#Boston unique hotels
gaytravelinfo · 8 months
The Revolution Hotel - Boston, MA
ONE OF A KIND urban boutique hotel celebrating Boston’s revolutionary spirit. The Revolution Hotel is inspired by the great city of Boston and the innovative spirit of its people. They are one of a kind and don’t take no for an answer. Breaking the norm is The Revolution Hotel’s norm and it starts when you walk through their doors. The hotel’s lobby bleeds Boston with a 65ft masterwork in spray…
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igotyupls · 10 months
Hey I asked for the previous yunjin fic and I have another for a male reader x her it’s like when all of them go to New York reader takes yunjin to his home town of Boston and they have dinner with his parents and after they go back to a hotel in New York and have a bath together then have fluffy sex thank you
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It had been a whirlwind few weeks for LE SSERAFIM promoting their latest comeback album all across Asia with their tour ‘FLAME RISES’, And even flying around the States for their abroad schedules. Though the girls were energized seeing their international fans, the grueling schedule was starting to take its toll.
One evening after wrapping up their final work day for the week in New York City, Yunjin collapsed exhausted on one of the couches of her and her members hotel suite.
"I don't know how much more I can take, unnie," she murmured to the leader of Lesserafim,
Kim Chaewon, who patted her back in a way she hoped was soothing, even though she's just as tired, if not more.
As the two groupmates are relaxing on the couch, Yunjin's phone suddenly lit up with a text from her boyfriend Y/N, who had come to several of the group's shows to support his girl.
"Wanna get away for some R&R this weekend? My parent's want to meet you" He wrote.
Yunjin perked up at the thought of seeing Y/N and the chance to recharge. "Unnie, do you think the company would let me take a couple days off if I went with Y/N to visit his family?" She asked Chaewon with pleading puppy eyes.
to which Chaewon smiled knowingly. "I think after this week, you've earned a little break. Let me talk to the managers."
A few hours later, everything was approved. Yunjin excitedly called Y/N to share the good news and make plans to fly out to Boston together the next day to meet his parents.
On the flight, Yunjin dozed contentedly against Y/N's shoulder for the entirety of the hour long flight, already feeling some of her tiredness disappear in her boyfriend’s comforting presence.
Touching down in Boston, Y/N drove quietly as the radio played a random tune while Yunjin finished her nap a little longer. Pulling up outside his family home, Yunjin took a deep breath, suddenly nervous as she walked up to the front door,
But all her worries vanished the moment she was pulled into a warm hug by Y/N's mother,
"Welcome, welcome! It's so nice to finally meet our son's girlfriend. I've heard so much about you!" She says genuinely.
And more into the night over a much needed home-cooked meal, Yunjin charmed Y/N's parents with stories of LE SSERAFIM and her own fun from her opera days. She was touched by their warm hospitality, feeling instantly at ease.
Later, curled up on the sofa, Yunjin sighed contentedly in Y/N's arms. "Thank you for bringing me here babe. This is for real what I needed to recharge."
Y/N pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Anything for you, babe."
But as the night deepened, Yunjin began to feel the effects of her long travels catching up to her. "I think it's time we turned in, what do you say?" Y/N smiled down at her tired form nestled against his chest.
"Mom set you up in the guest room, but you're welcome to bunk with me if you'd like."
Truth be told, the idea of curling up beside Y/N under cozy blankets was far more appealing than sleeping alone.
"I'd like that," Yunjin replied softly. Hand in hand they made their way upstairs, Y/N pointing out family photos, his goofy smiles and random shots along the walls before reaching the door to his childhood bedroom.
The house had a vibe that was uniquely Y/N. Football posters and vinyl's lined the walls, knickknacks all over the place on the shelves.
She smiled to see photos of the two of them mixed with pictures of his past, of him growing up, of him playing and yada yada.
Stepping inside, Yunjin ran her hand along the old, scratched wood of his desk, imagining a younger Y/N hunched over doing homework.
The bed was neatly made, with his favorite colored sheets and 3 pillows, almost inviting her to lay on it.
Y/N watched her explore with adoring eyes, always loving being able to share parts of himself with her. "It's not a lot, but it's home i guess," he says with a shrug and a chuckle.
Yunjin turned to him, cupping his face in her hands. "It tells me so much about the great man my boyfriend is. I feel like I know you even better coming here."
Leaning in, their lips met in a soft kiss filled with care, trust and understanding.
Breaking the kiss reluctantly, Yunjin moved to unpack a few items from her bag as Y/N changed into his sleep clothes.
The familiar routine of her nightly routine brought her comfort. Sliding under the covers, she sighed contentedly as Y/N's arm curled around her slim waist, drawing her close against the solid planes of his body. Their breaths and heartbeats syncing as sleep takes over them from the long journey of the day
Sunlight was filtering through the curtains when Yunjin woke up the next morning. For a moment she was disoriented, not recognizing where she was. Then the memories of the previous day flooded back mixed with a rush of gratitude and happiness.
Rolling over, she saw Y/N still sleeping peacefully beside her. His features soft and slacking in sleep, lips slightly ajar as he snored softly.
Reaching out, Yunjin gently brushed back a lock of hair from his forehead, letting her fingers linger tracing the lines of his cheekbone, the curve of his lips.
Sensing her touch, Y/N began to stir, blinking awake to smile warmly up at her. "Good morning, beautiful," he murmured in a sleep-husky, velvety voice that sent a jolt through her spine.
Leaning in, their lips met in a lazy kiss conveying all the love and affection they felt.
As the kiss deepened, getting sloppier, Yunjin felt the familiar pulls of desire stirring in her abdomen.
It had been too long since they'd fucked, both of their schedules keeping them way too busy.
Y/N seemed to sense her rising horniness, as his hands began to roam with confidence over her curvy body still under the blanket and her sleep clothes.
A soft sigh escaped Yunjin's lips feeling his hands, her body arching into his on its own, wanting more contact.
Y/N took the invitation, flipping himself and her so she was under him, without breaking their kiss.
Through the fabric of her clothes, she could feel his morning wood pressing against her thigh, stirring a fresh wave of horniness in her.
Breaking the kiss breathlessly and swollen, Yunjin looked up at Y/N with lusty eyes. "Fuck me," she said, her own voice raspy.
That was all the initiative Y/N needed as he dunked in kissing her again, tongue sliding through her parted lips as his hands moved in tandem, taking her clothes off.
Yunjin shivered as the cold morning air touched her bare legs, tits and arms, nipples hardening to peaks.
She helped take his own clothes off, eager as fuck to feel his muscles against her.
At last as his boxer got tossed across the room, Yunjin wrapped her legs around his waist, while grabbing his dick and inserting it inside her dripping cunt.
Both moaning at finally joining after so long without sex, Y/N stayed still, blissed out feeling her tight, dripping hole clench his dick so snugly even after taking him a billion times.
Under him, Yunjin squirmed, impatient for him to fuck her stupid. "Please… fucking move," she begged, raking her nails down his back encouragingly.
With a hum in response, Y/N started to rock his hips in a slow, deep pace still a bit hazy having just woken up.
Lost in the feeling, they moved together lazily.
Yunjin met Y/N pump for pump, taking him fully to the hilt and clenching tighter with each thrust. The slapping of his balls hitting her ass mingled with their moans filled his small room.
Y/N began to redouble his efforts, picking up pace as his hips snap powerfully as he chased his and Yunjin's orgasm.
Reaching down, his fingers started rubbing Yunjin's clit in circles. That was all it took to break her, back arching off the mattress as jolts after jolts wracked her body.
Her walls clenching vice-like around Y/N's dick still pounding her into his mattress relentlessly, pulling his own orgasm from him with a groan.
Ropes after ropes of hot semen spurt inside her, painting Yunjin's inner walls white, as he fucked her through the aftershocks together, in a blissed out haze.
Collapsing in a sweaty, tired mess, they took a few moments to catch their breaths.
Yunjin turned her head lazily to press a kiss to Y/N's sweaty shoulder, murmuring lovey dovey shit. And him responding with a lazy dopey smile, eyes crinkling in the corners.
"That was fucking amazing. I missed being with you like this so much," Y/N mumbled sighing, as he ran his fingers up and down Yunjin's side.
She hummed in agreement, snuggling closer against his chest listening to the frantic thumps of his heartbeat slowly returning to normal. His arms encircled her holding her close.
Yunjin stretched luxuriously in the bed against his chest, enjoying the post-sex glow before reality set back in.
Glancing at Y/N beside her, having rolled off, she smiled at his messed up, lazy look. "Not a bad way to start the day, huh?" she teased, tracing idle patterns on his chest, As he chuckles.
But the spell is broken as A knock and his mom's muffled voice reminded them of breakfast waiting, "Kids, you up? Breakfast is ready whenever you are,"
Yunjin's stomach rumbled in agreement. "Food does sound good. And your Mom's cooking is no joke," she whispered to Y/N grinning,
"We'll be down in a bit, mom, thanks!" Y/N called back chuckling as he pats Yunjin's flat stomach after hearing the rumble, before rolling from the bed to begin gathering their clothes.
Over a hearty breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon and fruits, Yunjin chatted animatedly with his parents about their plans for the day.
"I was hoping to show Yunjin around some of my favorite spots, maybe catch a Sox game if the timing works out?" Y/N said with a mouthful of pancakes.
