#BohRhap fanfic
adrenaline-roulette · 2 years
Thinking It's about time I get back into some writing.... It's been FAR too long..
Does anyone have any requests? Y'all know what I write usually, but if you pull my leg enough, I'll try writing for anything!
I'll try and update some of my WIPs too, but wanna dip my toes in first sorry!
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"Ahem" (que dear Maria, count me in intro...)
Well, well well, tis I! The illustrious, magnificent (possibly unseen and rarely investigated cryptid) Wignnony (I never remember how many n's are in that Nickname, but eh, you get the idea!)
My darling may I just say, I just went on absolutely ✨️WILD✨️ ride reading through your tumblr???
Let me begin...
I have once again done my usual trick of disparaging off the face of the planet for a number of weeks (more like months) and for that, my deepest apologies. I would NEVER leave you for good (we still have out wedding we organised last time )
I haven't been around much, and have only just reappeared (part of this is due to my not trading you most recent fic... I'm very sorry, I've never watched GOT or HOTD, so couldn't quite understand the characters. But please know, I am positive the story was incredible! Likely mildly heart-wrenching per the norm, but overall a masterpiece! ❤️❤️❤️)
Though, upon my eventual return, I scrolled back to the very beginning of your blog from where i last left off (my thumbs are sore from scrolling, I require sympathy and attention ((nothing new there!)) ) and what did I find???? Your post about your retirement from writing?!
Needless to say, I was quite distraught! (And thus went and reread all of your queen and Bohrhap fics!) I then went on to continue scrolling until most recently, and found your new post, which is your return to writing!!!
Basically, what I wanted to drop by and say (in way too many words, I'm sorry) was that, no matter what your decision, whether you continue to write after your new creation you are gifting us with, or if you decide to step away. I want you to know how truly greatful i am for everything you have done on this crazy platform! Your writing brings me, and others so much joy, and I know I will continue to cherish the stories you ha e given us for as long as I can! And although all I do is communicate to you through the use of a pseudonym, I truly thank you for what I consider to be a friendship (if not an odd one, but it still counts) you are such a beautiful person inside and out, and I truly hope that no matter what comes in the future of your blog, that you do what makes you the happiest!
All of my love, your ever faithful Wignnony ❤️♥️♥️
P.S, I'm still hoping for that eccentricity spin off where I end up with Ben 😉😘🤣
My beloved Wignony! 😍🥰😘 Should we just keep adding Ns? Wignnony? Wignnonny? Nwignnonny???
I can't imagine how disorienting it would be to try to read HOTD fanfic without knowing the series 😂😂 But you are so kind for anyways being so unwavering supportive! You and Eccentricity!Ben Hardy would definitely enjoy a long and spicy affair at the U of Chicago...and you would toast beers at Cubs games. ⚾️
Did I ever tell y'all that I STRONGLY associate Dear Maria Count Me In with BYWMPF?? If not, what a coincidence, and you have exceptional taste in music. 🥰
My dear, I consider you a true friend as well and I hope that you are having a wonderful life wherever you are in the world. All of these fics (and my future book) would not be possible without the support of people like YOU! 💜
In conclusion:
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warriorteam1924 · 5 years
Music is my savior (Bonus Part 1)
Note for My Rea : @reavenedges-lies​ // @reavenedges-lies-ficdump​ (just a massive tagging cause I wanna make sure) My sweetheart, this one is dedicated to you. I’m super busy lately, trying to write for the ship weeks, cause I want to challenge myself and have some fun with the hosts and some of my other readers. Yet, you’re still around, showing me your support, endlessly. I don’t really have words to express my gratitude (for someone who writes, this is kinda weird huh? lol) Anyways, I decided to give you a little gift for Valentine’s day. Cause today, we say I love you, a little bit more often. 
Author note : Hello my beauties !!! I know, I know, I said Music is my Savior was over. And I thought it was too to be really honest. But as I think a lot, about many things, this one came to mind and I wanted to thank Rea, but also all of you for the support towards MIMS. There was a tiny other bonus part : here. Thanks again, love you all. And my sis of course. Love you ^^
Summary : Celebrations for a Special Day
Word Count :  2,978 words
Warnings : Mistakes yes of course, but hopefully nothing too bad.
MIMS Taglist : @crazyweirdocalledfriday​ @reavenedges-lies​ @mercurycrowley​ @multifandom-fiasco​
Permanent Taglist : @anotheronebitesthedick, @reavenedges-lies​, @thosequeenboys​, @orionis8689​
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Bonus Part 1 : A dozen Red Roses for my darling
Teaching. You had had no idea how much you would love it. Well not as much as playing bass guitar, but still.
 You had been given the incredible opportunity to be a bass teacher on the set of the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, the biopic about lead singer of legendary band Queen, Freddie Mercury. There you had met incredible people. The staff and the production crew had all been so kind, creating every single day on the set a living dream with such a friendly atmosphere. Incredible musicians, meeting guitarist and astrophysicist Brian May and drummer Roger Talor, both always encouraging you to handle your instrument in even a better way, enjoying music, their music even more. You had also been given the greatest chance of you life, meeting your idol, your master towards the padawan you had been, the best bass player to your opinion, John Richard Deacon. It was still a secret to everyone but the three remaining members of Queen and Luke Deacon, who was present at that moment. Yet, you were willing to cherish this memory as long as your brain would be working correctly.
 You had also met incredible actors, who were now your friends. Rami Malek and Lucy Boynton, now a very lovely couple, becoming respectively Freddie and his very first love Mary Austin. Gwilym Lee and Ben Hardy, both portraying Brian May and Roger Taylor thanks to their wings (and those had led to a very serious contest on how to select the winner of the best wing wearer.)
 And last but not least, you had met Joseph Francis Mazzello the Third. You had been his very personal bass teacher on the set. Joe had been a very attentive student, always making sure to be the most accurate possible to become John Deacon on the set, in front of the camera. To your point of view, he had been absolutely incredible. Yes, his role as the bass player of Queen was not the main one, as the movie was mostly about Freddie Mercury, but still.
 Maybe you were not truly partial. Through the days you had spent with him, weeks after weeks, months after months you had fallen in love with him. Yes, you had promised yourself it would not happen, thinking such a relationship would be too hard to handle. Him being a actor, you not having a steady job at this very point. How could this be working out? And the most important question of all, would he be sharing your feelings?
 Hopefully and to your greatest pleasure, Joe shared your feelings. Very shyly at first, from both your sides, but eventually sharing a real kiss and saying the most magical words you had ever heard, I love you.
 Teaching. Teaching on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody had also lead you to your current job. Never in your life had you expected to become this kind of teacher. Music had always been part of your identity, of who you were deep inside, but become a music teacher had never occurred to be an option to you, as playing your instrument has always been a mere hobby to you.
 But Anita and Sarina had had this wonderful idea and there you were. Teaching in front a class of young students, all willing to give their best to learn music properly, and in this case learning bass guitar.
 You were used to play and also teach as a result, standing in front of your class. But being a bit more than a couple of mouths pregnant, you needed to be seated more often. It felt sometimes weird to play your bass this way, but apparently your students did not notice the difference and it was for the best.
 At the end of this very nice day, you gathered your belongings and climbed the stairs to the headmaster’s office. You wanted to ask him a special favor. You softly knocked on his door, and he invited you to come in, since you had an appointment.
 “Mrs Y/L/N, please take a sit.”, he gently said. You smiled and sat in front of his desk. “You wanted to see me. I hope everything is fine.”, he carried on, looking at your belly.
 “Everything is alright, Sir, thank you for asking.”, you replied, caressing your lower stomach, sweetly smiling.
 “Good, good. I’m happy to hear this.”
 “I wanted to see your regarding another matter. In fact, you know Joe is still in the USA regarding his career, but you’re not to be unaware of the fact Valentine’s Day is coming quite soon.”, you started to say.
 “Oh, love will be in the air, indeed. Including in this very school.”, the headmaster nodded.
 “I would like to pay him a surprise visit. I think this is my last chance to be able to fly to the USA. After, being more advanced in my pregnancy, I won’t be allowed to enter the territory anymore.”
 “Yes, of course. Tell me what dates would suit you best, so we can plan your replacement.”, he agreed and the two of you made sure everything would still be fine for the classes to work properly without you.
 Back home, you planned everything to travel to the USA. Your ESTA, since you were not American Citizen, unlike Joe. Booking a flight but not a place to stay, as some of your stuff were already in Joe’s apartment. You also checked your delivery tracking, hoping the present you had ordered for your lover would arrive on time. All should be okay.
 You checked you watch and hurried a little. You were supposed to spend the evening with Ben. He has insisted he wanted to see you before you would leave. Being your official best friend now, he also wanted to make sure you would travel safely.
 “Come on, bub. This is not serious to travel being pregnant. It could be dangerous.”, he told you as he was sipping his tea, comfortably sited in his couch. His apartment was very well decorated, simple and modern. Yet, unlike some other modern places you had seen, it did not give a cold effect. His place was warm and cosy, giving a reassuring feeling.
 “Ben, I’m not carrying a bomb. It’s a baby. Not dynamite.”, you replied laughing.
 “Still. I’m not happy knowing you’ll be crossing the ocean with my future niece or nephew. I’m super nervous.”, he shrugged, trying to convince you.
 “Mister Jones, there were higher probabilities of me being hit by a car or a bus when coming here. Relax, it will all be fine.”
 “Hum....”, he murmured.
 “You’re not convinced, are you?”, you asked him.
 “My fight is booked, my ESTA is ready.”, you told him.
 “Okay. I’m coming with you.”
 “It is the only way. Everyone will be so sad to see me worried sick and loosing all this wonderful golden hair.”, he joked.
 You deeply sighed and rolled your eyes. It was pointless to argue now. Ben had taken his decision. He was both your and Joe’s best friend, you were quite sure the American would not bother.
 A few days later then, Ben and you boarded together to New York City. Everything had been properly packed. For once you had left you bass at home. It felt a little weird, but Joe had his own now. If needed, you would borrow his.
 The flight went smoothly. Ben merely looked daggers at the steward twice. First when he made the mistake of calling him your boyfriend, and then very heavily hitting on you.
 “Dude, let go.”, he said, his jaw contracted and his fists tightly closed. “She’s taken and pregnant. You....”, he started to warn him.
 “Ben, please, let go. You don’t want me to punch a random stranger, again, do you?”, you asked him, very calmly.
 He loudly laughed and the two of you recalled this very moment during the filming of Bohemian Rhapsody. The steward then let go and carried on doing his job properly, as Ben and you were still talking about the life on the set, remembering some joyful moments, and some more sad ones.
 Eventually, the plane landed and you proceeded to check all the papers to enter the US territory, Ben always by your side. He then insisted on you staying inside to heal a taxi, fearing you would be too cold outside. Yes, New York weather was still very cold at that time of year, but you had been living in London for quite a while now. It was not like you were not used to bad weather.
 The journey to Manhattan went smoothly as well. The driver was quiet and you were always delighted to see the skyline as you were approaching the heart of Big Apple. The car stopped in front of the building of Joe’s flat and Ben took care of both your luggage. One more trip in the elevator and you took the keys to surprise Joe. You could not wait to see his face. You came in, Ben waiting a little outside for your reunion to be the most romantic of all.
 You looked around the flat, being as quiet as possible to take your former student by surprise. Yet, he was nowhere to be found. Ben eventually arrived behind you, asking you if everything was alright.
 “He’s not here. This is strange. He did not tell me he had an appointment or something.”, you told him, frowning a little. You made yourself at home and took your phone out of your bag. If Joe was out, you wanted to make sure everything was alright still.
 “I’m going to facetime him.”, you told Ben and he nodded.
 You dialed and waited for him to take your call. His face appeared on the screen, smiling, like he would usually do.
 “Hey, my love. Is everything okay?”, he asked at once.
 “All is fine thanks, you?”, you questioned him back.
 “Good, good, where are you?”, he moved his head to look at the environment surrounding you.
 “I was about to ask you the same, in fact.”, you laughed a little. “I’m with Ben.”, you told him, as he showed his face on the screen, waving at his buddy.
 “Hey mate !! What the hell is going on?”, Joe carried on asking.
 “Joe, I wanted it to be a surprise. We’re in your flat in New York City right now. I wanted to be around for Valentine’s day.”, you shrugged.
 “Are you joking?”, Joe’s face was both happy and disappointed it seemed.
 “No, we’re not.”, you showed him around you, letting him know where you were.
 “I see.”, he grimaced.
 “Mate, what’s going on? We’d expected you to be a little more beaming that you are right now, to be honest.”, Ben told him.
 “Well, I’m super happy for the surprise. But I think Y/N and I are real soulmates. Cause we’ve had the same idea and I’m at your place right now.”, he replied. He too moved the phone to show you around. The images appearing could not lie. Joe was indeed in London, while you were in Manhattan. Again, an ocean was separating you, but this time, it was the other way around.
 You sat down, highly annoyed. You wanted to spend sometime with him, alone on this special day, the day of the lovers. You, for once very selfishly and maybe due to the hormones that were developing inside you, had wanted Joe to romantically ask you to be his Valentine. Having a nice walk in Central Parc, a nice dinner at home, just the two of you and ending this day with a comic film, as Joe was perfectly aware romantic movies were definitely not your cup of tea, eating a ton of chocolate.
 “Come on, my love. This is not so bad.”, Joe tried to cheer you up. “At least, we can be happy our best friend won’t be on his own on Valentine’s day.”, he laughed, making Ben look daggers at him. “Roh, come on mate, I’m joking.”, he said, trying to imitate his friend’s tone.
 “I’m single because I want it.”, Ben replied, trying to sound convincing. You looked at him and took him in your arms, hugging him tightly and smacking a sweet kiss in his blond hair.
 “Hey, what about me?”, Joe protested.
 “If you had warned your best friend about you going to England, none of this would have happened.”, Ben replied, taking you in his arms as well.
 “What? How come it’s my fault now? And Y/N, just as for Deaky and his wife, is my best friend too. So, shut your beautiful mouth.”, Joe carried on joking.
 “If ever I annoy you, just let me know.”, you interrupted them.
 “Okay, okay, love. Sorry for this.”, Joe carried on. “Now, since I’m still not used to your place, nor to mine to be honest, could you tell me where I can find a large vase please?”
 “You can take the one which is on the shelve next to the telly.”, you told him, frowning. “Why?”
 “Cause....”, he disappeared a moment from the screen and he came back to face the camera, holding a huge bouquet of roses, “I’ve bought a dozen of red roses for my darling.”, he smiled at you.
 “Oh my gosh, Joey, these are so beautiful.”, you put you hands on your cheeks.
 “And they do smell good as well.”, he let you know.
 “I’m sure they do.”, you replied. “I’m sorry for this, Joe.”, you told him once again lowering your head.  
 “My love. Look at me.”, he replied and you glanced at the screen again. “It’s okay. Being apart on Valentine’s day doesn’t mean we don’t love each other. A little being inside you shows how much I love you. Yesterday, now, and forever.”, he reassured you.
 You put your head on the side, tears coming to your eyes. You did not like being so emotional but you could not help it.
 “I love you too, Joseph Francis Mazzello.”, you smiled at him.
 “The third....”, Ben precised, still hugging you.
 “And I dub thee the fifth.”, Joe nodded, speaking to Ben.
 “What? Why?”, Ben frowned.
 “Cause you’re being the fifth wheel.”, Joe bursted out laughing, as he went to the kitchen to fill the vase this water.
 “At least, I’m not spending Valentine’s day on my own.”, the blonde actor replied, sticking his tongue out at the screen.
 “Touché....”, he replied, making you laugh this time. “You know what, I’m sure I won’t be on my own. I think Gwil and Dana will be delighted to see me.”, he carried on very seriously.
 “Joe, don’t do that. They are engaged. They don’t need you around on this very day. You warned him.
 “I’m kidding. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll hang around in London. Thinking how lonely I am at this very moment, knowing my expecting gal is with my best buddy.”, he acted lonely.
 “I think we’ll catch up with Lucy and Rami. It’s been a while.”, Ben said, ignoring his hare-brained ideas.
 “You definitely should. They are currently in New York City and I’m sure they’ll be so glad to see you both.”, the American seriously replied, putting the roses in the large vase. “Y/N, you should rest now, I’ve seen you yawning twice at least.”, he told you.
 “You’re right.”, you replied. “Talk to you later?”, you told him.
 “Sure will do, my love. Love you.”
 “Love you too.”, Ben replied before you could, sending him fake kisses.
 “I love you too, Joe.”, you eventually said before hanging up.
 The following day, you called Rami and Lucy and the four of you met at their place. It felt so nice to catch up again with you. The actress was younger than you, but she was starring at your rounded belly with attention, sweetly smiling. You noticed it, but said nothing. Rami and her had been together for longer than you and Joe, but both had acting careers taking most of their time. Having a baby was not a decision that could be easily taken.
 You carried on having random conversation, the actors explaining their current projects and you telling them how life in the MIT was going. The young couple seemed really happy to see everything was doing well and that hopefully, your students were all passionate as you were out music and bass guitars. You spend a really nice time with them, but too soon to your point of view, you had to get back home, tiredness because of the jetlag winning over you.
 Ben again insisted on sleeping with you. Just in case. You totally trusted him and you knew he would not bother you as he, contrary to Joe, was not a snorer. The following morning, you woke up quite early, checking both times in London and New York City. You sighed again as you got up.
 It was February the 14th and it was officially Valentine’s Day. And Joe was not by your sides. You were perfectly aware this was a ridiculous thought, but still. You missed him dearly. You both knew living in Manhattan and London would not be easy, but this very day it was even harder. ‘Next time, no surprises.’, you thought to yourself. Well, next time, the two of you would not be on your own. You were brought back to reality as someone knocked on the door.
 You went to open, dragging your feet behind you. You hoped it would not be this neighbor, always talking way too much.
 You opened the door after unlocking it and you had to blink repetitively to make sure you were really seeing it.
 “Hi, my love. Will you be my Valentine today?”, Joe asked you, another bouquet of roses in his arms, one knee on the floor.
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stmort · 6 years
headcanons for soft ben on set
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the two of you have made a habit of drinking tea together in the afternoons so you start bringing him tea while he’s working 
you buy it from his favorite place and you could order his favorite drink in your sleep
using pens or sharpies to decorate the paper cup with little doodles and whatever comes to mind
hot tea for my hottie 
drawing music notes, little drumsets, and your favorite Queen lyrics
one day you look up the lyrics to his favorite Queen song White Queen (As It Began) so you can write the whole thing in your cute handwriting 
surprising him with a different pastry every day 
he blushes when you kiss his cheek and call him Benny in front of everyone
loving his embarrassment and having him kiss you on the lips before you give him his drink
holding hands and telling each other how your days have been while drinking tea together
showing him pictures of you and Frankie cuddling from earlier that day
playing with his wig and giggling when he flirts with you like Roger
“What are you doing later?” 
