#Brandon Breyers
pipebombmontage · 8 months
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!! excessive blood + implied death/murder under cut
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fanofspooky · 1 year
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365 horror movies day 221:
“Take The World.”
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You know that movie; Brightburn; aka that Superman fanfic movie we’re Clark is evil and kills everyone?
Yea……what if….the two characters were brothers???
Clark; this is my twin brother Brandon!
Clark; he….don’t like people
Brandon; we should murder people! These humans are weak and stupid
Clark; listen I know your upset that your crush didn’t like you….but have you considered that people don’t like getting dead animals?
Clark; I meets this girl; Lois Lane! She nice and pretty and—rambles about his crush
Brandon: hmmm yeah whatever.. don’t care
Later that day; taking to Lois
Brandon; break my brother heart I’ll break your hand; got it?
Lois; o-oh ok!
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lynnsartsworld · 3 months
Brandon Breyer
I redesigned Brandon Breyer from the 2019 horror movie “Brightburn.” I first drew him in 2019 and redrew him two days ago. He looks cuter & better than the 2019 version. Enjoy the drawing! @Brightburn
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drinkingdrunk · 2 years
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@giftober 2022 | Day 6+7: "Heroes" + One colour
Brightburn (2019)
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"I'm just throwing this at a wall and seeing if it sticks." - @a-silver-wind
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lesser-mook · 4 months
"Who are some incel characters in media?"
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First ones to mind that abuses power, socially awkward, all underrated: 
-Hal Stewart from Megamind
-Andrew from Chronicle
-Carrie from Carrie 1976
-Brandon Breyer (Tho he's probably the youngest on the list. It's inappropriate to label him as Incel *Carrie too, for him we'll say he never had a girlfriend, but he possessed the red flags of one and in the future story, probably will be.)
& Superboy-Prime👑 (painfully underrated, DC needs to finally abandon that garbage character Kara Bore-El and finally get SB-P in a movie saga, a game as a playable villain, animated show at minimum and nothing less) *The fact that Batman who laughs came before him in DCUO, HOLY SHIT what a waste and what neglect
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TALES OF THE SINESTRO CORPS: SUPERMAN-Prime (For anyone who want to get an entry point to the character, there's your window)✅
Point being:
They all were vulnerable kids that got too much power at the wrong time & or lost too much at once that triggered the fall. They didn't start out evil, they weren't naturally bad, just not ready, not stable, inadequate or neglected,  some even abused.
What If? A volatile Peter Parker got superpowers
Outside events escalating around them combined with their own dramatized inadequacies as people created their fall as villains. Not out of ambition but inadequacy given too much power where therapy & healthy relationships should've been.
Stewart specifically only ended up with power because he was being manipulated by someone else in the first place, promised glory, and got disappointed (mainly due to him having zero charisma & little social awareness): And in that disappointment he lashed out and made bad decisions.
He could've forced himself on Roxie, he could've even held her prisoner/Hostage/ enslaved or tormented her in a PG-13 Fashion like stalking or destroying her home *knowing where it is;
But he left her alone, the ONLY reason she ended up in his sights again is because she went to him to reason with him.
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It says a lot about him that he didn't physically do anything to her initially or didn't so much as kidnap her, but he did rob a bank and just went home to play video games. That's it.
It only escalated, yet again, because Megamind antagonized Hal because he wanted his glory days fix. 
The same selfishness that uprooted Hals life and created Titan in the first place, but Megamind got the happy ending. Most people don't really meditate enough on that fact.
And notice how them being incels comes second to their tragedy, I didn't even need to label them that to make the point. Outside of this question, Its not even necessary to describe them or label them as such despite the fact that they are involuntarily celibate even post-upgrade, despite being gods, their story is more relevant to them than the label. 
That's why they work as "incel" characters.
Out of the 5 only 1 of them managed to loosely, painstakingly redeem himself.
Just one.
The worst one.
Only one. 
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themosthatedbeingg · 22 hours
//— ooc
So I’m meeting Brandon Roger’s next weekend at a con… and I was gonna have him sign one of my Breyer horses as Blitzø and then give him my Lucifer horse I made .. HOWEVER .. I just found out Amir is gonna be there and I wanna meet him too. So should I give him the Lucifer horse??? Or maybe have Brandon sign the Lucifer horse ?
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Closed Starter: Going to Be Okay (James/Ciri/Bonuses)
He's through the woods as fast as his legs can carrying him, clearing obstacles including a small flame, coughing but not stopping, never stopping.
He has to find her.
There is no other option.
James coughs as he bursts through the treeline, seeing her, not even seeing the others, running straight up--
Hitting a barrier and backing off slightly, his hand coming to his head, shaking himself off quickly and recovering. "CIRI!"
Cora looks up, alarmed. What the--? She looks to her brothers. Cal looks surprised and a bit confused.
Meredith has her head down, arms curled over her head. She'd stopped crying a long while ago. She didn't have any tears left. She doesn't look up at the cry. She didn't have any hope left, either.
Brandon Breyer glances to his sister and her counterpart, raising an eyebrow. Was that... his uncle, at a younger age?
Maruca's eyes widen and she looks to Atlas. They'd finally made it out here, for all the good it had been. Wylie looks up, lighting up with hope. It had to be, didn't it?
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Random Superhero Thoughts
Just for giggles, here are some random short thoughts about, oh, superhero fights.
Superman vs. Omni-Man Considering the power level of both opponents and the potential for mass destruction, Superman will not go for an all-out brawl. Rather, he may use martial arts and pressure points to slow down Omni-Man until the final blow. Superman smacks Omni-Man into a specific place, where someone is holding a Phantom Zone projector. Omni-Man is sent to the Zone and is occasionally "visited" by his family.
Superman vs. Homelander We have an experienced fighter (Superman) going against a mentally unstable bully (Homelander) who's never had to push himself. Superman easily takes this, even non-lethally.
Superboy (Jon Kent) & Boyzarro (Bizarro Jon Kent) vs. Brightburn (Brandon Breyer) Brandon would probably be almost a match for Jon alone, with extra powers like electromagnetic disruption and telekinesis in addition to the usual flying brick powers. However, Jon has better control of his powers (for the most part). Boyzarro is just as strong as Jon and his method of speech would also confuse Brandon. ("Boyzarro want to help you for helping Kathy! Will help you very gently!") The two Jons win this one and Brandon is out, perhaps sent to a lab like STAR Labs for treatment.
Superman (Jon Kent) vs. Brightburn (Brandon Breyer) Teen Jon's reluctance to fight (at least, in the Tom Taylor books) and attempt to reason with the psychotic Brandon would backfire badly on Jon. Brandon is a manipulative little boy and would use crocodile tears on Jon. As soon as Brandon feels it's safe, he'd unleash his powers on everyone around him, forcing Jon to stop him. I'm not saying that Jon couldn't stop a kid younger than him--it's just that Jon can be manipulated, his empathy used against him. And...those are my thoughts. Any questions/feedback?
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cisthoughtcrime · 11 months
I'm in my pre-Halloween horror binge, just tried the 2019 movie Brightburn (a few plot spoilers but not a review, just dropping a thought)
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esp given how thoroughly superhero-fatigued I am after the last 15yrs of Marvel/DC's advertising campaign inspired by uninterrupted air raid sirens, an unaffiliated subversion of the genre was welcome.
for those who don't know what it's about, it's basically
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I didn't think it was particularly special as a movie and it seems like most reviewers agree, but I'm setting aside stylistic criticism of the movie's execution and getting to the point: none of the commentary I've found so far on the plot latches onto the gendered aspect. that's what I wanted to prompt you (radblr) about.
(Yes, yes, the point is more about "good thing Clark Kent has a moral compass that aligns with humanity's interests cuz wow if he were interested in world domination and apathetic about killing we would be Fucked" and, no, I don't want to get dragged into the comic lore about his parents imparting him with specific values or any discussion about the similarities to the premise of Invincible.)
I was thinking about how heavily the premise is arguably influenced by the maleness of the superpowered alien kid (Clark Kent / Brandon Breyer). We have a male director, male writers, and a male producer coming together to tell the story of a socially alienated (and literally alien) boy mired in his repressed violent urges and his discovered inheritance of a legacy of conquest. While it's clear that we're not exactly supposed to be rooting for him and that he's not a 'hero', my immediate read was that this is the narrative framing found in the manifestos of incels and shooters. The way they built up Brandon's anger and isolation followed a recognisable path: at the cusp of puberty, his temperament changes suddenly and for the worse; he's bullied and begins to view himself as a martyr for it; when a girl is kind and sympathetic towards him, he becomes obsessed with her and stalks her and scares her; when she correctly identifies him as a pervert, he crushes her hand; when his mother tells him the upsetting truth about his origins, he trashes her house and kills his crush's mother who had gotten him in trouble for severely injuring her daughter; when his parents try to stop him, he kills them (with a big emphasis on the mother's love for him). I'm not arguing anything about the intent of the movie, I'm just pointing out the centrality of the 'male manifest destiny' world view we know from copious real life examples, and it's a story we've seen many times before.
all this to lead up to my main question for y'all:
what if she were female? not actual superman and not even necessarily horror, but a reimagining of the premise from the scratch ingredients like this (think of what Ann Kelley's Koh Tabu was to Lord of the Flies, not the unambiguously-still-a-superhero-story execution of Supergirl).
