#fandom fanfics
queenie-avenue · 6 months
I'm doing like a joint headcanon with all my yanderes and I always put pics that are related to the post as like borders and stuff and I realised I don't really have an 'aesthetic' for my account. Like yeah, I have the typical butterflies and pink that I love but I really need a theme. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to put it in my ask box or like comment <3
(Also i know that I also write for fandoms but my main focus will be on my yandere characters with fandom characters on the side sometimes.)
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Thinking It's about time I get back into some writing.... It's been FAR too long..
Does anyone have any requests? Y'all know what I write usually, but if you pull my leg enough, I'll try writing for anything!
I'll try and update some of my WIPs too, but wanna dip my toes in first sorry!
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animentality · 6 months
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yeehawpim · 9 months
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a comic about fix-it fanfics
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please please please please reblog if you’re a writer and have at some point felt like your writing is getting worse. I need to know if I’m the only one who’s struggling with these thoughts
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actual-changeling · 8 months
In the spirit of encouraging people to comment on fanfics while also making it easier to do so, I feel obliged to share a browser extension for ao3 that has quite literally revolutionized the comment game for me.
I present to you: the floating ao3 comment box!
From what I've seen, a big problem for many people is that once you reach the comments at the bottom of a fic, your memory of it miraculously disappears. Anything you wanted to say is stuck ten paragraphs ago, and you barely remember what you thought while reading. This fixes that!
I'll give a little explanation on the features and how it works, but if you want to skip all that, here's the link.
The extension is visible as a small blue box in the upper left corner.
(Side note: The green colouring is not from the extension, that's me.)
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If you click on it, you open a comment box window at the bottom of your screen but not at the bottom of the fic. I opened my own fic for demonstrative purposes.
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The website also gives explanations on how exactly it functions, but I'll summarize regardless.
insert selection -> if you highlight a sentence in the fic it will be added in italics to the comment box
add to comment box -> once you're done writing your comment, you click this button and the entire thing will automatically copied to the ao3 comment box
delete -> self explanatory
on mulitchapter fics, you will be given the option to either add the comment to just the current chapter or the entire fic
The best part? You can simply close the window the same way you opened it and your progress will automatically be saved. So you can open it, comment on a paragraph, and then close it and keep reading without having the box in your face.
Comments are what keep writers going, and as both a writer and a reader, I think it's such an easy way of showing support and enthusiasm.
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innerenigma · 3 months
•Normalize Fanart for Fanfics Again You Fools•
It's not cringe anymore (it SHOULDN'T be cringe anymore), just do it. You're doing something you enjoy, who cares what anybody else says! So spread the words my fellow internet brethren.
Spread the Word :)
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 6 months
More medieval dyes for y'all!
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ao3-shenanigans · 6 months
Embrace the cringe.
Write weird fanfic.
Read weird fanfic.
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fanonical · 9 months
i want there to be more fanfic aus where everything is the same but for one minor detail. everything is the same but there's sentient animals wandering around. everything is the same but everyone is called gerry. everything is the same but two characters are siblings for no reason
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frownyalfred · 2 months
I’m using ao3 the way god intended: via 36 open semi-abandoned tabs on my phone at 2 AM the night before work
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eldin-tower · 6 months
no matter the struggles there is always ao3 in bed
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mywitchcultblr · 11 months
This is what happened when a fanfic site is profit driven. Wattpad sucks 😞
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The email/DM from Wattpad is so condescending. Imagine pressuring writers to update and work while they are doing it for free and fun. Also, the discovery? Algorithm? Of Wattpad looks like a stressful popularity contest 😑
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“why would you write fics for small, unpopular fandoms? you’re not gonna reach that many hits in fandoms not many people know about” ?? because I’m not writing fics for hits or kudos, I’m writing them for me because these characters are my blorbos and I have so many ideas, so much thoughts about them that my brain might explode if I don’t write them out.
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the-bar-sinister · 1 month
"People mostly write and read very character driven, specific ship focused fic, because what most people want out of fanfiction is to focus on the romance between characters they're not getting in canon so they can soak in the vibes."
Yes, absolutely. And thank hell for all the authors who write character-driven, ship focused fic for us to soak in the vibes to.
But also…
thank hell for all the authors who write angst, whump, and hurt no comfort, for us to luxuriate in blorbo's hurt and pain and cry or cackle.
thank hell for all the authors who write cheating, love triangles and affairs for us to consume large quantities of popcorn to and yell 'oh no, they didn't'.
thank hell for all the authors who write case fic, mission fic, and intricate, plot-driven stories to replicate the feel of canon, when canon has stopped or gone wrong.
thank hell for all the authors who write 'fix it' fics when canon has betrayed us with bad vibes, plot holes and deaths.
thank hell for all the authors who write poly ships when what we need is just for everyone to get along and screw instead of screw up.
thank hell for all the authors who write gen fic when we're not interested in romance.
thank hell for all the authors in fandom, and all the wonderful, different kinds of fanfiction they write for us.
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the next time you hesitate to leave a comment on a fic remember that I go back and read all the comments I get on my fic whenever I'm feeling down and it makes me feel so much better
if you leave nice comments on ao3 i love you
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