His dad grinned. "Take my car, it'll be easier than public transports with your schedule. And here, take some cash - I insist on treating my future daughter-in-law to a nice lunch out." he says passing car keys and some cash to Y/N.
Yunjin ducked her head, cheeks warming at the endearing term, far beyond grateful for the way Y/N's family welcomed her since the start of yesterday to now.
"Thank you so much for your generosity and hospitality Mr. and Mrs L/N," she said with a smile as Y/N's hand found hers under the table, giving her a gentle squeeze.
Once the breakfast came to an end, Yunjin and Y/N set off to explore the city Y/N grew up in.
Their first stop was the harbor, which was filled seagulls and fishing boats, not to mention the crowds of people.
Yunjin leaned over the railing to take it all in, breathing in the sea air, genuinely feeling the refreshment after months of being shut indoors and traveling to buildings, stadiums and back.
"It's so peaceful here," she murmured with a contented sigh.
Y/N slipped his arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her temple. "This is nice huh? I used to come here to…. Think, relax, play, u name it." He says with a slight laugh as he tilts his head and looks at her
Turning in his arms, Yunjin smiled up at her loving boyfriend "Yeah? It really is nice.. Thank you, like really.. you know, for sharing your special places with me." She says, and the response she gets in the smile Y/N gives her more than any word he could’ve said.
And then as the time goes their next stop happens to be walking through the Boston Commons, taking in the leaves and families enjoying their afternoon.
Yunjin spotted a street performer juggling and doing tricks, laughing, she turns to Y/N,
"You'd give him a run for his money," she teased Y/N, who makes a faux hurt face, "puhlease, my juggling skills are elite, thank you very much."
As they continued on, Yunjin spotted a food truck selling crepes. "Ooh, can we try one? I'm starving." She says dramatically,
Making Y/N chuckle, "Sureee, Go pick the flavors." After paying, they stroll around, finding a bench to eat, while feeding each other bites and laughing at the mess they're making.
Yunjin savored these carefree moments away from the pressures of being an idol, the constant scrutiny and the lack of privacy, just enjoying life with the person she loved and adored.
Soon Their afternoon started winding down, with catching the last bit of a Red Sox game from the box seats courtesy of Y/N's dad's connections, and of course Yunjin’s status,
Yunjin cheered alongside the loud and roaring Boston fans, completely entertained by the atmosphere.
As the sun began to set, Y/N drove them to a hole in the wall near the waters.
Over plates of pasta, garlic bread and red wine, they talked about everything and nothing at the same time, laughing and joking like a bunch of tweens.
And after finishing their food, they wandered through the Public Garden, pausing to admire the swans gliding thru the waters. Under one of the trees, with little to no people nearby,
Y/N turns to Yunjin, taking her hands in his, and softly kissing her palm.
"Thank you for coming here with me babe, for letting me share this part of myself, even though you have this insane schedule to follow, " He says with a chuckle,
“I mean it really, I love you” he murmurs, leaning in and kissing her, soft and gentle.
And as the night grew colder they finally, got back in the car and headed home, fingers laced together on top of the console as Y/N drove them back to his childhood home,
but all too soon their little weekend getaway was coming to an end, Y/N and Yunjin’s flight being at midnight to fly back to New York,
Yunjin bids a sad goodbye to Y/N's parents, promising to visit again soon. His mom hugs her tight. "You're always welcome here, sweetheart."
In the car on the way to the airport, Yunjin rests her head on Y/N's shoulder. "Thank you for the best weekend. I really needed this."
Y/N kisses the top of her head. "I'm glad. I'll miss you."
At the airport, they linger in a hug. "I booked a suite at your hotel in New York. Want to come over after we land?" Y/N asks.
Yunjin smiles. "I'd love that."
They fly back to JFK, taking an Uber straight to the hotel.
There, Y/N checks into the lavish suite as Yunjin texts her manager and her members that she'll be with Y/N for the night.
Inside the suite, Yunjin sighs. "This place is amazing." she says, as She wraps her arms around Y/N's waist from behind, resting her head against his back. "Thank you for doing this."
Y/N turns in her arms, caressing her cheek. "You deserve to relax, Want to take a bath?"
In the massive bathroom, Y/N runs warm water into the jacuzzi tub as Yunjin lights candles and dumps bath bombs into it.
They undress slowly, giving each other gentle kisses.
Once Naked, Yunjin sinks into the bubbles, leaning back against Y/N's bare chest with a relaxed hum as his arms wrap around her. "This is perfect," she murmurs.
They soak in silence, Y/N occasionally pressing kisses to Yunjin's neck and shoulders.
His hands slide lazily over her skin, rememorizing her curves.
Yunjin turns her head to meet Y/N's lips in a deep kiss.
His hands move to cup her tits, thumbs teasing her nipples until she's whimpering into his mouth.
"Y/N…" she says his name breathlessly.
She reaches back to grasp his growing dick, stroking him to his full length.
Y/N groans, biting her shoulder gently as his fingers find her clit.
She gasps at the contact, grinding into his hand and pushing back against his hard on. "Please, I need you inside me…"
Y/N lifts her wihtout a sweat out of the tub, laying her on the plush bathmat.
He settles between her thighs, kissing down her body lazily until his tongue replaces his thumb, lapping at her slcik pussy lips.
Yunjin cries out, raking her fingers through his hair to hold him against her as the tension coils tighter.
When she orgasms, her back arches off the tiles, Y/N laps up her nectar like a starving man.
Once her orgasm subsides, Y/N positions himself at her pussy.
"Look at me," he murmurs, pushing in slowly inch by inch until he's fully sheathed.
Yunjin moans at the fullness, locking eyes with Y/N's dark gaze. "You feel so good daddy," she whimpers, wrapping her legs around his waist.
Y/N sets a deep, lazy pace.
Balls slapping against her ass as their breaths mingle in between their kisses. Yunjin runs her nails down his back, urging him faster.
He hooks her leg over his shoulder for a new angle, immediately finding her g-spot inside her that makes colors burst behind her eyelids.
"There, don't stop, Y/N!" she screams,
Her walls start fluttering around him as another orgasm starts building.
Y/N pounds into her relentlessly, chasing his own release.
"cum for me," he rumbles in her ear, "Cum for daddy jen" he says shattering her with a squeaky moan,
The grip of her walls draw Y/N's orgasm from him and he spills spurts of semen inside her with a groan.
They lay on the bathmat still connected as their frantic heartbeats slow down, sharing lazy kisses.
Y/N brushes the damp hair from Yunjin's forehead. "You're so fucking pretty."
She smiles in response, scratching his cheek softly, "That was perfect, baby"
After finally getting off the floor and dressing into the plush robes, Y/N orders a feast of food from the room service - sushi, steak, pasta, sweets, champagne, you name it.
They feed each other bites between kisses, playfully stealing food from each other's plates.
Later, curled half naked on bed with the remains of their meal, Yunjin traces patterns on Y/N's chest. "I don't want this night to end," she murmurs sadly.
Y/N presses a kiss to her forehead, smirking "One more round before sleep?"
Yunjin grins, straddling his hips. She takes him in her hand, stroking his flaccid dick to its full length ,
Before sinking down slowly as they moan in unison. Bracing her hands on his chest, she sets a steady rhythm, eyes closed.
Under her, Y/N watches her ride him, his hands roam her curves, rubbing and pinching her nipples.
When he feels her walls start fluttering around him, Y/N sits up to take one nipple in his mouth.
His suckling sends Yunjin over the edge for the third time this night with a cry, walls clenching down on him.
With a pleased hum, Y/N starts bouncing her on his dick holding her hips before following her over the edge.
As his dick grows soft again, Yunjin collapses against his chest as they kiss through eachothers aftershocks.
Y/N lays down onto the pillows, Yunjin still on him as he pulls the blankets over their tired, sweaty bodies.
"I love you so much," he whispers, nuzzling her neck.
Yunjin's eyes are already shut as she sighs contentedly. "Love you too."
In each other's arms, surrounded by the mixed heady scents of their orgasms and sweat, they slip into a nice, much needed sleep.
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a- honestly how the fuck do people write so many words? jesus this took me two whole weeks, well in my defense i barely got time to write each day cause of training but holy hell, this is like w/c: 3300 maybe, anyway, i hope you enjoy man and reqs are open but i doubt i'll post consecutively
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sturniolo04 · 2 months
Boys Trip
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Bsf!Nick x Bsf!Chris x fwb!Matt x Bsf!Nate x Bsf!Fwb!Fem!Reader
Summary: in which you, the triplets, and Nate take a boy's trip to Boston.
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
It wasn't abnormal that you and the triplets took trips to Boston to visit their family and friends. The trips only lasting a week, but this trip was different you guys were taking advantage of summer and staying in Boston for almost the whole month of May.
"boys trip boys trip boys trip"
Matt chants as we are standing in the kitchen in their Boston house.
'"oh my god you guys are so loud"
you state as Nick rolls his eyes.
"it's not even a boy's trip Mara is here"
nick states so matter of factly, looking at Matt and Chris.
"she's one of the boys"
Chris chuckles ruffling your hair.
"oh for sure i am"
you reply as you playfully shove Chris' hand away.
we had already been in Boston for a couple days and today we are planning on going to lunch and the aquarium with your best friend, Madison Beer. You were getting ready for the day, when you heard a scream come from upstairs which you followed to pin point who it was.
matt screams, hitting him with his belt several times.
he exclaims as you laugh at the scene.