On a non-horror side, I imagine there's potential for a story of suppressed strength, of pretending to be weaker/reliant/lesser while fearing the irrevocable consequences of failing to keep secret her exceptional gifts, until she's freed by her discovery that her power being greater than men's isn't something broken in her. On the horror side, I can see two main angles: one would be horror-tragedy, where she has an almost Princess Kagura life in which, unbeknownst to her, she is a visitor to our planet for just one lifetime, blessed with curiosity and scrappiness and the capacity to improve our world... but her potential both to save and even to experience the earth is stifled by the expectations of her as a woman. The other horror angle would be more like Carrie meets Brightburn but without the incel mentality: the alienation goes hand-in-hand with the constant reinforcement of her 'female inferiority' and she finally fucking snaps (I'm picturing that one similar scene of Yennefer's explosive unleashing of her power).
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The feminist comedy angle on the last one would be following the world's reaction and news coverage each time some male general is confident he can bring her down (I always think of what you see when you read ancient Roman men's writing about formidable contemporary female enemies of the state like Cleopatra or Boudicca; insisting that she's just a woman and not a serious threat, but having to explain how she keeps outsmarting them).
TLDR: I'd be curious to hear radfem thoughts on the basic premise of "overpowered humanoid alien grows up female on Earth"
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pipebombmontage · 8 months
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brightburn but brwndon’s symbol is a penis, how does the plot change?
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fanofspooky · 1 year
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dcviousintcntions · 4 months
DCVIOUSINTCNTIONS :: Sideblog. Independent, selective, low activity, dash based canon character rp blog heavily featuring smut and mature, dark content. Triggering topics will appear, and few things will be tagged. Discretion advised. MDNI. Must be 21 or older to interact. Personal blogs who interact with RP posts will be blocked (unless I know otherwise that you are a writing partner).
Crafted by Octane, 33, est, they/them, 13+ years rp experience.
Established 05/2024. Blog WIP. Rules via primary for the time being. Follow will come from nooneasgood
Muses below the cut for mobile viewing ease.
Marvel Fandom:
Steve Rogers/Captain America: Bisexual with a lean towards women partners, dominant, top (Glen Powell)
Eddie Brock/Venom: Pansexual, dominant, top (Leo Suter)
Peter Parker/Spiderman: Bisexual, submissive, versatile bottom leaning (Mason Dye)
DC Fandom
Matt Murdock/Daredevil: Pansexual, switch, versatile (Rob Pattinson)
Victor Creed/Sabretooth: Pansexual, dominant, top (Travis Fimmel)
Abraham Whistler: Pansexual, switch, versatile (Richard Armitage
Xarus: Pansexual, dominant, top (Jack O'Connell)
Bobby Drake/Iceman: Bisexual, dominant, top (Tom Holland) -subject to change
Bruce Wayne/Batman: Pansexual, dominant, top (Alexander Skarsgard)
Clark Kent/Superman: Bisexual, dominant, top (Tyler Hoechlin)
Video games (multi fandom)
Pamela/Palmer Islely/Poison Ivy: Pansexual, dominant (Victoria Pedretti/Jacob Elordi)
Jonathan Kent/Superboy: Bisexual, dominant, top (Matt Cornett)
Guy Gardner/Green Lantern: Pansexual, switch, top (Froy Gutierrez)
Thomas Blake/Catman: Pansexual, dominant, top (Travis Van Winkle
Dick Grayson/Nightwing: Pansexual, switch, versatile (Wolfgang Novogratz)
Conor Rk800: Pansexual, switch, versatile (David Corenswet) -Detroit Become Human
Simon "Ghost" Riley: Bisexual, dominant, top (Ben Barnes) - Call of Duty
König: Bisexual, dominant, top (Alan Ritchson) - Call of Duty
Steve Harrington: Bisexual, switch sub leaning, bottom (Joe Keerey)
Jacob Seed: Bisexual, dominant, top (Tom Hardy) - Far Cry
Isaac Clarke: Pansexual, switch, versatile (Sam Worthington) - Dead Space
Ethan Winters: Bisexual, switch, versatile (Luke Mitchell) - Resident Evil
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish: Bisexual, submissive, bottom (?) -Call of Duty
Stranger Things
Jonathan Byers: Bisexual, switch, top (Charlie Heaton)
Eddie Munson: Bisexual, switch, versatile (Joseph Quinn)
Dean Winchester: Bisexual, switch, versatile (Jensen Ackles) -Supernatural
Carl Grimes: Bisexual, switch, top (Dylan Sprayberry) -The Walking Dead
Brandon Breyer/Brightburn: Pansexual, dominant, top (Kit Connor) -Brightburn
Homelander/John: Bisexual, dominant, top (Antony Starr) -The Boys
Ryan Butcher: Pansexual, dominant, top (Danny Griffin) -The Boys
Jason Scott/Red Ranger: Pansexual, switch, top (Jordan Elsass) -Power Rangers
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itsupermanti · 2 years
My Hero Superman AU; Reign of the Multiversal Supermen by @itsupermanti, Part 4 Shazam; Earth’s Mightiest Mortal
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(Artwork by Asbwood on Pinterest)
Shazam(voiceover as he is shown flying over the ocean): My name is Denki “Kon-El” Kaminari-Midoriya, the second son of Superman and Wonder Woman. I am Shazam, Earth’s Mightiest Mortal!
Shazam(voiceover as we see that he is flying behind his father and brother along with): The man in a blue costume and red cape with an “s” on his chest is my father, Hisashi, Superman and the guy in a blue jacket and black pants with his own red cape and the same symbol is my genetic template, my brother Izuku.
Shazam(voiceover as we see Supreme and Hyperion flying alongside them): The guys with white and brown hair are Supreme and Hyperion respectively. They came from other Earths through portals created by a malfunctioning Motherbox.
We then see four aircraft following behind them. A glowing green spacecraft, a construct made and piloted by the Green Lantern Haruto and his daughter Momo, who are transporting Martian Manhunter, the an amazed Invincible and an astonished Utopian.
A jet black supersonic aircraft, the Batwing piloted by Batman, Enji Todoroki, co-piloted by the new Batman, Shouto Todoroki, with the second Robin, Kota Izumi Yaoyozoru-Todoroki, in one of the two passenger seats.
The final aircrafts are sleek, silver prototype aircrafts known as a Javelins, designed and commissioned by Principal Nezu to assist the Justice League as means of transportation. The first Javelin is Piloted by Wonder Woman, with Troy acting her mother’s Co-Pilot, transporting the remaining members of the Justice League, including their latest member All Might, as well as pro heroes Best Jeanist, Hawks, Kamui Woods, a starstruck Mount Lady, an annoyed Sir Nighteye, the Sentry, and the restrained Evil Supermen, Homelander and Paragon, and the cooperative Brandon Breyer(Brightburn) and Omniman.
The second Javelin is Piloted by former 1-A student, Mineta Minoru, and is being Co-Piloted by Green Arrow(Shinso), transporting Classes 1-A and 1-B, the young protege sidekicks Supergirl, Shazam Jr. and Teen Lantern, the UA Big Three, Mei Hatsume, a large majority of UA’s staff with Principal Nezu riding in Eraserhead’s scarf, and the Powerpuff Sisters.
Shazam(voiceover): We’re heading to I-Island to rendezvous with David and Melissa Shield, two of the brightest minds on Earth, before heading to Dad’s Fortress of Solitude. If any group of people are able to figure out what we’ll need to send these “supermen” back to their Earths, it’ll be them and Hatsume.
Meanwhile, in the hidden lab that once held Bizarro;
We see the scarred clone with a face full of annoyance as Dr Garaki is conducting tests on the clone in an attempt to understand why his powers were the opposite of Superman’s own.
Dr. Gariki(using his quirk to scan Bizarro): I don’t understand why BZ-AR0 ended up like this!
Bizarro(annoyed): Bizarro told you, ME NAME IS BIZARRO!!!
Chikara(while seated in a chair, letting his cybernetics fix the damage he sustained from Supergirl): Pardon him my friend, it appears that good doctor doesn’t like it when he doesn’t get the results he wants.
