#Brie lore
luvutothemoon · 8 months
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grimbeak · 4 months
remember when carlos left to go find an old friend (and maybe a new one) to help defeat janet and we were convinced it was going to be kevin and charles (which would have worked GREAT with janet revealing that carlos spent 10 years in the dow in that same episode) and then it was a gay purple car boy and glow cloud jr
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falenminds-blog · 5 months
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stinkrascal · 3 months
best oc design is a tiny warrior with a big ass sword i stand by this
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sewermageboy · 11 months
"Goblins is goblins."
"Oh, and a drow's a drow?"
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May I put in a request for Headcannons of your oc's with characters you ship them with?
Of course!!
Prompt: my ocs x canon!
Charcters/ships: Rose Tea x Dark Choco, Fig Brie x Cappuccino, mulberry thorn x pitaya dragon, black iris x elder faerie, and crème caramel x second watcher!
Ship names: blood rose, Courtdate, dragons princess, inky silver, never hunt alone. TW: mentions of fantasy racism, and disability due to accident, mention of arranged marriage(between adults)
A/N this’ll be a long one folks so buckle up!!
Bloodrose: Dark Choco and Rose Tea have been aware of one another since they were children. their parents had a very good relationship. Their parents wanted to try and have them marry one anther once they grew up (only if both of them wanted to of course) but they never got that chance. Rose became the duchess of the kingdom of Tribia. While choco abandoned the cacao kingdom. They met again while he was trying with other members of the cookies of darkness to break into a museum which he thought had something they needed. Rose who was in the exhibit at the time, not knowing who they were or what they wanted kindly informed them, that everything there was in fact a replica. Rose obviously didn't recognize choco, due to the last time she saw him being about 25 years ago and when he was still the young prince, but choco recognized her instantly. due to funnily enough, the way she smelled. That sounds creepy but rose due to the type of cookie she is, smells very strongly of roses, similar to how while lily smells strongly of lilies. Choco remembered a few things about her, mainly her odd mannerisms around other cookies. Choco introduced himself under a false name. Later on, Choco applied to be one of the guards for her. not only to get more information from her, but to see if she would recognize him again. My au focuses on their relationship a bit so that's where I will leave it for bloodrose. :)
Courtdate: Fig Brie cookie and Cappuccino cookie met while he was in law school they started dating during college, then later on got married. They have been married for over 8 years now. Fig works as a court reporter while cappuccino works as a prosecutor. Fig brie cookie isn't actually a cookie, she's a cake, (Similar to Schwarzwalder) she just looks more cookie like, cappuccino is aware of this and doesn't really care. Cappuccino is more introverted while Brie is more extroverted, Very black cat meets golden retriever! Cappuccino is really overprotective over brie due to Fantasy racism. (cakes aren't treated well in canon and that doesn't change in this au) they are an already established relationship in my au :) and play a small role :3
dragons princess: Mulberry and Pitaya get a wonderful start to their relationship, IE Pitaya starts beefing with one of her guards and like any normal princess, knocks them out. They get better I swear!! Pitaya wakes up to mulberry putting ice on their cheek, pitaya is into strong women...so safe to say they start smitten, due to and I quote "She isn't afraid of me, and has a great punch!" Mulberry apologizes for punching them asking them if they are alright, and making them something to eat. as they get to know each other better due to pitaya insisting on helping her out of the dragons valley, they find out she's supposed to get married to someone she hasn't even met before. Pitaya. Doesn't like this. So later that day, pitaya wakes her up, and explains in their extremely subtle way that they are in fact a dragon and they can fake a kidnapping, to get her out of this marriage. Mulberry originally thinks they are kidding, until they show her their wings and tail. Mulberry agrees to this plan, and they pull it off! In the au takes place after this event, so mulberry and pitaya are "Dragon married" idk how to put it, mates? eh, and she resides in the dragons valley. :)
inky silver: morticia and gomez core <3 we love old people in love, and thats what they are! Elder faerie and Black Iris have been married for a couple hundred years at this point, and Iris still looks like she's in her 30s. Due to being vampire <3 they're just very loving towards one another and take on a parental role to while lily when she first comes to the fairy kingdom! Black iris is more reserved, staying behind the curtin, helping him make choices. when they were younger, Iris had just been turned and got chased into beast yeast...she was scared and couldn't go out in the sun anymore. so when Elder Faerie took her in she was grateful. She never hid the fact she was quote "A blood sucking beast" Faerie didn't care though. He uses his wings to cover iris during the day or, has stuff held at night so she can join! Again minor- major role here, since the fairy kingdom wont show up for a while in my au!
