#Bob Wilson
brokehorrorfan · 26 days
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Funko has released three Twilight Zone Pops figures. The Narrator and Gremlin 4" Pop figures are $12 each, while the Nightmare at 20,000 Feet 4.75" Deluxe Pop is $25.
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Bob Wilson
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loveoldermenover65 · 1 year
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therosiestofrubys · 4 months
Love when this game's approximation of the concept of physics lets me commit high robbery
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fidjiefidjie · 1 year
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📰 "Train" 🥃
Aquarelle 🎨 de Bob Wilson
Bel après-midi 👋
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clydemystik301 · 2 months
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Fatal Fury characters ranked based on how scared they would be at FNAF jumpscares
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super-into-on-it · 1 year
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Bob Wilson's apartment, New York
shot by Dominique Nabokov
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pixeldog4ever · 2 years
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There's a man out there.
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1120: Wolf Cub Crush (King of Fighters)
6:41 p.m. at Pao Pao Café..........
Shingo:You really think Rock Lee and I are similar?
Rock: (Happily Nodded) In more ways than one, yeah. (Picks up a Fry From his Basket) You both are kind-hearted, humble, hard working to the extreme, and don't always rely on any powers to fight your own battles. Like how Lee is one of the only ninjas who can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu-
Shingo: (Eyes Begins to Widened and Sparkle) While I can't create flames for the life of me...We can practically be twins at this point! Hey, you think I can rock Green Beast look?
Rock: Vest and green suit? Definitely. Can't really say the same for the bowl cut though. (Takes a Bite Out of the Fry He was Holding)
Shingo: Yeah, I don't think I can pull off that hairstyle no matter how hard I try.....But I can DEFINITELY pull off the Primary Lotus!....With more training of course.
Rock: Just try not to hurt yourself, okay man? The last thing we want for you is have yourself a concussion.
Shingo: I'll be careful!
Rock: (Pulls Out his Pinky) Pinky Promise?
Shingo: (Let's Out a Sigh as He Crosses his Pinky Together with Rock's) Pinky swear.
?????: Rock, hi!~
Rock turns to see a girl wearing two red bows wrapped around her blue colored pigtails, standing in front of his and Shingo's table with a bright smile on her face.
Rock: (Smiles Back at the Girl) Oh, hey Hotaru. What brings you here this evening?
Hotaru: My friends andvI decided to eat out here for Asami's birthday today.
Rock: Sweet. Tell her I say "Happy Birthday" if you don't mind.
Hotaru: Sure thing!~ How's everything going for you as of late?
Rock: As well as it always been. (Points Hotaru to Shingo Who's Happily Waving at her in Return) Shingo here and I were crusung around the city with my motorcycle till we eventually ended up here.
Hotaru: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) No way. You can drive a motorcycle now?
Rock: Yeah. Been able to do that for like a few months now.
Hotaru: That's so cool. I-
One of Hotaru's Girlfriend: (inthe Distance) Futa-chan!~ Where are you, girl?~
Hotaru: (Turns to her Girlfriends) C-Coming!
Rock: (Snickers a Bit) Futa-chan?
Hotaru: ('Sigh') Yeah, it's a nickname my friends usually call me. It's sounds silly, doesn't it?
Rock: Yeah, but personally, I think it suits you pretty well.
Hotaru: (Giggles Softly While Blushing) You think so? Thanks~ (Smirks Playfully) I think your nickname Rocky, suits you as well~
Rock: (Immediately Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Mary told you about that, didn't she?
Hotaru: Mayyybe~ (Giggles Some More)
Hotaru's Gal Pals: Hotaru!
Hotaru: (Turns Back to her Friends) I said I'm coming!! (Sighs Before Turning Back to Rock Yet Again) I'm sorry, but I have go back to the girls before one of them a blows a casket.
Rock: Hey, don't worry about it. I'm just glad to see you again.
Hotaru: (Smiles Brightly) Same!~ But seriously, I'll see you later, Rock Howard Bogard. (Rushes Back to her Table While Waving Goodbye) You boys have a good tonight here!~
Rock: You too. (Let's Out a Sigh Before Noticing a Sly Smirk on Shingo's Face) What?
Shingo: So that's Hotaru-chan, huh? How do you guys first met?
Rock: In those Yoga Classes Mary would usually bring me to on the mornings- (Notices Shingo Still Smirking at Him) Okay, seriously, why are you looking at me like that?