“You if I can ever get you off this damn set.”
his soft cheeks blush a deep red because Brian and Roger are sitting right there
listening to old music and dancing with him when the boys get breaks
Joe sneaking a video of the two of you dancing to post on Instagram 
always finding ways to touch him while he’s working
holding hands, linking your arms, stroking his thigh, hugging him from behind and resting your head on his back
falling asleep with your head on his shoulder while you're sitting on the couch in the recording studio
he doesn’t want to wake you up but they’re about to start shooting the next scene
he kisses your forehead and pets your hair to wake you up
“We’re going to start filming soon, baby.” 
“Benny? Did I fall asleep?”
you look up at him with tired eyes, stretching to wake yourself up, and his heart swells
“Oh sorry, love.”
you call him one day to tell him that you won’t be able to make it and Joe still hasn’t stopped teasing Ben about having You’re My Best Friend as your ringtone 
“Hey BB.”
BB is short for baby boy
as they get ready to film a concert scene you rake your fingers through Ben’s wig and kiss him slowly before slapping his ass as he walks towards the makeshift stage 
“Do all of us get a good luck kiss then?” 
Ben is red again and you flip Joe off 
someone calls him “Benny” and he immediately shoots them down
“Don’t call me that. Only y/n calls me that.” 
seeing him for the first time all day and squishing his cheeks with his face in your hands and kissing the tip of his nose 
he giggles and won’t stop smiling afterward
his green eyes crinkling as he smiles to himself while practicing lines
randomly smiling during a scene and the boys being annoyed when they have to start over again
“That’s it y/n you’re not allowed on set anymore. You can’t keep distracting our Roger.”
“Whatever Mozzarella, you’re just jealous.”  
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mightyfineblog · 6 years
‘Pulse’ Ben Hardy x Reader
Summary: Getting caught in the act, Ben won’t let you slip away that easily. He teases and denies you the greatest pleasure all day and night.
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: SMUT, daddy kink, toys, control, denial, overstimulation, degradation, a slap. Basically FILTH to the MAX.
So here is it. Enjoy:
“Princess, I’m home” Ben closed the door behind his back. “Y/N, are you home, babe?” he looked around the living room to find it empty.
Coming up by the bedroom, he heard noise. Frowning, his heart dropped, before placing his hand on the door knob.  He was sure he heard moans, your moans. With a gulp, he opened a crack hesitantly, before completely coming onto the door frame. He sat there, completely in awe of the view before his eyes.
You, spread on the satin sheets, wearing his favourite sheen black shirt. He bit a lip as he looked you up and down, studying your activity. In the middle of the bed, you were laying with eyes were closed, head thrown back onto a pillow, hair messy. Looking further down, your left hand was squeezing your breast, thumb and index fingers working your nipple. Rolling it, pinching, squeezing. Your mouth was open, whispering his name “Oh Ben. Please Ben, right there baby”.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest as, his graze continued to go lower. Your legs were nicely apart, knees high. Your right hand, oh two fingers were buried deep inside of your evident wetness. They were steadily pounding, as your hips were moving up to meet your palm.
Ben frowned even more, and cleared his throat. Lifting an eyebrow, he spoke “Already started without me?”.
“Fuck!” you opened your eyes, but after the moment of shock was gone, you smirked as you continued even louder. “Do you like watching, Mr. Hardy?” you moaned.
He was furious, but kept his cool, as he came to sit next to you. Grabbing your hands in his fist, you whined, at the loss of pleasure. With both wrists he brought you to meet him.
“Oh babygirl” he cooed “You’ve no idea, how much, I’d love to watch you.”
You tried to meet his lips, but he was faster to crash and push your down again. You wiggled underneath his touch. He was strong and demanding, completely dominating your kiss. He pulled away and looked deep into your eyes, before groaning. His lips went straight to your neck, while his fist kept your wrists together between your breasts. He nipped and sucked, making you clench your thighs, needing more.
“Ben” you whined.
“You need something doll?” his lips were sucking on the soft skin underneath your collarbone.
“I need you” you whined again.
“Do you now?” he cooed.
“Yes, I’ve thought about you all day” you confessed.
He pulled away and hovered his lips over yours “Seemed like you were doing just perfectly without me, eh?”
“No, no, I need you” you puppy eyed him.
“Gotta earn it, love. But right now, all you earned is punishment, for starting without me.” He left you hot and bothered, all panting. At the door, he turned around “Oh, we’re going for dinner in an hour. Get ready. You’ll get what you deserve.”
You wanted to scream at the thoughts what he had in mind for you. But for now, you decided to follow his order.
After a quick cold shower to calm yourself down, you wanted to consult with your boyfriend about the dress code of wherever you were going.
“Ben, babe” you skipped to him in the kitchen. He making was coffee.
“What’s up doll?” he kissed you, like nothing happened earlier.
“Was wondering, what should I wear?” you snuggled under his arm, pressing a kiss onto his neck. One hand on his lower back, while the other casually leaning on his chest.
He kissed your temple “Something sexy, angel. We’re going to Sketch.”
You chuckled and grinned widely at him “I loove the place.” You jumped on your toes to give him a kiss on the lips. He tasted like sour coffee, because he never put sugar in it. Licking your lips you bit them, and cocked your head to the side.
“Mighty impatient today, aren’t we?” he smiled devilishly.
“You make me wet, just thinking about you.” You cooed and kissed him again.
He pulled you away “Hurry up now, love. Don’t wanna be late. Put the glitzy mini on” he smirked and slapped your arse away. You giggled and ran to get dressed.
Once you were ready, all dolled up, really cute, you casually stepped down the stairs, into the living room. Ben was sat on the sofa opposite the staircase. His expression was an open book. Eyes undressing you, lips pressed together. You felt powerful at this moment, despite of earlier. Propping yourself between his legs, you placed hands on his shoulders “Ready, Ben?”
“There’s one more thing, before we go.” He smirked. His hands went searching for something in his pockets, while you patiently waited.
“Close your eyes, baby girl.” He bit his lip. “And hold out your hands”
You did as told, standing with open hands, you felt something soft and rubbery being placed in your palms. Flickering your eyes open you were in awe.
“What in the Devil’s name is this?” you stared at the curvy pink ‘toy’.
“This my darling, will go in your tiny-iny knickers.” He carefully started. “And then, you’ll see how it works.” He licked his lips, head cocked to the side. “What do you say, angel?”
You stayed in awe for a few more moments, processing the situation. Until you eventually nodded. He nodded while his mouth mimicked talking.
“How do I put it on?” you breathed out. He smiled devilishly “Let me.”
He took it off your hands, as they fell to the side, unsure what exactly to do.
He slid on his knees “Open, love” he tapped your thighs. Spreading your legs apart, you waited. Ben rolled up your dress and smiled at your lacy underwear. You placed your hands on his shoulders, to keep steady, as your legs went further apart, giving him more access. He tugged at the hem of your knickers and hummed. Sliding the curved toy between your folds, you let a small moan. Finally positioning it up to your core, it was set in place. Nicely pressed against the rougher skin of your inside, the rounder part of the toy was hugging your curve perfectly like two curved fingers, meanwhile the smaller part fell on place right on your clit.
He smiled as he repositioned your underwear and dress. Standing up, he placed a kiss on your bare shoulder. His hand went to the back of your neck, as his lips pecked yours, carefully not to ruin your lipstick.
“Now, now. Your punishment starts tonight.” He threw and arm around your shoulders, prompting you to walk out.
“Ou” you sighed as you made a few steps.
“How does it feel, baby?” he cooed as he locked the door.
You gulped “Weird. New. Good”.
He hummed. On the way to the restaurant, he didn’t stop grinning, while you still felt quite embarrassed.
On a red light, he took his phone out, grinning as wide as you never seen him. He was onto something.
“Aaah” you squeaked, suddenly feeling light vibrations from new tool between your legs.
“So you control it with your phone?” you lifted a brow.
“Technology these days, darling” he grinned, as the lights turned green and he sped up, forcing your head to fall flat on the seat.
Once at Sketch, he decided to give you some time off at first, to not know when he would turn it on. Meeting with the rest of the boys, you were shown to your booth. The place was amazing, very sultry and chic. It’s pink velvet décor, always made you feel extravagant. Tonight though, you couldn’t focus on else, but the thing between your legs and your boyfriend.
You sat next to him, clinging onto him, like a puppy. He played a few times with the settings, which made your jaw clench and your core pool in wetness. You knew this was going to be your punishment, but decided to not give up that easily.
Your hand would slide off from time to time under the table, and grab on his thigh. You squeezed his trousers in your fist, when he turned the setting higher.
“Ben” you murmured through clenched teeth “Don’t you think it’s too late, we have an early day tomorrow?!”
“Nah, angel, the night is still young.” He poked your nose.
You were growing impatient, so when he turned up the strength of vibration high again, your hand squeezed his crotch. You wanted to let him know how you feel, in public.
He gave you a sharp look, warning you to play nice. Your grip loosened when he turned it down. But then again to the highest setting, making you squeak in high-pitched voice.
“Everything alright, Y/N?” Joe across the table frowned.
“Um, yeah” you tried to keep it together “Just need some fresh air, ‘tis all” you nodded. “Right, Ben?” your eyes wandered to meet his.
“You sure, love?” he seriously asked back.
“Let’s go get some fresh air, shall we?” you tried not to pant.
“After you m’lady.” He extended his arm for you. Gracefully taking it, you faked a smile  as you tried not to stumble on your way out. Once outside, he pulled you into the dark alley nearby.
Pinning your body to the wall, he grinned, then bit his lip. You panted even more, as he brought up his phone and sped the vibration up.
“Fuck, Ben” you squirmed under him.
His lips hovered over yours, he was lustful and dominating, but you couldn’t cohere do to anything about it. The throbbing in your core was getting stronger.
“How does that feel, baby girl?” he cooed at your neck “Do you really think, I’d let your little tantrum slip away that easily? That’s your punishment for being a bad girl.”
“I’ll be good, I won’t do it ever again without your permission, I promise” you whined, as your hands reached for his neck. Your back arched, eyes felt heavy, your mouth was shamelessly open. The knot in your stomach was building up, as the vibrations were right on the two places where you needed them the most.
You went to moan louder, but Ben’s hand shut your mouth “Look at me” he demanded, so you opened your eyes, but suddenly it stopped. You whined in protest, but he was keeping your mouth shut.
“See, I was willing to let you come tonight, right here, on the street. But, your neediness during dinner, only made it worse for you.” His voice stern. “Now keep your little mouth shut, or else.” He pulled away and dragged you behind him back in the restaurant.
Once back at your table, you were growing very frustrated. Your hand was constantly on his neck, you tried to kiss him whenever you could. All just make him give in.
The boys were noticing, and giggling at the desperate sight of you.
“Mate, how long haven’t you satisfied Y/N? She’s melting on you.” Rami cackled at Ben.
He just shook his head and murmured under his nose “Careful, mate.” He then took your hands and put them in your lap. His rough hand was keeping your wrists together, unable to move. You whined, not giving a damn that you were in public. Ben sat his fork down, and sighed.
“I think we’ll call it a night.” Then turned to you “Right, sweetie?”, his voice was deep and husky. You swallowed and nodded.
Once back at the flat, he acted as nothing had happened, like he hadn’t tortured you all day and night. He casually striped off his clothes and laid on the bed. His back flat against the headboard, phone on the bedside table, he was clicking on his laptop.
You ran straight to the bathroom, stripping off your clothes, you wanted him, you needed him and this punishment was playing on your last nerve. So, deciding to take matters into your own hands, you were going to seduce him in a way you knew he’d give in. Putting on the sexiest lingerie you had, plumping your lips a little, running your hands through your hair to add some volume. You leaned against the door frame. With one arm on your hip, you swung your legs toward him.
He lifted his eyes and looked you up and down, before piercing your graze with warning look. You shrugged a little, but decided to go on.
Crawling onto the bed on all fours, you made your way up to his hips. Lowering yourself between his knees you perched your arse in the air. He lifted his eyes over the screen and admired the view in front of him. You hissed and went to nip on his thighs, running your hands with long strokes, you were sure he’d give in.
Way to go girl.
He shut the laptop and threw it to the side. Cocking his head, his lips pressed together “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Getting what I want” you moaned extremely close to his shaft. When your hand reached to palm his boxers, he grabbed it in the air and lifted you up. Pulling you close to him he examined your existence.
“Now, now, doll. You just violated your rights. You want to come? Is that what you want?”
You nodded eagerly.
He shoved you to the side and stood up. “Apologise. Now” his voice stern.
You crawled up to him “I’m sorry”.
“Sorry, what?”
“Sorry, daddy” you purred.
“I don’ think you’re sorry, yet. Lay on your back.”
You obeyed.
He took a silver ribbon and straddled you. Pinning your hands above your head. He tied them up in a nice, firm bow. “Keep ‘em there” he ordered and hovered over your lips.
His hands run up and down your arms a few times, while his lips were kissing everywhere on your face, but your lips. You whimpered. His thumb shushed your lips. Pulling away he observed your sight. “My, my, so eager” he shook his head.
He ran his tongue along your neck, tasting your heavy perfume on your pulsating veins. Soon enough, his lips found your breasts. He nipped at your nipples through the lacy fabric of your bra. Both of his hands squeezed each boob, which made you moan.
His mouth travelled down to your navel, but stopped before reaching your heat.
Abruptly he pulled away and went to the drawer. Pulling out shiny vibrator, he turned it on the lowest setting. You looked with dripping mouth.
“Gonna be a good girl now?” his husky voice pierced your ears.
“Y-yes” you managed, while bracing yourself for what’s to come.
“Give daddy a show, and you’ll be rewarded.” He put the vibrator straight on top of your lacy thong. The vibrations were making your pulse go wild. You found yourself lifting your hips to get more friction. Instead he pushed you down and changed the setting to the hardest. “Don’t move, princess”
You whined, with shut eyes you tossed your head back. Pulling your tied wrists forward, his hand pinned them above your head again. “Said, don’t move”
“Fuck, Ben, daddy! Please. I can’t take this anymore” you cried out, as your legs began to shake. He abruptly pulled away, which made you curse even more.
Sliding off your thong, he held it in his fist. Leaning down, he licked his lips “Glistening and dripping, all for me” closing his eyes, his tongue licked harshly between your folds up to your throbbing clit, feeling the over sensitive bud. You cried out in frustration.
“Keep your little mouth shut” he ordered. Straightening you up, he untied your hands and rubbed your wrists, feeling your pulse on your, now evident veins.
He flipped you over and steadied you on all fours. Rubbing your bum, he shoved down his boxers and sprung his hard cock free. Groaning from deep within, his one hand kept your bum, while the other pumped his erection a few times.
You whined from anticipation “Daddy, come oon”.
“Ready princess?”
“As ever” you clenched your jaw.
He pushed hard, all the way in, making you yelp. Not giving you time to adjust he started thrusting mercilessly.  Both hands spreading your bum cheeks, he admired your little cunt.
“God! Your tight pussy. Needing some stretching, don’t you?” he pulled all the way out and pushed again, making you fall flat on your chest.
“Up, doll.” He grabbed your waist and pulled you up again to meet his hips. His pace was fast, furious, angry and needy.
He grabbed your hair in his fist and pulled your head back, making your back arch. “Fuck, daddy” you whined. “You like that? Hmm? That what you wanted?” he grunted in your ear.
Before you could speak, you felt the hard vibrations against your swollen clit once again.
“Fuuck!! Daddy” you cried out. “Can’t. Fuck!”
Tears were falling from the corners of your eyes, as the sensation was becoming too much at this point.
He pulled you hair again and cooed “Poor baby girl. Look at you, can’t handle daddy, making you cum. Hmm? After you begged so much?”
You were screaming incoherently as your walls tightened on his cock, which never slowed down. “Need you to come around my cock, my little slut” he whispered, pushing you over the edge. “Who do you belong to?”
“You, Ben. All yours.” you screamed.
You kept crying as your body didn’t stop shaking. It was the most intense orgasm you ever had. Through closed eyes, you saw stars, your body was uncontrollably trembling, the only thing keeping you in place, was his strong grip.
As he rode out your orgasm, he was finding his. “Can you take daddy’s cum?” he slapped your bum cheek. Your head fell down of your shoulders “Y-y-yes”.
With one final thrust, his hands let go of your hips, pushing you down on your face, he released his hot mess. The hot liquid covered your walls, making you clench around him once again, as he fucked you.
Grunting behind you, he pulled out, leaking it down your shaky legs. He stood for a while catching his breath, before laying on his back next to you.
He pulled you under his arm, as you sobbed on his sweaty chest. After a few more minutes, he stroked your hair as his other hand cupped your cheek, making eye contact with you. You reached and placed a kiss on his swollen red lips.
“Did I hurt you, babe?” He was back to his soft and caring self.
You shook your head, unable to form a sentence. He straightened his back against the headboard, taking your whimpering body in. You laid your head in the crook of his neck “God, I love you so much, Ben.”
“I LOVE YOU MORE” he softly spoke, rubbing your back.
“Let’s get cleaned up babygirl.” He stood off, reaching for your hand.
You tried to stand up, but stumbled. Catching you in his arms, he carried you to the bathroom.
Running a hot bath, he laid with you between his legs, leaving you to lay your back against his strong chest.. Letting the hot water soothe your sore bodies, you cuddled for dear life.
Oh god, I’ll rot in hell. Please, please tell me what you think. Any feedback.
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queenlifesupport · 6 years
Like It’s Yours (Ben x Joe x Y/N) #1
A/N : This is sorta inspired by @freddiesmercvry (Truth or Dare) and low-key from 50 Shades of Grey... Also please leave suggestions for scenes or some smutty situations!! (this might have typos, also im so tired while writing this so it might be SHIT)
WARNINGS : SEX, Language, Unprotected Sex, Kinkiness. WORDS : 3,019
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I haven't been out of my small apartment in days, I had work piled on my desk like theres no tomorrow, my job was absolutely pushing me to the edge and I needed a break before I fell. I used the strong liquor in my hand to pump myself with confidence in order to move onto the dance floor, I wasn't much of a drinker but tonight called for it. It was hard to make out what song was playing due to the overdramatized bass that throbbed through my eardrums, but whatever it was, people still let loose of their problems and personal lifestyle. 
