#Bree's recipes
breelandwalker · 1 year
Slow Cooker Cream-of-Mushroom Chicken with Rosemary
As part of my journey toward smarter food budgeting and more frequent home-cooked meals, I've implemented a weekly meal prep schedule. Every Sunday, I make large portions of protein and vegetables that can be mixed and matched for additional meals throughout the week.
This week's Sunday meal prep - Cream-of-Mushroom Chicken with Rosemary.
5-6 boneless skinless chicken breasts (my go-to protein)
1 can cream of mushroom soup, 8oz. (I used the low-fat version)
Lemon juice
Seasonings: Rosemary, roasted garlic, onion powder, cracked black pepper, lemon pepper, parsley, dill
Optional: A pinch or two of salt, white cooking wine
Trim the chicken if needed and slice into bite-sized pieces. Coat the inside of your slow cooker with nonstick spray and load in the chicken. Add 1 can of cream of mushroom soup and about 2 tsp lemon juice. Stir together.
Add the seasonings, using the list above or your own preferences. Measure with your heart or to taste, but always use twice as much garlic as anything else and go light on the salt and cracked pepper. I used about 2 tbsp roasted garlic, 1 tbsp onion powder / lemon pepper / parsley, and 1/2 tbsp dill / cracked black pepper. I also picked a few sprigs of fresh rosemary and minced them for the pot. Dried rosemary works fine if you don't have any pet herbs in your house.
Stir everything together and add the wine or salt if you wish. Put the lid on your slow cooker, put it on LOW, and let it cook for about 90min. Check the chicken, give it a stir, and cut a large piece in half to see if it's done. If it's tender and done through and the juices run clear, turn off the pot. Be careful not to overcook the chicken or it will get tough. Serve right away with your favorite starch and seasonable vegetables.
This makes about 6 servings, or dinner for two with plenty of leftovers. I packed our leftover chicken (and the delicious self-made gravy) with some egg noodles and separate pods of roasted brussels sprouts. It goes equally well with rice or potatoes, if that's your preference.
Altogether, the whole dish took about 15min of prep time and about 90min to cook. Very easy and very quick, and it didn't take a lot of spoons...or dishes.
Give a try, hope you enjoy!
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poetry-draws · 8 months
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OCs from a ~mystery~ that's kicking around reeeeeaallly slowly in my head. Tirnengur and Hendraen, protagonists! Saddest-eyed traumatized Ranger and Warden on vacation fall in love.... and stop a series of murders.
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dolladooley · 11 months
the dooley davenports x black!reader | general hcs
contains: adam, bree, chase, leo
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a/n: this will get zero notes but idc i am pioneering ts for lab rats. gif credit goes to him (me. bc i am him.) 💯
i have always been very loud about my belief that adam marries a black woman or man in the future
and i mean LOUD
he 100% does
the first time he meets u he's like woah
he likes watching how your hair bounces as you descend the stairs or even just walking on flat ground
he likes how u speak to him
you call everyone lil nicknames so whenever u say "baby" he's like 😃
u help him with school stuff
bc you smart 💯
okayyyy scholar 😍😍😍
he loves seeing u
you anchor him
keep him from doing ridiculous shit that can get him hurt yk
turn into ur mom fr
he fidgets with his fingers a lot so he be playing in your hair
gently pulling strands so they spring back and wrapping em around his finger (ESPECIALLY when they're freshly moisturized and wet)
y'all are just saur cute to see
he's a big hugger so he rests his cheek against ur head and ur lil curls tickle him
and bonus points if you're significantly shorter than him
it's an adorable image when u hold hands
bc ur this lil person that is clearly able to easily escape restraint and u got ur tall white boy that's a lil dumb but happy to be here with u nonetheless
i love adam lawd
bisexual queen
u guys become friends very quick
she complimented ur jewelry (a lil gold necklace) and u were like "aw thanks gang"
and from that u sparked a conversation and became very good friends very fast
she introduced u to her brothers, allat
u guys meet in the library every morning or u go to the nearby coffee shop before school starts
get some polite lil drinks and just.. talk :)
if you guys were to pack ur own lunches every day, y'all would do snack trades a lot
you defend her a lot against her brothers 💀
the first time you said "boy shut up" to chase she got hearts in her eyes fr /hj
when she realizes she might have a lil crush, she doesn't act too strange but she is a little bit different
she hugs for a little longer than normal, just to enjoy the scent of ur moisturizer and ur hair products
when y'all have sleepovers she always cuddles close
she loves to cook with u
u show her recipes you got from ya mama and she enjoys them every time
she stares at ur lips when u eat
and talk
do anything at all
they are very kissable what can she say
he's infatuated
he only knew leo so he had no idea black ppl could be so fine /j
the first time he sees you, a little notification in his eyebawl goes off like "heartrate rising. entering cooldown." and it's SO LOUD to him
turns out you and leo are already friends
which is NOT helpful
because now whenever you're at the house he's frantic as hell
either trying to interact with you (extremely awkwardly) or hiding in the lab so he doesn't embarrass himself further
bree would come down like "just go talk to them loser" and he's like "I CAN'T 😭😭😭😭😭😭"
when she finally forces him to quit being a punk and at least say hi, he comes upstairs to see u looking out at the view
the sun shining through their big ass windows glows gold on your skin and to him you look like a god
he flees /hj
he eventually pulls himself together and soon feels like a fool
because talking to you is SO EASY ?
