#Boom Boom Beat
supereuroflash · 2 months
Ken Martin - Virtual Love (Eurobeateam Remix)
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freshbeeth · 2 months
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i mean for fuck’s sake
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thefiresofpompeii · 25 days
— and zen, ze doktor he vas meeting miss sunday. roo-bee vas his best friend. but she vas shot… by an anglican marine!
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— she got resuscitated by a field ambulance…
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isjasz · 1 year
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Babe wake up new omori game just dropped All art refs and music from this omori boss fight!!
Without overlays and other versions HAHJASHAK
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keferon · 4 months
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"Mind if I make a little music?" Drift asked, holding out a hand for Ratchet to pass him the synthboard.
"Not at all," Ratchet said, offering it up by the strap.
Drift spun it above his head, hands dancing over the board and making a truly awful sounding ruckus out of the speakers. His optics were locked on something behind Ratchet. He took the clue and ducked his head to Drift's chest so that Drift could swing. The speakers screeched and a body fell back."
Unfortunately I can’t kiss the author of this fic, so I decided to do the next closest thing and drew this instead haha
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daiwild · 5 months
can i request michie...... i need to put them in a microwave im frothing by the mouth
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Come eat lobster with a monster
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tantei-chan01 · 5 months
I really like ur mute branch au 😊
I bet in this au, branch would've kept in touch with his former band Kismet and probably visited branch when they had the chance. And during their visits branch taught them sign language. I wonder how they would've reacted to branch being muted, but shocked that he's slowly talking/singing again. Or are they super protective of branch when brozone tries to get him (forcefully) to speak to them. I'm pretty sure brozone would be jealous/possessive of their brother (trying to make up for lost time). Or brozone being completely jelly of branch's new band family and support system.
Kismet and Branch were friends in the beginnings of kindergarten and have performed a few times before Branch went gray. They tried to be there for him, but their parents kept pulling them away when the rumor of gray trolls infecting other trolls began circulating. By the time they became adults, Branch completely isolated himself and wouldn't respond to their attempts of reconnection.
After the first movie, Branch was the one who approached them, apologizing for not acknowledging them. They started slow in redeveloping their friendship, but it’s worth it.
When Branch was being shunned for not forgiving Creek, they all openly shunned the rest of the trolls, especially Poppy. Going as far as canceling any performance they had agreed before hand.
When Branch came back from the events of World Tour, he wanted to start performing with them again. They all excitedly began practicing together again, reminiscing about the times they first started singing together.
Now that Brozone is back, they're going to keep a close eye on them. Kismet may not be a part of the Branch Guard (which is critters only by order of Mr. Dinkles) they will do whatever it takes to make sure he feels safe and happy
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
"Boom Clap" with every second beat removed
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rickybaby · 3 months
visacashapprb: team fist bumps 👊
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supereuroflash · 3 months
Sarah - You Are Always on My Mind
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eugeneplace · 4 months
That one chapter of The Beat Goes On but Branch does have friends outside Poppy and the Snack Pack AND is actually a introduction to Kismet as a second group of main characters!!
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I hate Mr Glittercakes so. Fucking. Much
It is so humiliating with a character whose only crime was not wanting to hurt his stupid friends' feelings by telling them he'd rather stay home alone.
But complaining is useless, so time to rewrite it is.
The chapter would be called "The Other Friends" and the premise would be the same: Poppy thinks Ramón is giving her excuses to no going to parties for the last weeks
The confrontation about the excuses could be talked out, such a twisted solution wasn't necessary
"Oh no, sorry, I would have loved to go to this... Super fun party" Branch say with a unconvincing smile "But I already made plans with my other friends and they-" he noticed the skeptic look Poppy was giving him and stopped "What?"
Poppy sighed in disappointed "C'mon, Branch. Everyone knows you don't have other friends"
"Excuse me???"
"Look, it's okay, I get it!" she hurried to reassure "All those years of isolation affected you I-I understand that you still need a break from so many people from time to time! And... you still haven't grasped everything that having friends means. I know. But something important in interpersonal relations is honesty so-"
Poppy took a breath, uncomfortable with the conflict.
"So yeah, the excuses have to stop"
It would have been a very good intervention if he was really lying
After that Branch introduces Poppy to his childhood friends (and secret band) who, to no one's surprise, are just as outcasted as him
I'm already thinking about other possible plots for Kismet Centric chapters
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maiios · 10 months
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hi i literally cant get lyss' designs out my brain
i had to draw feminine pebbles bc majority of my friends are lesbian and couldnt hear me out (hes a robot he can be whatever gender he wants <3)
designs by @lyss-butterscotch
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petracozbi · 2 months
Doing more Trolls (Branch-centric ‘cuz he’s my favorite) headcanons:
Branch speaks both Spanish and Korean, he learned from the K-pop Gang and Reggaeton Trolls
Kismet all have minor scars from either getting in a tussle with Branch, or saving him from trouble (taking on a big predator-critter on his own, one of his inventions almost exploding in his face, getting into confrontations with trolls bothering him (aka Creek and co.), etc.)
