rippling with joy as he kissed her once, twice, three times more, in rapid succession. 
It was only a loud crash and a shocked yelp of a woman inside the house that broke their attention.
“What was that!?”
“ -- knocked the punch bowl clean over -- ”
“Is that a shadow?”
“No!” said Charlie’s voice with an anxious laugh. “No, no, of course not -- come here, you bloody devil -- ”
“Oh Shadow,” moaned Carewyn. “What are we going to do with you?”
Even so, she was still smiling. Orion himself was grinning shamelessly.
“Sew him back on, of course,” he said amusedly, “just as before.”
Carewyn shot him a rather cool smile, before the two bustled back inside together.
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