Dr. Garaki(turning to the cyborg): But the sample of blood used to create him came from the same batch the Meta Liberation Front used to grant you your new powers, so why aren’t yours reversed?
Chikara(raising his robotic right arm): Because of my cybernetics, and the fact that the blood and my ashes simply overwrote the host body’s own DNA.
Chikara(gesturing to Bizarro): Our friend here was grown from a pure sample of the alien’s blood, with the limited technology at your disposal, the cloning process was imperfect compared to when you created the Superboy’s siblings.
Dr. Garaki(heading towards another pod, containing a figure of a young teenager with no visible eyes and burned scars all over his face): Luckily, I have figured out how to properly clone “human” DNA.
Dr. Garaki(as the lump assumes a more human appearance of a teenage boy with long black hair and a scar running down his face from between his eyes and his left cheek): As well as preserving their quirks.
Dr. Garaki(grinning as the figure opens its eyes): Welcome back, Rokuro Nomura.
We then cut the members of the Justice League in their Javelin, with an amazed amount Lady smiling widely, drawing a curious look from fellow pro, Kamui Wood.
Kamui(with a raised brow): You’ve been beefing ever since we left UA, I’ve never seen this excited before, what’s up with you?
Mt Lady(turning to him): Because we’re running a co-op with the Justice League!
Mt Lady(turning to Wonder Woman): I idolized Superman and Wonder Woman when they first appeared, they were the ones who inspired me to become a hero!
Mt Lady(rubbing the back of her head sheepishly): I even met Superman up close when I was a kid, but I doubt he remembers it.
Inko hears the young pro’s last sentence, and sits up with a smirk.
Wonder Woman(addressing her daughter): Take over for a bit Mina, I just need to have a talk with one of our passengers.
Troy(nervously looking at her mother): Are you sure? We’ve only started my pilot training a few weeks ago.
Aquaman(sliding into Inko’s seat): Don’t worry, thanks to operating Atlantean vehicles I can help pilot.
Wonder Woman makes her way towards the pros, specifically Mount Lady.
Kamui(addressing Mount Lady): You really looked up to him, despite him being a vigilante?
Mt Lady(unaware of one of her ideals approaching her): Yeah, he was bigger than life, he didn’t just stop villains, he actually took the time to talk to people, inspire them.
Mt Lady(smiling fondly): He even inspired me, he told me that I could make a difference.
Wonder Woman(smiling fondly as she speaks up): And you did.
Wonder Woman(as Mt Lady turns to her in surprise): Yu Takeyama, right?
Yu(stunned that her idol knows her name): How?
Wonder Woman(amused): We DO remember you, we knew you very well.
Inko(removing her tiara and letting her hair and eyes turn green): And you knew us better then you realize.
Yu(shocked as she realizes who her idol was): Ms. Inko! You’re Wonder Woman?!
Kamui(confused): You recognize her?
Inko(explaining): My husband and I used to be her mentors when she worked at as a cub reporter for Musutafu news.
Inko(smiling with pride): She left when she got accepted into UA.
Yu(realization): Then that means…
Yu(eyes wide): Mr. Hisashi!
Inko(hand on Yu’s shoulder): He NEVER forgot those words you told him…
Flashback, 21 years ago;
Yu(young girl, conflicted as she addresses Superman after he had saved her life): You saved my life…
Superman(smiling at her as knees in front of her): Of course I did, everyone matters.
Yu(finding courage to confront her idol): But you held back, didn’t you?
Superman(shocked that she noticed): How?
Yu(pressing on): When that villain took me hostage and threw me off a roof, you rushed past him, knocked him out, and jumped after me.
Superman(confused): Of course I did.
Yu(continuing): But you caught up to me, and STOPPED before we hit the ground too hard.
Yu(as Superman’s eyes widen): You can fly, can’t you?
Superman(nodding nervously): Yes, I can.
Yu(confused): Then why don’t you?
Superman(sadly): Because quirks only ever give humans ONE power.
Yu(realizing): You’re afraid…
Superman(nodding): Yes…
Yu(continuing): You don’t want people to see you as not human.
Yu: Humans can punch, you punch harder. People can run, you run faster. People can jump, but you jump higher.
Yu(looking into her idol’s eyes): But you can do more, you can help people in ways no other pro can. You shouldn’t be afraid to show people who you are!
Yu(looking down): Not like me…
Yu(looking back up at a concerned Superman): I guess what I’m trying to say is…
End Flashback;
Yu(remembering the words she told Hisashi so long ago, with wide eyes): “I wish it was okay for you to fly”.
Inko(smiling fondly): He took those words to heart, and a week later when that plane suffered a blown engine…
Inko(as a younger Hisashi is shown running down the highway outside the city with his super-speed, before jumping into the air and flying like a bullet towards a falling plane): He flew.
Inko(voiceover as the young Hisashi uses his ice-breath to put out the burning engine, before guiding the plane down, and cutting the door open with his heat vision): He showed the world just what he was capable of.
Superman(flashback, smiling as he addresses the shocked passengers): I hope this doesn’t discourage any of you off flying. Statistically, it’s still one of the safest ways to travel.
Inko(as the young Superman is shown hovering in the air before the stunned civilians and pros who had arrived to help): He was afraid that people would be scared of him once they realized his powers made him stronger than everyone else.
Inko(as her younger self is shown in the crowd, smiling at Hisashi): But you gave him the push he needed to be himself.
Inko(as her younger self is seen stopping a robbery as Wonder Woman in her first costume, Tensei is shown evacuating people out of a burning building as the Flash, and Haruto is shown fighting off henchmen of the Meta Liberation Front as Green Lantern): And as a result, you inspired the rest of us.
Inko(as she smiles fondly at Yu): You HAVE made a difference, just by telling Hisashi your wish for the world to be more accepting.
Yu(confused): But Mr. Hisashi said that his quirk was Fire-Breath?
Inko(smirking): Oh that? You know how if you breath out hot air into an ice cube it melts? He just did that but with super-breath.
Yu(still stunned): So he hid his identity…
Yu(deadpan): With a pair of glasses?
Inko(grinning and keeping herself from laughing): The glasses helped keep people from realizing that his eyes were the same color as Superman’s, and his baggy clothes hid his muscles, and he also acted timid and clumsy while being hunched over.
Kamui(eyes wide): That actually worked?!
Nighteye(overhearing): Oh please, that can’t really be all he did.
Inko(grinning): He was just as shocked that no one ever noticed his resemblance, he figured that people just refused to believe that Superman even HAD a secret identity.
Nighteye(annoyed): He has all this power and he wastes time by pretending to be an ordinary man instead of always using it to help others?
Yu(realizing): People didn’t realize that he WANTED to feel human, so they never saw Superman whenever they looked at Mr. Hisashi from Musutafu News!
Inko(nodding her head as she holds up her tiara): Exactly, like how I kept people from realizing my mother was the hero Paragon by wearing my tiara.
Wonder Woman(as she puts her tiara back on, letting her hair turn black and her eyes blue): People never even realized that she was the Wonder Woman who worked with the Justice Society!
Wonder Woman(heading back to the pilot’s seat): Anyways, it’s great to see you again Yu. We’ll be arriving at I-Island soon. Maybe you can catch up with Hisashi while we prepare to head to the Fortress?
As Wonder Woman retakes the controls for the Javelin from Aquaman, we suddenly go back to Dr. Garaki’s lab.
The lab is shown to have been knocked into complete disarray as Cyborg Superman and Re-Destro walk back into the lab with an annoyed looks on their faces. Dr. Garaki is shown helping Parasite tend to a scowling Metallo who has several dents in his new armor, with Bizarro nowhere to be seen.
Cyborg Superman(turning from the broken pod towards Dr. Garaki in annoyance): What.Happened?
Dr. Garaki(straightening his coat as he stands up): Number Six regained his sense of consciousness, and ten minutes after you left he started banging on his pod, until he managed to break himself out.
Dr. Garaki(turning around to address the former Destro as Rikiya starts scanning the broken pod): We tried to assist him, but he started muttering about hearing a “tick”, and we would suddenly speed up and slow down.
Dr. Garaki(gesturing to the wrecked lab): Then he went mad and started trashing the place, demanding to know where a “Kazuho” was and stating that the “ticking” was getting louder.
Dr. Garaki: Bizarro tried to restrain him, but he took off out of the lab using “Overclock” and Bizarro raced off after him.
Dr. Garaki(voiceover as Bizarro is shown flying after a black and yellow blur that is leaving trails of lightning in its wake): Who knows where they might be now?
Cyborg Superman(turning towards his descendant): It would appear that we’ll have to clean up the good doctor’s mess.
Re-Destro(completing his scan of the pod): It would appear that with The Flash having regained his powers via what he calls “the Speedforce”, Number 6 unknowingly established an improper connection to it through “Overclock”.