you exude a charm he has never seen heard or experienced from anyone else before
the way u speak to him makes him melt
that being said never call him a pet name
a simple "sugar" or even just "baby" will make him overheat and shut down
i'm already laffing
y'all are funny as SHIT
you were classmates before the davenports came in but you weren't really friends until after they did
you helped leo show them around the school and the two of you cracked plenty of jokes along the tour
many that the bionic trio did not understand LMFAOO
you two are so fun together and everyone can see it, even the trio who be fighting for they lives whenever y'all are speaking to each other /j
leo probably tells u ab the whole bionic secret after you witness one too many close calls and the way you handle it makes his baby crush grow exponentially
you guys share hair information and you bring home hotel shampoo's for y'all to share LMFAO
he let you give him waves once
it was comedic
tasha loves you
she didn't know you for a while because leo never brought you up when y'all were just classmates but after y'all became actual friends, you'd get mentioned here and there
the first time he has you come over is to work on a school project
she meets you and is like omg hai i'm leo's mom
and he's kinda like 😐 pushing her away like he did in the avalanche episode with janelle LMFAO
you like "why you so mean to yo mama" and it makes him sweat /j
you like tasha too and you guys often have tea together when leo is late for y'all's lil hangouts
she gasses you up to leo all the time like he didn't know you first
"your friend, [name]? they're cute!!!" "i know mom" "go ahead and ask that out" "MOM"
he eventually does (it was actually you but he tells tasha it was him)
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autumnhobbit · 3 months
I’m gonna be out of the house most likely all day tomorrow, so I decided to do my LotR baking project today. This week, I tried out ‘Blackberry Tarts from Bree.’
Of course a big pack of blackberries at Walmart was like $6, so instead I grabbed two packs of frozen mixed berries (including strawberries, raspberries, blackberries & blueberries.) I only used one of these packs to make the filling, and it was a little under the 4 cups the recipe asked for, more like 3 & change. However after filling 1 muffin tin with tarts I still have 2-3 tarts worth of berries.
Followed most of the instructions, used maybe a couple tablespoons of sugar and added a bit of cornstarch to toss the berries with since they were frozen. It took waaaaaay more water than just 8 tablespoons to pull my pie crust together. It may be an elevation difference I s’pose. It also made enough pie crust for an entire other pie.
The recipe doesn’t specify a temp, but I baked them for around 30 minutes on 400 degrees. I also added a pinch of sugar on top of each one and stuck it back in for a few more minutes because it smelled quite sour. Hopefully the taste is okay. Here’s what they look like out of the oven:
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(pls ignore the background mess i’ve been trying to clean)
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theawkwardterrier · 6 months
All the Ways Home, chapter 8
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Jenny starts cooking three days in advance. Ian has been married to her too long to think it either prudent or effective to remind her that she doesn't have to put in such an effort for only a simple family dinner, and is too wise regardless to truly think that this particular meal is actually a simple prospect at all. William might have already mastered the greatest difficulties when it comes to meeting stubborn Frasers (and is actually doing quite well in that regard, if he can judge by Kitty's moping about because Bree has chosen to stay and watch a film at Lallybroch rather than escaping to sleep over at the Murrays' as she has been recently) but that doesn't mean that being introduced to the family at large won't be...perhaps not fraught, or so Ian hopes, but most likely a bit overwhelming.
At least there will be Jenny's best recipes on the table to carry them through, even if it means that Ian has spent several days helping to ferry things back and forth between the kitchen and the refrigerator in the garage.
Read the rest on AO3
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windvexer · 6 months
Do you know any spells for attracting good and healthy (as in going to treat me respectfully and kindly) friends? I'm having difficulty coming up with a spell myself, as it's been a while since I've done a spell.
Good morning! On reflection I think I might know a total of about 5 spells and none of them related to friendship, so I asked around.
And while the buds had some great links, none of them were directly related to attracting friends.