I attempted to stand while the drink flew through my system, accomplishing balance on my six inch heels. The confidence finally brought me to the large gathering I've been eyeing all night. I entered the crowd, feeling like I'm lost in a humid corn-maze, being bumped into by random strangers that were also tipsy, some more than others. Finding the middle of the crowd, it was my time to let loose. During the midst of my drunken swaying, my eyes fluttered open to view those around me, gaze following the eyes a man a few feet away. He looked lascivious as he mirrored my moves. His blonde hair was slightly swept to the side, he wore an all black suit that tailored him quite nicely, you could tell he was fit. I held his stare intensely, not daring to make a move in his direction for I did not want to lose the challenging match so easily. He seemed to not budge easily either, I debated in my mind to either approach or signal him over. His glare made my stomach slightly weak, out of reflex I looked away, I knew I couldn't approach him on my own. I continued to dance, deciding to slow it down, adding more sensualness to the way I moved. I needed to draw him in and this was the only way I knew how. Although our beaming was cut off from my shyness, I could feel his eyes still exploring every inch of my body. My feet began to ache, I had a inclination that connections would not ascend further, I'd rather sit down instead of waste my time. I looked up one last time, giving the stranger a smile before strutting off to the lounging area. I felt overheated from the moving along from the warmth emanating off others, once getting away from the swarm I accompanied myself on the white pleather. I sighed at the cool air being pushed over me from the air conditioning overhead, I wondered why there wasn't air conditioning above the dance floor. It was getting late according to the time on my phone screen, I should head home soon so I can attempt to demolish my workload tomorrow.
"Hello." My thoughts were interrupted by a harsh British accent, I took a gander at the wellspring of the voice and to my surprise it was him, the one from the herd in the dancing mass. My eyebrows lifted ever so lightly, I didn't think he'd follow.
"Oh - hi." I could only manage a short response. He lightly chuckled before asking me if he could accompany me on the cushion, I accepted. He smelled of Versace cologne, the hint of green apple, mint, and lemon, it was exhilarating on its own.
"Crowded night, I suppose." His voice was as mesmerizing as his scent.
"Indeed. I've never been here, thought I'd give the nightlife a try."
"I agree, I usually come here to meet interesting people, and as of now, I've accomplished my goal."
"You don't even know my name." I laughed now.
"Good point, I'm sure it's as interesting as you seem. Now humor me." From then on, we talked about all sorts of aspects of our lives; work, friendships, hobbies, and even romantic relationships. I learned his name is Ben, he lives with his best friend Joe, he's an actor, and he plays football (soccer) in his pastime. Once I looked down again at my phone, it allowed us to see we've talked for about 2 and a half hours straight. Time did fly when you're having fun.
"I should probably get home." My smile faded at the thought of ending our night, he frowned slightly too. I opened iMessage to text my friend, earlier she agreed to drive me home since I would be drinking and I've always been her designated driver in the past. "I just have to wait for my ride, in the meantime I can get your number?" 
"Sounds lovely." He recited his number to me as I quickly pounded it in, setting his contact as 'Ben'. 
"We should get together sometime soon, maybe coffee tomorrow?" A ding from my phone alerted me of a notification. "Fuck - she can't pick me up."
"What's going on?"
"Her tail-light is busted, she doesn't want to get pulled over while driving around." I sighed frustratingly. My apartment was about a 45 minute walk from here and I wasn't in the mood to walk in heels.
"I can order you an Uber."
"No no - You don't have to pay for me. I can order one."
"Why don't you come over for the night? It's just 10 minutes away." He seemed serious about his statement. I couldn't tell if it was a legitimate invitation. Would I really go home with him? I wasn't that type of person, meet them then immediately jump to the next thing. "Well, are you down?"
"Sure, I don't see the harm in that." I didn't even give a second thought to my answer. 
The industrial-loft like apartment was dark and smelled of cedar wood, it gave a very expensive vibe yet homey at the same time. I hung my purse and coat up on the welcoming racks and followed Ben further into the flat, as we ventured through he flicked every light switch allowing the place to illuminate under the warm lights. We entered the kitchen, presently taking a seat at the island as he sought what appeared to be a wine rack.
"Care for a drink? We have Dom Perignon, Caymus, whatever you desire." I desire him. 
"I don't speak rich, surprise me." He gave my comment a delightful snicker. My love life was very exhausting, I was constantly focused on my profession. I never discovered many fascinating folks, however he was something different. He was adorable, smart, kind, and as a plus, rich.
"For the lady, Beau Joie." He held two beautiful champagne flutes, each held a fizzing liquid. I accepted the cup between my fingers and took a drink at the same time as him. I've just heard of this stuff in romance books and films, yet I was at that point of truly liking him in one night. I felt my cheeks heat up with a pink as he sent me little wink while his lips pursed around the glass rim. "Have I let you know that you're the beautifulest amongst all the women I've ever seen?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully, biting my lip at his compliment.
"You haven't seen many women I assume?" My eyebrow raised at him as I yet again took a sip of the champagne that tasted like citrus and apple as it hit my many tastebuds. 
"I've seen my fair share, and I can tell you what I said was a fact. Don't believe me if you want, but I can prove it if needed." I gulped at the possibilities he could be suggesting.
"And what are you implying, Mr. Hardy?" I scooted to the edge of my seat, leaning in closer to him. He did the same, only a few inches from my lips.
"Why don't you kiss me and find out?" His voice was deep, pushing me over the edge, I couldn't deal with him. I went forward, crashing my lips with his soft ones, sharing the alcoholic tase between the sensual moment. I didn't mind the taste. I felt his strong grip move to my thigh as we continued to synchronize our lips, soon feeling his tongue graze my bottom lip in anticipation to enter. I allowed it. We pulled apart after a few moments of heavy interaction, we both sat there out of breath. 
"Take off your blazer." My request was forward and I demanded I got what I asked for. He slipped it off without question, grabbing onto the bottom hem of his under shirt, giving me a questioning look before I nodded, then he took that off too. I was correct before, he was fit, my fingers ran down his abs, drawing an imaginary sloppy line from his V-line to his biceps, clutching a hand around his upper arm to feel the hard muscle. 
"Maybe we should get you out of that pretty little dress of yours?" His whisper was dripping with lust, I had to clench my thighs harder. Everything he said drove me crazy, I was soaked at this point. 
"Who said you earned it?" 
"Who said you were the one in control here?" He made me melt, he was so dominant and I loved it. I surrendered, standing up, first unzipping it from the back as we held eye contact, then slipping down the dress sleeves, finally pulling it down to pool around my feet. He bit his lip at the sight of the black lace panties I wore underneath, the dress had enough support to wear it without a bra. In the cool air, my nipples were hard at the high amount of excitement I felt. "I think you might be missing something else." He slightly pointed at the thong I still wore. I slid my thumbs into the waistband, teasing him by stretching out the fabric but not pulling them down. As I continued, I could see him getting quite impatient in his seat. "Now." I finally slid them down at his command, feeling embarrassment at my exposure but replaced it with fake confidence. 
"What now?" I sweetly asked, swaying seductively as I walked myself directly in front of him. He harshly grabbed onto my hips, pulling me in to take my nipple between his teeth, harshly sucking and nipping. I moaned loudly, his sudden action sparked my body massively. "Fuck - Ben." My hand took a fistful of his blonde hair, tugging slightly. His suction pulled off as he took a moment to look up at me.
"Don't call me that." I looked down confused. "You can call me Sir." He then wrapped his lips along the other breast. His other hand found its way to between my thighs, rubbing my clit slowly. His fingers rolled perfectly. 
"Hmph - Sir, I need more please." He hummed against the soft skin in response, he continued. "Please, I need to be fucked." He withdrew his lips and hands from me, standing up to match my height, unbuttoning the suit pants then releasing himself from them. Once he was left in his boxers, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the counter on the other side of the island. Although there was a cup holding utensils, he used his arm to sweep them off the counter and to the floor, scattering everywhere. He once again grabbed onto my hips, ordering me to jump then also lifting me up to sit bare-ass on the counter, he re-adjusted his hand position, placed his hands on both my under thighs, lifted them up so that my pussy was at a better angle for him to enter while I leaned back and held myself up on my arms. He bit his lip as he gazed down at my glistening slit.
"You're so wet for me, princess. How bad do you want my dick in your tight little pussy?" I rolled my head back in anticipation. 
"So bad, Sir, please fuck me." He finally removed his last layer, revealing his hard and throbbing cock, I licked my lips at the sight of him completely nude in front of me. I moaned quietly as he teased me with his tip, it was this moment I was beyond thankful I was on birth control. I craved him cumming inside me. I made no remarks at his slow entrance, I knew thats what he wanted from me. Suddenly he thrusted in slowly, I moaned out, hearing him sigh as he slipped in. 
"You're so tight, babygirl. You feel so good around my cock." He continued a slowed pace, allowing me to adjust to his length and width. At first it felt slightly uncomfortable but was soon replaced with pure bliss.
"Sir, please go faster, " He slightly built up to a fast pace with my request. The sound of our moans and slapping skin filled the quiet apartment. His thrust grew faster and deeper, and I moaned even louder with every push. At this point I was a moaning mess, the pleasure took over from the waist down, the overflowing delight clouded my head. 
"Turn around, I want your ass facing me and your stomach against the counter." He slid out of me, causing me to whine in response. "Do it, now." I followed his order and managed to rotate myself on my tits, it was cold sending small goosebumps on the surface of my skin. "Such a lovely ass." As his words distracted me, his cock slipped back into my slit, hitting deeper than the last time. I cried out in pleasure, stretching my arms out attempting to reach for something. All of a sudden the sound of glass hitting the floor could be heard, I knocked the glass full of champagne off the counter.
"Fuck Ben, I'm sorry." I managed to get out between breaths as I used my hand to push behind me on his chest. All he did in response was grab my wrist and pin it behind my back.
"I don't care, don't think about it babygirl." He sped up once again, now grabbing a fistful of my hair. My legs started to weaken from all the pleasure, I couldn't control any sounds that left my mouth. I barely had a grip on my surroundings either. "Shit baby, I'm close." His teeth clenched together, grunting as he continued the pace.
"Cum in me Sir, fill me up." I attempted to push him over, and I succeeded. Feeling his warm cum release inside me. After a few sloppy thrusts, he pulled himself out. 
"Now it's time for you baby." He lowered his face to my cum dripping pussy, licking a strip from my clit to my opening, pressing his tongue into my slit. I groaned as his tongue thrusted in and out, it was significantly more exciting to me that he had quite recently came inside me and is currently licking it up. I didn't require substantially more attention to cum, I was already close when he was fucking me with his dick.
"Sir, I'm close." I moaned.
"Not yet baby." He muffled against my pussy. I rolled my eyes as I attempted to not cum. His tongue removed from me, now standing and inserting two fingers. Curling them with every moan, he harshly pulled up and down causing an intense amount of pleasure. I was bound to cum at this point. 
"Sir, p-please, let me" I couldn't finish the sentence without stuttering on my moans, "let me cum, please."
"Now, babygirl." And with his reaffirming words, I let myself release around his fingers, urging them with both our cum joined. "Face me." I pitifully pivoted, looking at his fingers he held at my face level. "Suck." I eagerly took his fingers in my mouth. Sucking and enjoying our tastes together, once I licked all the wetness from his fingers he sighed as he removed them from my mouth. "You better to go tidy yourself up, sweetheart." His voice was presently delicate as we ogled at one another, flushed from our recent climaxes. 
"Wheres your room?" My voice was strained and tired from the many moans I recited. 
"Down the hall, second room on the left." I let myself down from the counter, to my surprise he snaked his hand behind my neck, pulling me in for a soft kiss. I blushed before I slightly wobbled to his room. 
It was the following morning, I laid in his bed, naked whilst enveloped by his white sheets. I didn't know what I was thinking the previous evening, however I was satisfied with my result. The washroom entryway was open, enabling me to watch Ben wash himself in the steamy and glass doored shower. I had no desire to go home. I heard the water stop, signaling me that he would be emerging any moment. The shower door accompanied the silence that now filled the room.
"When do you want me to go home?" I called to him, tracing imaginary shapes on the sheets. 
{TAG LIST // @fixedonroger // @lovingbenhardy // @bemywiggins // @vampire-way// @brianrogerinas // @16wiishes // @theonlyone-meeeee // @g-g-g-ghost-butt // @oxuminaa }
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bohemiansweede · 3 years
Versace On The Floor
Pairing Rami Malek & Reader
Warnings 🔞
A/N please like and reblog or leave a comment thank you
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The whole house was empty and quiet when all the guests left
You and Rami had hosted a big birthday party plus celebrating that you just bought your new big house up in The Hills
A lot of people brother and wife, sister, both old friends and actor colleagues had a good time, food, good music and of course drinks
He closed the door after the last guest and returned to you in the big kitchen
You placed the big tray with leftover catering food in the fridge
- Ohh God.. It was good food, right hunnie?
He filled both your glass with more wine
- Yes, it was an amazing party Rami
- It sure was.. Cheers love
You took a sip and smiled at him
- Sooooo.. Did your birthday fill all the boxes?
- Mmm.. No...
- No? What could I do more for you Mr Malek?
- Well...... Mmmm.... Let's see... I could do something for you darling
He kissed your neck, just where he knew you loved it
Immediately your head fell back with a moan
It had been a while since you enjoyed time alone
Your twingirls Thea and Tessa, were now soon 3 years old
After a busy morning showering in kisses, cuddling and of course pancakes in bed they proudly gaved dad their new drawings.
Their bags were packed for the night and they were picked up by your friend Lizzie
The minute they were gone, you missed them, but you had to get ready for the big evening
- Mmm.. Rami, you know what I like
- Uhu.. Do I...
His lips left you burning
He took your hand and with a smile he went to the big living room
With a little flip of his hand he softened down the lights and turned up the volume a bit
"Versace on the floor" by Bruno Mars streamed out from the speakers
He lifted you up a bit and swirled you around
A soft giggle slipped from your lips
His strong arms held you close and you breathed in his maskuline scent
The zipper was pulled down before you even realised it and your new dress dropped on the floor
You just breathed heavily
- Y/N?.. Is this new?
His finger followed your red lace bra
- It is... Mmmm... For you Rami dear
He kissed down your collarbone
- Oh, just this is a gift enough, what am I going to do with a beautiful gift wrapping like this
With a snap your bra was off
He cupped your both breasts in his hands
Slowly twirling your nipples between his fingers
- Ple.. Please Rami
- Please what?.. You don't have to beg me tonight, I'm impatient.. Ohhhh.. shit.. you look divine Mrs Malek
His finger continued down your belly and followed the hem of your panties
Your thighs clenched together and it started to pool inside of you
- Ahhhh R.. Rami
- Mmmmm....
He knew you knees got weak of his touch, so he scooped you up and placed you on the couch
You bounced on the cushions and bit your lip admiring your husband taking off his tie.. slowly..slowly
He swayed his hips a bit to the music and you licked your lips
- Come here
With a big smile you spread your legs
- I have a gift for you
Never before had he jumped out of his clothes that quickly
He almost growled when he landed between your lushius thighs
You lifted your butt so he could pull your underwear down
You saw a glimmer in his eyes when he looked up at you
They locked with yours same time his tounge divided your folds
He smiled mischievously and flicked his tounge fast on your clit
Your hips tried to buck upward, but he pinned you down
As soon as his fingers entered you, your walls fell apart and you came with a primal scream
- Ohhh love.. I have missed this.. Mmm
- Ssshhhh.. Continue!!! OHHH GOD
His middlefinger nudged over your spot like the expert he was, he knew you.. Inside and out
And just as you came the second time, he opened his mouth to collect all your sweet fluid
You almost trapped him with your thighs and scratched his scalp
- AHHHH... SSSSSHHHIT little pussy cat .. Shit.. You have sharp claws
He laughed a little raspy laugh and crawled up kissing, admiring your body all the way up
He placed tiny butterfly kisses on your belly
- Hunnie?
-.. yes?
- I know an other gift you can give me...
- Oh Rami. You want that? Now? Already?
- Omg.. Yes.. YES I do
His eyes got almost teary
He kissed you passionatly, while he entered you
Like you instinctively found your same RHYTHM together, you moved in unison, first slow and deep, then neither of you could hold it any longer
He took your leg and pressed it to his chest so he could come in deeper than before
- Ohhhh.. I'm coming... NOW!!
- Wait for me baby.. Ahhhh...
He kissed you again and held around your ass pumping his cock faster and faster
Not long after you felt his seed flushing deep inside you
He held around you, still remaining inside
- You think it worked right away like last time with our girls?
- Mmm... Maybe.. Ohh.. Maybe next birthday we can serve more pancakes..
- Ohh, I would love that. I love you
Y/N.. So so much
- And I you Rami. Happy Birthday daddy
Enjoy more reading in my masterlist
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adrenaline-roulette · 5 years
Hallow-Queen (Ben)
I wrote three Hallow themed one shots back in October for the Boh Rhap cast (There was supposed to be a fourth, but unfortunately some things came up, and I was unable to write it. Maybe this Halloween I’ll finally get it done!?)
Anyways, there is a fic for Joe, Ben and Gwil
This time it’s the man with the most amazing lower lip biting technique, Ben!
@not-the-cleavers​  (I know how much you love Ben ATM boo!) Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
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The BohRhap cast Halloween parties had become a tradition, well perhaps not a tradition quite yet, seeing as this was only the second time the event was occurring, but it was a tradition none the less! This year, Ben had put his hand up for organising the party , and to quote, “This year, Halloween will be the biggest, best party you will ever attend!” Of course, when you had asked your fiancé what he had meant by that, he would shrug and change the subject. To say you were concerned would be an understatement, the party invitations had gone out four weeks ago, and in that time you hadn’t seen Ben do anything remotely resembling party planning! All you knew, was that the party was to be held at his parents house. It was an odd location choice, though you knew his family was out of town currently, and their house was far bigger than the apartment you two currently shared. So perhaps it was the ideal location? “Good morning love. I’m going to get things set up for tonight, I’ll see you at eight yeah?” Ben whispers, as you feel the bed dip opposite you, as he lays down to face you.
Opening your eyes slowly, you yawn as the morning light catches you off guard, clearly Ben had opened the bedroom curtains, the sun now flooding the room. “Hm? Ben what time is it?”
“It’s ten, hey shh, don’t get up.” Ben smiles softly, resting his hand over your shoulder and gently pressing you back against the bed. “There’s tea on the nightstand, careful it’s still hot. Have a quiet day to yourself, and I’ll see you at the party.”
You smile, closing your eyes once again as you breathe in the scent that is so uniquely Ben. The smell of black coffee and cigarettes invading your sinuses. “Are you sure you don’t need help with anything?”
You had offered to help multiple times this past week, and each time Bed had declined, informing you that he had everything under control. “Thank you, but I’m all good Y/N, I promise that by eight o’clock tonight everything will be set up for the party!”
Snuggling deeper under the covers, you peer over at the blonde across from you, your eyes up only visible beneath the cacoon you had created. “Have fun, love you Benji.” Ben leans over, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, before rolling off of the bed and heading out of the apartment.