Re-Destro(pressing a few more buttons on his gauntlet before turning to his ancestor): I’ve sent you the readings I took of the pod, you should be able to use them to track him down.
Re-Destro(as Chikara’s cybernetic eye flashes with the information): Your Kryptonian speed should allow you to keep pace with our young friend.
We then see an alley located with Tokyo’s Naruhata district, as a black and yellow blur with lightning darts into it and stops, letting the flying Bizarro zip past it.
Bizarro stops and looks around in annoyance, before flying off to look for his target elsewhere.
The blur is revealed to be the young man that was seen within the pod in the lab, wearing a black customs with silver lines throughout, with a yellow “v” shaped section running across his chest. This is Number 6, also known by the fake alias, Rokuro Nomura.
Rokuro(shaking as his voice is constantly speeding up and slowing down): Whowas thaaaaattttguy? Whathappened tttttttoooooo me?
Rokuro clutches the sides of his head as he tries to recall the last thing he can remember before he woke up in the pod. He remembers that he had tried to kill someone, he RIVAL*tick*. He remembered HER. He was trying to KILL the boy*tock*who had caught his master’s eye*tick*. He remembered the sweet song he heard her sing. He was going to die*tock*. He thought of Kazuho. HE WAS GOING TO TAKE *TICK* WITH HIM!!! He thought of the happy memories he made with her. HE WAS GOING TO PAY*TOCK*!!!
Rokuro(falling to his knees in pain as the lightning stops flowing around him): Who the hell is “he”?! Why can’t I remember him?!
Rokuro(screaming into the sky): WHERE THE HELL IS THAT TICKING COMING FROM?!?!?!
Rokuro(standing up as the imagine of the one person he CAN remember appears in his mind): KAZUHO!!! She has to know what’s going on!
Rokuro uses “Overclock” to take off running out of the alleyway, startling some civilians and pros who were walking past.
Civilian(confused by the blur of lightning): Was that the Flash?
Pro Hero(just as confused): I though he operated in Musutafu, what’s he doing here?
As the gathered civilians and pros wonder just exactly what the blur they saw was, the clouds in the sky gather and it starts raining. A lightning bolt strikes a random rooftop and leaves behind a young man in a simple white shirt, jeans and shoes, with a makeshift red cape and a metal arm.
Meanwhile, we see our heroes arriving on I-Island as they are greeted by a young woman with blonde hair wearing glasses, and a man with brown hair and a beard also wearing glasses standing beside her. These people are Melissa Shield and her father, David Shield.
Superman(addressing the father/daughter duo as he lands softly, as if he was simply taking a step): Thanks for agreeing to help with this David.
Superman(walking to them as the others land as well): You to Melissa.
David(shaking Hisashi’s hand): It’s the least I can do to make up for my foolish mistake.
Melissa(running up to Izuku and hugging him, before pulling away): Is it true that Uncle Might is healed?
Shazam(landing besides them): You can ask him yourself.
Melissa(turning to Denki): Kaminari, is that you?
Shazam(nodding his head): Yeah, long story short, me and Mina are actually clones of Izuku, but we have more of our mom’s DNA, making our powers different from his.
Before Melissa can begin asking her next question, a small blue blur races from one of the Javelin’s and stops in front of her, before embracing her in a hug.
Supergirl(hugging Melissa): AUNTIE MEL!!!
Melissa(laughing as she hugs Eri back): Hey there sweetie, I see that the news was right about there being a Supergirl.
Melissa(as she sees Ochaco walking towards them with Jirou and Mina in her Amazonian form): Ashido, what happened to your pink skin? You look like Izuku.
Shazam(as Mina bags her bracelets together): SHAZAM!!!
Melissa(stunned after seeing two lightning bolts strike Denki and Mina, reverting them into their normal depowered selves): Wha?
Mina(rubbing that back of her neck with her normal pink skin and hair with her horns): That’s magic for ya…
Denki(sheepishly with his normal blond hair): It’s a long story.
Jirou(chuckling as she crosses her arms): Ain’t that right.
Denki(voiceover as he agrees with his girlfriend while looking at the stunned look on Melissa’s face): She’s right. What a life you have now Denki…
The scene goes back to Tokyo, as we spot a young woman with pink hair and an eyepatch walking down the street. This is Kazuho Haneyama, formerly the vigilante known as Pop Step, and colleague of Knuckleduster.
She is simply going about her business, and decides to cut across an alley to get to her home. As she walks along the alley, she is suddenly surrounded by thugs.
Thug 1: Hand over your purse, and things don’t get ugly, understand?
Thug 2(nervous): Are sure about this? I heard that the Flash was seen running around Tokyo.
Thug 3(annoyed): Relax, last I heard he was that League of his on special business.
Thug 1: Hand it over lady.
Kazuho(getting into a defensive stance): Like I’d just do what you tell me to.
However, before either party can make the first move, a blur of red lightning races into the alleyway, subduing the thugs in an instant!
Rokuro(as he appears to be vibrating in place with lightning radiating off of him): STAYAWAYFRRRROOOOOOMMMMMHER!!!
Kazuho(stunned by the appearance of her dead “friend”): Rokuro?
Rokuro(turning to her as Overclock’s effects start dying down): Kazuho! Thank goodness I found you!
Rokuro(walking towards her with a panicked look in his eyes): I woke in a lab I didn’t recognize I can’t remember how I got there! YOU HAVE YO HELP M-
The young man is caught off by the sound of a gun going off as he suddenly clutches his shoulder, revealing that one of the thugs had regained consciousness and had used their quirk to fire a bullet from his hand, striking his shoulder from behind.
Rokuro(turning around as his eyes start glowing red): YOU!!! YOUJUSTTRIEDTOKILLME!!!
Rokuro(as he rushes the thug and punches him at hypersonic speeds): NOONECCCCCCAAAAAAANNNNNNTOUCHMEEEE!!!
Rokuro then starts hearing the ticking he heard before getting louder, forcing him to stop and fall to his knees.
Thug 2(getting up and seeing what happened to the group leader): You’re not the Flash, who are you?
Rokuro(clutching his head): WHERE IS THAT SOUND COMING FROM?!?!?!
Kazuho(confused): What sound?
Rokuro(screaming to the sky): CAN’T YOU HEAR THE TICKING?!?!?!
Thug 2(taking this time to run out of the alley): Forget this, I’m out of here!
Kazuho(approaching Rokuro as he starts calming down): What happened to you? You left behind lightning like the Flash.
Rokuro(turning to her confused): Who?
Kazuho(explaining): The Flash, the Fastest Man Alive.
Rokuro(getting angry): O’CLOCK’S THE FASTEST HERO!!!
Kazuho(frightened): Flash’s just as fast as he was.
Kazuho(pulling up a video on her phone): See?
Rokuro looks at the video he is shown. The video is of Tensei chasing after a group of thugs split up into two cars. Flash bursts forward and dismantles the first car, leaving the thugs in it tied up among the remains. He vibrates his hand into the engine of the second car and disconnects the battery, causing the car to turn off and cruise to a halt before a police blockade.
Flash is then shown running around a tornado in the opposite direction, causing it to unravel. He is also shown racing up the side of a building and across water.
Rokuro is gazes at the Flash’s costume and notes how it similar to O’Clock’s own, but with more armor. He especially pays close attention to the yellow lightning bolt emblem on his chest, almost as if it was mocking him, taunting him that Flash could outrun lightning itself.
Rokuro turns gets an idea and sees a broken mirror laying in the alleyway. He walks towards it, leaving Kazuho to look at him in confusion. He then jabs his right fingers into the wound on his left shoulder with a hiss and removes it. He then uses his own blood and the mirror to draw the same lightning bolt emblem as Flash’s on his own chest. Once he is down, he uses his bomber cells to heal his wound, and turns to face Kazuho, making her gasp at the reversed lightning bolt on his chest.
Rokuro(grinning darkly): There can only be ONE Fastest Man Alive, and that’s me!
We then see Cyborg Superman meet up with Bizarro and they begin tracking Rokuro’s Speedforce energy, until they are stopped by a young voice calling out to them.
???(arrogantly): HEY, METALHEAD, CHALKFACE!!!
The two turn around and spot the young man that had appeared on a rooftop early, glaring at them with a sneer.
Cyborg Superman(confused): And who are YOU suppose to be?
???(annoyed): I’m Tetsuo, head of the Akira Gang. Now what is this place?
Bizarro(confused): This place Tokyo.
Tetsuo(shocked): That’s impossible! This place looks nothing like Tokyo.
Cyborg Superman(annoyed): We have no time argue with you child.
Cyborg Superman(turning around): We have much better things to do.
Tetsuo(enraged): Don’t you dare turn your back on me!