I don't have a lot of experience in this area, but I can regardless suggest a general course of action:
[Please consider the following to be aligned to my personal practice; I'm not trying to claim that this Tumblr post is the 1 true way to do magic.]
Try combining your conjuring spell with a protection against disrespectful, unkind friends. This protection can be accomplished through the creation of a simple amulet or energetic shielding patterned to that specific purpose.
I believe that magic we put on ourselves can subtly influence those around us. Very aggressive, scary protections can make people think of us as being aggressive and scary. So, protections for your purpose are better off being gentle (perhaps those protections provided by Amethyst or Rose Quartz, or Cinnamon, *maybe* Dill if you want to come off as a bit mysterious and cool, and of course all varieties of common and garden Sage).
Try working yourself into a lovely spell jar that reminds you of exactly the kind of friendships you'd like to have in your life. According to my beliefs, these kinds of jars work best if the are charged/fed and activated.
Any sort of general, basic spell jar format is fine, as long as it's a spellcasting technique you're comfortable with.
I'm looking up resources for friendship and finding very little. Intuition advises that sugar, lemon, and allspice might serve you well. But, of course, anything you like is what should be done. If you like to work with elemental correspondences, consider using Air (communication, talking) and Water (relationships, connection). Of planets, Mercury and Venus might be helpful.
Try working "consumable" spells, such as a candle or incense spell, dressed and treated to specifically attract a respectful, kind friend.
If you don't know of or have certain correspondences, direct energy work can be used to imbue the candle or incense with desired outcomes.
If you're interested in doing multiple spells, you can do both the jar and other types of friend-conjuring spells as well.
Find-a-Friend Powder
I have a lovely copy of Pestlework by @breelandwalker, which is a formulary of magical powders. I got her permission to share the Find-a-Friend Powder formula from that book:
2 pt Confectioner's Sugar
1 pt Forget-Me-Not Blossoms
1 pt Pink Rose Petals
1 pt Meadowsweet**
½ pt Passionflower Herb**
½ pt Cloves
** Substances which should be avoided by those who are pregnant or nursing
Add the powder to a bottle charm that you carry with you to attract quality friends and companions. You can also combine it with modeling clay and use that to create a charm or poppet to be the focus of such spells.
NicGarran, Bree. Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils (p. 49). Kindle Edition.
Bree also kindly notes that most any attraction or love spell can be modified to call friends and compaions, instead of lovers.
[For those interested, here is an additional resource list of some of Bree's recipes available for free]
Other Notes:
I find that when working multiple spells towards the same goal, assigning a spirit helper to oversee the operation can be of great value.
This can easily be done by petitioning the help of a tarot card. This is a basic ritual format for petitioning tarot cards.
I would especially recommend working with the Knight/Cups to find a friend, the 2/Cups to foster new relationship beginnings, and the 3/Cups to nurture desired relationships.
If seeking one card to oversee general operations, I recommend the Knight/Cups.
I hope some of this ends up helping! Best of luck.
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saharasawicki · 5 months
Who I Follow on Patreon
Incase anyone wants to know where a majority of my CC comes from, I download a lot from pinterest but a lot from patreon. Here is a list of everyone I follow! ------------
🌸 BED & MUSAE clothing | accessories | costumes | poses | shoes - Creative work! The aesthetic is kind of cottage / tswift / story mode things! Still new page, but creative work! Mostly caters to female CC
🌸 DDAENG Sims (@ddaeng-sims) 3D art | 3D food | build/buy items | accessories | infant items | poses - You do need to be able to comment & ask for link to receive items.
🌸 PLUMBHEAD (@plumbheadsims) skin details | skin blends | clothing | hair | makeup | eyes - Very creative presentation, and I love the artistic way of displaying! Has a pastel / preppy vibe for aesthetic. Caters to all genders and non gender sims.
🌸 turksimmer (@turksimmer) clothing | infants | celebrity clothing | collabs | LGBTQIA+ content | - Very realistic 4K and beautifully created sims! Has more of a sexier aesthetic for sims, but also provides stuff for infants and etc! You'll find formal, swimsuits, lingerie and etc here! Female, male, children, infants etc.
🌸 Jessica (@apricotush) Accessories | CAS | Hair | Makeup | Food Recipes | Food Replacements | Item replacements | Food retextures | etc - She has really really really cute content, all very colourful and vibrant! Her goals are to change the sim food industry!
🌸 meoanii (@simbofinds) sim dump | PSDs | Reshade | Horse Ranch | words - I couldn't find their actual tumblr but on their patreon you can see their other socials. Love their stuff!