"what's so funny?"
matt asks as you shake your head like nothing is funny, as he continues to rant.
"Nick no one was up here; i almost took my dick out because I had to pee"
"well it's true sorry Mara"
Time skip
you guys finally met up with Madison and went out to lunch and went back to her hotel room since she was only in Boston for a show there for her tour, which we did end up going to.
"can i open you letter"
chris interjects as you all are sitting in the hotel room.
"sure i guess so"
madison giggles as she hands him the letter as he proceeds to open it, all of us staring at him.
"oh you have to read this i cant read cursive"
"there is no way chris"
nate laughs
"here give it to me let me try"
matt exclaims grabbing the letter out of his brother hands and then staring it at a long time.
"okay give to me matt"
you exclaim standing up off of the couch you were sitting on with madison reaching for the letter.
"no Mara i got it dude"
he states laughing extending his arms out of your reach.
it wasnt unknown you were bestfriends with the triplets, madison and nate but everyone but you and matt saw the unique energy you two had around each other specifically. As you and matt continued to playfully bicker about reading the cursive writing madison and nick just looked at each other to see if they are seeing the same thing
"god i feel like im third wheeling"
chris huffs out
"what the fuck chris"
matt exclaims as you and him look at chris confused
'what is that suppose to mean"
you question as he look everyone esle.
chris chuckles
" lets just get going yeah"
nick finally states as they all head to the aquarium.
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Spending the afternoon at the aquarium with everyone was a completely normal day, right? Not quite see every since Chris making that comment in the hotel, everyone starting picking up on your guys energy, meaning you and matt's. If we wanted to say that going to the aquarium was literally a date for you and matt you could literally say that truthfully.
"oh my god look at that matt its so cute"
you exclaim pointing to the fish as he smiles at your actions
"here i got this for you"
matt states handing you the turtle hat putting it on your head
"oh how kind of you"
you giggle. It wasnt until you all left the aquarium that you were walking side by side with madison that she finally wanted to as you for herself. See madison was close with the triplets but she was extremely close with you you guys told each other everything.
"so Mara be honest with me"
she causually states laying one arm around your shoulders as you two walk down the street back to her hotel
you trail off responding looking at you twos-in-sync footsteps on the sidewalk
"whats up with you and matt"
she quickly asks wanting to see you reaction
"what nothing madison why"
you giggle at the question, then proceeding to look at her with a 'realy' expression painted on her face.
"what madison we are just friends"
you states defensively shrugging your shoulders.
"dont bullshit me you like him dont you"
she giggles quietly knowing the triplets are right behind the pair, shaking your shoulders playfully.
"oh my god madison no nooo we are just friends"
you giggle embarrassingly
"okay whatever you say princess"
she states simply not believeing you.
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After a couple days pass in may and after the conversation with Madison, you and the triplets decide to go over to nates house and end up taking a nature walk on the trail behind his house, which brings you to now. Chris was rambling on about some story he remember that happened to him when he was younger.
"and i recorded it-"
chris trails off in his story
"what why would you record that chris"
you question
"no god Mara i obvisouly didnt record my penis"
chris defends himself
"dont say that so loud"
nick exclaims
matt screams out as you giggle along with nate. You guys kept on hanging out on the trail behind nates house until it got late and eventually went back to nate's house to play some random game they wanted to play
"okay if it closes on your finger you have to take a shot of lemon juice"
chris explains to everyone sitting at the table
"im not doing that"
you huff out in response to the dumb idea
"boo youre no fun"
nate complains
"come on mara if im doing it you have too please"
nick begs shaking nudging your shoulder.
you state coldly.
"at least just one round"
matt says trying to persuade you. you sigh out which is a way matt knows he convinced you as you sat back down in your chair.
"it shouldnt hurt should it"
you nervously ask
"mara it is a kids game it shouldnt"
chris chuckles out setting up the game for the first round. You guys start playing the game and there were have ten teeth left to press on the game piece and it was now you turn to choose out of the ten. You deeply inhale and exhale selecting a tooth for the toy to immediately come toppling down and crushing your pointer finger, leaving a burning and pinching sensation to your finger.
you exclaim actually in pain standing up causing my matt to flinch beside you from your sudden reaction as you tried to not let the tears welling up in your eyes come to the surface.
"no it didnt you big baby"
chris states causually.
"Im not playing this stupid game anymore"
you state walking away to go upstairs. Matt sensing your pain follows you up. Which the boys thought was an abnormal reaction considering Matt and Mara are "just friends".
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It was now the last day you and the triplets were spending with Nate before you and the triplets had to head back to LA and you guys decided to go out for lunch and then watch a movie at his house later that evening.
"dude no its not like that we are just friends"
matt exclaims to his brothers as he rolls his eyes
"seriously matt i know and i know mara you two like each other"
nick states so matter factly as he crosses his arms over his chest.
"dude you gusy are so fucking annoying we are not into each other like that jesus fuck"
matt exlcaims again finding a seat on one of the benches outside of the diner you guys were eating lunch at.
"so you are telling us you dont like mara at all matt"
chris states so over his brother oblivion.
"i uh- she is just- okay fine maybe I do like her i mean its not like i haven't known her my whole fucking life and I literally spend every second of the day with her to the point were she drives me mentally insane."
he huffs out not realizing you and nate finally came out to where they were
"what are you talking about stupid"
you question taking a seat on the bench next to matt ruffling his hair. As chris and nick share a look.
"uh nothing stupid- are you guys ready to go"
matt responds standing up walking to the van
"whats up with him"
you ask his brothers as chris just shrugs following his brother and nate to the car.
you trail off looking up at him
"he's just you know matt it has nothing to do with you he is probably just in a mood."
he quickly rambles out grabbing your hand to pull you up off of the bench.
You guys made it back to nate's house and you all were currently sitting down watching a random movie and matt ever since this afternoon at lunch has been giving you the cold shoulder. You continuedly tried to ignore it but you just could shake the feeling of being offended and genuinely hurt that matt was giving you the cold shoulder.
You kept wondering if you did something wrong or said something wrong. Like what could you have possibly have done to upset him this much and more importantly why does it hurt so much that he is ignoring me, don't get me wrong I love his company but I also love that he has literally become my safe space. You and matt had been through so much together and that's when it occurred to you that you might actually like your best friend.
"hey are you not watching the movie anymore"
Nate exclaims and questions you as you stood up and walked over to matt standing in between his legs as he shifts his gaze upwards to you.
"can i talk to you.. now"
you question him as he simply nods his head as you remove yourself from in between his legs leading the way out in front yard.
"whats up with you matt why are you not talking to me now"
you question as he doesnt respond
you sigh out tearing up because of all the feelings you get inside are now bubbling up over the surface.
"what did i do"
"mara nothing nothing just- you did nothing i promise"
he huffs out stepping closer to you placing his hands on your shoulders
"then what is it"
you softly ask. gazing into his eyes scanning his face for an immediate answer.
"i just im so in love with you mara it hurts i-"
he trails off as your hear flutters with pure joy at hearing your bestfriends feelings are mutual.
"i just didnt know if you felt the same"
he sighs out
" do you mara"
he question looking into your brown orbs as inching his finger tips into the scalp of your hair on either side of you face
"yes matt i do"
you giggle out as you shift your hands to grip his wrists as he link your guys lips together, matt shifting his hands to your ass picking you up and twirling you around.
"its about damn time"
nick exclaims as nate and chris agree with him as they all three are spying on the pair through the window.
@mintsturniolo @adirtylittleheart @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03 @aaliyahsturn
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fredwkong · 1 year
Hi, I heard you do vacations?
I recently moved to Boston and I thought a vacation would be a good way to bond with my roommate. I've only known him since moving in so it would be nice to develop a closer relationship. We both like the heat and exploring different cultures so maybe a destination like Saudi Arabia/Mexico/Brazil/etc would be nice. Thank you!
( I understand if you don't take requests but thought I'd try, I love your stories)
Thanks for your booking with FWK Vacations. We're connecting you to your tropical getaway right now! Please get comfortable and prepare.
When you wake up, the first thing you feel is the oppressive heat. It’s a dry, dusty warmth that has you sweating in seconds. It definitely doesn’t feel like Boston. The next thing you notice is an overwhelming smell, like armpits, feet, and unwashed dicks all at once.
You open your eyes and find yourself in a small room. You’re lying on a bed next to the heavy weight of another man, and a small window with blinds over it lets in a bit of light from outside. A ceiling fan is stirring up the musky air, released by both of you as well as the pile of dirty headscarves and filthy clothes in front of the dresser.
You take stock of your body as you become more aware. You’re naked under the blankets, just like the warm, sweaty body next to you. You have brown skin and a thick physique, and you feel a well-groomed beard on your face. You’re sweaty and the air is thick with musk, but you don’t feel dirty. In fact, you suddenly think that you can probably go a few more days before your next bath. The boys love your natural stench, after all.
With that thought, you grab your phone from next to the bed to check if any horny boys have messaged you on Grindr. It’s nearly 5 PM, you notice. Nearly time to get ready to go out and pregame for another night of partying in Dubai. You lift up your arm and cover your roommate’s face with your musky armpit to wake him up.
He moans, and his big dick spurts a bit of pre onto your leg as he comes to. He loves every one of your smells, and you’re more than happy to share them with him. “Bro,” you say, “time to go.”