never hunt alone: This is the ship between Creme Caramel and Second watcher. Creme was born and raised in the cacao kingdom, her sister is actually caramel arrow cookie. She grew up along side both her sister and the second watcher. Creme caramel was trained to be one of the more ruthless warriors, not to stay in the cacao kingdom but to clean up loose ends after the war. While second watcher became a watcher! After a particularity bad mission Cacao told Creme she could not continue hunting, at for a while and when she got back, she couldn't go alone. Creme, now has to walk with a cane, but her faithful comrade Watcher doesn't let her feel useless, Their relationship similar to Rose tea and Choco builds throughout the AU!
Hope you enjoy, sorry for the wall of text!
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gritsandbrits · 9 months
In my rewrite of scooby doo witch's ghost
The whole 'the twon believes sarah is an evil witch only for it to be true' thing doesn't make sense so here, The town of Oakhaven believes Sarah was a respectable healer who helped stopped the "real" evil witch. My OC Brie's family were the ones outcasted because everyone thinks their ancestor Victoria Lumay was an evil witch. Ben Ravencroft offers to help them clear her name if they could help him find Sarah's old book for research on his next novel. My OC's family doesn't know where the book is buried so that's when he tricks hires the scooby gang. Accompanying them is Blue Falcon deedee and dynomutt because i actually really liked them in SCOOB and this is my fanfic.
One of the Lumays is cousin Myra, a rebellious teen angry over how she's been treated by the town. She ends up meeting the hex girls. Surprisingly they accept her, as they also know what its like to be outcasts but learned to embrace their weirdness. Another OC is Cousin Lucie. She's narcoleptic who sleeps in the most inappropriate times and places.
A third OC and a suspect Ben's brother Jeremiah. He's a hermit who doesn't care about this family legacy and is rarely seen outside except to tend to his roses. He and Ben are estranged because Jeremiah refuses to indulge in ben's suddent obsession with finding a book that may not even exist.
Like canon Sarah is revealed to be evil Victoria was one of the good witches who trapped her inside the spellbook, the other being Thorn's ancestor. Jeremiah is revealed to have natural magic but didn't want to attach his whole life to power, so he tried to dissociate himself from it. Ben never developed powers and felt tired of living under his brother's shadow. He planned to use the spellbook to give himself powers to outshine Jeremiah in something for once. He also planned on using the Lumay descendants as soldiers to enforce his plan for world domination. Ben and Jeremiah get into a magical duel but Ben cheats by attacking a bystander, forcing Jeremiah to take the blow. He gets captured, My oc tries to stop Ben but is overpowered and Ben unleashes Sarah. The two argue when Sarah reveals she wants to destroy the world instead.
suddenly she's stoped by anothet magic user turned out the family narcoleptic is a witch - not just any witch, she's the actual LEADER that all witches defer to. While Lucie takes on Sarah, Brie begins to feel down buy upset but a pep talk from her friends and family prompt her to try again. She frees Jeremiah and together they fight Ben and win. Meanwhile Myra uses her water powers to put out the flames and stop the creatures Sarah summoned. With Thorn and Velma's help they trap sarah back inside the book. Ben doesn't get sucked inside but is quickly arrested by Cousin Lucie, who says she will let the Council of Monsters decide his fate. As they leave, Jeremiah tells Ben he doesn't hold anything against him, wishing he learns to accept his own talents. Myra reunites with the Hex Girls who offer her spot as their bassist.
A couple days later after everything is back in order the Lumay family and Jeremiah meet for Thanksgiving dinner with the Hex Girls performing with their new member "Myst." The Lumays decide to keep the Giant Turkey as a pet. The town issues a formal apology and Replaces the Witch ceremony with their newest attraction the Giant Turkey.
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slowpokes-things · 29 days
You wanna know what really GRINDS MY GEARS???
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That the Fortnite story writers are pretty blatantly trying to leave The Seven behind forever now, probably because they decided to try and cast Celebs for some of the roles and could never book them again since you know they’re doing other celeb shit. :3
I also think it’s probably due to Donald Mustard not being the head of the story anymore, but like, they can still use them no????
I have WAAAAY more that I wanna talk about with The Seven but god damn what wasted potential they were. Although I’ve also said that for literally every other thing I’ve mentioned Fortnite-wise.