🌸 Ladybugtrait (@ladybugtrait) Sims | Recolors | Halloween | Tattoos | Disney | POC cc - They have such a cute, vibrant aesthetic for their sims. There is a really beautiful Disney Rapunzel lookbook and cc she created that I think people would love! They seem to fit everyone's aesthetic needs and even has POC representation in their CC
🌸 dogsill (@dogsill) Hair Accessories | Clothing | Sims | Skin Details | Female Hair | Male Hair - I really love the look of their sims in their edits. There is a country, y2k aesthetic pattern throughout! I use A LOT OF HAIR cc from this creator!
🌸 Lumpinou (@lumpinou) TS4 Modder - Has a lot of amazing mods. I can't even begin to explain the amount of provided mods here!
🌸 Unknown66irl SFW & NSFW CC | lots of clothing - This patreon creator makes a lot of sexier clothing items for sims! The content has a preppy, poppy, cutesy, kawaii aesthetic to them!
🌸 Bree's Diary Poses | Sims | Tattoos - Still a very new content creator, but love their poses! Great selfie poses! Has a realistic vibe to their sim edits!
🌸 Miss Moon (@missmoon-sims) words | words | words | words | words - Has a realistic/4K, the beauty of fall sort of aesthetic. A lot of beautiful content here, I can't recommend enough.
I'll do a part 2 to the people I follow on Patreon later on and add it to my Queue! Turns out I follow a lot of creators lol
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jacky93sims · 1 year
How to add new recipes to my food stands/machines - Tutorial
Many of you asked for this tutorial so I'll do my best to explain how to add new recipes to my food cart, stand, machines, toaster, rice cooker etc. English is not my first language so I apologize for the eventual mistakes.
The first thing you have to do is open the food stand with Simpe. In this tutorial I'm using the Toaster Bree. Find the BHAV section (fig.1) and click on "Instance" (fig.2) to order them numerically, then click on the last bhav (the avocado one in this case, fig.3) and clone it (fig.4).
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Now click on the cloned bhav, the one with the "crooked" name (fig.1) and change its name (fig.2), then commit (fig.3) I called it "New Recipe".
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Then click on Resource (fig.1) and change the Instance number. As you can see, the last instance number in this case was 0x00001087 (fig.2a), so you have to add one and write 0x00001088 (fig.2b), then click commit (fig.3) If there is not a number but a letter you have to write the letter that comes after, unless it's an F. In sims 2 programming language after the F there is not a G but a number. I won't explain why in this tutorial. If you find an F write a casual number and check that no other string has the same instance number.
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Now come back to the plugin view (fig.1) and search for a string called "Create New Object Instance". There are two usually; one for the food and one for the plate so you have to recognize which is which by checking the Guid in the recipe file. In this case the last bhav was the avocado one so I had to check in the avocado toast file for the guid and see if they were the same. Where can you find the guid? I will tell you in a moment but first let me return to the main tutorial.
So... click on the "Create New Object Instance" food string (fig.2) and change the first 8 operands with the guid of the new recipe you want to add (fig.3). You have to write it backwards in the first 4 squares. For example if the guid is 0x00123456 you have to write 56-34-12-00, then commit (fig.4) and save. Remember to use recipes that share the same plate or you'll have to change the plate guid too.
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To find the recipes Guid, open the recipe you want with simpe and search for the Object Data (fig.1), then click on the string without "menu" in it (fig.2) In this case there is only one but usually there are two. The guid is there (fig.3). Take note of it and use it as I explained before.
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Now you have to go to Pie Menu String (fig.1) and click on the string (fig.2). Then click on add (fig.3), then on the last string (fig.4) and change its name as shown in fig.5. Commit (fig.6). These are the strings shown when you click on the object in game.
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Now go to Pie Menu Functions (fig.1) click on the string (fig.2) and click on Add (fig.3). Now click on the arrow as shown in fig.4 and choose the new recipe name (the one you added in pie menu string).
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Then click on the first "play button" as shown in fig.1. A window will appear. Click on "This Package" (fig.2) and choose the bhav you cloned in the first place (fig.3). Then click Okay (fig.4), commit (fig.5) and save.
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You're done! Replace the old stand with the new one and add the new recipe package to the Downloads folder too.
If you want to add something new, creating it yourself, you have to clone an existing food and change it. For example cloning an ice roll recipe to change the textures and create a new taste. There are already tutorials about that so I won't explain how to do it. I'm linking one of them tough, HERE. Hope it helps!
If you have other questions feel free to dm me ;)
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tokensofmyconfections · 6 months
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Hi, my name is Elva and I'm helping my Grandpa run his bakery and sweetshop while my parents work on fixing up the house more.