A few minutes later, the two of you are groomed and dressed in the cleanest clothes you could find in the musky pile, and stinking up the hotel hallway on your way out for another night out as a pair of Arabian fuckboys. You're definitely getting a unique cultural experience.
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Enjoy your vacation!
Want to go on vacation? Drop me an ask!
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devox2564 · 9 months
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In Your Heart
Jake Kizka x fem reader
Warnings: oral sex (f receiving), first date fluff, corny as fuck Christmas references
Author’s Note: This chapter was very lightly edited, so please excuse any grammatical errors or less than stellar word choices, I reallly wanted to get this chapter out for you all.
Chapter Eight: Needy
The set itself has already improved tenfold since that first show in Nashville. Each song is tighter and perfected. Your technique has never been better. Watching the guys perform is like watching an animal evolve in real time, each show exhilarating but unique from the last.
Things with Jake have lulled into a sort of familiarity that is a little too close to be just friendly. Stolen kisses in tucked away corners and nights spent in deep conversation. He knows more about you than anyone alive on this planet. It's vulnerability in a way that you aren't quite comfortable with yet.
Currently, you're sitting in a hotel room all to yourself. Thank god they booked you all individually instead of doubled up. You loved your bandmates like sisters at this point but... some privacy is much appreciated. Grey sweatpants hang off your hips and your hair hangs in tendrils around your face. The Boston skyline is already twinkling in the purple of sunset. It's nearing Christmas and you see lights scattered far below illuminating the snow dusted streets.
Your phone rings. You answer without looking, knowing that it's Jake.
"Hello?" You answer.
"Hello dahhhling" his English drawl greets you.
"What's up?" You ask him chuckling a bit.
"Would you be able to pencil me in tonight? Sayy, 7:00? Drinks?"
"Are you.. the Jacob Thomas Kizka finally asking me out?" You prod him.
"Indeed madam" he replies seriously.
"Let me get dressed. I'll meet you in the lobby." You say and hang up on him before he can reply.
Shit. You have nothing to wear on a date. You pick through your suitcase and land on a pair of straight jeans and an oversized crewneck, praying he hasn't made any sort of fancy reservation.
The elevator ride down gives you a full view of the atrium of the hotel. Tall ceilings are strung with twinkling lights and Christmas trees litter the large room where people meander about. You spot him near the doors waiting. His long hair is pulled up into a messy knot at the back of his head, just brushing the collar of a dark brown leather jacket. He spots you and waves as you descend the last few floors and disappear from view.
He pulls you into a hug as soon as you reach him. "I missed you." He says squeezing you tight around your shoulders and lifting your toes off the ground.
"You saw me less than an hour ago on the bus." You say, your airway constricted.
"An hour too long in my opinion." He puts you down.
You laugh before asking "So where are we going?"
"You'll see. Come on." and he slips his hand in yours leading you outside.
It's very cold outside and you silently thank yourself for packing a decent jacket at least. The snow is falling lazily now, and the wind has slacked just enough to allow you some peace as you walk. Jake leads you down a few blocks and into a different hotel lobby and a different elevator. You ride up for what seems like an eternity. He's still holding your hand and tucks it into his coat pocket running his thumb soothingly up and down your pointer finger. Even in the cold this casual touch tingles more than usual, your body responding to an affection it has sorely missed.
You finally step off of the elevator and into a large room with walls of glass. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the view. You can see the whole skyline of the city from up here. Even better than the view from your hotel room. You glance over at him and he's grinning smugly as if he knew this place would be impressive to you.
You roll your eyes inwardly. He does know you very well then. You are in awe. Music plays softly, and dim lights sparkle and bounce off of the windows. He leads you to a deep sofa near the edge of the room and deposits you there. "Wait here I'll go and get us drinks."
After a few moments he returns and the two of you curl up and sip for a moment. Conversation is just as easy as it always is. The two of you spend quite a bit of time discussing the tour so far: your favorite cities, the best crowds, nicest hotels, and so on. After all the topics relating to shows and performances are expended, you sit for a while in comfortable silence admiring the city from your perch. His brown eyes shine in the lights of the skyline. "You know, I'm kicking myself for not agreeing to go out when you first asked me." You admit to him a bit unwillingly.
"Oh I knew you would be." He grins. "But I won't hold that against you."
"Oh well thank you so much Jacob" you really roll your eyes at him now.
"I'm kicking myself for not asking you out the second I knew that creep had blown his shot with you. If that makes you feel any better." He casually reaches out and intertwines his fingers with yours on the back of the couch.
"It does thanks." The mention of David in the moment doesn't even phase you.
"You know, I've never been with someone I had a real friendship with first?" You offer up.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"It was always right down to business. I've not gotten the chance to really know someone the way I know you. Not before things get serious at least." He's silent and you continue. "It feels... strange to for this to be so natural to me."
"Strange in a good way I hope." His smile is soft now, less goofy than before.
"In a very good way."
"I'm glad we've gotten to be friends. You help keep my head on straight. You steady me and knock me off kilter all at once." He's looking out at the sky while he speaks. "I was worried for a while that I'd never be able to move on, you know? Get on with my life."
"That's why I was so worried about this becoming more for us. I was afraid we'd fuck it up and I'd lose you altogether."
He seems amused at this comment, like it'd never even crossed his mind that this progression could complicate things.
"Do you want to know when I knew this was going to be something?" He asks
"Hmmm..." you think "it has to be the vomiting on your shoes thing. One of the highlights of our friendship for sure."
He laughs "Nope."
"Ok so what then? I don't know how I could top that for you." You joke, sliding your shoes off and swinging your legs up and across his lap to face him.
"That night I sliced my hand open in the kitchen." He admits still laughing.
"You're kidding." You giggle in reply.
"I'm definitely not. Watching you bandage me up, make fun of me for hating blood. We'd spent weeks scraping each other off the floor and then it just hit me all of a sudden." He pauses "I just felt something shift and from then on it was just different for me. I wanted to grab you and kiss you right then."
"Buttt you didn't." You couldn't damper your smile even if you'd wanted to.
"And then I heard you playing the piano the next morning. I really knew it was over for me then." He unlaces his fingers and reaches out to brush your cheek with his thumb.
You lean into his hand involuntarily. His calloused fingers burning against your still cool skin. He's studying your face like it's the first and last time he'll ever see it. That's how he's always looked at you, you realize.
"That was the first night I noticed things felt different between us. I didn't want to admit it to myself. But turns out I was right." You smirk. Leave it to you to interrupt a tender moment with gloating, but he doesn't seem to care.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, comfortable in the dimly lit space. The noise from the bar comes into the foreground.
"Is this Last Christmas?" You ask straining to hear the music.
"I think so." He says also listening.
"This is my favorite Christmas song." You admit to him with a laugh. "It's so fucking cheesy I know."
He tries to hold back his snort, but it comes anyways and he's full on laughing. You push his shoulder and he raises his hands up in mock defeat.
"Hey, as far as Christmas music goes, I suppose Wham! is an acceptable choice." He wipes at his eyes.
He moves your legs from his lap and braces his hands on his knees to stand from his seat. Turning around, he stretches out a hand to you. "Dance with me?"
"You're serious?" you ask him with a raise of your eyebrow.
"If it's your favorite, then I guess it's my favorite now too." He's being sincere now.
Looking around and deciding the bar is empty enough to avoid any embarrassment, you stand up and take his hand. In a second you're  chest to chest swaying in time to George Michael's cheesy poppy voice.
You rest your head on his shoulder and drink the feel of him in. Warm, comforting, like home. Eyes closed, you listen to the music. It's impossible to peel the smile away from your lips. Your arms are draped around his shoulders like you're back at a middle school dance. His hands travel down to rest in the small of your back. This movement sends small tingles up your spine. You turn your head and gently brush your lips against his cheek, lingering there in the dim light.
"Hey." Jake says as the song ends and you pull away to look at him.
"Hey." You say back, looking into his eyes.
"Do you want to get out of here?" He asks, his hands still firm on your back.
You crane your head and kiss him in reply. Sweet and deep, but also with just a bit of urgency. A promise of things to come.
"Alright, let's go." He says, his eyes a little darker than you saw them last. He leads you away and into the elevator.
Back at the hotel, he pushes the button for the elevator. "The top floor? We're all on 7."
"Just shush." He says smiling down at you mischievously
"You know better than anyone that that's physically impossible for me." You side eye him. "And anyway-"
Your lips are against his in a flash. It's like a dam inside him has finally broken and he's kissing you like the world has ended. You melt into his arms, no resistance left inside you. His tongue just brushes your bottom lip as the elevator slows and prepares to stop. He pulls away.
"The next time you want me to shut up, that'll do. Much less annoying." You say staring into his eyes, damning the elevator.
"Come on." He replies and grabs your hand.
Jake leads you down the hallway and slides a key card out of his pocket. In a flash, a door is open and you're standing in a hotel room much larger and prettier than yours. There's a king sized bed centered against the wall overlooking the entire city. Art covers the walls and a large white bathtub is snuggled in the corner next to a master bathroom with walls of glass. A true penthouse view, not dissimilar from the one at the bar. You glance to your left and spot a huge bouquet of white roses.
"What is all this Jake?" You're a little bit stunned.
He shuts the door and spins you around to face him. "Well, I figured if I was going to romance you I ought to do it right."