Just as Ben had promised, when you roll over onto your other side, there on the nightstand, is a piping hot teacup filled with earl grey tea, made just the way you like it. You wriggle up in the bed, until you’re sat with your back pressed against a mountain of pillows against the headboard. You sip the tea carefully, holding the delicate cup with gentle hands. It was a teacup Ben had gifted you as part of your Christmas present a few years ago, and you used it every chance you got.
It was your first Christmas as a couple, and the first Christmas you had experienced with snow, it was perfect to say the least! The morning had started with soft, lazy kisses, that was until Frankie had decided she felt rather left out, and had jumped up on the bed and began giving you her own kisses. “No, bad girl. Off the bed!” Ben laughed, as he watched her attack you with slobbery kisses. You could hardly complain, you would always give Frankie attention if she wanted it.
  “She’s right you know; we really do need to get up.” You grin, sitting up fully causing Frankie to slide down onto your lap, before she jumped off the bed, and trotted back into the hall where she had appeared from.
Ben groaned, rolling onto his stomach and burying his face against the pile of pillows he slept on, a habit which you had adopted not long after you began dating. “But I don’t wanna get up.” He whined like a petulant child, all that was missing was him to begin stomping his feet.
You reach your hand out, carding your fingers through his golden curls, tugging gently at the roots. “If you don’t get up, then you won’t get your presents…”
That was enough to get his attention, and you watched as Ben shot up out of bed, his boxer shorts riding low on his hips. You bite your lip, trailing your eyes over his toned physique, maybe you could spare another few minutes just staring at him? “Well, are you coming?” Ben smirked, catching your wondering gaze and sending a wink your way.
With a roll of your eyes, and a sigh you drag yourself from the bed, slipping on a pair of bunny slippers. They were a gimmick gift from your best friend, and despite starting as a tacky piece of footwear, you now wore them all the time. Making your way around the bed, you meet Ben in the doorway, taking his hand in yours and leading you into the sitting room. In one of the corners of the room sat a short, plump Christmas tree, decorated in baubles, tinsel and fairy lights. The lights had been left on overnight. “So Santa knew where to leave the presents.” You had insisted with a childlike grin.
Frankie sat eagerly beneath the tree, having already found her present, it was a new doggy bed, wrapped in jolly red and green wrapping paper, with a large gold bow around the square package. You knew she would enjoy it more if the wrapping was no longer on it, but to remove said wrapping that would require her moving, and it didn’t look like she would be doing so for quite some time.   You and Ben sat cross legged on the floor around the tree, both of you having snuck out during the night to place your presents around the base of the tree. Ben hands you a box to start with, the design on the paper was an ombre effect starting in navy blue, moving into mauve, and ending in peach, with flecks of silver scattered within, and a matching bow on top. “Whatever you do, please don’t shake the box!” Ben warns quickly, holding his hand out before you.
You nod slowly, making sure to handle the box with a great deal of care. You remove the ribbon, leaning forward and wrapping it around Ben’s forehead with a triumphant grin, before slowly peeling back the paper, finally you lift the lid of the box and gasp. Your hands are shaking as you lift the porcelain cup from the bubble wrap which surrounded it. Inside the careful wrapping lay a petite teacup, it was cream coloured, with a gold handle. Around the cup, there were tiny painted flowers, of purple, pink and blue, delicate leaves and vines surrounding the bunches. “Oh Ben, this is too much…” You grin, as you take out the matching saucer, holding them between shaking hands. You place them on the ground beside you, crawling forwards, and kissing Ben fiercely, all thoughts of the other presents forgotten for the time being.
  Ben had it all planned, all he had to do now was get everything set up, which was why he had allowed himself over nine hours to do so. There was an awful lot that he had to get done for the party, and seeing as he had declined offers of help at every turn, he now had to task of preparing everything alone.
The plan seemed simple enough, but the execution was where the difficulties began. He somehow had to turn the normal looking family home, into a haunted house, he had spared no expense in buying the necessary props, but he wanted it to look good, and he knew it would take a fair bit of work, to get fake plastic gravestones to look realistic.
As the afternoon progressed, you began getting yourself ready for tonight’s fiesta. You had spent the day watching old movies, with Frankie curled up beside you on the bed. In fact, the only time you had left the bed for any extended period of time, was when you had gone to get your uber eats order when it had arrived, that had marked the longest conversation you had had all day, something that was sure to change as the night progressed.
You had been planning your costume for a few weeks now, and had kept it hidden from everyone, not that anyone had really discussed what they were dressing as. Though you had a feeling Rami and Lucy would once again come up with both the cutest, and most epic couples costume in existence. Your hair was the part that would take the longest, you had to get it prepared for the wig you had spent hours styling just the other day. You had worn wigs before, you were well known in the cosplay community for your quirky costumes, though it didn’t matter how many times you combed, braided, twisted and pinned your hair back, it was never a pleasant experience. You had considered shaving your head again, at least then you wouldn’t have to worry about the tedious part of applying a wig, but with Winter well on its way, you figured now was not the best time to do so. Only a few years ago, you had done just that however, you were at a convention with a few friends, and had just gone to put on your wig for your costume. At the time, you had exceptionally long hair, which meant you absolutely needed a wig cap before even considering applying said wig. Of course, you being you, meant you forgot to bring any wig caps, and no one had a spare one for you to use. It was suggested you forgo the wig, but to you that was never an option, so instead, you shaved your head! And just like that, voila, instant wig cap! It had taken years for your hair to grow back out, but when you look back on the event, you wouldn’t change a thing.
With the towering white wig in place, and the finishing touches applied to your makeup, all that was left now was to apply the multi piece costume, which would be a task and a half. Somehow you had to tie up a corset by yourself, when normally you would ask someone to help! “What are you looking at?” You laughed, as you turn on the spot, trying to get a better view of the back of the corset, in an effort to tie it up securely. Frankie sat beside you, nudging one of her toys in your direction. “Sweetie, I can’t play right now, I can’t bend down that far!” You can’t help but chuckle at that, realising only now that your movements were extremely limited in this costume. “How on Earth am I going to bend enough to sit in a car?”
 Ben clapped his hands together as he looked over his handy work, a grin slipping onto his lips, everything looked pretty damned good! The fake gravestones littered the front lawn, with zombie and skeleton hands sticking out around them. Jack o lanterns lined the footpath up to the house, and sat around the balcony by the front door, all sporting different expression, some shocked, happy, scared, and a few who were either dead or asleep. Inside, he had set up a large table with all types of haunting snacks, sausages cut to look like fingers, strawberries dipped in white chocolate that resembled ghosts, a giant platter of spaghetti and meatballs, the meatballs had a dollop of sour cream in the centre and a ring of black olive in the middle, serving as eyeballs in gore, and of course, because no adult party would be complete without them, jelly shots in syringes!
Around the house, fake cobwebs were scattered around the ceiling, and covering some of the furniture, there was a giant ghost hung up just above the fireplace which seemed to float with the breeze in the house. “Perfectly cheesy.” Ben grinned as he gazed around, there were other surprises for his guests to find during the night, but for what he could see, everything looked perfect.
He made his way up to what used to be his bedroom, but had long ago been transformed into a study, using the familiar space to get into his costume. People would be arriving shortly, and it simply wouldn’t do if the host wasn’t dressed! The blue bellbottom jeans felt all too familiar, after spending months dressing in 70’s regalia for the part of Roger Taylor, he had become so used to wearing them, that it was almost a struggle to go back to wearing skinny jeans.  He tucked a blue button down into the waist of his jeans, and slipped on a white jumper, popping the collar out of the neck so to tie around the bright red ascot. Finally, he toed on a pair of brown loafers, before gelling his hair back, and combing it into the best rendition of a pompadour he could achieve. “Let’s split up gang!” He chuckled as he looked himself over in the mirror, before remembering he was currently alone in the house, and you were nowhere around to laugh at his stupidity.
The sound of a car door slamming shut brought him back to attention, darting out of his old room, and towards the front door. As he went out to the front yard to greet his guests, he grinned as it became apparent that Lucy and Rami were the first to arrive, ever punctual. “Fuck, you guys look great!” Ben grinned, as he wrapped them both in a tight hug, one in each arm. Lucy looked flawless in a long-sleeved mermaid style black dress, with what would likely be the deepest cut neckline he had ever seen, her lips were coated in red that matched her fingernails, and she wore a pin straight black wig. Rami had his hair slicked back, and had pencilled on a thin moustache, he had donned a black suit with white stripes, and a black tie. “Please tell me Joe is dressed as Wednesday.” Ben howled with laughter, trying to picture his crazy friend as the sullen child. He couldn’t imagine anyone would pull of Mr and Mrs Addams the way Lucy and Rami did.
“Sadly no, he claims he had a better costume in mind! But we did try!” Rami laughs, as other people begin to arrive, cars parking all along the suburban street.
“Is Y/N here too?” Lucy asked excitedly, looking around the garden for your familiar face, only to come away looking disappointed.
  “Not yet, she’ll be here soon though. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise of how everything looked.” Ben smiled, as he caught a glimpse of what could only be descried as the oddest couples costume he had ever seen. “Gwil, Joe… Nice to see you both!” The two men in question walked past the mock graveyard, and grinned at the small group, Joe waving, while Gwil went in for the hug just as Ben had. “I’m just gonna cut to the chase right now, guys what the fuck are you wearing?” Ben couldn’t conceal his laughter, and Gwil turned to Joe, and simply sighed.
“Well to be clear, I just want you all to know, that this was always going to be my costume, I came up with this idea!” Gwilym grumbles, while Joe nods along eagerly.
“That is true, I won’t steal the credit for this phenomenal idea!” Joe chimes in, only to earn a glare from the Welshmen.
The men in question, were currently dressed as two characters from Peter Pan, but two rather unlikely characters. Gwil was dressed as a rather wonderful Captain hook, complete with black curled wig, grease moustache, red coat, and buckled shoes. Of course, he had a hook to really finish off the look. He really did look wonderful. Whereas Joe, had somehow squeezed himself into a Tinkerbell dress, which was at least two sizes too small. The green dress barely zipped up past his ass and was far too short to be considered decent. There were two pompoms glued to the end of a pair of flip flops, and the wings he sported on his back, were clearly designed for a child. “He was complaining that he didn’t know what to wear tonight, and I stupidly told him I was going as Captain Hook. I didn’t think he would do anything with that information! Or if he did, I thought maybe, he would go as Mr Smee! Not fucking Tinkerbell!”
Gwil was obviously frustrated, but at the same time, it appeared as if he were fighting off a grin, Joe looked ridiculous and with him stood beside Gwil, it only helped to boost how good the Captain’s outfit looked. “As if I would dress as Mister Smee! I look terrible in striped shirts!” Joe laughed, shimmying his shoulders just enough to wriggle the wings. “Besides, I look fabulous!”
“I absolutely do not believe in fairies.” Gwil muttered, causing Joe to press a hand against his chest in shock.
“Well, if there was ever any question, its sure as hell been answered now.  This is not a children’s party.” You grin, walking up to the group, your extravagant costume drawing the attention of the gang. Your white wig had been teased within an inch of its life, now standing on end adding a great deal of height to your appearance. Your face, neck, arms and chest had been covered in pale lilac face paint, blue eyeshadow reached up to over drawn, arched eyebrows, and a shockingly vibrant shade of red lined your lips. A golden shell necklace rest over your chest, and triangular purple earrings hung low from your ears. The dress had taken a while to create, but looked stunning in your opinion, The top was a sleeveless inky black fitted dress, which contoured to the shape of your body, all the way down to your ankles, where it fanned out into eight stuffed tentacles, with the underside a deep purple with cut out foam disks of light purple, glued on to form suckers. Finally, you had a pair of black silky opera gloves, which really completed the look.
“Did I miss the part where this was supposed to be Disney themed?” Rami laughed, as you gravitated to Lucy’s side, attacking her cheeks in kisses as she did the same to you, both grinning madly at each other.
“Um, Y/N love, what are you wearing?” Ben asks shyly, as he steps up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist securely.
You tilt your head back and gaze up at him, lifting an exceptionally tall eyebrow up at him. “I thought that was rather obvious love, I’m Ursula, you know, the sea witch…”
Ben’s eyebrows pull together in the middle as he gazes over you, he wouldn’t lie, he liked what he saw, but it was not what he had been expecting. “I thought we were going to do a couple costume remember? You were going to be Daphne to my Fred.”
You turn in his arms, cocking your head to the left as you regard him with a sceptical look. “Benji, we didn’t agree to a couples costume…”
“Yes, we did!” Ben nods eagerly.
You lay on the sofa, more like collapsed, with your had resting in Ben’s lap, occasionally he would massage his fingers against your scalp, but mostly he was there just to keep you company. You either had the cold from hell, or the bubonic plague, you were undecided which just yet, but either way you felt like absolute death. Ben was off from filming for a few weeks, and had decided to spend that time with you, sick or no, he had no intentions of leaving your side. “Babe, what if you get sick?”  You whined for the millionth time this week, only to be met with a groan from Ben beneath you.
“If I get sick, then I get sick. Now will you be quiet and watch the movie.” Ben chuckled, passing you the box of tissues as you went searching for it with grabby hands. You had no fight left in you, especially now that the cold medicine you had taken was beginning to kick in. If Ben wanted to stay with you, you would let him, besides, you rather liked the company. And with the fever you had been running recently, having your own personal space heater cuddle up to you, was exactly what the Doctor ordered!
The television went by relatively unnoticed on your end, though Ben seemed mildly invested in the film that had appeared on Netflix’s autoplay. You were vaguely aware of the film being that of the early 2000’s scooby doo remake, a movie you had loved as a child, but now tried to avoid. You were just beginning to drift off to sleep, the medication you had taken making you incredibly drowsy, when Ben’s voice woke you. “We should do this for Halloween.” He suggested, petting your head softly, as his breathing lulled you back to sleep.
“Do what Benny?”
“Dress as Fred and Daphne, we could….” That was the last thing you heard, before you drifted back into the land of nod.
“Benjamin! I was doped up on so many different medications that week! You could’ve been talking about anything I would’ve been none the wiser!” You burst out, slapping his shoulder playfully. Ben pouts down at you, but you quickly wipe the look away with a gentle kiss.   “I promise we can do a couple costume next year, alright? Though, maybe let me pick the costumes, I have a few ideas.”
Ben grins softly, pulling you against his side with a strong arm, keeping it locked around your waist securely. “Depends, have you got any ideas that will beat Rami and Lucy?”
The couple in question grin, as Rami takes Lucy’s hand and kissed from her knuckles, up to her shoulder. “Come now, we all know who the real competition is when it comes to couple costumes.” Rami ceases his kisses, as he looks up at his Morticia, grinning wickedly at her. “Joe and Gwil are clearly the cutest couple here tonight!”
The howling of laughter from you group can surely be heard across the whole street, not that any of you could possibly care. “Honestly, you guys are absolute couple goals.” You tease, as you retrieve your phone from the slit you had created in the side of your dress. The one good thing about making your own costume, meant you could add pockets wherever and whenever you wanted! “Smile you two.” You grin, as you aim the camera towards the so called couple, Joe leans against Gwil’s side, pretending to aim a kiss against his cheek, while Gwil raises his hook ready to strike the fairy.
“Oh boy, Instagram is going to have a field day with this.” Ben grins, as he looks at the photo over your shoulder, picking a filter before you upload it, with the caption #couplegoals.
“What will your fiancé think when she see’s that?” You turn towards Joe, who simply shrugs, his wings rising with the gesture.
“Need I remind you, that said fiancé dressed as a dinosaur last year for my Halloween party, which you so rudely did not attend!”
“Hey, I’ve said I’m sorry! I already had Luce giving me a hard time over that, I don’t need you doing the same!” You defend, looking up at Ben as if to ask for him to provide some kind of backup.
“You left Ben all alone, dressed as he was!” Gwil chimes in, grinning at the disappointed look you shoot his way.
“Whoa now, that costume was all Ben’s idea! I simply made it; I didn’t come up with it!”
This causes a collective gasp from the group, all eyes now on the blushing blonde. “Excuse me Benjamin, that is not what you told me last year!” Gwil declares.
Ben hangs his head low, and all you can do is laugh at his obvious discomfort. “Alright fine, sexy Patrick Star was 100% my idea. But after Y/N said she couldn’t come to the party anymore, I decided to say that it had been her costume I was wearing.”
You slide your arm down to your side, slipping your fingers around Ben’s gently, and giving them a soft squeeze. “Well I think you looked damn sexy. Have you still got those boots?” You wink, the blush fading from his cheeks.
“Ugh, y’all need to keep it PG!” Joe groans, covering his ears before he can hear anymore that you have to say.
“Joe has a point, besides, I believe I was promised jelly shots was I not?” You grin, taking a few steps towards the house, tugging Ben’s arm with you, keeping your hands firmly locked together.
“Aye, I did. They’re just on the table inside.”
“Lucy come on, it’s been a hot minute since we did any kind of shots!” You call over your shoulder, as Lucy begins to drag Rami inside in a similar manner to you and Ben.
“That’s because the last time we did shots together, you called Ben, who came and picked you up, while you left me in the club!”
“I forgot you were there!”
“We fucking arrived together!” Lucy cries, though the laughter is clear in her voice. You make your way over to the food table, grinning at the sight of gore themed snacks.
“Fuck Ben, this looks amazing! You did this all by yourself?”
Ben grins from ear to ear, feet shuffling against the floor gently. “Yeah, I did.”
“You’ve done an amazing job mate, Gwil grins patting Ben’s shoulder, as Joe shoots him a set of very outdated finger guns.
“I’m really proud of you, even if I am slightly jealous that you did this all without me.” You giggle, before pressing another kiss to his plump lips, the taste of his last cigarette lingering on his breathe.
“Hey Y/N, are we doing this or not?” Lucy calls, pulling you away from the moment you and Ben had been sharing. You turn on the spot, and look over the table at Lucy, who was holding two syringes in her hands, one for you and one for herself. “Did you make them very strong Ben?” She grins, waving the shots above her head excitedly.
“They are pretty strong, so maybe be careful?”
“I hear your suggestion, and I shall promptly ignore it!” You laugh, as you join Lucy on the opposite side of the table, taking your phone out once again to snap a photo. You wanted to get as many pictures in before you all got too tipsy, and started taking photos of things that should never see the light of day. You hold one of the syringes up to Lucy’s neck, who pretends to faint in your arms, her hand held to her forehead. The take the photo and grin at it, taking a mental note to post it in the morning.
You raise the syringe before you, as the others of your group either to the same with one of the shots, or a drink of some other kind. “I’d like to propose a toast, to Ben, for planning the spookiest Halloween party we have ever had!”
“To Ben!” A chorus echoes throughout the home, as various other guests take part in thanking the host. You grin at Lucy, tilting your head back, and dispense the shot down your throat, the slight burn of a rather large amount of vodka stinging the back of your throat.