Tetsuo charges towards the Cyborg, throwing out his arm for a punch, only for his punch to be caught by the Pseudo Kryptonian.
Cyborg SM(eyes narrowed): Begone child.
He then throws Tetsuo towards the ground like a missile.
Tetsuo(within the smoke from his impact): I’ll kill you…
Tetsuo(racing towards Cyborg Superman in anger): I’LL KILL YOU!!!
This time however he is intercepted by Bizarro.
Bizarro(eyes narrowed): We no have time for child!
Tetsuo(getting madder): I’m not a child! I MAKE THE RULES HERE!!!
Just as Tetsuo starts trying to rip buildings out of the ground, Bizarro shoots his ice-vision right at Tetsuo’s face, breaking his concentration, and causing him to fall back to the ground.
Just as Tetsuo breaks the ice encasing his head, he is bombarded by a high speed barrage of punches all across his body. The barrage ends to show that Rokuro was the one to have delivered them, now wearing a makeshift black cowl that is yellow down the middle and with lightning bolt ear pieces on the sides.
Rokuro(vibrating in place, with a grin and glowing red eyes): Nnnnnooooooottttttfastenough!
Tetsuo(glaring at him annoyed): WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!
Rokuro: I’m Zoom, The Fastest Man Alive, and I’m taking you down!
Tetsuo(gritting his teeth): Like you could even hurt me!
However before Tetsuo can charge at the speedster, he senses what to him appears to be another Esper, just as powerful as him!
Tetsuo(turning towards the ocean): Another Esper? Here?!
Tetsuo(taking off towards the presence he felt as a bolt of lightning): I’LL PROVE I’M THE TOP DOG!!!
Zoom(seeing his opponent turns into a lightning bolt): HEY, I’M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET!!!
Zoom takes off after the young Esper, and just as Bizarro prepares to fly after them, he is stopped by Cyborg Superman.
Cyborg Superman(ordering Bizarro): Wait, let us see just what they are both capable of my friend.
They then fly after the two young men. We then cut to I-Island, with Melissa being told of everything that had happened recently to the young heroes-in-training.
Melissa(stunned): So magic really does exist?!
Denki(voiceover): That reaction might starting getting old pretty soon.
Melissa(looking towards the restrained Supermen): And those guys came from other universes due to a malfunctioning piece of alien technology?
Izuku(nodding his head with Eri on his shoulders): Yeah, we’re heading to the fortress to find a way to send them back.
Ochaco: Superman figured that you and David could help figure out how to do so.
Denki(voiceover as he suddenly feels a jolt of energy and turns around): What the hell is that?! It feels like pure unrestrained power!
Izuku(looking around as he senses it to): Does anyone feel that?
Denki: Something’s coming!
Denki(shouting with heroic intent): SHAZAM!!!
Seeing her brother transform, Mina does the same and clashes her bracelets together, and in two bolts of lightning, they become Shazam and Troy.
Manhunter(addressing everyone present): I sense a malicious presence heading this way!
Shazam suddenly turns towards the sky and sees a lightning bolt come out of the sky and turn into a young man with a cape.
Tetsuo(angrily looking around): WHERE IS HE?!?!?! WHERE IS THAT ESPER HIDING?!?!?!
Superboy(stunned as he realizes what this young man is): Another one?!
Suddenly a blur races past them and up a nearby building before jumping off and towards the figure in the sky.
Zoom(with an insane glint in his cowled eyes): THEREYOUARE!!!
Zoom tackles the boy out of the air and to the ground, but before I can proceed to pummel him, Flash and Kid Flash race up, grabbing his arms and pulling him away.
Flash(looking at Zoom in confusion): Who are you and why are you dressed like O’Clock?
Zoom(glaring at the brothers): I’m Zoom, andI’mtheFastestManAlive!!!
Tetsuo gets up and turns towards Superboy and Supergirl, realizing that they were the Espers he was sensing.
Tetsuo(pointing at them with his metal arm): You two!
Tetsuo(sneering at them): You have the same symbol as that chromedome!
Superboy(trying to reason with him): We don’t want any trouble.
Superboy(raising his arms in an attempt to pacify Tetsuo): Just relax and we can help you get back to your world.
Tetsuo(seeing those gestures as signs of being looked down upon): DON’T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON ME!!!
Tetsuo starts racing towards Izuku, only to be grabbed by Sentry, Supreme and Hyperion.
Sentry(holding Tetsuo’s metal arm): Trust me kid, you don’t want this.
Tetsuo(pushing them away with his psychokinesis): GET OFF OF ME!!!
Bakugo(eyes wide with realization): Oh my god, is that what I REALLY sound like that?!
Tetsuo(grabbing Sentry by the face and reading his mind): I can feel that you hold yourself back.
Tetsuo(pulling on Sentry’s mind): LET THAT POWER OUT!!!
Sentry(screaming as he loses control of himself): AAAAHHHH!!!
Tetsuo doesn’t realize what he’s done, until he is pushed back by the Sentry’s power as he assumes a monstrous form that appears as if it is made up of darkness. This is the Void.
Void(looking around): I’M FREE!!!
Void(looking at Tetsuo): You foolish boy, allow me to show you my gratitude!
Before Void is able to advance towards Tetsuo, he is tackled by Superman and Wonder Woman.
Shazam(turning towards Jirou): Get everyone to safety!
Hyperion(glaring at Tetsuo): Look at what you did!
Invincible(with the pro heroes, stunned): WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!?!
Uravity(running up): That’s the Void.
Uravity(looking up to see Superman and Wonder Woman combating the monster): Apparently it’s Sentry’s darker thoughts manifested as an evil personality, with the power of a black hole.
Earphone Jack(addressing the pros): We have to get everyone to safety!
Just as everyone is about to start evacuating the civilians, three blurs race past them. The blurs stop to reveal themselves as Tensei, Tenya and Rokuro. Tensei takes a closer look at Rokuro’s costume and his eyes widen in realization.
Flash(as he and Tenya pin Zoom against a wall): I recognize that costume. You were the second O’Clock!
Zoom(sneering at Flash): Iam,thatmakesmetheeeffffaaaaassssssttteeessstmaaaaaaaanalive!
Kid Flash(feeling something off about Zoom’s vibrations): Something’s wrong!
Zoom then suddenly and without warning phases through their holds, startling even himself.
Zoom(staring at his blurred vibrating hands before turning to the brothers with a feral grin): Icandothesametrick!
Zoom suddenly runs and grabs the brothers before they can even react, his movements resulting in a powerful sonic boom that shatters nearby windows and created craters with every step he took.
Just as Zoom pushed them both against the wall of a building, the ground shook beneath them, causing Zoom to lose his hold, as Tetsuo had forced Superboy into the ground with enough force to crater the reinforced concrete.
Tetsuo(trying to penetrate Izuku’s field): I’LL SHOW WHO’S TOP DOG AROUND HERE!!!
Superboy(reinforcing his field): You don’t understand, this isn’t your earth!
Tetsuo is then pushed off of Superboy by Supergirl and the Powerpuff girls who then proceed to bombard them with their heat vision, only managing to damage Tetsuo’s makeshift metal arm before he retaliates with his own psionic blast, damaging the buildings around them as he repairs his arm.
Red Riot(seeing a building about to tip over as he runs towards it): There are people in there!
Kirishima runs until he is underneath one damaged load bearing support and braces his hardening as strong as he can and catches the building, acting as a brace to keep it from falling the rest of the way.
Red Riot(straining under the weight): HELP THEM!!! ACK!!!
As the heroes help evacuate the building, Superboy lands a high speed blow on Tetsuo, who proceeds to knock Izuku towards a building. Izuku catches himself before he could damage the building, but Tetsuo then grabs him by the throat and forces him through.
Hyperion and Supreme are sent crashing into two separate buildings by the Void, causing those buildings to start falling as well. Mt Lady grabs one of them, keeping it from collapsing on top Hyperion, while Invincible flies over and grabs the building Supreme crashed into.
Invincible(addressing Supreme and Hyperion): GO!!! WE GOT THIS!!!
The speedsters recover and Zoom starts racing right for Flash, only to be intercepted by Shazam Jr.
Shazam Jr(knocking Zoom away): I’m fast to!
Blossom recovers from Tetsuo’s psionic blast and sees all the rubble falling from the buildings due to Void’s battle with Superman and Wonder Woman. She then rushes off and starts getting struggling civilians to safety along with her sisters, just as the Zoom enters a high speed battle with the Iida brothers and Katsuma, eventually leading onto the surface of the ocean around them, surprising Tenya.
Kid Flash(as he sees Zoom take off onto the surface of the ocean): HE CAN RUN ON WATER?!?!?!
Flash(rushing past his brother): SO CAN WE!!!