We are just starting out, so hopefully our shop earns a good reputation for our good food made with the recipes my Grandma gathered in her youth when she went on her Pokémon journey!
Tokens of my Confections menu
Seasonal baked goods 
Herb Loaf
Zucchini Nabab Bread
Orange Blossom Combee Scones
Nomel Streusel Scones
Strawberry Ricotta Muffins
Strawberry Cucumber Bread
Pecha Cobbler Cookies
Mini Chocolate Chip Sandwich Cookies
Nomel Blukberry Whoopie Pies
Nomel Meltaways
Ginger S'mores
Trail Mix Cookie Cups
Rawstberry Ribbons
Sparkle Sweetheart Cookies
Berry-Cream Cookie Snaps
Beach Butter Cookies
Sand Dollar Cookies
Salted Butterscotch & Pecan No-Bakes
Soups (offered during the cold spells during summer)
Mulligatawny Soup
Lancashire Hot Pot
Hairst Bree
Wooloo Heid Broth
Pecha fizz
Summer Party Punch
Apple Cider (spiced or muled) {apples picked by my grandma with her neighbor’s Appletun, Fritters, help}
Blukberry and Mint Iced Tea
Arnold Palmer Lemonade/Iced Tea
Apple Cinnamon tea
Herbal tea blend: Summertime Lemonade (lemons and nomel berries as main ingredients)
Herbal tea blend: Floral Sunshine (Lavender, honey, nomel berries, lemons)
Black Cheri Chocolate
Peanut Butter Fudge Cups
Chocolate Bonbons
Chocolate Fudge
Peppermint Patties
Chocolate-Covered Cheri Berries
Potato Candy (recipe from 1933)
Chocolate Angel Food Candy
Crispy Peanut Butter Balls
Chocolate Caramels
Swablu Divinity
Angel Food Christmas Candy
Nanab Cream Chocolate Truffles
Pumpkin Fudge
Caramel Truffles
Creamy Caramels
Dark Chocolate Rawstberry Fudge
Orange Gumdrops
Peanut Butter Logs
Lady Fingers
Apple Cider Cookies
Three-Chip Galarian Toffee
Chocolate-Dipped Candy Canes
Curry-Kissed Coconut Fudge
Butter Crunch Candy
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A Bagginshield Cookbook
Recipe #2
Leek & Potato Soup
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Although Thorin, like all Dwarves, is fond of meat in most forms, one of his favorite comfort foods is Leek & Potato Soup. He developed a taste for it after he and his people settled into a simple life in the Blue Mountains, where it was discovered that wild leeks were plentiful in the woods that surrounded the foothills. Potatoes, of course, were already a staple of the Dwarven diet, being easy to both grow and store.
When Bilbo learned of Thorin's love of the soup, he let him in on his cousin Mirabella's "secret" recipe (known to only a few dozen family members, friends, and neighbors... as well as the owner of the Golden Perch Inn, the Butturbur family of Bree, and the librarian of Brandy Hall). Mirabella's version was, of course, made with larger and milder cultivated leeks rather than the spicier ramps, and so she included onion in the recipe to add a bit more depth of flavor.
The soup quickly became an often-shared simple supper for Thorin and Bilbo on cool evenings, usually accompanied by a loaf of warm bread for dipping.
This makes a fairly large batch, enough even to feed my family of seven! It should be easy enough to halve, though. Please feel free to take the recipe and distribute it as you like; no credit is necessary.
Leek & Potato Soup
4 Tbsp butter
6 cups cleaned and sliced leeks
2 cups diced onion
5 lbs (about 12 cups) peeled & diced potatoes
8 cups chicken broth
1 1/2 cups cream, milk, or evaporated milk
Salt, pepper, & green onions
Melt the butter in a large pot over medium heat, then sauté the leeks and onions for about 10 minutes or until soft. Add the potatoes and broth. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce to low and simmer for about 20 minutes or until the potatoes are very soft.
Add the cream, milk, or evaporated milk. You can either leave the soup chunky, partially mash it, or (as I prefer) blend until smooth with an immersion blender.
If you like, season with salt, pepper, and green onions.
(Check out my "food" tag for more recipes. There's not much yet, but there will be soon!)
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rohirric-hunter · 10 days
Since the barley bread recipe used in that one quest is a Bree-land rep item, I feel like it's probably a cultural staple there, which could be really funny if I end up having Leonys or Hathellang do that quest. I think they would be very outraged at how much everyone hates their bread.
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breelandwalker · 9 months
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Xanodrian Beef Stew
This stew recipe was passed down to me by the Kitchen Goddess of Xanodria. (Glory be to the Provider of Nourishment, Wielder of the Wooden Spoon, She Who Wears The +5 Apron of Seasoning. Blessed are the fruits of her stove and blessed are we who sit at her table. In the name of the pasta, the stew, and the holy breakfast casserole, amen.)