…Also yeah I just took the grind my gears frame and drew over it. Dont crucify me please :3
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secretsofthewilde · 15 days
It's insane how relatively well adjusted I turned out considering all of the secret family lore I keep unlocking now that I'm older
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nashi-brie · 28 days
Instances like these make me wish I hadn't taken that deal. I would've been put out of my misery a long time ago
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chytilovian-daisy · 4 months
think it'd be fun 2 make a page devoted to 18782 [the game not the overall scope] on my site... maybe branching off of my existing 18782 pages......i think itd be cute.
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luvutothemoon · 10 months
Vogue’s 73 Questions with Brie:
Where is your favorite place to be? In my living room, on my couch, surrounded by my dogs and my husband
What is something that you can’t live without? Family, friends, my dogs. And my phone, as materialistic as that sounds
What is a secret talent of yours? I can do lots of stupid accents. Cartoon voices.
What are 3 words to describe yourself? Hardworking, feminist, and funny.
Where do you get inspiration from? Anywhere, really. That sounds lame, but it’s true. Mostly music, I would say
What is your favorite animal? Dogs, obviously.
What is your favorite snack food? Ooh… I like anything that’s salty. Sweets like chocolate. Uh, crunchy things. (Laughs) I’m a pig
What is your favorite piece of makeup? Eye shadow. You can have so much fun with it. I hate to take it off.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Be confident and clever, but not too much that people think you’re unapproachable. Also, be a little bit of a bitch if you have to (laughs)
What is the last book that you read? The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.
What is your favorite genre of music? Pop, Broadway. I really like the oldies. And whatever the hell Taylor Swift’s genre is (laughs). She’s done them all!
What celebrity do you want to be BFF’s with? Taylor Swift. She seems really fun
What is your biggest regret? Underestimating and doubting myself. Not going for opportunities and such
What is one thing on your bucket list? Travel out of the US. I don’t care where. I’d like to go to the ABBA museum, and Ireland is absolutely gorgeous
What is your favorite quote? Be yourself, everyone else is taken. Oscar Wilde
What is your favorite sport to play and to watch? To play- tennis. To watch? I don’t watch sports. Do figure skating and dancing count?
What is your favorite place that you have ever visited? I went to Denver once with my husband on business. It was really pretty there.
What is your guilty pleasure? Watching objectively bad TV shows. Also potatoes. Oh! And pork.
What is your biggest achievement? My doctorate.
What is the best thing to happen to you this month? I got a present from my best friend! It was so sweet, and I wasn’t expecting it at all.
What is your go to coffee order? A mocha
What is your favorite non-alcoholic beverage? Coke
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? Rum and Coke.
What is your favorite movie? Oh, that’s a tough one. I’ll always love Little Shop of Horrors. And Tick, Tick… Boom! Oh, and When Harry Met Sally!
What is something that you can’t do but wish you could? Math (cackles). I’m so bad at it
What is a bad habit of yours? I psycho-analyze people without meaning to
If you could have someone else’s closet, whose would it be? Taylor Swift’s, or Amy Carlson’s.
Favorite way to spend a rainy day? On my couch watching TV while crocheting.
What is an ideal date? Where it’s his idea? (Laughs). When they take you to their favorite place, whether it be a restaurant or ice cream parlor, or park.
Who is your celeb crush (boy and girl)? John Stamos is really hot. And Topher Grace is so cute. Sorry to keep bringing up Taylor Swift, but she is gorgeous.
What is your favorite day of the week? Friday. The start of the weekend!
What is your favorite type of breakfast food? Pancakes or waffles, with coffee.
What is your favorite meal to have for dinner? Steak and potatoes.
What is your favorite color? Green.
What is your guilty pleasure TV show? Glee. And bad ‘80s detective shows.
What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Pet one of the dogs. Which ever one is in my face begging for food.
What is your favorite season? Fall! Spring is a very close second
What are your three favorite holidays? Christmas, Hanukkah, and um… New Year’s.
How do you relax? Crochet, watch tv, kiss and snuggle my husband.
What makes you smile the most? My dogs. And also my husband
What is the best gift you’ve ever received? My Mom gave me this necklace when I was 12, and I’ve never taken it off since.
If you had a tattoo, what would it be and where would it be? Well, I have several. But if I were to get another one, I’d want something simple, and on my wrist. Or my ankle. Maybe my dogs? Or a couple’s tattoo or something like that
What is a travel must have? Tylenol and dramamine.
What is your favorite clothing brand or store? I love Target. It’s probably cliched at this point.