Shazam Jr(landing besides Tenya as Tensei runs atop the surface of the ocean as soon he touched the water’s surface): You just need to stay above 70 mph.
Kid Flash(looking at him in confusion): How do you know that?!
Shazam Jr(flying after Tensei and Rokuro): Wisdom of Solomon!
As Tenya joins his brother and Katsuma in fighting the rogue speedster, we see Denki join his parents in fighting the Void, managing to land a lightning enhanced blow on the monster that causes it to stagger.
Shazam(voiceover as he continues landing blows): This is unbelievable! This thing was able to take mom and dad’s blow like they were nothing!
Shazam(voiceover as he prepares to deliver a blast of magic lightning from his eyes): But let’s see if it can take magic!
However before Denki is able to deliver his blast, the Void is knocked out of his hold by the Utopian, who grabbed the Void from behind.
Utopian(struggling to hold Void): We have to get him out of here, before he does anymore damage!
Shazam(voiceover as he charges lightning into his fists): He’s right, the island can’t take much more!
Shazam(rushing towards them with his parents behind him): LET’S SEE HOW YOU LIKE THIS!!!
The Void manages to break free from the Utopian’s hold, and sends the elderly hero flying into the ground, only to get hit a punch that strikes with the might of the gods, sending him flying upwards into space.
As Shazam, Superman, Wonder Woman, Supreme and Hyperion fly into Earth’s outer atmosphere after the Void, we see the Utopian crash into the island with enough force to breach the multiple reinforced layers of hull until he breaks through into the ocean beneath the island.
Brandon(feeling the ground beneath his feet shift): What’s happening?!
David(checking an alert on his tablet): THE HULL’S BEEN BREACHED!!!
Brandon(Paragon, cuffed along with Homelander): What do you mean, “the hull”?
All Might(catching some rubble from falling on top of some civilians): IT MEANS THE ISLAND IS SINKING!!!
Aquaman(running towards the hole Sheldon made): I got this!
Homelander(frightened as Orin plummets into the water): AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, “OCEANMAN”?!?!?!
Homelander(turning to an eerily calm Nezu): LET ME GO RIGHT NOW!!! THERE’S NO WAY I’M DYING WITH YOU PATHETIC-
Sheldon’s unconscious body is tossed up from the hole in the ground, and the island rumbles as it starts righting itself.
Homelander(stunned as the island starts rising up): -people…WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!
Ground Zero(running up with a group of kids, with a panicked look on his face): WHAT THE HELL’S GOING ON NOW?!?!?!
Nezu(smirking from his place on Midnight’s shoulder): THAT would be King Orin holding up the island.
Everyone who heard what he just said: WHAT?!?!?!
Homelander(shocked): HOW?!?!?!
Nezu(turning to the evil “superman”): Atlanteans’ bodies are able to withstand the pressure of the deep sea, as a result they are incredibly strong.
Omniman(while carrying a recovering Utopian towards them): There’s more to this, isn’t there?
Nezu(grinning): As a member of the royal bloodline, King Orin was trained to peak Atlantean condition, he once stopped a blow capable of decimating a continent with his bare hands!
Earphone Jack(looking upwards as Denki and the others fly into space after the Void with a worried look on her face): Be careful up there you idiot, you still owe me a date.
Troy is seen assisting her brother and niece in fighting Tetsuo, landing a backhand with her shield and a slash across his chest with her sword.
Tetsuo(grabbing his chest in pain): AAAARGH!
This attack leaves the arrogant Esper wide open to an uppercut from Superboy, sending him into orbit.
Izuku flies up after him, but before Eri and Mina can fly after them, Ochaco flies up to them.
Uravity(as she reaches them): THE HULL’S BEEN BREACHED!!!
Troy+Supergirl(shocked): WHAT?!?!?!
Uravity: Aquaman’s keeping the island from sinking, but he can’t hold it for long.
Supergirl(flying downwards): WE HAVE TO HELP HIM!!!
Uravity(gazing up after Izuku, knowing that he can hear her): Take him down Izu…
Uravity(flying after her daughter): I know you can!
Troy(as she flies after Ochaco and her niece): You better come back big bro. I still enjoy having you as a brother, and Eri and Ochaco need you!
As the three fly into the water to assist the king, we see Cyborg Superman and Bizarro hovering at a distance, observing the chaos that is unfolding.
Cyborg Superman(turning towards Zoom’s high speed battle): It would appear that the Doctor’s little experiment has ended up much stronger than he was before.
Bizarro(gazing towards the island): Aquaman holding island up.
Cyborg Superman(turning to his fellow doppelgänger in amusement): I expected you to call him, “blond fish man”.
Bizarro(turning to face him with his glowing blue eyes): “I” am learning…
Cyborg Superman(grinning): Splendid! It appears your Kryptonian physiology is adapting and compensating for the gaps in your development! Good…
Cyborg Superman(gazing upwards): Keep an eye on things down here, if the boy ends up needing help, grab him and take him back to the lab.
Bizarro(raising a brow): Where you going?
Cyborg Superman(voiceover as Tetsuo is shown leaving Earth’s atmosphere): Why, the Final Frontier of course.
Tetsuo recovers from the uppercut and looks around, seeing that he stopped within range of the moon.
Tetsuo then grins madly as he prepares to punch a crater in the moon, having first hand experiences of what such an action would do to Earth’s environment.
However, just as he prepares to deliver a punch, Superboy flies up from behind him, and punches Tetsuo unto the moon. Before the Esper can begin to understand what happened, the young Kryptonian hybrid then delivers a punch with enough force to make Tetsuo’s body dig a hole THROUGH the moon coming out the other side, with Izuku following him through, using his telekinesis to force the hole closed behind him, lest the Earth’s gravitational field suffer from the damage.
Shazam(voiceover as he sees his brother’s feat while he helps battle the Void): You know, I honestly keep forgetting that we can do stuff like THAT!
Cyborg Superman(silently watching Izuku’s feat while looking at his own hands): Fascinating…
Meanwhile, on I-Island;
Kirishima can feel his muscles ache from having to hold up the building, with his classmates from 1-A and 1-B rushing to get everyone out. Tetsutetsu even joined him in holding up the building, and Omniman helps hold up another building, and Blossom holds up another as her sisters rush everyone out.
Hawks(flying people out through a window): HOLD ON KID, WE’RE ALMOST THERE!!!
Real Steel(straining): Can’t…hold…it…
Red Riot(straining): Just…a little…MORE!!!
Real Steel(feeling his concentration break): I…can’t…
Tetsutetsu then reverts back to normal and falls unconscious from the strain, leaving Kirishima to hold up the building.
Red Riot(feeling his muscles ache even more): AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!
Red Riot(feeling the weight being lifted off of his shoulders): Huh?!
Kirishima them looks behind him and sees a man wearing a red, white and blue customs with a star on his chest holding up the building much easier than him. The young hardening user’s eyes widen in shock as he recognizes just who the man is.
Red Riot(stunned): Y-you’re…CITIZEN STEEL!!!
Citizen Steel(smiling at Kirishima): You were doing a great job boys!
???(green glow coming from behind Kirishima): Now let us help you son!
Kirishima turns around and his eyes widen even further as his gaze lands upon a blonde man with a purple cape and mask, a glowing green ring, and a red shirt with the image of a Green Lantern on his chest, and a brown haired man wearing blue leggings, red boots, and red shirt with a yellow lightning bolt, and a silver helmet with yellow wings. These men are the Silver Age Green Lantern and Flash, Alan Scott and Jay Garrick.
Jay(smiling as he helps Kirishima to his feet): The Justice Society is here to help!
Mt Lady continues to hold up her building, this time with assistance from Atom Smasher, with Hourman and Wildcat assisting Kamui with evacuating the building. Dr Fate uses his magic to create a new support beam for the building that Invincible was holding up. Hawkman and Hawkgirl fly down carrying civilians in their arms and on their backs. As they touch down, they catch sight of an out of breath Hawks, and when he looks up at them, the three of them look at each other in shock.
Hawkwoman(stunned by the pro’s wings): Another Thanagarion?!
Hawks(confused): A what?!
Hawkman(stepping in front of his wife): Focus, save people first, questions later.
Jay(after getting the last bit of people out the building Kirishima was lifting): That’s the last of them!
Jay(looking around as Citizen Steel lets the building drop, and he walks out of the rubble unscathed): If you need me…
Jay(assuming a three point stance with lightning coursing around him): I’ll be helping deal with the rogue speedster.
Green Lantern(touching down just as Jay takes off onto the surface of the ocean, carrying a group of civilians in a baseball mitt construct): What are you all doing here?
Alan(carrying a group in an elevator construct letting off green flames): We came here as quickly as we could, Fate told us that something big was going to happen.