And since it's a LARP kitchen, the process of bequeathing basically consisted of Dianne pausing in mid-stir to say, "I dunno, I just throw these six or seven things in a pot, add seasoning, and leave it alone until it's done. Go nuts."
Such simple words to describe the best beef stew you will ever eat.
1 lb cubed stew beef (general rule: 1/4 lb per dinner guest)
1/2 lb bistec (optional, but it does make the texture more varied)
2 large potatoes, peeled and cubed (yellow or white)
1/2 large onion, minced (yellow or white)
10 oz bag frozen peas and carrots
10 oz bag frozen green beans
Several tsp minced garlic (at least 3)
Worchestershire sauce
Red wine (or beef stock)
Beef bouillon cube
2 tbsp butter (if desired)
Seasonings - garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, paprika, basil (or to taste)
In a dutch oven or medium stew pot, brown the beef until no pink is showing (about 2-3min), but do not cook the cubes all the way through. Remove the meat to a dish with a spoon, leaving the juices and fat in the pot. Sauté the minced onion and 2tsp of minced garlic in the drippings until the garlic is fragrant and the onions are slightly translucent. (If you like, you can throw in a tbsp of butter each for the browning and sauteing.) Deglaze with a generous cup of red wine (or beef stock), stirring to get all the brown bits off the bottom and sides.
Add in the frozen vegetables, cubed potatoes, and cooked beef, followed by 2 cups of water and a beef bouillon cube, stirring to combine. Add several dashes of Worchestershire sauce (and another splash of wine, if desired). Season to taste with salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, basil, and another spoonful or two of minced garlic. (Or your seasoning blend of choice for beef and veggies.)
Stir until well-combined and let it come to a healthy bubble for about a minute. Then lower the heat to a simmer, put on a lid slightly off-kilter to vent a small amount of steam, and LEAVE IT. Allow to simmer, stirring very occasionally, for no less than two hours. Taste when stirring and adjust seasoning if needed. The stew is done when the potatoes are easily mashed, the beef falls apart when pressed with a wooden spoon, and your whole home smells like deliciousness.
Best served in bread bowls or over a slice of bread. Serves 4 people, or 2 with leftovers. Can be stretched with more vegetables or by serving over buttered noodles.
This is a super-simple recipe with very few components and very little skill required. If you can brown beef, put things in a pot, and add seasoning, and leave it alone, you can probably make this.
Enjoy! 😊🍲
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pan-de-queer · 2 years
this is me trying (to bake) [chaubrey]
When Aubrey arrived home that evening, she didn't really expect to be met with a cloud of smoke when she walked in.
While her first instinct was to run in and check on her girlfriend, it was easy to spot Chloe in the kitchen, surrounded by pots and parchment paper and a messy array of ingredients. The windows were already wide open and despite her girlfriend's desperate attempts to fan the smoke away, some of it still managed to spill out into the hallway.
"Aubrey!" Chloe squeaked, dropping the baking sheet she was using in an attempt to wave the smoke out the window. "You're home early."
"And you seem to have started a fire," she raised a pointed brow at her girlfriend before offering a quick, sympathetic hug in greeting.
While Chloe wasn't the best cook, she also wasn't bad enough to have ever started such a smokey mess. It must've been one messy recipe to get her girlfriend to ruin it that bad.
"No, no! No fire, Bree, promise! This is, well," Chloe's lips pursed as she looked for an explanation, a cute crinkle forming by her brow that made the mess in their apartment seem much more excusable. "This is me trying!"
"Trying? To recreate Frankenstein's monster?"
"Hey! I was trying to make you a cake," Chloe pouts, half-offended and half-amused.
"This is you trying to make a cake?" Aubrey laughed, pulling Chloe in by her hips. Chloe's pout deepened despite the closed distance. "Baby, you don't need to win me over with food. I'm already yours."
Chloe grumbled half-heartedly in reply and Aubrey gives in to the urge she's had since she found Chloe fanning smoke out their kitchen window. She kissed her deep and slow and sweet and relaxed at the knowledge that Chloe was safe, even if their kitchen was not.
She'd live through a thousand ruined cakes if it means she'd get to come home to this.