What is your favorite smell? (Laughs) oh, boy. I can’t say what just popped in my head! (Laughs some more).. I love the smell of things baking.
Who is the last person you texted? My husband, Harry. I told him to eat something. (Laughs)
When was the last time you cried? Uh, last week I think.
Were you named after someone? My middle name comes from my Mom, who shares the same middle name. Ann! And my first name is because my Mom just liked the name! My last name is from my Mom and my Dad, because she wanted it hyphenated.
What is your least favorite food? I really hate capers.
What is your least favorite word? I don’t know if I have one
What is your pet peeve? Mansplainers.
What is your favorite time of the day? Dinner time.
If you could travel with anyone, who would it be? Harry
Do you prefer vintage or new? Both! I love vintage style, but I tend to shop new
When is your birthday and what is your sign? May 19, 1974. I’m a Taurus.
What is a skill that you are working on? I’m working to control my patience. I’ve been working on that skill since I was a teenager. Obviously, I’m bad at it
What is your dream job? I’m living my dream job! Which I think is pretty cool. Psychologist.
If you could live anywhere in the country, where would you live? In the south somewhere. Like Virginia or North Carolina. Or I’d go back to Maine.
What are some of your favorite baby names? Baby names? Uh… I like Harry. And I think Elizabeth is pretty
Are you an introvert or extravert? I’m an extrovert, for sure.
What was your first car? I had a 1970 ford, I think. I honestly can’t remember
What was your first screen name? I don’t remember.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Coffee.
What is your favorite fashion trend of all time? Bell bottom jeans and boots. I love boots.
How would you describe your style? Comfy but somewhat trendy.
If you could have one superpower what would it be? Reading minds? But maybe I wouldn’t like that
What is your favorite curse word? F***
What is the priciest thing you’ve ever splurged on? My Designer boots
What is one item that you must have in your purse at all times? Chapstick.
Where does one go on a perfect road trip? Across the country, whether it’s up and down, or across.
Do you prefer cooking or baking? Baking
Are you a shoe or handbag gal? Shoe, definitely.
How would you like to be remembered? I’d like to be remembered for my work, how I’ve helped others.
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virgoevenus · 1 year
my mom having to actively participate in raising my step-mom’s kids is a whole other level of evil actually
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falenminds-blog · 6 months
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stinkrascal · 2 years
i have one more straud post to finish editing and then i think i’ll finally begin posting my legacy again!!
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eddiesxangel · 1 month
Could this be Fate? | Alpha!Eddie x Omega!Reader
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CW: omegaverse, alpha!eddie, omega!reader, f!reader, strangers to lovers, typical omegaverse lore, mention of assault but nothing specific (not on reader), breeding, mention of suppressants, biting, oral (f), p in v.
4.1K words
S/o to @lesservillain and @xxbimbobunnyxx for helping me with this one 🥺💜
As Eddie leisurely wandered through the grocery store, his mind drifting through thoughts of daily tasks and work deadlines, he was suddenly stopped by an alluring fragrance. The mouth-watering scent of warm cinnamon, rich coffee, and a hint of maple filled the air, wrapping around him like a cozy embrace and awakening a deep longing. Despite the rarity of fated mates, Eddie's heart fluttered with new hope as he was irresistibly drawn toward the captivating aroma, igniting an unspoken quest within him to find its source.
At first, he thought it came from the bakery, but the closer he got, the more elusive the scent became. So, he followed the irresistible aroma, realizing he had never smelled anything so strongly.
The scent was like joy etched into his brain – the sweet essence of serotonin intertwining with his other senses. He finally understood what love was, and it called to him.
Eddie hurried ahead as the scent intensified, and there you stood, eying different cheeses. With your hair draped over your shoulder, you compared Brie and Camembert, deep in deliberation. You were oblivious to the alpha staring at you, mouth open in awe, until you inhaled deeply to make your choice, only to catch an unexpected aroma of leather and coffee.
You snapped your head up, forgetting about the cheese, overwhelmed by the aroma that invaded your space. You tucked your hair behind your ear to get a better view, and that's when you noticed him. He was strikingly handsome with rough edges. All hair, tattoos, and leather, yet there was an endearing look in his big, beautiful brown eyes that let you know he is kind.
Eddie's heart skipped a beat as your eyes met his. The colour of your eyes was unlike anything he had ever seen – a mesmerizing blend of rich hues that captured his attention, yet bright enough that he thought he saw stars.