You grin across at your fiancé, who held an icy cold beer in his hand, as he spoke with Rami, Joe and Gwil, all four of them talking over one another, it was a wonder any of them could understand each other. Ben catches your eyes, and winks at you, you laugh softly, before blowing a kiss his way, taking another syringe shot for yourself and Lucy. “Damn, could you two be any more adorable?” She smirks, taking the shot from you happily.
“Oh we will be peak adorable at the wedding next year. Frankie is going to be my flower girl.” You giggle, causing Lucy to squeal in absolute delight. “Don’t tell anyone!”
My Masterlist
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dancingdeacyy · 4 years
Celebration night
Okay, I finally wrote something and I actually loved how this turned out. It’s fluffy and I love it.
I hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to share it. If you want to be on the tag list let me know.
Oh and don’t forget there’s a prompt list, I’m taking requests so feel free to ask for smn.
(I know I have a couple of requests, I’m trying to work on them but I finishing uni and I’m still quite busy)
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After weeks of hard work, the guys finally finished recording and the new album was being well received, I’m extremely proud of them cause I’ve seen how hard they’ve worked and how much effort they put into it.
Chrissie, Brian’s girlfriend, Mary, Freddie’s girlfriend and Veronica, Deacy’s wife, and I, we decided to throw a celebration party for the guys. It wasn’t a big reunion like Freddie’s favourites, but we planned on wearing fancy dresses and a gourmet menu.
My garden was the right place to do it so we decided to decorate it with some fairy lights and roses. I love planning things with the girls because they have great taste and we have so much fun working together.
Besides, the girls were happy doing it to have a special moment with their boyfriends while I just wanted to give my best friend, Roger, a nice relaxing moment, yes, he is my best friend and I love him, as friends, do friends love each other the way I love Roger? Do friends treat each other the way Roger and I do?
The girls always tease me about dating Roger and how cowards we are and I knew the guys tease Roger too cause “He’s not brave enough to accept his feelings and confess them to me” well, I guess our friends know our feelings better than us.
However, the special night has come and the girls and I were so nervous yet so excited. The food looked delicious and a fancy restaurant had nothing on our cooking skills, cocktails were almost ready and the garden was beautifully decorated, the guys were about to arrive, so we decided to go and get ready.
If we were getting fancy food and the garden looked like it was brought out of a Disney movie, we definitely had to look like princesses. Chrissie helped me find a beautiful black dress, it was so smooth and it fitted me perfectly, my makeup was soft and barely visible but it really made me feel different.
We get ready so fast we actually thought about breaking the world record, the girls looked so pretty we almost start crying about how good we felt and how beautiful we are, and I mentally laughed about it cause if I were alone I would never feel this pretty, but the girls made me feel like that and I’m actually simpin for this confident version of me.
The doorbell rang and brought us back from our daydreaming, saying we were scared was an understatement, we were really nervous and not because of how would the boys react cause, let's be honest, we’re wearing fancy dresses and looking like proper goddesses, they’d love it, we just wanted everything to go as we planned.
As soon as we opened the door, Freddie, Brian and John came running to hug their wives while Roger was looking at me shyly.
“Hey” I said softly, trying to keep my voice as normal as possible.
“You look gorgeous” He said, not even a hello, oh well I can’t complain. “Can I hug you?”
What? My legs were shaking and I needed that hug as soon as possible, I only attempted to nod slowly.
He put his firm hands on my waist and brought me close to his body, his scent was so strong I felt I was getting high on it, and I love that feeling.
“You look great Roger” I said, hiding my face on his neck. He really did look good, an opened white shirt revealing his smooth chest and a pair of leather pants and I’ll just say… his butt looked pretty nice.
“Really? I’m just wearing the first thing I saw in my closet.” He said, trying to look as nonchalant as possible.
“That’s not true y/n, he spent hours planning his outfit.” Freddie said teasingly while winking. “He said he wanted to impress you.”
Roger was blushing and he let go from the hug.
“Oh it's alright, I hope my dress impresses him too, cause he certainly impressed me.” I said and went to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of wine. “Want some?”
The girls were looking at me with a knowing smirk and the guys were teasing Roger while he was trying to cover up his reddened cheeks.
The rest of the guys looked really nice too, wearing their fancy suits and while a wide smile plastered on their faces.
“Before you start getting drunk, my dear y/n, we had some words prepared for you” Mary started saying, taking the bottle out of my hands.
We had some words prepared? Really?
“Yeah! Our gorgeous y/n prepared them, right?” Veronica looked at me while giggling and I couldn’t be more confused. Did I write a speech and I completely forgot about it? Roger’s giggles brought me back.
“Oh yeah right!” I said, trying to look confident “It’s quite short, though.”
“Oh stop it, y/n!” Freddie said, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Stop being so modest, you give great speeches.”
Yes! Only when I’m extremely drunk.
“Alright boys, we know you’ve worked really hard this last month and we are so proud you’re achieving your dreams.” I started saying, trying to look at each one of them but not being able, my eyes were focused on Roger and how good he looked smiling at me like that. “You are an inspiration and I’ll dare to say, you are our idols, but you are also the loves of our lives… and our best friends.” I quickly added to avoid misunderstandings, but oh how I wish I hadn’t. “You’ve given everything to us, and the least we could do was try to give you something else too, so this is just a small celebration party for you guys.”
Chrissie was pouring the wine on our glasses and we were ready for the toast.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, raise your glasses for Queen!” I said lifting my glass happily.
As soon as the guys lifted it, I looked at Roger who was already smiling at me, I smiled back when he winked at me, oh how much I want to kiss those lips.
“Okay guys, you can get going to the garden, we’ll get the food.” Mary said while pushing Freddie out of the room, the guys followed him but Roger seemed a bit hesitant about going with them.
“Can I have a word with y/n?” He asked shyly, it’s funny how he always seemed so comfortable and confident but when it comes to me he’s so shy and soft.
“Sure Rog, just give us a second while we finish preparing the dishes.” Chrissie said and hurried working on the dish.
My stomach was feeling funny and my legs were shaking, was something wrong? Did I say something inappropriate? My mind was racing. The feeling of Mary’s hand on my shoulder scared me a bit.
“Alright Rog, she’s all yours.” Mary said, grabbing two dishes and going out of the kitchen, the girls followed her but first they winked at me.
I turned to look at Roger, he was already smiling at me. He walked to me, getting closer and closer every time he put his hand on my waist and smiled.
“Hey.” He seemed more confident than a few minutes ago but his voice was still a bit shaky.
“Hey, are you excited?” I asked hoping my voice seemed a bit normal.
“About the dinner or the album?” Geez, he looked so cute when he’s confused, he looked like a puppy.
“Both” I said laughing, I could help but caress his face, my fingers went from his forehead to his cheek and then to his hair. My fingers tangled in it and I could feel his eyes staring at my lips.
“Yeah, mostly about tonight.” He tried to stop looking at my lips, but I saw his tongue poking out of his lips and wetted them. “I wanted to thank you, and tell you how beautiful you look today.”
I could help but blush, his blue eyes were now staring at my eyes.
“Oh it’s nothing, we’re proud and you’ve done so much for us, is the least we can do.” I don’t know where this is going but I’m feeling the famous butterflies.
“Ca- Can I do something else for you?” He said putting his other hand on my cheek and rubbing it with his thumb.
Do you guys know how to breath? Because suddenly I forgot.
I nodded slowly and smiled.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered and I felt his breath so close to my face, his scent filling my nostrils, I put my hand on his neck and smiled.
“Yes, please.”
As soon as I finished talking, Roger lips attacked mine, my body felt numb and my head was spinning, I tangled my fingers on his hair and he hugged me by the waist. My lips were trying to follow his pace, our noses were brushing each other and our chests were so close I’m sure he felt my heart beating out of my chest.
I didn’t want to break the kiss but I was nearly out of breath, my forehead was resting on his and our eyes were still closed, his hands there caressing my back. We were smiling so much our cheeks started to hurt.
“You make me so very happy.” God his voice was so soft and sweet.
“You make me really happy too, Rog” Now our noses were touching each other, his was so soft and pointy, my heart was definitely beating faster now. “Let 's go eat.”
He took my hand and led me to the garden. The guys were focused on their conversation but as soon as Brian saw us he cleared his throat, ending the conversation. They were smiling at us and the guys started whistling when they saw our hands.
Roger opened my chair and I gave him a little kiss on his lips, the girls screamed when they saw it and I started clapping.
We avoided looking at them and started drinking wine, Roger’s hand was now on my thigh tracing circles with his thumb.
“Anything you want to share with us?” Freddie said leaning on the table and placing his head on his hands.
“Well, I just want to say that I hope that kiss means you’re my girlfriend now.” He said, grabbing a piece of food on his fork and leadingit to his mouth, trying to look smooth and charming. “Oh it does, love.” He said and I brought his face close to mine and started kissing him again.
Our friends were cheering in the back and now his lips tasted like wine, I was slowly melting in his arms and I’ve never been happier.
Tag list: @jennyggggrrr
146 notes · View notes
ellus986 · 4 years
Always knew you / chapter twentytwo
Joe Mazzello x reader
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Warning: angst, fighting, nightmares, crying, sex
Comment: Y/N is corrently 23, while Joe is 36.
Summary: you knew Joe all of your life, and as best friends you two always find the way back to each other.
Joe opens the door like nothing happend, but when he sees you sitting next to some suitcases he stops in his movement.
“Hi... you find more stuff? I thought we packed everything out...” his eyes are telling you he feels something is wrong.
“No, we did pack everything out!” You say so quietly, you feel your heart just turned into ice right now.
“Than what are those?” He asks, and you just throw the tabloid in his face. “What the hell are you...” he starts but than he sees the headline.
“So that is why I shouldn’t read all those “bullshits”?!” You scream.
“I can explain!” He holds up his hands.
“Ooh God, you can explain?” You laugh, while holding your hand on your round belly. “It is the worst you can say to a woman, who saw the headlines saying you are cheating on her!”
“She is working for the company I’m coordinating with!” He says.
“The one you have meetings with for months now? And you didn’t told me? How is fucking her?” You ask, and feel your heart breaking.
“I didn’t fuck her, Jesus!” He yells back. “We only had two fucking meeting, I huged her, that is all!”
“You were with her tonight! Am I right?” You ask with tears in your eyes.
“Yeah, it was the second meeting” he can’t look in your eyes.
“I’m out of here!” You grab your bags.
“Wait!” He screams, grabing your hand. “You want to leave like that? I didn’t do anything!”
“You didn’t said anything either!” You cry out.
“What you expected me to do?” He yells at you again.
“I don’t fucking know! Maybe fucking tell me you are working with your fucking ex?” You scream. “I’m your fucking wife... fuck, just months and our princess will be born, and you just do this!” You hold your belly, while crying.
“I didn’t do anything!” He screams with tears falling from his eyes. “I don’t wanna lose you!”
“Me neither, but it is too much for me now!” You look at him. “I want to trust you, but if you act like this, I can’t!”
“I wasn’t about to keep it a secret from you!” His voice is so quiet now, you almost can’t hear him, as he just collapses to sit on the floor.
“Than why didn’t you told me?” You ask looking in his eyes, while you get down too.
“I wanted, but then you were so happy, and I didn’t wanted to make you sad, or upset...” he sniffs.
“You did hurt me now! If you just tell me, maybe I would be upset, but not hurten...” you cut in.
“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!” He starts to cry again.
“You always do this! Broke my heart and then just cry sorry!” You shake your head.
“It happend once, once and I was just as stupid now, as there!” He tries to swallow his tears.
“What do you want from me?” You sniff, sitting on the floor in tears. “After this, I should just wait until you say sorry for cheating on me?”
“I would never ever cheat on you, Silly!” He climbs closer to you, but you get your hand out of his, as he tries to hold it. “You are the love of my life, my wife, the mother of my children, the air I breath, you are everything for me! Please, please forgive me that I didn’t said anything, it wasn’t ever my purpose to hurt you!” He kisses your cheek, but you just get away from him. “Please don’t rip my heart out! I need you, I can’t... I can’t... I just can’t lose you!”
“Give me time and space!” Your tears are falling from your cheek. “I just don’t know how to process it, and how to process that everyone now thinks you cheated on me!” You bury your face in your hand. “I hate this, I hate our life is so fucking public if we want it or not...”
“I know, I hate this too, I hate when they just make up things from one thing, or they just want to have a say in our life!” He nods. “Do you wish you choose someone else?” He looks on the floor as he can’t even look in your eyes.
“I love you, so it would be hard to choose someone else...” you wishper. “Even I hate you right now!”
“You don’t hate me...” he looks in your eyes.
“No, I don’t...” you let out a sigh.
“Will you leave me?” He sniffs.
“I need time, alone!” You answer.
“I sleep on the couch if it is good for you! You can have our room!” He says with a smile that does not reach his hazel eyes. The hazel eyes you loved so much, still cursed right now.
“I guess, but I just leave these here, in any case!” You nod as you get up, and head to the bathroom. He does not follow you, and you are happy he really leaves you some space to think. You make yourself a warm enough bath, and sit in. “Ooh princess, what should mommy do?” You look at your belly, like you would get an answer. “I don’t want you to come to something like this, and I don’t want you to suffer between us neither!” You wishper. “I want the best for you, even if it hurts me, or your daddy. Ooh I wish I would know what is the best...” you whisper, and hear some sniffing behind the closed door. You don’t say anything to make him realise you hear him. You just sit there in silence. Just some minutes later you hear his loud steps getting away from you.
You just get out of the room, only wearing your towel when you hear him on the phone. “Yes, I ask you to not send Jessica anymore for any meetings with me!” He sighs. “Yes, we were a couple years ago... Yes it is in the past, but it is making my wife uncomfortable, and I totally get it, so I don’t want her to feel this way.” He is covering his face with his hand , you are standing on the top of the stairs, you see him from the back, but he does not realised you are there. “If you can’t make this happen I need to say we can’t work together anymore!” He is almost yelling. “Yes, I will be in tomorrow to sign that shit, bye!”
You walk away before he turns. You get into your bed and hear It’s late from Queen playing so loud downstairs. “It is not fair to use the guys to win me over again!” You shout down from your bed.
“Is it working?” He shouts back.
You just don’t answers, just scroll through the insta stories of today. You don’t get too far when Joe’s comes up. It is a fully black screen with the following on it: “Lovely DM’s, but I’m not a cheater, I never was, and never will be!”
You just put it on your story as you see the fans angry DM’s in your instagram too. You want them to not look at him as a cheater, simply because he is not. You put the caption over it. “Thank you tabloids, but we don’t need your bullshits!”
“It is working!” You hear Joe’s excited screaming.
“Big boy, I try to save your reputation, not get you in my bed!” You shout back.
“That is enough for me today!” Comes the answer.
Days went by and you were like two ghost in your new house. Joe stayed on the couch everynight, and you never called him to join you, even you missed him so much from there. Everynight as you speak to your unborn daugther you here him sobbing, but he never says a word to make himself known there, until today.
“Oh Princess I miss him too, but you can’t punish me all night long!” You wishper as your baby kicks one more inside your stomach.
“Is she kicking?” You hear Joe’s weak voice from outside of the door.
“Yes!” You indorse.
“I don’t wanna loose you two!” He says, but you can’t answer anything, your heart just aches. “I can’t live without you, my heart is aching all the time, I just want to hug you in my dream. I need you two to make my nightmares disaper again...” he sniffs, while you sit down on the otherside of the door, with your back pushed to it. “I hate myself for doing this to our family!” You feel his words vibratating on the door, and you know he is sitting there just like you. “Oh my little princess I miss feeling your kicks so much...” he moans and you cry out. You cover your mouth to lessen your noise even you are sure he knows you are crying. “I miss kissing your mama, I miss her laughter, and her sweet smile, I’m dying without her!” He cries quietly.
“I’m still here...” you wishper.
“Your body is here, but you can’t look at me like I’m the best thing in your life!” He sniffs.
“I just need time to not ache all the time...” you nod. “Need time to see you as I saw you before, I hope I can...”
“But you still don’t know!” He cries out loud.
“I want to know...” you wishper quietly. “ So badly...”
None of you say a thing, there just silence while you both cry with your back pushed to the door, but than he breaks the silence. “Did you regret that you married me?”
“Never!” You say and get up, to go to your bed you shared with him just a week ago, but now you sleep in it alone. “Good night, my loves!” You wishper both to your husband and to the child under your heart.
“Better night,my loves!” Comes as he stands up and walks down to the couch.
You are in the kitchen cooking dinner when Joe comes home, he steps behind you almost kissing the top of your head, but before he puts his hand on your hip you feel him hesitating. “I’m still your wife!” You wishper, but he still won’t move. “You can kiss me, hug me, what ever you want to do to greet me!” You sigh.
“Are you sure? Aren’t you still mad at me?” He asks, and as you shake your head he grabs you, and hold you so close. “You are not mad at me?”
“No... I said I needed time, I had my time, and decided!” You say, and you feel him freeze behind you.
“And?” He asks, but than you hear angry knocks on the door. “Who can it be?”
You walk to the door, and open it. “Tom?” Your mouth fell open.
“Where is that bastard?” He gets in, almost making you fell on the floor. He gets to the kitchen where Joe stands. “You...you... I said I will kill you!” He says as he speeds up to get him.
“Tom, wait!” You scream but he punches Joe in the stomach. “Tom!” You scream again as you run there, as he is beating Joe out to the living room. You fell into the couch as he raises his hand and you start to stop him. You see Joe’s eyes darken, and for the first time not only defending himself, but fighting back.
“You can beat me to death, but you can’t hurt my wife!” He yells, and you see Tom stoping, looking at you realising what he did.
“I’m sorry sis!” He says, getting to you, but you see Joe collapsing behind him. Your heart stops, but your legs are faster then ever.
“Joe!” You scream, and when you get to him, you see he is still conscious. “Babe, are you alright?” You start to tap him, for possible injuries.
“I’m okay, but are my girls alright?” He asks as he sits up, putting his hand on your belly.
“Yes, we are great...” you nod as you hug him.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry...” starts Tom with guilt on his face.
“Stop, you missunderstood the situacion, turn on protection mode and seen nothing else around you. I know you, I know you didn’t meant to push me away.” You nod.
“I did not missunderstood anything, I still wanna kill this Shit here!” He wishpers between his teeth.
“No you won’t kill my husband, you won’t hurt him, he did nothing!” You answer, still shaking on the floor from the last minutes happenings.
“But I saw...”
“Yeah, the tabloids, nothing happend!” Nods Joe.
“The pictures with Jessica says otherwise!” Yells your brother.
“Tom, they had a meeting, but he broke up the arrangement with the company...” Joe turns to you suprised, he never had the courage to bring it up. “I heard you on the phone, I was standing on the top of the stairs.” You smooth some redish hair out of his face.