Alan(looking up): We also ran into HIM on our way here.
Momo looks up in the direction her senior was facing towards and spots a familiar black suit with a lightning bolt insignia and cape. This is the same man who had highjacked Izuku’s final exam.
Black Adam(eyes glowing with power): Where are they?!
Green Lantern(pointing straight up): By my estimates, probably somewhere within the Moon’s orbit.
Black Adam takes off into space with a crack of thunder.
Manhunter(approaching Alan): Aquaman still needs assistance holding up the island!
Before any of them can move to assist the King of Atlantis, the island shifts under their feet and Supergirl and her mother land before them, carrying Aquaman with them, with the King looking as if he hadn’t just been holding up an entire island for the last few minutes.
Batman(swinging down alongside his son, confused): Orin?! If you’re here…
Batman(finishing his father’s question): Then who’s holding up the island?!
Robin(over the comms): Dad, you might not believe this…
Batman(answering his comms): Robin? Where are you?
Robin: I went with Teen Lantern in order to reinforce some of the buildings’ weak spots with my hardening gel just like you and Grandpa, and then we saw Supergirl fly into the water and come back out with Aquaman.
Robin(as he is show on a construct platform made by Mahoro): As for who’s holding up the island…
Mina is shown lifting the island out of the water and into the air.
Batman(stunned by what he just heard): …
Green Lantern(looking at her boyfriend in concern): Shouto?
Batman(turning to his girlfriend): Mina is lifting the island into the air…
Eraserhead(having heard what Shouto just said): SHE’S WHAT?!?!?!
We then cut to space as the heavy hitters continue to do battle against the Void, while Izuku battles Tetsuo.
(Cue Marvelous by Brandon Yates)
Supreme lounges in for a punch, but his fist is caught and he is thrown into an oncoming Hyperion.
Void(taunting them): You can’t stand against the might of a thousand black holes!
Shazam(charging at him alongside his mother): You sure about that?!
The mother and son duo deliver a double punch hit charged with lightning, managing to harm the monster, allowing Hisashi to deliver a punch that pushes him back.
Shazam+Wonder Woman(charging in with lightning in their eyes): GODLY IMPACT!!!
Void recovers enough to catch their punches and pushes past the pain inflicted by the surge of divine lightning.
Void(snarling at Inko): Enough of this!
Void throws Inko further into space, with Hisashi flying after her.
Void(snarling at Denki): BEGONE!!!
Void then throws Denki in the direction of the sun, only to end up being tackled by Black Adam!
Black Adam(glaring with lightning coursing in his eyes): Surrender monster, or fall before the might of Black Adam!
Void(grinning madly): Bring it!
As the two rush at each other, Denki stops himself from flying any further, and just as he is about to take off back towards the fight, he stops.
Shazam(voiceover as he looks at his hands as he starts to feel much stronger): What is this?
Shazam(clenching his fists): I FEEL STRONGER THAN EVER!!!
Shazam(turning around as he realizes that he can feel the warmth of the sun, his eyes widening): It’s the sun! I’m absorbing the solar radiation!
Shazam(rocketing off as his eyes start glowing brighter than ever): Time for round two!
Izuku is shown matching Tetsuo blow for blow almost effortlessly, with both of their power growing stronger as their battle goes on!
Superboy(grunting in annoyance): Can’t you just stop and let us help you?!
Tetsuo(ignoring all reason): I DON’T NEED ANYONE’S HELP!!!
Void tanks a punch from Adam and punches him back, only for Adam to be caught by a recover Supreme and Hyperion, just as Shazam goes flying past them all and delivers a hyper charged punch onto the creature of darkness.
Void(glowing red with power): FEEL MY POWER!!!
Shazam(glowing with solar radiation and divine magic): FEEL A POWER EQUAL TO HEAVEN!!!
As the two deliver punches that radiate great power, Adam, Supreme and Hyperion are interrupted before they can assist Denki in his clash as Cyborg Superman makes his presence known.
Cyborg Superman(grinning at them): Now now, if you all really want to fight someone…
Cyborg Superman(rushing at them as his right hand grows talons): Fight me instead!
During his clash again Void, Denki manages to outpace him and begins delivering more blows, knocking him back more and more.
Hisashi and Inko come flying back in, with Inko removing her bracelets to access her full power!
The three manage to do much more damage to the Dark Sentry, causing bits of his shadowed self to seemingly crack and reveal his noble half, the Sentry.
Void(roaring as he can feel his control slipping): NO!!! I WON’T GO BACK!!!
Meanwhile, Izuku begins to notice something wrong with Tetsuo’s metal arm.
Superboy(scanning the metal appendage with his x-ray vision): Wait, your arm! It’s-
Tetsuo(punching Izuku across the face): SHUT UP!!!
The punch merely pushes Izuku’s head to one side, and causes the metal arm to shatter and break apart, revealing the disgusting mound of deformed flesh underneath!
Tetsuo(panicked as he sees what happened to his arm): WHA?!?!
The deformed flesh then starts pulsating and begins creating tendrils of flesh that quickly overtakes Tetsuo, much to his panicked shock.
Tetsuo(screaming in fear): NOOOO!!!
Superboy(eyes widening in shock as he sees what the arrogant Esper has become): By Rao…
Izuku finds floating before him, a massive misshapen creature with throbbing veins throughout its “body”. It opens its eyes, and lets out a roar.
Superboy(clutching his head as he starts hearing Tetsuo’s thoughts in his head): ARGH!!!
Tetsuo(within Izuku’s mind): Please…Help me…It hurts…so much…
Izuku’s eyes widen as he hears those words, and begins moving and dodging the tendrils of flesh come flying after him, moving towards his family as they almost end their battles against Void.
Shazam(seeing what happened to Tetsuo): WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!
Eventually the fleshly appendages grab a hold of Izuku, as well as Hisashi, Inko, Denki and Void. The creature then begins glowing with energy and seemingly explodes with a white flash, causing Cyborg Superman and his opponents to turn towards the light.
All Might(seeing the explosion of energy from I-Island): What is happening up there?
The glowing subsides to reveal that Denki had used his magic to counter and contain the energy and fires it at the Void before he could recover, finally reverting him back into the Sentry.
Tetsuo breaks free of what remained of the fleshy abomination and charges straight at Izuku, down an arm, only for Izuku to look him in the eyes
Superboy(as his eyes glow): I’m sorry…
Izuku flashes his heat vision into Tetsuo’s eyes, reducing his brain to ash.
Tetsuo(within Izuku’s mind as he dies): Thank…you…
Superboy(sighing heavily as he grabs Tetsuo’s body): You’re welcome…
(End song)
Sentry(breathing heavily as he regains control): THAT was intense!
Cyborg Superman(turning towards Supreme, Hyperion and Black Adam): This has been fun, but it appears that my objective of observing you all has been satisfied.
Cyborg Superman(flying off back to Earth just as before Adam could start charging at him): I bid you all adieu!
We cut back to I-Island as Mina is shown to still be carrying it above her head, now being assisted by the Powerpuff Girls, Uravity, Supergirl, and Invincible.
Troy(spotting an empty beach): Just a little more!
Troy(suddenly feeling the weight of the island being lifted out of her hands): Huh?
Supergirl(looking up and seeing her grandfather effortlessly carrying the island the rest of the way): Grandpa!
Buttercup(wide eyed as she and her sisters witness just how strong Hisashi is): Woah…
Blossom(amazed): He’s lifting it in such a way that the island isn’t breaking apart!
Meanwhile, up top;
All Might(concerned as he sees Izuku float down with Tetsuo’s dead body): What happened up there?
Superboy(looking down at Tetsuo’s corpse): His power grew out of his control. He released a big blast of energy that would of decimated us, but Denki used his magic to contain it and blasted the Void with it.
Superboy(looking up at Toshinori after kneeling down and placing the body on the floor): The power was like an addiction, it hurt him the more it grew uncontrollable, to the point that he begged for help, and I put him out of his misery…And he thanked me for doing so…
Superboy(as Eri and Ochaco hug him realizing that he’s feeling guilty): I tried to warn him, but he refused to listen to me…
Superman(landing besides his son after having set the island down on the beach): It’s not your fault son.
Superman(kneeling before Izuku): You’re right, that power was like a drug, and by the looks of it, he wanted more and more, until it ended up out of his control.
Superman(as Utopian looks at him comfort his son in shock): Power just makes us more of who we are, maybe that’s what caused him to turn into the abomination, his power made his appearance match his personality, but he rather died a man than a monster…
Superman(as Izuku looks up at him): The fact you even FEEL even the least bit guilty speaks so much about how different you are from him. It shows that you care.
Superman(standing up and gesturing towards Izuku, Denki and Mina): And that’s what makes you three different from him, your powers make you all into greater heroes, because you were already great people, and you all make proud because of it.