Jake's hands are on your hips and his eyes are dark and heavy lidded. You can't find the words to reply, letting the silence fill with the sound of your breathing. You reach up and slowly pull his hair down out of its tie, running your fingers through it and resting your hand at the nape of his neck. The other hand caresses his cheek, thumb tracing the line of his cheekbone and traveling all the way down to gently brush his lower lip. His breath hitches a bit. That's all you need.
Your lips find his again. This kiss is again different than the others. This one tests nothing, asks no questions, and needs no confirmation. It's hot and heavy with a need you've been denying each other for months. The two of you are entwined, a whirl of hands and lips and tongues. Your thighs hit the edge of the mattress, but you have no recognition of moving closer to it. Jake lowers you down onto the bed, settling overtop of you. Pulling away for a moment, he takes a long deep breath. His eyes rake up and down your still clothed form. You smile at him, letting out a breathy laugh.
He catches your lips in another deep kiss and allows his hands to roam up and down your body. His fingertips leave no skin untouched. Your neck, your face, your shoulders, before he creeps up the hem of your shirt and caresses the warm skin of your stomach. Up up up, cupping your breast in his hand. The nipple pebbles in response through the thin fabric of your bra, begging to be touched. You feel his full weight against you and urge your hips up to meet him.
"This has got to go." His voice is low and husky as he tugs your shirt up and you quickly pull it off, tossing it aside. You allow your bra to join it on the floor without hesitation.
He drinks you in, your breasts heaving with the effort of your breath. Your nipples hard and alert. Clear evidence of your arousal. You can feel as he looks at you that the warmth and wetness between your legs is growing by the second. The anticipation. The waiting, the wanting, the needing.
Faces only inches apart, he tears his gaze from your body to your face. There is clear desperation swimming in his expression. "I need you." He says.
"I need you." Your reply breathily.
His eyes grow dark, pupils blown, “Say it again.”
His order throws you off and you hesitate.
“Say it. Again.” He repeats, lifting your chin with his index finger.
“I need you Jake.” Your voice is a whisper.
Still fully clothed, he pulls away. Deftly, his hands work the buttons of your jeans and you're nearly bare save for your underwear.
"Your turn." you gesture a hand at him, regaining some of your composure before he can move closer again. The corners of his mouth creep up into a grin. Before you can protest, his lips are exploring your body. He does however, make the effort to remove his jacket and shirt, tossing them haphazardly across the room.
"Look, you're already wet for me." He teases, gently brushing his fingers against the thin cotton between your thighs just as his mouth closes around your nipple. His tongue flicks, and you gasp which seems to amuse him.
"You know," he says, pausing to trail lips and tongue down the flat of your stomach "I've been dreaming," over the curve of your hip "of tasting you" the tops of your thighs "for months."
You look down at him kneeling at the edge of the bed. He holds your eyes as he kisses the creamy soft skin of your inner thighs, inching closer and closer to the apex. He allows his nose to brush the fabric of your panties and you feel your clit already begging for a release. This is absolutely torturous.
You’re barely aware of the sensation of the cotton fabric sliding down your legs, or the soft trace of his fingertips on your ankles. Not until his mouth fully closes around you do you come back into your body and the fullness of sensation. Your back arches and he presses you down into the bed with one hand while his tongue dances circles around your clit, working you into a frenzy.
Another order rings out suddenly, his lips momentarily abandoning you, your cunt begging for release. “Look at me.”
You obey, desperate for him to continue.
“I want to see you cum. See it in those beautiful eyes alright?” It’s more of an order than a question. You’re more than happy to oblige. Maybe the only instance since you’ve known him that you let yourself concede.
His fingers curl into you, invited in gladly. His eyes never leave yours as his tongue resumes its previous endeavor. You feel the warmth of your impending orgasm rising from your belly and spreading out into your limbs. His fingertips brush that sweet secret spot inside and linger there, moving faster and faster in time with his tongue.
“Jake, Jake, please..” your voice is strangled as you struggle to look at him, resisting the urge to throw your head back as the feeling surges toward you. His eyes remain, dark and deep and endlessly staring into you.
You know you can’t hold on any longer. “Please, oh god, oh god, yes, yes, yes..”
You unravel on his lips, his tongue flicking and lapping as his fingers fuck you, hitting just the right spot to blur your vision and set you on fire. You cry out into the night as you ride the waves of this most intense pleasure.
“Mmm good girl.” He says, relieving his tongue but allowing his fingers to continue. His tongue sweeps into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself oh so sweet on his lips.
“Who knew you could follow orders so well?” He says.
“Only for you Jakey.” You reply as playfully as you can muster through your gasping breaths.
He smirks, curling his fingers inside you just to watch your back arch.
“So meann.” You whine when he returns to his slow steady rhythm.
He chuckles deep in his chest and pecks your lips “I’ll show you mean if you want baby. It could be a very long night for you.”
You do not reply, but hope to yourself that it is a long night. A very, very long night indeed.
Longest chapter so far guys. And our first real taste of spice. Thought it might be fun to make their first date a little Christmas Special while I was at it. Don’t worry though, this particular interaction isn’t over. I just wanted to make sure you had something good to chew on before the holiday. ;)
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cellythefloshie · 1 year
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IMAGINE: Breaking the Rules for Tyler Seguin *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ road wife edition ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Celly’s 300 Follower Appreciation Requested by @starshine-hockey-girl
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This blurb features an Original Character, Ella, who was the first Road Wife in the Road Wife Series. If I were to ever write a Road Wife Prequel series, these would be the major events. TW//Mentions of the pandemic as this would have taken place in the bubble. 
-Ella had been fortunate to be allowed to travel with the team to Toronto, and later Edmonton for the bubble 
-it was the only way for the teams to chase the Stanley Cup
-and Ella was one of the few media personnel to be allowed to come
-but it wasn’t without some extra push from the Lightning
-Ella was essential to their regular season success before the pandemic consumed the world
-so they weren’t going to leave Tampa without her
-Toronto had been lovely
-spending each night with a different Bolts players as they took on the east for the eastern conference championship title 
-first, they tackled Columbus
-where they were forced to remember the sweep that had taken them out of the playoffs the year before
-they had won the series 4-1
-then they played the Boston Bruins
-making quick work of them as well in a 4-1 series
-it was the Islanders that gave them the most trouble as they forced a game 6
-where the bolts would win the eastern conference title before travelling to Edmonton for the Stanley Cup final
-their competition: the Dallas Stars
-they had been an unexpected competitor as they had to play Colorado and Vegas who were favourites to win the cup
-but there was no ignoring the star power of the team
-especially when Tyler Seguin was so easy on the eyes
-he had caught her attention the moment she arrived at the hotel
-the Stars had the luxury of being in the same hotel for weeks already while the Bolts would settle in
-but he had very much made himself at home
-Ella would catch sight of him when the teams were ushered into their respective halls for their meals
-or on her way to the pool or weight rooms - areas reserved for the teams and their staff during their stay
-and he very much had eyes for her too
-each time he’d see her it left him smiling
-and leaning over to say something to his teammate that she could not see as his lips were concealed by his mask
-he didn’t approach her until after game 3 of the series when the bolts were up 2-1
-he had noticed something in her
-it attracted him
-but he also noticed that it attracted the bolts team
-she had a unique dynamic with all of them and it left him curiously
-Ella had been in the gym alone when he had come in shamelessly shirtless to
-and she did her best to ignore him
-but her eyes were drawn to how the sweat travelled down his body
-and she found herself changing her routine just enough to draw his attention to her body
-a seductress, she had a refined talent
-one that she had been working on for months as the road wife for the bolts
-but it always helped when she had already sparked someone’s attention
-Ella had only meant to tease him
-a subtle and cruel punishment for catching his stare 
-but it was difficult for her to ignore him
-he was easily the most attractive man on the Stars, and maybe even the league
-she knew it
-he knew it
-and he flaunted it
-she quickly became the one that was staring
-it was only then she noticed just how relaxed he was in the gym
-and that his choice of exercise was focused mainly on his upper body
-“holy shit, you’re injured” she blurted out before she could stop herself
-“nice to meet you too,” he scoffed and she couldn’t tell if he was amused or annoyed
-“I’m sorry I-”
-he brushed it off
-and the two of them made the proper introductions
-“you must be pretty important if they let you travel with the team-”
-“the most important only after the goaltender”
-“oh, you’re a cocky one, I like it. What do you do?”