YK how we see how trolls can make their hair glow in the dark in ttbgo? Branch’s eyes glow in the dark. It’s pretty rare, since most trolls don’t roam in complete darkness, like he probably did for so many years to avoid detection from predators, so most trolls don’t even know they have that capability. It allows him to see in the dark, as well as scare the shit out of anyone that might catch a glance of him (Kismet, the bros, etc.)
A continuation of the hc that Branch needs glasses, from the post linked above: Since he stopped wearing glasses at such a young age, Branch struggled a lot with both reading and writing. This resulted in him having to label things in his ration-stock with very big letters, which were often also misspelled. No one, neither Kismet nor the Snackpack, thought to correct him, since they didn’t deem it too important, but Clay was genuinely saddened by the fact that Branch had had to struggle with this from such a young age. He offers to help Branch correct the mistakes and teach him how to read and write properly, which makes Branch extremely embarrassed at first, but he reluctantly obliges when he sees how nonjudgmental Clay is about it. Clay later discovers that the main reason Branch struggles so much, is bcs he needs glasses, and not just bcs he never got taught grammar past the age of like five (around the time Rosiepuff died). This has Clay silently cursing himself out, ‘cuz how could he forget in the first place that his baby brother needed glasses?? He makes it his objective to get Branch some new glasses, which Branch shows much reluctance to in the beginning, and it takes a lot of convincing from Clay, Poppy and everyone else to get him to try it. Cue Branch seeing clearly for the first time in 20 years, and the first -and almost only thing he can comment on, is how beautiful Poppy is. Cue Poppy getting emotional.
Bruce probably has the softest hair in the world, and gets pretty upset when he learns that Branch, whose hair used to be almost as soft as his, hasn’t done any haircare other than brushing it every few weeks for 20 years. That and just taking a break and relaxing overall. He takes it upon himself to try and get Branch to relax, and tries to treat him to a bro-spa-day, but ends up going way overboard with face masks, hair rollers, sauna, whale sounds, burning lavender-scented incense, etc. It’s all just way too overstimulating, and instead of relaxing, Branch is just put in a state of overwhelming, suffocating stress. Bruce his completely oblivious to this, until Brandy points out how Branch had already accidentally crushed five coconut-drinks in his hand, and maybe, he should try and sus out what’s bothering him instead of continually handing him drinks. This leads to Bruce pulling Branch away, where they have an heart-to-heart; Branch tries to apologize at first, since he was trying so hard to keep up and stay relaxed, as to not bring down the mood, and mentions how the trolls back in pop-village would always complain that he did that, back when he was gray. Bruce is heartbroken when hearing this; for one, the fact that Branch had to endure so much (frankly a little cruel) judgement from everyone around him, when he’d just been afraid, instead of anyone helping him or taking his feelings into consideration. And secondly, that he now felt he couldn’t speak up about what’s bothering him, with the fear he’d be rejected. Bruce ofc tells him he has nothing to apologize for, and that it should be him apologizing, since he never even noticed how uncomfortable Branch was; and they continue the rest of the bro-spa-day, doing something low key, but still relaxing.
Floyd partied hard during his solo-career days, and is horrified to see his baby brother with a candy sucker (I hc them as being like drugs for trolls)
Branch clings to others when he sleeps, but only sleeps when he feels secure enough, so there’s been many sleepless nights. Kismet tries to combat this by staying with him to ‘keep lookout’ while he naps. This is how they discovered the clinging, and it later evolved into all of Kismet taking regular naps together, in an almost sleep pile (think the Croods)
Branch is a silent observer and easily notices patterns and specific quirks with the ones he’s close with. This leads to him often being a step ahead; Ablaze likes his coffee a certain way at a specific time in the morning? Branch already has it ready for him when he walks in the kitchen. Hype has a tendency to bump into a specific spot on the table every time he walks past it? Branch is there, ready to hold a protective hand over the spot when he walks by. Poppy usually runs out of scrapbooking-material around the same time at the end of every week? Branch is already waiting at her door with another unrequested ‘delivery’. Branch always returning with specific things, snacks, etc, every time he return from a run in the village, because ‘he knew they (each individual member of Kismet) liked those things thing, snacks, etc.
Branch doesn’t show physical affection very often, so when he does, it’s automatic bragging-rights for whomever got shown affection (Kismet, Brozone, The Snackpack), plus it often puts them in an emotional state. (And yes, everyone (Kismet and Brozone) is very jealous of Poppy and how much more physical affection Branch shows her)
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rea1native · 28 days
Kelly Clarkson did a cover of Better Place. It’s over for Kismet 😭🙏🏽
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drawer-ghost · 14 days
"Giovanni snaps and gives second degree burns with hot soup" "Giovanni snaps and uses the knife on his Slugger of Doom and stabs" "Giovanni snaps and he ruins his perfectly good bat and puts knives on it and just starts beating up people"
"Giovanni snaps and starts waterbending the fucking ocean under the belief that is soup" when???
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canmking · 1 month
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J D i l l a
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