“That doesn’t mean he did nothing, I saw the pictures!” Your brother forces otherwise.
“I did too, yeah they huged that is all!” You nod.
“Are you sure?” He asks lowering his voice.
“Yes I’m!” You nod. “You should have called me before you come here like a maniac!”
“Sorry sis! You know I want to best for you!” He wishpers. “I feel like if I don’t protect you noone will...”
“I can protect myself, but I have someone who is looking after me” you smile at him.
“Sorry Buddy for beating you up.” He says.
“No biggie!” Joe offers a hand to your brother who takes it, and even help him up from the floor. You hear him groan in pain, but he grabs your hand to get you up too, and as you are standing his hand is landing instantly on your belly, protective as always.
Your brother hugs you, and after this you see something you haven’t seen in a while, he hugs your husband. “I’m sorry again, I let the anger drive me without asking, I promise it won’t happen again!” He looks at you two, before he closes the door behind himself.
Joe turns to you but you can’t say anything, you can’t look in his eyes, it was like riping of a new wound. It just kind of healed and now you faced it again.
“You feel sad again?” His voice is so quiet, and he continues as you nod. “I understand, it seems like I stay on the couch tonight still!”
“We can still eat dinner together...” you wishper.
“Sounds great!” He says but his voice tells otherwise.
You stand on the street holding your hand on your belly, waiting for Joe to arrive. You know he supposed to be here already, so you call him, but he is not picking up the phone.
As you put your phone in your pocket you see him getting out of a cab one corner ahead of you. You wave to him, as he is looking for you. You get pushed by some running guy, you almost fall on the side walk, but when you look up your whole body freeze.
“Joe!” You scream but you are late, the man who bumped into you get a gun out and shoot him.
“Joe!” You scream in sweat, in your bed. The door shots open just when you open your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Joe runs to you in a second and start to look for anything unusual on your body.
“Sorry, I had a nightmare!” You shiver. “I didn’t meant to scare you!” You wishper with tears in your eyes as he holds you in his arms.
“Don’t be Silly, it is okay!” He nods. “I’m here now, I’m here and noone can hurt you ever again!” He mumbles into your hair as he kisses your forhead.
You press yourself into his arms, and let the tears fall down. He hushes you, smoothing on your arm back and fort. “Someone shoot you in my dream...” you wishper.
“It was just a bad dream, I’m here you can feel. “ he wishpers.
“I want to feel!” You sit up and turn in his lap keeping him between your legs.
“Wait... what...aah...” he can’t finish his words as you grab his member through his boxer. “Hey, Hey!” He moans as you get your panties down. “What are youuuuuu...” He can’t finish again as you get down his boxer and you feel his skin on your skin. “Whaat...”
“I want to feel you inside me, now! I need it, I need you!” You moan in his mouth as you slide down on his cock.
He lets out a painful moan. “Oh Y/N!”
You grab him closer and he shivers as you kiss him hard. The need for him just hit you, in a matter of a second, and you are devastated. You are already on the edge as he cups your face, and looks in your eyes. “I love you, Y/N!”
“I love you too... Joe!” You scream his name as you cum.
To be continued...
My sweet perms: @simply-sams-things @spacedustmazzello
Story tags: @mrsmazzello
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warriorteam1924 · 5 years
Music is my savior (Part 30)
Author note : Hello my beauties !!! This is it. This is the final part. Some of you might know I’ve seen the last star wars yesterday and I feel like just as for the rise of Skywalker, a page is turning for me. Music is my savior is why I’m here, sharing reader’s adventures with you. It’s been incredible. I cannot find enough words to thank you. All. And my sis of course. Love you ^^
 Summary : Reader had been chosen to be bassist on the Bohemian Rhapsody set. Reader’s journey carries on as she get to actually work on the set with everyone, and she gets more responsibilities. After a little trouble with a colleague, some entertainment with friends, the accomplishment of a special project, reader’s having fun.... But for how long? Feelings are coming reader’s way.... Yet, the adventure continues....
 Word Count :  3,000 words
 Warnings : Mistakes yes of course, but hopefully nothing too bad.
 Tagging : @crazyweirdocalledfriday​ @reavenedges-lies​ @mercurycrowley​ @multifandom-fiasco​
 Permanent Taglist : @anotheronebitesthedick (yes we know it does not work but I’m so proud someone actually asked me to be on a permanent taglist ^^)
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Part 30 : My Life has been saved
Last time you had been at London airport was not a good memory for you. Back then, Brian May and Roger Taylor had had to help you with a very reluctant hostess and you had flew to New York City to attend Mister Mazzello’s funeral. Again, you tried to think of something else, as you were dragging your suitcase behind you with one hand, Joe holding the other one. You had your bass guitar in its bag, properly held as a back bag. He was almost running in the huge hall and you had grab on both your suitcase and his hand to make sure you would not lost anything.
 “Joe, slow down, my legs are shorter than yours....”, you begged him. “Why are you running anyways?”, you asked him.
 “I... I don’t know....”, he realized. “All those people rushing here and there, it’s almost contagious.”.
 “Well, we’ve just landed, the whole flight went just fine, the next step is to get a taxi. Relax, please. After all, it was your idea.”, you reminded him.
 “Yeah, sorry, you’re right.”, he concluded as he slowed down to walk properly next to you.
 After Joe had taught you how to waltz properly, he had made you realize music was almost ruling your life and you could hardly live without it now. The two of you had stayed awake during the whole night, Joe insisting on posing like a model on the sofa as you would be painting the notes and the lyrics on a paper. When he had read the few lines you had written, after many and many crossing-outs, after many and many creased pieces of paper, after many and many frownings while you had been trying to find the right words, you had eventually showed him what you had written.
 You had anxiously looked at him while he had been reading, truly puzzled by the fact he was showing no reaction at all. Eventually, he had deeply sighed, creating a greater confusion in your mind.
 “Okay, we need to pack.”, he had said.
 “What?”, you had replied.
 “We are going to London.”, he had announced, as if it was the most normal thing to do in such a situation.
 “London?”, you had demanded, still unable to form a proper question.
 “Yeah, London.”, he had nodded looking at you.
 “Joe, we are not going anywhere as long as you don’t tell me what are your thoughts about what I’ve just written, and why on earth you suddenly want to go to London.”, you had stopped him in the middle of the corridor.
 “Y/N. This is almost magical. I mean, it’s taken you like.... a few minutes to write this.”
 “Joe, much more than this....”, you had interrupted him.
 “Music is in you, this is your thing, just like acting is mine. I want you to concrete your dream.”, he had stated.
 “My dream?”, you had repeated.
 “I’m sure Brian and Roger will love this. They can introduce you to some guys they know and you can produce an album and....”, he had carried on, walking to the bedroom, but you had not followed him.
 You had stood there, staring at him, not knowing what to do. Feeling you had not followed him, he had stopped.
 “Joe? What’s going on?”, you had asked him.
 “I.... I thought this is what you wanted.”, he had said, coming closer to you, taking your hands.
 “Joe, I don’t even know myself what I want....”, you had told him.
 “I’m sorry....”, he had replied, lowering his head.
 “Yet, I would not mind going to London and get a little advice from rock Legends, if they are not too busy....”, you had concluded, trying to catch his eyes to make him see you were smiling.
 “Everybody will be so glad to see you again, my love.”, he had nodded, smiling as well.
 “Are you glad to be back in London? I know it’s not New York City, but I must say this city has a certain panache....”, Joe said as the two of you exited the airport.
 “I’m nervous.”, you confessed.
 “Why? What you have written is great, I swear. You know I would not lie to you...”, he stated.
 “I know. But I mean, this is showing my very first work to Brian May and Roger Taylor. It’s quite a big deal.”, you admitted.
 “I understand, but it’s not like you don’t know them at all. And they told me again after the Academy Awards that they always would be available for you. They told me they had let you know before you left the set.”, he carried on.
 “Yeah, sure but people say those things to be nice, you know.”, you said as you sited in the taxi and Joe indicated the address.
 You dreamily looked at the window as the car started to move. Again, you were twisting your hands, you were quite agitated, just like when you had been sharing a taxi with Lucy. Joe noticed it at once and took you in his arms, kissing your forehead.
 “How will you be able to play bass guitar and piano if your fingers are crushed. Relax, my love.”, he reassured you.
 The ride was much shorter than you had expected and as you got off the car you faced a huge building, where the two musicians had told you could meet them. Joe and you came in, still taking your luggage with you. The drummer and the guitarist were waiting in the large hall, both standing with their partners.
 All of you greeted each other, the musicians and their wives hugging you as if they were seeing a very old friend again. It reassured you to see their reaction but you soon felt almost nauseous again. Anita looked at you with a sweet smile but you could only answer with a grimace.
 The six of you entered a sort of conference room, certainly booked for the occasion. You all sat down and make yourselves comfortable.
 “Okay, Princess. Show us what you’ve done.”, Roger stated, as always getting straight to the point.
 “Before she does, I would like to know something.”, Brian said, putting his hands on the table. “Why? Why on earth sweetheart didn’t you tell us about the bank?”, he very seriously asked.
 “What?”, you demanded, surprised.
 “Yeah, his question is valid, Princess. The whole story with the bank, the two jobs thing, the debts?”, the drummer carried on.
 “You promised you would come to us if you needed anything.”, the guitarist reminded you.
 “Well, I don’t know who told you about all of this, as he had promised he would not tell anyone.....”, you said as you blushed. “Yes, I had little trouble with the bank and had to take two jobs but it’s all solved now, so it’s fine.”, you admitted. “And before you add anything, it was not funny true, but it was something I had to do. Like when you guys quited your production company because Deaky could not get an advance to buy a house for his family.... What did you do? Did you ask someone you knew for money? Or did you work harder for your music to be rewarding at all levels?”, you asked them, feeling suddenly confident.
 Anita and Sarina laughed a little and the two musicians looked at each other, grimacing a little.
 “Gosh, the girl has repartee, I really like that.”, Roger admitted.
 “Y/N is right about Deaky but....”, Brian started to say.
 “Brian, please, could we carry on?”, Anita interrupted him, as Sarina nodded. You looked at them, quite relieved. You liked the two musicians a lot and you did not want to openly say you had never wished to beg for money, not wanting Brian to feel responsible. You merely hoped Ben had not mentioned the whole debt problem had occurred because of the trip to the United States.
 “Hum, yes, of course.”, Brian almost apologized. “Okay, sweetheart, let us see your work.”, he said.
 You stood up and gave the musicians the pieces of paper, with all the crossing-outs and the spots. You were really nervous. Deaky had said the few notes you had written in studio 39 were good but no one else knew this point. A five lines bass riff was nothing compared to a whole song writing.
 “You wrote this, Princess? I mean, on your own?”, Roger asked, looking at you through his sunglasses. Still too nervous, you merely nodded.
 “Well...”, he carried on, staring at the paper again.
 “Personally, I don’t understand.”, Brian said.
 “What? What don’t you get Bri?’, Joe almost took offence.
 “Well, she clearly does not need help to create riffs, nor to write lyrics it seems. What are we doing here?”, the guitarist asked.
 You sat back on your chair, sighing. It was as if a huge weight had been taken from your shoulders. Joe began to speak about the lyrics with Brian and Roger, proud he had been the source of your inspiration. Yet, you could not really hear them. All of this was somehow overwhelming for you. Almost too much.
 “Y/N?”, you heard someone call your name.
 “Sorry, what?”, you asked, shaking your head to clear your thoughts.
 “What do you think about this?”, Joe repeated.
 “Sorry, I.... What?”, you demanded again.
 Brian and Roger looked at each other, the two of them eventually understanding.
 “Joe, Y/N is not ready for this, it seems.”, Roger said.
 “But, I’m sure she would be so great touring with you guys as your bassist.”, Joe carried on, as you raised your eyebrows to this sentence. Touring with Queen and Adam Lambert.
 “Joe, she is amazing, but this might not be the life she is longing for....”, Brian told him, as the actor deeply sighed.
 Sarina saw you were clearly ill at ease and eventually spoke.
 “Okay, I don’t like to be the annoying one but I’m really hungry. Maybe we could leave this for today. I propose Joe and Y/N got to their hotel and freshen up and then we all could go out for diner?”, she suggested.
 Again, you glanced at her and thanked her with your eyes. She winked at you and the six of you left the room, Joe and you still taking the luggage with you.
 The little drive in taxi was all silent, nor Joe or you daring to speak first. The receptionist was really polite and the two of you headed to the shared bedroom.
 Joe went at the window and looked at the street, as the traffic was quite dense.
 “Joe? Come next to me, please.”, you told him, as you sited at the edge of the bed. You heard him sigh but he complied. Yet, he was still not looking at you.
 “Joe? What would you say if.... If I asked you to marry me?”, you asked him.
 “What?”, he suddenly turned to you.
 “Just answer.”, you calmly carried on.
 “I would say... I would .... I mean I love you but....”, he babbled.
 “It’s too soon, right?”, you asked him.
 “Yeah, I mean, maybe in the future I would like us to form a family, have kids and stuff like that but....”, he mumbled, passing his hand in his hair.
 “Okay, sorry if this was a little abrupt. Listen to me Joe, I don’t want to marry you either. Not now, at least.”, you explained. “This is the same thing for this whole thing about me composing music and touring with Queen and Adam.... Joe, why do you do all this?”, you asked him.
 “I.... I just want you to be happy. See, happy with me, happy with your... our friends, happy with music. I just want you to be filled.”, he confessed.
 “I understand, Joe.”, you told him as you took his hands. “But this is going way too fast.”, you admitted.
 “When I see you playing, it’s like you illuminate the room, you’re inspired and inspiring. You’re so beautiful. Someone should film you for you to see this.”, he stated.
 “This would be so weird....”, you laughed. “Yes, music is my life, it fills my heart, certainly as much as you do, but they are many fields related to music.... I’m sure I can.... I’m sure we can figure this out.”
 “I love you, Y/N.”, Joe eventually said, smiling again.
 “And I love you too, Mister Mazzello.”, you replied as you kissed him.
 It had been a few months now since the six of you had had diner in this little yet very chic restaurant. Anita had this wonderful idea and now, the whole project was complete. It has taken a little bit of time but it was something that really mattered. It involved music of course, Queen and charity. This was perfect.
 The school you were now teaching in was called Mercury Inspired Teaching. MIT for short. The name was obviously Joe’s idea and it had been useless to fight for another name. Anita and Sarina were godmothers of the project. They wanted to take part in this adventure and to help their partners in life, as the two musicians were still touring with Adam Lambert. Both of them were not able to actually teach, nor run the institute, strictly speaking, but with their influence, things were done quickly and properly.
 A kind of huge audition had happened to find the perfect headmaster. But the new headteacher had already experience in school running and a honorable musical knowledge.  Kevin had come back and was teaching engineering and everything he knew about sounding and electronics. Some staff members you knew were also working here with you, as many of them had proven their skills were not underrated. All the teachers were fairly paid and when giving concerts, the money was given to the Mercury Phoenix Trust.
 As for you, you were now teacher in two subjects. Bass guitar of course. Even if you now knew how to play the piano properly, you still considered it to be a nonsense to teach it, while you still could improve yourself. As for bass guitars, they had been part of your life for such a long time. It was a pleasure for you to teach the art of this, still underrated to your point of view, yet wonderful instrument.  
 The other subject was musical history. You were specialized in modern and contemporary music. You were absolutely passionate to teach how the music had evolved in such a short time and how bands, whatever their style was, had influenced one another. As some of your students wanted to become professional musicians, playing their instruments or merely sing, you knew they had to be aware of the whole musical industry process.
 You had eventually found your balance. You now lived in London, close to your friends, somehow the members of your family. When Joe was filming, you were always surrounded and busy, this was absolutely perfect. You were eventually enjoying your life to the full.
 You looked at the homework you still had to correct on your desk. It was not the funniest part of the job, but you did not mind because you knew the students would always give their best. Yet, you stood up a little as your legs needed to get stretched. You stared at the wall, where a homemade frame was hanging and you smiled. Your very first song. You took the frame in your hands, reading the words again.
 ‘Lying in bed
You are holding me in your arms,
I’m wide awake
Because all I think about is you and I.
Getting up,
And I have a look at you, just you.
 I see them swinging around you,
Humanizing them as they move.
Hands in hands, quaver, breves, crotchets
All round dancing all around your body
And here I am, wondering what’s happening.
I look around to see from where they are spreading.
 Soon I find out it is coming from me
My whole body is radiating
Notes are literally quitting my body,
I see light at the end of my fingers
And all along my arms, flowing on my chest
All of this is running in my veins.
 Deep down inside
I eventually realize,
They have always been there
Resting within me, waiting
Waiting for the right time to show up,
Waiting for the love of the right one.”
 You put the fame back on the wall, sweetly smiling and thinking. One of your student once had asked you a very interesting question. What music meant to you? You had been deeply surprised by the question, yet, it was very accurate in this very institute. When facing your students and as they were still quite young, you had explained music was a huge part of your life, that it helped you escape in a way. And as a homework, you had asked them to answer themselves this very question.
 Yet, when you had been on your own, you had deeply thought about this very interesting question, and many answers came to your mind. Music was indeed a huge part of you life, but it was so much more. When writings lyrics on your own for the first time, inspired by Joe at this time, you had named the song ‘Running in my veins’. And it was indeed. Music was always there when you needed it the most, like a best friend never leaving you, always there to express your every emotions. Music was there when you thought life had given up on you. And in a way, it saved you. Music was your savior. But this very last thought was something you had kept for you. You were not sure Joe would understand, even if the two of you loved each other deeply.
 Looking at the window, you thought again about this whole adventure. You smiled alone in your office as you recalled how it all started. With two simple words. And those words were :
                                     Bohemian Rhapsody ....
Part 29 : The Millionaire’s Waltz // check out my masterlist for maybe bonus parts ? ^^ 
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stmort · 6 years
An Afternoon Sunday
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Roger Taylor x Reader
Words: 1,723
Warnings: mentions of sex, making out, and fluff
Summary: You and your boyfriend are having a lazy Sunday together and you discover that he has written a song while you were in the shower.  
Note: This fic is based around Roger’s song Drowse and was inspired by the picture shown here (listen to Drowse as he starts to sing it)
You step outside of the bathroom door and hear a soft voice humming a tune you have never heard before. Your face breaks into a small smile as you realize that your boyfriend must be writing again. The hallway is far colder than the bathroom that you had fogged up from your shower. You shiver as you tiptoe in nothing but short shorts and one of Roger’s t-shirts. Which is the perfect length to cover your legs at the bottom of your shorts, so it appears as though you aren’t wearing bottoms at all.