-“that’s classified”
-and he’s laughing and that’s when she realized just how close they had become throughout their conversation
-he had abandoned his equipment and seated himself on the bench across from her
-she could practically feel his knee against her own as he sat leaned in close
-and she could feel her self-control begin to dwindle
-Ella could feel his warmth
-and the scent of him was intoxicating to her senses
-worst of all any fraternization with another team’s player was forbidden and it made him all the more tempting to her
-“i really should go”
-Ella quickly excused herself and did her best to push all thoughts of him to the back of her mind
-which was easier said than done when she was restricted to the bubble
-where ever she went he seemed to be there
-and then came game 4 
-there was no ignoring him there
-every time he was on the ice her eyes were on him
-and when the Stars scored, and he had a hand in it, he was looking to her
-not even Ella’s camera could hide her from him as she looked through the lens
-he knew exactly where she was
-and when the bolts had one 5-4 in OT, he was quick to find her in the hotel lobby
-“we almost had your boys there-”
-she met his flirtation with a smile but was quick to wave him off
-“I’m sorry, I’ve got some work to do-”
-he followed her to the elevator, his hand reaching for hers to stop her from taking it up all the while slipping a copy of his room key into her hand
-“come and find me once all your work is done”
-her stomach was up in her throat as she slipped the card away and went off to her appointment with Brayden Point
-Ella’s mind was lost on Seguin the entire time
-thinking of the key card that was hidden in the pocket of her pants 
-and it wouldn’t escape her
-not until she was done with her appointment and had ended up at his door
-when he answered he was wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants low on his hips
-and she was quick to draw back the mask she wore and close the space between them
-initiating a kiss
-his hands were quick to find her body, guiding her back into his room and only lingered away to push the door closed
-Ella stumbled back with him
-her hands stripping off her own clothes
-and she felt the rushed air of his swearing against her lips as he left the lingerie she still had on from the appointment with Point
-and she smiled because she know he’d think he put it just for him
-but it left her wishing she had
-Ella had been the road wife since the games in Sweden
-and she had lost a lot of herself since then
-she didn’t get to indulge herself in many things, having to abide by so many rules
-aside from the ones she selectively broke
-she served the men who played for the team
-but in the moment with Tyler’s hands on her body
-and his mouth on hers
-Ella felt like she had control of something for the first time in a long time
-and she wasn’t going to let that moment pass without taking full advantage of it
-she let him guide her back toward the bed
-falling back on it and looking up at him breathlessly
-he was hard for her
-desperate to be fucked after spending weeks abstaining from anything but the occasional handjob
-and yet he hesitated
-his injury
-“how bad is it?” she asked him slowly
-“this could be my last shot at the cup”
-his voice was broken as he spoke
-the injury could be career-ending
-and yet he fought through every game 
-because that’s what you did for the stanley cup
-“my hip”
-she crawled up the length of the bed and took the waist of his pants in her hands carefully
-Ella guided them down so that they pooled around his ankles
-and it didn’t surprise her when she found that he was not wearing underwear beneath
-he stepped out of them carefully as her hands took hold of his hips
-she kissed along his hipbone slowly, dragging her lips along the angles before moving over to the other
-then she guided him back down onto the bed so that he was comfortable among the pillows
-silently she over to straddle him
-she was going to be as quiet as possible to assure they weren’t caught
-Ella began to roll her hips slowly, careful as not to hurt him and coaxing Tyler into a further state of arousal
-arching forward she whispered in his ear, “just relax, let me-“
-the friction was enough to soak her panties with her own arousal-
-the wetness seeping down over his stiff cock
-Tyler grit his teeth as he lay back on the mattress,
-his hands coming up to grip the swells of her hips
-she pressed up onto her knees just long enough to push her panties to the side
-then Ella teased him with her wet entrance
-gliding it from balls to tip and leaving him glimmering with her arousal
-his fingers gripped her hips tighter, trying to guide her down into his cock
-but Ella made him wait
-she kissed his neck and chest slowly 
-her hand reaching down between the both of them to grasp at his cock
-she stroked it slowly, her wetness the perfect lubricant for each stroke
-Tyler cussed out under his breath as she pressed the tip of his cock to her entrance 
-his hips jutted up, silently begging her to take him into her core
-smirking, she obliged oh so slowly
-with her hands braced against his chest she rode him
-and kept him pinned to prevent him from exerting himself
-the last thing she needed was for him to injure himself further
-one of her hands left his shoulder to rub at her clit as she took him in as deep as she could muster
-but that wasn’t enough for Tyler 
-while he was getting closer with each rise and fall of her core around his cock he wanted her to writhe in pleasure
-strong hands lifted Ella from him before guiding her over into her hands and knees
-she opened her mouth to protest but he hushed her quickly 
-then as she were on all fours in front of him he slipped his cock deep inside her
-he fucked Ella hard, his hands gripping her hips and ass tight
-the side of her face was pressed firmly into the bed and she bit her lip to fight back moans
-Tyler was hitting even deeper now, reaching her body’s limit as the tip of his cock kissed her limits with each thrust
-Ella wanted to cry out in pleasure but she was forced to draw in a pillow and bite down on it hard
-only did he seize his movements when he felt her walls flex around him and he came deep inside her
-Ella and Tyler were both left panting
-and as he pulled out of her, he cussed at the sight of his seed
-she had broken so many rules by going to his room
-but she didn’t stop there as he lay out beside her
-and sleep took them both
-come morning Tyler awoke to the sound of her phone vibrating
-instead of waking Ella up he reached out to silence what he thought was an alarm
-only to find a series of reminders of our pregame appointments with 
-and he’s curious
-Ella must be the team's physiotherapist or masseuse 
-which meant she would have a record of their injuries
-and she knew about his so it was only fair
-so he clicked the topmost appointment
-and was shocked to find the terms and conditions of sleeping with one of the players
-her voice was dreamy as she sat up
-but it only took seconds to wake up fully when she found him looking through her phone
-“so this, this is what you do?
-Ella found herself stuttering unsure of what to say in fear of his judgment but he was quick to put her at ease
-“this is fucking brilliant-”
-and then she pleaded with him
-“you can’t tell anyone”
-and he didn’t
-until game 6 when McDonagh interfered with Seguin on the play
-and his emotions high, came the trash talk 
-he looked straight had Ryan and told him “I fucked your wife”
-it left Ryan stoic
-he wanted to react
-but he knew he couldn’t
-not when there was already so much on the line
-this was the game they could win it all
-and they were not going to let the series become 4-3
-while he told the players on the bench when Tyler had said to him the Bolts locked it down and went on to win the game 2-0
-they would end up winning the series 4-2
-and because of her indiscretions
-Ella didn’t get to enjoy a single moment of the Tampa Bay Lightning becoming Stanley Cup Champions
-upon landing in Tampa, Ella was relieved of her wifely duties 
-and after the acquisition of Carter Verhague by the Florida Panthers Ella became the inaugural road wife for the team in south Florida
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Boston Cream Pie Day
National Boston Cream Pie Day arrives on October 23. If you’ve never heard of Boston cream pie before, it’s a yellow butter cake, filled with custard or cream and topped with chocolate glaze. (Yum!) Now, we know what you’re thinking: Why is it called a pie, when it’s actually a cake?
History of National Boston Cream Pie Day
Well, when the Boston cream pie was first invented, cakes and pies were baked with the same kinds of pans, and even the words were used interchangeably. As a result, the Boston cream pie kept its old-fashioned name, in addition to its delicious flavor. It was first invented in 1856, by an Armenian-French chef named Sanzian. At the time, chocolate frosting was a fairly new idea, so the delicious dessert took the world by storm. And to this day, it remains a popular menu selection. It’s even the official dessert of Massachusetts! So get your fork at the ready—let’s eat!
Back then the dish consisted of French butter sponge cake filled with thick custard and brushed with a rum syrup. The same custard overlaid with toasted sliced almonds coated the sides, while chocolate fondant topped it all off. While other custard cakes may have existed at that time, baking chocolate as a coating was a new process, making it unique and a popular choice on the menu.
According to the website, What’s Cooking America,: “Cooks in New England and Pennsylvania Dutch regions were known for their cakes and pies and the dividing line between them was very thin.  This cake was probably called a pie because in the mid-19th century, pie tins were more common than cake pans.  The first versions might have been baked in pie tins. Boston Cream Pie is a remake of the early American”Pudding-cake pie.”
National Boston Cream Pie Day timeline
A world pie premiere
French chef Sanzian invents the Boston cream pie for The Parker House Hotel (now the Omni Parker House Hotel) in, ummm, Boston.
It's Official
Massachusetts names the Boston cream pie as the official “state dessert.”  A civics class from Norton High School sponsored the bill. The pie beat out other candidates, including the toll- house cookie and Indian pudding.
Want seconds?
Students at Southern New Hampshire University created the world’s largest Boston Cream Pie — measuring 10 feet wide and 1.5 feet high
History of New England Pies
Author Robert Cox publishes the definitive history of New England pie making. Discover the “revolutionary” roots of the Boston cream pie.
National Boston Cream Pie Day FAQs
Is Boston cream pie a cake?
Why, yes. It’s a yellow butter cake, filled with custard or cream and topped with chocolate glaze. 
Why do we refer to Boston cream pie as pie?
This cake was probably called a pie because in the mid-19th century, pie tins were more common than cake pans.  The first versions might have been baked in pie tins.
What are Boston’s other signature foods?
Clam chowder, lobster rolls, oysters, baked beans, fish and chips, and the Fenway Frank — for hungry Red Sox fans.
National Boston Cream Pie Day Activities
Bake your own: If you’re someone who loves to bake, then this is the perfect opportunity to give a delicious dessert a try. If you’re trying it for the first time, or if you’re improving on an old favorite, baking your own Boston cream pie is the perfect way to celebrate.
Throw a Boston cream party: Invite your fellow cake enthusiasts to join you in celebrating Massachusetts’ official dessert. Bring along other Boston-themed foods as well — such as clam chowder, lobster, and Sam Adams beer (if your guests are of age). And if you really want to give it that revolutionary vibe, invite your guests to party in period-style clothing!
Go to Boston: Well, what better place to get an authentic Boston cream pie than in its official birthplace? And while you’re there, check out some of the other excellent experiences that Boston has to offer. 