Shingo: Oh no reason~ Just witnessed a potential connection going on~
Rock: Potential conne- (Eyes Begins to Widened at the Realization) Wait a minute. You think me and her have a thing with one another?
Shingo: Perhaps~ Maybe~ Indefinitely~
Rock: W-Well, you're wrong! Cause we only see each other as friends.
Shingo: Blushes on your cheek says otherwise.
Rock: (Felt the Warmness of his Cheeks Before Turning Away From Shingo) I'm only blushing cause it's hot in here.
Shingo: (Shrugs) Feels nice in here to me. Isn't that right, Bob?
Bob: (Happily Walks By the Boys Table) Yes sir! Our air conditioner here has been off the charts for the five years straight.
Rock: (Grits his Teeth at the Waiter Walking By) Good to know, Bob......
Shingo: Come on, Rock. There's no need to hide it. (Smiles Brightly) You have my support 100%!
Rock: ('Sighs in Defeat') I know and I appreciate it, bud.....But even still, you know my problem with talking to girls is still apparent, right?
Shingo: Yeah, but you've gotten a lot better at it whenever you talk to Kula and Leona. And I didn't see you get nervous once when you were talking to Hotaru-Chan just now.
Rock: Well, yeah, but....that's only cause we know each other for a while now. So talking to her just feels more natural if anything.
Shingo: Exactly! So if you can talk to her just fine, then I don't see you having any problems asking her out one of these days. Plus, I can tell she has feelings for you too.
Shingo points Rock to Hotaru looking at him in the distance before quickly turning back to her friends.
Rock: (Turns Back to Shingo) You really think I have what it takes to ask her?
Shingo: Rock, you're one of the most coolest guys I've ever had the pleasure of meeting in Southtown. I KNOW you can do this.
Rock: (Heart Begins to Melt a Bit by Shingo's Words Before Taking a Deep Breath) Okay. Gimme me your and notebook.
Hotaru: (Too Busy Talking to her Friends) So then I told Sarah that-
????: H-Hey, Hotaru?
Hotaru: (Turns to see Rock Standing in Front of Her and Her Friends' Table) Why, hello again, stranger~
Hotaru's Friends: Hiiiii Rocky!~
Rock: (Gives Hotaru Deadpinned Look Again) You told them my nickname.
Hotaru: (Smiles Sheepishly and Apologetically at Rock) I'm sorry!~ It sounded so cute that I couldn't help but tell them~
Rock: ('Sigh') Riiight. Anyways, there's....(Looks Away Shyly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth and Blushing) Something I've been wanting to tell-
Hotaru: Can we hang out sometimes, just the two of us!?
Rock quickly turns back to Hotaru who starts blushing as well.
Hotaru: (Clasps her Habds Together in an Apologetic Manner) S-Sorry again! I've been meaning to ask you that the moment I've walked by your table, but I ended up rambling up and chickening out at very the end. ('Sigh') But nonetheless, I completely understand if you're not interested.
Rock: (Starts at Hotaru For a Few Seconds Before Chuckles Lightly) You don't say? Cause I was gonna ask you the same thing too.
Hotaru: (Immediately Gets Up From her Seat) Oh my gosh, really!? No fooling?
Rock: None once so ever. The thought to do so occurred after you left. But in all seriousness, I like talking to you and.....you seem really nice and everything. So I figured maybe if you're not busy over the weekend, that we can hangout and
Hotaru: (Happily Nodded While Holding Both of Rock's Hands) Of course!~ I'm free this weekend. I would love for us to hangout!~
Rock: (Starts Blushing Once More) C-Cool. So um....(Pulls a Piece of Paper Out From his Jacket Pocket and Gives it to Hotaru) Here's my number if you wanna like.....call or....text me or whatever.
Hotaru: Sure thing. I've left my phone on the charger back home. But I'll DEFINITELY be sure to text you when I get back.
Rock: (Smiles Softly) Okay, sure thing. And thanks.
Hotaru: (Gives Rock a Hug) No thank you! You have no idea how happy this makes me.
Rock: Glad I can make your day. B-But anyways, I've kept my friend waiting for long enough now, so I gotta get going
Hotaru: (Finally Let's Go of Rock) OK, sure. You and friend have a good time here, okay?
Rock: (Happily Nodded) Yeah, you guys too. (Turns to Hotaru's Friends) You guys have a good time here and.....Happy Birthday to you, Asami.