"Hi," Eddie sighed, already lovestruck. His dorky smile was so endearing you couldn’t help but smile back at the stranger. 
“Hi,” it came out almost as a whisper. Your heart was racing, and your stomach did a flipflop. 
You have never felt like this before… like you needed to claim this man standing beside you… like you needed to mark him, to make him belong to you and you to him… yet you don’t even know his name.
“Hi,” he breathes again, not knowing what to say, making you giggle. 
“What would you pick?” You ask him, not wanting him to leave. 
“What?” He snaps out of his aroma high you put him in. 
“Brie or Camembert, what would you pick?” 
“You,” he says without a beat.
“Very smooth,” you try to hide your bashful smile as the blood rushed to your face so fast you swore you could hear it pumping through your skin. 
“I’m Edward… but you can call me Eddie.” He clears his throat. “Edward, but Eddie,” he stumbles his words and sticks out a tattooed hand. 
You take it, feeling sparks as your skin connects, and you both know it but are too scared to admit it. This was unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.
You tell him your name, and he repeats it softly to commit it to memory. 
“You wanna shop around with me?” He scratches his head, not too sure what he is even saying. 
“Um,” you pause to think about it. “Yeah, I would.” You smile, and the breath Eddie was holding finally lets out. 
Spending time with Eddie was the best part of your day. Things had been rough for you, especially since you were running late to prepare for a get-together with friends Robin and Nancy. The stress about the charcuterie board and wine now seemed foolish; but seeing Eddie made all those worries vanish. You both share a magnetic connection, almost as if you're destined to be together.
Neither of you has voiced the idea of being fated mates, as that seems absurd and extremely rare. It's impossible to think he's your perfect match. Yet, as you continued through the grocery store, you both realized this was something different. Surprisingly, instead of feeling nervous around an alpha, you felt safer.
You have never met anyone who found their fated mate. You learned about them in health class, where you were told that you should recognize them by scent, attraction, and connection. However, they are so rare that statistics indicate only one in ten million people find their mate. Therefore, it seems impossible for this to happen to you.
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When the girls came over, you couldn’t wait to tell them about the man you met today. 
“You always hear about ‘when you know you know,’ but this felt like I knew.” You babble. “It’s like I was seeing colour for the first time? But of course, I know what colours are, but it’s like… I don’t know….I sound crazy.” You shake your head.
“No, keep going!” Nancy encouraged. Her bright smile so genuine you couldn’t say no to her.
You take a long sip of your wine, “Do you guys believe in fated mates?” 
“I think they are real.” Robin nods.
“I think so too. There is no way all the stories can't have some truth behind them,” Nancy offered her thoughts, as she always did with such intelligence.
Based on what you described, they were utterly convinced he was your soulmate. The endless questions began—they wanted to hear every tiny, intimate detail, especially since they had never known anyone who experienced such a connection, let alone their closest friend. You vividly recounted how you felt an overwhelming urge for him to tear your clothes off and claim you right there in the dairy aisle. Yet, he was the epitome of a gentleman; he walked you to your car, pushed your cart for you, and meticulously loaded your bags into the trunk. If you had been a bus rider, you were certain he would have offered you a lift without hesitation. His disappointment was palpable when it came time for your goodbyes. This inexplicable connection lingered, though you waved off their comments, chalking it up to a whimsical notion of a hopeless romantic.
Just like he knew you were gushing about him, he calls while the girls are over. Thankfully, he had asked for your number in the parking lot before you had driven off. If he hadn’t, you would have asked for his; there was no way you weren’t seeing this guy again. You both lingered, not sure how to feel. You were both nervous, but he also made you feel safe, not something you were used to with an alpha. 
You had to quell Nancy and Robin’s excitement while they eavesdrop in on the conversation.
Eddie had asked you out for coffee, keeping it light and casual, instead of inviting you to his place. He was considerate of your need to be in a public space for safety. He didn’t have much money to spend on you, and coffee was easy and relaxed; he didn’t want to come off too strong; he had just finished high school a year ago and didn’t want to scare you away. The only thing he wanted was to keep you. He was aware of what some other alphas had done, often covered in the news—taking whomever they wanted, whenever they wanted, believing they were entitled just for existing. They acted like gods... but not Eddie. Eddie wanted to protect his omega and ensure you were never stressed. He felt a deep, primal urge to keep you safe.
Eddie didn’t fit into society’s archetypes about what alphas should be and look like, so when he started changing, he didn’t believe he was one until his first rut… that sure was something he didn’t expect. 