Why We Love National Boston Cream Pie Day
It’s delicious: The recipe is so simple — you really only need three ingredients — and yet there's something about the combination of chocolate, cake, and custard that's so comforting and tasty. Not only that, but the simplicity of the ingredients gives you a lot of room to experiment. How many ways can you jazz up a Boston cream pie?
It’s got a rich history: Boston has always been a rich cultural hub. It was the site of some of the most important events in the Revolutionary War, and has continued to be the birthplace of American traditions ever since. With every bite of a Boston cream pie, you are continuing a tradition of wicked Bostonian trend-setting and innovation that's 260 years strong.
Let us eat cake: You don't really need an excuse to eat cake — but it's handy to have one sometimes. So go ahead and treat yourself.
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latribune · 15 days
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thoughtswordsaction · 15 days
Boston Manor Released New Album 'Sundiver'
Photo by Megan Doherty BOSTON MANOR have released their new acclaimed, ambitious new album Sundiver and today and have already begun celebrating its release with a week of exciting UK-wide events. Hear Sundiver in full HERE The band recently hosted a sold-out ‘Pitch Black Playback’ fan event at London’s Soho Hotel, allowing the band’s biggest fans an early listen to the new album in a uniquely…
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americanthrouple · 1 month
Common Questions
With our situation being rather unique to outsiders, we are often asked questions by strangers, friends and even family. Here’s how we reply to the most common ones:
How did you all meet?
J and M met at work. J joined a start up that M worked at back in 2019. J and M started working closer together during COVID and fell in love. JM married in 2022 and live together in Boston. JM met S during a visit to Manhattan. S was a bartender who M felt an immediate attraction to. When J met S they hit it off as well. JM went back to see S the next night and invited him back to our hotel where J watched as S fucked M. J cleaned both his wife and their new friend with his mouth. Before S left the next morning he had fucked M twice more and been sucked off by J.
Does your family know/approve?
M’s parents are divorced. Her mother knows and approves. Her father knows she’s married to J but thinks S is just a friend. J’s parents are no longer alive. S doesn’t know his father but his mother knows and does not approve.
Are J and S gay?
They are bisexual but in different ways. J is the bottom with S. He sucks his cock, he takes S in his ass. S only eats out J if his penis is locked. He will eat his ass before they fuck. S does not suck J or take anything in his ass. S now works for J and J makes a very good living. For example, this morning S drove J to the airport. They have this little game they play where J insists he needs to swing by the office on the way. After looking around for a bit he turns to find S standing there naked. J drops to his knees and sucks his cock before S bends him over the couch or his desk and fucks him. S gets really into it and tells J that when he’s gone he’s going to breed M and put his things on the curb. J begs him not to…then spurts on his desk or wherever followed by S filling his man pussy with cum. J puts on his cage and S locks it, keeping the key. 20 min later my beautiful hubby is sitting in first class with my man’s seed inside his ass, while S heads back to fuck me til I can’t walk 🤤
Is S some kind of Dom and is J a “sissy”?
S is dominant with us both but isn’t a dom so to speak. I love how aggressive he is with us both and so does J. J and S are best of friends. They work out together. Golf together. Go to sports together. The only real difference is that when they’re done, S normally has J sucking on his cock. As for sissy stuff, J often wears panties when he’s locked. In the bedroom he’s worn lingerie for S and me but it’s only a sex thing.
Do M and J still have sex?
Yes! Often actually. Some nights both my men will take me individually. S is much larger and it makes J really hard and horny when I point that out. He loves to fuck me when S has already left a creamy load in me. I also peg my husband if S isn’t around to do it for J. I started pegging him back when we were dating. He started taking girl cock when he was a teenager.
Any desire to start a family?
Sometimes. We often talk about how it would go down. Would both fuck me and let the the best sperm win? Idk. I do know I’m getting older so we need to decide sooner rather than later.
Does M love one more than the other?
I used to feel that my husband was always my number one. Since S moved in and we got past the early honey moon phase, I have found that I love S just as much as J. It’s hard to explain. I can’t imagine being with one and not the other.
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gaytravelinfo · 1 year
The Revolution Hotel - Boston, MA
ONE OF A KIND urban boutique hotel celebrating Boston’s revolutionary spirit. The Revolution Hotel is inspired by the great city of Boston and the innovative spirit of its people. They are one of a kind and don’t take no for an answer. Breaking the norm is The Revolution Hotel’s norm and it starts when you walk through their doors. The hotel’s lobby bleeds Boston with a 65ft masterwork in spray…
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dopetidalwavesong · 3 months
The Best Airlines for Domestic Flights
Book cheap flight tickets and hotels- https://trailtravelz.com/
When it comes to traveling within the United States, choosing the right airline can make a significant difference in your overall experience. From comfort and customer service to on-time performance and rewards programs, several factors contribute to determining the best airlines for domestic flights. In this article, we will explore the top airlines in the U.S. that consistently deliver exceptional service, ensuring a pleasant and hassle-free journey.
1. Delta Air Lines
Delta Air Lines is frequently praised for its top-notch service, extensive route network, and high customer satisfaction. Known for its reliability and punctuality, Delta has a strong presence in major hubs across the country, including Atlanta, Detroit, and Minneapolis. The airline offers a range of classes, from Main Cabin to Delta One, providing options for every budget. Additionally, Delta's SkyMiles loyalty program is highly regarded, offering frequent flyers numerous benefits and rewards.
2. Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines is renowned for its exceptional customer service and unique policies, such as free checked bags and no change fees. With a vast domestic network, Southwest is a favorite among travelers for its affordability and flexibility. The airline's open seating policy and friendly crew contribute to a relaxed and enjoyable flying experience. Rapid Rewards, Southwest's loyalty program, is one of the most straightforward and valuable programs, making it easy for passengers to earn and redeem points.
3. JetBlue Airways
JetBlue Airways stands out for its excellent in-flight entertainment, spacious seating, and complimentary amenities like snacks and Wi-Fi. The airline's commitment to passenger comfort is evident in its offering of the most legroom in coach. JetBlue's TrueBlue loyalty program is also attractive, with no blackout dates and the ability to earn points through various partners. The airline primarily operates out of major hubs such as New York's JFK and Boston's Logan Airport.
4. Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines consistently ranks high for its customer service, on-time performance, and extensive route network, especially on the West Coast. The airline's Mileage Plan is one of the most rewarding frequent flyer programs, with generous earning rates and a wide range of redemption options. Alaska Airlines also partners with several international carriers, allowing passengers to earn and use miles on a global scale. The airline's focus on sustainability and community engagement further enhances its appeal.
5. American Airlines
As one of the largest airlines in the world, American Airlines offers an extensive domestic route network, ensuring that passengers can reach virtually any destination within the U.S. The airline's Admirals Club lounges provide a comfortable space for travelers to relax before their flights. American's AAdvantage program is one of the oldest and most robust frequent flyer programs, offering numerous ways to earn and redeem miles. With a variety of fare classes and in-flight amenities, American Airlines caters to a diverse range of travelers.
6. United Airlines
United Airlines is a major player in the U.S. domestic market, with hubs in cities like Chicago, Denver, and San Francisco. Known for its comprehensive route network and frequent flights, United offers passengers flexibility and convenience. The airline's MileagePlus program is highly regarded, providing valuable rewards and benefits to loyal customers. United's Polaris business class is particularly noteworthy for its luxurious seating and enhanced in-flight services.
When selecting an airline for domestic travel, it's important to consider factors such as customer service, in-flight comfort, loyalty programs, and route networks. Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, and United Airlines consistently stand out as the best options for domestic flights in the United States. Each of these airlines offers unique advantages, catering to different preferences and needs, ensuring that passengers can find the perfect fit for their travel plans.
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millermenapologist · 3 months
No bc that would be a little too awesomebdndjdjdjd the playful bite part reminded me of "what dads do", an unfinished fic by MissyMegs on ao3. Ellie, in that story, used to play infected with joel, where she would jump on his back or lap and bite his neck or arms while doing clicker noises (it was so cute I swear), and now I can totally see this happening there.
Also, in my head canon (that is completing your idea), ellie wouldn't admit but she would feel kind of special and smitten with affection deep inside, because even tho joel and her aren't biologically related, their bodies are still conected in an unique way: through immunity. To her, they're officially family now.
Ellie is 1000% the kind of kid who thins that biting people is not only a sign of love and affection, but also a good game to play. Joel has the small, white scars left by her teeth on his hands, up to his elbows, and around his ankles too. Handling baby Ellie is like handling a cat that really wants to play with you but who absolutely refuses to implement some claw (and fang) control.
The issue with this headcanon? The time Ellie bit Joel and made him immune was also the time she bit him the hardest, full teeth into his flesh, blood drawn and all, and he was pretty much forced to ground her because what the fuck, kid.
So, now that they know her bite makes people immune, she's absolutely insufferable. They (Tommy, Maria, Joel, and, of course, Ellie) sit at the dining table of Joel's home and discuss what's the best way to go about it, because, sure, Ellie can bite the three of them and maybe her friends too, but what about the rest of Jackson? How are they gonna go about this? And Ellie just crosses her arms and pulls out her most hoity-toity voice (figure: the voice she uses when she plays in the hotel in Boston), and tells them that she simply can't bite people because otherwise her Joel* will ground her and she's not willing to go without TV for another week.
Joel's sighs very deeply, that night.