Asami: (Giggles Softly) Thank you, Rocky!~
Rock: ('Sigh') Yeah, no problem. (Speed Walks Back to his Seat) See ya.
Hotaru and her Friends: Byeeee!~
Hotaru: (Turns Back to her Friends) Girls, I've just received the number of Rock Howard Bogard!~
Rock begins to smile softly as the sound of Hotaru and her friends squealing in happiness as now been heard.
Rock: (Sits Back Down in his Seat) I'm back.
Shingo: Welcome! I take it things went well with you guys.
Rock: (Happily Nodded) Yep! Gave her my number and everything. We're also scheduled to hang out this weekend.
Shingo: Nice! I knew you had in ya!
Rock: And it's all thanks to you for the most part. You're a good coach, Shingo.
Shingo: (Smiles Brightly) I only did what's best for my friend. Speaking of which, fair warning, I....might of texted everyone about you guys while you left.....
Rock: (Raised an Eyebrow in Suspicions) Who did you texted?
Shingo: Just our friends: K', Kula, Leona.
Rock: Oh. Well, that doesn't sound too bad-
Shingo: And also your mom and dad.......
Rock: Shingo!
Shingo: (Quick Holds his Hands Up in Defense) Okay, my defense, I forgot to exclude them ogln the group chat.
Rock: (Sighs Heavily While Facepalming Himself) I am gonna have long week ahead of me, aren't I?
Shingo: Maybe, b-but hey! There's no need to worry about now! I mean, it's not those two are gonna somehow up here and-
'Door Opens'
Terry/Mary: Ohhhh Rockyyyyy!~
Shingo: (Eyes Begins to Widened in Complete Disbelief at the Older Couple) !!!
Rock: (Gives Shingo a Deadpinned Look on his Face) You were saying?
Richard: (Happily Walks Out of the Counter to Greet the Duo) Terry! Mary! What brings you lovebirds here?
Terry: 'Sup Richard! We came here to see our son.
Mary: (Smiles Brightly) We heard some exciting news just now and we're dying to get details!
Richard: Good, good. But before you do that, Terry, there's something we need to discuss first.
Terry: Oh... sure, man. What do you wanna talk about?
Richard: Oh it's nothing too grand. (Eyes Begins to Darkened as He Glares at the Legendary Wolf) Just the amount money you owe us in the last couple weeks you came and eat here.....
Bob: (Pulls Up the Long Printed Receipt With a Darkned Look on his Face as Well) Six hundred, fifty five dollars and twenty five cents to be exact.....
The Customers: ('GASPS')
Terry: (Starts Sweating Bullets) .......Okay! So uhh.....I have a perfect good reason as too- (Starts Running Away)
Richard: (Slowly Shakes his Head) They always decide to run.....Bob, make sure our guest doesn't run out that door.
Bob: Yes sir! (Angrily Chase Terry Around the Café) Terry, get back here and pay your bill already!! It's the first WEEK of the new month!!
Shingo: (Flabbergasted at What Happening Right Now Along with Rock) What....are we looking at right now?
Mary: (Walks by the Boys' Table) Krama finally getting the upper hand on wolf boy here. He sneaks out every time a billl was given to him.
Rock: Something tells me that's not too surprising.
Mary: It isn't. But enough about him. (Sits Next to Rock and Hugs) We have SO MUCH about you and little Hotaru right now!~
Rock groans heavily as he reluctantly tells Blue Mary the details of his blooming love life.
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bsaka7 · 7 months
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cm2tfemotd · 1 year
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is Bob wilson from fatal fury!
Eir is an asexual pomoromantic musicgender transfem that uses she/eir!
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krisis-krinein · 2 years
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meta-holott · 1 year
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1989 Paris, "La Femme à la Cafetière after Cézanne», I did decor, costume & special effects on this Bob Wilson's video. Production Musée d'Orsay and INA Studios. Bob Wilson director, Suzushi Hanayagi.
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incorrect-snkquotes · 2 years
Vanessa: can you make me a rum and coke?
Bob: is pepsi okay?
Vanessa: ...sure?
Bob: *mixes pepsi and coke*
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therosiestofrubys · 17 days
Can't believe it's already been at least 2 years since I last touched this one.
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marcogiovenale · 8 months
sull'arte della luce di aliberto sagretti (con un'intervista a lorenzo ciccarelli)
su Artribune: https://www.artribune.com/professioni-e-professionisti/who-is-who/2024/01/aliberto-sagretti-memoria-installazione-macerata/
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