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inthecemetery-a · 3 months
watching people getting murdered in wysteria: damn... anyway
watching katherine refusing to give bree her lemon meringue pie recipe:
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
39 - The Slow Side...You're Wrong
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Part 40
Country Rancher
Tags @whateverthecostner @rosie-posie08 @kayceduttonn @kcloveswrestling @the-morning-star-falls @kaymudd @hcwthewestwaswcn
Kayce, Lee and I all climbed down our horses from our day ride. Holding Kayce’s head down while I climbed down my horse. My boots hit the dirt as the sun was setting on the horizon. “So what did you think of the land, Y/n?”
“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it.” I responded to Lee’s question where he took the reins of my horse and led them towards the barn.
Kayce led his own following us as we walked until he walked beside me where I had to look up since he was taller than I am. “That’s good that you enjoyed it. So uh….would you be okay with going to get some dinner with me tonight or some other time?”
“Wait a minute. Are you asking me out on a date, Kayc?” Whipping my head around when I spun on my feet I blush not expecting to have him ask me that when we had just met a few hours ago. I mean he was an attractive guy but again we had just met this morning.
He gently put his horse in the stall shutting the door behind the horses tail where Lee had already left us alone. He hung up the white cowboy hat he was wearing on a hook showing his curly brown hair for my view. “Uh yeah. I get it if you don’t want to…”
“I’d like to do that. I’d like to go on a date with you sometime, Kayce.” Taking his hat off of my head, handing it back to him where he set it on his head smiling at me.
He gestured towards the door where I followed him to the front porch never dreaming that I would call this place home thirteen years later. “Good. I’ll pick you up from your parents at six.”
Dallas and Elsa were playing on the front porch when Tate and I were coming back from the fields since he had asked if he could help us out. It would be a few more weeks before John, Rip and the remaining bunkhouse workers return to the ranch after being away. “When is Bree gonna stop walking around the house with a bouncy belly?”
“Tate, be nice to your sister now.” I warned him with a raised brow kicking my horse in the belly to race back to the barn with him in tow behind me.
Once we reached the barn he dismounted his horses sitting his tan hat on the saddle making a face at me. “Have you seen her belly? It looks like she might explode or something.”
“Hey, what did I just say.” Spinning on my feet I waved my fingers at him where he raised his hands up in the air following me towards the main house. “And even though she feels like crap right now. You need to remember that you will be an uncle soon. That is just as important as being an older brother.”
Walking up the front porch steps I held the door opened letting Tate inside first. The second we stepped inside I caught a whiff of the smell of baked goods almost. Finding my way into the kitchen I halted in my tracks seeing that there was a mess of flour and other ingredients on the kitchen floor. “Mommy, we’re making biscuits!” Elsa threw her hands up, flinging her messy hands around my knock where I almost dropped her on the floor.
“Oh Elsa!” I grunt shifting my hands underneath her butt so her head was laying on my shoulder. “Who’s idea exactly was this?”
Bree sat down the oven mits after closing the oven where the biscuits are cooking. Her stomach was round and a lot bigger where Tate was right that she did look like a balloon. “The baby has been craving biscuits so I was trying to recreate the recipe that was marked as grandma Evelyn’s. But Elsa decided to throw half the ingredients around like a monkey.”
“Woah what are ya’ll doing down here?” Someone came down the stairs where I turned my head seeing it was Dallas and Kayce who was carrying his guitar in his hands.
“Trying to make your mothers famous biscuits it seems. But I doubt she was as messy as this one is.” I tickled Elsa by her feet where she squealed until I sat her back down on the wooden floor.
Dallas ran up to his sister and picked up some flour from the floor throwing it on her. “Flour fights!” She begins throwing some back at him and it goes on for a few minutes.
“Why do you have the guitar. I thought you only sang songs around our anniversary. I mean not that I’m complaining, I’m just curious.” Crossing my arms over my chest I smiled at my cowboy husband seeing him take a seat on the main couch in front of the fireplace.
He sat the instrument on his lap eyeing our eldest daughter. “Hey B, bring a towel down so your messy siblings can sit. Tate, go help her then come here. I heard a song on the radio that I think is talking about me and your mother a little bit. So I thought I’d try it out myself.”
“Alright Kayc, let’s hear this song from the radio.” I clasped my hands together plopping down beside him. Tate and Bree managed to wrangle their twin siblings, all four sitting down in front of us.
Kayce began strumming his fingers on the guitar strings avoiding our gaze for a moment as he played. “Well, you know how it goes. When you meet somebody. That you like somebody. Wanna hold somebody. But you just can't stand. To think about somebody. As another somebody. Becoming someone else. When it all goes to hell. Why can't we keep it on the sweet side. See how it feels to take a slow ride. This time.”
“So you try to run away from the one somebody. That you like somebody. Wanna hold somebody. But you can't stay away from the one somebody. 'Cause there ain't nobody else running through your dreams. So we complicate things.” He began shifting his gaze upward seeing that the kids were now clapping to the beat.