*Full headcanon that canonical universe Ellie wouldn't straight up refer to Joel as her Dad directly, but also calling him only by his name would feel too impersonal, so she'd refer to him as "her Joel." Besides, there's another Joel in town, which means that things get confusing often, and one day someone starts referring to him as "Ellie's Joel," and at some point everybody does and that's what he becomes.
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flightsgoogle · 3 months
Affordable Travel Options from New York City or Boston to Southampton, England
Affordable Travel Options from New York City or Boston to Southampton, England
Looking for affordable ways to travel from New York City or Boston to Southampton, England? We’ve got you covered with various options and tools to help you find the best deals!
Direct Flights to London:
The most common and often most affordable route is flying to London (Heathrow or Gatwick) and then taking a train or bus to Southampton.
Airlines: Look for deals with budget airlines like Norwegian Air, JetBlue (in partnership with international carriers), British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, and American Airlines.
Connecting Flights:
Flights with layovers can sometimes be cheaper. Consider airlines like Icelandair or TAP Air Portugal, which offer competitive rates with layovers in Reykjavik or Lisbon.
Trains and Buses from London to Southampton
Trains from London Waterloo to Southampton Central take about 1.5 hours and run frequently.
National Express and Megabus offer affordable bus services from various points in London to Southampton, though the journey may take longer (around 2-3 hours).
Ferries and Cruise Ships
For a unique travel experience, consider transatlantic cruises from New York to Southampton. Keep an eye out for last-minute deals or repositioning cruises, which can sometimes be more affordable.
Finding Deals
Flight Aggregators and Comparison Sites:
Use websites like CheapFlights365 to compare prices across multiple airlines and booking sites. Set up fare alerts to monitor price drops.
Travel Apps:
For Android users, the Cheap Flights, Hotels and Car Rent app provides a convenient way to find the best deals.
For iOS users, the Cheap Flights Pro app is available to help you book affordable flights and more.
Travel Agencies:
Check with travel agencies for package deals that might include flights and accommodation. They often have exclusive offers or bulk booking discounts.
Airline Websites:
Sign up for newsletters from airlines to get notified of sales and special offers. Flash sales can offer significant discounts.
Credit Card Rewards and Points:
Use travel rewards credit cards to book your flights. Points and miles can significantly reduce travel costs.
Practical Tips
Flexible Dates: Being flexible with your travel dates can help you find the best prices.
Book in Advance: Generally, booking flights a few months in advance can secure better prices.
Off-Peak Travel: Traveling during off-peak times (midweek, shoulder seasons) can also help you save money.
By using these tools and tips, you can find affordable travel options from New York City or Boston to Southampton, England. Happy travels!
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appture-digital · 3 months
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icarusthelunarguard · 4 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
We’ve crossed over into Pride Month, commemorating the Stonewall Riots and our LGBTQIA+ Siblings In Society. And since the origination point was in Greenwich Village, New York City, we’re giving you your future while teaching you about its past and points of interest. 
Before electric lights became the standard in the 20th Century, gaslights existed in homes and streets all over New York City. One of the last gaslight lamp posts from the 19th Century is on Patchin Place, a small gated community between Greenwich Avenue and Avenue of the Americas in the West Village. The black lamp post remains virtually intact and features a crossbar which was used to prop up a ladder and the lamp post is still in use… but it has been switched over to electricity since the 1920s. So This Week… Before gas lights there were candles. So take a stroll through YouTube and look for the song, “Light One Candle” by Peter, Paul, & Mary. It’s intended as a Hanukah song, but it’s a good inspirational song for all - especially the young.
Take a walk down the street in front of 18 West 11th Street and take in the scenery - specifically the unique construction of the building there. Believe it or not it looks the way it does because.. You know, funny story, this! The Weathermen Townhouse at that location kinda… Look, it was March 6, 1970, and the place kind of… Exploded. There were nail bombs in the basement of the building and a bomb accidentally exploded, killed two people… It was a wild time, those early 70’s. So This Week… Dustin Hoffman and his wife were living in the house next door at the time of the explosion. Please do NOT piss him off.
Boston has Cheers, and that’s a fake place. Greenwich Village residents have Chumley’s! 86 Bedford Street, where Chumley’s sits, has also been a blacksmithery and a stop on the Underground Railroad before the Civil War. The bar opened in 1922, with guests that included literary greats like F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, E.E. Cummings, and Willa Cather. Sadly they shuttered in 2007 following a wall collapse, but they’re still restoring the space. So This Week… The main ingredient in beer is WATER! DRINK MORE! Maybe more water, maybe more beer. Just drink more of it.
Cancer Moon-Child 
In 1929, during Prohibition, there was a luxury hotel called the Brittany Hotel that hosted a speakeasy in the penthouse. Though NYU’s Brittany Hall, as it is now known, has since been renovated, there are still signs of the bygone era in the building like false walls behind empty bookshelves. So This Week… Go on over to Chumley’s with Gemini and wait for them to re-open. It’ll be easier to deal with than the speakeasy bouncer. Plus, really, don’t get the students in trouble for underage drinking. They’re still in Hell Week for finals. They have enough to worry about.
If you take a trip to Washington Square Park you can visit the Arch there. It feels a lot like the French Arc de Triomphe, but it’s not a copy in any sense. And it isn’t even the first one in Washington Square! It is, however, beautiful to stand next to and just marvel at its beauty. So This Week… You CAN go inside the arch, but please don’t do what artist Marcel Duchampis did and proclaim the arch an independent republic. Unless you can protect the airspace over it, you can’t just create a whole new sovereign country. Your Rubber Band Gatling Guns won’t even work against the local squirrel population.
Between Christopher Street and Charles Street there was a prison complex called Newgate Prison; the first prison complex in New York State. Newgate wasn’t its official name, but called that after the prison of the same name in London. To its credit, Newgate was influenced by the ideals of social reformers, who turned it into a house of corrections. So This Week… Just because some have wronged you doesn’t mean they’re irredeemable. It’s possible they can become better people. Let’s also remember that you’re not under any obligation to forgive or forget. Judge who and how you trust carefully.
For you artsy types, Greenwich Village is also the home of Gertrude Vanderbilt’s Studio. She was a major influence in the Contemporary American Art Movement, and her studio was opened to the public to see in 2016. It’s a 45 minute tour that covers how the art collection started and her role. So This Week… You don’t have to be an artist to have fun with art. Just add a little personal whimsey by getting the “People of Walmart Adult Colouring Book” and a box of 64 crayons. 
The Jefferson Market Library was originally built as the Third Judicial District Courthouse, equipped with a market and its own prison, which was originally a coed institution. Historically, the courthouse was used to hear trials concerning women, including in 1909 when members of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company were tried in night court to deter female workers from striking. And you know what? The reasons for that strike were real - seeing as how there was a killer fire about two years later. So This Week… You can fight for what you believe in. Fight for better feelings, less friction, and ironically more peace. With you being happier you can help others to be too.
The most Narrow House in NYC is in… you guessed it… Greenwich Village! This house, measuring in at only 999 Square Feet, you’ll find it at, and this is a REAL ADDRESS! 75 ½ Bedford Street. The building is a mere 9½ feet-wide and was once the home of writer Edna St. Vincent Millay, also known as Nancy Boyd. –who WAS she?! She only won the 1923 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for her poem "Ballad of the Harp-Weaver". Just to be clear, that was only the second time the award had been given out, and she was the first woman to win it! So This Week… Don’t judge someone or something by its size, but on its character and accomplishments. Find someone sitting alone in a fast food joint and ask them, “what’s your most proud personal accomplishment?” You might find a fascinating story.
One of the apartment buildings on Greenwich Street has a grassy meadow on its roof! As The New York Times reported in 2006, its owner was inspired by a visit to Elk, Pennsylvania and just wanted a porch. QUOTE… “The porch is basically a glorified bulkhead over a hole punched in the ceiling of the family’s loft to make way for a nautical stairway that rises to a landing with a galley-like kitchenette, with two paned windows and a door that opens to the roof.” So This Week… If you wanted a Hobbit town to live in, just visit New Zealand. Or if funds are tight, move to Elk, P.A.
The townhouse at 14 West 10th Street, nicknamed the “House of Death,” is said to be haunted by 22 ghosts, the most famous of which is Mark Twain, who resided there from 1900-1901. Now we understand that some people grow very attached to placed they’d lived for a while… but considering that he’d spent time in Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Iowa, Ohio, Louisiana, and let’s not forget Canada… Why he’d want to haunt an otherwise nondescript building confounds us. So This Week… Maybe there’s more to these otherwise unimpressive from the outside buildings than we give them credit for. Spend a little more time thinking about the insides of the people around you, but no so much that you wonder what colour their spleen is. 
This might sound a little like a scene out of “Ghostbusters II”, but this one is real. The Minetta Brook once ran at ground level in Greenwich Village, going through the western section of Washington Square Park out to the Hudson River at what is now Charlton Street. In the name of progress, many creeks, streams and rivers in New York City were buried and now run far below the ground. But open up some of the manholes in Greenwich Village and you’ll see the greenish brook still coursing through. So This Week… Do NOT look into the eyes of Vigo the Carpathian. Do not remember that Sesame Street’s Count von Count grew up in the Carpathian mountains. Do NOT question if Vigo and The Count are related. Do not ask questions you are not ready for the answer to.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and BLUESKY.
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