It had been a quiet day, just you and Roger lazing around the house with nothing important to do on a perfect Sunday. It was now in the late hours of the afternoon, and as it was winter, the sun was beginning to set. You had been freezing, although refusing to put on pants instead of your comfy shorts, and hanging off of Roger all day for his body heat. He gave off more than enough for the both of you. But even after taking a long hot shower, the cold air still bothered you.
You walk into the bedroom you shared with Roger quietly so you wouldn’t distract him. He doesn’t notice because he’s too interested in what he’s writing down on a sheet of paper. You lean against the doorframe to watch him while he works. He’s wearing a black jacket that is open to expose his bare chest, with a silver necklace wrapped around his neck. The lower half of his body covered in blankets. Sitting lopsided on top of his head is a wig that looks like it belongs in a circus. You almost burst out laughing but stop yourself because you don’t want to disturb him. He then stops writing to pick up a white mug for a sip of tea.
“Are you just gonna stand there all day?” He looks up from the mug and smirks at you, his doe eyes taking you in.
“You mean all night? When’s the last time you looked outside, Rog, it’s nearly dark?”   
“I guess I’ve been too busy writing this song.” He puts the mug back on the nightstand and gestures to the papers spread out on the covers.
“Can I see?” You climb up onto the bed and slowly make your way towards him, crawling on your hands and knees. You sink down low to kiss his exposed stomach and slowly kiss your way up his body. You forget the papers completely and situate yourself in his lap, straddling his legs between yours. He leans closer to your face as if he’s going to kiss you.
“If you're a good girl, and you get off my papers, I’ll let you read it.”
You burst out laughing in his face and he draws back looking confused. Which only makes you laugh harder, and you fall sideways onto the bed.
“I’m sorry...did I say something funny?”
“No, it’s just-” you can’t stop yourself from laughing. “I just can’t take you seriously in that wig.” His eyes drift up to the top of his head where the wig is. You sit back up to straddle his lap again and reach towards the ugly thing. He doesn’t hesitate when you take it off and plop it on the ground next to the bed.
“There’s my pretty boy.” You lean forward to press a light kiss on his nose, he hums softly and lets his eyes droop half shut. You take the opportunity to peck at his closed lips, till he opens his mouth to let you in. You move in closer and put your hands on his burning chest. You slide your hands up to curl around his neck and then down his back under the little black thing he’s wearing. He winces from the feeling of your cold hands on his tender skin but you’re reassured as you feel him grow hard underneath you. He slides a hand under your shirt to touch your stomach, and you let out a slow moan as he trails his warm fingers up your body. He makes his way up to your chest and starts to massage your breast while deepening the kiss. You reach under your shirt to grab his hand and pull it away, intertwining his fingers with yours. You pull from the kiss with a wet smack and use your other hand to wipe the spit from your lips.
“Not tonight, love.” You whisper against his lips and he lets out a small whine. “I wanna hear your song.” You knew this would leave him utterly helpless and drooling for you, and that’s exactly what you wanted. Besides, you loved the feeling of his semi-hard cock pressing against you as he spooned you to sleep.
“Well, it’s a bit of a work in progress.” He clears his throat a little and shifts in his seat as you climb over him to your side of the bed. He noticeably rearranges the blankets in his lap to hide his erection and you chuckle. You grab one of the papers and move under the covers, grabbing his hand again and nuzzling into him for warmth.
“I don’t mind. I wanna see what you’ve got so far.” You hand him the paper and he takes it hesitantly.
“I think you know how to read.” He drops the paper back in your lap and you gasp and hit his shoulder playfully.
“You little shit, I wanna hear you sing it!”
“Do I have to? I haven’t sung all day today, I probably sound like shit.”
“I don’t care what you sound like. I wanna hear my baby sing.” You shove the paper back into his hands and he sighs in defeat. You let go of his hand to shift further under the covers and to lay your head in his lap. Making sure to rub against his cock in a way that looks like your trying to adjust where your head sits. You wrap your cold arms around his bare legs under the sheets and hum in delight as you finally start to feel warm.
“Sing for me, pretty boy.” He starts clearing his throat and you close your eyes. He starts in a softer voice than usual and your eyes pop open in delight. Your heart swells as he sings quietly for you, and you don’t move again until he stops.
It’s the sad-eyed goodbye  
Yesterday’s moments I remember
It’s the bleak street, weak-kneed partings I recall
It’s the mistier mists the hazier days
The brighter sun and the easier lays
There’s all the more reason for laughing and crying
When your younger and life isn’t too hard at all
“As I said, I’m working on it. I have more, but this is the most polished of it.” You remove your head from his lap and sit up to look at him.
“You wrote that today?”
“While I was in the shower?”
“Well, yes…”
“Wow.” You say under your breath as you drown in the pools of his blue eyes.
“So, do you like it?”
“Do I like it? Roger, baby, it’s the best thing I’ve ever heard. Not just song-wise, it’s literally the best thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life!”
“You’re just saying that.” He looked away from you shyly.
“Roger look at me,” You cup the side of his smooth face in your hand and turn him towards you. “I loved it, Rog. And the guys are gonna love it too.”
“Do you think so?”He smiles dumbly and you giggle and give him a quick Eskimo kiss with your nose.
“I know it, Rog. Oh god, your voice is so beautiful, do you know that?” You practically squeal, and he regains his usual confidence to push you down on the bed. His body covers you like a warm blanket, and you can smell his cologne that’s mostly worn off by now.
“I love the way you look in my shirts, do you know that?” He starts to trail kisses up your neck while he grabs your hips with his smooth hands. You squirm under him and feel your face start to grow hot.
“What did I tell you?” You push him away so you can sit up again.
“I’m not gonna put out just because you sang me a song.”
“I’m sorry-”
“Oh, it’s alright baby, come here.” You pull his head towards your lips to press a long kiss into his hair. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you inhale the scent of his shampoo.
“I want to, but it’s more fun to wait till morning so I can see you suffer. You look too tired tonight anyway.” You whisper into his ear before nibbling at it. He squirms this time and you smile to yourself.
“I just want you to hold me while I fall asleep.” You say in a drowsy voice. You kiss his face lazily, first his cheeks, then making your way up to his forehead.
“Of course I can, love.” He says in an equally drawn out tone, you knew he was as tired as you were.
He lets go of you to gather up the misconstrued papers and set them next to his coffee mug. He then reaches over to turn out the lamplight. You can still see a bit in the darkness because of the open blinds letting in light from the street. You lay back down on your side and cover yourself completely in blankets, sighing from the relaxation. You hear Roger shift back under the covers to lie down behind you. He scoots closer to where you are and you feel his body heat before you feel his touch. He wraps his arms tight around you and slips his legs in between yours. You feel his still semi-hard cock against your lower back and you giggle as he nuzzles into your neck. He groans while stretching out his tense muscles, and you almost start to rethink your previous statement about not having sex. Even though you're not facing him you can smell him all around you, wrapped up in his warm cocoon. He starts humming the tune of his song against your neck, and you reach for his hand as you drift off to sleep.
This is for you: @bowiequeen
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mightyfineblog · 5 years
‘Stand By Me’ -4-
Ben Hardy x Reader
Ch. 4
Summary: You are moving in your boyfriend’s flat. As you unpack, you remember the long road you two have walked down from when you met to where you are now.
Chapter summary: This chapter brings back a thigh clenching memory from last year, when Ben was on set of Bohemian Rhapsody, and you accidentally called him Roger. Oopps. So embarrassing for sure, but wait a minute. Did he just call you a groupie?
And why is Joe so suspiciously asking you two out to dinner?
Words (this chapter): 2.2k Warnings:  fluff, smut, oral, name calling. No angst or tears this time.
So here is. Enjoy:
“Mmm” you snort, as you shuffle around searching to get to the blanket “Mso cold.” You growl, as you try to get it off Ben.
He snorts, turning on his side towards you.
“C’mere baby” he curls his arms around your waist, pulling you in his brace, pulling the blanket over your entangled bodies “Betta?”
“Mhmm” you groan against his chest. The corners of your lips curl into a smile, as you nuzzle into the crook of his neck, while your hand is gently placed behind his neck. You close your eyes once again, feeling the moment.
Morning like these. Nothing in the world compares to the feeling of waking up in your boyfriend’s arms. His flushed cheeks and messy locks.
“I could stay like this forever” you murmur, planting gentle kisses along the side of his neck.
“Then let’s stay for a while longer.” Ben’s deep husky morning voice sends shivers from your head to toe.
“So sexy.” you sigh, biting your lip, at which he only lets a throaty moan.
“You’re the sexy one.” He flutters his eyelids open, rubbing them with his free hand.
You smile and climb onto of him straddling his waist, you lay you head over his chest.
“Your heart is pounding.” You lift your head to give his plump morning lips a chasteful kiss.
“All you baby” his hands brush over your hips.
“Shall we have breakfast and then unpack the rest of my things?” you draw circles on his shoulder.
“Glad you brought it up, I’m so hungry.” He growls, gently stroking your hair.
After another hour of snuggles, kisses and under the warm blankets, kisses and soft caresses, the two of you finally get up.
Opting for bagels with crunchy peanut butter and berry jelly, you get dressed.
Rolling up your sleeves, you open another box labelled ‘Accessories’.
“So I’d say these” you gesture the pile in front of you, “Go into the back of the closet, because I use them less.”
“Sure, baby, put them whatever you see fit. Just be careful with MY stuff.” He waves it off.
You push the box further, but stop at a plastic case at the very back.
“Hmm. What do we have here?” You bring the case into daylight. “A full on Roger Taylor costume. And, oh the wig.” You giggle.
The outfit reminds you of one particular moment from last year. It was the first few weeks of filming Bohemian Rhapsody. The set was just outside London. All crew members were settles in their trailers on the field, right next to where the stage for Live Aid was build.
You hum at the tingling feeling of that memory. Taking a seat on the bed, your hands brush along the shirt that was in the case.  Closing your eyes you travel back to that particular day.
September 2017
Somewhere outside London, UK
Knock Knock
“I said I’ll be out in 5.”
Knock Knock
“Bloody hell, do you ever” Ben stands up from the couch and opens the door.
“Hope I’m not intruding.” I murmur, stepping back from his forceful gesture.
“Fuck, baby.” He chuckles shaking his head. “Noo. Come on in.” he extends his arm for me.
“Sorry I didn’t announce my visit Mr. Hardy, but the MI5 radio was broken this morning.” I playfully snort with snobby manner.
He chuckles, pulling me in for a hug “I’m glad you came over.”
“Are you now?” I give him a sweet pout with my lips.
“Msorry, I’m just so stressed out with this role.” His hands gesture his outfit.
“That’s why I came over.” I walk backwards pulling him by his vest, until the back of my legs touch the end of the bed. He takes a few steps with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Yeah?” he cocks his head to the side lifting an eyebrow.
“Come here, pretty boy.” I coo as I hop on the bed. He follows, snuggling me  in his brace.
“Mmm” I moan nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck “I like these…” my fingers toy with the necklaces hanging on his chest. “Any your random shirt” I trace the collar,
“Opened just perfect” I murmur against his neck.
He hums with a big smirk on his face, as the hand wrapped around my back squeezes tighter, eventually making me throw a leg over his, giving me a half-straddled position.
I just can’t keep my hands off him. Something about this outfit is tingling a little something inside of my stomach. My hand tugs gently at his wig, as I nip on his neck.
His hand keeping my hip secure over him, traveling up and down until he finally slides it under the skirt. Brushing his fingers around my bum, he grabs ahold of it, earning a squeak from me.
“Fuck. Come here, baby.” He growls, as he roughly drags me on top of him. Placing wet and sloppy kisses all around my neck, his hands grind me down onto his lap.
“Aah.” I gasp burying my fingers in his wig keeping him pressed against my showing cleavage.
“You like that? Hm?” his husky voice melting me in his hands. “Grinding down on me?” he quirks a brow.
“Mmm Roger.” You throw your head back as my hips pick up the pace, bringing painfully slowly to the friction I’m craving.
“What?” he pulls away. “You just called me Roger, babe.” He pushes me by the shoulders.
“Shit, I’m so sorry baby.” I chuckle trying to hide down my embarrassment.
“Hmm” he licks his lips “Get over here.” He flips us over, making me lay flat on my back. Hovering between my legs he spreads the apart with his knee. Pressing down his hips he pins me against the bed, making me moan softly, as I stare between our bodies.
“Do you want ‘Roger’ to fuck you, petal?” he coos above my lips, barely touching them.
“Would I be such a bad girlfriend if I said yes?” I wriggle underneath him.
“Not a single bit.” He confides with soft voice. “In fact” he pins my hands above my head “I’ve always dreamed of having a groupie” he coos close enough for me to squirm under his breath.
“We gotta be quick, doll. I ain’t got long.” He grunts, as his free hand roams up and down your body. “And keep it down.”
“Please. I’ve always wanted to be fucked by a rock star, who also happens to play my boyfriend too.” Is all the wit I manage to pull off.
“You’re so fine, love.” His lips tremble on my chest.
“God. You’re squirming little existence is turning me on so much. I’m going to fuck you, and you won’t protest, will ya?”
“No. No it won’t” I shake my head in anticipation. His hand rolls my skirt up.
“So impatient. I love me a cute lil slut today.” He drags a finger on the outside of my knickers, making my head fall back at the new friction. And he does it again, earning a loud moan from my lips.
“Shh” his hand moves from my wrists to my mouth.
He stands up and quickly shoves down his pants and belt.
“Keep your clothes on B-Roger.” I lazily ask with a finger on my lips.
Grabbing my hips, he pulls me over to the edge of the bed. One of his hands glides over my stomach and waist. His hand firmly glides from my throat to my chest, slowing down around my breast. His finger pinches and rolls my nipple, making me squirm even more.
“How does that feel?” he continues to touch me over my t shirt.
“Mmgood” I whine squinting my eyes, as I push my chest up to his grip even more “Please, oh, yes that feels so good.”
“Look at you.” He coos over me. “Poor little thing. So needy.”
He pulls me even closer to him. I achingly look over at his erected shaft, while his hands work my breasts, making my nipples even more sensitive than they already were.
“Get down, love.” He commands, and I know what he wants.
“Suck me. Suck me good.” He smirks with his eyebrows furrowed.
I slip in his feet, the most obedient way I can. I bring my lips to his glistening tip. I place a few soft kisses, before taking as much as I can in my mouth.
He grunts “Fuck, your tiny little mouth! Damn. Made for blowing.” He hand grips at my hair pushing me further, making me groan from deep within my throat.
“A good little groupie you are!” he moans as I bob my head up and down on his hard.
“Easy, easy now.” He stops my head, taking a moment to study my face.
“All drooling and messy. But you don’t get to finish me off yet.” He brings me up and tosses me onto the bed.
Placing my legs over his shoulders, he licks his lips, and lines himself at my entrance.
“Please.” I grunt, but before I can say anything else I feel him slamming inside of me in one harsh move. “Fuck” I cry out, squeezing my eyes shut, while my hands grasp the sheets from each aide. At last, being filled by his cock, stretching me out, it almost hurts.
He hisses at the view underneath him, not spending another still second he starts fucking me mercilessly.
“Fuck. Baby.” I can feel him pooling in my arousal.
“What an amazing cunt.” He grunts. His words only adding to the heat building up inside of me.
“Do you like fucking me? Am I good enough shag for Roger Taylor?” I tilt my head to the side, squirming, trying my best to hold a normal voice from his hard ramming into me.
“So fucking good.” He whimpers picking up the pace. Yanking my hips to the sides, he cradles closer. Hovering over me, his lips find my neck. Nipping and biting over my pulsating veins, he reaches deeper in my core. Hitting one particular spot, giving me a heated burning feeling every time he presses against it. My hands release the sheets, finding their way into his hair, tugging on it, keeping his head on my neck and chest.
“Fuck, I’m so close. I’m so close.” I whine, as he bites on my collarbone.
“I’m almost there.” He growls, as his hand travels down between our bodies. His thumb finds my clit. Just from the pure friction of his dry thumb is enough to send my eyes rolling at the back of my head. I let a poem of cursing while my body is squirming and shaking, back arching, reaching my powerful orgasm.
“Aghh” he growls “You tight pussy convulsing onto my cock, shit, I’m coming.” He releases his long held hot mess with deep groans and toe curling motion. The way he closes his eyes is pure bliss for me, I can come again just from the flushes look on his cheeks.
“Baby. Baby” I pant.
“My personal groupie to fill up.” He gulps, before pressing a kiss onto my lips.
Ben stays still for a while longer, buried inside of me. I stroke the hair on his wig, as he places soft kisses all along my shoulder.
Finally pulling away, he grunts while putting his pants back up.
“Please.” I give him puppy eyes “Cuddle with me.”
“Hmm” he smirks shaking his head.
“Hey. You.” I throw a pillow at him to catch his attention. “I want my boyfriend back.”
He smiles warmly and crawls onto the bed, laying by my side. Stuffing a few pillows he rests his back against the wall.  Pulling me in his arms, I sigh from exhaustion.
“I didn’t know shagging a rock star could be so…” I lift my shoulders.
“So, what?” he moves a few strands of hair off my face.
“Exciting. It was like, a stranger was screwing me.” I bury my head in his arm feeling the tiniest bit of embarrassment.
“Hey, it’s alright baby girl.” He lifts my chin up “We don’t have to do it again if you don’t want to.” He kisses my nose, helping me relax my tensed muscles.
“I think I liked it.” I bite my lip, trying to avoid eye contact. he chuckles and kisses my cheek.
“Love?” you hear Ben shouting from the living room.
“Baby?” you hear him again, quickly flicking your eyelashes open.
“Huh? What? Did you say something?” you shake your head.
“Joe is inviting us for dinner. You wanna go?” he lifts a brow as his graze traces from you to the case and back.
“Yeah, sure. Be there.” You nod.
“Oh and uuh, he said to wear something fancier, we’re going to the Clos Maggiore.”
“Okay…. S a bit weird. Joe isn’t into such posh places.”
“I know” he makes a grimace “something ‘bout a surprise, idk” he places his hand over the speaker of the phone.
“Alight, cool. Tell him we’ll be there.” You leave the case aside and stand up. Passing by Ben you place a kiss on his cheek and skip to the bathroom to get ready.
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moonlightmalek · 4 years
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YOU - a Rami Malek story
The First book in the Moonlight franchise.
Moonlight, daughter of Freddie Mercury, is only 15 when she gets casted for a big show, Glee. Rami, an Egyptian 27 year old actor, trying to get his big break in the industry. Both complete strangers meet and soon become an important part of each-other’s life.
Story time; 2009 – 2011
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bohemiansweede · 3 years
Birthday Message
Pairing Joe Mazzello Reader
Warnings 🔞 unprotected sex
A/N i had issues with the uploading of tis story
So therefore it's a few days later please like and reblog or leave a comment thank you ❤️
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benismyqueen · 3 years
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A/N: Creo que se me fue de las manos, estaba previsto que esta historia se desarrollase en 4/5 partes y finalmente creo que será en 7. Aún así, espero que lo disfruten.