Sure, Eddie was different, but he was still an alpha; he wanted to claim, mark, and breed you. He pushed away x-rated thoughts of the two going at it in the grocery store parking lot. He knew it was too soon; only a crazy person would have the urge to want to mark a total stranger… to want to make them theirs…. to have them feel safe, and stop at nothing to do so.
You have been on Eddie’s mind every second since he met you. He couldn’t stop thinking about you, how you soothed his soul, how he couldn’t even think straight.
So coffee on Tuesday afternoon seemed like a safe bet; thankfully, both of your schedule’s allowed it.
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By the time it hit two o'clock, you were buzzing with excitement. Eddie was due any moment, and you couldn't stop fussing over your outfit. Did you seem too eager? Was your hair too big? Too much makeup? Or not enough? Your mind was a whirlwind of questions until the door speaker announced his arrival.
You took a deep breath and opened the door. Eddie was on the other side, and all your worries floated away when you saw him with a bouquet. No one had ever gotten you flowers before… 
When Eddie came to pick you up, you initially didn’t have the heart to tell him that this coffee shop was your place of work, but all of that went by the wayside when Steve, your manager and another Alpha greeted you. 
“So, what brings you in on your day off? Can’t get enough of me?” Steve smirked at you, and Eddie had to swallow the burning jealousy that was bubbling to the surface. “I’m on a date.” You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks. 
“Well, it’s about time someone snatched you up.” Steve winked at Eddie, and he could be strangling him right then and there. Eddie didn’t want to feel this way, but his alpha was taking over. He didn't appreciate the wink.
Eddie paid for your drinks and insisted you get a snack, so you picked your favourite muffin. Steve gave him the employee discount without his knowledge, but you said nothing. You wanted this to go well. 
Steve seemed like a good guy, but Eddie wasn’t a fan of your working so closely with another alpha. He had doubts; he hated how he smiled at you and how Steve could make you giggle. Eddie tried to push down the thought of the two of you working alone. 
You suggested you sit outside on the patio, away from prying ears.
“Are you sure this is okay? If I had known, I would have taken you somewhere else, like ice cream or something...” His leg bounced, and you could see how he was in his head. He felt like an idiot for thinking this would be an excellent first-date spot. 
You had sat across from him, but you scooted your chair closer and rested your hand on his knee. 
“I’m okay, Eddie. I promise. I’m happy to be with you. I don’t care about the setting… we have the best coffee anyway.” You giggle. 
Eddie melted at your touch; everything about you calmed him but riled him up. 
As first dates go, this had been the best one you’ve ever been on. You delved into each other's worlds; the conversation flowed effortlessly, and you can’t recall the last time you laughed so heartily. Eddie was loud, theatrical, and boisterous, and you relished every moment. 
He loved how attentively you listened to him and didn’t make him feel embarrassed about his nerdy interests. He was astonished by your genuine curiosity and the warmth with which you sought to understand him. 
Your heart raced when Eddie walked you to your door, only to kiss your lips tenderly. You had longed to kiss him throughout the entire evening, often holding yourself back from leaning in, but now that the date had concluded, you didn’t want him to leave. 
This kiss was unlike any other, a swirling kaleidoscope of colours flashing behind your closed eyelids as your mouths moved in perfect harmony. Eddie’s strong hands held you firmly by the waist, grounding you in this extraordinary moment. 
Eddie wanted to roam his hands along your entire body badly, but he squeezed your hips instead to keep them in place. Your body reacted to the pressure of his fingertips, and you pressed your body further into his, and he slipped his tongue inside of your mouth. 
Groping at one another like a bunch of horny teenagers, you both didn't stop until your neighbour's door unlatched, starting you both.
“Do you want to come inside?” 
“I do, but if I come in, I’m going to want to take things further… and you deserve more than a hook-up on the first date.” 
“But what if I wanted to?” You look up at him with those mesmerizing eyes, and he fights with himself in his mind.
“You’re killing me here,” he chuckles, and you slip your hands around his waist, proceeding to kiss his neck. 
“Shit, no, no. God, I’m such an idiot. Fuck. Please. I wanna treat you right.” 
“Okay,” you sigh, disappointed but not offended. 
“I’ll call you,” Eddie promised before giving you one more needy kiss, then reluctantly pulling away.
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You and Eddie have been seeing one another for a few weeks now and still have yet to move past making out in the hallway of your apartment. 