Superman(gazing down at Tetsuo): Wherever he’s soul ended up, I hope he found the peace he couldn’t find in life.
Sheldon is left deep in thought as he thinks over Hisashi’s words, and realizes that maybe Brandon WAS right, that he did hold too high of expectations for the younger heroes of his world.
Shazam(voiceover as his father finishes his little speech): And THAT is why he’s THE Superman.
Dr Fate(hovering towards them): Kal-El.
Hisashi(turning towards Fate): Dr Nelson.
Dr Fate(landing before them): I was informed of your plan to handle the so called, “Supermen”, but we came to I-Island for a different reason…
Dr Fate waves his hand and a golden staff appears floating besides him, with a sharp, curved spear head.
Dr Fate(as the staff starts glowing with energy): The Cosmic Staff appears to have chosen a new wielder.
Jay(arriving with the Iida Siblings and Katsuma with help from Haruto): So THAT’S why you brought us here.
Tensei(addressing Enji): We manages to take down that Zoom guy, but before we could grab him out of the water, that Bizarro guy showed up and snatched him before taking off just as Haruto found us.
Enji(cowl pulled off and a hand on his chin): So now there’s a “Mirror Superman” and a “Reverse Flash”…
Tensei(hand on his own chin): That title actually sounds pretty accurate…
Alan(addressing Nelson): So the rod finally chose a new wielder, after all this time?
Nelson(removing his helmet to reveal his gray hair and beard): Yes, and as to why it took so long…
Nelson(glancing at the staff as it begins spinning): It was waiting for its new wielder to realize that their dream…
Nelson(smiling as the staff stops spinning and flies towards a stunned Melissa): Can truly come true.
Melissa(shocked): What is this?
Alan(smiling softly): THAT is the Cosmic Staff, it belonged to Starman.
Jay(lifting his hat upwards a bit): Looks like it deemed you worthy to wield it kid.
As Melissa takes a hold of the staff, a small tear escapes her eye as she realizes that she now has the power to truly help people as she always wanted to.
Denki(talking to Jirou, with his hood down revealing the blond tips in his black hair): It was incredible! The sunlight actually empowered me like it does Izuku!
Jirou(hand on her chin): And you’re already as strong as Izuku is normally…
Denki(smiling widely): Exactly, it felt like I could move the Heavens themselves!
Jirou(looking at her boyfriend in amusement): Did you really just make that comparison?
Denki(offended): What, it’s true!
Jirou(poking her boyfriend in the ear with a snort): You dork!
Denki(smiling as he rubs his ear despite not having felt any pain): But I’m your dork.
David(looking into the breach through the island’s hull): This is’ll take a good while to fix…
Toshinori(reverting to his healed normal self and placing his hand on his friend’s shoulder): You’ll have this fixed in no time, I just know it.
Hisashi(approaching the two): Actually, might I have a suggestion.
Hisashi(as David turns to him): Why not make an orbital space station instead? The League can help build it.
David(hand on his chin): Interesting idea, a space station would definitely be much harder to break into.
Hisashi(smiling): It could also act as a hub for heroes to meet up and compare notes with the world’s top scientists, as well as help monitor events occurring around the world.
Toshinori(raising a brow): Like some kind of “Watchtower”?
Hisashi(grinning): Exactly! The League can even provide some teleporters and artificial gravity generators.
David(smiling at the two heroes): That actually sounds like a great idea! The Justice Society have their own base, so maybe the Justice League can have their own in the satellite!
Mina(talking with Kirishima): YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!
Kirishima(smiling sheepishly at her): Yeah, I held up a building!
Mina(eyes wide with worry): YOU COULD’VE DIED!!!
Kirishima(smirking): As if I’d let myself die like that! You’re not losing me that easily!
Kirishima(grinning): Besides, I’m not the one who lifted the ENTIRE island!
Mina(blushing as she pouts and crosses her arms): That’s different…I’m way stronger than you.
Kirishima(grinning as he flexes his arm): But I’m just as durable!
Hawks(seeing Hawkman and Hawkwoman walk towards him): Need something?
Hawkman(removing his helmet): We need to talk…
Nelson(walking towards Eri): There is also another reason why we came here.
Eri(looking at Dr Fate in confusion as he places his helmet back on): Why are looking at me like that?
Dr Fate(holding out a glowing hand towards Eri’s head): This may tingle for a little bit.
Eri(as Dr Fate places his hand on her head): Huh?!
Dr Fate(pulling his hands away from her head as Eri’s eyes widen in shock): Got you.
Eri(looking at him in shock): What did you do?!
Ochaco(looking at Eri in concern): What’s wrong sweetie?
Eri(starting to panic): I CAN’T HEAR NANA ANYMORE!!!
Toshinori(spits out the water he was drinking into Nighteye’s face): YOU COULD HEAR WHO?!?!?!
Dr Fate(holding up the glowing orb in his hand): Give me but a moment.
Dr Fate lifts up his other hand and holds it up to the orb as a series of ruins begin appearing within his hand before converging onto the orb. The orb then floats out of his hand and onto the ground before growing brighter and bigger in size. From the light, a figure starts to take shape, and the glow starts subsiding until in the orb’s place is a tall, black haired woman with blue eyes wearing a black bodysuit with yellow gloves, white boots and cape, and a red tailcoat around her waist, she also happens to look a lot like Inko’s Amazonian form, leaving many looking in shock as they recognize the woman. This is Inko’s dead mother, the former Silver Age Wonder Woman turned pro hero Paragon, Nana Shimura!
Nana(opening her eyes in confusion): What just happened?
Inko(eyes wide): M-mom?
Nana(eyes widen as she turns around and sees Inko looking at her in shock): Inko? You can see me?!
Inko(grabbing her mother in a hug): IT’S REALLY YOU!!!
Dr Fate(as Nana’s eyes widen as she realize that she has a body again): Welcome back old friend.
Denki(voiceover as he and his siblings watch their mother have a teary reunion with their revived Grandmother): You know, despite the fact that we’re currently dealing with multiversal visitors…
Denki(voiceover as his shocked face is shown): THIS still surprises me…
Denki(voiceover as we pan out to see I-Island laying upon the shores of a beach): Speaking of which…
Denki(voiceover as we see the Crime Syndicate looking over them in the distance): Isn’t there still an entire group we haven’t seen yet?
Denki(voiceover as a war hammer is picked up out of a crater amidst a thunderstorm): Hopefully, this adventure will wrap up pretty soon…
To Be Continued…
Next time; Part 5 Action Comics; Starring the House of El, Feat. the Justice League
Author’s note; Once again, thanks to @chapelseed for giving me the suggestion to make Melissa Stargirl. She is now the last eat in the newest generation of legacy heroes, succeeding Starman, she’ll be joined by her father David acting as Stripes.
I also introduced a revived Rokuro Nomura from “Vigilantes” as Zoom; The Reverse Flash, seeing as how he worshipped O’Clock, a pro with a super-speed like quirk, had yellow on their costume, was mentally unstable, and is able to slow down time like Hunter Zolomon to mimic super-speed. He’ll show up in further stories.
I also decided to bring back Nana using Dr Fate, since there is very LITTLE he can’t do. Nana will act as a bridge between the first and newer generations and as the equivalent of the pre-New 52 Wonder Woman.
Stay tuned for Part 5, where are heroes head to Fortress of Solitude and find themselves under siege by the Crime Syndicate! See ya all next time!
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primroseprime2019 · 1 year
Ocs’ Parents Tag
Rules: Put down the parents of your OCs. Have fun :)
I’ll be doing this from Transcendants.
Mordecai Parker and Tabitha Dawn- parents to Gregory, Ringo, Rowan, Phoenix and Emma
Victoria Cole and Seth Jackson- parents to Harry Haddock
Latosha McHenry and Marcus Kendrick- Parents to Paige Kendrick
Undine Grey and Aiden Kane- parents to Natalia Grey and Cody Kane
Angie Blaze and Tiberius Bright- parents to Demetrius Bright
Felicity Valentine- mother to Charlotte Valentine and Victoria Valentine
Ronald Moon and Sharon Moon- parents to Marley Moon and Eleanor Moon
Ariel Shepherd and Brandon Breyer- parents to Shiloh Cross
Peter Pax- father to Kaitlin Swan
Fuli Runner- mother to Thomas Runner
Hannibal Christian and Wen Owens- parents to Joanna Owens
Madeline Black and Ivar Black- parents to Ivan Black
Tagging: @talesofsorrowandofruin @regalserpent @royal1asset-if @arijensineink @minutiaewriter @manuscriptsatmidnight @jinxneedssleep @wingsy-keeper-of-songs @movieexpert1978 and anyone who wants to join
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