Advertencias: Leve mención de violencia intrafamiliar/violencia de género, y abusos paternos. Nada grave, una simple mención sin detalles.
Palabras 3.3K
Los primeros copos de nieve empiezan a caer sobre las calles de Londres. En mitad del frío invierno, Alina mete las manos en los bolsillos de su chaqueta, evitando temblar.
"Creo que si compartimos un batido, podemos entrar en una cafetería y calentarnos." Sugiere Roger.
En un principio Alina había quedado con Mary en ir de compras. Aún le quedan algunos regalos de navidad por preparar, pero como sorpresa de última hora, Freddie cambió sus planes.
Quiso salir con Mary en una cita, así que aseguró a la chica que encontraría acompañante para sus compras. Así que se sorprendió cuando al subirse a la furgoneta, vió a Roger en la puerta trasera.
Freddie se encargó de llevarlos al centro de Londres, aunque para volver deberán tomar el autobús.
Y así están ahora, muertos de frío en el centro de la ciudad, y con muy poco dinero encima.
Roger señala una pequeña cafetería y no pierden el tiempo en entrar.
"Creo que tengo un dolar y medio" Roger revisa su cartera y maldice en ocasiones como estas el no tener un empleo serio.
"Yo creo que tengo más, invito yo." Aún así, entre ambos no juntan el dinero para dos consumiciones. "¿Qué sabor prefieres?"
"Invitas tú. Elige tú." Roger se estira en el asiento, poniendo un brazo sobre el respaldo del sofá mientras se quita la boina marrón de la cabeza.
"¡Roger! Sabes que no me gusta elegir." Se encoge de hombros con una sonrisa.
"¿Ya saben que desean tomar?" Una camarera vestida con una falda roja se acerca con una libreta en mano.
Alina vuelve la vista a la carta sin saber qué elegir. No sabe que sabor podría gustar a Roger. El rubio rueda los ojos.
"Un batido de chocolate caliente, con nata y canela por encima. Con dos pajitas. Gracias"
La chica apunta la orden, y se va.
"¿Cómo sabes como me gustan los batidos?"
"No es la gran cosa. Siempre pides lo mismo." Roger sonríe pero Alina entrecierra los ojos. Casi siempre que se juntan en una cafetería, siempre lleva alguna muchacha de su brazo, en la que centra toda su atención. "Ahora dime" apoya ambos brazos sobre la mesa, inclinándose hacia ella. "¿Qué regalos te quedan por comprar?"
"¡Solo me queda el de Mary y mi padre! Ya tengo los regalos pensados. ¡No puedo esperar a que llegue navidad!" Roger sonríe al ver su reacción. Está realmente ilusionada.
La navidad siempre fue su época favorita del año. Para ella era pasar tiempo en casa, con sus padres y hermanas. Ver la televisión juntos, escuchar música con tazas de chocolate caliente y galletas horneadas. Colocar adornos por toda la casa y la noche de navidad poner todos los regalos debajo del árbol, con los villancicos sonando de fondo.
"Realmente te gusta la navidad, ¿eh?"
"¡Es la mejor época del año! Además es la primera navidad que pasamos juntos. ¡Será genial! Hornearemos galletas de jengibre y saldremos a jugar con la nieve."
El fantasma de una mueca cruza el rostro de Roger, pero en ese momento llega la camarera con su pedido.
"¿A ti no te gusta la navidad?" Roger es el primero en poner la pajita sobre sus labios y beber.
"No mucho. Pero tu ilusión es contagiosa." Alina sonríe y bebe del batido. "¿Qué me vas a regalar?"
"¿Qué me vas a regalar tú a mi?" Roger se reclina en el asiento con una sonrisa. "¡No! Dime que no vas a observar que me gusta y cuando me de la vuelta, comprarlo"
"¡No lo haré!"
"¡Eres un mentiroso!"
Roger tira a la cara de Alina el plástico en el que estaba envuelto en la pajita.
"Hemos conseguido un productor para el disco" Alina se queda sorprendida, no solo por lo que dice, si no por cómo lo dice. Como si no fuese importante.
"¿Entonces sacaréis el disco a la venta?"
"Eso parece" Alina intenta no gritar mientras se lleva las manos a la cara.
"¡Eso es genial, Roger!"
Fuera ya había dejado de nevar, lo que queda del batido ya está medio frío, y ellos ya habían entrado en calor, pero están tan a gusto y tranquilos hablando, que se olvidan de las compras.
"Y ese fue mi mejor regalo de navidad, aunque aún sueño con un pequeño golden retriever." Alina y Roger se están mirando a los ojos. Es una de las pocas veces donde pueden disfrutar de una conversación tranquila sin picarse o enfadarse.
Alina siempre se ha sentido atraída por su aura de sensibilidad, y su gracia y simpatía genuina cuando está con los chicos. Siempre se ha preguntado por qué con ella muy pocas veces es así.
"¿Cuál fue tu mejor regalo de navidad?" Roger se queda unos instantes en silencio. Sin saber si debería decir la verdad o mentir.
"Probablemente el único regalo que recibí de mi padre" Alina se queda sorprendida por su sinceridad.
Siempre pensó que no debía tener mucha relación con su familia, ya que nunca habla de ellos y sin duda nunca los ha conocido, al contrario que con los padres de Freddie y Brian por ejemplo.
"Mis padres se separaron por esas fechas, no estaban casados, pero mi madre cogió nuestras cosas y nos fuimos de casa." Roger intenta no pensar en los detalles más escabrosos de la relación con su padre. Y agradece que Alina no pregunte. "Mi padre no era una persona fácil, así que tampoco me dolió. Pero las navidades de ese año, encontró nuestra casa y se presentó allí."
Alina siente que hay cosas que no le está contando, quizá cosas incluso más duras, por la forma en la que cambia su mirada mientras habla.
"Aunque no estaban casados, legalmente era su hijo, y le pertenecían por ley unas semanas de visita, así que se presentó en la puerta con unos papeles, vendió la custodia a mi madre"
La chica abre desmesuradamente los ojos y se lleva una mano a la boca.
"Él no quería lidiar conmigo y desde luego yo no quería pasar algunas semanas con él. Así que mi madre no dudó en firmar los papeles para que salga de nuestra vida rápido. Le pidió dos mil seiscientos dólares a mi madre por la custodia. Y se lo tuvo que pagar a plazos durante meses. Pero no lo hemos vuelto a ver."
Alina suspira aliviada, al menos esa persona no a vuelto nunca a su vida. Se le encoge el corazón al pensar en un Roger siendo un niño, teniendo que huir de casa con su madre y que meses después su padre no solo se desentendiese de él, si no que vendiese su custodia. Y ese es el mejor recuerdo que él tiene de unas actividades.
"Dos mil setecientos dólares. Eso es lo que valgo para mi padre." La mirada de Roger está en algún punto de la mesa.
"Bueno, no está mal." Los ojos de Roger se encuentran con los de Alina. "Yo no hubiese pagado tanto"
Roger sonríe mientras pasa las manos por su pelo de manera nerviosa, intentando recomponerse.
"¿Y cuanto hubieses pagado tú?"
Alina estira la mano por la mesa hasta que sus dedos rozan los suyos.
"Hay cosas que ni se compran, ni se venden" Ambos se sorprenden por sus palabras. Roger sonríe mientras siente como se le encoge el corazón. Alina siente como el calor le recorre el cuerpo entero de la verguenza.
Cuando Roger está a punto de tomar su mano sobre la mesa, de manera correcta esta vez, y poder acariciarla, llega la mesera de nuevo interrumpiendo el momento.
"¿Van a ordenar otra consumición?"
Ambos captan rápidamente la indirecta. Llevan demasiado tiempo ocupando esa mesa. De manera atropellada recogen sus abrigos y salen a la calle.
"¿Sabes?" Roger empuja levemente a la chica con su hombro. "Hemos compartido el mismo batido, es más o menos como si nos hubiesemos besado"
Se ríe mientras Alina rueda los ojos y le da un puñetazo en las costillas.
Antes de que pueda retirar el puño de su estómago, Roger toma su mano. "¡Estás helada!"
"Observador. Estamos en invierno en Londres." Ahora es turno de Roger de rodar los ojos.
"Ven aquí." Hace que se detenga en mitad de la calle y dando un paso hacia ella toma sus manos y las lleva a sus labios. Alina con nerviosismo intenta retirarlas, pero Roger mantiene su agarre y no le permite moverse. Expulsa aire sobre las manos de Alina, mientras con sus manos las frota, calentándolas.
Alina siente como todo su cuerpo entra en calor al notar sus labios rozando sus manos.
"¿Mejor?" Como si nada hubiese pasado, Roger aleja la boca de sus manos aunque sus manos siguen sujetando las suyas.
Roger sonríe y suelta sus manos. Siguen su camino en un silencio cómodo mientras la chica es incapaz de no pensar en otra cosa que no sean sus labios.
"¿Entramos primero en esta tienda?" Roger señala una tienda de ropa.
Después de recorrer lo que queda de tarde todas las tiendas y conseguir ambos los regalos que le faltaban, salen de la última tienda. Ya es completamente de noche y las calles están demasiado concurridas con la gente que recién salió de trabajar y aprovechan para dar un paseo y hacer compras.
Sin mediar palabra Roger cambia las bolsas que carga de mano, para poder tomar la mano de Alina entre las suyas
"Hay demasiada gente" acerca la cara a su oído para que pueda escucharlo.
Alina asiente mientras evitan chocarse con la gente y buscan una estación de autobuses
Roger se estremece ante la fría mano de Alina entre la suya, y sin dudarlo, mete sus manos entrelazadas en el bolsillo de su chaqueta, haciendo que ella tenga que acercarse aún más a él, y andar prácticamente pegados.
"¿Sabes? Hacemos un buen equipo. Creo que este año a Brian le gustará su regalo" Roger levanta el brazo con el que carga las bolsas.
"Si. Me debes una, Meddows"
"Cuando quieras te invito a compartir otro batido" vuelve a sonreír con esa sonrisa socarrona. "E invito yo"
"No pienso compartir otro batido contigo" Lo empuja un poco con el hombro al entender el doble sentido de sus palabras
"Entonces debería besarte"
Entonces nos iremos la semana próxima" Exclama Brian terminando de beber su copa. "¡Es increíble!, no lo esperábamos."
Alina frunce el ceño y deja de comer. De repente se le ha quitado el hambre.
"¿Y cuándo volveréis?" pregunta Mary a su lado.
"Si cumplimos los plazos, a principios de enero." Contesta Deaky.
Los chicos habían decidido que debían salir a cenar todos juntos, aprovechar el poco tiempo que les queda en casa antes de irse a grabar él albúm durante semanas. Claro que eso Mary y Alina no lo sabían, debía ser una sorpresa. Y vaya que lo es.
"¿Desde cuando lo sabéis?" Consigue preguntar Alina, rompiendo el contacto visual con Roger, quién está sentado justo frente a ella.
"Desde la semana pasada."
Alina siente como se le crea un nudo en el estómago. Hace solo unos días que habló con Roger de sus planes de navidad, de la ilusión que le hace pasar esas fechas con ellos, y de lo mucho que le gusta esa época del año. Y Roger en ese momento sabía que no pasarían las fiestas juntos. Y no se lo dijo. Dejó que le contase con toda la ilusión sus planes sabiendo que nunca podrían llevarse a cabo.
"Roger, ¿estás bien?, es raro que no hagas uso de tu consabida berborrea" Freddie intenta bromear mientras su amigo se remueve incómodo en su asiento.
"Muy gracioso" Con el ceño fruncido saca de su chaqueta el paquete de cigarros.
"Entonces os perderéis las navidades" Mary hace un puchero a Freddie quién sonríe enternecido. Alina rueda los ojos.
Roger se la queda viendo, esperando el momento en el que ella le mire de vuelta para hacerla una señal y salir fuera. Pero evita su mirada a toda costa.
"Bueno, podemos celebrar la navidad en enero, seguirá nevando, e intercambiaremos los regalos. Si lo miras de esa forma, nuestros regalos no serán de las típicas tiendas londinenses" Deaky intenta consolar a Mary.
En el fondo a Alina lo que le molestaba no era que pasasen las fiestas fuera, que también. Le molestaba que no se lo hubiese dicho cuando hablaron de las navidades.
Alina siente como un pie sube y baja por su pernera por debajo de la mesa, intentando llamar su atención. Hace todo lo que puede por ignorarlo. Habla con Brian, se apoya en Mary mientras habla con Freddie, incluso pone su mirada entre la gente en el local.
Roger se desespera, empezó rozando su pernera, luego dando toques con su pie en su pierna. Incluso dando golpes con los dedos sobre la mesa.
"Oye Miss dramática, ¿me acompañas fuera?" Todas las conversaciones en la mesa quedan pausadas cuando escuchan a Roger. La mesa se queda en un silencio sepulcral. En un principio tenía pensado negarse, pero todas las miradas están puestas en ellos, así que se levanta y sale del local seguida por Roger, quién casi corre para alcanzarla.
"¡Oye!" Cuando sale por la puerta se agobia al no verla fuera, casi teme que haya cogido un taxi, pero la ve sentada sobre el muro. Está casi temblando, hace demasiado frío y salió sin chaqueta. Sin pensarlo dos veces utiliza su propia chaqueta para ponerla sobre sus hombros. Alina intenta resistirse pero los brazos de Roger son fuertes. "Oye, estás helada"
Alina lo fulmina con la mirada aceptando su chaqueta. Intenta contener el impulso de llevar la tela a su nariz y olerla.
"¿Por qué no me lo dijiste?"
Roger se encoge de hombros. "Iba a decírtelo. Pero estabas tan contenta contando tus planes... No quería estropearte la tarde"
Alina bufa mirando la calle. En el fondo sabe que no puede enfadarse con él. No han decidido ellos la fecha, y entiende a Roger.
"Oye, aún podemos pasar los días que nos quedan jugando con la nieve y horneando galletas de jengibre. Incluso podemos ver películas navideñas, Brian aún conserva un videocassette." Pone las manos sobre sus hombros y hace que se miren a la cara.
"¡Pero no será en navidad!" sabe que está haciendo un berrinche cuando ve la sonrisa tierna de Roger.
"Bueno, fingiremos que sí. Y la noche de nuestra vuelta pondremos nuestros regalos bajo el árbol. Y cantaremos villancicos."
Consigue que Alina se ría imaginando una navidad en enero, simplemente es algo que solo Roger puede hacer, vivir todos los planes de navidad a su regreso.
Una lágrima de la risa se le escapa a Alina de los ojos. Roger mueve la mano a su mejilla, y con el pulgar retira la lágrima. Cuando la chica abre los ojos, se encuentra con los de Roger a una pulgada. No sabe cuando se han acercado tanto, pero sabe que Roger quiere besarla cuando desvía la mirada a sus labios mientras pasa la lengua por los suyos. Se le atasca la respiración en la garganta cuando Roger se acerca.
"¡Te has dejado la chaqueta!" Deaky grita saliendo por las puertas del local. "Oh, interrumpo algo, ¿verdad?" Alina agradece la interrupción mientras Roger mira a su amigo con la mandíbula apretada.
Jura que en ese momento podría matar a Deaky.
"¡Feliz navidad!" Grita Vicky mientras deja el último regalo debajo del árbol.
Alina está nerviosa mientras espera a que su padre les indique que pueden recoger sus regalos.
No son muchos, nunca han tenido mucho dinero como para hacerse regalos muy ostentosos, pero siempre se han asegurado de que todas las navidades tuviesen al menos dos regalos bajo el árbol. Quizá algun jersey que les había gustado en alguna tienda, o quizá un libro.
Intenta olvidarse de los paquetes que guarda en el fondo de su armario, no quiere pensar que esta noche sería la noche en la que se repartiría los regalos con los chicos.
"Este es para Maisie" Rich coge uno de los regalos medianos, por la forma de estar envuelto seguramente sea ropa.
"¡Es el vestido que vimos con Mary!" Rápidamente va corriendo a su habitación seguramente para probárselo.
"Alina" su padre le alcanza dos paquetes medianos. Uno es un libro que hace tiempo quería leer, y el otro una pulsera de plata.
"Este de aquí es de Mary, hija." Alina recoge el regalo sin querer abrirlo. Lo hará cuando los chicos estén de vuelta.
Vicky chilla emocionada cuando ve que su regalo es una tiara de plata con piedras doradas. Se enamoró de esa tiara hace tiempo, y su padre tuvo que ahorrar durante meses para poder comprarlo. Rich por el contrario recibió un vinilo de Deep Purple, uno de los pocos que le quedan para terminar la colección.
Después de abrir todos los regalos y recoger el comedor, Alina sube a su habitación para dejar el libro. Pero al abrir la puerta nota el frío que hace. Frunce el ceño al ver la ventana abierta. Está segurísima de que la había dejado cerrada. Sin embargo está abierta de par en par y las cortinas corridas.
Deja el libro sobre la mesita de noche, y ahí es cuando ve una caja sobre la cama. Una caja negra, mediana sin ningún tipo de tarjeta.
"¡Mamá!" Alina se acerca a la puerta y grita hacia el pasillo. "¿Has puesto todos los regalos debajo del árbol?"
"¿Por qué preguntas?" Se asoma por el descansillo de las escaleras.
"¿No te has dejado ninguno?, ¿en una caja negra?"
"Cariño, ¿que pasa?"
"Nada, nada" Cierra la puerta rápido y se acerca a la cama.
Cuando abre la caja, se da cuenta de que contiene solo dos objetos. Una cinta cassette y una libreta.
Una bonita libreta mediana, bastante elegante y de tapa dura pero muy ligera y suave al tacto. De color granate con un bolígrafo a juego.
Puede jurar que es demasiado, y ni sus padres, ni ninguna de sus hermanas pueden permitirse un regalo así.
Intrigada por el contenido de la cinta, corre a su minicadena y la inserta. Mientras espera a que la cinta suene, saca la libreta de la caja y pasa los dedos por su tapa.
En la habitación comienzan a sonar los acordes de Here's come the sun. Sonríe. Pero no es la voz de Paul, John, o cualquier miembro de los Beatles. Es la voz de Roger. Incluso puede distinguir el suave bajo de Deaky y la guitarra de Brian.
Con los ojos llenos de lágrimas abre la libreta, y en la primera hoja puede distinguir la bonita caligrafía de Roger.
It's feels like years since it's been here.
Ahora con las lágrimas corriendo por sus mejillas, se precipita a la ventana abierta. Es estúpido, pero recorre la calle con la mirada. Es imposible que él esté aquí.
Pero al fin y al cabo, quizá la magia si que existe.
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