The more time spent apart, the more anxious you have become. Your omega yearned for Eddie. You wanted him so badly you had the crazy idea to stop taking your suppressants. You stopped taking them becuse you wish for Eddie to breed you- but the stopping of your suppressant only made your hormones go haywire, and your heat came on much more quickly than the doctor had said it would.
You had failed to mention the amount of time you had been spending one-on-one with an alpha and the way you reacted to him in the process. Your body felt like it was on fire, you had been sweating all day, you were sent home early from your shift because it was clear to Steve what had been happening and there was no way he would be around for that. 
You got home, and your nest didn’t feel right. You piled the shirts and pants that you had seen Eddie in, the faint smell of him lingering, but it wasn‘t enough. This was the first time you experienced heat since your first one a few years ago. You didn’t want to go through it again without an alpha with you, but you hadn’t even had a chance to talk about it with Eddie. Your decision was rash, and you became nervous to bring it up. You wanted to sleep with him so much that your omega acted for you, dumping out the pill bottle down the toilet so you didn’t change your mind. 
The cramps set on pretty quickly after you got home. The pain was so great that you almost passed out. You lay in your bed for hours, unable even to pick up the phone for anyone.
Eddie was getting increasingly worried. He had anticipated your call to confirm you got home safely, but over an hour had passed without a word. Perhaps you were asked to stay late? He had called your place around six times. Yes, it was excessive, but he couldn’t wait anxiously for you to call back. His concern overwhelmed him, prompting him to go to your workplace, hoping to find you safe.
He reluctantly asked Steve where you were, and when Steve told him, he sent you home because you were not feeling well. That’s when the alarms sounded off in Eddie’s head. His alpha entirely took over his actions, not even saying thank you or goodbye to Steve; he raced out of the coffee shop, back in his van, and towards your apartment. The closer he got to your door the more he could sense something was wrong. The smell was off, you weren’t happy, he could smell the stress emanating out from under the door.
You think you can hear a pounding at the door, but maybe that was just a part of your fever dream? You were burning up; your body was in so much pain from your heat that you could hardly keep your eyes open. Nothing felt right; you were so stressed you could hardly think straight, and the nest was so utterly wrong you hated it, but you had no choice.
You can hear more pounding and maybe you heard your name being called. You for sure hear a loud slam and an overwhelming aroma of leather and coffee but mixed with stress and anxiety.
A whimper escapes you when the smell strengthens and the noises become more audible. Your name was called repeatedly, but you hadn’t the strength to open your eyes.
“Baby!” Eddie rushed to your side when he saw you there, naked, curled up in the fetal position, skin slick with a layer of sweat.
It finally registered that it was your alpha with you in the room.
“Need you.” You reach for him, and he’s in the nest with you within seconds.
You take a deep breath in, and he purs, hoping it will soothe you as he holds your body against his.
“Baby, talk to me,” he coos.
“Hurts so bad,” You cry.
“Tell me what to do.”
“Need you”
“I’m here, baby.”
“No, I need you.” Your hand grazes his crotch, and Eddie understands now. You must be going into heat, but you told him you were on suppresents?
The two of you never spoke about taking things to the next step, not that Eddie didn’t want to. Trust, he wanted to, but he didn’t think you were ready.
“Baby, are-are you sure?”
“Please, I need you so badly, alpha.”
Hearing you utter those words triggered something in Eddie so primal that he produced a growl so low he startled himself.
Not taking any more time to mull it over, Eddie gently lets you go and slips between your legs. He sees your swollen clit, your slick drip from you; it’s soaked through your sheets, and the smell of it makes his eyes roll back into his skull before he dove in.
Out of all the times you’ve dreamt about Eddie between your legs for the first time, this was never the scenario.
A small whimper of relief left your lips as your Eddie’s mouth made contact with your mound. The soft hairs tickled Eddie’s nose as he explored your slick-coated folds, revelling in your taste. It was like nothing he had ever tasted; he wanted more and more; he was greedy -he primal.
The way his tongue slopes along your folds and up into your pussy was so good; you hate to think how he learned to please a pussy so well.
Your body was on overdrive, so sensitive that every touch was like you were on fire. His mouth felt so good on your lower lips; the familiar feeling of your orgasm came crashing through you so quickly.
“That’s it, that’s my girl, fuck you’re doing so well, sweet omega.” He massaged your clit as he talked you through your orgasm.
“Eddie.” Your hands grip his roots. He feels so good underneath you, but the pain is still there. It wouldn’t go away until he was fully inside.
“More, Eddie, please; I want your knot.”