I grinned at him where we met the others gaze where I started tapping my boots on the wooden floor. “Why can't we keep it on the sweet side. See how it feels to take a slow ride. This time. You don't need to meet my mama. You don't need the key to my house. We don't need to dream and plan and scheme. Ain't nothing here to figure out.”
“Wouldn't it be nice just to find somebody. That you like somebody. Wanna hold somebody. And you didn't have to worry about losing somebody. 'Cause you pushed somebody, a little too hard, too fast. I could use some of that.” Kayce and I slowly sang in unison where we both started laughing together finishing the song. “I wanna get back on the sweet side. I wanna get back on the slow ride. Want every kiss to give me butterflies. See that oh, baby come here look in your eyes. This time.This time.”
Bree got to her feet grinning brightly at her father resting her hands on her stomach. “That was great dad…oh!” She bent her knees a little, moaning in pain.
“Bree!” Jumping to my feet I rushed towards her placing a hand on her shoulder trying to figure out what was wrong with her.
Kayce jumped up to his feet shortly after hearing the front door opened and Carter hung his hat on the wall seeing that we were all concerned about something. “What is going on here?”
“Mom, dad, what’s happening?” Dallas and Elsa huddled to their feet alongside Tate when he stared at his sister.
Bree bent down lower to the wooden floor once Carter had rushed over to her side and I gasped seeing water coming from between her legs since she was wearing just a dress and some socks after her shorts were tighter. “Oh my god. I think the babies coming.”
“Oh shit!” Carter cursed under her breath getting a glare from me. “Um sorry.”
Kayce and I frantically turned our head towards one another sharing the same terrified look that we weren’t expecting this yet. Her due date wasn’t supposed to be until the rest of the family got back in town. “Call the helicopter!”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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breesays · 5 months
We are what we consume
What an honor it is to parent this little one. An honor? A delight. A task. A challenge. An experience that constantly melts me and reshapes me.
"Mama, I want BROSH."
You want what?
"No, BROSH."
I need a category. I need context. What do you do with BROSH?
"You eat it, mama, it's soft."
BRIOCHE? The bread?
"Yes, I want bree-OSH. And Hawaiian bread."
Only one bread, pick a bread.
"Ok, BROSH."
Like those paw-print sprinkled bumper stickers that say "who rescued who?!" Who is teaching who, here.
My therapist said, in our last meeting, that despite my anxieties, none seem centered around being a good parent. I am not worried about making the wrong choices, of passing down my traumas. "I'm here, aren't I?" I already know I'm imperfect, and I am always doing the work. There's no sense of being worried about it IN GENERAL.
The way I see it, he just needs to hear as many stories as possible. Not all of them, all at once - but a landscape of stories he can stumble through, at his own pace.
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Tonight he ate a whole mango, skin and all. "Hey Google," we asked, "are mango skins edible?" Google said yes, it has lots of nutrients. Edible, but unnecessary. I went to the bathroom to floss mango flesh out of my teeth while he yelled, "hey mama, have you tried the skin?" Yes, I said, and I don't like it. "But it has NUTRIENTS" he said, nailing a word he'd learned about 2 minutes earlier.
I don't know if I would have what I finally feel like is a normal relationship with food if it wasn't for Des. I am still peripherally enticed by hacks, intermittent fasting, restriction. But I also have BUTTER in my fridge right now, and full-fat cream cheese. Me, who would for years only buy the lowest lightest skimmest barely there version of itself foods. It isn't dangerous, or taboo. It's for recipes, for baking, for taste and I do sample nearly everything I feed Des at least once. Food is an adventure, an experiment. Energy. Not the enemy.
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He's a skinny preschooler, but admirably adventurous when it comes to eating. He pops cherry tomatoes like candy. We had tiny tuna wraps with nori, tuna, rice, avocado and cucumber last night. He will sample Flamin Hot Cheetos with curiosity but not destroy a whole bag. True, he has also dipped seaweed snacks into oatmilk "just to try it" but for the most part he is a paragon of intuitive eating.
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Also true that I have to remind him to eat more often than not because he gets distracted, gets an idea or decides to start a project. But that's a lesson in inspiration, too. It is my job to interject before we hit HANGRY, and also my job to occasionally make meals interesting. I let him choose a couple nights a week, he often requests salmon. He's learning to chop, grate, grow, savor.
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We do not forbid much, but we pay attention to what certain foods do to our bodies, our minds. Chili mangoes are not a bedtime snack. Actually, we've been tuning into what things -besides food- that we consume do to our bodies, our moods, our disposition. Videos, music, movement, how we talk.
I am learning so much.
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