#Break heart
darkangel-myworld · 6 months
"Chciałabym wiedzieć czy kiedykolwiek byłam dla ciebie ważna,tak jak ty dla mnie"
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Será que vamos a estar bien?
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lepixapox · 8 months
this moment breaks my heart every time i see it💔
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that-motorcycle-boy · 4 months
Ne törjük össze egymás szívét
Én már sosem leszek a tiéd
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diariodeunaansiosa · 5 months
Estoy desconectada del mundo y no se si quiera volver a la realidad
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lemonnis · 3 months
"Acaba kokusu nasıldı, yanyana yürüdüğümüzde boy farkımız nasıl dururdu, elleri sıcak mıydı, bana nasıl bakardi, göz göze geldiğimizde nasıl hissederdik, ilk kez nerede nasıl sarılırdık..."
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No podemos obligar a la gente a elegirnos.
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If you asked in prayer, calm down, your faith will sustain you, to wait as long as you have to wait, I asked and she will still come back, God also answers requests from a broken heart.
Jonas r Cezar
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sam-serrano · 2 months
Las almas quebradas no saben responder cuando preguntan:
¿Cómo estás?
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Con cada visita vuelvo a sentirme viva pero también me robas vida, te llevas contigo todo lo que consigo para seguir despertando cada maldito día.
-Hermoso Ángel🪽
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spadajacagwiazda20 · 3 months
I seek to free myself from these chains, But one feeling remains - the one I have for you. Allow me to take you with me when I leave, I still feel you here, in my heart.
Every memory, every piece of you I've kept, Is priceless to me.
I looked into the reflection of my soul, Where the image was whole, Now it’s like fragments, scattered, And memories blurred.
Forty-two grams, two halves, Now one part has lost its way, As if life circles, losing its sense and path.
But now, twenty-one instead of forty-two, I feel like I've lost more, Something that was mine, Something that was my element.
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Intento estar bien, pero se los juro que cada día que pasa me siento peor...
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lonelybsblog · 5 months
If you really love something, just let it go.
If it comes back, it’s yours forever.
If it doesn’t, it was never meant to be yours.
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xdevilsoulx · 8 months
I wanted you, but you never wanted me
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lemonnis · 3 months
Kafka der ki: olmuyorsa olmasın, ama oluyormuş gibi olmasın. Belirsizlik berbat bir şeydir
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hopelessrose · 6 days
And then you realise that you're too broken for them.
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