Eddie didn’t need to be told twice. His pants and boxers were off as soon as you finished telling him what you needed.
His cock was at attention, and your mouth watered at the sight of it.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m here. Your alpha has you.”
“Hurts,” you cry.
Eddie is mindful; he stretches you out with his fingers first, and he knows his size is of the larger stature.
“Shhh, it’s okay, baby; I got you.” He aligns himself with your throbbing pussy and slowly pushes himself inside.
“Fuck” he grits through his teeth, never has he felt something so delicious.
Your head was spinning; nothing felt real, but your senses had been so heightened that you felt everything. The sweat dripping down your back, the electric touch of eddies hands on your waist, the way his cock stretches you so wide, and how he plunges himself so deep.
“Please, please, please,” You babble.
Eddie takes that as his cue to start pumping in and out of you. His knot was rapidly growing with each thrust, and it took everything in him not to plunge himself so deep inside. He took his time fucking you, making love to you.
He knew that you were it for him; even if the rumours were not true about fated mates, that didn’t matter. You were everything to him and more.
“Harder,” you plead.
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t, please; I need it so bad, Eddie. Need you so bad.” You grab onto his hips and push him in deeper. The thick base of his cock stretched you so well. Your body was made to take it as he ruts up inside of you.
“fuck fuck fuck fuck” Eddie hisses. No one had ever taken his knot before, and god, was it good. Your tight dripping pussy wrapped around him as he plugged your hole.
Eddie’s cock was so deep inside you, and he kept rutting his hips up up up, hitting that delicious spot every time that your second orgasm washed through you like a tidal wave.
“shit,” Eddie couldn’t handle the way your pussy was like a vice on his cock. His seed spurting up into you and being locked in place by his knot only had your head spinning.
“Thank you. Your tears were streaming down your face, and Eddie repositioned both of you so you could sit up on his lap.
“That’s it, baby, I’ve got you. All you needed was your alpha to breed you, huh?”
“Not all,” you sniffle.
Eddie looks at you bewildered. What else could you be asking for? He cannot recall much of high school health class.
“Mark me, mate me, make me yours,” you beg.
“Wh-what? Princess, you’re not thinking straight. Its just the first few hours of your heat… we should talk about this.” He strokes your hair out of your face.
“No, please, Eddie! We are mates. Fated mates. I feel it in my bones, don’t you?” You try and hold back your tears but your heart feels so much for Eddie they come down freely.
“No baby, don’t cry. He wipes the tears away before pulling you in closer. Your naked body’s flush against one another. Your slick still trying to leak down your legs.
“I’m sorry, I love you. I want to be with you.”
You mumble into his neck, your nose graze his scent gland. You nuzzle your face into it before your teeth graze lower on his neck, daring to puncture.
“You love me?”
“Yes Eddie so much, it like I can’t breath when your not around.”
“No ones ever loved me before…”
“Oh Eddie, baby.” You kiss him like it was your last time you ever will. Your hips grind and Eddie’s cock hits that stops deep up inside you once again making you both main with pleasure.
“I love you so much, do-do it” he stutters. No way he could deny this connection any longer. You were right and he will do anything in his power to please you, to claim you, to have you, to love you.
“You sure?”
“Yes, baby, mark me. I want everyone to see who I belong to.”
You sink your teeth into the skin where his neck meets his shoulder and it’s like everything made sense. You never felt so much love, so much light and happiness. You could tell how much Eddie loved you just by the scent.
You lick at the wound and Eddie brushes your hair out of the way so he can claim you as his.
“You want my mark?”
“Please” you beg still grinding your hips trying to chase a third orgasm.
Eddie’s soft lips part against a higher point, closer to the middle of your throat and then it happens. His teeth sink into your skin and you feel a sing but then your orgasm hits you all at once. The connection between you two bound together for a lifetime. In that moment, it became undeniably clear to both of you that this was your destiny. Meeting Eddie at the grocery store was no mere coincidence; it was as if the universe had aligned to bring you together. Eddie had become your pillar of support, your perfect counterpart. This kind of serendipity doesn't come around for just anyone, and you felt incredibly fortunate to have found him.
“Holy shit”
You're both awestruck, soaking up the moment. Breathing in one another as Eddie’s knot shows no sign of deflating just yet.
Your heat would still be going full force for the next few days, however for now the pain has subsided.
“I love you.” Eddie whispers. “You’re the love of my life.”
“I love you Eddie” your arms wrap around his neck pulling him closer. “Now breed me.”
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